In the Jungle 50.04% Win Rate97% Pick RateVi In the Jungle Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vi in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “Really the easiest matchup of all for kindred. You can easily dodge her Q, you can always win 1v1, 2v2 is always yours (you only lose in situations where the other 2 champions are very different, e.g. kayle vs. darius) and 3v3 is always yours too. Your R counters her R.”
EstarossaSAMA says “The biggest threat here is her early game power, early gank potential and her invading you! If you're able to avoid her until you get form you should be okay.”
SelfLOL says “Very annoying to play against. Can lock her down with Root if she's charging Q. Edge of Night very valuable. Dodge q if can. Can lock u down in fights. Serpents can be good. ”
SkaterKidd says “Vi's W - Denting Blows' passive inflicts 20% armor reduction for 4 seconds allowing Vi and her allies to deal more damage to Maokai. Vi is able to dive the backline making it difficult for Maokai to decide whether to frontline or peel in a teamfight.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. She can look to invade but you can dodge her Q with your E. You clear quick and outscale hard. Save your W for when she ults you in fights so her backline can't do anything.”
DoxxTheLeague says “vi r can easily be countered just q her when shes about to ult you and then as soon as its over use your r try to run away as much as possible and isolate her from her team and close in on her in teamfights if she ults you. you outscale and easily kite her just side step her q.”
Nyxxx says “She's annoying but killable. If she gets ahead, you have a major problem. You don't win against her early game in a 1v1 but late game you can burst her down.”
AlgebraLinear2 says “With her it's a matter of who gets fed first. In teamfights, she will most likely try to go for your carry. Pay attention and try to act as a peel when this happen, since her going for your carry will let her exposed; also, don't try to trade carries. She is way better than you in that and your team will not be able to follow you since they will be handling her in the back.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Vi is also one of the most annoying junglers against Neeko. With too much power from her Crit and Bruiser build. She can crowd control burst you in matter of seconds. When she casts her [Q] onto you when you use your passive, you are automatically revealed and prone to 1 combo. Good spacing will be hard against her since her [Q] just fills the gap spaces between you. Your [W] clone and Zhonya's Hourglass will be your savior against her. Do counterjungling and full clears against her, hide your presence from the map to avoid her from knowing your pathing and gank options.”
Yomu says “Dodge her Q with your W then you win the 1v1 every time. If she R's you just buffer E. Early game and mid game you win but she punishes with her team way better than you do.”
Maciejson says “She can cancel your Q and lock you down, so it's best not to fight her unless you know her Q is on cooldown. Her ultimate can kick you out of yours if she targets you before you cast it, so it's important to avoid getting caught in it. The matchup becomes much easier in the late game. However, as Shadow Assassin, be cautious; her ultimate locks you down long enough for her team to kill you if you're not careful.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Annoying matchup. Vi is overall an easy matchup, you out-tempo her and can snowball. She has a level 3 cross map invade window, but it’s rare to be invaded by her. You have a lot of outplay potential with your E against her Q. Use your W to tank her damage when she Q’s in. If she R’s you in a teamfight, similar to Rammus taunt, make sure to W so you’re in safety.”
L0ganJG says “Dodge her Q with your W then you win the 1v1 every time. If she R's you just buffer E. Early game and mid game you win but she punishes with her team way better than you do. ”
Foxirion says “Vi can be a moderate threat to Viego. Her ability to lock Viego down with her ultimate and her strong dueling potential can make her a challenge to deal with”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Annoying matchup. Vi is overall an easy matchup, you out-tempo her and can snowball. She has a level 3 cross map invade window, but it’s rare to be invaded by her. She can be annoying with her R, but if your R is up, you can avoid the knockup as long as you don’t get hit by Q beforehand. If Vi ults you during a teamfight and you’re positioning is good, you’ll just win the game. Matchup is a little harder high elo. Conq is best vs her”
Mignognium says “Si elle prend le lead se sera trop dur. Mais vous pouvez toujours gagner si vous êtes à armes égales, même kills, même niveau, même golds. Suffit juste d'être meilleur mécaniquement. ”
Cookiemanman says “Vi isn't a large threat to Volibear. You are much stronger than her in the early fights. You can also dodge her R (ultimate) with your own which completely negates any CC coming your way.”
RuinedJG says “Like other melee matchups, she has an auto reset and a 3 auto combo that reduces armor. Conq or Phaserush can be taken here, base it off the rest of her team. Care for her R as if you are fed she will most likely single you out and have free point and click CC on you.”
HawkSP says “Vi’s commitment to fights makes her vulnerable to Ivern’s counter-ganks. Bush placement can disrupt her ability to engage with Q or ultimate.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Vi: She has a lot of cc and dmg......
HOW TO PLAY VS: Almost never chase her since her q cd is overpowered and you cant really 1v1 her becouse of it.. When taking objective she can r you and it will be hard so try to zone her away from it ideally or setup it somehow.. if you have some turbo carry like zeri twitch then peel them from her point click cc”
PuppyDontPreach says “totally fine. easy win. *UNLESS SHE GOES FULL TANK*. full tank actually kind of sucks and i'd put that in minor/even. but a lot of people build damage into her ugly ass so u shouldn't really gaf fathands is useless asf ”
xTechikaze says “Shes strong lethality. Easy to dodge her basic combos but late game shes a virus deleting squsihies. You will want to peel her most the time rather than going for their back line. Go tankier and protect your own since her R is gauranteed to get her to your back line.”
Daawwnn says “vi has alot of damage and cc she can be cancelled when she charges q youve got enough damage to kill her 1v1 but disengage if she hits q on you since she burst you after hitting q”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Try to bait or dodge her Q. Her Q,Auto,E,Auto,E combo hurts a lot if not one shots you. Her point and click R is absurd so when she R's you, take her with you into your team so you can all kill her. and when she R's one of your teammates, be ready to R her off them right after her R is up, to save your carry teammate from death.”
aS1lenT says “Dodge her Q and you kill her and in the teamfight bait her ultimate on you or wait until she doesn't have an ultimate. Recommend Bruiser Kha Zix”
garbocan says “High commitment jungler who goes in without many ways to get out. This makes her very easy to countergank.
If you see her winding up Q to get in range for her R, make sure to place a bush down on her target. Ivern's bush takes less time to pop up than Vi's Q charge, so this is a consistently viable way to counter her.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Apart from her insane lockdown potential she doesn't really have that much burst. The moment she uses her combo you will outsustain/outdmg her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time against Vi, due to Vi her bruiser- + bursty-+ Isolation focus on 1 Target playstyle —> Briar has an easy time recovering + stat checking into burst playstyles, thereby Briar E disengage + R work really well into Vi her Isolation Focus on R.
Briar has a stronger stat check and jungle clear speed than Vi during the entire game, however… Briar can have a hard time creating Gap Closer + Target Focus early on —> Vi Q channel Dash cannot be stopped by Briar Q, when Vi charges into Briar Q leap.
Coccaa says “invade her at any chance you get. you can cancel her Q with pillar and just kill her easily in a duel. Once she has 6 it may be a bit closer but if you R after she R's you will win almost every time”
MusicJG says “After the nerfs she is kind of weak early on.
She has a meh clear, you can look to lvl 1-2 invade her since she usually starts W.
Be careful to fight when her teammates have tempo, or she'll ult you and you'll die.
TheBougis says “Vi is very strong thanks to her knockups and armour reduction.
You can buffer your Q during her ult and you can ult your duo out of her ult.
Play safe and let her engage onto you and not vise-versa.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a way stronger early pre 6 than Vi, thereby Nidalee her mobility makes it easy to dodge Vi Q's that will lead Nidalee into an easy win. Dealing with Vi R in 1v1 and teamfights will be hard, Thereby rushing boots and/or gaining Zhonya's Hourglass is recommended whenever pressure will be applied on Vi R. Gap closer from Vi can be annoying to deal with once she reaches 6 with low Q cooldown.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed has the mobility to deal with Vi Q's and force short trades into her. Thereby Zed R can be used to remove Vi R in order to be free of crowd control.”
Scratchyerik says “Sure Sunderer + Cleaver sucks. She's trolling if she ever goes on you though since you can E+Q right after. or charge Q on whoever she ults.”
metalhydra273 says “You don't have much stopping Vi from going in and doing her thing. You more or less have to rely on hoping you can punish her before she lunges back out. She also has potential to burst you really hard while you don't threaten her too much in return 1v1. Once the ult is gone though, you can get her killed pretty quickly with your team. Look for picks, and don't get picked.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not impossible, but highly annoying seeing as how she shreds armor and most Vi players build lethality damage these days so she's hard to fully keep from building up at any build. You cant stop her ult, so if she engages with it past you, be ready to jump in and help your poor teammate.”
MrFerrot says “Vi is a bit of a menace, but she isn't very popular. She has her Q, which is basically point and click CC (also a good escape from your ult when used over a wall), and also her ult which IS point and click CC. Early, abuse her long cooldowns by counterganking and stealing farm. Later, play to kill others in teamfights and let her try and kill someone else.”
Apari1010 says “This champ is turbo broken and will outjungle you most games. A very worthy permaban. Early and mid game she can lock you down no matter where you go. If she ults you, you're forced to take the brunt of her damage but if you survive it, you just win. You outscale her so try not to lose too hard early.”
BradJr says “Vi has bigger range on her CC, bigger burst and a bigger CC chain. The only downside to her is that you are a way better team-fighter and she is an easy target if she misses Q. (clone rating 9/10)”
ttvRegedice says “You beat him 1v1 early if he has less hp, so don't take bad fights and you're fine. However, make sure to buy Edge of Night so she can't R you and lock you down for her team to collect your shutdown later. Her Q is a nuisance. If she locks you down her W shreds your armor by quite a lot. After last whisper item + EoN she's not the biggest threat unless she got fed early then there's not much you can do 1v1-wise. She is a "major" threat b/c her point and click R, Q knock back, and shields are very annoying. Winnable matchup but respect the opponent even if fed.”
Borinn says “She can fight you early, mid and late game but if you are ahead even just a little you can kill her. You have stronger team fights than hers. Try to protect your carry and you can win. You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Very popular champ at the moment. As long as she does not get free kills early on you are able to outfight her. Her Q is very predictable this is the main ability to shield. Once she hits 6 she often tries to chain Q into R. Get hit by the Q and shield the R and she will be forced to run or die trying.”
frickin nardy says “keep track of her location and ping it. Vi has great ganking potentail.
Use your empowered e when she is charging up her q, to cancel it. Ingage on her when she is snared.”
King Nyash says “Her early game is way stronger than yours.
track her jngl pathing avoid her early on and be careful of early invades
after form you should be fine if she is not ahead
Prowler ignite is recommended if you dont need sustain in teamfights ”
ShinyEmo says “I hate this champ. She can lock you down in any teamfight. Try to dodge her ult with your Q but you will have hard time doing this as she will wait for your Q in fights. Hope that there is another great carry in your team so she can't focus both of you. Other than that it is an easy 1v1.”
Majd1 says “Vi in the current patch is extremely durable and has massive amounts of damage. You need to win in the early game. Play with your ranged auto attacks and kite her. Post level 6 she beats you, so make sure that you get an early stopwatch/hourglass to counter her ult.”
1Strike says “50/50 if she gets fed she wins, if you get fed you win. Just E her Q and kite her. I don't think it's that bad but you really need to know your ranges well into her.”
Narcissisticdude says “Vi also feels really strong right now, with Radiant Virtue, bruiser items and green smite, she is all but unkillable !
Luckily Vi's first clear is fast but painful, she will be low, look for her then.
Pre-6 she is a weak ganker, you can look to counter gank !
Vi is also a pretty scripted champion so use unorthodox methods against her straightforward 'honest' kit.
Mechnical tips:
1. R her R, but don't wait too long, the window for doing is actually pretty shorted but luckily very scripted!
2. Her qs wind-up can be very deceiving as she actually reaches max distance pretty quick, but can hold it for a long time, try not to get baited.
3. This champion will stick to you like chewing gum, so avoid walking in the river when she is nearby, she will DEFINITELY buy enough time for her team to come and kill you if she doesn't kill you herself.”
Degryh says “Evitar enfrentamientos en early game. Si consigues el level "6 " antes debes ir a matarla antes de que lo consiga ella también. Dependiendo de si vas por delante o por detrás en items/farm/level. Pero normalmente es a su favor el machap.”
Dabgren says “Personally I recently ban Vi since I think it's a really unfair matchup damage wise she outdamage you early on and has better damage earlier..”
checca says “Vi is a pretty strong counter to Zac at all stages of the game because of her max health damage. She can cancel your E with her Q knockup, which can be annoying. She can also pin you down with her R, making it difficult for Zac to break the chain CC. However, if you are even or ahead in gold, you will be able to beat Vi.”
basrty1p says “Dodge her Q and prepare for her R by using Zhonya's or lure her to your team to kill her. You can press E to stun her during her Q and R. She'll be useless after in the late game if you can do correctly.”
L1x123 says “Vi is a menace in the early game, especially against Kayn, and she can kill you even in the late game if you are playing Rhaast.She can also kill you if you lower your guard(with Shadow Assassin).Because she can lock you down.I usually go Edge of Night against her.”
rianflqmes says “vi is a champ with enough cc and damage that you will not be able to play the game at all. your best bet is outscaling her and ignoring her in later stages of the game.”
Davecraft16 says “You can easily dodge her q and kite her. If she uses her r to come near you and kill you just use your r and kill her. You scale way better so just don't make dangerous play early and this matchup is yours.”
PRODIGE says “Total domination over Hecarim. She can perma CC you to death in Teamfights, win almost any duel against you and etc. Be careful when you facing a Vi and try not to duel her. Just try to get some free kills and your 3 item power spike by ignoring her early on.”
Bhyure33 says “Vi can beat you in 1v1s at the early stages of the game, and she can burst you midgame if she goes Eclipse (her dmg build). In teamfights if she decides to use her lockdown cc for you, it is not possible for you to survive. But if she, for example, goes for your adc, you can go to their carries as she is no longer peeling them. You scale better than her and she probably can't kill you in midgame if she is going Divine.”
TheSoloNinja says “Her ult will activate all your boxes as it travels, and since she's unstoppable she isn't affected by your boxes. Tanky and hard to kill, try to countergank.”
RaidenKaos says “She does have a better 1v1 early if she manages to hit Q and is deceptively squishy with her shield passive so be wary.
She's usually not a good jungle pick, however, regardless how well you play she can always press her lockdown R on you. Try waiting until your teammates eat her R for you.”
Riccardo126 says “You can block all her combo dmg with E shield and all-in her. Hold W to stop her defensive Q but dont even try to block her offensive Qs with your W, it won't work.
Remember you cant stun her during her R”
MythicalMinute says “With Vi you want to make her ult you in fights then ult as she's about to arrive, this will put her in the middle of your boxes/team without taking any damage. If she ults someone else, box them immediately or atleast behind them.
AP is great here.”
ItsSplash says “Vi's somewhat weak early game gives Evelynn a sizable window to get her Mejai stacks going and snowball the game. Evelynn's R can dodge Vi's R.”
It's that simple, later on she falls off hard, consider starting opposite to her to dodge scuttle fight. With red form, you can fight bruiser Vi but you can't fight attack speed crit dps Vi, with blue form it's the opposite.”
Dabgren says “Vi kind of the same as Rek'sai with the edge of Night, she just q's you if you q2 into her, which can make you get caught, annoying matchup earlier on aswell as Vi is really strong early.”
spuki97 says “Do not fight her, she can beat you easily if you are not ahead. Make sure you are playing the opposite side of the map or countergank if her gank does not work out. Best build: Bruiser/Chinese strat”
Kukiziuu_ says “VI is very strong and big threat for kayn, why? she have big early lead. She can easily invade. She have high gank potential.
- In my opinion, avoid her and try to take objectives and counter gank her.”
RengarNBush says “Very easy matchup, you jump on her and you beat her to death 1v1, just make sure to kite and use your w effectively. She can peel teammates by cancelling your jump with Q/R and locking you in place. Jumping in later in the game and failing to oneshot for a reset means death.”
Eagzey says “Watch her Q and dodge it, should be ggez. Don't just go in if she has Q + R because you will lose a lot of HP for no reason. Once she uses Q or is low, you can kill.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When skirmishing with Viego, try to make sure there is a minion, monster or crab in between you and him so it blocks the CC on his Spectral Maw(W). Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major objectives warded so you can spot him before he is able to secure the objective for his team. If you counter gank Viego, keep an eye out on him stealing your allies abilities and turning the exchange around. Be prepared to fall back if he kills and takes over your ally.”
Saltu says “Think twice before fighting if she is fed due to high burst capavilities, save stun for when she charges her dash, once no dash RUSH AND KILL.
Broken ass bitch, fuck this champ and her ability to insta alt+f4 your adc, mage, assassin life support.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the Dragon warded at all times. Vi has good objective control and take them pretty easily. One way of countering this is by keeping the objectives warded or taking them before she gets the chance to. As Vi is an early game Jungler, try to place vision around her jungle entrances and in the river to reduce the chance of her getting successful ganks off. Vi can gank from level 3 onwards once she has her Vault Breaker(Q). Try your hardest to equal Vi’s pressure by ganking often or counter ganking her. If you’re not as good as her in the early game, try to secure objectives if she shows on the opposite side of the map or invade her jungle and steal away camps.”
lumihehe says “genuine skill matchup. if you can dodge her Q, you win. if she can dodge your Q and your ult, she wins. 1v1's with gwen vs vi are always fun, and if you have an armour item and your 2 core AP items complete, you will destroy her.”
[Vi is a pretty good champion, people usually underestimate her but she has a pretty good burst and kit overall. Your Q cancels her Q, if she R's onto you, then R onto her, not as an evasion since she can still CC you after your R. I recommend on letting her combo you then taunt her when she tries to get away (similarly to Master Yi).]
Darksword255 says “Super easy to deal with. Hold Q to follow her Q or block CC from her R. you will sustain her with ur autos and can stop her with ur E.”
rhvse says “Easy matchup. Block her dash with W and rush Guardian Angel. She does damage in the first seconds of combat. Upgrade E first, you need a lot of CC into her.
ItsAydam says “Most of the times Vi is minor threat since the players don't like to risk fighting you. If they do try to fight you dodge the Q and you win. Galeforce is insanely good against her and like other auto attack based champs, tabi is good. Try to fight her early game and do not be scared. She is an even threat because of the impact she can have early game.”
NegativePhoenix says “Varies on how good the Vi is. Early game is hers but late game is skill based depending on reaction time and who can get fed better. Your lifesteal makes it hard to kill you so make note of that. Just be sure to use your E after she ulted or her Q is on CD otherwise you'll get knocked out of it. I need to test if using W on her mid-ult stops her from reaching you still.”
HadesxLH says “É muito chato jogar contra Vi por que o CC ranged dela costuma deixar voce Preso no chao nas fights e pode parar sua sequencia bem facilmente, o porém é que o clear speed dela e do viego são similares e Viego da outscale lategame na Vi, ou seja nao deixe ela acomular vantagem.”
SunLongGod says “you can dodge her Q with your Q or your mobility. However, you should focus more on dodging her ult with your Q. avoid fighting her without knowing enemies' locations, she can set you up very easy
NegativePhoenix says “A pretty consistent champion overall that can build multiple paths as needed and STILL be insanely useful for her team. She'll out-damage you early game and sometimes late game depending on the build and if she manages to spot you since she'll most likely ult you to pin you down. If you know her ult is down and she still chases you, charming her is a good way to make her back off as it'll scare her someones nearby or that you'll burst her before she snaps out of the CC”
Sammystinky says “One of the few who can gank with the best like you. In team fights, try to stop her from killing your carries and be aware that she can use ult to dodge your CC. ”
Shro says “Vi is a tankbuster and she will do surprising amounts of damage to you even through your W and all your items. Her mobility is also absolutely insane, so be careful with it comes to her!”
GrayJinxed says “The early game is pretty simple, dodge her Charge up dash (Q) with your hop (Q). Once she has Ult (R), and she is going lethality, you must Ult (R) otherwise you will be one-shot. ”
AiiNeX says “She is annoying af, buy serpent and thornmail into her so she doesnt have shield after every spell and does not lifesteal to full from one aa”
WONDR says “A good Vi will counter your jumps with her (Q) and she will have sufficient dmg to punish you so dont fight her alone. You can't cancel her Ult btw.”
ioprocessing says “Difficult to duel, and a strong early ganker. Try to match or outpace her tempo and avoid one-on-one fights. Your CC is stronger at locking down targets in teamfights, so you can win if you keep even or ahead”
APigHunter says “Vi will burst you down given her kit of gap closers and high damage abilities. It is therefore imperative to avoid her at all costs because she will kill you. Her ganks are fast-paced and it will be difficult to fight”
YoungTact says “Really easy jg matchup. Can W her Q which is a very telegraphed ability. You also clear faster than her so you're in the advantage at every angle here. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Played couple games into VI, i dont feel like she is hard matchup at all. Only thing i would concider is just focusing you with R followup with Q and just get you out of a teamfight but zhonya should be enought ”
Dabgren says “Vi for kind of the same reasoning as the Rek'sai. If Vi charges her q as you q2 into her, she can deny the damage and knock you back which also I would recommend Edge of Night for.”
Madabc says “Has hard CC for when you leap in. Treat it like a Lesser Lee Sin match up in the way of getting edge of night 2-4th item. You will cut through her pretty easy late game. The Q for her makes it a little annoying to 1v1 so if u can double W after her Q-Auto-E auto cancel your sitting pretty in the 1v1. ”
Janooobi says “Avoid early skirmishes with Vi so she doesn't get a lead and it should be straightforward mid-late game, she has to commit into your team with her R to be viable and that is perfect for Sejuani to counter”
DuckT says “Jethal Jempo
Pre-6, this loses to you if it misses Q.
Post-6, you lose to this regardless of if she lands Q.
Once you finish Prowlers + Black Cleaver, you can nuke her as long as she doesn't one-shot you.”
Consolo says “Just countergank early and keep her far enough away from your team so she can't ult a carry. She does have some fatty early ganks though, so be careful. If she does, KEEP THE REST OF HER TEAM FROM FOLLOWING UP. YOUR TEAM HAS VI COVERED. I PROMISE. ”
Scythe Prince says “Do not fight her unless you know that her Vault Breaker (Q) is down because she can cancel your Reaping Slash (Q) and lock you down. Do not try to "outplay" her by using Umbral Trespass (R) when she locks her ultimate onto you, as it will NOT cancel the cast. You will be knocked right back out of your targets body. During late game you outscale Vi.”
OTP Toxin says “Run away when she pops up in your screen, when she hits her R on you, wait till she gets close enough and hit her with your blind! She will miss her Ws and Qs on you after her ult.”
Tiger-Moose says “Great at gap-closing due to her Q and R. Her W shreds armour, so be wary of that. She's pretty good at dueling and will not be one-shotable unless she's behind or is building lethality.”
MrMeem45 says “Skill matchup slightly in her favor. If she goes Eclipse, go Goredrinker and survive her burst before retaliating. If she goes Sunderer, coordinate with your team and try to drive her out of her jungle so she can't afford her expensive bruiser items and falls behind.”
Elekktro says “Vi is frustrating because if she is good she will use her lock down CC to stop you in fights. Playing against her is hard BUT you have similar clear speeds and Viego outscales late game.”
J98TheGreat says “Vi hits like a truck. Her ultimate can also deny you the chance to peel for a teammate so it would be nice to have someone equally threatening on your team as well or just take her out before you take a fight. If Volibear is on your team just steamroll them and even if she dives your backline his dive is more impactful with you at his side.”
NMFO says “Vi is absurdly strong right now (Preseason s12) but even still Trundle can get ahead early on her. Be sure to stay ahead of pace of her and with your Q you should out-duel her.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Vi has become a Terror in the jungle cuz of the Lethality build. Try to side step her Q. Don't R away cuz she'll follow you up with her R. Death's Dance would be a good choice.”
Roguejokester61 says “Since the release of Arcane on Netflix everyone has wanted a piece of Vi. Vi is an annoying champ to go against in the first place as she has a point click ultimate that does massive damage and CC's you for ages. You can deal with Vi as Kha'Zix as long as you take her on with a team mate or solo in isolation. If you ever get into a teamfight Vi is going to charge her punch/dash and plow through all of you splitting you all up and destroying your armor. as long as you play safe and work around her passive which gives her shields you should be fine but she can be a major counter if they know how to play well or predict you.”
GranadaExperimental says “This champion has CC in her Q that can doom you if she hits you, but if you manage to dodge it as much as several of her hits and do it well, you can more easily beat her as she completely loses her ability to stun you. (unless she has her R). but still be very careful when faced with her.”
Da Mastah says “She's a strict dom from early to mid game, so make sure to avoid fighting her through early levels, try to countergank her too as she is vulnerable when she has to deal with multiple foes. As long as you dodge her q with your q you should be ok when fighting her later on. You outscale her HARD so just make it through the early and mid game while denying her ganks and you should be fine.”
Mayday36 says “Vi is a threat because the passive on her E shreds you armor and allows you to take more damage from multiple sources which can be really problematic if they have other strong AD champs such as vayne or tryndamere.”
michaelairl says “this girl from zaun really thinks shes all that.
do NOT let her punch you. get your dodging skills good and STAY AWAY UNLESS U HAVE BACKUP!!! you have no chance of solo killing if shes just gonna fly away”
The Elysian1 says “Don't fight before eclipse. Obv she has better gank set ups but you outjungle her and have more of snowbally game play. Her damage is insane in 1v1s so if you get caught , try to escape with your W.
Zyvran says “She's stronger than you at all stages and the point and click ult is annoying. However, you can Package away as she ults you to drag her through it.”
Doubtfull says “I don't have that much experience with this match up, but Lillia is weak to champions that can one shot her and lock her down. Vi does both of these things. Invading early game is probably a good bet. Beware she can dodge your ult with hers. ”
RactickTTV says “The biggest threat here is her early game power, early gank potential and her invading you! If you're able to avoid her until you get form you should be okay.”
NixLychee says “A strong duelist, she can duel you early, and is even more flexible than you when it comes to build path. Abusable if she doesn't have her Q up, but otherwise she can roll you. You can kick her off of your carries if she ults, but only after her ult animation is finished, due to her unstoppable. Abuse her terrible early attack speed.”
KamiKZ says “Kha vs Vi is a Kha favored match up, you can fight her as long as you are not on low hp its easier to fight her her Q is down so wait for her to use Q on jungle camps”
LordGrox says “Heavily counters you, as she builds a rather tanky build that offers a lot of CC. This effectively shuts down any engage potential you have. Ban-worthy right now.”
Polarshift says “Early game you can just kite her out by dodging her Q, but after level 6 she will be a nuisance and dueling her will be near to impossible.”
Veralion says “HoB or even Electrocute Vi is very threatening now. She usually wins straight up fights... unless you take exhaust and ruin her HOB burst. If you manage to juke her Q or wait for her to use it before engaging, she's dead meat and easily run down with a red buff. If you meet her around crab, wait for her to Q the crab, then go. It's got a very long cooldown until it's maxed. If you get caught out and she ults at you, ulting right as she reaches you will immune her dunk and stop her from following. Don't be late for drakes, as she is almost as good at killing them as you are. ”
Doubtfull says “Vi has multiple ways to interrupt you and LOTS of damage. The upside is she likely won't invade you early game. I've not played this match up but the winrate suggests its a difficult one.”
Arfreezy says “Similar to Jarvan matchup. You win the 1v1s throughout the game so path towards lane priorities to begin establishing a lead. Maintain grit stacks to bully her early if she contests your scuttle. Play for efficiency since you can outfarm her and outscale her.”
Tormentula says “A lot of people struggle with Vi but personally I find her easy. When Vi starts channeling her Q, she's slowing herself and its a free cocoon unless she uses the Q to dodge it (so win-win), if she ults you can Rappel it, and if she ults your teammate, she also is CCing herself that you can follow up on and cocoon her afterwards. ”
Doubtfull says “Flash onto Vi when she is channeling her Q and you can cancel it and one shot her. You can use your ult to dodge her Q or even her ult. This is a pretty easy match up, as long as you don't start the fight off by getting punched in the face by her Q.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Zhonya's if her team has a lot of AD. Plated Steelcaps if her team is full of AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Vi is a good early/mid game champion, ask your team for help against her since she's fairly squishy early on, and don't try to 1v1 her at any circumstance, she can catch up to you with her Q dash and follow up with a strong burst damage, use Phase Rush to run away from her. Level 6 she can cancel your ultimate with hers, so don't ult her until you've seen her waste this cooldown, get Zhonya's to avoid her knockups and damage in general.”
KamiKZ says “Haven´t played this match up much, but as long as you can dodge Vi Q with your E and kite her from Auto attacking you with her E by using your E or fleetfootwork movement speed you should be good to go and easily 1v1 Vi at all stages of the game.”
Insightful says “Easy matchup, you clear your camps a lot faster and it's very easy to deny her CC with blackshield, and specially when she uses her ultimate ability, since it has a very clear animation it shouldn't be too hard to deny it.”
sonminh says “Very strong early game, don't fight unless it's a coordinated 2v2. AD is not that good into her, AP or bruiser is fine. Later in the game, decide on playing front to back or back to front depending on how strong she is. ”
Karasmai says “Surprisingly a lot of my Kayn main students come to me with struggles of VI but she's a scripted champ very basic playstyle very low optimization. She will always go to solo drags, her clearing is very meh so you can powerfarm easily. Ward a lot so keep trinket and Control Wards on the map so she doesnt get free ganks and in teamfights. If she ults you Blue smite her and Ult her to cancel her ult entirely BOOM easy win. + you can W her mid q if you’re rhaast, You can go either form so its coolio.”
MexBookMaster says “El primero que se feedee Carrea. Puedes anular su R si tienes buenos reflejos y usas la Tuya antes de que te toque con su puño. Rhaast es mejor en este match porque debido a que tiene un Stun point and click en su R puede acabar con Shadow Assassin (Azul) muy rapido.”
ak521 says “Shreds armor so build some health (armor if she is really ahead). Disregard previous if going AP. Q-Stun them as they charge up their Q, don't let them finish it. Ulti if they go on an ally, self-explanatory.”
Dabgren says “Vi for kind of the same reasoning as the Rek'sai. If Vi charges her q as you q2 into her, she can deny the damage and knock you back which also I would recommend Edge of Night for.”
Rhoku says “Vi is not too difficult to deal with in a 1v1. You beat her up and you can cancel her dash with your pull. But her ultimate is SOO disruptive and it CANNOT be counterplayed. It can make 2v2s and teamfights very difficult. She also snowballs quite well like you. You outscale her and if you manage to 1v1 kill her early, then you just turn into a monstrosity compared to her though. Just don't be caught in a position where she can easily ult you and turn you into a free kill for her team.”
Kayncer says “Can kill you in early, can kill you easily if your slightly behind in mid game as well, try to counter Jungle her a lot, Blue Kayn looses this matchup more than Red Kayn!”
Ellesmere says “With the 6.5 buffs I've bumped up Vi's difficulty as her early game damage is even more ridiculous now. Vi is all about early ganks. Yes you can 1v1 Vi once you are sated, but your focus should be on making sure you control the map better than she can because she will be looking to gank every chance she gets.”
RedNBlue says “She can cc you early but you can probably get a 50/50 chance of winning a duel with her in your games it just depends on if she has her cool downs and if she has summoner spells.”
Stratogos says “She is strong and can cancel your ult wit her ult.Avoid 1v1 and focus on farming and safe gangs. In teamfights she is not that strong ”
OnlyEkko77 says “She has the potential to outduel you nearly the whole game, because her kit is full of cc and burst which will be annoying.
Avoid fighting her in the early stages of the game.”
RichMrFork says “Vi is looking to gank and grab objectives early. She can solo dragons very early with the % health damage and do it relatively healthy so try to keep the dragons in vision. Keep in mind her ultimate is an incredibly strong lockdown tool so keep tabs whenever it should be up or not.”
Kayn Mains says “Vi is able to cancel your Reaping Slash (Q) and lock you down. Do not fight her unless you know that her Vault Breaker (Q) is down.
Do not try to "outplay" her by using Umbral Trespass (R) when she locks her ultimate onto you, as it will NOT cancel the cast. You will be knocked right back out of your targets body.
During late game you will be able to outscale Vi with Black Cleaver, but stay aware of her Vault Breaker and try to dodge it whenever you can.”
LilPaniniUwU says “A strong counter, she can duel you early, and is even more flexible than you when it comes to build path. Abusable if she doesn't have her Q up, but otherwise she can roll you.
metalhydra273 says “Vi can be tricky to lock down before she hits you first, and in many cases you'll get chunked hard if she does. Try to outpace her around the map as if she falls behind all she can offer is engage, which if you can survive she'll be in trouble.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Vi is able to cancel your Reaping Slash (Q) and lock you down. Do not fight her unless you know that her Vault Breaker (Q) is down. Do not try to "outplay" her by using Umbral Trespass (R) when she locks her ultimate onto you, as it will NOT cancel the cast. You will be knocked right back out of your targets body. During late game you will be able to outscale Vi with Black Cleaver, but stay aware of her Vault Breaker and try to dodge it whenever you can.
Gamyeon says “Easy match up, just don't get hit by Q and you'll be fine. Vi players usually think they can win 1v1 level 3, so cheese invade him on opposite buff level 3 and you'll either kill him or burn a flash. If possible, flash to kill.”
uSgSello says “Winning matchup.
Elise is strong against Vi because you can cancel her Q with your cocoon and dodge her ultimate with your rapell. Also you can trade with vi in everytime moment because of that.”
MrMeem45 says “If her burst doesn't kill you (which it might if she's fed enough) you should win this matchup at all stages of the game. However, her strong ganks make her a bit tougher to deal with than the average jungler, so proceed with caution.”
theceasrsalad says “her q is a lot of her damage but if you manage to dodge it you should be able to outkite her with you auto range beating hers and her lack of stick potential”
PK Noob says “If you feel threated by her, you can simply just w away. The only way she can kill you is if she ults you. Avoid duels with her unless your extremely fed and you should win the game.”
JuvX says “Since Vi overall kit is much more "balanced" than ours. It is very hard to win a post 6 fight vs Vi when she gets the jump on us. With her R cc Locking us for 2 seconds. ”
Kindredgarten says “Dodge her Q punch with your dash and you can most likely kite her for an easy duel. If she gets fed, she has a lot of burst so try and avoid fighting her then.”
Caled says “Playing against Vi can be rough if she gets an early lead but Kayn does have counters to pretty much her whole kit which is pretty cool. A cool trick to know playing into Vi is that you can dodge her Assault and Battery (R) with your Umbral Trespass (R) as long as you have done damage to her prior to her using her ultimate. The best way to do this is by running blue smite and smiting her mid-ultimate. As Rhaast, your Blade’s Reach (W) cancels Vi’s Vault Breaker (Q) allowing you to counter her even more. Outside of these counter mechanics, play the early game on the safer side especially if Vi is running Hail of Blades. Vi’s Hail of Blades proc especially before you hit form hurts A LOT. Going Shadow Assassin into Vi, just dodge her Q with your Q and use your Ultimate into her’s. Edge of Night can help playing into Vi as Shadow Assassin if you are having trouble.”
Loul_60 says “My most hated matchup. Painful to deal with at all stages of the game, destroys Kayn early as she has a good clear yet very strong ganking and fighting. Late game if you go Rhaast, she becomes less of a threath, but is not fun for Blue form.”
litecrunch says “She is a very good dueler early in the game. Don't fight her. She also has really good lvl 6 ganks. Do your best to outfarm her and look for free ganks if the opportunity arises, as well as objectives. If she ults you and your team is nearby, ult towards your team and away from the enemy team. That way her ult will put her in an unfavorable position, giving your team a chance to kill her quiclkly before Vi's team can respond. ”
liserith says “Her main engage, Q, is pretty easy to dodge. Unless you can't see her coming, you can easily avoid it. Make sure to ward as much as possible so she won't catch you off guard. Kiting destroys her, and once you remove her engage, she's easy prey. ”
TheInkKingLoL says “Difficult to duel. Watch for invades. Give early objectives. Late game play for picks and kill Vi in fights if she dives backline. Dodge her Q.”
Gumipapucs says “Vi's style of jungling is pretty much identical to yours. She can spamgank, powerfarm, and in between. Early, you can kill her if you keep your Q to dodge her Q. Later on, she pretty much destroys you in an 1v1 scenario, even when she's behind if she plays it right, as she might be able to CC you long enough that you don't even have time to press R. If she's ahead, your best bet is to ult right away when she ults you. This is a very volatile matchup without any recipes. You can make your own moves and she can make her own moves, it very much depends on the current situation whether you want to counter her moves, or make your own moves. You two are very dangerous to each other, so it's an intense game off chess. I don't know why, but what happens 10 out 10 times when i play into a Vi is that i trade my toplaner for a drake & possibly some botside camps. Playing mostly around objectives & punishing her for being elsewhere by taking the objective/camps/gank the opposing lane can be a safe play, but will not always work out as she can really get out of hand. But don't forget, just like you.”
KeyTheMonolith says “With her cc and heavy burst going into a vi as kayn can be incredibly painful but if handled well this matchup can go either way just try to avoid vi across the map and dont try to contest her in counter ganks or scuttle fights.”
Kindred xD says “Annoying champ that you better avoid. Let her engage on someone else....If she misses her stuff and has no R she is kited out easily tho,”
Tinjus says “She is one of the only champions that can 1v1 you in the early game. She poses a massive risk for you in fights and you will probably get perma-cced by her if you choose to jump in onto the carries. Fighting her when she has warrior is a big mistake unless you are able to get the jump on her.”
Unawesomeness says “Vi is pretty good. She can be tanky or damagey, and you should counter her by being just what she is. Lee Sin is pretty capable and can do pretty good against her.”
UnaFlauta says “You should be carefull about this matchup. If she builds lethality just don't fight her. If not, dodge his q and she will not be able to do anything”
PsiGuard says “Vi has better team fighting than you but you can beat her 1v1 if you block her Q (or R after 6). Use R to counter-gank when she commits her R on one of your allies. Avoid diving carries if she's nearby, since she can break your shield and R you to lock you down.”
Xavierix says “Start with Emberknife.
Keep the Dragon warded at all times. Vi has good objective control and take them pretty easily. One way of countering this is by keeping the objectives warded or taking them before she gets the chance to.
As Vi is an early game Jungler, try to place vision around her jungle entrances and in the river to reduce the chance of her getting successful ganks off. Vi can gank from level 3 onwards once she has her Q.
Try your hardest to equal Vi’s pressure by ganking often or counter ganking her. If you’re not as good as her in the early game, try to secure objectives if she shows on the opposite side of the map or invade her jungle and steal away camps.
Keep in mind that Vi has great pick potential with her Ultimate R. Avoid walking too far forward in a team fight as she may pick someone off who has stepped out of line.
.Depending on Vi’s build path, she could look to assassinate targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone. If she is ahead with lots of damage, do not go through the river if it’s not warded.
If Vi initiates a fight with her Vault
Q, try to burst her down before she is able to activate her Ultimate R. Even though she is tanky, she is prone to burst damage and CC.
Remember that her Q and R can easily cancel your W and R. So use your abilities after she used hers ones.
JunglerBuilds says “Has better jungle clear, watch out for those early ganks as she has high early damage. Can focus targets more easily than you, but has a higher cooldown on ganking effectively.”
ChaseMorePlz says “One of the hardest matchups for Amumu since she displaces you very hard with her CC. Just a plain counter honestly, when she charges her Q it's the best time for you to Bandage toss with your Q to put it on cooldown. ”
CaptianMike says “Super annoying. She is tanky, deals lots of damage, and ganks really well. It can be hard to fight her at any stage of the game. Try your best to counter gank but above all focus on your farm until the team fight phase when you can take her down as a team. Don't feed her for your own sake
ChaseMorePlz says “Vi's combo can burst you down easily early on if you don't get Cinderhulk. Further down the line she will have to attack your carries in order to win the game so what I would do is focus on keeping your lanes safe while also gaining advantages by knowing where she is if the early game goes bad, then focus on the late game.”
DarkWither says “Vi has a really good close gapper if your opponent knows how to use it, so be aware of that.
Zhonya's hourglass is useless with her armor shrreding so if you want to fight her keep your distances.
Note: if she has her flash up do not even try 1v1.”
sonminh says “Very strong early game, don't fight unless it's a coordinated 2v2. AD is not that good into her, AP or bruiser is fine. Later in the game, decide on playing front to back or back to front depending on how strong she is. ”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade but before you jump wait untill she will use Q on camp so she can't escape.
Vi will probably gank a lot so inform your laners about it and counter gank whenever you can.”
Ezio_Auditor says “Christ, this matchup is a pain. The problem with Vi is that you cannot fight her early because her clear is unnecessarily healthy and her early damage is higher than yours. The next problem is that Vi goes unstoppable during her ultimate, meaning that when she dives your backline, you have to wait for her to exit her ult and CC your ADC before ulting her to punish her for diving. You definitely outscale here, but It is really hard to get to that point where you are stronger than vi. Take whatever dark seal stacks you get and run with them and the tempo you can get from an early kill from a gank. ”
G Spot God says “If you ever see a Vi in ranked, make sure to let her know that everything she does, skarner does better. Not much to say here, dodge her q and it should be an ez win. Tank it to the face and you probably still win lol.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you outclear her , you cant fight her early though, and she might out gank you, so avoid her and ward for your team and ping them, also try to spot her on map cause its really helpful, if she doesn't get fed, and you get your form, she's doomed.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Vi is a strong dueling champion and she can deal a lot of damage. The best thing to do in this match-up is to be the one to do the counterganks because that way she will have blown her abilities by the time you go in.”
EvoNinja7 says “She is really powerful in the early game, much like lee sin, Try to avoid 1v1ing her till you get kraken slayer. Once you get that it's a lot more even depending on xp and items.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you outclear her , you cant fight her early though, and she might out gank you, so avoid her and ward for your team and ping them, also try to spot her on map cause its really helpful, if she doesn't get fed, and you get your form, she's doomed. ”
RedNBlue says “Easily kitable just don't get hit by her Q and keep watch on her cool downs if you can. You should be able to kill her at level 3 and 4 in the Jungle.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “She doesn't really do anything to be honest. She can do some damage if she gets ahead but otherwise she's not a huge deal. Don't let her cancel your W with her Q and you'll be ok. Bonus points for dodging her Q. Any build works fine but Kraken is the easiest.”
VelocityCrack says “Could you create Riot a dumber R? Could you? Really? This is annoying. One of the things that hard counter K6 are the CC, and Vi is the Queen of CC's in the jungle. Literally she has an R non-skilshot, guied, knock up, that slows down and deals great damage. Something else? Sooooooo annoying.
Just ban her. Or dodge. Non sense ulti.”
SuperMajorPain says “Vi is also much stronger than Sej Early on and she gets rid of all or if not most of Sejuani Armor in fights, to beat Vi you must Out farm her and Gank opposite lanes to where Vi is, your aim is to break down towers on opposite lanes to her ganks as Vi will only be Ganking for the kill ”
SubwayCheese says “I count her as a major to blue Kayn simply because she just pushes you and forces you to head on fight her which is fine for red Kayn but definitely not blue.”
Ivern OTP says “Just try to time your q with her q and you should be good. You can also deny VI R with your bush if you place it fast enough.
Vi can do early drakes and should always have vision on drake vsing VI unless you're willing to trade drake for a kill top + rift.”
ractick says “She might be the hardest match-up for Kayn.
She destroys you early/mid.
You can only go Red against her and even then it's a hard match-up. She scales well too...
I usually ban her. Up to you if you want to try to play against her with Conq/Red Kayn.”
CalicoCactus says “Vi has such strong ganks, objective pressure, armor shred, and lockdown button to top it off. Avoid if you can. Keep an eye out on her W stacks and try to not let her one shot you.”
White Cr0w says “Easy matchup. Yes, I said easy matchup. epicly easy to kill on her jungle (she uses everything earlygame to farm), squishy early after his shield goes off, you can evade his ultimate with your own and she doesn't have a true escape mechanism. If she tries to use punch charge (Q) to escape, Deceive in her path so she can't advance.
She is also so easy to countergank if you and your lanes ward a bit. at lvl 6 she has amazing ganks though, so be sure you spot her everytime he leaves base.”
Minase says “For some reason there's a YouTuber going around saying that this champ is Evelynn's hardest matchup, but she is super easy. You outfarm her and you're literally invisible so she can't even get the jump on you. You don't win pre-6 unless you are confident enough to dodge her Q, otherwise just powerfarm and enjoy the free win.”
LoL destroyer says “Vi is an even threat because the amount of damage she can do at an early level, she falls off late game generally but is a problem if she gets a lead.”
FalleN3 says “She has very high early game damage and can really put you behind easily. Ward and play safe, keep an eye on the map and camps to predict where she is. Try your best to dodge her (Q).”
FalleN3 says “She has very high early game damage and can really put you behind easily. Ward and play safe, keep an eye on the map and camps to predict where she is.”
metalhydra273 says “Vi bursts you down pretty easily and it can be hard to lock her down with her mobility, as well as her ability to cancel your r if she times her's right. She's doable if you play smart, but far from easy.”
DemacianStandard says “At no point in the game will you be able to duel VI. She can escape your ult easily with her Q or R and murder your backline. Avoid confrontation and try to only gank if she is visible on the opposite side of the map.”
Xidorian says “Shreds armor so build some health (armor if she is really ahead). Disregard previous if going AP. Q-Stun them as they charge up their Q, don't let them finish it. Ulti if they go on an ally, self-explanatory.”
NixLychee says “She does percentage health damage, and so you building health won't be as effective. Her ganks are decent, so make sure to ping her if you see her. ”
gurubashi35 says “Your Q can negate Vi's Q knockback and her R, and you out-damage and out-sustain her in a duel.
The problem lies in her diving and disrupting potential as a bruiser. Her R allows her to single out your carries and possibly kill them, so peel for your carries come late game.
Her damage depends on her snowballing, and she's weak to your invades, so staunch her gold income as much as possible.”
reganakers says “Vi has a good amount of damage, but she has some easy cc to counter. It is very telegraphed so if she tries to 1v1 you you can just easily press R and take your free gold. If she has trinity force at quite an early point in the game she may be able to duel you.”
McSushi says “You can 1v1 her when you get your IE, but before that it will be hard, unless the player is bad, as she removes half your hp bar with q aa e. not worth banning.”
wild overload lol says “Mais ou menos no mesmo estilo do Lee Sin, porém, você pode enganá-la com seu clone (R), o seu problema real é que ela faz objetivos de uma forma muito rápida e bem antes de você (Enquanto ela faz o dragão nível 4, você precisa do seu nível 6).”
PsiGuard says “The key to this matchup is to not let Vi see you post-6 before you've actually charmed someone. If you walk too close to her, she'll just press R on you and you can get locked up until you're dead if she has allies nearby, or at best you'll be forced to waste your R to escape. Either wait for her to use her R on someone else before entering fights, or get your burst done really fast so you can ult before you get locked down.”
PsiGuard says “Vi's biggest threats in a 1v1 are her Q and ult, both of which can be cancelled by Rek'Sai's abilities. Unburrow to cancel Vi's Q and she'll have very little damage to fight with. Post-6, you can ult Vi before her ult hits you and it'll completely avoid the damage and CC, putting Vi's ult on the full cooldown. While it's possible to fully outplay her, it's not easy. If you get hit by her main damage abilities, chances are you'll lose the 1v1 and will have to try to retreat.”
Happty says “Avoid fighting her alone in both early and late game, as she can easily outdamage you, and is both a tank, try to fight her with your allies, and also try to avoid her R, try to convince some of your allies to tank her while you're doing the damage.”
RageAx says “Can 1v1 you early and goes even late. In a teamfight try to engage away from her as she will cc you into oblivion. Ward defensively, try to avoid being counter ganked and just out farm her.”
League Of Cursed says “She will go in. On whoever she wants, you can't and won't stop her. Granted, your e can stop her q in its charging form. That is your strongest time against her; try to silence her mid q then fear her and hope you have back up. Late game that should be enough with your team to blow her upt.
Dopamine_influx says “Vi is super annoying with redsmite and tabi, can fuck your team up with ult, but you're way stronger in counterganks and early fights, so play for that.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Rengar is stronger than Vi during the first clear however once Vi reaches level 6 she can out trade you. Keep in mind Vi has the ability to cancel your burst and lock you in place.”
NoLyfe says “Bitch ass insecure lesbian with 0 counterplay. She's my usual go to ban but if you get through champ select with her on the enemy team, use your rammus strategy on her aswell. If she just dives your carry , ignore her and burst her backline. ”
AWierdShoe says “Vi relies on getting close to her opponents and hitting them with her CC to do work (and she's pretty good at doing that), but you can avoid her Q with your E if you know where she's going with it. If you get ulted, you'll want to pop W immediately after the animation is over. Play around your team as she can only lock down one champion at a time.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Her Q and ult can really mess you up in teamfights, so try to stay out of range until she uses her ult, then go in. If you manage to dodge her Q you win any 1v1 as you can just kite her out.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “She deals ridiculous damage with Hail of Blades and will CC train you before you even have a fair chance to retaliate. Ban or avoid her if she is fed.”
Omega Zero says “Vi can exert a good amount of pressure on you and your team through (Counter) ganks, especially with Dark Harvest becoming popular which could mean that a Vi that decides to go for a more damage-focused build could surprise you and others early on in the game, so take care when fighting Vi! If Vi ults you either Alpha Strike her or another unit if possible, as she has 2 abilities that will interrupt meditate!”
Megalondon says “Every champion that can reach you easily is threat for graves because you have to kite them and when they are sitting on you and stunning you is really hard to kite them. But remember Graves can bully Vi in early game and avoid threat.”
QzKama says “Feast or Famine, she can go from absolutely free to difficult due to her ult, if she doesn't snowball herself and her team you'll be fine.”
DarkPit59 says “Vi est l'un des meilleurs champions pour sécuriser une cible et lui infliger de lourds dégâts. En équipe comme seule, elle est très puissante et il est préférable de conserver votre charme pour lui échapper. Ses counter-ganks sont mortels mais vous pouvez également tenter de gagner le duel si elle prend beaucoup de retard.”
Fresh Diamond says “She has very high early game damage and can really put you behind easily. Ward and play safe, keep an eye on the map and camps to predict where she is. Try your best to dodge her (Q).
U can kill her late game 1v1 but u cant 1v5 , even if you are feed . ”
Hawary says “definitely not a threat, if u played against VI invading her red camp is a must u finish ur red and blue buff faster hide in her bush steal the buff and take her virginity”
SapphireLoL says “She basically has the same attacks as you, except you can dodge her Q, Vault Breaker easily with Tunnel. Ulting at the same time as her prevents too much damage being taken”
WickedPoppet says “She will go in. On whoever she wants, you can't and won't stop her. Granted, your e can stop her q in its charging form. That is your strongest time against her; try to silence her mid q then fear her and hope you have back up. Late game that should be enough with your team to blow her upt.”
Vazo says “Vi is a champion that can either Q in or out to her likings. This matchup can go either way depending on the skill levels and the team comps.”
SavageFy says “Vi's damage, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid her early game. Vi often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Ehxakt says “She will try to kill your backline. Just peel your adc. You cant win a 1v1 with her. Just avoid her early on. In teamfights she isnt a threat for u.”
TrevorJayce says “Vi has a lot to shut you down with. She can knock you out of bushes, point and click stun you, and become tanky as all shit so you can't touch her without being obliterated. Your best bet is getting 4 stacks and cleansing her R with your W, but even then it's a tossup. Handle with care.”
Nico449c says “if you dodge the q you will win any fight against vi early lvl 3 you can easily invade her. She got good ganks tho so either try get some good counterganks or purely outgank her since you got the better gank.”
Agrakonis says “Make sure you time Q to get a speed boost to kite her Q, if you manage this you have the advantage. Usually this matchup is rough for malphite but with this build you have the advantage if you especially early as you will not be relying on armor as heavily and will have great natural damage output simply off runes and malphs strong base stat scaling.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Vi is a strong dueling champion and she can deal a lot of damage. The best thing to do in this match-up is to be the one to do the counterganks because that way she will have blown her abilities by the time you go in.”
briguy1109 says “Insane early damage, CC, and shields.
You will start to win fights after you finish your Tabi's, Bloodrazor, and Rageblade.
Win Condition:
Early game, never fight her alone. Stall out fights with W only after her dash is on CD.
Stick next to your backline in team fights in order to kill the Vi when she R's your ADC.”
RaptorDre says “She is too tanky for you to burst and she can burst you back. She has a lot of CC to back her up also. Do not fight if she is a small bit ahead.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “She clears camps relatively slowly. Use this time to get yourself ahead from either ganks/farm lead. Don't try 1v1 her until you have at least duskblade.”
Lasoor says “[General] The CC+Burst+Gap close is so quick that it leaves little room for out play. However if you manage to trap a Vi after she used her engage then you can quickly burst her to a pulp with help of your Maiden and ghouls. ”
CryAwake says “Don't underestimate Vi's damage she is very strong due to her passive W however try to block her Q with your steadfast presence and stun her against a wall.”
Her0mars says “I doubt you will face her often but she can wreck you with the % hp damage and armor shred. She can cancel your channel with her Q, or her R, and just generally run you down. Everything about this champ can shut you out of a game but this is dependent on her ability to snowball. As a carry jungler / tank(ish) jungler she needs to get kills and kill carries to win the game.”
Hamstertamer says “Her long range point-and-click ult is a nightmare. Even if she jumps a teammate and you conter-initiate, she'll just ult you. Tank up to survive her burst (phantom dancer/BT/GA/etc), and fight back with red smite.”
Ajagara says “She will devastate you in a 1v1 early and mid game, if you are full build she stands no chance against you. Be careful of her counter jungling as well.”
Oniikin says “If she misses Q you should have a free kill pre 6.
Avoid her much as you can unless have support from team.
Avoide one shotting late game, always get squishier targets.”
theasianmiyagi says “If Vi starts a fight, chances are she will be able to deal more than 50% of your life. If you can survive her ambush, you CAN turn it around.”
Intello says “Vi is a tough matchup since she has a dash, on target ult that'll cc for a few seconds, is tanky, and does alot of damage.
When you see her charging up her first, move side to side before she lets go to make it hard for her to land it. If she misses it and doesnt ult you then it's an easy escape.
If she does have her ult just accept it. DO NOT FLASH IF SHE ULTS IT WILL FOLLOW YOU. Instead wait for it to finish then EW/Flash away.
Later on she wont be that big an issue.”
Aht3ns says “HUGE COUNTER IN 8.19-9.3! Her CC is overpowered, and there isn't really any counter play to her right now. She is a real 1v9 champion because of this weird squishy champ meta. Make sure your team has burst tanks and build tanky yourself. Good luck! Buffs made her better but low elo will focus on the best parts rather than countering ypu, so she is a 4 instead of a 5.”
TheLord110 says “if she is going tank try to 1v1 in the early game as much as you can,
force ganks and go for marks only when no enemy is missing.
if she is goin DPS try to avoid contact with her since she can close the gap between you in second.
Q backwards and R if she is trying to dive you.
don't go for marks unless you know where she is unless you can get there faster then she can (very risky play).”
Killerbacca10 says “Only champion you can not punish! Be careful. Stay on the other side of the map. She will kill you on sight. AVOID 1v1s at all costs. I perma ban her I recommend. DODGE IF PICKED.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A pretty even or similar matchup to Xin with the exception that she can not properly 1v1 him, try to outfarm her while not letting her pull off any ganks on your team during early and midgame.”
LixoPanado says “She's amazing at canceling your ulti, but not so great at catching you after using it. In teamfights you might get hard focused though, if not, they're toast.”
Lil Trash says “She isnt a threat to you unless she for some rasons buys stormrazor which is REALLY strong against but still she won't pose such a threat”
NightmareBug says “She is one of the only champions that can 1v1 you in the early game. She poses a massive risk for you in fights and you will probably get perma-cced by her if you choose to jump in onto the carries. Fighting her when she has warrior is a big mistake unless you are able to get the jump on her.”
BurstTheBots says “With proper timing you can snare her mid dash but to be safe just snare her while she's charging up and trying to get into range but avoid face checking while you're putting down a ward in river or tri bush.”
WiskeyANDGin says “she can beat you in a 1vs1 early game.Get items and its ok, she wont beat u no more.U cant block her ult with your w so u dont have outplay potential”
xTheUnlimited says “Vi is a pretty strong jungler. Her Q and her ultimate are both pretty useful spells for a gank or for picking off a carry. You are way more tank than her, but due to her bruiser build she will do more damage than you. Avoid duelling her without allies by your side. ”
BUILDAWALLLL says “she has to dash into you to fight so just plave your E on the ground and it will destroy her. force her to dash thru your E kite around it
LePlay says “She hits quite hard with her W and shreds your armor once you get caught in her combo. Try to use your W whenever she charges her Q. Additionally, you can´t block her R”
TTTWEEE says “You don't win against her... But do not worry because she doesn't get picked often. Try to help your team snowball so you they can kill her for you. Avoid her in 1v1s late game.”
SpicySkelleton says “Haven't played against enough Vi's to give a more detailed threat level. Her combos can make it tricky but if you're able to build your tank build and combo with your abilities. You should be fine.”
L3gislacerator says “Stop her Q chargeup with your stun. If she dives onto you or a teammate, use your ultimate to ignore any follow-up her team might bring.”
Pancakedwastaken says “She is extremely strong when fighting people in close range. Just remember that you have lifesteal and bonus damage while she doesn't and this shouldn't be a problem. Ult when she or her teammates get to close to make sure you are only dueling her alone and you will erase her faster than Darius vs Teemo”
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