Mid Lane 41.53% Win Rate92% Pick RateCorki Mid Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Corki in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
j4ss says “Boring to play against, His all-in is better but his sustain is not that good with all fleet and absorb life nerfs, so you can abuse that to poke him down until he is all-innable. He's hard to gank but easily baitable to waste his escapes.”
Tatsurion says “Ive laned against him a few times, and it might be the recent rework but ive struggled each time, you outscale him though.
Burst is good if the comp allows ”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering Storm/Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
Counter with: [Banshee's]
*you beat him quite easily in every stage. just dodge his stuff and play on cooldowns, go scorch if you have aggressive jg*”
BrMario1011 says “old corki was a easy matchup if he didint play safe and scale, now this corki does a fucking insane ass damage and is ad now! this is a very easy matchup if you just space well and play around his cooldowns
if he wastes his E to try and poke u or his q you can engage him, his w is badly enough to escape ur w if u hit it in the center, just beware that he can chase you pretty hard and he HURTS
I recommend phase rush to not get chased but electrocute is also good, go dring winds and tp/teleport”
Vladmidir says “Very easy matchup, you can mostly face tank his dmg post 6 and then all in him. Be mindful of his lvl 1 trading power with E start, but if he trades in YOUR wave then you can trade even hp. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, prefer electrocute or conqueror.
Long sword start.
Can chunk you very hard lvl 1-2 without much counterplay. Avoid his initial burst by using your W to get behind him, not in his trail tho, when he dashes towards you. After lvl 3 you should be able to consitently trade with him.”
Viktorias Secret says “Good match up for Viktor.
Early is a bit hard but you scale way better than him, especially now that he no longer has package. Low mobility champ, single target. You'll do more damage fast and on wider areas.”
sick204 says “Respect Corki's poke and sustained damage with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Corki's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Utilize Wind Wall to block Corki's Q and R in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output. Engage on Corki when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Play very safely and do not engage in trades Level 1 as Corki with Hail of Blades and his gatling gun will halve your healthbar in seconds due to the armor reduction. Try to abuse the 12 second windows between Hail of Blades and his gatling gun to poke him down. Use your Satchel to disengage from him dashing onto you and applying his gatling gun.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
Corki isn't that much of a threat, but keep in mind that he still has decent damage early on with his E. You should always dodge his Q to avoid free damage. He'll probably be hard to kill because of hexdrinker, but he can't really kill you either if you just poke him.”
awawa says “His poke is easy to dodge, and hes easy to kill at all stages of the game. Corki does NOT live against you. You can bully him out of lane anytime.”
ShokLoL says “Corki is extremely weak in the early lane and skirmishes. You can opt to go for electrocute and ignite in this matchup if you like, otherwise you can go first strike for more scaling or phase rush if you want to try chase him down the lane. Corki doesn't have a good way to trade back if you get on him. Just be careful trading levels 1-2 as this is the only stage of the game you might lose (if you have electrocute you should win here anyway).”
ShokLoL says “Corki is an extremely easy matchup for you in the laning phase, but he does counter you with his poke in the mid game. Try build up a big lead in the laning phase by constantly poking him with WQ auto.”
Soft Headpats says “I recommend starting E in this matchup, especially if he is running HoB. His level 1 trade can bring you down to half HP if you don't respect it, so make sure you EQ him if he walks at you while his E is active. After he hits level 2, he might choose to put a point in his W (his movement ability) to jump at you, so pay attention to the minion wave and anticipate the all-in if it looks like he'll hit 2 first. For this reason, it's important that you AA the wave as much as possible so that you can hit 2 at the same time as him - or at least shortly after if he's Eing the wave. Once you hit level 3, the lane becomes much more manageable since you can begin poking him down and matching his waveclear. While his early laning phase is strong, it quickly evens out as long as you've been CSing well and secure some item components. If you hold onto your E defensively, he shouldn't have many opportunities to freely jump at you, making him much less effective since he can no longer mindlessly spam his R for tons of damage.”
ShokLoL says “Corki is very strong in the early laning phase and so you will need to play defensively and focus on reaching your waveclear spike. Hold your W to disengage from him walking forward with E, and never use your charm before he has used his W. Holding your CDs defensively is key to give him limited windows to trade. Once you get chapter/levels in Q you should be able to neutralize the wave and play for 2v2s.”
Deceiver_euw says “Corki is a historical answer to LeBlanc and if he is strong, he always does well into her. As long as you either dodge his Q or walk away from his E lvl1, you should get prio and win the matchup early easily but once he reaches lvl6 and buys his hexdrinker, you get very few options to punish him 1v1 so call your jungler or look to impact the map with roams.”
ShokLoL says “Corki is very weak early game so look to gain a big lead over him especially pre 6 and use this to make his life difficult. You can also push him in easily and harass him under tower since he won't have the mana to match you early.”
vSomnia says “When he missed Q or used it to farm, look to go make a trade, he will E away but it has high cooldwon .Your combo will come off cooldwon so instantly trade again when you know he has no E. He has low hp and is kinda helpless if he cant E away. When he hits six try no to get harassed by his R's. ”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Corki just dodge his Q and R to take less dmg, if you try to trade him he will W out making you wasting your E cd so try to bait it going with third Q”
Kikife says “Once you're on top of him, there's not much he can do. Corki typically commits to a full combo using his E to shred your armour and MR, and thus if he turns to run away loses most of his damage. Beware of when he has package, as he will either gank teammates or look for you to be over extended in lane to secure a kill. Other than this, avoiding his R and playing around the wave to avoid R is the easiest way to secure poke and get easy kills.”
vreiki says “Corki consegue "bugar" as suas habilidades de controle (W e R), simplesmente voando no momento em que voce prendeu. O alcance enorme também é bem chato.”
gaarrett says “Corki's mini rework made him one of the safest AD mid picks. He will W away every time you E in and poke you constantly with True Damage autos. Sylas's E has a seven second shorter cooldown than Corki W at level one, so you will be able to trade every two E cycles. [2/5] ultimate, now that it scales with AD it is noticeably weaker on Sylas. ”
Axsanea says “[EN]
His "R" isn't that good, and he can poke you down, + his "W" allows him to scape in case you get in range, play slow, and look for opportunities with your JG.
Su "R" no es tan buena y puede pokearte feo, + su "W" le permite escapar en caso de que logres alcanzarle, juega lento y busca oportunidades con tu JG.
Lord Reeves says “For most part this is just a farm lane. keep your cs up. Do not trade with him if his E going off. If you can bait out his W then you can look for Q trades but be mindful taking even trades is bad cause he should run fleetfoot work.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Hes matching you in some ways. You can try to abuse his weak early game, but lategame he will also be super strong. ”
Shinbae says “Чемпионы без контроля для Зои никто и ничто, тому пример Корки, отправить его в сон просто, как и ваншотнуть, правда он может нервы трепать своей ультой”
Hexeria says “[Isnt seen that much nowadays, but he can be pretty disgusting.] [He deals some good amount of damage, and you cant really engage him, due to his range and his W.] [Farm as bet you can, go Doran's Shield and Second Wind, try to interupt his W, with your E, and dodge his Q and Ult.] Later into the game you again just stun him and kill him with your mates if youre organized.]”
Halkem says “Free lane early, but he hard outscales you. If he gets package you should predict that he might just run it down bot or top before even going to mid, so keep that in mind. Care against side lane or going into his range late game, he bursts you.”
Iceyou says “Easy matchup but just because of how incredibly he scales you have to play good and win early or he can punish you . Be very respectfull of his packages . Other than that ignite and business as usual .”
TrueGIXERJ says “he will just play really really safe and outscale you, would be a bigger threat if you didn't have the option to dodge a lot of his damage. avoid standing AFK in his E or W and you can go at least even with him and hope to play sidelanes and win teamfights.”
The Milelator says “Very easy match up. As of now corki is only strong with 4 items or more. Use your better waveclear to get prio mid, roam and take objectives. If he ever uses his W, you can all in. Since he does not go liandries you can easily push towers even when being attacked by him. In late game peel your carries, if he ever goes on your backline with empowered W.”
WarwicksSimp says “Difficult to deal with when he has package, has strong poke, wave clear, and damage. Good thing is hes killable without package, and easily so, play smart in this matchup and you'll be rewarded.”
Tokiyami says “Very boring lane just a farm lane until lvl 6 and then you can all in him, not much to really be afraid of his unless you struggle with his poke. ”
Glitchgun says “Poor Corki, I like his character so much, but he doesn't stand a chance against Xayah, especially not if you chase him down with Hail Of Blades.”
Lindroganti says “His W is his escape, but it has a longer cd than your W. He can poke you to death, so you need to chunk him pre 6. Make sure to ping if he roams, and prepare to dodge his missiles.”
Fuzzmonkey says “He is not really a threat in lane. Avoid getting punished by auto attacks and Q's and all in him whenever you can, he will use his w to get out, but do this over and over and he cant really do much against it. ”
FlopQueenEra says “Corki is underrated means not too popular, you can rarely encounter this. AND Careful for ganks.
N1comagno03 says “His empowered dash could be a problem, and if you are under your tower recalling, he will shurely land his r and try to get the kill.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “You guys need to be careful. This man will be incredibly dangerous if you see him in the game. I mean, just ask the four people that main him. On a serious note, just out poke him dodge his abilities. If he flies into you, try your best to gain distance.”
tangerrine says “Corki is a big snowballer. If you play safe and poke him with Comet, you should be able to deny him some CS and make sure he doesn't get kills. You beat him hard in the early game damage wise, so look for a kill. Post-6, wait for him to use his Valkyrie ability to engage you, and then use your R for free damage. He outranges you late game so just don't engage later and wait for your team. ”
Zero macro says “Corki has no pressure on Caitlyn other than his Carepackage and level 6 R. Thereby Caitlyn can take an easy early lead into the weaker corki mid. Later in the game this becomes a more even matchup depending on the skillshots and leads.”
Zero macro says “Corki has a weaker early game and he gets enabled later on. Kog'Maw has a very similar pattern, but Kog'Maw does outrange and trade better into Corki. Be aware of Corki Package later on in the game.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3 ”
mrsuits says “Corki primarily deals mixed damage, with a strong emphasis on magic damage. Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate his damage output.
Be cautious of Corki's package, which he receives at certain intervals in the game. When he has the package, he gains increased mobility and can make powerful engages. Keep track of when he obtains it and play more defensively during that time.
Corki's Phosphorus Bomb (Q) can reveal hidden units, so be mindful of positioning in bushes or while attempting to set up ganks.
Valkyrie (W) allows Corki to dash to a targeted location. Keep an eye on the cooldown of this ability, as it's his main escape tool. Coordinate with your team to punish him when it's on cooldown.
Corki's Gatling Gun (E) shreds armor and magic resist, making him particularly effective against champions with low resistances. Consider building defensive items or seeking help from your team to counteract this armor reduction.
Watch out for Corki's Missile Barrage (R), as it deals significant damage in a line. Stay aware of his level 6 power spike, as he gains access to this long-range ultimate. Be prepared to dodge or mitigate the damage.
Corki excels at sieging and poke damage. Avoid clumping up with your team, as his missiles can deal significant area-of-effect damage.
Corki's early game is relatively weak compared to his mid and late game. Capitalize on this by being aggressive and denying him farm and kills in the early stages of the game.
Corki's damage output heavily relies on his ability to hit skillshots. Utilize mobility and positioning to make it difficult for him to land his rockets and Phosphorus Bomb.
Communicate with your team to coordinate crowd control and burst damage to take down Corki in teamfights. His mobility can make him elusive, so focus on locking him down and taking him out quickly.
Note: Corki deals mixed damage and excels in the mid and late game. Be mindful of his package and play defensively during that time. Build magic resistance to mitigate his damage and coordinate with your team to punish him when his escape tools are on cooldown. Deny him farm and kills early on to limit his scaling potential.”
Braimyy says “Actually a surprisingly difficult match up for Asol,
Corki is honestly probably the best pick into Asol draft wise, can match your scaling, mobility, clears waves even faster than you.
This champ is sleeper op honestly not sure why more people don't play him but they don't so haha free lp for us”
IggyBoom says “Corki can be a bit annoying, since he can just jump out of your W range very easily and also with the latest changes, he is quiet the lane Bully, but we'll see if he holds his position on mid. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Farm lane]
[Dodge his Q]
[Try to wait for him to make a mistake then use your E to pull him]
[Be prepared to dodge his R]”
freuio123 says “Ist halt kein Champ aktuell, aber generell auch recht whatever. Beide farmen sich hoch und du roamst deutlich besser. Bis ins Late bist du in allen Sachen stärker, ab 3 Items+ kippt das.”
uwuimsocute says “High range control mage, only thing that makes this playable is his vulnerability until level 6 + the lack of CC, maybe it is even, but the matchup is still Corki favored I think.”
zhock2014 says “This little old man can really demolish you if you ever try to gank him unless you know the basic mechanics for him and your decent at trundle just watch out for him he can be really strong”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge Q, especially after getting hit with his E for long time (reduces our Armor and MR for each tick we tank)
- Abuse his long W cooldown
- Dodge his Empowered Rockets (every 3rd Ult)
- If he rushes Hexdrinker try roaming more”
Painters says “Corki is easy to beat pre 6, however it becomes a little more difficult afterwards. When he has his empowered missle, respect his damage.”
Cryniu says “Weird but hard match because Corki can keep distance and attack you surprisingly. Play to scale and be careful when you poke him in lane because he can attack you faster.”
Wraithlander says “Very weak early so look to trade onto him if he mispositions in lane. He will eventually scale and one shot you but your early advantage should hopefully prevent this.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Early Game Aggression: Corki's early game is relatively weak. Neeko has an advantage in early trades. Use your range advantage to harass Corki with your Q (Blooming Burst) while being mindful of his return damage.
Dodging Corki's Abilities: Corki's main damage comes from his abilities. Try to dodge his Q (Phosphorus Bomb) by anticipating its trajectory and using your movement to avoid getting hit.”
TB Azir says “Eski Corki dümdüz farming lane'di fakat şuanki reworklü AD Corki çok bufflı olduğu için üstünüze W atıp atıp dövebilir sizi o yüzden mümkün mertebe trade atmamaya çalışın. Q'ları dodgelayın, E açısı vermeyin ve asla W'sü varken insec bakmayın, outplay olursunuz👍🏻
Rün: PTA”
Pulgontes says “Es difícil matarlo y tiene mucho pokeo, tenés que aprovechar cuando tengas tu R porque va a ser el único momento que vas a poder matarlo ya que escala mejor.”
Edwwardo says “Stronger than you up close and can punish your wall line ups with his R poke. His kill pressure isn't too high though so if you can dodge his R rockets then this matchup is not the worst.”
ddieguito_es says “Easy matchup. You may not get easily to him because of his W, but he can't punish you much either because he sucks early, and you'll tank a lot late.”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball ingenious.
Absolute scorch.
You can pretty much just walk at him at enemy time and unless you miss literally everything you can't lose trades. Electrocute ignite and farm him.
If you feed, however (especially when he's got package or an item or two), watch out!! Don't feed through ganks. Play smart.”
MiniLuxi1 says “You can interrupt his jerk W, your W, is not so strong at the beginning, or you can let him make a jerk and catch him at the end of his path, do not put a wall in advance, he can wait it out or try to fly over. It would also be a good solution to buy shoes for 300 to better dodge his Q. After 6, it can start to damage you well, damage to the area.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve (Second Wind and Overgrowth), Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “Will try to scale out of lane and hit somewhere else. Use W movespeed to avoid his Q and try to harass him with Q. On 6 prioritize using your R to avoid his big rocket”
Samikin says “Minor Inconvenience.
Corki does... not much in the early game and doesn't do much until level 11 and at 2 items. Force him to use his W with your E and then all in if he steps too far forwards. If he doesn't, push the wave and roam to get pressure on the map. Corki has a lot of range, but doesn't have any gank setup or CC, making it pretty hard to die in this lane.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) /Electrocute (+ Manaflow / Scorch) is fine here
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler]
[Poke him with basic combos] [Dont let him get free kills when he have pasive so try to play pasive as posible] [Bait his W then you can try to go in]”
SalSushi says “Never seen, but he's actually a monster right now. His damage is really high and he's a very safe character in lane. Hard to kill and scales well. ”
TheAfricanDream says “A good corki with great movement can be a pain for Swain to deal with, however pre 6, corki does not have a lot of range and can easily be hit by your E in lane. Look for short trades as he will beat you by basic attacking if you let him. Careful of corki package and wait for it to run out. Corki scales very well so do not handshake mid with him, look to make plays around the map early as Corki is extremely weak in the early game.”
Voidling13 says “Corki is not dangerous to you because you deal so much damage that you can kill him so fast he can not get away from you. He is fast in his tiny blimp, so it is possible for him to get out of the way of your abilitys, but besides that he is not bad.”
Aria_Legend says “I would put him on 'Minor' but, good Corki's will get sustain and some MR so your poke become uneffective... If that so, they're not that easy to deal.
However, if possible you want to be agressive against him in lane. Don't let him farm because he wants to scale, because once he scales he turns into a monster.
Dodge his poking and once you're trying to assassinate take into account he has his W (Valkyrie) as an escape mechanism. In teamfights, don't ever step his W (Valkyrie) because it deals a lot of damage.
Lastly an interesting info about him: he wears AD items but deals AP damage. Strange isn't it?”
Demonsedge90 says “Corki has solid damage from his hextech munitions (passive), phosphorus bomb, and missile barrage, which can make it hard to farm in the lane. With this in mind, freezing the minion wave is the best action against him since fighting him in open combat, though if you miss a skill shot, it could mean your demise. One thing to note when duelling him, his gatling gun shreds your overall resistance to physical and magical attacks, which could turn the tables in his favor depending on how long you fight him. Corki can get within striking distance of you, knocking you aside with valkyrie. The best way to deal with him would be to coordinate with your jungle to ambush him if you plan to let him shove waves. ”
Wizahd says “Dancy feet and you're fine, get hit by Q's and R's you'll die. Most of the time you outscale him, and preform better in group fights, but he will out poke you in lane post 6.”
Atemporal says “Combate muito fácil. Corki causa dano super baixo no início do jogo, então ele não deve ser capaz de intimidar você.
Você pode ganhar negociações simplesmente pulando nele sem pensar, mas para negociações ideais, não negocie o nível 2, a menos que seu E esteja baixo. Corki E causa cerca de 140 de dano no nível 1 e também reduz bastante suas resistências,
não subestime essa habilidade durante os níveis iniciais. Após o nível 3 você pode continuar pulando nele sempre que seu E estiver em cima, porém se o Corki estiver bom e não deixar você, empurre a onda,
reset e após a primeira base você ganha automaticamente até que Corki tenha pelo menos um item totalmente concluído. Você pode jogar super agressivo nesta partida, Corki W tem um CD de 20 segundos no rank 1 e também custa 100 de mana, ele não pode fazer spam dessa habilidade.
Se ele usar uma vez, você terá mais 2 E antes que ele possa W novamente. Quando Corki recebe Shieldbow/Sunderer, ele instantaneamente se torna muito difícil de matar, então você quer jogar mega agressivo na pista inicial. Considere mergulhos na torre sempre que ele estiver
75% hp ou menos, já que ele não tem cc e não tem hard burst, o que permite que você cronometre facilmente seu R. Mais tarde, você deve vencê-lo na side lane,
e você pode matá-lo facilmente, desde que seja esperto sobre o posicionamento do W. Coloque-o de forma que ele ainda seja atingido, mesmo que esteja longe. Quando você tiver Protobelt, você ainda poderá ativar seu passivo mesmo se ele estiver ausente depois de pular nele.
Seja esperto em lutar com ele quando ele tiver um pacote, tente não lutar com ele se possível. Se os inimigos forçarem seu R enquanto Corki ainda tiver seu pacote, você provavelmente morrerá se ele empacotar em você.”
pamiclo says “this piece of shit try to harass you always. when you are ahead easy win but when you are not, he will destroy the teamfights with his dps. try to play well and get ahead.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
Sein Earlygame ist sehr schwach, versuch ihn da so gut es geht zu bullien um nicht outscaled zu werden.
Da er dich outranged ist er im Lategame eine große Gefahr”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I think this champion has no damage early on, his packages might be a problem but predictable and he cant use them often. You should stomp lane.”
Spoomk says “He can do substantial enough damage if he chases you after your engage, but if you have someone to jump to with E or can charm him as you leave with R that fear is mitigated (or you could just kill him). Jumping him with low mana is especially free. ”
sapphire__lol says “Corki can somewhat bully you lvl 1-2 but after he is lacking sustainable damage and also has no way to cancel your e. Its also pretty easy to predict his w when jumping out of fog.”
Mvrshy says “[MID] pokey little bitch, annoying but you outscale, he outranges unfortunately, make it your job to kill the frontline instead. laning phase kinda sucks, he just jumps away if you are aggro and post 6 pokes you down”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
Adamonias says “You lane bully him; his poke is worse than yours; dont sit and eat his MR shred.
He actually does outscale you but you can put him pretty far behind and snowball prtty hard.
He' will out teamfight you with package, but you beat him at almost all other points of the game.=”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
SKYTOP. says “Id Take any page here.
You can be aggressive or scale, as he spikes later than you do. However, he can and probably will outscale you due to his range and the ludens build.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
SkyBanana says “I don't see Corki as a threat since he is just... meh?? He is annoying with his R yes but that is all he brings to the table. And his package. Other than that I don't see why people play him unless it is some weird meta build that makes him strong. Corki is due for a major VGU.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his Phosphorus Bomb(Q) or Missile Barrage(R). Whenever Corki has his Passive, communicate with your team and ping that he’s missing. He will look to roam as soon as he recalls and picks it up. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn’t keep you pushed in. If you don’t, you’ll lose priority and tower plates.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not much of a scare from him especially after his nerfs to his rockets but they still hurt. Just watch your positioning so he cant blast you with rockets every 2 seconds and you should be able to outrange and poke him down.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is very easy. The only way for him to survive lane is Fleet Footwork + Doran's Shield + Second Wind. Whenever he walks up for a cs, just Q+AA him. Dodge his Qs as best you can. He can't really play the game or farm until level 6 without getting chunked. When he has package, he has potential to kill you, but you should still rarely ever die in this matchup. Make sure to drift away from, Flash, or Zhonya's Hourglass his package.”
Amarusis says “It is annoying for sure, try to farm so that it does not draw you into yourself. In late, all you have to do is walk up to him and do what you should.”
RivenHentai102 says “najlatwiejszy matchup dla kassadina imo
na 6 zabijasz go w praktycznie kazdym meczu
do 4-5 nie pushuj graj pod turretem bo moze i latwy matchup ale ciagle ranged
zacznij od Q i wez doran shielda
w corkiego w miare git jest full mpen bolid z ludenem
KayyeN says “Nothing really happens in this lane. He can't push against you because the way to his turret will be too long to escape your E-W-Q combo. Always wait for him to use his W before throwing your second dagger (Q), so you can follow him.”
Zarasaras says “He scalles well, take care with his E, he out pushes you early game
Dodge his R, you can't kill him early game, with predador + ghost you can kill him easily late game otherwise try to win teamfights
Very buffs/nerfs reliant”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “You will win when he misses skillshots. The problem is dealing with those skillshots. For early game, wait for him to smokescreen the wave and trade. That one trade will be enough for you to gain lane priority. Eventually Corki will be uber strong during objectives, but if you roam sidelanes before then, then there's no issue to think about.
Mid to late is also easy to deal with because of how squishy Corki is. You blow him up super easily and if he is next to the adc, he is just asking to be comboed to fountain.”
HikariWoosh says “Corki is a difficult one, his damage output makes him a challanging matchup, and with his package he can easily influence the game and matchup.”
Zoose says “Poke when possible, just Don't get to close without your Q. He can just W dash in and you wont have the damage to outrade him. Watch out when he has his package, he will likely go for an all in or use it to roam. He has pretty decent poke at lvl 6, watch out for his big rocket, which is every 3rd Ult shot.”
OSG Rewynd says “Play to shove and roam vs Corki. He can't stop you much or punish you much. If he wastes W, you have a 20 second window to trade, or kill him. You can trade twice in that time assuming you trade as your cds come up. ”
Kurchina says “Annoying but okay, early game u should be able to demolish him, yeah he can escape but if he tries to 1v1 u early, turn on him asap cause thats the biggest chance u will have to kill him before late game”
Super08131208 says “Corki's will try to auto you and hit you with his E. Don't try to trade at level 1-2. Level 3-5 you can trade if you hit an E assuming you didn't take too much dmg. At level 6, Akali slams.
Zoose says “Poke safely when possible and try to bait his Q. He's extremely vulnerable without his W dash. E W Q combos work better here, as he may use W dash to get out, and be stunned, then follow up with W. Watch out when he has his package, he will likely go for an all in or use it to roam. He has pretty decent poke at lvl 6, so watch out for his big rocket, which is every 3rd Ult shot.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion]
[Try to not get poked too much]
[Dodge his ult when he is lvl 6]”
spicy ricecaker says “This is matchup is so abusable that you can take conq. Follow your standard trading pattern of going in when your ww or passive is up, it's basically a free lane.”
DabiDabi says “Corki's will try to auto you and hit you with his E. Don't try to trade at level 1-2. Level 3-5 you can trade if you hit an E assuming you didn't take too much dmg. At level 6, Akali slams. ”
Esrucnl says “Pretty easy to kill you will win most trades if you dodge his blast (Q) and play around his E.
He can dodge your ult with his dash (w) so be careful about your timing.
Most Corki players also build Hexdrinker so that is pretty annoying, but other than that you should be fine most stages of the game.”
Azurio says “He afk farm safely and W out if you try to trade him. Proc his first strike with Q or W. Dodge his big rocket with E. Chill farm and be dominant mid game.”
Grooneye says “I'm mainly going off of my own experiences with the champs since im not really high level and not that good but still hard champs early and late”
Eralta says “he will poke you, you should not get poked, hit him back every 4th shot and you will trade better after noonquiver
after mythic, he pokes better and has his package but you have way better all in potential especially with a gank”
Bunny Kata says “He can't kill you if he engages you, so no threat really. The only issue is that his W makes him way too safe for you to kill him, so you'll have to scale. If he trolls and W for whatever reason, you go on him and win.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Cull.”
MrBlivious says “I don't play against Corki much. but I know the missiles from his ult are dangerous, and try get him to use his valkyrie ability where he charges in or out, so you can hit him with an ability.”
Berdasco9 says “Matchup muy molesto, vas a ser harraseado continuamente en linea por todo su pokeo, busca momentos en los que corki de un paso en falso para hacer un all in e intenta mantenerte por encima del 60% de vida.”
Dazzther says “Can't land your E onto him, bc of his W and passive. So keep calm and farm. Don't get poked a lot, so you can either roam, or all win him, when E lands, or R's up.”
Airflected says “I'm ashamed to say I've lost this matchup way too much, but it's quite easy. You can gap close easily and after that he can't do much. Sure he gets away but you can gap close much faster than he can get away.”
donidaking says “QQQQQ an auto him all day long since he has no sustain and you can pool his Q.
The only escape he has is W(20s cd) until he gets items he s just TRAIN MEAT.
Run predator if you want to RUN HIM OVER or just electrocute, poke him out and make him use W and next rotation kill him before his W is up.
This guys scales so fking hard if he farms so any chance you get just one shot him and make him go afk.”
TheKingUltra says “Late game more of a threat, than early game. He will poke you a lot, because of first strike, but keep farming. Your items cost much less than his, keep that in mind.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “You outrange him and outdamage him pretty much until late game. Keep both side of your lane with vision and dont be afraid to push him, harass him and roam when he's under tower.
Only be careful when he has his package.”
pspmonster says “Major thread cuz of mixed damage. You can cancel his W with your Brittle if timed well. Spectre's Cowl for me and cull. Later you can CC chain him but still so strong.”
Dustyacer says “Try to get ahead lvl 3 -5. Track his w cd.
Post 6 - its really annoying due to missiles spamming at you all the time.
Hard ping when he gets package, you could counter-gank sides if he packages in depending on the state of the fight.”
Ahri Simplord says “Used to be a pretty bad matchup, now with his passive having longer cooldown and him being nerfed it's a lot easier. He can play really safe early since he plays Corrupting + TP but you can still dish a lot of damage on him and look for an all in even before 6. The later it goes the stronger he becomes but until he can take 50% of your health with 1 R you're pretty good.”
PandoraV says “I have had trouble against a Corki dealing more damage than me with his ranged abilities, but once you engage in a fight without minions you have a great chance of winning.”
Malzahar MID says “The new ap build for corki is a big obstacle you need a gank to play, daughters are killing your w using q, e, r I recommend to buy a tear”
Xalt says “This is personally my fav matchup, you can all in him on repeat early once your 6 try to time your R with his W it will pull him mid animation cancelling his escape and leaving him in melee range for an easy kill”
Bundif says “Corki is another one of those champs that are very easy to lane against but if you slip up just ONE time, he'll be able to steam role you and make sure you never have fun again.
Serpent's Fang is a must if he goes smelly Shieldbow. ”
Haydoslang says “Not a threat in lane, you out dps him when trading and can force out or kill lvl 6. Don't let him scale for free, get the head in there.”
lolzed5 says “Corki is food honestly if he is ever in your range you can w forward to win a trade, after lvl 6 if he ever walks in your range you can w into his face and ult to follow the dash. ”
Ara55 says “You get bullied early game, its a fleet matchup, try your best to dodge his q. if you land e, usually take it, but beware if he is close to his tower, he will W to tower.
any 3 work”
ChrisWasTaken says “Early game corki is looking to farm with tear and mega scale runes first strike + conditioning. Late game corki is a nightmare but you can negate his dmg with ult before trying to close in on him. Look to trade early game.”
ThePieBeam says “Death on a plane. Don't even bother with this lane really, it's a super-strong contender for the ban. I usually don't since he's not played often but if you have to fight this champ try to play the early as best you can. If you get caught in his cone damage without your Q up you're pretty fucked. Post 6 however he can just spam his cross-map insta kill button. Even if you manage to get him caught out he can just dash away. Also, even if you somehow manage to win early he can always just package your face and run you down. Play safe, slow, and with your team as much as possible.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Really not a threat in lane, avoid getting hit by his waveclear (Q) and just all him whenever you can. He will mainly use his missiles at level 6 to waveclear, so use your W to gap close when going for an all in. This might take a couple of rotations to fully kill him.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Doran's Shield start.] Once Corki uses his Q be sure to go all in. Make sure it isn't into a big minion wave and you will win the trade. Corki's level 6 doesn't change the gameplan. Watch out for once he completes his first item because his damage becomes a bit scary. ”
lonestar1870 says “Fairly easy lane for you, just be careful of his package in teamfights. He scales better than you but you should be able to snowball hard before then
You kill him extremely easily at level 6 if he steps up
You control the wave all game
You can go any Runes and Summs this matchup, you win no matter what so it's up to personal preference.”
Desperate Nasus says “For Nasus, Corki is free matchup.I suggest going Conqueror against him because Corki is really weak on early levels. He cant prevent you from stacking up. On level 6 buy Sheen and run him down. When he tries to push a wave Wither him open Ghost and run him down. The first thing Corki players do when they see a Nasus chasing them is W away, thats not a problem since your wither is still slowing him keep chasing and stacking your Conqueror. When he Flashes away insta Flash on top of him and finish him off. The only bad thing with Corki is after his Muramana he starts to outscale you unless he is really behind.”
CashLOL says “Outscales you. Dashes to dodge your abilities as you throw them. Difficult lane. Manage wave, ask for ganks and try to get a lead. When you hear the package notification ping for your team so they don't get roamed on.”
livikattt says “Corki's early game is easily abusable even with your own weak early game. Be careful of his power spike, dodge his poke, and you'll easily be able to all-in him. Once he gets three-ish items, he starts doing a lot more damage, so try to punish him early and get him behind from the start.”
Miscake says “Corki tem status equivalentes aos de um adcarry então a menos que ele tenha noção boa de spacing ele não deve conseguir abusar do range. Ele toma oneshot facilmente no nível 6 com back de Alternador, além de apenas ser relevante no mapa no timing do pacote.”
52hertz says “He will look to W away when you E in so when you are looking to all in make sure the wave is closer to your tower and have nado ready. He will also mostly look to just roam with his package.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “The Corki matchup is incredibly easy.
His early game is weaker than your's because of Lethal Tempo. This lane is pretty much free for you.
Take Doran's Blade and Conditioning/Overgrowth.
Put 4 points into Q, then Max E and your E CD will be shorter than his W CD. You can all-in off cooldown and secure easy kills.
Only way you lose this lane is if you let him freely AA and harass you + do literally nothing.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Probably the easiest matchup in mid lane. You can Windwall his entire kit. He doesn't do much until 3 items. Don't EQ him when his W is up, instead bait out his W and Q after you E.”
Katawina52 says “Fairly easy matchup because you can almost always look for an all in trade and if he w's away he is way more vulnerable to ganks. His kill pressure mostly comes from his abilities (Q and W early, R later) so try your best to play around his cooldowns. Anticipate his use of Qs on the wave and when you walk up to last hit, if you manage to do so properly you can confidently poke him out. Always follow his package roams since you are way more useful in skirmishes than he is even if you're a bit behind.”
eiensiei says “Mostly this lane is a farm fest, Corki is too tanky to kill - and most of them buy Hexdrinker early anyway. I'll just be careful to ping my teammates when I know he has package up (and keep in mind he has another cast of W after using said package).”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting because most Corki players will go for TP and sustain runes. Try to kill them before they finish their core items (TRIFORCE+IE). Be careful of the package when roaming and also when fighting on lane. That thing deals way more damage than you'd expect if you are not experienced with it. Stay out of the Package-burn-zone.
Go for Dematerializer and push waves and go bot OR try to kill him with a full combo and ignite but keep in mind that he can always use W to jump away. You shouldn't have problems in lane because his kill power is very low early on. Do not get greedy and do smart trades, and maybe get a kill early if your jungler ganks and corki uses his W (or trick him to use his W and THEN your jungler ganks). W is very expensive for him so it will drain his mana resources quickly.
His ROAM power equals yours but his push power is weaker, his ROAMING also is predictable due to the sound the package makes when it is picked. It is sort of a roaming matchup in which you have early-mid game advantage and he has mid-late game advantage depending on how the game goes. Good Corki players might carry later on so try to target them down if needed.”
Yeager says “The conqueror page is viable here because corki is useless early game so he won't be able to punish you either. You should have control over this lane after you base and have berserkers. ”
xblademojo says “He has decent amount of damage and poke however your laning against him is quite comfortable. We are generating so much pressure against him starting from Level 6.”
Polarshift says “Very strong late game. Early on his E does a lot of damage so be sure to stay out of range of that. This guy has an escape, but you should be able to shut this guy down with your jungler since hes basically an ADC in the midlane. The good thing is that he has no CC and your waveclear is better than his. Every third ultimate of his does more damage so dodge that. Be very careful of using your ultimate aggressively (aka, to go in) when he has his passive package, because you'll lose the game. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Skill match up. High damage, decent mobility, decent roams. He is hard to deal with but lacks and escape if he engages. If you hit the q's you out dmg him. ”
Yeager says “Late game scaling ADC. He has zero kill pressure but he's also super safe in lane so you can't kill him either. This is just a farm lane where you both can scale for free. ”
Callmebee says “Just like A Sol, you don't see Corki in games too much, but he likes to do the same. He pushes in, roams and gets kills in the other lanes. Make sure you ping A LOT whenever he leaves lane. Poke early, save your Q's and take barrier/teleport. ”
LunarVortex says “Just like you, he has rather high mana costs and cooldowns. If he ever uses his W for no reason during the laning phase, run him down with ult. Try to coordinate with your jungler to abuse him early and punish him for picking Corki outside of proplay. He will, however, outscale you, so be aware that you're on a timer.”
Yeager says “You won't really kill each other in the laning phase. Corki wants to buy his trinity force first, so this just becomes a farm lane. You have the better waveclear, so shove him in to establish lane dominance. ”
Yeager says “Farming lane. You won't kill each other so just farm for your powerspikes, and look for roams around the map. Respect his damage when he gets trinity force as he gets a massive powerspike at that point. ”
Urpog says “Midlane: Corki doesn't really have kill pressure against you - the only reason I consider him an even matchup to you is due to the fact he's a ranged champion and has a dash, Corki players vary build to build - some go shieldbow, some go some hidden technology but either way you have oneshot potential on them, take ignite, go for a level 2/3 E flash ignite play on him, cull highly encouraged to be rushed on the 3 wave push but he'll outscale you and do shocking amounts of damage later in the game.”
Dj Memelord says “Corki gets free poke and free scaling if he knows how to play. If you get out of lane ahead you dominate him and he becomes a tiny threat.”
CashLOL says “Easy matchup early game since you can out trade him level 1 if played correctly. When you ult, use w or flash to follow his dash to kill.”
Akali187 says “If Corki does a mistake he is dead. Most Corkis will play safe against an Akali as they are very squishy. Care when using your E as Corki can dash away dragging you along with him. You should be able to beat him in lane and target him in team fights.”
ShokLoL says “Extremely easy matchup, you can pretty much just walk at him at enemy time and unless you miss literally everything you can't lose trades. Electrocute ignite and farm him.”
Kords says “Corki is a hard matchup for me, I’m not 100% sure on how to deal with him as Sol while I’m getting him crushed with everyhing else I play. He likes to keep you in lane, but you shouldn’t have a problem laning against him as he can miss his Q most of the time. You can’t roam much as he just contests the shove easily, maybe not early on, but definitely around level 4. He likes to act as an ADC in teamfights, so just blow him up when you see the chance. Can be tricky if he buys MR however. Corki doesn't even remotely outscale Sol as he is only good early and ok mid. His endgame is only ok with good consistent damage and ok burst compared to sol who even hasn't the best endgame. Also you have tons of kill pressure if you proc Phase Rush and he pushed you in as you can run his w distance with ease. His roaming also sucks vs Sol as a good Sol pushes out always and as soon as you hear that siren you just go to the lane he is most likely going to visit. Once he commits there it’s his death sentence as you are there with way more consistent damage and general damage. In lane he doesn’t even remotely compare to Sol’s push. His W sucks for pushing, his e isn’t great either and his Q is ok at best)”
TheoRut says “He can dodge your Q + E easily and you will just end up losing the trade by much. If he doesnt dodge your stun you can just one shot him since he is really squishy.
Electrocute is suggested.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty free matchup, you can take ignite if you want but I'd probably still take teleport since otherwise he can recall TP and you may be unable to kill him.”
ShokLoL says “One of the freest LeBlanc matchups, you can solokill him at basically any point in the game. Take electrocute ignite and look for as many short trades as possible.”
Yasukeh says “Nobody plays this champ lmao. When he has his package immediately force a trade on him to make him burn it defensively. Otherwise he is a free dive with your ult and ghost. With triple rejuv bead he shouldn't be able to poke you out of lane unless you facetank everything. He's been given buffs, but they don't mean anything. ”
Dr Eggmund says “Corki is strong throughout all sections of the game. Luckily for you, you shouldn't have to worry early just don't be over excited cause you will get poked, the plan of action to somehow kill him early is to let him waste his mana. He wastes mana at a high rate trying to poke you so be good at dodging I guess :)”
iZianni says “Corki has traditionally done very well in this match up because of his all in potential + scaling potential, I'm not sure how it'll be in preseason.”
Ambitieux says “Corki needs to have continuous fights to win trades. If you can land the charm on him you will chunk him severely and have the movement speed to run out of his E. His low hp and predictable gap close leaves you able to out maneuver him and out damage him. Use this to ur advantage especially after 6. ”
kindo says “Not much to mention - you always win in range of corki and his W cd is long. He struggles early a lot and doesn't come online until 2-3 items. Even then you still win, but not as easily. Free matchup to farm or do whatever you want, any poke he would deal can be sustained with your W heal. ”
lukuluku says “Corki has greater waveclear and roaming than Malzhahar. He is also an efficient Qss builder. Try to save your Teleport for when Corki roams with his package. ”
Coldsong says “Corki has a decent laning phase, but he is still pretty easy to fight since without his passive he has limited mobility. Wait out his E when he uses it and then go all in. Also, make sure to dodge his Q since it gives true sight, which means he can see you when you ult.”
resetwice says “He can farm safe due to range and movespeed. You can start with doran’s shield and farm safe to try a lvl 6 all in because he can abuse you early. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE ”
Kessi says “Corki is a late game monster, but still is a ranged champ and can basically poke you out of lane or even kill you. Don't get poked too much. Wait for your level 3 and all in him. Try not to use your E till he uses his little dash (w) so you can stay on top of him. Otherwise try to sidestep alot and clear the wave fast. Care his waveclear is not bad at all! Remember that even if he has W, a short trade (EQWQ) will do a good chunk of damage.
Use W/E to dodge his attacks and play smart. Go Mobility Boots and you'll be fine. ”
Sylvan Lore says “Corki is a quite safe lane for Orianna. He does not have much kill pressure on you and you scale relatively even into the game as long as he doesn't get ahead. Early levels you can trade evenly and are only really at a risk of getting poked out once he hits level 6. In my opinion you can out roam this champion and will be able to 1v1 him should you find him on the rotation. He will often save his package in order to try and win plays near objectives. If you see him with package, keep in mind that he can no longer use his short W ability to dash. In many cases it is even worth ulting him to force him to run defensively and waste his teamfight altering ability. I would build very aggressively into this lane with Sorc boots and really push to be putting out as much damage as possible. There aren't to many item considerations against corki, just remember that he does predominantly magic damage. He will almost certainly take teleport, so matching teleport is a great idea.”
Kippari says “Corki does damage after getting Sheen and Phage, but is fairly squishy. Unfortunately you almost never get too many kills in this lane because he takes defensive summoners and has an escape in his kit, take Grasp or Fleet, trade when he uses his abilities on farm and farm safely.”
duhnx says “This champ is useless currently. Just try to not get poked out and all in level 1, 2 and 6. Roaming is also good as he cannot stop you in any way unless he has package.”
AaronG221 says “You can counter Corki very easy in late early game because he has less burst damage than talon.
you can drive-by him and run and is easy kill. ”
Hienaa says “Even tho they are ranged champions, if you hit 1 Q on them, they cant contest your insane damage output and they just have to take it. One tapped every time.”
xMetix says “He's hoping to farm and scale, not a very dangerous enemy, doesn't buy armor, his escape has a very long cooldown so abuse it when you can (W).”
nZk01 says “(Mid) He cant do anything to you, champ is really useless anyways right now, he just sucks and doesnt do anything, very easy lane to deal with, would recommend ignite.”
tozosi says “He has lots of poke and is difficult to get on top of in lane since he can dash away quite easily. If he steps up too far, you can look to all in him since he is squishy.”
Nanelol says “Corki has some decent poke potential to keep your passive down, and he's got a fairly safe lane thanks to his ability to dash out of danger. While he has the disadvantage of being squishy, he also isnt quite as reliant on his abilities as other midlaners, making your silence less effective as well.
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work. Electrocute or Phase Rush.
Even if he takes fleet footwork you will outsustain him and outscale him as long as he doesn't get snowballed. Corki can't really punish you early so you can be more cocky.”
Vispectra says “His Auto-attacks deal ap which is kind of a good thing for you really. His abilities are relatively easy to dodge and you will smack him hard in trades once you have 6, I recommend MR in your last rune slot.”
StarTundra says “A wise corki will save W early to escape you, and you wont be able to easily get kill pressure. Corki also becomes very hard to kill late and is able to crush the bird in the later stages of the game.”
cookanarities says “Not much to mention - you always win in range of corki and his W cd is long. He struggles early a lot and doesn't come online until 2-3 items. Even then you still win, but not as easily. Free matchup to farm or do whatever you want, any poke he would deal can be sustained with your W heal.”
TheWerefloof says “Only has one movement ability, and it has a long cooldown. Abuse him when he ain't got it, really the same old tedium. It has a very long cooldown early, so you really shouldn't have a problem grounding him.”
Aethlo says “Corki has a slight wave clear advantage. ||
Corki and Annie are equal pre-3 ||
Corki and Annie are equal pre-6 ||
Corki loses post-6 ||
Corki outscales Annie. ||
TIP: Corki is quite pokey in lane - but lacks hard cc and is squishy. This allows Annie to dominate Corki whenever Tibbers is up. So to get onto Corki - sorc shoes are a must have as well as the one-shot build. Otherwise - don't let him be a second ADC in a team fight - kill him before he can make an impact.
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Corki no es una amenaza de la cual preocuparnos, tiene bastante daño, pero en linea lo tendremos bastante controlado, a menos que nos dejemos bastante expuestos como para darle ventaja.”
Redeemteam says “Fizz is also really good vs the ADC mid archetype, e.g Corki or Lucian. This is slightly harder early on because they can bully you before you have all 3 spells, and so you need to learn to play safe early until you hit your damage spikes. If you get ahead you oneshot them all of the rest of the game and definetly are a counterpick to them. Just remember late game, they scale well though and so its not a free win just because you get an early lead.”
A55AILANT says “has an escape and decent damage.
Basically an ADC midlane.
He has no CC or waveclear, so you should win the matchup as long as you farm up.”
Neekolai says “Free lane for you, Free late game for him. Try and spam ping your team to fall back when he has package as he DEFINENTLY will either try to gank them or try to kill you with his jungler.”
Little Planet says “Corki is both ranged, has solid waveclear and poke as well as a dash with a similar cooldown as yours. This means you can't really trade with him at all and have to rely on him messing up to get anything going.
Shove waves and roam, don't waste your time mid.”
Kscepersky says “Corki is also one of the easiest matchup's vs Veigar. He is pretty easy to kill. You can easy oneshot him at lvl 6 and you shouldn't have a problems playing against him.”
Joseph Evanss says “Hes very easy to kill in lane and especially after Beserkers + Zeal. Try to e and w him, wait a second to see if he dashes then q him. If he doesnt dash throw the q to make him use it still. If he gets items he hurts so make sure you can get on top of him and 1 shot him. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Blade”
zeldimi says “Very easy matchup. Poke him with Q whenever you can. Don't be afraid to take bad trades since you can outsustain. If he has the legendary dshield boneplating barrier combo, just don't.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Try to burst him down before lvl 6 go for all ins and you will be good to go but he can dash away from you so keep that in mind but a corki should be easy for a good qiyana.”
7daysko says “He can avoid your spells easily and he pushes the lane much faster pre-6, meaning you'll be farming under turret, which is very challenging for Anivia. He can easily farm though, being an ADC and all. Try to dodge his rockets as they hurt. You outscale him late game so hang in there.”
peytonqt says “[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] I forgot this character existed. As he is a poke champion just wait for LVL3 and you should be able to easily trade with him. Though if there's one thing to watch out for its his dash. You should be able to out duel him anyways. Just kill him. I don't have experience against a Corki but this is what I assume you would do.”
XD001 says “Really simple matchup. Kind of impossible to die to him. Take trades whenever your CD's are up and you know you won't mess up the wave state. Be wary of his mythic (immortal shieldbow) as it can save him and put you in bad scenarios if you aren't expecting it. Ping your team when Corki has package and is missing after recalling. Mid-late game play in a side lane and 1 shot him if he comes to match you. Ekko slightly outscales.
take Elec + Sorcery or Hail of blades”
Noodles912 says “Easy lane. Farm up, and stay behind your minions and a bit further away. His dash may be annoying early. Save your R for safety escapes. After level 11, you can jump on him easy. Dodge his skillshots if you can.”
Noodles912 says “Annoying, but easy lane. He is so mobile, that trading gets upsetting. Look for burst trades when possible, and use E to dodge his bomb. Play safe level 1 and 2, then you are fine. Tip: only use E to dodge him empowered ultimate unless you're gonna die.”
elnino9 says “Setup Q daggers, go in/out, use W after landing on Q dagger for a full shunpo refund, this is especially important pre lv 6. You can setup Q dagger on a minion or on the enemy champion directly. Avoid his bomb, walk back and forth then all-in when his Q is on CD. His E procs electrocute easily. Force him to use Valkyrie so he burns a lot of mana.”
PASS10NE says “Really squishy champion and is only useful when he has his package or when he scales. His scaling isn't as good as other scaling champions, so Corki is pretty weak. ”
Wunsch3957 says “Nobody plays him. Try to bait his W and all in. If he roams with passive ping your team and take his plates and towers. Conq with flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “The champion most simillar to you, but much weaker early and arguably. You can do whatever you want in this lane , nothing special to loo for besides his package at 8m and then every 4m after.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Easy matchup, you smash him early game and you smash him in an even situation, don't let him snowball or get fed or u will struggle alot.”
GeDBo says “Corki is considered to be one of Azir's counters. It depends really. But let me ask this question: Is it easier to beat Azir with Corki or to beat Corki with Azir? Meaning - Corki's skill level is way below Azir's. It is normal that he is considered an easy win when he has a dash mobility (W) and big range/big damage poke (R). As an Azir player I am confident that Corki is quite manageable to play against. Here's my tips: Once he turns level 6 stay behind minions. His only way of damaging you then would be to either him closing the distance between you two by using his W+E+AA+A, or just poke you with his Q. If he pokes you with his Q then this opens a window of opportunity for you to do a W+AA+Q+AA combo where if you have chosen Electrocute as your rune page, you will win the trade. If Corki manages to jump on you with his W+E+AA+Q combo then definitely use a soldier and dash to him so you reduce the incoming damage. If you have unlocked your ultimate remember to use it either exactly as he jumps in on you or when he is just about to leave the trade. But never use your ultimate mid through the trade as to this may open an opportunity for Corki do escape or kill you. DO NOT use your Q once he jumps on you. You should save your Q for when he either decides to back of so you can continue shredding him, or you can use your Q after you have used your ultimate on him. Remember: Stay safe and farm early on because you will be unstoppable late game. Good vision is likely to result in a win. ”
Edg3Lord says “Will simply outpoke you because he is ranged. You can't do much but play defensively. Most of the times, he will escape with his W. While fighting him head on isn't really that bad, you don't really get to have any time to shine up until you get your Stridebraker. The danged comes from the fact that you will get continuously harassed.”
Coldsong says “If you dodge Corki's rockets he is a super easy matchup, especially with magic resist. Punish him for forcing trades, and ping when he is gone, as he will likely roam. Oh, and watch out for his crazy late game.”
SoraSan says “Corki é considerado um dos counters do Azir. Vendo que ele tem mobilidade (E) e alto dano junto com range alto (R). Lidar com o Corki não é tão dificil quanto parece. Fique atrás dos minions após do 6 dele para evitar dano. Assim ele não tem maneiras de puni-lo. Se ele usar o Q para te pokear, abre uma janela de oportunidade para pokea-lo. Ele também pode usar o combo W+E+AA+Q caso ele use isso, use o soldados para se distanciar. Após habilitar sua ultimate, ele pensará duas vezes antes de usar esse combo, se ele o fizer você pode puni-lo com sua ultimate e tentar virar a troca contra ele, ou quando ele tentar sair da troca, use o Shurima Shuffle. Mas nunca use a ultimate no meio da troca, que pode abrir uma oportunidade dele fugir ou de te abater. Não use o seu Q quando ele vier em você, guarde-o para fugir ou para usar o Shurima Shuffle e abate-lo. Fora isso, fique seguro e foque bastante em farmar.
A Runa recomendada nessa matchup é o Eletrocutar.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) He cant do anything to you, champ is really useless anyways right now, he just sucks and doesnt do anything, very easy lane to deal with, would recommend ignite.”
Tizgard says “Easy to kill early game, especially if his W is on cooldown. Don't engage when he has package up, dodge his Q, and try to stay out of his E. You should just be able to outrange him late game.”
Hiimkata says “Fairly easy matchup because you can almost always look for an all in trade and if he w's away he is way more vulnerable to ganks. His kill pressure mostly comes from his abilities (Q and W early, R later) so try your best to play around his cooldowns. Anticipate his use of Qs on the wave and when you walk up to last hit, if you manage to do so properly you can confidently poke him out. Always follow his package roams since you are way more useful in skirmishes than he is even if you're a bit behind.”
CaptianMike says “Difficult lane! Mostly magic damage and high burst. The good thing is that he falls of late game while you grow stronger. Be patient and even if you are ahead, don't try to 1v1 him until late game”
ShadowSlayerMain says “His AAs are strong but when you get level 3 you can easily trade, he can't dodge your R's mark but he can escape with W, he can't block any of your damage”
UnoTrickCho says “Completely free matchup, he can never land shit. The only time he can win is if he uses his package to knock you into his tower when you greed for plates.”
KataTocDo says “Terrible early game. Easier as the game goes on. Dodge Q and shunpo when he E, W, or R.
Runes: Conq.-Dom. or Elec.-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Shield”
ZaneL says “WTF?????????? MUSLIM BOMBERMAN TRAITOR!!! 小心他会炸毁你的房子. To win, you must run to tajmahal, hide and pray for 3 months!!! 在那之后,他不应该成为一个问题.!!...>>”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Dollar to Dollar Corki has the edge on you. He has an aoe spray ability that can hit you easy in your shroud and a long as poke that gives him true vision on you. So he can really abuse you and your shroud. The key to beating Corki is to stop thinking about your shroud the way you usually do. It isnt a safe haven for you anymore. What it is now is a boost in energy. You pop it when you are out of energy so you can keep dishing out damage. Corki may feel like a big threat but he is still just a marksmen. He will die just like the rest of them when you bust his ass.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Pretty easy actually. Outdamages you in early game. Watch out for his qs and you should be fine. Nearly all rune sets work fine but predator is a favourite here”
rajsovsky says “Pretty annoying matchup, but you can win against him. Look at your healthbar. Ask for wraiths and dont fight him till you get rocketbelt/help.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs corki: Evita todas sus skills hasta lvl 6 donde tienes que pockear primero hasta que ya quede bien de vida para tradear. (hielo eterno para evitar su movilidad MUY GRANDE de su E)”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Corki's early damage is weak but he outscales you massively
- He's hard to gank or solo kill because of his W
- You either need to get a very mobile jungler (Zac, Rek'sai) to gank him, or just push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- You need to get sidelanes/jungler ahead as he outdamages you late game”
Chili Dog says “One of the easiest matchups, poke non stop, dont be afraid to take bad trades UNLESS HE HAS DSHIELD BONERPLATING BARRIER COMBO. Phase Rush recommended but both can be taken.”
FalleN3 says “Corki is a mobile champion and he deals a lot of damage. He can easily escape with Valkyrie should you try to all in him. Be sure to have your stun up for trading with him using your (Q)+(W) combo.
It's likely that he will out-trade you pre lvl 6. If he takes Barrier you will find it next to impossible to 100-0 him, even with Tibbers. Don't try to all-in him when he has full health.
After level 6, he gets a lot of annoying poke on you with his (R) Missile Barrage and he will hurt a lot.
Farm as much as you can and try to roam to other lanes to help secure kills and pressure.”
Sadkid says “Corki is pretty annoying. Early on if you can't hit E's he can manage to match your range and safely farm up. Late game he is a monster and can easily jump onto you with package. Punish his early as much as possible before he gets out of control, you win 2v2 scuttle skirmishes against him most of the time. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Dont let him roam, you outtrade him with phase rush if you run away from his E. He cant catch up with you using W. *Unless he has package* Ping your side lanes when he picks up package and make sure to try not to fight in teamfights while he has it.”
Katfire says “Don't see Corki much. His poke is extremely annoying and he will punish you for last hitting. You want to watch out when you hear him pick up his package. Usually that means he will go roam somewhere so warn your teammates. His W dash is his only escape so punish him if he misuses it.”
WolfRider01 says “Honestly this matchup goes either way. Fairly even. Take Conq into him. You are stronger than him early game, but he tends to do all in's and has really strong late game potential if fed. You will be poked, just try and drain mana and then all in when he's low. ”
MartyBG says “One of the easiest matchups for Lux, you win almost every single trade, he's really squishy early game so he's an easy oneshot, but he might outscale you late game so watch out for that.”
jhoijhoi says “Corki is a hybrid carry, who relies significantly on his magic damage abilities to harass opponents. Keep moving in lane, as Corki will attempt to harass you with Phosphorus Bomb, and his Missile Barrage at level 6. He can be difficult to pin down with his long range gap-closer Valkyrie.”
Bobbab says “Personally I hate this matchup. His W escapes all your daggers. He is an ad champ and when he has package he outroams you. A good Corki will ruin your day. The best thing you can do is winning early and hoping to snowball off an early lead.”
Manzey says “Corki is harmless, sure he can poke you down, but he can't really trade with you. He doesn't get any major powerspikes at level 6 so the game should be fairly easy for you.”
Veigarv2 says “Completely useless, this champion needs Teleport to get farmed up, so if he goes cleanse he is already really behind. he needs time to scale and so do you, he has no cc to setup for ganks and is really weak early on, enjoy getting 1000 AP.
go electro page with boots and 5% cdr/biscuits”
TheCatOfCheshire says “He got only 1 weapon to run away from you : his dash. To be clear, after the 6 you got the upper hand. But pre 6 he can be really dangerous, he got a lot of dmg, a good wave clear, and his passive gives him a free back, and a good engage. So play it safe pre 6, poke him a bit, charm him if you can, cause after 6 you've won if you have a clean score.”
Lunasta says “He will poke you until LV 3, after that it's really easy, just stay with your W on Water and E>Q him every time he tries to poke then W on Grass, Q him again and burst him down”
SkellyBirb says “Corki lacks the burst needed to kill you, so you could abuse it to gain your lead. Be careful if he has the package as he could likely 1v1 you with that.”
FalleN3 says “Corki is a mobile champion and he deals a lot of damage. It's likely that he will try to bully you off your farm pre 6. fter level 6, he gets a lot of annoying poke on you with his (R) Missile Barrage and he will hurt a lot but if you manage to stick to him on an engage you will 100-0 him no problem. Use caution if he takes barrier as it will make him a little harder to kill. Farm as much as you can and try to roam to other lanes to help secure kills and pressure.”
Bouhhsolene says “As he outranges you, you should play comet as you won't really be able to proc electrocute.
In this matchup, you should try to shutdown him as early as possible. In the early level, you can easily kill him if you touch your combo twice.
After 6, wait his Valkyrie to engage, so he can't get out of your R except if he flashes.
You really lose late and he will outrange you so play early.
Reason97 says “Corki has some decent poke potential to keep your passive down, and he's got a fairly safe lane thanks to his ability to dash out of danger. While he has the disadvantage of being squishy, he also isnt quite as reliant on his abilities as other midlaners, making your silence less effective as well. ”
Spection says “ UNCOMMON. Cork is pretty annoying. He is strong at both long and short range and boasts a very irritating escape. He can do a lot of damage whether you're in his face or at a distance if you're not careful! Play passive and poke a lot. Force his bombing move out before you move in for the kill! Only all in with the help of your jungler or if you are extremely sure you can net the kill.”
Fadedreformed says “Really easy matchup you outrade him and since his auto attacks are hybrid you don't take that much damage but care for his package which can be very disgusting”
xXkillercrackXx says “Corki can spam Q and auto you from level 1. Early laning can be tough, but he doesn't have too much kill pressure unless you let him poke a lot. Don't try to trade and just look to passively farm until 6. He can match your roams if he has package, but that isn't too often.”
Yuki H. says “Reliant on how well both you and the Corki play. If his Qs are dodged, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Start Doran's Shield if not confident, but otherwise, you can go for long sword + refill/3 pots. Short trades are in your favor, while extended ones could be troublesome to deal with. Always remember his auto attacks are now 80% magic damage and only 20% physical damage.”
Veralion says “It looks like Corki has fallen out of favor, and god bless. You'll be taking a ton of damage with every last hit. Save your W to run away from his Q; it covers a wide area and is pretty quick. Missile harass does a lot of damage and you’ll need to heal through it. He’s a monster with Triforce, so be extremely careful once he gets it. Get close before ulting him to give him less time to dodge with his W. Be very careful when you hear him get the package; he can yeet right on top of you from fog and catch you by surprise with whatever he just bought. If that’s Trinity, you’ll be in a load of trouble. The package slows you by 90% and does A LOT of damage. If you take even a single tick, you are probably a very dead dragon. Flash out of it if necessary; you CANNOT let it hit you, period.
Nodon says “his poke can become anoying but he's somewhat short range so u can combo him after his mixed dmg doesn'T matter to your ult and altho his w will let him run away from you he still takes the w+q combo”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Corki is similar to abnormal titans, running-flying doing things and dealing irrelevant high damages, he's dealing 50-50 ad-ap damage with AA's, focus on getting some damage, in lane, prioritize dodgin' his skillshots, they are doing quite a damage combined with ''Sheen'', other-way you shall be able to out-sustain him with R + Ignite-> E + W in early phases of game, at late game you can exterminate most of the squishy mages in a matter of seconds. Shouldn't be a big problem, care for his early- Malmortius and make sure you don't waste skill's'n flashes for irrelevant kill attempts.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Even
He is for sure annoying but your trades are better so try to poke him down often and beware of him coming out of nowhere with his package and watch for his roams.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
1256 says “mostly magic dmg, you outscale, dont get deceived because he acts like a normal adc and scales very good too, play it smart and gg
LightningTemplar says “You'll want to survive until level 6, then all in him with R first and then follow up his W with your W. You can also poke him with W+E+Q from lvl 3 and onwards, but you have to play safe without W up.”
SimonNGarfunkel says “This piece of @hit just won't let you play lane. Welcome to last hitting minions under turret by Q simulator. Worse if he freezes, he has good engage range so save W and hopes he messes up.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Corki is a mobile champion and he deals a lot of damage. It's likely that he will try to bully you off your farm pre 6. fter level 6, he gets a lot of annoying poke on you with his (R) Missile Barrage and he will hurt a lot but if you manage to stick to him on an engage you will 100-0 him no problem. Use caution if he takes barrier as it will make him a little harder to kill. Farm as much as you can and try to roam to other lanes to help secure kills and pressure.
Debonair Karma says “He has pretty short range but is actually really safe to pay. You're not going to land any damage on him and if he buys hexdrinker just focus on farming cus you have no chance. Take teleport or exhaust.”
Gageowago says “You win early game hard and can avoid or ignore most of his damage with little consequence. When he gets his ult try and stick behind minions at a distance to avoid the splash damage. Be sure to remember he has a long dash that he can use to avoid your charm.”
topal says “He is very squishy and he might be high range but if you catch him he is dead or out of lane .He can somewhat match your roams with package but yours are still superior. ”
ZombieZack1 says “Corki is a highly Predictable Mid Laner and can be Easily hit with your Skillshots, he Only does High amounts of Damage with his Items so In the Lane phase you will beat him”
Capparelli says “High mana costs mean if he uses his W too much he is useless, so thats your goal, force it out and fight when he cant use it, his roams are as good as yours sometimes so try to match his back time and predict where he will go, you will win a 2v2, hes still an ADC”
serruh says “i personally think this champion is beyond dogshit, BUT he can prove to be a menace if he's one of those little bitches who decide to go hexdrinker first item into you. he can also do small trades fairly well, so just look to shove lane and roam around the map, he will probably match you once or twice with package, but shouldnt really be a problem most of the time”
Kami_EU says “Easy lane, burning corki's W in lane will help you get close to him and outtrade him.
Similarly to Xerath biggest dangers lie in diving him, since he has multiple means of escaping.”
Sloyr says “His W his a really good escape. You probably won't be able to kill him, so try to roam and join early fights, his late game damage is really high so you either have to target him or avoid him during fights.”
8wolf says “Very rarely played. Has very good poke and good all-in potential. Didn't see this matchup that often, but you outdamage him as long as you don't let him get free q-s and e-s on you.”
Tehqo says “What the hell. If played properly, you might get your ass whooped. The moment you waste your Q, he can go in on you and chunk you. But you can easily ult him towards your turret as he only has 1 escape.”
Aizenvolt says “Corki can be easy and hard at the same time. Your poke can keep him in check but if you get hit by his basic attacks all the time you will have trouble. My advice is to combo and get out all the time. With the nerf of his basic attack damage on patch 6.7 it will be easier for you. If you are having trouble ask for gank.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/TP matchup.
Super easy to kill, treat him as if he's a mage and use same principles here. Only problem, is he's so fucking impossible to shuffle with his damn W. So it becomes afk farm poke simulator past 6. But pre 6 you can probably manage a sneaky solo kill using the same advice I listed for picks like Ori and Vel.”
EvilBird090 says “Corki's poke is strong and he is able to push you in while being moderately safe, when he goes for poke you should try to Q him, this will allow you to fast combo him later on before he can react with his W. Otherwise you will be able to outscale him by farming like most matchups as Vlad. ”
Cloud375 says “Has low damage potential until her gets his abilities. Starts to burst your really quickly if your not careful once he has an item or two. He has a major gapcloser so it's normally best to stay by your turret and get cs passively while asking for ganks from teammates.”
paykanishe says “This matchup is decently even early game so feel free to trade and pressure him within reason. He powerspikes much harder than Orianna mid game with trinity force, so try to match his roams and power as you hold out until late game. He does do lots of damage late, but he doesn't have the same impact as you do with your ultimate and shields for your team.”
Fox1ne says “The only thing you have to do is to respect his early damage with the fleet,before going to trade make sure you trade carefully and respectfully. Most ahri mains underestimate his damage at level 3 or 4.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “ADC's are weak against a pro Zed who bursts in Early Game so you will just have to stand under tower and burst him. You will have much more advantage when you reach lvl 6 and have your R”
Flygenring says “Get 3 points q and poke him whenever he goes to you eventually when you have lvl 6 you can turn on him and surprise dmg him with e+r+aa+w+q combo, keep in mind most corki's build hexdrinker to counter kassadins burst.”
Xavier Senori says “Corki is fairly easy to deal with, as by the time he gets his ult, your movement speed has started to scale up and it become easier and easier for you to dodge his abilities. His early clear is abysmal, so push him in under tower and roam. Late game he becomes a poke machine, so you may have to force engages against his team with flash ults.”
ClemexD10 says “Corki in early is just like another ADC, after trinity he becomes more hostile and has more health. Hit your E and dodge his R and Q with your R, stay away from his E.”
unownreality says “Pre-6, use your range advantage to poke out corki. Post 6, he ties you in rage with his rockets. Watch for his 4th rockets, and wait to use your bust until just after its expended. If corki has the package, do your best to farm under tower. If you see corki rotating, rotate with him, and use your ult to do some damage to hopefully scare him off long enough for the full rotation. ”
CC Diana says “Despite being a squishy target, Corki can be a pain to deal with due to his low cooldowns, high damage, and ability to out-roam you with The Package from Hextech Munitions. Corki is typically a mana hog and will often run dry if he spams his abilities in lane to CS. You should be able to sustain through his damage with your W and Refillable Potions.”
RagexAddict says “Corki is a rough champion for Fizz to deal with in laning phase. His poke is pretty solid with his Q and W and R abilities, and he can chase you easily to follow up on trades. Your best best is to either all in him at level 3 or wait for your jungler to come in and help you.”
The Jhin Cena says “Laning against a Corki should be a very easy lane. The only time he should be annoying is level 1, and maybe level 2, because of the constant poke. Though you should be able to heavily out damage him and dodge his Q and R in a 1v1. At level 2 grab E, and if he has you pushed up against your turret, then wait for him to Q and then E > Auto > W, or Auto > E > W. Try and land your E fully charged on him for the slow. However if he has W, then you should probably just land a regular E on him before he gets away. Level 6 is when it really gets easy, and you can just land your Ult on him then Q > E > W or E > W > Q for a free kill.”
SrSuders says “Corki mag zwar squishy sein, aber die laning Phase ist sehr schwierig, deshalb sollte man die Corruption Potion mit nehmen, um den starken Druck des Pokes stand zuhalten.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Corki is a slightly mild threat to you as he can zip over to you quickly, and he leaves behind a trail thats not safe to walk on. Just be alert, and get Banshees Veil and you should be alright though. ”
Bughans says “Rarely played, but on the occasion that he DOES get played, you'll have a hard time farming, but you ought to be able to oneshot him mid-game. Every time you take farm, be prepared to dodge SOMETHING. ”
Shderen says “Wave clear, crazy trading potential that comes in the form of burst AND extended damage, poke, mobility to some extent, he's gonna be annoying. You still can sustain though, due to his medium range. Be on the lookout as soon as he picks up his package and get ready to SPARE an ultimate for your FEEBLE-minded teammates.”
Fruxo says “Try to dodge his rockets, and try to deny him as much farm as possible. Try to make him choose either to use his abilities to wave-clear or to return damage towards you when your poking.”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “An easy matchup, you just outscale him. He does a considerable amount of damage later on but he will just get obliterated if he gets close.
Try to avoid his Q and taking longer trades, you can force a Cleanse/Flash if you trap him in the cage and your jgler comes.
Very easy to kill after 2 items.”
RemainingUchiha says “THESE ANNOYING CORKI MIDS will poke you out of lane, he has his w to run from you. Long range harass. If he doesn't build merc/hex/nullifying orb you should be able to win at 6.”
Jenkinsu says “He's very weak early, but if he picks up steam he's gonna do a lot of damage. Root him when he dives you though and you should make it out okay. His range isn't good”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Corki is a big 1 item powerspike champion. Once he gets his Tri-Force, he gets a huge amount of damage. Fortunately with your tumble, you can dodge a lot of his skillshots.”
moutenn says “He will almost always take exhoust. You should be stronger than him - so kill him early. Non of his abilities are REALLY strong, with heavy damage, so your all-ins are usually safe.
When he is around 50 - 60% HP:
Open with you (w-e-q) combo on him. If it does not land wait til your w is back up. Elektrocute is the longest cd in your poke kit - but if you dont hit your combo it wont go on cd. If the combo hits, reactivate it and start hitting him with aa.
When he w's away follow with your r. (This is most likely when he will exhoust) continue hitting him, and if he flashes you just got two sums. (There is also a chance that your damage was enough, and you get the kill. Else just wait your cd, couse he wont get armor, and your r is not on a long cd.
qasddsa says “Very weak champion that you can basically walk over at any point in the game. A Q max and either Electrocute + Ignite or Fleet Footwork + TP will get the job done.”
Sozzoh says “Corki isn't exactly easy to lane against, but if you play it right, you win the game. In laning phase, try to avoid having extended trades with Corki and his E, as this can chunk down both your built in armor and MR, making you more squishy than you already are. Pre-6, you'll want to try and abuse Corki whenever his W and or E are down, since this will give you an advantage. Be careful around 8 minutes, because Corki will pick up his "Special Delivery" at his base. Special Delivery does a lot of damage if you stand in it. This can be used to zone you off or all in you. Corki's W, can be stopped if you ult him in the middle of his path. Abuse Corki if he recently used his W, as he has no other means of mobility or escape. Post-6, you'll want to be careful because Corki does a lot of damage with his ult, special delivery and his passive combined. A full rotation of his kit landing on you may mean your death. Early game, try and poke Corki down and push in the wave, as Corki can go Oom faster than you, so if the wave is pushed in under his turret, he'll feel obligated to stay in lane so he can try and keep up in farm. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Corki doesn't do much damage until he has Trinity Force, or at least Sheen, so you can bully him early on.
His only mobility, his W, is on a rather long cooldown. Make sure to bait it with a big Q or even just your ult ("here I come to bubble you! just kidding!") before going for an all-in.
Watch his ult indicator and avoid his "Big One" missiles (every third missile).
Corki's package spawns at 8 minutes into the game and every 4 minutes after that. Once he grabs this and you get the sound cue, try to stay away from him until he uses it elsewhere or it expires (after one minute). His package W can be pretty scary.
macspam says “Generally an easy matchup because he is a DPS champ who doesn't do that much damage early game. Keep in mind he can dash out of the cage before it finishes casting, and watch for ganks with the package.”
Rosie Posy says “Corkie has the range on you so late game is when it's easiest to fight him so try to switch lanes with your toplaner if they're willing or stay under turret to prevent being poked down.”
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