As a Support 50.15% Win Rate61% Pick RateNeeko As a Support Counters: 22 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Neeko as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
TEMMA says “Contar os minions na lane
Ela te devolve muito dano
Jogar no max range do Q da Sona”
The Stabbio says “I personally always ban her. You almost never play against her, but when you do, it will not be nice. She can turn into a minion, making it harder to hook her. Also, she can W so you hook her clone.”
Arctic Arrow says “Neeko is a minor threat in the laning phase due to her strong poke and crowd control, but she can be managed with good positioning. Her Q (Blooming Burst) and E (Tangle Barbs) can deal significant damage and provide crowd control, making trades tricky.
Keep an eye on her cooldowns and try to avoid her skill shots. Engage when she is out of position or has used her key abilities.
Her ultimate (Pop Blossom) can be devastating if she lands it, so be cautious of her positioning and try to send her away while she is casting R with your E (Timing!)”
Abarame says “Low elo shenanigans with this mage supp. As long as your aware of her passive, Neeko can never beat you. Your q reveals her and breaks disguise so bait her into the range and punish hard.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Dodge her root and you can go all in, carefull where you use W so you dont chase her clone since its the only thing she can do to actually bait you around.(remember to count minions so your adc doesnt get ulted)(also you can send her away while she is casting R with your E so you can really stop her ult if you timed it right)”
Foxirion says “Neeko’s crowd control and burst damage can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to disguise herself can also make it difficult for Nautilus to identify the real Neeko.”
Foxirion says “Neeko's crowd control and burst damage can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Neeko and disrupt her in fights.”
schizoslvt says “who plays neeko...
1 thing to note is she cant block your q with w in the first second of the cast
meaning after she becomes invisible for a brief moment she is still in the same place and the clne hasnt spawned so you may be able to hook her still”
Velkyann says “Not very hard to win only problem is if you have bad concentration because she will be a minion. Her Q is very hard to dodge and her E is a very long stun if it passes through a unit, all you can do is focus on the minions and dodge her E.”
Sinyora says “You won't come across this as much as other supports but she still can destroy your E) Black Shield easily. A good Neeko will also block your Q) Dark Binding with her W.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Neeko is an annoying support.
Her roam potential is massive and she'll likely be roaming as soon as the first back. Keep an eye on your lane and ping her disappearance as soon as she backs so your mid or top don't get a rude surprise.
Other than that, avoid her root and count minions so you and your ADC don't both get knocked up by her R.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Lots of cc, count the minions to see if she's hiding in the wave. Try to stick on your adc a lot here so you don't get caught out and killed.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “I actually found this threat by playing against Sett support as her. Neeko can just poke you all day. Her E cd is shorter than yours so she can cc you if she feels threatened whenever you approach her. The enemy Sett's mistake there was not taking advantage of hex flash in the bush. Neeko can still E you however. (plus you can tank way more damage from the ADC than her).”
quecck says “I actually found this threat by playing against Sett support as her. Neeko can just poke you all day. Her E cd is shorter than yours so she can cc you if she feels threatened whenever you approach her.
The enemy Sett's mistake there was not taking advantage of hex flash in the bush. Neeko can still E you however. (plus you can tank way more damage from the ADC than her).”
HumbleMundo says “Although not seen often, just like Zyra's root Neeko's can go through you onto others so be careful, and with her ult also being cc you have to pick which cc you want to tank during the fight”
mazewalk says “Count minions and ping your teammates if shes absent. Try baiting her skillshots and punish her for wasting root. During teamfights zone her away from your teammates so she wont hit great ult.”
JezebelleXX says “She will outtrade you if you take extended trades when her W passive is up, but otherwise you are much safer pre-6 than Neeko. Be cautious of disguise when she hits 6. Celerity recommended.”
Caganos says “Outranges and out-dps's you. Her W can also kill your bush-play and she is all around annoying to play against. But you can eat her and instantly kill her if she tries to pull that bullshit minion thing.”
ohsuko says “Neeko is insane. Her damage is incredible and she has a root that goes THROUGH minions. If she manages to catch you with her R, you're dead.”
mazewalk says “Neeko always been quite a pain the ass, but after the rework she's even more annoying. Try to bait her skills by standing on the edge of their range and count minions while they come.”
WolfDelt4 says “Her stun is shorter range than you, her basic combo is E + Q it does a lot of damage look out. Her ult is very strong and she does as much damage as you.”
Casterslamham says “Her root is very potent and with the right adc they can destroy you if it hits you. Her damage is less then normal powerful supports but watch out for her root.”
iveye says “Neeko pre level 6 is a easy match up but her Ult can stun you out of your engage like a amumu could. The difference is she can R from her back line and walk forward so it could be a bit harder to get to her mid-late game in fights.”
cyb3r1a says “Stay outside of the wave when she has E up as it can root you for 3 seconds at max rank. If she took electrocute she has very strong trading power so probably just max range Qs to trade.”
gizemdeniz says “Neeko and Ahri's kits are similar in some ways. However, we can easily defeat her because we have higher speed and higher dive potential.”
mazewalk says “Dumb CC, dumb poke, ridiculous damage. Play patiently and punish her for wasting skills. Don't give her kills, because she has good snowball potential.”
Fenreee says “|||MID & TOP||| Neeko is pretty bad into Janna as Glacial cuts her already low burst damage. Her R is crucial for her to be useful in the midgame and without Zhonya's Janna can just push her away with R. Neeko falls short against Janna after 6 and if she's not on your lane you can just avoid interacting with her until you both have 6. |||SUPPORT & ADC||| This pick is actually realy strong pre 6 into Janna, but the way you play the matchup depends heavily on what playstyle Neeko is running. If she's running ADC marksman build you just treat her like a marksman and win because she's championgapped. If she plays Comet you want to make sure you avoid her Q as she's likely maxing it. Optionally rush Swifties to accomplish this. Electrocute/Glacial/Anything else should be maxing E, so make sure you pick Glacial and run Mikael's if needed, as she can use E to set up her R which can be quite devastating when combined with a stopwatch or Zhonya's.”
huirats says “Neeko support isn't common, but I personally play it. Her root goes through multiple minons, so be careful of that. Don't stand in her Q after she throws it at you because it'll activate multiple times. Her clone isn't hard to distinguish, but poking it with your autos will count for your Spellthief's so it's not terrible if you do get tricked by it. Don't drop Tibbers unless you're 100% sure its actually her. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Neeko has her Ultimate Pop Blossom(R), her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when you’re low when she has her Ultimate up. Neeko can deal a lot of burst damage if she’s able to land her Tangle-Barbs(E) on you. Position towards the opposite side of the lane and as far back as possible to make it harder for her to land this ability on you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. Neeko’s root from her Tangle-Barbs(E) will be increased if she is able to throw it through the minion wave.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Neeko has great disengage with her E, and her W makes it very difficult to chase if she goes invisible. She can only take fights if you walk into her though, so switch into a peel build and it becomes a neutral matchup.”
Demonsedge90 says “A lane matchup could go either way due to Neeko's excellent displacement and lockdown. With this in mind, it's best to engage when she doesn't have pop blossom (ultimate) or tangle barbs (root) available to avoid being locked down when looking to disengage.”
Eu como Miilena says “O poke dela é um pouco difícil de lidar por conta do stun dela passar por minios e se estender também juntamente com seu Q porem é bem fácil de ver quando ela joga ele por conta da cor então proteger seu adc não é difícil. Fugir da ult dela não é difícil apenas coordene seu adc para ir para o lado oposto ao seu e use R+E. ”
DtNikk says “Neeko is alright. Carefull as her E is empowered when passing through minions though. If you see her start ulting, silence her so she doesnt flash to your team . Either supp item is good here.”
TheBlueImperial says “Neeko isn't the biggest trouble in lane, she is just another immobile mage. The issue is once she is level 6, she can completely counter an engagements you make on her team with her R. Wait for her to either waste it or burn it engaging on your team and use your combo as a counter engagement.”
beeinthefranxx says “She can poke and cc real hard. be careful in this matchup. like if you walk up to AA Q then you can get cc's and q'd and maybe even die if her ADC follows up. plus great mobility”
Gobomo says “Dodge her E and don't get baited by her W, and you should be good, even if you won't have a very fun time in lane. If she starts Q first, always be moving, and don't be afraid to go in to poke her with Q-Auto, as she can't punish you with anything more than damage. If she starts E, go in whenever she casts it, then back out after you get your damage off. If she starts W, she'll most likely be able to zone you off of doing pretty much anything unless you manage to get a lucky stun off of a minion. She's very mana hungry in lane, so you have better staying power than she does. Your [[Tempered Fate]] will shield allies from her ult, if it comes to that.”
neuroplasticity says “Off-meta and therefore usually picked primarily by OTPs, you don't want to underestimate Neeko player's creative ways of cheesing the game.
Pay particular attention to her passive and don't get baited - Neeko players love to disguise as low health allies and bait enemy players.
Past 6 you won't see Neeko channel her ult if she is disguised so be prepared when someone is running straight at you.
In lane try to bait out Neeko's root which lasts longer if it hits you through minions. She does have high base damage early on but little utility and poor scaling so going even means you'll end up ahead.
Neeko herself is fairly squishy so landing one bubble can easily spell death for her.
Overall you should do fine as long as you respect her burst. After 6 you can always ult to disengage.
Doglightning says “take Barrier. Both Neeko and zoe have similar range in their kits. Just poke it out and if you land a bubble you can kill. try to use your Q at weird angles on a bubble since she can self block with w.”
LimTheDestructor says “Try to dodge her root. Don't get confused by Neeko's clone - don't engage on Neeko who is stupidly running it down to you because it will probably be the clone. If you see Neeko casting ulti and running to your teammates, use CC to stop her.”
warmfishu says “Will very much try to Tangle-Barb (E) you to reset W and follow up with Blooming Burst (Q) for damage. Also gains movement speed, a clone, and invisibility with Shapesplitter (W), so she can sneak up if you aren't paying attention.”
Korippo says “Her E is a snare that goes through minions and the longer it travels, the longer the root is. She can also turn into her allies and make very sneaky (quite literally) plays, and her ult is also a CC that gives her a temporary shield, plus she can hide her ult windup by disguising as an ally as well. Her Q burst damage is extremely surprising even at early levels, and she will generally oppress you and your ADC all lane. Due to her presence being quite rare though, she's not really a champion worth banning as she's mostly a comp-specific or OTP pick.
A little tip: you can auto attack her clone and get your passive off of it, so if you know it's the fake Neeko, use it to your advantage. That's the only real advantage to this lane though, unfortunately.”
0Banda says “ Neeko is not an easy champion to face, she can't hit her Blooming Burst withouth hitting she's Tangle-Barbs so try dodging this skillshot with your incredible amount of dashes and look forward to engage when her Tangle-Barbs is on cooldown
Neeko's Pop Blossom is also easy to dodge for you, just use Grand Entrance or Battle Dance out from she's ultimate. Also take care about her passive Inherent Glamour, she can transform into a low-health champion to bait you.
Against Neeko build as usual, in the rune section take Unflinching just in case you get rooted by her, also play as usual”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup, most neekos are trigger happy with their ult, so bait hers out with yours. dont place aggressive boxes against her, place them behind you so she cant just W to break them, act like youre placing them aggro so she sends her W to you and use that to get free spellthief stacks. COUNT THE MINIONS!!! if you notice one of them acting weird/know which one she is, ping it to your adc so that they know.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “not really a problem but neeko's clone are probably the greatest anti traps skill in the game, just driving her clones near saplings will be enough to trigger them off.”
Naut1Trick says “Ah yes stun. Like Lux, Neeko is also a very brain dead support to play against. Sure there is skill in playing any character but fighting a Neeko makes me want to die. Watch out for her ult and root and you'll be fine.”
Doody_tco says “It is hard to avoid getting by Neeko cc all times, if she managed to root your carry once, especially after level 6, it will probably mean the end of them”
Billehz says “Can be very annoying, her high damage poke can be hard to deal with especially if they are a good neeko player, but getting out of her ult should be pretty easy for you as Ahri.”
dragonmasterc says “Support Neeko's poke is pretty predictable, given she needs to hit something with her E to get its increased range. Her Q is vastly outranged by your E, making the matchup easy in general. ADC Neeko is exceedingly rare, but should you find it, try to shut down the lane by poking her or her support down early before she builds enough lifesteal and attack speed to start running people down.”
DamselOfDistress says “Neeko needs to engage through minions to be effective. Position away from the minions and you should be fine. Don´t waste your Q on her clone. Better keep it for after she ults, than waste it.”
Daraysen says “She has high damage, can block your hook with her clone and can root you down for her combo, don't get to close, best option here would be to wait for the jungler again until you have a solid foot in the lane.”
KeleiX13 says “Neeko has quite annoying damage in lane but her E should be easy to dodge. She doesn't have much to kill you with until 6, so go aggressive and punish her for missing her Es until 6. If she W's and you want to ult, don't do it unless you know which Neeko is real for sure so you don't waste it. ”
LilRidge says “Obnoxious if anything. You can kill her early if she wastes her root (E). You do not want to engage when she gets 6 as she will demolish your engage with her ultimate.”
Tauricus2017 says “Neeko can apply a very significant root If you get hit by her E while it passed through other characters making this ability very dangerous and hard to counter. Her Q is very fast spell that is hard to dodge (at least the first explosion) and her W provides her an easy escape tool. Overall - pay attention. Watch closely who is Neeko, sometimes it is easy to spot on her attack speed, gameplay and/or ability usage. Play safe and cautiously.”
Ruiner of Fun says “Her damage output is insane but this is to make up for her lack of abilities. In high rank be very mindful of her clone. It may look like a hard INT but that makes it all the more surprising when she roots your entire team. DO NOT FLIP INTO YOUR TEAM UNLESS SHE IS FEEDING.”
Starchase says “Sustain all her poke damage with your E.
Don't detach from your ADC, even if she uses her E, it has a pretty low cooldown.
Tell your ADC to not position behind the minions, that way her E doesn't get empowered.
Care about her lvl 6 burst combo, she can hide it with her W so whenever you see Neeko running into you, just run away.
Pay attention to the champions and the animation of their autoattacks, this way you will recognize if it's the real champion or it's just Neeko.
You outscale her.”
losolkos says “Same rule as most of the mage you need to move all the time but this time dont Stay behind the minions this will give shit if she hits minost than you she will deal you more dmg she have speed boost and clone her self somtime is hard to catch her also stay away from her when he have ult if she hit you all abilitis you are so just when she use her ult use E and run away then you can try to strike back if she use all abilitis .”
EionThePepega says “While Neeko is not hard to fight, it sure is annoying and can give you bad habits, seeing your root and be counterplayed when behind your minions, hers actually enhances when going through waves, making her root the same duration of yours. Honestly, she's just you, but better (except the whole black shield ability).”
mscocca says “The Root on her E can be dangerous at times when you engage with your W (Cougar). Punish her when she wastes or misses it. She might give you a hard time with her W but that's her only real escape.”
XtrassXio says “Neeko is gay. Gays dont like blacks. and blacks dont like gay. the bigger gay/black wins, and gays get more support in life (currenly meta)”
razzyhealer says “Deadly as a support for the same reason Morgana is. Her CC also goes through all minions throughout its range, so you won't be able to use minions as shields. Stay attached.”
icebombhunter says “Her e is strong and she does tons of damage, go hail of blades, once you grab her e immediatly and she is dead. Once she has 6 be careful and remember that if her health bar turns red her ult won't stop yours, but the opposite, so if she is one auto away from the red health and ults just auto her and r.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Dodge Neeko E and the lane is very easy. Focus more on shielding ADC and preventing Neeko from ulting by counter-ult or with Q.”
m3nto8 says “Neeko is very easy to beat. She is rarely ever in position to hit her empowered E, and she's really squishy. Just don't fall for any of her illlusions and tricks.”
jessuva says “Neeko support is like Lux support but worse because she has no shield. Although she can root more people, for some reason I find myself dodging Neeko roots way more than I can dodge Lux roots. Neeko deals damage, but she doesn't have a huge huge range like Lux, so she's easier to deal with. ”
Kilo Khaos says “Neeko's passive can make for interesting baits, so make sure to keep good vision control and ensure it's really her, and that you aren't getting ganked. Also, be aware of her ability to escape with Shapesplitter (W) and engage with her Tangle-Barbs (E).”
xlouis31 says “You have to dodge Neeko's roots or you will be poked out of lane very fast. Stay behind your minions and let them push. Wait for ganks and all-in them once you are lv. 6.”
Mczrks says “Her cloning is straight up annoying, especially when you want to ulti her. Other than that, she have a root, something that is really problematic for pyke. See, pyke cant use 2 abilities when he's rooted e dash and more importantly his ult. His w is almost useless aswell when he can't move”
thesophieset says “Neeko support is really dangerous when played well. Her Q pops three times on champion hit so get out before it chunks you. Try not to stand behind minions when she casts her E as it extends its duration and keeps you snared for up to 3 seconds. Not a good lane for Soraka, but if you play it safe and manage not to get stunned by her R, you can win.”
Oiaki says “The only thing that wont be able to stand is her stun. "BRO EVERYTIME I GO IN SHE USES IT" ~ you soon
But really, if u cant stand her, ban her.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Very rare to see Neeko bot, but it happens. She's a worse version of Fiddle. Little to no threat pre-6, but if your ADC gets hit by her ult they're probably dead.”
Dougaroo says “Neeko's stuns followed up by her splash ability can leave you dead quicker than you expect. Fiddle early game is super squishy and won't last a minute with her if she is in the support role or if she happens to gank your lane. You need to keep your eyes open for her stun ability and try to predict it. She would be a major issue if she had more mana and didn't guzzle what little she has early game before you've built up health and ap.”
Cat Elf says “Neeko has a lot of CC and damage but her range is pretty short and if she misses her E in laning phase you can just walk up to proc your passive. ”
Jointed says “While Neeko can rival our poke and all in damage early, she is just not up to par in mid to late game. Play the early safely and capitalize on their pick in the mid game.”
Gravixx says “Everyone still falls for the clone very often. A good Neeko will use her clone well, but you can tell from a few things. If she's cloned as an ADC she will have visibly lower attack speed than the ADC, likewise if shes cloned as a very high damage champion she will have comparatively low damage on her auto attacks. Similarly if she's cloned as Soraka or someone like that she will do noticeably more damage with her attacks. You can also tell by how aggressive the enemy is, if you see a Soraka running up to you without casting any spells, its probably Neeko. If you see someone from another lane at very low health running towards you for some reason, it's probably Neeko. These are the types of logical things that you have to keep an eye out for to avoid dumb engages.”
GoBucket says “Nasty - CC and good burst. Once she gets 6 it's going to be tough to engage. Engage only if you are going to all in and know you will kill her, but try to find these windows of opportunity pre-6 to get ahead.”
semisomniac says “Treat Neeko as a threat on the level of a mage support. She's high-damage and high-kill potential. Your silence can't interrupt her ult cast.”
TheComicalBiker says “Be aware that her passive allows her to look like another champion. This can lead to a bait. Neeko can use Shapesplitter (W) to escape and Tagled-Barbs (E) to engage.”
ff20orfeeding says “Not a matchup I have ecnoutered too much, but I can imagine this would be considered a bit of a skill matchup. Annoying none the less.”
Mid Lane 52.59% Win Rate30% Pick RateNeeko Mid Lane Counters: 4 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Neeko in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
minutua says “DShield + Ventos + TP + Elec. Ela eh bem lane bully, mas vc ganha dela com um item.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champions in the game, with significant power in both teamfights and skirmishes. During the laning phase, the key is dodging as many of her Qs and Es as possible, so keep your movement very active. If you can dodge her skillshots and land many of your own, you should come out with a slight lead in this matchup (plus, you outscale her considerably). Rushing Merc Treads can also be very helpful in this matchup.”
angeLoon says “dring/conq
neeko is a annoying matchup but not impossible.
she will try to poke you with q to make you base.
be careful she use her q, it continues exploding if she hits you or kills minions
for laning, try to bait her E so you can all-in in a long trade.”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. The main issue with Neeko is her poke and range. You have a way better clear than her so use that to your advantage to ignore lane and roam. Make sure to buy Null-Magic first back and consider upgrading to Merc's after RoA. Banshee's 3rd into Frozen 4th is good against a mix damage team comp. If Neeko isn't that fed, you can consider going Verdant Barrier > Frozen Heart > Banshee's. Keep your farm up and you'll outscale hard. In teamfights, keep distance from your team and use them as a bait for Neeko ult. A must-use trick against Neeko is to always spam tab when she's missing as her icon won't have a ? so you'll know she's in disguise. Once you know she's missing, PING your side lanes like crazy.”
xumi_k says “Somehow Neeko stopped being a midlaner, becoming a support, but if you face her, and don’t see anywhere then count the minions- oh, you’re rooted- oh, you’re almost dead. Jokes aside, Neeko has a great root and can hide among minions, so be careful. If she pokes you out from the lane, don’t worry, as you’ll eventually become stronger. Be careful of her in teamfights. Her root and ult will make it much easier for enemy carries to kill you. Don’t chase her if she uses W (sends a clone and gains move speed), you can chase the clone accidentally.
Tamikaze says “You counter Neeko mid. Dodge her E and then all in her with W+E+Q. Your DPS is higher than her at almost all points of the game. If she ults, just dash out before it happens or flash, then she's just a cannon minion. ”
j4ss says “She have zero sustain, her CC is annoying so just go mercs and statikk rush and she's done. Be careful to her gimmicks and it's a free win.”
GreenReapers says “Any Runes viable.
Long Sword start. Taking cleanse can be a good idea here, as she has tons of CC with her E and R.
You'll mostly want to play around her E, as hitting it through minions will guarantee heavy followup damage with her Q. Same as with Orianna, using your W shadow or your Ult to dodge hers can lead to a massive advantage in fights.
Note, that iIf you have recently attacked her with your passive or marked her with you ult you can use that as an indicator to track the real Neeko.”
MetalK1d says “Neeko is very annoying champion because she can easily root and combo you through minions. The way to kill her is to dodge her root and all in her.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet] Neeko will repeatedly throw Q onto you which is very hard to dodge so the lane can become very oppressive, try to force trades when her Q or E is down and dont stand right behind your minions to avoid getting rooted by her empowered E. Be aware of her turning into minions and ulting you / your team after lvl 6”
SkandalloTV says “Very high damage and low cooldowns. Not so easy to dodge. Focus on farming and going even. You can deal the same amount of damage in team fights as her. However, she has the advantage cause of her passive.”
otaliz says “In the laning phase, try to stay on the same side of the lane as her so she can't easily E you though minions. She has a good wave clear and will try to push you to stop you from roaming. So punish her when she has her abilities on cooldown to stop her from pushing.”
CrazyMatt02 says “ Finding her in MID or as a BOT/SUP you might have a bit of difficulty in the middle of the game because Neeko dumps large amounts of magic power on you and you should just run away”
Foxirion says “Neeko’s crowd control and ability to mimic other champions can be a threat to Swain, as she can disrupt his positioning and catch him off guard.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet] Neeko will repeatedly throw Q onto you which is very hard to dodge so the lane can become very oppressive, try to force trades when her Q or E is down and dont stand right behind your minions to avoid getting rooted by her empowered E.
Be aware of her turning into minions and ulting you / your team after lvl 6”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
You really need to keep your distance from Neeko. Keep counting the amount of minions per wave so as to not get caught off guard and position yourself in a way so that there aren't any minions between you and Neeko, as her root becomes more powerful after hitting a target first. First Strike is non-viable as a Neeko disguised as a minion counters it entirely.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
You have a range advantage against Neeko, however she has kill pressure on you if she hits a lot of Qs on you. pay attention to the waves in case you have 4 melee creeps. As usual play for poke and chunks to force her out of lane.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. If you dodge a lot of skillshots and hit a lot of your own, you should probably come out with a slight lead in this matchup (and you outscale very hard). Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. If you ever hit a random bubble on her it can swing the lane around completely, so try catch her when she goes to CS or when she gets too aggressive.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. Any early ganks will hurt her a lot as she needs to snowball. You will be heavily advantaged against Neeko in the sidelane so that will be your chance to catch up.”
awawa says “ALWAYS keep in mind she can turn into a minion. There should NOT be 4 mage or melee minions, or 2 cannons in a wave.
Theres no limit for now many units she can stun with E, but she needs to get pretty close to you to land it, which you should take advantage of. Her Q will deal damage 2-3 more times as it hits something, dont stand in it.
Keep in mind she can Flash-R or Rocketbelt-R.
Shes a tricky champion, but its doable. Falls off late game and useless when behind. Dies when you R.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. Neeko is normally outscaled pretty hard so as long as you don’t give over kills you should be in a good spot coming out of lane. With the comet build you can build a 1v1 CS lead but just being even would be good enough in this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. If you can take phase rush, you can look to trade when her E is down but make sure to E her away and disengage before her ult goes off.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. You outscale Neeko really hard so as long as you don't fall too far behind you'll be in a good spot.”
Soft Headpats says “Neeko's poke in lane is much easier to land compared to yours, plus her root lasts a long time if she hits you with it. Rushing Mercs can help you deal with Neeko, but otherwise, you outscale and outrange her.
Just be aware of her passive disguise, since a lot of Neekos will try to turn into a minion and ult you. Also, make sure you ping missing for your team so they don't get caught off-guard by her shenanigans. Be prepared to WW yourself or your team if she manages to get close.
ShokLoL says “Neeko is a pretty strong laner so you will be mainly trying to dodge skillshots and clear waves to survive. You definitely outscale this matchup so as long as you don't get blasted 1v1 if you should be good. You can consider rushing merc treads if you need them too.”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. Neeko is normally outscaled pretty hard so as long as you don’t give over kills you should be in a good spot coming out of lane.
SanyGame says “It's a pretty annoying matchup. She can easily stun you with her [E] as it can pass through minions and turrets. Keep in mind that if she lands it, this can cost you half your HP or even death. Also, space your turrets far apart because she can kill them with a single [Q]. If she tries to [R] you, try to stun her with a grenade and use a double beam combo.”
Deceiver_euw says “Neeko is a lane bully and her Q is a very hard spell to dodge but since leblanc is also strong in lane they usually go even against each other. Try to bait her Qs out even tho its hard and dont give her an E angle through minions since it will snare you for half a decade. Never leave your guard down vs neeko mid/late game since she can turn into minions and if auto pilot you will lose the game in a heartbeat. Cool trick vs neeko is to always hold tab as the waves meet and if her icon appears visible on the scoreboard, then she is somewhere on the wave transformed as a minion or a teammate. You can also count the minions :) ”
ShokLoL says “Neeko is a pretty strong laner but if you do a good job of dodging her skillshots then you can win. You also definitely outscale this matchup so if you go even you're in a great spot. Rushing merc treads in this matchup can help a lot too.”
vSomnia says “Dodge her Q's, if she misses her E you can look for a trade. She will probably use her w when you engage look for you passive circle to reveal the right one. Permanently count minions, spam ping her roams or when you know she is in the minion wave.
You can use scoreboard to see if she revealed herself even when she is transformed, using the questionmark for missing champs.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Neeko, focus on farm, dodging her E, you can trade her if she waste her E, she will poke you a lot with her Q, if you can't dodge use your W to spare some dmg, if her R you, you can time your R or your E to avoid the stun”
Diimoonz says “Good range, poke and cc that makes it really hard to play against her. You can´t engage on her because of her stun and ultimate combo. ”
gaarrett says “Can poke you, but you can either respond in kind or get in her face and full combo. Dodge the root and land E2, the matchup is fairly similar to Lux. Any minion that moves weird is Neeko, throw Q at it until she shows herself. [5/5] ultimate, AOE knockup scaling with AP is awesome. ”
MukiiBaa says “Outranges you and out damages you.
If she misplay she is dead. Look to predict her cast coz you will have to dodge it and hopefully hit E. Use E explosion to hit and catch her if she hides in minions
149Gray says “Don't get hit by all of her Q ticks, dodge/pool her E and play safe until you have it back up. If she's missing, when a new wave arrives, count the minions (6 minions on an avarage wave and 7 on a cannon wave). You have to pool as soon as she presses her R since they buffed it, and now it knocks you up.”
XD001 says “Dodge her root and you win. If she ever engages on you with R, you can time your R to dodge the pop of hers. During laning, move back and forth as much as possible while CSing to juke out Neeko's skillshots, as they are her main source of damage. If she misses her root you can E on to her but she will just W run away. Late game look for flanks as she will look to engage on your team with R. You can one shot her in side lanes as well.
take Elec + precision page”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Play to dogde the root "E" and you win, heavy poke so second wind and doran shild is good, play it slow.
Juega a esquivar su root "E" y ganarás, heavy poke asi que segundo aire y Doran Shild es buena idea, juega despacio.”
SurferKiller says “Dodge this matchup if you can. If you have no choice but to play vs her, ask your toplaner to swap. If you can't, then try to survive as much as you possibly can. Dodge her E, because if you don't, get ready to scream IRL.”
KazunaSan says “sa range élevée et son clone vous empêche de tenter quoi que ce soit, elle vous poke beaucoup mais si vous arrivez à dodge ses sorts ça ira, je pick neeko quand on me vole mon gragas car c'est facile de le punir. ”
FrostbiteMW says “You trade pretty even, but you definitely have the advantage. You have better burst and trade. Make sure you dodge her root and you will be fine.”
FrostbiteMW says “She might be a bit annoying in early levels, but after your first back you should be strong enough to just perma poke her. You outrange her and shouldnt get hit.”
FrostbiteMW says “She might be a bit annoying in early levels, but after your first back you should be strong enough to just perma poke her. You outrange her and shouldnt get hit.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. She will be really annoying early game, just stay safe. After a few levels you can outrange and poke her.”
Wizboy73 says “Take poke or experimental runes, default works too just care for he E, if it hits through minions you get a ton of dmg and you are out of lane almost instantly. you outscale hard, ”
Hexeria says “[Will constantly poke you, so go Dorans Shield + Second wind.] [Dont stand behind minions, to not get rooted for 3 seconds.] [Count the enemy minions, if she is missing.] [E out of her Ult.]”
Vlasuo says “Neeko laning phase gives me more and more trauma every time i encounter it. She deals way too much damage with just one tick of her Q from 1000 range and you can never all-in her because of her invisibility. Try your best to waste her abilities and see an opening otherwise just play defensively and opt into side-laning.
EXTRA: You can windwall both her Q and her E”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat because Her W can move to blook your paddle star ( Q ) even she was sleep and she strong in the lane can wave clear easier than zoe”
Halkem says “Has 2 AOE spells that insta-clear your voidlings. A good Neeko will also use her clone to block your E from passing to the next minion, making your wave clear even worse. You can press TAB to see if she's transformed or not by looking if she has a "?" in her icon, if she doesn't she's in the map somewhere, don't get minion ganked in your own lane like a dumbass, pay attention. Your goal in this matchup is to try to survive the lane and look for opportunities to get into the game. ”
Iceyou says “Respect her damage , Respect her mindgames . Poke her if you can , contest the push and play for your team . Counter his all in with self cast R . ”
TrueGIXERJ says “if you have not yet learned how to count you may struggle, her damage is a little high and if you get caught by her snare you die or are forced to recall - but as long as you're counting minions and not getting hit stupidly it's not a tough win. care her R in teamfights.”
The Milelator says “Annoying, but fair. You will have a hard time killing her, however she cannot deny your push unless she ults you. Push waves and roam.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban. Too hard for warwick to deal with in most cases, but otherwise get merc treads before or after tiamat depending on enemy jungler
She has too much damage and amazing teamfight potential.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Prior I said no one plays neeko, but that has changed with the rework. I would still say she is a very easy matchup, but just be careful and count that wave.”
Allyooops says “Really hard matchup she has a lot of dmg and it weirdly tanky early. If she misses everything you can kill but if you all in care her r will just destroy yours. ”
Tokiyami says “Poke heavy champ, just becareful of her E root because if you stand behind minions and it hits a minion before it hits you then the root is extending just be respectful of neeko range and you can usually all in her at lvl 6 when she wastes her root just use your E to dodge her ulti when she panic ults as you ult in.”
Lindroganti says “Her abilities are much easier to dodge than others. You can very easily block her ult too. She is always behind her clone. Don't stand too close to your minions, as they don't protect you in this mu. Dies like any other mage close up. DO NOT GET ROOTED AND THEN HAVE HER THROW Q ON YOU. It will burst like 3 times and chunk you out, you MUST block this. ”
stormraided says “Neeko is kind of like Zoe in a way, her pokes are very painful and she can spam Q so you have to recall, dodge her root and count your minions, her ultimate can be sudden and is very strong so bear in mind.”
support_diff says “Neeko can turn into a minion so you can't get close enough to farm, she has a great ult and great damage, pretty much unwinnable. Try not to give her XP lead early. If she misses her root, go for a trade as she is weaker then. Ban potential”
Fuzzmonkey says “Your Packmates will actually help with empowering her E. Her E+Q combo can also take out all your packmates and deal some serious damage to you as well, make sure to dodge her E at all times and the matchup will be won. ”
Wraithlander says “3 Melees, 3 Casters. 3 Melees, 3 Casters. 3 Melees, 3 Casters. Jokes aside you genuinely will need to count the minions for the whole game especially during lane phase. Her early trading power is extremely oppressive and she might be the strongest mage in the game currently. Max Q and only engage when her either E or Q is down. Early boots is a must to dodge her ridiculous Q damage. Her ult is a really good one to steal as you can use zhonyas during the channel time.”
sullyyylol says “MISERY
This champion has absurd damage. She's very hard to kill unless she makes multiple mistakes. Make sure you're dodging E's and playing the counting minigame.”
support_diff says “Neeko can disguise as a minion, root you from behind your wave and deal a lot of damage afterwards. Check every wave for bonus minions as they will be Neeko in a disguise.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “As a rule, most mages are pretty easy as Panth. Neeko is an exception. Her kit is very annoying. If you match with Neeko just be careful of her root.”
Zero macro says “Neeko has an even early game into Kog'maw. Kog'Maw should be careful into Neeko all in threats, while she can be transformed as well. On the other hand Kog'Maw gains access to higher ranges and can overcome Neeko fairly easy.”
whaz says “you outburst her but she has a ton of cc so be careful! and also don't stand in your minion wave because her e roots longer as it go thru more units!”
AngeReaper says “A big lane bully try to combo( Q + AA + W then E out ) when she's on CD or she's gonna AA you to death
Please COUNT MINIONS WAVE and avoid her E”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Don't trade her with AA if she goes AD build]
[If you struggle, call your jungler to help you]”
freuio123 says “Glaube Neeko ist derzeit komplett broken und super gut in Ahri.
Neeko outtraded dich early und oneshottet dich nach 6 im CC Chain.
Ahri sollte gut darin sein, Neeko catchen zu können, aber Neeko sollte Ahri outvaluen in Teamfights.
Hoffen, dass Jungler kommt oder Neeko durch zu viel roaming behind fällt.”
NickLeVlach says “Don't let her hit her enhanced root on you and try your best to not get caught in her ult, otherwise, you'll need to flash to not die.”
uwuimsocute says “Do not know whether something has changed after a rework except for she can surprise you being a minion.
If they did not add stupid numbers of damage the matchup is still good for Varus, care about her root, especially after 6 you will be dead if she hits it.”
- Dodge spells, especially root
- Her root becomes faster and bigger after hitting atleast 1 enemy (can be minion). Root duration is also increased
- Her Q pops up 3 times in total, 1 on cast and then every time when hitting champion, or killing minion. Try dodging atleast 2 of them
- Every 3rd auto her auto becomes Empowered increasing her DMG, Range and is Instant
- E when her ult is about to explode”
Cryniu says “Keep your distance, her engage is hard. Poke her slowly and use Mercury's treads if you are suffering. If she engage to you with her ultimate just use yours.”
TB Azir says “E'leri dodgela, Q'ları da dodgelamaya çalış ama adam düzgün bi rangeden atarsa biraz zor, o yüzden patlamasını yeme ve mümkün mertebe farmlayıp ilk iteme kadar bekle. Reworklendiğinden beri aptal lane bruiser bi çar olduğu için early game hasarı Azir gibi %36.04 wr D Tier bir şampiyonun karşılık verebileceği bir seviyede değil.
Rün: Fleet”
DaddyVladdy says “Same range as you but more damage.Bait her e and dodge it. Proc night harvester off of her clone so you gain movement speed.Pool her r”
darkezmond says “A sufficiently large range of attacks and a lot of damage at the beginning, wait until she spends her Q and E and then switch to her Q and E”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Blood choice.
Consider mercs.
You outscale and should consistently outtrade, but her cc/poke is brutal and she can land snares into a kill combo.
You can R out of her ult.”
Deru says “Very annoying matchup since flipping her into your team is a good thing for her, though she isn't played that often. Try to bait out engages so she wastes her ult or w to then go in again and flip her.”
Deru says “Very annoying matchup since flipping her into your team is a good thing for her, though she isn't played that often. Try to bait out engages so she wastes her ult or w to then go in again and flip her.
MiniLuxi1 says “It's better to keep your distance. It is quite dangerous if you do not dodge its Immobilization (it can fly through creeps), if Niko runs to you, and then the 2nd one appears, be vigilant and better put W so that she could not easily get you. After 6, it's better for you to keep your distance with her, because if she turns into an "ally" of her team, she can hide her R and kill you.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Either go BOTRK rush (recommended) or full AP.”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
If you are facing a good Neeko, you will need to know how to play against it well. Once you sleep her, wait for her to be slept before throwing your Q. If you throw it before she is slept, she may be able to throw her clone in the same direction to block your Q. Outside of that interaction, her E+Q combos hurt a lot. Besides that she can't do much else. If she tries to R you, you R out of it just like in the Star Guardian Cinematic between the two.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Mind Of Kayle says “Dont stay close to your minions as she can bounce her stun from them to you. When you AA or E her before she uses her clone, u will see which Neeko is correct one thanks to press the attack mark.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Very strong laning phase, she can harass you and if she roots you once you are almost instantly forced to recall. Her clone can ruin your boxes. ”
Demonsedge90 says “Neeko is a shifty opponent to deal with and can clone out on the fly and attempt to confuse you. In addition, her kit has access to a root & stun that can lead to your demise. Make sure to avoid combat with Neeko until she has exhausted all her options.”
Atemporal says “Neeko's é um dos magos com o início de jogo mais forte. Evite ser cutucado por seu ataque automático com poder de W. Use E para desviar do E, se você for atingido, você perde MUITO HP. Se Neeko iniciar o Q, é possível ir para um push de Q nível 1, mas se ela
começa W como ela deveria, você vai ser cutucado demais. Se Neeko sentir falta de seu E sem que você precise usar E para evitá-lo, troque com ela o mais rápido possível. E1 - Q - E2. Enquanto fizer esse combo, você poderá proc passiva mesmo se ela for. O Real
Neeko sempre será aquela que acumula 2 passivas nela. Se a Neeko jogar corretamente (que é jogar de forma super agressiva) você não poderá empurrá-la no início do jogo. Jogue para sobreviver, baseie em torno de 750/785 de ouro para pegar Dark Seal +
Anel de Doran. Se você sentir que não precisará de regeneração de mana extra do Anel de Doran, basta usar Dark Seal + Amp Tome. Após sua primeira volta, você pode começar a procurar negócios. Você pode negociar mesmo que ela tenha E, contanto que você use W antes
A razão pela qual esta lane é de dificuldade média é porque se você pegar muito poke cedo e acabar ficando para trás, você continuará sendo pokeado e você nunca poderá matá-la. Negociar R com Neeko também não vale a pena, a menos que você faça uma boa negociação
porque seu R só tem um cooldown de 90 segundos. Mais tarde, é super arriscado lutar em equipe contra Neeko, porque um E em um R irá CC por tempo suficiente para o time inimigo matá-lo. Jogue split push, se Neeko tentar defender 1v1 contra você, procure empurrar
as ondas e então procure por Ws quando ela estiver limpando as ondas. Como Ekko limpa as ondas muito mais rápido que Neeko, você também poderá empurrar e atacar o time dela. Merc Threads é sempre uma boa opção quando se joga contra Neeko.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Alles möglich
Alle ihre Spells haben sehr geringe Range also spiel mit high Range E Poke. Zhonya hilft gegen ihre Ult”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her Tangle-Barbs(E). This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate Pop Blossom(R) off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Blooming Burst(Q). Once Neeko has her Ultimate, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate up.”
Adamonias says “You can beat her in lane, just requires good positioning. Don't stand behind minions or her E gets super speed/range, if she has no E you can kinda just throw abilities at her. She can bodyblock ur E with her clone. Once she has 6 the E-> ult combo can fuck you up, if you can perma dodge E just save flash for her ult. You CAN take clense but i dont think its neccacery most of the time”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her Tangle-Barbs(E). This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate Pop Blossom(R) off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Blooming Burst(Q). Once Neeko has her Ultimate, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her Tangle-Barbs(E). This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate Pop Blossom(R) off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Blooming Burst(Q). Once Neeko has her Ultimate, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate up.”
SkyBanana says “Neeko best decision is to trick you with thinking it is someone else for her to Pop Blossom the enemy team. Early game she is a very strong lane bully with her Q poke and W harass while E sets her up for it. Your saving grace is that if she W clone wrong... your R will extend off of it and gives you that much effective reach to captivate people fleeing the fight from miles away. Just remember that you both act the same but play differently.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her E. This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Blooming Burst(Q). Once Neeko has her Ultimate, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate up.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty annoying poke and stun power honestly. Her Q does more damage if it hits minions who die or hits you and her root lasts longer the more targets it hits. Just try to keep your distance, play safe and bait her into ganks.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Neeko is the fucking F.O.A.B. Get out of her range as best as possible and try to poke. Her passive on W makes her great at 1v1s. You out sustain her so take advantage of it.”
Body Those Fools says “You have to dodge her Q and especially her E or you will get poked out of lane, have to blow Flash, or die. Her E range gets extended when she Es a minion so watch out for that. If she hits her Q, run out of it as fast as possible because it pops again for more damage if it last hits a minion or hits you/a champion up to three times. If she Ults you, you can just Ult her away or drift out of it.”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight - Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q max ->W->E
Dont stand ontop of minions
Dodge her E with your E
Early game bully, you win post 6 & outscale
Focus on csing then go for kill lvl 6 (Dodge her ult & you win)
R 9/10 huge AOE stun/dmg/shield
Zhonyas second (R)”
OSG Rewynd says “Neeko is easy to lane. Neeko players love missing E when you walk at them. You can usually kill her solo, and if not, just shove and roam, because she has much less waveclear than u.”
Zoose says “Her E root is her only main threat, and it will increase the root duration, speed and width if it passes through minions. Therefore, try not to align with minions and go aggressive when its down. At lv 6, you should look to W flick her away when she's about to ult.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Very hard to kill cuz invisibility, poke her. Stand next to minions, not behind. Orange for healing or to remove bind. Passive dot will help you track the real one.”
Axty says “As soraka you have to play safe, position behind minions and such. Neeko removes that option. Her E will make playing into her a living hell for you.”
basrty1p says “Watch out her E and her R
You should be fine in lane since your skill has a long range better than her even early game.
You DPS damage will be outscale her in mid-late game since your Worked Ground Q can slow and kill her quickly before she can do anything.”
Esrucnl says “I don't know who still plays this champion, but should be free if you ult her and dodge her E/R with your E.
Just be careful because she can clone herself (W) and soak your ult with it.
Make sure you don't get too poked before you do.”
Azurio says “Like some other mages, she is really predictable, avoid her E Q combo with E and go for trades if she misses or use it on wave. Care about her R flash and proto/luden powerspike.”
ddieguito_es says “She can dodge your utility, poke is annoying and if she roots + R you you might be dead. Even if she's a big problem, she's squishy and it's easy to kill her IF you hit your CC.”
beansoce says “early game she has alot of dmg and poke, get early cdr or boots to dodge her abilities or outsustain the dmg. Save ur w for her ult not her e.”
Bunny Kata says “W to dodge every spell, E to dodge every spell. She is not quite killable because of her W so try to bait her near your turret.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
Billbo Dabbins says “Arguably the hardest matchup for Ziggs. Not worth a ban due to the low pickrate, but has the highest winrate among champs against Ziggs.”
Berdasco9 says “El matchup va como el de Lux, el pokeo de Neeko es mayor pero es mucho mas fácil entrar en rango para saltarle simplemente ten en cuenta su daño.”
Her range is so cancer for vladimir and her empowered autos hurt.
Try to last hit as good as you can and watch out for her E pool it if it goes through minions as the stun duration is increased and offers her a free combo rotation on you meaning you can t lane anymore.
Doran shield is viable this lane or got teleport watch out level 6 since her R also give her a shield and most neeko players will opt for perfect timing which means they ll get a free stopwatch.”
Dustyacer says “Pretty awful mu, if she hits you with her e, you take so much damage. Dont let her empowered aa for free. She is always behind the clone, so if u can tell who is closer to original location is the real one. Also pta procs on her reveal which is the real one. Our e blocks all her abilities. Pre 6, can be used to block q dmg if u get rooted. Post 6, can still do that, but try to save it for her r.
Try not to let her freeze the wave outside her tower, having a lot of your minions make her have more angles for her e, you basically cant cs anymore except with charged q.
Only reason not extreme is because her short range and the ease of blocking her stuff. She also falls off decently hard. I honestly think this champion is terrible, i almost never lose to neekos on any champion in low-mid elos (but i also used to main her so might be biased)”
Xalt says “Neeko is useless without her E so try to stand close to your minion wave so she either pushes with Q and over extends for an all in, or you freeze and zone her out. Your E range is further than her E so you can Q E. As she roots you, ult and your ult duration should keep her in distance for the all in.”
officialwiseguy says “The hardest part of facing neeko is remembering what her passive does. Be wary of level 6 all in, keep flash up as much as possible.”
DabiDabi says “Her stun is annoying as it extends and goes faster if it hits minions. Avoid being hit by more than 1 of 3 of her Q's bloom. I suggest going Null Orb. Her R can do surprising dmg so watch out for that too. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Gets much easier after you bought Mythic Item]
[Don't get fooled by her clone]”
Kamachamaeleon says “Neeko has some insane scaling that allows her to burst you down, and with her Q and E, it's very easy to get caught out by her. I would play passively and get your jungler to gank your lane as much as possible to allow you to also roam. In this matchup you will want to roam as much as you can, without losing out on much xp or cs.”
Fake Supp says “if she has a big brain you have a hard time but if not its not very hard to play vs her just dodge the root and lane gets easier to play simple as that”
desch3445 says “You don't have a surefire way to dodge her root, and if she hits that root, you're done, dead, out the lane, walk of shame back to fountain.
Just survive lane, farm up, and you'll be able to 1-shot her in mid-late game.
Take the Electrocute page; While she might not be mobile, she's got good poke, and it's real hard for her to miss her root, so you're not gonna be taking extended trades vs her.”
ThePieBeam says “This champ is very scary. In Aaram. In lane; however, it's just a matter of dodging her Q and not being so stupid as to fall for her W. I put her at even because of the same reasons as I put Morgana there, she has 7s of cc with a scary amount of bust attached. It should't be too hard to keep her locked down though since she barely has any mobility as it is, and a move fast ability doesn't even count against Anivia. If you're struggling into this lane consider building tier 2s asap to help dodge the Q (either swifties or merc treads).”
xmarksthesp0t says “Early and Midgame superhard. You are not even safe under turret. Lategame she falls off and you oneshot her sooner or later.
Most of the game she outranges you and have good cc to keep you at a distance. Be prepared to be down alot of cs and reach endgame later than you want to.”
Callmebee says “Neeko is a strong tomato! Similar to Ziggs match-ups, I like to stay a bit further from minions to make sure she doesn't get a second cast on her Q and I accidentally get hit by it. Her root goes through minions so be wary of that, once she misses/you dodge, it is easy to go poke. If you struggle, take Mercury's Treads; any summoner spells are viable.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Neeko is quite a hard champion to lock down. You can't engage using grapple like you normally would. This is because of her W and it making her disappear while a clone that can stop your grapple in motion. She can also be threatening if she lands her abilities on you. Be sure to dodge her E and run at her with Q and auto attacks. Use E if you can get behind her however you won't get very much of its damage off. Post 6 if she hits you with a snare she will do a lethal amount of damage. Avoid being hit by E but you can still play aggressive. Be sure to get out of her R range if she begins to cast it and then go for the kill.”
lonestar1870 says “Play this similar to the Lux matchup.
Dont let her hit her root on you, especially not through minions. She will be able to get a really good trade on you if you do.
You should be able to kill her pretty easily at level 6.
Her biggest weakness is short range and difficulty setting up a good ult.
You can take Electrocute or Comet for better laning damage, but PR is also good so you have better chances of getting out of her ultimate.
I like Teleport since it's such a good summ, but you can take ignite for more kill pressure or cleanse if they have a lot of CC.”
IreliaS Secret says “У нико рендж автоатак больше, но урона меньше чем у тебя (как с автоатак, так и с умений). Не позволяй себя поукать. Старайся ее запушить. Если нико промазала каким-то умением, то старайся сократить дистанцию и раздамажить ее. ”
Nafnegle says “Neeko is a strong tomato! Similar to Ziggs match-ups, I like to stay a bit further from minions to make sure she doesn't get a second cast on her Q and I accidentally get hit by it. Her root goes through minions so be wary of that, once she misses/you dodge, it is easy to go poke. If you struggle, take Mercury's Treads.”
livikattt says “Her cc and damage is pretty ridiculous, but you can kill her pretty easily if you land your spells first. Plus, if she tries ulting you, just stopwatch (if she rooted you) or escape with your ult before going back in to kill her.”
Juplicate says “She has good poke and burst early but does not scale well from her lack of range as a mage. Play safe into her early and use your e to get out of her ultimate.”
BigChingas says “Every time i fought a neeko I won every game. Her abilities are predictable and easy to dodge (except ult but ult is predictable too). The only issue you might have is her clone. Honestly, a lot of neeko players think the same so it is easy to predict them.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Matchup is even but annoying.
She has a 3 AA passive on her W so try to not be in range of her early to not get poked down by her.
If she lands one E on you, you are going to lose a lot of HP.
Any time you go for a Q3 knockup, she just Ws and you can't R her OR she just Rs and if you ult you take massive damage and get Ed.
Best way to deal with her is to just push and look for roams since her wave clear isn't the best compared to most mages.
Windwall her E and E away from her while she is Ring.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is annoying as hell. You can never Q3 into her or she will just E you and full combo you.
E back when she channels her ult. If you get hit by her Es at all, prepare to lose lane or most of your HP.
Use your ult after she uses her W so you have vision of her. If you hit her when she uses W while you're in
your E, the E mark will show the real neeko. Don't let her poke you for free with her autos and her W
Katawina52 says “Really really really annoying poke early and it's hard to go in if she holds on her root. Go dshield here and maybe even second wind to deal with her obnoxious poke. Once you have your spike or more you should be more useful in fights unless she gets an insane ult with follow up, so try to survive the annoying poking early then scale in fights. Another great champ to buy Mercs into if more cc is in the game.”
PlayCabex says “Very easy to win against her , you can heal her poke back , you can dodge her ult with your sanguine pool , you can oneshot her very easily”
eiensiei says “I outrange her with E, but won't go for passive procs, as it looks obvious and it makes it easy for her to hit E-Q. When she's casting her R, she's standing still so hitting a Q-E-R combo on her is free. If she's a good Neeko and finds good flanks, I'll buy a Zhonya's for her R - it's telegraphed and good reactions aren't even necessary to use the active properly.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Doran + 2 pots or Corrupting if you feel you are going to get poked down. If you are against AD assume more consistent damage over time, if you are against AP assume that burst is going to hit you so choose the itemisation accordingly. Try not to get fooled often by her passive because it's quite easy to spot (and obvious in some cases) and stay away from her ult. Dodge her CC spell and you should be good to go because she's rather slow/clunky at times. Outroam her or try to kill her, both options are good. Pick Ignite with Minion Demat and whatever else you feel that it would work.”
Hullos says “The same deal as all immobile mages, dodge the cc, punish, though her invisibility can be annoying, it is often not good enough to dodge all your damage. just be careful for her all in. ”
Avucado says “Start E and look for trades. She has low range but good burst, stay to the side of your minions so her E doesn't stun for longer. Post 6 do not E through because she will R and get a huge shield on top of the long stun. Walk up and Q->HoB autos if you can post 6 and bait the R then E out. She has a very low ult cd so assume it's always up every time you first see her. ”
LunarVortex says “Her poke is annoying in the first few levels, but after that, you win hard. Her kit is super straight forward. Spellshield her E. If you don't react in time or don't have it ready, simply wait for her to ult and then spellshield that. Whenever she ults is also a good opportunity for you to land your Q since she has to stay still for a moment.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Neeko is an easy matchup you can survive her poke with mercs first back and follow up on her roams, your teamfight is better than hers.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Neeko is a pretty easy match up since avoiding her E just leaves her completely vulnerable. Even after level 6, baiting her ult is pretty simple since you can W back to avoid the damage + CC. Constantly poke her at all levels and she will not be able to respond to your damage if she can't hit her enhanced E.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Mainly a skill match up, don't let her hit her enhanced root on you and try your best to not get caught in her ult, otherwise you'll need to force a summoner to not die.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield In Resolve second wind and unflinching.
neeko is pretty annoying to play against but you can still win when facing her,try to dodge or block her E to trade against her.
yasuo can block her E and Q”
ILoveYxne says “just use your E to dodge her cc, it's pretty easy to predict.
your E will mark you that neeko is the real one (when she uses her W) the marks of the red tone of the E and so you know what it is.”
Ambitieux says “Neeko is just Ahri with less mobility. Watch for her root and lane and you should naturally be able to out damage her. Should try to wait to fight after 6, were you can setup easy ganks with jungler. But after 6 you completely out move her and this lets you have room for big outplays. Her poke can be kind of nasty though so do watch for that”
kindo says “Neeko is relatively low range like Kindred, and can pretty easily outdamage her given that you get in range. Dodge her root (she has to throw it through minions to be useful) - or just don't line up behind minions for her to root through.
Tenacity pretty much makes it possible to run her down through her combo, and any poke she'll deal you can sustain with your W.”
Coldsong says “Neeko is a very tedious matchup for Talon. Make sure to dodge her E if possible, and remember that it travels even farther through minions. Try to stand adjacent to the wave and throw out your W to hit her and the wave, so that she cannot land a free root and you poke her. I would suggest buying a Hexdrinker against her if you are behind.”
resetwice says “She can farm safe and has hard poke! You can buy doran's shield if you feel you struggle on this matchup. Be careful on your minions to not get her E stun so you won't suffer an all win (you can dodgen stun using your Q on a minion or jumping a wall). You can buy Serpent's Fang to soften her R shield. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE/PHASE RUSH”
Kessi says “Neeko is assassin counter in general (lockdown and anti assassin R) can be quickly bursted if you do get the jump on her, play with team to create lead as she's hard to pressure. In general it's just really hard to kill her, since you have no way out when you E in, I would suggest throwing some Q's at her and go for a kill. Try to ask your jungler for help to get a lead, that will make the matchup much easier. If she's not ahead and you are, the possibilities to win are higher.
Mercury Treads are recommended.”
Sylvan Lore says “Neeko is a strong burst mage with good lockdown and lots of damage. Her range is similar to that of Orianna if not a bit smaller. You really want to avoid being hit by her E after it travels through minions as you will lose any trade where this happens. You should be able to trade evenly pre-6 outscale her into the lategame. Just don't fall for any tricky plays that let her land her ult on you. Keep in mind in laning phase that her Q will re-pop for extra damage if it kills a minion or hits a champion. Don't make the mistake of taking extra damage from it.
Recommend Barrier and Dmg Build or VS Ap Assasin if behind.”
duhnx says “High poke and an annoying ult. Let her waste her Q or E before going in for an easy kill. Just don't pull her into your team when she ults not talking from experience trust me.”
richardlized says “Neeko is similar to the lux matchup as in all you need to do is to dodge her CC, which is her E. lvl 6 is same as diana time your ult after hers to dodge it. She has more pressure early levels and be sure to not get hit by her empowered AA, which does good damage. After level 6 you can either ult her ult, or do a RWR hidden shadow to dodge her ult. Might need to flash her E, so don’t ult her if she has E up.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge E. She'll try to throw it through minions.
[2] Dodge Q, if it hits initially move out of the AoE zone.
[3] If she tries to ult, E away. If you're rooted/can't get out: self R.”
xMetix says “Not played much but usually she's very hard to kill. Her W makes her very safe so try to fight when it's down. Make sure you have a dash to escape her ultimate and fight her when it's on cooldown.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very annoying after 6 but before shes really easy to kill, just dodge her E and try to run way from her ult, would recommend ignite or Cleanse.”
tozosi says “She'll root you any time you try to walk up for CS or to trade making her very annoying to deal with. Generally, you'll be pushed under turret. Try to roam if possible or wait for a gank.”
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Just dodge or pool her e to negate most of her damage which comes from eq. She's only strong in the early-mid game so just outscale her. ”
Nanelol says “Deals a lot of damage, but is pretty easy to deal with, especially in the early game. Just watch out for her shapeshifting. The more creative she gets with it and the more her teammates are in on it, the harder it's going to be for you to deal with her, so make sure you always approach skirmishes carefully unless everyone is visible on the map.”
Sanctuar says “Similar to Zoe, Neeko's entire combo relies on hitting her E for the root, especially empowered after travelling through minions which lasts for 3 seconds if hit. Her ultimate has a lot of damage combined with a shield, but has a small window where a dodge is possible. Keep your E ready to dodge her ultimate and then turn around for a potential kill.”
shidonryoku says “Niko is now very strong against you, E through creeps, very high damage with combo. She is much more useful in the early game than you are in 2v2 fights, so avoid the crab fight with her. She will poison your life, but as soon as she spends her E, you jump into her and kill.”
cookanarities says “Neeko is relatively low range like Kindred, and can pretty easily outdamage her given that you get in range. Dodge her root (she has to throw it through minions to be useful) - or just don't line up behind minions for her to root through. Tenacity pretty much makes it possible to run her down through her combo, and any poke she'll deal you can sustain with your W.”
TheWerefloof says “Avoid standing behind minions, only quickly move behind them to use your Q. If her stun is on cooldown, abuse her for it. Past 6 if you don't have an significant lead (or Galeforce) you might want to hold your E to escape her ult instead.”
luminyan says “Another skill matchup. Neeko is just you but slightly different. If you can dodge her root, poke her back with your E. If she manages to root you, turn around and Q+E her back. Barrier recommended here.”
KarmaFull says “Take tenacity runes and build mercury treads to have ~50 tenacity (This allows you to walk or E out of her combo after she stuns you.)”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Mercury's Tread early and/or use Unflinching and Second Wind rune. You don't really have much kill pressure on her. All you can do is shove the waves and roam. You don't want to be near your minions either. ”
Joseph Evanss says “Shes really annoying in the early bits of the game because of her poke but just try and survive and heal it up with D Shield and Second Wind.
Try to dodge her e with your e. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield.”
ahspaghetti says “go d shield and second wind to deal with her insane poke. you want to look to dodge her root and keep in mind that it goes through minions too, so standing behind minions might not be the best choice. the better choice is to e in when she tries to root you to dodge the root, then its basically free. ”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “just roam bot get a little ahead before fighting a neeko she will burst you down has inviz clone has shield has root and very high damage you will just do no damage because of her HP yea you can kill her 1v1 lvl 3 only if you are beifang chineese super server xD”
7daysko says “Deals a lot of damage, but is pretty easy to deal with, especially in the early game. Just watch out for her shapeshifting. The more creative she gets with it and the more her teammates are in on it, the harder it's going to be for you to deal with her, so make sure you always approach skirmishes carefully unless everyone is visible on the map.”
SnakeTastic says “Her q deals alot of damage and her cc can bully you out of the lane play safe against her and dont let your self be fooled by her clones just stay behind Minions and spam e”
JoshAy says “She will look to root you when you are behind minions (it lasts longer). Don't get rooted. Her Q does a lot of damage early if it gets all 3 procs so don't stand still. Her W makes her autos deadly so respect the range and farm safe. Her W makes your E2 irrelevant if you hit a clone, if it is running in a straight line its probably a clone. She has one of the BEST ULTS to steal, big AoE stun with lots of damage and scaling. Remember you can cast her R and then use E1/E2/Flash/Protobelt/Blast Cone for a short while to reposition yourself. You outscale her if she doesn't snowball. STEAL HER ULT FOR TEAMFIGHTS. ”
Mpegial says “Neeko is... a really good damage dealer and a pain to fight, but she isn't too bad to deal with as long as you avoid most of the hits, *especially her CC”
Noodles912 says “Same with LeBlanc's clone, use a corrupting potion before a trade to see the real neeko with a purple flame. Use E, Zhonya's, or stopwatch for her ult. Roam when you can. If you're not confident, option 2 is to chicken farm till level 6, then make some plays. Mercs can work.”
pavelp420 says “Just avoid E and R. As long as you do that, she is very easy to kill. The passive only shows on her real self after she clones, so use that to your advantage.”
Wunsch3957 says “Yasuo favored skill matchup. Wind wall her E and try to E onto her during trades so that if she uses her W you can know which one is the real one. Take cleanse and Conq+Domination.”
Lot of Wind here says “You can't stand behind your wave because she will stun you with her E. You can block most of her damage but her third auto is not blocked by your wall.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “She can easily hold her Stun and if you ever try to Range Q her she'll stun you and then you kinda get poked hard. her R can merely prevent you from one shotting her full combo.”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup. Stand outside your wave so her E lasts a shorter amount of time. All in her when she misses E and try not to get poked down. Flash/cleanse with either rune page.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “You outrange her, outppush her and outscale her. Furthermore you can R her R, so that's a blower for her. Keep in mind her root (E) and she is just a gimmicky champion, you have to deal with for free LP.”
GeDBo says “Think of this matchup as "Neeko is the overpowered version of Ahri." She needs her E+Q+R/AA combo to proc electrocute, or if she has Arcane comet she only needs to hit you with her E to land Arcane comet successfully. Not only Neeko is burst mage, she also has stealth in her kit (W) which pretty much feels like you are playing against an Assassin. Now let's talk about her annoying passive. Her passive allows her to transform into one of her allies, allowing her to trick you into thinking "oh I can definitely kills this guy" and once you jump in surprise! You just got baited and are likely dead now. Another scary thing about her is that she doesn't need her abilities to farm. Her every third basic attack is instant and it will allow her to farm easily, meaning she can save her abilities to poke you, which is a big threat to Azir. Force her to use her abilities on the creeps, by shoving the waves under her tower. Your best bet would be to rush Mercury's Treads. Banshee's Veil is recommended early on since it will help you escape from her E. Try to out-poke and out-farm her. She is useless compared to you in late game since she depends on her ultimate. Azir doesn't need his ultimate to carry out a team fight. Ward and ask jungler for help if necessary. Arcane comet would be the only useful rune page in this match up. Neeko's main weaknesses are that she lacks in mobility and she is really squishy. ”
Edg3Lord says “Can escape you, but you can easily block her E. Be wary of her damage on Q though, since you can easily be caught in up when you want to get extra health off your passive inside her wave.”
Coldsong says “Just like Lux, Neeko is dependant on landing her root in order to easily land her Q. Dodge it and stun her if she is walking close to you. If you see she is channeling R, make sure to dodge it as it hits like a truck even with MR.”
SoraSan says “Neeko é uma maga de controle com bastante controle de grupo e dano em área.
Use seus soldados para pokear bastante ela na fase de rotas e evite ficar atrás dos seus minions, já que ela pode te enraizar com o seu E e virar dano com as 3 instancias do Q dela. Caso ela vá te ultar, responda ultando ela na direção da sua torre.
Cometa Arcano é a runa recomendada nessa matchup.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very annoying after 6 but before shes really easy to kill, just dodge her E and try to run way from her ult, would recommend ignite or Cleanse.”
Gtoxer says “Runa recomendavel: eletreocutar.
feitiço de invocador: purifcar ou curar
1) se ela usa o stun dela errado, aproveite para ir para cimar ou chamar seu ungler
2)quando ela estive preste a ulta ulte unto.
3)deixe ela puxa a wave, e espere ela fica sem mana.”
Tamatamo says “This matchup depends on the neeko's skill. If she is great and hits every stun; it'll be very hard. If you're stunned try to play safe from that point on. Try to get vamp (shieldbow, Bloodthirster) as soon as possible to regen due to he ability to stun you hard. Otherwise she isn't too hard. Her Ult can be flayed. Her q poke is easy to dodge but hurts a lot if you're stunned by her e. Try to get vison on both sides of the river due to her w.”
Shazzaam says “Really annoying champion. Watch out for her E since if she hits you it roots you for up to 3 seconds if she hit something before hitting you.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Neeko is hard to lane against for a few reasons. Her W can be frustrating when using you E, her Q does massive damage if you let it proc multiple time (don't forget about Electrocute), her E is a root which can deal a lot of damage as well, and her R is a massive AoE Ult.”
Cornifa says “Just outtrade her, get in and get out, if you go in she might catch you with her root so try to play around her cooldowns and ult her ult.”
Hiimkata says “Really really really annoying poke early and it's hard to go in if she holds on her root. Go dshield here and maybe even second wind to deal with her obnoxious poke. Once you have bork/harvest or more you should be 100000x more useful in fights unless she gets an insane ult with follow up, so try to survive the annoying poking early then scale in fights. Another great champ to buy Mercs into if more cc is in the game.”
Johan Paracelso says “The lesbian lizard can chunk you down early with her Q, and, if you are within your wave, she can E Q Auto Auto and chunk down more than 50% of your HP. The only way to beat her is to stay out of range and out of the wave. If she waste her abilities, she wastes mana, so go in after she doesn't have mana (her clone doesn't cost mana, so, watch out for this)”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Malmortius is optional, avoid her E so you can't take enough damage from her Q, try not to get tricked by her W so you can R the correct, the best option against her R is yours”
mrsuits says “Same principle with ahri. Stay away from your minions so she cant use her root efficiently. If you get rooter immidietly place a soldier max range on her so if she tries to throw her spell you poke her too. if she uses her blooming press E away. If she uses her R throw her to your tower. ”
Poppi Sama says “Long range stun, yet immobile. Use that to your advantage once her stun is down. When she looks to ult, avoid her stun using Spirit Rush to Ult out and Ult back in to full combo her.”
ParkChnm says “Her root is pretty strong, if she hits it you'll lose about 1/2-3/4 of your HP. Dodge it and you win. Also your passive procs off of her W clone.”
ParkChnm says “As long as you avoid her E, you should win lane pretty easily. Late game is also really easy to play against her. Really just avoid her E and you're fine as long as you don't get tricked somehow.”
XanBad says “It is kinda hard going against this champ but it is kinda like heimer, heavy poke and cc and getting hit by a full combo is just depressing.”
wildersovereign says “You shouldn't have any problems against this champion in 99% of games. Her CC is pretty telegraphed, allowing for easy shielding. Even if you don't react to her E in time, her R is extremely easy to shield (even if she's disguised, being honest) and it leaves her extremely vulnerable to all-in. Don't waste your bind on her clone and you'll be fine. There are a few players that are experimenting with a Kraken Slayer on-hit build, which is more difficult for Morgana to handle, albeit not by much. Nothing about Neeko's defensive qualities change, but her offense changes drastically. Think of this as a Vayne or another on-hit marksman rather than a CC-heavy mage. She's still very easy to kill, but her W-empowered auto-attacks can whittle you down if you underestimate her damage.”
rajsovsky says “I've played against it some times. She's annoying. You need wraiths, and don't fight her. Try to farm and get rocketbelt. Maybe after that you can start doing anything to her,”
invalidd says “Short cd mage that can really get on your nerves but can't kill you, her E doesn't stop your hook channel and you beat her in trades with your
full combo, don't commit too hard because her enhanced auto attacks can be pretty deadly, if she uses W after she gets hooked remember that she goes
invisible for a second unlike shaco who gains immunity on his ultimate for a second and comes back as two, you cannot cancel her
ultimate SO PLEASE DO NOT HOOK HER INTO THE TEAM IF SHE'S ULTING. Complicated to setup ganks on.”
RedNBlue says “Neeko pre level 6 is a ridiculously easy kill but once she has ult you got to play it safer until she busts it because its animation is a bit tricky and it lasts a while making it pretty hard to know when exactly its going to stun you unless you have played Neeko a good portion.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs neeko: Es un match muy desesperante, pero lo mejor que puedes hacer es esperar tu lvl 6 por que ella tiene mas movilidad que tu y en ese momento tienes que esperar para esquivarle su cc y luego entrar con todo, sales de su ulti con el flash o tu R y luego entras de nuevo con ella. (compra hielo eterno)”
TheHostileCat says “Literally e-q-auto.
Neeko has incredible early game pressure - in laning phase. Her root + q combo (especially if you're standing near minions) can kill you if she weaves in some autos early on. It's still hard to fight her past lv 6, even if you call in jg help. If she ults - e out or flash out, then go back in. ”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Match her push and try to get her under tower
- Don't stand in minion wave or she can poke and push
- Relatively easy to gank
- Play for jungle
- Outroam her with ult and teleport”
BCota says “Annoying early try to pool her root and if she roots you lvl 6 just stay rooted and try to pool her ult but duel her. If she ults you ult her before you pool and all in after she drops down make sure to ignite so you can tell her from her clone
Chili Dog says “Early game is legit torture, go tp and try outsustain with codex rush, she's pretty squishy if she doesn't get to use her ult shield. Phase Rush recommended.”
JustGalaxy06 says “Now this is what i call a threat . Her e is just so powerfull if you're gonna dodge her e-s and q-s you can kill her . don't target her clone and ez win . Call your jungle to help if needed , in late you're gonna destroy her.”
Niqkl says “Dont get fooled by the clone! Generally, she is pretty easy, as you can heal it back if she roots and Qs you since she has no other way to extend a fight except for ult.”
vCraze says “Neeko is a fairly easy matchup to deal with. She does not have too much pushing power early and you are able to outrange her with ease. Poke her when you have comet and manaflow up otherwise just make sure you're farming and once you hit Ludens punish her.”
WolfRider01 says “Fairly even matchup. She can easily stomp you, but you can easily stomp her. Dodge her E root, and avoid stepping in her Q. Once her abilities are on cooldown you should be okay to run her down a bit. Don't fight if you're low and she's lvl 6, she can easily kill with R into E into Q.”
Hqzz says “Be careful of Neeko's roots as they are similar to your range. Don't hide behind minions and don't engage unless she misses her root. Her Q does repetitive damage, yours doesn't. ”
MartyBG says “Lux outranges Neeko so it makes your time a little bit better vs her, try to poke her and not get hit by her abilities and it's a very easy matchup.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Elector with ignite. You both are similar champions. All in her when she misses her E. She can Block your Q with her w. She has really good gank setup so don't spam push. After 6 u can doge her ult with ur own ult. You win after u get ur first item if you went even. ”
Akali go skrrrt says “Just like with most ranged match up you cant really do much pre lvl 3/6. Dont get harassed to much for a few minions. Be carefull when going all in lvl 6 as she can just press R to stun you.”
Bobbab says “Easy to dodge spells and immobile. Her ult can be tricky to fight, but dodge the e and you have a free engage pre 6. Post 6 just go in and out untill she has to ult.”
sweodigaming says “You trade pretty even, but you definitely have the advantage. You have better burst and trade. Make sure you dodge her root and you will be fine. ”
Magical Rock says “Neeko is one of the most annoying champions because of her E. It can go through 3 things, and has a hitbox that is larger than the Moon.”
Haywyre says “Doran's Shield is a great way to deal with her poke. Resolve: Second Wind + Overgrowth/Unflinching. Wait for Gunblade and you can nuke her.”
Frixen says “Neeko can be attacked through her mana pool, however she can also poke you out. It's a very skill based matchup, that heavily relies on you getting out of the lane and making plays on the side lanes / splitpushing. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Don't think of it as a Lux matchup, her stun goes through minions and lasts longer the more it goes through. Just make sure you W or dodge it. I don't recommend going for roams into her as she will destroy your turret with her W passive. Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
OverjarlZane says “Skill matchup. You DECIMATE her early on and generally out scale her but she can turn things around really hard if she's a good player.”
Yuki H. says “Her kit allows her to stall some much needed time during your combos early game, her w makes her invisible for half a second, which can screw you over if you unload your combo on her clone. Also, her root lasts a very long time if you're hit last, so make sure to dodge it. Her main damaging ability aside from her ult is her Q, which like Syndra's Q is fairly spammable in lane.”
bobatea says “In the end you can win this match up its just early game phase that she bullies you. Try your best to dodge the q and w , but the good thing is if you dodge both you can instantly punish her once she has no abilities.
Veralion says “Overtuned garbage champion, at least against melees. Her root is quick, travels through creeps, has a long range, and guarantees two ticks of her Q plus probably her on-hit proc. Extremely abusive. You’ll get chunked to half or below every time it lands. Even if it doesn’t, single ticks of Q plus her W damage will chip you down quick. NEVER let her land ult. You’ll die. Ult or flash away. If you’re healthy, going for an all in over her root or to negate her ult’s stun will give you an opening. She’ll squish if you manage to get onto her on even footing, but you'll probably be down too much experience and farm to even consider it. Highly suggest dodging. ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Even
You have better burst
Dodge the root and win the trade but even if you don't dodge it, E can tank it pretty nicely.
Make sure to stun her with Q if her W is up so that you can tell which is which instead of stunning both with R/W”
snukumz says “Don't get rooted and you'll tentacle slap her all day.
If you land a knock up on her post-6 you should have enough damage to kill her every time.
By the time her ult can knock you up you can usually kill her. ”
1256 says “ad
i dont give it 5 because neeko is rarely played and not to say the as version but its annoying to play against, you can barely trade her bc pta dmg is broken and so is her w dmg combined with cc and selfpeel, try to play with your jungler and focus on short trades/outscaling
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
LightningTemplar says “Unlike other skillshot champs, Neeko wants minions to block the shot because it increases the root duration. Try to angle yourself so that there are no minions between you, causing her root to be extremely short. And if you do get hit with the root, she will most likely just Q you. Should you choose to go in at that point you should win the trade as she has blown all of her cooldowns. You can use R to dodge her R stun. ”
SicKitty says “not scarry to fight, just build manna more as she will bate out alot of attacks. most like not gonna kill you unless you run out of manna to keep her at bay for jng to come and snatch up.”
manipulativexd says “You might outscale her after lvl 11. Until that, you can't do anything against her. Don't die. After 11, you can sidestep her Es after jumping on her and you can also R out of her ult.”
Debonair Karma says “This is 100% a skill matchup. A good Neeko will absolutely destroy you, but a bad one is a free win. I suggest taking barrier for her huge ult burst.”
Gageowago says “Unlike nearly every champion in the game, you do NOT want to stand behind minions against neeko. Her E Q empowered auto combo on you matches or outdoes your own E Q W combo so try to avoid being rooted. If you engage on her and she uses her W, she is always the slower Neeko (and also the clone can only turn when hitting a wall). At level 6 she can one shot combo you if she lands her root so avoid it at all costs. ”
topal says “ Hard muchup.She can dodge your all in with her w and her root makes her pretty safe.Try to punish her if she uses it and look to roam or freeze and kill her with your jungler. ”
Lil Tidepod says “If she misses her stun you're really gonna want to go in on her. She has no serious damage after that stun is missed, because she can't proc more than one Q without it unless you're standing still for some reason. Just abuse her and push the wave under the turret. She'll miss a lot of farm.”
JacWilly says “Can time her ult to perma stun with her e, has great wave clear and w can make it hard for you to ult her, poke her out and all in , if shes playing too safe, roam and miss minimal cs.”
Capparelli says “Her root is what makes her strong, her R is easy to dodge with some competence but her root is fast and long, play around her spells in lane dive in with your root, if she uses W the one that's slowed is her, get Hexdrinker when falling behind”
BigBushMan says “Neeko is a pain in lane and has kill potential, but as long as you are able to avoid her Q you should be fine, just be weary whenever she uses W and be ready for her to engage if she does. ”
serruh says “can be a bit annoying if she sneaks a couple Es in lane and lands good dmg on you, but ryze can just dodge most of her stuff later on and outscale her. also phase rush is extremely useful vs glacial, which is what most neekos run.”
RockitoAhri says “Keep your distance when fighting if she catches you in her ult you die. Careful of annoying poke, keep your distance when you have your trading abilities on cooldown. Fake attempts to take cs so she throws out her ability which lets you take prio and cs freely. ”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
8wolf says “Insane burst damage, but she has low range and she's not very mobile. Poke her from a distance and stay as far away as you can. One e post 6 might mean you're dead.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Not a big threat, she has 0 hp.
Her stun wont last long, she has no HP, If she attacks you, counter everytime. Shell die within milliseconds.”
Je Suis Azir says “she is a dumpster fire. you have better scaling, better early, better team fighting, better push, better range. Your ult makes her ult useless. Fucking GG, fuck Neeko to death until you see the inevitable Victory screen.”
CupOLatte says “Neeko is a pretty hard one since her E can be pretty hard to avoid. Make sure you hit the right neeko with your Q and dodge your ult with yours by ulting outside of her zone. Be careful whenever she transform as she is probably about to ult since it hides her ult. Just send her an AA and you'll be fine.”
ShockStrikes says “AP or AD, tough match up. Watch out for her CC and Blooming Burst. If going AD try and harass Neeko with your Twilight Shroud. Go for cleanse if you wish.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite Matchup. Cleanse if they got cc jungler/cc team.
Pretty annoying matchup, its the stonewall of midlane. You beat her with smaller consistant poke, but she beats you in extended trades (aka land one fucking root and she Q's and half your HP is gone).
Easy shuffle ganks.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “dont let her hit e on you, use the E Q W combo, when she uses r you either kill her ASAP or you dash away and then you can dash back in”
LOLVan says “Difficult [lvl 1-6]: she has poke and cc... idk I personally hate the matchup!
Character KEY -
(Q) = Bladesurge with *NO RESET
(*Q*) = Bladesurge with *RESET*
(AA) = Auto-Attack
[1x] = 1 - Ability Cast / Auto-Attack
Its a hard match-up the first few time; this match-up will become easier to farm/sustain/and pressure.
[LEVEL 1]:
Last hit each minion with (*Q*) WITHOUT pushing the wave. Achieve (5-Passive Stacks) from the first minion wave, and rush to kill the *First MELEE Minion* in the second wave... granting XP for [lvl 2]
[LEVEL 2]:
If you make it to [lvl 2] while maintaining (5-Passive Stacks) force an all-in. The faster you can all-in after hitting [lvl 2] the better. Set your wave up so you can (*Q*) to a minion while using (E) to catch your laner off-gaurd.
*Side-Tip*: Practice using (*Q*)
and upgrading your (E) ability
upon landing from (Q)-dash.
Then immediately casting (E) on
your target in "One-Fluid-
Motion". (*Q*) + level-up ability
Immediately (Q) to target, and proceed to (AA) until target exits (AA)-range and/or you can execute...
*Summoner Execute*
= (Q) + |[1x]-(AA)|
"ONLY" use your Second-(Q) ...|(Q)-[2nd]|... when execute conditions apply. Don't be impatient with |(Q)-[2nd]|, holding out for 1 more (AA) always does more Total Dmg. But use
[AKA]: Use your Second-(Q) when the targets health is low enough to satisfy...
[Execution] <= |[1x]-(Q)| + |[1x]-(AA)|
[LEVEL 3-5]: Repeat this process.
1.) Set up the wave for quick
trades with (*Q*)-IN
2.) Look to get [2]-"AutoAttacks"...
|[2x]-(AA)|...on your laner. If
you can drop solid (E), go for
the "All-In".
3.) Always use your (Q) as an
*Auto-Reset*. The faster your
(AS), the faster your combo
will be... |[1x]-(AA) + (Q)|.
Braddik says “a good neeko will be really annoying to fight, after level 6 shes squishy as fuck just R onto her and kill her. if shes walking up too far and misses her root just walk up and trade with her as you'll win the trade. otherwise can be rough lane early on.”
Cloud375 says “She isn't all that much. Playing against Neeko is like playing against a Lux - As long as you can dodge the root, you will be fine early game. At the later stages of the game, if she lands the root, immediately using your ultimate should save you if you do it fast enough. Basically, this is a Lux that has a little more damage and a stun.”
Tayna says “She can block your ult with her copy, she has the root all the time, her ult also has cc, god it's such an annoying match-up jeez. Ask for ganks and stay far away”
Novok says “Medium difficulty. you can remove her ult when shes channelling so you can beat her in the shadow realm much easier and she will not have anywhere to escape to with her W.”
Tchouvline says “God bless your soul, here comes Neeko ! If she knows how Fiddle works, you're done, her CC will bully you all the game, and if she brains you it's even worse !”
Euphoric Toaster says “Used to be an easier matchup until they buffed her a few patches back, which now has made her quite dangerous to play against. Shes able to empower her root off your turrets and stun you for 1.8 - 3.0 seconds which is an insanely long CC so you have to be VERY careful with your positioning against her. She also pretty easily clears your turrets with her abilities. If she ever tries to Ult you, you can combo her with RQ and disengage, trade, or just kill her instead outright, especially if you've kept healthy and have Barrier. She CAN have as big of a teamfight impact as you but you can at least do that from a safer distance at least. ”
Castel Ahri says “Just don't let her hit you with her 3rd. Dodge her ult with your ult. Ignite her when your'e sure whether your'e targeting a clone or a real neeko. After using all your abilities, do not fight her on extended fasion.”
hoppyscotch says “Neeko is quit easy to beat if you use your dashes to dodge her ablilites, if you do so you should out trade her and get lane prio. Beware of her ult.”
Zeyan says “Impossible to lane against, honestly her worst matchup tied with Yasuo, Hard to engage one due to her clone and her root completely fucks your engage. If you ult with her ult up you will die. Try to bait her ult out before even trying to do anything”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Lux, but very slightly harder. Use your E or Ignite on her to show which one is the real clone. Always windwall her E, and don't stand in the wave. Take FF or Conqueror.”
MamaDuck says “Neeko is quite hard to counter. Her CC is very hard to fight but you can kill her. With good enough timing and with a good enough combo you could easily kill her.
Remember to always go in on her when all of her abilites are on cooldown. Her CC will easily shut you down. ”
unownreality says “This is a skill matchup leaning slightly in favor of Lux. Neeko does not do nearly as much damage as lux, and her lack of mobility makes it hard to land ultimates. That being said, Cloak is still insanely strong, and may cause a few mistakes with summoner spells. ”
maplecat21 says “Similar matchup to Annie. Doesn't do anything to you solo, but has strong gank setup, and is almost able to kill you solo, so a gank is your death if she lands root.”
RagexAddict says “Neeko can be a tricky champion for you to deal with seeing as her binding is pretty fast traveling. Her binding can set you up for pretty good damage with her Q and damage from her auto attacks. The real threat is her ultimate, which can stun you and give her a decent sized shield to protect her from your burst. Avoid getting hit by her bindings and ultimates at all costs.”
Altis says “Neeko does a lot of damage, if you let her. You have more range that her and as long as you don't get caught by her E, you will win. All you have to do is stall until she tries something. You're a better burster than her later, but not early.”
Flipps says “Try to dodge her Q as much as possible in laning phase, try not to let her dominate the lane. If she ults you and you have enough movespeed you can try to Q+R out. ”
Fluctuation says “This matchup is relatively easy in the early game, go for the Electrocute combo whenever you can, but keep in mind that she can follow up her root with a lot of damage. After level 6, try to gain an advantage or use your existing one to roam and get kills on sidelanes.”
Thecookiesmudkip says “Neeko is pretty much like LeBlanc but a bit worst (for you) cause if she catches you with her E you're pretty much dead and her ult makes you look like a worse version of her.”
Yenwai says “dodge her root and you pretty much win the 1v1.
make sure you only R if her clone is down to make sure you don't hit the wrong one.
make sure to ping if she seems to be gone for even 2 seconds.”
Bughans says “Same as morgana, however if you manage to either 1. get rooted BEFORE it hits a minion, or 2. Dodge her root, you ought to be able to easily kill her. ”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Play really safe and dont get hit by E. Farm with Q and don't go for trades.
At 6 you can kill her if you get it before her but otherwise you can't kill her. ”
Mern says “She is an AP immobile Mage, but is still quite bad for Kassadin. Before lvl 6 it will be living hell. Don't ever try trading her before 6. After you can kill her with ult.
Dodge her E with R sideways, E>Q and then R again, and W. With this you completely outtraded her.
Also, watching cooldowns is really important against her. If her abilites down, after 6 its free kill.”
ryze4thewin says “if you doge her e go in, if she uses her w try to bait out e to deal massiv dmg for free, if you are hit by Q get out as fast as possible as it deals more dmg over time ” says “Don't stand behaind minions since her E will travel fater and root for longer
Its hard to W>E>Q her when she has W
You can avoid her R with your R
thedonk says “Painful to deal with her Q. Dodge her E, and you can win a trade, if you can chain Neeko before she W's, you can determine the real one. Once she reaches 6, use your W to dodge her ult. Pretty squishy, so dealing damage should be easy.”
Jenkinsu says “Her abilities are actually better if they go through minions, so position outside of your wave. Dodge her spells and don't approach your minions. Save your flash for getting out of her ult in a pinch, and buy Stopwatch.”
qasddsa says “Laning phase is pretty telegraphed for her, so just try to avoid her Q poke as much as you can by not standing in the minion wave. Her root can get really dangerous if you get hit by the 3rd one, so in teamfights you should avoid clumping up with your team and should instead be on the sides. Try to Q her during her ultimate channel -- and don't underestimate its damage.”
Gambinos says “Neeko isn't really hard to go against, she's just annoying, just like Lux.
The one thing about her from Lux though is her Ult.
Cause once she ults you, you're slowed and since you're Yasuo, everyone on the team is gonna chase you down if you weren't dead from the ult. Keep your distance.”
WubbyWulf says “Neekos kit is like ahris, she needs to land E then she can do a full combo that deos a lot of damage. If you dodge E (which is fairly easy) you will be able to win lane.”
iiCrispi says “As of patch 8.24, she is not yet nerfed, making her super deadly. She can bait you, lets say she can pretend to be a low hp varus recalling, then you ult it, but shes actually full hp. Beware of her ult and root, with it's 130% ap scaling, you would not like to be in that mess.”
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