In the Jungle 49.79% Win Rate95% Pick RateBel'Veth In the Jungle Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Bel'Veth in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “Always try to dodge her Q and use W while her E is active, if you do that, you can beat her in a 1v1.”
idontwannagoalone says “scales just like you, but does it better. surprisingly she's killable early on in even situations. still very annoying, can disengage and wait out your charm just to engage back in after”
chillhowl says “annoying. if you force a missplay you lose the game. always play with the pressure advantage of your mid, you only force play against bel'veth with a numerical advantage. never invade 1v1.”
Bella Ciao says “Stunning her during e stops her damage, but doesnt remove the reduction
Use awakened instantly so shes forced to e early
Approach velocity + expecting her invade important, dont let her snowball with grubs
Pheonix recommended
Consider ban”
SelfLOL says “(MY PERMABAN) This champ is so disgusting it pisses me off. Care for lvl 1 invade and of raptors steal. Can't 1v1 unless giga ahead and she missplays (misses w bad e etc) Wait out her e if u can. Jump over walls to prevent e. Scary with grubs and rift (prevent if u can) Snowball champion so deny if possible. Don't try to burst if e up. Buy Tabis. Can invade u whenever. Strong 1v1 .Gold reliant champ root in fights. Deaths dance”
mgutis says “Belveth is an extremely hard matchup, even in the hands of the BEST Karthus players. I recommend banning Belveth to anyone looking to play/main Karthus. ”
SkaterKidd says “Bel'Veth can outscale Maokai with her DPS and sustain, particularly in extended fights, where she will out-damage him. Bel'Veth's R - Endless Banquet deals True Damage and extra damage based off Maokai's missing health.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will do lots of damage to you but you beat her in the mid game pretty easily and can often times use your tempo advantage to take all grubs and rift from her. She could theoretically invade you but Bel'Veth players in low elo never really do that. It will take quite a while for her to out scale you.”
Jackiewawa says “Recommended permaban in Diamond+.
Extremely hard matchup who will look to invade you early if they're good. You will still lose even if you do the Dark Seal back, ping your laners for help. Look to fight her later in the game after you get items. Use your E to dodge her knockup if she dashes towards you, burst her early with your Q and R to force out her E when you duel her. Try to prevent her from getting 2nd grubs and Herald as she will gain her form from that + her grubbies.”
SkaterKidd says “Bel'Veth's Q - Void Surge and W - Above and Below give her strong mobility and engage tools. Her E - Royal Maelstrom provides sustain and significant damage output in a prolonged fight, countering Warwick’s healing with her own. Bel'Veth scales incredibly well into the late game.”
DoxxTheLeague says “bel veth if good will invade you early make your life hell since she wins lvl 3 if you miss your w which is hard to hit cause she as 4 dashes. you are stronger in teamfights tho”
zranyf says “I permaban her, I just hate playing against her with any champ, hard to Q because of the dashes, use empowered W not Q since you might not hit it, it's still playable I just hate her”
ScytherKhaZix says “sometimes it happens that Bel does invade lvl 3 on your jungle be careful, generally you have relatively easy trades for her, especially in the early game”
DarnuS says “Crazy champion, not so many people can play her right, but if played right its unwinnable. Her damage reduction on royal maelstorm (E) and her mobility makes it hard to deal with. She outscales everyone, gragas can still oneshot carrys and backline, but bel'veth in lategame is a demon”
kimijebac123 says “Hard matchup.
perma invades you and beware of raptor invades early game, try to catch her of guard while shes stealing your raptors and kill her after that you should focus on snowballing and not letting her scale, steal her camps and invade as much as possible. antiheal is a must, must dodge w if she hits you youre dead, also steelcaps are must”
orka4.sandraj says “Play safe. Dont fight with her alone. Never. She will make you think morgana is the worst champion in the game. If you miss your Q its her powerspike, and you will always miss, as long as she is not dumb or lagging. Although (for me) its the worst counter, you can defeat her with team more easily, as long as you wont duel.”
proxarius says “Really hard to deal with her invades, and can't burst easily due to her damage reduction on W. Also, she can run away from charm with multiple Q dashes, then go back in after it expires.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “BelVeth: Is extremly op in season 14.. Rn I ban it every game.. She can destroy you early and if she gets ahead she will destroy you in mid and late game too..... HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to stalk her and counter gank every time she ganks becouse you cant let her take anything”
Neekster says “This jungler clears slower than you. You will mostly have priority in levels and skirmishes. Always wait for him to cast his dashes before throwing your [E].”
masrigod says “Really hard match up, you can not jump in when she has her E and she is very hard to hit with a spear because of her many dashes and high mobility. Try to deny her souls by grabbing as many neutral objectives as possible. ”
Exxidara says “The matchup is all about he is dodging our q and we are doing his w if you can dodge his w its auto win till 3 4 items then he just outdamages and outsustain our champion later on but we can still be usefull”
Yomu says “Generally speaking, Bel’Veth is just better Briar. Briar actually has counter play and Bel’Veth does not, when she’s ahead. You should look to E her E because she’s standing still it could be a stun, if you can’t do that then just insta Q her E. Better player wins”
lolWillieP says “Super reliant on bel messing up. Prevent rift herald and grubs at all costs, and try to dodge his W in fights. I prefer just going AP tank for this guy”
DarkMareOfficial says “Although you technically counter her, in games usually such as SoloQ, your team will int this champion making it way harder for you to win against it.
Due to it's W, it can turn the odds against you in an instance.”
Maciejson says “When facing this champion, be cautious early as she can easily dodge your W with her Qs, and her E provides substantial protection. Try to deny her Rift Herald and look to fight her with Rhaast, being prepared to dodge her knock-up. It will be difficult to burst her with Shadow Assassin (SA) if her E is up. Winning the fight is possible if you can knock her up; use your Q to dodge her knock-up. Pay attention to the indicator to predict her dashes. You can one-shot her with SA if her E is down, but if her E is active, focus on taking out her team instead.”
huncho1v9 says “Extremely hard matchup. Need to watch for early raptors invade, she also has a strong level 3 invade. If you do my pathing (base with dark seal) and fight her at your blue buff, she will still win, unless you have lane prios and ping your team. A good belveth will punish Gwen early, but if you get past the tough early game, you can easily duel her later into the game. Zhonya against bel’veth is very powerful, Plated steelcaps could be incorporated into the build as well.”
Ejsner says “Her Q packs a significant punch, so it's crucial to understand its mechanics and position yourself where she can't freely land it. Dodging her W is key to winning early trades, and refrain from over-committing initially as it grants her a free angle for her E (which comes with damage reduction). If possible, avoid engaging her solo during her ult unless you're exceptionally fed. While there is clear counterplay against her, making too many mistakes can make it nearly impossible to win in a 1v1 situation.”
huncho1v9 says “- One of the hardest matchups. Need to watch for early raptors invade, she also has a strong level 3 invade. If she doesn’t get ahead early and is forced to full clear, the matchup isn’t that bad, and depending on your build you can typically space her and duel her. Can go either conq/phase rush, depends on enemy comp”
Kwayzae says “Bel'Veth is pretty easy to play against if you just invade her. You are stronger then her early to mid game until she scales up later in the game.”
One Stab says “You win early if u have Conqueror and jump on her first. Try to dodge W and hope that she does not use a good E. It's best to avoid her and approach her together with teammates. ”
Baby_Driver says “If she runs ignite don't get cheese by her early.
Your ult deals true damage, so it deals 100% damage through her E so keep that in mind.
If u struggle in this matchup, warden's mail is a great pickup.”
Fyir says “She has dashes to close distance onto you and gets high damage resistance from her e making her difficult to kill. But you can kite her with your w.”
Mignognium says “Tuer la tôt, empêcher la d'avoir trop rapidement sa true forme en faisant les objectifs top, ou sinon bon ff 15, -30 LP. Et attention ! Même quand Terminus sera nerf ce sera toujours pareil. ”
astral 1v9 says “really unplayable, cant hit a q ever on this champ and her e literally nullifies your ult. She has several cheese invade paths which u can do very little about. Can raptors into your gromp while ur on it and give cancer. Can also start on your raptors and split the map. against a good belveth u are almost garunteed to skirmish early game. If belveth is good in the meta this is a decent ban ”
IvernGott says “Bel veth is a high mobility bruiser that can Invade early into the game making it very hard for Ivern to scale into the game. She can just walk into Iverns jungle and clear it while Ivern has to wait for it to get ready for his Passive. After a kill/Objective she also can jump over walls making it even more easier for her to Invade his jungle. Her ability to dodge some dmg makes it harder for Ivern and his teammates to kill her + it is an execude.”
FiletedMinion says “You are both late game monsters, but you will out damage her early and mid game IF YOU CAN CATCH HER. Always take E max second with her. You need to shut down her Q or her E (which has damage reduction on it AND heals).”
DjapeFromSerbia says “He's similiar clear speed to yours, you won't be able to invade her at her last camp, you should be able to prevent her from going on you in river. Just play range, and be aware that she can dash 4times, 2times towards you and 2 times away.”
Cookiemanman says “Bel'Veth is a very strong champion. It is very hard for Volibear to reach her due to her Q dash ability. On top of that she scales very well and it is very hard for Volibear to fight her later in the game.”
X3mHills says “This champion has 5 jerks and hard control, along with a reduction in incoming damage. Additionally, she is mobile and can quickly get close to you. Therefore, it is advisable to play as the second number after your teammates and avoid initiating E-R combos to counter her.”
Mabujo says “The Empress of Nothing (litteraly).
Hard to fight early, with a bump and healing that over classes the damage than can be dealt. Fear and run. Unless with a teammate, and even then, you are squishy. ”
astral 1v9 says “not completely unplayable but this champ is not fair and u can't do much about early invades. too many invade options as well she can raptors to your gromp or lvl 3 invade you or late invade its just too cancer.”
rakiri says “Avoid fighting her 1v1 unless she's handless, otherwise she can just kill you with no counterplay even when 0/6 if you're not playing perfectly”
HawkSP says “Bel'Veth's dashes make it difficult to land Ivern's Q, and her mobility allows her to quickly close the gap, making traditional kiting strategies less effective.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “❌Ban: Interesting
After just a few of her Stacks apparently, she starts becoming not only a Hyper-Carry, but an Unkillable one (and this is where the problem lies). It's most likely just impossible to Win against Bel'Veth JG, if our teammates are reckless and aren't aware of how this Champion functions —based on the most absurd Snowball potential in the game.”
Roo5021 says “Hard to dual alone, and she is very incentivized to contest objectives. She also out-scales. Try to CC in team fights if you can get on her with her dashes.”
X3mHills says “Take Conqueror in your rune setup and try to avoid 1v1 fights. You are stronger in the midgame, but not as much in the late game. It would be wise to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass. This is the match where Tempo wins.”
Tortizzy says “Bel'Veth is tricky, she can destroy you, but you can also destroy her - it's up to who plays better, you never beat her in early game, but later you can oneshot her with your ult
The key to winning is to dodge her CC”
Fennixas says “Champ is just broken currently even tho you can still kill it in your ult its gonna be extremely annoying to play vs it so recommend banning it.”
RuinedJG says “Bel'Veth is an interesting matchup for Hecarim, I play both champs and I personally think it's an even matchup if played correctly from both sides. Her early game dueling can be beat if you space your Q's properly, if you don't, she beats you. Her E give's 42% damage reduction level 1, scaling to 70% at max rank, meaning you have the ability to kill her much easier early game than any other stage of the game. Her Q CD is quite long early since it scales off her AS, so if she uses her Q in one direction, she likely won't have it up again during early skirmishes. Post 6, it becomes hard to space Q's since her autos have increased range when she gets her true form (after takedowns on neutrals or objectives). Play for early game wins and make sure to contest her at top side neutrals (Baron, Rift, Void Grubs) since she gets 3 minutes of true form from them instead of the usual 60 from dragons and player takedowns.
Conqueror or Phase Rush work against her.”
Fennixas says “Champ is just broken currently even almost impossible to kill it since it will just run you over and tank all of your damage my permaban is belveth.”
Kayn Ruiner says “She is stronger than you at the beginning, she is an auto-hacker, she has a save from your procast. Wait for her to dig in and press ulta.”
kcjackal__ says “Champ is really annoying to play vs when behind they will normally look to invade your blue side after a 3 camp clear of their red side.”
Pro8l3m says “In early she will allways beat you in 1v1 fight bc of her strong E but after six level u can dodge her E with ur R and u should kill her. Also watchout for her scalling”
jajkopajko says “Tough matchup but winnable. You cant win 1v1 if she gets close, she has great dps and some tankiness at the same time. 1v1 you just try kiting towards an ally and eventually you will outscale her.”
loganrichards says “Generally speaking, Bel’Veth is just easier Briar. Briar actually has counter play and Bel’Veth does not, when she’s ahead. You should look to Q or E her E since it is her best spell. Sideways W's to dodge her W is THE KEY!. If she ever gets close enough to hit you with Q for free. You've made a mistake
Better player wins”
Exxidara says “its just almost impossible track her jungle clear and even if you track it its just end up she is either surviving with not burning summoner or anything thats why its my primary ban currently”
garbocan says “Bel'veth is very strong into Ivern due to her slipperiness. It's very difficult to land Q on her, even while she's slowed due to her abundance of dashes. Even if you land root, it has to be before she gets close or she can just cast E while rooted.
Ivern has no real way to stop her from landing W on him, and hitting Q on her during her W cast animation does nothing, as she will just dash into you right after.
Ivern also gets hard outfarmed by Bel'Veth as the game goes on further. ”
PrestigeGalaxy says “She can use her Q when you self taunt to drag you under tower or lure you towards her team. In addition, her E ability negates a lot of your damage.”
Destruuu says “Bel'veth will run you down If you can't deny her entire early Game, like Herald, Dragons etc. Don't make her get a reset when she is 6.”
Valkidol says “She is an extremely strong ganker and if she catches you off guard in your jungle during your first clear she can kill you. Played well you can beat her, and you outscale at 2 items.”
OakIgu says “She is a Hypercarry and gives quite a lot of trouble to Udyr, Frozen heart will be the best item to do against her after you finish your standard item BUT you really need to stun her when she enters the ground because its allready hard to deal with her and if you don't cancel that ability of her you gonna have a much harder time, also she chan jump walls all the time and has 4 dashes! so its hard to keep up with her. All of this also is the same for Master Yi”
RedViper1308 says “In early game you win against her. Put out your combos, wait for your cooldowns and go in again. If she get´s too fed tho you should fight with your teammates and cc her as long as possible. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “BelVeth needs to scale by farming lots of jungle monsters. You can delay her power spike by attacking her in her jungle or by stealing her camps. If you are not strong enough to do so, then play around those allied champions who have lane priority.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “BelVeth: Is extremly op in season 14.. Rn I ban it every game.. She can destroy you early and if she gets ahead she will destroy you in mid and late game too.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to stalk her and counter gank every time she ganks becouse you cant let her take anything”
DarkAuraLOL says “One of the hardest matchups. You want to avoid 1v1ing her at all costs, usually play opposite side of her, respect her invades, only play to fight her with your team having prio and helping you, make sure you know if she used her E or not early, cause she can block all of your burst with it. After form you should be fine against her though, still very tricky matchup, she can dodge your combo with her dashes, she can eat all your burst with her E.”
GreekosSparkos says “Jungle - Basically Viego but better. Be'veth if allowed to gain a lead early will snowball the game just like Viego, especially post 6. She will likely 3 camp into invade and she will beat you. Theres a chance she priorities' herald the moment it spawns so watch out for that.
Atlascrower says “She can 3 Camp redside solid and invades afterwards, which can get really annoying for you, as she will always survive a duel due to her E. But she isnt the strongest early, although you shouldnt underrestimate her all in.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a stronger dueling kit than Bel’Veth early/mid game, due to Briar’s self healing that is pre-mitigated(Passive,W(2)) —> This allows Briar to Withstand most of Bel’Veth’s E execute damage. However… Bel’Veth Void Corals scaling, Mobility(Q+W), R infinite True Damage and first strong items can make her stronger than Briar later on in the game. Briar has a way stronger early stat check and similar jungle clear speed as Bel’Veth.Recommended to contest early Heralds into Bel’Veth, this denies special R transformation for sieging.
Coccaa says “Save your pillar for her E to instantly cancel it. Early game you can kill her so many times she will have no chance of coming back. If she's hyperfed then just run ”
MusicJG says “She can statcheck you if her Q is up.
Ward raptors so she doesn't late invade them.
You can kite her, save your E to dodge her W (knockup).
If she hits W she can kill you/make you burn ult.
Play to deny her herald, farm and make sure you're level 6 for it.
Herald is the main objective she wants to fight for.
fiddlefilia says “really annoying if she gets advantage early, still stronger than you in all fases of the game, try to win your lanes and dont 1v1 her in any moment”
TheBougis says “Bel'Veth is very strong thanks to many Attack Speed augments and items. Without her ult form she is very killable, but once she gets it (meaning either you or your duo died as her form resets between rounds) it's pretty much game over. (Note: Frozen Heart is very good against her)”
EagleXs says “She can W your W engage, making her have an easy time countering your all-in, and her mobility makes her able to keep you in skirmishes longer than you might like. Later in the game with more utility, it should be easier to kite her out, but her dps is still a threat”
Turnupthetoaster says “She's not as broken as she used to be, but still a very difficult matchup for Rengar. Regardless, if you know exactly what you're doing, this matchup is nowhere near impossible. Still tricky though.”
Zero macro says “Bel'Veth is a strong bruiser with a strong jungle scaling clear that excells even better on early herald fights. Ekko has the tools to match her once reaching level 6, thereby it depends on whom dodges Ekko W / R and Belveth W. Ekko R/W are good stat checks against Bel'Veth E and thereby Ekko can take over the game easily when ahead.”
theloaf says “Bel'Veth wants to be in your attack range to E and get her true damage off. Save your Q or R to break the E channel, otherwise you will get melted.”
Zero macro says “Bel'Veth has a decent early game combined with a strong late game. Nidalee can lose her kite early on due to Belveth Q charges that allow her fast gap closer, thereby it is mandatory for Nidalee to dodge Belveth W. Bel'veth also has an anti burst cooldown that does increased damage and healing into lower health enemies. Nidalee has to make sure to be way healthier due to ranged poke in order to engage freely.”
Zero macro says “Shen is good into Bel'veth, But it is only due to Shen's protection tools in teamfights. Depending on the lead shen can deal with Bel'veth solo, aslong as Shen blocks Bel'veth E with his Shen W.
Becareful of Bel'veths better clearingspeed than Shen.”
Zero macro says “Bel'Veth has a strong damage reduction ability(E) that denies Zed from bursting, Zed should try to burst Bel'veth on high Self HP and poke her with Q's. Bel'veth E has more value when used against low HP targets. Having a lead over Bel'Veth makes the matchup way easyier due to Zed R interaction with forced Bel'Veth E.”
metalhydra273 says “On paper this doesn't seem too bad, but without your ult she can eat an e stun and deal a lot of damage back with her own e. She's also suprisingly slippery with her q and can be quite hard to tag down. Stop her from dancing around and you should be able to pick her off, but without your ult be careful, especially if she dodges your e. She should be beatable early game, but remember to watch for her w giving her a burst or escape windown.”
NegativePhoenix says “She's one of those champs that's hard to get away from but not impossible. If you can avoid her W for a dash reset you're in the clear most fights if you need to escape. Save your Q, W Remount or Ult for her E so she loses her damage reduction and healing. No matter the build though if you get too far into late game, it's over.”
TruckDriver says “REALLY frustrating to play against, out duels Lee Sin if she has cooldowns until you get some items. make sure you prevent her from getting rift heralds.”
MrFerrot says “Weak early, but scales into an unkillable 1v9 monster. You can use ult to stop her tempo, but you can't really 1 shot her due to her E's damage reduction. Play for DPS (conq) and end the game as quickly as possible. Counter-ganking works well against her.”
Apari1010 says “Early she can dunk on you but after you get Rhaast, this becomes fairly easy to fight against. She does outscale you however. Early on be sure to deny her rift heralds so she can't get her R passive off of it.”
support_diff says “Can't do much to you when you invade, it is really important to not let Bel'Veth take buffs early because her passive stacks with them”
BradJr says “She has similar strengths to Viego, but Viego has the ability to outplay her. Try to play around your E, bait out her knock-up and all in her (clone rating (9/10)”
ttvRegedice says “Her Q does tons of damage so understand how her directions work to position where she can't keep Q'ing you for free. Dodging W is all you need to do to win early and avoiding over-committing right away as it gives her a free E angle (E has damage reduction). Avoid fighting her in her ult if possible solo at least unless you're extremely fed. She has clear counterplay (dodging W) but if you make too many mistakes it's nearly impossible to win against her in 1v1. She will try to invade so check your raptors or ward entry points if you're starting blue. This would be an "extreme" matchup if she wasnt so dependent on W to kill you early.”
LeonAtreides says “Bel'Veth is dangerous because she is an overloaded and annoying hypercarry champion and a simple mistake can let her to become a pain in the ass.
Counterplay: She's really not good at teamfights, you can screw most of her spells with CC and she is mostly squishy. You pretty much steamroll her.”
Borinn says “Try to get objectives before she does. This will make her spike delayed. But she can carry late game easily if she snowballs so be careful.”
Virizion says “Difficult to catch out as she either dashes away or heals hard with her E if you dont burst her fast enough. Spell shield her W and you can kill her proc the fear when she uses E. Try and end the game fast as she outscales hard.”
Hazardist says “Bel'Veth's high mobility will make this an intense matchup especially in the mid to late game. Save your Dark Binding when you're far from her or she still hasn't used her dashes, and when being offensive try to stun her with your ult first to guarantee landing your Q afterwards.”
Intropingman says “AA scaling attack speed champion, you beat her easily unless she is fed. She deals a lot of true dmg what is bad, but you just kill her faster than she kills you. If she build a lot magic resist,qss or black cleaver she beats you, but normally she has better items to build.”
PerfectPower says “Really hard to contest first Rift Herald without your ult. You also can't cancel her E unlike Master Yi meditate. Wukong also struggles to kill her due to her immense amount of dashes. ”
tradtrad says “Hard outscales you and can duel you early with all her Q's up. Similar to Rammus she is extremely weak without her spells, especially her Q's and E. This makes he liable to getting killed on invades if she gets lazy and uses her spells to clear camps while you can invade her. ”
Majd1 says “Bel'Veth is one of the most difficult + boring matchups. This is because of her high mobility due to the many dashes she has making it unable for you to land a spear. Moreover, she has a knock-up to cancel your Cougar jump. She also has a damage reduction ability that makes it hard for you to finish her off. Be wary of this and try to kite her and play around your team's crowd control to make sure that your spear connects.”
1Strike says “Another example of graves being stat-checked. It is not a 5 because you can beat her early. Particularly if you take ignite her, and Ignite her during the damage reduction phase.
She is a 4 because if she gets fed and builds kraken/bork she will oneshot you. If she goes tanky, she will outtank you and kill you.
It's hard for you.
ARealFakeIdentity says “With the amount of mobility and damage that Bel'veth deals, you would be unable to 1v1 her early or late, instead aim for counter ganks preventing your own team from dying and do not give her a chance to scale, communicating to your laners when you try to contest Scuttle crabs may also be useful.”
GiAEcchI says “Bad jungler, you out trade her all the time with ignite, wait for her E (It would make her standing still) to make it easier to use your W.”
checca says “Zac and Belveth have a unique matchup where stacking armor can be very beneficial. Items such as Thornmail paired with Aftershock can be a powerful combination as it will cause Belveth to kill herself with her own auto-attacks. However, caution should be taken when Belveth is ahead, as she will have a high chance of winning. It's best to wait for Belveth to cast her W before using Zac's E. A wise Belveth will hold her W to cancel out Zac's E, so be mindful of the relatively short cooldown. Usually, this ability will be up once or twice during a skirmish.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. If she tries to dash on you, press E quickly before she can do anything. You can take her out from team fights or deny her E damage by using your combo.”
lovicoaching says “ Farms well, ganks fine, invades fine, scales fine. Just annoying. The champ is pretty broken and universally hated. The only saving grace in this matchup is that if she doesn't get neutral objectives you can start running her over pretty fast.
Cover level 1 invade, ward for level 3 invade, contest dragons heralds so she doesn't get her form. ”
Davecraft16 says “In my personal opinion this matchup is about who gets ahead first. You can easily dodge her w with your q. She has more dashes than you but she can't jump over walls like you do (unless she is in her final form, don't fight her in her final form).”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Bel'veth favored since she can build botrk, Kraken and out damage you mid to late game. You can invade her with your team if they listen.”
BeanybumBag says “Not as bad as Rammus, but her burst damage is extreme and can get you below half before you can do anything significant to her, especially with her E. If you're ahead in items, you can potentially snowball, but very dangerous in an even match.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “2022/2 NEW. I fear I don't have enough data, and it could be also that the Champion still doesn't get enough Main players to be considered. So far, I've been mostly impressed by the combination of Bel'Veth and Yuumi, basically because I myself have been playing Yuumi SUP and Buffing Bel'Veth JG with: Summon Aery, Shurelya's Battle Song, Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water...; Otherwise, I think it's a relatively easy Champion for Lulu to counter. As Lulu JG, just play carefully and make good use of Lulu's kit and her great potential on Team Fights and Skirmishes.”
Ch1llss says “Not much experience but doesnt seem too bad. Only issue is the true damage ignores your armor but she should be dead before she can do much 9/10 times”
Kukiziuu_ says “If your playing assasin you can easily 1v1 her, if hers E is up try not to go full combo. If your playing Rhaast shes free until late game. After Midgame she can just shred you so try to get her behind as much as possible.”
Bhyure33 says “You can beat her 1v1 at early game, but she can become a problem later on, especially if she has allies with cc. If her team has little cc to protect her, you shouldn't have a problem. Try to kill her first in teamfights, as possessing her is powerful.”
Lasine says “Disgousting broken champ. Outscale you and she can free farm versus you. Pray to have prio in lane to be able to invade her. Otherwise go 15.”
another player says “Another early game monster, Twitch early is like caster creep. Try to avoid jungle conflicts. Bel'Veth can be outjungled by your teammates.”
RedNBlue says “Bel'veth is going to be a person you obviously don't want to feed. But also don't let her farm too much and obviously as usual counter gank.
Try to take a big raptor and a few smaller guys early game to put her just a little bit behind to the point that if your playing Jungle correctly will turn into a larger deficiency.
Watch her scaling.”
zotet says “Avoid her as much as possible as she will melt you if you give her the chance, avoid 1v1s unless she is low level or undergeared. When she activates ult play very passively to avoid her. To gain teh upper hand make sure to invade early as she will avoid fights until level 6.”
Riccardo126 says “Can mitigate your burst dmg, knock you up and get behind your E wall to dmg and kill you before you even get to do something.
Actually is even the best jungler of the patch”
Der Bestimmer says “She can outsustain and outtrade you, especially if she gets ahead early on. Her Knockup and Dash make it hard to reach her. She will counterjungle a lot early because of her fast clear speed so be aware of it, when you show on the Map.
If she gets ahead she outscales you hard.”
MythicalMinute says “I've come to slowly hate fighting Bel purely from the fact her dmg reduction is insane, if you can time your stuff with her reduction on cooldown, you will win. If she is good and saves it for you, wait for teamfights.
Bruiser (Tank Oriented) is good.”
spuki97 says “The champion is annoying to play against as you need to save your jump to escape her E. That gives her time to run away. Don't blow your combo on her E. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese strategy ”
PiscesPomf says “With her dashes, she can dodge everything, and when she gets close she can use her abilty to deuce damages taken to tank a lot and destroy you. She scales really well and will be faster and have less cd on her dash, so it's a real pain.”
Voidling13 says “Bel'veth is very deadly. This is because of her high attack speed. If she has blade of the ruined king the persent damage is very hard to deal with.”
Tiger-Moose says “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH. Try to save your R to knock her up while she's in her E just like how you handle Katarina R. Bel'Veth does too much damage and becomes practically unkillable if she presses the E key. She does an obscene amount of %current health and %missing health with her Kraken Slayer and Bork core build that will make you reconsider being born.”
Kao_Oak says “Shit champ, it's basically a yi with more tanky options and a bruiser playstyle. You can beat her in 1v1 if you can dodge her Q and soak her E with your W but be careful about her damages.”
RengarNBush says “My Personal ban, really hard to do anything about her since she has 70% dmg reduction and can stick on you if you jump on her. Unplayable and can beat you even if you are fed.”
Doubtfull says “Bel'veth is a tough match up for us because of her potential for sustained DPS. This is a match up that you're going to want to look out for. Don't let her get herald if you can avoid it.”
Doubtfull says “I don't have too much data on the match up between bel'veth and Lillia. Theoretically, though, I could see this match up being Lillia favored. You can use your movement speed to ensure that you don't get hit by bel'veth's W, and you can run out of range of her E. This should be a minor match up, I would imagine.
Another thing that we have going for us, in this match up, is that bel'veth is unlikely to invade us level 3 as typically she likes to full clear. This lets us full clear easily and feel good about that. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “Extremely hard, she has 4 dashes, even if you invade get early lead, its so hard to kill her. she can literally win 1v1 against you even if you have an early level lead on her, she also scales 100x better, cause of her build, overall just perma ban this champion every game”
Goddyr says “After she gets some Kraken Slayer she will become even with you since her E gives her a lot of Attack Speed which will start dealing True Damage on top. My advice is to bait her E and then stun her right after so she doesn't get enough value to melt you down.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Can dash out of the way of your E plus out scales you late game due to her True Damage and Damage Reduction. Try to get your team fed to kill her late because of her weak early game, she has trouble ganking and is forced to farm.”
Der Bestimmer says “She is a bit threat 1v1 and in Skirmishes when she gets ahead. Try to steal her camps safely, track her and hope your lanes don't feed into her.
She outscales your Tiger and Pheonix Builds pretty much all the time. So end fast if you can.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush. Dark Harvest is viable if you're feeling confident.
ITEMS: Zhonya's is core here, Plated Steelcaps if against full AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: In a way, Bel'Veth is really similar to Master Yi for being a fast AD attack speed skirmisher with strong kill resets on teamfights. Respect her stick potential with her dashes to avoid fighting her alone early game. Use your mobility to kite and dodge her knock up, avoid her ult bursts and to get out of her E.”
Metallichydra says “Bel'veth has a lot of 1v1 potential, making her very dangerous
She also shreds tanks pretty easily.
Take her camps often and don't let her scale.”
JeffJoehnsen says “Belveth is not really that hard for you her early game is not existable against you just e her and finish her.
Just be careful in the late game because of her true damage with kraken slayer and her multiple dashes”
Yuki H. says “In terms of combat, she has her Q to dodge your cc as well as her E to negate all burst damage. However, her early game isn't the strongest and 2v2 3v3 skirmishes are in our favor.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Invade her early. Bel’Veth is very weak and easy to invade. If you cannot invade her early, steal away her camps when she shows elsewhere on the map. Denying these camps will prevent her from getting stacks. Counter gank her whenever you can. After she has used her core abilities, she doesn’t have much to offer. If you have CC and are good in 1v1s or 2v2s, you should have an easy time counter ganking her.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL.
broken ass champion. you can tame her, however... don't fight her if she is fed. If she is too dangerous you might as well save your stun for her maelstrom so she won't heal or do damage. She still takes reduced damage though because it keeps going.”
Suseri says “Has alot of dashes which can be annoying but you should be able to keep up with her. She also needs to stay close if she plans on fighting you in where you should win since her only CC ability is very avoidable and DPS wise you win anyways since you're Yi.”
Pusi Puu says “really broken champ, unplayable unless her E is down. If she E's, kite away from her. Afterwards you can re-engage and kill her. Play with alot of movement so you dodge her W. yes”
SnowballBarrage says “Belveth is AP nunu's 1-2 worst matchup contested with Rengar. Her E absorbs all of your damage, she has 17 dashes and a knockup to cancel your abilities as well. Play away from her always.”
Porjn says “Belveth can quickly become a monster if not watched, try to keep pressure early by ganking and taking objectives while she is weaker. Protecting squishy teammates in teamfights is a necessity because her % missing health true damage ult can melt your health bar.”
lumihehe says “my personal permaban. just because this champion is so incredibly busted right now, and regardless of how you play she will probably end up getting fed off your team and 1v9ing simply because of how much better her champ is.”
BlakeXStrider says “can close the distance to you easily, but you can just as easily punish her by knocking her into a wall if she mispositions while trying to catch you. Get good at kiting and Bel'veth shouldn't be a threat to you”
RedNBlue says “Bel'Veth, is not very hard to kill early as Trundle, if you don't kill her early and she gets kills, then you might have a problem, I would go for a life steal build, she gets really hard to kill when with her teammates later. ”
Salmon Kid says “Belveth's q works really well against Lillia because of the way that she kites. This allows Belveth to stay on top of Lillia even when she has max stacks. Belveth also scales better than Lillia and Lillia has no non ult hard cc to mitigate Belveth's E which is a difficult trade to justify. Lillia has much better early and midgame tempo though as Belveth is also a full clear jungler and can beat her in most 2v2 and 3v3 fights so long as she doesn't get a reset.”
[Bel'veth is a Vayne-lite with way more attack speed and less way to kite you. She's more of a Kraken Slayer Jinx than of a Vayne. Her attackspeed becomes fabulous at one point that your taunt makes her take so many damage. Lategame, your W drills her HP bar when she uses E. Make sure to R her knockup if you're in a bad situation, but she can still manage to catch you with her dashes.]
Dinox1976 says “I find it hard to play against her. Even if you have ur W it won't be enough since we aren't building Thornmail. Get a lead early on and focus on the objectives instead of pointless fights.”
ThatsTheGodyr says “I easily lost the 2 games I played against Bel'Veth . I felt pretty weak. You can't really outrun her an you cannot escape her E. Banworthy”
Dojyaan says “Scales really hard. Could be invaded dodge the knockup and if you got just surprise hit during the invade you would win. Probably should ignite her when she does her drilling move so she doesn't lifesteal.”
metalhydra273 says “Bel'veth is slippier than you may think. The little cc she does have can prove annoying, and her many dashes will help her stay away from you and dodge your e's. Her own e will be pesky in stalling while dealing good damage. Take advantage of the early game, as you can beat her early 1v1 in spires and potentially set up counterganks to put her behind. If she reaches the late game however, expect a formidable front liner you may be tasked with dealing with. It's mostly up to her to outplay you, so be patient and look for your cc windows to get her killed.”
Salmon Kid says “Bel'veth used to be really hard, but she's so squishy in the mid game now her biggest threat is simply perma invade/split map which is hard for Lillia. If you can minimize the damage through good vision and pathing, this matchup is very playable until she is full build.”
lolBlender says “I actually like this matchup even though the winrate on stats website would say otherwise. Make sure you farm early and dont int for grubs. If you are on even items you are winning against her. Also SAVE YOUR E and use it at melee range. Most Skarners will lose this match up because she will cancel your E with W and then youll be caught out. But she can never go in on your teamates if you have E since you can combo her from 100-0.”
Marelack says “Ward ur blue side river. If she does raptors into ur blue u knew it. And u run into enemy blue side jg but carefull about lane states. ”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Bel'veth is Briar but better overall.
Jokes aside, her lategame is unbeatable unlike yours and digging her grave can be a bit hard but you have a stronger earlygame.”
Hazardist says “A ban-or-dodge type of matchup. Bel'Veth has infinite dashes, AoE on every single ability, becomes unkillable at the press of one button (E), and if that wasn't enough: she also scales better than Yorick. There's simply no room for outplaying her as Yorick, so either ban her or dodge the game.
Runeset to take: Phase Rush.”
ElPablito says “A good belveth player will contest you on camps early and put you behind with raptors lvl 1 or any lvl 3.
Ping your team for wards on entrance level or camps.
And maybe even trap her on one or your camps because if her q s are down she can’t really escape from you .
In mid-late game just jump or her back line and avoid her in fights.”
DandouGR says “she beats you in any state of the game just try to avoid her and not fall too much behind, you outvalue her if you play your teamfights better ”
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