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Vladimir Counter Stats

Vladimir Counters
Discover all champions who counter Vladimir. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Vladimir in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,204 Tips for countering Vladimir below

Mid Lane
49.4% Win Rate78% Pick Rate Vladimir Mid Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vladimir in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Vladimir’s high sustained damage and healing can be a threat to Swain, as he can withstand Swain’s damage and quickly deal high damage.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade or Shield. Annyoing with healing but rather then that an okay Skill Match up. All in him or he will heal back all the damage you traded with him. Dogde his R with Q3.”
The Ultimate MID Yone Guide (S14) by michaliis | Yone Player
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.] You realistically won't be able to kill Vladimir in lane, and he will heavily outscale you later, so just try to farm up gold off of him with First Strike, and avoid trades otherwise. Pay attention to the bar below his health, as it grants him movement speed toward enemy Champions when it turns red and empowers his next suck to do significantly more damage.”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Don't fall too low health in this lane or he will try to dive you with his pool and you have no counterplay against that. Poking him too hard is hard because of his sustain, and he can W your full combo. Play with your range to nullify his power.”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Post 6 he will try use his pool to dodge your ultimate, so if you land a stun normally you want to ult immediately so that you get all the damage off. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Syndra Guide by ShokLoL | Syndra Player
awawa says “He will dodge your fear and heal all the damage. GET OBLIVION ORB EARLY You can't really kill him in lane. Look for roams. If he's starting to get fed, rush banshees. His damage is no joke. ”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Mana is very important in this matchup, so consider taking manaflow + biscuits and rushing either chapter or tear + chapter. Antiheal (in lane) is pretty useless against Vlad a lot of the time so don't bother buying it. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Electrocute ignite can be very useful in this matchup as Vladimir really struggles with being traded on early game.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Jayce Mid Guide by ShokLoL | Jayce Player
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After level 6 you will mainly be looking to abuse his lack of waveclear, and try avoid trades when his empowered Q is about to come up.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide by ShokLoL | Azir Player
Soft Headpats says “Vladimir is surprisingly easy to deal with as Hwei. You outrange him and clear the wave much more quickly and safely in comparison. You are able to bully him early on as long as you manage your mana properly. Just make sure you space his empowered Q, and you'll be fine. In teamfights, Hwei has a lot of tools to zone off Vladimir or at least slow him down, so as long as you or your team don't get caught off guard (e.g. Vlad flashing or ghosting onto your team), he shouldn't be a problem. Do NOT rush Oblivion Orb against Vlad - you outdamage his healing up until about 1-2 items. You can consider sitting on orb after you finish at least your first item.”
Complete Hwei Guide [14.6] by Soft Headpats | Hwei Player
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Top Lane
49.58% Win Rate21% Pick Rate Vladimir Top Lane Counters: 10 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vladimir in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shark of Void says “Take Electrocute and Ignite. Easy to kill, but he can outsustain you.”
How to summon the Blood Storm with Kennen by Shark of Void | Kennen Player
Belle19 says “he has absolutely zero kill pressure if you arent brain damaged in lane, after lane if you split push you can straight up ignore him and destroy towers while he does meaningless damage, and in teamfights you can run him down really easily. Generally if a champion can both tank his initial spell rotation and has any form of chase potential, vladimir completely crumbles (i.e. nasus). IMO one of mundos easiest matchups, just keep in mind the champ is probably gonna be complete cancer for your teammates so be ready to carry”
TOO BIG TO FAIL || NA grandmaster mundo main guide by Belle19 | Dr. Mundo Player
Hotch says “His W doesn't work against your W. All-in and win. Take Ignite.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
Eriyjah says “Resolve secondary runes with Second Wind, rush Opportunity.”
14.6 Pantheon Ultimate Oneshot Item Guide (Keegun Style) by Eriyjah | Pantheon Player
procatking says “runes NO.2,4. are good for this matchup take ignite and D shield (look for one that fit your game-style).*skill matchup* he can Sanguine Pool(W) your W so bait it out or get close to him so he want be able to react to it. back from his empowered Q(it's when his "mana" bar is red). First back u have to buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING. poke and pressure him before he gets 1-2 items. ”
Pantheon's what to do list for TOP LANE [14.5] by procatking | Pantheon Player
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Dont see much vlad top. He wins early because he out ranges, out sustains and out kites you. A kill at 6 is not guaranteed. You giga outscale him with liandries, riftmaker, spirit though. Good ult target in Team fights.”
S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups [Diamond 2] by Witchking of Angwar | Mordekaiser Player
Haggars says “Can harass you for a free lane. Play with your jungler and around his pool cooldown.”
[14.4] RETURN OF KAYN TOP by Haggars | Kayn Player
MaesePerez says “You out sustain his damage while being tanky enough to not die to his all in, he scales well but so do you, he never beats you in side lane if you stack MR. Get antiheal and enjoy a free farm lane. If you W him early in team fights you can easily cc chain him and burst him quickly. ”
ItzLuckyGMD says “[MAX W] [First Strike] [Proxy] Win at Last Whisper”
Kayn Top Guide (Psychopathic Poro) by ItzLuckyGMD | Kayn Player
NiarWav says “The lesser of a threat between these four, you have to play on his blood bar, and with AP changes he is overall strong.”
AKSHAN 14 GUIDE BY A SILVER by NiarWav | Akshan Player
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