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Akshan Counter Stats

Akshan Counters
Discover all champions who counter Akshan. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Akshan in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
820 Tips for countering Akshan below

Mid Lane
48.79% Win Rate82% Pick Rate Akshan Mid Lane Counters: 16 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Akshan in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Tamikaze says “Akshan is a minor threat for Azir. Akshan is strong level 1-3 against Azir, but once you get Nashors, it's completely unplayable for Akshan. Notable tips: Tower will block his ult. His Q can travel through the wave and hit you. If you dash into Akshan while he is grappling, it will stop him (and you as well). If you can survive to post 6 without dying, you will win the lane.”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
j4ss says “He can go fleet and be annoying, but if you play wisely you'll be stronger than him. Akshan's job is similar to you, be annoying and snowball the game. Your burst is stronger than his, so poke him down and rush your AD.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora can manage playing against marksmen, as her short trades and invisibility handles their preferred way of extended trades quite well, as well as being able to match their scaling with her high burst damage in the later stages of the game.”
A Rough Introduction To Aurora by Laimaudeja | Aurora Player
Yuhkis Ribs says “absolute torture to play against get your jg to camp you its the only way or get fed off of roams”
(14.16) kassadin ape guide by Yuhkis Ribs | Kassadin Player
Reconn. says “Akshan is really strong into Pantheon and can be a rough match up, typically a good banned.”
Mid Lane Assassin Pantheon Still Number one by Reconn. | Pantheon Player
Tatsurion says “Havent played much, but this dude is akshan, i wouldnt fuck around to find out. Take a burst build, if the team comp allows”
youshou says “Prefer to ban. A difficult matchup that makes you lose your tempo at any elo. farm with combination aa + e until you take lvl 3. After level 3 expect mistakes and punish them”
[WRITING] S14 | Smurfing Tryndamere Guide by youshou | Tryndamere Player
Vladmidir says “This matchup gets easier as the game goes on so just keep that in mind. Trading with him lvl 1 is hard, but if he trades in your minion wave and you dodge his Q then you can win it. You outscale by lvl 9 and you can one shot him as long as he doesn't stack MR like a soyboy”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, non first strike preffered. d shield + resolve w/ second wind. Outtrades you heavily early. Look to stay outside his range and farm wherever possible. Poke until he's killable. You can cancel his E by using a shadow to get infront of him, when necessary. At the end of the day, he's still an adc. If he doesn't snowball too hard into you, you should get to a point where you can os him rather easily.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
5guzKAO5 says “His autos and E will be the one to kill you, just poke him and keep the lane in the middle or a little closer to you, but dont let him crash it!”
Zoe Guide by 5guzKAO5 | Zoe Player
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