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Sivir Counter Stats

Sivir Counters
Discover all champions who counter Sivir. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Sivir in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
607 Tips for countering Sivir below

Bottom Lane
51.17% Win Rate96% Pick Rate Sivir Bottom Lane Counters: 22 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Sivir in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

gaarrett says “Counters Nilah by keeping her under tower with superior waveclear. The spellshield can also ruin your engage with ultimate. Dodge her Q, save W for important fights or to farm safely. ”
14.19 Platinum Nilah Guide - The Cooler Samira by gaarrett | Nilah Player
EdenHoangKim says “Run fast, harass, strong combat. But loses 1vs1 easily.”
For The Joy Unbound! (14.13) by EdenHoangKim | Nilah Player
RatHound says “Annoying combination of wave clear and spell shield. You can't even leave your ADC alone because Sivir will poke and shove them under tower, making them vulnerable to dives.”
[S14] Actually Supportive Pyke Support by RatHound | Pyke Player
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Spellshield / Huge teamfight potential / High DPS / Good mobility / Insane waveclear | WEAKNESSES - Weak in early game / Hard to comeback if behind / Needs a lot of items to be usefull | WHAT TO DO ? - Weak champion, she just has a better wave clear than you and can trade easier but it's not a threat at all. Keep in mind that she can spellshield every single one of your ability. Mid/late game she still isn't a threat because she has no range and will take an eternity to do damage to your frontlane.”
[14.12] | The Fiery Fledgling [In Depth Guide-Builds] by Alvatorz | Smolder Player
Avxm says “Before sivir gets atleast 1000+gold you beat her extremely hard. Once she gets some AD however she can easily spam clear the wave and you must accept this. Try and force all ins and play very agressive in the first few levels. Do not level E against sivir as she can block it with her spellshield, and never use your q until she has wasted spellshield. You do not need to unlock R against her either you can just put points into q and w strictly until midgame”
Kociokwik says “Coin flip matchup, she outpushes you and you both scale well. She will push you all game so you wont have a window to kill her just stay bot and scale. Look for ults to help your team, I would recomend tp in this matchup.”
Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack) by Kociokwik | Karthus Player
Latte9969 says “Sivir is a very easy lane for Ezreal, her Q does a lot of damage if it hits no minions first so be sure to position in a way where she can't hit you with it but you should win every all in early due to her very low damage. She can also only spellshield one ability and ezreal's cooldowns are so short that it doesn't necessarily matter.”
S14 Ezreal Guide (Unfinished) by Latte9969 | Ezreal Player
Foxirion says “Sivir's spell shield and ricochet damage can pose a challenge for Kog'Maw in team fights. Her ability to block crucial abilities with Spell Shield, provide AoE damage with Boomerang Blade, and enhance team mobility with On The Hunt can disrupt Kog'Maw's positioning.”
afr0rk says “Sivir's entire kit kind of counters Ezreal. Her Q let's her match your poke early, her W let's her one shot waves which doesn't let you get push, her E let's her block one of your spells and heals her, and her Ult gives her movement speed to catch up to you. She outscales you, so your best bet is to play to win your lane and make sure she never reaches the point to become a threat. Consider getting early boots to dodge her Qs”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Half of the Sivir players in the game either autopilot or are braindead. Punish that, Threats n' Tips: her W and Q poke can get pretty rough sometimes. Vamp Scepter and maaayyybe Second Wind if you're terrified. E after her shield goes down. W her. You need to W her or she will run away.”
RatXDD's Silver Elo Premium Asshat Twitch Guide! by fuckingrathatxdd | Twitch Player
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