In the Jungle 49.71% Win Rate59% Pick RateEkko In the Jungle Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ekko in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can steal your objectives with E/passive + smite and get out for free. Can also do unexpected large amounts of damage to you. A bit annoying but you out scale him hard.”
Jackiewawa says “I don't see Ekko much anymore but he's only hard if he snowballs and can one shot you with his AP burst. You outscale him, you can space your W to avoid getting stunned by his and use E to dodge his Q.”
DoxxTheLeague says “similar to rengar he can completely counter you with his r but at least its r for r what makes him scary is his passive giving him insane movespeed and making him able to have similar movespeed to you”
Kuro_Usagi says “Lots of %MaxHP damage and quite slippery. If he doesn't have ult you'll be fine IF you counter his W's 3-rd damage with your W. If you have the Item advantage you should be fine in a fresh 1v1.”
ScytherKhaZix says “the basic thing is not to get stunned, if you don't get into his stun you will probably win most of the fights, especially when it comes to early game
Nyxxx says “He hurts quite a bit and is a damn hard champ to kill due to his R. Try not to use your R till he uses his. You can solo kill him most of the time.”
orka4.sandraj says “His CC can be easily countered by your E, but he can dodge your Q with his E (many ekkos build hextech rocket belt for extra mobility). Dont R him if he has his R available, because he can use it to get out of yours. It may be easier to just Q + W him from afar if your team is nearby to help you secure the kill.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. You would probably want to look for kill opportunities in the early game. Be wary of his [R] ability, Use your [E] first before casting your [R] to ensure his catch. You are dead set once he is far ahead or able to one shot you and other carries.”
Yomu says “You body him a ton, you can E important parts of his combo and heal up from his burst BUT if he ignores you and goes for your team, not much you can do but prayge”
DarkMareOfficial says “Careful how you Q. Had plenty of times where this kid just teleported himself through my Q not taking stun due to how his E works.”
Maciejson says “When facing this champion, you typically win fights but may not secure kills as he can escape with his passive. Focus on farming faster to reach level 6 as soon as possible. Be cautious when ulting, as you will follow him if he ults; however, you should still be able to beat him. As Rhaast, you can knock him up if he tries to dash onto you and win 1v1s as long as you dodge his W stun. With Maw of Malmortius, it's a guaranteed kill unless he's fed. In a Shadow Assassin (SA) matchup, it's an assassin vs. assassin scenario where the one who gets the jump first will secure the kill.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Ekko has a window to invade you level 3, though it isn’t that strong, he might flip it and ruin your game. Ekko relies on snowballing heavily, so if he doesn’t get ahead you just win and outscale him. Use your W to either dodge his Q, or to tank his burst damage combo with the increases resistances.”
L0ganJG says “You body him a ton, you can E important parts of his combo and heal up from his burst BUT if he ignores you and goes for your team, not much you can do but prayge”
huncho1v9 says “- Relatively easy matchup. Ekko plays for 3 camp reset/full clear, as long as he doesn’t get ahead you can snowball easily. Phase rush is usually best in this matchup but it depends on enemy comp. Try to stop Ekko from snowballing and you win.
Mignognium says “Ekko est un problème à cause de son R, si il esquive le votre vous avez perdu. Tenter de toucher votre combo de base ; [E] > [Z] > auto [AA] > [A/Q] > auto [AA], il devrais prendre peur et ult puis tuer le avec le votre. Quand vous le posséder avec votre passif, lancer directement son [Z] sinon vous aurez pas le temps de profiter de ces facultés pleinement. Attention au Zoniah après avoir forcer son R !”
xTechikaze says “Extremely strong right now with stormsurge. Between him and lillia right now i would ban either. He is hard to hold down or kill with his R and chasing him is a waste of time since he slows you and dashes away anyway. do your best to avoid his q as that is a huge reason people get bursted so fast against him. Your W will help with that.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
X3mHills says “Don't be afraid to utter in an incomprehensible situation, perhaps this will save you from Ekko's W. Never fight in an enclosed space, try to keep E-R combos to avoid important Ekko skills.”
Mabujo says “Rito's attempt at representing the hood.
Very high damage, a stun (interupts) and focused damage with a slow.
Fear and run or trade at your own peril.”
astral 1v9 says “insanely cancer, u cant reset R against this champ hes too fast, has a get out of jail free card, hard to invade since he can W and has mobility. ”
HawkSP says “Ivern can neutralize Ekko’s assassination attempts with timely shielding. Keep track of his ultimate to ensure your team can secure kills without him turning the fight around.”
Jhingle says “He is okay,mb even easy in early, in mid game you should give him all cc u have if u wanna one shot him.In late game ur a better teamfighter,1 v 1 u will kill him only if u land ur ult from no vision.Oh, he can one shot u with 3-4 slots.”
X3mHills says “His passive provides him with movement speed, so play the game cautiously and avoid getting caught without the use of your W and R abilities. He is a challenging opponent, and even with good playing skills, it can be difficult to win against him. Consider buying items like Force of Nature, Zhonya's Hourglass, or Banshee's Veil to help you in this matchup.”
oneshotudyr says “You waste your Q2 for him to waste his ult. Skill matchup, but he can out run you and stun you if he's better. If you're better, you'll save your E2 to dodge his stun and catch him, or use your Q2 to kill him before he can ult.”
Tortizzy says “I don't think you'll have much problems against Ekko unless you do a mistake, his only way to kill you is if he lands his stun, so just avoid that.”
kcjackal__ says “Will 1 tap your entire team then rewind back to full hp. Need to end games fast when playing vs ekko as not even nunu can outsmite him later in the game.”
jajkopajko says “Similar to diana, pre 6 you win, after 6 he will run you down. Be careful with turret dives, his ult gives him easy escape so dont stay low under turret for too long if you really dont have to.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Treat him like Eve you constantly invade him pre 6 and you will have no issues. later in game make sure you respect his w and if you can, just take him out of the fight all together.”
garbocan says “Doesn't have the CC or damage to deal with Daisy, so he never wins 1v1 against Ivern post 6 unless very ahead.
Ekko is also an AP assassin, meaning that he can't buy serpents. This makes him very easy to neutralize with shields.”
Clasher2124 says “He has very good damage. If he is ahead he can even burst you through your E. He can always nope out with his R, make sure to not follow it with Q and avoid being in his R in general. He can dodge your E fear with his R.”
OakIgu says “Different from AD assassins AP assassins are much easier to deal with Udyr, beware early invades on your first clear and you will be allright but like all assassins if he gets fed it will be very hard to deal with him. Same for Elise and Evelynn.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Ekko: Is kinda op lately.. If he is good he can carry almost any game
How to play vs: Dont get baited into his W.. dont overchase him.. and be aware of his passive in team fight so you dont get ulted into void”
SYROBE says “MORE SKILL MATCHUPS. As briar you MUST save your E to buffer Ekkos W stun. If you can do this you will likely win every fight beause your E cant be stopped by CC. He can burst Briar and is hard to kill with his ultimate up which makes this a skill matchup”
Zero macro says “Briar has a really hard time into Ekko, due to Ekko his melee output stats on W and R combined with Ekko his burst damage and %HP execute. —> Briar Berserking / R will lead her into Ekko W stun and Ekko R easily. Be aware of this!!!
Briar has a way stronger early game stat check than Ekko, which will fade away around Ekko R and Ekko first item / second item.
Coccaa says “Just don't walk into his bubble and you should be good to go. No matter what build you go you will always have a good amount of MR so this shouldn't be that hard of a matchup.”
MusicJG says “Only a threat if he snowballs.
He needs to level 3 gank and get a kill or he's useless.
Can level 1/2 invade him since he usually starts W.”
Clolas says “He is not to big of a threat. But when chasing down on him and he has R, don't use w, ghost than slow him with q, he will use r, and clean and smooth follow up with your w. Guaranteed kill. ”
EagleXs says “Mostly a skill matchup. Make sure if you do go in on him, that you use E to keep out of his W, and make sure Q2 lands, because it will heal you.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Ekko may be weak at first, but if he gets ahead or has time to scale he can become a major problem. Make to invade him as much as possible, and try to shut him down early while snagging a lead of your own.”
waterA says “You are better mid champion then him. Dodge his skills and follow his passive with phase rush. Be careful for W and Don't think he has no ult in level 6 he is just trying to bait you for late giving up for no shadow ult.”
Zero macro says “Ekko is one of the weaker early game junglers. Nidalee should take advantage of the early game into Ekko, invade and fore fights a lot, due to the easy statcheck. Thereby Nidalee becomes a strong assassin that can deal well with Ekko R. Be aware and pay respect of Ekko R and W placed in melee range.
Zero macro says “Zed should take advantage of Ekko's bad early, combined with pre 6 ability. Ekko has a better trade pattern into Zed, and he can rewind his R into Zed R. Ekko thereby can also force Zed to stand in his R. Be careful of Ekko E dragg with Zed teleportation. Getting (slightly)Behind forces Shred Zed to buy Maw of Malmortius.”
NegativePhoenix says “I don't see Ekko much of the time and when I do, not as a threat. If he misses his Q or he uses up his passive and does not enough damage he's pretty easy to deter away if you're smart enough with your damage. Later in the game he can one shot you if you went full AP, but as a Hybrid/Tank he has a right to be afraid of you seeing as how he can't do much to you if he isn't getting help”
metalhydra273 says “Ekko is a fast or famine kind of champ, but Skarner has ways to shut him down if he can get around the w zone. The idea behind fighting Ekko is to pick him off before he can ult back to safety. If you're ahead, you win 1v1. If you're behind, he's bursting you and running you down easily. Limit his burst, and focus him down in fights if feasible. Ekko is more likely to fish for objective steals than others thanks to his ult, so put pressure on objectives and focus on stopping him with your team.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Ekko é um caso a se tratar, o gank dele é muito mais forte e rápido do que da Rell, jogue no counter gank contra ele, fora isso é um campeão fácil de se lidar caso esteja fraco, um ekko forte é um problema para qualquer jungle e qualquer time.”
MrFerrot says “This guy scales hard. He is also very fast if he procs his 3-hit move speed bonus. Try to counter gank him and fight the 2v2s and 3v3s. Keep track of his ult at all times. Try to save sleep for after he uses it.”
Ezikko says “You win every 1v1 with him unless he outplays you with his W, watch if he uses W while youre on E cuz it might just be a free 2.25 second stun for him, if not theres not much he can do ”
shacolovesyou says “his pre6 is weak so invade him, he outscales you so destroy him in early, consider buying the collector to surprise him, fight him while his abilities are in cooldown”
Apari1010 says “Ekko isn't too much of an issue for Rhaast and if he becomes an issue you just build force of nature or spirit visage. Early on it's a very even matchup, probably Kayn's most even matchup. But once you get form I'd say it's Rhaast favoured.”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Whoever is more fed will kill the other. He is slightly better early game and you are slightly better late game. (clone rating 8/10)”
ttvRegedice says “Ekko is weak early and only becomes a threat after getting fed early. Outsmart him when you can and this guy is typically not a problem when it comes to carrying versus him. Play for root as he cant R when rooted and no matter what avoid his W. Sometimes you have to backup from his W and avoid fights or you can fight in and cleanse CC with empW but it's all relative to whether or not you have lethal dmg or if his team is nearby. Play smart and this guy shouldn't be a big problem. If he gets fed it's a matter of timing with your W to heal his entire dmg but buy mercs if he's turbo fed as he can straight 1 tap you from full hp.”
Borinn says “He is pretty weak early game but he outscales you hard. He is pretty hard to kill thanks to his r but you can catch up to him. Be careful of his w in team fights.
You can go either AD or tank.”
ShinyEmo says “Dodge his W with your Q or by walking. His Ult is annoying so play carefully. You can use Meditate if he has 2 passive stacks on you so you can reduce the damage significantly. Play very careful. ”
Intropingman says “If he is fed he kills you with his high ap damage, can catch you with his W aoe cc and escape with R + steal easily objectives, try to taunt him when he is low so he can't R in time and dies before using it.”
Zoose says “Only real chance to win this lane is hard poke and harass before he reaches lvl 6. If Ekko makes to lvl 6 safely, he has essentially won the lane. He can go for hard trades on you whenever his W is up, or choose to simply push the wave with his Q. Hard to kill him with his ult up.”
Majd1 says “This matchup is easy in the early game due to Ekko being a squishy champion dealing low amounts of damage and his limited mobility. If you can take advantage of this and dominate the early game, you have the potential to take over the game. Ekko only has his short range E for mobility, so take advantage of this by pathing into him and punishing him in his jungle or on scuttler crab. However, ifEkko is able to scale, he will be able to oneshot you and it will be easy to deal with him and shut him down because of his ultimate, so it is very important that you accumulate a lead in the early game against him.”
1Strike says “Not really an issue unless he snowballs. You take a maw if he's slightly strong and it should nullify him. However, if he is fed it is completely unplayable for you. But more often than not...the prince of zaun can't do much to el graves”
Narcissisticdude says “Ekko is frustrating to play against as his burst is so high, his passive grants him ridiculous move speed and past level 11 he can play incredibly aggressive and get away with his r, try to permanently punish his first and second clear so that he falls behind or you will get outscaled very quickly.
Mechanical Tips:
1. Ignite before his R, it will reduce his healing
2. Situationally you can choose to eat his E, then Q into your team to force him out of position
3. You can R all of his spells except E, and his R has a LONG wind-up so do not hesitate to stand on his ghost if you think you can bait him.”
Degryh says “Fácil de matar si lo revientas antes de level 6. no tengáis miedo de invadirle.
Recomendable jugar con items que te ayuden a agentar ataques potentes.
Dabgren says “Good early matchup, makes you feel happy about playing Lee Sin early, the best way possible to kill Ekko is Q1, put all your burst at once, R and Q2 so he can't ult In between. ”
checca says “Playing against Ekko as Zac can be one of the most difficult matchups. Not only do you have to time his W correctly, but his R makes it almost impossible to hit any CC, which leaves you vulnerable to his powerful one-shot potential. Furthermore, AP junglers in general are not favorable for Zac. When Ekko is building up his mandatory 10 Dark Seal stacks, it is best to switch to another lane and stay away from him. (and probably ff)”
basrty1p says “His skill is quite a lot of damage as he looks. Even if you try to cast E on him, he can just press R and leaves you.
So you should play around his R to makes him unplayable.”
Astalfo says “He can and WILL play with you like its all fun and games for him, try to bait his R, keep your volume up so you can hear the 'ding' when he activates his W, when you hear that, try to move in an unpredictable way as you don't know where he's placed the stun zone.”
lovicoaching says “Likely to lose vs this. Really unfun design, obnoxious gameplay. You can't really punish his early game so you hope he doesn't get going before you do. If you snowball first you can suppress him and it's fine. If he also snowballs he often 1 shots you faster than you 1 shot him.
Put him behind early or snowball first on level 6 and you free win.”
Davecraft16 says “One of the few champ who can kill you late game. You have a big advantage early, try to use him. You need to get ahead of him so he will be useless for the rest of the game. Try to countergank when possible and invade him every time you have prio.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] You fist him early game, If he gets fed he'll kill you. He scales about as well as you do so you really don't want to fall behind.”
BeanybumBag says “You can beat him late game if you're ahead, but his ult makes it very difficult to 1v1 because he'll just get a 2nd health bar after you've exhausted all you got.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Avoid him when hes feed, but u with some fundamentals about the game u can easily outscale him. Build on 3rd-4th item serpent to deal more dmg to him. If you get ahead u easily win 1v1 with him. Do objectives. Remember u have a lot faster clear than him. Simple, hes a skill matchup. If you know your maximums u easly shoud win against him.”
Bhyure33 says “You beat him in 1v1's early, and you scale better. Try your best to be more fed than him, and if he gets fed, try to kill him as long as you aren't behind.”
Lasine says “Skill matchup. After 6 he becomes much difficult to kill due to obvious reasons. Try to invade him pre 6. If you can track him and you make an invade before 6 once you have serrated dirk it will be a free kill.”
another player says “Ekko, Diana, Amumu, Master Yi are all massive counter on Rat. They all have level 3 spike, huge gap closer and high burst dmg. Avoid them!!!”
RedNBlue says “Watch out for is early skirmishes, he won't be able to really beat you 1 v 1, but its a thing that Ekko will get help from personal experience. Try not to get stunned twice in his W as if that happens you have lost.
Don't let Ekko get fed, he will kill you fast, no matter how tanky you have built yourself, and he will be able to cream your teammates leaving you with no damage.
He is very mobile, remember that when you are choose to either feed him doing something stupid, or not. ”
MythicalMinute says “This matchup is more skillbased, if you can lead him into your boxes, he cant do anything but if you mess up or mistime anything, he will delete you. You want to invade him on his second buff.
AP is good here since he cant build good MR.”
spuki97 says “Invade him a lot before level 6 but make sure to dodge his W. If he gets a lot of health from his ult just run, don't be a hero. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
Kao_Oak says “Not that much of a threat by himself in a 1v1, but you must use all of your resources if you want to 1v1 this guy, just to see this guy uses his R and resetting the fight, leaving you harmed and without CD. His ultimate counters your reset concept really hard.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Never had any problems with Ekko just build MR and its like a child trying to beat up an adult. the adult karate chops them with E and the child runs home crying with his R. Find him at his ult location and E him + W him again and he is toast. He can dodge your E with his E though so careful.”
Doubtfull says “Ekko is annoying but he shouldnt have the damage to kill you, and with your shields it will be difficult for him to assassinate anyone. Care not to get caught by his w.”
Eagzey says “Ekko mid is annoying, but I find this free in the jungle. He is so weak early game so we can pressure him for everything (especially if we have strong lanes). If you 1v1 try to hold R (and R combo/damage) until he R's.”
Rifu says “Try to invade he in early because if you don't snowball he ill scale you. If he build zhonya's try to bait the zhonya's and kill Ekko after he uses. In late game be careful in fogs, if he are fast and have Ultimate just don't try to kill him”
YuzukiJG says “Minor threat early game. The only champion that can snowball the entire game off of a good fight. There is no way you can beat him if he gets to 3/4 items. Keep your distance and make sure to not get stunned. Dodge his Q when he does his E Q combo and you should have time to escape or force his ults. I prefer going burst to one shot him when he goes in. Punish him early as much as you can and do not let him scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
Yuki H. says “He is a hyper-scaling champion which inevitably means his early game is not that oppressive. He cannot one rotation you in the early-mid game and keep an eye out for his W. Preferably play to counter-gank as Ekko without W is nothing to you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When invading Ekko, try to wait inside a bush for him to use his Parallel Convergence(W) and wait for it to expire, before going on to him. When his shield is down, he is much weaker and easier to kill. Try and place vision inside the river and around his jungle entrances. This will make it harder for him to gank successfully if you always know his approximate location. Having vision in lane bushes will also help prevent ganks as you can spot him setting up his W. Ekko doesn’t have the healthiest of clears even with his W.”
Saltu says “Only rush and kill him before lv6, then focus on farming or try killing him if and only if he has no ult remember that he can wait to level up his ult so he gets one instant activation right where he is so watch out at lv6, usually a good ban. you can normally escape unless he is very fed. Always dodge W stun with your high speed.
Hazardist says “Time your CC chain correctly to prevent the enemy Ekko from using his R and surviving your burst. He doesn't have the damage to deal with you at pretty much any point in the game if you build properly, so just protect your carries from him and he won't be able to achieve much in the game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When invading Ekko, try to wait inside a bush for him to use his Parallel Convergence(W) and wait for it to expire, before going on to him. When his shield is down, he is much weaker and easier to kill. Try and place vision inside the river and around his jungle entrances. This will make it harder for him to gank successfully if you always know his approximate location. Having vision in lane bushes will also help prevent ganks as you can spot him setting up his W. Ekko doesn’t have the healthiest of clears even with his W.”
lumihehe says “he sort of has a similar playstyle to you, where he just wants to farm and then win late. the turns table in this matchup, and you're gonna be the one bullying him early. (if you can do so without losing a cs or level lead, that is the most important thing here after all)
try to E out of his W before the stun comes down, and if you do that, then you typically beat him 1v1.”
Xelikari says “You beat him pretty good, just try to avoid his Q’s and look to trade any time he uses an ability on the wave. Be really careful of his W’s (the big circle) and try to mind game him. Like most matchups, Comet for lane or Electrocute for more skirmish/2v2/3v3 fights.
Start Doran’s Ring and Q generally, I would also build an Oblivion Orb or even go straight for Morello since most Ekko’s will just try to ult when they’re low and you’ll negate a lot of healing. Don’t get hit by a full combo, you win this lane pretty easy. ”
Salmon Kid says “Ekko is one of the few champs that can match Lillia's speed on the condition that he can proc passive. Besides that, his cc is almost impossible to lane on Lillia, but he does scale in a similar fashion.”
Lawiss1 says “De la même manière que Kayn, Ekko est très simple à jouer.
C'est en late game que Ekko deviens un cauchemar pour Evelynn.
Ekko va rundown Eve en permanence pour trade ult sauf que l'ultimate de Evelynn à un cd plus long et est beaucoup plus important que le cd de Ekko.”
LoLDragowski says “You can win vs an ekko but it is more of a skill matchup than anything. It depends on who gets more fed and snowballs the game better.”
Dojyaan says “You could kill him early but other than that you will probably go 1 for 1 later into the game assuming he doesn't have R. You lose instantly if he gets W on you.”
rhvse says “You dominate him before 6, after he get his ult, i don't recommend going all in into him. Buy magic resistance and get Maw of Malmortius. After that you can kill him, but if Ekko is good he can outplay you.”
Nik7857 says “If he snowballs out of controll this matchup is doomed. His early game is pretty weak and so you should have the upper advantage for a while.”
ItsAydam says “Minor threat early game. The only champion that can snowball the entire game off of a good fight. There is no way you can beat him if he gets to 3/4 items. Keep your distance and make sure to not get stunned. Dodge his Q when he does his E Q combo and you should have time to escape or force his ults. I prefer going burst to one shot him when he goes in. Punish him early as much as you can and do not let him scale.”
NegativePhoenix says “Skill based. He has a ton of burst power that can be scary if done right and if you're caught off guard. Early game it will vary on who's smarter and if you have your ult form up. If you don't have it yet, don't engage. Late game will be iffy on who has better reaction time. Bait out his ult by bursting him with your AD, and if he tries to fight again you'll win if you kept your E.”
resetwice says “His wave push is bad, you can start with Q and meleeQ him and do crit damage. His CC is not that hard but he has dashes. Don’t full combo his R.
OfficerVi says “Not a horrible matchup. You should at least be able to burn his ult if not kill him. Be very careful about using R on him while his R is up. It will cancel the ult and put it on full cooldown.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game matchup is his. If you can get him off guard and burst him before he ults you'll usually win since he's squishy. Just depends who can find who easier.”
Fappitchedd says “ekko can only get to you if you dont manage your own range against him, but his damage is really busted. just keep your distance and poke him down (would recomend the attack speed build against him)”
Sammystinky says “Fairly slippery. If he E's you may be able to E him, but he could just ult. If he is fed it is hard to stop him from killing carries, but otherwise not too bad. ”
duowithdeath says “For five season this was the go to high elo pick into Karthus with near Evelynn levels of no counter play. However, the Q buffs of 12.11 changed much and so he can no longer keep up with your clearspeed/tempo. If played correctly u can avoid him, just beware he can perma invade and live because of R, also scales insanely well too so do not allow him to get fed or stack his Dseal.”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Not much threat in early game. W from bush can make your midlane's life into a nightmare. Unless you perfectly chain your CC, you cant burst him before he ult. As an assassin, he is a big late game threat for your carries”
IamFafa says “Not that strong, just make sure to take phase rush so you can catch him when he tries to run away after using his passive. Make sure to use R before he ults to kill him before he heals”
evil in says “Ekko is a 50/50 matchup thankfully he cannot invade you and your clear is much faster than his in teamfights u should try to charm him so he cannot fully commit in fights”
TimothyFly says “His ultimate is very annoying since u are trying to 1 shot people as quick as possible so try and chain cc him with ur team. He is pretty weak early just dodge his w and you should win every 1v1. Late game he does disgusting amounts of damage so just either one shot him with ur team or just try and kill the rest of his team.”
Majd1 says “Very weak in the earlier stages of the game. If you can bully himin the early game you should be able to snowball off of that and take over the game. Keep in mind that Ekko is very squishy and only has his E which is short range as mobility. Path into him and when he oversteps for scuttle you have a window to kill him or force his flash. However, if he gets items for free you will get oneshot all the time and he will be very hard to shutdown because of his ult, so make sure to be proactive and bully himin the early game.”
DarkMareOfficial says “As Wukong you should be able to use Decoy in your advantage to go in and out of Ekkos W and to dodge his abilities while dashing away or juking him while your CDs reset. Wukong is a stronger fighter so there should be no doubts that you should win any trades with him if played well. ”
Dannala says “LANE: Ekko is not a fun match up. When laning his highly mobile kit and decent AoE makes quick work of your spiderlings from a safe distance. His all in will destroy you and slow you so you can't escape even with Rappel. Even though he's Melee it's difficult to poke him when his spells aren't on Cooldown. JUNGLE: He has the upper hand in invades, if he misses his Q you can retaliate somewhat. Keep your jungle warded as he can jump most walls to gank you mid clear, if caught you will not be able to handle him very well on your own. LATE: The same but harder, faster and way more frequent.”
TheKingUltra says “Same as fizz, he will play only aggressive in the few first level and everytime he has ult up, as soon as his ult is down, you can try to catch him or relay and farm, while he just watches. ”
ioprocessing says “As with most assassin junglers, he will not be able to kill you pretty much ever if you build enough tank stats. Your CC means that you can lock him down in a fight, especially if you can prevent him from ulting. Skarner beats most assassin junglers through merit of CC and tankiness, but some of them can still make plays that you have to be cautious of (Diana R, Qiyana R)”
YoungTact says “Can W the first part of his E but he can still outplay you with his W, 2nd part of his E, passive movement speed and ultimate. You clear faster, healthier and have better early game ganks so just be wary of the mid game skirmishes where he has more room to deal with you. ”
Exiled Heretic says “Most ekko's don't know Diana's damage so you can easily win fights against him before he ults if you get your 3rd auto up before you burst him. never all in him when he has full health he will ult away last second and you will have nothing left. The only exception would be if you are really fed and just want to scare him off. But do not waste your second dash, as it has a high cool down.”
Xyllow says “It is really hard for warwick to punish ekko, since he can just instantly ult after your ult, and then be more useful than you afterwards. Pray he doesn't snowball more than you, and care his potential to catch you in the jungle with his laners early. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest. Phase Rush if his team is annoying.
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if you're against a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of AP or CC. Morellonomicon if his team has a lot of healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Not a lot of champions have the same advantage that Ekko has of being EXTREMELY hard to catch or get away from, he has slows, a dash, a blink, and a movement speed burst, while also having high damage and a free second life. Your best bet of dealing with him is to never get caught by his stun and dodging his second Q. His main and only weakness is CC, so your ultimate is a strong tool against him, even if he ults before the sleep hits, he will still be asleep when he arrives, take advantage of that.”
Hienaa says “All easy for being melee champs, not on tier 2 because they can all build seekers, and viego is just broken so it’s a little tricky to play vs him sometimes.”
Ducati says “I would say it's a skill match up, but it's more like a who gets more fed match up. But since Ekko is a better ganker than Malphite, I would say this is a tough but winnable match up.”
uglyama says “Assassins generally fuck you up, but I find Ekko more predictable. You should combo on top on the personn he's about to dash on, or right where he ults.”
Janooobi says “Difficult to lock down because of his movement speed and his R, you will have to make in game decisions on whether or not you should throw all your CC on him before he presses R or save it for after he presses R”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Ekko is a big threat for Ivern, as his burst and shielding can match Ivern's shielding health and damage. He is also incredible at going in and out, in and out, etc. However, hitting your root and shield means he has a tougher time escaping. Otherwise, he becomes incredibly good against Ivern. I'd reccomend punishing his E engage, rather than using Daisy! to engage on him. He can and will smite + Q Daisy and she will die. Go Aery Domination. For AP, go CotSQ or Everfrost. For Support, go Shurelya's to counter specifically Ekko.”
Zen1tsUchiha says “Hard match-up since he can shield himself and stun you at the same time which gives you a big disadvantage in pre 6 duels. Even after level 6, he will shred your hp with ult so try to dodge it.”
FacetLOL says “Try to kill him at his 2nd, buff after he has used his W and you're done triple camping and ganking. Around 2:45-50~
Can be really hard to kill later in the game, collector can be useful to surprise him.”
Scythe Prince says “Early game you win fights Your clear is faster than his, During mid game you still out-duel him. If he uses his ultimate while you are inside of him you will follow. During the late game Ekko outscales both kayn's forms Try to close out the game before he gets four items.”
Zehmox says “if you lock him down in a Prowler's claw Q bite combo. he always has the time to ult back. combined with his shield + ult makes him pretty safe into you. try to knock him up for your team in teamfights and burst him down so he can't reset with ult/zhonyas.”
blulemon says “Hard to keep tempo with Ekko because he has a strong early game presence while you only come online at lvl 6. Try to track him or counter gank him to negate his early advantage, otherwise he isn't particularly strong against you.”
maydaysLoL says “Ekko has very high mobility and move speed, however, if you can blind before they E you, you can win if you don't get stunned by his W. Losing matchup if you forget these key things.”
MrMeem45 says “He's like if Nunu were an AP assassin. You can beat him early and that's it. His W will turn around any gank if he shows up after you do, and killing him is near impossible with his ultimate. He can also duel you if he takes nashor's, which feels weird but happens sometimes. ”
b0n0 says “A good Ekko is hard to deal with. Generally you will outduel/damage one, but if he gets in your face and invades you and applies a lot of pressure it can be tough. A good ekko is towards major threat but if they are norms then the matchup is skill based IMO or even slightly leaning towards Vi. ”
Elekktro says “Ekko is a pure carry champion and needs to always be considered a threat, however Viego can usually always 1v1 Ekko and has plenty of windows to shut Ekko down. Viego can also very easily itemize against Ekko to win.”
Polartech says “Kayle can't kill Ekko, but even him can't easily kill you if you play safe, dodge his Q and never engage him harsly, he can go back in time regaining his life. Just farm and wait for Team Fights.”
sonminh says “Early game you can beat him as long as you don't get stunned. 2v2 is easy if coordinated correctly. AD is not that good, AP control is probably the best. CC locking him is hard, play front to back or back to front depending on how strong he is.”
J98TheGreat says “A skilled Ekko is by no means weak. With Ekko, one thing that you have on him is clearing faster than him. You want to clear 5 camps (no krugs) and then save smite to knock off the shield of Scuttler and kill it as fast as possible and then prioritize getting the other Scuttler. You should look to gank mid if possible along the way as that would increase the chance of you getting the second Scuttler. This vision can both hurt him and help you early, but you always win the race to it.”
Victim_n says “when he get level 3 he have a lot of shield to reduce damage form you.
and when he got level 6 he can survival form you with ulti if you don't have a lot of damage to kill him
King Fidd says “Not as bad as graves since you can beat him early, but he is also a ticking time bomb (no pun intended) and will instakill you once he has 3-4 items.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Not a big deal. He is able to counter gank you easily. Don't use everything on him cuz it's pointless as long as he has his ultimate Abillity. Ignite is a good option in this match-up”
Da Mastah says “Very easy to invade pre 6 or whenever his ult is down. Make sure to counter gank him to delay his powerspikes. Make sure to meditate through his q-auto-q combo. If they are REALLY good they press w and then they use r to prevent you from alpha strike dodging it so you end up stunned with it and take a big burst of damage, better to stay out of his w as whole than to dodge it. He only becomes hard to deal with when he picks up early kills, if he does get wits end, and possibly spirit visage if he gets extremely fed.”
The Elysian1 says “Ekko can be really efficent in late game if he take a big lead. His kit provides him with a lot of damage and escapes routes that Qiyana can't handle. Forcing fights with him in the early game should be fine but only if you have prio on lanes , or he is low hp.
KafueLechwe says “Although he can kite your Qs, Sion majorly outscales Ekko. This matchup is very skill oriented, and the better player will likely win.”
Zyvran says “He has a point and click dash, and a lot of burst. Those two things make him a menace. And, post 6, he has his UNO reverse card, so you can never kill him. ”
Pusi Puu says “Pressure him early game, invade him and make sure he falls behind. Once Ekko gets to a certain point he is super annoying to deal with since he can kite you with his passive and just ult your combo. Try to jump over a wall to catch him offguard or fight him in bushes.”
Doubtfull says “Ekko can cancel your ult with his, and he has a lot of ways of sticking on you. Build mercs and try to use your movespeed to prevent him from being able to land his 3 stack passive. don't ult him unless he has no R.”
LambWolf says “Ekko doesn't pose a threat early on. You can try to get pick on him. He mostly does 5 camp clear so you can try to get a cheese pick on his second buff.”
NixLychee says “Similar mobility to you, and slightly less damage, as well as being able to nullify your damage with his get-out-of jail free ultimate. Invade him early, his clear isn't the healthiest. Can't duel you unless you get stunned. Super strong lategame, so try to set him behind early game. ”
LordGrox says “Careful with his W bubble, if it lands he can deny your damage and instead burst you down. Play around his R. Once you are on top of him he should be an easy kill.”
Polarshift says “The thing that makes this match-up tough is that he can just poke and escape because of his passive, then he can wait for his second rotation of spells to go in again. After level 6 he's even harder to catch if he has his ultimate up. No, not even with Phase Rush (if he's good.)”
Veralion says “Does a ton of damage and is extremely sticky. Be very careful in a 1v1 setting early. Would not engage unless you get him in a facecheck. Always assume his ult is up, it has next to no cooldown for how powerful it is. Avoid his shadow like the plague; not only will it full heal him, it will practically one hit you. Leave him alone unless you have a sizeable lead or catch him low; a burst champion like yourself can't cut through two and a half full life bars worth of health. If you go for a kill, stay in motion, darting in and out of range to keep him guessing and not let him land his W or R on you. ”
Goldenstinger says “This is my ban - get this off the table asap especially higher elo. Check the tier list below for more info for threats. Anything S or A tier make sure to control ward your other buff and command your team to help respond to invades”
Doubtfull says “I'm not a huge fan of this match up. Ekko has a lot of tools to take you down and work around your drain. Unless you can 100-0 burst him before he can ult, its a rough match up. If he's smart he will build mercury treads which makes the match up really rough. Try to track him early game to prevent him from snowballing off of your lanes.”
nZk01 says “very easy, he has a mediocre early clear and is super useless till he gets his first item, he cant gank properly either, just outfarm and invade him”
Kocykek says “He's a scaling jungler and his early damage is low. He will go straight onto your carry to burst him down, try to stun him as much as possible. You can W his E roll.”
Arfreezy says “Last Updated: Patch 11.16 //
Jungler Type: Assassin Jungler //
Ekko is a scaling AP assassin similar to Evelynn. The main difference though is Ekko has very weak farm compared to other scaling junglers like Karth, Fiddle, Eve. For this reason, as Graves you can bully him off scuttles and farm well to secure a tempo lead. Ekko also has weak ganks so with good jungle tracking, he shouldn't have too much pressure on the lanes. Aim to take control of the rivers and constantly look for early fights if you have mid prio.
A high burst build like Eclipse Collector DH will really hurt Ekko since it will force him to ult early or die.”
FREAKSTAR says “Not really strong enough early to stop you from scaling up. He is really disgusting late game, but if you out gank him, and take the objectives, there wont be a late game..”
Tormentula says “You beat him early on so long as you either stay out of his W CC, or Rappel to dodge it, however once Ekko gets ult, you basically have to 100-0 him or CC lock him with the team before he ults. He's pretty squishy so its possible when ahead, but Ekko can get really huge basically doing everything Elise does but better past 10 minutes. ”
Doubtfull says “Ekko has a lot of tools to kite you, and can simply ult back to full health after your combo. This is an incredibly annoying match up for rek'sai. Be aware that he can ult your ult.”
IMissedMyQ says “He is very easy to deal with. You can smash him early game since you're stronger at every point (lvl 2, 6, and so on). He scales very well, and he has high impact in mid/late game teamfights, but you should be able to bully him and his lanes early mid game.”
Zekrow says “Strong champ with insane burst, mobility and regen.
Any good Ekko players will destroy you. He dashes out of your W, can stun you, gain a shield, run away with ult. Its just a terrible match-up. Ban every time!”
Insightful says “Ekko doesn't really represent a threat, he farms very slow compared to you, his combo is very straightforward so it's not too hard to hit your Q if you time it perfectly.”
[Ekko is a good champion, he has a ranged skill, a shield + stun, a gap closer that can act as an evade, but most importantly his ult is an AoE that deals quite a lot of damage, it also regenerates a high amount of his health if goodly used. I recommend you not to fight him before something important, he can just get a lot of your HP and regenerate instantly. Counterganks are very easy, an Ekko will almost always use his W and E to start a gank, but those have kind of high cooldown so if you're able to quickly reply, you could get a good turn into the fight. You can't do a lot versus him in a teamfight, just mind about the ADC(s) and the AA champions and everything will be OK.]
SaltCat says “Op champ, early game you can win 1v1 if he doesnt land his w, he is stronger midgame , later in the game you can kill him if you charm him so he wont have the ability to ult”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Watch out for his R. He can outheal you by alot. Build Grievous Wounds and Magic Resist. Simply make yourself strong by ganking your team and making them strong. ”
Farmer Cleetus says “He's in the early a bit stronger than you + make sure you outfarm him and gank more often than him so you have a free dominating lane and he will fall off very easily. I also recommend on visiting his jungle side sometimes to take CS away it will keep your CS upwards and his downwards.”
Karasmai says “Very rough to play against if he snowballs early but he has a very slow clear so by the time you full clear he won't be 5 camps in. Just make sure you or your team wards early for the early ganks if he gets a early gank off he can easily run the game over, I typically only go Rhaast into Ekko and itemize Goredrinker - Manamune - Tabi - Cleaver - Spirit Visage - Chainsword.”
MexBookMaster says “A ekko le duelen mucho los trades largos y es algo que Rhaast domina por excelencia. Kayn limpia más rapido la jungla. Si no lleva electrocutar le ganas el 1v1 en el escarabajo. Con Shadow Assassin (Azul) sin duda lo puedes Oneshotear igual.”
ak521 says “I personally hate ekko. Whenever he makes a mistake he just presses R and he jumps all the way back. He should not be that hard to counter. He has a slow jungle farm so he shouldn't be able to steal your camps if you keep them warded. Just like any other champion. You can't 1v1 him. Deals mediocre damage from range as long as he doesn't detonate his passive late game. CC the hell out of him if he E's in.”
Rhoku says “Ekko is never a threat unless he is 5+ kills ahead. And even then, Sterak's Gage should give you time to stack up on him and kill him. His difficulty comes in the form of him being VERY slippery and difficult to catch. Basically, if you are there, he cannot stand and fight so contest things against him.”
Kayncer says “Annoying, fast, has a lot of healing, try to kill him pre 6, he is easy to invade. but in mid and late game he scales a lot so be careful!”
Polarshift says “Go for the Domination tree. You win against him in the early game. You can invade him at his blue or red buff. When he has his ultimate up, you can root him when you jump; preventing him from ulting while you try to oneshot him.”
Lambda Diana says “You are strong then him early and you have conq so you win the longer fights early on. Get a lead and counter jg him keep him from getting 6 as long as you can. He will out scale you end early. ”
OsakaSatang says “Go electro+sorcery
He is squishy but has high burst damage pre6 like you. You can contest for crab and make sure your team has prio. Crab's not worth dying for and just run to the other crab he is not in.”
ItsSkoob says “Ekko is weaker than you early game so try to abuse that. If you just leave him alone he will outscale you and make everyone chant "Jg Diff" in the chat.”
lightrocket2 says “Ekko jumps to you which is nice but he gains a lot of movement speed so he can kite you. Also can easily steal objectives using E + Smite, nearly impossible to outsmite if timed correctly”
Ellesmere says “Ekko jungle is annoying. Why? Because he's Ekko. He has a lot of cc, plus a ludicrous amount of escape. He can dash over walls or ult away from you, etc. If you want to check out his jungle pre 6 go for it, but typically I would just stick to my side. Once you're farmed up with your bloodrazor/rageblade you should be able to 1v1 him, although beware the ult!”
RedNBlue says “Ekko you can kill really easily early game especially pre-6 post 6 he will just be running from you so he will be missing out of farm and some action.”
SketchtheHunter says “Annoyance. High mobility, a huge as stun/shield with his W, and a get out of jail-free ulti that can also nuke you in extended fights. Bully this one early.”
Soulreaperjin says “His W can be troublesome if you're ambushed by that, but otherwise just keep dodging his Q, so he can't E on you. Also keep him in one place so he can't use his R to yeet away.”
Suseri says “Laning phase is fine but after level 6 he has a 2nd life which makes it hard for you to kill him before your ult runs out. Try to dodge his stun field with your Q after he walked into it.”
Maintained says “It's pretty hard for Ekko to do anything to you. He can't ever solo kill you unless he is fed, especially with phase rush. If you ult him in teamfights when he dives in, he's likely to die before he can use his ult.”
manco1 says “Ekko has a weak early game but still can one shot you all game. He does snowball so if he gets a kill early then you need to watch out. Once he hits level 6 he should be avoided because of his ult. ”
Kayn Mains says “Early game you win fights but you likely won’t actually get to kill him as he can run away with his passive. Your clear is faster than his, so go for a different approach by just speedrunning to level 6.
During mid game you still out-duel him. Once Ekko gets his Chronobreak (R) however, make sure to track his shadow/hologram. If he uses his ultimate while you are inside of him you will follow. Avoid getting ported into a bunch of enemies or ending up in his AoE stun.
When it comes to the late game Ekko outscales both Rhaast and Shadow Assassin. Try to close out the game before he gets four items. If you don't manage to do so make sure to build some magic resist or healing reduction to counter his ultimate.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Similar mobility to you, and slightly less damage, as well as being able to nullify your damage with his get-out-of jail free ultimate. Invade him early, his clear isn't the healthiest. Can't duel you unless you get stunned.
metalhydra273 says “His w is annoying, but get around it and he doesn't offer much directly outside of a proc and run. Watch for his ult if you wanna kill him. Either save your ult for after he uses it or ensure his death before he can turn back time.”
mgutis says “Ekko is karthus but better on this patch, as he outscales karthus 1v1, one shots karthus and cant die to karthus R since ekko R is on a lower cooldown, and inherently counters karthus R, I ban ekko now. ”
PulseBeat_02 says “If Ekko tries to use his ultimate or Parallel Convergence on you, black shield so you don't get impacted by the effects. He can easily use his ultimate to also escape your ultimate if necessary. Make sure to look at his shadow/echo.”
KhaZix Mains says “[6/10] Can be easy to burst early on so long as you avoid his AoE stun and maximize your passive autos. Once he gets level 6 it'll be much harder to kill him with his ult available along with his burst potential once he has Mythic item. Later on in the game you can try to bait out his R just be mindful of his ult clone or else you'll get obliterated without magic resist.
Itemization is up to the situation but having Q evolve will allow you to win with much more ease. If you're having trouble with his healing consider picking up an executioner's calling or hexdrinker to prevent him from snowballing.”
Nanelol says “He survives your burst thanks to his ultimate and he's able to follow your ultimate with his dash ability (E). You are an easy target for him.”
Nanelol says “Ekko outscales Elise, and in general is just a better mid game version of her, but Elise is still stronger early and has the tools to counter his kit. When Ekko uses his big AoE W, you can dodge it and stall the shield itself with Rappel. I also like to play fights slower vs. Ekko, using Cocoon as late as possible so that I can kill him before he can press R.”
Heccie says “Pretty simple pre 6 easy invade him apply pressure, after 6 try to kill the squishiest before him since he has two health bars. Stay away from his shadow following him. ( his r)”
Eagzey says “He can't do anything to you but you literally can't do anything to him. Because you don't have that much power early game you can't pressure him like AD Shaco, so he scales for free and will outscale.”
Vispectra says “Some what of an even lane tilting towards your favor. Of course a good Ekko will be slippery and be a pain in the ass really but usually you'll be okay in lane, be mindful of ganks as he sets them up pretty well. Later on he remains a threat I recommend trying to snatch him off guard as this will be a battle of who gets the jump on who.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Most AP assasins are quite a pain but if Ekko get fed early you are done for. Ekko is a late game hypercarry so try to destroy him early as he is pretty week.”
theceasrsalad says “pretty slippery with his e, rocketbelt, and ult. try to fight him early when hes is weakest because his late game burst is pretty hard to survive unless you itemize correctly.”
PK Noob says “Ekko can easily dodge your abilities and burst you down at any stage of the game. Avoid him at all costs and keep your team in the game so that you can burst him later on.”
RedNBlue says “He is like Kha'Zix as if he gets an early pick on you your toast. Plus Ekko has a lot of sustain and a lot of burst so you will have some big problems killing him late game if you die early to him.”
RedNBlue says “Ekko shouldn't be much of a problem for you as you will be able to tank through his damage and he doesn't have a good cc to stop you from ulting. I know his e stuns but you can pop your ult just before it stuns you really.”
Riyad101 says “I hate Ekko since I think his ultimate is broken. He is killable but also can kill you. You will most likely trade kills with each other early game but if you think you can't kill him then farm. Ignite him at the start of the fight and keep fighting.”
EUWRATS says “Not that strong, just make sure to take phase rush so you can catch him when he tries to run away after using his passive. Make sure to use R before he ults to kill him before he heals”
nZk01 says “ekko has a really shit first clear so you can easily invade him after your fullclear with a laner, otherwise champ is rly bad pre6 so should be free.”
SoSheolH says “Very fast, and he can just W whenever he wants to get you off of him. Wait for him to use his W then go in on him, and with your E+W combo you might just be able to CC him long enough to get him killed, or get his ult at least, which is very helpful too.”
Caled says “Ekko is only strong if he can snowball early. If Ekko does not snowball early, Kayn should have a very easy time playing against Ekko. Take advantage of the fact that Kayn has a much faster and healthier clear, ESPECIALLY in the early/mid game. Prioritize farming early and try invading Ekko whenever you have vision of him on the opposite side of the jungle to set him behind even further. Ideally, Rhaast plays much better into Ekko and fights him with ease mid/late game. If Ekko does snowball early and starts to get really big, play for late game and try to scale as much as you can. Cool interaction to keep in mind, if you use Umbral Tresspass (R) and Ekko uses Chronobreak (R) while you are inside of him, you will be brought back to wherever he ulted.”
Loul_60 says “Ekko has been pretty strong for a while now, and is pretty strong into Kayn too. If he's good he will ult when you exit yours to completely negate the damage. If you're Shadow Assassin, don't fight him in his W or you're dead.”
liserith says “After he gets his Hextech Alternator, he can burst you down in no time. As an assassin, he wins this matchup naturally, but with his ult and his insane damage, he's impossible to duel. His damage is manageable during the early scuttle fights, but do not let him get ahead. ”
Gumipapucs says “You can farm him in the early game as you are much stronger than him especially if you have a red buff, but watch out because he can deal a surprising amount of damage. Somewhat kiteable but he can get on top of you with his E and his Q slow. If he does not kill you during that time, he's pretty much doomed and he definetly can't kill you under that time in the early game if you are at 100% HP. He can only win early if he manages to stun you. Your best bet is to catch him off guard in the jungle as he gets kinda low and you will have a HP advantage. He scales super well into lategame even if he's very behind, also his ult reaches his current position after 4 seconds, the same time as your ultimate, so if he forces you to ult, he can either stun you at the end of your ult and/or deal a huge amount of damage with his own ult which is a guaranteed death for you, so you must jump a wall or flash out. If you engage him later in the game & you have some stacks for the extra attack range he will be forced to ult and/or die, just make sure he can't get to you because he will delete you, also watch out if he builds protobelt and prioritize keeping your distance over dealing damage. Red smiting him means he is unlikely (but still can) to burst you if he manages to get on top of you.”
chevy the sloot says “Tempo match up. You hard out farm him but his ganks are stronger early. You can duel/contest him early if hit your Qs and avoid his W/second Q.”
c0st0m says “if you get hit by his w (stun) you will undoubtedly lose the fight other than that ur 1v1 potential for late game is definitly lillia favored but beware of his ult because ekko can cleanse ur sleep with his ultimate”
Udyr uber says “Esse aqui escala entre o 3-5
Depende muito do seu desempenho no game, geralmente pego conquistador (iniciante) e invado ele direto, rusho Passos de Mercúrio+Sabre de Batalha Encantamento: Guerreiro
Raizins says “I have found that Ekko can be a problem for Alistar, especially when you are the primary source of CC on your team. He has enough mobility and dashes that your combo can sometimes whiff, and on top of that his Ulti essentially denies your combo. So be careful to not waste your spells on him unless you are sure you can get the kill.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “His R counter's your R entirely if he uses it at the right time. He can deal massive amounts of burst damage to you and your team. Very squishy so you should take advantage of that.”
Luxon333 says “out scales pretty hard
if he uses his E on you try to E back so that he teleport inside your stun
try to kill pre 6 with jungler
after your 1. item you are stronger for a little while ”
PsiGuard says “He has several ways to break or mitigate the effectiveness of your tether, and he has high burst which makes him hard for you to DPS. If you ult him, make sure you're aware of how many of his mobility options are on cooldown. If you don't get stunned by his W, you can hold your own 1v1 early.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “"pls no, don't ult after i have done 7308 dama- oh wait i found where you rewined. Haha, Q go BRRRRRR"
-An udyr main while trying to gank mid”
ChaseMorePlz says “Ekko doesn't provide too much of a threat due to his build path, however can prove to be dominant in long fights and skirmishes. Try to prevent these if possible.”
ChaseMorePlz says “His blinks travel faster than your Q's. Ekko is sort of a different type of Amumu that is faster paced with more attention towards how he positions himself inside of his abilities..”
ChaseMorePlz says “Ekko doesn't provide too much of a threat due to his build path, however can prove to be dominant in long fights and skirmishes. Try to prevent these if possible.”
waayWest says “Easy matchup, he can get on top of you with his burst but right now it's not enough to take you down, you can perma CC with your ult to prevent his to activate.”
sonminh says “Early game you can beat him as long as you don't get stunned. 2v2 is easy if coordinated correctly. AD is not that good, AP control is probably the best. CC locking him is hard, play front to back or back to front depending on how strong he is.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early , force double Crab , when ahead you can jump on him without abilities so he will ult and then burst him.
Ekko is weak right now but he counters your burst with his R so take care of it.”
Get Ricked says “If you play it well you beat Ekko at all stages. If he jumps you suddenly just jump out cause he probably has his W on you. If he doesn't hit his stun you kill him.”
G Spot God says “Ekko is super fun to play, super annoying to play against. This is a fringe hard matchup but I give the edge to skarner because of the tankiness.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Ekko is one of the easiest matchups ever in the jungle. The champion is weak in every single aspect. You can permanently inavade him pre-6, he has a slow and an unhealthy clear where you can just invade him anytime you want. Also you can oneshot him mid/late, force his ult everytime, and with you e and r, you can catch up with his mobility.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Ekko deals a decent amount of damage and he has a stun, but it is very telegraphed. If you can dodge his stun it is easy to invade him pre 6 and get him behind.”
Temper77 says “Normally, this should be easy, until your Mid feeds him with a spoon. Try to land your E with your team to try and beat him down until he R's back and kills everyone”
MetaSolaray says “Ekko's potential snowball and his two second timer can lead to a harsh time. With a slight nerf to his jungle clear you can outpace jungle clear to gain early XP. Try to catch him after he's thrown out his W, if you can stop him reaching his shield he's very squishy. Force early objectives and take fights he doesn't see coming to win.”
Sq_09 says “Early Ekko is rather weak and his clear is on the lower end. He will most likely not invade you pre-6 and he can't do much early anyways. Later however he is a great threat in that he can oneshot you with E1-Q-E2-RB-AA without much risk. If he ever jumps onto you, you will need to hit him during E1, since using it after that is really risky (his E2 can blink thought it, Rocketbelt displaces him an may even put him behind you, He gains high MS after hitting his combo). If you miss your E, you are probably dead.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Easy matchup based on my experience. Never struggled with ekko matchup. his early clear is slow, he loses alot of HP , you can most of the time spot him in his jungle low on health without his e, invade him 24/7 , go for his camps, cheese early, and fight him as much as you can, also once you get blue form, you can be fast enough to one shot him without him reacting with R”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This matchup feels almost entirely dependant on avoiding his stun while also landing your own one. He's really hard to deal with early game so try wait for a while before fighting him unless you get lucky and find him low HP. If enemies don't really have tankiness, you'll thoroughly enjoy the Shieldbow build vs this guy.”
lolBlender says “Only ult this guy when you can kill him through ulti. If you have to ult him early you can stand on his ult location and kill him after he presses r.”
AlmostN0Numbers says “Not only can he run you down at any point, but he can negate any succeful attempt to get on top of him. You can outplay him but be cautious”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “His ultimate has such a low cooldown going down to ridiculous numbers (like 10 seconds) at max rank that he can just go on you, trade his ultimate for yours, but yours will be on cooldown for next fight and his will be back up. Also so easy to play one of my top bans.”
Shukori says “Ekko starts becoming a threat at lvl 3, but you should be able to 1v1 him in case he wants to invade you, just make sure to not get stunned by his W. If he gets ahead he will stomp Karthus easily, he is able to Burst Karthus and get out easily with his Passive and Ult. He is also able to build Zhonyas so he has multiple ways to avoid your Ult Damage. ”
RedNBlue says “Ekko is the bottom of the extreme threats. But, Ekko early game is a lot harder to kill than some other assassin Junglers as he can stun you and dash away from your moves.”
GabrielGames says “You can block his E1 (small dash) with your W but if he's ahead you probably wont be able kill him. In early dont let him stun you and that's an easy kill”
Simon The Shaco Main says “His E can follow your Q. Pre-6, your ganks are stronger and so is your counterjungling so just make sure you abuse him early. Post-6 you never really win fights because of his ult but AP Shaco makes it easier as you can fight him from a distance.”
Schadenfreude says “He will outkite you and he will outscale you. Try and take him down before he hits 6 because unless he is braindead, you're not going to be able to kill him. ”
chevy the sloot says “You clear so much faster than him and can also bully him early. That said he snowballs pretty big. Track him and counter gank him.”
Aurelius2142 says “BURN. BURN IT WITH FIRE. Ekko has the delightful ability to one-shot you at any time (the primary weakness of this build), and if you happen to get him in low in an early post-6 1v1, he can heal it all back anyway. Kill him early, or not at all.”
Karthus man says “An Ekko can wipe the floor with you, or, you can wipe the floor with him. Try to counter gank him and find him while he is vulnerable and kill him to get ahead. ”
Chaddy Chapstick says “Ekko does a lot of damage mid to late abuse him early and put him behind. He is very slippery and can kill you easily if he has ult or is fed enough. ”
ractick says “If he gets ahead of Kayn he will be extremely hard to deal with, with both forms!
Conqueror Kayn wins against him in fights in the early game though.
Blue kayn deals with Ekko better than Red.”
Maile says “This is comes down to which jungler is better. Both champs can clear at a relatively similar pace so it comes down to your mechanics at early skirmishes. ”
McSushi says “unless the player is horrible, you cannot beat him unless you catch him low hp with no spells ready. you HAVE TO either power farm or invade, which both are risky and not optimal.”
Connweasel says “Extremely mobile champion, and deals a ton of damage. You can CC this champion and burst it down quick if you play with your time or get the jump on him. However Ekko has been one of the hardest matchups for me.”
REXAI TurboSmurf says “ekko is not problem until he dont have ultimate, with his R he dodge your R and heal. so, you waste r and your life. and also gives him gold to fck you up again.”
CalicoCactus says “Stupidest champ ever, I personally ban Ekko or Nunu every game. Ekko's insane AP scaling ratios and huge burst leave him stomping most junglers, if you are smart, use grievous, and keep an eye on his R cooldown you can win the fight, you can also save things like your Q and E for when he is low and about to use his ult to stop him in his tracks and let your team take him down.”
Mirarkane says “Survivability, Mobility, Burst, Ekko's too strong for Elise. Killing him early can give you a good head start, but he'll catch up fast and outscale you. Good ban.”
Oddirear says “Not super threatening, but very frustrating for Rek'Sai. Having an AoE stun and the ability to undo her combo can frustrate attempts to gank or jungle against. Do not engage solo if he has ult available unless you're significantly more fed than he his and you're unlikely to encounter his teammates.”
KevinThyAsian says “His E can be problematic if his ahead but you can overcome him if you are even. I suggest aggressively jg vs’ing him as it’ll be unlikely he’ll expect it”
LamentsSong says “Ekko's broken right now. You have range but he has damage. Try to play safe but if this is a good Ekko your lane is going to be rough.”
Minase says “Both champions are looking to power-farm and scale, though you farm faster. If he gets ahead he can one-shot you just as much as you can to him. Look to charm him and kill him within the charm duration so that he can't R your damage away. Typically speaking whoever dies first in this matchup will lose.”
BoyWonder00 says “He has a massive AoE stun that gives him a shield and has great burst damage. He also is very hard to kill once he is level 6. If he doesn't land his stun, however, you can CC him and drain him.”
ACE4291 says “Can beat you 1v1 like most champs pre lvl 6 but the difference is he can ult his health back after 6. Note if you fear him and your team dives him.... he will be dead before he can R. ”
God_Maw Lan says “I personally find ekko quite easy to counter, in any fight ,1v1 or 5v5 as long as you evade his stun ;you literally counter him with your R or E.”
BoyWonder00 says “For both Rhaast and Shadow Assassin he can be a threat. He isn't tanky, so Rhaast doesn't live forever off of him. He also is just as slippery as SA, and his R makes him extremely hard to burst down.”
Frixen says “Ekko has really good waveclear, so it is possible that he pushes you in, however if you play it correctly, you can poke him at all times pre-6 and most of the time he cannot return the damage as he is fairly low range. Don't get into all in short range trades, always keep your distance, be mindful of your autospacing and you should have no issue.”
SkellyBirb says “Ekko can deal a lot of damage in a short time, but as long as you avoid standing in his shield and slow/stun, you can go even in trading.”
metalhydra273 says “Can be a nuisance with his slipperiness, but you can deal with him early game and win the 1v1 unless he pulls ahead or gets a good stun in. You can try to burst him down early by ulting him into your team and ensuring he dies before he gets to ult back.”
SHACO BOLADO says “Você vence lutas antes de 6,Seus ganks são muito mais fortes e o counter gank é muito bom contra ele, depois do nivel 6 vc quase nunca ganha um 1v1 contra ele por causa da ult dele, mas se ele estiver sem ult vc pode tentar matar ele mas cuidade ele tem um otimo burst, em TF tente focar outros alvos se ele estiver com ult ele segue seu Q com o E dele ent cuidado com seu timing, vc pode desviar do dano da ult dele com sua ult, (Shaco AP e Muito melhor contra o ekko jogue ao redor das caixinhas forçando ele a ultar ou ate mesmo matar ele sem chegar perto)”
NixLychee says “Ekko's ability to negate a lot of your burst damage as Kayn is difficult to deal with, and he scales just as hard as you do, so you should try to bait him into using it, so he recovers only a little health and you can burst him down.”
AKScorched says “Ekko isn't really a big threat. If he starts chasing you, wait for him to use his e, then Q him. You can fight him, but you need to avoid his W and R. In mid-late game he wins those fights, so be careful with him.”
NixLychee says “Pre 6, you'll stomp him were you to 1v1 him, but at lvl 6 his ult helps him in a fight, while yours does not, so he'll ult to regain some health and either get away or possibly win the fight.”
Aas112mm says “He is not a big threat for you on 1v1, he can almost never kill you unless if he's fed, but what will effect your game is that he outganks you, out farms you in early game so you will very likely to fall behind and you cannot kill him, unless your team baits his R or if he is just bad then maybe, but overall he is just annoying and facing him will be a huge pain in the ass for both you and your team.”
gurubashi35 says “His entire kit revolves around kiting you with his Q slow and W stun, so only fight him if you're confident you can tank/dodge both. ”
Reason97 says “Ekko can be annoying if he gets ahead, but his setup is predictable, and easy to interrupt. If you see him use his Parallel Convergence (the bubble ability that slows everyone inside), you'll see a shadow of echo appear near his character. This usually means he's going for an all in. Avoid the bubble, either split off to a side or get under tower, and he usually will just back off. Avoid his his Timewinder skillshot, it's fast at first, but stay about a Q's distance away from him, and you'll be outside the fastest part of it. If he uses his Phasedive, save your Q and LET him hit you. trying to Q him to stop the ability will result in you missing most times. but if you let the dive hit, he's RIGHT in your face, making it super easy to Q, back off a ways, and stack your other abilities on him. ”
NixLychee says “He will ult when you ult, and negate most of your damage. You need to be significantly ahead to fight him, and don't stand near him for too long, as he can ult and almost oneshot you.”
KaRMaX says “With recent up, he is OP (lot of dmg,stun for 2,25 seconds and revive)
Really ANNOYING. Has a lot, lot and lot of mouvement speed with his kit and a lot of burst.
Try ta dodge his E (Alpha Strike if it's late to go back from the zone).
Later with mercs, Wit's End and Death Dance, he ain't a problem anymore.
Earlygame try to match him in ganking, play around your team”
chasemyman1 says “Just get ahead early and this is a winning matchup. Its all about doing as much damage to his jungle pre level 6. After that the matchup becomes even if you are not ahead.”
NixLychee says “This champion needs a balance soon. His ability to oneshot people is almost unmatched, save for Veigar, Evelynn and Kha'Zix, and he has so much safety in his shield and Ult, so just try to avoid him, he will destroy anything.”
reganakers says “Ekko is very weak early, and wants to look to not die and scale up by farming his camps. You must try to disrupt him and get a strong enough early lead with objectives to close games before he gets too massive.”
McSushi says “if you don't get ahead of him in levels, he will gank more, farm more, get objectives faster, and scale harder than you can, because of his broken ult and W and passive. so just counter jungle, and use exhaust properly.”
PsiGuard says “This is actually a pretty good matchup despite how strong Ekko can be. Since your charm lasts so long, Ekko can die before he's able to use his ult. Make sure you max W second to give your team a bigger window to burst him before he can ult.”
BrawlerDave says “Hard, but not too hard, can steal objectives, once your get your Aegies, and mercs, it would be alot easier to face this champ, otherwise, I would just evade battling with him”
Aimisenpaii says “Dodge q you win, don't and you hard lose. Try to play around counter ganking and not ganking, him using his W as a entry for his gank is crucial for you having a successful counter gank”
KillyOne says “Early on he is not very strong and in jungle he can get pretty low on health. This makes him relatively easy to invade, but he does scale realy well into mid and late game.”
League Of Cursed says “Haha scarecrow go burrrrr. Honestly, I've never had issues with ekko. Yes, his early game is better than yours. However, he builds so squishy most of the time that once you have items you can kill him before he gets to ult.
Dopamine_influx says “You win hard early, just adapt your clear towards fighting on scuttle/double scuttle, invade him when you know where he is, and counter gank every gank.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up.
He has horrible clear for most of early game, find ways to exploit this depending on where he starts and counter gank him or invade Ekko. Once he has 6 he becomes harder to shut down and will eventually be difficult for you to one-shot unless you're super ahead”
AWierdShoe says “You can invade early and force 1v1s to try and grab a lead on him, as Ekko is reliant on items and snowballing to be an effective assassin. If he gets his items, he has the potential to burst you down so be cautious. Ekko is super reliant on his ultimate when fighting, so it's good to fight him when it is down.”
DarkArbalist613 says “A Ekko's Burst can be pretty problematic, and his ult is frustrating, but he is pretty squishy. Overall just watch out if he is ahead and play off his cooldowns.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He has tons of outplay potential, your reflexes will matter here a lot but this matchup is not in your favor in general. Play it safe.”
MrMoonBird says “Ekko is a close-range champion, so maintaining distance is key. He can slow with his Q and W, but like with Aurelian, you can easily sidestep them. Kite him out with your speed and punish him early.”
nextonetwo says “So Ekko is a semi-aggressive jungler, he can just walk in and steal your stuff, but you can put up a decent fight if you're good, still call for help cuz he's a free kill pre-6. After 6 he can be pretty annoying, just avoid his ult area and you could probably 1 v 1 him. he moves fast though with his passive, so be weary of that. ”
nextonetwo says “So Ekko is a semi-aggressive jungler, he can just walk in and steal your stuff, but you can put up a decent fight if you're good, still call for help cuz he's a free kill pre-6. After 6 he can be pretty annoying, just avoid his ult area and you could probably 1 v 1 him. he moves fast though with his passive, so be weary of that. ”
Zailent says “Rhaast is the best way to beat him. His stun will make your shadow assasin form useless since he will burst you down as soon as you try bursting him (uno reverse card in less words). As Rhaast youre gonna have the sustain to withstand his dmg, and you can heal with your R a bunch.”
DarkPit59 says “Malgré un early compliqué en jungle, Ekko peut aisément vous tenir tête dès qu'il obtient son niveau 6 et ses premiers objets. Prenez garde à son ultime et trackez son délai de récupération, celui-ci étant court, vous n'aurez pas beaucoup d'opportunités.”
Vodka4Gaben says “You will always beat him 1v1, but he snowballs super hard and I would recommend you always ban him. You might be able to win against him, but your team won't. So this is my perma banned champion.”
SapphireLoL says “Ekko can slow with his Q and W, which while isn't as much of a threat as Kindred/ Graves, can still prevent you getting to him as quickly as needed.”
TheRabidRabbitX says “Ekko is a pain because he has the ability to directly counter your burst. Akali's strongest strength lies in her burst potential but Ekko can reverse all of that. You have to be really careful and either poke him down or burst him when his abilities are burned.”
WickedPoppet says “Haha scarecrow go burrrrr. Honestly, I've never had issues with ekko. Yes, his early game is better than yours. However, he builds so squishy most of the time that once you have items you can kill him before he gets to ult.”
D3str00 says “Small threat, however you can't underestimate him. His E dash can easily make you miss Q and lose trade with him. And most probably his ult with make you angry, when he will survive on 50hp and use it for safety.”
agarandom says “- Ekko cannot use his R if you root him. Therefore, use your empowered E (root) to root him and burst him afterwards.
- Try to hit your E on him. Ekko is really good at running away, so hitting your E is very important.
- Go Edge of Night so that you don't get stunned from his W, since an Ekko would usually stand inside his W (because he thinks he is safer there).
- Make sure to play around your bushes. If he uses E, you are able to jump on him, making him unable to kite you (with his passive/E).
Usually against Ekko, you want to invade his Red. I will talk about this later.”
JccmSaysNom says “Ekko has a much better burst than AP Ashe aswell as good kiteability with his kit, his biggest flaw is that he is melee, abuse this, when he tries to last hit W and AA him.
Make sure he doesn't get his passive on you, and dont get hit by his Q on the way back since it deals more damage and he can E - AA you for the passive damage.”
Sorrowful Prince says “The king of the fiesta. His clear isn't that much better than yours but he is even stronger in skirmishes which makes him really hard to face. He can easily dodge your hookshot so don't even try hitting him as long as he has e up. You can lock him inside your ultimate later so he can't r away if you catch him.”
TrevorJayce says “Ekko is pretty easy to play into. His kit is hard countered by you as if he stuns you and procs his passive on you, you can double W the damage away and he essentially just healed you. Don't give him a lead and it's an easy W.”
Honey_drops says “Not that bad but can be very annoying. You can kill him in 1 combo unless he builds a lot of MR. Be careful of his ult since the cooldown is much lower than yours. ”
Fabosch is Love says “Actually OP in jungle. You have better early game but Ekko is hard to catch because of his mobility in fight. His late game is stronger than you.”
Morzanoth says “Ekko is a tough match up regardless of how he builds. A tank Ekko will out scale you since he can deal a good amount of damage and still be really tanky. An AP Ekko can actually burst you very well so it is equally strong. Ekko can avoid all damage from your Ult and he will heal back some Health so you may be left in a tight spot. Ideally you want to use your E as soon as he jumps to you to avoid the follow up damage from timewinder and then slow him with the second part of your E. This is a very tough skill match up and depends on how much you can get done before Ekko starts getting stronger.”
Loki029 says “Use Ignite for his Ultimate, Silence him if you want too Ult him before he can Ult, Free from his Q slow with your Q, avoid his 3rd empowerd AA or use W for it.”
jsmolik says “its easy match-up if you know how to play it . dont fight him solo . when you are with team ult him on half HP after he cant use his R so he cant save himself . ”
PrettyPinkPutin says “He slows hard, runs fast, deals a lot of damage and you generally need to kill him twice, you can easily R his W stun and that's about it. Avoid his return Q if possible, his R when used in your R will deal damage in it's original location but he will end up in your arena so it's pretty neat.”
Ryttar says “Your CCs will be very important against him but be careful, if he's fed he'll burst you like crazy. Always care about his ult and never underestimate him.”
lheisse says “While his cc is very predicable, he has substantial burst damage. You will need to make sure he does not get on top of you. he is melee so as long as you keep him away he cannot burst you. Keep an eye on his ulti echo so if he ults you can land a quick skillshot. ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Ekko deals a decent amount of damage and he has a stun, but it is very telegraphed. If you can dodge his stun it is easy to invade him pre 6 and get him behind.”
briguy1109 says “Ekko is an interesting matchup, and the interactions with his abilities are somewhat inconsistent. You can Q the stun easily, and alpha when low to follow him in his R, but the rest of your team probably will not be able to handle him without. you there.”
VekkyBoi says “Ekko is decently strong right now in the meta. Bursting down an Ekko is hard later as he just presses his R button. Can outduel you early game, only if you fight him. You can disengage from Ekko well.”
Soulreaperjin says “His W can be troublesome if you're ambushed by that, but otherwise just keep dodging his Q, so he can't E on you.
Also keep him in one place so he can't use his R to yeet away.”
BlindKidNoThumbs says “Easy matchup especially before Ekko is 6. Make sure to invade him and pressure him and gank early.You also have great lockdown fairly easy matchup.”
MannerlessNG says “A fairly average challenge unless handled by a professional. Most of the time you make him obsolete by 15 mins as you outscale him badly. He is most threatening at the early stages so guard your lanes.”
Fabosch is Love says “You have a better early game. The problem is : he has more mobility and his ult to escape. Really hard to denie. He also has a better scaling. Just get a Maw against him.”
The Top Bear says “JUNGLE: Ekko jungle is one of those niche picks that people think isn't that viable until they get smacked by it. He is very strong early and will likely win in any 1v1. The best thing to do however is to try to control scuttles, as your clear should be slightly better. then track and countergank him.
MID and TOP: This man is a difficult lane opponent, and can smack you around pretty much all game. The best plan is to poke him down as best you can, and try to bait him into fights under your tower. Once he uses his ulti, you can reset with your E heal, and then 1v1 him.”
PrideHunter says “You win early fights as long as you dodge his stun which is quite easy with rappel. At level 6 you will be fine as long as you are even.”
urrb says “This champ deals some pretty heavy damage while also being able to hard cc you and your team in an aoe. You can go for an early cheese at one of his buffs if you can catch him with his abilities on cooldown, but otherwise respect him when you come across him. He's very strong with teammates that can follow up on his w stun. If you dodge his q and don't get stunned by his W you can win, but many times he will get away anyways. Try to focus on ganking to get a lead and taking his camps when you can.”
Goku SSJ sensed your ener says “Ignore unless he's alone, attack other targets but if he is a damage threat then force his r and go for another person.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “Weak early game. Should not lose unless you are retarded. Invade, counter jungle, gank the possibilities are endless. Your R can counter many of his abilities. 1v1 shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
Aizenvolt says “Ekko is generally easy keep the poke with q and e and w also avoid his disk when it returns. When he uses disk use your q to cancel damage. After 6 keep an eye on his shadow. Dont get near that or he will ult and kill you in an instant. Also dont underestimate his heal from his ult. It can give him the fight, so be sure that you have the upper hand when you engage.”
Grap3fest says “Ekko is tough- he can reset the whole duel with you and is running dark harvest as a main keystone. We like being a low health so we dont like this :)”
HalcyonFox says “Due to Ekko's 3 hit passive, massive shield from W, his E to close a gap and his R to jump away and regain health, Ekko can be tricky. Highly mobile, highly damaging.
Post level 6, you may not have many issues dealing with him provided you can land your fully charged W for the charm and MR shred, mostly one shotting him with your Q and E.
Pre 6 however, it's best to try and avoid early fights until you have your Sheen or a laner around to aid you, should you need it. Don't take extended trades with this one for a Skuttle Crab, he usually wins.”
matg8 says “Ekko is a pain early, but as long as he isn't fed you should be fine. If he is, then he's more like a 5 on this list bc he can still shred you anyway. BUILD AGAINST HIM (AP resist).”
eastya says “Pretty weak until he hits 6. You pop him early with your true damage. In team fights if he tries to assassinate your carries simply deny him and knock him up.”
jaybae says “One of the strongest junglers atm. A load of dmg as well as a shield/stun and a dash. Avoid dueling Ekko early levels but feel free to fight him post-6 if you can avoid his skillshots.”
Mkcls says “A bit ekko favored. He's (Just like you) really squishy, so its possible to win 1vs1. Keep in mind his ult cooldown and avoid getting stunned by all cost! You should consider buying GA if he's fed.”
HackedAccountlol says “2 Second stun on his W. Passive is bonkers for securing objectives ( 2 passive stack+ auto+ smite). You can't really kill him until you get form.”
today ill feed enemy team says “He is one of the champions can 1v1 you fairly in level 6, before it, just try do don't get cheesed by his abilities and you can kill him easy peasy lemon squeezy.”
radecki says “At this moment hes one of the best junglers, so thats not that easy. You have to be careful with his W, that can stun you. His ult counters yours, but when you hit your W on him there shouldnt be problem to kill him.”
GROFITEER says “AP breaks this build, even with all of your damage. avoid AP. not only that, but with cc, slows, and an ulti that can save him from your onslaught he is a force to be reckoned.”
SirZeros says “He has too much outplay potential for you, but he can't really deny you from farming if you won't get poked down, so just farm safely, and it'll be pretty easy to get to late game.”
Yuki H. says “Whoever gets the jump on first will most likely win the duel, decided mostly by whether or not Ekko lands his W to stun you. Since he is AP, your dueling potential is not helped much with your E. However, his early clear is not the best, which means you are capable of invading if your lanes have priority, securing an advantage by counterjungling or killing him in his jungle.”
TheFalco62 says “Skill matchup. He will be trying to Q spam your minion wave lvl 1 in order to shove it in, and get safe CS. This makes it hard to harass him with Q, so you can try push the wave as fast as you can. If you are experienced in this matchup, you will have a feeling of when ekko will use his Q(Or when he decides to animation cancel it) on you. If you manage to dodge it, you can fight him(GO HAM)! Just be aware when he goes out of vision, as most Ekko players will be looking to land a W(stun) on you.”
Xavier Senori says “Ekko is annoying to play against during lane, as his MS makes it hard to land Qs, his shield makes it impossible to make your damage stick, and his ult makes all the harass you put into him obsolete. His early pushing power is weak, so push him into tower to force him to lose CS and deny him the ability to roam. ”
pixelhidef says “Ekko isn't picked as jungler often, but he can dominate you at nearly every stage of the game. I wouldn't ban him for it though, just play with your team and you should win overall. Don't duel.”
The Jhin Cena says “Ekko is a super cancer champ that you will likely hate when facing with Fizz. Whether they're a good Ekko or mediocre, facing one can be triggering. The main reason Ekko is so cancer is because of his ult. A scenario where you're 1v1ing Ekko could vary. A good Ekko would wait until you blew all your CDs, and then Ult to heal himself to full health instantly, whilst doing half your health, and leaving you with no E to get away from combat with. A trash Ekko might Ult prematurely, yet at the same time his slippery Ekko behavior could cause you to screw up the aim of your ult on him. Facing an Ekko is tricky, and with my experience against one, you don't necessarily lose the lane, but Ekko's ult can prevent you from ever getting as fed as you'd hope. Not only is his Ult annoying, but early game he will throw his Q at you over and over which will be tiring to dodge and force you to passively CS. Additionally, if Ekko E's on you right as you Ult, he'll ruin the damage + slow since he teleports right next to you. I can't recommend any sort of advanced strategy when fighting an Ekko, just use your combo on him and hope for the best. Also take note of when he Ults, if you see he has Ulted recently, then take advantage of that and engage before he has it up again. Ekko without his Ult is a pretty easy matchup that can be dealt with just like most other squishies.”
hipstersora says “Melee! Launch those Ws. When he's low and running, try to bait him into ulting back. E out of his ult's AoE range, and kill him.
If ahead though he'll have a shield the size of your healthbar and can kill you in 3 autos. Just try to not let that happen. Use your E after he's on top of you, not a second sooner.”
AgreeableOtter says “In this matchup you have to rely on his mistakes.
Do not take any trades with him, let him start the trades. When he E's on you, just place W behind yourself and Q E him. He loses every trade that way.”
Shderen says “Me being an Ekko main, I can comfortably say that any decent Ekko will obliterate a Soraka, seeing that he is incredibly useful against immobile mages. His combo will often find a way to be used before your silence - all you've really got is the fact he nearly always pushes up and is susceptible to ganks from good junglers. Every Ekko is on the lookout for the Q that they've used for waveclear also nicking you and leaving two stacks of his passive. If that does happen, they will literally FIEND for an E. Acknowledge this and walk away. Also, every Ekko thinks they're slick with casting a W from fog of war. Ward bushes, and be wary - it will hurt.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Ekko's cc, poke and ult make him difficult to fight and kill. He can dash to you as well, so be safe and avoid in teamfights. Remember to W if he tries to Ult on top of you.”
NocUout says “This ends up becoming a skill matchup, just poke and play safe, and for all ins ignite before he ults so he gets reduced healing from ult. ”
LePlay says “"Hey, his E is a dash and can be blocked, so he should be easy to play against, right?" Wrong! His Q slow can keep you entirely from reaching him, his W stuns you completely and his R deals ridiculous amounts of damage. The only way to effectively combat him is to avoid his passive´s stacks and to stun him for as long as possible, since he his unable to use his R in that time”
drunken hunter says “Ekko got some nice dmg but he cant really trade with Rengar because of the battle roar (W) that gives you health back. Try dodge his (Q), do the early poke and engage. If he is lvl 6, dont kill him too fast and watch ou for his stun area. You got to kill him (after lvl 6) slowly... ”
onetrick zed 11111 says “dodge his Q shove in waves wait till he has no mana bait his R before you R also if you ignite before he uses R he doesn't heal as much. depending on the ekko skill this match up can get hard.”
Optimal Pancake says “Can zone with his Q and W, escape with his E and R. Passive gives him burst, which can potentially screw up when you decide to ult. Play this carefully.”
Violzandre says “Again, like almost every champ, you only need to get the advantage farming.
If you don't avoid his stun or his R, you can be in problems.
But it's not THAT difficult!! just do it, simple.”
TricolorStar says “If you're caught by Ekko, the fight is not in your favor. You can peel yourself by using Allure, but extended fights with him will always end in your death unless you can surprise him with an Allure > Empowered Whiplash combo.”
Prenora says “Ekko is in the same boat as Ahri, keep him wasting his mana, and at a distance, try to force him under tower as he has a hard time farming there. Keep him at a distance because, allowing him to get too close can end up in his favor not yours”
Prenora says “Ekko similar to talon but his shield ability has a pretty high CD, if you aren't caught in the shield stun, let ekko go in, then once he tries to run, counter with your own combo, you'll win the trade.
undeadsoldiers says “Avoid his Q in lane.
Other than his Q poke you can bully him quite a bit, but be careful of a level 2 or 3 engage with Q, E, and Ignite.
If he Es to you, you can put him to sleep.
You can also try to predict his R with a bubble, but try not to chase after him when he has his R because he can just warp right back to you and combo you.
Suggested: Exhaust if you feel you need it”
macspam says “Be very cautious of Ekko's level 2 or 3 combo and keep your distance even in the early game. He's very slippery and mobile and if you get a lucky stun on him. blow your full combo without question.”
Mid Lane 51.2% Win Rate38% Pick RateEkko Mid Lane Counters: 32 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ekko in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Tamikaze says “I would put Ekko in even matchup, but his noncommittal trades make the lane quite difficult. E + Auto + Q and out (with his passive move speed). If you can, play outside the range of his dash. If he can not dash on you, he can't proc the passive on you. Be wary of his dive potential. He can take a very unfavorable trade, but then ult out immediately to turn it into a favorable trade. Additionally, if he roams be careful about his W stun. It is a 2.25 sec stun and almost always guarantees a kill on you. If you think it's going to stun, just immediately dash out of it or flash if needed. It's not worth dropping a kill for eating his stun. ”
j4ss says “Assassins are tricky but he can't do much against your poke. Go comet, max W, and rush your AD Items, you can even go Opportunity + Berserker's to crush him in lane and make him useless.”
Tatsurion says “A GOOD ekko will give you a run for your money.
RARELY will you see one and RARELY will it be on midlane, this is one of the rare instances where taking conq is a bad idea, since he is beyond fast and mobile, and likes to farm with his Q.
A harsh lane. But lategame is yours.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch/Gathering](Boneplating)(ShieldBash)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Verdant Barrier]
*play with poke when he tries to cs, if he goes in for a trade you kite back and hit back. shouldn't be a problem. once he gets enough ap to oneshot you get [Verdant Barrier]*”
Vladmidir says “Be careful of his lvl 3 damage, but as long as you have minion advantage you hard win trades. Make sure to ping his roams and take platings when he does. You don't outroam him so don't try to. Sit mid and play consistent. Pool when he gets on top of you”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. If you want to fight aggressively don't go first strike.
He has lots of pressure on you, especially when he takes HoB.
When he procs his passive he get's a massive movement speed boost and wins trades more reliably so try to let him get that as little as possible!
If you play around his W and do your best not to let him proc his passive you should be able to outtrade him.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
BrMario1011 says “if he tries to go on to you, just explode him lol, you outdamage and sustain him, and you can camp him very easily, also late game you can kill him very easily and force his ult lol”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] play PTA + Boneplate and dont let his Q proc your boneplate, if he ever goes in while Boneplate is up he should lose the trade. Try to harass him for every CS he shouldnt be able to do anything until he has enough points in Q to oneshot your wave.”
sick204 says “When facing Ekko as Yasuo, certain strategies can help you navigate the matchup more effectively. Respect Ekko's burst potential and mobility with his abilities, especially his E and ultimate. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Ekko's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Ekko's W , which provides a stun and shield, making it dangerous for Yasuo to engage recklessly. Utilize Wind Wall to block Ekko's Q in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and damage output. Engage on Ekko when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on health, as he relies on his cooldowns for both damage and survivability. Consider building items like Hexdrinker or Maw of Malmortius to mitigate Ekko's burst damage and magic output.”
SkandalloTV says “Very skill based. Hard to kill. However, you can farm pretty safe and you have as much good wave clear as him to roam. Focus on playing team fights instead of 1v1 him, just cause he can easily dodge stuff with his E and negate your damage with his ult.”
otaliz says “Ekko has better push than Twisted Fate, which is rare. But you still have your ultimate to follow him when he roams. Try to poke him in the early levels, especially pre-level 3. If you use W on the wave, he will have the opportunity to trade in lane, be careful. Be aware that Ekko can do a lot of damage when he has 3 points on Q, so be careful with his possible level 5 and 6 all-ins. ”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] play PTA + Boneplate and dont let his Q proc your boneplate, if he ever goes in while Boneplate is up he should lose the trade. Try to harass him for every CS he shouldnt be able to do anything until he has enough points in Q to oneshot your wave.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its really not bad but really annoying ult. Go all in when he doesnt have his ult. If he has it, dont go you will do nothing.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
An Ekko with Electrocute is much more manageable, especially since he's more likely to start with Q, making his Level 1 much weaker and letting you play more aggressively. Apply the advice mentioned above.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP.
Start Q. Be careful he took hail of blade runes, because he will most likely start E and try to chunk you lvl 1. His damage can be surprisingly high early on if he reaches you with his E. Later in the game he has a very fast waveclear with his Q, which is bad for you until you get 5 points in E. After 6, if you ever hit a Q on him, don't hesitate to ult to chunk him, if he ults to regen, you're winning because your ulti has a lower cd than his.”
ShokLoL says “unishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning correctly. If you are playing against hail of blades Ekko, be careful of his level 1 cheese with e start. Your goal is to get to level 6 without falling too far behind then you should be able to ult him into tower and trade ultis with him.”
ShokLoL says “Punishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning correctly. If you are playing against hail of blades Ekko, be careful of his level 1 cheese with e start. He will have a stronger lane but won’t scale as well overall. Phase rush is very useful for disengaging from trades or for chasing down with auto attacks.
ShokLoL says “Punishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning correctly. If you are playing against hail of blades Ekko, be careful of his level 1 cheese with e start. He will have a stronger lane but won’t scale as well overall. Against Ekko you can bring either Conqueror or First Strike depending on how aggressive you want to be in the early game. You can also consider Phase Rush if he has a strong ganking jungle or support.
Soft Headpats says “Take E at level 1 or 2. Ekko is an annoying matchup later on but is fairly manageable in lane. The main issue with Ekko is his E. Even if you EQ him as he jumps on you, his E can still go through depending on the timing since there's a slight delay before he blinks. He is extremely dangerous with Hail of Blades since he can simply E at you off CD (Ekko E is 9 sec at rank 1) and quickly proc his passive. As long as you properly EQ him after he's blinked, he won't be able to proc his passive, allowing you to trade back and at least go even. Oftentimes, you can even win the trade this way.
He has a ton of waveclear with his Q, so you need to force him to use it on you or make sure you match his waveclear so that he can't roam freely. Keep track of his CDs, and beware of W's from fog. Even if his W doesn't land on you, it lingers for some time which he can use to shield himself and trade with you.
A single bad trade can leave you vulnerable to dives with his ult.
Ekko players can delay putting a point into their ult until right before they need to use it, masking the location of their ghost (ult indicator) and catching people off guard. Keep track of this once he hits 6 and let your team know if possible. ”
blacklikeblack says “Use q if he jumps onto you to win trades. Pretty good Matchup overall, because you will trades if he engages onto you. Electrocute is a good rune against him because he has to engage onto you.”
ShokLoL says “Punishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning outside of the wave and look to move forward when his Q is on CD. You can hold E defensively as well so he can't E onto you freely.”
SoyCleric says “If you fail to kill him with your R, he will Ult and heal all the damage you just did. Also he can use his shield/stun ability when you go all in.”
ShokLoL says “Punishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning correctly. If you are playing against hail of blades Ekko, be careful of his level 1 cheese with e start. He will have a stronger lane but won’t scale as well overall. Ekko really struggles into you in teamfights so just make sure he doesn't pick up random kills.
Deceiver_euw says “Pretty easy matchup for LeBlanc. Only time he can conest LeBlanc is if he goes HoB and looks to E you lvl1 and cheese you. Your response to this should be starting E lvl1 and you will end up winning the trade if you hit the E and fight him in your minion wave.”
ShokLoL says “Punishing cooldowns is very important against Ekko in the early game. His only trading tool is also his only waveclear tool so you should make him choose between clearing the wave or trading with you by positioning outside of the wave and look to move forward when his Q is on CD. You can hold E defensively as well so he can't E onto you freely.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Ekko is a rare matchup, normally played on JG but u can see on mid too, he just always win and a good player of ekko usually is a cheater with the fog of war.
Try not to get hit with his E, have a good vision for the rotates and when u evolve your E, push him to gain priority. Poke him to death.
Runes: if u feel confident go with Aery + Inspiration, if u didnt go Aery with Resolve.
Spells: TP/Barrier.
ESP: Ekko es un enfrentamiento poco común, normalmente se juega en JG, pero también se puede ver en mid, él siempre gana y un buen jugador de ekko generalmente es un tramposo con la niebla de la guerra.
Intenta no ser golpeado con su E, ten una buena visión para las rotaciones que él haga (sobretodo para que no te de con su W) y cuando evoluciones tu E, empújalo para que gane prioridad. Pockealo lo máximo posible.
Runas: Si te sentís confite andá con Aery + Inspiración, sinó andá con Aery + Valor.
Spells: TP/Barrier.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Ekko play safe against 3 cause he will try to do E+Q+AA to activate passive and Electrocute making you take a lot of dmg, if he use E on you, spare some dmg with W and use E on side to try to dodge his Q return”
Kikife says “As an AP burst mage, ekko is hard to deal with in lane. Once he uses his W, make sure that you run to either side of the lane and E back to tower, or predict where it'll land using your lane position. If you over extend too far and he hits a Q, you're most likely going to die to his E combo or take too much HP damage to stay in lane and lose plates / farm.”
gaarrett says “Don't stand in his W and this should be a free lane. You get outscaled because Ekko spikes harder with items, but your early pressure is much better. [5/5] ultimate, provides an extra layer of security when you take risky plays. Remember to cast it before you get CC'd otherwise you'll die and your teammates will spam ping your ult. ”
MukiiBaa says “If you let him E Q you you will lose but if you fight him when these abilities are on cooldown you will beat him pre 6 hard. Post 6 he is annoying to deal with but ryalais will help your team to lock him down faster”
149Gray says “Just perma trade with him and don't let him hit the wave lvl 1, pool his passive proc if needed, and respect his E when your pool is on cd.”
ImVoxxX says “Don't get poked too much by his Q and bait his R after lvl 6.
Don't waste your R before him unless you actually need it.
You can easily kill him before 6.”
ExodusBlue says “Farm w WE>QE>EE(Drag in). If he dashes into you w/o his W down you can EQ>QQ his face. If he dashes into w his W down WQ/WW get to a better position and look for EE/EQ>QQ/QE. Do not push to his side it makes it very easy for his W to land”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Uff, tricky but easy if you know how, he shouldn't be able to kill you if you play properly, try to avoid taking dmg without trading back, cause' if you get to low in early then he will ignite you + all-in and you won't be able to heal back ending up killing you, after level 6 try to use your "E" when he is low to avoid using his "R"
No deberia de poder matarte si lo juegas de manera correcta, trata la manera de evitar estar bajo de vida, porque de ser asi, si intentas sorprender con tu ignite + "W" no te curaras nada y terminaras muriendo por ello. Luego de nivel 6 simplemente, trata de utilizar tu "E" cuando este bajo de vida asi puedes matarle y no dejar que utilize su "R". ”
wundrew says “Set up daggers on the ground with Q and jump on them when Ekko Q's the wave. Don't let him get 3 passive hits, you can jump away with shunpo if needed.”
SurferKiller says “I ban him if Sylas was already banned. Dodge this matchup if you can. There's not much you can do vs Ekko besides trying your best to survive. Avoid fighting him unless he has used his ult, he's still unlikely to kill, but you have a bigger shot at it.”
CulturalYokai says “his ultimate is just annoying, you can beat him 1v1 but he will comeback like nothing, dont let this discourage you thought, just try to not push vs ekko jg, ekko mid/top try killing pre 6 you should be strong enough to do that, late game dont push without vision”
KazunaSan says “Peu tanky en early, il ne peut pas vous trade car vous avez un E pour le cancel, très squishy, il vous suffit de mettre un full combo pour le OS en lane attention à ne pas trop le laisser roam et esquivez son W et ça sera free”
FrostbiteMW says “Pretty easy lane, just harass him when he is coming for his minions. He does not have high kill threat, so just relax. When stunned he can not ult so try to burst him quickly.”
OwnerofHappiness says “A smart Ekko will E on you to trade in lane. Once he has ult, play defensive, farm, wait for teamfights. If his ult is down, you should be safe to ult him under your tower”
Shinbae says “Никогда не пытайся кидать в упор сон, когда он прокнул перекат от ешки, он её спокойно доджит, замедление от кушки также является большой угрозой для Зои..
Тут поможет умение читать его вешку(поле) и наносить урона больше, чем он тебе за то же время”
Austinluv says “Ekko has always been a pop goes the weasel champion, he can go in and go out and if the Ekko knows what he's doing he can easily dodge or just ignore your charm and kill you within a few seconds. And with Ekkos ability to easily tower dive your not always very safe”
Wizboy73 says “Very rough matchup, take defensive runes and care for his E, if he wastes it, punish him for it, play around it cause its how he can win the matchup. ”
Hexeria says “[Pretty easy, dont get hit by his Q, watch out for his W cast and cast your W if he does manages to get you with all 3 stacks of his passive, to reduce the burst damage.] [Use all your Stuns if he gets low, so he cant cast his Ult.]”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him EVEN-Threat because he is not strong like a past when he use E we need to keep Sleep ( E ) wait Ekko hit us and use E to him even he using R he still sleep at his clone
If we using Sleep ( E ) before he hit us the Sleep will floating past him
*** Ward the bush maybe he will hide and using W to kill you”
Halkem says “He has insane wave clear to match yours, but you counter him a lot as a champion and in fights. For laning just care lv1, he can E start and jump at your over and over again, so you have to respect. If he starts Q it's fine just space away from it. Care to not R in his W, unless you can kill him before his stun connects.”
liqulabouse says “This matchup is hard mainly because of the clear abilty of ekko with is Q and the fact that is E can go throught your R if he cast him at the good time. Also he can follow you easily. Good to know that his E can go through your R.”
TrueGIXERJ says “freebie matchup, you can happily dodge every Q he throws and not get stunned by standing AFK in his W - avoid ganks because his setup is pretty good but you win most trades against him - and pretty much every fight, try and bait R before using your own for optimal winning.”
The Milelator says “Early game you have better wave clear and you can trade him pretty fairly, if you hit your Q stun. He will never kill you, unless you mess up. He will try to push waves with his Q once he has enough ap and roam. Either take wave, roam too or alert your teammates and take towers (ofc not when your team fights in a 5v5 drake/herald/baron).”
Hikkinnado says “Rly game bully, keep weave under tower and hope jg permaganks you till he get 6. Afterwards, look out to deny his roams, and oneshot him when he doesnt have r.”
WarwicksSimp says “Fuck this champion lol
Dodge or ban it, Ekko is broken and there's nothing you can do about it. You can cc chain him though in teamfights and go tank peel build for team if your team comp allows for it and you won't have an issue. Try your best not to feed him early or mid game. Play smart.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Skill Matchup. Haven't played against this much. Low kill potential because of his R. Gotta poke him down for an all-in so he doesn't regain his entire HP bar. Biggest piece of advice is that spacing is your best friend, because the way ekko does all of his dmg is by getting on top of you with his E, so if you space well it will be a very easy matchup.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can punish him early game, since he isnt that strong in that phase. Try to be careful with your Q tho, since he can jump in when you miss it. He cant touch you tho, because if he jumps in you can just Q him.”
Tokiyami says “Very easy lane for Akali, always go for early game trades try to abuse him as much as possible because all he wants to do is just farm and scale for mid late game. If he does try to hit you with his E you can time his E with your E and hit him as he dashes to you.”
Yannik123 says “If you dont go melee you win early trades. You can oneshot him if nobody wakes him up. If he ults you know his next position so you can try to throw your e there.”
Lindroganti says “As long as you block something, you win. His poke is stronger level 1, but if you take W you can actually win with ignite in an all in. Ignite him before he ults, and block in his direction to block his Q.”
support_diff says “Don't let Ekko farm and control the lane, your ult basically ruins his game as his combos won't do any damage. If you don't get caught in his W you should be fine”
Fuzzmonkey says “Avoid getting poked by his q and avoid his w stun. overall you will win an all in, just make sure not to be in his blast radius of his ult after 6.”
Shark of Void says “You duel him, so you're free to counter-jangle. The main thing is that he does not evade your Q with the help of R, and then you will win.”
craciant says “Ekko's mobility and ability to reverse time in the middle of your combo makes him a challenge. All the ability haste in this build will allow you to stand a chance.”
sullyyylol says “This champion is just not balaned. This lane is Ekko favored but you can win early if you avoid passive procs. At 6 he just gets a free second chance and becomes fairly impossible to solo. ”
N1comagno03 says “You should be fine against him, but if he succesfully hides his stun it could be a tricky lane for you.
His mobility with e is also a threat.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Just like with Diana, keep your distance and don't get hit by his Q, and you should be fine. If he decides to engage on you without landing his Q, using only his three autos, use W in the direction he'll retreat, while continuously hitting him with Q.”
tangerrine says “A decently even matchup, I recommend Comet and just trying to poke him out early game, as you can do more damage than him. Counter his E with your EQ and try to W out of his W or Q. Play safe after level 6 because his ult can just heal your whole combo and ping his roams. Just take plates when he does roam and make more pressure on him. ”
RIZENIXv14 says “Realy hard matchup on mid his passive is very strong against sett pick E then W and you should kill him maybe. try to use e after he gets his passive on you.”
Zero macro says “Ekko the melee assassin is an easy matchup for Caitlyn. Whenever Ekko decides to engage with his E, Caitlyn should respond in time with Caitlyn E to stop Ekko his Passive. When this occurs Caitlyn has control over the fight. Thereby Caitlyn has a strong early into Ekko his weak early. Falling behind in this matchup will make things way harder, whenever ekko gains access on protobelt !!!”
BigFatCat909 says “Though Ekko's ultimate completely negates Zed's, without either of them using Ult Zed is stronger throughout laning phase making this matchup not as hard as same may assume.”
1st fizz on mars says “50 50 mathcup all depends how u play i like this matchup and good it it , dodge his passive and e
dont go in just fish wait he r and then full cast or combo e with your r knock up so he cant ult if he is smart and high elo can be problems ”
Zero macro says “Ekko has a strong trading pattern with his Passive + E + Q combined with a movement speed buff finishing the Passive. This should be denied while being in lane with him by Kog'Maw. Thereby Kog'Maw will gain more range into the dangerious assassin Ekko style of gameplay.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3 ”
Braimyy says “Need to play this match up more but this match up is mostly about vision control. Similar to the vlad match up he isn't super hard but if he gets a lead it is pretty un playable as he can dive you without much issue.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Ekko is soo boring. So most high elo Ekko just perma farm with Q and roam and never even try to fight you. But if you find a aggresive one its fairly simple. If he E towards you should be really ez to stun and walk away. Don't get hit by his q in lane should be really ez to dodge. Be outside the wave so he has to decide on Qing you or the wave. ”
Wizardd says “He has a lot of wave clear. But yours is better early game. Look to get poke while you clear the minions if the opportunity arises. He might try to go in front of the minions to stop you from clearing if he does this use the e and just poke him. He can't do this for long and will have no choice but to back off. Be patient it's okay to miss some minions if he does this. Don't trade your hp for minions.”
IggyBoom says “When Ekko engages on you with his E, you can surely knock him up with a self W, also your CC can make his ult useless if you have enough burst.”
freuio123 says “Ich hasse das Matchup. Seine E ist ein Teleport, kann also nich abgebrochen werden, seine early push ist tatsächlich besser als deins, er kann gut mit roamen und outscaled irgendwann.
Ist trotzdem kein sooooo großer Threat wenn du das respektierst. Am Ende ist es ein Melee Champ, den man mit Jungler punishen sollte.”
uwuimsocute says “Kinda weird Matchup, if you play LT the matchup in lane is even since he can easily proc electrocute and run away - if you take HoB the matchup is easier since the trades are better for you.
Just play for scaling, he cannot do anything in lane against you except you are getting catched by one of his Ws.”
qkthr1 says “post lvl 6 is hard for you but before it should be even. i never see ekko mid anymore. get your jungler to camp your lane to get you ahead and you win”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge both of his Qs, and be careful of his E when his Q comesback (he will try Procing 2 stacks of his passive at the same time by dashing to you with E and Q
- Make sure you time your E right, he can blink on you dodging it
- Don't trade when he casts W ( he will get huge shield, you can go Shadowflame vs him)
- Use ignite when you think he will Ult to reduce heal from it”
Painters says “Skill match up. Watch and respect his ult trail. Often times they will throw their W from out of vision, so keep good vision and be aware of potential stuns.”
Y0rhm says “Highy mobile with his E dash and blink + R rewind mechanic. His W shield and R rewind make it hard to oneshot him. (Will roam and farm your botlane on repeat, no matter how much you ping them)”
Cryniu says “Keep your distance and poke him in key moments. Remember dodge his shield-camp and use your ultimate when he is about to kill you or your allies. Mercury's treads could help you if you are having problems but I recommend to play to damage him.”
Wraithlander says “Try to not let him get his passive off and you will win early trades. You beat him at all stage of the game until super late when he can one shot you. You are essentially a better version of Ekko with his ult.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Utilize Neeko's E (Tangle-Barbs): Ekko's mobility comes from his E (Phase Dive). Try to predict his dashes and root him with your E, setting up for your combos or trading favorably.
Jungle Assistance and Vision: Coordinate with your jungler for assistance. Neeko's crowd control can set up ganks effectively. Maintain vision to prevent ganks and track Ekko's movements.”
TB Azir says “Kolay matchup fakat eğer gerçekten biliyorsa Q'larının etrafında oynayıp sizi zonelayarak lane'i ittirmeye çalışıp sağa sola movelamayı deneyecektir. Asla E açısı vermeyin ve Q'ları yemeyip paso dürtün. 6 levelden sonra base atıp ultisiyle lane'e geri gelebiliyor bu ufak trick'i de unutmayın🤙🏻
Rün: Fleet, PTA”
South Z says “90% of Ekko's damage comes from his E, and you can block it, like against Hecarim. Getting his passive proc will be a hassle for him because of this, and you can stun -> HoB him to prevent him from ulting.”
kaiba77 says “Very easy matchup if played correctly, considered a hard Ekko counter. If youre going to get stunned by his W, just shroud. If he hits you with his E auto, e him and force the trade. Use ignite before he ults. Take Bone Plating and avoid standing in your minions.”
ardizzle says “You're blind can make his passive not proc.
Ekko's like to hide on the side of the lanes to get a surprise stun off. If it works, you usually die. If it fails, you have some time for a good trade, just watch out for his Q.”
Edwwardo says “There's little he can do against you except for suprise you with a rewirnd if you're not paying attention and go all in. Don't let him bait you and you should be fine.”
Nooldles says “Ekko needs to farm with his Q against Sylas, since he can't walk up to aa them. If he uses Q, it will be pushing automatically to you, which is what you want in melee vs melee matchups. Also he used his main damage and trading spell on the wave so now you can zone him off with your superior trading and damage. Rinse and repeat (essentially perma freeze).”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute impact eyeball ingenious. Absolute gathering.
You can R his e.
You can't kill him in his ult, and he just shoves you in and tries to get the jump on you.
Deal with him pre-6 and play to scale.
Consider banshees.”
Deru says “Easy stomp lane, he's very weak early on so abuse that. Your w stops his e and ult so later in mid/late game keep an eye on using w on him to burst ekko with your team since he can't ult out.”
Deru says “Easy stomp lane, he's very weak early on so abuse that. Your W stops his E and ult so later in mid/late game keep an eye on using W on him to burst Ekko with your team since he can't ult out.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Makes a roll, and then through AA can teleport to you (E), save your Q, for control, it's better to move away right away because his W, gives him a shield and stuns enemies in its radius, also it may not be noticeable from the first seconds, but it is audible. Keep your distance. After 6, you are unlikely to be able to kill him, because he regenerates health and becomes elusive for a long time, and also deals damage on return to his hologram.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended BOTRK on start and then full AP or Sunderer rush.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat
Ekko isn't an actual threat until his first item (Hextech Rocketbelt). Hold your E for when he ever tries to E into you, or you can try to E him and back off until it comes back up. continuously poke him with Q's until he's forced to back. If he ignores you and pushes the wave with multiple Q's, make sure you push him all the way back if you can after he uses Q or try to regain wave control by continuously thinning his wave with Q's and AA's.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane OR Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
rachichu says “Can all in you, but you can easily poke him down and trade ultimates.
JUNGLE: Being in the jungle removes the period of time that you beat him. Becomes a major threat.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror or Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Eclipse]
[you must have lvl 6 first anyways you lost] [Dont ult him when he have R] [Try to poke him as much as possible so he dont get much XP]”
MetalK1d says “Ekko has big damage and can easily out trade you if you step into his W but you can easily fight back just combo him when he goes on you.”
hesentorki says “Usually way easier but he is just strong in the meta right now, deals so much damage for no reason. Careful for early trades and you win with items. Always windwall his Q either when he throws it or when it comes back”
Demonsedge90 says “Our time bender has tricks up his sleeve that we need to respect. Therefore only trigger scatter the weak sparingly as he's got so many ways to keep up with us. His q is an effective slow/gap-closer, and if he pairs an e & w combo, you'll be stunned and potentially be killed or forced to back out of the lane. Also, be mindful of committing to an all-in fight when he has an ult available, as it could negate your damage entirely. This matchup requires you to poke and stay away from him until your jungle can assist you in dealing with him.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Hard in lane until you are good at vlad then its even. Ekko is a dogshit laner unless he can spam e in lane without getting destroyed and vlad is too weak to punish it in this case. Take w level 2 to pool before he procs passive, and play towards whatever playstyle your rune and summs setup can support best. He outscales on side but as expected you outscale on 5v5.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Crown/Everfrost
R: Standard/Defensiv
S: Barrier
Everfrost kann ihn davon abhalten mit Ult zurückzuspringen bevor deine W ihn stunnt.
Lass ihn nicht snowballen. Wenn er dich mit E engaged kannst du einfach deine W unter dich stellen und rauslaufen. Die meisten Ekkos haben nur ein Playpattern: 1. Wave mit Q clearen. 2. Außerhalb der Vision W nutzen um einen surprise stun into kill zu bekommen. 3. Roamen wenn das nicht klappt.
Deshalb push ihn einfach dauerhaft ein, bleib beim Tower wenn du ihn nicht siehst und warde ausreichend.”
Lucid Walking says “SAFE LANE: A midrange matchup where Soraka excels in if played correctly. Once you see him casting his Dash and you know you're about to get hit with it, preemptively cast Starcall on your own hitbox to guarantee hitting him.
(tip: if you can predict him using his Chronobeak, consider preemptively silencing him to shut him down)”
Mrobby says “Ekko is actually kind of easy to deal with on graves, just dodge his W, if he E's you he just put himself on your passives highest damage zone. and if you go hex drinker he has low chance of killing you even at low health.”
AriFr0mThe3nd says “Meh. He can become quite a big problem to you, but as long as you manage to dodge his Qs and charm him to burst the time-boy in the right situations, he won't be too dangerous. Be careful to not feed him though (Duhh.), because he can get super annoying, especially with his slows and the reverse ability.”
Spoomk says “His ultimate can be annoying, but you can emergency W out of his stun if necessary and engages on him can kill if you jump in when he's low. He can chase you well after an engage, so just make sure he's dead or you are very healthy before you fully commit.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He can destroy your barrel easily but it wastes his E, so you can just passive auto Q him and win every trade. Buy hexdrinker if he is causing problems.”
sapphire__lol says “Very easy matchup. You do the classic Zac melee trade. Walk up, use e in melee to hit for sure use q aa w and he is already outtraded. With this you also win push into him and later youre a big peeling machine against him. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] Easy matchup, back off whenever he walks in a bush, farm till 6. when he hits 6 all ekko players like to towerdive for a free kill, you want to ult him and put your w on him and it stops all of his dashes including being able to press his R, simple matchup just dont be stupid
J.A.K.I.E. says “Weird champ who can poke you but is also an all in character???? Skill matchup honestly but I think the Vs all in route is best here. Dodge his q and W and wait for him to rush you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
Adamonias says “Very difficult lane; good gapclose and strong burst damage, he can dive you for free @6.
Try to avoid Q and freeze, he will have prio but at least you wont feed him.
Keep bushes warded and watch for cheeky W from bush. Like all assassins never follow blindly
Just try not to feed him, and poke him when it doesnt cost you any farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
SKYTOP. says “Take AP Burst Page.
Champ is Surprisingly Outplayable. You Win any sort of extended trade early as his passive doesn't do too much, but he can and probably will one shot you late game. However, it goes both ways, and a well timed and placed barrel on his ult location will remove him. A skill matchup that favors you early”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
SkyBanana says “Though annoying, he can be punished if he dives on you. Echo E into Q and auto notes will let you out trade him if he missed his shield stun. Always know in lane he is looking for a pick so try not to make it so obvious where you are going. If needed, ask for help.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting him stack his Passive by dodging his Timewinder(Q) and standing outside his Phase Dive(E) range. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence(W) stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Timewinder(Q). Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades.”
NegativePhoenix says “Easy way to get into your face and all in you if you let him, which is mostly whenever he wants to engage you for poking him. Later in the game his damage is gonna mess you up so just be safe in lane phase and poke him when you know if he tries to E in on you it'll screw him over.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “he's hard to catch and can be very strong but he isn't the worst matchup. Wait for him to waste mana on using combos then poke him little by little. Only ult him if you know he used ult”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Ekko is a easy match up, If you can play it right use your W and try to pull it back when Ekko E's to dodge the 2nd W (most Ekko mains don't even do that) dodge his Q if possible.
also don't fight him during during his shield.
Healing reduction and Serpents can be a good item to buy.”
Body Those Fools says “Abuse your range because he's melee. Do your best to dodge his Q so he can't proc his passive; it does a LOT of damage and the slow is very annoying. He's very vulnerable after he uses his Q or E to farm so use that time to harass and zone him off cs. Ekko players will hide in the bush and try to W you in lane; just watch out for it or you will take a lot of damage, have to flash, or die. At level 6, Ekko will look to all-in you and you can just Ult him under your tower to trade Ults.”
Bughans says “CAN be majorly difficult, but can also get oneshot by you. If you land your full cc combo (r-w-aa-q) lategame, he WILL die. But if you don't finish him, you'll probably be the one to die. ”
lumihehe says “he sort of has a similar playstyle to you, where he just wants to farm and then win late. the turns table in this matchup, and you're gonna be the one bullying him early. (if you can do so without losing a cs or level lead, that is the most important thing here after all)
try to E out of his W before the stun comes down, and if you do that, then you typically beat him 1v1.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Early Game:
Laning phase should be a breeze as Ekko relies heavily on waveclearing asap with his 1st ability. Stay aside from the wave and poke him whenever he tries to clear.
You also shove harder than Ekko so Ekko struggles to roam without you following him.
When roaming, he will try to follow you so always gtfo after 10 seconds into the gank
Mid/Late Game:
Ekko is coinflippy as with Katarina, where he could either be a useless champion or snowball into one shotting everyone. Be the champion that prevents him from ever getting fed as you have many methods of keeping Ekko at bay in teamfights.”
KayyeN says “Not a great matchup for you. His damage output is constantly high and he is hard to get away from. Additionally, after Level 6, you can almost never finish him because of his R.”
L9 zangetsu says “very easy just dont get hit by stun and dont all in him while he has ult up just go for his adc or support and you'll usually come out on top of the fight ”
Errevandare says “Для кила ему надо много раз нажать прокаст в вас на линии, но сам прокаст легко предсказывается и доджиться. Если он не расфижен, то не представляет опасности на любой стадии игры. ”
ze kraken says “Not a biggie, as long as you dodge his ability. If he engages you can always disengage with your E and double Q him. You should win this lane. A lot of times Ekko's won't be able to ult due to the stun of your Q.”
Super08131208 says “Don't get stunned. If Ekko tries to E onto you, respond with your E. His R is the only problem as he can survive your all-ins and possibly turn the fight.
Zoose says “He will push hard early, so aim to push waves as well. As long as he doesn't land his W stun, you should come out ahead or even in trades. Watch out when he appears off screen or comes from a brush as he may be charging his W stun field. Avoid his 3 stack passive damage during trades. The first part of his E is a dash, the 2nd part is a blink. At lv 6, even if you land a full combo, he can negate your damage and then counter you. After 6, look to push waves and roam.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Always stand on a barrel, poke with Q. If he jumps you, break barrel and auto + q him for passive damage. Ignite before he ults to reduce healing. Orange the stun or for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Trade him whenever he wants to trade you]
[Don't let him free roam]”
basrty1p says “His skill is quite a lot of damage as he looks. Even if you try to cast E on him, he can just press R and leaves you.
So you should play around his R to makes him unplayable.”
lolzayno says “Has insane wave clear and will push you in to gain full control of the lane. Don't let him shove lane 24/7 because then he will get opportunities to surprise you with his W.”
Azurio says “Really weak in lane, you can abuse him with ignite. Just care about his protobelt burst and dodge his W. Smoke him when he E and keep an eye on his ult position.”
ddieguito_es says “Look Diana in major counters. Same for Ekko, except that he's a bit easier to beat and you NEVER need exhaust vs him. His dash and W is predictable, and you can R before he predicts his R (it's an execute!)”
beansoce says “Harrass him early, don't let him walk up early to clear waves. If he ults before your ult goes off the damage still goes through, also ignite him this will reduce the healing from his ult and get you a kill.”
Bunny Kata says “Not much of a threat, just know that he can burst you if you're not careful. If you can build some MR, he will do nothing against you.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade”
Billbo Dabbins says “Second highest winrate into Ziggs behind Neeko. Seen more in the jungle than midlane nowadays but still someone to be careful of with his gap close abilities.”
Berdasco9 says “Skill matchup, aun así esta un poco mas inclinado hacía Ekko tiene muchas herramientas para mitigar todo el daño que le puedas hacer en un all in y la velocidad de movimiento que le da su pasiva al prockear las 3 cargas le permite esquivar tus dagas o salirse fácilmente del rango de tu ulti, no hay una forma concreta de vencerle mas allá de outplayearle.”
Dazzther says “Your Q is faster than his, and he can't land his W, since you've gotten yours. When he E in, E out, and then fly back in. He is not able to play the lane, at all.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Dodge his Q]
[If he jumps on you, punish him back]”
donidaking says “swag boy!
He s melee you are ranged(POKE POKE POKE POKE AND MORE POKE), go electrocute into him and don t let him farm for free when he steps up just poke him.
If he has teleport poking him out can force his tp and result in him losing it with bad back since he doesn t have much gold.
What you need to be careful is if he goes electro level 3 his trade might actually hurt if he hits Q>E and passive on you.
Also watch out when he goes out of vision he might W and catch you out in it besides that if you play properly you beat him constantly.”
KyogoEntity says “Ekko is generally weak the first levels and it's very hard for him to trade into you because of Windwall and Lethal tempo. Avoid getting stunned by his W out of vision and trade with boneplating/passive up for more favorable trades. ”
Kato Taosaku says “Personally a matchup that I find very difficult because it is basically impossible to kill him if he's smart and waits to 6 before fighting. To play against Ekko you must punish him as much as you can from level's 1-5. If possible ask for ganks or try to find solo kill opportunities because once he's 6 he's basically invincible unless you have a lead.”
Aut0Lycus says “Unlike others, ekko is a surprisingly simple matchup to win against a diver. Save your Q and when he runs towards you throw him away, Watch for his W animation and don't get hit by it. ”
TheKingUltra says “Same as fizz, he will play only aggressive in the few first level and everytime he has ult up, as soon as his ult is down, you can try to catch him or relay and farm, while he just watches. ”
Whitelies says “Buy Chempunk Chainsword to counter his ult heal. And keep an eye out for Ekko's action. You can tell he set up his W on a specified location if you see him going towards you as if it's nothing.”
xIXWrathXIx says “Ekko has a decent early trade and gank setup. Make sure to keep poking him back when you can. and when he tries to get a trade-off or all in, to W him so you can get the R-Q-AA combo off effectivly.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Ekko has a high burst damage, especially on level 2 and he will try to rush it before you, so make sure you harass him level 1, sit back level 2 and try to harass as much as possible after lvl 3. If you dont miss your Q's after his dash on you, you'll never lose a trade.”
Ahri Simplord says “Really fast champ,he'll look to shove the wave all the time with his Q and then surprise you on the next wave by throwing his W on top of your caster minnions and showing himself when you step up. Another corrupting potion+ TP champion. You should just look to take good backs and not lose any CS.”
DaffeLaffe says “Never all in him when he has full health he will ult away last second and you will have nothing left. The only exception would be if you are really fed and just want to scare him off. ”
Dustyacer says “you can prob just go on him lvl 1 with w. careful his e/passive spd/r can get behind e. His damage is weak early. He out scales though. Be careful of him placing w before u w, it might stun u after u engage, u should just respect it a bit. if u are still in his w range and about to be stunned, can immediately e (but don't do it when he has e).
Try not to jump on him when he has his q out unless u can block his q2 with e (face him, not the q).
Post 6, try to bait r out before committing or just oneshotting, if his r is in a bad location, could just ignite and all out anyways
Back off if you get hit by q1,q2. He can e to proc passive and then run. You could try to bait by immediately shielding and cancelling and w'ing onto him.”
m0rfeazz says “avoid his level 2 and then u can easily win him, take his ult before he uses his, if you time correctly you will get 0 damage by it, you outscale him. But be aware of his early damage can kill you.”
Mordryn says “Watch out for W from Bush, and look to make trades around his abilities. You can outplay if you ignite his R, but the odds are against you. ”
Bundif says “The Ekko Matchup is fun! It can be hard BUT if you master the backwards W -> E -> Q combo, you'll always catch them off guard and win trades. Never let him get the 3rd hit passive on you and you win. BUT REMEMBER
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
Haydoslang says “pressure early, hard to keep up if he gets his waveclear too early, should be able to force him out of lane with an ult combo and roam”
EclipseMints says “He can throw his stun(w) towards you and kill you while you are ulting. If you try and ult him while he has his chronobreak(r) he can avoid all your attacks.
p.s go in for the kill when he doesn't have his trail.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's ring]
[Stay out of his range and farm as much as possible]
[Buy Banshee's Veil]”
soulentt says “Ekko can be pretty annoying, he can get easily close to you and in that moment you are dead. Same as Diana, poke him with E but don't let him poke you.”
DabiDabi says “Don't get stunned. If Ekko tries to E onto you, respond with your E. His R is the only problem as he can survive your all-ins and possibly turn the fight.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Punish him whenever he last hits]
[Place your Gravity Field when he jumps on you then back off, repeat]
[Build Banshee's Veil]”
lolzed5 says “Ekko is a very minor threat, just make sure to utilize your w backward to trade when he dashes up, he should never be able to proc his passive. make sure to ignite before he ults. ”
ChrisWasTaken says “Ekko usually dishes in their full combo then look to run away, fight them til the end. you can catch up to them with your slows. Starting the trade can be better too. Lethal Tempo. Late game ekko outscales you so you have to realyl either stomp the lane or look for plays.”
keneki ken says “very little trouble most of the times aslong as you block his q before it hits you so he cant proc his passive fast and jst run away ”
ThePieBeam says “Incredible pain. This champ can tear you open and do with you as he pleases if you don't have basically perfect positioning. However; he's still just an assassin into Anivia. Watch out for his dash over wall. Watch out for his AOE from out of your vision, and be weary of his ult. If you're careful you should be fine.”
LBDB says “He will beat you in three hit trades always, and his 6 is alot more potent than yours. Rely on your jungler and try to bait out is E and W before ganks.”
Callmebee says “Child-prodigy Ekko is incredibly strong and while you can kill him early, after he gets his Protobelt, he will just be too tanky and bursty for you. He has insane mobility, high damage and if he gets MR boots, you are just screwed. Try killing him early if you know the matchup or poking with E+AA and after, play for farm and teamfights. Take barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Ekko has scary burst but after his passive he has nothing. Do not be intimidated by his initial damage and take a solid trade back. When Ekko uses his Q on you his character is in an unmovable state while it locks onto you. Use this against him and throw your Q at him from whichever direction he is coming from and wait to grapple until after he gets his passive. Post R he becomes hard to kill but so long as you keep a good trade and delay going all in until after his ult is off cooldown you will be okay.”
lonestar1870 says “I usually ban Ekko, his whole kit counters you.
Never waste your E, he will be able to take advantage of you big time. It can be extra hard to land because of his E and his MS burst, just be careful using it.
You can see his W animation start, so play back when he does it and don't waste mana on a trade if his shield is up. He will often cast his W from fog of war. If he steps out of vision assume it is to use W so don't get baited.
You win the lane early on since you control the wave, just play/position smart and don't let him catch you out in the river. You probably can't kill him after 6 without a gank.
Ekko will likely just Q the wave and roam once his Q oneshots the wave, don't facecheck him in the river if you decide to follow.
Late game you want to split stun, R->E, or use the stun after someone has already stunned him.
Phase rush makes it so he can't hit his 3 spell passive/electrocute as easily, but Electrocute gives you a bit more kill pressure and reduces the heal from his ult.
Ignite is good to cut his healing, but I prefer teleport for a safer playstyle.”
itakute says “Windwall his Q, always pay attention to his body language so you never get stunned by his W or suprised. Don't let him proc passive for free always all in him if he tries to fish Q>E>auto..”
RIPStollie says “Good ekko players will make you unable to play the game in lane, this is my personal ban because of his extreme mobility. Try to abuse the fact that he is melee and force him to last hit with his q, and run teleport so you can have an impact elsewhere if you cannot kill him.”
KafueLechwe says “Although he can kite your Qs, Sion majorly outscales Ekko. This matchup is very skill oriented, and the better player will likely win.”
Rhybeaux says “Ekko is more of a problem for you if he plays jg. He can dive you and escape with his R all day. Pretty hard champ to kill and escape, so just make sure you don't go anywhere blind.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty easy overall, Ekko needs to use his Q to clear waves so if you E max with ignite and go in whenever he Q's the wave you should have no troubles. Rushing a Wit's End can be good here but you don't have to.”
iZianni says “Turns out W is just a hard counter to every melee champ in the game. You destroy this guy in laning phase and can one shot him before he can press R with fear.
Very easy match up.”
pwins says “Ekko gets DESTROYED by Zoe, bar-none. Catch him out of his positioning and deal the pain! They will regret picking Ekko in the first place. ”
livikattt says “Be mindful of his W stun and remember that he can get on top of you faster than you'd expect. For the most part, you shouldn't be afraid of him killing you, and worry instead about how to kill him when his ult is up and if your team is going to feed him.”
Juplicate says “You can trade with him early but he will try to poke you with q. His damage is poor before level 6, but after level 6 keep track of his ultimate and don't walk on it or he can burst you. ”
BigChingas says “Ekko is a little bit annoying as he has a lot of wave clear, a lot of damage, and a counter to your ult. Killing him is easy before 6 but after that you might as well focus on roaming or farming.”
Miscake says “O mesmo problema da Leblanc pelas trocas muito rápidas, um Ekko bom vai procar a passiva + Eletrocutar em pouquíssimo tempo sem que você consiga reagir repetidamente até conseguir te deixar em range de kill no lvl 6. Apenas give o push da wave e jogue ao redor de conseguir visão, já que um Ekko que não consegue te matar vai tentar dar roaming.
Não é injogável e nem precisa de runas específicas, respeite os cooldowns dele na lane e jogue pelo scaling.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is pretty easy. He will always E out of your Q3 nado and just get a massive trade on you. He's very mobile so try to catch him off guard when he's going for cs. Always pay attention to his Ult shadow and his W or you will die. Always be aware of the audio cue. Windwall his Q so it can never hit you twice. You can easily get out of his W by E'ing out.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is pretty easy. He will always E out of your Q3 and just get a massive trade on you. He's
very mobile so try to catch him off guard when he's going for a cs. Always pay attention to his ult shadow and
his W or you will die. Always be aware of the audio cue.”
Katawina52 says “You lose a lot of kill presure after lvl 6, his R can not only deny a kill but also your resets in fights. Play agressive pre 6, but make sure you wait until he used his Q on a wave which he will likely always do. Tell your jungler to play agressive aswell to abuse the pre 6 2v2. After level 6 you should avoid focussing him a majority of the time so he doesn't deny your reset while you waste spells on him. For example, in a 2v2 at 6 you would always want to focus the jungler no matter who it is. Mercs good into ekko if more cc.”
eiensiei says “When he goes out of vision, he's probably trying to hide his W cast animation and sound to surprise you with a stun, so I'll walk further away until he shows up again. Unless his stun hits, his Q is easily dodgeable so I try to take as many early trades as I can or just straight up take advantage of my range and poke with with AA's. Lux's Q doesn't let him R.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA) - if he's good he will Q the waves early on - match his push with yours because yours is stronger.
Ring + 2 Pots if you struggle or Corrupting if you are okay with it. Some Ekkos play with TP and Corrupting will help you with that. You can kill him early and you can make him dash through your E.
Versus Ekko the main thing you have to do besides dodging Q and R is to stay away from his stuns and you are good to go. You can also roam first. This matchup is only relatively difficult if he gets kills on you/somewhere else - because after that he becomes a really hard to kill / hard to shutdown champ compared to others.
Fight him but be careful of his stuns and gank setups for their junglers. I usually go Ignite against Ekko.”
xblademojo says “Melee matchup that you win insanely hard, but please respect his early go-ins on you. Starting from the riftwalk it will get better and better.”
Polarshift says “Has a pretty strong level 2. If he isn't aggressive just keep poking him since he's still melee. Ekko will shield himself, poke you for half your health and escape almost unscathed. He also has decent waveclear and rushes protobelt. Be careful of him using his stun (W) out of vision, because if he hits it he either kills you or you get a lot of damage. If you root him (e.g. when he's low) he cannot use his ultimate so you counter him pretty well in teamfights since he will probably get oneshot by your team if he doesn't have Zhonya's. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “While he is a pain, the one up side is his stun is easy to play around. And as long as you don't get hit by it, you should be fine. His dash is not great, so an all in is possible. Watch out post six though as it become much harder.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “In here, it's not too hard to lane against him, though it is just crucial to avoid him being able to jump on you, so keep on distance. Another thing you should be careful about is his AoE stun - you need to expect that sometimes when new minion wave arrives, he might try to stand behind wall, trying to engage on you with his stun. Last thing is his ult - he might go all in, then he has nothing anymore and you survive, so you start going aggro on him with W - don't forget that he can still turn on you with his ult!! Though generally it's not that hard lane if you are paying attention on what he is doing and what is he cappable of.”
Vicksay says “Waveclear? Check. Mobility? Check. One shot potential? Check. Ability to avoid your combo? Check. Ekko in the hands of a good player is an almost impossible match-up, if he mains Ekko he will know how easily he can make your life a living hell with constant tower diving and unmatched roaming. Very important match-up to not feed early game as once he gets a small lead on you it's easy pickings for him.”
Avucado says “Start E and look to get an early trade with it but wait for him to use Q before you do. Q->E or looking to engage with E will not work because he can E out. If the Ekko does not seem too good, then you can go for a reaction test when you are both 6 and just try to R him while his is still up, but it's not recommended and should only be done if he is about to escape while you can execute (don't do it at all past gold elo). If he reacts once don't do it for the rest of the game. (And NEVER do it if a fight even has a chance of breaking out) ”
RezoneVerified says “Punish early game with constant auto attack and double beam from easy grenades. With him being melee you should win the lane pre 6 easily. Build aggressive.”
LunarVortex says “His rather high cooldowns at the start of the game make him an easy lane opponent for you. Spellshield his stun and save your Q for when he uses E on you during the early levels. Try to match his push by putting your W down often because Morgana sucks at lasthitting under tower. In teamfights, shield whoever he is trying to burst and then Q him before he can ult out so your team can burst him down.”
Yeager says “Be aware when he's out of vision as he will most likely look to land a stun on you.
When he engages, sidestep immediately so you can dodge his Q. If you dodge that, you can win every trade. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Ekko is pretty easy for Leblanc. Just make sure you don't get caught in his W stun and you should come out better in all your trades. Locking him down with chains at level 6 will also stop him from being able to use his ult too. ”
Xelikari says “You beat him pretty good, just try to avoid his Q’s and look to trade any time he uses an ability on the wave. Be really careful of his W’s (the big circle) and try to mind game him. Like most matchups, Comet for lane or Electrocute for more skirmish/2v2/3v3 fights.
Start Doran’s Ring and Q generally, I would also build an Oblivion Orb or even go straight for Morello since most Ekko’s will just try to ult when they’re low and you’ll negate a lot of healing. Don’t get hit by a full combo, you win this lane pretty easy. ”
Yeager says “He's slippery so he can be hard to hit with a full combo. He also specializes in diving with his W stun field. Laning phase is quite easy as long as you watch out for his W (parallel convergence) when he's out of vision. Whenever he engages on someone, he wants to proc his passive by getting 3 hits with a combination of autos and abilities. His best way of doing that is using E (engage) and Q(Skillshot) in order to execute his combo super fast, and back off with bonus movement speed once his passive is procced. If you learn to time it right, sidestepping the moment he uses E, will make him miss his Q skillshot, making him unable to proc his passive in time, and get any damage off on you. That's when you can trade back and punish him severely. ”
Urpog says “Jungle: Ekko will play to basically not be anywhere around you, Urgot is favoured in the skirmish against Ekko purely because he can't use his E (his dash) whenever you're around since if he uses it on you, he's set himself up to be oneshot combo'd. He has good clear and is very mobile however so matching his pacing is pretty tough, look for skirmishes where you can, focus around drake playstyle, force teamfights as you should be coming out ahead against him, play to peel your teammates rather than engage because remember, he shouldn't be able to use his e2 around you, it's a guaranteed location where he will be, if he uses it on an ally just e infront of them and you'll catch out Ekko.
Midlane: Pretty easy matchup, again Ekko can never use one of his core abilities around you, I would place him into the minor-even tiers purely based if his jungle plays for midlane or not, if ekko gets ahead you still have oneshot combo potential on him before he's able to use his ultimate based on item advantages and etc but this matchup can get out of hand if you allow it to, rush the cull on the 3 wave shove recall and then contain him in lane with you, if ekko can't roam or kill you that's great since you outscale and outbrawl him!”
Fuzzmonkey says “Same as Fizz, can dash through your E to get to you. Uses his ult to negate your ult, very hard match up, would also recommend asking your jungler for a gank as early as possible. ”
XayLies says “Block Q and dodge W's zone. He got high damage and 99% of times he will only fight with his R ready. Try to engage on him instead of countering his own while his R is on cooldown.”
Aegox says “Just poke him down a ton, while he does have good CC, his power spike is usually at level 6, so just stop him from getting CS and dodge his R with your R.”
iZianni says “I hate this champion with a passion, your damage will never stick because of corrupting potion and his ultimate makes yours irrelevant.
Just don't even bother trying to poke him out early because you'll run out of mana leaving you useless for early game jungle plays.
Play around manaflow band, avoid the temporal field and look to have more impact in team fights or early game rotations. ”
Folver says “Fleet/lethal tempo
If you want to have the biggest advantage, you have to kill him to level 6.
Then it will get worse.
I recommend Doran Shield”
Goldenstinger says “He has great wave clear - play the lane depending on the player. If he is hard shoving with his Q, make sure you are hard shoving back (use your q and AA's) as best as you can to mitigate the push. Again you are just trying to survive till 6 to help your team out so play accordingly. ”
MikeVix says “Ekko is an easy kill before 6. You casn poke him pretty easily bait him with W so he uses E to dodge your combo. Then use EQ to finish the combo. After 6 do the same thing and after 400 HP all in him. Make sure you watch his R trail.”
wDesired says “Comet or Electrocute is good into this matchup
Bait the ekko by getting hit with Q then use WQ AA to trade with electrocute
(All runes are good)”
ShokLoL says “This is pretty good for Zoe overall but you do need to be careful not to waste your E. If you hold your E for when he jumps on you he pretty much has no choice but to just get poked for free without giving him a window.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
ekko will try to harass you with his Q try to stay away from your minions when he have Q.
don't stand on his W and try to block his Q”
Kords says “Ekko is considered hard because of his kit. He is quite formidable because his Q slows you, then he blinks forward with his E, followed by his move speed bonus which allows him to get away with a free trade. Trades with him become difficult because of his passive more than any other of his abilities. If he is at critical health he can just R, BUT WATCH HIS TRAIL, he will look to use it to all in you again... He can dodge all your abilities or dive you with his R. At level 7 he can shove waves way better than Sol, so use the time before this to shove him in and roam. He can counter your ganks with a well timed TP (he normally takes this) so be prepared for him to react to you top or bot. His main goal will be to split push, so look for teamfights where he can't join and you should be fine. ”
TheoRut says “Don't let him Q + E + basic attack you or you will lose your lane super easily.
If you manage to stun him you should apply ignite on him and make him use his ult since ignite will make him not heal as much from his ult as he usually does. after he has used ult you should be able to kill him easily. Electrocute is suggested.”
ShokLoL says “Not as hard as people think, you can bully him really hard all throughout lane. Be really careful not to waste stun. The key to this matchup is to just use your ult for poke so that he won't ult the damage. Phase rush is also quite useful for this matchup.”
WildeBob says “Really difficult matchup. You cannot really ever kill him in lane so you need to just outscale. He can dive you really easily with ult so make sure to not take trades with him because you want to stay as high HP as possible to prevent dives.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty easy matchup if you save E. Just QW onto him and if he follows you back then you can chain him and do tons of damage to him. He does have high amounts of waveclear so try threaten him off the wave.”
Yasukeh says “ You can always win trade with him provided he doesn't hit stun and you don't let him get his passive off for free and run away from it. For Ekko to farm from range he pratically has to push the entire wave, and he can't control his pushing very well. you can use this to freeze on him and force a situation where you can run him down the lane. This matchup is much more free if you learn to freeze so you can deny him. ”
Elite500 says “It's ESSENTIAL you don't let him Q the wave lvl 1, just walk up like the angriest player on the planet and procc electro and walk away, repeat.”
Dr Eggmund says “Ekko is very annoying, however he is a melee champion so poke him as much as possible with your Q's and Auto Attacks. His E (dash) is concerning and allows him to pull off a Passive combo allowing him to deal damage and escape. His Ultimate at level 6 is huge for him, believe me you won't be able to kill him when it's up. Try poking him and bating out his ultimate so you can take advantage of him while it's down.”
iZianni says “This champion never dies, takes 0 damage due to sustain and then proceeds to one shot you. If you're in range to Q/W, you're in range to die.
Avoid stuns from fog of war and hope you're not forced to side lane into him.”
Ambitieux says “Ekko is easily poked out with autos and Q in lane. Try to keep him pushed and save charm for his engage. You can use W if you think you can get multiple autos off for free damage, But save charm for if he tries to engage. Than charm and walk away. Although obvious if he walks out of Fog Of War. He might try to use his W and all in you.”
iZianni says “i don't even care if this is wrong, I hate this champion and I hate you if you play this.
Ekko goes C pot, Ekko clicks Q clears wave for 1/3rd of the mana cost of Lux wave clear.
He presses E, you lose 50% of health.
Much love, double health bar.
Avoid combat, ecksdee.”
kindo says “Ekko has really nothing he can do in laning phase vs. Kindred - if he engages and tries to run away with his movement speed you can drop E and chase him down. All he can do is sit back and push waves with his Q - if he does then push and zone him off exp while his Q is on CD.
He'll likely give up CS for rotations, so try to always rotate first - it won't matter much either way. If he snowballs it might suck a bit, but he isn't that oppressive unless he gets like 10 kills.
Once he gets 1 item + boots, he'll be able to engage and disengage with his passive MS - just be aware. His combo can only 1 shot when ahead or a few items without any MR - Shieldbow negates this and pretty much denies him from going all in then ulting out. ”
Candyness says “The main issue is his recall ultimate. Once he regains his health back, there's not much you can do. He also has a mild slow and excels at poking.”
Baion says “Before level 6, he is an "Even", because you can trade with him without get punished. But, after that, you unfortunately can't hit an ult on him and his passive will scale a lot. ”
Coldsong says “Ekko is pretty annoying to fight, but is still an easier matchup due to his weaker laning phase. If he E's away from your second W, flash in his direction so your second W still hits for a free passive proc. Also if you see him W, he may be receiving a gank so back off from him.”
Shikikashi says “Outscales Zed and pretty much beats him in almost all stages of the game if ahead. Try to play safe in the early game and reach level 6 as soon as possible, then shut him down early.”
resetwice says “His wave push is bad, you can start with Q and meleeQ him and do crit damage. His CC is not that hard but he has dashes. Don’t full combo his R.
Kessi says “V.S. Ekko you usually win trades, obviously if you don't get hit by every single ability, which is hard to do since you should be using bush. Ignite might help for his ult, since Ekko has the ability
to just escape a fight without any harm. I suggest not wasting ult when he has R up unless you know you're gonna oneshot. (You can try and ult+ignite if his ult is nearby)
Use your W/E to dodge and go Mercury Treads.”
Sylvan Lore says “Ekko is a strong threat to Orianna that can make very aggresive plays on you with little room for punishment. He has a strong push in early levels with his Q so make sure you push the wave hard as well to not be under turret. Care his lvl 2 as he cant get an easy 3 hit proc with an E->Q combo and then run away with his passive before you can trade back. If he plays poorly you win trades before level 6, but after that its really hard to win an even trade again. It is also even harder since he will buy merc treads every game making your damage less. You can kill him in lane if his ult is somehow down but mostly you just want to farm. With team coordination you can burst him out and out-teamfight him but it is not easy. Morellonomicon is actually really strong against him since it will decrease the amount of health he comes back with after ulting. Other than that standard builds, TP or Barrier, and try to play around your team when you can. ”
Wholesomefrog says “One of the weirder matchups, if he comes up close with his dash you should E away bacause otherwise he is going to kill you everytime he gets too close. Poke him early.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Ekko can shove the wave level 1 before you have killed a single minion. Similar to Viktor in the way you just cannot win lane against this guy. Not unplayable, just super annoying and you start on the backfoot.”
Saddest says “Pretty even. If he's smart, he will E on you first and then Q you. If he does not E you first and misses his Q, go in, and you will be able to pickup a kill or force a summoner/back. Post 6, keep track of his little clone trailing behind him.”
Yumi Project says “Pressure him pre 6. Then try to move around the mid to deal him some dmg. Everytime you wanna all-in him, just try to stay away from her ghost, bcs he want to ult you in the last moment.”
Kune ML says “Skill matchup . Destroy him before lv6 and you're good to go . If you can't do that the going for Poke With Q + passive to lower his HP . Then pretend like you're going to all-in making him using his ULT . Killing him after this is kinda easy if you're skilled ”
Impossible2Gank says “Pretty even matchup just avoid his passive proc or he'll run circles around you. You're able to lure him back onto boxes with your Q when he E's you but it's a short window and can be hard to pull off.”
Mylan2122 says “He dodges all of your spells, you never win this lane. Its kinda unplayable since ekko's E has the same CD as your W and he can thus always dodge it. Also, you can't poke him down with his naturally tanky stats and his ult as an escape tool. He can easily dive you since you are immobile and vulnerable up close. ”
duhnx says “You have to play the matchup a lot more different than others. You should try to trade but never all in after level 6 unless you are able to stun him before he can ult. Just be careful of his roams because of his significantly better waveclear.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not DH) - Corrupting Potion or Cull - Any Spell | Careful of his powerful all-in, as long as you don't get stunned you should be able to survive. Once his R is down, you have a good chance to win all-in.”
richardlized says “Ekko is not as hard as before into Zed after seekers nerf. Ekko was permabanned by Laceration/Zed99 for quite a bit but it is easier to win now. In this matchup you have to use the backwards weq trick. Place a W behind you, wait for ekko to E you and immediately QE swap to W2. Ekko would never be able to get to proc passive on you. The matchup becomes tough at level 6, since he would have ult. If he has lower health, you can auto him to force him to use R or ult him - ignite - AA - E (wait for his R) and kill him with WQ. You can also abuse Ekko E buffer, once he buffers his E he is going to follow. (Eclipse Conq)
Katasandra says “[1] If he uses W (or vanishes for a second and then returns), back off/put distance between you and him so you don't get stunned.
[2] Poke him with Q's/autoattacks. If he E's. W and walk away so he can't proc passive.
[3] Can chain CC him to prevent him from ulting.”
Thresh Mid says “Ekko's early game gets decimated by your basic trading pattern, only issue Ekko poses is late game. Otherwise his early game is free picking but be careful of his damage from normal combo of Phase Dive (E) into Timewinder (Q) and passive 3rd hit.”
xMetix says “He has wave control due to his Q but if he wastes it on minions you can attempt to start a trade. His ult will save him any time he uses it since you will lack damage to continue the fight. Try to make sure you can burst him before he uses the Chronobreak otherwise just go for a short trade.”
Hienaa says “All easy for being melee champs, not on tier 2 because they can all build seekers, and viego is just broken so it’s a little tricky to play vs him sometimes.”
Marky 2 Butts says “In lane it is fine to sit back and let Ekko push. When you hit 6 you can only really have kill pressure if Ekko doesn't have ult up. Unless the jungler or someone else can blow Ekko up in the time before he can ult then you are mostly unless. So in that situation just don't ult Ekko and look to ult squishy targets in team fights. ”
DabiDabi says “Most bad Ekko's will start Q. So I also recommend starting Q for this matchup. I don't know why but Ekko players just suck against Talon. Only thing you have to worry about is getting ganked. If you throw your W and Ekko tries to dash away, follow with your Q for Flash to pull your second W and proc passive on him. Only at lvl 6 is when it's harder to kill Ekko. But if you trade with him, just play slow until he uses Ult and you can kill him.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Very easy just dodge his W and he cant do anything to you in pretty much any stage of the game, when hes 1 AA away from dying you can just E him and AA while hes knocked away to deny his ult, works sometimes, would recommend Ignite.”
Nanelol says “Most bad Ekko's will start Q. So I also recommend starting Q for this matchup. Hide in the side brush, and walk up to Auto + Melee Q + Auto and proc Electrocute. Keep autoing him until he goes under tower. Wait for Q to come up and Q+ignite him for first blood. Ekko players for some reason do really bad against Talons. If you throw your W and Ekko tries to dash away, follow with your Q to pull your second W and proc passive on him. Only at lvl 6 is when it's harder to kill Ekko. But if you trade with him, just play slow until he uses Ult and you can kill him.”
ok0goi says “Look to avoid his q. When he gets out of vision, it means that he is likely to use his W. You can use your e to get the movement speed to run out of his w.
Take trades with him to make him low. IF before 6, you can win all ins.
However after 6,BE careful of when you ult, he will just be able to ult back and restore all the damage you just did to him.
Use your ulti after he ults.
Recommended build: Immortal shieldbow”
tozosi says “Ekko players will usually dodge your W by using his E to the side of wherever you aimed it. When this happens, just back off to avoid taking a bad trade. Whenever you want to go in on him post-6, make sure you ignite him before he ults to reduce the health he gains back.”
3Riptide3 says “Has good waveclear early and can easily punish positioning mistakes. Play very safe as they like to use lack of vision to W and E you. Take teleport so you can back with a cheater recall.”
Nanelol says “Ekko is a tough lane. He will do 1 of 2 things early shove with Q or Q you. If he Qs the wave punish him he is incredibly dependent on his skills. Take E second and make sure to ignite him before he ultimates to cut healing. Otherwise beware of his one-shot potential. ”
TheEnglishman says “This is honestly a bit of a personal thing. This champ is infuriating with passive ms crazy burst good wave clear and a get out of jail free w, passive, ult, and e. While you can shove into him and he can't farm very well under tower without mana his kill threat and easy roams make up for this and make the lane hard to win.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work. Electrocute. Conqueror and Summon Aery is a possible choice. You can completely outrade him early game. If he's missing respect the possibility of an engage with his w from fog of war. Good Ekko's will perma push the wave and look for plays in sidelanes so punish him by freezing and by out farming him. ”
Jinx_48 says “Rly nice ult just dont be there where he 4 seconds earlier to tank that match dmg you can took ignite vs him to igntie hijm before ult to heal him less.”
Adamo3012 says “*Generally Even Pre-6
Very Hard To Kill After 6 For Both Of You But He Has The Upper Hand Because You Used Your All-In And He Can Easily Respond After His R”
Sanctuar says “Ekko can deal great amounts of damage, but for that he needs to do his combo all over again: Dash onto the enemy with E, Q immediately and auto-attack for the third stack to proc his passive. Abuse this fact to punish him whenever he goes in for a trade. Dodge his W and ultimate and you'll be safe. Due to his ultimate the killing potential gets reduced a lot, but that should not stop you from pushing up the lane and putting pressure on him whenever his ult is on cooldown.”
fanchessfan says “Take double MR runes and either cleanse or exhaust, dodge his Q with your q. Ekko is very kiteable as he basically only has one small dash in his kit. When he goes in, pop ultimate and kite. Same thing as all other assasin matchups except you can play more agressive. ”
Astalfo says “He can and WILL play with you like its all fun and games for him, try to bait his R, keep your volume up so you can hear the 'ding' when he activates his W, when you hear that, try to move in an unpredictable way as you don't know where he's placed the stun zone.”
StarTundra says “Take phase rush and ekko becomes a joke. Focus on positioning and dodging his projectile, If they engage on you with their Q/dash, you can follow up with Q E AA, then back off and he won't be able to catch you. Theres a chance Ekko won't engage on you until post-6, especially if you've pulled a phase rush combo on them before. The only situations Ekko wins trades are: If he lands a pokes you with a Q you can't really counterpoke, If he lands a stun, you can't run away and he'll combo you before you've recovered, If you blow your Q then he can combo you for free, and lastly if you get ganked. The biggest of these problems is by far his stun and being ganked. Ekko's quite often will place their stun field off-screen/in river and then run back into lane to engage with it, so be wary whenever he leaves lane or comes back, and don't overextend/keep your vision score high as if you're ganked and are forced to blow your Q, you're in a bad spot.
Thanks to Matrixpl for advice on fighting Ekko”
cookanarities says “Ekko has really nothing he can do in laning phase vs. Kindred - if he engages and tries to run away with his movement speed you can drop E and chase him down. All he can do is sit back and push waves with his Q - if he does then push and zone him off exp while his Q is on CD. He'll likely give up CS for rotations, so try to always rotate first - it won't matter much either way. If he snowballs it might suck a bit, but he isn't that oppressive unless he gets like 10 kills. Once he gets 1 item + boots, he'll be able to engage and disengage with his passive MS - just be aware. His combo can only 1 shot when ahead or a few items without any MR - Shieldbow negates this and pretty much denies him from going all in then ulting out.”
TheWerefloof says “Healing, a chonker AoE stun and a dash. His three hit passive does a lot more damage then yours, but he doesn't look nearly as cool as you so abuse the style points. For the most part long as you don't let him hit his Q's for free you should be alright, as with how much movement you have his stun takes too long for him to predict it right.”
luminyan says “Ekko isn't too hard to beat. Dodge his Q, he really has no kill potential. Same thing with Diana, if he dashes to you, punish him with a Q+E combo.”
Aethlo says “Ekko has the wave clear advantage. ||
Ekko wins pre-3. ||
Ekko loses post-6. ||
Annie slightly outscales Ekko. ||
Tip: Early sorc shoes allow you to disengage easier from him, it also allows you in combination with your E - to run away from his W (circle). At post-6 make sure to CC him before killing him so he can't ult. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Ekko has strong and almost unavoidable all-ins. Shielding yourself as soon as he engages and then trying to retaliate hard will win you the lane. Be sure to try to force him to E onto you in your minion wave as well, since minions provide an invaluable damage boost. Take the Standard page with MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Con Ekko nos debemos mantener atentos en todo momento, ya sea por su W, o E, con el queremos solo tradeos cortos, de 1 a 3 habilidades, en lo posible hay que llamar a nuestro Jungla.”
Redeemteam says “Skill matchup; you outdamage him early in burst trades but once he gets ult, you can't really ult him until his ult is used and so you need to burst him before.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Bring Ignite. You can win lane however, be wary of his W and ult. Use Ignite during battle where his ult is up to lower his healing from it. ”
Boomblight says “After he rolls on the floor with e, it is important to have a good reaction time and start using e immediately, his next auto is empowered for the next 3 seconds and jax e lasts 2 second + stuns for 1 so if you time perfectly he cant use empowered auto. Or if u good at life just e when he blinks. The reason its important to dodge is because it usually decides the post 1st item 1v1s in this lane. hyperlate game he oneshots you. Early game you can play very aggressive.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can easily poke him early game. Try to get an advantage. Never use your stun tho, unless he jumps in. This way he cant trade back easily. Nothing changes after 6, just hold your range and perma poke. This way you can easily win.”
SpartanDumpster says “I'd say Yone has the advantage earlier in this match up, but Ekko can be seemingly weak at one moment then destroys you the next. You can get a couple kills on him and easily think you can keep beating him, but then he does "Ekko things" and all of a sudden it feels like there's no way for you to beat him.
Be cautious of walking up when he could have his bubble ability ready, you get your real body caught in that and you're easily open not only to him attacking you but to a jungle gank as well.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can easily poke him early game. Try to get an advantage. Never use your stun tho, unless he jumps in. This way he cant trade back easily. Nothing changes after 6, just hold your range and perma poke. This way you can easily win.”
Daers says “Matchup depends on Ekko hitting his stun. Try to get jungler help as much as you can. Perma poke him with your Q and proc electrocute whenever you can. Don't let him proc his. ”
Neekolai says “Pretty free matchup since you have a lot of cc which counters him. You also get free E hits on him when he jump on you. You win trades and kill him easily.”
Little Planet says “Ekko relies on his slow and his passive speed boost to trade in the early game, Sejuani's passive completely nullifies the slow and allows you to get an equally or more devastating trade right back at him.
After lvl 6 you have enough damage that he won't even be able to ult in time.
You can also more than easily match his waveclear.”
Excalibxr says “Ekko can e away from a dagger and his ultimate makes it very hard for you to kill him. Try to bait his e and you can kill him. Force him to use his ult during your ult so you can get the heal reduction on him. ”
Joseph Evanss says “You out trade him if the second part of his q doesn't hit. You also out scale but if he gets fed off you or your bot lane its miserable. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “Make sure to always respect his lvl 2, especially when you are still lvl1. he will burst you down even when seemingly you are out of range. but you can try to auto -> e -> auto with long sword to outtrade him. otherwise, play very far back when he is ahead in levels pre 6 is your best time at trying to kill him, his r denys your reset and kill pressure. you want to play more aggressively when he uses q on the wave. look for fights and ganks from your jungle.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “I think a good Qiyana would not have a problem to beat an ekko at any stage plus you can root him and stun him before he uses his R at lvl 3 you can kill him all in ”
peytonqt says “[HARD/BANNABLE] [Runes: PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Ekko will be able to consistently out trade you and you can't E him off of you because he will trade with you through an E Q combo. Do your best to trade with him when his Q is down. However the second he hits level 6, back up. EVEN if you get him in killable range, he will have ult and just obliterate you. You can kill him later in the game, but in laning its really a no go.”
Doctor Yas says “Skill match up. Can swing either way. Take short trades and do not let Ekko get his passive off. Buying early MR can help in this match up. ”
JoshAy says “Don't engage in long fights. His damage comes from his passive (hitting things 3 times will deal more damage). Don't stand in his circle it will stun you. His E1 is a dash and E2 is a blink. Good ult to steal. Skill matchup”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. Ekko will always out damage you in every trade, but if he messes up, his spells will be on a set cooldown, which is very long early on. Play to scale, and go in when he misses his Q and R is on cooldown. Most Ekko's like to W the middle of the wave to zone you off, because you either get stunned in the zone or you have to give up farm and can't poke him because he gets a shield. ”
1 Am Zed says “Never had issues with ekko, either they hard shove the lane and wait for minions or i beat them lane goes even/won (Aslong as there's not big misplays). ”
Mpegial says “Ekko is fairly strong and is quite hard to kill with his Ultimate however he can't really do too much early on to you, if you use your W properly you will out-trade him everytime.”
Tauricus2017 says “Ekko is quite interesting matchup. He is very dangerous at any stage of the game. Push waves and make him waste mana on his Qs. When you know that he doesn't have enough mana to kill you, engage immediately. Pay attention when his ultimate is up as he can freely engage under your turret, kill you and then still survive.”
xoonaka says “He's really squishy and his dash is very short, and usually not enough to escape your all in, his ultimate can be very annoying during dives. Avoid poke before lvl 3 and he should be a free kill.”
Luciiid says “Very easy to out trade at levels 1, 2, & 3. Dodge first part of his q and its a free trade because he just cant out damage you. Try to bait his e then follow with q aa w aa. Free trade, free lane. Watch out for 6. A lot of ekkos don't upgrade r right away to bait you. Try to bait his r by faking an all in without using your own r. Then one shot him with w q r aa. Must take electrocute.”
Noodles912 says “Skill based lane. He denies you pre 6. After level 6, use Q to trade and preserve your HP. After 11, you should win easy. Be careful for his ult.”
mc_jojo3 says “Ekko mid is really overpowered in mid since he can both recover all of your burst damage with his R and his CC and Poke is really good aswell so make sure to stay out of his W and be aware of his Q since it returns to Ekko shortly after cast.”
Noodles912 says “Ekko is pretty easy. Dodge his Q with E, jump onto him, and run if he uses W. At level 6, save your shark for roams, as Ekko has such an annoying ult that makes him invulnerable.”
elnino9 says “Don't allow Ekko to proc his 3rd attack on passive, walk away to avoid this or shunpo out. It's his major tool to out-trade you. Take advantage when his Q is on cooldown. Setup Q dagger on him when he tries to go for CS. After hitting 6, try to force him to use ult by playing aggressive, it's okay to burn your own ulti for his. He'll be far more open for ganks and left far more vulnerable than you without ult.”
PASS10NE says “When trading with Ekko, try to back off before he procs his passive. Do not all in him if he has his R (Ekko will sometimes save his upgrade for his R in order for you to think that his R is not up). Try to force him to use his R first, then all in him.”
NuclearAkali says “Just make sure you are ahead of him and you will be good. Level 3 you can kill him all the way until he has his 6. If you get ahead before that then his 6 will be a useless power spike. ”
Wunsch3957 says “You win extended trades, he wins short ones. Try to stick onto him after he uses E offensively, and trade when he misses Q. Do care about his W and try to back off when you hear its cast sound. Conq.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Some Ekko's will always E your 2nd W but for some reason they always just get hit by the 2nd W and then get out traded due to getting hit by 2nd W. but easy match up.”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill match, can punish you very well with his W as he can cast it onto your body so when you returns with E he stuns you. Try to E in a way that he can't stun you when you go back and take long trades. Conq/red with flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Very rare to face a good Ekko, but he can be extremely annoying, with his push and all ins. Stay at max range and when he goes in dodge his Q. Then you can destroy him. Keep track of his E CD.”
PsykerZeo says “Don't be agressive against this guy, he can burst you in every point of the game, but he can't really do that much when you're ahead, call your jungler and make him out of game.”
GeDBo says “The difficulty playing against an Ekko as Azir is average. Not too hard, not too easy. Ekko is malee AP burst assassin. Your goal here would be to farm and poke. Suggested runes are Electrocute or Hail of Blades. Both of these rune options will win you early trades if used properly. Don't let him get close to you and if he does always ult towards his side of the map. Never use your ultimate to push him under tower, since he will likely escape with either his ultimate or a dash. Remember: Ekko is the most forgiving champion. You can make plenty mistakes and by using his ultimate he will not be punished. Ask your jungler for help if needed. Vision increases the chances of winning the match.”
Modern Giraffe says “My go to ban. I dont want him jungle or mid and it makes the enemy still unsure if its really an eve mid since its a jungle ban. He can ult your damage or just run you down with his e and passive. If you get this lane just try to out roam and dodge his q. Force him to either poke with q or clear the wave with q if you can.”
CrazyyBrrr says “This matchup i recommend to go for fleet
It can be hurt for u to fight this guy lvl 3 and after
Just be carefull to not get stunned by his w and u can win the trade”
Edg3Lord says “Same story as Diana, but you can way easily overpower him, both when poking and when fighting on the lane. Most of the times, make sure you keep your W for his, and try to go all in should he do the same thing.”
lukuluku says “After lv 6 he can't kill you since he can't land stun.
Freeze him of the wave .
Only way he can win is through permaganks and roaming. ”
Coldsong says “Same thing with Zilean, Ekko cannot use his R while stunned. When you see him cast his W, get away from him as we will stun your if you are inside of it.”
Gloglito says “After 6, you have no kill potential on him unless he is not very good. He can deny your r by casting his ult. Aim to get lane shoved in and move.”
SoraSan says “Ekko é um Assassino AP melee(corpo-a-corpo). A dificuldade contra ele é mediana. Seu objetivo é farmar e pokea-lo. Sempre que ele tentar chegar em você, fuja para os lados do mapa. Não tente abater o Ekko após seu nivel 6, ele pode facilmente fugir com seu E ou com sua ultimate.
Recomendo Chuva de Laminas ou Eletrocutar nessa matchup. Uma vez que essas runas vão te fazer ganhar pequenas trocas no começo do jogo.”
Abbyca says “Try not to go in if his ult is up, and bait out his ult and play defensively around his Q's, i recommend baiting out his Ult with normal abilities, and saving your R for when its down.”
BigBushMan says “Not much to say here, just don't let him stun you with his W and you should be able to survive this lane and maybe even look to solo kill him. He will have the waveclear advantage, so look to freeze and call over your jungler. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Very easy just dodge his W and he cant do anything to you in pretty much any stage of the game, when hes 1 AA away from dying you can just E him and AA while hes knocked away to deny his ult, works sometimes, would recommend Ignite.”
SamIAm12 says “Echo isn't too hard to counter since you have W which blocks all autos if inside so if you go in on him or he goes in on you just bring your sword to yourself and W and fight back.”
Tizgard says “Same as Diana but slightly harder, still easy to poke down, but he has a better engage on you. Easier to kill him if his Q or E is on CD.”
sashadidntwalk says “Look for all ins pre 6 if he uses his abilities to farm, after 6 you can try to bait his ult or go roam after pushing the wave in.”
BigFatCat909 says “Ekko is similar to the Akali matchup where if one person goes in, the other person decides whether someone actually dies in the fight.”
Hiimkata says “You lose a lot of kill presure after lvl 6, his R can not only deny a kill but also your resets in fights. Play agressive pre 6, but make sure you wait until he used his Q on a wave which he will likely always do. Tell your jungler to play agressive aswell to abuse the pre 6 2v2. After level 6 you should avoid focussing him a majority of the time so he doesn't deny your reset while you waste spells on him. For example, in a 2v2 at 6 you would always want to focus the jungler no matter who it is. Mercs good into ekko if more cc.”
Johan Paracelso says “By laning phase, Ekko can destroy the wave with his Q, then, he'll look for a trade. When Ekko jumps to a side or to the forth, he has a stronger Auto, this Auto do more magic damage and teleports him in front of Yone. Avoid getting hit by the Q at all, since it will give Ekko a mark on his passive, and, if you see him jumping, you probably want to get away from him before he jumps over you, procs passive and run away. You can't beat Ekko on your own, so, wait until the Jungler comes or get Level 6 before he does. Then go in. For Ekko Jungle, he can zone half of the lane with his W, so, when playing aginst one, don't be too agressive against the enemy laner, unless it can give you a great advantage”
mrsuits says “Dealing with Ekko requires careful positioning and awareness of his burst potential. Here are some tips for handling the matchup:
When facing Ekko:
Dodge his skillshots, especially his Q ability, Timewinder. Stay behind minions to minimize the chances of getting hit by it.
Be cautious of Ekko's W ability, Parallel Convergence, which creates a stun zone. Avoid the center of the zone to prevent getting stunned and taking additional damage.
Watch out for Ekko's passive, Z-Drive Resonance, which applies a mark that detonates for bonus damage. Be mindful when the mark is on you and avoid extended trades.
Track Ekko's ultimate cooldown, as it allows him to rewind time, heal, and deal damage. Try to bait out his ultimate before committing to an all-in.
Consider building defensive items like Zhonya's Hourglass to negate his burst damage and buy time for your team to react.
Utilize crowd control effectively to interrupt Ekko's combos and prevent him from utilizing his mobility.
Maintain vision control to avoid getting caught off guard by Ekko's roams or split-pushing attempts.
Coordinate with your team to punish Ekko when his summoner spells, especially Flash, are down.
Respect Ekko's early game power spikes and play defensively until you have the necessary items or assistance from your team.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Heavy Damage in both Early and Late Game so Malmortius is optional, just last hit minions, force him to cast his R 1st so he can't dodge your Q's after you R him”
Poppi Sama says “Skill based matchup, however in the patch [9.19] Ekko has been over-tuned, and is being abused in this patch. Look for opportunity to poke with your long range Q's or Charms under your turret.”
UnoTrickCho says “Skill matchup, just be weary of him ulting onto you as the damage is disgusting. Try to ignite him just before he ults so the heal is less. ”
KataTocDo says “Skill matchup. Don't let him get proc his passive and don't get hit by W. Do not get baited by his ult.
Runes: Conq or Elec.
Starting Items: D. Blade ”
Jnewbringspain says “Lots of movement speed along with a gap-closer. He has very strong damage too. I hate this matchup, he is often a ban for me. You may have to use Rupture to clear minion waves. Play this one safe.”
Yamikaze says “Skill matchup. He will be trying to Q spam your minion wave lvl 1 in order to shove it in, and get safe CS. This makes it hard to harass him with Q, so you can try push the wave as fast as you can. If you are experienced in this matchup, you will have a feeling of when ekko will use his Q(Or when he decides to animation cancel it) on you. If you manage to dodge it, you can fight him(GO HAM)! Just be aware when he goes out of vision, as most Ekko players will be looking to land a W(stun) on you. ”
1Recycle Bin1 says “another skill matchup, the better the ekko the harder it gets for you to kill him, dont get hit by his q too much and try to dodge his W when possible”
wildersovereign says “Ekko is very manageable so long as he doesn't snowball. Ping missing when he leaves lane to prevent this. His W is very strong, so be sure to shield it. Note that it still provides him with a shield, so you can't just ignore it like you can a lot of singular CC abilities. His ult makes him difficult to kill since it'll allow him to escape your ult a lot of the time. He doesn't have much kill pressure on you either, though, so your main focus against him should be lane priority rather than getting kills. Overall this lane is pretty non-interactive, but your waveclear is WAY better than his, so your roams will be more effective on average.”
SkyBanana says “He has the ability to push waves at level 1 with his Q and passive proc. It is very annoying to deal with. His kit is very forgiving with him having a shield and a potential full heal/nuke with his ultimate makes him a threat once he hits level 6.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Electro or predator only matchup. You need to trade emp qs. If he buys corrupt you are fucked. Early kills make the lane bearable. Id recommend playing safe until you get items.”
rajsovsky says “Not the hardest matchup, but also not the easiest one. Try to read his mind and don't get stunned by his W. His ult is gonna be annoying and for sure he has better wave clear, so he can just push and get some free kills from roams. Personally I don't like this matchup, but you can win it actually if hes stupid.”
invalidd says “Depends on their style, if they are aggressive it's easy to punish them, if they play safe they will be unkillable in lane and outscale you,
his lvl3 is weaker than yours so abuse so, ignite before he ults to reduce the healing, hook or E back after he Es you, E lvl1 is strong here.
Complicated to gank.”
lkycch says “Ekko is the only assassin that is strong early, mid and lategame. Most assassins have to risk themselves in order to waveclear, but Ekko's Q allows him to do that without fear. His ultimate is on a low CD and allows him to escape, whilst dealing damage as well! As Zilean, you need to ult the person he focuses, then Q+W+Q his rewind location to stun him, which is extremely difficult. Not impossible, but all I can say is... try your best! If your team is all squishy, I suggest dodging in champ select.”
Aikairi says “Make sure to dodge his second Q as it comes back. If you dodge it, you win the trade. Also make sure you don't stand inside his W as the stun duration is quite long, and also don't stand in his ult as well. Be careful of the extra burst of movement speed he gets after getting 3 stacks of his passive as it might make you miss daggers.”
lkycch says “Ekko is the only assassin that is strong early, mid and lategame. Most assassins have to risk themselves in order to waveclear, but Ekko's Q allows him to do that without fear. His ultimate is on a low CD and allows him to escape, whilst dealing damage as well! As Zilean, you need to ult the person he focuses, then Q+W+Q his rewind location to stun him, which is extremely difficult. Not impossible, but all I can say is... try your best! If your team is all squishy, I suggest dodging in champ select.”
Penpiddin says “Much stronger early game. His Q farms easily and kill ur Pets. His Dash engage and run speed is a pain as pets cant get on him.. Play safe try to avoid trades and farm to 1st time. then you can shove waves and roam to make plays in other lanes. After 2 items u can burst him down. ”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Ekko: Aprovecha tu lvl 1 Con tu W, Mitiga el daño de su E con tu Q, una vez hecho haz tu combo. Ten cuidado por que cuando desaparece de linea puede que este activando su stun para darte ati, lo que tienes que tener en cuenta es que gaste su W que es su fuente de aguante Junto a eso su E (preferiblemente esquivar la W). No te tires del todo por que puede que active ulti. (utiliza el eco de luden o hielo eterno para evitar su escape con la R)”
MisterIncredabel says “He can close gaps. making him an aggressive champion to fight against but eventually in the late game u can combo them dead. My advice if he's very aggressive keep your distance, farm ur passive with q and avoid his q. If you hear his time clock zone move away from where u think it will be if he closes the gap u will be able to punish him for not stunning you because he used his gap closer to attack you.”
YIVENDER says “Skill match up. Can swing either way. Take short trades and do not let Ekko get his passive off. Buying early MR can help in this match up.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Match Ekko's waveclear with yours
- If he doesn't Q the wave you can start W (but he will if he's good)
- You outrade him early
- Try to land E's on him, if you miss it isn't the end of the world
- Poke and shove wave with your Q and passive
- Either poke him down to all-in range and go for a kill or shove him in and roam with your jungler ”
BCota says “You can bully tf outta him pre 6 try to dodge Qs so he doesnt get his 3-hit passive. After 6 you can deal with him 2 ways: 1. Fight him wait till he ults then you ult him and all in, 2. All in him and make sure to ignite before he ults to screw his healing then run him down, your ult follow him after he ults
ThePandaEvan says “Be careful when Ekko dashes in with his E. Play around Ekko's E +Q+AA combo, but other than that, be aggressive pre-6 since that's when he's weakest. His ult can deny your all in and can turn it around so be cautious after 6. His time-delayed Ekko is a sign where the ult will be so pay attention to that. ”
Chili Dog says “It's ESSENTIAL you don't let him Q the wave lvl 1, just walk up like the angriest player on the planet and proc electro and walk away, repeat. Electrocute recommended.”
poro99 says “I have the hardest time whenever I play against Ekko. This champion is not balanced and it is overtuned. There is no counter play to this champ. You should always ban this champ whenever you play Talon.”
Niqkl says “Ekko isnt much of a threat to you but your team. The same rule of the all- in like with Anivia applies to him as well. Dont all in when he has it! Without it, he is rather squishy.”
Dafioske says “Es relativamente fácil dañarlo y que use su utli antes que te pueda matar pero no te confíes es muy dañados y si se mantiene en buen farm hasta te puede matar o botar de linea”