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Blitzcrank Counter Stats

Blitzcrank Counters
Discover all champions who counter Blitzcrank. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Blitzcrank in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,501 Tips for countering Blitzcrank below

As a Support
51.3% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Blitzcrank As a Support Counters: 39 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Blitzcrank as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Stillo says “hook champs suck vs braum because even if you or adc get pulled you can just w and e and block most of the damge!”
Giga Chad (HAIL OF BLADES) Braum 14.8 by Stillo | Braum Player
RangoFan2011 says “5 if your adc is braindead, otherwise it's like a 3. ”
14.8 bard guide with matchups by RangoFan2011 | Bard Player
The Stabbio says “Blitz is very powerful, especially his hooks. If you're hooked constantly, consider going tankier. If you're scared of getting hooked, get exhaust.”
Huawei's Support Guide! by The Stabbio | Hwei Player
1yanou says “Very rough. Laning phase isn't that hard as long as you stay in between minions, but if you don't have a huge lead as the game goes on you won't be able to enter the jungle etc. Will be extremely hard to get objectives or even just walk anywhere or ward if you fall behind. ”
Kenma5319 says “Im saying no need to ban Blitz but he bans EVERYGAME???? In theory if blitz hooks rengar. He can reach enemy adc. But after 6 Blitz ult breaks shields. And last thing if you got hook, get ready to say bye to your flash”
Ivern sup with Rengar adc by Kenma5319 | Ivern Player
Cyndakyu says “morgana is best against single target hookers, its free as long as you save your black shield for their hook and shield the right person - they only win if they outroam you, so be aware of the map and ping your laners!”
Climbing the Charts as LADY MORGAGA by Cyndakyu | Morgana Player
still missin her says “go Vision in Bushes care for is f+q stay behind Minions”
schizoslvt says “Blits may not be that big of a problem if your adc has a dash.But if it doesnt then u will have to mind control your Adc with danger pings so it stays back from him and if you get hooked and E immedietly be careful since most times his e animation goes off regardless of distance between you 2 and cancels your e leading to your death”
[14.6] The Pyke bible by schizoslvt | Pyke Player
lesbianqueen says “My personal permaban. Counters pretty much all ranged champs with his one gimmicky ability. Not today satan”
catcherphine by lesbianqueen | Seraphine Player
Velkyann says “He clicks Q and IF he hits it he gets a kill (do everything in your power to dodge the Q).”
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