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Evelynn Counter Stats

Evelynn Counters
Discover all champions who counter Evelynn. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Evelynn in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
825 Tips for countering Evelynn below

In the Jungle
50.25% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Evelynn In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Evelynn in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

huncho1v9 says “- The matchup itself is very easy, but if Eve gets ahead it’s unplayable which is why she can be tricky. You’re a lot stronger than her early and can snowball easily, but if the Evelynn is good she will get fed from your team like 99% of the time. Can avoid her Charm with your R. Phase rush is usually best in this matchup but it depends on enemy comp. ”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
Jeidoz says “She is invisible lewd champ. Hard to notice, but easy to kill if noticed.”
Lethality Jungle Season 14 by Jeidoz | Nocturne Player
Fyir says “If you don't have proper vision or lose track of Evelynn's pathing she can sneak up on you and oneshot you. If you have the safety of a tower nearby you can outrun her with your w. She is squishy but can dodge your ult with hers.”
Orianna Jungle by Fyir | Orianna Player
Mignognium says “Evelynn est puissante à bas elo, mais si vous comprenez comment ça marche elle n'est pas vraiment une menace, temps qu'elle ne ce feed pas sur toute vos lanes qui refusent de baliser contre elle car elle est invisible de manière permanente. Jouer [Oracle Lens] de façon permanente et tout va bien ce passer. Oublier pas son ultime et si vous ne vous faites pas toucher par le bisous alors elle deviens ridiculement faible. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
NedraRubio says “strong champion with high magic damage to solo carry the game.however this is more prevelant in high elo games”
IvernGott says “Evelynn wants to get Lvl 6 ASAP but her ganks can be easily denied by buying Pinkwards and tracking her clear since she wants to scale aswell! Her 2 part of ult ( teleporting backwards) is easy trackable and u can throw ur Q at the point where she will land to guarantee the kill on her!!”
S14 CHALLENGER IVERN GUIDE EUW by IvernGott | Ivern Player
BabyCuddlePunkin says “Always a threat for immobile champs, especially when you have to push for vision at times. If you're a risky vision-snagger like I am, she can destroy you.”
(In Progress) Brand 14 - Burning a path to Master's by BabyCuddlePunkin | Brand Player
xTechikaze says “Shes not as scary with Wukong as she is with other champs. When she tries to hit her seduction W out and R and shes will be to far behind to catch you. Spirit Visage is a solid pick for item 3 or 4 just to make sure she doesnt get to much damage on you and you heal more anyway with sunderedsky.”
Best Wukong guide early season 14 by xTechikaze | Wukong Player
DjapeFromSerbia says “She can almost match you in first clear so you can't invade her, but she shouldn't be able to duel you in river for crab. Later on, as soon as she pops on your screen throw your ultimate and Q for instant stun. ”
Brand, Jungle Guide for Season 14 [ PATCH 14.3 ] by DjapeFromSerbia | Brand Player
Cookiemanman says “While Evelynn is weak pre-6 she gets increasingly harder for Volibear to deal with. I would look to fight her as much as possible in the early stages in the game. In the late-game buy Control Wards and try to find her before she picks off your team.”
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