Mid Lane 50.61% Win Rate88% Pick RateAkshan Mid Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Akshan in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
star zall says “You can't do much against this champion early game, if he is good, you can't walk to the lane lvl 1, since he can start E and poke you down. You can somewhat outscale him, if your team responds to his roams, and he doesn't snowball. His revive passive is really OP, be careful of that, try to focus him in teamfights, when u can.”
Badplank says “Haven't really played against him much but doesn't seem that bad, you have your shield and you can easily poke him down. You can predict his indiana jones skill path and place a good W to make him quit earlier and give up”
AlexFL7000 says “Try to get ahead of him since if he's behind you can pretty much just beat him easily. Still play safe and poke but it's not always that bad vs him. Make sure if he roams you can do something about it like follow him or get tower”
Saddest says “Another unwinnable match up. Take Second Wind + Doran's Shield and try not to die. You are likely going to have to get kills elsewhere or simply play the waiting game and scale. You are going to need the jungler's help to be able to do anything here.”
Lunar1v9 says “Really hard matchup and can be unplayble if enemey Akshan is really good and zones you off every minion that you try to take. However if you manage to survive till Blasting Wand and level 6 thats when you want to start taking small trades. Be aware of his roams and ping them as much as possible he is way stronger in skirmishes so be aware of that please dont take bad fights and u will outscale him
GAMING ACADEMY says “Akshan is strong in the early game, but you should still be able to win the lane and outscale him. Focus on poking him with your Q and keep your E ready defensively in case he tries to engage on you.”
zSmoke says “Playing with Akshan is complicated because of the range he takes out of you, he will always be poking you whenever he can, try to fight him at level 3 and play fairly safe in the first levels.”
v0ltage38 says “Either bone plating or second wind works here depending on your playstyle. If you're more inclined to trading early, bone plating will work wonders. Second wind is helpful for slower gameplay as it helps with his Q poke. Scaling HP. Annoying. Very annoying. I recommend going second wind and playing for scale. Akshan late game is quite busted conceptually but a Frozen Heart should be enough to kill him first. ”
Cepatrol says “dont let him get his triple hit passive, dont push wave in or he will tarzan swing level 2, bait his boomerang out by walking barely into range when he thinks you last hit or use q on wave and walk away”
xumi_k says “Squishy. Dies to all-in. Your Q and E interrupt his hook. He can also escape with his E. You shouldn't underestimate his damage. His R has a very long range. Don't poke him, just all-in after 6 and he's dead.”
stefanko says “Easy matchup for Jax, respect him level 1, dont allow him to take a good trade, its fine to give minions and just soak xp. Once he crashed the wave you can look for all in level 3 if he walks up too aggresively, but you dont have to. Once you are level 6 you easily win all ins. You can freely q him and make sure to follow his body so you can block his e. (LT, tp)”
Tamikaze says “Akshan is a minor threat for Azir. Akshan is strong level 1-3 against Azir, but once you get Nashors, it's completely unplayable for Akshan. Notable tips: Tower will block his ult. His Q can travel through the wave and hit you. If you dash into Akshan while he is grappling, it will stop him (and you as well). If you can survive to post 6 without dying, you will win the lane.”
j4ss says “He can go fleet and be annoying, but if you play wisely you'll be stronger than him. Akshan's job is similar to you, be annoying and snowball the game. Your burst is stronger than his, so poke him down and rush your AD.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora can manage playing against marksmen, as her short trades and invisibility handles their preferred way of extended trades quite well, as well as being able to match their scaling with her high burst damage in the later stages of the game.”
youshou says “Prefer to ban.
A difficult matchup that makes you lose your tempo at any elo.
farm with combination aa + e until you take lvl 3.
After level 3 expect mistakes and punish them”
Vladmidir says “This matchup gets easier as the game goes on so just keep that in mind. Trading with him lvl 1 is hard, but if he trades in your minion wave and you dodge his Q then you can win it. You outscale by lvl 9 and you can one shot him as long as he doesn't stack MR like a soyboy”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, non first strike preffered. d shield + resolve w/ second wind.
Outtrades you heavily early. Look to stay outside his range and farm wherever possible.
Poke until he's killable. You can cancel his E by using a shadow to get infront of him, when necessary.
At the end of the day, he's still an adc. If he doesn't snowball too hard into you, you should get to a point where you can os him rather easily.”
5guzKAO5 says “His autos and E will be the one to kill you, just poke him and keep the lane in the middle or a little closer to you, but dont let him crash it!”
lesbianqueen says “He's really annoying because he doesn't care if you try to run, he'll swing to you like Tarzan and/or Lock onto you with his ult from like 2 screens away and delete you.”
Viktorias Secret says “Really annoying early, roams a lot and has a pretty good mobility with passive, E and it's resets.
Let him use it first before pressing R.”
Cursedlucie says “Match onde também abdicaremos de pressão, como o inimigo é um boneco de roamming, abuse disso para ficar o máximo na lane e escalar.”
SkandalloTV says “Skill match-up. Just play safe early. I usually go Doran's Shield and avoid letting him trigger his passive. You scale way better than him. You'll be able to 1v1 him after one item if you play smartly.”
otaliz says “Akshan is known for having one of the biggest pressures in the laning phase, because of the additional damage from his passive, the range of his Q, and he has E as an escape route or way to go close to you. Try to keep the wave close to your side of the map. If you want more safety, get Bone Plating from secondary runes. His W allows him to become invisible, be careful with that and also, whenever he disappears in the laning phase, notify your teammates through pings. There are many Akshans who usually invade Junglers from level 3 onwards. Going with Exhaust is also a possibility.”
Desperate Nasus says “Really hard matchup and can be unplayble if enemey Akshan is really good and zones you off every minion that you try to take. However if you manage to survive till Blasting Wand and level 6 thats when you want to start taking small trades. Take his bone plating with a Q before trying to take a short trade and try to avoid his Q so he can only AA you twice while you Q+AA+E him and W'ing out wining the trade. Level 11 you win on sidelane. Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Avoid trading with Akshan at all costs, and just try to get through lane without dying. Be very careful if you don't see Akshan on the map as getting jumped from stealth can be a death sentence for continued laning. Remember that the length of Akshan's boomerang is extended through minions, and that Akshan's ultimate can be blocked by minions, towers, and allied champions.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
He will probably get prio the first two waves because of how strong his early trades are. Play it safe and try to land Qs from afar to chunk him down, and force short trades. Once you have your items, he's just a regular adc you can one shot.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in early game, but you should still win the lane against him and you outscale. Focus on poking him with your Q and hold your E defensively in case he wants to jump on you.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in early game but gets outscaled by most champions and won’t be useful if he doesn’t get random kills from lane or roaming. For the most part you should try avoid trades with him unless you can poke for free without taking damage. As long as you hold E defensively he should never be able to go on you, and if you do get a good trade with E make sure to play a bit safer while it's down.”
awawa says “He can poke you a lot if youre not careful enough with your distance. HIDE BEHIND TOWERS (or teammates) TO COUNTER HIS R.
He doesnt survive when you get 6.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in early game but gets outscaled by most champions and won’t be useful if he doesn’t get random kills from lane or roaming. You will win short trade with QW but be very careful of him Eing onto you as you don't have a way to cancel it.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is stronger than you before your first base but once you have your dirk you should be in a good spot. Try keep the wave closer to your side but keep the lane warded so he can't roam for free. If he tries to E onto you, swap to melee and E him away.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is pretty strong in lane but you should beat him just by looking for WQ auto poke. Post 6 he can never E onto you because you can immediately ult him into tower. In this matchup just make sure you don't walk up too far without a soldier to WE away from him if he Es onto you early, and try stop him from roaming with good wards.”
Baby_Driver says “Go for Celerity second with nimbus cloak.
I'll be honest most of the time akshan players are terrible at spacing, so when u manage to pull him in, just run him with ghost AND WALK BEHIND HIM, so you block his E path.
Always be aware of his roams so ping ss, when u need to.
If u struggle in this matchup, warden's mail is a great pickup.”
Soft Headpats says “If he E's at you, avoid using EE unless you're casting it perpendicular to him. If you cast it at him straight on, he'll usually just fly past it. You can also EQ him out of his E if you can quickly determine the arc he's traveling in.
Other than that, this is just an obnoxious roaming matchup with his stealth. Keep track of where he's going with wards, clear the minion waves to prevent/punish his roams, and respect that he could be ratting around somewhere.”
blacklikeblack says “Ban or Dodge, Wont let you get CS in Lane and can rome around the Map to get ahead. He can also play with his jungler to abuse you. One of the worst matchups. Go second wind overgrowth and D Shield.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in the early game but as you get more waveclear you will be able to stop him from roaming. In the early game you will mainly just want to play safe and hold your E in case he goes onto you.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in early game but gets outscaled heavily and won’t be useful if he doesn’t get random kills from lane or roaming. For the most part you should try avoid trades with him unless you can poke for free without taking damage. Be careful with how you use your cooldowns because the more you use the more likely he will E onto you. If you time your E correctly you can stun him off his E as well.”
Deceiver_euw says “In this matchup it is very important to play around his lvl1 and PTA + passive. Lvl 1 if he starts swinging on top of you, your best reply is to just W out. Level 3 is when you can start trading with him and you have to avoid giving him passive + PTA procs since you will instantly lose the trade. You can achieve this by spacing his autoattack range when you land the chain on him and make sure to respond to his E-in trades defensively (W out if needed). Very cool trick vs Akshan is using your clone to block his R, so always keep that in mind!”
paynehunter says “Let him push into you, farm safely, go for doran's shield and second wind, buy early tier 1 boots and rush luden's straight after. Don't let his proc pta on you and you will be fine. Don't jump on him unless he used all his abilities for no reason. ”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is very strong in the early game but you have great tools to deal with him. You can stop him from roaming with your waveclear and he can't ever E onto you as long as you hold your E defensively. Look to poke him with Q whenever possible as well.”
vSomnia says “Can be a hard matchup. Trade when he uses Q on the wave and misses you. Try not to get hit multiple times in his E or you lose the lane. Keep remembering he can get invisible and HARD ping roams.”
InTaggar says “ENG: This matchup it's pretty easy but can be a nightmare if he take advantage. When he use his E u put your W down him and use all your combo. If u dont use ur ult, use it when he's casting his R or go behind your tower to mitigate the dmg. Push the line always u can to no let him rotate and help your team the most u can. DONT follow him when he's invisible.
RUNES: Aery with Gathering Storm.
ESP: Este enfrentamiento es bastante fácil pero puede ser una pesadilla si saca ventaja. Cuando usa su E, pon tu W debajo de él y usá todo tu combo. Si no usas tu R, úsala cuando esté lanzando su R o ve detrás de tu torre para mitigar el daño. Pusheá la línea siempre que puedas para no dejarlo rotar y ayuda a tu equipo lo más que puedas. NO lo sigas cuando sea invisible.
Runas: Aery con Tormenta creciente”
FelixMrChat says “Akshan is definitely one of the hardest matchups to manage with Swain, not necessarily in terms of lane but in terms of impact. Indeed, you will have a hard time trading with him in the early game, a hard time pushing him, and especially a hard time following his rotations. The advice I would give is to focus on the Frozen Heart as your first or second item, depending on the game, with Ninja Tabi if the enemy team doesn't have too much crowd control. Then, to limit the damage, there are two techniques: the first is to ward at the extreme limit of the tower in the middle of the lane to follow his roams, and the second is to spam pings and write in caps in the chat that you have to be careful :) You can also take TP if you believe your team won't listen you (for low elo +++). I only give 4/5 because akshan isn't really good on this patch.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Akshan focus on farm, cause he will poke you a lot with the autos passive making you take a lot of dmg, try to bait or predict his E to engage him after”
sethpls says “HOB or he out-trades you. Quick trades. Try your best to farm. Use your W wisely as his graaple hook is gonna run you down if you missplay.”
freljordwhoree says “Lane against any adc is a nightmare to lissandra, even more when they have a kit that allows them to all-in you (Tristana, Lucian etc). ”
gaarrett says “Doran's Shield and Second Wind recommended. Akshan spikes hard at level 2, and if he takes Ignite he can and will kill you. He will constantly poke you down, never get hit by your E2, and match and even outroam you. [2/5] ult, only really useful for securing kills in lane or jungle skirmishes. ”
MukiiBaa says “Spiderman is really annoying to lane against, bad akshans will int mid if you learn how to freeze and call your jungler (hopefully with good cc) for help. Respect his burst and swing all in potential. Ping whenever he is missing.”
149Gray says “Respect his early damage, don't let him proc his passive since you can't outtrade him if he gets his shield, and keep the wave close to your tower. Pool his R after he fires the bullets, so it goes on cooldown.”
ytDARIBOY says “Watch put for early game,he can easy beat you lvl 1 with ignite Just try to farm and wait for jungler or his mistake but fight only when you full HP”
XD001 says “His bonus MS on canceled autos easily allows him to kite away from you if you dont land a W stun or Q on him before trades. He has suprising burst early and often builds items such as wits end which cucks ekko. Play safe and farm up, try to match his roams so he doesnt snowball off side lane kills.
take Elec + sorcery page”
ExodusBlue says “He will blow you up lvl 1-6. Farm lane w WE>QE>EE(Drag in) and stand to the side of your minions to prevent his Q from hitting you. If he E's wait for it to end then EQ wherever his roll puts him. WW>QW his R if you are not protected by team/minions/tower”
iHidePain says “Akshan gonna try and cheese you any chance he get best Option Is to rush Zhonya or play with jungle early to destroy his early which might be harder option than the Zhonya.”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is good for Anivia. You can always cancel is E with wall. Never take all in windows with him. Look for quick burst trades with Q-> E-> AA and leave I recommend Phage Rush here. If you miss be ready to use wall to cancel his E.”
wundrew says “Go doran shield and farm until 6. You can one shot him after 6 as long as you dont die before then. He can dive you easily if you take too much poke. Your shunpo cancels his E.”
SurferKiller says “Hard to kill because of his disengage power. Play safe until 9. Call your jungler and try to bait his Hookshot (E). Stay behind your tower if he ults you.”
KazunaSan says “Les bons akshan vont vous faire passer une sale game, une fois qu'ils prennent de la MR vous ne pourrez plus le tuer, il vous rend la phase de lane difficle à jouer, vous pouvez jouer start Q comete pour contrer son poke ou Start W electrocute pour farm en early et le surprendre plus tard.”
Desc069 says “if u face a good akshan who know the matchup its really hard to play against. Win even melee trade early cause he go bone plating + shield bash with passive and have more dmg than u , with a bit of ad and lvl 3 q he os ur wolves and can bait u under tower if he E during ur W”
FrostbiteMW says “Just play safe and farm. In early he will outpush and outtrade you, so nothing you can do. Safe your stun for his jump. If you waste it he will most likely all in you. Just play safe until you can perma poke him.”
FrostbiteMW says “Just play safe and farm. In early he will outpush and outtrade you, so nothing you can do. Safe your stun for his jump. If you waste it he will most likely all in you. Just play safe until you can perma poke him.”
FrostbiteMW says “Just play safe and farm. In early he will outpush and outtrade you, so nothing you can do. Safe your stun for his jump. If you waste it he will most likely all in you. Just play safe until you can perma poke him.”
ThelpixG says “This matchup is pretty much unplayable either Mid or Toplane
His kit is just too overloaded, his laning phase is broken due to his double auto attacks and constant shielding, he can poke you and he does have good waveclear.
Your best bet is taking TP and Fleet and asking your jungler for help so you can breathe against him in lane.”
OwnerofHappiness says “Akshan is strong early. Just farm up and don’t let him get those 3 autos on you. Also don’t push without having E-Q up, cuz of his invisibility and swing.
At level 6, you can bait his swing and ult him to tower though”
Austinluv says “A good Akshan will out roam you but as long as you can communicate to your jungler and other laners for control wards in try bushes or river bushes you should be great. I see lots of people say Akshan is Ahri's biggest counter but every Akshan I have played against has done very poorly against Ahri so I would like to say its very false”
Wizboy73 says “Depending on the player this can be a free lane, or an absolute nightmare. take defensive runes but i take second wind usualy. You can take dorans ring, or dorans shield if you wana play very defensive. If you dont let him snowball you win, but then again your team can consist of monkeys.”
Shinbae says “АРААААБСКАЯ НООООЧЬ... кхм, инвизник с щитками и высокой мобильностью и ультой на пол карты, полный набор гадости, но что поделать?
Не пытайся отправить его в сон когда он катается на своей Ешке, это проигрышный вариант, просто держи дистанцию, а так он довольно тонкий чтобы его ваншотнуть”
Hexeria says “[Akshan is one of the worst matchups you can have. He will completly destroy you from minute 1 and your CS will suffer constantly.] [Max out your Q to get minions, play with your jungle and dont try to fight him on your own.] [Try to get him banned. If not, go Dorans Shield + Second Wind, play safe, dont push him, try to interupt his E with your E or W, get as many minions and possible, and if your team has enough damage -> build Frozen Heart first aswell as Plated Steelcaps and go full tank afterwards.]”
KissKat says “Take the second wind and D shield to keep your HP up and farm safely. Once you reach LV6, you can try to use E behind him and then W+R; do not throw Q right away. Wait for timing where he will run away and finish with QE”
Halkem says “Tricky to play around. You have no prio on this matchup before chapter and he will look to gank your teammates. He can jump easily at you and take more than half your HP, so respect his stealth and accept that you won't always be able to contest his push or touch the wave when his missing. Look to ward the middle of the lane and use pings to warn your team of his roams. You can push and follow, but its important to setup vision for it beforehand or he will kill you from fog. Your ultimate is useful against him in fights, so if he gets fed it's not the biggest problem later, can win.”
Iceyou says “lane bully . you can never win him in all in but he is very gank vulnerable. normally he isn't because of his e but if you take your e and hold your w you can drop him down from the wall and kill him with your jungler . Dont try to proc electro but play it for all in damage . ”
liqulabouse says “The lack of priority will be difficult to manage, also if he's in raneg there is no way for you to outrade him, so play with your range and trade only when you are sure he wont be able to answer this.”
The Milelator says “Let's just say Askhan ain't my favourite champ to play against. With second wind and D shield you sustain well vs his disgusting Passive/Q poke, however in order to get prio you must sacrifice a lot of health. But you do have better wave clear and if he ever uses his E and you hit your E, then you can engage with ult forcing him to flash. In late game he is only a problem if he goes LDR and/or Blade AND if he is good. Though your sidelane push and turret destroying is superior and he cannot stop you from doing that.”
Hikkinnado says “Rly game bully. Lots of poke, ad, antitank, great roamer. Probably hardest matchup. Take dshield and try to oneshot him late, zhonya + ice heart is mustbuy”
WarwicksSimp says “GOOD BAN.
Dodge if this is your enemy LANER. If he's in a different lane then it's only a major/4 on threat level as you can with him in teamfights but sometimes its not possible, just do what you can to peel your team. Anathemas chains is required vs a fed Akshan.”
ELFREPO says “Objetivo en la linea: Sobrevivir con la meta de llegar a tus powerspikes y escalar, farmear sin que te pokeen demasiado. pokearlo de a poco si es posible. TIPS GENERALES: Akshan tiene un early muy fuerte contra melees con poco engage y sustain como yone, y es muy molesto sin embargo es posible sobrevivir sin caer demasiado por detrás. Es recomendado rushear berserkers y un vamp scepter (900 de oro que te da robo de vida) con esos objetos ya puedes empezar a pelearle un poco dependiendo de como el se gaste sus habilidades. TIPS EN COMBATE: NO PELEES ANTES DE TENER BERSERKERS Y vamp scepter, te va a ganar el trade y despues si estas muy low bajo torre no te queda más que ver como se lleva 3 placas mientras no puedes ni farmear. LLEVA TP A MENOS QUE CREAS PODER MATARLO EN 1V1. Si el akshan es malo no usará sus habilidades correctamente y tendrás la oportunidad de dejarlo low o hasta matarlo. De otro modo realmente no tienes nada que hacer hasta tus powerspikes. Toma en cuenta que su R es mala en el 1v1 si estas encima de el, asi que si crees poder matarlo lanzando tu R hazlo antes de que te pokee. Si lo dejas low recuerda no perseguirlo de manera obvia ya que te puede kitear muy facil con su e y quitarte el 40% de tu vida en un momento. SI LOGRAS LLEGAR A 1 OBJETO A LA PAR DE EL: LE GANAS EL 1V1 SIEMPRE Y CUANDO LE ATINES ALMENOS LA Q3 O LA R. ”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a really hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Midgame you can just outpush him and roam, but be careful of his invis.”
Tokiyami says “Be careful Akshan poke lvl 1-3 he can chunk half of your hp usually play for minions don't walk up to far without shroud or E because he will punish you, you can only walk up if you have shroud or E up.”
Yannik123 says “Scary level 1 and 2. After that, you can try to e him, if it doesnt hit you gotta run. If you hit your skillshots you win, if you miss it and you arent near your tower, you are probably dead or at least low. You loose long trades.”
Lindroganti says “Can be annoying, just don't get poked out too much early. All of his damage is in his swing, the autos are annoying but can't outright beat you. Make sure to save your E for his swing whenever you are in position to be swung on. You CANNOT take that damage. Even if he is swinging away, if you managed to start W'ing towards him he will be stunned and stopped.”
Sapphiretears says “Super Annoying aswell, a better Version of the Akali matchup, if ure not confident run TP if ure cocky run ignite and All in lvl 6
Otherwise wait for Jungle his E will mostly allow him to escape your 1v1 bursts.”
stormraided says “His passive in the early game is really strong, if he can proc it he'll gain a shield and you'll be quite hurt from it. Don't make a line or stand near the minion so he cannot land his Q, if he uses his ultimate you can hide behind towers or minions. You can try to engage if he used his E.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Hard to out-trade because of the range vs melee situation. He will likely swing away from you if you get on top of him. He will poke you down with his Q early on, try to avoid this if possible. It will help against early trades.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Akshan will be terribly annoying. You have a greater range than his AA, so keep your distance and farm. When he uses his E to engage, use your W and disengage. If he's foolish enough that your W isn't needed, use your Q to trade back, and when he retreats, use W and Q to win the trade, possibly even get a kill.”
tangerrine says “Kind of a boring back and forth lane. Ping ANYTIME he goes missing, especially if a scoundrel is on the map (your teammate kills an enemy). Otherwise just watch out for his E all-in and you should be fine. Even if he does all-in, you can cancel it with E or R. You can counter his R by going behind tower or behind minions.”
Zero Nexx says “If an Akshan know how to play sorry but you're kind dead. Try to push him with you're smoke aggressively on level 2 to get him low and if you're at 20%-35% of you're health and he is level 6+ you have to play a lot under tower so he can't ult you”
Tanginid says “Akshan has a lot of mobility and can easily dodge your stuff, having several gaps to kill you and gain lane easily. If he gets strong, you take time to play.”
TheBougis says “Akshan has good mobility if your opponent has played him more than once before. He has decent range and can kite you with his E. try to bait his E and hit him with a Q into immidiate W for the knockup, then just try to auto him twice more into a Q stun and if your duo has fingers he should be dead.”
TheFakeMord says “He is really hard to play against, he goes fast wich makes it hard to land stuff. U cant outpoke him cause he does it better. Definitly go Second Wind, and even consider a start with Doran Shield to negate some damage”
1st fizz on mars says “dshied , no prio , at high elo nighemare , but u can kill him lvl 4 bcs u are stronger with your w depend on how u play and how he plays
ez lvl 6 ifu play good , ping about roams he can roam good , and care on sidelane dont use e randomly he can be invis near and wait for u to use your e ”
Zero macro says “Akshan is a dueling stat check adc that can gain his gap closer easily into Kog'Maw. Due to this fact it is hard to approach lane into Akshan. Later on Kog'maw can easily deal with teamfights into Akshan.
Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
lolzayno says “Really sleeper matchup thats really difficult. Has super high mobility making him extremely hard to duel since he gets movement speed and shielding by auto attacking making it hard to land abilities which is your primary source of damage. His grappling hook also makes it hard to land any of your abilities making it easy to dodge your ultimate. He will often shove wave in to roam and actively harasses you. Best way to play this lane out is to play safe and focus on farming rather than poking.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: predator+flash/ghost, start d shield+pot.
Be careful for his lvl2, try to catch xp and pray for gank. You can try proxy but he can easily get to you.”
duffmanjdd says “My most common ban, Akshan is disgusting to lane against, don't let him q you through the minions, and avoid walking far from your tower before lvl 6 as he will just grapple hook to you and send you to the grave”
BradJr says “Early pressure, roam power, range and AD damage. Literally designed to counter you. Try to take as much gold as you can. Ganks can help because he needs gold to scale.”
combinius says “He's probably the worst matchup. Has range, can escape, has poke.
Early game: just give him the wave and prio. Just don't die. Be careful of the poke and wait to fight.
Mid game: with rylai you can kill him if you go in at full hp.
Late game: he's kinda hard to deal with.
DepresedEef224 says “Akshan can never dash toward you. This fact leaves him very vulnerable because a lot of his damage comes from this. If he does dash in, stun him and take his health bar away.”
mrsuits says “Be cautious of Akshan's early game damage and trading potential.
Utilize your soldiers to poke and harass him from a safe distance, as Akshan is melee.
Keep an eye on his Heroic Swing (Q) ability, as it can apply on-hit effects and deal significant damage.
Respect his mobility with his grappling hook (W), which can allow him to close the gap or escape from engages.
When Akshan uses his Heroic Swing (Q) on minions, it presents an opportunity to poke him while his main damaging ability is on cooldown.
Consider building Zhonya's Hourglass to negate his burst damage and buy time for your team to respond.
Utilize your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create separation and disrupt his engages or attempts to assassinate your carries.
Be aware of Akshan's passive (Dirty Fighting) and his ability to revive allies. Focus on killing them quickly or denying him the opportunity to do so.
Coordinate with your team to punish Akshan when his mobility spells are on cooldown, as he becomes more vulnerable during those moments.
Note: As Azir, you have the advantage of range and sustained damage against Akshan. However, be mindful of his burst potential and mobility. By poking him down, controlling his engages, and utilizing your range advantage, you can gain the upper hand in this matchup.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Just take First Strike and farm. You can have a 2 stacked wave against him and you will still lose trade. This champ needs nerf. Just farm and survive and consider that a win. ”
Braimyy says “Pretty scary. He can engage on you very easily and it's super hard to escape him. He can cheese you from stealth.
Tough matchup, Max E 😉👍”
IggyBoom says “Akshan can do you pretty dirty in lane. He has his grabbler and movement speed from Q and passive to always escape from your W. Also you cant really stop his hard engage pre 6.”
TheGBabaYaga says “He is like easy to hit and run and can make big damage in 2 sec. The way to stop him is to leave him no space to breathe, spam hard on him and control the minions”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Don't let him proc his passive on you or he will gain shield]
[Respect his damage and survive until you get some Items]”
freuio123 says “XD
Verlierst push, early trades, roaming und sidelane. Mit jungle attention kannst du ihn Snowballen, aber realistisch musst du einfach hoffen, dass du bis Teamfights überlebst.”
spicy ricecaker says “Akshan hard wins against you lvl 1, and even lvl 2 with his grapple, so don't trade against him during those levels. Give up the cs and pay the akshan tax. Post 3 you have more counterplay with w, since if he grapples into you can block most of his dmg with it. ”
NickLeVlach says “Personally, makes me want to smash his face, like the tiny guy. Run him all the time. You out range him and can push him away with your E if he attempts to get near you. Becareful his W. ”
uwuimsocute says “I would consider this matchup Varus' favored - you win extended trades, just dont trade level 1
If you are not comfortable, just dont interact with him and outscale”
zhock2014 says “This champion isn't one you should worry about much other than the fact that he can swing onto walls but other than that you shouldn’t have to worry about him much”
Anguish333 says “- Play safe early levels, he can easly oneshot you with PTA+Passive+E+Ignite
- Stand behind wave so he casts his Q and then sidestep it, that way wave will push to you,
- Don't walkup far into lane without Shroud or he will just run down you
Asturic says “He outdamages you early so you should wait for your jungler and cc lock him. If your jungler isn't near, don't fight, Akshan either kills you or runs away with his e.”
hirttola says “has huge kill pressure on you and cant contest wave at all, if hes good theres nothing you can really do when he takes over map while you cry under your turret
dont try to trade with him”
Painters says “Skill match up. Be aware of him showing up after being invisible. If he ults you, hide behind turrets or minions, since they block the shots. Keep your W for after he uses his grappling hook.”
Enderspider says “big threat really early but as long as you don't fall for his early cheese, you have more map pressure, more gold generation and way way way better lategame”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Doran's shield. Start W.
He is a lane bully so try to stay alive and hope your jungler comes. You destroy him later once you have items + armor boots. ”
Cryniu says “Okay, theoretically you counter to Akshan, but it could be a hard match because his mobility. Try to slow him when he is trying to hit you, keep your distance and try to predict with your bombs when he is moving to you. Remember your ultimate counters his ultimate.”
Wraithlander says “Quite a difficult poke matchup he will win fights at all stages because of his kit. Play for mid game fights or look to trade onto him when his Q or E are down.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Abuse Neeko's Range: Neeko has good poke potential with her abilities, especially her Q (Blooming Burst). Use this to your advantage by poking Akshan from a safe distance whenever he goes in for last hits or tries to engage. Keep in mind, Akshan's range is limited, so take advantage of your longer range.
Engage Wisely: Neeko's E (Tangle-Barbs) can root Akshan in place, giving you an opportunity to follow up with damage. However, be cautious as Akshan can quickly reposition himself using his grappling hook (E). Try to predict his movement or wait for him to use it before engaging.
Control Minion Waves: Manipulating the minion wave can help you maintain a safe farming space and make it harder for Akshan to engage on you. Try to keep the wave closer to your turret to limit his all-ins.”
zLuxfury says “Huge level of oppression that makes Asol early game even more rough.
Passive gives him a shield and E punishes your Q.
Play safe and get ahead by punishing his roams.”
Tigereye says “Literally jumps across the entire lane, or pokes you under tower. Don't push up in lane, play safe and be willing to surrender minions if you need. This is my perma ban.”
TB Azir says “AD matchup olarak Azir'in en zor eşleşmesi diyebilirim. İster Elektrik Ver isterse de Saldırıya Devam tercih etsin Akshan'ı iyi oynayan birisi(E tuşuna basabilen birisi yazıcaktım pardon) Azir'e lanede istediği kadar baskı kurabilir. İster lane'i ittirir sağa sola gider, isterse de lane'i ortada tutup E'leriyle takas arar. (Gerçi özür dilerim takas değil, E ile üstünüze atlayıp yarı can atar ve sizde mecburen geri çıkarsınız😀) Akshan'ın bu saçma sapan hasarından ötürü lane ortadaysa ve E ile üstünüze geliyorsa kesinlike kaçın ve takas aramayın. ''Peki nasıl oynayacağız biz bu eşleşmeyi?'' diyorsanız yanıtı basit: Lane'i biraz üstünüze alın, kuleden ötürü Akshan'ın E'sini üstünüze dümdüz agresif bir şekilde kullanamayacağı bölgeden safe bir şekilde farmınızı yapıp arada da ufak ufak dürtün.
Rün: Aery, Fleet, PTA”
Thehippyguy says “Is just a champion that will be decent no matter what. Can literally be 0 items and if he gets an assist on someone who killed most of your team you can't do a specific objective. Now you can't really out trade an Akshan until level 6 where you need hextech alternator and ignite. Even then it can be rough. But if you get one kill on him then you will be fine. ”
South Z says “Akshan is an ADC, which means your champion is designed to kill him : you can cancel his grappling hook with a well-timed E, cancel his damage and basically one-shot him.”
DaddyVladdy says “Run electro.Dont go near him.He outroams you.Dont trade cs for hp.
He doesnt outscale you but he can be strong late.Huge spike against you when he gets bork.Hes still just an adc you oneshot him late.”
vxnity says “Try to avoid his Q and E. If possible save your Charm until he doesn't have E up. Getting help from your Jungler can play a huge role in this matchup. It's also super easy for him to get ahead since you can't follow him if he roams.”
Lodart says “Really annoying champion, with shields and movement speed. If you can survive you'll outscale him. Potentially gankable since it's still technically a marksman in midlane. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Katawina52 says “Hard matchup like all adc mids I would say, Go electro with resolve second: Second Wind, Overgrowth. Start Dshield if you want a chance to survive. If enemy has heavy AD damage (jungle/mid especially) a seekers rush 100%. Dont go for trades unless you have teammates near. Remember that surviving early is key with matchups like Trist/Panth/Lucian/Akshan. Can take exh vs Akshan, pretty good, because if he jumps hewill fully comit.”
EL ZUDO says “kinda but matchup he has better roam can revive dead enemies wins on trades if he has good spacing he can be a menance u'll need a jg to kil him msot of the times due to push power and passive shield also bone plating”
1Yamato1 says “Não tente troca com ele nos primeiros lvs, use a página de runa "PTA vs Ranged + ig" evite troca dano e sempre que tiver oportunidade all win + ig ele vai so morrer”
Twday says “be careful for experienced akshans as they can cause some harm and even if you win lane they can get fed off of roams so be careful and track the fuckers down”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball relentless.
Nimbus celerity.
Consider shurelyas. You can't fight him, but speed = distance = survival.
Will swing on you or invis cheese. Don't let him freeze on you. Early armguard. Watch for q through minions. When he swings watch for an easy-e, and wait to q until the last second so you can create distance.”
Deru says “Very difficult matchup, almost unplayable if the enemy akshan knows how to space you properly. Try to shove whenever he's missing and roam before him.”
Deru says “Very difficult matchup, almost unplayable if the enemy Akshan knows how to space you properly. Try to shove whenever he's missing and roam before him.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand carefully your attack range is not much bigger than him, he can go all-in for 3 lvl, also carefully put your W, because he interacts with walls and similar things, try to put it so that he crashes into other rails, he also has invisibility. He can revive allies by killing a champion who has committed a murder, so don't die if you have made a murder or protect an ally who has made a greater number of kills, or just kill him if he is being framed. Also, his R can pass through all the reliefs, use the tower for protection.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Recommended BOTRK on start and then full AP or Sunderer rush.”
Wizardd says “Very Simple Lane. Make sure to push him in constantly and make it hard for him to roam. Set up vision in dragon river. W him whenever he is trying to push. This will cause him to have even less time to roam. Hes Easy to kill if jungler comes. Your W destroys him.”
He will make your laning phase an actual living hell if you give him the ability and the chance to, its pretty nice that you do not find him in lower elos, but this same guidelines go for all ranged matchups.”
DawrazWasInting says “Most likely one of the hardest matchups in laning phase. If you want to outrade him you have tot hit your W stun, which is hard cause of his E. Dont push the wave and most important dont go for one for ones, as he outscales you.”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup. Lose early, win later.
Acts a lot like an ADC. It's a lot harder to contest waves and trade AA's early on. After getting a few levels, your range will be far higher than his and you can clear the wave or pressure him easily.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) /Electrocute (+ Manaflow / Scorch) are both fine
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Cancer. Only thing to do is hope and scale, play towards whatever playstyle your runes and summs go towards, unkillable unless you take ignite. Take W 2nd so you can pool his E. I do suggest the ghost ignite aery gaming but it isn't needed. Hes broken as fuck so good luck.”
NegativePhoenix says “Sadly, you have no real way to catch him. His range keeps him out of your Q and Q3 range unless he slips up and gets too close but even then unless you're fast enough to stop it, he will E away. Most of the time if you catch him out with ult he'll just E/Flash away and waste your ult. I'd at least save your W if you're being ulted in an open area to heavily reduce the execution chance, and try to body block him if he Es towards you in a bad spot”
ChengziPrime says “Asshole champ, early game menace in mid. Try to farm, don't die, but really just be glad that you're greedplank and that even if you feed you'll end up 2 items ahead.”
SalSushi says “An incredibly good lane bully and should hard counter you. He outroams and outdamages you. Just stay back and scale, try and get fed somewhere else. ”
AkuAku says “Classic Early cheese... need i really say more? Be careful for his passive and you can also poke in shroud since his autos cant hit you. Also roams like crazy so get push whenever you can. You can't outroam on akshan so make sure he doesn't get ahead so he doesn't have the damage to roam”
MAXimumCRUZ says “He does damage, and is annoying. Luckily, there is no cc. You can probably kill him before he finishes charging his ult, so just do that. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Play at your max range in this matchup and do not let him proc his passive on you. If you hit an E, do not pull him straight away, instead walk in the opposite direction to him and then pull so that you are outside of his attack range. A few of these short but effective trades mean that you can kill him in lane. Akshan will look to roam so ping your teammates as soon as he leaves lane.”
MetalK1d says “it is hard to lane against him since he is ranged, has a lot of burst damage and is mobile. Akshan is very squishy so try to wait until he wastes his E into you to combo him.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Not too bad of a matchup as long as you play it safely early game. Once you have lost chapter / liandry's you can start poking him and win trades. ”
hesentorki says “just don't stand directly behind your minions or he will keep hitting his boomerang on u. Freeze lane and if he walks up show him how good you are at this game.”
Lizzykat says “Recomendable iniciar con [Escudo de Doran]. Solo te va a molestar como una mosca por su distancia y daño, debes aguantar y sacar ventaja de otras maneras, pelearle si tienes buenos ítems / te ayuda tu jg.”
Aria_Legend says “He's a new blood champion from 2021 who has everything in his kit: shield, invisibility, can ressurect dead allies, so Ahri naturally struggles against new blood champions.
Level 1-5: You have to play safe for farming. Your damage is low while his damage is crazy high early, because of his Passive (Dirty Fighting), and when he procs it he earns a shield so he out-trades, and E (Heroic Swing) that deals a big chunk and can also be used to escape.
Level 6+: 1v1's against him at this stage is tricky and dangerous because it becomes hard to predict whether you'll win the trade or not.
You want to bait him his E (Heroic Swing) without being highly exposed to its range to reduce the damage you take from him, making sure you don't miss your charm to combo him; and maybe after such trade, you can wait for your Q, W cooldowns and try forward to assassinate him with your R+ignite, because he becomes immobile like a chimp without his E (Heroic Swing).
His E (Heroic Swing) has 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds of cooldown, for you to be taking in mind. ”
War_Mid says “It is really hard to keep up with and sidelane against Akshan. for him to be aggressive in lane against you means that he has to expose himself to getting ganks. ”
Demonsedge90 says “Akshan might not look like a threat upfront, but when he reaches level three, be mindful of where you walk when he's nearby. He has good engagement/disengagement with his heroic swing ability. Take only a few extended trades with him since that will only sometimes end well.”
Wizahd says “You don't win until 6. You might be able to finesse a kill with poke, but unlikely. He has incredible engage range so watch it. Take ignite or you won't have enough damage most of the time.”
Atemporal says “Este é um confronto que parece que deve ser fácil, mas com este truque simples, Akshan se torna quase impossível de matar! (se ele comprar Wits End). O Q de Akshan vai mais longe toda vez que atinge um lacaio, então sempre se posicione na pista de uma maneira que torne difícil para ele acertar você com Q de graça. A maioria dos jogadores de Akshan max E (hookshot) primeiro. Esta habilidade só terá como alvo
você se você for o alvo mais próximo de Akshan OU se Akshan marcou você com um auto ou uma habilidade antes de usar o E. Sempre tenha isso em mente. Se ele te acertar com um Q que aplica uma pilha de sua passiva, fique para trás e esteja pronto para correr se ele tenta se envolver com você. Você pode pular em Akshan sempre que tiver W disponível, e essa é basicamente a única vez que você pode ir até ele antes do nível 6. Coloque W, então E Q auto-ele e corra. O E dele é cancelado se o seu W acertar, e até se não acertar, o escudo + zoneamento ainda o fará para que ele não possa retornar dano em você. Após o nível 6, você tem muito potencial de jogo, especialmente se você souber como não subir de nível R instantaneamente. Você pode negociar com ele, e se ele tentar E para perseguir, tente atraí-lo para o caminho de seu ult e ele pode acabar se matando por estar em cima de sua trilha do R. Você supera esse cara de forma muito difícil no começo do jogo. Ele acabará sendo uma morte muito gratuita para você (2-3 itens) ou 4 itens se ele for Wits End.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Crown
R: Standard/Defensiv/Phaserush
S: Barrier
Solange seine E nicht auf CD ist musst du sie dauerhaft respecten. Farme also immer aus sicherer Entfernung und spar deine W auf um sie zu platzieren wenn er landet. Mehr als etwas poken und scalen geht nicht. Kauf Control Wards und warn dein Team da er viel roamen wird. Pass auf da er vielleicht roams nur antäuscht um unsichtbar zu engagen wenn du vorläufst”
Lucid Walking says “UNSAFE LANE: Akshan players will stealth and bait you into pushing so that he can grapple onto you. He WILL force your flash and WILL control the lane after this happens.
Do not push, even if you don't see him (unless he recently died or is seen in other parts of the map. If you do have the balls to go head-on, make sure you have a stacked wave.
(tip: you can cancel his grapple, preferably the moment he attaches it to the wall)”
Cheeseypops1 says “Give cs and stay healthy until level 3 because he can just dash onto you pre-3 and beat you, But if you just get the minion exp and give the gold once you hit e just pull him in and sit on top of him so he can't swing away and you should be fine, At 6 you stomp him, Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He has perfect kit against gp, his double autos disable your barrels and his E allows him to all in you smoothly without coming to melee range. Let him push and avoid letting him stack press the attack, you can time your Q/aa to go between his double auto and lasthit the barrel but it requires some practice and is pretty hard to do during intense fights. Somehow i dont think i ever lost against that guy but i dont think its the champion, just the players who braindead pick him against gp beacuse of double auto.”
Spoomk says “hahahahahahaha swing zoom hahahahahahaha oops he's 6 counties over and he bought a new car with all of the extra gold he got in lane over you.”
Veng Shotz says “Unlike most AD ranged toplaners, purely rushing tabis will not insta-win you lane.
Dont even bother leashing your jungler, walk up to the first/second bush in lane to make sure he wont cheese you to 1/4 hp, once minions crash dont bother walking up to secure cs as he will insta aggro and try to wittle you down with PTA+passive. At level 2 they will take their e and try to all in, if you retialiate in any shape or form they will e into you and ignite you. The best way to play this lane is to not play aggro at all till you have health+armor.
Tabis into phage seems to be best for me into this lane, give up cs if you have to, so long as you dont die to him early game and grab exp you can try to do 2-3 rotations of q1+w q2 into him and force him to burn e to disengage, and farm safely by going in and out of bush, if youre under turret just last hit. Once you have 6 you can pretty much run him down after landing 1-2 short trades into him, try to make sure you try to time your all in when his e is down, because if its not then you just burned ult for nothing.
TLDR, dont int early, out sustain him till levels 5-9, and kill him on repeat if possible. (take ign+bone plate) ”
sapphire__lol says “Can take prio, but easily killable since his e is useless if you reach him once.
Try to let him push and jump on him out of fog. Can also try to talk up and bait him into traiding which you can use for an all in. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] This champ makes laning phase impossible for you with vayne passive, shield and huge dash, just sit under tower farm and wait for teamfight stage. start tear and farm up. [BOTLANE] Useless, doesnt wok with most supports.”
J.A.K.I.E. says “Hardest lane bully in the game. Go the Vs All ins route as he'll constantly be harassing you with autos and all ins. Start Q and try to react accordingly to his hookswing all ins and follow up with your fear + drain. He'll be keeping you under tower for a while so be careful.”
GoodMangoes2war says “The temptation is to think you can dual him. Don't. If you do, it will get ugly if your timing is off. if you keep it boring he'll go coinflip bot lane and you can farm plates.”
Nightmare19494 says “this guy sucks to lane against with just about anyone but as a little guy with little to no mobility he is very unfun to play against.”
xerexuwu says “Start DSHIELD, take 2 armor flex runes and rush WARDENS MAIL after your TEAR. Take second wind/bone plating and overgrowth or unflinching depending on the enemy team comp. Try to get as much cs as possible. You can look for FROZEN HEART 3rd/4th item.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to manage minion wave in the way to stay closer to your tower. In that case you will have a cover against his R and it would be much harder for Akshan to all-in you under the tower. He is a strong ADC with good all-in ability and if he jumps on you, allied minions should attack him, so the minion wave has to move in your tower’s direction which is good. But you need to survive his all-in somehow and some an early item would be very helpful for this purpose. Remember also that Akshan can try to do fake roams in order to get behind you.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage. ”
Adamonias says “Dodge, Lane is pretty much unplayable. He dodges everything and builds wits end. Akshan is my permaban; FF15 if he's even half-decent.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to manage minion wave in the way to stay closer to your tower. In that case you will have a cover against his R and it would be much harder for Akshan to all-in you under the tower. He is a strong ADC with good all-in ability and if he jumps on you, allied minions should attack him, so the minion wave has to move in your tower’s direction which is good. But you need to survive his all-in somehow and some an early item would be very helpful for this purpose. Remember also that Akshan can try to do fake roams in order to get behind you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to manage minion wave in the way to stay closer to your tower. In that case you will have a cover against his R and it would be much harder for Akshan to all-in you under the tower. He is a strong ADC with good all-in ability and if he jumps on you, allied minions should attack him, so the minion wave has to move in your tower’s direction which is good. But you need to survive his all-in somehow and some an early item would be very helpful for this purpose. Remember also that Akshan can try to do fake roams in order to get behind you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage. ”
yahma says “He is a really slippery character so watch out for that. He can easily kill you if you don't respect him in lane, but that street goes both ways.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate Comeuppance. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage. ”
ZiegenZelu says “eigene E immer behalten für seinen Schwing. nicht die möglichkeit geben seine passive zu proccen. Später kann er dich mit einem Invis ambush oneshotten. Vorsicht geboten.”
Kennyaverage says “Akshan out farms you and can burst you at any stage of the game. Hope he's dumb and call for jungle. At level 6 you can solo kill him.”
SkyBanana says “He is mostly annoying to deal with in lane and in game. His roams are very good since he can be camouflaged and have a reset on his E with one takedown. In lane, he is a lane bully so you have to learn how to trade against him when his abilities are down. Remember: He is a marksman so he will wither you with auto attacks as well. Not just spells. Always ping when he is off the map and type it out as well. It could help you in the long run. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to top his Ultimate. This will increase your survivability and it will be put on a short cooldown. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up early armor will protect you from some of his damage.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not much you can do against him in this matchup seeing as your only means of stopping him is your ult and that's if you land it while he's using his E. Overall just a complete pain that can punish you more than you can him for poking.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Don't get into a real 1v1 with this guy. His shred and 7508345635465 passives let him win better than steroids in the Olympics. Always try to poke him and perhaps get antiheal if he goes shieldbow. If he goes for other non-sustain items, just get damage and poke him without getting into AA range”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “hard match up. Just wait till he E's in and if he does you can W Q auto and trade (al though he might be able to out trade you a little bit with the shield)
Buying Control wards or sweepers will help prevent random roams and Serpents will help with his passive shield ”
Bunan says “Conqueror - POM - Tenacity- Last stand - Second Wind - Unflinching/Overgrowth
Sapphire Crystal refillable
Q max->W->E
Ask for early gank
Wait for lvl 3
If he wastes E (18s CD) engage
Save W for his E when engaging
Shadow flame second (passive shield)
R 4/10 Good for finishing off low enemies
KayyeN says “Annoying for almost all midlaners, including Kata. Never let him get his passive or PTA through, you won't be able to sustain long enough. Try to farm as best as you can and try to avoid getting ambushed by his E when you're outside your turret range. Good luck surviving.”
Zarasaras says “He can poke you e outpush you
He can roam a ton or just stay putting pression on you
Short trades he can AA you once and get shield to autowin they
Just farm for 30 minutes and wait teamfights, you can play they better than him”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Early Game:
Playing against Akshan is difficult as he can easily trade, roam, escape, and harrass you. You only win lane against him if you skill gap him heavily. Eventually you will be able to 1v1 him, but not if he ruins your laning phase.
When roaming, he will try to follow you so always gtfo after 10 seconds into the gank
Mid/Late: Akshan becomes a priority target along with adc as with his passive he can revive his teammates, making whatever objective you fight for all the more difficult. However, Akshan at even gold is a small threat to your team and can pop extremely easy compared to other adcs like Lucian and Varus. You only need to worry about the early game and you'll be fine.”
Body Those Fools says “Never trade AAs with Akshan in his range. His double AA will out-damage your trades early game. Make sure to dodge his Q so he can't proc his Passive shield. In this matchup, just farm until Lost Chapter. With the extra mana pool and damage, I poke him down with Hail of Blades or Comet and stay out of his range. Spam ping MIA if you don't know where he is; his W stealths him and he can roam or try to cheese you if your minion wave is pushed near his tower. When he Ults, stand behind your minions or active turrets since those can block his Ult's bullets. If your tier 1 tower is alive, the tier 2 won't be considered active and cannot block Akshan's Ult.”
DabiDabi says “Very hard matchup. Most Akshan players will bring Bone Platting, so it's unlikely that you'll kill him so Just look for quick trades when you are able to. Get ganks, land your chain and follow up so he cannot swing away.”
DabiDabi says “If you have the misfortune of going against ranged AD, I wish you good luck. Though it may seem like it's a troll pick, these matchups feel like hell. My best tip is to rush Steelcaps, get ganks, or hit two Ws and all in at level 6. Most ADC solo laners will bring Barrier or Exhaust so it'll be difficult to kill them early. ”
OSG Rewynd says “Akshan is going to bully you. Your only goal in lane is to farm safely, ping his roams, and try to shove waves fast enough to keep him in lane at level 7/9. He has to mess up really bad for you to kill him, and he will not die to a gank unless you block his E.”
Kurchina says “Champ made to counter gp, he has two shot passive that cucks ur barrels and annoying swing. It is possible to win but even decent akshan will render u useless”
TroyLoL says “Reason he is a Major and not Extreme is yes you can't out trade him or do anything vs him but he isn't going to 1 shot you like the others can or make it so you can't farm at all.”
Errevandare says “Не убивается 1 на 1 до 11 уровня. Но он не сильно может поукать и мы свободно фармим. Если он пошел роумить, то запушивайте линию и берите пластины, фоловить опасно, может развернуться и убить. Но аккуратно с пушем, он может зафризить. Роумами может выиграть. Кандидат в бан.”
Super08131208 says “If you are unlucky enough to have ever had to face against AD Ranged champs mid, you know exactly how this feels. Literally cannot do anything pre-6. Biggest tip is to buy an early Cloth Armor into Steelcaps. Akshan with PTA and Bone Plating is unkillable pre-6. His swing counters you pretty hard as he can get away from you and attack you at the same time. Ask for ganks early and at level 6, try to get his Bone Plating off and then all in him if possible.
feejee says “Awful matchup. Akshans poke + decent wave clear and E allows him to completely negate anything you want to do in lane. Start corrupting and let waves shove into you and wait for jungler or roam”
Zoose says “Stay back while your E is on cooldown as its your only peel tool against him. Don't trade at close range as he can absorb most damage with his shield and will chunk you with true damage. He will look to roam with his camouflage. You can only match his roams when you have ultimate. You can cancel his E ropeswing and ult with your E stun and W.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “He can destroy your barrels easily. If he swings into you, you can win the fight. Play around your passive and try to use your barrels quickly so he can't destroy them. Orange for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion]
[Try to not get poked too much]
[Cancel his E with your E]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
If he tries to hook to get on you, Cast E to stop his hook instantly.
Since you can't deal him in early game because of low damage Q, you should focus on farming CS and after Level 6, tries opportunity to gank the other lane.
Stay behind your tower or minions to deny his damage from his R.”
King Turtle says “he does a lot of damage and can be hard to hit with your feathers because of his E, but if you can get a lead on him you can kill him pretty quick. ”
SadgeBoyK says “ he can swing through your goo, so just try to flank him in a way that blocks his swing. Also, in lane you will never reach him, and he wont allow you to farm so just roam.”
DabiDabi says “If you are unlucky enough to have ever had to face against AD Ranged champs mid, you know exactly how this feels. Literally cannot do anything pre-6. Biggest tip is to buy an early Cloth Armor into Steelcaps. Akshan with PTA and Bone Plating is unkillable pre-6. His swing counters you pretty hard as he can get away from you and attack you at the same time. Ask for ganks early and at level 6, try to get his Bone Plating off and then all in him if possible.”
Esrucnl says “Akshan is very annoying, because of his passive (he gets a shield, movement speed and can attack you twice in 1 click)
You will get poked out of lane if you go for CS so just try to take it easy the moment you are level 6 and have ult you can win against him if you hit your ult. If you don't its very hard to kill him after. He will literally click you to death even when you dodge his Q+E.
Tip: You can cancel his ultimate when you press E.”
Azurio says “Annoying champion. really hard to gapclose and trade, he has more damage than you early. Take 3 potions and second wind and farm. Try to wards around mid and buy pinks to prevent his roams.”
ddieguito_es says “Once again a champion that has tons of mobility and poke. Try to poke with Q and survive until jungler comes. Take red boots often.”
King Turtle says “he's extremely powerful against most champions, and swain has no way to counter Akshan's roaming power. In general, swain mid struggles against high mobility assassins due to his own lack of mobility and difficulty when it comes to landing E+W combos.”
beansoce says “Very hard matchup early he has alot of range and shield early which denies ur empowered q, don't even try to trade just farm safely until 6 or until your jungler ganks you.”
King Turtle says “Akshan is a total monstrosity that corki cannot beat. There's just nothing you can do to akshan if you aren't an early game champion or if you don't have your jungler around constantly. I suggest perma banning Akshan if you're gonna play corki.”
King Turtle says “I just really dislike playing against akshan with low mobility champions. He's ranged but he's built like an assassin and his mobility allows him to zone you from a whole wave away. The biggest issue is that it's nearly impossible to follow him on roams because he can just as easily turn around and all in you with his perma stealth. He's my perma ban for mid lane.”
clytt says “PERMA-BAN 1. Outdamages Ezreal early and throughout the game if you don't scale corrrectly. Take TP, exhaust won't save you most times. He'll look to land his passive once or twice then invis surprise attack and close ANY distance with his swing. There's no getting away if you're out of position. If he doesn't snowball by mid-game we can 1v1 him. Read the room, if he's around half HP we might be able to land an easy combo when he tries to swing in (as long as no minions block Q). INSANE and unstoppable 1v9 hard-carry potential.”
Bunny Kata says “You'll never win against Akshan. You can ban him, but then Ahri will be open, so make a choice. If the game ever goes through, buy Armguard whenever you can, and survive so you can outscale him.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
sweafyzz says “Rush tabis/Always stay safe early.
Dont use E early on him because you dont want to gap close an akshan.
Perma poke with Bush Q, River Q only if his E is on CD.
You almost always win after 6 if you hit R. never let him trade with shield up, wait in Q bush before it goes.
If he rushes shieldbow its not a problem, he wont be able to out damage you, if he goes kraken he can but he's squishier.
If he goes galeforce and knows how to use it, you HAVE to take prowler.”
kindo says “TAKE BONE PLATING VERSUS AKSHAN ALWAYS, 100% OF THE TIME. The reason being - his trade pattern can be severely negated more than any other champ with bone plating. Without it, it's near impossible to take advantageous trades in lane.
Akshan matchup is difficult mostly because of his trading patterns compared to other adcs. Every time you attempt to trade (even to poke off his bone plating), you'll likely be taking a double auto and a Q to dodge. The hardest part of the lane is poking off his bone plating so that you can take an advantageous trade. His swing can be a problem and difficult to solo kill, but it's possible to out damage him in early levels given you can dodge his Q and engage when he doesn't have bone plating up. Sticking on him is hard, so try to force yourself into him melee range if you're going for an all-in.
The matchup snowballs extremely hard, so while easier said than done, be smart about trades and avoid taking a trade that can cost you the lane.”
Magmora says “Whenever a marksman is viable mid they will always be a problem for Aurelion Sol. They can poke you with just autos really easily, and often have a powerful mobility ability that, if they are good they can evade your Q with. Second wind is a good rune into akshan, and if you are not confident you can also try doran's shield. Just make sure you have something to cater for early mana issues.”
leonidas44 says “One of the hardest match ups especially in early with his double hits can kite you and poke you a lot. Ask the help of the jungle farm with q and dont do unnecessary trades.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As he can easily bully you in early laning, you need to play incredibly safe, and you need to focus him out of late-game teamfights to prevent him reviving teammates. His E provides him a lot of safety, and if timed wrong, his R can still hit you after you use your own R. If you have the choice, never pick Evelynn mid into an Akshan.”
Berdasco9 says “Matchup completamente injugable espera por ganks del jungla y busca roamear para fedearte, a un askhan con medio cerebro jamas le vas a poder matar”
Chocodino009 says “This champion is not fair, he pressures you under tower all early gaem but if you ask for ganks you will be able to destroy him 1on1 will gold advantage.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play extremely safe]
[Try not to die early and ask for your jungler to help]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
donidaking says “AKSHEN
OK he s similar to Lucian but i think he s more disgusting.
His range is higher than yours and he gets a shield when he trades but his dmg is still realy high.
Dodge his Q don t let him get his passive or PTA on you.
His E can be stopped if he interacts with a champ so just bodyblock him to stop his E.
His R doesn t go through minions or structures so just hide behind them if he R's you and watch out for his W as he might be near some wall waiting for you to walk up.
Same as lucian FARM UP using your range and ping any of his roams at level 6 there is a gap where you can kill him if he uses cd's randomly.”
Bertsicle says “Hard to lane vs, don't stand in wave.
He can just revive his team after you kill them so try to kill him first if possible. Landing R on him is a nightmare unless he isn't ready. Try to R him after he's already used his wall grapple thingy or he's stunned in a teamfight. Q auto W and E out BEFORE he gets 3 hits off for shield. Short trades are good vs him but longer trades will fail because his shield just negates a lot of the damage.”
TheKingUltra says “Dodge. Busted Champion, one shots wave with 1 q. His base damage in early is very high and the shield makes it hard to punish. He is also hard to gank for the jungler even though you hit him with your e, but he just has his grapple to get out.”
Aut0Lycus says “Akshan is a major threat to almost everybody, boomerang, invisibility, revive, grapple. His E is particularly problem as you are weak to early dives. YOU NEED TO SAVE YOUR Q to stun him after he tries to dive, you can pull him to tower or throw him away. Only use your Q to counter dives or to secure kills with jg.”
lilmeatgirl666 says “Your W does not work against Akshan, so he is quite mobile against you. Bringing exhaust into this matchup helps a lot. You can even bring ignite, and try to outdamage him, which is a lot riskier, but possible as long as you land your Q's and Auto in between E's.”
Whitelies says “Just wait for level 3. And if he ever wastes his E for you, punish him there. Get vision around maps and try to follow him when you can. ”
xIXWrathXIx says “Long-range, fast attack speed and can hide. Keep eyes on him and watch out for all ins. he doesn't do too much damage early game and you can trip him up with your W if they try to grapple you.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “His early game damage is absurd, so let him use his swing before trying to full combo him. Do not be the aggressor in this matchup.”
Exiled Heretic says “Akshan is very hard to deal with making you fight for all your CS , he will take bone plating so make sure you poke it off and have the burst to all in if you are going for it.”
Ahri Simplord says “A good Akshan can be obnoxious to play against, he can perma shove the wave better than you can. You must never find yourself caught of guard rotating around the map because of his invisibility, catching him mid e with your charm is possible and quite easily but needs practise to learn the angle that he's moving on.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Akshan is very oppressive early. You can't fight him until you have zerks and vamp scepter. Play with the goal to scale and hit your item spikes. Do your best to farm without taking too much poke or you will be susceptible to ganks/dives. Don't stay in the wave because he will Q the wave, damaging you and pushing the wave at the same time. The more targets his Q hits, the further it will go. This matchup is a lot easier for Yasuo than Yone because you can Windwall his entire kit. If you don't fall too far behind, you can just jump on him over and over and kill.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a decent job of beating Akshan. On average, he wins a acceptable 51.1% of matches the champions fight each other in. In Malzahar vs Akshan matches, Malzahar’s side is 0.2% less expected to gain first blood. This indicates that he probably won't get first blood against Akshan.”
KeNaNFoR says “A hero capable of turning the tide of battle, going into invisibility and walking along the lines, gives early aggression to the team, which is very bad for Kassadin”
Dj Memelord says “Used to be way worse with prenerf shieldbow and wits end. As long as you open on him you should always win. IF he catches you offguard you are probably going to die unless you land everfrost+ quick full combo.”
Dustyacer says “One of his worst mus is pantheon (according to stat websites). Our e blocks everything (q1,q2,e,r). He hard wins lvl 1, dont even try. Lvl2 isnt great but you can stun him during his e, then q and try to run. But you can start doing things lvl 3+. You want the wave on your side as he can run u down a long lane. Try to block his passive/PTA proc. Really gankable despite his rope, we can stun him during the time it takes for his hook to reach the wall. Can also stun him before that (even using flash if need be), and then walking in front of him to block his escape.
Follow his roams post 6, although it might be too late when u come.
His opportunity to win the lane is doing a lvl 2-3 roam.”
Xalt says “This matchup is very hard but you can win it, try to kill him early before he backs on a Negatrons. I like to rush Sorc boots because I know he'll have MR as soon as he backs. Poke early and avoid fighting near terrain as his E allows him to space from you and kite you until you die.”
SupaSnor says “If you misposition and he hits his swing he will 100 to 0 you in 3 seconds pre 6, gotta love these kind of champs.. make sure he doesnt get ahead by surviving, he will most likely push in with his q so just try to safely last hit under turret and warn your team if he's out of lane.”
DaffeLaffe says “This matchup is very hard but you can win it, try to kill him early before he backs on a Negatrons. I like to rush Sorc boots because I know he'll have magic resist as soon as he backs. Poke early and avoid fighting near terrain as his E allows him to space from you and kite you until you die. Be aware of the shield he gets, it could catch you of guard and he could turn the fight.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay out of his range and farm as much as possible]
[Use your E around him so he cannot escape with his E]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Juon says “He has a lot of burst so be careful, play around him as if he is a twitch.. but with a rope that makes him fly around you and turbo burst you?? Anyways, he is super squishy. If he dodges your combo you're dead, best is to R -> Q, rather than initiating with E because its quite predictable. If you can flash onto him he is 100% dead. Max E second.”
Xelikari says “(Patch 14.19: Still true) You really have NO hope of killing this guy as it stands in Patch 11.22. He can’t really kill you without jungle pressure but he’s just got a way overloaded kit with shields + movespeed + weird half-of-the-lane dash, a real 200-years champion right here.
I would take Teleport and look to TP when he roams. It should be pretty obvious where he’s roaming to, but you can also take Ignite and try to kill him in River. He’ll probably shove you in so if your Jungler has some sort of CC, you can probably lock him down and burst him. He’s weak-ish without his E so you can sort of fight him then if you land your Electro-Harpoons. I would take Electrocute here and just look for skirmishes and roams since killing him is pretty difficult. ”
Zero macro says “Good Sustained damage because of PTA. Resolve + shield outtrades almost every trade. Later on easy gap closer with permastealth next to structures.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Don't get stacked by his passive]
[Play safe until you get Mythic item]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
TrueGIXERJ says “Akshan is a bit of a mixed bag, he isn't too difficult to kill when you've got a couple levels, maybe an item. but he's worryingly strong beforehand. Be wary of his all ins killing you early on, as well as his insane revive in teamfights, and he's not the worst champ to face.”
ChrisWasTaken says “2 - 4 depending on elo, you win level 1 trade with bone plating. Lethal tempo or HOB is fine but phase rush is also a good choice against ranged matchups.”
comfykoala1 says “Akshan is my personal perma ban. He wins lane easily and roams well. my main tip is take corrupting pot and give up the first few waves”
Fake Supp says “its not too much hard to play vs this guy the only things that matters is to dont int first .. secend is that he double attacks so you have lesser time to close the gap the best way to defeat this guy is to use your W to get close and do Q > HOB Autos then E out do this a couple of times and you good to go
only use E on him when u are sure that he cant dodge cause if he does you are dead ..!”
desch3445 says “This champion is pretty garbage as of this guide's publishing. Dodge his Q, use your knockback while he's mid-swing, and he won't stand much of a chance to begin with.
Take the Electrocute page; No worries that he can poke you out of your FS, he's still not a great champ. Electro for the early burst, snowball off of it, EZPZ.”
ThePieBeam says “Fucking avengarang. This champ is broken on so many levels but if you're good with Anivia wall the lane is fairly easy. Not that it matters since he'll just perma invis to bot and top every 4s but oh well. Just make sure to W into Q his hook should he try to go anywhere with it and you should be fine.”
LBDB says “Oh look ranged talon. For real though unless you are a tank he is just gonna spend level one running your ass down with PTA and his e. If you manage to not die in the early game he can still build alot of items to shut down your chances of killing him.”
Epic_Semibold says “First few level, he is annoying as hell. One of the few matchup that you want to wait before ingaging early on. Try to dodge his Q or bait his ult with yours. Btw, W can easily hit through his E and can also help vibecheck him through invisiblity. Try pushing alot when he is not around.”
LunarVortex says “Akshan can be a bit rough, depending on how good he is. You can never really trade with him, and if you miss Q, you will be in trouble. Buy control wards for prepare for his botlane roams.”
Callmebee says “Lights, camera, Akshan! Just like most AD mids, he is not an easy match up. Ideally, you will have a strong CC jungler that will be able to help you pin him down (as his mobility is quite high). Don't forget he also has invisibility on his kit (I know, I know..) when he is near walls, so, keep that in mind when you think he is not in lane. Keep your max range to farm and I would avoid walking forward unless you're getting a gank. Take Barrier.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Akshan is very oppressive early. You cannot fight him until you have zerks and vamp scepter. Play with
the goal to scale and hit your item spikes. Do your best to farm without taking too much poke or you will be
susceptible to ganks/dives. Don't stay in the wave because he will Q the wave, damaging you and pushing the
wave at the same time. The more targets his Q hits, the further it will go.”
Fuzzmonkey says “You out range him and can push him away with your E if he attempts to get near you. Don't use your burst combo if he decides to go in on you since his passive will deny some of it. Zone him out constantly using your Q.”
lonestar1870 says “I haven't played Matchup much.
He will often stand invisible next to wall and wait for you to E the wave, so never E the wave unless you know where he is.
Most of his damage is in his E and he can probably kill you if your stun is down. Play extremely passive any time your E is down. Be careful positioning near terrain since he will do a lot of damage on you.
You can get prio pretty easily in this lane whenever you need, plan around it
Similar to Lucian, try not to trade auto's early on
Get an early void staff (Second or Third item) since he will likely go Wit's End.
Phase Rush is nice so you can run away from him more easily since his E offers a lot of mobility. Electrocute is fine if you want more kill threat, but just play a bit more cautious since you can't run away from him very easily. I prefer Teleport to match his roams or in case I need to take a bad reset, but Ignite is perfectly fine.”
Coldsong says “Akshan is very annoying to deal with. Make sure to stand away from the minion wave so his Q does not hit you with its extension and ping when he roams. Also save your stun for when he E's since he will be very vulnerable.”
Desperate Nasus says “Pretty Much same Matchup as Vayne but there are some good and bad parts. First of all you cant really run him down due to his E which he can escape easily every time you try something without you being able to interupt it. Sadly to his Kit he can also take bone plating on his secondary Runes and minimize the damage from your E. Start Dorans Ring buy dark seal on first back and then go towards frozen heart if they are heavy ad otherwise go for triforce.”
itakute says “Dorans shield + second wind. Save windwall to block his PTA proc auto or whenever he decides to use E aggresively. He cannot avoid your EQ knockup without flashing so make sure you stack it up before fighting.”
PrimeRex226 says “Insane poke early game, almost impossible to farm against a good Akshan. Ask your junglers for early ganks to get ahead of him and watch out for his roaming. A good Akshan will punish you hard early for any cs you go for. Just try to q farm early but do not worry, you will end up killing him easily in later stages of the game”
MruW says “No one can mess with this Singed 1v9 Op build, so you can beat every champion, but you cant see every champ here because i got so fast in my next game so i have to go and 1v9 with this Singed OP build”
deavense says “Toxic ranged mid champ. Just start with doran's shield and play safe until level 3. Beg to your jungle and go for some roam if possible.”
BlockPad says “he always can oneshot you, take care. Poke him as you can and if he jump on you just Q + W but dont stay too much because he's passive is strong.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Extremely hard to out-trade because of his passive. I'd highly recommend keeping an eye on his auto attack timing, try and get a quick Q+W on him before he manages to get his passive shield off.
Level 6 is somewhat the same procedure, quick trades but with using your ult as well. Use your chain defensively against Akshan to stop him from all-in'ing you. You can also use your clone to block his ult too.”
CashLOL says “Very difficult to hit. His grapple hook is very hard to predict wait till he lands to boop him away with W. You do more in team fights but lane is difficult. Go for perfect farm.”
iZianni says “Pretty uncommon match up as well, it's just cringe because Akshan has access to items like Wits End in the mid-game that make you unable to one shot him.
You do however win early since your wave clear is superior along with personal space denying the ability to rope swing into you.
For new Vexs, this match up may be difficult for you since it is technically easier for Akshan as the skill expression is less taxing for him.
But once you hit 6 you should just win any 2v2 off ultimate along with W fear activator. ”
livikattt says “As an ADC, Akshan will be able to poke you a lot in lane with his autoattacks. Don't feel bad if you're behind in cs—as long as you're not 0/4 at five minutes, you're doing okay. You'll have to rely on reaction time to hit your charm on him when he comes out of stealth, as well as learning how to aim your charm so that it hits him during his E. Akshan is very good at roaming, so it's important you get some good vision and ping him as missing as soon as possible. However, it's Akshan, so he's pretty bad and you can generally survive lane.”
Miscake says “Akshan vai pushar e dar roaming. Em nenhum universo ele tem o range ou dano pra te matar na lane, desde que você sobreviva e seu time não tome ganks até seu power spike de Protobelt + Rabaddon ele não será um problema.”
xblademojo says “This is the kind of matchup where without a pressure from your jungler you will need to get more defensive items and sustain early game.
Going full Ap without sustain only with Good Jungler pressure, not a full clear enjoyers.
If His wave management is good and he isn't first timer either you can't really do much.”
Avucado says “He can roam well and deals a lot of damage. I wouldn't try fighting him just roam. His revive counters you if you get multikills so stay safe after using R. E to him or over him to force hookshot then you can R, he can jump off at any point so its not worth predicting most of the time.”
Urpog says “Akshan's auto range is *slightly* outside of Urgot's own auto attack range and if you try and flip him he'll use his grapple avenger boomerang thing to run away from you, his roaming potential is much better than yours but the lane is certainly winnable, I average 4 kills on Akshan in lane but then he doesn't really care about the midlane wave to begin with and he goes and generates gold for his top and botlaner, be proactive about shoving the wave.”
XayLies says “High mobility and such ways to kill you and literely be untouchable. You gotta get a good cc on him because he will use (E) Grappling Hook / Galeforce / Flash everytime you'll be nearby ”
mrmundo says “Ah yes, another 200 years champion. Akshan is one of those "non-traditional roles. He's ranged so you already have a problem. He can use his Q to harass, and his E gets him out of stick situations plus deals tons of damage. I'd say abuse his lane phase but getting up close, but don't take too much poke.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield in Resolve Second wind and overgrowth.
akshan isn't hard to play against after his nerfs,but it is pretty annoying,just wait till you're lvl 2-3 to do something
you can block his Q,E and R.”
Kords says “ADC created for mid lane, but works well as his OG position as top lane ADC. He has decent waveclear and great roaming potential. After he buys kraken the damage of his E becomes considerable. His weakness is that most of his dmg and mobiloty locked into his E and you can outrun his AA when it comes to teamfight or doing 1v1. Laning should not be a problem if you manage tol and your CC on him. Be careful in teamfights because he like to join late, killing weakened players to ressurrect his teammates which can turn the tide of the game as they are able to secure objects.”
Amiicia says “The best pick into kassadin,permaban or dodge him,he never ever loses 1v1 against kassadin simply cause his kit and itemization,shieldbow wits end+ad shield on q with very strong lane phase ”
ShokLoL says “Pretty hard matchup early game, he perma pushes you in and it's hard to trade vs him. Definitely have TP in this matchup and hope your jungle ganks. Save E defensively for when he tries to E onto you.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Take the Teamfighting build, and place many tunnels throughout your own jungle, your only chance is roaming and counter-roaming as he can completely poke you out of lane. ”
Coldsong says “Akshan has amazing poke and his damage with his passive is very strong. Make sure to stand away from the minion wave so that he cannot extend the range of his Q. Also, play aggressive if his E is on cooldown since the mobility it provides is broken otherwise. Also, if Akshan ults, make sure to stand behind either a tower or a minion wave to block it.”
SVS Raka says “Yasuo counters Akshan, as well as other marksmen. The only problem is that currently, Akshan became overbuffed and really strong pick. Just take Fleet Footwork and be aware of his E engages, after level 3 you will be fine.”
Avyxia says “Not too familiar with this matchup but is mostly syndra favoured if you don't waste your e as he can easily dive you and kill you in a few seconds if he lands his q.”
Kippari says “Annoying in lane and a threat later on no matter what, he's fairly easy to kill if you can get onto him but it's still safest to just try and poke him down.”
Impossible2Gank says “Although I haven't had the chance to test the matchup yet it should be even and easy to handle if you space your boxes out correctly in areas where he could swing in and out from engages.”
N0EG0 says “his Q keeps going as long as its hitting enemies so don't stand behind ur wave, stand by it. you don't really win this lane so your priority is landing to survive and become useful afterward. don't try to force too hard, preferably wait for your jungle, and remember to block his E with your R when your jungle ganks if possible. keep in mind his R can be blocked not only by other teammates but by minions and objectives as well. ”
King Turtle says “He's pretty powerful right now and he can follow you around walls and other leapable structures. His roam is pretty good and he's a problem with counter roams. Luckily he's still a squishy and can still be deleted. ”
Katasandra says “[1] Don't line up with him and the minions, his Q extends on them (much like trying to dodge your own Q)
[2] His E does a ton of damage, if he tries to use it agressively stop it with W. If you don't have W, don't walk up to him.
[3] His R gets blocked by minions and turrets. You can self R it, but do so after he starts firing the missiles (otherwise he gets a CD refund).
[4] In early levels you can trade with him with the help of your minions. In the levels 7-10 he gets the upperhand since he rushes wits end. ”
Thresh Mid says “Akshan, like many new champions in this game have a brand new mechanic that makes you scratch your head and question Riot Games, "Why?" His E, Heroic Swing, is a menace to you. Fast swing and does quite a bit of damage. His passive gives him a shield that allows him to mitigate your burst combo if he get his 3 hits onto you. As well as his boomerang that can poke you behind minions. Akshan is a new roster to the Thresh Mid's hardest matchups.”
ok0goi says “Not too many lanes played against him, but have played him so here is my breakdown.
You lose trades in the early levels, and he can easily escape using his Grappling hook
Side note: YOu can use your e to avoid some of his E's grappling hook shots
Look to all in when you are lvl 6, After he has used his important cooldown (E)
Recommended build: Immortal shieldbow
Possible build: Kraken slayer (If ahead)”
3Riptide3 says “Dodge his Q and you should be fine. You win this as long as you don't interact with him. Shove and roam. Take safe route back to avoid him ambushing you. ”
Vispectra says “Same applies for like every damn adc mid. He will hurt the hell out of you with his passive and probably block your damage with his shield. I don't think you should pick Kassadin unless you're planning on going the armor build or get ganked.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Ranged champion that deals much damage. Buy doran's shield and play safe. You can try to all in with your adc If you have Minion/gold/item advantage.”
InstalockVayne says “Don't trade lvl 1.
Bullshit champ with 2 passives on every skill just stay away and try to condemn him when he tried to use hes Grappling hook.”
KarmaFull says “Take anti poke runes and pray that your jungle comes. Be aware of his grapple. You can dodge his ult by escaping behind a tower, minions or a teammate.”
Boomblight says “I've played against him on PBE a few times and from what I can tell you hard outscale after 1 item. Play safe and try not to get poked too much until then. if he wastes his e dashing towards you, go for the all in.”
Zattand says “Akshan es un campeón que puede ser muy opresivo durante los primeros niveles, lo que hace difícil para Yasuo pelear en la fase de líneas sin algunos objetos clave. Su capacidad para controlar la ola de minions y aplicar presión con su Q lo hace muy peligroso, especialmente si lo dejas escalar.
Consejos para enfrentar a Akshan:
Espera hasta tener objetos clave antes de intercambiar:
En los primeros niveles, Akshan es muy fuerte, por lo que no debes intentar pelear hasta que tengas objetos como Botas Zerks y Cetrón de Vampirismo (Vampiric Scepter). Estos objetos aumentarán tu capacidad de sobrevivencia y te permitirán intercambiar de manera más efectiva.
Tu objetivo inicial debe ser escalar y obtener tus picos de objetos, lo que te permitirá tener una ventaja en enfrentamientos posteriores.
Minimiza el daño de su Q y farmear eficientemente:
Akshan tiene un Q muy potente que puede dañar tanto a ti como a la ola de minions. Si te quedas demasiado tiempo en la ola de minions, Akshan puede usar su Q para presionarte al dañar tanto a los minions como a ti.
Evita estar demasiado cerca de la oleada de minions cuando Akshan tiene su Q disponible, ya que la habilidad avanzará más dependiendo de los minions que golpee. Esta habilidad empujará la ola y además te hará mucho daño.
Bloquea toda su kit con Windwall:
Uno de los puntos más fuertes de Yasuo en este enfrentamiento es la capacidad de bloquear completamente el kit de habilidades de Akshan con Windwall (W). Si puedes anticipar sus habilidades, simplemente bloquea su Q, W (cuando se lance hacia ti con su Mochila de Golpe) y R (Revancha), lo que te da una gran ventaja al poder jugar más agresivo sin mucho riesgo.
Escala y juega agresivo después de la fase de líneas:
Si no te rezagas demasiado y logras conseguir los objetos adecuados, puedes empezar a jugar de manera más agresiva, saltando sobre él repetidamente y acabando con él cuando tengas suficiente daño. Cuando Akshan esté fuera de su W, ya que esta habilidad lo hace más difícil de golpear o atrapar, tu habilidad para dañar en la fase media del juego puede ser muy impactante.
Contra Akshan, tu enfoque debe ser escalar hasta que tengas los objetos necesarios para enfrentarte a él de manera efectiva. Aprovecha la capacidad de bloquear su Q con Windwall y no permitas que su habilidad empuje la ola de minions mientras evitas el daño. Si sigues escalando correctamente, deberías poder ganar el enfrentamiento al pasar de la fase de líneas.”
Zeekar says “Akshan has the power to kill you, both in-game AND irl, AND make your loved ones forget about your existence. This champion is so wildly frustrating to play against. He easily shoves the whole wave, has the powers at basically any point to kill you if you go for farm, and roams SUPER good when he DOES shove you in. Just play as safe as you are able. Follow him if you see him roam in a specific direction and make sure to SS. ”
zolamalo says “Keep your distance and poke him with your E to break his shield and pressure him during trades. Be cautious of his roaming potential and use vision control to prevent him from snowballing through revives and kills.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan is a free win post level 4, once you have a point in W. Don't skill W level 3 because your E will do no damage. Do your best to poke when you can without being too far up in the wave before this point. After this you can W or R (after 6) and you should win out on any trade.”
Chuleex says “Akshan can be annoying since it is pretty much adc mid, go for d shield and avoid his q, play passive on early game especially pre lv3 since his autos can proc press the attack very easy, once you have combo you can punish him with more range, if he engages with e you can look for an all in if low enough
The trick is to not underestimate his damage and play passive on early game
Try to kill him on tf so he cant revive people that is his mayor threat”
ShokLoL says “Akshan can be one of the harder matchups more for the map than for you individually. You have to give prio up to him early since he's so strong, but you will start to win trades with more levels + steelcaps later on. The problem is it's more or less a coinflip that Akshan can impact the map before this point and end up too fed to deal with. If he doesn't snowball you should easily outpace him in the mid game. Don't get caught too far up in the lane, and take boneplating + grasp in order to trade back defensively.”
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