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Talon Counter Stats

Talon Counters
Discover all champions who counter Talon. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Talon in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,021 Tips for countering Talon below

Mid Lane
49.59% Win Rate68% Pick Rate Talon Mid Lane Counters: 40 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Talon in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its an okay Match up. All in him because if you will trade or poke him he will run away with his E.”
The Ultimate MID Yone Guide (S14) by michaliis | Yone Player
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.] Talon is pretty easy to bully Level 1 with basic attacks and Qs, but from Level 2 onwards you should pay more attention to his passive stacks from his W, and step back whenever it hits both ways. Whenever Talon uses his ult, drop a Satchel on top of yourself to prevent him from using his dash on you.”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - Barrier - Flat HP. Talon's gameplay is very telegraphed IMO, level 1-2-3 he will almost always try to go for a cheesy passive proc play. Knowing that, I like to trade a lot with him and play to the limit with barrier, usually they don't expect barrier tanking so much of their dmg so they die. After level 6, the lane is just pushing simulator, as he will try to push as fast as possible in order to roam on the map. Try to match his push and play wih your jungler!”
awawa says “Dodge his Q slow and W his engage. He cannot do anything against you in lane. Follow his roams or spam ping. Theres no way you die in a 1v1.”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. I would highly recommend playing grasp azir in this lane.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide by ShokLoL | Azir Player
Snarik says “Assassains have the same issue of being able to jump on you and blow you up, though the less cc they have the higher chance you have of getting out of it. Still try to avoid these matchups if you can.”
AP Twitch Mid by Snarik | Twitch Player
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and consider building HP or armor early in the lane. You can run comet in this matchup to really pressure the lane, or phase rush for more scaling. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and make sure you swap to melee for the extra resists when he trades on you. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Jayce Mid Guide by ShokLoL | Jayce Player
Soft Headpats says “If you get hit by both parts of his W, he will usually win the trade. Try to stand apart from the wave so that he can't push while harassing you with his W. His W has a 9 sec CD at rank 1 (7 sec at rank 5), so you have a decent window to harass him after he uses it. Be careful of him jumping on you with Q though, since he'll chase you down as his W is coming back up and then proc his passive with it that way. Talon loves to roam and mess with your jungler, making it extra important that you track where he's moving with wards and pings. Be careful of immediately following him - especially once he hits 6 - since he can bait you into walking into a bad position and then instantly turn on you. He becomes even more dangerous if he opts for Edge of Night, allowing him to get close with his ult invisibility to avoid the spellshield breaking early. Try to tag him with QQ as soon as he jumps over a wall to break it, or better yet, avoid being in a position to be jumped on in the first place.”
Complete Hwei Guide [14.6] by Soft Headpats | Hwei Player
blacklikeblack says “He abuses you early and can roam around to get ahead. but its better than the other matchups. You still need second wind and d shield early.”
[14.6] SEASON 14 KASSADIN GUIDE by blacklikeblack | Kassadin Player
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In the Jungle
49.68% Win Rate30% Pick Rate Talon In the Jungle Counters: 16 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Talon in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

huncho1v9 says “- Medium matchup. Talon is similar to rek’sai in ways because he wants to look for a level 3 play. He has a level 3 cross map invade window, but as long as you dodge either W1 or W2, you beat him (unless he has ignite). Generally you can play for his second raptors spawn, and out-snowball him from there if he doesn’t get kills early. Talon has a really fast clear midgame/lategame and good burst against you. Typically whoever gets ahead just wins this matchup hard. Both PR and conq are good against him, but conq is a lot better for dueling early.”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
yoonfish says “Talon can and will hop over anything and everything to absolutely fuck you in the early-mid game and be out of there long before anyone can peel for you or intervene.”
Yoon's Jungle Book - Part Ahri by yoonfish | Ahri Player
PillowHex says “Just like Rengar he likes to ambush you. However instead of hiding in bushes he hides on the other side of walls.”
[S14] Pillow's Bronze Evelynn Guide by PillowHex | Evelynn Player
Mignognium says “Talon a trop de dégâts pour vous. Dans la jungle il a trop de mobilité, son ult fait qu'il est trop complexe à focus. Avec les nouveaux items d'assassin il va juste vous one shot sans parler du fait que parfois en Jgl il jouera fire donc ... Ne prenez pas de fitgh contre lui. Empêcher le juste de tuer votre AD carry avec votre [Z] vous ne pouvez rien faire de mieux. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
IvernGott says “Talons high dmg/ high mobility and his invisibilty creating the almost perfect champs vs Ivern.”
S14 CHALLENGER IVERN GUIDE EUW by IvernGott | Ivern Player
HawkSP says “Talon can spread the effects of Serpent's Fang with his abilities, challenging Ivern's shielding capacity. However, using bushes can inhibit his ability to target allies after his ultimate, mitigating his effectiveness.”
X3mHills says “Can one-shot you, buy Zhonya. Ult him befor you die.”
⭐Lillia Guide 14.1b Broken Deer ⭐ Jungle 🔥 by X3mHills | Lillia Player
XAmityX says “Capable of one-shotting you. Daisy gets abused by invisibility and you will have to relock her on after his ult/he jumps over a wall. Play extremely safe and don't assume walls as cover.”
Blue (MS) Ivern by XAmityX | Ivern Player
MhmYepSope says “Has strong early game if he has Ignite. Your Ult and E reveal him in Ult so very important you hit your E's. ”
[13.24] New Items | Rengar Guide | Masters Rengar by MhmYepSope | Rengar Player
jajkopajko says “You dont see him often in jungle, but its bad whe you do, he can oneshot you most times, thanks to his mobility, you dont have much of a high pressure. Try counterganking if possible and play for scaling.”
[13.24] jajkopajko by jajkopajko | Brand Player
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