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Illaoi Counter Stats

Illaoi Counters
Discover all champions who counter Illaoi. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Illaoi in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,283 Tips for countering Illaoi below

Top Lane
49.65% Win Rate95% Pick Rate Illaoi Top Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Illaoi in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Dom1nus says “dodge, but if you dont want to dodge do anything you can not to get into her e, take ignite pta and get first blood first back, after that you have some chances to beat this lane, but even if you go 5-0 she still can kill you. ”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, Boots of Swiftness is key since you basically have to dodge everything, dodge E at all costs, dodge Qs by stayin near the wave but not inside, kill off tentacles from afar, E her Ult and DO NOT fight in her ult”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
a_k_z7 says “i hate this match up with illaoi it is just another game trying to sidestep he tencticals and her e - look to trade when she does not have e poke when she wants to farm with passive and q you can w her w for some reason NEVER FIGHT IN HER ULT”
ThatGing3rNuts says “This matchup is all about how you play it early. If you dont dodge illaoi e its game over for you as shen, but if she does waste her E, make sure to punish pre 6 by taunting inwards and saving your w for when she comes out of your taunt to block her W auto. Take ignite and TP with dorans blade and possibly run page 1 or 2 if you feel confident about this matchup, but if you dont, then just like darius go page 3 and support build to try and have cross map influence. Unlike darius she has unbelievable split pushing power, so make sure she doesnt get out of hand by you using ult in poor situations.”
ThatGing3rNuts Shen Guide by ThatGing3rNuts | Shen Player
parker3n9 says “This is a very easy lane as long as you avoid getting hit by her E—it’s the core of her kit and the key to her damage. If you dodge it, you’ll win at all stages of the game. Prioritize killing her tentacles to reduce her ability to sustain and trade effectively. Keep up the pressure with poke, and don’t give her openings for extended trades. Recommended Runes: Aery Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “DONT GET HIT BY TENTACLES! With the insane mobility fiora has, if you get hit a lot by her tentacles its a pure skill issue and you need to get better at it. pre 6 you can pretty much just run at her and win, if youre caught in a bad situation you can parry her tentacle slams or her W so the tentacles dont slam at all. Post 6, the best advice for any toplaner vs illaoi is to instant disengage when she ults, otherwise its a stat-check death sentence. Her E isn't as important as it is annoying, once she gets black cleaver you can start worrying about it more.”
Skaarlschloch says “Quite hard 1-3, For sure go TP, Presence of Mind + Boneplating Overgrowth secondary + Scaling HP shards. Both Grasp Dring or Conq Dblade are okay if you only fight her lv. 4-5 onwards. Get antiheal somewhat early. You outscale her easily at 2+ Items because you heal too much After lv6 Ult when she ults and walk/flash/dash away so shes outside of R blocking all damage”
Secretly OP XinZhao Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Xin Zhao Player
Xayk47 says “Disgusting matchup play safe bring phase rush and combo her when her pull is down, freeze waves, and wait for a gank.”
Coke Rat says “Ambessa feels like it should be easy to deal with her, but it is actually a tough match. You can't really commit to a duel after 6, specially after Illaoi gets Iceborn Gauntlet.”
Fighter Ambessa Top Guide by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
Raideru says “In this matchup whenever you can kill her tentacles do it so her w is useless, it's generally a mindgame matchup where if she hits e you lose and if she doesn't you win so it's all about how well u can play around that, also remember to ult her ult so she doesn't deal damage and spawns 1 less tentacle. I advise Conqueror in this lane.”