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Volibear Counter Stats

Volibear Counters
Discover all champions who counter Volibear. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Volibear in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,015 Tips for countering Volibear below

Top Lane
51.61% Win Rate57% Pick Rate Volibear Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Volibear in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

misterbig says “can be difficult matchup cuz this champ is broken, always W his Q to prevet him from stunning u and landiung his E. if he doesnt have stun W his E. only take short trades since his 2nd W heals him like crazy. He will perma splitpush so try to proxy and roam to figght before he can do anything. just dont feed. can lvl w lvl 2 to prevent him from onshotging u”
Nocturne Toplane by misterbig | Nocturne Player
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Shield or blade is fine (you may take ignite) Volibear is an extremely oppressive champ and great at running down Aatrox. You want to really avoid getting hit by his E Q as you get chunked heavily. You need to use your Q's superior range to hit him and kite backwards. Level 6 if you take a bad trade it's very difficult as Volibear can just ult you and your tower. You'll likely have to ult and use your MS to speed away from him. My best advice is to just poke him whenever he tries to AA a minion until you feel comfortable enough to all in him. You do NOT want to be on his side of the lane for too long, Voli run down potential is extremely disturbing. ”
Horrible Aatrox Main Gives You The Bare Minimum by SemenDrinker | Aatrox Player
Frankoloko says “Go Second Wind, Revitalize & Shield, the combo is insane against his shock poke. After that either Bramble or Liandries/Rylai. I tried Bramble once but your damage spike is SO SLOW with Shield & Bramble. I think going Liandries first is best to get some damage. Liandries is good here because he is prone to a lot of poke & he builds a lot of HP. When he ults, you have to wait for him to land before you ult! I tried going Exhaust + Shield + Liandries. It's fine but the fight is super close and since you lose lane early you mostly lose the fight. You need anti heal I think. Could be a rare Ignite + Exhaust case?”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player
Banzi says “Play aggressively early but hold ur e for his q NEVER get his twice by his w hold ur q and e when Voli r's until he lands ”
Engage + Value build - Tresh off-meta by Banzi | Thresh Player
IvanBeifong says “When he Q runs at you, try to always E away when he's casting the stun on you, that way you go out of the circle of his E, do short trades, when he W you, go away until the mark is almost away. be careful on early, has really high damage. Good ult, good damage, and nulifies turrets.”
Skaarlschloch says “You should try to fight him lv1. The early 1v1 is really close and you can win it if you play it well. Once you get Tiamat you should try to avoid laning and roam Voli will braindead split for the rest of the game”
Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea) by Skaarlschloch | Nocturne Player
LilPicky says “(1st rune page start blade) lane very unplayable, go for trades when you have passive up and try to not let him stun you, second wind for the perma poke from his passive when he autos”
Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version) by LilPicky | Camille Player
Niemi says “Only tricky part about Voli is his passive and the fact that his ultimate will disable cannons. Play back from your wave when he gets his passive 5 stacks, or try to force him to back away. If he just hits the wave and slowly burns your health guess what will happen...”
Thresh Unchained: Dominate Every Lane! by Niemi | Thresh Player
Skaarlschloch says “You will usually win lane but you really outscale him in Midgame and you can matchup his push OR even outpush him”
How to get Diamond on Noc & Seju Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Nocturne Player
smrgol says “Bait him to Q and chase you into your trap, W root and punish the living s out of him. Place a couple of traps behind tower after lv. 6 to get ready for tower dives.”
Jhin is 4 top by smrgol | Jhin Player
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In the Jungle
51.61% Win Rate41% Pick Rate Volibear In the Jungle Counters: 39 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Volibear in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

DoxxTheLeague says “if hes tank voli its free ap a bit harder just run when hes using his r you can dodge it easily if you have 4 stacks you are also faster then him when hes chasing you with his q you can go rylai here too.”
Doxx's OTP Lillia guide (GM JUNGLE OTP) by DoxxTheLeague | Lillia Player
zranyf says “easy in 2v2 if you fight with a figher / assasin (he can't heal a lot with his W) In a 1v1 you should win before 6 if you E his E”
Pantheon 1v9 jungle build [S14] by zranyf | Pantheon Player
kimijebac123 says “hard/annoying matchup. snowball is a must against him, you can go both PR and conq rush eclipse isntead of boots first”
Kimara's Hecarim Build 14.16 by kimijebac123 | Hecarim Player
Nyxxx says “If he gets ahead, it gets hard but you can burst him down late game before he can W twice.”
Viego by Nyxxx | Viego Player
ScytherKhaZix says “Volibear usually does 3 camp clear and tries to gank or invade, rarely does full clear. Try to avoid his E and then you have a good chance in the early game to win trades with him”
[14.14] MASTER Kha'Zix 5.2M POINTS Jungle Guide by ScytherKhaZix | Kha'Zix Player
orka4.sandraj says “Will probably never have a chance to get to you. If you miss the Q, block the stun with your E, you can also use your E on his lightning to minimalize the damage.”
Full AP Burst Morgana by orka4.sandraj | Morgana Player
y every name taken says “Overstatted and will deal a ridiculous amount of damage with only tank items. Chempunk or Thornmail is a must buy. Do not expect your turret to save you from his turret dive.”
Vi Matchup Notes, Tips & Tricks [updated 14.14] by y every name taken | Vi Player
BaronLunar says “Voliber é díficil pois ele é muito tanue, mas a com o tempo você ganha.”
Cerberus by BaronLunar | Naafiri Player
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Volibear is weak when you invade and take his jungle early on. Once he's gapped he will have a hard time to get back. You can easily one shot him when he is behind.”
[Season 14] (Patch 14.13) Neeko Jungle by Neekster | Neeko Player
lurutin says “Avoid 1v1, be careful with his W cause it heals a lot, is hard to kill early but you destroy him later in game. You could maximize your E.”
[14.13] A true Wuju master by lurutin | Master Yi Player
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