In the Jungle 52.39% Win Rate87% Pick RateWukong In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Wukong in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “Dont engage him without full ferocity. He can win every 1v1 due to his passive so dont fight when its fully stacked. Dont jump on anyone if Wukong is around and has ult since it can block your leap (jump).”
chillhowl says “Ideally you don't want to pick Kindred against Wukong, but one way to play against him is to be totally reactive, only playing aggressive if another player has a wave advantage (to start a 2v1 before it becomes a 2v2 for example)”
SelfLOL says “Passive allows him to stack a lot of armor. Buy pen .Great Teamfight Can cancel u with r . Bola can reveal non clone. Root so he can't clone. Strong with lead. Can be difficult to 1v1”
Jackiewawa says “You outscale but he is pretty annoying to fight as Gwen due to his ult knockups + short invisibility so you can't auto him. Kite him out with E + ghost when he jumps on your and W when he all ins with ult. I honestly might start taking exhaust against him as he can kinda one shot you if he's ahead.”
DoxxTheLeague says “if he jumps r you just q r zhonya into w and then kite him you can see him even when he uses his clone with your passive burn hes strong and can easily kill you try to not fight him as much without a team in teamfights never group in one place so he cant ult more then 2 people at once.”
Ashu Primu says “His armor stacking passive and W make him impossible to duel. Fortunately, he's a weak clearer, so you can outscale by farming efficiently. ”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Like Viego, Wukong is very item reliant. It's a game of snowballing for the both of you. Full clear and gank more frequently to gather your space for objectives.”
Yomu says “Be careful of his W. This spells destroys us. Either he will hit W when you W1 and then you're hitting the wrong target or he will W your R before it hits. His double ult combo also bodies us. Overall just let him waste spells on someone else and PUNISH HARD. You do clear better and skirmish better in the jungle if he uses W for damage”
Baby_Driver says “My ban lately.
Bone plating in runes is crucial here.
Keep in my that he has two ways of dodging your Q, by his W and his E.
He reaches huge powerspike by lvl 6 so be aware of that.
Other than that it's just a very diffcult matchup so don't worry, I struggle with him too :)”
lolWillieP says “His clone will split your isolation q damage if you're not careful. Strongly recommend going pheonix tank instead of ad burst for this matchup”
Maciejson says “He is stronger than you early, so focus on farming and playing for your transformation. You can look to fight him with Rhaast once you've transformed, but it's best to run away if you're playing as Shadow Assassin. With the spike from Black Cleaver, you can start fighting him now. Be cautious of his W ability, which allows him to dodge yours, so use your abilities carefully and strategically.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Wukong plays to farm early, and we do that better than him. He has a stronger 6 spike but we can kite him out pretty easily with Ghost + E. Use your W to tank his all in.”
L0ganJG says “Be careful of his W. This spells destroys us. Either he will hit W when you W1 and then you're hitting the wrong target or he will W your R before it hits. His double ult combo also bodies us. Overall just let him waste spells on someone else and PUNISH HARD.
You do clear better and skirmish better in the jungle if he uses W for damage”
Foxirion says “Wukong can be a moderate threat to Viego. Wukong’s clone can confuse Viego and disrupt his damage output. Moreover, Wukong’s ultimate knocks up enemies, which can interrupt Viego’s actions”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Wukong plays to farm early, and we do that better than him. He has a stronger 6 spike but Wukong should never get 6 before Hecarim. Conq is better in this matchup and just make sure to not all in him without Q stacks when he has his 6 powerspike/sunderer spike”
Vamrine says “Wukong's decoy ability (W) can confuse Darius and disrupt his ability to land his abilities. Additionally, Wukong's burst damage can quickly overwhelm Darius in trades.”
AWierdShoe says “You should win trades every single level pretty hard up until level 6. Abuse that to the max. Slow-push level 1. Start doing short trades level 1 with empowered Q’s and your shield, and if you hit level 2 first then taunt in for a trade. If you don’t hit it first, just keep short trading with Q and save E until he commits or uses his W. Level 3 you win even harder if you use your W to block his Q. You have huge kill threat in this lane if you play trades well.
Fyir says “He can close distance on you really easily and then stun you to death with his ult. But in teamfights you can shut him down with good ball control.”
Mignognium says “Le singe n'est plus le roi de la jungle, vous ne l'êtes pas non plus malgré votre titre royal, mais vous êtes meilleur que lui. C'est un 50/50 mais attention a ne jamais le fitgh 1v1 alors qu'il a un ultime.”
RuinedJG says “He isnt good right now because of divines removal, take conq and beat his ass in river early. Shojin Tri force, you know the drill by now.”
jajkopajko says “He is in a really week spot currently i think and you can outdamage him most of the times, you also outscale quiet nicely and you should come out on top in most of the games.”
Daawwnn says “you are able to run down a wukong early on if he uses his clone try qing him while he is invisible and if he is low enough execute him with E”
basrty1p says “He jumps to you, knocks up you two times and you die so fast. That's what Wukong will do to you if you don't know how to counter him. Bait his clone first and prepare his E dash by using your E stun. Don't fight him at early game until mid-game, it's such a waste of time since his magic resistance is quite high. But after that you outscaled him so fast.”
SesaPrime says “The Monkey acts just like a Yi. Fight! Fight! Fight! If he's not fighting in the jungle, he is fighting his demons. Pre lvl 6 is all he will be doing with you & he may just all in anytime after 6. Be prepared. ”
garbocan says “Wukong is very scary for Ivern, especially if he gets a good flank off. Ivern is generally pretty bad at playing chaotic teamfights, and a good Wukong angle creates just that.
In the jungle matchup, Wukong isn't very difficult to countergank or skirmish against early. You can get away with just simple shielding and CC.
As a top laner, Wukong poses a lot more of a threat. If he's ahead, Wukong top will push out a sidelane and then drop out of vision and look for flank angles. This is detrimental for Ivern, since a good Wukong flank will deny Ivern of his clean front-to-back teamfights.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Wukong can be quite annoying due to his W ability. His R is also a double knock up which ultimately will prevent you from using your spells and auto attacks. ”
Zero macro says “Briar has a fairly easy time against Wukong, due to Briar her stat check combined with armor removal + easy Gap Closer. On top of this, Wukong his clone can become a slight issue for Briar her Berserking and especially Briar R projectile. —> Briar her W Berserking can be changed targets with Q and will always maintain cleave on Wukong clone.
Briar and Wukong have both similar jungle clear speeds and early / mid game strength.
Tronnes says “This is a harder matchup. His passive build up armor during fights so try and have poke fights then back off. If he E W's on you hit the real one with W and do the combo and back off. You don't win AA battles with him. ”
OakIgu says “Wukong is annoying to deal with because of his armor reduction and also is very elusive so he can avoid you very easily, be carefull in times he is strong because he will cause lots of problems!”
el_kap says “can be difficult coz of ult and burst you need to be very good at kiteing his ability and combo burst plus can be very good in teamfights ”
DarkAuraLOL says “Annoying matchup, but you outscale. He has decent clear, his jump and W can be annoying for you to land your abilities, his passive gives him a lot of arrmor which can make you not able to one shot him. His knockup can be very annoying aswell. But generally after form, you should be fine.”
SYROBE says “If the wukong is really good he will make sure to use his Clone to tank your W. Its hard to pull off but if done well can really screw you over.”
TheBougis says “Wukong is not very good against you past early game, you can get free healing from his clone and he lacks damage overall.
Only downside is his plant taking speed thanks to his AA reset.”
Turnupthetoaster says “He can interrupt your leap with his ult, but that's the only thing you really need to be mindful of. Riot nerfed Wukong into the ground, so rarely ever will you see this champion anymore, and even if you do, he's not going to be that big of a threat. R.I.P. Monkey King, fly high.”
Zero macro says “Wukong is a dueling bruiser that stacks armor, and prefers to build divine sunderer. Thereby Zed has a hard time to compete with Wukong untill Zed has his armor shred items completed. Wukong also has decent mobility to catchup and dodge Zed.
Shred Zed is favourite over Burst Zed into this matchup”
metalhydra273 says “Skarner can't reliably stop Wukong from doing Wukong things, which is a problem when Skarner's whole niche is to prevent champions from working. Ult is unreliable as the Wukong can read it and use his clone, and his melee knockup obviously stops you from doing anything substantial until the damage is already done. You basically have to wait it out and hope your team survives before doing much, or catch him on cooldowns/sleeping. The 1v1 isn't terrible unless he's fed at least.”
Ezikko says “He has so much armor without any items, strong 1v1s with sunderer and a very strong teamfight knockup. Try to get a lead and help your team.”
shacolovesyou says “his early is weak so invade him, i recommend buy an early red trinket to chase him or just ignite him early and then duel, u can bait his R and keep in mind that he is a great teamfighter”
Waqql says “Don't try to play with the Monkey King, he tends to win trades. Instead, try to poke him with your Q and then trigger your W when he goes for last-hitting minions. As Mega Gnar, be cautious of his clone and his knock-up.”
Apari1010 says “Poop Kong is beyond annoying to deal with with his built in armor. You can't beat him 1v1. Gank opposite side of the map to him and pray he doesn't get fed. I recommend taking ignite for this matchup to go through his armor. Similarly to Shaco, When you hit him before he clones, your R will mark the real one.”
BradJr says “You can't really kill each other, because you both have amazing escapes. If you see him use his CDs, all-in him. You out-scale him eventually. (clone rating 7/10)”
ttvRegedice says “Wukong R is very hard to work around as Rengar. Don't fight him on his ult+1st item powerspike as that's his strongest point in the game (typically uses that to snowball into BC purchase.. then he becomes thanos), but you can beat him after your 3-4 item spike for sure. Tread lightly in extended trades as his passive gives him tons of armor/stacked conq that you can forget about in the moment. Bola(E) reveal can be pretty annoying for Wukong though, this matchup is more of a can-you-play-rengar-intelligently check than a difficult skill matchup.”
Borinn says “Early game is favorable for you but in the mid game and late game his tf is same/higher than yours. Try to counter gank him if you can as you probably will win 2v2.
His w is pretty useful for your w as it's gives you regen based on enemy number. I prefer going tank against him”
Virizion says “Same thing as graves. To mobile to fight and to tanky to kill in time. However if you do end up in a unfair fight vs him insta tether him so you can follow his clone if he tries to run”
quinn adc says “Early lane, save vault for Wukong E.
Wukong's E scales from 10 seconds to 8, while vault is 12 seconds level 1.
That means that Wukong gets his E up 2 seconds before your vault, so PLAY BACK after your vault is on cooldown after you counter his E and only get into range of wukong again when your vault comes back up.
Early laning phase you hard win, so no need to play afraid.
Wukong's W is a 20 second cooldown level 1, so if he ever uses his clone, you have a large window to get a kill.
When he combos you and he uses clone, re-engage on him and you should easily be able to run him down with ignite for an easy kill because wukong is useless without his clone/e dash.
He literally can't do anything. Be careful trading him after he dashes on you level 3 onwards because you don't want to hit his clone.
If your harrier mark vanishes, this means that Wukong used his clone!
Now, level 6 onwards, what you do is when Wukong engages on you, you want to vault on him AFTER he uses his ultimate first knock up and then run away. This is your best chance of survival.
Play back level 6 onwards though, the way wukong wins is if you get into melee range of him after 6.
Ideally, you want Wukong to engage on you with E first so that he wasted that dash at the start, so always play back level 6 and be cautious of his engage.
He will E you, then R/W.
Let it knock you up once, then E him right after the knock up to outrun the second one.
Your E pushes you back further than his W leap”
Hazardist says “Wukong will most likely avoid being hit by your Dark Binding by using his clone, but even in this case it's not a loss for you as it has a lower cooldown than his ability and he depends more on it to accomplish his job in skirmishes. Just try not to let him get too fed in the early parts of the game.”
ShinyEmo says “You destroy him when he's alone but if he's ahead or you are caught when his team is nearby then good luck. If he goes assassin build make sure to build early Death's Dance.”
1Strike says “This is pretty bad. If your teammates don't die and you don't you can outscale him. The issue is the moment wukong gets 1 kill. It is not playable for you.
His stacking armour and max health regeneration on his passive is a superior version of your E and far easier to stack. He sticks onto you easily with his E and then W. While outdpsing you the whole time. His R can cancel your dash and allow him to close the gap
You can't kite him and he beats you in the close quarters fight.
Don't die to him early. Don't draft full AD into him. and play cleanly..”
Narcissisticdude says “Wukong has been strong since pre-season, his damage is stupid high at 6 and he can hard carry team fights. Make sure to punish him early on as his first clear is slow, and he's pretty useless until he gets the funny Sunderer item.
Mechanical tips:
1. Ignite early so you know which is his clone.
2. Start a fight and the second he uses R run away. This will tilt him and he will follow you pretty much anywhere.”
Dabgren says “You need to stomp this ape early on or else he will snowball onto you, this guy wins every fight if you both are on 1 / 2 items IMO, his healing with divine sunderer aswell as base armor makes this fight very hard for you.”
Smudey says “Level 1 will be quite annoying with either his long range Q or his gap closing E that gives him AS, but once you reach lvl 3 and get your W, you can block his AAs and Qs with your W. Only go for short trades so he doesn't stack up his passive. His lvl 6 all-in can deal a lot of damage so watch out if you want to fight him post 6, but you can win the lane before that happens if you play properly.”
checca says “Wukong is fairly strong against Zac, as he has armor pen, invisibility, and his knockup. Unfortunately, if Wukong has his ultimate, there is always the possibility that he will cancel your E when you jump in. If you Q1 Wukong and then he uses his W, it will keep vision on the real Wukong. Using this to its full potential, you can pull both Wukongs together, making his W useless. Wukong typically builds Sunderer as his first item, which makes it very difficult for Zac to find an advantage. If Zac is ahead in gold, he can beat Wukong; if not, he will get outscaled and lose.”
Boptimus says “A good Wukong is hard to trade with but you can negate a lot of his damage with your W.
Wukong can use 2 rotations in the time it takes for your W to come back off cooldown so play your trades well. Bramble finds decent value in longer trades if Wukong took Conqueror. The main thing you need to watch out for is to never R his clone.”
winterapb says “dont ingage him without full ferocity. he can win every 1v1 due to his passive so dont fight when its fully stacked. dont jump on anyone if wukong is around and has ult since it can block your leap (jump).”
NegativePhoenix says “Even in All-Out thanks to his ult buff he still beats you in most full for kill engages. His Q hurts and he will most likely W if he cant walk dodge your Q3 so this might be a play safe scenario.”
Bhyure33 says “Haven't played much against him as he is somewhat new to jungle and somewhat rare. But he is really good at 1v1s, and he can easily escape you. While he can be a threat midgame if fed, you scale better.”
Xerath gaming says “Annoying monkey, E+Q+W and he basically trades without being traded back, best you can do is try your luck with E to kill him. You win if you ult the correct monkey”
spuki97 says “Hard matchup as you can never fight him. His main objective is to skip camps in order to abuse ganks. He can beat you even from behind. Best build: Bruiser only.”
Kao_Oak says “Tbh you can't 1v1 this champ because he has the unholy trinity of things that counters you (burst, cc and invis). You won't be able to deal him damage until he made his whole combo on you. Avoid 1v1 and try to bait his spells (especially W) before killing him.”
RengarNBush says “Annoying, He beats you most stages of the game. Can cancel your jump with his R. He has been nerfed repeatedly so he is more balanced now, but still poses the same threat to you. In a 1v1 you can win if you manage to jump on him with a rotation and chunk him a bit then wait for cds and jump again, if he doesn't R your 2nd jump you have a good chance of winning.”
Atemporal says “Tenha cuidado com o início do nível 1 E de Wukong, que pode atrapalhar você. Se você tem Q, você pode auto Q auto para não perder a negociação, mas se seu Q estiver baixo, você deve respeitar as negociações de E + autos. É difícil ganhar negociações no início do jogo, E fora
toda vez que ele vai para o comércio E - W - Q. Seu W é 80 de mana, que é 25% de sua reserva de mana inicial, então ele não pode spam essa habilidade. Você ganha negociações curtas se Wukong iniciar, Q, auto E para proc passivo e executar. Não force Q push porque
ele bate em você em negociações longas na pista longa. Relaxe durante os primeiros níveis, após a primeira base você já pode começar a ganhar porque Wukong geralmente é muito fraco contra campeões de dano mágico.”
Cheeseypops1 says “You just out stat this champ and stomp him if you ever hit E, Be careful about R'ing his clone because you will lose the fight if you do also the only time he can beat you is at Divine Sunderer if you miss a lot of your abilities, Rush Steelcaps”
Eagzey says “Becomes easier once you know how to play it. Get Sweeper and bait him to jump in. Once he does you can R and Oracle, wait for his W to end, and just combo. Patience (similar to Shaco).”
YuzukiJG says “Used to be a major threat before the nerfs, but now he’s even. He can gap close the distance from you but that still doesn’t give him the advantage over you. Try to kite him back and don’t run if you’re caught, as you won’t be able to without flash. Avoid if he has a red buff advantage or if you’re both low because he can sustain more than you. His clear is slow and so there will be multiple instances where u can invade him and punish him.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not try to execute Wukong if he still has his Warrior Trickster(W) available. This is because you may waste your execution on him and he will survive. Keep this in mind when trading too. Wukong wins a lot of auto attack battles, so don’t go for extended trades with him unless you can kill him. If Wukong has left lane after level 6, tell your team as soon as he leaves. He might be trying to use his Ultimate Cyclone(R) in a different lane too help his allies.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not try to execute Wukong if he still has his Warrior Trickster(W) available. This is because you may waste your execution on him and he will survive. Keep this in mind when trading too. Wukong wins a lot of auto attack battles, so don’t go for extended trades with him unless you can kill him. If Wukong has left lane after level 6, tell your team as soon as he leaves. He might be trying to use his Ultimate Cyclone(R) in a different lane too help his allies.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not try to execute Wukong if he still has his Warrior Trickster(W) available. This is because you may waste your execution on him and he will survive. Keep this in mind when trading too. Wukong wins a lot of auto attack battles, so don’t go for extended trades with him unless you can kill him. If Wukong has left lane after level 6, tell your team as soon as he leaves. He might be trying to use his Ultimate Cyclone(R) in a different lane too help his allies.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Place vision around his jungle entrances to make it harder for Wukong to get successful ganks off. Wukong has good objective control in the early game. Try to take it before him if possible, or at least keep it warded at all times so you can spot him before he is able to take it for free. Wukong is very strong in a 1v1 fight if he has lots of health. Avoid fighting him if you spot him when he is very healthy. Especially if he has his Ultimate Cyclone(R) available.”
Saltu says “Once he's lv6 make sure you have stat advantage, don't fall for the trick where he stands still but doesn't use the clone. RUSH AND KILL.
usually not worth fighting due to his good 1 vs 1 just do your thing till late, BUT don't let this MONKEY boss you around mkay?!”
Hazardist says “Wukong has more mobility, damage and native resistances than you so this matchup will depend on him not getting fed and spiraling out of control. In teamfights, be patient with your ult to avoid wasting it on his clone at any costs, then try to keep him away from your backline.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Place vision around his jungle entrances to make it harder for Wukong to get successful ganks off. Wukong has good objective control in the early game. Try to take it before him if possible, or at least keep it warded at all times so you can spot him before he is able to take it for free. Wukong is very strong in a 1v1 fight if he has lots of health. Avoid fighting him if you spot him when he is very healthy. Especially if he has his Ultimate Cyclone(R) available.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Wukong wins a lot of auto-attack battles, so don’t go for extended trades with him unless you can kill him. If Wukong has left lane after level 6, tell your team as soon as he leaves. He might be trying to use his Ultimate in a different lane too help his allies.”
lumihehe says “sure, you beat him late. but this champion is so incredibly broken early game right now, that he gains an early lead in like 90% of his games. he scales well into the mid game, but falls off late (which doesn't matter if he already has like 20 kills by mid game from farming your team like minions, which is way too likely with his current state in the meta)”
Salmon Kid says “With red smite this match up is basically a shutout however for Lillia however, Wukong's ult does counter Lillia and he has two movement options to land it in his e and w. He is also a strong jungler this patch and with his team can pose a problem for Lillia.”
Simple Shawn says “same as vi, deals damage and shreds armor, unless she builds full antiarmor, you should be good to go, at least enough to be able to fight
+ watch out knockup is bad for ur backline, take oracle lens”
Darksword255 says “Ban this champ. He can dodge you with his clone, CC you 2 times with his R, and still burst and out-sustain you. You can see him walking with ur W if hes low, the only time you can fight him is if his R is down. ”
rhvse says “You can kill him before he get 2 completed items. Buy Death Dance as 3-rd. Don't 1vs1 him if he got his items. And be sure you are targeting him not his clone.”
just pick yone says “Will trade you with E lvl 1, u cant trade with him level 1, level 2 max E, if you want to win trade lvl 2 u have to hit your knockup and from lvl3 its hard to win.”
Blakbor says “Must ban.
He is so strong in the meta and outduels Diana + his ult has the same or more value than yours. Great fighter, great dueler, the best way to win vs him is not playing.”
imminences says “Just like Nocturne, early and mid game he is a menace. His R and his W make it hard to get away from him. His weakness is CC so wait for Wukong to use his E first and then throw a max ferocity E to root him.”
Blakbor says “Wukong is so OP this meta and Viego seems to be his natural contest (this first week in LPL and LCK). It's not Viego favored, but Wuk can't abuse of you neither, which is great watching how broken the monkey is”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Start Q. If he doesn't have Lethal Tempo you can walk up to the wave and start charging up your grasp. aa-Q-Q if he goes for a minion, but if he goes on you first with his E -- make sure you don't auto him for your passive shield unless you get an armor shield (his E deals magic damage so wait for him to auto you after he uses E).
If he has lethal tempo you can start W. He will E onto you because he knows he will win level 1. Auto him for your shield and just keep walking away. W him in return after you have separation.
When hookshotting onto him. Hookshot a little past him because most Wukongs with dash backwards with their clone. If you hit them that's great, if you didn't then they dashed in a direction that puts them in a vulnerable position. When using your R or Ignite make sure he has already used his W so you don't accidentally waste your ignite/R.”
Boptimus says “This lane is FREE. A lot of Wukong players are blindly aggressive for no reason and end up getting chunked every time they try to E on to you. Prepare to E his E and combo him. Eventually they'll either get frustrated and fold or back off and let you do whatever you want with the wave.
A good Wukong builds Merc Treads and pokes with Q. You want to force a stalemate by keeping your E available only for when he jumps on you. Otherwise he can clone your E or just tank your E and THEN jump on you. VERY hard to deal with after he gets a kill or 2.”
P1Legend says “Not a big deal if you are aware that he will try to all in you at level 6. Deny him this by saving your heal, and Ulting away. You can kill him when his ult is down through smart usage of your skills.”
metalhydra273 says “Wukong is super annoying to deal with as a jungler mainly due to his w and ult. He can stall out your cc window for a while and be generally slippery, as you're either locked in knockup or waiting for his stealth to expire before you can do anything, after which it may already be too late. Since his w can go over walls now, in situations he can engage like a psuedo shaco and cause immediate disruption. Be patient if you go up against him, or just try to pick off his teammates in a way where he can't retaliate and give his team a window to win fights.”
Scratchyerik says “Monke simply outstats you and his Divine Sunderer spike will wreck you early on. Thankfully though you still outscale him and post 3 items you shouldn't be scared of him anymore if you don't get your W cancelled. If Monke sniffs an armor item best to grab that Mortal Reminder.”
HadesxLH says “Desde os ultimos buffs wukong tem aparecido bastante na jungle, porém ate agora nao vi nenhum que fosse um grande problema, mas acho que isso é devido ao fato que como ele entrou recentemente na jungle ainda nao há nenhum master a ele la, mas fique de olho para mais atualizaçoes porem ate entao nao vejo ele como um grande problema.”
OfficerVi says “Wukong is mostly a threat because of how strong he is. You should be able to invade him early as long as your lanes have prio. Sweeper is a MUST. Use sweeper as soon as he uses clone. It will outline his exact location. Use your ult to dodge the CC on his ult. Be careful not to ult him before he uses clone. He is more useful in teamfights so look to make picks on people out of position. Bruiser build is the best into Wukong. ”
NegativePhoenix says “This is another instance of an enemy who can early invade you and keep you in his preferred range. His E dashes to you, his Q slows and if you mark him he can just use his W to dodge the initial Q or use it to keep up with you since you're immobile, plus his ult will keep you where he wants. Overall unless you get ahead of him, he's gonna be showing you whos in charge. You'll know if he used W if you mark him and the mark suddenly disappears ”
Elekktro says “Wukong is now a jungler! I think Wukong has the potential to be strong but most junglers that I have faced recently don't know how to make Wukong work. Perhaps in the future I will move Wukong up this list, but for now I don't see Wukong as much of a threat.”
Sammystinky says “His ult knocks you out of E, but it is an important ability for him. Pinning him down can be hard with the clone, but you can sweep for it and use it to Q him. ”
7EyesNoSkills says “He can airborne you with his Ult. You can kill him with on-hit, but if you are going Draktharr he can be trouble for you after lv6.”
Kurose0027 says “Hard lane to pilot through if he takes ignite. Post 6, you are in lethal if you ever get poked by his Q once. After 1-2 items though, he will not be a threat anymore to you. You can win this matchup early by parrying his Q. Otherwise, just play it safe and farm it out, outscale him.”
qosmox says “You should win trades every single level pretty hard up until lvl 6. Abuse that to the max. Slowpush lvl 1. Start doing short trades lvl 1 with Emp Q’s and your shield, and if you hit lvl 2 first then taunt in for a trade. If you don’t hit it first, just keep short trading with Q and save E until he commits or uses his W. Lvl 3 you win even harder if you use your W to block his Q. You have huge kill threat in this lane if you play trades well.”
YoungTact says “You can W His W and E but his E is easier since you can literally see it coming, Respect his max passive/conq stacs so dont go for extended. Always apply lane harass combo when you can. ”
Hienaa says “His passive gives him a lot of armor, his R counters your engage, and he can win all in trades uncontested, just too tanky overall, and has more dps.”
Agatrium says “This is a tricky one. He gets free armor stacking, and the double knock-up on his Ult is fairly strong. Start spinning if he E dashes into you as almost every Wukong will E dash and instant W and look for the double Q with the clone. If you can W his Q, you actually win the trade pretty hard, but it is fairly difficult to read as the cast time is super fast. ”
White Cr0w says “Top tier jungler. Be aware of the monkey. I set a little advantage against him because I almost won matches against him. However, post 6 (so after min 7-8) he will be incredibly strong at ganking and skirmishes.
How to beat him? He has zero sustain on jungle earlygame, doesn't has a true escape apart of decay, he's incredibly squishy before lvl 6 and you can kill him easy after he uses his E + q to farm.
Bringing an early red trinket is a good idea against him.”
Polartech says “Rare match up, but really hard to manage, Wukong can dash on Kayle dealing a decent amount of damages, pocking her easily and without running risks leaving only his clone near her, in this way Kayle will waste mana and abilities for nothing. Play safe and preserve your ultimate for his ultimate.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Started seeing some harambe wannabes in the toplane lately,ever since the reword he actually has gotten pretty strong and difficult to deal with especially with ignite, the only way to win all ins is making sure he had less hp than you and that's possible only with trades that are in your favor.
Da Mastah says “You wont see this pick a lot in jungle but he is hard to fight at most points in the game. Generally just try to avoid him post 6 due to his ult. Pre 6 he can be beaten as long as his passive isn't stacked. Deaths Dance is a good buy against this champ”
Pusi Puu says “wins extended 1v1 duo to his passive. Don't fight when he has fully stacked passive and try to engage the fight with full ferocity, otherwise he will win it almost every time. Play away from him later on since he can interrupt your jump and run you down. Don't jump on targets when wukong is around.”
Whynotbefriends says “Wukong is strong into AD junglers due to his passive, Nidalee is AP and can also reveal him while he is invisible if she lands a spear/trap. Be careful of jumping in as he can use his ultimate to cancel the movement and potentially outplay.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Wukong favored. Wukong has a higher burst damage than you which makes it hard to win 1v1 against him as Graves. I recommend starting on the opposite side of the map and only try to 1v1 Wukong when ever you have a lead over him. I also recommend goin for deaths dance since that will remove a bit of his high burst damage.”
ak521 says “Potential to 1v5 with R, and in a duel, he will almost definitely win. Assassin that can also sneak to squishes. Can dodge your Bandage Toss with his W. But if you do hit it, he's dead (if your team is able to focus him for a second).”
Ellesmere says “Wukong is a fantastic ganker, but not very strong 1v1. You will win in a fight as long as you don't get juked by his clone. Make sure you don't let him walk around the map destroying your lanes though, because if left to his own devices that's exactly what he'll do.”
SketchtheHunter says “Pain. In. The. Ass. At every phase of the game this Vastayan son of a bitch has kill potential on you. He's got engage, disengage, reengage, was engaged (it's a long story sorry for stealing your joke Skooch.) He may not be played Jungle as much as he's played Top but be wary of anyone who locks him in.”
Suseri says “Early on he can win trades duo to his kit but you can also negate alot of damage with your W. After he gets LvL 6 it can be very hard to trade or kill him since he'll have 2 knockups which will get a squishy champion like you very low. You can also get Oracle's Lens against him.”
FrostForest says “Annoying but he can't dash out of your ultimate. His 1v1 is decent if you let him stack his passive on you.
Whoever gets the jump on each other wins the fight.
Shouldn't be an issue for you”
Mr. Popper says “Wukong trades very effectively into mini gnar early game where he can easily zone you from the wave at most points of lane phase if your not careful. He also has multiple ways to get to you with his dash on his E and his stealth dash on his W. Play safe play back and look to poke him down and then engage with mega gnar to finish him off. ”
Ejsner says “Wukong R is very hard to work around as Rengar. Don't fight him on his Divine Sunderer powerspike as that's his strongest point in the game (typically uses that to snowball into BC purchase.. then he becomes thanos), but you can beat him after your 3-4 item spike for sure. Tread lightly in extended trades as his passive gives him tons of armor/stacked conq that you can forget about in the moment. Bola(E) reveal can be pretty annoying for Wukong though, this matchup is more of a can-you-play-rengar-intelligently check than a difficult skill matchup.”
Vispectra says “Not a good lane for you I'm afraid. Wukong is AD and despite being a fighter , he acts more like an assassin being able to either kill you or set you up for a free easy gank with clone , dash into R. You will scale and eventually be able to kill him just be sure to not waste your abilities on the clone. Your R is aoe and so is your E take advantage of that to damage him when he clones.”
Amatzu says “Wukong is a pain in the ass for you be it in Top, or in Jungle. All of your gap closers besides Ghost mean nothing to his quick getaways, and he's sure to be more useful than you in a teamfight thanks to his ultimate. Facing a good Wukong is not gonna be a good time, considering his passive makes him stronger the longer you slap him.”
VeneficusFerox says “Although rare in mid lane, I've seen it and it hurts. He can sneak up on you and smack your ass and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Kindredgarten says “Decent jungler, make sure to ult before he can knock you up. You can get him low in your ult to kill him and kite him out after he uses clone.”
Loul_60 says “A bit like with Evelynn, it all depends on who catches the other by surprise. His combo leading into his ult can deal a lot of damage and then CC you, but your combo as either form is enough to shut him down or force him to run away. As Blue form he can one shot you easily but you can do the same. As Red form, you hit your W and you win, simple.”
liserith says “Wukong is really mobile. He has two dashes, an empowered auto, and an R with a reset. If you hold your Q for his E and your E for his W, you can fight him. The only thing you need is discipline to not be fooled by his W. ”
Gumipapucs says “You don't wanna F with this guy as he can easily engage on you, CC you and get away/juke you with his invisibility. You also cannot finish him if you have the upper hand because of the invisibility. Thankfully he's somewhat rarely picked in jungle.”
Shroomen Rider says “Wukong is pretty cheesy. He might escape or hit your team with a good ulty. Kite back and shroom during team fights, and save sweeper for his invis. ”
PsiGuard says “You can only block one of his Rs and it's hard to predict the timing. He can often just stat-check you with his own attack speed steroid. He also gains a bunch of free armor from passive and has better team fighting. Just focus on killing his team and using wards to prevent him from ganking or counter-ganking.”
DarkAuraLOL says “he has a bad clear, you can invade him, 1v1 him in jungle if he's low, he doesn't have much sustain so you should be fine, you have better ganking kit .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Reworked Wukong is very strong, even after all the nerfs he already received. Try not to burst him down until after he used his clone, because this allows him to get out pretty easy. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “he has a bad clear, you can invade him, 1v1 him in jungle if he's low, he doesn't have much sustain so you should be fine, you have better ganking kit .”
RedNBlue says “He can repeatedly dash back to you in a fight while you kite him but you can probably still kill him as you are just a slight bit too speedy for him.”
Snap0ner says “Top tier jungler. Be aware of the monkey. I set a little advantage against him because I almost won matches against him. However, post 6 (so after min 7-8) he will be incredibly strong at ganking and skirmishes. How to beat him? He has zero sustain on jungle earlygame, doesn't has a true escape apart of decay, he's incredibly squishy before lvl 6 and you can kill him easy after he uses his E + q to farm. Bringing an early red trinket is a good idea against him.”
Gym Nasiem says “If you know anything about sett you know that fast mobile champs make it look easy to bully sett but if you get the dead man's plate it should make it less hard so that's why it's at Major.”
NiroMcnuggets says “once u learn how to play vs wukong it becomes a pretty ez matchup as ur W cancels his E and W, so he cant do much (though try not to go into extended trades with him).”
CalicoCactus says “Wukong can be tricky to deal with, early to mid he can beat you pretty hard, and even late if he goes Sunderer and gets an armor shred item he can pose a problem, be smart and figure out when he uses his clone and be sure to CC the real Kong.”
FalleN3 says “Wukong's early game is not extremely good but if he has taken Electrocute can be quiet bursty. You should have no problem out-farming him but if he picks up some kills you can find yourself in real trouble. He will bring a lot more impact to team-fights than Master Yi so try to get ahead as much as possible early and finish the game quickly.”
Frixen says “He can all in you at any time in the game, you have some poke, however with his clones and stuff it's quite easy to mitigate it. Get Seeker's as early as possible to not die to him, and look to make plays outside of the lane.”
Twist21 says “Against Wukong I would recommend starting lens since you can spot him and not get tricked by his W which is the main thing about his kit.As long as you dont get fooled by his clone you should win.”
PsiGuard says “This champion is currently overpowered and is worth a ban. Try to split the map and fight where he is not, since he's a powerful skirmisher.”
M.P.C says “Go aggressive on him during early game and zone him from getting CS. If he uses his Decoy activate your Q immediately to search for him, if your R is up drop it on top of him and give him everything you got.”
Dopamine_influx says “Really annoying with redsmite, tabi, and ult. Get edge of night. Aside from that, you're way stronger early, so you can contest him on scuttles and snowball. If he snowballs, he can shit on you though, like most junglers anyways. Don't combo his clone and you wil win early. Reverse full clear into scuttle works well because he will start red most of the time, but if he starts blue, you can go red blue gromp red, since he quite often full clears. (but adapt your pathing if you see him going read early with a raptor ward for instance...)”
Stiwy says “He is a really good fighter and his damage in early game will prove me right.
His engage combo is always the same so you can predict where he is when he clones himself and land a Q.
After level 9 you can kill him, just don't be a stupid like me and don't shoot your ult at the clone because then you will get hard beaten by the monkey.
Start D.Blade or Cull here.”
Xeldom says “Difficult match-up. Wukong has many ways to cancel rengar's burst and will outscale rengar in 1v1's. Rengar's early game is stronger and clear is better however. Make sure to counter gank and snowball that into a lead. Use ultimate and bait the clone/ultimate before leaping on him.”
AWierdShoe says “Wukong has higher burst damage early, so you need to try to respect him. Kiting is hard as he can stick on you with his E. Watch out for him in teamfights as his R can bring the fight into his team's favor. I would bring Sweepers early to track him if he uses his W.”
DarkArbalist613 says “His Knockup can easily keep you from ulting, and his stealth from his clone can let him avoid a lot of dmg, so just kite him out and play around his clone and ultimate. Kindred and Wukong are evenly matched pretty much all game if one of them doesnt snowball, so its a heavy skill matchup.”
TotallyEclipse says “Slippery and annoying but you can win easy. Wukongs usually q after their e so e his q and get him to use his w. While it's down, you have an opening to kill him easily. If he uses his w and your e is up, you kill him even harder. Post 6 save your ignite and R for when he R's and he stands no chance.”
DarkPit59 says “Wukong est une réelle menace lorsqu'il obtient son objet Draktharr. En effet, cela deviendra une chasse sans merci entre vous et lui, et grâce à sa capacité à devenir invisible en plein affrontement, il le gagnera. Ne l'affrontez pas seul et le l'engagez que si son ultime a été utilisé.”
Thatskillz1291 says “Wukong is deadly until you hit lv 6 then you can 1v1 him”
Basics of Nunu by Thatskillz1291 | Nunu & Willump Player
SavageFy says “Wukong's damage, healing, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Wukong often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Monkey go brrrrrr. I don't think there is any gamestage where you are stronger than him. Maybe after minute 30 if you shadow a sidelane. Don't take even teamfights ever against this guy, he will be more valuable in them. Try to survive and hope for winning lanes.”
TrevorJayce says “Wukong's free armor as well as TWO AOE KNOCKUPS (what the fuck were they thinking) make Wukong a pretty hard matchup once he gets some damage in him. Try to not 1v1 him unless a laner can come assist you.”
Loki029 says “Silence to avoid his clone escape,silence to escape of his ult(always consider flashing !!He could Flash too so predict right!!! else if you build hybrit you will be tankier than wukong deal more damage and have a higher sustain than him ”
Nico449c says “Hes most likely the weakest jungler right now so you can invade him at lvl 3 or fight him at lvl 3. if you outgank or countergank him you will beat him too he cant do much in the jungle he gets really low clearing the camps”
DemonAngel60 says “Can use his Warrior Trickster (w) to bait your Ultimate then turn and use either a e - r - q - r or simple e -q -r - r combo tu burst you down”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Reworked Wukong is very strong, even after all the nerfs he already received. Try not to burst him down until after he used his clone, because this allows him to get out pretty easy. ”
SeekerPTK says “Should be easy, you can reveal him with your e and when he wants to engage ult him out of your team when he starts ulting, this will make him useless, also if he uses his e defensivle try to follow with your q or w. Wards are key in this matchup.”
0kruemlmonster says “Your own student and friend has surpassed you. After Rageblade you can 1v1 him, before that he'll probably outtrade you everytime. Don't feed him, he's really snowbally.”
LFS_aXent says “Wukong is very elusive. Thankfully, you can crit his clone to get away. He will have no quarrels with diving you anytime, anywhere. He can easily kick your ass if you don't play correctly, and it will be tough. Try catching him ganking, ping target if he does, root him and have your laner damage him, so you can follow up.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Don't get baited or juked out by his clones, and dont let yourself get caught in his ultimate. You are just objectively stronger, he shouldn't be able to 1v1 you at any point.”
GROFITEER says “can lower your armor by massive percentages, even to the point of near zero. early kills will help keep him off of you, but once he maxes Q and gets his items he will cut through your armor like butter.”
Her0mars says “It gets pretty annoying playing against this guy mid-late teamfights just because His knockup applies before you can even land making it near impossible to hit your E in teamfights unless you let him knock you up, then charge up a slingshot.”
Hamstertamer says “Getting oneshot with 0 counterplay is just soo fun. Wait for him to ult someone else and snipe him from afar, he can't go invisible during his ult.”
SenorRopa says “All the enemy players are Bonobo Moneys and I would add all the champions to this list but Mobafire makes placing all the champions on here exhuasting. No one is a threat, move on to the next part of the guide. ”
PandaSenpai101 says “Wukong has a specific trade pattern that he does pre-6, and he has a trade pattern that he does post-6. His main source of damage is his Q, and he uses a E,Q,W combo. When he E's you, parry, to block his Q. His post-6 combo is E,Q,R,W, or E,R,Q,W. Parry after he uses his E. Keep in mind that if Wukong doesn't cancel his ultimate, he can't use any ability during his ultimate.”
MadMaster523 says “This matchup is pretty hard since he can point and click e q you. He has a gap closer so he is a pretty tough opponent. Try to poke him down with ur q and after he uses his combo auto attack him a few times since he will most likely just run away after his e q combo. ”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Monkey Is Kind Of Impossible To Beat Like Udyr. Though There Arent Many Monkey Players Out There So Theres Almost No Need To Ban Him.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “The only thing Wukong has on you is his clone. Just be sure that when you are ulting him it is the real him and not his clone. Ulting his clone will not active your ult but it will put it on cooldown. Essentially wasting your ultimate for nothing.”
BurstTheBots says “Dashes are hard to predict especially when they're coming from bushes and his clones are annoying. The best way to predict his clones are to check if he's randomly standing still. Also it's hard to escape them.”
Shderen says “If a Wukong is mid, he's there for a reason. He isn't gonna fuck around. He's experienced. Trust me, you think we Soraka mid's are smart? These guys are rockin IQ's of 8000. Pray for some reason he's playing like ass or was originally meant to be top.”
Ethereal Ezio says “For some reason, Wukong always seems to cause problems. His clone can block your E damage too. Grab a pink ward and play safe, and gauge how skilled he is.”
BigBadVoodo says “Very easy to pressure early as he is at his weakest point then. We must be in his jungle at all times early, but when he grabs a couple of items, don't be surprised when he does one combo and one shots.”
xTheUnlimited says “In early game you can definitly fight him, if you have red buff. Then a 1v1 is possible. Otherwise you should just let him go his way. His engage potential through his W is pretty high so watch out for that. Otherwise he can knock your whole team up with his deadly ultimate. ”
LePlay says “He is widely underestimated in terms of damage and can seriously hurt you with his R, but you should have no problems blocking his E with your W and stun him somewhere nearby. Be careful with his W however, once you waste your E on his clone you have a hard time fighting him”
drunken hunter says “Wukong is easily killed with the lvl 1 poke and the lvl 2 engage, you have good chances against this champ also because wukong got mana, poke him and trade him to death!”
kkiskk says “His combo damage is very high if he has electrocute and you can't really counter back because of his W invisibility. Be smart and farm under turret if possible. However, don't be afraid if he engage you when you have lots of minions. ”
Violzandre says “Just be careful with him, if he gets you with his combo and he's with a lethality build, I'm sorry for you.
Still, without his R, he can't do anything and you can run, or bait him.
(How? Easy, just use your R to get distance when he uses his, after that it will be a very easy fight)”
Ivker21 says “Wukong will destroy your whole team, and there isn't much you can do about it.
If you try to Bandage Toss him he'll drop his clone. And he has the mobility to get past you and go straight for your back line. Basically, after level 6 he's a bitch to deal with.
I recommend trying to bait out his clone so he doesn't have the protection and escape, and try to ult right as he ults or even a bit before so your team can get him before he knocks you all up.
He shreds armor and builds lethality, so either build a lot of armor or focus on building health, but don't go too much MR if you don't have to.”
Hunterlogic says “This monkey has been hurting a lot recently. He can challenge you easily without your ult and could even kill you after your ult has ended meaning kill him before he gets you.”
BlackRabbet1 says “Wukong has insane burst and can usually one shot you before you can run or ult to escape. if he doesn't get fed and you're not behind, shouldn't be a huge threat ”
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