Mid Lane 50.65% Win Rate96% Pick RateAhri Mid Lane Counters: 44 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ahri in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Hot Chocolate says “i stg this champ is so easy to fight just watch out for charm and jg ganks bc that ult can clear ground fast”
star zall says “This matchup, it can be Extreme or Major depending on her comp and yours. If she has Vi or Nocturne, it's very easy to die after lvl 6 onwards. If you have Vi, you can easily lock her down with your cage. If the Ahri is good she is gonna push from lvl 1, so you have to try to match her wave clear.”
zzeuzin says “Go full early game setup (comet or grasp) + ignite, zone with your barrels when she 40% ~ 30% of her life, try to close the distance and passive + q + ignite will kill, dont take the charm near the tower while poking.”
TheRealYashas says “her level 6 makes it hard to get a solo kill, but largely immobile pre 6. get wave under your turret, and look to trade when they are pushed up”
zSmoke says “Ahri is an easy matchup, she can pocket you quite a bit but as long as she doesn't give you the charm the lane will be pretty decent, the playstyle is to rotate a lot to get an advantage”
PetriciteLoL says “Most hand-shake matchup ever, you usually farm unless they mess their charm, You can try to keep fighting and trying to buffer your E2 with her charm.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Skillshots skillshots skillshots. Boots on first back is crucial. Try and slip in a Null-Magic after you buy Catalyst. Make sure to ward your river and PING whenever Ahri is missing as she is deadly to your side lanes. Most your spells are targeted so the three dashes shouldn't be a problem. Just play inside your wave when she ults to block her charm. Once charm is gone, just rapid fire spells on her. FoN 4th if you're building tanky.”
Cepatrol says “Take shitty trades, non stop harass her with Q, dodge her charm with pure skill if cocky, if not just W it, it's her main source of damage,”
xumi_k says “She can escape with her R easily. Don't fight under her tower when there are no minions and she has her charm or you're not sure. Still, you can bully her on level 2 with landing E and stacked passive, as Ahri players usually get their charm on lvl 3. Keep in mind that her orb deals true damage on its way back, so you won't reduce it with Mercs. Still, if she's a threat, buy mercs and wit's end if she's not an only AP champ.”
Tamikaze says “I find the Ahri matchup quite easy. It's similar to most of the champs on this list, dodge the E or dodge the lane. If you can't dodge the charm reliably you will struggle greatly in this lane. That is Ahri's only opportunity to hurt you in lane. Notable tips: Her ult has 3 charges, and if she receives a takedown, she gains another charge. Most Ahri's will ult than immediately charm, so be ready to either dash away or step out of the way. Her W level 1 is than yours. ”
MattStyle says “Tiene buen daño pero todas sus habilidades son relativamente sencillas de esquivar.
A partir de lvl 6 es imposible de gankear.
Su roaming es lo más problemático. Siempre avisa cuando no esté en línea e intenta wardear el río. ”
j4ss says “Not a threat at all, her passive healing is not enough for your W. Easy matchup, she can't kill you. Just try to avoid her charm with E to win trades and you will be alright.”
Tatsurion says “i bitch about her but really, the range will keep you safe from her bullshit, get behind your minions as well and youll always know when shes trying to charm you, after 6 she kinda doesnt care about you and will roam around for kills, the laning phase is annoying but nothing crazy
take burst, if the team comp allows ”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
(Cosmic insight)(Magical Footwear)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
Counter with: [Verdant]
*contest the push, if she uses abilty on you and not the wave you will have minion advantage so always do that, [Lucidity boots, Mercs] can help with her pick-off potential*”
y every name taken says “Her abilities travels in a straight line, and your Q travels in a straight line... so that's inconvenient. She is also extremely hard to catch when her R is up. Very annoying.”
gimmelovej says “You absolutely need to dodge charm. You can do this with W or by placing yourself at an angle with the minions where you can E in close to the enemy while dodging so you can use your W for another passive proc. If you dodge the charm I promise you win the trade 100% of the time in lane.
dommakarov3 says “If you're against a good ahri player it's pretty even. Try to bait out one of her abilities before you go in. If she doesn't have charm, you automatically win trades.”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long sword start.
She's got some mean poke. Look to dodge her E (after 6 with R if you want to engage)as it let's her easily land a full combo. Her Ult can be tricky to play around. Best case scenario you can bait her r, but good ahri's will either use it when they're sure they can kill you or hold it to escape yours.
WEQ into R helps to follow her. Setting up your shadows to block her escape path is also a valid strat!”
BC1970 says “Ahri isn't a big problem, her ult can be stopped by your cage, but if you're not attentive she can escape pretty easily, or use charm to burst you.”
BrMario1011 says “Not the worst matchup but very fucking painfull, her charm cancels ur w, she two shots the wave with half an item, and she roams as good as u and she can dodge ur W with R and W, also you cant really play safe against her lol funny champ (CANCER CHAMP) (MY BAN)
go phase rush,second wind and tp
Dorans ring”
Viktorias Secret says “Good match up.
She has same range as you but with less damage, her E is way easier to hit and use than your W and she has good mobility after 6 but you outrank her on everything after 2 items. Do your best to dodge her E and you shall be fine.”
Shifty says “You win this lane. Beware of Ahri roaming to get kills. Do not follow her. Punish her by taking waves and plates. Once you get Trinity Force you take towers really fast.”
SanyGame says “[Arcane Comet] This is the most basic mid lane matchup possible. Place turrets outside of wave so she can't clear them and minions simultaneously. She can't really charm you if you're standing behind minions or turrets. If she tries to all-in you with her ultimate, run back and forth around turrets so she can't hit her charm, and save your [E] as she can easily dodge it. Other than that, you should easily outrange her with your [W] poke.”
esluz says “Very slipery and hard to kill never use your E2 if she has charm up, try to bait the charm with your W or R. After 6 be carefull of her roams as her R makes them pretty strong”
sick204 says “When facing Ahri as Yasuo, certain strategies can help you navigate the matchup more effectively. Respect Ahri's poke and mobility with her abilities, especially her Q and ultimate. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Ahri's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Ahri's charm (E), which can set up kills for her or her teammates. Utilize Wind Wall to block Ahri's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Ahri when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on health, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Quicksilver Sash to mitigate Ahri's crowd control.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “For me, Ahri is easy to win againts, its just that she may have the upper hand at roaming so it's even. BUT TAKE IGNITE! Harassing her pre 6 is so easy, you just need to predict when she uses her charm which imo is easy to predict.”
SkandalloTV says “Her W move speed makes it hard to hit her during laning phase. You should farm to get at least one item. Your ultimate is very strong against her since she'll take the double damage if she tries to ult out of it. W her charm to avoid more damage. Whenever she goes in, in a team fight, you should ult her to create a cage and punish her.”
otaliz says “Mercury's Treads is a great item against Ahri when you go with Rod of Ages's build. If you go with Shurelya's build, Banshee's Veil is your third item. Even if you're doing the Rod of Ages build, Banshee's Veil is an option if the enemy team has more magic damage. Try to dodge her abilities and flash her E, if necessary, on an enemy gank or a possible all-in from her.”
Foxirion says “Ahri is a major threat to Swain due to her mobility and crowd control, which allows her to dodge Swain’s abilities and keep him at a distance.”
Desperate Nasus says “Bad matchup early levels and since you have only 22 starting Magic Resistance the matchup can be hard. However if you avoid getting Charmed by her E and never getting full combo'ed you should be fine. Stand behind minions and farm safely until your level 6 and Blasting Wand. Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
michaliis says “GO DORANS SHIELD EVERYTIME. Its the worst nightemare for Yone you can try to dodge but skilled ahri will charm you and spam you out. Try to outplay her by trading with her to level 6 so she needs to go more recalls than you (she will miss more xp). So you will hit level 6 first and go all in try to kill her. When she hits level 6 its basically impossible to kill her because she will dodge everything.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Try baiting Ahri's W before engaging in basic attack trades as it provides a lot of upfront burst in the early game. Note that you prefer extended trades so even if you get bursted you should keep fighting since Ahri has high spell cooldowns.
Positioning around minions is very important so as to not get caught out by a charm, though try to keep enough of a distance to not get chipped by her Q.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
If you can land Qs and chunk her, you will win and have pressure in lane. If she gets a charm on you then it's the opposite. Once lvl 6 don't try to trade as much, she can just gap close with ulti to get a good charm. Play for long range Qs to chunk her with your ult and the matchup's shouldn't be hard. Usually poking her in lane makes you win this matchup.”
xXOoMcNastyoOXx says “if not played right Ahri can be an extreme threat. Her charm can pull you out of mid air and cause you to not land your E. This removes the E,Q, W combo, and any combo that starts with E. She also limits you to initiate with Q.”
awawa says “Keep distance against her so she cant W you ever. Punish her roams with your fast waveclear. Everfrost got removed so she dies at all stages of the game :)
Keep in mind she can Flash+E you, though.”
ShokLoL says “Ahri can be bullied a lot before level 6. Make sure to position behind your creeps as the only way she can win a trade is to hit you with a random charm. You absolutely destroy this lane 1v1 with comet, but especially post 6 you have to be super aware of the enemy jungle/support.”
ShokLoL says “Ahri can be an annoying lane early because it's difficult to melee Q onto her if she holds charm, and she can bully you from behind the creep wave. Focus on neutralizing pre 6 and start to trade aggressively when you get dirk. If you have phase rush, sometimes you can QE her from range then immediately proc phase rush by melee Qing a creep next to her, and use this to dodge charm to run her down the lane.”
ShokLoL says “Ahri is pretty easy to bully all lane phase, just try not to get caught by a random charm or die to any ganks. Make sure to save your E defensively to disengage from her jungler.”
vannilja says “You can farm for free in this matchup and possibly kill her. Cast E on her when she walks up to last hit. Shove waves and you'll be chilling.
Do not stand in the wave because then she can Q you while also pushing (she gets more value out of her Q) but always keep a minion between you and her to block her charm.”
Soft Headpats says “Ahri often runs Electrocute, which she can easily proc with just her W and a few AAs thanks to the MS boost. If you space her properly, you can bait her W out at level 1 and get an early push on her. In general, you should try to position yourself behind a minion or two so that she can't land a charm on you.
As long as you avoid her charm, she shouldn't be able to solo kill you. You don't want to stand in the middle of your minion wave either; while she can't charm you this way, she can freely push the wave with Q while fishing for poke on you. Your poke is much stronger than hers early on, so you should look to harass her early and keep her from CSing when her abilities are down.
Ahri's strength lies in her ability to catch people out and set up kills thanks to her low ult CD and charm, so she'll often play with her jungler by shoving and roaming or setting up ganks. Make sure you set up vision to track her and/or the enemy jungler. ”
ShokLoL says “Pre 6 just make sure to position behind your creeps as the only way she can trade on you is to hit you with a random charm. Otherwise you can just focus on farming and pushing the wave. After 6 she’s much stronger and she may look to all in if you waste key cooldowns. While Ahri isn’t super strong 1v1, she does has very strong gank setup, so be careful if you don’t have flash or don’t know where their jungler is.”
Deceiver_euw says “This matchup early game gets decided by her E blocking your W. Your counterplay to this is being patient and waiting. If she uses her charm first you can dodge it. Another way to play around it is to W in different spots and not just face first into her since she will always use her charm as a reaction to you using your W and if she does not use her E like that, then she will be too late to stop the dash and your W damage will go off and you can also W back instantly after. ”
paynehunter says “Skill matchup, play safe early, go for a cheese e auto lvl 1, if she wastes her q or w on minions. You can also dodge her ability with your e while also landing on top of her for the slow. If you can proc electrocute and lvl 1, consider all in at lvl 2.”
ShokLoL says “Ahri can be bullied a lot before level 6. Make sure to position behind your creeps as the only way she can win a trade is to hit you with a random charm. After 6 she’s much stronger and she may look to all in if you waste key cooldowns. While Ahri is weak 1v1 she has very strong gank setup so make sure to play carefully around your vision, especially if she has no flash.”
vSomnia says “When she uses Q or W on the wave or misses on you, you have a chance of trading with her. If you land Q and E with Hail Of Blades you will get passive proc off, even when hit by her charm. And win the trade, dont get harassed and play with courage.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Ahri is a safe pick for mid, she can play agresivelly with u because u didnt have movility, but if u play well, it's not a dificult matchup.
Try to avoid his E to all cost, if u wanna play safe, scale and have escape evolve ur Q, if u wanna rotate and help your team evolve ur E and always push him. (I recomend evolve E because Ahri have a good waveclear).
Runes: Aery with Scorch or Gathering Storm / First Strike.
Spells: TP.
ESP: Ahri es una elección segura para MID, puede jugar agresivamente contigo porque no tienes movilidad, pero si juegas bien, no es un enfrentamiento difícil.
Intenta evitar su E a toda costa, si quieres jugar con seguridad, escalar y escapar, evoluciona tu Q. Si quieres rotar y ayudar a tu equipo evolucioná tu E y siempre mantené push tu linea para tener prioridad. (Recomiendo evolucionar E porque Ahri tiene una buena limpieza de oleadas).
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Ahri, she will poke you with q, try to avoid it, it's not an hard lane, just try to bait her E and predict her movement when she W”
sethpls says “Annoying annoying annoying. She's gonna bully you pretty hard. Might be worth it to take HOB so you can trade with her garbage design W. Un-killable level 6. Farm and roam.”
Kikife says “Due to her charm skill, Ahri can be an issue. Once you've juked it out, look for an engage with W into E and proc PTA asap. Returning a failed trade is an easy way to shut her down early before she becomes an issue.”
gaarrett says “Sustains through your Q poke, shoves the wave faster, and can ult away every time you want to trade after level 6. Boring lane, look to roam. Stand away from the wave so she has to choose to either shove with Q or poke you. [3/5] ult to take, dashes are nice but they don't reset like Ahri's. Each cast gives a passive stack. ”
MukiiBaa says “Matchup is even because ahris need to stand still to cast Q so you have small window to throw E W combo. She outlanes you but you are more useful to the team if she dont get ahead. Rylais will cook her in team fight if she gets caught and she will have to R out”
149Gray says “Try to go for a Q on her while she's last hitting minions. Dodge her Q's and her Charm or Pool it if needed. When her Charm is down, you can play more aggressively. Also, there are situations where you may want to prevent the opponent from crashing the wave under your tower, and to do that, you can stay out of the wave, so they have to choose between using abilities on you or the wave.”
hankxddddd says “dobra ahri = niegrywalne trochę tyle powiem dodguj ile się da po 6 lvlu jak ahri nie trafi charma możesz jakos spróbować all inowac ale no będzie dosyć ciężko ”
Axsanea says “[EN]
This is tricky in the first 3 levels, and depeding how you play it out it can become easy match up, or hard. Avoid getting a lot of poke, and look for all-ins, once she decided to use his Q, or W to farm.
if everything goes wrong, play for level 6, and at level 6 you surely win.
Este es complicado en los primeros 3 niveles y, dependiendo de cómo lo juegues, puede resultar fácil o difícil. Evita recibir mucho poke y busca all-ins, una vez que ella decida usar su "Q" o "W" para farmear o pushear.
Si todo sale mal, juega a nivel 6, y en el nivel 6 seguramente ganarás.”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is bad. You should never be able to land you Q on Ahri she can always use her W to reposition and out shoves you pre 6.
Go Everfrost with Phage Rush. You are looking to match wave clear and match roams. Don't trade with her she out sustains due to passive and has a better all-in. Once you have Everfrost. You can look for R-> Everfrost-> Q-> E.”
SurferKiller says “You can't solo kill her because of her Ult. And even if she ults, she still has flash. Try to survive the lane. Practice dodging her charm. Pay attention to her if she roams, tell your team and check if she uses ult, when she is back in lane, wait for her to miss her charm then all in. You can also bait her ult by fake all inning with your W.”
KazunaSan says “Leger désavantage mais possibilité de punir les erreurs très facilement PRE 6, assez difficile à tuer après lvl 6
jouer start Q comète pour poke et gerer la lane ou start W électrocute pour OS avec un combo flash plus tard.”
Desc069 says “This will work for most mages mid : just farm till having at least dirk and lvl 5/6 , after this point u can punish any mistake and os or at least kill them in 2 times , if u fall behind its really painfull to play ”
FrostbiteMW says “Ahri is a very squishy champion, with that said, she is not that hard to kill. Farm up to level 6 and go for an all-in. However do care, this is a skill match up. Ahri can easily predict your ultimate, with hers.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse her early game and get an advantage. After 6 shes getting problematic. She will perma push and roam or threaten an all in. Just try to match her push and perma poke her.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Her range is about the same as ours, so if you dodge her charm and ball it should be easy.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can outpoke her. Just dodge her charm and orb and lane should be easy.”
Shinbae says “Довольно слабая против Зои, особенно на моменте когда Ари миссует свой чарм, она становится лёгкой целью для того чтобы отправить её спать и снести ~60% хп”
Hexeria says “[Ahri will constantly try to poke you and keep you out of the game. You also cant really engage her alone, due to her mobility and her E.] [Try do dodge her Charm and watchout for the Q, since it deals true damage on its way back.] [Go Dorans Shield + Second WInd, farm as much as you can, play safe, play with your jungler and try to roam as soon as you shoved the wave into her tower.] [Youre stronger later into the game and should kill her pretty easily.]”
KissKat says “For me, it is very hard to kill this fox when played by a skilled player, and she can one-shot you if you can't dodge her charm. During the laning phase, try to stay as healthy as possible; once you reach LV9, push the wave in and roam.”
Prefexx says “This could be a rather hard lane depending on how skilled the Ahri is. Don't engage her unless you know her skills are on cooldown. The best time to engage is when she misses her charm combo. Play it safe and remember she can interrupt your ult with a charm then combo you down. Farm under tower if you have too. Wait for her to be out of mana before you engage.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat because we can dodge her skill not a lock-on skill and with our rocket belt we can follow up her R when we slept”
cyb3r1a says “Runes: Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Scorch, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection,
Mercury Treads rush in this matchup. When Charm is down you have a 14 second window to trade with her. Be careful of her gank setup if she has an aggressive jungler.”
Halkem says “Ahri is really tough early. Avoid trading unless its really free and stay healthy. She can match your push really well. You scale really well against her mid and late game, since you can lock her down with R, negating her mobility.”
Iceyou says “take ignite she is kinda short range dodge the q , stand behind cs so you wont get charmed . Play with your e just like xerath so you wont get timed charmed during your all ins . after your 6 she won't die get the push and roam . ”
liqulabouse says “Difficult one cause she will have the priority with her Q. Also really hard to kill cause of her movement speed and her 3 R that will bet her out of your soldier range. Nerver forget that her E cancel yours, so try to get some different angles when you want to go in.”
The Milelator says “Her Poke is quite annoying. Make sure you don't get too low and stand behind a healthy minion to avoid those charms. If she is really good, you will never kill her in a 1v1. Once you reach lvl 6 push waves and roam. Late game she just continues to annoy you. If she gets anything but liandries she will never kill you. Force of Nature very good vs her.”
Hikkinnado says “Scaling champ. Useless rly, you outscale her and when she gets her r just bait it , get poked and all in just when her r is on cd; you can dodge her every spell beside w.”
ELFREPO says “Objetivo en la linea: Sobrevivir, buscar una kill pre-6 si es posible, no caer por detras y avisar al team de posibles roams. TIPS GENERALES: Ahri tiene un early algo malo ya que se queda sin mana, su daño no es la gran cosa, su curacion es muy lenta, y no tiene movilidad hasta lvl6, sin embargo su cc hace que yone no pueda atacarla sin tomar el riesgo de comer cc y daño, obligandolo a estar bajo torre esquivando las habilidades de ahri. DESPUES DE DOS OBJETOS PUEDES GANAR SI ACIERTAS UN CC EN ELLA, SIN EMBARGO DEBIDO A SU R ES DIFICIL. TIPS EN COMBATE: NUNCA LANCES R SI ELLA TIENE LA SUYA PROPIA, simplemente la va a esquivar y despues perseguirte si es posible. TAMPOCO LANCES NUNCA TU Q3 hacia ella si ella tiene la e (el charm) ya que te vas a comer su combo entero y morir o quedarte a 100 de vida. Busca baitear su e y luego haz un tradeo corto o un all in dependiendo de la situacion (sobre todo de si tiene r o no) Sacarle farm no es de lo más facil ya que tiene un wave clear bueno con su q, sin embargo un ahri promedio tiende a fallar su basico asi que tu concentrate en farmear mientras te pokea. MAXEAR E ES BUENO PARA TENERLA ANTES DE QUE ELLA RECUPERE SU CHARM.”
garlicbread69 says “fairly easy matchup if you start longsword+3 pots. you let her push the first few waves and when you hit level 3 you can all in her by setting up your daggers”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a really hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Midgame you can just outpush her and roam. Dont randomly use your Q since she can jump over it with R and all-in you.”
Allyooops says “matchup is okay just dodge charm make sure you are not ulting her when she hasnt used r yet she can dash out of the range. Do not take phase rush into ahri!”
FrostbiteMW says “She has a similar playstyle to you. She wants to poke with her Q and lock you down with her E. Your spells are easier to hit in lane tho and she has to use more mana, making you win in the long run. After 6 she can easily all in you tho, so be careful. 100% dont use R if she is in range and has R ready, because she will just kill you. ”
Tokiyami says “Ahri is mostly a skill matchup but a little favored towards Ahri because she's ranged its mostly Ahri favored until lvls 4-6 and then Akali can actually start playing the lane. Just watch out for charm when all inning this champ because it can cancel your E or mess up your combo.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban but winnable and don't need to dodge, playing peel build is good here, if your team has no reliable carry then just dodge.
Really easy for her to kite you and kill you
She does true damage ontop of her high mobility so it's very difficult to play vs a good Ahri especially when it's an ahri building correctly.”
OShowGath says “Lane difícil, foque no poke com o Q e mantenha a wave recuada. Após o Lvl 6 lembre-se de usar o W com inteligência.
Sempre que ela errar o charm vai pra cima, se errar o Q recua, se acertar full combo.”
FlopQueenEra says “Ahri has decent sustain through her passive ability. Which grants her health upon hitting enemies with her spells. Additionally, Ahri's Q ability, allows her to poke from a distance, making it difficult for Sona to trade effectively without taking substantial damage in return. But we know that sona can deal big damage on early, so sona can poke her”
Glitchgun says “A good Ahri is so annyoing! Before lvl 6 it's alright, but when she's lvl 6, she will just all in you under turret with ult, dodge all your feathers and escape turret easily again. ”
Lindroganti says “It's stupidly easy for her to outplay you. Her dashes keep her far out of range, and she can poke you relentlessly with her Q. The worst part is that her charm cancels your W and she can get away as your empowered autos expire. If necessary, you can flash over to her after you've been charmed to empowered auto her while you still have it up. The main way to beat her is to avoid poke, and bait out/dodge her e charm. Flash over the e if necessary. However DO NOT flash while in W animation. It will cancel the stun. Always remember that she is a BURST mage, always try to trade back damage for damage, and your all in is generally stronger than hers as long as you block something. Luckily she is extremely squishy.”
Sapphiretears says “skillmatchup if she utilizes her Ult well you´ll never solokill her
Wait for jgl and try to get a lead pre 6 she´s no threat whatsoever at any stage of the game.”
stormraided says “Avoid her Q, if you can't then try to avoid her second part Q. Stand behind minions so you don't get hit by charm. Her ultimate in teamfights is annoying but it should be fine if you don't die to her early. You can bait her charm by using your Q on a dying minion and jiggle to the left/right. Then engage using your Q that cooldown got lowered from killing the dying minion.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Try not to take too much poke damage from her early on, and avoid her charm when initiating. Use your W when charm is down for easy engage.”
FlopQueenEra says “You can harass this fox on early. You can definitely 1v1 to her because she is pure skill not like YOU, you have magic basic attack. but be careful because she can dodge your ULT and dodge your ball using her ult.
J4SP says “This is a skill matchup. You want to use your R to avoid her Charm and save your W + Flash to chase her when she pops ulti. You have to be careful to use your shadow to avoid damage from the 2nd hit of her Orb because it does true damage. Stay away from being poked in lane, use Q to farm if necessary, and if you win trades you can all in and beat her. She really isn't a hard lane if you know how to play it. The hardest part would be avoiding her Charm by going untargetable with R while the missile is coming towards you, but with practice you should be alright. Cleanse can be a good option for SS here.”
OOBLEXX says “I think her E is way too risky to play into for such an immobile champion like Cho'Gath. She just has too much mobility and will run circles around you causing you to miss too many abilities for it to be worth imo.”
ChronobreakEkko says “Just a really annoying matchup. you might beat her easily in lower ranks, but a good Ahri will always win trades if she holds her charm until you try to engage on her. Try to be smart and dodge her charm with E, stun her with W from fog of war. Hard matchup but probably the best one out of all the mentioned hard matchups. Some Ekko mains would not even consider her as a counter.”
support_diff says “Ahri has a great combo damage and you can't poke her with your auto attacks without getting hit by her Q. On the other hand, you have better cs early and she will have hard time killing you if you don't overextend”
tangerrine says “Ahri can be really annoying, but is honestly a fine matchup. Take cleanse to avoid dying to an all-in with her E. If you can avoid charm in general, then you win most trades. Try not to ult her when she has her ult, as she can dodge it and then re-engage UNLESS it's her last dash, then feel free. Bully her and shove waves to prevent roams or just to take tower, but make sure to ping when she's gone and get vision.”
Sh0ppe says “MAGES: Can zone you out of fights sometimes but generally pretty squishy and vulnerable if they have no abilities up, just watch for Zhonyas”
Rechima says “easy pre-6, avoid her charm or try to bait it out then engage. post-6 since you don't have any cc it'll be hard to stay on top of her as she's very slippery with her dash.”
TheBougis says “Not many people play Ahri from my experience but she shouldn't be hard to kill once she doesn't have her ult. She can burst your duo however, so as long as you heal you duo you can win against her.”
TheFakeMord says “U will never really kill her, and she wont really even kill you. She moves around too much for Swain to do anything. But she dosent do enough damage to kill her. Go for EW when u can. Thats about it. Watch out for charm. Remeber all ins will probably not work cause she will run away from your ultimate”
BigFatCat909 says “This matchup should be even in most cases, but i consider it minor as Ahri should never be able to out farm Zed, aswell as never being able to kill Zed without him making a mistake.”
1st fizz on mars says “bully u bcs she is ranged in high elo can be dshield , and this champ in even bcs she have tons of escape and high elo also hard midlnaers bcs roams a lot ”
Zero macro says “Kog'maw has a fairly easy time in lane, but has to be careful of Ahri charm and skillshot trades. Thereby Ahri R allows her to gapclose and make ganksetup really easy into Kog'maw.
Recommended to run Cleanse.”
serrafim says “She used to be super easy to fight before her rework, but now she has become a gigantic pain in the ass. Try and trade Qs for a trade. She outperforms you in alot of aspects, like roaming, laning, and scaling. You can still E1-Q-E2-RB-AA through her charm, but this matchup is very rough right now. Her R (Triple Mini Dash + Mini Fire) give's her more safety then your ult, so you can all in burst her. ”
lolzayno says “Personally I thrive a lot against Ahri as she doesn't really apply much pressure if she misses her skill shots. Good ahri's will be aggresive early game by using her W to deal early poke and to proc electrecute. As long as you dodge her charm, you should be fine. Look to poke her by bouncing your q off the minion wave so it splashes onto her.”
DepresedEef224 says “Ahri is pretty broken. With three dashes, you can't really catch her if you are winning, and can't run if you are losing. Wait for ganks, move around the map, and get the cs you can.”
BradJr says “Effortless matchup lane wise. You will just want to play passive and outscale her. Make sure you don't push waves too hard, as you are vulnerable to ganks with her charm set-up, especially early.”
combinius says “Ahri was one of the hardest matchups and now with the dumb static she's even worse.
Early game: keep your distance and use abilities to farm
Mid game: with rylai and ult you might kill her but her ult is pretty good to escape.
Late game: she still can escape from you so be careful and dont let her one shot your carries.”
Actt says “Pretty hard to lay your hands on her. Space well and dodge her E. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
anniebotna says “She has a bit of range over you, but in order to all-in she has to get within your range, and since she tends to be squishy,.. So it's because of this I think this matchup tends to be more on the even side.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Lane matchup isnt to bad early game but becomes a issue with her high mobility of w and ultimate. Most Ahri will just perma push with Q and w and roam. You have high kill potential on her during laning phase. If you dont kill her before 6 the match becomes extremely hard. You need to get a lead”
Braimyy says “Pretty fair match up, you will only die if you get charmed. As long as your positioning is good in lane and she doesn't freeze you are in no danger.”
IggyBoom says “Ahri is quiet a skill match up since you can't just W around like a maniac. You must always watch out for her charm since it can stop your entire engage. On the other Hand has Ahri not enough damage on early levels to kill you.”
spicy ricecaker says “The idea behind this lane is that you want to all-in ahri while ahri wants to get into the mid game and provide utility for her team.
Your strategy is much better than ahri's in my opinion, since you massively counter her champion. You can block every single one of her abilities with windwall. Not to mention, when ahri tries to trade with you, if she uses her q she'll push the wave into you, giving you a long wave to run her down with.
That being said, some of the early levels are annoying, since ahri has a lot of poke while you still don't have your full kit. For this reason I recommend going d shield or at least second wind.
During lvl. 1 most ahris will take w and try to poke you out. In response, you can take e lvl. 1 and outtrade her. Lvl. 2 is a bit iffy since she'll have charm and w while you still don't have windwall, so take care during this level. Post 3 and every level after that you'll become better and better than ahri. You can use the eqw combo (using w during your dash after you have q) to get free trades into her.”
Sword Dance says “Ahri, deals early a little bit more damage. You probably can't ever kill her, unless you dodge her charm. Get push once you can oneshot backlines and roam.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q and E]
[Don't let her proc you with her W]
[Don't get outplayed when she is lvl 6]”
NickLeVlach says “Pretty easy since you outrange her in the early game, once she hits level 6 though. If she is one trick ponny, main ahri then knows how to win you. Also if cant hit her and you look afraid, you'll be dead on level 3 - 4. Then make sure you ( building the Pussy build ) always save your E for when she decides to go aggro on you (dashing)”
uwuimsocute says “One of the better matchups for Varus - take Cleanse if you are uncomfortable with it
You win at all stages of the game against her, try an extended trade level 1 if you have LT, you will win that”
Anguish333 says “- Don't let her proc Electrocute in early game with Auto-W-Auto
- Try moving in and out your minion wave, so she can't hit her E, and you can bait out her Q
- when trying to proc passive on her, after using shroud try sidestepping her charm with bonus W Movement Speed
- Make sure You don't all in when she has Ult or You can't burst her”
HellboyDante says “Very hard to kill her. Her charm CD is much lower than your W. She is super mobile, and will just shove you under tower slowly chunking away at you.”
Jg_diff says “I've experienced Ahri only being an easy matchup most of the time, but you have to really dodge her abilities to make her recall for lack of mana. She will make absolutely great damage if you underestimate the early damage. Also BEWARE OF THE CHARM”
Sosan says “Take cleanse, try to stay behind minnions so you dont get hit by her charm. If you do get hit use Cleanse immedietly. Her R is annoying, but if your fast enough you should kill her no problem.”
Cryniu says “Ahri usually plays to clear the wave and try to kill you or roam. It's very important dodge her skills and roam with her. If you are suffering in laning phase, Mercury's treads will help you to dodge and to have tenacity for her charm. Keep your distance against Ahri and try to poke her slowly because she can attack you faster.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Skill Matchup. Try not to let her roam, as that's one of Ahri's greatest strengths. Push in the wave hard on her and follow her around to let her know you are basically watching her.
Wraithlander says “Good Ahri will always save her E for when you try to go in resulting in a lost trade. Play to outscale, her ult is really good to steal in team fights. Early mercs is good and can allow you to completely negate her charm once you have legend tenacity and unflinching stacked.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “onsider Roaming: If you find it challenging to win the lane directly, consider roaming to other lanes. Neeko has strong ganking potential with her crowd control abilities and can influence other parts of the map.
Build Adaptations: Consider building items that provide magic penetration or burst damage to chip away at Ahri's health. Morellonomicon or Liandry's Torment can be effective choices to mitigate her sustain.”
Thehippyguy says “People who play Ahri have her as a figurine in a cum jar and need to uninstall. It's not impossible but not fun since her triple+ dash will just make her a cancer safe pick”
South Z says “Ahri is the typical mage matchup where Cleanse can be a very good option if you're not confident. You can cheese a kill or two early on, but focus on roaming after hitting level 6, as she will become as slippery as you - if not more - once she gets her ult.”
EL ZUDO says “after lvl 3 start with the trades be careful of charm at 6 if she wastes it u go all in and kill her ye its relatively ez just play according with her cds ”
ardizzle says “Ahri will try 2 different strategies to fight you. She will either shove the waves and look to catch you with a E - Q - Ult - W. Or she will try to freeze, baiting you to step out of position and chase you down the lane with Ult and charm.
Try to keep the wave in the middle, bait charms to get good early trades. At 6, clear the wave when it is safe and spend your free time getting jungle and river vision. Once Ahri figures she can't kill you, she will start roaming bot. STAY ON TOP OF YOUR MIA PINGS.”
Edwwardo says “I've actually rarely faced Ahri but she has a lot of movement so can be hard to hit. Keep hard track of her charm and you should be able to E charm and you should be fine”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
blood choice.
Dodge charm and you should be fine. Watch for her health sustain and try to make her waste mana.
Don't Q into charm.
She will run you down at 6
Consider banshees.”
Deru says “Ahri is difficult lane due to her heavy poke early game and generally being hard to catch after 6. Either stomp her before 6 or roam a lot since you can't really do much against her.”
Deru says “Ahri is difficult lane due to her heavy poke early game and generally being hard to catch after 6. Either stomp her before 6 or roam a lot since you can't really do much against her.
MiniLuxi1 says “It is better to stand passively, and just try to dodge her procasts, wait for the forester and try to play with him, it will be better if you have targeted control, and then do a control check. After her 6, she will be able to make jerks and easily catch you if you have no one to block her E (the same creeps). If you see that she wants to make her combo, try to force her (this will give you time for uranus or other actions) while she casts everything, her W (lights) gives a slight acceleration for 1 second, be careful because of this during the charm (E) you may not to catch her, just throw the camp after she made a jerk, so it will be easier to get on her. You can also try to give W to throw her away from you, and the opportunity to save yourself, her W (lights), may not reach you and she will not give the necessary procast for Execution, or damage for killing.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “Same thing for Akshan/Lux, you will suffer in lane phase however it is possible to kill Ahri POST 6. Because by then you will have enough mobility to avoid her charm, but beware she has more mobility and kill potential once she reaches 6.”
wagNRumble says “Just dodge the charm and you are good to go. Don't waste your ult to kill her and just push and roam instead. Without ult, you can look for kills past 6 but most of the time it's better to save ult for a play.
Block her Q with your W and be sure to ward properly, since she has good gank setup with R and charm.”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
Ahri has a little bit higher effect range when it comes to Charm vs Bubble (if not through a wall). Never use your R if Ahri is able to R + E for free, especially if you don't know where all the other enemies are on the map. Ahri has much more range after level 6 and can set up ganks easily, so play more farther back after level 6.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page.
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Whitelies says “Her Charm is pretty much annoying. Hide behind minions from her E but be careful of her Q. Go Prowler's claw because she can escape from your ult with her ult.”
SalSushi says “Her burst damage is very scary. I highly recommend electrocute and tenacity. Try and sidestep charm and you'll win. Kinda play with fire here. ”
LUVL3TTERS says “most annoying matchup by far, still winnable nonetheless, hard to engage pre and after 6, bait her cds and when she has ult down u can't try to kill her”
AkuAku says “Usually higher burst damage if played well, charms, perma push, perma roam criminal. If she can't kill you she'll just kill your botlane :)”
TheAfricanDream says “This is a pure skill matchup. Ahri has more mobility when she is 6, however Swain can easily land an E on her in lane. Try to land an E on the backline minions when she is hiding behind them. The E has a lollipop effect that will land on her for an easy pull. Ahri will always being in Q range for easy poke-through minions. After a few combos, she will be within kill range. You can take ignite in this lane for early kill pressure. Just make sure you are ready to dodge her charm as that is her only way to kill you.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Ahri can really harass you, has sustain and her burst combo is fatal. Always keep either your Q or R up or have a box behind you in case she goes all in on you. Your box can block her charm. ”
ddieguito_es says “Not a problem. She is squishy and her CC is hard to hit, plus she carries ignite and is weak early. Exploit her. Examples: Asol, Teemo, Ahri...
For close-range ones, we'd have champions that have high defensive stats or that you won't be able to kill early, but still not that bad of a matchup. Example: Yasuo, Irelia.”
Demonsedge90 says “A challenging fight as Syndra since Ahri can poke you out with her orb of deception and kite effectively with spirit rush active. Try to poke her often using a dark sphere & scatter the weak, then only commit with unleashed power when her charm is down.”
Magmor says “just a farm lane never walk directly into her cause of her charm and NEVER R her cause she can just press r and live for free shove and roam.”
Atemporal says “A única maneira de perder este confronto é se você levar muito dano gratuito no início do jogo. Seu empurrão inicial é muito forte e você nunca pode pular nela se seu E estiver para cima, a menos que você obtenha um W bem colocado e cronometrado.
O E cd dela é de 12 segundos enquanto o seu E é de 9 segundos, então você não tem muito tempo para puni-la, mesmo que você troque E. Jogue seguro desde o início, não tome muito
muito dano de puxão e certifique-se de pegar a fazenda. E para se esquivar do charme dela se precisar, não seja ganancioso e não arrisque ser atingido. Assim que você completar
Protobelt você pode começar a pular nela mesmo se o E dela estiver UP, já que você pode usar Proto "através" do Charm dela. (E nela e insta Rocketbelt e ela perderá seu E provavelmente) Mais tarde, ela nunca poderá combater você nas sides.
Ahri causa um dano muito baixo e ela terá que R para escapar toda vez que você se envolver com ela. Considere Merc Threads se você estiver com dificuldades ou se o time inimigo tiver muito AP / CC pesado.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Everfrost
R: Standard
S: Barrier/Cleanse
Steh hinter Minions um nicht gecharmed zu werden und poke sie mit E (und Q wenn Charm gone ist). Nach 6 solltest du versuchen sie eingepushed zu halten da sie dich outroamed”
IamBishop says “I really don't think this match up is too hard, just dodge as many of her qs (on the way back) as you can, make sure to position to stay away from her full w damage. When she hits 6 just watch out for her positioning cause she might look to set up a gank. ”
Lucid Walking says “SEMI-FARMING LANE: Ahri isn't threatening, but you shouldn't provoke fights if you're not seeing her jungler on the map. Ahri's kill potential is high once she commits (with flash + E) if her jungler assists her.
For the rest, it's a very safe lane and there will be a lot of farming. You have the advantage here.”
Xerath OTP EUW says “Her R makes it easy to play against Xerath if you're not positioning yourself either under the tower or behind minions. Even then she is able to land a taunt with her R.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You counter her, just block her charm before she can land her combo beacuse its important for her to deal significant damage. She cant really oneshot and you can oneshot her. Try to dodge her Q returning to her as it deals true damage, Her ult might be annoying as she can easily dodge your barrels but she shouldnt be a threat, you outscale her hard.”
Spoomk says “Ahri can pop her ultimate to get out of your W engage, and her charm can get you into a lot of trouble very quickly or chunk you for a lot before or after a W. Try to avoid her charms, and engage when she doesn't have one. Don't be worried when she pops ult, take it slow.”
sapphire__lol says “Weaker than Vex and Syndra in terms of bullying but can cancel your jump with her e. Still very playable because you can facetank her and contest prio.”
Mvrshy says “[MID] ahri is difficult, she outranges with her abilities and since her update her passive and ulti are very difficult to counter, start corrupting pots and go phase rush, if she missplays her charm, land q and run her down.”
SpookyGuides says “Build Everfrost and hit her with Everfrost + Q E R - Take Ignite if you want her to hate her life. Be Careful of her gank threat when she has everfrost.”
J.A.K.I.E. says “Her main threat to you is her charm. As soon as you dodge that (If you can) try and fear + reap her to poke her down. She'll only use her ult to all in you if you're like half health so going the poke route is ideal.”
Nightmare19494 says “Ahri isnt the worst thing in the worst but if she gets ahold of you shes gonna hurt real bad cleanse can make it a little better.”
MikaeraKun says “Ahri is usually Major Threat to you, as one hit from her Charm is enough to immobilise you long enough to make your health bar significantly chunked. Her Q pokes are annoying because of the true damage as it goes back to her. Also she has easy escape post 6. Take Cleanse and ask for ganks pre-6. If you're fed post-6, she shouldn't be a problem.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E) is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate Spirit Rush(R). Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
Adamonias says “You can take Cleanse here or just TP is you're confident. If you stand IN your wave she Q's for Free, if you stand near to the side you eat charm. Positioning game. You can bully her LVL 1 bc she has no charm, just don't eat the elec. trade.Her W gives MS. Her 6 gives her decent pressure in the lane, bc she can animation cancel E with R and dash insta charm you; also her 3 dashes make it VERY difficult to land ULT. if you are REALLY fast the R shot cooldown is lower than her dash, but its hard to do.
You outscale her and can out teamfight her late. Just try to position outside the fight, she also gets decent sustain with her new buff so if she gets resets in teamfights it can be a problem. Oblivion is ok here, especially if theres other healers on the team, but wouldnt get it just for her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E) is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate Spirit Rush(R). Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E) is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate Spirit Rush(R). Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
SKYTOP. says “After her Mini Rework, she is quite annoying due to her passive heal and her 60000 dashes. Take first strike and play for scaling, and oneshot late game”
SoftSeraph says “Her R cancels your shield. Her charm is... annoying to say the least, as she can charm you mid W dash.
You have to play on her misses.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E) is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate Spirit Rush(R). Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E) is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate Spirit Rush(R). Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Ahri’s Charm Charm(E)
is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate. Look to fight her when her Charm(E) is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Orb of Deception(Q) or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her Charm(E). Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Spirit Rush(R) is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.”
NegativePhoenix says “Better poke than you overall and needs to be respected. Best I can recommend is not to poke her unless she misses her Q and she can't E you because of minion wave, Later in the game her burst will be better than yours since you're more Q + Empowered Auto Reliant”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Ahri is strong only when fed or lands charm. Try to poke her and keep safe from her spells, especially e. Remember, you have more sustain than most champs in mid, wait for them to run out of mana. then strike. ”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Ahri is a easy match up but if you play it wrong you will lose lane.
Dodge her charms that's how most players take damage or lose lane.
Whenever you throw out your W she will try and all in you with R E Q W ignite and your dead.
Buy hex drinker or mercs if needed”
loldoppio says “Before trading, bait her abilities by going in and dashing out. WINDWALL her charm. Yasuo favored matchup because his windwall can block every abilities of ahri.”
Alvalyn says “She is safe to poke behind minions and does a lot of damage. You may have to go ghost to get close to hurting her. Your E is also hard to land without her charming you right back.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “This applies specifically to high elo. Good Ahris can trade, follow, skirmish, and roam better than you so be very wary and just shove the wave. Roam sparingly as Ahri following you can spell death for your sidelanes and for you.
If Ahri is fed, she will be a menace to deal with and she is definitely able to get kills through teamfights. Try to trade her in teamfights as you are tanky enough to survive her onslaught while peeling your main damage dealers”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange Ahri, so abuse your range advantage and harass her with Q AAs as often as possible. Do your best to dodge her Q poke, especially the 2nd part (it's true damage), and especially her charm or you will take massive damage; you can stand behind minions to help avoid it. Watch out for her W early; it does a lot of damage, many Ahris take this level 1 and try to trade with you. You can take Cleanse in this matchup, especially if they have more hard CC on their team. At level 6, she has a bit more kill pressure on you because of her dashes. She can also kite around your soldiers with her Ult, too. If she ever dashes close to you, you can just Ult her into your tower as there is a small delay before she can Ult again.”
OSG Rewynd says “I absolutely hate ahri, but with hail of blades, its not too bad of a matchup. E-Q then sidestep to try and dodge charm, then complete combo. You can usually proc passive with hob even if she charms you, though. She still scales well and is hard to kill in teamfights, so I would focus on killing adc or peeling your own more than trying to kill her in a fight. ”
TroyLoL says “Pretty farm heavy lane. She will try to poke you and try to assassinate you post 6 but you're too fast and resistant with my runes/build.”
DabiDabi says “Just try to dodge her abilities to the best of your abilities, especially her charm. It is a skill based matchup. Her level 6 can be pretty scary as she can get close to you and point blank charm.”
Super08131208 says “Don't get hit by her Electrocute proc lvl 1-2. Dodge charm = win lane. ALWAYS HIT YOUR E's BECAUSE HER ULT WILL ALLOWED HER TO ESCAPE FROM YOUR WRATH.
Zoose says “Her Charm makes it hard to go aggressive on her, so only get close when its down. Even if you get hit by the first part of her Q orb, side step it to avoid the 2nd true damage part. At lv 6, she's very mobile with 3 dashes, so aim skillshots right after the dash or while she's stunned. Play around your E when she ults and use it to zone her.”
Uberizm says “She can be 10x more useful in roams and has CC, you also cant really kill her in lane post 6 unless she really really sucks and has no R or F”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Hard to kill when 6. Poke her with barrels and Q and look for all in. Even at 6 you can all in her with Barrel->Flash->Auto->Ignite->Q->Ult. Ult right after she used an ult charge because it has internal CD. Orange charm.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get hit by her Charm]”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
Not much difficult to deal with but you should be careful about her charm if you're hit by charm, she's mostly use all skill in one combo on you.
You can counter her R by using E, use it to make her R feel useless.”
Taedium says “Take electrocute and start with Q, let her push and wait level 3 to all in
I don't like this matchup even tho sylas counters her
Same as cassio, you can't dash in
If ahri is good she will just poke you with W and Q
You don't have enough hp to trade her
You poke with Q but she has more range
You have to play with your cds, E in and try to bait out her charm, OR just E in W instant E and try to burst her out, she will most likely flash outso care about her charm”
Esrucnl says “Now this should be very easy for a DECENT Fizz player. You can dodge all her abilities... HOWEVER she can do the same to you with her ultimate. Better player will win this. Timing on ur E is KEY to avoid her charm. When you avoid her charm you basically win at that point.
She's just annoying in terms of she has 3 in-built dashes and assumable flash as summoner spell so it's hard to completely kill her when she plays it decent. ”
Azurio says “New ahri is really painful to face.
Start corrupting or long sword if you feel confident, dodge her e with yours by all cost.
Afk farm safely and kill people later, if she's good, you won't solo kill her”
Amigo121 says “High Mobility, can "easily" stop your jump ('E') with her charm.
You have to ONE SHOT (jump on her w/o her seeing you, combo: 'E' (+ ignite) -> 'W' -> 'R' -> 'W' (spammed 'W', +flash if needed) -> 'Q' -> 'W'”
ddieguito_es says “Can be dangerous if she gets kills before 6 because afterwards, she can just dodge all your abilities. She can be dangerous if she gets fed. If you're behind, take Merc's as boots. She won't deal damage to you if you get a MR item third.”
beansoce says “You can beat her lvl 1 with eletrocute, she'll start w and auto you for ele. You can do the same and auto q auto for early damage. You can take bad trades and outsustain, try and dodge her charm or use pool to dodge it. You can pre much only kill her at 6 if you have flash.”
ColdStuff says “You have the movement speed to dodge her kit, and unless she is fed, you also have a pretty decent early game advantage. Guard the person that she charms to prevent them from falling and getting her ultimate resets. ”
icikz says “This matchup is not that hard if you know how to play it. You have to dodge her E in order to win a trade. When you E Q in, insta dodge with W to side so she misses her E.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Pretty annoying but doable. As long as you can dodge her charm she doesn't have much kill threat until level 6. You shouldn't be staying in lane after level though.”
Eralta says “dude i really dont like fighting her but there isnt really much to say, just that you have to be behind minions or risk dying immediately”
Bunny Kata says “[Outdated matchups] Ahri is broken, Passive just heals too much, Q is too short CD with quite low mana, W gives her movement speed to kite, if she saves E for when you're in her face you can't do anything, and her R is the most broken ability I've ever seen in the game. Must ban for me, if you don't, do your best to dodge her E if she doesn't use it for nothing, and scale.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield ”
MrBlivious says “She has cc and dashes which makes it hard to kill her, because if you go in she can charm you and at that point your already dead with her combo.”
sweafyzz says “Hard outpushes, will always want to shove in, just try to be safe until 2, then poke her without going in. Level 3 you want to E BushQ then W away and land rock Q, try to do this close to the wave if she's too close so you dont get charmed easily, also can E minion but then dont try to proc elec, you will lose any trade if you dont dodge her Eor Q. After 6 u win only if she gets under 60% hp and u can oneshot her with combo, do not engage her if she has more hp.
Mercs can be good
Prowler is best to go, Drakkthar can be decent.”
xblademojo says “She has huge kill potential on you early, and can match your push. Her Charm is dangerous so always pay attention and hide behind the wave. If you pay enough respect to her early game, your game should be way easier.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Ahri is an even match up especially level 1 when her passive is able to get stacks to heal her and her Q is able to go back and fourth and when it comes back it does true damage is quite annoying to deal with and if their good with her charm its quite hard to get onto her”
Chocodino009 says “I would say its an even matchup because she just pokes you all early game, but in the right situation you dodge her charm or even f she is dead 100%”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots especially her charm]
[Use your ult to prevent her from escapng with her ult]”
donidaking says “Since her rework she is really annoying because its really hard to kill her after level 6 if she has R.
She will probably start W into you trade her with auto+Q.
Make sure to at least dodge her second part of Q and don t get hit by her charm just pool it and if you think you got a feel for it just dodge it without pool.
if you can get some empowered Q s on her you can kill her next rotation of electro.
If you don t kill her untill 6 it s probably unlikely you kill her after 6 bcuz of how much mobility she has. The only way you kill her if she gets cocky and R's into you.”
Bertsicle says “Champ is fkin op after the changes and she can just charm out of your E or Q, try to take tenacity rune into this matchup and burn your ult for hers (she struggles if her ult is down in team fights). Try to play for a kill before 6, if her Q and W are down it's a lot easier to trade with her so keep a lookout for any key abilities she wastes on the minion wave.”
KyogoEntity says “Try to trade in the middle of the lane or on your side, if she's under her tower just poke with Q or play behind, one charm under tower and she will chunk or potentially kill you.
Post-6, short trade and windwall her charm, she has an easy escape so killing her is practically impossible unless she's in lethal range or you can catch her off guard with a keyblade or max range tornado. ”
moso says “• Lane is very tough as she out ranges Ivern and can match his sustain.
• Her ultimate makes it hard to play around her with Daisy.
• However Mid-Late Ivern can impair Ahri's ability to teamfight with Daisy.”
TheKingUltra says “After the rework she does not have the huge burst, like before. She has improved mobility making her hard to catch, but its not your job to catch, she wants to snowball, make sure you use that to bait her into an easy ult for an good gank setup.”
416C says “She might bully you early game.
If she charm you, you just fear her away (lol).
Don't trade with her because she can use her ability more often then you do.”
Grogroda says “Aside from having a lot of magic damage, everything else about ahri is bad for galio: She has a charm that stops your main engage (your E), true damage, a lot of mobility and a huge range with her abilities, so both in lane and in teamfights she is kind of problematic to you, but it is unlikely she will kill you in lane, yet she scales better than you.”
PandoraV says “As long as you can dodge her charm, Ahri can't out damage or outrange Zeri in a fight, so the threat here is little as long as you can dodge the charm.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a average job of countering Ahri. On average, he wins a acceptable 50.8% of the time the champs face one another in. In Malzahar vs Ahri matches, Malzahar’s side is 0.1% less probable to get first blood. This indicates that he most likely won't get first blood against Ahri.”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup, a good Ahri can be problematic. Her mobility is pretty high and you are really slow. You have more damage than her so if you land your ult you will kill her”
m0rfeazz says “Stay back and farm, try to dodge her E, once she loses her E you can go for a short trade. After 6 it will be very hard to 1vs1 her cause her ult is annoying and can get her to safety”
Dustyacer says “charm cancels dashes. our dash is obvious and linear, cancels our emp aas from w. her r can go behind our e. our E blocks her q boomerang from behind as long as we face her. can't do anything unless she misses charm. But if she does waste it, then it's a free trade.
You can try to bait the charm out by walking at her or whatever. Use to have this under extreme threat, but tbh her scaling isn't that great easy and its possible to get sidelanes fed + kill her if she messes up.”
Godzilla124438 says “If your versing an Ahri Its gonna be a problem, what i suggest is that you use your e to get out of her charm which is the main problem.”
Bundif says “A lot of people say Ahri is easy for Zed but it's a skill matchup. Her charm has the hitbox of a freight train and her mobility makes her ungankable/allows her to dodge your Qs after you R.
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
DaffeLaffe says “Charm makes this hard given the fact your dash is a straight line, a good Ahri will cancel you, be aware of when she uses it and make your shot. She can dodge your ult with hers, but if you ult right when she just used ult, it will hit, you can also follow her if you are quick enough.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get caught by her charm or you are pretty much dead]”
Juon says “I find it hard to get a solo kill on her unless she massively messes up or is really bad, try to just farm and wait for an opening to setup a combo; try to find leads off other lanes here. Max E second for kill pressure, or max W second for lane sustain/farming”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get hit by her Charm]
[Post 6, don't miss your combo by her ult]”
TrueGIXERJ says “if you can dodge with Q, you win. If you cant, you probably don't. Might be worth taking cleanse or QSS into this matchup if you're not confident dodging with Q. make sure you're spacing well to prevent getting E+Qd because there's nothing you can do to that lol.”
Bairdd says “Skill matchup, you can dodge her charm with your R so it isn't too bad post 6. She does outpush you though so don't be too greedy roaming.”
Fake Supp says “if you dodge the Charm only thing she can do is run from you cause you can punish her so hard but be aware that she is so mobile so dont try to Q > E her only use E when you know she cant dodge Beside of that very easy lane ”
Winter Nicole says “Ahri: She can be difficult with her ult but you can easily scare Ahri's by Cloning into a teammate and leading her with your E and Q but be careful with her E ability and her R. (Recommend playing around with her but also sort of play safe against her/ pushing in lane a lot to make her waste mana)”
ChrisWasTaken says “When you dash on her you have to know that Ahri will use her charm on you immediately. You usually have to dash on her and immediately look to juke her charm, like dash then disengage to the left or right (called spell baiting) then look to dish in your combo on her when she used her charm. Difficulty depends on elo if it's iron - low diamond ahri should be free if it's high dia - master ahri I'd say a 3. ”
desch3445 says “Ahri can now really push a lead with her mini-rework, so you're gonna want to shut her down early. Don't be too risky though, as even though you want to kill her early, the point of that is so she can't get a lead, kinda defeats the point if you solo die to her.
Take the Electrocute or First Strike page; She negates pretty much every one of your runes, but at least you have a chance of utilizing Electrocute early on. First Strike if you're really feeling yourself.”
ThePieBeam says “The mobility and range can be painful but if you understand her range it shouldn't be too hard to dodge her abilities. Her ult makes her really difficult to play into post 6 but if you can predict the dash pattern and hit a phat Q she melts fast. ”
Bairdd says “This one is a bit debatable, but I think this lane is very hard. Post 6 she is very hard to hit with your Q so setting up R is also extremely hard. Her ult makes it so she can play defensively or offensively against you, and her charm can make you extremely immobile. Try to avoid this lane if possible.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.]
Ahri is challenging to solo because you can't grapple safely if you get hit by charm. The trade then is too heavy and you need to back out.
When laning against Ahri you never want to stand in your wave. Make them choose whether to use their spells on you or the wave. Any time she uses her Q and W on the wave all in. If she misses her charm she is super vulnerable so make sure to punish. At 6 it is still similar but the threat is heightened by being hit by charm and its a bit harder to catch her.
*Tip* You can use your W to threaten roams to bait her abilities onto the wave. Be sure to ward deep whichever side you are hovering when doing this.”
Eriosunx says “Easy before level 6.
Carefull from level 3 to --
She can charm when you are going for a CS with your Q and take a free trade.
Avoid using Q to last-hit , if the minion is on an open trajectory for Ahri to land a Charm.
Just walk up to the wave and last-hit, Irelia has a big auto-range for being a meele.”
lonestar1870 says “Matchup is definitely Syndra Favored.
You have better damage, poke with Q and set up E on ground. You win level 6 fight.
Don't let her E you and be careful of her E-Flash.
Stand outside of the wave so she has to choose between Qing the wave to get push or Qing you. Don't stand too close or she will charm you though.
Ignite or TP”
Desperate Nasus says “Ahri is a shit matchup overall but it depends on the opponent it can be really hard and sometimes easy but in general the matchup is bad. If she lands her E on first levels you are pretty much almost half Hp due to electrocute W and her Q so your goal is to avoid her E . You can do that by pretending you are going for a minion with your Q and just step back or stand behind minions its hard to farm under tower. Level 7 or after sheen the matchup is easier but u can never run her down unless she used her R on a roam. Matchup stays the same on every season so there isnt really any change. Dorans shield as starting item.”
MruW says “No one can mess with this Singed 1v9 Op build, so you can beat every champion, but you cant see every champ here because i got so fast in my next game so i have to go and 1v9 with this Singed OP build”
Rhybeaux says “Honestly just sort of keep your distance and use your minions to body block her charm and she can't do much. She's not too hard to kill either which is nice.”
BlockPad says “50/50 she can totally oneshot you but you can oneshot her too so its balanced. Harass as you can but keep Q + W if she want to all in you.”
Kali23213 says “Take Ignite + Cleanse if unconfident in dodging charms.
Dodge charm with W movement speed to win trades and all in's. Do not use Death Lotus when she has her charm as it will interrupt the cast.”
CashLOL says “This can be a very scary matchup. Verdant barrier rush can be recommended here. If you use your abilities too quickly her dashes can shut all of it down. Track the jungler so you don't get chain CC ganked. ”
ShokLoL says “Ahri's only real strength comes from her gank setup so I'd recommend taking cleanse in this matchup. You should be pretty safe to max E, even if she holds her charm for your E, as long as she uses Q to push the wave you can E aggressively and if she charms she won't do any damage anyway. Make sure to rush Wit's End.”
DanielC0029 says “Heavy pokes on you but can be done, dodge her charm and her Q, go for the all in on lvl 6 after getting Dirk, or on lvl 3 if you waste her abilities.”
iZianni says “This match up is really just about distance control and Everfrost really makes this lane miserable for us once she gets it.
Theoretically this would be an easy match up since our wave clear makes it very difficult for Ahri to find roam timers, but she has a lot of solo kill potential along with her charm being a counter to our ultimate since it's coded as a dash :)
Once you leave laning phase, Vex is better in most situations which is why she has a higher winrate in this match up as you can instantly win fights off your R/W engage into resets.
pwins says “Ahri is way more mobile than Zoe is in lane and can lock Zoe down if she's not careful. Ahri definitely outranges you in lane due to her Q passing through minions. You need to be careful when you're trying to poke her as her E-Q-W combo can be very deadly especially if she hits level 6.”
Juplicate says “Ahri is hard to play into since while you're trying to engage on her she can easily charm you to stop your engage. She is also ranged and has good sustain in lane. ”
Miscake says “Ela tem mais waveclear e pressão de kill que você até o nível 9. A partir daí se torna uma skill matchup onde você vai ser capaz de ganhar na side 99% das vezes desde que dê poça no charme dela. É uma matchup de reflexos mas a vantagem é sua.
Ela vai tentar roamings depois do nível 6, pingue e puxe a wave pra punir porque seguir ela no rio vai acabar te matando. ”
52hertz says “Easy to lane against but a good ahri will know that and she will probably aim for roams or play for ganks. She can also easily escape you or ganks with her ult”
King Turtle says “her Q is dangerous for you as it's good for kiting and poking. Her E charm is easily the biggest problem though, as Kindred's success as a mid laner comes partially from early trades. Ahri's E negates that as any attempt to go in on her will be shut down.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Yasuo does fairly well into Ahri since you can Windwall all of her abilities, but the lane can get a bit hard against a good Ahri. Ahri has to use her Q if she wants to push the lane, which is when you can engage on her. If she uses Q on the wave, you only have to Windwall her Charm. A good Ahri will try to charm you during your E, but if you Q during your E, you can use Windwall during the dash to block the charm. The only real way you die in this lane is if you get hit by a Charm and take a couple tower shots. Wait until level 3 to trade with her so you have Windwall to block the Charm. Do your best to dodge her Q poke early game, especially the return which is true damage. At level 6, it's harder to kill her because she's so mobile. Bait out her Charm and then look for short trades or an all-in if you can. If you Ult her when she has Ult, she will just Ult away and live.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Don't ever Q3 into her if she has charm up. You will take her full combo to the face and die. Do your
best to dodge her Q poke early game, especially the return which is true damage. At level 6, it's harder to
kill her because she's so mobile. Bait out her charm and then look for short trades or an all-in if you can.
Never ult into her if she has her ult up, or she will just ult away and live.”
Katawina52 says “Depends a lot on Ahri's E if you're good at dodging it better than Ahri is at hitting it you should win this. When you're looking to trade an Ahri always move around left right etc(for her charm), never go in without trying to dodge. You could use the minions to your advantage when you go in so she can't hit her E as easly. Mercs is really good vs Ahri if they have other cc's aswell.”
eiensiei says “Before 6, I'll harass her with E-AA (she won't be able to punish since her charm doesn't pass through minions and even if her Q hits, it deals less damage through my W than I deal to her. Post-6 I'm mindful of how I use my Q's - if I miss, she can use it as a window of opportunity to go in and I might need to waste my flash to dodge her E if she does. As a general rule I'll play close to my turret after 6, 'cause a good Ahri might be able to kill me otherwise. I'll poke her with E without going for passive procs. There's a slight delay between the casts of her R, so I'll try to use my Q right after she uses one charge as it's easier to hit.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
All you have to do is to dodge her
E pre 6 in order to kill her. Play with Cleanse if you think their jungler will reach you if she hits you and post 6 play careful because of her ult. In this matchup I usually push hard till level 2 and then try to keep a steady push so her Qs will be forced on minions and not on me. Never get hit by a Q that it is intended for minions. Try to learn her E pattern in the first 4 minutes and you will have an easy game. Be careful of the instant E->Flash combo -- if you don't play with cleanse OR if you don't react fast enough she will kill you, however I suspect very few Ahri players are able to do it on a consistent basis so you will be generally OK with Ignite too. Play with Cleanse only if you cannot dodge CC spells easily OR they have a setup for her (Seju/Amumu/Zac/whatever).”
Yeager says “A good ahri player can make the laning phase very tough for Yone. If you dash forward with stacked Q, she can get a free hit with E(charm). Most of your damage comes from skillshots, and ahri's mobility just makes it super hard to hit anything.
Ahri's itemization and runes gives her a lot of CDR ,so her ultimate will be on a much lower cooldown than yours.
She's annoying to lane against, especially if she has glacial augment. Play the early game out as safe as possible and avoid using third Q forward if her charm is up. You can go for short trades by baiting out her charm with a fake engage.
The only time you can kill her, is if you managed to do a bunch of short trades, leaving her at low-mid HP. In that case you can look for an all-in with your ultimate. Always do Q3 -> R so you make sure she can't dodge the ult.
xblademojo says “Huge amount of burst and kill potential in early game against you, one charm and laning is doomed. If you are not feeling too confident get more sustain and doran shield.”
Polarshift says “Ahri is a very good champion. This is a skill matchup depending on if you can dodge or bait her skillshots. She has the upper hand early since her pushing ability is higher and her rune setup is often electrocute/glacial augment. You probably will fight for lanepriority and roam potential in this lane. After level 6 she has the upper hand, since she actually gets an useful ultimate, so be careful. Her ultimate gets another dash if she kills someone. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Skill match up, depends on how good they are at dodging as well as how good you are. Post 6 can become difficult if the lane was even pre 6.”
ISterbenI says “One of the more difficult matchups. She can jump out of your ultimate, dodge your Q and jump over your wall (W) with her R. She's also better at roaming than you.”
TygoVe says “This matchup is pretty doable for Malzahar. Make sure you always stand behind minions, even when have your passive up, because she can easily break it and charm you. Respect her early burst potential and just play safe early on. As long as you do not give her kills you outscale her easily. If you are scared you can consider taking Nullifying Orb, as it will deny a lot of her power. You can even take phase rush, because almost all her damage is based on skillshots and you can dodge them more easily then.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “In here, you need to trade her only if she uses her Q. Don't try to brainlessly walk to her, because she will just punish you with her combo. Post-6 be careful about her all-in. Though if you will have negatron and keep your distance, it shouldn't be problem and once when you get your Liandry, you should be good to go in order to win trades against her (or even deny her entire all-in). It's important to mention, that when you go for harass, try to wait until she uses her Q, because then it's harder for her to juke your spells. Otherwise she can just always use Q for speed up, avoiding your spells and clearing minions with ease.”
Yeager says “The issue with Ahri right now is her glacial augment path which is a huge problem for Cassiopeia because she's immobile and becomes really easy to run down afterwards.
You want cleanse in this matchup both for her charm and the glacial augment slows. In the laning phase you should stay behind minions because the charm can be bodyblocked.
Her Q deals true damage on the way back, so even if you get hit by the first part of it, try to dodge the last part.
If you want to all-in her, try to get a stun on her WHILE she's trapped by your W because then she can't flash or ult away since it stops her coompletely. ”
Vicksay says “A decently good Ahri, when fed, can swing this quite hard in her favour because of her mobility and one-shot potential, but you definitely have the upper hand early game with your push potential, she uses a lot more mana than you early on. If she takes Cleanse her kill pressure on you will be greatly reduced as she doesn't have much damage unless she snowballs. Remember that without her ult she is the same as any other squishy immobile mage, she can be burst down really easily. Definitely DO NOT Portal Jump in front of her because it guarantees her Charm, and more than likely a free kill on you.”
Avucado says “Charm is the only thing you really have to worry about. Her R will make her nearly unkillable in lane, but you can outroam them and are able to kill them very easily if they don't have R or if you have a jungler who can help CC lock them. Don't try to solo towerdive them and don't full commit solo if you're below half health. Late game she will nearly do all your health if she lands charm so try to let your team tank the charm first. ”
Callmebee says “I'd say even match-up. If she farms with AAs, do the same and try to poke for Manaflow. If she pushes you in, try to depush a bit but save your Q. Your positioning in lane has to be spot on or else she will try to engage. You Q her -> she dies. She charms you -> you die. Take cleanse or barrier.”
LunarVortex says “While your E is great to deny her E, you need to time it well or she will simply break it before charming you. Thanks to her ult and the movement speed boost on her W, she can also dodge your Q and get out of your R with ease. Consider buying an early Verdant Barrier in lane if you struggle.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “This matchup goes even for Galio, probably can't have kill pressure on her at level six but you can outroam (careful she can cancel your E midway with her charm)”
Xelikari says “If you're laning against her you can likely kill her early on, use Scrap Shield to block Q and auto damage. After 6 you pretty much just wanna shove and roam as it becomes really difficult to kill her and isn’t worth the trouble generally.
During teamfights you have to watch out for her charm, if she charms you it's pretty much gg go next for the fight. Predator is a good option here and your summoner spell is up to you, depending on the game. ”
Yeager says “Stay behind minions when fighting her as they can block her charm. Don't use your ultimate while hers is up because she can easily dodge it, unless she's caught by surprise.
If you're struggling against her, merc treads and banshees veil are great items. If you're playing against glacial augment Ahri, you should also consider having cleanse.
Urpog says “Midlane: She can be very irritating to deal with, her charm can interrupt your E so it's important when she's used her charm you're being aggressive. At level 6 you no longer have kill windows on Ahri because of her triple dash being too annoying for you to deal with, so the levels 1 - 5 are the most important, you shouldn't play for midlane if you've failed to kill Ahri though, roaming and rotating with your jungle is a lot more viable - she has good push pressure so make sure you don't drop too many minions when rotating though! Avoiding Q is a natural given to surviving this lane but she won't really ever have enough kill pressure on you to kill you, it's an irritating slow winning because you scale better lane for Urgot.”
Dj Memelord says “Can dash away from you and kite you but usually can be bursted with a q flash spin ult. Try and dodge skillshots in laning phase and you are fine. Relentless hunter”
xLessThanThree says “Skill matchup, bait out her Charm and dodge Q. dont trade level 1 if you see she leveled W and has electrocute. You can kill if she misses charm.
Slowpush for 2/match wave”
Fuzzmonkey says “Pretty easy since you outrange her in the early game, once she hits level 6 though, make sure you always save your E for when she decides to go aggro on you (dashing).”
CashLOL says “Don't get poked out of the lane or you're kinda screwed. Electrocute is good in this matchup. Difficult when good Ahri players always charm you after your ult animation which is undodgable. ”
iZianni says “The major issue with Ahri lies with her extreme mobility making it difficult to lock her down, however its a double edged sword because we literally just one shot her if she gets hit by anything.
If we're playing extremely poorly it does mean that she can bypass our CC and assassinate us though.
It's extremely important to play around her charm in lane and set up existing balls for the max range stun into electrocute combo before executing with ultimate. ”
Folver says “
You fight her when she misses E skill.
From level 6 you will have a hard time approaching her due to her super skill, so just try to push the lane and roam
Pref Doran Shield ”
MikeVix says “Ahri is an tough match-up. Just try to bait her charm and then go in. Take small trades with WEQ. Watch her R because she can all in you when ever she wants. Roaming is the best option for this lane. ”
ShokLoL says “Fairly easy matchup 1v1. Te hardest part of this matchup is at level 6 she has really strong gank setup so you have to play carefully around the enemy jungle. Merc treads also gain some value especially if she has other CC on her team.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield In Resolve Second Wind and unflinching
stay away from minions,she can easily poke you or take off your shield with her Q.
try to all-in lvl 2-3
you can block her Q,W and E.
Kords says “Ahri is not a threat to you at all pre-6, so you just shove her in and look for roams as early as possible, however, she IS a threat post 6 because of her ult. It gets harder to play vs her as an inexperienced Sol as she can get inside of your orbit with ease, dodge her Charm and you will kill her or she escapes with R, get hit by it you will die most likely. Once you have some MR like boots it shouldn't be too hard. Pick her off in fights as she tries to assassinate your carries, exhaust her as she charms someone or starts ulting. ”
TheoRut says “As long as you dodge her E you win every trade if you do the combos correctly.
Both phase rush and electrocute works against this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty annoying matchup for LeBlanc, she can cancel your W with charm so try W from angles that aren't just straight on. Ahri is a very good neutralizer so it's hard to build anything more than a small lead. She also outpushes you and is hard to kill. Recommend taking TP and just playing for roams/scaling.”
Yasukeh says “Take 3 rejuv beads against her. Don't stand near minions so she can't poke and push at the same time. Do what you can to force out her charm, then she doesn't do much against you. Once you force her charm, then you can force her ult, which gives you a chance to make a play. ”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Eletrocutar.
Ahri abusará de AA e Q nos níveis iniciais, por isso tome cuidado com a Orbe da Ahri e tente usar o Q nela todas as vezes que puder. O combo para matá-la pode ser EW+AA+QE+AA, se estiver perto dos minions é mais fácil fazer ela errar o seu Charm (E). Caso ela erre o E, jogue agressivo contra ela. Não desperdice suas adagas e mude sempre a posição para ela não memorizar a posição que você vai para usar o E em você, que você não terá problemas. Forçar a ultimate da Ahri com falsos engages podem ser úteis. Ahri também é excelente em roaming por conta de seus três pulos no R e seu E. Portanto, acompanhe sempre ou mantenha ela ocupada na Lane. Em teamfight, tome cuidado com o flash E da Ahri para não ser pego fora de posição e morrer por ela, aguarde sempre o E dela ser usado ou combe ela o mais rápido possível (QEWR) para que ela não possa te incapacitar nas lutas. O potencial de perigo de Ahri é de igual para igual visto que ela também tem muita mobilidade, dano base e vantagem em pick-off e inicialização de lutas com seu Charm.”
Elite500 says “Take shitty trades, non stop harass her with Q, dodge her charm with pure skill if cocky, if not just W it, it's her main source of damage,”
Dr Eggmund says “Try and play as passive as possible her charm can be devistating for you and believe me getting behind as Vladimir sucks, so stick to farming. In lane persist with poking with Q and try to use your minion's to protect yourself, this will block Ahri's charm from devastating you and dealing her burst combo which you can't pool or counter unless anticipating it.”
iZianni says “The major concern for this match up is her ability to bypass our ball, however our laning phase is stronger.
As long as we're able to consistently keep her in lane, there's not much Ahri can do to help her team. When it comes to mid game, our team fight impact should be greater than Ahris.”
Bughans says “Can completely shut down your engage with a well timed E, bait our her E or wait for her to use it before engaging, play aggressive early, if you dodge her E you have more damage ”
kindo says “Pretty free matchup - tenacity hurts ahri a ton. Build tenacity and facetank her charm. Denies her 2nd q to hit you and you can q into her range. Once on ahri, pre 6 she has to flash or die. Post 6 you can get her ult pretty easily. Her combo can't 100-0 you can you can sustain any damage you take with your W passive.
Perma lane prio, easy to split against, and you outscale. ”
iZianni says “Ahri does well into Lux due to increased mobility, while we have a range advantage it is ultimately irrelevant. You have to save Q for her dash or W movespeed or you will die.
If you're able to maintain distance in team fights, I do believe Lux is more valuable.
Consider purchasing a null-mantle if you're losing, otherwise you can one shot her with the standard build if you land a Q.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “An unpleasant matchup, because after any your mistake you will be punished, but if you dodge she's charm, then the trade is almost always won by you and she's pretty easy to get. You should always remember about her ultimate, if it is available, then your attack will fail, and she will get the opportunity to kill you.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “She's kinda just more annoying than anything else. Ahri doesn't carry very hard usually. When you shunpo onto her, instantly W and walk to the side to dodge her charm in melee range. ”
Baion says “Ahri has low ap scaling, so she isn't a big threat. Her pokes hurts but not too much. Be aware with her charm (E) and dashes (R). Don't use your E carelessly and only use your R when she is stunned.”
Coldsong says “Ahri's crowd control and burst on top of her mobility can make her a rather annoying matchup, but if you play around her E you can easily kill her. Make sure to stand away from the minion wave so that she cannot farm and poke at the same time and dodge her charm at all costs.”
DemonDiana says “Ahri will want to punish your melee status and push the wave and preferably poke you, as well. You are both telegraphed and simple champions, so there are weaknesses that are easy to see. Ahri needs to get her burst off the win a trade vs you. Bait her E if you can and then all-in her. Don't stand in your wave, rather beside it and dodge her skills horizontally. Laning Tip: It's completely ok to trade Flash for Flash vs Ahri (and any champ with low mobility & peel) as her self-peel will then rely on her E and R. You will come out with the advantage. ”
TismoTheTilted says “She has a great clear, and you can't get your passive in without baiting her E. It may also be difficult to R her, considering her very high mobility.”
resetwice says “She can farm safe an proc electrocute easy, also get great sustain with Q and doran's ring.
You can dodge her E with your Q on a minion, never try to full combo when charm is up because she can cancel your all-win and kill you! BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE
Kessi says “Main issue is her charm, can easily outtrade you if you try to go in. Cleanse/Only going in when she wastes it/Bait it out. After that, she's a free kill, but she'll probably R away.
Mercury Treads are usually a good option against ahri because of her cc. I would normally start E. Dodge her charm with W and go for early kills. ”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “She's kinda just more annoying than anything else. Ahri doesn't carry very hard usually. When you shunpo onto her, instantly W and walk to the side to dodge her charm in melee range.”
Sylvan Lore says “The Ahri matchup is pretty even pre-6 but it can get out of hand very quickly. In early levels you need to find a good balance between standing behind the minions and standing beside your wave. If you stand behind your wave too much she will be able to poke you and push the wave at the same time which is not ideal. Similarly, if you stand without the protection of your minions you will be vulnerable to charm trades which are almost entirely losing in every case. A missed charm on her end is a great signal to attempt a trade or pressure her backwards off the wave. She can push very well early levels so ensure you are matching it. Should the jungle come to your lane, I would highly recommend flashing early as charm-flash is nearly impossible to dodge. At level 6 you will lose most even trade. Do your best to poke her down with QW safely so she never gets the chance at a fair all-in. If she does go in on you, try your best to either hold your ult until her 3 charges are gone, or ult IMMEDIATELY after she uses one of the charges to ensure she can't dodge it. Midgame and lategame you are more useful in team fights, but at a constant threat to die to her. It is very difficult to follow her roams midgame as she can just turn on you and win the one on one. Do you best to pressure mid and make plays with your jungler as the 2v2 is still winnable. You will outscale her should the lategame be relatively even. You can take cleanse into this matchup to really reduce her kill pressure, especially if she has a cc heavy jungler. But barrier works as well against her ignite. IMO she has enough pressure that TP is a tough take unless you are sure she is going TP as well. Phase rush is very useful in this matchup to escape bad situations and highly recommended. Normal items should be fine in this matchup. I would avoid MR in your runes unless they have another major AP threat.”
Saddest says “I usually initiate onto her with a Q > E, throw out a W to sidestep the charm, and then E back onto the W as she usually steps on it due to her W move speed. R if necessary. The point/goal is to dodge her charm, it is the thing in her kit that does the most damage and impairs you. Watch for her Q as well when you're farming. Her W isn't avoidable, so farm with your Q. Pressure her with short trades.”
mrmundo says “Skill matchup. Don't take too much poke, and dodge her charm as much as possible. At 6 it will be hard to get her because of her stupid ult, but if you do, you'll win the fight.”
Avyxia says “Slightly Ahri favoured as she has mobility but you both rely on hitting your cc to kill one another. Punish her when she wastes her q on the wave.”
Yumi Project says “Like Neeko or Lux. When she cast charm, just press Shunpo on her.
dont ult her when her ultimate is up cuz she can easily run away from u.”
Kippari says “An Ahri player who knows what she is doing can be dangerous but generally this lane is easy with Grasp or Fleet. In lane you want to bait out her Q and then approach to use your own Q.”
Impossible2Gank says “Depending how they play her it can be a pretty hard matchup. In that case you just play back, setting up boxes on the sides and waiting for her to all-in or jungle to help. Magic resist is recommended early.”
Potato Power says “Should always be close to tower range, bcs if she ults even flash wont save you, but lategame you are the larger carry and she cant do allot to you lategame”
VyoS says “A good Ahri is a pain in the ass, when she knows what she has to do against you. Most of the time you can't do anything than just farming. Try to poke her and go in when your Ignite is up. When she got Zhonyas go for roaming. When you're not fed as fuck and when she isn't an Idiot you can't kill her anymore when her Zhonyas is up.”
Tatty says “Pretty annoying both mid game champs if behind rush hex drinker and merc for sustain against her either one of you can snowball pretty hard”
roselol says “skill matchup. you want to try to go for a kill pre 6 by poking her down with q and autoing with passive. just make sure you dont get hit by charm. ”
duhnx says “This matchup is kinda painful. Use Doran's Shield and maybe Second Wind if you feel it is needed. You cannot charge up your hook while she has charm ready. Her ult is also really bad as she can dodge Q, E and R by using it and turn when you miss them. Try to call your jungler to gank and get rid of her ult or try to bait her charm. After that, it's a free kill. Careful of roaming though, her wave clear is very good so you might lose a lot of cs.”
richardlized says “Avoid getting hit by E (stay behind minions), dodge Q dmg and abuse her whenever she wastes her charm (zone her, deny cs, poke her).
Try to avoid all inning her when she has E, it guarantees her to charm you and probably easily outkite your combos. You can gap close with W after she R’s away during an all in. You have to try and freeze the wave in this matchup. Good Ahris will E behind themselves to charm you when you come out of R which you might need to flash.
Thresh Mid says “Ahri early game can do a high amount of damage, but has decently high cooldowns. Once she uses her Charm (E) trading with her is easy. Level 6 her Spirit Rush (R) dodges hooks and can set her up for an all-in. Otherwise Spirit Rush can also be cancelled by Flay.”
Eoba says “Have not met a single good ahri player on the NA server...maybe you're lucky to meet one? Should you meet a good ahri, she'll never use her charm unless you engage with Q. Be VERY patient when engaging(W Q Auto's are more successful in procing passives).”
xMetix says “Ahri can be difficult when piloted right but in most scenarios you can bait out her charm and abuse her lack of mobility pre-6. After you both get ultimate abilities you need to lock her down and make sure she will get bursted before jumping away. Very micro dependent match up, whoever lands skillshots/dodges better will win.”
MikaeraKun says “If she hits E on you, you will probably lose the fight, because she can deal enormous amount of damage after she hits you with charm.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) even matchup as she can just charm or ult away from you, just care about her jungler otherwise its just easier for you to play the lane as she isnt really allowed to go resolve or Dshield so you have a lot of early kill pressure, would recommend TP/Ignite or Cleanse depending on elo and jungle matchup.”
Nanelol says “Ahri can poke you well and can dodge your abilities with her R and W. Her charm allows her to counter engages. As long as you avoid her charm she won't have much kill pressure. Take the Fleet Page and MR.”
ok0goi says “Avoid her e.
Use Your Harrowing mist to hide when poking her, so chances of landing E is greatly reduced.
Recommended build: Immortal shieldbow
Possible build: Kraken slayer
DabiDabi says “This matchup is pretty difficult and you can consider perma-banning her as she is also annoying to play against. She will chunk you with a Q + W + Electrocute at level 2. Avoid her Q or at least the second part of her Q since it does true damage. And dodge/bait/predict her Charm. It's pretty hard to kill Ahri without investing quite a bit. since her ult gives so many dashes.”
SKRELAX says “Ahri matchup got a lot better than i remember, even though she is an S+ tier op champ, she is still killable. Go Conq or First Strike with Second wind with Doran Shield (her dmg is ridiculous even in early game). After you hit level 3, try to engage at her. Level six is playable, but more annoying to play against.”
tozosi says “Avoid using your Q onto her since she'll just use your charm and you lose the trade. Only do that if you know her charm is down. Post-6, it's still difficult to kill her since she can dash out with her ult. Look to get other lanes ahead via roaming rather than killing her in lane.”
3Riptide3 says “This is player dependant. Ahri can kills you easily, but requires hitting her charm and Q to do so. If she misses E, trade back then back off. You can rush Merc Treads into this matchup.”
Nanelol says “As long as you play safe and play around your passive, it should be pretty hard for her to get an all in on you. Keep mobile so she cant land easy Q's, play back and safe when your shields down, and you should be ok.
TheEnglishman says “good cc and mobility but pitiful damage without being fed. Her damage levels are similar to your own which on a burst mage just feels wrong. Unless she's cracked you shouldn't lose lane.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work though I prefer Flash Ignite. Phase Rush.
Dodge charm then you win (12 cd early game) You outscale really hard just make sure she doesn't get good roams. ”
DeathKnight77 says “Early game, If her " E " hits you, While the enemy jng is nearby then your dead most of the times, so make sure that the enemy jungle is not nearby before fighting her.”
Johan Paracelso says “She can punish you on early game. As you go grab a few CS, she can chunk you down with Auto Attacks and her Q. If she do this, at Level 2 you can't go all-in on her, because you have 40%-25% HP, and at Level 4, she can kill you”
Nanelol says “Skill Match-up that favors her very slightly. After she gets her ulti, she is almost impossible to kill, unless she uses all 3 charges offensively. In that case, wait her out and use your combo. It's also important that you dodge her charm, as it makes it easy for her to land all of her abilities.”
seemes says “she has a great laning phase and post 6 she will dash away from Q's and charm you. play back in lane behind minions and consider dragging out first wave so it slowpushes to you.”
Sanctuar says “Ahri can push you in due to the better waveclear with her Q, but her weakness lies in her ultimate; if she engages on you can use yours to punish her for that, similar to Akali. Be careful to not initiate the fight first because she will only dash away and may as well turn around because you wasted your E for the engage.”
fanchessfan says “When I played this matchup the enemy Ahri went 0/8 in lane. If you have decent mechanics Ahri shouldn't be able to land a charm on you as you can dodge with your Q. Take cleanse for safety as she might try to e-flash or do some other shenanigans. ”
Vispectra says “Unlike what you might think, this is not an easy match up. She has higher range,sustain, deadlier early all in and more mobility early. I'd say stick to playing safe and asking for jungler's help. The glacial build makes her a formidable foe.”
Astalfo says “you CAN windwall all of her abilities, which makes you think that it'd be a fine matchup, but as soon as you've used your wall, she'll come straight back and burst you to death, while your wall is on CD, play safe and play behind your minions so she can't hit her charm.”
Void Silence says “Ahri can clen your wave AND your voidlings very easily with her Q, so wait for her to use her skill first, and then cast your voidlings to clear your wave. She can burst you down if she hits a charm so play safe during all game”
StarTundra says “Ahri is a threat to the unwary bird as she outtrades you in most situations as well as can straight up murder you post 6 if she lands a charm. Careful positioning and care can make an ahri harmless though, and if she doesn't bully you out of lane, you can still do fairly well regardless of her burst capabilities”
Shillka says “If u get charmed, u will lose the trade, but if u dont get charmed u will win the trade. Ahri can push really fast and roam, and she can snowball by just doing that.”
cookanarities says “Pretty free matchup - tenacity hurts ahri a ton. Build tenacity and facetank her charm. Denies her 2nd q to hit you and you can q into her range. Once on ahri, pre 6 she has to flash or die. Post 6 you can get her ult pretty easily. Her combo can't 100-0 you can you can sustain any damage you take with your W passive. Perma lane prio, easy to split against, and you outscale.”
TheWerefloof says “If she lands her charm, she wins the trade. If she misses her charm, you slap those fox cheeks. If she's smart at level 6 she can use her R to cancel your swing so be careful about that, but even then long as she doesn't have E you should win.”
PlankBank500 says “Her charm is her main source of damage. If you dogde it you can punisher her with Qs. After level 6 she is even stronger and combined with everfrost makes it a cancer to deal with.”
luminyan says “I've never lost a lane to Ahri as Lux. You're gonna want ignite here. If you hide behind minions and sidestep her Q, she can't really do much to you. Her E becomes useless if she charms a minion, and her W can't hurt you. You should be able to poke her with your E whenever she tries to wave clear. Punish her hard.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Ahri can poke you well and can dodge your abilities with her R and W. Her charm allows her to counter engages. As long as you avoid her charm she won't have much kill pressure. Take the Fleet Page and MR.”
Aethlo says “Ahri has the wave clear advantage. ||
Ahri wins pre-3 ||
Ahri wins pre-6 ||
Ahri loses post-6 ||
Ahri scales slightly worse than Annie (Annie has better AOE and contributes more to a team fight later on in the game. Ahri can kite better.) ||
TIP: In lane stand to the side of the minions so Ahri has to choose to Q you, or the wave (don't give her efficient Qs) but make sure to be careful of her charm - watch her posturing in lane and go behind minions accordingly to avoid being charmed (whilst Q is on cooldown for example and vice versa). Use tibbers to block charm.
BONUS: Rush Sorc shoes to increase your chances of dodging her spells.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Ahri tiene una alta movilidad, por lo que esquivar tus habilidades le será algo fácil, deberías jugar con la oleada para evitar su "E" o simplemente mantener la distancia donde sepas que no te alcanzara. Desde nivel 6 es donde deberíamos preocuparnos, ya que se nos puede acercar fácilmente y si nos aplica su "E" recibiremos una gran cantidad de daño, frente a Ahri deberíamos considerar armar Zhonyas”
Redeemteam says “Traditional mages, especially squishy ones, are some of FIzz's best matchups. You outdamage them in all-ins after level 3, and your E can be used to dodge their skillshots like Ahri Charm. Also Fizz's ultimate is on a lower CD than AHRI, same goes with a lot of other champs like Morgana, and so you can trade ults and then know your ult will come back up first to get the kill the next time around.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Mercury's Tread early and/or use Unflinching rune. Even though the matchup is in your favor, getting caught by her E is the last thing you want. Her Q does true damage and her ult allows her to escape your CC abilities.
Boomblight says “Take tenacity in runes and dodge her charm, generally you only want to go in if she used it. safe your q until she uses r1, then instantly e and q+recast e asap to stun before she can use r2 to dodge e.”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Fleet Footwork
If you dodge her charm, she will be doing very little damage to you and should be a free kill. She can and will fall off super hard if she cannot get any kills. Play very safe and you should be able to out sustain her with Fleet.”
NigYone says “pretty hard to deal with u must dodge her E, do not use E to trade, use third Q to close the distance and if she charms u after that u should E to chase after her and all in but u must predict her dashes of her R with ur third Q during fights and if u hit ur third Q thats when u ult because it ensures she does not move.”
Robertonkartul says “Usually not very difficult to play against but she has range on you so i would recommend you stay safe and try to bait out her charm. you can probably kill an ahri at lvl3 if she has no charm.”
Oxydation says “Ahri is Akali favored pre6 just dodge her charm and u have free trade.
Post6 try to hit your E even if she use R, otherwise bait out R and E after she has no mobility, if u hit E, u won.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse her early game and get an advantage. After 6 shes getting problematic. She will perma push and roam or threaten an all in. Just try to match her push and perma poke her.”
Daers says “Play around her charm. If she misses it, go in and chase her back to turret. If she has it up, don't use your E on her. Tenacity is worth taking.”
SpartanDumpster says “This match up is dependent on how you both use your Es. If she lands her E (Charm) on your real body, you're in trouble. If you're in your spirit form, you have to press E and recall as soon as her charm hits you and it will be negated. She's also very mobile, which allows her to kite your more skill shot style abilities. If you use your Q dash without being in your spirit form and don't land the knock up on her, you're open for her to punish you. This is a general rule for Yone, but against Ahri especially, only ult her to follow up landing your Q dash's knock up, because she could avoid it fairly easy otherwise.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Ahri is just too mobile. If you can Q her, it's not the biggest issue, but she will usually save her ult to just dodge yours. However, if you can just keep your lane in good shape, the rest of your team can pick her off easily.”
Neekolai says “Easily dodges your abilities. If you're lucky enough to land an E, try and go for the all in. Be careful though as level 1 E never roots for long enough on these kinds of champions!”
VeneficusFerox says “Ahri used to be a hard counter, until DFG was removed. Now you win this lane as long as you stay out of her Charm by dodging or staying behind minions. Going Boots at the start is optional if you find it hard to dodge.
Honestly, the biggest threat in Ahri is your team mates feeding her...”
Little Planet says “Charm is the deciding factor of this matchup, since it interrupts dashes, your combo becomes incredibly difficult to get off in lane and you will more often than not have to play it very passively, post 6 you have a chance if she can't react to R in time but it requires her to mess up”
Farg says “This matchup isn't too difficult, but the only issue is her mobility making it hard to 100-0 her with your full combo. You can play aggressive in this matchup but only if your W is up to be able to block her charm if she throws it at you. ”
Kscepersky says “Ahri is one of the worst counterpick against Veigar, it's really hard to get killed by Ahri when you play Veigar, also you can oneshot her on lvl 6.”
Joseph Evanss says “Who plays Ahri??? Anyways just farm until you get Berserkers + Zeal, if you can't beat her after that then farm for a bit longer until you have Vamp Scepter. Use your e forward but to the side a bit once she uses her charm. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
zeldimi says “You out-sustain her damage. Pool her charm or just sidestep if you're as confident as I am. Look to poke with Q when her Q isn't up. If you manage to lose lane just outscale and oneshot.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “depends on how much will you dodge and how much will she dodge if you go for a little poke then a lvl 3 all in i dont think you will have a problem of killing her but it will be harder at lvl 6 since she can dash and charm you.”
HalexUwU says “Ahri can poke you out and reach you somewhat easily, but generally I've found that if you get verdant barrier she just isn't that good at dealing with you. ”
peytonqt says “[EVEN] [PR/Conqueor/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Ahri is just annoying to lane against. She has wave clear, sustain, CC, and 3 dashes. However, we can take care of that through playstyle so its ok. Dodge her Q's by either dodging it or not being on the wave. This makes her either push the wave or poke you. However, don't sit so far from the wave its a free Charm for her. If she uses her charm (especially pre-6) you should be able to pull a full combo off on her and out trade her. However, post-6 be careful of her just dashing onto you and Charming instantly. Quick reminder that her dashes have a really long cooldown lvl1 and if she uses them she'll be pretty vulnerable for a while. Try to abuse this and kill her while she has either no charm or no ult.”
7daysko says “Skill Match-up that favors her very slightly. After she gets her ulti, she is almost impossible to kill, unless she uses all 3 charges offensively. In that case, wait her out and use your combo. It's also important that you dodge her charm, as it makes it easy for her to land all of her abilities.”
Doctor Yas says “Very easy match up for Yasuo. You can wind wall all of her abilities and her auto attacks. Be sure to save wind wall for her charm though as this is the only way she can land her full spell rotation on you. ”
ChimpNA says “This matchup isn't too difficult, but the only issue is her mobility making it hard to 100-0 her with your full combo. You can play aggressive in this matchup but only if your W is up to be able to block her charm if she throws it at you. ”
JustMTK says “Ahri is just a really annoying matchup since getting in her face is not the best idea when she's running ignite electrocute. She can hit E pretty easily on you even when going in with stealth. You just always have to bait her E before going in.”
harris tegas says “i dont think that she will be problem. just when you see that she can diveyou easily dont do your W, you must wait, when she dive with her R do your W and she will not see you. so worth.”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Fleet Footwork Laning Runes. Yone vs Ahri comes down to a skill matchup. Both champions have the tools to outplay the other, though post 6 Ahri will have a slight edge over Yone due to the mobility she receives. An inexperienced Ahri player may simply spam her abilities whenever they are up which will result in her going OOM very quickly. If you are fighting this type of Ahri, then simply wait for them to use their abilities and then engage with E > Stacked Q > W > Auto Attack. You can also engage an Ahri when her abilities are up, though engage behind the minions since she can charm you before you Stacked Q into her unless she is caught off guard from the engage and can't react in time. Against Ahri, I frequently make short trades by using my E and stacked Q combo onto her and snapping back immediately once the CC ends so she can't charm me in time. This will guarantee that you win every trade, and once she is low enough you can look to finish her off with the same combo + ignite. Post 6, do the E > Stacked Q > Ultimate combo. This guarantees that she can't dodge your ultimate with her ultimate. If you are struggling in the lane, rush Wit's End as your first item so you do not feed her.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. Annoying poke, take cleanse if you are big poosy. Do not ult her if her R is up, abuse her long ult cd early on, stand behind minions to avoid getting charmed.”
LlabilniLlama says “His only real threats are mages who spam abilities over and over and over again. So watch out for Ahris and Luxs and Xerath and all that kind of fun stuff.”
Tauricus2017 says “Ahri has quite a hard time poking you with Q and hitting you with E as your range is quite high. Wait for her to waste her Charm or her Spirit Rush and engage as she won't have much forms of escape.”
Vacavoladora says “Another mobile assassin
In lane try not to walk on a straight line to AA her, and just overall try not to get charmed
If she has her R down you might want to fight her, only her W is reliable so don't get skillshoted”
xoonaka says “Before she hits 6, the matchup is pretty easy, try to farm with you q avoiding her pokes and all in her at lvl 3, after 6 , her ulti can be very annoying as she can just dash away. Try wasting her ulti and look for a dive or roam.”
mihaila says “try to avoid her E by keeping ur E for that, her ult is good too for dodging skillshots, steal her ult only in lane or if u dont have a better ult to steal. Try to keep a distance between u and ur minions so she cant reach u with her Q”
x_Kassy_x says “Laning phase u cant really poke her bc of her passive and when she gets 6 u have to play really safe, really good ahri players will make u struggle just play with ur team, dont try to 1v1 her since she is much better than u at that.”
XD001 says “Early game is turbo cancer if the ahri is good, as she can perma walk up and poke you for each minion you try to cs and you cant do anything since her charm fucks your combo. If you do walk up to cs, W the wave first so you have a shield for her poke. The only way you will die is if you get hit with E (charm) after 6 while your R is down. If you know she has R down and she recently missed her charm, go for a solo kill. Be wary, however, because her W does give her a burst of tiny MS to juke your Q skillshot. Mid-Late game you will never be able to kill her because of her R and Charm. Juke her charm and try to 1 shot the enemy backline. In teamfights, getting hit by the charm means you are 99% dead. Merc treads/tenacity runes are advised but not needed if you can dodge charm. Take Elec + Precision page”
HeroAronNavius says “Many people have been struggling against Ahri only because she can cancel many of your engage abilities with her E. For example if u dash with ur third Q then she can cancel it with her E and poke as much as possible with her Q+W. She is extra annoying if she has electrocute then she can pretty much just execute you late game. So if u meet an Ahri try to go the full sustain build and engage her early game.”
Sojurini says “you can kill her if you dodge her E and with Q + E + AA + E + AA if you catch play behind the minions for her E and poke her with E she will use Q + W at you if you try to poke her with E + AA just try to poke her with your E as you can if she uses her R at you use your W and go behind the minions to dodge her E if she uses her 3rd R you can kill her easily if you catch your Q or with E + R + F + AA if you miss Q ”
Noodles912 says “Skill based matchup. You outscale, but her Q does true damage, and is her main ability. She does great damage in the early game. Stay near, but not too close to minions. You outscale at level 11.”
mc_jojo3 says “Doge her Q and if she hits a charm early she can showball but if you avoid that and either kill her before she ults or make sure she uses it before going all in.”
Noodles912 says “Skill based matchup. Bait her charm, then pounce onto her and all in. Don't let her charm you near your tower, or it is a solid gg. She is also extremely broken at the moment, so play smart.”
Int4Kindred says “If you can't dodge her charm then you are dead. Going against an experienced Ahri is painful. Wouldn't reccomend taking Kindred into the matchup at all. Her ult is also essentially a better Dance of Arrows. Worthy of a ban if you're not confident.”
Havenia says “Ahri is a major threat to me, if you're fighting a good Ahri, she will dash all over and make you miss your combo. She can just dash in, wait for your ult then dash back out and all in you with a kill. You need to bait out her R and charm before you attempt to kill her.”
peytonqt says “This is the link to the Azir Reddit Guide. It would take sooooo long for me to put in each and every matchup so please, if you not only want to get the matchup knowledge, but also the exact words from the Azir mains of reddit, please check out this link.
elnino9 says “Careful when you CS because she will Q you, she will try to go for pokes. Use Shunpo if you need to avoid skillshots or step back. Dodge her E and Q and try to take as little poke in lane as possible. You can play aggressive when her charm is on CD. She's open to an all-in when her E is on CD, she's vulnerable without it. She can kite you at 6 and avoid daggers, becareful when you're low HP because she'll have 3 dashes and she could kill you.”
Raizins says “Good Ahri players can charm your W effectively preventing you from getting clean combos off. Her ultimate also lets her avoid your engage on her so play around her CD's carefully.”
PASS10NE says “Good Ahri players will not spam Q when their Q isn't lvl 2 yet because they'll lose almost all of their mana. Avoid Ahri's Q back and bait her charm. If Ahri always hits her charm, you lose.”
NuclearAkali says “Ahri is very good against assassin matchups mostly because of her early harass and most importantly her charm. Against this matchup try to go in whenever her charm is on cooldown.”
Lot of Wind here says “Make sure you windwall her E. She will be elusive because of her R, so make sure to go in if you can kill her rapidly. Be careful when dashing not to get hit by the charm. The lane will probably push for her all game.”
hikami says “i think if you are playing against a level 7 ahri main who's actually really good, it will be very hard not to lose because her charm and ranged attack's are very hard to deal with”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Dodge her E as much as possible and engage on her if she tries to walk up and E but dodge her E first or you lose half your HP and lose lane hard.”
Wunsch3957 says “Farm lane in your favor, punish her as hard as possible when she misses E and after level 6 just roam as she can R every time to escape. Galeforce as mythic, flash/ignite and conq/domination.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Ahri can easily slip through your soldiers and catch up with your mobility. But she does not need to kill you. She just pushes the lane with 2Qs and then kills your team. A skilled Ahri is hard to deal with.”
GeDBo says “She can easily burst you if she catches you in her E. Don't let her do that by staying behind minions. If she catches you in her combo E+W+Q+Electrocute this will surely remove half of your health. Things get a little harder once she hits level 6, but there is a way to counter her. Just poke the crap out of her and don't let her get close to you. She has more damage than you in both early and late game, however you have bigger range than her and bigger farm potential which is a huge factor in the game. As said, don't let her farm and poke. You can either go the Arcane Comet or the Electrocute rune pages for this match up. ”
Aht3ns says “The only thing about Ahri that can threaten Mundo is the true damage. Even then, once you build some health she doesn't do much. Mundo has a lot of natural tenacity, so her charm is pretty useless.”
treemor says “At similar skill levels, this lane is pretty even. Note that she has a lot of sustain and could outlast you in lane. Bring Exhaust or Teleport and try to bait out her cooldowns before going for a trade.”
1st fizz on mars says “becouse she is ranged
dodge her E and throw your fish imidiatly with Q+ minion + R combo
so he cant dodge it with hes r
Yur R have much lower cooldowns SO all in her ”
CrazyyBrrr says “A very easy matchup
U can dodge the e without windwall go full in and if u want to be protected from her abilities put the windwall and continue the fight”
Edg3Lord says “Although she can poke you out of the minion wave, her only way to land abilities is with her E, which you may block. Otherwise, you can easily bully her if she gets aggressive.”
The Jhin Cena says “Though she has poke, she is very vulnerable without her E, and it can be quite easy to win trades against her. It however will be a little more difficult killing her post 6 due to her ult.”
Coldsong says “Ahri has really long range with her Q, and if you get hit by a charm you are as good as dead. Dodge it and buy magic resist to counter her burst. She is useless against a Passive + Tibbers.”
InkHeiko says “I took Ahri but this I prefer to say this for the "Midrange midlaners" like Ahri, Neeko or such, the matchup shouldn't be hard since you are a long range champion, the only thing you have to be careful about is trap and roams since you are not mobile, so careful as soon as they disapear of your lane.”
SoraSan says “Ahri pode te explodir facilmente caso consiga acertar o seu E em você. Nesse caso, fique atrás dos minions e cuidado com 6 dela. Siga farmando e a pokeando para que ela não chegue perto de você, ela tem mais dano que você na partida inteira, mas você ganha no alcance e no potencial de farm. Use isso ao seu favor.
Cometa Arcano ou Eletrocutar são as Runas recomendadas para essa matchup.”
Abbyca says “When fighting a ahri, she has hyper mobility, and counters you as a ranged mage. Her core items are getting buffed in 11.6 and you have to bait out her Charm and Q, aswell as her R to be able to win the matchup effectively and build Hextech for close gap.”
BigBushMan says “This lane is mostly even as long as Ahri doesn't lane an E or pokes you out with Q and W. Keep her cooldowns in mind and take advantage of them if possible. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) even matchup as she can just charm or ult away from you, just care about her jungler otherwise its just easier for you to play the lane as she isnt really allowed to go resolve or Dshield so you have a lot of early kill pressure, would recommend TP/Ignite or Cleanse depending on elo and jungle matchup.”
Gtoxer says “Runas recomendável: Faça cometa arcano ou eletreocutar. itens: Faça um véu de banshee
Feitiço de invocador:Ignite ou purificar.
1)Caso,ela use o charme dela errado, vá para cima dela sem medo!. 2)o que deixa a ahri uma matchup dificil é o charme e o dano verdadeiro na skill Q dela.
3) tome muito cuidado, com um gank inimigo, mesmo com ela com pouca vida”
Tamatamo says “A decent problem if she is good. She'll hold her charm the whole time like natural so you really can't ever go in due to that. If you want to go in try to bait it with galeforce or make her miss somehow. If you can't go in just keep the wave away from tower and don't get poked out. If it's possible try to get jng to gank you. Naturally ward in river and in lane to see if she roams and ping (hopefully the laners will listen). Try to stay up with cs and roam when possible.”
Dragonplayz says “She will basically easily dodge your Q when her ultimate is up. Use your wall to trap her in after she engages to force her to use up spirit rush. She can use her W to avoid Q as well.
She will easily get past your wall.
Use Everfrost instead of Q to stun her as it has more area and avoid her E as that will leave you vulnerable. She is also a squishy and can have a hard time getting past your egg without help early on. Avoid her during ganks by the opposing jungler.
Try to slow her down as her W won't easily get her out and it will make it easier to dodge her other abilities.”
Mr. MalzMalzahar says “Since she's a mid-laner and so is Malzahar she can be pretty dangerous yet easy to counter, she is mostly spam but if your good enough you can win.”
sidromest says “Take barrier and Doran's ring. Lanning phase you try to make her use mana on the wave.
You can fight for the first scuttler if she is punished with the wave.
After 6 stay under turret freezing the wave as much as possible, don't go on 2v2 fights, don't roam. She is the queen of small fights, just wait for your turn to shine.”
LordKingTurtle says “Annoying for similar reasons to Veigar, her charm is easy to land as you will be getting in her face constantly. I personally ban Veigar but Ahri is a legitimate ban aswell. ”
tomzieE says “runes - fleet, overheal, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
you need to block her e, then she is really easy, but good ahri can still poke you and be annoying”
Tizgard says “If you dodge the charm you should just be able to kill her. Early game you should be able to engage on her, and not die even if she lands the charm.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “You should win lane against Ahri as long as you dodge her charm, or play safe and stay behind minions. You naturally out poke her.”
sashadidntwalk says “Farm safely at first because her Q will do a lot of damage. If she misses her charm you can combo her. If she uses her ult twice look for a sleep option to burst her down quickly without her being able to get away.”
Roofuslol says “Just stand behind minions so she can't hit charm on you, but make sure you are not standing in the minions, cause if you do she can hit minions and your champion with q.
xxseraphinaaxx says “Can be hard to deal with if they're good at her, but generally, it's quite even. Dodge her Es and land your Qs and you'll be ok. ”
BigFatCat909 says “Avoid getting hit by charm by reacting with casting ult at the time of her use, try to avoid using your W before your ult so you can chase her down if she tries to ult away and it should be free.”
FogivenDevil says “She can shove you a lot, but at least you can outplay and kill her if you dodge the charm. Once you gets ult just try to bait it and go for a play when she doesn't have it.”
Johan Paracelso says “She can counter Yone's small trade combo (E Q3 Auto W) with just her E, she can shove the wave early on thanks to her Q, and is a pretty disgusting match-up in general. She can dodge your skills with her R and get you to her and combo you using E. The only way to beat Ahri, is to bait her Charm. If you are able to bait it, she is open for nine seconds”
Bwonsamdilol says “Lane is even as long as you E her charm. Best combo is baiting her stun with you're Q, then taking it but at an angle so you dodge the charm then E W R her. #RobbyisRank8AhriNA”
Hiimkata says “Always go for short trades, Aatrox will beat you otherwise. For example: Q minion > E on Q dagger > W out Go for short trades and E out always (look tip 2 on important kata stuff) until hes lower HP by your poke and then you can go for an all in. Walk left/right if he w's so you can get out easly. You can go Resolve second with Bone Plating and Overgrowth it's really good vs Aatrox.”
mrsuits says “Keep your distance from Ahri to avoid getting hit by her charm (Charm/Enchanting Crystal Arrow), which can set up for an all-in.
Utilize your soldiers to poke and zone Ahri, making it harder for her to engage.
Be mindful of her mobility with Spirit Rush (Ultimate) and try to track its cooldown.
Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove her charm and mitigate her all-in potential.
Be aware of her roaming potential and communicate with your team to prevent her from getting kills in other lanes.
Build some magic resist to reduce her burst damage and survivability against her abilities.
When she uses her ultimate aggressively, use your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create distance and deny her all-ins.
Punish Ahri when her abilities are on cooldown, as she becomes more vulnerable during those moments.
Note: Azir's range and poke can give you an advantage in this matchup. However, be mindful of Ahri's charm and her ability to roam. By maintaining good positioning and tracking her cooldowns, you can control the lane and make it difficult for Ahri to find openings to engage.
Justin58111 says “The fact that her E doesn't go though minons makes the eary at least easier. Try do doge her E with your E and when you're lucky you still get charmed away. Try to be save when her ult is up. ”
ParkChnm says “Ahri should play very aggressive in lane, otherwise you win very easily. Try to stay behind your minions to avoid charm, but not in your minion wave as she can Q the wave and hit you all at once.”
ParkChnm says “This matchup isn't so bad as long as you stay behind your wave to avoid getting charmed. Post-6, don't waste your ult trying to hit Ahri, unless her ult is down since she can use it to get out of range.”
UnoTrickCho says “It's a losable matchup but it's heavily favoured towards you, just don't try and dive her and you'll be good, If her jungler has a lot of cc, go cleanse/”
KataTocDo says “Depends on the level of the Ahri. If she is good, you will never get a chance to kill her, if they are bad you will be able to run over them throughout the entire game. Dodge charm and you should be fine. VERY annoying and try to kill before she hits 6 as she can just ult away.
Runes: Electrocute/Precision
Starting Item: Dark Seal or Doran's Shield
Yamikaze says “Your windwall blocks all her damage, but you want to keep it for her charm. This is a really easy matchup for Yasuo. I take ignite in this matchup so i can burst her before she escapes with her ultimate.”
woo99 says “EASY. Push your lane faster than her. Force her to use q on wave. Harass her under turret. Just be careful not to q when you think enemy jg might come, since then your escape will be too short with only e.”
wildersovereign says “Keep an eye on both of your mana pools early. If she's wasting her mana and you have plenty left, push in order to force her to take a bad recall or to take a good one yourself. Post-6, her kill threat on you is very minor if she's not super fed since you can shield her Charm. However, she is difficult to kill thanks to her R. Try to make her use at least one charge before you bind her.”
Splaty says “Ahri is super dangerous against Lucian really its just her charm so stay behind the minions for most of the time go in when she waste her charm”
Nevemlaci says “Her early poke is huge, but you need to kill her pre6. Engage when her E is on cooldown. After 6 she just uses her ult to disengage and poke you down from distance.”
rajsovsky says “Ahri is freaking disgusting. She has 3 dashes, tons of mobility, charm, kill on gank potential, escape from gank potential and tons of damage. It's more like skill-based matchup. You need to dodge her charm with your Pool (w). You can win trades with her after getting Hextech.
invalidd says “Easy to abuse because you sustain most of the poke, her trades are only lethal if she lands the charm and you're below 40% HP,
she has short CD on her ult so you have to stun her or predict the ult when you're ulting her. Easy to setup ganks on.”
lkycch says “The laning phase isn't too bad; just don't get hit by her charm. It gets harder once she hits 6, as you'll never be able to stun her again with 3 dashes! You'll need a frontline in order to deal with this, as no squishy can really afford to tank her charm. If your team is all squishy, I suggest dodging in champ select.”
Aikairi says “For Ahri, make sure you dodge her charm by using E->W, and zigzagging her in order to bait out her charm. This usually works as your W movement speed is very high and can easily make Ahri misaim. If she keeps onto it, then wait for your E cooldown to come back up and use Q -> E to burst her down even more. After that, try to retreat to a nearby minion.
Also, make sure to capitalise on Ahri's Q if she uses it to farm. After she uses it, try to look for an opening to go in, as even if she charms you, she won't have her main damage tool.
Be careful of her after level 6, and don't use all your spells at once as she can simply R away.”
SkellyBirb says “Ahri's main threat is that she her range combined with her mobility. She has a lot of burst being a ranged assassin, however if you shield her charm, you negate a lot of her threat.”
lkycch says “The laning phase isn't too bad; just don't get hit by her charm. It gets harder once she hits 6, as you'll never be able to stun her again with 3 dashes! You'll need a frontline in order to deal with this, as no squishy can really afford to tank her charm. If your team is all squishy, I suggest dodging in champ select.”
Penpiddin says “Ahri's Q is a Stronger Wave clear early game. Pre 6 need to farm behind minions and watch out for charm when shield is down. Farm wave with DoT and pets straight after she Qs and lane is easy. Respect the All In if ur shield is down or your mana is low ”
RedNBlue says “If the Ahri is good she would just keep her distance and it is annoying because she will poke you and charm you forcing you to use your e and then she will just throw another bomb at you.
Once you get your let you can just max its ranged hit her and q w e her and she is dead.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs ahri: Quedate entre los minions baiteando el corazon a lvl 6, luego de que lo tire a la basura entra con todo pues ya no tiene otro recurso para darte todo el combo completo. (compra hielo eterno por su R)”
TheHostileCat says “Dodge charm and you'll be fine, newer Akali players might find it hard to lane against her, but in time you'll be able to dodge everything. Don't stand in the wave either.”
PrimeRex226 says “This matchup is alright , just play safe and eventually you'll kill her. Dodge her charm , farm with q early so buy dorans ring for that extra mana sustain. When going for all-ins , watchout for her charm and ult combo which can cause you to take a few tower shots and possibly use your ult. ”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Match her waveclear with yours
- Remember your W passive will not block the returning damage from her Q as it is true
- You can never just E into her as she will charm it
- Play around jungle
- Roam with teleport and ultimate
- She is very squishy if you do manage to land a combo on her”
Big Shawn says “Both champs are strong in 1v1 situations. If you manage to dodge her Charm and you are in range to use your E-Ability, you'll win the trade.”
Ambitieux says “Get cleanse for this matchup and it shouldn't be that bad. Try not to take trades unless you know they don't have charm OR you land a Q. Then run her down and get ready to dodge charm. Or if you have cleanse just take it and play it through.”
Scyrine says “Play mind games with her. She'll try to pull you out of your shroud and charm you. Wait for her charm and hard engage after she uses it. ”
Chili Dog says “Take shitty trades, non stop harass her with Q, dodge her charm with pure skill if cocky, if not just W it, it's her main source of damage, Electrocute Recommended but Phase Rush can be taken”
JustGalaxy06 says “Don't push too much cause she has that charm and she can make you get some serious tower shots . You can make a q-q-e-q-r combo and one shot her if you're ahead so not that big of a threat”
Breadcrumbs says “Ever since Ahri was buffed to be able to cancel dashes, it has become far more difficult for Irelia to win this lane. Your main kill opportunities are around level 3-6”
Niqkl says “I think Ahri is pretty easy in laning phase, she might just poke you a little bit but you outsustain by a lot. Just dont try to all in when she has ult, as it will probably result in you burning your summs/ult for nothing.”
Dafioske says “Ella es una línea muerta no te mata pero tú no la matas es mejor gankear o pedir ayuda a tu jungla si es que quieres otra kill peor su rango de dificulta sería más bajo ”
FalleN3 says “This is pretty much a skill match up.
Avoid her skill-shots and you will be able to burst her down after level 6. Take care though because if she manages to hit you with a charm, you are in for a world of hurt. Be sure to not lead with your (R) when you are going for an all-in on her as she can be very mobile when using her ultimate and you can easily miss, qq.
Avoid her (E) Charm or you will take a big chunk of damage. She does outrange you but will find it difficult to trade with you unless she lands her charm. Use you minions to your advantage as they will block it.
If Ahri misses her (E) Charm you should try to harass her while it is on CD.
Rylai's can help you to chase her down if she doesn't die to your all in burst.
Be careful if she hits level 6 before you! Without a stun, you are in big trouble!”
Last Roar says “This is purely a skill match-up. Ahri's not as strong as she used to be, but has a brilliant kit, and she will likely punish you if you get too close. She also roams well post-6.
Obj: Look to beat her before she's lvl-6, whether it be in lane or through roams. After 6 she can roam better than you and she teamfights better than you, but you can still pick people off to stay in the game.”
PROJECT BZ says “Ahri onetricks are scary for laning because after 6 they can just charm you out of your ultimate and run away from the movement speed provided by Ahri w or moving out of range of the shadows with her own ultimate.”
vCraze says “Ahri is a good matchup for Xerath as you outrange her, she will win early fights so try to play safe and just poke her with your abilities (while also hitting minions) when both comet and manaflow are up. Make sure you stay behind minions so that she can't easily land her charm. You will be able to pressure her once you hit your Last Chapter and especially Ludens. Once she hits 6 make sure that you are not in range of her first dash, this will generally make sure you are safe as she cannot insta cast her second dash. At this point you can stun and full combo her to chunk her. Also if you are ulting and she has ult up, most Ahris in lower elos will panic and use their ult before you cast yours in which you can land your R easily.”
Sadkid says “A good Ahri who knows her kill threat is scary. However, there are not many . Usually you can beat her in lane wait for her to ult onto you and E her. She is also very Q dependent if she Qs the wave poke her out with your abilities. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Match based on movement, stay behind minions and dodge her orb when she throws it out. If you get hit with the charm you auto lose trade. The reason why his matchup is harder than zoe is because its really hard to actually stun her using your W because she can just ult out of it, she can also ult to dodge your E, R, and maybe even charm you.”
SkellyBirb says “Start Doran's Shield for sustain. She can poke quite hard, but doesn't have too much kill potential pre-6 if she can't land her charm.”
WolfRider01 says “Avoid the charm. Once you've baited it, you can simply run her down if she's low enough. Only windwall charm if you can guarantee a kill on her, otherwise try not to get hit by it (stay near minions). If you get hit by charm you WILL take a LOT of damage.”
Katfire says “If she lands E you will get chunked so take care. Don't get poked, dodge her E/bait her E out and you will do just fine. If she messed up her E go for a trade.
At 6 you should try to bait her R and then wait it out unless you can kill her before she dashes away. Try to kill her when her R is down.”
Elhypersnyper says “Ahri will absolutely wreck you, even me a Kog'Maw 1 trick I still struggle going against Ahri. Her poke is insane against Kog'Maw and should she land any E you are dead and your passive does not matter.
If she gets fed the best you can hope for is to scale as Kog'Maw. Stay under tower and just R the wave if she shows any signs of diving (this is only if you don't have barrier) back and run away as you will die now again THIS is only if she is fed.
On the off hand if you get fed against Ahri you will wreck her as you basically 3 shot her with R.
I Perma-Ban Ahri when playing Kog'Maw mid.”
zee160 says “I'm only putting her as a major threat because her burst is stronger than yours early game.
General rule of thumb with her, is to always keep her out of her abilities reach. Once she throws her charm at you, if you dodge it, you can safely farm for about 10 seconds. Your E (your shield) is a very good friend against Ahri. CS is also important against Ahri. Unlike Cass, who is probably your biggest threat, you can have a better chance at farming and poking her down to scare her off.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “just try and dodge her charm and e her and you win trade but if she is fed she will most likely one shot so i f you want you could take cleanse but you win trades if she misses e”
hickeyo says “This is more of a skill based matchup, if you can E when she throws her charm you should be okay and just make sure to use your ult wisely. She can easily ult out of your ult leaving you at a disadvantage. ”
MartyBG says “Skill based matchup. As long as you don't get hit by charms its fine. You have much better burst than ahri after lvl 6 as long as you dodge her charm. Wait for her to use her ult and look for a window where you can land your full combo.”
Glaceonlol says “Ahri in the early levels will have the push if you can stay in close in cs once lost chapter and tear are bought you just pretty much win as long as you arent down too much cs and dont get hit by charms
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with cleanse or ignite. Ahri has better waveclear , roam potential and constant damage then you. Pre 6 if she misses her charm all in her. After 6 don't EVER r forward to look for a E she will charm you and run you down with her ult. You can make better picks then her in late game with your range. Rush Mercs if your struggling.”
IncursioOCE says “This champion will hold her E until she is 100% sure it will land, you will never have an opportunity after 6 to kill her unless she trolls very annoying poke and shove makes it impossible to roam”
ZephD4C says “My personal ban because she's just a pain to deal with after 6 in where you just can't kill her and she can run away from you. I'd rather face a hard matchup that I need to engage in instead of just not doing anything. Your key is just to roam and that's it.”
economistastonks says “This is an easy match up, because you can dodge her skills easily and go in when her cooldowns are down. Watch out after level 6 though, as she can then easily dodge your ultimate. ”
DrWindwall says “If she can't time her E's you can easily win this matchup. But if she can time her E well then don't be greedy and start trades only when your W in up”
Bobbab says “Bait out the charm and you win every fight. Her R can he hard to deal with as it can escape your combos and turn it into a lost fight. Play aggro early and roam after 6.”
sweodigaming says “Ahri is a very squishy champion, with that said, she is not that hard to kill. Farm up to level 6 and go for an all-in. However do care, this is a skill match up. Ahri can easily predict your ultimate, with hers.”
NightSoar says “Can Be difficult due to huge burst and strong CC, Start Boots 4pots and just dodge her skills until she makes a mistake. Try not to ult until after she's used her charm(E)”
Magical Rock says “I just don't like Ahri in general, because she can just charm you if you get out from behind your minions. And if you don't do that, then she q's you. The best thing to do is to dodge her charm and then trade with her. Remember she has a dash, so keep that in mind when fighting without your ultimate.”
TheFwnK says “This champion will poke you till your funeral. She can kill you in 2 seconds. If you die, you cannot do anything to her. Try to reach level 6 before her, because her R can escape from you very easy.”
neverwanted2be says “FF+Resolve+8MR+Doran' Shield is ur choise versus Ahri. Also u can try FF+Domination if ur "wave-control" is good. Her 'E" (12seconds cd) is ur main fear, so try 2 bait it and dodge it with ur FF's stacks.
She will push with her "Q", so try to freeze ur lane on a third wave of minions, make ur lane rdy for a ganks. Ur trading pattern ll be "E+Q(Stucked)" combo, avoid usind "W" if she didn't lost her Charm "E". She is still pretty weak, so if she loss her, "E" u can secure ur lvl3 kill with (E+QQ+W+Ignite+AA+Flash) combo very easy. Also lvl6 combo is really easy if she lost her "E+R". Ur tactics here is 2 freeze ur lane near ur tower, bait her "E" and dodge it and immediately punish her. If ur jungler is near u can bait her "E" with "E+QQ" but u should be very fast. Try to overfarm her, rush Mercs as boots, also u can buy QSS if her team got another control. In teamfights try to hit her with "R" but dont lose it if she's standin alone. Galeforce is a cool choice 2 chase her when she's using "R".”
Grayified says “This matchup is very annoying. Ahri has a good engage, escape and has CC. If you get her while her R is down and she misses E, then the kill is nearly guaranteed.”
Nazrat says “This matchup is all about personal skill level. The better player wins it. Ahri wins if she hits a charm and then a full combo + electro. Note: Her charm is outranging your Q so watchout. What you can do in this matchup is put your ball somewhere on the ground close to her and damage her this way. If you dodge her charm you win the trade.”
Daeydark says “Look to sidestep her Q and poke her with your W while hitting the minion wave/standing behind your minions. Only look to trade with her when her charm is down.”
KormitLeFrag says “You can shove her early, but avoid the charm at all costs. If she misses charm, you can trade with her - be careful of the jungler.
Its probably not worth using your R after her first dash, as she will just use the other two to get back.”
Johan Paracelso says “Ahri has a range advantage, so, she will be cappable of punish Yone's laning phase. Any time you want to grab a minion, shi can auto attack you and chunk you down pretty hard, on her Level 4, she can combo and kill you (E+Q+W+AA) And you are done”
ZeMoller says “This matchup is fairly easy, the only thing you have to look out for is her charm, you can go barrier or cleanse into this, cleanse securing that you wont get cced, on the other hand, barrier blocks some of the burst, it is really up to what you prefer.”
Osfran says “She has a lot of mobility due to her R, focus on doging her E and Q during laning phase, even a single E you didnt dogde could get you killed.”
conginu says “if she used charm its a free kill tbh,
you can bait it by E-W on her then walk into her or aggresively forward (not away she will predict that). after that AA her down”
Jamakin12 says “This is a really hard lane. Ahri can poke you early with her Q, so you will either take a lot of damage or you will lose minions early. She can also disengage with her E and her ult, so getting kills on her is rare without using flash, ult and ignite. I recommend unlocking W level one here, because you can reduce a lot of her Q poke with it.”
Cahly says “You can w her charm and like that's her main ability and it's a long cooldown so you can trade with her. Q raptors if you are low hp from her Q. You don't really need d-shield.”
Rmgnda says “Resistance to Ahri the fox magician is very agile and has skills that dominate speed which is very easy and difficult when fighting at a long distance”
Yeager says “Dodge her charm with your E and you win. After level 6 she's really hard to kill due to her mobility, so it really depends on who is able to push the lane first and roam + impact other parts of the map. ”
FalleN3 says “A decent Ahri can make this lane quiet difficult for you however I would call this more of a skill match-up than anything else. You should be able to poke her in lane and try zone her as much as possible. You will need to be quick on your feet though and dodge her skill-shots. Purchasing some early boots can help you with this and you could also consider taking 'celerity' rune. Remember her (Q) Orb of Deception will also do damage on the way back. After level 6 I think Ahri gets a decent advantage of Orianna and it can be very difficult to land your ultimate on her due to her (R) Spirit Rush as she can dash away from it and re-position quickly to gain the upperhand over you. It is crucial that you dodge her (E) Charm as if she lands it on you, you will likely take a LOT of damage or possible die (depending on your HP). In the Mid/Late game she can kill you just as quickly as you can kill her, her mobility gives her a slight advantage though.”
PH45 says “She can just push you to your tower constantly. If you are not careful she will charm you and just kill you by that so try to either stick behind minions and avoid her Q poke or if you decide to fight her make sure she has either used her charm or you can avoid.”
Veigarv2 says “She can setup ganks really well, she cannot go out of your cage with her R. keep your distance and put your dancing shoes on so you can dodge her charm. you hard outscale her.
Electro page with boots and 5%/biscuits”
Lunasta says “Same as corki, She should poke you until LV 3, after that just stay with your W on Water and E>Q her every time she tries to poke then W on grass, Q her again and burst her. She can be kinda difficult tho as she can push the wave really hard and prevent you from roaming”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Ahri shouldn't be too much of an issue for a well-trained Akali.
All you have to do in this match-up is wait for her to come close to use her charm. Then you use your shuriken flip to dodge it and get locked in on her. If it comes to close combat Ahri loses very hard to Akali. ”
Yeager says “ After level 6 DO NOT use your portal jump when she has ult up, because she will all-in you. Stay behind your minions so you don't get hit by her charm and focus on clearing the waves so you can roam faster.”
SkellyBirb says “Early on, you can deal with Ahri. Stay behind minions so she can't charm you. Use your W to help deal with poke. Once she hits 6, you need to play carefully.”
Frixen says “You don't have much kill pressure against Ahri, however, you have fairly safe range, and she can't get into charm range as easily due to your cards. Sit back and try to farm up, look for roams, throw out your cards every now and then to keep her at bay. Important note: Cleanse makes Ahri a completely non-threat.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up but also a difficult lane pre level 6. She has sustain from her passive and her (Q) really hurts. You really need to dodge her skill-shots in order to not give her a tonne of free harass on you. Take a charm to the face and she can possibly 100-0 you, especially if she hits level 6 before you. Consider starting boots and health pots for this match-up. After level 6 this lane becomes easier.”
SkellyBirb says “Start Doran's Shield for sustain. She can poke quite hard, but doesn't have too much kill potential pre-6 if she can't land her charm.”
Bouhhsolene says “Against this matchup, I would recommend taking Cleanse to avoid dying to an All-In. Cleanse either her Ignite or her E.
I like to play Glacial Augment onto Ahri to force her R, and to be able to get to her even after her R. You can't really kill her until you get your first item, except if she uses her last R proc to dash In, and you can R. Once you get your first item, try to hit it, then E, and try to force her to R. You'll get your GLP + E faster than she will get her R, so if she disrespects your spike first item, she should die.
You can also kill early if she pushes and you get help from your jungler!”
Reason97 says “As long as you play safe and play around your passive, it should be pretty hard for her to get an all in on you. Keep mobile so she cant land easy Q's, play back and safe when your shields down, and you should be ok. ”
Reason97 says “Ahri can do a lot of damage, but the biggest thing in your favor is that NONE of your abilities are blocked by minions. Her Charm is. Use your minions as a barrier, and dont let her land a charm on you, and you should be fine. Also dodge her orb, of course, but that's a given. Her high mobility can make her hard to kill after level 6, but you dont really NEED to kill her, just don't let her kill you and try to outfarm her. Poke her out as you can. ”
xAsuta says “Skill matchup. Ahri can charm you when you jump on her and with her ultimate she can avoid your all in. Try to dodge the charm after jumping on her and dont run her down if she uses r.”
orangepenguinhead says “If you get hit by the first part of her Q remember to dodge the second part of her Q to take less damage. Once she gets level 6, be careful of where you Q. If she charms you, you can instantly cast Q once you get out of the charm since you are going to be closer to her. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Watch out for her burst with E, a minion can take the e for you also so if you are going to trade be behind minions, or just windwall. This is a matchup where you would get W at level 3. Might want to take Cleanse if you are big poosy. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
Godzillababy says “Depends on Ahri's skill but if they waste E then its really easy to go in. If they hold onto it I usually just go in super close and Windwall and it almost always works.”
Jimmy1337 says “You have to be careful while trying to kill her with your R + Full Combo. She can easily outplay you by using her E just after you cast R.”
sashadidntwalk says “This will mostly depend on how skilled the enemy Ahri is, she can make your laning phase miserable or it will be alright. She can ruin your E combo with her simple E (charm) and her mobility makes her very hard to catch. So make sure if you R her she doesn't have her R up as well. ”
shadowiyce says “*Ahri's burst damage comes from applying her charm. You can dodge her E by standing behind the minions.
*Do not forget to dodge her returning Q as it deals true damage. ”
arcanejhin says “should be really easy to dodge her charm with your E and poke her down pre 6. (e sideways with Q2 ready to engage). Stand in minions and move whenever she Qs.”
Fadedreformed says “Really easy matchup, dodge her charm and you should win trades easily. Care for her level 6 because it can get a little bit tricky and if she hits her e you are actually dead”
Shock_101 says “Don't get charmed. Sounds simple, but its difficult most of the time. Abuse her pre-6, and go in when she misses her charm and doesn't have ult. Otherwise, this is a fairly ez matchup. Also note, her q does true damage on the way back, so try not to get hit by that.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Ahri has pretty good waveclear, so you'll spend a lot of time farming under your own tower. Although, this means she will need to overextend to CS, meaning she is vulnerable to ganks, especially if she has no cleanse. She has kill pressure if she can manage to poke you down and land a charm on you. I'd recommend rushing Mercury's treads vs her. She can also follow your roams decently well due to the mobility given by her Q and R, so be careful of her appearing if and when you roam.”
ShockMaster says “Hard matchup. Quite hard to play against her, as she has her ult and can easily evade yours while she's poking you with all of her other abilities. Try to ask for help from your jungler.”
Yuki H. says “Early levels can be a struggle if enemy jungle pressure is greater than yours. If Ahri hits 6 before Zed, be careful as she can burst Zed down pretty quickly if not full health. On the other hand, if Zed hits 6 first, there is a chance for a free kill if charm is dodged. ”
stziswhatihave says “Skill matchup. Whoever knows more about the game wins lane.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
bobatea says “Honestly this is a skill match up , like you can totally dominate in lane but so can she. I recommend to try to bait her charm and orb before going in but she can also just ult away from you”
Proma says “Dshield
Dodge her E and avoid her Q poke and she cant do much to you. Post 6 be careful ulting her as she can dash away. If your go to ult her try to cover her dash or cc her.”
Chiefsnake says “All relies on you dodging her charm and Q. Play around your minion wave when you know she's looking for a charm and out of the wave when she has it down. playing out of the wave makes her choose between using her Q on the wave or on you. once she hits 6 it gets harder because she can dash around to try and hit you with her charm but this is mostly a skill matchup”
AbhorRend says “A lane decided but how often you can dodge her charm. Early boots help. q e in and w to dodge her charm with the ms it gives. Low elo jgers always int ahri so dont spam for ganks unless u cannot win by urself”
Defensivity1 says “Dont get hit by her charm and you should be able to outdamage her, be carefull and dont stand too close to minions because she can then use her q to both damage you and the minions, once she turns level 6 however she can be a real threath.”
Veralion says “Ahri is currently the most popular, worst matchup. Ban her. Skilled players will auto-shove you in and hard deny you under turret. Her Q is dodgeable, but that charm is quite quick and is the truly threatening part of her kit. If you do happen to get charmed, you’ll take a brutal amount of damage. Any poke you land will just get healed back by her passive. This means that you can't get a single caster creep for the entire lane phase. Pretty unplayable. Shove back hard any chance you get, since you can only step up to the wave while your creeps yet live. Position so she has to choose between trying to Q you or shoving/lifestealing off of your wave. Mind your spacing; if your W is down and you’re at her maximum Q range, you can get double hit by it very easily. At 6, NEVER just ult at her out of the blue, even if she doesn’t have vision and you’ll catch her by surprise. She will land a guaranteed charm and kill you with her full combo; you won’t be able to run away from her ult. Wait for her to Q the wave or whiff charm then ult on her. She will always retreat without her E and Q both available. Wait for her to ult back once, then E after her before she can dash again. ”
Bartoos says “You technically have the upper hand because Ahri needs to miss 1 spell and she has no damage left but when she does hit it she can easily kill you and dodge your spells with R. Once either of you buy any magic resist both of you have 0 kill pressure. She is a better roamer than you though so make sure to push the wave constantly.”
Icemperor says “Ahri has a lot of CC, and she can CC you through shroud. She also has a lot of damage and mobility. Be careful and rush in after she misses CC.”
Cuzma says “level 1-6 is annoying. Play safe, give up farm is ok, just farm to enough gold where you can back at around 5 to get vamp scepter. Optimally try to crash the wave for back timing. At lvl 6 you can 100-0 combo Ahri then its win from there”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Ahri isn't that much of a threat to Vladimir in 1v1, in fact, Vlad has te upper hand in terms of surivability-dps in this versus., Her relatively long range can't be helped but can be mended by high sustain, her poke shouldn't be too hard to overcome. As you can out-trade her easily through your sustain. Taking boots for early mobility and dodging her skill shots shall help you. But if you insist on doing vital mistakes, she can easily take the advantage of it and punish you for that, for her true damage combined with a long range CC is a headache for Vladimir. 'careful her [[Charm]] is no mean CC, and it can possibly cause your dead-end combined with another CC follow-up. After rushing [[Hextech Protobelt-01]] you will able to burst her down, but watch her Q + E combo while trying to land Transfusion. Its her main source of burst damage which can be spammed from mid-high range, and your movements are really predictable, so think like at least 2 times before doing something against Ahri, you can bait her [[charm]] out while stacking E, then when Ahri'S E [charm] animation plays use W to sink into the blood pool, outplay her, but be careful its a risky move so without proper vision of the jungle, enemy jungler can gang easily while your [[Sanguine Pool]] is down. I usually try to farm safely against her at early levels since her range is generous compared to yours. And in lane beware of gangs because without critical mistakes she cannot do much in 1v1, so she has to rely on ganks, having less health than her means she will probably rely on an ignite lock, be aware of her movements and she all be shall yours to exterminate.”
lessbedone says “AP mages aren't much of a threath to Aphelios. You WILL outdamage them, just dont give them the early lead. Ahri in particular- she cant do much without her charm.”
LinCass says “Play around your cleanse cooldown, never overextend when its down.
Dont try to kill her, rather scale up and wait for her to fuck it up, abuse her when Charm(E) is on cd.”
Omega Zero says “Ahri can interrupt your Q3 with Charm, and can poke you heavily from there. And unlike Yasuo, Yone does not have a passive shield and Wind Wall to mitigate Ahri's abilities. Be wary when dashing when her Charm's up and pressure her when it's down. Late game don't expect to be able to pick Ahri out often as her ult's cooldown is way shorter than yours.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Skill Matchup
She is very squishy so you shouldn't have trouble dealing with her at least pre-6, You can sit away from your minion wave but still behind them parallel to her so that you don't get charmed and if she uses Q on you, she sacrifices wave clear.
After 6 is where the skill matchup really starts since she can predict your Ult so i suggest you try to stun her with Q rather just watch for the charm.”
TK.BENEDICT says “Ahri can be a difficult champion to deal with. With Ahri's Charm (Third Skill) and Orb of Deception (First Skill) it can deal a lot of damage. and with Ahri's Spirit Rush (Last Skill) she can charge easily. ”
ThatOneKatMain says “Kind of annoying since her e is longer than yours but if she tries to e you within you e range just hop behind her and she will just die. Post 6 its pretty easy for her to get away from you but you will outscale her hard in midgame and you are way more valuable in teamfights than her.”
Iruminati says “Ahri is killable. just try to dodge her spells and if you have enough hp, just rush her with early combo.
Do not try to hit her directly. Jump on a dagger and run on a side directly so she can miss her E.
Ahri est tuable, esquivez son poke en lane et rushez la quand vous avez des hps.
Quand vous sauterez sur une dague, ne tapez pas directement au risque de vous prendre un E. Partez sur un côté pour qu'elle rate son e avant de la re-engage avec un shunpo ou des AA si elle n'est pas trop loin.”
snukumz says “She can charm you when you hop in which hinders your ability to kill her.
If you can dodge or bait her charm then she's an easy target to kill. ”
MrMoonBird says “Ahri has extremely good burst potential if she can land her E+W+Q combo on you. Use your movement speed to sidestep her E and punish her.”
snukumz says “She can slap you through waves and you can't.
Once she gets 6 you have to be very careful because she can ult and dash towards you, easily dodge you abilities, charm you, and do a ton of damage/kill you herself, or easily do so with the help of her jungler.
Stay back and safe, shove waves hard since you have better wave clear, and either roam or just push and keep her from roaming.
Pre-6 you can poke her down since she's squishy, but she does have some sustain with her 6, she's gankable pre-6 but not gankable after 6.
You do way more damage in teamfights than her so that' where you win, but she's better at getting/setting up picks for her team so hopefully you and your teammates will be careful.”
TSMyth says “Ahri, is an easy matchup in my opinion your Wind Wall literally counters the fuck out of her. There's no need to say anything. But, if you don't have your Wind Wall up, buy QSS to get out of her E.”
1256 says “can be annoying as she shoves the wave really well, has cc true dmg and 3 dashes inbuilt, but man she is so useless nowadays its insane, you just straightup outscale electrocute ahri as well as the glacial one (with the second one having utility though so be careful).
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “Q poke. Q poke. Treat her like Xerath. watch out for her charm, you can use cleanse if you want. Honestly people who play her are probably 40 year old neckbeards who drink mountain dew and jerk off to kda ahri. pussy champion
Pentakai says “A good Ahri will harass you with auto-attacks. Dodge her E when you can and block her Q damage with your Q. If you're struggling, rush Merc Treads.”
LightningTemplar says “Skill matchup. Yet it feels like Ahri has the upper hand since you won't be able to kill her in lane unless she mess up or you get a gank. You're gonna be frequently using the W+E+Q combo to trade. ”
Jackpitts says “you have to dodge ALL her E, if you cant you will die instatly. try to ult her only with the jungler cause with her Q she can dodge your ult but with maybe a jungler's stun you'll be fine”
KitsyMamori says “I never noticed any problems with Ahri. You can full combo her the moment you hit your Q, just make sure to be far enough away to make it so she can't use her E on you while you are using your combo.”
LizzyElune says “Ahri solia ser hard counter de anivia, pero actualmente le falta daño, asi que es mas unmatchup de skill.
un 55% de las veces podrias ganarle con un buen control de oleadas.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This is a skill match-up but also a difficult lane pre level 6. She has sustain from her passive and her (Q) really hurts. You really need to dodge her skill-shots in order to not give her a tonne of free harass on you. Take a charm to the face and she can possibly 100-0 you, especially if she hits level 6 before you. Consider starting boots and health pots for this match-up. After level 6 this lane becomes easier.
huynhlinhquyhoa says “You can beat her easy. Avoid her W.
She's quite a pickle to deal with. Her Q get rids of your minion real quick and she gets healing from her passive to deal with your poke. She's the most played champ among the hard matchups so I kinda ban her most of the time when I want Malzahar.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Ahri can burst you quickly with her charm and followed abilities, while also dodge your abilities with her ultimate. You should trade with her pre-6 only, but use your E to dodge her charm, I suggest to place a W behind her, because when you jump on her she will most likely charm you and walk back, so there's a high chance of you stunning her.”
Liouss3 says “Annoying champ because she has poke and after 6 she counters you even more because of her 3 dashes.
What you can do is punish her after she misses her E and poke her with your Q as much as possible”
CallMeDaddyGR says “For beginners, ahri can be a huge threat but all you have to do is use your e and w to dodge her charm, the rest is easy just poke her with your q and try hit your passive as well and you should have an easy laning phase”
henxs says “If she will hit you with charm early you will lose a lot of health if she misses her charm then you should engage and kill her. Don't forget that enemies have jungler to.”
ROENsp says “DO NOT LET AHRI LAND HER CHARM. This single spell can lose you a trade or kill you. Stay near minions but be sure to also dodge her Q as well. A battle against an early game Ahri is a dance of dodging her Q and W. When you both are level 6 it becomes a skill matchup. Be sure to poke Ahri down as much as possible. The best time to poke Ahri is AFTER she has used her passive. Build Banshee's Veil if she is somehow landing her charms like a madman.”
Papapostolou says “Okay, this is a skill match up and she can oneshot you after 11 level with her charm. you have to dodge ALWAYS her E even if you have to use W (Sanguine pool). Don't try to all in to her if she has R ”
Canofsteak says “She can charm you and burst you out. She beats you from start to finish. You do out roam her and out damage her in team fights because you are essentially an adc.”
Lil Tidepod says “Ahri is relatively easy to beat when playing Ryze. You can lock her down easily with your W, and as long as you can hit your E Q she shouldn't be able to get too close to you. Kite her out and keep doing damage.”
Capparelli says “Ahri is in a bad state right now but her charm can still ruin your day because your dash is so predictable, her mobility also makes her annoying to engage on after 6, get Tiamat and look for roams no point in trying to force a kill on her when she might just run away or charm you into a gank”
Cheesecake404 says “Not a fun matchup, but not extremely difficult. See if she tries to hit you with Q when you cs, if so, go up to CS then cancel your auto and dodge. You won lane if she keeps throwing it and wasting mana. Also make sure you dodge her charm or you lose hard.”
MartinMorningstar says “Wont kill you without whitling you down first, but same applies to her from your perspective. You are stronger in teamfights than her. Play it safe and outscale her, ideally she doesnt get off any good roams. ”
serruh says “You can rush tear into mercs in this matchup which makes it much more forgiving. At its core, you will need to dodge her charm and look to outplay her that way, but if you get hit by it constantly, she will over and over. Take cleanse instead of tp if you're not confident about being able to dodge her cc.”
Miandros says “Ahri will poke you down from range and can dodge your ult with her ult. Farm until you have Sheen and play off her mistakes. Try to roam and get kills elsewhere.”
Malmortious says “She can be very good or very bad, if you are not doing well against her go camp other lanes and farm. Dodging her charm is crucial to winning trades.”
Kami_EU says “Ahri is not a very difficult opponent for Yasuo, but if you disrespect her by burning Windwall you'll be very killable to her, especially after level 6.”
kujosrevenge says “This matchup is in Ahri's favor but still winnable. If you can bait out her charm and land your E it is extremely easy from there unless she has ult, in which case she will just dash away from you 200 times and you can only Q onto her two of those times when she's marked.”
ReportJinxPls says “I cant win against ahri during laning phase,i hate ahri,too much poke in lane,i suck vs ahri so ill put ahri as a threat just because.”
BabyTwisty says “You have to e to the side to bait out her charm or else u lose the trade, so she is a high skill matchup. Look to roam a lot if don't get ahead vs her.”
Dankerino says “You will have a hard time trying to cs against her, you will have to farm under turret. When fighting Ahri, you must alpha dodge her charm.”
shadowiyce says “Against Ahri, try staying behind the minions to swerve or avoid her charm. And when you try to all in her, make sure you R first to delay her from dodging your W with her R. (Once you R, try using WEQ combo on her as soon as she uses R as it has small cooldown to it.) ”
t3rminated says “Fair matchup as you outpoke her but she has better all in potential. Take cleanse and make sure her charm is on CD before trying to full combo as she can cancel your ult. Poke her out to make sure she cannot all in. ”
Loki029 says “Seldom seen in Top Lane, build Spirit Visage fast and you are going to be fine. Consider Mercury Boots if you are not too good at avoiding her Skillshot.
You can All-In her early, try to freeze the Wave near your Tower to deny her Farm and XP.
Polygon XVI says “Ahri plays similar to an assassin in mobility and has CC in her charm and can deal a lot of dps with her abilities. Stay close to tower encase she engages with her charm. You can also build MR, take cleanse or Nullifying orb”
jster131 says “Very easy matchup, as you can [[windwall]] pretty much all of her abilities. In laning phase, you want to poke her with q and dash around her charms and q's with your e. If you play the lane like a regular human being, you will smash and likely win the game.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “You've got to R her early or she will just R away, be mindful of her charm as it will completely stop your E and all effects associated with it, she will likely use her charm as soon as the stun of your E wears off.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “Her Q hurts, and Charm will destroy you when you get ganked
try to all in her pre-6 when she wastes her E ( charm )
Dont waste your W before R'ing her when she have R since you'll need to land multi Qs after you land quickly place W under turret since she's most likely to go there and R back ASAP before she chaarms you and quickly Q her to get the enough damager , you can W back under turret to apply your passive and kill her if she didn't die and flash out of turret range
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
G7_Zeke says “I don't really know. When she you use your E2 on her, she can easily just blow a little kiss, and do her entire combo on you, and then you're dead. But, most of her skillshots are easy to dodge.”
Gogicha55 says “Don't jump on her when she has her charm up, if she's playing aggro and misses her Charm kill her, if She's playing defensive shove and just roam.”
waggles says “All of Ahri's abilities are blockable by Wind wall, this allows you to block her damage output while still being able to do a decent amount of damage to her.”
Eccentricks says “D O D G E C H A R M
Nuff said.
When charm down, beat her up. EZ Game.
Although, it isn't always that simple. I would try to avoid stealing ult here, as it is better used as an escape, unless you know how to make it work (ie. you have Ahri experience) on the offensive.
Overall, just stay away from her abilities and then punish her missing them. Sylas does that very well.”
8wolf says “Very good poke, decent sustain and amazing mobility with her 3 dash ultimate. Be very careful for her charm, as it can lead to an easy one-shot for her. Try to trade when she misses it.”
Daedralus says “Difficulty due to range and speed. Her mobility is quite annoying, but you can latch on to her dashes with your Q, however, she has 3 in total, which makes it even more difficult. Her charm is also quite annoying as it is quite a destructive spell for you. Your E significantly ruins her damage output though, as he relies mostly on her Q and E. If those are negated, she will be wide open for a good amount of time. ”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Doran's 2/pots
She is faster and youre slower. Its not an impossible matchup. Keep distance, poke. Wait for her E then go all in.”
lmasters says “50/50, or she kills you with her E or you burst her with R, she will pressure you easily and Ahri's R can approach very easy on your Qiyana, ban her if you want”
Tehqo says “Ever since patch 7.19, your ult can be dashed over, which makes her more of a threat. She has a lot of mobility, and once you waste your Q, she can all in you. Watch out for her charm. If she misses her charm, you CAN all in her. The chances of winning the trade is higher, but she can easily ult out.”
NebuIa says “Cleanse wins this matchup. Try to cleanse her ignite as soon as possible, NOT the E (varies of course) in a 1v1. Respect her damage and she shouldn't be an issue. Ignite works too.”
TheBlueImperial says “Has great wave clear and lane sustain with a Charm that cancels your Dash, incredibly annoying but you can kill her pre-6 if you bait out charm.”
Je Suis Azir says “Unless this Ahri is a VERY good Ahri, you are not in too much trouble. However, if she pushes the way she can, and controls the lane and map accordingly, she is a pain in the ass. ”
TheSpark says “At level 6 she can ult to dodge your skillshots and kill you with a landed charm. Stand behind your minions so she can't just walk up and charm you. Try to always be opposite of where she is relative to your minion wave so that there's always a line of minions in between you and her. Taking cleanse is recommended.”
Impswitch says “Dodge the charm and you win. when you get swiftys its easy enough to dodge her stuff so just go in for pokes until she is half hp and all in and kill her. easy”
Dgraider says “Play around her charm and bully her out if you can. Early game, you should be able to win every trade. If you let her scale without killing her and denying her cs, she will beat you in trades”
Te Hago Un Pan says “Hard to play against with, with a minor advantage you can win lane phase, I would take teleport to go back to lane easily after she bursts you.”
CupOLatte says “Ahri is a pretty easy matchup in my opinion. Simply dodge her charm and you'll be fine. She runs out of mana really easily early game so wait until she used most of her mana Q-ing minions and you'll be fine.”
BlueCarding says “She has a really good push, so try to face it with many autoattacks and redcards. Watch your mana and dont stand in her wave to avoid letting her harass you AND push. But stay close to your cs to avoid her E.”
lunox says “She can Charm you if you are looking to dash in. Wait for Charm to get used and you can go in, but she still has a chance of living with her R.”
Aizenvolt says “Skill matchup. Poke her and farm. Dont ult on her when she has her charm up because she will charm you and turn the fight around. In Mid/Late game