As a Support 51.76% Win Rate100% Pick RateMilio As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Milio as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
TEMMA says “Troca de dano Franca
Utilizar a passiva verde no ADcarry inimigo
Zileanaire says “Milio is kind of just like a mosquito. Annoying but not a big threat. If he's paired with a long range ADC he just makes them more annoying. ”
ZedAway says “his kit is not really that annoying, his ult does not cancel out urs, the only downside is his Q which is basically most of his annoyingness comes from, bait it then do whatever u like.”
Aerenax says “Milio can be an annoying little kid when playing against him in botlane. He can cancel you pulling towards him with your Q by using his Q - Ultra mega fire kick. In teamfights he has the ability to cleanse everyone with Breath of life. So if you CC someone he is out in a matter of seconds. He can't cleanse the knockup of your ult, so keep that in mind!”
zSharpFire says “The utility he has and the damage he can make his adc pump with his passive is uncontainable early and worse late. When your adc is not strong enough early I suggest you ban him, as a lane such as Millio-Kog'maw will be completly unplayable.”
Arctic Arrow says “Milio can be a challenge, especially when paired with a strong ADC like Caitlyn, due to his ability to provide significant zoning and utility. To handle him effectively, keep up the pressure by engaging frequently. Use your W diagonally to dodge his Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) if he attempts to knock you away, and leverage your Q's range to find advantageous angles.
Serpent's Fang is highly recommended to counter his shield and mitigate his defensive capabilities. By managing your positioning and cooldowns, you can balance the lane and handle Milio’s disruptive abilities.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Milio has limited synergy against Senna, as his focus on heals and buffs can be easily overcome by Senna's poke. He lacks effective engagement or crowd control tools to directly threaten Senna, making him more useful in survival-focused games.”
TnDD says “Milio, Bard'a karşı çok kötü bir seçim onla küçük takaslar gerçekleştirebilir, ultini kolaylıkla rakip ADC'ye atıp takım arkadaşlarınla beraber kesebilirsin.
Milio'nun kolay matchup olmasının en önemli sebebi de ultisini işe yaramaz yapıyorsun. Senin ultini arındıramaz. ”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Milio can be kind of a pain in combination with cait or something similar so you will have to engage them to keep the pressure up, However you must use your W diagonally to dodge his Q if he tries to kick you away(since your Q has quite the range you can look for those kind of angles) Also serpents fangs is HIGHLY recommended ”
Foxirion says “Milio’s support abilities can pose an even threat to Rakan. The outcome of this matchup can vary greatly depending on the players’ skill and game conditions.”
glimppi says “He can't really kill you or your ADC, but he will be very difficult to deal with later in game and in team fights. Try to get your ADC ahead early.”
schizoslvt says “if he is paired with lucian or twitch its unplayable lane depending on how reliable you are with hitting hooks.if he is with something like MF its easy lane
Be careful of Q cancel with his Q”
Velkyann says “Millio does nothing against you in pratically any level but he can buff certain adcs to a problematic level. There isnt much to do against him, your level 1 is horrible because of his Q but level 3 above you can play.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Not as bad as Soraka due to less sustain and mediocre shields, but his R can definitely hard counter you. Only saving grace is that he can't R if you stun him!”
Razing42 says “Milio is an annoying matchup as he can use his Q to deny your travel with hook and he will scale very well into the late game. If he ever uses his Q for poke look for a fight.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] You'll be playing around Milio's Q, it's his peel and his main source of damage.
Punish his long cooldowns and try to bait his ult once he gets it. A good Milio can shut down your engage and leave you in a terrible situation.”
Drygur says “Kicks the ball at you when you E and it's GG and it's really cringe. Pretty unplayable without baiting the Q out which will not happen if the Milio is good, or you must have flash/ADC looking to create space/pilot the stun for you.”
Saethwyr says “Milio isnt the worlds worst matchup, but his ability to peel you off and access to decent poke makes it still a rough lane for you overall.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “He's mostly ya know, dodge his fireballs. He does a lot of shield and healing, typical enchanter. Not too bad. ”
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quecck says “As long as you can dodge Q most if not all of the time you should be fine. I'm having traumatic flashbacks of him Q'ing me in the face as I write this :'[ ”
Xintero says “His ult is very annoying. He can cleanse and disable immobilizing effects with it, and also heal. His W is also a problem if there's a Caitlyn, since you will have trouble poking. To be honest, I don't see Miliot in low elo.”
JordyGSmiteq says “Milio has very low damage, and an average attack range. His only form of poke is E + AA, or Qing a minion.
Tips: If he wastes Q on a minion, WQ, any E (I recommend EE or EW), into any Q ability. If he's walking up to E + AA, make sure you're using bushes or taking advantage of him not using cover.”
quecck says “As long as you can dodge Q most if not all of the time you should be fine.
I'm having traumatic flashbacks of him Q'ing me in the face as I write this :'[”
akamanto says “If you have a bot lane that can with in 2vs2 you play aggresive with glacial and you flash stun him when even you see the chance .
But because milio is very good and can protect his adc you must be sure you win .
Else you can just roam cause milio players just wants to play with there adcs a lot
HotEspressoooo says “amazing heals, shields, and anti-engage. bait his Q with ur W and all in kill. NEVER DIVE THIS CANCER CHAMP. his ult negates urs.”
Razing42 says “You win early against just about any lane with Milio. His level 1 is quite strong because of his two charges of his shield, but you can still punish him early game. He can knock you away with his Q while you're traveling with Q.”
Aerenax says “Milio is an enchanter that can poke you down with his extra attack range from W quite easily. Play around this cooldown and lane will be fine. ”
mazewalk says “He can disengage whatever you do and gives lots of tenacity to his team. But thats it. His shields are really weak unless he uses both charges on one person and same works for his heal. Still, buy Thornmail confidently since he is only useful with autoattack champions. ”
Shadowcrushers says “
Milio is a formidable opponent and a major match against Soraka due to several key factors. While Soraka is known for her healing abilities and supportive playstyle, Milio possesses unique qualities and skills that can turn the tide of the battle.
Burst Damage: Milio is an exceptional burst damage dealer, capable of quickly and efficiently eliminating targets. His high damage output can overwhelm Soraka's healing capabilities, making it difficult for her to sustain her team through Milio's burst. Even though Soraka's Astral Infusion provides significant healing, Milio's burst potential can negate her efforts and take down priority targets before she has a chance to react.
Mobility and Crowd Control: Milio excels in mobility and crowd control, allowing him to constantly reposition himself and disrupt Soraka's positioning. His dashes, blinks, or gap-closing abilities can easily bypass Soraka's zoning tools and reach her vulnerable backline. Additionally, Milio's crowd control abilities, such as stuns or silences, can prevent Soraka from utilizing her healing and supportive abilities effectively, rendering her vulnerable to focused attacks.
Anti-Healing: Milio's kit may include abilities or items that provide anti-healing effects. These effects can significantly reduce Soraka's healing output, diminishing her impact in team fights. By reducing the effectiveness of Soraka's healing, Milio can tilt the balance of power in his favor, making it harder for Soraka to keep her allies alive and turning the tide of the battle.
Burst Survivability: Milio's kit may include defensive tools that allow him to survive burst damage or negate Soraka's attempts to disable or weaken him. By having ways to withstand Soraka's crowd control or outplay her attempts to shut him down, Milio can maintain his offensive pressure and continue to threaten the enemy team.
Target Selection: Milio's ability to prioritize and eliminate key targets in team fights can disrupt Soraka's healing strategy. By swiftly dispatching high-priority targets, such as damage dealers or squishy carries, Milio can prevent Soraka from healing them effectively. This not only weakens the enemy team but also applies pressure on Soraka to decide whether to heal her allies or save herself, potentially causing her to make crucial mistakes.
Strategic Positioning: Milio's playstyle and positioning can be strategically adjusted to exploit Soraka's vulnerabilities. By recognizing the range limitations of Soraka's healing abilities, Milio can position himself in a way that allows him to engage on her or her allies while staying out of her reach. This forces Soraka to use her ultimate ability, Wish, to provide healing from a distance, reducing its availability for crucial moments later in the game.
In conclusion, Milio presents a significant threat to Soraka due to his burst damage, mobility, crowd control, anti-healing capabilities, burst survivability, target selection, and strategic positioning. By leveraging these advantages, Milio can disrupt Soraka's healing and supportive abilities, diminish her impact on team fights, and potentially turn the battle in his team's favor. However, it is important to note that individual player skill, team composition, and overall game strategy will always play a crucial role in determining the outcome of any matchup.”
Fear The Jester says “decent sustain with his heal and double shield, he has disengage with his Q and his Q can knock around your boxes when theyre not invis, near impossible to engage on, punish him with a dagger to the face after he wastes shield to poke with auto, if theyre good with their ult they will ruin your chain fears. ”
Jordan Bot says “Not only is he not exactly balanced right now, he has way too many ways of making your engage fail. The way to win this matchup is to make sure your ulti hits him as well, but the difficulty this adds to your game is not worth it, recommend banning or asking for the ban”
AscorbicAcids says “Lane is awful, and late game is awful.
But if they aren't very attentive you can E him before he casts it, and if he tries to cast while you dash you will be behind where the projectile spawns.”
Apos says “It's a really slippery champion. His Q is easy to dodge from range but as soon as you try to get closer it's just too good. He also gives tenacity to everyone so it's hard to win team fights. You can skill check him early by seeing how good he is at cancelling your Q.”
qaffqa says “Even matchup. The thing tha bothers the most in his kit is not the Q knockback but the afterwards slow which is huge. If he is smart he will save his ulti to counter your R-W engage so have this in mind.”
jmp_01_ says “Is ranged, gives a lot of survivability for his whole team and can disengage you by pressing Q. Really hard match-up if he's good. He can basically turn around or win a single fight by pressing R. Play smart and cheese if necessary.
Take Glacial Augment.”
support_diff says “Milio can't do much to you by herself but she can give her adc shield, heal and bonus auto attack range which is generally bad for you”
Lunar Empress says “Enchanter on enchantress crime. Skill matchup. He can't cleanse airborne so your tornado and ult still reign supreme. Slightly in your favor. Go Glacial here.”
Afnyc says “my standard ban. his kit counters glasc's, with the shields and heals and ms buffs and cleanse. his poke also outranges. Very hard to play against, if you win you're the better player by a longshot”
mazewalk says “He easily abuses Rakan weaknesses by making poke hurt more, disengaging your ultimate with his own. But the worst is the fact, that this LIONEL MESSI can disengage your W by randomly kicking his ball. Make sure to ult him first, so he doesn't use his R asap.
Q's cd is always 12.
R cd = 160/145/130.”
gizemdeniz says “Milio is an ideal support healer. He will cause a lot of trouble with his shield and heal in short fights. Extending the trades in the early stages can help us do some good damage, but it will be a difficult match.”
FunnyBunnyH says “In theory Milio should be a bigger counter to Maokai because of his utility and ultimate, but the champion in general doesn't do that well vs heavy dive even with his ult's CC cleansing effect. His passive dmg was also heavily nerfed, making him pretty weak early on.”
Thorge says “Milio é um campeão que da muito escudo e cura com uma velocidade alta, atrapalha seu poke e impede que você inicie uma luta ou de uma resposta.”
support_diff says “Milio can give her adc range, which is bad for you as you don't want to get poked by her adc's auto attacks. She has also a decent disengage as she can push you away if you approach her with a W on your mind. Target her instead of her adc as she can cleanse and shield her adc but can't defend herself”
support_diff says “Milio has a good shield, but that is everything she has against you. If she ults someone you have stunned, that's just wasted ultimate as the damage is dealt and you can still hit your abilities”
Demonsedge90 says “This matchup hinges on outplaying his ultra mega kick and breath of life abilities since getting stunned by his q will make it hard for you to engage, and when he ults, he will remove all your crowd control spells applied and make it hard for you to lock down a target. So always watch his movements and react accordingly; this will help you succeed in this matchup.”
Aerenax says “Milio can be an annoying little kid when playing against him in botlane. Your W animation is slow and he can cancel it by using his Q. In teamfights he has the ability to cleanse everyone, so if you find a charm on 4 people that can easily be undone by him. He can't cleanse knockups, so keep that in mind!”
Aerenax says “Even though Milio is a very short ranged enchanter, he will still outrange you and be hard to catch out because of his W with extra attack range or his E that gives movement speed. An experienced Milio will be able to disrupt your engage using his Q and when you finally manage to lock someone down, his R has a cleansing effect which saves enemies that you hit with your E. A pretty annoying matchup!”
beefyylol says “Milio will always out trade you in lane with his E shield and passive damage, and scales well with his attack range and speed buffs. It will also be hard to get picks as he can cleanse your stun on his allies (his ult will not cleanse Tempered Fate's stasis)”
Yoshiking123 says “His kit makes it really hard for you to stick onto targets and makes it easy for his team to space you. Your only chance of hard winning is to fight Level 1 and Level 2 early.”
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