In the Jungle 51.91% Win Rate93% Pick RateAmumu In the Jungle Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Amumu in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HandlessHecarim says “Pretty annoying and very common in lower elos, not terrible for Hecarim as he wont fuck with you much 1v1 but in teamfights he will be able to lock you down. Very solid ban if playing in low elo. ”
idontwannagoalone says “if he's ap, outfarm him. if he goes tank, respect the chain cc and try to ignore him unless you're sure there's nobody to help him (BANSHEE DOES NOT CANCEL HIS HOOK DASH, ONLY THE STUN)”
SelfLOL says “Buy Eclipse and Pen Buy Eon for cc. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Great in teamfights with r and q. Good fast clear. Can invade if good opportunity. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important. Mercs can help.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can cause your team to get one shot and perm cced. You yourself can run past him, however he can be problematic for your team. I would try to kill their main damage dealer asap and take qs for your carries.”
UrPersonalGod says “He has a lot more impact early because he has pretty good ganks and you dont but thats kinda it.
If your not behind he will have a hard time contesting you in any situation.”
Jackiewawa says “Pretty easy matchup. He's only scary in teamfights if he can stun lock you before you can W but otherwise you can dodge his Q with your E, keep him outside your W so he can't ult you. You can kill him easily and look for counterganks as he is a potato after he jumps on to someone.”
ZedAway says “u win before level6 by poking him, he will not engage both u and ur adc have hp advantage, its like him walking into his own death.
after level 6 start roaming and setting up ganks before drake fights.”
ScytherKhaZix says “amumu will usually wait for lvl 6, trades with him are quite easy but if he has conqueror be careful because you may have slight problems in 1 on 1 exchanges”
orka4.sandraj says “Its all about dodging spells, honestly. Dont be scared of him, E yourself if you get hit so you dont get any CC. It may be harder to kill him, because hes more resistant than mages and assassins, so one Q + W + R may not be enough to kill him.”
y every name taken says “I was surprised a long time ago when an Amumu with Conqueror was able to 1v1 me in river (lvl 3) despite me having landed all of my abilities and passive shields. Don't underestimate him, and keep in mind what rune he's taking.”
Neekster says “This jungler clears slower than you. Very immobile unless hit by Bandage Toss [Q]. Just dodge Bandage Toss and space Amumu's [R] and you'll be fine.”
Yomu says “You roll this guy unless you troll. The idea is to ult as he goes in on your team. Basically just trading big ults but you should be killing his adc whereas yours is just cc’d. You can steal his camps super fast and he has no real burst to finish killing you.”
Maciejson says “When fighting this champion, consider using Conqueror and be aware that his double Q makes it easy for him to lock you down, so take lane priority into account before engaging. Rhaast, in particular, can dominate Amumu even with fewer items, so avoid getting locked down at all costs. If you're playing Shadow Assassin (SA), using Edge of Night can help mitigate this threat.”
huncho1v9 says “Very Easy matchup, just watch out for q, play for countergank and out-tempo. Can easily dodge his Q with your E. Make sure to space his R range if you’re going to W it.”
Foxirion says “Amumu’s crowd control can be a moderate threat to Viego. Viego has a slightly higher win rate against Amumu, but Amumu’s ultimate can lock down Viego in team fights.”
lolBlender says “Your a better tank than him and you can out duel him but teamfights are difficult. The actual best way to play is to engage into him. If you can keep him from getting to your team you should live longer than he can. Full clear and use your better skirmishing. This makes this matchup easy the winrate is a lie.”
huncho1v9 says “- One of the easiest matchups, just watch out for q, play for countergank and out-tempo. Conqueror favoured matchup unless enemy team comp dictates otherwise.”
lanefox says “Amumu is extremely strong on the front and will make you completely useless if he focuses you. You can fight early if you can whiff his Q, but after 6 he can stun lock you to death from full health.
If you don't have a lead you can't win duels or dive in fights where he is participating.
Don't contest his teamfight dives directly. Dodge and ignore, focus the carries instead.”
Mignognium says “Les tanks pose souvent problème à Viego, mais pas Amumu. Il est possible de gagner avec une [Blade of the Ruined King] assez facilement au corps à corps avec la momie. Mais attention à son R. Après vous avez un meilleur clear et vous aurez plus d'objectif sauf si Amumu se fait beaucoup aider. ”
xTechikaze says “Not much of a threat seeing as he wants to build tanky and you have automatic armor shred and you can win fights if he tries building damage. Keep and eye on objectives with him especially when he gets liandries and sunfire. Counter ganks will be solid against him but do your best not to get focused otherwise you will fall behind.”
X3mHills says “Graves' main problem is that he is afraid of being controlled, and Amumu has 3 skills that can do just that. Of course, your late game is better, but he can still cause a lot of trouble with poor positioning.”
Mabujo says “The ' I want my Mummy ' stereotype. A lot of cc and tankiness. Evade early and mid. Though you might roll over him in certain situations very early or end of mid game, entry into late game.”
tr0l3k says “Tank junglerzy nie będą zbytnio zagrożeniem. Nie zadają dużego dmg'a ale mają dużo HP, tak czy inaczej póki nie będą nafeedowani to nie będzie ciężki mecz do rozegrania. Najgorszy ze wszystkich tank jg dla yuumi będzię Amumu.”
HawkSP says “Amumu’s ultimate can lock down Ivern and his team, making preemptive shielding and positioning vital. Keep track of his ultimate cooldown and positioning to effectively counter his engage.”
X3mHills says “He has a lot of crowd control, so consider buying items with crowd control reduction or taking tenacity in your runes. Focus on farming until you have 2-3 items.
VainTaka says “He can be a major threat if you are not tracking them. His teamfight can be stronger but look to pick out his team first. If you can't, better off peeling your carry.”
Tortizzy says “I'm doing these champions the way I see them, and I see Amumu as an extreme matchup for Fiddle. The amount of CC makes the game unplayable so just try to avoid him at all times. - rush shadowflame”
RuinedJG says “Against Amumu I go Phase rush since it's my preferred rune page, the champion clears about the same as you, has better early gank potential, but if you get Black Cleaver or go Conqueror, you out duel him at every stage of the game.”
jajkopajko says “Even though he isnt one of the strongest champs, he can deny us pretty bad. His clear is quiet good and his cc is annoying, when 1v1 focus on dodging his q´s, once its on cooldown do your combo and kite him from a distance so cant ult you. if he is going tanky you usually outscale him and just burn him down once you have demonic, if hes going for ap build, go towards zhonyas and play on range and mobility.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Invade Him early game He still has a slow first clear. (dodge his Q!) you will have a strong lead on him to just kill him later in the game before he gets the chance to R your team.”
loganrichards says “You roll this guy unless you troll. The idea is to ult as he goes in on your team. Basically just trading big ults but you should be killing his adc whereas yours is just cc’d.
You can pressure hard early game but be careful of getting out numbered, that's where he wins ”
Nairey says “Mostly all tank champions with decent gank tools completely fuck you over, and unfortunately that is a good meta that will lever disappear. ”
FNC Vitrox says “Every Hard CC champ is a counter but you can avoide them by just waiting behinde your team and go in when enemys use all of there abilitys and not having any CC spells anymore.”
garbocan says “Ivern is generally good at anti-engage, but it can get tricky if you get caught in Amumu R. If you know you'll get hit, make sure to shield preemptively since you won't be able to while stunned.
If you aren't included in his ult, you can use that time to peel the afflicted teammates.
I put Amumu's threat level at even, but it goes up or down based on his team comp. Generally more AOE followup = bigger threat.”
OakIgu says “It is very easy to deal with, one AP resistance item and he won't do much against you anymore of course he have some great ganks but you farm better than him and can countergank him very easily.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Amumu: Is annoying pick since he can steal your objectives becouse of his cc lock.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to have vision around pit so you can see him.. In teamfights if he Q some of your engage champs try to sidestep them and you might dodge the ult.”
layton20 says “A good amumu will not allow you to move. He will Q you, ult you, Q you again, allowing the enemy to get a free lunch on Yi. Side step his Qs, hide behind allies or alpha-strike minions to dodge. Generally in low elo, amumus do not wait out the abilities they use. They throw them all out in-combination (i.e., they immediately Q, E, Ult, Q) at you 80% of the time. Because of this, you can use your W to predict and negate this damage right before he pulls this combo.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time into Amumu, however Amumu crowd control setup and pre-mitigation from physical damage can be annoying to deal with in teamfights as Briar.”
Atlascrower says “The CC chain is hard, as he can follow you with Q, hold you down until they killed you. On the other hand, you can deal decent damage back. Play it properly and get mercs.”
Coccaa says “unless he's gigafed for some reason you smack tf out of him like every time, he just doesn't do enough damage to kill you in a 1v1, like most of the champions on this list. However he can lock you down in a 1v2 with a whopping 3 stuns so just be careful of initiating fights without vision of him”
TheBougis says “Amumu is very strong Thanks to his insane amount of cc, there are many Augments that help him sustain using that cc.
If you can peel your duo well and dodge his Q you should be ok.”
EagleXs says “Your pack will tank his Q for you if you don't face check him, and if you are caught out, can use E's dash to avoid Q. Amumu can't go over walls either w/o landing Q on a target, so E over wall should allow you to run away as well.
His R will mess you up, just like any assassin, but if you stay clear of his Q's, he shouldn't be able to keep up with you or stop you.”
Zero macro says “Amumu allows Ekko to safely enter the early game. Thereby Ekko his W and R value are easy to gain into Amumu. The only threat for Ekko is the Amumu Crowd Control that can lead Ekko into instant death to deny Ekko R.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a faster clear speed than Amumu, thereby Shred Zed is good at dealing with tanks and avoiding Amumu Q projectiles due to his teleports and R.”
NegativePhoenix says “Amumu may be small but his CC puts you in a bad spot since if you can't move, you're a sitting rock. Early game if he chases you down it's not easy to escape if he's a master at landing Qs and one of his laners comes to assist. I'd avoid fighting him without help early since your damage MIGHT scare him, but if his teammate comes he isn't gonna care. Later in the game as a Hybrid orTank, try to stay in front of him so he has a harder time grabbing the backline, even ult him if it needs the cost. As a full AP, try to avoid being the capture target for his CC otherwise you can't burst the enemy down with your own CC”
itstsuk3 says “Take Guardian pick a god and pray. You are about to experience the Most Boring Game of your life, you just cant play against him because if you Get Caught Once you are losing all your HP. Play Safe, very Safe. Minions Are Your Friends. On the other hand if the enemy Amumu lacks a brain this match up isnt that big of a deal just hit your Stuns and Dodge his.”
metalhydra273 says “He can make it difficult to get in with the pressure of his ult, but outside of that is generally easy to manuever around. Ramp up the pressure early game so you can run him down and his team, and pick your fights carefully in the mid game to find an edge.”
BigodeOfLegends says “uma partida contra amumu é uma partida 50%, ou você ganha dele ou não, o combate contra ele é fácil dependendo do ponto do jogo, é um campeão fácil de se lidar contra.”
MrFerrot says “He has a lot of CC, yes, but if you have max Q stacks, he will really struggle to Q onto you. If he Q's onto you, he can ult you and his team will destroy you, so play far away, E him, and ult to get damage and Q stacks. Then run around in circles.”
Ezikko says “Amumu is very hard to kill since he is tanky, he probably will play with his team in which case there really isnt much you can do. But if hes alone and youre leading you can take him on solo pretty easy.”
Apari1010 says “This little guy is an annoyance for Rhaast but gets shafted after you get form. Counter gank him whenever you can and if you really wanna kill him early, take ignite.”
BradJr says “Amumu is a good counter to a bad Viego, as he can easily shut him down with his Q. However, you can easily outplay him by playing around your e cooldown and doing a full combo (clone rating 8/10)”
ttvRegedice says “If you win early the matchup is chill. However, if you don't, his 2Q's + R can CC you for an ungodly amount of time. Not to mention he has built in %dmg reduction on his E (read lol wiki), so he can get extremely tanky while doing great dmg. Try to fight him early if it's good before he stacks items, otherwise respect his threat and target others. Like some other champions (e.g., fiddle, karthus), don't full-send baron unless you can do it before they get there. He's great at going over the wall and locking your team down and turning a huge gold lead as a result. If respected and you play well, the matchup isn't the worst.”
Xr3ad says “Amumu is a strong pick into Rengar due to his crowd control, tankiness, teamfight presence, and itemization options that make it difficult for Rengar to burst him down. Amumu's ability to root and stun Rengar, as well as his natural tankiness, make it hard for Rengar to assassinate him. Additionally, Amumu's teamfight presence and itemization options give him a strong advantage in group fights.”
Virizion says “Amumu is very scary. Amazing in teamfights and good early ganks. You can fight him after the first clear and spell shield his Q. Later he becomes a teamfight engage champ to difficult to deal with solo”
Purecactus says “Amumu is a tricky matchup. Kindred generally wins this matchup but if amumu get's lead on you the game can change drastically. Watch out for his Q into R since that locks you in place and allows for other enemies to burst you down. His E is also very strong since it has high damage regardless of him being a tank champion. Kiting your way out his W is the best option for fighting him and by following these steps you can win against him. Invading him is crucial since you rely on being ahead of him at all times. ”
Hazardist says “Just like in the support role, Morgana counters Amumu so this is a fairly comfortable matchup for you. Still, it takes smart use of Black Shield to properly nullify him in skirmishes and teamfights so you should still position yourself well and choose the right targets at the right time.”
L1x123 says “Avoid him in the early game at all costs.He can lock you down during team fights(Blue Kayn is very weak against him).I almost always go Red Kayn if I am against an Amumu.(ESPECIALLY JUNGLE)”
Intropingman says “One of the biggest jg threats that appears also as supp, he is tank so you are not dealing dmg to him, he deals a lot of ap burn dmg and also makes you take true dmg. He can interrupt your Q with his Q and catch you, can jump into your team and cc everybody with R and you can't do much about it. While you can jump into enemy team and cc only one enemy with E, so 4 enemies can jump with amumu at your 4 teammates and kill them easily. Unplayable if he is fed, you need fed ally player that can kill him fast enough, cause you never do it. The good thing is that after amumu engages with Q he has even harder way to escape than you so try to punish his bad engages. Theoretically you can block his dash with your Q if he catch your ally and also you can avoid his cc by your R to escape. He also clears a lot faster jg camps than you, so ganking and having thanks to it fed ally is the only way you can win vs him, if he countergank it's gg so you need to know where he is.”
sepey says “Tanky and lot of CC. Amumu is a pain in the ass, avoid confronting him when he's in company of his teammates. Dangerous teamfights, wait for him to use his R and focus the squishy enemies like ADC's or Midlaners. ”
1Strike says “You outscale. Nothing much to say farm better and his ganks are pretty meh. In the 1v1's you win too unless he's strong or you giga facecheck him.
Note. If you are behind he will statcheck you though”
Narcissisticdude says “Since demonic ap tanks are really strong and Amumu has benefitted from these changes alot, coupled with Sunfire and Jak'sho he will be literally unkillable and shred your entire team later on so look for an early win.
Amumu is a weak early game jungler so you should look to invade him on his 3rd or 4th camp as he will outscale you !
Mechanical Tips :
1. Use your W to block his Q, but beware the second charge.
2. You can R his R damage with correct timing but you will still be rooted, this is also hard to do reactively so try to preempt it !
Non Mechanical Tips:
1. Look for early invades, Amumu is a good duelist but you will beat him with ignite
2. You should always look to block his Q in a team fight so that he cannot reach your backline, if your frontline is not doing it, this is your job.
PerfectPower says “Damage over time with Demonic Embrace and Despair shows where you are when invisible. Strong CC. However, he's very weak early game. ”
Rasta Mouse says “Amumu just doesn't do enough damage to be much of a threat to you. His CCs are annoying but it's not much of a problem if you stun him with your Q or try to run away with it. Watch out in the late game to not get CCD by him a lot or his team could kill you quickly.”
checca says “Amumu is one of Zac's easiest matchups, as you can beat him in damage throughout the entire game. Just be mindful of his Q and R CC, which can cancel Zac's E if he chases you down.”
basrty1p says “If you get CC too many times from him, this matchup will be unplayable for you. You can ban him or else you need to buy item that reduce CC duration. Or else buy Banshee or Zhonyas as a first item.
rianflqmes says “amumu is an undying stunbot that can erase any of your engages. play around his cooldowns and fight only after he's already used his ult.”
Davecraft16 says “I saw a lot of guides that says this is a easy matchup but I find it not that easy. if it's a 1v1 you should be able to kill him. but for some reason the moment you get hit by his q you find out there is someone else with him. Abuse him early and buy Dominik as second or third item.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Amumu is annoying with his CC so you are forced to go precision secondary with Phase rush.
He's weak early game once again you can punish that with your team. ”
PRODIGE says “The absolute cancer match up for Hecarim. He is a CC machine to kill your impact in every stage of the game + much better early ganks than Hecarim with the sweet extra of powerful counter gank setup with his ultimate ability. Try to engage after he uses his ultimate. Do not ever get stunned by it or you'll be dead in seconds.”
Ch1llss says “Only reason he is at even is he can gank early while you are stuck power farming, otherwise you hard out scale and wipe him off the planet late game.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Hes not a big threat, he can kill u almost always before first item. When you play red hes free, but u will have a bit of issue when u play blue kayn.”
Bhyure33 says “Despite being a tank with cc, you can usually beat him in 1v1's and he usually isn't a problem. Can however become a problem if fed. In any case, you scale way better lategame.”
Lasine says “Pain in the ass champion. Early game is not a threat but mid/late game you just cant kill him. He will be more usefull than you and can cc lock you even if he is behind.”
zotet says “Build tenacity and keep an eye on him, his q can catch your allies off guard and can give the enemy team the advantage. Keep him isolated and don't be afraid to invade as he is weak against tanky units like Sejuani. He has a strong early game but you can still force 1v1's.”
Scrams says “Would dodge if I got against a amumu. He's a pain in the ass against you and you can't really do much he stuns you all the time and does so you cant farm or anything. ”
spuki97 says “Not a huge threat but he has a lot of damage and stunlocks. Make sure to avoid fighting him, and dodge his ult in teamfights. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “The sad mummy isn't a big threat for you as you will just zhonya his ult, and melt everything in range.
But he still can provide engages.”
ItsMinoOCE says “If this little shit hits you with his combo you wont survive long enough to outlast his CC, also... he's too tanky.
With that being said, you can beat him in 1v1's early if you can bait him onto your boxes.”
Doubtfull says “Amumu can lock us down, preventing our Udyr shenanigans, but he isn't TOO much of a threat. Power farm, invade when you can, and make sure to spam your W when fighting him. He shouldn't ever have the damage to kill you outright with empowered W. ”
Pix860 says “This is probably the best of the 3 builds to go against amumu. You get enough sustain and tank stats that as long as you build mercs, you should win.”
Blakeyzx says “tanky, almost unkillable with good cc chain, so he will just wait for his team to kill u while u wont be able even to move casue of his cc”
MaximusWillCarry says “Amumu is literally just a worse Zac. Track him in the jungle and make sure to countergank him whenever he ganks because you will almost always win because he will use both charges of Q to gank. ”
Geomine says “impossible lane to win if amumu is good, so just dont die and scale up. you can dodge his q with your E. in teamfights unless he gets a crazy play you outscale him.”
ToxicCannon says “This annoying little soy boy is frustrating to deal with mainly due to his AOE magic damage. He wants you on him and unfortunately for Diana thats where you will be 99% of the time when fighting him in jungle. He has 3 stuns (2 bandages and 1 from ult) and he has built in damage mitigation. If he is low on health or mana he is an easy kill for you, and your clear will be better than his in the early game so there are opportunities here. Just be very careful if he is ahead or full mana.”
Rifu says “Try to invade he in early because if you don't snowball he ill scale you. Invade him or gank other lane when he is ganking or diving any lane”
JeffJoehnsen says “Should be easy to kill him with your all-in combo you can easily kill him and when he q you don´t need even to catch him and as every tank he does not that much damage”
Yuki H. says “Amumu, similarly to Zac, farms early on and does not have much invade pressure. You two will have similar playstyles and just make sure to mirror his path to counter-gank.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL.
Lil bitch can't do shit on his own but be careful with your pick-ups because he never fights alone. If he is alone he is most likely gonna run away. chase and kill but do mind the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Amumu has a very weak early game and is susceptible to invades. If you’re a strong 1v1 champion, try and invade him early to set him behind and delay his level 6 power spike. Amumu needs to hit level 6 as fast as possible so he can gank with his Ultimate Curse of the Sad Mummy. Try to gank as much as you can early on so your allies are stronger than his. This will make it harder for him to gank when it comes time to do so. Like suggested, Amumu has a weak early game and will be looking to power farm. If he does show on the map, or if you’re stronger than him, you could invade his jungle and steal away some of his camps. This will delay his level 6 power spike and delay his Ultimate Curse of the Sad Mummy which in turn, will also delay some of his ganks.”
lumihehe says “he kinda sucks against you, poor little guy :( you do a lot of damage to him, considering he's just a sad little tanky stun bot and you have a shit ton of true damage. it's kinda sad to kill him though”
warmfishu says “A CC-lock tank, who can kill you and your teammates very easily if you're not careful. Bandage Toss (Q) now has 2 charges, so he has a chance to insta-stun you or your teammate if he misses the first time. If you are not on someone, his Curse of the Sad Mummy (R) is an AoE stun that will also lead to you getting killed very quickly.”
Darksword255 says “Heavy CC + Very tanky. 2 Q's plus his R will CC you forever making it impossible to heal or attack him. His team fights are significantly better than you, the only way to beat him is to CC him long enough for your team to clean him up. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Your laning is better, your scaling is roughly even, yet his teamfighting is slightly better, soyou do need to make sure that you keep up good vision and prevent him from accomplishing the same thing you're trying to do to their team.”
Dojyaan says “Could be invaded early game and could be killed at scuttle just block his q with your box or dodge it and you are fine. Don't fight later on.”
rhvse says “Preety easy matchup on early, he is going to be bad for you, in late game. He have high burst dmg when going AP. Buy Magic Resistance, and try to block his dash with shield. ”
ItsAydam says “There's not much to say about this matchup. Not at any point of the game does this champion pose threat to you. Punish him hard in his jungle and get mercs/qss if needed.”
NegativePhoenix says “It's not his tank power that is to fear, but how much CC he has. If he focuses you down for CC, you can easily be just kept still and melted by whoever is helping him. If you can dodge his bandages you're normally safe. The early fights will be his if you aren't careful but late game he will lose.”
NegativePhoenix says “The only really scary thing about him is his CC, but if you mark him and he still decides to get in your face with Q then it's his fault if he dies. He only makes it to minor though because he can still put up an early fight.”
Fappitchedd says “Hes a pretty hard one as he has 2 charges on his Q he can keep up with you even if you dash away and is very tanky but as he only has those to use just keep your distance and try not to get Qd”
Mroczneszydelko says “you just don't want to play against amumu as warwick, he can cc chain you to death and possibly win 1 v 1 if ahead with aegis and demonic, also farms good so you cant catch up to him if he ganks succesfully”
OfficerVi says “Look to snowball the game early and play for picks mid/late. Even if you put him way behind, he WILL be infinitely more useful than you in teamfights. You basically don't get to play the game against him in teamfights.”
AkimboTs says “CC Counter and Jungle Counter: He has 3 forms of hard cc and that being 2 Qs and his R all of which he can wait until your out of Q to use and he might even be able to 1v1 depending on how the game has gone.”
anniesniffer69 says “kinda very sub in early, you can spank him and stack red points very well, if you get transformation before his level 6 you can spank him all game.”
evil in says “Amumu is one of the easiest matchups. You clear faster u deal more damage do i need to say more? just dont get caught by his Q and u should hard win this match up”
GrayJinxed says “When fighting him make sure you have W active in the direction you are running towards so you can get the reduced Q cooldown and prepare for his Amumu's second Q.
Once he has ult, be sure to have teammates to help you unless you are 100% certain no one is around to follow up on his Crowd Control. ”
TimothyFly says “Try and avoid his cc. Late game u can never win 1v1 if he has full build because of that cc. So just wait it out or flank to kill carries on enemy team.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Amumu can be dangerous in team fights, but overall you should be able to counter jungle him, fight him 1v1 at least in early-mid game. The moment when he gets 3 items you should be looking to stay away from him and engage in teamfights when he is not there or get into the backline of the enemy while he engages away from you. It is a high cc champion and you require with this build to freely execute who you want so be careful.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “As with most tanks, Amumu is tough to deal with but he doesn't have the prolonged damage to beat you by himself. However, he provides excellent peel for his carries so be careful of going in for the kill in teamfights.”
ioprocessing says “Amumu is very hard to deal with at pretty much every point of the game. He's really tanky, so you can't pick him off effectively, he has strong teamfighting so you can't just wait for him to fall off, and he can lock you down really hard if you go for a pick with an ult engage. By far one of the most difficult matchups if the Amumu is even half decent”
YoungTact says “Champion is fairly weak, never really played in the jungle. You can W his Q to peel for carries or yourself but generally just play standardly and should be an easy win. ”
Madabc says “You beat him really hard early and your w is really important in this matchup. If no laners interrupt the 1v1 pre 6 you will win it. Most of the time after 6 too, but when he gets tank items before your lord doms purchase it'll be a little harder to win. ”
Janooobi says “Usually in the support role in the current meta, will likely use his stun to stop you getting on the adc but it means you can kill him instead in his place”
lillia spam god says “he does more early damage and outscales you. try to build a lead by ganking other lanes or lay deep vision in his jg and fight him when is q's are on cool down.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Amumu, regardless of his build, is more about his team, rather than him. He can set up insane ganks and team stuns with his R, but his mobility is restricted to Q, easily blocked by Daisy!. In the 1v1, Amumu is punished by Ivern, but be wary of his teamfight potential. Run Aery Domination. Crown for AP. Shurelya's is usually better for Support.”
Consolo says “Tank bros! Invade and murder the child until he melts to a stiff breeze. He will always have utility with his ult in teamfights, but try to tank his Q in front of your team if possible so they can run. ”
SeatedWeeb says “His enemy. Our enemy. Everyone's enemy. This is him the one you have been waiting for: MID AMUMU ABILITY POWER 酸果蔓 OVERFLOW INTENSE 诱惑”
White Cr0w says “Not as much countered as you think. Early amumu hits like a truck (I got gladiator in a week on arena with him. On mid/lategame he is a beast, and with the new jungle system he can farm freely even if you steal his blue or if he's behind.
What can you do here? Kill him on his jungle over and over and use these oportunities for an early Dragon Soul.”
Zehmox says “Ofc amumu is killable early game but after the double Q buffs he is able to hold himself in the jg against you. also his clear is on pair with you if you full clear but try to early invade him to prevent him from having a better mid/lategame then you.”
TheDarkinReaper says “Stun,Stun,Stun,Stun. And ye Stun. What happen if u are stunned ? ofc u gonna die, enjoy the cc death, cc death, cc death.
But that doesnt make him very extreme, since if u know how to dodge his Q and ult to dodge his R, he can be pretty much useless against u XD. So major if u got hit by his Q, if not. U should be fine.”
MrMeem45 says “Like skarner, he's not much of a threat until later on, and even then he can't really stick to you with your high mobility and strong peel in the form of your dragon kick. He will eventually outscale you, though. Deal with him early.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very easy going pick, his pathing is pretty straightforward and so are his ganks, this to countergank him and outfarm him in the early and mid game while trying to kill his carries when he engages your team in late game.”
J98TheGreat says “He is a strong champ but you are just a better champ. You still have to earn the win, but know that things should go better for you if you are good.”
NMFO says “With the new buffs amumu actually beats you early. The true damage on his passive is actually very impactful, damage reduction on his E really messes with your autos. Not to mention his massive teamfight ult which can win him the game if played correctly even if you destroy him at all other points. So annoying. ”
Brosinex says “Si va al tanque, no puedes matarlo y su CC es realmente bueno, te sugiero que busques mercenarios y tenacidad aquí para sobrevivir a su combo Q + R.”
Da Mastah says “Very weak to invades early, very easy to 1v1 at all points in the game. Counterganking and invading is your best bet to taking down this champ.”
Spection says “Pretty irrelevant threat. Can be counterjungled pretty easily but you should not try to fight with him head on because you will probably lose unless you have red buff and a health advantage. He can ignore your Q if he Q's through it. Pay attention to the map so you can know if someone is possibly coming to help him kill you. Dangerous with allies.”
The Elysian1 says “His early game is sweaty since he can force fights with his teammates , esp on river or your jungle. Take care for invades with strong supports like leona , alistar because their kits + his cointains a lot of CC that is not escapeable. Late game - pretty much useless most likely becasue he is a tank and his job as AoE user is to catch you and your team in a CC box. Picks on him like 2v1s - 3v1s should be amazing for you and your teammates.
Insightful says “evelynn is good vs tanks generally because they're very unlikely to invade you, so you can just do whatever you want on the map. you just have to learn how to play the teamfights to not be caught by their cc
Zyvran says “He's a tanky boi with good sticking power. Not that much of a threat on his own, but if he has a teammate, good luck. Get a QSS if you need it.”
BeWorhty says “Amumu is an easy matchup for you. Your attackspeed and helaling powers will kill him in no time. Lord Dominiks is an item you must buy later against him ”
Polarshift says “He can never ever contest you. Try to double scuttle, run him down in the jungle and invade him if you have priority or are strong enough to kill mulitple enemies even if they collapse on you. If this guy tries to escape with Q, follow him with your Q!”
Pusi Puu says “You win early game hard but he outscales you like every other tank, so don't try to fight him later on in the game. Try to invade him early game, since he has nothing really that helps him escape.”
SnowballBarrage says “Amumu falls in the category of rammus/skarner/sejuani but honestly is the 1st or 2nd worst for AP nunu. So many easy-to-hit stuns and high damage/tankiness. Play away from him.”
Polarshift says “Keep invading early in the game to gain a lead in gold and exp while he is desperately trying to get a gank off. Dodge his bind and stay out of melee range when fighting. Counterganking is again a very good strategy to gain a lead. Later in the game he might be a bit annoying in teamfights (especially in lower elos) so dont let him freely do his thing; remember that you are playing Graves!”
Veralion says “Poor guy got balance whiplash in the early season, but is still stronger than he used to be. Rare enough so that I'm not sure of his current power curve, but as long as your lanes are even, you should get every crab and maybe even a buff or two. Don't be shy about walking in and taking his camps after you hit 6 and all major and minor objectives have been taken. If he lands his bandage, wait for aftershock to expire before retaliating. Just don't be greedy and let him lock you down while he has friends on the way. If he's building full AP, make sure you engage him while healthy, as his ratios are nothing to sneeze at, and you should win handily. ”
Goldenstinger says “You out scale at all stages of the game. He can lock you down with Q and control the team fights. Look to counter engage and ensure you are jungle tracking. You can also invade early if you are more experienced with Fiddle.”
Kocykek says “You can W his Q and his engage is gone. He can't R after blocked dash. Beware of R + Flash. Be careful of his damage, it can be hurtful.”
Arfreezy says “Last Updated Patch 12.4:
Amumu is a tank jungler and like many tanks he is weak early, but has decent ganks. His weakness will be his lack of power in 1v1 and 2v2 in the early game. As Graves, you beat him by taking advantage of your winning/prio lanes to invade and take neutral objectives such as crab, drake, and herald. If you have no prio lanes, then you can play more a farm style and scale up while situationally reacting to what the Amumu does. Don't forget to take cutdown and merc treads go a long way here.”
LukaBre123 says “You pretty much have the same amount of CC but the thing is that it's a lot easier to gank as amumu and you can't really keep up and countergank on time.”
Tormentula says “After Nerfs to Amumu and tank items he hasn't been much of an issue like he was during Preseason 11. Amumu is very weak early game, loses to Elise in duels, and can't do anything to Elise if she buys a Banshee's Veil. That being said, pick up a Banshee's Veil so you aren't randomly caught by his ultimate in fights, and travel with spiderlings behind you to block his Q. ”
Zekrow says “Lots of CC and super tanky.
Prevents you from getting in the fight and makes your midgame hell.
Very difficult matchup if you can't get ahead early.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if his team has a lot of AP. Demonic Embrace. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Amumu early game is really not good, take advantage of that to contest him in ganks, scuttle fights, counterjungling, etc... The main thing you have to worry about him is dodging his Q with your movement speed while kiting him in the process, getting CC locked by him can be a nightmare, outside of that, there's not much he can do to you.”
poopyOCE says “If you loose this, idk what to say. Probably THE BEST matchup. You outscale him early, mid and late. Try to snoball by early invades. Force 1v1 with him, try to get him to burn R so he has no impact on teamfights. Otherwise, he is only useful in teamfights due to his R”
[Amumu is a big threat when tank, similarly to Alistar, but when mage he falls a bit off compared to you (except if he lands a perfect ult on your backline, in this case it's almost over). His early though is better than yours, he has a way better clear on solo monsters, his ganking is pretty straightforward land Q once and immobilize someone then Q another time, though you can easily countergank him, he has no evasion whatsoever pre-6 and cannot survive low HP unlike Lee Sin or so.]
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Large amountsId liek of CC. Kind of a pain to deal with if you get caught. Just build tanky and help your lanes so they outscale him.”
Farmer Cleetus says “He might be able to CC you, but he does not a lot of damage to kill you. Just be careful when you meet him cause another enemy (his mate) can come and help him out in order to kill you. I also recommend on going Rhaast over Shadow Assassin as Amumu is a Tank.”
Karasmai says “I only put him at medium because he is very overpowered in the current meta, he typically isn't a big deal for Rhaast but he is a big deal for your team because he sets his team up very easily. If you get perma cc’d you won't be able to do much in fights. Typically you will have to itemize properly to survive by either rushing Visage after cleaver or Merc treads instead of Plated Steelcaps. If you go Shadow Assassin he won't be able to catch you. If you’re worried he can just rush Edge of Night and PERMA dive his backline. Just remember you won't be able to kill him alone. ”
MexBookMaster says “Amumu es un match sencillo para cualquiera de las 2 formas. Tu le ganas el 1v1 y farmeas mucho más rápido que el. Cuando saques tu forma puedes invadirlo debido a que no es muy bueno en 1v1.”
Doubtfull says “Amumu can be a little annoying for Lillia because of his ability to lock you down with his Ult and Q. However, you do have better ganks and farm. Keep your Q stacks up and he should never be able to land a Q unless he ults you first. Definitely build merc treads earlier than later in this match up.”
BullwhipGriffin says “When playing against Amumu, constantly be invading from level 3, he has no escape tools except for flash which you can follow with "Q", fast level 3 into an invade on his 2nd buff to kill him, even if enemies come you can kill him before they come or a lot of the time 1v2 them or stall until teammate comes. Just constantly look for invades on Amumu so he falls far behind.”
Doubtfull says “Amumu can't punish you early game, and so he isn't too much of a threat for you. He does scale well though, and if he jumps into you, you are probably going to lose. Make sure that you are positioning in a way that he can't do so and this should be a free match up.”
Doubtfull says “Amumu has no reliable way to escape from Rek'sai, and with conqueror you will always win this 1v1. Look to punish him in the early-mid game. The later the game goes, the harder it will be for you.”
Rhoku says “Darius is great into tank junglers and Amumu is a perfect example of a jungler who can do nothing against him. All you have to do is path in a way where you are wherever he is, whether it is fighting over a crab or a counter gank, as whenever both of you are invovled, you will win.”
OsakaSatang says “Conc+ sorcery
Tank amumu is pretty annoying to play against because she has extrememly long cc and if she builds sunfire ageis, you will lose a lot of health from getting hit by just one hook. ”
himmispiderman says “Very annoying champ just try to dodge his Q 2 TIMES and u might survive if he doesn't use his ultimate.
If you only want to run away from him just hit him to a wall with your E and Q him while he is on the wall then use W to run away fast and try to dodge his Q but if it does hit you then u have your W up so he won't come to you and he also slows.”
Ellesmere says “One of the easiest champions to counter jungle, mumu generally sits very low in his jungle and you typically want to hit level 3, grab your stun and jump down to his jungle to kill him.”
Scooltefan says “As always, dodge hard CC like his Ult with your Q. It might be hard to time but practice makes perfect. Remember that his Q range is bigger than yours. ”
Stratogos says “he has a good ult and he is tanky with that said wait for him to use his ult and then go for a teamfight...he helps you more cause everyone will gather because he stunned someone ”
colingogo says “He has CC but you can invade him and counter jungle him consistently and as long as you don't get hit by his q you can usually kite him and kill him. ”
SketchtheHunter says “Even with his buffed Q he still kinda sucks in the early game. Just don't tunnel vision too hard on killing him and you should be fine.”
Very Rxre says “You have to be brain damaged to lose this matchup. Just invade over and over, he will be typing “go next” in team chat at around the 5 min mark”
OnlyEkko77 says “Huge amounts of cc and he gets very beefy, but Amumu is not that difficult a matchup because of his extremely weak early game.
Just make sure to invade and annoy him early.”
Hynder says “He should not be a problem to you on early. You can invade and kill him easier tha you think.
Try to invade him and kill him a lot early so he will get tankier later.”
Maintained says “Helpless mummy can't do much about you, he does not have the damage and outside his ultimate he doesn't have enough reliable crowd control. If he's in a bad position you can easily kill him as he has no reliable escapes either.”
manco1 says “Amumu has a weak early allowing you the ablility to contest plenty of objectives and bully him until level 6. Level 6 be wary of his burst damage, but position well and engage once his cool downs hit. ”
Gedrah says “Amumu is pretty similar to Sejuani. He will farm and gank as soon as he has the opportunity. Try to be there for a counter gank since you are stronger than him.”
RichMrFork says “Amumu is one of the few MU's you can 1v1 for a crab or during a skirmish. He is extremely weak early so if you have any sort of priority in lanes its good to contest him on most things like crabs or neutral objectives. He doesn't have too many creative gank paths, so if you can track him well you should be able to ping where he is most of the time. Be aware that he does scale very well into mid and late game with his AOE ultimate and engage tools so be wary of that and try to find a lead early.”
Kayn Mains says “You beat Amumu early game on equal footing. Do not fight him however if he has an HP advantage.
Mid game it can become quite hard to punch through his Aftershock keystone as base Kayn. If he has another keystone you are able to out-duel him. Try your best to dodge his Bandage Toss (Q) with your Reaping Slash (Q). Avoiding stuns is crucial to winning a fight. Consider building Mercury's Treads.
As for late game, Amumu becomes jungle food if you have chosen to go Rhaast. Your Black Cleaver will melt him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Don't get caught off-guard by his damage, he does quite a bit, especially after he gets Bami's Cinder. You can easily cheese him early game with invades, and make sure to kick him off of your carries as peel.
metalhydra273 says “Amumu can lock you and your team down in fights. He'll be annoying to get past but if you can get ahead of him he might struggle to be useful. Targeting him could be a good idea if you need to open up a fight, but opting to ignore him isn't bad either. Without his q's he can't do much to keep up or get away from you, so he's easy pickings if he's low. Evaluate each situation and adjust accordingly.”
Botta00 says “amumu has too many stuns and can interrupt your q too easily also preventing you from activating the w making you useless in teamfights (strong ap, Rammus doesn't like ap)”
MrMeem45 says “Outscalers like Amumu are a 4. If you can clear fast enough, you might be able to meet them at scuttle and kill them. Otherwise just stay safe and powerfarm, taking their camps if they ever show on the minimap.”
AggroBeat says “Too tanky, his new Q is a cancer. You can't kill him, while he gets your entire jungle. Luckily his pick rate is low enough that you won't play against him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You beat Amumu early game on equal footing. Do not fight him however if he has an HP advantage. Mid game it can become quite hard to punch through his Aftershock keystone as base Kayn. If he has another keystone you are able to out-duel him. Try your best to dodge his Bandage Toss (Q) with your Reaping Slash (Q). Avoiding stuns is crucial to winning a fight. Consider building Mercury's Treads. As for late game, Amumu becomes jungle food if you have chosen to go Rhaast. Your Black Cleaver will melt him.
NixLychee says “Don't get caught off-guard by his damage, he does quite a bit, especially after he gets Bami's Cinder. You can easily cheese him early game with invades, and make sure to kick him off of your carries as peel. Now that he has 2 Bandage Tosses however, it becomes that much harder to keep him off of your team. ”
Aqua Dragon says “Junglers who have to farm until 6 are easy opponents for Malzahar. They tend not to focus objectives at all, and provide Malzahar an easy time to stay even.”
KhaZix Mains says “ [5/10] This matchup shouldn’t be overly difficult as long as you play around his bandage toss as that’s his only engage tool without ult and flash. You can abuse him early with invades and counter ganks as you should win easily if you avoid his stun or get the jump on him.
Once he gets items he will pose more of a threat and especially during teamfights, so try not to leap in while he has his ultimate to protect his backline. Q evolve and W evolve will be valuable in terms of dueling and disengage to deal with the matchup. Most Amumus will go tank and mostly be a threat during teamfights but if they are building AP, then be sure to not let them snowball through the early-mid-game and pick up Merc Treads if possible.”
limeia says “
Il a un dmg de base élevé et abuse de aftershock, ce qui le rend impossible à tuer pour vous en début de partie. Essayez de l'éviter et esquivez ses Q et son Ult avec votre R”
Nanelol says “Really hard matchup for you. Try to avoid Amumu after he hits level 6 because if he is able to hit a Q on you while having his Ultimate up, then you will for sure be dead.,”
Coed Red says “With his new double tether in 11.17 moving becomes quite difficult and as soon as he builds thorn he is more harm to you than you to him.”
StrangeRune says “Can be annoying though fairly easily shielded. Decent duel target but can easily beat you up if you mess up shields. Recommend bruiser/skirmish build against him or ignore. Run if you're Lethality.”
Astalfo says “Though Amumu isn't as strong as he was earlier this season, his CC can easily hold you in place long enough to let his teammates position correctly to take you down.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “you can fight him early and destroy him in 1v1, but later on he has to much cc for team fights. You can still win 1v1 if you have ult.”
MrMeem45 says “Amumu is a tank jungler, but if he builds conq he's a very strong tank jungler. You're stronger than him until level 6, when he gets his ultimate, but you surpass him again after getting black cleaver. Play around his ultimate and countergank when you can, as after he blows it he's useless.”
Doubtfull says “Easy Match up. Amumu has no mobility and doesn't have the damage to kill daisy, so just let her loose on him and watch him suffer. Care not to get caught by his Q/R combo in a team fight.”
Corvux says “The cute emo guy it's a full tank that have an awesome CC, also he will make you more vulnerable to magic attacks because part of that damage will become true damage.”
RedNBlue says “Amumu thrives off of attack speed building champions and with this heavy attack speed build Amumu will just tank through it and use you as a weapon.”
RedNBlue says “Amumu will tank through your damage even pretty well early game and then he gets the thornmail and then he will start shredding you down.”
blademuster says “This Sad Mummy is not only a problem for you, but you're entire team because he can CC you all and more specifically CC you to death.”
GuillaumeP84 says “Very squishy in early, you can invade him. In early game, when you fight him don't put your burst instantely, wait the end of his aftershock.”
Bingolyzed says “Amumu can abuse new Sunfire but is easy to 1v1 early so try to counter jungle when you can. His R allows him to be very useful in teamfights aswell.”
Caled says “Amumu is a very weak pick rn in the current meta. Although he was really strong the first two weeks of preseason, not only does Amumu have a negative clear speed but can't really match Kayn's speed. Early game, as Kayn, look to j counter jungle and take his camps. Early form is really easy to obtain too since you can duel Amu with relative ease.”
Loul_60 says “Amumu has a decent clear and solid ganks but is fairly easy to 1v1 at all stages of the game. Late game his R can completely change teamfights so be wary of it but usually a pretty free game.”
litecrunch says “if amumu weren't the most broken jungler in the game right now then he would be a minor threat. If you want to kill him then do it before he gets Bami Cinder. If you do a good job of farming you can be a threat to his backline. Avoid dueling him as he will fuck you up in melee unless you are decently fed.”
liserith says “Make sure to bring Legend: Tenacity and Merc Treads and you will be fine. Watch out for over-the-wall Q's, and his post-6 combo. You can dodge his skillshot very easily with your mobility, and can duel him as well. Invade him early.”
Gumipapucs says “You can invade him in the early game, but it is unlikely that you can kill him as he won't really get on low HP while clearing his camps, and he has a pretty respectable damage. Most amumu's will have aftershock, so if you dodge his Q, you will be able to kill him. Try to sneak his camps and prevent his scaling.”
Rudas2 says “He can't do much to you in 1v1, but when team fighting try not to instantly engage with E when he is around. Try to look for his Q and escape with your E if he hits someone. By doing so you can avoid his ult. If you get dismounted at the start of the team fight its most likely over”
ShadowCross says “Just position well and don't let him hook you. If he does you are dead since he has a lot of lockdown cc. But this champ is just bad. ”
Daynia says “He has high base dmg and abuses aftershock which makes him unkillable for you in the early game. Try to avoid him and dodge his Qs and his Ult with your R”
chevy the sloot says “I love this match up. Contest him at first scuttle if you have prio and you can usually kill him level 3-4 if you hit Q. Late game just stand back from his R range and charm his engage.”
c0st0m says “lillia smashes tanks slightly annoying if he decides to go ap cause of his R that can't really be dodged however really easy to kit otherwise”
Tinjus says “Very difficult to kill at all stages of the game and can also kill you. Can easily lock you down and control the fight, watch out for his CC.”
Unawesomeness says “Lee sin can DESTROY amumu because amumu is mana reliant, and is weak early. So just gank lanes, and take buffs, kill him early, and you can win.”
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Amumu can become a considerable threat if allowed to farm and scale into the late game. Try to invade as much as possible and snowball the game early.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Is fairly easy to deal with early game, but becomes a significant issue late game if he gets fed and builds armor and magic resist.”
AyeJa3 says “Amumu is famously easy to counterjungle and should not be able to fight you at any stage of the game. As long as your lanes are even, you should get every crab and maybe even a buff or two. Don't be shy about walking in and taking his camps after you hit 6 and all major and minor objectives have been taken. ”
kyrdousek says “You are both tanky you can kill him early and made mummy really sad but u will be even In this matchup but it mostly relates on your engage angle.”
Kayn_Is_Cracked says “Ammumu can 1v1 you at almost any point in the game so unless there's a big level difference or item difference, dont overextend and be smart”
UnaFlauta says “If you dodge his q you can kite him, Kraken Slayer will be the best item against him. Also getting some tenacity will be very important against him, maybe merc treads and Legend: Tencity”
Ninjona says “Smol Tank doenst do jackshit to Warwick, just take the conqueror rune set if you intend to fight amumu, if not then take the press the attack in order to out gank.”
lolX9J says “Hard to win extended fights against amumu with his W, E, Sunfire, Conq abuse.
His passive tells him whos the real shaco. Same for W and sunfire. ”
Xavierix says “Hailblade is a viable choice at the beginning. Build Mercury's Treads.
Change Legend:Alacrity in Legend:Tenacity in your rune page. Amumu has a very weak early game and is susceptible to invades.
Try and invade his jungle early to set him behind and delay his level 6 power spike, but don't fight him if he is not low.
Amumu needs to hit level 6 as fast as possible so he can gank with his Ultimate R.
Try to gank as much as you can early on so your allies are stronger than his. This will make it harder for him to gank when it comes time to do so.
Amumu’s team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get a multiperson entangle with his Ultimate R. Do not fight inside the jungle either for the same reason.
Try and start a team fight as soon as the one before has ended. Fighting when Amumu isn’t there or when his Ultimate R is on cooldown is a surefire way of winning the next fight.
Spreading out the map and split pushing is your best bet as a 5v5 team fight against a team with Amumu doesn't usually end well. However, if your teammates are squishy and prone to get caught out, you’ll need to group.
Your team need to invest in armor or magic penentration. Unfortunately you can't build a Hextech Rocketbelt because you need Sunfire Aegis as Mythic Item. Void Stuff? I tried but I can say that is better to build Tank and hope in a good ally team. Also because Amumu is not the focus of the team fight, so Nunu must build Tank to put in difficulty the enemy targets with high priority.
As the game goes along, he will become stronger and stronger, and tankier and tankier. Don't Focus him!
ChaseMorePlz says “Very easy matchup. He provides a lot of CC and a bit of early game pressure, but does not provide much of a threat to Udyr especially without his team. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Early on Amumu is not much of a threat to Jax. However, he becomes more of a problem as the games goes on due to the fact that he can CC you and your whole team leaving them like sitting ducks.”
ChaseMorePlz says “As long as he doesn't stop your Q, or CC you before you can do anything useful this is a pretty easy matchup. He can provide a lot of CC and a bit of early game pressure, but does not provide much of a threat to Vi especially without his team.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Amumu is one of the easiest matchups for Blue Kayn. In this matchup, you can permanently invade him with no threat, also you out clear him, and he's immobile. You will get a huge lead, just cheese him camps early and track his pathing so that he becomes so behind.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Amumu isn't a huge threat to you as he doesn't have the strongest early game. Invade him if you get the chance and put him behind all game. ”
Sq_09 says “Amumus early clear is bad, reducing his invade-threat to a minimum. If he ever gets onto you early, he can deal some damage before the stun runs out and you can E into comboing him back. At later stages, whoever finds the engage usually wins. If amumu gets to Q you, you will be CC-chained for 2.5 seconds and most likely just die. If you get to find a catch early, and Amumu tries to counter engage, your plants and R may zone the enemy damage-dealers away long enough for Amumu's R to run out.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Easy matchup, you outclear him, can always invade him, kill him in his jungle because he loses a lot of HP , also go for counter ganks for that he is really weak early game.”
RedNBlue says “He will be very tanky throughout the game and he will be impossible to kill and will cc you. Otherwise you can try to kill him but probably not get it.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Try to just make sure you dont let him cancel your stun with his bandage toss. Even if he does, it shouldn't be a huge deal. Assuming he's going to build tank, you will want to go Kraken Slayer build.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both AFK farm in the early game but he can beat you in 1v1s because he has some cc. You also have a faster clear then him. You just want to get RedKayn asap and he wont have a chance against you.”
FlamingZ says “Ammumu ganks well, so expect to need to help out lanes. In a 2v2, you will be even, so long as your laner isn't facing one of their counters.”
PinguNootIglu says “Will just be more useful in team fights if you let him farm so you need to invade and steal his farm so he does not have his core and will not be able to help his team.”
RedNBlue says “Amumu can tank a good amount of your damage and he can hurt you cc wise and that isn't great due to your inability to survive with some builds.”
Snap0ner says “Not as much countered as you think. Early AP amumu isn't a joke nowadays, lategame he is a beast, and with the new jungle and Purple Smite he can farm freely even if you steal his blue. What can you do here? Kill him on his jungle over and over. clear his big monsters so he cant farm, take EVERY SINGLE DRAKE of the match and try to win as soon as possible.”
SingleSausage says “You can shit stomp him early but after he gets a few items not much you can do, even in team fights he is stronger.Its playable but you wanna end the game asap before he scales”
Aurelius2142 says “You win every 1v1, since he can't do enough damage to kill you. If he has friends (Awwww!) then you need to watch out. He gets strong in the late game, so if you're at that point and you haven't shut him down already, consider building tenacity.”
Karthus man says “Isn't the biggest threat but if he plays it right, he can kill you very fast, while taking no damage. Your best bet is to have your team help you beat him in early-mid game and then you should be fine. Be weary if he is missing because he can solo baron very early on.”
Chaddy Chapstick says “Amumu is strong right now due to the tank items being quite strong (Sunfire) he is tanky, offers cc, and can deal damage while he's at it. Early game you can outduel him early and mid but you can put him behind enough where he will be out of the game.”
JR Lil Baby Boy says “U cannot do much to this little demon... He will just stun you and till level 6 he will obliterate you . At level 6 u can defend urself but not that much ... Just hope that Daisy will stay with you ...”
Rusitc1 says “He just sucks to play against. Lots of cc for both blue and red Kayn. Also really good at stacking armor which naturally, blue Kayn hates. Red Kayn he's not so bad, just peel for the people he Q>R's. He's really broken right now, might be a good ban choice on Kayn
Honestly on both forms don't 1v1 him. heal cuts if he has conq. on Blue kayn.”
K Finch says “Amumu's S11 build is getting nasty, going into a Demonic Embrace after getting a Sunfire's. TL:DR; he does damage to you, you don't do damage to him.”
Maile says “Amumu can't threaten your early game, find him early and if you get an early kill you can snowball the game in your favor. Play in his jungle and make him the saddest mummy on the rift. ”
CalicoCactus says “Amumu, especially in the preseason, is an absolute monster. Avoid if you can, play smart, early go onto him when he is low / out of mana and cannot use his W to melt you down while surviving your damage due to the damage reduction on his E. Late game, fighting him is almost pointless as it takes about 30 seconds for one of you to kill the other.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Unless he's running full AP Amumu, this is one of the easiest match ups for Shen. He offers very little in the way of raw burst (again, unless running AP Mumu) and you should be able to beat him down.”
BlackBacardi says “No real dueling potential, mainly a tank with focused cc and very little damage. Very AOE, don't focus in a fight unless he has gone full AP. If he goes AP build at least one MR item.”
KevinThyAsian says “Amumu is a very good jgler rn, he has a lot of cc and dmg. He can also be extremely tanky. Early game, you nut on him. But later stages of the game where teamfighting is crucial, he shines, so be smart when vsing him. ”
Tin Wooki says “Amumu is a threat if you let him farm for free and not get behind but if you play aggressive and invade him early there is no chance he can 1v1 you.”
SeaBossBoi says “Very dangerous this patch. Amumu can for sure survive your burst as AP Malphite during the Mid-Late game when he gets his Mythic item, He can also somehow shred you in long fights as tank Malphite. Good tip to fighting these tank style junglers is to hit and run, think about playing Echo(you hit and run and chunk tanks down until you think you can all in them)”
Minase says “Like other tanks Amumu is pretty useless when it comes to stopping Evelynn from scaling. He can be really annoying and build a bunch of MR which makes him unkillable, but as long as he isn't getting 5-man R's in teamfights then you will autowin. You win at every stage of the game as long as you don't get hit by the stun and even then half the time you will win it.”
BoyWonder00 says “Tanks currently are extremely powerful, and Amumu has a lot of CC to take you out of you drain. If he has sunfire he can easily win against you.”
ACE4291 says “New Ult changes make him a pest in team fights. you can counter gank him easy... he will be less likely to invade your jungle because your teammates can easily kill him with you if found ”
BoyWonder00 says “As Rhaast, if Amumu builds tank you are going to have an amazing time. Because you heal off of max health damage, you can just attack Amumu and never die.
With Shadow Assassin, Amumu is more of a threat because he can CC and you won't be able to get away. Their team will just focus you down and there isn't much you can do.”
FalleN3 says “For the most part Amumu is no great problem for Master Yi. It is highly unlikely that Amumu will invade your jungle, unless you are very far behind or he is very far ahead. He is a decent team-fighter but is not really an issue for you in 1v1's. His damage output can be very high, even if he has built full tank so be sure you dont underestimate it. If you can dodge his (Q) Bandage Toss you will go a long way to winning trades.”
PH45 says “Get's quite tanky so might be hard to deal with in early/mid game. Late game you will win him absolutely but he will be more useful in teamfights.”
Holessando says “DONT UNDERESTIMATE HIM, he can look like an easy champ to kill, but its not really the truth..
you should kill him in early (but if he's ahead, dont try to kill him).. he will be unkillable in lategame if fed, so try not to fight, only if you're in bush and he doesn't know about you.. if that happens to you, you will probably die, since he has a potential dmg”
aiker95 says “Fairly easy matchup early on. You out damage him by a lot so you can bully him around in his jungle for the better part of 15 minutes. You can also out gank him by a lot so focus on that over farming your jungle. Pro Tip: Start red buff and invade him at his second buff, ward the buff and wait for him there. Then take Audacious Charge level 2 and kill him/take buff.”
metalhydra273 says “Outside of his cc, Amumu offers basically nothing to beat you. Don't give him a free way in and abuse his slow early game to shut him out of objectives.”
SHACO BOLADO says “Você conssegue facilmente matar ele nivel 3 , desviando do Q dele e esperando o Pos-Choque acabar, de resto apenas jogue seu jogo vc facilmente conssegue dar outgank e outfarm, cuidado se ele for para full AP vc conssegue desviar do Q dele com sua Ult (Shaco Ap ou Ad tanto faz)”
brSL7 says “Amumu TANK é um problema para o Dr Mundo por conta de seu W.
Mas se o Amumu for AP não será um grande problema, pois ele morrerá mais facilmente.”
AKScorched says “He's not the biggest threat of all time, but he's definitely a problem. You most likely never win fights against him alone, since he's too tanky for your W and he has a lot of CC. Zhonyas in teamfights if he starts focusing you since he leaves you pretty vulnerable while he takes almost no dmg.”
gurubashi35 says “His early-game clear is horrible and he loses the 1v1 to you at all points in the game unless he's ahead. In a teamfight however, he is way stronger than you so make sure you shut him down early.”
Ruffhsu says “Similar case to Cho' Gath except he is even easier to deal with since he does not have as much consistent crowd control as he does. Go Red Kayn against him.”
chasemyman1 says “This is a great matchup. Try and get in his jungle as much as possible and kill him. Its all about taking all of his camps and making sure he cant do anything”
NixLychee says “A lot of cc in this little boy, you need to make sure you dodge his q and ult with your q, so you aren't deleted from the game by his team.”
Haruka_Kaze says “Your phase rush will completely useless against this champ.
If the enemy team pick this champion as a jungle then you should dodge 1v1 with him as much as possible,your E cannot counter his Q,after he's Q you he will sure using R,and then CC you to dead,This matchup this extremely annoying unless you have morgana on your team.You will have a hard time early game and late game dealing with him”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
VekkyBoi says “Very easy matchup, Amumu's kit forces him to be next to enemies and so is yours. Pop your abilities on him. You probably don't even need to ult him. Only problem is him jumping into your team late game and ulting you all.”
Depresso says “Probably your best matchup.
You can block his q with Daisy literally ruining his engage.
You can also steal his blues whenever it's possible literally ruining his game and maybe getting some all chat hate.”
PsiGuard says “Amumu outscales you and is a much better team fighter, but he lacks your early game strengths. This matchup is a test of how well you can snowball your team before team fights start. You can bully Amumu early before he gets items.”
MikeyFeint says “Have a better CC than you and they are also better at team fighting, If he is on his own then sure fight him but if he is with his team don't.”
RageAx says “Kinda of a pain as he is so tanky, Once you get Rhaast, you do percent health damage so he shouldn't be too bad. His R is dangerous as it is instant root and can prevent your R.”
KillyOne says “Extremely easy to deal with early game, has basically no chance of 1v1ing you at any stage of the game. If you play it smart you will have 2 free jungles to farm while you wait for objectives and ganks.”
League Of Cursed says “Boy, this matchup is never fun. He's got good pre 6 ganks and even better level 6 ganks. You both are explosive at 6, but he can stop your drain if he hasn't q'd already. Just peel him off your team late game and play around that.
Dopamine_influx says “Predictable clear, you kill him on invades, you win fights at scuttle. Basically snowball him pre 6 by being in his face. If you're even and he gets armor & bramble vest, you might have a hard time tho.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up.
You have to play around Amumu, Do NOT try to burst him unless he has no armor or health. Bait out his aftershock's proc (Bandage Toss) before you use your abilities on him. You have to win early against him or he will out scale you. Force pressure on him early with invades or counter ganks and track her!”
AsparWild says “Amumu Deals damage similar to morgana, with an ability reset on champion damage and damage over time. ult him pop in zhonya's before he ults you and preferably try to escape with your Q.he does have magic resist, so best engage him together that alone.
however, your passives essentialy counter each other, with your lifesteal and his extra magic damage, similar to darius vs garen.”
Poohlio says “Not that bad of a match up. you can try and invade him early and get some cheesy kills, the real problem is when teamfights happens. He excels at locking down your ally and punish mispositioning hard. Go blue and pop the backline or red and peel him off your team. OwO)b”
Jogress says “Ap amumu is basically an assasin with stuns - who may start oneshotting you if gets ahead (and ignores resists and hp quite well). Tanky amumus shouldn't deal that much trouble though (you shred tanks well later on). He is somewhat weak early and if you manage to dodge his Q - you will win trades. Consider invades and ambushes. Catching his Q early leads to you losing ~half hp, and second Q most likely will kill you. Dodge Q! Then smash him! Easy! (actually not)”
AWierdShoe says “You can avoid Amumu's Q with your E, but he does outscale you into the late game with his hard-hitting CC. Invade him early (especially his Blue Buff) to get a good lead on him, as his clear is very slow. Don't let him get close, as his AP+True damage can't really be tanked by you and shouldn't be underestimated at any stage of the game.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Depends on his build. Most often he will go mixed Tank/AP, but you can deal with it. Try to counter his ganks, invade vigorously.”
QzKama says “Get in this little rat's jungle and destroy him, his early game is weak and is essentially a walking CC bot and won't be a threat to you 1v1.”
GhostReaper87 says “Nothing scary about this guy until he reaches 6. His ult can be a game changer for his team. I would advise to look for ganks because Amumu players usually full clear and want to hit lvl 6 asap. Try to get any lanes ahead and dont let him jump in your backline. It can be very devastating since your carries will be dead if his teammates follow up.”
Megalondon says “Amumu is tank, that can build AP with armor items. Graves passive cant help you but anyway it is nice matchup and with right playstile you will win.”
DarkPit59 says “Amumu peut être menaçant car il dispose de deux énormes étourdissements qui peuvent rapidement être fatal pour Evelynn. Cependant sa vitesse de nettoyage de la jungle est faible, et il craint le counter-gank et le counter-jungle.”
PrabhablyShaco says “If you win this matchup early you win game. His early is weak, and his clear is somewhat slow and he takes a decent amount of damage on first clear so you can easily take his jung camps and gank more often. If you do not win early, however, it will become more and more difficult to win.”
Hawary says “similar to malphite but he can reach u and u can easily dodge his ulti using your rappel and try to invade his blue buff early and he will suffer ”
Vodka4Gaben says “Very Dumb to play against, just gank more and get Rhaast (Red form) ASAP. Otherwise, you will never beat him. However when you get Rhaast, you can't lose 1v1 to him.”
Flux31 says “Given he has a lot of cc and burst. Be sure to try and clean up his ganks quickly. If you see an opportunity that he is low try to see if you can kill him.”
WickedPoppet says “Boy, this matchup is never fun. He's got good pre 6 ganks and even better level 6 ganks. You both are explosive at 6, but he can stop your drain if he hasn't q'd already. Just peel him off your team late game and play around that.”
GinWinsky says “Slow farmer, not enough single-target
damage to kill you. Kill him in his jungle early and steal his buffs. Camp him. Tilt him. Ward for your laners as his Q + R is a powerful engage.”
TrevorJayce says “Amumu, assuming you're running Conqueror, isn't much of an issue at all. He can root you and R you but assuming this isn't a game winning teamfight or you're not trying to 1v3, neither of these abilities will be enough for him to take you down. You'll outdo him at most, if not all, points of the game.”
Morzanoth says “Amumu is a match-up you can win early but lose if the game goes longer than 25min. You can out-damage him in a 1 v 1 but his crowd control in team fights is really a problem for Fizz. You'll have a considerably lower clear time early but you can make up for that by holding lanes. You might be able to invade him early but only go in if he's taken a bit of damage.”
Loki029 says “DON´T fight while your creeps attack him: It makes him spamming E (early he has higher scaling Damage, but with a bit MR and AD it is easy Matchup)”
Nico449c says “Good aoe clear try invade him lvl 3 for a cheeky flash or kill early since he will be slow at doing the buffs and you most likely will do a lot better at clearing it faster. Take care of hes teamfight potential when he hits 6, Until that try get early snowball on your laners and invade him. Get vision in their jungle to avoid him getting a chance of a gank on your team”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Amumu Q will follow you even if you CC buffer with your E away, so he will stick hard on you if it hits, his R is a nightmare for you as you will only be able to press W for the duration of it, standalone Amumu will lack any damage to be a proper threat to you though.”
Ryttar says “Skill matchup, you're stronger in early and midgame, but his engage is as huge as yours, so first be extra careful not to get caught. Always try to engage before he does.”
lheisse says “His cc is a bit less predicable. If he is able to stay on top of you, you will most likely lose. However, if you can block his stun and land a q, you will likely win. Liandry's makes this fight much easier as well.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Amumu isn't a huge threat to you as he doesn't have the strongest early game. Invade him if you get the chance and put him behind all game. ”
Soulreaperjin says “not hard to kill but it takes a while because of his E which reduces the physical damage(i.e. your AA) and combining the armor and magic resist he has”
TSMyth says “Amumu's ultimate is also annoying. But his Q you can dodge is easily with your E and if you don't have your E ready just try to sidestep it go around in circles he'll be confused and somehow fuck it up. But if he's Faker you're done. Be careful from his ultimate, try not to get caught in it, but if one of your teammates get caught in it immediately ult them then they're hopefully saved.”
Fabosch is Love says “You don't have a strong gank setup, he doesn't too. You don't have a strong early game, he doesn't too. You can also 1v1 him in early and midgame. In late game he has so much armor, and you should focus the enemy carries from a long time.”
Ardent Deceiver says “Likely to try and steal your camps early, and too tanky and too much CC to fight early. His ult is terrible for you because it's instant and has a huge range. Try not to engage or assassinate in a team fight until he's burned it.”
The Top Bear says “Real talk, Amumu has gotten fairly strong. I would definitely invade early, but I would only jump in on him when you are sure you can one shot him. He has a lot of sustained damage when he is on you, so make sure he doesn't get on you with full HP.”
Liibron says “Amumu is a very easy match up if you juke his Q, simply do this by using your own Q. Once this is done you can free fire at him while kiting back.”
PokeBen6551 says “Really annoying. Cant deal Damage to him if he builds tank since without conqueror you cant deal true Damage. Without teammates, he cant really deal Damage either, so try to fight him when hes alone.”
Dyt0Xx says “Amumu will most of the times use aftershock. Using your ultimate on him when his aftershock procs makes you very tanky. There will be a short period of time where his aftershock stats are gone, but Trundles ult is still active. At that point, Amumu will be as squishy as an adc, and he will be deleted in teamfights.
you can play this matchup fairly aggressive. If you ever see him on vision, you might be able to catch him in his jungle, with the help of your teammates.”
Luthy2278 says “You can dodge his Q and his ult with your Q, and if he catches you in his ult, you can use W to survive and follow up with auto attacks because he is squishy and dies fast.”
0kruemlmonster says “Never ever is able to 1v1 you, but he's a really strong teamfighter. If he CCs you once and his team isn't too dumb, you're pretty much dead. Dodge his Q.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Dodge his Q! Amumu is an easy matchup. You can easily outfarm him and get ahead in gold/xp. Don't try fight him unless his Q/R is down.”
Mkcls says “Bad match-up. You should be able to survive by dodging his bandage toss, if it will land get ready to burn flash ASAP. Do NOT start teamfights if you dont know his position, since his ult can lock you down in CC chain (100% death).”
HackedAccountlol says “He has superior ganks, but not superior jungle clear. Try to full clear and if you see him on the map, you either counter-jungle him, gank a sidelane or take a Draon or a Herald”
Fyurex says “Although he isn't played much he does have powerful teamfighting potential. He can be tanky in early game (with the right runes) and because of that he can make you waste time on him until his team comes to help him. Try to get him behind”
Mr. Nyahr says “Although Tantrum mitigates some of your auto-attack damage, he is a poor duelist in the early game, and if you dodge his Q, he won't be able to do much to you.”
Asothin says “Not a great threat. He only has one gap closer which is his Bandage Toss. You will rarely see him at top but he is a fairly easy match-up.”
today ill feed enemy team says “hj tem jogo do wascokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Sorry, this mummy can't do anything when you get him on jungle, just shred him and invade him much as possible.”
radecki says “Unlucky, hes tank but after all you oneshot him, so you just have to wait and play safe at start, you cant win trade with him in early stages, because of his Aftershock.”
CryAwake says “Amumu early game is a very easy matchup however mid game make sure to time your steadfast pressence before you are hit with his Q or you may throw the game away generally hard to kill with his E passive.”
Her0mars says “His % damage from the W actually inspires some amumus to invade you. Be careful with this one, but you should be fine in teamfights once he ults. Knock him away and he will get kited hard for the rest of the fight.”
Yuki H. says “It's almost impossible to duel an Amumu with this setup, since it is geared more towards blowing up squishies. However, it is very easy to invade and counterjungle an Amumu. (Use Fleet build)”
Chromuro says “If he can't engage with Q you are ok, if he can EEEH it could be a little problem. Not a great threat after all, he can burst you down if he builds full AP, just remember to dodge the Q”
PenguinOnStick says “He is easy to 1v1 but can be a problem in 2v2's. Mostly for your laner and not for you. w early so you can stun him after he engage. And with his cc you will stand still for a long time so your ult is easy to hit.”
Jadiac5 says “Ammumu is one of the most annoying junglers to play against, because his Q just stuns you, then he ults you and then you are dead.
I dont usually ban him since hes not the hardest matchup but he is up there in the top ten. Be sure your charm is fully charged before attacking him or you probably will be using your ult or flash to flee. Later you can just oneshot him if he doesn´t build crazy mr.”
KhaZix Mains says “ [5/10] This matchup shouldn’t be overly difficult as long as you play around his bandage toss as that’s his only engage tool without ult and flash. You can abuse him early with invades and counter ganks as you should win easily if you avoid his stun or get the jump on him. Once he gets items he will pose more of a threat and especially during teamfights, so try not to leap in while he has his ultimate to protect his backline. Q evolve and W evolve will be valuable in terms of dueling and disengage to deal with the matchup. Most Amumus will go tank and mostly be a threat during teamfights but if they are building AP, then be sure to not let them snowball through the early-mid-game and pick up Merc Treads if possible.”
MrPuggles says “Amumu is a fairly easy matchup. You should be able to 1v1 Amumu with ease until late game. However, Amumu is much better in a teamfight that Xin Zhao. An easy way to beat Amumu is to invade his jungle if possible and take his camps. There shouldn't be much he can do about it since he can't 1v1 Xin Zhao Amumu's level 6 may allow him to win fights against you for a short period of time.”
Yzroma says “Amumu's Q can stop your Q during the charge. Also he has damage reduction on AA. If he is not ahead he is not a problem, try to counter gank before 6 or invade, he has no escape so if he tries to escape from your jungle you can kill him with your mates.”
The Jhin Cena says “Make sure little Amumu isn't near any of your Minion's when you fight him or he can spam his E and shred you down. Otherwise, you should be able to win against him.”
Yzroma says “Il peut stopper ton Q pendant la charge. Essaye à tout prix de le counter jungle en early game, il ne clear pas rapidement avant quelques niveaux et il n'a pas d'escape.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “His Q And Ult Is Kind Of A Nuicanse. But If You Just Build My On Hit With Titanic And Gage Build And You Will Demolish him. But If Not His A Even Threat.”
xMalcho says “Just fucking nonstop counterjungle and you win.But be careful he can bait you into his team.Usually when I'm against amumu I get my buff and then go to steal his if it is there I put w in the bush near he buff and wait for him.The best place is the bush right to the raptors.”
New Player says “Not only does he deal hp% dmg in an aoe, his ultimate can hit your whole team and usually win fights that way. Your size can make this easier.
As you are going to be autoattacking, his E will also deal more damage should you focus him with those.
Try to save silence for him to avoid all that.”
FupiDupi says “Champions like these who are weak early game can be exploited and invaded. Similarly to Evelynn, they come online at level 6, so respect them a bit more from then onwards”
MasutaKokoBot says “Amumu's threat level depends on your team's ability to peel for you. If you have a good team that can stop him from diving you, then he isn't a threat at all. If not, then run.”
EvilOranges says “Kill him early, take all your marks if your laners are prepared to help you. Tank amumu, just dodge his R, AP amumu dodge his bandage.”
Marihuanaman says “putting amumu here but all tanks are annoying to deal with as zed, so dont pick zed jungle into tanks unless you want to lose LP for free”
Ricnnn says “Extrema Ameaça, ele totalmente ira te destruir se snowballar o game, precisa garantir o powerspike de seu time para lhes garantir a vitória.”
Twist21 says “He is not that played so u might not know his dmg.If you don't have red buff in the early levels don't contest scouttle.I recommend using conqueror vs him.”
ArthurCaron says “He is bad on a fair 1v1, so you can easy invade him. But you need to be careful with his CC on a team fight, so buy a Mercurial Scimitar for his ultimate and avoid his Q.”
BigBadVoodo says “He is pretty easy to pressure early, so try and abuse him then. You can dodge his Q by putting a box in front. Be careful as he has fair amounts of dmg. If he catches you in any CC you will most likely be locked down for a long time.”
xTheUnlimited says “Amumu is a bit harder to handle that Nidalee. You are a huge late game tank, but so is he. His ult has a better use in teamfights, because he can CC more people than you. You got an advantage over him in early to mid game, because your ganks are way better than his ganks. So, try to get your teammates ahead by ganking them a lot.”
ApexZulu says “Amumu won't be able to kill you early, however he will be able to stall you out while his teammates rotate. Avoid getting into positions that you can't easily get yourself out of, and instead focus on getting your most scaling lanes ahead. In late game team fights, Amumu will almost always be more useful than you, so it's important that you prepare your team to carry.”
craY13 says “Easy to fight in the early game. He is very weak and you can counter jungle him as long as you want. Take care in Teamfights and buy Mercurial Scimitar to deny his CC.”
LePlay says “Although you can easily counter his Q with your W and prevent him from coming anywhere close to you, his R still poses a huge threat to you and your team. Try to stun him as soon as possible to increase your survivability”
SubSequence says “Tedious to play around, overall the match up isn't too hard. Stay out of his Curse range and you should be able to peck him town while your team tanks. ”
Spicycontrol says “Any tanky champion, champions with ranged snares,slow or high mobility (jumps etc) is hard for hecarim, you've got to be smart about cooldown, this list doesn't include every champion, Hecarim as of now is very weak.”
Violzandre says “It depends, if he's smart and use a Thornmail, he can be a headache, but this Shyvana build isn't very common, so he will buy this item probably in late, and you can easily counterjungle.”
TricolorStar says “Aside from his heavy lock-down potential, Amumu is not very threatening until late-game, when he can use his ult to root your entire team.”
Morzanoth says “Amumu can interrupt your Drain and ult but you should be able to sustain through most of his damage. Amumu can isolate you from a team fight and if you are caught out you could die very quickly. You should hit level 6 at around the same time but amumu has a slightly better early game than you.”
RAT 4 says “high basic damage makes him deal insane damage per second with his W also the bonus armor makes him tanky. May be annoying and dangerous if fed”
Pancakedwastaken says “This shouldnt be a problem as for a Amumu player to be effective, he has to be near you. So all you should do is wait for him to wrap you then just W>Q>AA>AA>AA by then he should be erased”
CalebsLegacy says “He isn't much of a threat but in the late game, he can be annoying with his cc. You can easily counter jungle him after lvl 3 but watch out for enemy team collapses. ”
Morzanoth says “You can beat him early with your passive damage on frozen targets. He can lock you down pretty easily but you should be able to clear just as fast as him. Pressure lanes early and look to shut him out the game because he is quite squishy without items. Mid and late game just be careful because his AOE cc can turn a teamfight if he can get onto a key target. You should win this matchup most of the time.”
Yi Guide says “For the most part Amumu is no great problem for Master Yi. It is highly unlikely that Amumu will invade your jungle, unless you are very far behind or he is very far ahead. He is a decent team-fighter but is not really an issue for you in 1v1's. His damage output can be very high, even if he has built full tank so be sure you dont underestimate it. If you can dodge his (Q) Bandage Toss you will go a long way to winning trades.”
Castcade says “Amumu Is deceptively strong in the early stages of the game on kindred
if you can juke his stun/gap closer
his threat will go down to minor because you can kite him with your best friend wolf I recommend to play Aggressive and get marks as much as you can ”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “A full tank Amumu is pretty annoying, mostly if he gets his Sunfire Aegis fast it will be a real pain to get him since he can just tank your damages and deal at the same time, except that he is a real menace for his stuns so tenacity is a mst have.”
MannerlessNG says “Counter.
Amumu can lock you down several times in a fight, alongside your team, but you outscale him hard.
He also doesn't have enough damage to kill you if you go tanky and really only poses issues in team fights.
He's also a slow jungler, so crush his camps when he's going for ganks.”
scriptying says “Very annoying champion. Build mercs against him. He's not dangerous 1v1 unless behind. Try to dodge his ult. Renders you useless in teamfights if not played accordingly.”
Hazardist says “Amumu can dish out very considerable AoE damage and has a very strong crowd control chain by his own, but if you can survive the burst he's rendered completely vulnerable to your damage. Outpace him on the map as you can clear camps and objectives extremely quicker than him.”
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