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Shaco Counter Stats

Shaco Counters
Discover all champions who counter Shaco. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Shaco in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
910 Tips for countering Shaco below

In the Jungle
49.56% Win Rate73% Pick Rate Shaco In the Jungle Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Shaco in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

huncho1v9 says “Medium/Annoying matchup. Try to get vision of Shaco start, and watch out for level 2 or 3 invade. Shaco can invade after 1 camp, and he can invade after 3. Make sure to let your teammates know where he is early, because if he gets ahead he can easily one shot you throughout the game. Gwen W doesn’t work against Shaco clone.”
CucarachoFeo says “Janna is usually hard to engage, but shaco's invisibility can be hard to deal with.”
Janna Jungle Enchanter Build by CucarachoFeo | Janna Player
Foxirion says “Shaco’s stealth and deception abilities can make him a tricky opponent for Viego. However, if Viego can predict Shaco’s movements, he can turn the fight in his favor”
[14.8] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide] by Foxirion | Viego Player
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Annoying matchup. You can typically go to his raptors and break his boxes earlygame to throw off his clear. Shaco is a cheese jungler who can punish Hecarim hard if he’s ahead. He has a level 3 cross map invade window, but other than that he’s not much of a problem to you, but rather to your dumb laners. Both phase rush and conq are fine, if he’s going AP shaco, mercs are high value lategame. ”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
Dreamer1v9 says “This champion is the most annoying thing in the game for me. Because of weak Evelynn early is Shaco is a very annoying champion to verse. The majority of the time you will be getting invaded by your red, or your krugs. I suggest you make your toplaner ward your red or krugs just incase he does want to invade. This matchup sometimes is occasionally unplayable. So my suggestion would be to dodge or be extra safe against him. My recommendation of how to play against him would be to ward early, and be on the map all the time. Shaco is never that useful for his team, except the fact that he can easily solokill. You get much more of a reward out of killing people rather than he does.”
(14.7) Evelynn Guide by Dreamer1v9 | Evelynn Player
lanefox says “Fighting Shaco requires planning. He often has obscure jungle strategies and pathing, plan for that. Doesn't require a lot of farm to be useful in lanes, plan for that. Invades a lot, plan for that. He can ruin your good engage by prepping a fight with his poke/fear wards. Plan for that. If you plan and track him well, he's easy. If not, hes a significant threat but it would mostly be your own fault.”
Clever Master Yi (14.6) by lanefox | Master Yi Player
Jeidoz says “Just have annoying clone. Evade knife by W. Try to identify true clown and kill him first. Not sure does W works on his copy death traps. Rare foe”
Lethality Jungle Season 14 by Jeidoz | Nocturne Player
youenn says “Very squishie and he have just one option to flee is Q .”
VittoW says “Turbo annoying, clone keeps him safe from isolation, boxes, Q. My personal ban.”
Simple Guide - How to Kha'Zix 2024 by VittoW | Kha'Zix Player
Mignognium says “Shaco est un personnage à double tranchant, normalement vous gagnez en 1v1 ou du moins vous le forcer à fuir à chaque altercation. Shaco AP est le pire je pense, et la version AD est dangereuse si elle essaie de vous invaid. Ne tenter rien de dangereux niveau 1 ne tenter de pas gagner avant d'être niveau 3. Et juste en fitgh attention a taper le bon Shaco et il ne peux pas vraiment être un danger pour vous, se sera surtout un problème pour les autres. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
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As a Support
49.93% Win Rate23% Pick Rate Shaco As a Support Counters: 34 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Shaco as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Shaco’s high burst damage and stealth make him an extreme threat to Nautilus. His ability to deceive and create clones can make it difficult for Nautilus to protect his team.”
GemX says “AP Shaco: Boxes block bubble and missile, use R to check and trigger them, returning to safety under tower (feared)”
Zoe Support Bronze by GemX | Zoe Player
Foxirion says “Shaco's deception and burst damage make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can quickly assassinate Rakan with his surprise attacks and traps.”
[14.9] Rakan, The Charmer [Full Guide] by Foxirion | Rakan Player
granmuh says “I want to be the only invisible son of a bitch on the map.”
Velkyann says “Against Shaco you have to know if he is going AD or AP.If he is AP just dont go into bushes very much and ward the center of the lane to see if he puts any boxes. If he is AD he cant buy alot of itens so you can kill him if he gets close. Just be carefull because he is not gonna be in lane for very much time.”
MorePierogiVanya says “The clown can deny engages due to traps. Always turn towards Shaco if you see him throw a dagger towards you; it deals more damage if he hits your back. Thing is, Shaco players can be fairly predictable, so if you know how to outsmart a Shaco, he is merely an annoyance.”
Lissandra Support - A generous Queen that helps + Warding guide! by MorePierogiVanya | Lissandra Player
X Sirius X says “Just annoying to play against him because of his boxes and his invisibility and if you don't know how to play against him then it becomes impossible”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Shaco will maintain box control in bushes and there's not much you can do about it unless you have wave clear pressure. Grab Oracle on your first back to deal with boxes and keep vision in the lane and river bush near to his tower to keep an eye on him before he goes invisible.”
Supporting the Hero! A Poppy Support guide. by Kcmichalson | Poppy Player
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Poke the hell outta the stupid clown. It will reveal him. Stay on and keep your shield ready and you should be okay. Remember, he's going to want to come behind you for his passive. Get control wards.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Dumb support you won't see too often. If you don't engage him he can't really hurt you. make your priority keeping bushes clear and stay by your ADC to punch that weird smirky clown away.”
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