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Elise Counter Stats

Elise Counters
Discover all champions who counter Elise. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Elise in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
732 Tips for countering Elise below

In the Jungle
50.13% Win Rate93% Pick Rate Elise In the Jungle Counters: 39 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Elise in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Hard matchup, unless you avoid early cheese/pressure. If you’re there for her early ganks/dives you can easily snowball and make her game unplayable. Elise is similar playstyle to graves/nidalee where she wants to perma invade you, but she isn’t as much of a threat because her cocoon is easily avoidable. Can Q stack on her spiderlings.”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
PillowHex says “Don't try fight early, you will lose. Ghost away if necessary. ”
[S14] Pillow's Bronze Evelynn Guide by PillowHex | Evelynn Player
Fyir says “You can kite her but if she is on you then you will die quickly unless you can burst her down quick. She can dodge your ult with Rappel but she is squishy.”
Orianna Jungle by Fyir | Orianna Player
Mignognium says “Attention aux l'invaid, il ne faut pas la combattre seule à moins qu'elle fasse une erreur. Ne pas oublier son vilain [E{R}][Suspension] quand elle est sous forme d'araignée. Vous aurez besoin de toucher votre [Z] et votre [R] pour mettre assez de dégâts. Si elle prend de l'avance vous ne pourrez pas contester ces ganks, tenter de reprendre le contrôle de la map plutôt. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
astral 1v9 says “nidalee but more playable. If she dosent completely take over the game its free ”
S14 karthus jg guide by astral 1v9 | Karthus Player
IvernGott says “Almost all her ganks are hard predictable!!! Be there to the right time and win vs her!”
S14 CHALLENGER IVERN GUIDE EUW by IvernGott | Ivern Player
ShadySceptile says “Her spiderlings remove Isolation, if you get hit by her E, you can get oneshot”
DjapeFromSerbia says “She can full clear, but probably will try to level 3 gank or even invade. You shouldn't be afraid of her invades considering your clear speed. But just try to warn your team about her early ganks.”
Brand, Jungle Guide for Season 14 [ PATCH 14.3 ] by DjapeFromSerbia | Brand Player
astral 1v9 says “can bully you early, turns game into chaos u can't do much against a good elise. if ur playing below masters its free win matchup, if ur playing in higher ranks its hard and feels like nidalee matchup. You lose any skirmish or fight pre 6 to this champ”
Olaf jg s14 by astral 1v9 | Olaf Player
Velz says “Every AP champ is scary on briar if you want to survive them atleast build for them also whenever she goes up your blood frenzy will be stopped so time those perfectly”
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