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Janna Counter Stats

Janna Counters
Discover all champions who counter Janna. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Janna in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
773 Tips for countering Janna below

As a Support
52.13% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Janna As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Janna as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Rowoy says “Too much peel, cancels out entire purpose if this build”
Tanknivia Support !! by Rowoy | Anivia Player
glimppi says “Very annoying to play against. You might want to roam against Janna, since you need a very successfull box to kill her or her ADC.”
Shaco - The area control puppet master - S14 by glimppi | Shaco Player
RangoFan2011 says “Has a better disengage than you and helps her teammates kite more. Generally, you want to ult her to keep her from controlling fights too much. Her allies still benefit from tailwind, so keep that in mind.”
14.8 bard guide with matchups by RangoFan2011 | Bard Player
Cyndakyu says “outroams, hard to land a q on, depending on her build she can outpoke, and outscales you”
Climbing the Charts as LADY MORGAGA by Cyndakyu | Morgana Player
DIEINCRY says “Ее ульта отбрасывает врагов, т. е. если ты ультанешь она тебя просто отбросит и собьет ульту, ультовать против Жанны только со своей ешкой, либо когда у нее самой нет ульты; Сама жанна играется в основном через свой контроль, твой щит позволяет его игнорировать - в целом не слишком опасный пик.”
билд для милых няшек :3 by DIEINCRY | Morgana Player
Lilander says “Janna can be a little bit better then Bard in some situations but you shouldnt have any extreme problems but all in all really strong for adcs (Janna).”
TANK BARD by Lilander | Bard Player
schizoslvt says “Throw hook fast or wait for her to use Q.if you hook her into you dont e immedietly since she can q insta and block it.E immedietly only if you can cast it while she is in the air.”
[14.6] The Pyke bible by schizoslvt | Pyke Player
Velkyann says “Janna does basically the same thing you do in lane before level 6 but better, try to poke her or her adc before she can shield and dodge her tornados, after you finish your first item she is still a big threat to you because she can outspeed you. Until level 6 be safe and after play with your team and try to focus her.”
Asumopel says “A good janna will be tough to kill, youll need to bait out her q, once its gone shes toast. ”
14.4 Korea Build Camille Support by Asumopel | Camille Player
Razing42 says “Janna can deny your travel with your hook if timed correctly, try to control bushes to throw out hooks before she can react with her Q.”
Embrace the depths with Nautilus by Razing42 | Nautilus Player
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