Top Lane 49.86% Win Rate88% Pick RateCamille Top Lane Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Camille in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “She has pretty strong lvl 2, dont burn ur abilities on her passive shield( she procs it when she hits you) she has good small burst combos. bait out her e and all in her at lvl 6, u beat her hard”
Maniaxx says “Camille has high mobility, true damage, and strong dueling potential, especially with her passive and the Hextech Ultimatum (her R), which isolates Mundo.
Watch out for her Q (Precision Protocol), which deals significant damage on a second hit, and her E (Hookshot), which allows her to engage or disengage quickly.
How to deal with her:
Play defensively early: Camille thrives in extended trades and 1v1s. Avoid overextending early and wait for her cooldowns (particularly her Q).
Build Armor early: Items like plated steel caps or Thornmail help mitigate her damage.
Use your passive: Mundo's health regeneration becomes crucial in extended trades. After Camille uses her abilities, take advantage of the downtime to heal.
Punish her when her abilities are on cooldown: Camille’s mobility is reduced after using her abilities, so look for windows of opportunity to trade back when her cooldowns are down. and use your cleavers to farm in lane when possible and look for Ganks as mutch you can. survive lane fase and seek to help your jungle as mutch you can in early game. ”
a_k_z7 says “a fun match up
look to trade after she uses her passive since any trade against it is a lose trade
try to range out her w and poke her with q when she wants to farm
she can almost never engange on you since you can always w her e
but dont even stand too close cause she can instant e into you and you wont have time to w
Nithril says “If you E she can still Q you in that split second, dont E into her E, can E during her W to punish, care not to E while you are close to her Ult's walls, you get it: Use E vell and win”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
parker3n9 says “Camille can pose a threat if she takes Ignite, as it significantly increases her kill pressure in the early game. Her Tactical Sweep (W) is an annoying tool that allows her to poke and sustain, so be mindful of its range and avoid standing near its outer edge to minimize damage. The goal in this matchup is to poke her out of lane consistently and deny her the opportunity to engage or all-in effectively. Use your Q and Aery to whittle her down and maintain lane control.
Recommended Runes: Aery (for consistent poke and pressure)
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “similarly to aatrox, this is an easy matchup unless she is marginally better than you. Take Conq teleport, Hold your parry for her E, don't stand near walls so it's reactable. You can also parry her true damage Q if she has triforce, to negate a lot of damage, however camilles will usually use their E for a guaranteed Q2, so it's more reliable to parry it. Use your Q to dodge her Q sweet spot. If she uses her E to engage or overally uses it incorrectly, just pop ult and run her down, as she has no escape. With enough experience, you can interrupt her E when she's running away by slide parrying when she's E'ing to stun her. Cutdown”
sprdlol says “Save your W for her E. Camille have no wave clear so try to freeze then all-in her. Late game 1v1 she might beats you. Dodge her E and you're fine.”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Safe Runes Grasp + TP with DRing.
At Lv.1 Stack Grasp and go on her with E->AA. You AA goes through before hers does. Once she gets shield from her AA you back away. Keep doing that and keep doing smalltrades. You can let her push in or try to cheese her with levelup timers.
Be respectful around her sheen(minor) and Triforce(big) SPIKES!”
Lilac says “Camille is one of the few champions that has fairly similar scaling power to you. Early game, her damage is high, and her teamfighting is much stronger than yours. Fortunately, you have a couple of factors that can work in your favor: Number one, her ult is just about as good for you as it is for her. While she can use the edge of it to negate a vital, it only lasts a few seconds and she's likely to walk out and cancel it by accident if she commits to this too much. Trapping the "Grand Duelist" in a duel is not exactly a major threat. Number two: Your true damage passive somewhat negates her passive, getting around her magic or physical damage shield. You can also Q onto her when she latches onto a wall with E, giving you a free parry and blocking her ability to run away or intentionally whiff the recast.
Recommended: Conqueror and the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core. Grasp might give you an edge in lane, but gives Camille a massive advantage later, so it's not recommended.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
Try to W her EQ. Keep up on farm until Eclipse. With Eclipse, use your Q to poke and avoid her Q poke.
Your kill window is the level 9 and Eclipse before she gets Trinity.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
Easy, don't trade too hard level 1 since she heals with W and will likely have Grasp. Spam poke with Q's and look for stuns, you wont lose any trade if you're landing them. After that just constantly trade and once you get 3 stacks you can eat her out of her Hookshot when she tries to run. If you do that she dies 100% of the time. Be careful of her dodging your R>Q with her R untargetability. ”
Spartaniko says “She can't do much to avoid your Q poke and her main damage (2nd Q) is extremely predictable and you can easily E it. Caution for ganks as she can set them up. W when she W so you avoid the sweet spot. After lvl 6 she can dodge your abilities with her ult and gets actually harder to duel.”
MrBuis says “(B)(>5) Push the first 3 wave for cheater recall. When your Q hits, juggle and dodge when she panics W. Your E has more range than her Q auto, so try to hold your axe and open the fight with it. Don't auto-attack her when her passive is on; just chase and let her guess when you will throw your second axes. Freeze the wave and Ghost when you hit your Q, then try to Flash to block her second part of E, then Ult -> Auto -> W Auto reset -> E -> Q. SHE CAN 60% TO 0 YOU ANYTIME BETWEEN LV 5 > 7 with ignite, but she won't have enough damage to kill you at LV 8-9, unless she somehow got her first item. Go 3Q -> Max E setup.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
TO DO:✅✅✅✅✅✅
📍 Your Qs are again the strongest trading tool against her.
🤾 You can dodge her W damage and slow in Outer edge, by jumping on her with your W.
🛡️ Your E is best used against her second Q - empowered auto attack which deals true damage. It has visual and also sound effect, but is pretty hard to predict the more skilled Camille is.
🛡️ Your E can also be used against her E. Lot of times Camille jumps on you with second Q ready, so if you use E right before she hits you, she might accidentally hit you with second Q as well = wasting her whole combo. The more skilled Camille, the less likely it is to work, she could just wait, but if timed properly, your E could outlast her second Q CD so she can no longer use it.
🌠 Ultimate Hitting = low potential
Diving Potential = pre6️⃣➡️ low after 6️⃣ extremely low
Don't Try to W her E, when she is already flying towards you
Fenharion says “Camille's True Damage might seem dangerous but since the remove of Divine Sunderer she isn't that big of a problem. As for Tips: Dodge her E and W, use your W when she is going to deal true damage ( Q2 ) and she shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
Houcs says “Very easy to deal with. Just wait for her to use her E on you near your tower and try grab her.
These players usually doesnt run flash which gives you opportunity to flash her E and then pull her into the tower.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
Beetlebug says “Her passive will nullify many trades early. She can easily escape or engage with her E. Keep in mind that your Q can interrupt her E if she's mid-air after the wall jump, she'll just stop dead in her tracks.
Only trade if you know she already used her passive or can get a hit in before she autos.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
4eadami says “If she is Fed , she runs you down. If you are Fed , you destroy teamfights. Proxy if you want to , but she cant really kill you unless you misplay.
pro tip : you can E before her E hits you ”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
TwTvRANGERZX says “avoid her W. just like with darius Q, often the best way to dodge this is to walk in instead of out
your E renders her useless, blocking pretty much all of her damage. in early trades, make sure to E before she hits you so she doesnt get her passive off
your E stun can cancel her E when she >STARTS TRAVELING< to her location, NOT when she is throwing the hook
later on in the game all her damage is in her Q2, make sure to have your E be up to block this damage!”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
TO DO:✅✅✅✅✅✅
📍 Your Qs are again the strongest trading tool against her.
🤾 You can dodge her W damage and slow in Outer edge, by jumping on her with your W.
🛡️ Your E is best used against her second Q - empowered auto attack which deals true damage. It has visual and also sound effect, but is pretty hard to predict the more skilled Camille is.
🛡️ Your E can also be used against her E. Lot of times Camille jumps on you with second Q ready, so if you use E right before she hits you, she might accidentally hit you with second Q as well = wasting her whole combo. The more skilled Camille, the less likely it is to work, she could just wait, but if timed properly, your E could outlast her second Q CD so she can no longer use it.
🌠 Ultimate Hitting = low potential
Diving Potential = pre6️⃣➡️ low after 6️⃣ extremely low
Don't Try to W her E, when she is already flying towards you
Althalosofsirun says “Once she buys sheen you lose any trade either kill her before sheen or go for the scaling build and one shot towers harder than her”
CC IMMUNE says “This champion is extremely broken on the current patch, 10% pickrate, 53% winrate. on top of that shes just a bitch to deal with as Olaf, I just permaban her atm.”
wApMorty says “Camille is able to play from level 7 and unbeatable from Triforce. She needs to be exploited in early but she often plays Grasp and Ignite so Yorick can't do it alone”
ZedAway says “why is she being played as support again? anyway, she has a lot of true damage, make sure u stand in her way and not allow her to hit her E on the adc.”
SemenDrinker says “Both blade and shield are fine, aswell as bone plating 2nd wind
Camille is kinda known to be a massive threat. However this lane is completely aatrox favored. . You may poke her continuously as she comes and tries to cs the wave. Try not to get hit by her W edge as it heals her and like darius get directly into her face. I usually save my ult for whenever she does ults me. Whenever she wants to e onto you, you may always just e backwards or to the side to avoid getting hit. Hard abuse her long e cooldowns early, and try your best to space well before she can auto attack you for her shield.
This matchup however gets harder and harder the longer the game goes on so be careful.”
IvanBeifong says “If the champ snowballs, it does so hard, but it shouldn't be much of a problem except if she has ignite, never waste your E until she E's to you, dodge it with your E and drop your combo, short trades if she has ignite.
Decent R to try and trap the ADC-”
PetriciteLoL says “Her shield is what makes this matchup annoying, thats about it. Save your E for her E and If she's coming w you, you can walk up to her and W her instead. You can do any item/rune/ability combinations, up to preference.”
Frankoloko says “You beat most fights after lv3-ish. Lv6 you hard win. If you ult her in the middle of the lane she can't hook anywhere. Keep in mind she can jump over a wall in your ult. Her dash is everything and on a 16-12s cooldown so play around it. I think your ult removes her ult?”
Belle19 says “probably tied for worst melee matchup with darius. It's less that she counters you and more that you have nothing to stop camille from doing her thing. Beg for ganks if you get an early lead you can shit on her”
Skaarlschloch says “The 1v1 is HARD. You need to catch her in a very bad position to ever kill her. Once she gets Triforce she can kill you SOOO fast so be careful.
A good Camille is just soo op in lategame thats why i put her as Major(4)
LIKE MOST matchups after 6/after tiamat you want to look to perma roam and maximize income through camps and waves”
Niemi says “Skill matchup. You have to be able to dodge her sweep and be mindful of her grappling to the walls. If you manage to dodge them you can easily poke her. Her passive can be annoying so just poke her to get rid of it for a while.”
Body Those Fools says “Versus Camille, I like to perma-freeze near my turret until I have a sizeable advantage in lane because, if you're pushed up, she will be looking to use her E to get on top of you; this allows you to poke her safely every time she goes for farm. Make sure to dodge her W because it will give her a heal and slow you. You should save your Ult until after she uses hers because she can use hers to dodge yours since it makes her briefly untargetable. Ulting afterwards guarantees you an escape from her Ult since it doesn't allow you to leave her zone until she steps out or gets pushed out of it. Be aware she can also E off of your wall. ”
Zagreus16 says “Pretty even matchup early game. Her whole playstyle is for her to try and take short trades with you. Do not let her do this and try to take as long fights as you can with her because she doesnt have the cooldowns to keep up with you. late game her true dmg gets crazy and she will outscale you so play for team fights.”
CrimsonL7 says “Very winnable matchup! If you W Q onto her instantly you can get your PTA procced before her passive shield. The best time to W onto her is when she tries to poke you with her W. Only thing to keep in mind is that if you are fighting her with no minions around her R untargetability will break your berserk and you will die. So dont suck and do that!”
YuletideGlory says “You do have some trade potential against Camille but only after she's unloaded her whole kit on you. Dont try to stun her before she dashes, she will just dodge it. She gets to choose when you fight, so long as you wait for her to come to you then you can possibly win. You lose when you start wiffing your stun E in hopes of getting free damage in.
Heal whatever you can in-between trades, be mindful of her all-in potential when you're at half hp because she can trap you and deal massive amounts of damage.”
Raideru says “You want to poke her a lot with q and punish her with autos whenever she tries to go for minions without w, never engage her with e because she will just hookshot away so only use it when you all in her and she tries to hook away, at lvl 6 use your e to guarantee hitting your q cause she can beat you if she ults your q”
Azzin says “Camille is broken ATM so it's pretty hard to deal with, it's the same as akali, if you go to deep in lane she'll R and 100-0 you without any counterplay. Make sure she's low enough or the wave stays close to your towers to avoid this. Save W for when she Q2 as this is half of your hp bar x).”
Haxorr says “Camille is a pretty easy matchup for Jax, as your kit directly counters hers. Keep good wavestates and your lane will be A-okay.
I personally take Grasp in this lane because in higher elo Camille isn't the easiest matchup, but in lower elos she is pretty simple to beat. Be careful when she is near a wall, as if you hop on her she will e and interrupt you. What I like to do is wait until Camille uses her W to try to poke you, and then jump on her while her W is going. Build Trinity first and lane is easy.”
DuckQc says “You cant all in her. Poke her down. than all in when she low. Try to juke her w (healing) AND play around and 2nd Q.She wins trades, you win all-ins. Wait for her to engage with e, and run her down. She outscales you so you need to snowball.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
Honestly a complete skill matchup but she's the one that has to play perfectly, if this metaphor makes sense you are the shotgun and she is the sniper rifle. She has the complete edge early, but unlike most lane bullies that will use this to try to kill you in lane or zone farm, she will just constantly roam mid or look for dives with her jungler. Camille players usually make it pretty obvious when their jungler is around so try to keep that in mind, a camille will have a hard time diving you if the fight starts under your tower. Never follow her roams, but make sure to shove and look for plates every time she does (make sure she actually leaves though) and spam ping. In low elo you might also have to literally type "camille going mid! Sit tower!" People generally underestimate how broken her ganks are. If she doesnt find a sizable lead early, later on you can just split and destroy her towers infront of her while she does 10% of your health”
Arthapsic says “Weak level 11 if she starts W start Q and poke her when she goes for last hits. Be careful for her Q 2nd damage try to avoid it if possible. Get priority push 3 or 4 waves into tower and reset for a cheater recall (don't tp into the lane it's gonna push into you). If she has no flash (tp/ignite) then you can dodge her E with you E so try to look for that outplay. After 6 she has really good gank setup so be careful and don't engage if you don't have vision of enemy jungler. If she is alone after 6 and uses her E onto you, you win the 1v1 easily before she has sunderer (wait with R3 for her R so she does't dodge it with her R). After divine you lose the 1v1 unless you're really ahead so look for other plays than the 1v1. If you want to make the early matchup easy take doran's blade and start E. Very strong pre 6 and strong dueling but keep in mind you sacrifice your mid/late game teamfight potential”
TeiWasTaken says “Yet another skill matchup. Dodge her E with your E, use your dismounted Q knockback to dodge her W, proc her passive with Q before going all in when it is on cooldown!”
WIELKI B says “Skill based matchup, her passive doesn't work on ur passive so passive reset is your best friend, poke her down u can win 1v1 if u play good and have slight advantage”
Skaarlschloch says “Really good Camilles are a problem!
1. Her E trumps your Q. She will stun you and you wont stun her.
2. She can dodge your E&R with her R (needs to be perfect timing tho)
3. Her Q gives her SOO much movespeed, that she can dodge your W easily
If you respect alladat and survive her strong early and her sheen spike you should win afterwards”
Baby_Driver says “Very simple matchup.
Do not start trades with E unless her grapples are on cooldown.
Be aware of her passive.
Do not get cheesed by her ignite (if she plays it).”
step1v9 says “E into her when she uses W. Don't all-in her until level 6 if she has ignite. Tryndamere wins at 6 or before 6 if she has no ignite and you trade well. If this champion is support then be careful of roaming. You should use flash to dodge her E.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
Fighter that basicly counter tanks. She will outrade you even when you will buy Heartsteel, so it is pretty hard to outpoke her. ”
Ulsur says “Skill matchup, her early game is weak (not as weak as yours lol), but your mid game is better, you can stack your Q3 and wait for her to dash in with her hookshot, late game she's really strong but you can still win against her, after level 6 be very cautious if you're trying to poke her under turret or if you're dueling her and going for a Q3, as her ultimate will negate it, so it's best to hold your Q3 until after she ults.”
DioSett says “take ignite if u can manage to win lane early , i personally recommend stridebreaker build , look for E when she is in E , try to block her true dmg Q with your W”
Hotch says “Avoid early trades to the best of your ability. Punish only when her passive shield runs out. Try your best to not let her snowball and hold your E until after she ults or you can guarantee it.
Take ignite.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
If you face Camille on lane, after like LVL 3 she is really dangerous, she can cover a lot of ground really fast with her E, so play around the oposite wall.
After level 6 I think you just have to avoid her, or try to setup a freeze and play under turret.
One wrong move and you could end up in her ult with no option to escape, with such a low sustain as we have with Jinx, she doesn't have to have that much damage to finish you off.
If she doesn't have 6 it is one of the champions I mentioned earlier. Her only engage is her only escape. If she misses her E, she just has to hope somehow it will work out, so you can kite her down. But don't get caught up in her W slow, she could maybe run up to you and still finish you off.”
forlid says “Camille is one of the best duelists as well as splitpushers in the game. Her sustain, true damage and mobility make her a formidable threat and limit your options to engage. Your only real window to engage her is if she somehow fumbles with her abilities. If she uses her first Q on you or a minion, run away. Getting hit by her Q recast is the worst possible outcome, as its her main damage. Don't play around walls as she can E to you from them.”
Skayling says “{Lethal Tempo}
{Resolve (classic)} OR with Boneplating
{AS and double scaling health as minor runes}
{3 points into Q then max E}
Starter : Doran Blade
How to play the matchup ?
It seems hard but it isn't. She will bully you a lot early game, but if you stay away from walls, you will survive.
The matchup become fine after 6, you can solo kill her easy if she miss an engage and you can run her down
Ping when she disappear because she will try to roam
If you have to remember one thing about Camille : STAY FAR AWAY FROM WALLS”
PinkBlood says “This is a scaling matchup you usually don't win early in most cases since you dont have enough damage against grasp camile but some camiles go conq and level 1 stack check you which is scary. You can pretend to walk up to q or farm to bait out her W which is her only source of sustain in her kit. ”
Hive Mind says “She's very difficult to beat, and her all-in is very strong, so wait for opportunities between her combos and don't waste them.
After the Core itens, you finish her easily”
procatking says “for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*skill matchup*
avoid her empowerd Precision Protocol(Q) and u can Shield Vault(W) her Tactical Sweep(W). try to kill her as much as you can before late game.”
conqiyana says “annoying matchup because she also has tp ignite.
she outscales so its a coinflip on whether your team wins.
in lane you can grass q and wait out her passive shield then fight and u can get some good trades.
usually take first strike in this matchup to try match her scaling”
SenSen_LoL says “You should be able to space her pretty easily. You can jump out if she tries to poke you with W. Be careful when she jumps on you with her E. Most of the time, in early game, when she dashes on you and procs her passive, it's an AD absorb shield that will come up, so you can still use your cougar E and kite her while waiting for the shield to come down. Once the shield is down you can start trading back.
The only real danger of Camille is her Ult, try to not find yourself in situations where you can get killed if she goes all in.”
MaesePerez says “Camille is a very snowbally matchup for Cho. As long as you don't die early you outscale, and in teamfights you are much stronger, but if she kills you early the lane becomes extremely hard to play. Try not to fight her until 6, if you are even in farm and 0/0 you should win as long as you poke her a bit before you commit to an all in. Remember her passive doesn't block true dmg, so you can ignore it if she's in ult range. ”
Bibi4A says “Camille is kinda bad news because she can get on top of u very easily. But same as Jax put W on yourself when she leaps. Jungle tracking is crucial because she is the best set up on top. Always ping when she is missing because roaming is her power as well!”
SpoonSlayer says “Her late game damage is insane. Dodge ranged W and when she jumps on the wall just e straight at her when she jumps. Free E = Free trade.”
KaisAWP says “if she E's you, get ready to be grey screened, time your E with her E before 6, disengage and unload a combo back, after 6 don't go far from tower and try to roam if she freezes”
Sugenrift says “Camille (The Security Check): Camille's precision and mobility allow her to close the gap on TF quickly. Twisted Fate can counter this by setting up "security checks" with vision control and anticipating her Hookshot with timely stuns or flashes. Like a casino watching for any trouble, TF can prevent Camille from ever getting the jump on him by playing smart and cautiously.”
EvilRavioli says “You win. Easily dodge her e with q and you can q minions while in her ult and you still kill them even if outside of her ult and heal up on them and reset your q.”
hamgi says “early long trades are best. avoid (short) trades with her q2 active. dont stand near walls as she will just e onto u. in that case, space or hold e to dodge (if not applicable, preemptive w for mitigation). always w her w unless u can just space properly. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse her r.”
Artszy says “Quando ela usar o gancho na parede tu usa o W, garantindo um stun gratis no E. quando o Q dela for o de dano verdadeiro tu corre até ela gastar.”
Belle19 says “if you pull after she starts moving from her e, it gets cancelled and she is fucked. Walk up and auto w, and she will most likely try to e away. Time your pull correctly and her only escape is gone. Keep in mind the timing is weird though, if you pull too early she still dashes out it has to be while she is actually moving. You win fights to the death but lose trades. Be careful post 6, she can r to dodge your q.”
zwartebliksem says “Proc her passive shield before going all-in. Once she hits sheen she starts to deal a lot more damage, once she hits Divine Sunderer it's pretty much over. Try to get ahead before this.”
AWierdShoe says “This lane used to be much more Camille-favored, but with the multitude of nerfs she has received over the past few years we actually win this matchup early. Camille players will usually start W to CS safely and poke you; do you best to avoid the sweetspot. If she starts Q you can definitely trade back into her as long as you predict her movement and dont hit her passive shield too much (note that your passive's empowered magic damage will go through her shield as the shield will only block physical damage, so it's still worth passive autoing it). Punish her early game for walking up to CS if possible with Q. Try not to play too close to walls, as this give her an opportunity to instantly stun you with her E. Camille players may E onto a wall or ult to avoid your Q3, but you can mindgame her by holding onto it until she E's back into you/targetable again. Once Camille gets her Trinity Force the matchup gets a bit harder, as she can sidestep our full combo much better and punish you super hard if you mess up. She outscales you and outsplits harder in the sidelane, but you can curbstomp her in laning phase before that even happens.”
Haearnbleidd says “She wins trades, you win all-ins. Wait for her to engage with e, and run her down.
She outscales you so you need to snowball.
Build: Rav/Shojin/Trinity > hexplate.”
lbc1506 says “Has kill potential with her E but can easily be negated with Q stun.
Hold your Q in this matchup as if she jumps on you without Q its not fun.
After 6 you can easily get away with ult.”
VigsenGaming says “Her passive makes so she can trade at will and sometimes survive your all-in. It's champ that you could also ban but i still recommend banning Jax. The true damage (again) can get you really quickly out of your form. You can kill her early and when you get a lead you almost always kill her.”
Vin Livesel says “Never really had a difficulty with her, but also never really played against a lot of camilles either. She probably outscales but you destroy her before she gets items
(If they bring ignite this can go up in difficulty)”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
Short trades, you can manipulate her passive with your W. If its up, jump on to the wave, not her and W. Then you use your Q combo without her shield cucking you.
Post 6, you can't avoid gank set-up so jungle tracking is important.
Akuzai says “If she reaches her powerspikes while being even and knows how to space 1v1ing becomes extremely hard, more so if she's running ignite. But before tri-force she lacks damage and without her jungler if you find the right angles and dodge her e you can kill her easily and snowball off her.”
deathbypotion says “She is not that strong on new map and you can stay closer to river so she can`t E you. Proxy cautiously as she will easily catch you. Your W stops her from casting and recasting E. You can easily flip her out of her R. You will outscale her
PPlongcook says “Used to be a 1 until they buffed her for no reason. You win early but now she outscales you hard if you aren't building damage. Legit will do half your HP in true damage late game. Treat the matchup like Jax and never let her come back in the game.”
hoflol says “This matchup is very skill dependant. Camille winning trades depends on her landing her E, and you playing poorly with flip.
If she builds Divine Sunderer, then winning trades becomes next to impossible. But plated steelcaps help reduce this on-hit damage as well as the true damage she does.”
Lukajs says “Camille is a decent matchup for Gwen, since you can trade pretty well with her, because she mostly only has poke earlygame. If she attempts to E you, you can Q as she is dashing towards you, which will give you the upper hand in the trade. Afterwards, you can easily all in her.
Play around poke and trading.”
GheeseEmpty says “It shouldn't be very difficult for you to beat her early, but her scaling is very problematic for Udyr's tankier builds. I honestly recommend going AD into Camille when possible, so you can match her on the sidelane. Thankfully after the removal of Divine Sunderer, her late game is more managable for a tankier Udyr.”
xXazzer says “Her early levels are stronger than Aatrox. But after level 4 you win out most trades. After that she has to wait for her Sunderer power spike.
You can bully the hell out of her in these windows. Try to deny her, her W's. If she goes on you, fight back. She has no escape if she goes in on you and the only thing she can do is ult your Q3. You can kill her without it.
Boneplating is great vs her because she is an all in champ.
More Matchups coming soon”
NegativePhoenix says “This matchup heavily varies on the skill of the Camille player but it's not as hard as most people think
Your Q removes her passive, so she won't really have a passive when she goes in for trades
If you know she plans to E into you, try to time your W or Q to interrupt her to either avoid or stun both of you
Otherwise just watch for her Q true damage”
ThelpixG says “The key to winning this matchup is dodging the W's sweetspot and using your passive to deal damage to her through her passive shield.
Always keep a barrel near yourself and try to time her if she comes in with E.
Always use passive resets so you can melt her health bar in 1v1s.
She becomes really difficult to duel against once she gets Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra.
Keep an eye for ganks, specially once she reaches level 6.
Both Grasp and the Standard setup are good in this matchup, it's more about your personal preference.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Camille is one of those champions you win in early against and will destroy you in late. My best advice is to destroy her hard enough that she can barely come back into the game.
Try and avoid her E and it should be fine.”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Blade Start \\ You hard win lvl 1 \\ Bait her E with your E or kite her true dmg Q with it // This champion is still very strong even after all the nerfs. She will probably take TP/Ignite. Do not stand next to walls or she will just all-in you. Stay out of her AA range when her Q2 is active. Use your W in response to her W. As long as you keep up in items/gold, you should be able to 1v1 her. Whoever hits their mythic first will take over the lane. Your E can also stop her R if you time it right. Use your E to dodge her E.”
WhendZ says “Na minha humilde Opinião, a camile sozinha é fácil de lidar. Desvia do W e do E, não troque tempo o suficiente pra ela te dar o segundo Q, e vá pra cima quando ela perder. O Problema é quando ela joga com o jungle, por que ela te prende com a Ultimate, e você tá basicamente morto. O que eu recomendo é sair da visão dela quando for gankado, e se mesmo assim não der, vira no jungle.”
LegacyOneTap says “lethal, dorans blade start, shes a bit of an annoying one, sometimes you can stop her e if you stun early before she reaches any thing mid air, trade your q for her slash, use of counterstrike so she's forced to leave with her jump, your e is up before hers by a 2 second window (no haste involved) and her w is extremely longer than your q so, you win the battles on cooldown. just be careful when trading early while her passive procs on you just walk out. you win after something like divine bc. ”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or Grasp]. She isnt a big problem in lane at all, but once she reaches divine, man. she will outheal you every trade. so get early antiheal and pray you can bully her enough to get a big lead, or you will NEVER recover. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Fique longe das paredes, tente desviar do W dela, jogue no poke, fora isso é até que tranquilo, tente cega-la quando ela for te dar Q.
Runas> PTA, F.F, Aery ou Grasp”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when does and when she uses W. E into her when she uses W to avoid outer edge. When she tries to hit you with her E, wait until she is on a wall then press W. It will cancel her E and put her in perfect position to stun with your E. Do not ult her unless she has already ulted you. Beware divine sunderer true damage procs. Rush thornmail.”
Denied20 says “Keep pressure on her high, you have a lot of freedom to move in and out, which is usually Camille's strength against her other match ups. You are given the opportunity to stat check are at all stages, granted you don't get kited or fall behind.
She has potent escape, but remain on the squishier side, which makes most kills available through tower diving her at low health.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
If camille starts E, You also start E and kite her. This matchup is really snowball heavy. Try to dodge her E. Poke with range Q or hammer Q on minnions (shes not really close to a wall). You should be carefull if she hugs the wall.”
joke7813 says “Hard matchup...but still playable. You just have to accept that she decides when to fight. Dont engage!!! just wait for her. If you can trigger her passive without using your abilitys you can trade her. But if you dismount in the lane you are easy prey for her.
Play safe and dont force things.
BurritoTopKing says “Very killable early, just be careful if she has ignite, try to save your E to cancel her hookshot(E).
also you can go trinity if you want to play side against her (not necessary).”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- She is really mobile
- Her passive gives her shield when she hits you based on you beeing AD or AP, it has pretty high cooldown early
- Her Q is AA reset, bonus on-hit damage. It has second cast, that she can activate immediately for the same effect or after short interval and a specific sound you can hear, she can cast it to do a massive true damage on-hit.
- Her W is slash in a cone. It has inner edge where she just deals small amount of damage and outer edge that you can clearly see beeing different, that deals a considerable amount of damage, heals her and slows you
- Her E is jump that consists of two parts. First Part she drags herself to a wall, second she has a short interval to jump from the wall in certain direction. If she hits a hero she knocks you a little bit, gives damage and gains attack speed.
- Her Ultimate lets her target enemy champion she jumps into the air becoming untargatable, so she can use it to outplay certain spells, then landing and locking target champion in an "arena" with herself, as well as knocking enemy champions around the target. she also gets bonus on-hit damage inside. It is really good for duels and catching targets. ..................................................................................
- Flash will not save you from her Ultimate.
- If she already casted ultimate and is in the air, she will follow any dashes etc.
________________~Build Specific~________________
- If she has E, try to play around exactly the opposite than she is, that way you make it hard for her to land her enormly distant jump
- After LVL 6, don't walk up far into the lane, she can all in you with ult and you have no way of escaping”
Murfz says “Jax favoured, you can cancel her E if you time it right. Avoid trading into her passive early, mid game it doesn't matter as long as you E her Q2 since that's where 90% of her damage comes from.”
Tronnes says “A lot of people have her being more of a threat, however I think if your aware of your surroundings and where their jng is you could win this. If you can get a freeze near your tower you can zone her a bit. ”
Your Abusive Dad says “If she lands her dash just Q kite away, if she chases Q again. If she gets ahead she will snowball ball the lane and constantly kill you. Try to poke her and deny her passive shield”
RivenCarriedYou says “Camille outscales Riven so make the most of the lane phase. start doran’s blade, Bait her passive/break bone plating then look for short trades. Her E can be broken by W in the first half and your third Q in the second half. Riven's ult beats Camille's at 6, but the lane is more so in your favor. Use mobility spells to dodge W. Avoid trading level 1 until her passive shield/boneplating is down”
Bonkyou says “Skill matchup that requires you to dodge telegraphed E or knock her up, don't try to do short trades early without W and try to all in often before 6 or she will most likely dodge your r with her own r.
Again, skill matchup.”
Chaddouk says “First interactions : wait for her to auto a minion in order to E in + auto before she gets a shield by autoing you. Camille matchup is rough only if you don't respect her strenghts, being short trades with q, hitting her W (use e to dodge it in or out, and spacing ofc) and her roam potential (ping the shit out of map if she is missing, it's common for Camille players to go 0/4 then perma roam and comeback from that). Her only way out is E and it's a long ass CD compared to tryn E, but it covers a long distance so keep in mind what walls she have and how she can use them. 1v1 is pretty easy to win later if you're even or ahead. Don't give her too many free empowered Q's they deal a ton of damage (especially if she goes divine). Look at her summoners and runes in loading screen they differ a lot between Camille players.”
Wunkiz says “Camille is not de most dificult machup but you need to know the time to break your barrel, Put beneath you and when she uses her E2 instatly break your barrel. Takes ignite or TP”
daitolol says “- Q Passive auto Trade her level 1
- Be patient with your Qs when she gets passive up, abuse the long CD
- Dodge her E with your own E / Use W if its too late to dodge so she can't abuse her attack speed
- Avoid her outer W since that heals her and does extra damage to you + slows
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) Use you E if she uses her W. Your E or Ult can be used to cancel her E dash. She can dodge your W with her Ult. She will eventually outscale you if you don't get Botrk. Don't short trade when her passive is up, otherwise you are going to lose the trade. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
At_Tar_Ras says “this matchup depends on the player. if the player is smart AND went grasp/tp/ignite? then you're gonna get outscaled by the time she buys her sheen which is prob before the 6 minute mark. LOL. i've beaten so many camilles even with the old 44% winrate renekton but she's always outscaled and roamed mid/bot to perma double kill/triple kill my team so she's just a tough matchup in that aspect. your empowered W can shield-break her passive so keep that in mind. use your Q to pop her boneplating (DO NOT W anyone who still has their boneplating pls) and always E or step inside her W to avoid extra dmg and prevent her from healing. the matchup basically goes like this; you pop bone plating by Q'ing her or an auto. she Ws you, you E in, AA, wait for her to AA/Q you for her shield, then you W that shit and shield-break it into another AA, Q, AA and either E2 out, and repeat or E2 toward her escape-route to AA her to death.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash}This is my permaban quite simply shes impossible to deal with unless shes first time. If for some reason you have another ban. You have to give up a lot of cs and play around Q2, W and E to even be allowed to farm. Hit W when her E hits or just fake your positioning and dodge it. Her ult can stall your ult from coming out so be careful tower diving.”
kenneking says “Nothing she can really do to you. I would recommend taking ignite so that you do not misplay and can punish her for taking bad trades. Outspace her w and e with ur e. ”
Dew Master Flash says “Camille is another classic sion counter that lives up to her name. You have to get ahead before she gets sunderer. Proxying, and bramble vest are a must in this matchup.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA/Fleet equally good]
You can either go PTA to kill her in an all-in or Fleet to poke her out of lane. If she uses W a lot to heal, you can literally just dodge it and she'll go oom. Q her when she tries to E onto you. Shrooms against walls can be free damage. You could also stand inside a minion wave and shroom under you if she jumps on you. However, she has good gank setup with E + Ult so make sure you know where the enemy jungler is. She also becomes a lot stronger with Divine Sunderer so it might be better to save your Q for her 2nd Q.”
RipAMC says “This lady is super mobile with her hookshot and can lock you down with her ultimate. If she catches you out, she'll be all over you like a spider, so keep your distance and watch for her engages.”
TheBougis says “Camille's damage comes pretty much only from her empowered Q, it can do a lot of damage but you can just Q her when she goes in on you to heal it back.”
DebRiX9 says “Still have to find a good Camille to put up a fight. Her true damage is a problem but if she ults you, then ult her and you should be fine
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 GENERAL: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
🚵♀️ Extremely mobile champion
📈 Scales Really Well
🧗♀️ She likes to play around Walls. Prefferably play close to the wall oposite to her.
🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️ HER SPELLS 🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️🧙♀️
🇶 Her second Q (both Qs ar empowered next auto attacks) is her whole damage, try to avoid getting hit.
🇼 sweep is her main poke. Outer edge heals her, deals more damage and slows you. It has long cooldown early. It can also be a combo starter if she hits it.
🇪 is an insane gap close, only works on walls, really high cooldown
🇷 is a target spells which for few seconds lock her target in a zone. Really great dodgin tool, since she jumps into the air for a moment, before dropping on her target. It also empowers her AA similiar to BoTRK.
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
Antecc says “While the general consensus around this lane is that Camille gets dogged on, it's not that easy. Don't fight Camille near a wall and don't get chunked by her W. The lane is somewhat tough to play, however the late game is in the bag. Sterak's recommended.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont let her hit her empowered Q (the second one) and if she uses her E place a barrel underneath yourself. If you dodge the stun its amazing but if you dont just W asap and destroy the barrel. Remember she can dodge your barrel with her ult.”
ABL Pantheon says “Camille is a skill matchup. The one with the better mechanics win. Dodge her W so she doesn't heal, block her E or Q2 damage by using your E and fight in her Ultimate if you know that you are going to win. Watch out for the E + Flash she can do.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Skilled matchup. Recommended: Conq+flash/ignite, start d ring + 2pots.
Avoid getting poked by her W, dont walk up if she has Q2, throw ur W on the wall that shes hooking onto to stop her from using 2nd part of hook, if you flip when her hook is flying to the wall she will cancel your flip, if you flip when her hook already hit the wall and camille is flying to the wall you will cancel her hook, when she's hooking into you buffer ur flip so it goes off even tho you get hit, if you're behind and can't win 1v1 always save ur flip for her ulti to cancel it”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> CORE
you can outplayer her by ulting her e it cancels it and puts it on cd so she cant run away
Problem with camille is she outscales us , but not in teamfights”
lordimboutabust says “Heavy camille favoured, possibly third hardest lane after fiora. Try Q poke her while she farms at the same time staying as central to the lane as possible, save W for when she stuns you. If you can dodge her stun it's not guaranteed but will usually end in a positive trade, If she engages with W or Q, kite her shield out if you can otherwise you have to out damage her to win | I prefer second wind because she can easily pop bone plating with W before going in but you can go for it if you think you can dodge her W consistently | D-blade - Eclipse”
Bernardian says “This is the start of the fun. Camille is so free for Darius in lane. she has zero dps and or ways of shutting you down without you getting 5 bleed first. ignite Camille is a little bit harder but you still with this matchup easily. hooking her out of her e is very very VERY good as it mostly leads to a solo kill or a flash if she runs it. her ult can be annoying as she is trying to delay you killing her and gives her time to get her abilities back of CD. try not to take too much poke from her W. if she goes divine try to match with bramble.”
Zombzn00b says “Impossible matchup. A possible ban. When she gets sheen your lane is over. She ignores all of your Armor, and once she gets divine, you cant R her anymore bcs she will oneshot you with q”
ardeluu says “Very hard matchup. Dodge her W Lv1 and only go for 1st and 2nd Q. Watch when she gets Lv2 as she's gonna look for a E on u so back off and respect her Lv2. After Lv4/5 u have a lot more damage and can start to trade, the trick is to OutSpace Camille with ur Q/W so she can't use passive or trade back. After Lv6 beware she can dodge ur Q with R so focus on holding it until she uses it. Don't forget u get outscaled hard and ur way stronger in teamfights!”
Waqql says “Another straightforward matchup if you know what you're doing. Don't get hit by her leap, otherwise you'll lose the trade 100%. Try to always keep her within autoattack range. If she gets too close, immediately jump out. If you fall behind once, it's difficult to recover, so wait for a 2v1 situation and focus on farming.”
FaNTOP says “Кайтит (постоянное отступление с одновременной атакой противника, сопровождаемое уворотом от его способностей и автоатак.) от её Q2 и занимайтесь Поук(наносить урон с большого расстояния, оставаясь в относительной безопасности) с помощью W. Уступайте приоритет волн до 3 уровня. Используйте W на её E, если она нападает на вас, и держитесь подальше от "сладкой зоны" её W. Дождитесь окончания её пассивной способности, так как у Орна нет достаточного урона, чтобы сломать её. На 6 уровне она уклонится от вашего ульты с помощью своего, поэтому отойдите, когда его кастуете, и держите её вне своей зоны досягаемости. Цепи проклятия и Бронированные сапоги уменьшают её истинный урон и полезны для сражений с ней в разделении или в командных боях с помощью Цепи проклятия.”
BetterGoGrevious says “Mostly a skill matchup, but you can try to Q3 her when she is just about to land on you with her E. If she gets divine first, you will have a hard time killing her.”
demirkaiser says “You can try level 1. After level 3, you beat her. Rush steelcaps if you are behind. Be careful when you ult as she can cancel it with her ult. Don't fight her late game.”
kayle1v9 says “Skill match up. You will lose lvl 2-5. Once you're 6 and you got your berserkers its kinda easy. Its all about spacing and dodging her E. Dont die early on or she will snowball. Q max helps a lot. Also always Ult her Q2. Don't stand near to walls.”
CypherRL says “The Camille matchup is very winnable before 1 item, especially pre-6. It favors Camille hard once Divine is complete.
Use your E to dodge her hook-shot and R+W to sustain through her early damage.”
LxVer says “Exactly like Akshan matchup, the one that wastes E first is dead. She can dodge anything with her R so ult only if she is running away or if she ults you.”
UmbreonQueen says “Along with Fiora she's one of THOSE champions. She starts weak so you MUST get a lead to keep her from going wild. Bait her E, dodge second Q with E and counter her W with your own W. Skill matchup where the early game defines how it will play out”
Twogrand says “I find this match up pretty easy but other find it very hard so i put it as a even match up and time camille tries to W you just quick swap into hammer and Q, E AA her for free damage and just reset. keep doing that in lane and just poke her out but if shes hugging a wall be careful because her E will stop ur Q and you wont have a slow onto her to do more damage, so the farther away she is fun a wall the better it is for us. go Phase Rush Tp and go eclipse build path”
TheGoobMaster says “auto her to proc her shield passive and then run away and then fight her while its on cooldown. try to silence and then ult her before her r so her shield doesnt block the execute. Also ok to trade with her after her true dmg kick is on cooldown”
Tomuuko says “Very hard matchup, also good to ban.
At lvl 1 what im doing is that I will immediatelly AA her to force her AA on me so she will lose her passive (shield) which makes you a window to trade with her. She will probably start W to poke you, so you can start E to clear + poke. At lvl 2 you can start W, since she is a lane bully and she will zone you = pushing towards you, she will have lvl3 much earlier than you, so without your W she will use her E and jump on you with insane burst. But as usual depends on opponent skill, when she is not that agressive and letting you to take cs you can start with Q and E for lvl 2 and try to poke her a bit.
Her 2nd Q is a MASSIVE dmg to you, never trade that long so she can 100% hit it. Just do short trades until lvl 6, after lvl 6 when she will engane you with her E and wastes her passive, you can just run her down.
Also good proxy angle since without the ignite and R ready you much cant even lane against her, so you can try to proxy when you dont have spells and R ready.
After first item when you have Stridebreaker and she has Divine/Trinity she is just MUCH stronger then you, at this point she can kill you into like 4 seconds and fully use her passive, since she has ult you cant run away from her, she will kill you in her ult. Very good to ban since she is also much better in roaming, teamfights on sidelanes post game, she is just better overall.”
KaiOverHere says “Anything in this difficulty is a dodge.
Camille's Shield blocks your burst, she can heal through your burst and can statcheck you post sheen. ”
RykonZ says “Camille's high mobility and ability to stun Mordekaiser with her Hookshot can make this matchup difficult. Additionally, Camille's ultimate can displace Mordekaiser and put him in a vulnerable position.”
Nurakami says “Camel she is baddie with huge scalling and her q hurts after sheen but you can abuse her in early game don't use your e like donkey bcs she will always punished you for that.
Use w when she using hers.
Care for her sheen tabi spike poke her with q and care for her .
If you lose early you are screwed.”
Herbietron says “Camille is an easy matchup as you out sustain her trades and mitigate her late game. Be careful after 6 for ganks as her lockdown can be annoying.”
BezMemow says “She deals true damage and does a lot of damage late game.Her R can avoid your abilities so be mindful of that, don't use your abilities if you don't need to to kill her. Bait her shield if you can or don't use your abilities while it's up if you can.
D Ring start”
LocaLAM says “This one is quite annoying, but so long as you stay away from walls, you won't have to give up your passive for her ult. She can't bully you that hard anyways since you outrange to hell.”
Smauggy says “she mooves really quickly, can force into long or shorts trade. the 2 big prob: 1she brst you too quick to have a proper regen, and armor wont help against that
2. lillias kit is based on kiting, which camilles R negate a lot ”
Loweloexpert says “one of the few matchups that you win lvl 2 but still try to wait until 3. stop her E with your E and all in. she doesnt have flash so if she misssteps pre 6 she dies. dont fight her lvl 5 with sheen, wait lvl 6 and permapush the wave. she will ult you for her jungler so ult her just after her ult, kill her and kill jungler. ”
EinfachPingu says “She will bait out qur Q be carfull with that. When she has her passive Shield she will likely win. Let her use her Shield an than try to hard commit on to her.”
sinatra1633 says “During all ins, wait for her to damage you first to proc her passive shield. Proceed to all in after her shield goes down.
If she goes divine sunderer, try to not dragon form unless you have to since she heals more from you because of divine sunderer when you gain more max health.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Camille's excessive defenses and downright tankiness and power makes it impossible to kill her. A strict top laner she may be but she ain't played often. use that to your advantage”
HSY12 says “She won't have any prio up until she backs and gets sheen, even then, as long as you can keep up you can still win until she buys DS.
Use your E to avoid her E. This is very important as getting CC'd by her E allows her to win the trade by getting off a free Q2.
Respect her passive. She can win trades by autoing you triggering her passive shield, don't take short trades when her passive is up because she will win
Dodge the W early by baiting it, or walking infront of the sweet spot. It heals her alot and slows you”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Even though she is quite scary, with good timing her Q is not useful, the biggest problem is her ult, but you are able to run around and kite her within it, and if you have stopwatch it can help.”
AloisNL says “This matchup is one of the most common ones and it's one of the most fun.
Any item start works, depending on how you approach the matchup.
I personally play it with longsword + 3 pots and flash ignite, allowing me to be alot more agressive and have alot more kill pressure.
A very nice way to start this lane phase is to delay 2 charges before the minions arrive, and then hit the third Q when she arrives on the wave so you can get her boneplating and have short Q cooldown.
Generally speaking the matchup is 60-40 for Camille level 1-5, so you can also opt to chill a bit during these levels and farm even till level 6.
Then on level 6 the matchup becomes good for Riven because of combat ult, and then depending on who spikes first will gain the advantage.
Health is a super important stat when facing Camille so either 2 dorans or longsword -> dorans on first base is key to win this lane.”
W4llaceK says “Start Blade and take ignite or ghost. Fight her level 1 for prio, there is nothing she can do against you, hold your E and dodge the W slow and you win. You will want your W level 3 to dodge her E. You beat her in extended fights unless she has conquered, and then it's a bit more even. Remember not to trade her when she has passive up, if you let her short trade with you then she will always win. ”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror Or Grasp (If you want to tank), Second Wind or Bone Plating. You win before lvl 6 and dps from lvl 6. When Camille uses W from her Q to return damage and recover HP, when Camille uses E from her E to cancel the dash. After the 6, you will have to be careful with Camille's R, as she will be untargetable and can cancel your Q damage. Be VERY careful with Camille's 2 Q in the mid - late game as it will deal a lot of true damage. Buy Tabi. Build life because of true damage. Mythical Trinity Force, Stridebreaker build. (You can also build Jak Sho for a Tank build).”
Ch1llss says “If played by a Camille main this matchup falls into the major/extreme category but for most games against her it will be decently easy, remember to use e when she tried to jump on you”
Reines Kokosfett says “Her passiv makes it hard to trade her. look for long fights level 1 and 2 and zone her off the wave. You can e away to avoid her Q2. If she uses Q2 on a Minion you have a window to fight her by either all ining her and sticking close or just Qing and spacing her. With her ult she can easily stop you from remounting.”
primate nefasto says “Even if you play the match up perfect you still lose. She probably never use E into you because you can easily dodge with W and you can never engagge on her too because she will escape easily. Try to cancel her E once she started moving against the wall. Impossible match up late game, try kill at 6”
Vixylafoen says “High damage when she all ins you. Make sure to poke her to hell and back in lane so she can't do that without feeding you. Save your W for her R if it's up.”
Groovywelsh says “Do not short trade if you do she will stop all of the damage with her passive do all in and try to stop her e by using your e to block her path”
Boptimus says “Camille isn't horrible to deal with early on but once she gets Divine Sunderer you wont be able to duel her outside of your Ult.
Avoid giving her free Q and Grasp procs, use your E to avoid her W, and use your W to cancel the stun from her E Hookshot.
Once she has Divine Sunderer play smart.”
stefanko says “Free matchup for Jax, you win at every stage of the game. Look to have the wave away from the walls so she has no outplay potential. You can stun her during second part of her e and cancel it. E her basic attack at the start of the trade so she doesnt get passive shield, but be aware that good Camilles are gonna try to bait out your e by walkin up and and not autoing so they can space you and waste your e. (grasp, tp)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Q inside when she uses W. Parry her E but don't let her bait it out, they sometimes wait at the wall so you W before they E2.
Once she has sheen you can also parry her Q2, since it's her main dmg. You will win trades as long as you play correctly and don't let her Q or W you for free.
Post 6 you win all ins.”
xShortBreadx says “Is a hard mathcup for sure but learnable. Mainly need to resepect her e and either proc phase rush before or immediatly after it. After boots you should be able to more easily dodge and kite her out.”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Bruiser or Tank base:Ban this sht she isn't gankable you can beat her in early game but she just buys Divine sunderer and you have zero chances to win in duel with her”
Tonho says “Her lane phase is safe enough to make it almost impossible for you to kill her (virtually speaking). Her poke is more effective than yours. Not only she has more range, but her shield will reduce your poke down to almost nothing. If an all-in happens, you can win early on. After she builds Divine Sunderer, you will almost always be bursted the instant you dismount. Don't count on remounting if you are her focus. BORK and Lethal Tempo really helps this matchup.”
killer2325 says “If she get W on lvl 1 just go into her with your E and try to cheese her, get off when she get her shield. Look for poke, trade when her shield on cd. When you trading try to get off when her 2nd q charged. Keep in mind that she can dodge your R3 with her ult.”
Nnorio says “Could be a harder matchup depending on the skill of the Camille.
Play around her passive shield.
She will want to short trade with you so try to draw the fights out longer.
Let the wave shove into you but be clear of the walls becuase of her E.
You can all in her after she all ins you so try to bait her E as much as possible.
You beat her at all stages of the game in even hp fights so don't take to much poke.
1v1 tips:
Dodge E to the best of your abilities.
Q when she tries to W unless its off her E combo.
She can dodge your abilities with her R so just keep this in mind when you all in her.
You will outscale.
Oikaton says “You lose lvl 1 if you dont bait his passive shield. Go in and let her auto you and take her bone plating off then back off. Do this every time she has passive up then you can trade like usual. Dont stay near walls. Bonus tip you can cancel her e with your w, just time it right.”
PraefectusMace says “Not that bad as long as you avoid being hit by her stun. It is one of those champions that you can ruin their 'combo with your fear. ”
dzsama says “Relies on autoattacking a lot, so you should be fine if you manage to block her Q, especially the true damage one. She can be difficult to gank if she has her E up since she can just hop over walls with it so if your jungler is coming for a gank try to bait her into using it. When she casts her W run towards her or Q onto her to deny her the healing and the slow. You can also cancel Camille's E, when her hook hits the wall and starts pulling Camille, stun her then and it will cancel the ability. At 6 be careful of her dodging your stun with her R, since that might cost you the fight.”
Twday says “pretty easy, you shouldnt have a hard time against her since you counter most things except for the true damage q you cant ignore. just keep in mind her ult makes her dodge anything!”
Pep_Shin says “She loves short trades and will win them.
Poke her with Q+E if she comes near minions.
Try to farm as much as possible,
when you have 6 if she presses E in, you instantly R her and kill her.
She will win every short trade but will loose the all-ins.”
GannicusTTV says “Camille generally starts with her W poke. you can try to stay away from range and dodge, but if you are going to get hit you can use your Ki-Barrier passive to mitigate the damage.
Bait her boneplating by always hitting her with Q and Grasp, and look for tradings early as you out damage her. At lvl 3 you can use your W to mitigate her second Q true damage proc. Use W early if she is going to use the wall to stun you.
She outscales you after divine sundering, so respect her items. ”
lorensj81 says “This is just a terrible matchup. She is super safe with her E, heals with her W and her Q is just insane damage.
if you trade you can try to do a quick Q+E after she has done her Q1, as long as she doesnt have her passive up. It's 20 seconds CD early game. Do not let her hit her Q2 against you, especially not after she has purchased Sheen.”
Irelius says “Камилла любит кайтить милишников и играть от кулдауна своего кухана. Ирку же кайтить сложно, особенно с ботраком.
Тем не менее, линия не бесплатная, а +/- скилловая. Особенно если Камилла с хваткой и игнайто Но. Камилле НУЖНО сноуболить. Вам же надо не сдохнуть в ранней игре.
Советы следующие – доджим W вперёд, берём прио, если она мажет W. Если стартует с Q – отдаём прио. Ноь не даём запушить. У Камиллы очень слабый вейвклир, так что используем это. Доджим W вперёд, Перед влётом байтим пассивку. А именно, даем кухан по крипу рядом я тычку по Камилле. Она ответит и отдаст свой щит. Только слишком сильно не огребите.
Додж хукшота – победа. Если не можем его доджить, то жмём W. Лучше, чем ничего не нажать. Её хукшот можно втанчить, если нажать на Камиллу кухан, когда она притянется к стене. Дабы она не убежала. ”
Puyi says “She should never hit her E on you. You can dodge it with E or negate it with W. If she uses W, it's better to E into her for a Q-AA, denying her healing and geting free damage.”
ananesever69 says “You're basically a good annoyance towards her. She has to get close for most of her abilities so you can pretty much punish her for it by landing your Q or W in the process. If she Es towards you, W it and stun her as punishment and trade heavy her since you got the better trade power due to her high CDs. Unless you're already about to die she shouldn't beat you in your All-Out. A Camille will only E usually for 3 reasons: 1). She wants to escape | 2). Her junglers nearby and she needs to stall you | 3). [Rarely] she wants to go for a full engage fight”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Skill matchup. Gwen should have prio in lane because Camille pushes quite poorly. Most duels should also be won by Gwen if you don't make any mistakes. Rush Bramble Vest or Tabi and the matchup should be simple. Watch out for her E and don't get stunned and you should have no trouble winning a 1v1. ”
NegativePhoenix says “You're basically a good annoyance towards her. She has to get close for most of her abilities so you can pretty much punish her for it by landing your Q or W in the process. If she Es towards you, W it and stun her as punishment and trade heavy her since you got the better trade power due to her high CDs. Unless you're already about to die she shouldn't beat you in your All-Out. A Camille will only E usually for 3 reasons: 1). She wants to escape | 2). Her junglers nearby and she needs to stall you | 3). [Rarely] she wants to go for a full engage fight”
JustSad42 says “Camille is a skill matchup. Always dodge into her W inner cone or out of her W entirely using your Q. An easy way to get some good poke damage is to use your parry on her after she auto attacks you then Q-ing away, since she gets an attack damage shield. As much as possible, avoid fighting near walls since her E gets harder to react to. The only consistent way to win this matchup, besides waiting for Camille is misplay, is by fighting her in the middle of the lane, having her E away, and then you flash Q-W to the section of the wall she grappled to, stunning her. Unless she misplays, this will be the most consistent way to secure a kill without your jungler. A huge interaction to be aware of is that Fiora W blocks Camille R. So, if you’re getting ganked, be ready to W Camille’s R so you can walk out of the gank.”
JustSad42 says “Camille can zone you off the wave level 1. I would recommend walking from river if you think she will do that.
She wins short trades with her shield, so you need to only take long trades. A way to do that is to only trade when you're close to the wall, so after you fight and tries to E away, you can chase with R-Q (Note, you have to be high enough hp so she doesn't just E on you)
The only short trade pattern you win is if you hit E on her then auto attack and walk back.
Be careful not to R her if you're not close enough to chase her after she E's away.”
Night Guy says “Camille I consider her an even match but sometimes I might lose to her because of her second Q. Just try to dodge her E with your E or just tank it like a Chad with your W and fight her. But once she gets the sheen she is a threat to you so play it a bit safe poke her down keep an even space between you and her and when you find the opening all in her.”
PalestinianLuck says “She will dodge one of your skills after 6 which decrease your dmg against her in a 1vs1 but prolly won't die
SHE will be a big threat in late game”
SrMolinv says “Really simple matchup if you keep THIS in mind:
Level one can be hard, Camille can win with passive + Q or W. At level 3 Riven has advantage and she starts winning. Abuse her shield CD (20 secs early)
PRO TIP: When her E cables touch the wall, you press W and you can cancell it. She will try to use her R to dodge yours, keep it in mind. Respect her divine + tabis if even.”
BradJr says “Outranges your Q With her Hookshot. Can't even call jungler for help, as she will just escape. Farm as much as you can and hope to do something.”
SuperPlaysHD says “Play safe in early game and destroy her after that. You can E+AA when she goes in since you have time for AA and both will get stunned. Careful for camille divine sunderer since that item is just broken agaisnt tanks.”
St0rmyss says “If she uses W randomly and you have q then you can jump on her then trade but wait to use your E when her W animation is over. You can also stun her second E to cancel it. Most Camille players will walk back and forth to bait out your e so watch out for that.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid her Q2 as it deals True damage]
[Dodge his E]
[She can avoid your R animation with her R, be careful about that]”
Lukaas says “You can't really fight Camille since her passive is very hard to play around and she scales for late game. Her E is a gap closer/stun and an escape tool, so running at her won't work. If she wastes it, look for a Q. Abuse her bad early game and try to out sustain her since she relies on mana. She will probably take grasp so try not to let her proc it for free. Short trades are bad for you because of her passive so look to extend trades when possible. ”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Make sure to autoattack her BEFORE she autoattacks you in trades, so you dont deal damage into her passive. Camille is Cooldown based, so if she uses everything, thats your window.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Im convinced that the champ is rly shit.
Renekton is OG counterpick to camille.
Just freeze and run her down.
Your w breaks her passive (DONT INSTA W LET HER PASSIVE SHIELD COME UP).
Abuse waveclear advantage.
E into her w.
Go pta, tabi rush.
Bork first if she goes sunderer.”
RandumPersin says “Take conq and this lane is pretty easy. Our empowered W breaks her AD shield before she can Q2 us. Standard trading pattern of E AA Q AA W AA E and you should win every trade in lane. Our dashes gives us great counterplay against her E and the health on our ult lets us beat her at 6 during an all in. Once she gets sheen she will start doing damage, but our Q is useful in mitigating most of it. If she ever uses W (the sweep thing in front of her) don't be afraid to dash in, even with an unempowered stun just to do a bit of damage. She's pretty squishy early so even a clipped trade of E W AA Q E will still do more than enough to win us the interaction”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “E her grapple, R her grapple. She can't stun you if she can't touch her with that. E her W as well as she can't heal that much if she doesn't hit that sweetspot. Wait out the physical shield she will get, it will be fine.”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror or Fleet or Grasp
Eclipse is good into her.
You win lv1 if she doesn't have ignite.
You can out-trade but be careful when she's charging Q2, ideal is jumping on her right after she uses it or you gotta have W to heal her Q2 damage back.”
HightLoL says “poke her with q and auto + w if she goes for minions without her w. never start a fight with e. you can e after her e if she's attached to the wall, it will cancel. after lvl 6, you need to e + q to hit your q bc she can dodge it with r.”
Fizzy says “Both Fiora and Camille end up counterattacking, whoever knows how to play a little better wins the lane, always try to keep your W to engage Camille, thus allowing a well placed stun and a victorious fight”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You can zone her with barrels, she cant really use E on you beacuse if you will destroy your barrel underneath you as she lands and W her stun she instalose trade. Her ult might be an issue but if youre ahead you can shit on her. Dont let her auto you too often early as she gets shield from that.”
hamgi says “this would be in extreme if the camille is extremely good and takes flash, but majority take tp/ignite and play for grasp stacks, all-in, and safety. moving on, camille is very mobile as well as an excellent diver with true dmg, armor reduction, a stun, a slow, an unescapable ult, and a shield on-dmg proc. try to trade her when her passive is not up as she will just mitigate dmg with it. avoid the negative space of her w since it both slows and reduces armor. her q1 deals ad, and she has two q2's: one that deals additional ad and one that deals true dmg. to know the difference, her ad q2 looks exactly like her q1 while her td q2 makes her backflip. there is a sound cue for her true q2 and it sounds like a laser, so avoid engaging with her if u hear that. make her waste it on a minion or miss the window. her e is easy to dodge as u can use e urself, however, it is also an escape tool, so if she's low, try to intercept it with ur body (tho u will be stunned be careful) or q3/r her to lock her in the same spot. she can follow ur q3/flash with her ult. she CAN follow, even if u ult or recast e first. u cannot r or e-recast if she ults first, tho, so try to build up q3 or prepare to flash/r when it ends if u cannot comfortably fight her. try to build armor shred items as early as possible against her as they usually take grasp, overgrowth, conditioning and become quite tanky in addition to items like divine/dd/hydra ”
Smudey says “Go for the level advantage. Get her passive shield before taunting in. If she uses E, press Q W to block her stun and potentially her Q. Don't get hit by too many Ws or she will outsustain (either dodge outwards or inwards with a trade). She will outscale you, so you should definitely try to get an advantage early.”
MrSIrPops says “Camille isnt a big threat aggainst Aatrox as he is stronger than her full game . Just stay away from her when she has her charged q that deals a lot of true damage and be careful of ganks . ”
Nexon22412 says “Poke her constantly her passive is all about countering burst damage from all-in's just poke her. Dodge her E at all cost otherwise you die”
Cheeseypops1 says “This match up is more Mordekaiser favoured because if she ever E's into you as long as you aren't behind her in gold/exp you will win every time even if you miss alot of abilites not too many though, at 6 its free if you hit an E. Now the problem is that she will just play safe into you and wait for jg help since her champ has such busted set up but if you dont get behind early you usually should be able to trade 1 for 1 at least at 6, Rush Steelcaps”
UnderworldTF says “Extremely difficult matchup. Avoid her dash, and punish her whenever she misses it. Play extremely safe post 6, as she will shred you in ult. Safe exhaust for her ult. Take Phase rush.”
StingingChicken says “One of the only bruisers you can just jump on on cooldown. Ideally you W over her sweep thing, but in a lot of situations you can just jump on her and W-AA-Q and walk away even if she doesn't sweep. Save your E to block her E, or Q2 but that's a lot harder to do. Her level 6 isn't a big deal but after her first item you will struggle 1v1”
spaghalli says “Playing a ranged champion against Camille is essentially pointless because her E has so much range and she can engage on you from far away. Even if you manage to survive the laning phase, she just outscales you so consider Camille as a potential ban. If you are in this matchup, stay out of range of her second E cast and contest CS in the early game to make favorable trades. ”
Crazy Billy Bob says “She builds divine sunderer and deals true damage with it too, however they usually greed by not running flash, thus making it easier to land your whole combo on her”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
kajinator says “Camille is extremely difficult to deal with due to her extremely high true damage output later on into the game. Pre-6 she's not that bad to fight but after her level 6 and first item powerspikes it becomes a nightmare to fight her. Take Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite and try to stay as even in CS and XP as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Camille is very hard to beat in the early levels but after that she's very very easy to fight as her full combo is her only source of damage. This means you'll win in a long, drawn out battle. She has good gank setup so be wary of the enemy jungler.”
Evandabank says “Camille is an incredibly strong champion right now and has been for the majority of the past two seasons.
There is an engage opportunity for Kled when Camille has used both her passive shield and has bone plating on cooldown. If both conditions are met, you can one-shot her relatively easily before she gets Steelcaps (Tabis). Try to get inbetween her and the wall so that you can block her E and she cannot dash away from you
Kled begins to really struggle in this lane once Camille has picked up her Sunderer and Plated Steelcaps. At this point if the lane is still even, you now lose the 1v1”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
SrMolinv says “Camille es bastante facil para Riven.
Nivel 1 gana Camille aunque empiece con Q o W. A partir de nivel 3 empezamos a jugar, cada vez que tenga el escudo en CD buscar un tradeo, asi hasta dejarla a vida de que podamos matarla con un all in. Si la stuneas con W o Q3 cuando su E toca el muro le cancelas el salto. Si escala es mas complicado, pero el early es completamente de Riven.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, poção corrupta, Q > E] - Essa lane use incendiar e TP, use sempre Q com fluxo de mana ativo, jogue na direção posta que a camille estiver para ficar longe do E dela, tente baitar o W dela ao ir usar seu poke Q, caso ela chegar em você com o rapel dela, use de imediado E antes dela te stunar com o rapel, em seguida use W e ataque basico, espera o escudo magico dela sair para usar seu Q e saia de perto dela, tente evitar o segundo Q energizado dela, recue e espere sua passiva retornar para voltar a dar poke nela, com isso vc irá mata-la early game, apenas cuidado que a ult da camille pode cancelar a sua, então tenha ctza que irá pega-la de surpresa ou após ela usar R primeiro"”
Oogaboogaga says “Good ban top lane, your full combo will not go through camille shield. Still go conq and attempt to survive lane. Kills with jungler are possible but a good camille will hold E. If they are bad you have kill potential with a few hundred gold lead + ignite R.”
KaiOverHere says “(Grasp, Flash Ignite) This matchup is not extreme for the reasons you would think. Some Garen players think that since this matchup is regarded as hard, they'll get solo killed every 5 seconds, no. That's how the Fiora lane works, not Camille.
Camille is regarded as an extremely difficult matchup because she will always outscale you if she plays correctly. You will never be able to punish her, or dive her, because of her shield. However, you will have prio for the first 15 minutes because of her nonexistent waveclear/damage early game, and you will also be able to go for plates with demolish if you know where the enemy jungle is. Take Grasp into this matchup as it gives you a way to match Camille's grasp sustain, allowing you to beat her in an attrition war. Notice how a lot of beating the 4 horsewomen comes down to attrition wars: It's what Garen excels at.
Do however care for her ult: It's a free gank setup. However, it also means that you will always win duels with her since you have a dueling ult and she doesn't. (Until 3 items in which case she'll start running over you.)”
Duwiiton says “Camille does everything you can do but way better. You don't out-damage or out-shield her and you can't escape from her ult. However, you can stun her when she tries to hookshot you, which makes for slightly better trading. Time your E's so she can't land the second Q.”
zir zir azir says “It will be difficult against a good Camilla, do not get hit by a hanger, fly away with a combo as soon as she flies to you. Standing on a small health, you can lure her to the ult and at that moment fly to the tower and throw her away from you right into the corner.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Hookshot(E) in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille uses her Hookshot(E) in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her Hookshot(E) prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
Irelius says “Camille likes to kite melees and play around her Qs. The thing is, you cannot kite Irelia if she lands her abilities and/or finishes bork.
However, you will need a lot of caution against skilled Camille. With Grasp and ignite+tp she has immense lane pressure. If Camille plays agressively early on it is up to you to decide what to do next. The thing is, you dont need to kill her early as you outscale her anyway. Her wincon is to bully you in lane. Keep this in mind. Bait her shield when you have bone plating up. Q minion nearby, 90% of Camilles will waste their passive. Later on jump on top of her, rightclick to death. Try dodging her W inwards. Proc bone plating before engaging.
Important note, if she uses E as an escape, you can Q Camille near the wall and bodyblock her E2. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
dracondas says “when she dash into you E her and you win the trade if it's a 1v1 but if it's a good camille she will just play with you like a toy and dodge your W everytime so better cc then W and be prepared to flash after her or E+Q”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
1akai1 says “Use seu Q pra fica desviando do W dela, use seu W ou no Q ou no W dela, Você ganha o all win e trocas curtas onde ela não consiga te da o Q bufado. Eu gosto de usar Grasp nessa lane”
Thrandor says “Camille usually runs ignite+tp which makes early fights a lot harder. I recommend going Divine BEFORE Bork to keep up with her Q. Try to bite her before she attacks you, otherwhise she will recieve an AP shield that blocks your whole Q dmg”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Easy, don't trade too hard level 1 since she heals with W and will likely have Grasp. Spam poke with Q's and look for stuns, you wont lose any trade if you're landing them. After that just constantly trade and once you get 3 stacks you can eat her out of her Hookshot when she tries to run. If you do that she dies 100% of the time. Be careful of her dodging your R>Q with her R untargetability. ”
Alachiel says “Very hard to handle, she can easily dash on you, her shield allow her to deny most of the poke, and her ult makes your unable to use yours.
Play as safe as you can.”
tacowo_ says “Camille is a hyperscaling duelist with maxhp true damage. Sounds like a hard counter, really isn't. She will typically get an MR shield in the early levels due to your E and passive poke. After early levels, her shield is too small to matter.”
Inoks says “D-blade/Boneplating setup, In this matchup you should always rush damage first, try to dodge her W so she can't proc your boneplating, and try to poke her with Q if she tries to cs. try to always save your W so when she engages on you, you can W and kite away, or sometimes even kill her if you are ahead in the lane. The only problem is ,that she outscales you after one item and you really can't fight her after that except if you are super ahead of her.
Summs: Ignite(kill-pressure/risky), Teleport (Safer/sidelane)”
Tentacle Pinkman says “Her jump is kinda annoying, but when she jumps on you, you can always hit your E on her, also care, she can jump over your E with your ult, so wait till she ults you first.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Вы по сути конт пик Камиллы. Вы гнобите ее, лишаете ее фарма до первых слотов, если вы не закончили до 30 минуты, то в лейте уже она будет гнобить вашу тиму и Иллаой с ее Q.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап (в нашу пользу). Трейды будут заканчиваться нашей победой пока мы будем уклоняться от E и блокировать ее Q. После 6ого она может в нас за олл-инить с ее ультой, желательно постараться успеть зайти в куст во время каста ульты,чтобы стать для нее недосягаемым ,ну и конечно позлить ее. ”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “Dodge the game. I find Camille is alot less common than Yorick, so i dont ban her, but she poses the same problems. Post 6 she dashes across lane, traps you, and then two shots you with her Q. Not a fun experience.”
Taiquyorah says “Il faut trade intelligemment, les cds de camille sont relativement long donc il faut trade un maximum lorsqu'elle n'a pas son shield.
Il faut toujours avoir un baril sur soi prêt à exploser si elle utilise son E pour vous dash dessus.
Elle aura l'avantage en pur 1v1 puisqu'elle peut esquiver les barils avec son R. ”
buuu1401 says “(TOP) Skill Matchup: Respect her and you win. Don't stay near to walls. Ignite not needed you win the matchup without Ignite trust me. But the moment she has a lead well treat Camille as Fiora/Irelia. (Ignite optional)”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield. If she E's, Q + W to the side. She has no mobility without her E, allowing you to get a full E proc. Freeze wave in front of turret. Dance.”
NegativePhoenix says “She's a pain to deal with early game since her W gives a bit of sustain and her Q will do heavy true damage most stages of the game. once you get into your more tanky phase in the mid-late game it won't be too easy to kill you. During Lane phase if you're close enough to her when she E's onto a wall, try to W before she can recast so she'll just fall off of it. She'll do her best to stop you from farming.”
gekigami says “Mobilidade longa porem limitada.
esquivando do seu E e evitando o Slow do W você pode kaitar ela até morrer.
Pós LVL-6 Guarde seu E pra quando ela te ultar, você pular nela assim dando um slow considerado por um bom tempo.
Quebra passos e grevas de aço tão a chave para conseguir trocar com isso.”
7EyesNoSkills says “So easy to kite her E and W, but she still can outplay you with her ult, don't let her farm until pre-6 and kill her as you can. If you get a bit stronger than her, you will easily kill her even if she ults you.”
WildSamu says “Dblade + Red Pot.
her hookshot trades are really strong, try and predict them and position accordingly, you can also use your E to dodge them.
Try and W her W damage.
Your E can cancel her R if timed correctly.
She will 1tap your tower so try to not take bad recalls.
Look for trades when she doesn't have Q.
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash + Ignite
This champ straight up beats you the entire game. You will be under your turret contemplating your life choices that led to you deciding to play this bullshit matchup. Your only chance of beating her is before she gets her first item. Play super aggressive and beg for ganks. If she picks Trinity you may have a chance but if she goes Divine say goodbye to ever matching her in the sidelane. My personal ban whenever I play Garen. Highly recommend dodging”
wooverbo says “It's a decent matchup until she gets Divine Sunderer, it'll amp her Q True Damage based on your max health.
Make sure to always swallow her while she's trying to run away or engaging with her hookshot, it will leave her in a terrible spot. Be careful of her cancelling your Swallow with her ultimate!”
Black Demon Ezel says “I'd put this at 5 because of her adaptive shielding but that's only if you go meta Aatrox. Her shield will be useless if you go lethality as it'll render it ineffective as paper against a greatsword. If I had to say anything, build plated steelcaps to mitigate some of the damage”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Very strong opponent who can harass you all the time. You can't safely farm even by your Q. She has enough range to jump on you. She will cover herself with a shield and deal you significant damage. You will be stronger in late game, but Camille is able to make your early game really miserable. Hit her back with auto-attacks when she goes back after jumping on you. Don't stay close to her so she would not activate her Q second time to do true damage.”
Zorroh says “Camille is a skill matchup for the most part, but going against a Camille that knows the matchup well definitely swings it in their favor. Good Camilles will max E first and try and trade aggressively with you whenever they get the chance. Pay attention to her E cooldown, whenever it isn't up you can trade with her easily as Mini Gnar. Whenever it is up make sure to stay away from walls. Take Grasp for this matchup since she is easy to kite while her E is down. As Mega Gnar you should be going for a short trade and backing off before she can use Q2. Playing around her passive doesn't matter as much in Mini since she likely won't be able to trade back into you that well, but take a mental note of it when going in as Mega Gnar. She can all in with her R and Ignite from around 50% HP so keep an eye out for that. ”
VituVonDoom says “Stay away from the walls, she can easily take half your hp with a single hookshot trade. Hammer Q her when she W's to get into the inner range, and be careful when Hammer E'ing her while she W's so you don't knock her into hitting her sweet spot. Go Conq page, you can smack her in the early game, and her ult forces you to make a loooooong trade to the death”
HalexUwU says “She can keep you in one place for a long time and often times has the movement speed to keep up with you. Be VERY careful. Zhonyas will be very helpful against her to deal with her ultimate.”
Saud Almutairi says “usually its a farm lane because of her W Q E away combo so u can Q kite from her Q and then E and if she hits you with Q and she E's away u can W the minion wave and be save . lvl 1 to lvl 6 you always win all -ins but play the lane well ”
Michcio says “Place a barrel if she uses her E and if u dodge it you should stomp trade. If u cant prepare W to cancel her stun and kite her beacuse she has a lot of attack speed after E”
Galactities says “When she hooks against the wall and then does the jump to attack you either dodge it or E it, try not to take too much poke from her, You beat her pretty early pretty much every single time, I always go for a level 1 fight with camille and I always win or trade 1 for 1 and still get FB, I personally just play really aggressive and it works”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 she usually starts W so bait it out -> Once W is down contest the cs -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Use E to either initiate trades/ initiate trades when she uses W to deny her from the full damage and heal/ to dodge her E -> If she takes ignite tp PUNISH her once she miss uses her E -> Do not allow her to use her Q2 (True damage) on you -> Your E can ''dodge'' her R -> Can use your E as well to kite her from using Q2 because of the movement speed you get from E -> When you are both level 6 she will be waiting most of the time for your Q3 or R to dodge it. TIme your Q3 or either R so right when she becomes vulnerable after she comes off her”
NegativePhoenix says “Camille can only really do a ton of damage if you let her land easy Q2 true damage pokes on you. You win pretty much every fight early if she hasn't poked you down with W. If you notice her W, try to E into her inner W so you deny her heal and bonus damage which will probably be responded by a small trade or her using E to disengage. Late game easily is yours.”
Baby Sona says “Don't get poked down from her hookshot and Q combo. If you miss your E, get ready to be punished for it! Play safe until you reach level 6. After that she can never hookshot you as you can just R her. Oh, and also stay away from walls.”
Aberrant Demon says “She wins trades early, especially after she has Sheen. Use W on her W and don't let her get free Grasp procs. Don't trade when she has her second Q and/or passive coming up. If she misses E or wastes her passive, that's usually a good window to go in. If she is leaping towards you with her E, start your E and W the stun. Your Ult goes through her passive but it's tough to get to that point. Once you get Stridebreaker, it's much easier to take short trades into her.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Max W and play safe farm cs if you can, you can go for trades when you finished 1 item otherwise she can win trades. Go bramble vest.”
chedlol says “I find Camille can be a major threat past Level 9 once she has Divine. Until then you have a good chance against her, she can often be over aggressive and not respect your trading. You can dodge her E with W if you time it right. Try bait her under tower then CC lock her. Ignite will make it significantly harder.”
IcunoX says “His Q really does a lot of damage to you since you will have a lot of HP, which makes him deal more dmg. Winnable early levels but if he get's sunderer its really hard.
E into E makes it so you both get stunned, be aware.”
over_clouded says “Dodge her E with your E don't try to fight when she has it she can easily cancel you Q best you can do is wait for good opportunity or gank”
MorgottTheKing says “The most fun matchup for a fiora. Lvl 1, camille will level W first. ONLY use q towards HER when her W animation starts, so you can avoid bonus damage and make a good trade. You can use q+aa+e on her before she autos you to get the shield. Never make a trade while her shield is up. ALWAYS save your parry for her e, and never use it when she is on the wall. Only parry IF (1) she E2 AND (2) goes towards you. You can master this by simply playing elden ring. ”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “If she W to poke jump on her. SAVE E TO HER SECOND Q. Get an early sheen. DO NOT TRADE IF SHE IS NEAR A WALL bc she will stun you with then you'll chomp a free Q. Freezing near to tower it's efective.”
947ytb says “- rentrer dans W pour pas la heal
-au Moment du W space la avec une auto + Q elle ne peut pas absorber avec le shield car sous W
-Joue Frist strike”
The Kled Mob says “This matchup used to be a pain but she got nerfed so she is just a joke now. You can cancel her E recast with your E and don't let her hit her Q true damage. If her E is on cooldown force a fight and if you have E and she doesn't and your fighting make sure to E-R as she can use ult on your ult and it won't proc. go plated if losing somehow.”
Boptimus says “A hand full of Gragas players I've talked to feel like Camille is a nightmare to play against. While a good Camille that stacks tenacity can be extremely difficult to play against, I would say Camille needs to play pretty flawlessly to win (as long as you aren't griefing).
W start and passive healing will negate her W harass. Kite out her AA Q and disengage her E with your E.
If you look to all-in you need to keep in mind her passive shield cooldown and you also need to keep in mind that she can R to dodge any of your abilities.”
Scallywag says “Very Gangplank favoured early since shes full melee. If you can get your barrels off when she jumps on you, you should win every fight.”
MAD GAREN says “PT BR- Camille tem true damage, shield e mobilidade, é preciso jogar com inteligência e jogar no CDR do E da Camille na lane até o lvl 9, após isso, a lane vai ficando cada vez mais difícil, evitar combates de frente, apenas responda os splits e vá ajudar o time.
ENG- Camille has true damage, shield and mobility, you have to play smart and play in Camille's E CDR in the lane until lvl 9, after that, the lane will get harder and harder, avoid head-to-head combats, just answer the divisions and go help the weather.”
verikukko says “Volibear is one of the strongest counters to Camille. Camilles kit is just poor for trading against Volibears EQW combo. And she can't farm safely from range.”
Shourdy says “Very hard matchup. Dodge her W Lv1 and only go for 1st and 2nd Q. Watch when she gets Lv2 as she's gonna look for a E on u so back off and respect her Lv2. After Lv4/5 u have a lot more damage and can start to trade, the trick is to OutSpace Camille with ur Q/W so she can't use passive or trade back.
After Lv6 beware she can dodge ur Q with R so focus on holding it until she uses it. Don't forget u get outscaled hard and ur way stronger in teamfights!”
Saint_gustaf says “Top
Camile, with her E and Q true damage the is a big threat for Kayle. Take PTA 2 so u have bone plating. U are gone need to have fokus on walls where she can use her to get on u. ”
CreatedThisAccBecuzGotTil says “a threat if she knows how to play with her passive but overall if you abuse her early by early I mean just lvl 1 anything higher and she gets scary it however as long as u trade with her when her skills are on cd well other than her q it would be fine”
queen_rane says “[Ghost/Ignite + Flash] Play safe during the early levels. Once you're level 6 she can never hookshot onto you if you guys are both full HP because you can just ult her and kill her in your death realm. The goal here is to not get poked down too hard by her hookshot into Q combo. If she does hookshot onto you, try to land your E + Q combo and chase her down. If you waste your E be ready for her to E on you and walk away from walls.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: This lane is a farm lane until you hit level 6, at that point you get immense kill pressure due to you having a combat ultimate and her having a utility ultimate. I would not bother trying to trade with her pre-6 since she just regens with her W and getting farm so you have a stronger all in when it matters. In lane all you wanna do is stand next to the opposite wall that Camille does and E her if she tires to E you. Also don't trade your Q for her W. It is really important that you smash her before she get Divine Sundere since it is a huge powerspike for Camille and it is at that point that Camille becomes a champion. the best wave state for you is a neutral lane so she can't jump on walls and you can trade aggressively. Also never get caught out without your W, since she will just ult you and AA you down.”
Trundledaddy says “Before she gets divine, lane is free, usually doesn't have flash so if you cancel hookshot with pillar almost always a free kill, she outscales later with divine cause of true damage conversion, however you can usually get a decent lead early on, but a good camille will just kite your ult out, laning is easy, late game sidelaning is rough.”
powerfullgeo says “It's not as bad as you think. Let her auto attack you once and run away to get rid of her passive and make sure to dodge her E. You can stun and cancel her E when the cables have reached the wall but she hasn't yet, that's the only opening you have to outplay her hard. Also make sure you don't throw any important ability (Q, W, R2) while she is her R animation because she is invulnerable/untargetable”
Kurose0027 says “Skill matchup, save W for her E or Q2. If you parry her Q2, you must get a favorable trade or walk away because she will retaliate with E afterwards. You should win all ins theoretically.
After she hits 6, saving W for her R when there is a potential for you to get ganked is the best, because you will negate her lockdown, allowing you to escape the gank.”
davidbiton1 says “camile can be annoying to deal with but if you can play safe and out farm her you can win, both tank and brusier builds can be good here.”
CAALIL says “Dodge her W level 1 and you should win trades if you keep good distance. Don't play close to walls or you wont be able to dodge her jump.”
KyleTheConqueror says “She relies on engaging. You'll win most of your fights with her since she needs to get close, isn't tanky, and doesn't out sustain.
Dawn Break says “Recomiendo llevar ignite y empezar con Bebedor de Sangre/Goredrinker. Trata de evitar la Segunda Q de Camille y una vez que use su pasiva, gasta todo para intentar matarla.”
slogdog says “Q in response to her skills, never let her try to trade on you for free. Walk away when she has Q2 ready. If she ever tries to E, dodge it with your E and all-in her after. Always kite her Q2.”
TheKingUltra says “800 True damage from q, can cancel your charge with her e, can dodge your q with her ult and jump to your carry and push you away from him aswell, with her ult.”
Egotistical Bad says “Camille is really uncomfortable to play against overall, he E is an Easy gap closer even if you block it off with Stand Aside she will Ultimate you and pin you down for her Jungler and cut you up with True Damage.”
ProbablyPlatform says “Our mixed AD/AP built makes her passive useless, the Attack on Titan wannabe gets clapped like a side character if she decides to fight head on. Your the titan. Eat her.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost/Ignite + Flash]
Play safe during the early levels. Once you're level 6 she can never hookshot onto you if you guys are both full HP because you can just ult her and kill her in your death realm. The goal here is to not get poked down too hard by her hookshot into Q combo. If she does hookshot onto you, try to land your E + Q combo and chase her down. If you waste your E be ready for her to E on you and walk away from walls. ”
Federals1 says “Camille can be a very big threat to Volibear. However the more time you practice the champion the easier it gets. The most tricky part here is to do your combo without letting her retaliate and use hers back. Maxing q first does help in this regard. Try to let her use ultimate on you first and then use yours for a guaranteed hit, if timed properly as she comes out of the untargetabily frames. She beats you 1v1 late game unless you run a specific bruiser build. Divine Sunderer is a must if you want to 1v1 her late game, or a very specific build shown in the items tab. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells. First rune page should be used.”
Death Lyons says “I hate this champ so much. Even if u win lane she just hyper scales into one shotting machine. Stomp her enough u win game. Most low elo camilles are not good, so easy matchup in low elo, dodge in high.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Try to win her early, kite a lot and stay far from walls since you will have more time to react to her E. Try to parry her E or if she already used It parry her Q so she doesn't deal 1240235 true dmg. When she uses W try to Q inside It to dodge It. If she tries to escape you can Q-W into her and block her E.
After lvl 6 care for ganks since she will ult you and you wont escape alive. (unless you're overfed)
Intenta ganarle el early, kitea mucho y aléjate de las paredes ya que así tendrás más tiempo para reaccionar a su E. Intenta ripostear su E o si ya la usó su Q para que no pegue 1240235 de daño verdadero. Cuando use su W intenta usar tu Q hacia ella para esquivarla. Si intenta escapar puedes hacer Q-W hacia ella para bloquear su E. Después de lvl 6 ten cuidado con los ganks ya que si te ultea no vas a poder escapar vivo. (A menos que estés hiperfedeado)”
Sarmisuper says “Dodge her E with your own E. Back off when she has her empowered Q. If she uses her E to engage you can easily land a W and a Q combo.”
Hienaa says “Same as renekton, please dodge, it will hurt, so so much, but in case you didnt dodge, try to bait her E and dodge it with W, you never win all in trades, if u can get very ahead, you have a chance on side lane.”
52hertz says “You outdamage her early on and can windwall her E which is her only escape making her easy to kill. However if she gets a lead from tp and ignite sums, you should be careful since she can 100 to zero you with a lead”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Pre 6 this matchup is very difficult. she will attempt to lane bully you early levels, deny you cs and such. After divine you can easily kill her and your level 6 is a lot stronger as her ult is not very good against nasus. Late game she does a ton of true damage but you have a ton of shielding so shes not to worrysome. Any rune page is fine just try to survive pre 6 ”
alexionut05 says “Average matchup, however her recent nerfs made it a relatively easy one. Her dashes are very telegraphed and not only can you block them with your W, she also needs a wall to do them, get the hint! However, you should never underestimate her Q2 damage, so fight with caution.”
MHLoppy says “She has some good burst, but your poke out-ranges her and your sustained damage is significantly better. If you keep her low from poke while staying healthy yourself, it's exceptionally difficult for her to do anything - but if she finds a good fight onto you before you can chunk her down, she can absolutely still kill you, especially if she has any jungler assistance.”
Agatrium says “Very hard lane if the Camille is somewhat competent. She can win both the short and long trades. W her E, silence her then walk away. Do not take her Q2 or you will get significantly chunked. ”
Bigfella0117 says “her mobility makes her very difficult to play against, and her ult is hard to deal with. a skill matchup where you're setup to fail”
Scarhawk says “I've beat every Camille with ease. Starve her of farm. Watch out for when she gets Sunderer, she'll start dealing a ton of damage with her Q.”
Aphelios4ever says “Do not hug the wall otherwise she will always hit her E and you won´t even see it coming bacuse it happens to fast. You should be good though with good spacing and at level 6 you should always win the 1vs 1 if she engages you.”
LimitlessHavoc says “You can win the level 1, you need to Q extend and break her bone plating with your 3rd Q prior to trading and also bait out her passive by letting her auto you.
If you win the level 1, you should then be able to get level 2 first and then take control of the lane with that advantage.
Don't let her poke you with the outer part of her W, it heals her and does additional damage.
Don't stand near walls because she can easily stun you with her E.
You can cancel her E with 3rd Q/W if you CC her as she is moving away from you in the first part of her E.
You can also dodge the second half of her E or stun her with your W as she lands it so that she can't fully follow up.
She roams really well so make sure to warn your team is she's missing.
She also sets up ganks really well with her E and ultimate.
Post 6 you hard win every 1v1 however you need to make sure she does not dodge your ultimate with her ult, you can stun her prior to using it with your W.”
Cryniu says “Primordialmente usa el combo Q+W para anular sus ataques, especialmente cuando se engancha a la pared.
Atención al sonido que avisa cuando tiene su segunda Q cargada, anúlalo con tu W.
Compra botas de armadura rápido, ella compra Brillo rápido.
Shen contrarresta las rotaciones de Camille. Si se tira contra tus aliados protégelos con tu definitiva.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad pero te recomiendo usarla en las runas.
Evita el borde de su W en línea.
Juega neutral, dependiendo que tanta ventaja tengas.”
Akali187 says “Camille is a skilled match up. Use your E to dodge her E as she jumps off the wall and counter attack. Her Ultimate may restrict you from using your passive. She has the potential to one shot you, but so do you.”
Kocykek says “Early on she can be annoying but then you win. And you win pretty much until late game...
In laning phase get sheen as fast as possible and poke her. Go for short trades. You block her E and since she doesn't go flash that often you block her only mobility. ”
Helzky says “Camille used to be a major to extreme threat for Yorick. Well, not anymore. First Strike solves our problems here because we get a gold advantage in lane. She can't outdamage us when we get a prowlers and therefore we win the trades. Save your W for when she E's off the wall, and don't take unnecessary Q's from her.”
Lunar THICClipse says “You win early, but when she gets sunderer she becomes a bit hard to play against, though most of the time
you will either win or be so close to winning”
donmamx says “Somehow Camille isn't that bad, u will never win the lane but you can get out of almost everything she does.
Ult her out of her own ult for fun.”
OliveeGarden says “Take shield bash. play around her passive shield, try to avoid her E when possible and use E + W stun otherwise she she can dodge W with R. you can look for trades with E early if she goes to W you.”
FyreRode says “She can grapple onto you hit you with Empowered Q and then W as she runs away, Really hard trade pattern for you to beat her, only way you really can is by landing a CLUTCH pillar.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish her, get a lead, DO NOT DIE, she can snowball very well.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall, Camille has very bad waveclear.
Spacing and kiting is really important in this MU!
Constantly look for poke and parry her E when possible (they will try to bait it, but you can usually react), you can also use parry when she gets her AD shield (as parry does AP DMG) even better if you can block something at the same time.
Her main threat is her poke, ignite and her gank follow-up with ultimate.
Try to abuse her as much as possible in lane, look for poke, Q in her W, look to extend trades as much as possible as short trades benefit her.
There is a little trick you can do when she uses E to run away, you can use QW to block it and stun her.”
GG Cannon says “The most annoying thing is her barrier and the damage of the second Q, but you can easily Cocoon her and your damage will really chunk, since her passive will make an anti-magic barrier for her and this build increases your physical damage by a lot.”
StormPhoenix3 says “Engages and natural resistance builds will work against you for Camille. Win short burst trades early on, maintain distance and she isn't too hard to deal with.”
Ghidorah says “The Cho'Gath matchup is...wait this isn't Cho'Gath. Camille destroys Kled early, mid and late game. Get Plated Steelcaps as soon as possible and rush ability haste, and with the haste, go roam mid or even bot with your R every time you can.”
magician4444 says “Skill matchup. Camille will want to q to a minion then E onto a wall to get the true damage proc. The trick is to stay close to the center of the lane and make it more difficult for her to land it. After 6, don't q while shes ulting otherwise it'll miss. Ult her as soon as you can inside the Hextech Ultimatum. Wait till the last second to wake her up with W or Q on the edge to run away. Late game you have no chance vs her 1v1, play with the team. Do not ult her before she ults you otherwise she can cancel it with her ult and you'll be dead. Favors Camille if shes good.”
TheChoz3nOne says “She is very annoying and pretty mobile. Hard to trade with her - she is always winning because she is building Sheen and she has her shield. After lvl-6 you can outplay her with your ult. If she exploding with clone - you can really kill her especially if you have an ignite and you were maxing your E.”
ChowJunior says “A good Camille will always be scary, but Voli is good at dealing with her. Capitalize when she wastes abilities on wave. If she beings to engage with her E, setup your E so that she lands in it. ”
SadgeBoyK says “overtuned champ, you can goo her out of her hookshot if you goo the wall instantly. Also, you can fling her out of her ult. try to dodge her w's in lane.”
Your Desired Username says “This match-up is easy. Pre-level 3 she kind of beats you because of her passive. Level 3 onward you pretty much win every all-in, so go for these and bully her off the minions/poke her, don't sweat it though. Level 6 is insanely free, you could miss 2 q's and still win. A good tip to keep in mind is that you can cancel her hook shot (E) with your E IF timed right, but it's kinda hard to pull off. This is essentially done EITHER by predicting her to use e in the next second OR using your e the VERY moment she shoots out her hooks. In this case though, you will have to aim for the wall at which she aimed so that your e pulls right as she arrives/prepares to jump off. If you manage to pull this off she is just dead on the spot. Her damage skyrockets in the late game so she kinda outscales you but don't let that ever pressure you, you're still more useful than her in team fights, just try not to ult her, as she can just e over a wall and then you're sad.”
boboderaffe says “Camille is very mobile and can avoid your ult or Q burst with her own (if she is smart).
Whenever you see her use her dash simply E+W the spot on the wall (immediately!). If you dont hit your E and she wants to go in use W on top of yourself. You are probably going to need Steelcaps in this matchup.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Camille is just really strong, so avoid fighting her if possible. Specially during the late game. Wait her ult out then ult, since this will get rid of her ult.”
monidi says “Her Q provides her with insane true damage, has a lot of sustain because of her passive and the Grasp of the undying so she will always win the short trades against Garen, try not to fight her while her passive is up and try to dodge her E.”
Rayli36 says “She's countering you in short you need to watch out for her Q2(True damage) and then engage + if you go into her Inner w you don't get slowed.
AD-True dmg”
Black Demon Ezel says “Too mobile. Her E latches onto you and won't let you off of her. It's stun duration isn't endless but it's certainly enough to annoy you to no end. From what I've seen her E can't get past your W: Dark Procession so utilize that as best as you can”
DanteBlaire says “É possível criar muita vantagem contra a Camille pressionando ela cedo. Caso cancele o E dela com seu stun é possivel matá-la muito facil.”
Atomragnar says “You can stomp her during laning phase. Save your E to interrupt her E. Care level 1 since she can cheese you with her Q and passive.
Play aggro and try to freeze lane. Steelcaps are great but you don't have to rush them.
She can interrupt your R with her R, not a big problem but keep that in mind if the fight is close. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Although she runs Divine and has true damage in her kit, I always go BoRK rush into Goredrinker into either thornmail or Fimbulwinter. Go Grasp against her to counter trades and try to predict her Q true damage proc with your E. Late game you have to play very very well to counter her.”
Hoplite345 says “Camille is a skill based matchup. Try to stop her E by counterplay with Q3, otherwise, side step with your E when she closed the gap and wail on her, try to match her W with your W.”
Dekar173 says “P: 20 > 10
Q: 9 > 6
W: 17 > 11
E: 16 > 12
R: 140 > 90
Runes vs Camille: LT, Grasp, Fleet, Conq (up to preference)
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Eclipse, Hullbreaker
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: True damage, ungankable, shield, giga imbalanced champion, engage from screen away, guaranteed kills at 6+
Weaknesses: Lack of Waveclear, only abusers play her (they blow at League,) will FREQUENTLY try to duel without shield or Q up, Rengar has MIXED damage for her shields, MELEE only
In lane phase Camille is pretty free, but her scaling + itemization gives her great split/teamfighting vs Rengar.
At 2-3 items (equal gold for both) she wins, always, so be careful for complete all-ins and try to finesse the fights.
If she chases you into brush level 1 and you don't have stacks, she actually wins with equal summoners.
Shield can be messed with by maxing W first and only spamming those onto her, then you all-in around level 5 since she won't have a physical shield.
Don't dive her without super reliable team mate as her R drops your aggro and isolates you, then her E will let her just run away for free.
OP champ but free lane phase.
Max: Q > W > E, W > Q > E if behind.”
Makkro says “Kite her Q2 and poke with w. Give prio for waves until level 3. W her E if she engages you and stay away from her w sweetspot. Wait out her passive ornn does not have the damage to break it.At 6 she will dodge your ult with hers so walk back when you cast it and keep her out of range. Anathema and Tabis reduces her true damage and are useful to fight her in splitpush or in teamfights with anathema”
LunaticDancer says “Camille is a pain in the ass for regular Yorick. Well with this build, she's bearable. Gambler runes are viable, D Shield is a must. You want to try your darndest to dodge her E. If you fail, it's not the end of the world, as long as you catch her with E afterwards and trade back (likely winning).”
COJA says “Her early game is slightly stronger than yours, but you can beat her mid-game. Tabis are very useful for dodging her W and E. Let her push the wave and trick her into trying to wall dive you. Dodge it with your E and punish her. Remember that her ultimate can be used to dodge your Q. Ideally you want to poke her with Q1 and Q2, and when she tries to wall dive onto you, you can Q3 right in front of yourself to hit her when she flies in.”
N0kk__ says “That's the biggest Nasus counter. I ban her most of the time , because she's a nightmare. Avoid her at all cost. Killing her Is extremly hard If alone and stay away from walls. Most of the time you outscale and destroy her late game. Best thing to do early Is freeze the lane and stack Q.”
CainHOP3 says “just doge she one shot you any way BUT if you really want to play try to play as far that can form walls and you get 1 or 2 kills you destroy her”
Larkana_ says “This may seem like a hard matchup but it really isn't, perhaps in the early levels but after you get some items she should never be able to get her Q off due to your cc.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Low]/Skarner[Medium]”
King Turtle says “her mobility makes it hard to stick on her and get the most out of your shots, and it can also allow her to close a gap to deal half your hp in true damage.”
space cat says “Camille is a very strong champion but you still outsustain in a 1v1 if you kite back. Save your ult against her until she uses her hookshot, or shes low enough that you can kill her after with a q and shield empowered auto. if you get the same amount of gold as her she wont be able to 1v1 you until late game but if she does get to late game she will be 10x as useful as you. ”
Captain Bane says “WILL UPDATE THIS PROB:
when she's about to engage you with her E' Q on her to mitigate her E damage with your passive and back off.
Trade when she does not have her Passive.
You can trade with AA-E-AA's and such, just don't get hit by her outer W.”
Gragas Fumante says “ If played correctly you problaly won't stand a chance. Try to dodge her stun and respond with damage while she walks away. Do not panic when in her ultimate, adapt your spacing and keep your distance.
Your Mega combo has the potential to kill her, jump toward her and try to bait out her ultimate before slaming her against the wall.”
CEOofMicrowave says “E her leap, and walk towards her if she does her big sweep. If she ults, hit yours. You won't win early fights but you can catch up to her and bonk her down midgame. ”
King Turtle says “She can be hindered a little if you can time your E stun to stop her E, but it's a little tricky as a good camille won't give you the time to plan it in your head. She also has her Q which does way too much true damage and will chunk the living shit out of you. ”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Generally speaking Chief Beifong from Avatar LoK is pretty busted on her own right now,her ult offers no counterplay,her q gives her an aoe poke that heals her,much like renekton,a gap closer that can be used to reposition against walls,and true dmg,seriously though you're much better than her in any department for that manner.If you do find yourself in trouble early defensives including steelcaps will help as usual, when she ults you're not the one stuck inside with her,shes the one stuck inside with you. Pre 6 you outtrade and outtpoke better so don't be afraid for that.
D-shield recommended because her poke can be sometimes difficult to deal with.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Camille has a ton of dmg early on already. Buy Doran's shield, first back get Cloth armor. Rush Tabis and Sunderer. I figured out it's easier for you if you skill E first and then max it.”
5Head Builds says “She has true damage so she can shred your health but has no poke against you so be careful and poke her to at least half health to win.”
ToothlessKnight says “This matchup is dependent on the skill of the Camille. Camille can trade well into Urgot due to her shield passive and a good Camille will not let you trade into her when it is down. When she goes for her W this can be a great opportunity to land an E on her as she is locked into that animation and cannot cancel it. Later into the game build an exe to counter the healing she gets from Ravenous Hydra and Conqueror. It is important to stack Hp vs Camille as she does a lot of true damage.”
Kapralek says “Mobility, High damage she is very dangerous if fed or farmed and since we don't go tank she can all in and kill us without any problem. We want her to be behined. In order to do this try poking her and Q, W, E combo and run away. if she's low enough and you have mana All in her with R > Q > W > E. if you don't have enough mana call jungler for help. Camille is strong right now i would recommend banning her most of time.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “She scales harder but you win hard lvls 1-5
Play around her passive cd and go for short trades. Double w when she gets shield, double q if it's down (unless you take a really bad trade)
After 6, her inescapable ult makes you an easy target for ganks so always be aware of the enemy jg. You should still win short fights until late game.”
MrZoltannn says “Her e and ult are your nightmares, before lvl 6 you need to get ahead somehow.
After 6 you are most likely doomed, her shield passive is going to protect her from an all in and her ult makes her do ap damage to you as well.
Go for either Goredrinker or Prowler into bruiser with mostly health increasing items.
In early look out for any poke she want to do.
At level 6 play around walls when you are in mega and start going away when your rage is below 25-30.”
Prof Harambe says “Camille is Irelia but more manageable, in lane at least. She has all of the agency in the lane, deciding when to trade. Your ability to trade back isn't the worst, but a good Camille manages their passive well. Likewise with Irelia, your ult can be neutralised by using her e defensively, but unlike Irelia its not on a 0 second cooldown, so if she overextends with e you can punish her appropriately. Her 6 isn't too strong, but once she scales her ult completely ruins you. You can't kite her because she locks you in a tight space. Just root, maybe zhonyas and pray.”
ShungiteKnight says “Better player wins in this scenario due to Camille being in a bad spot, but if she ever rises in tier or WR don't hesitate to call bs.”
xPetu says “Tips: W blocks her Q1 and Q2. Use W insta when she E2's from Wall. Either Passive shield her W or E in. Her E has higher priority than your E (yours will get interrupted).”
Anoying bro5 says “You can Q poke her lvl 1 if she takes Q. Dodge her W with your Q to not heal her. She is fairly predictable as her Q can be easily parried and so can her E. If she did not use E, do not ult and hard engage as she can escape with it. Your riposte is strong early game so do not miss it! You can also riposte her Ult, but only use in sticky situations. Primarily riposte Q2 or E.”
Stinkee says “This can be a hard matchup depending on how good the Camille is. You do mixed damage as Sion so you are pretty good against her passive. Try to predict her E and land your E and/or Q where you think she is going to go. You can stop her E midway through with your Q. She is very weak when her E is down. Watch out for her ult, you CANNOT ult out of her ult.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Camille is a pretty good trader, just try to avoid the outer ring of her (W) which applies a 80% slow, to do this move towards her or bait her with movement. You’ll be fine if she tries to gap close and take you on, in a 1vs1 as long as you (Q) as the initial CC strikes you this dash is avoidable. Her (R), however, is not so easy to avoid as it locks you in place. Don’t over-extend once she hit’s level 6. We can not force her out of her own ultimate with a hard CC so we have to do our best by freezing the lane and avoid hard shoving, unless you dominated the lane. I advise you to take Fleetfoot as to cripple any of her attempts to cheese you early game and also to match her sustain and poke damage.
BoilTheOil says “Use 2nd punch on her and back off because it has more range than her auto. If she procs shield on you back off and wait for it to go away, the cooldown is 20 seconds long so you have time to punish it. You win long fights with her so if she tries to run away pull her back with E. If she tries to W use E so she doesn't get increased damage. The timing is quick, but at level 6 you can ult her out of her E animation which cancels it and leaves her with no escapes. Don't use W for damage in long fights after level 6 because she can dodge it with her R, use it to block her Q2. At level 6 she will also probably try to roam mid so getting a control ward in river close to mid helps. Once she gets 2 items it gets hard to fight her but you are better at teamfights than she is.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “This lane is not that bad for Thresh. Camille's entire engage can be denied by flay though you have to time it right. Thresh can poke with grasp and can deny her escape with flay and Q. Thresh ult soft counters Camille ult as you can flay her into a wall and walk away.
On the other hand, Camille has a lot of true damage, can roam effectively, and if you don't deny her engage she will punish you hard for it. You won't be able to 1v1 her after the early game with how broken sunderer is on her, but you don't need to since she suffers vs hard cc.”
quinn adc says “Most Quinn players typically hate Camille and might think that Camille in this matchup is tough.
However, the Quinn vs. Camille matchup is a confidence/snowball matchup, and if you go in playing scared, you will get smashed.
Quinn hard wins if Camille misses her E. Level 1 Camille starts W most times, and rare chances of E start.
Be cautious of cheese level 1s in case she starts E first, and to avoid the potential cheese, just stay away from walls until you see what ability she starts.
When she Ws the wave, engage level 1 with your auto - E - auto combo.
Level 2 Camille is when you will play the matchup differently.
Do not, and I repeat, do NOT vault camille as a trade until her E is down.
Stay in the middle of lane in this matchup so that Camille can't use her E on you!
If she paths towards one wall, simply walk towards the other direction and vice versa so that if she grappes towards a wall, you have enough time to space to the other end of the lane so that you are out of her Wall Dive range.
Quinn's Vault can ONLY cancel Camille's first activation of her E, Hookshot, when she grapples towards the wall only.
I say that this matchup is a confidence matchup because Camille's E is actually pretty difficult to land on Quinn if you play it right because Quinn's W grants her an MS steroid, and Camille has to kinda shoot her E like a skillshot to stun you.
If Camille misses her E, then Quinn can bully Camille and hard trade her for free.
Also, If Camille uses her E AWAY from you, and Quinn is playing on the offence, then Quinn's vault will follow Camille and actually cancel her grapple altogether when you collide with her.
That's why I say it's a confidence/snowball matchup.
If you play confident, you have a better chance of dodging her E when she uses it, and if you dodge it, you hard win the trade.
It's a snowball matchup because the champion on the winning side of the matchup usually screws over the other champions E ability.
Camille, while behind, will likely only use her E to grapple away from you, which can be easilly cancelled by Quinn's vault, and Quinn, while behind, can't use her vault until after Camille engages & potentially stuns you with her E.
Post 6 is Camille's edge of course, but keep in mind guys that her R level one only lasts for 2.5 seconds!
Play the lane like I said and Camille shouldn't be able to get you low enough to kill you with R.
At full health, Camille's combo shouldn't kill you early on if you are even, and she kinda requires to get you a bit low/land her combo on you before she can combo you to death during laning phase.
When you complete Galeforce the matchup becomes incredible because you can use Galeforce to dodge Camille E.
If Camille misses E, punish her hard with a huge trade to come out on top. If you're comfortable in this matchup, I like to vault Camille randomly in the middle of the lane and back off right away.
Camille will likely E you instantly, but if you know your distance well, Camille will miss this E, thereby putting her in a bad position without her disengage, which allows you to then autoattack her to death if she misses this E.
This tip is really good for punishing Camille, but only do it if you are confident in this matchup.”
Veng Shotz says “The only difference between conq and grasp is grasp damage will go through cams passive shield and you can sustain with the proc, this makes the match up slightly easier to deal with.
the resolve tree also strongly helps you out in this lane.
Go boneplating to avoid her all in potential and always watch out for her Q2. if you dodge her w she wont be able to out sustain you. ”
Feedaboi says “Camille is able to pick fights whenever she desires with her passive shield. She also has high base dmg and has max hp dmg from her w along with true dmg from her q. In this lane look to poke her with q "bear trap on a rope" and try to bait out her passive shield before engaging on her.”
King Turtle says “There's no inherent advantage that Gwen or Camille has on the other, this matchup depends mostly on player skill and IQ. If gwen can bait Camille Es and avoid taking needless damage she will have a good chance at winning. If Camille can bait dash and land hers consistently she'll be able to bully Gwen for a while. ”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. Her Hookshot/WallDive(E) can be stop midcast via Mega Adhesive, Fling can also negate her (E). If she uses Hextech Ultimatum(R), fling her out of the ultimate at the edge to negate it. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter) (Mega Adhesive stops Hookshot, but only midcast; Also stops the casting of Hextech Ultimatum) (Fling prioritizes over her Hookshot and can deactivate Hextech Ultimatum if you fling her out of her AOE) (Outscaling Edge: Camille) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Camille can be either really hard or super easy. If you can predict his jump and avoid it, you can most likely win a trade on lane. Be careful not to be too far up on the lane if you suspect the enemy jungler to be close, because if she ults you, there's no escape. You can either build to try to survive her or outplay and kill her, so I suggest you do the second one and go Berserkers > Shieldbow > IE > DD > BT > Randuins. With that build, you should have time and HP to outplay and kill her!”
Amphawn says “Stay away from walls to make it easier to dodge when she tries to E you. Use your ultimate after she uses her first q (empowered auto) as her next empowered auto will deal a huge load of true damage. Don't get cocky when you poke her down because if she can get a full combo off the wall she can burst you down pretty quickly and gets a shield for trading as well. Her ult confines you to a certain area and makes her attacks stronger against you, although early game it isn't too scary, it is a bit scary late game in a teamfight. ”
PH45 says “Relies on autoattacking a lot, so you should be fine if you manage to block her Q, especially the true damage one. She can be difficult to gank if she has her E up since she can just hop over walls with it so if your jungler is coming for a gank try to bait her into using it. When she casts her W run towards her or Q onto her to deny her the healing and the slow. You can also cancel Camille's E, when her hook hits the wall and starts pulling Camille, stun her then and it will cancel the ability. At 6 be careful of her dodging your stun with her R, since that might cost you the fight. ”
Skysolitox says “Camille's only form of getting close to you pre-6 is using her E . that can be easily canceled with your CCs to get away safely. Again, take advantage of your Range and Poke. stay safe after she gets her Level 6”
iZeal says “She is better early and late game than you. Her first few levels are very strong, dodge her W so she has issues sustaining. Try to force her E with your W, don't trade into her shield. Around Level 5 or 6 and with first or second back you start beating her even in an all-in as your ultimate is much stronger. Abuse her as much as possible by poking with Q1 and Q2 while holding Q3 for when she E's into you, but be aware of her insane jungle gank setup. You lose once she gets items. Do not use your Q3 when she has ultimate up unless she is locked into her E jump or when you can combo it with your W pull or else she will use her ultimate to dodge it.
Grasp possible.”
SunFalk says “She dashes. She has a passive shield. Her ult is very dangerous. - Camille is will make the walls be a threat for you, if you go to close to the walls, a easy dash for her will be possible, so stay far from walls and if you see her dash, try to brain her so she misses you.”
At_Tar_Ras says “grasp tp ignite. camille with these runes almost have no counterplay if she's played correctly. don't let her get off her W in her sweet spot. either bait it, side step, backstep or step inwards when she uses it. use W when she Es onto you and if you hit stun and her E is on CD you pretty much always win. post-6 watch out for her using R to dodge one of your abilities. you might have to get crafty and learn how to hide your stuns/R appropriately to avoid this.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
MrDomian says “Control her shields and try to deal as much damage as possible.
If a shield with magic resist use Q and E.
If a shield with armor use W and possibly R.
She can avoid your R with her R.”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
slogdog says “Skill matchup. If she ever E's remember it's a linear skill that goes in a straight line and it's also her only dash, meaning you can W yourself to trap her/Q her mid stun-animation of her E, or E her, as your E is uninterruptible and you can abuse the cast time (or do all of it if you're an insane player.)”
SaltCat says “You lose level 1 if she started q, level 2 you can win, level 3 and beyond she will try to short trade you so be ready before she e on you, use your e, you can use your e while you are stunned, she can dodge your r with her's”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Winnable, but you have to be careful. Due to PTA and her shields she wins short trades easily. Stay away from terrain as well. Save your E, Q, W combo for when she goes in. You win extended fights HARD.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “You're able to level one all in but it might be risky. Try to bait her passive by walking up and Eing away once she autos you. Always try to Q and E out of her W so she doesn't sustain as well. Post 6 you're able to kill her in a good trade if she's around 60% hp. You can bait her ulti by holding R2. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Grasp
Fiora is Camille's hardest counter and u should mostly win against her. The longer the game goes the harder u should win, matchup highly depends on camille's skill lvl. Parry her E or lategame her 2. Q if she doesnt E you.”
Justkb says “Camille can be a problem early if you fail to respect her shield and her W. Make sure you are poking her with Q in the early laning phase, while also being wary of lane position. You can pull her out of the E2 so try and take extended trades once you have achieved this! Don't be fearful of taking early trade damage as you will mostly always win extended trades against her. Please be careful late game as she does outscale you! You need to press your lead during the midgame.”
LoLReal says “Camille is an easy match up for Darius. Her trade pattern is predictable and she has to commit to trade. Try to dodge her E (or pull her out of it) and then punish her for it. Darius wins all extended trades.”
P1Legend says “Another balanced champion that riot games decided to add. This one is not as bad though because you can outplay her. Jump on her and use Q > E > W combo, save empowered W. Start walking away and when she tries to wall jump to you, cleanse the stun. Congratulations, you just won the trade. Don't get baited into comboing the air if she gets low, her Ult makes her untargetable for a second. 1000 true damage on a 4 second CD btw, GJ Riot”
King Turtle says “Camille is hard to beat because she's one of only a handful of champions that can keep up with your mobility and her AP shield makes it hard to win early trades. If you can avoid her E you can kite her to death or win trades, but if you let her get close it's going to be a dirty fight. With the camille nerf in 11.18 I'll be sure to pay attention to how it affects her early game and come back to this mobafire to adjust the rating if needed.”
Raen says “Carefully on early bcs Camille wins on early vs Jax. Try to proc her passive then you can go in. If she miss her E 90% of times she is dead. Your E blocks her Q and will not active her passive shield if she autoattack you remember about it. Also you can stop her E with your E but only on her second cast. Try to move a lot to predict her W to not let her heal. Boots/Trinity/Antiheal/DD”
Hijitori says “1 Consider silencing her with W before using Q because Camille can dodge your Q with jumping on you with her R and 2 when you are trapped with her you have almost free Q hit.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This is on my list of champs to ban, tbh.
This is just a VERY bad lane for you. Camille 1-3 wrecks your face. She jumps around like Attack on Titan on drugs, double procs Q, hurts you. Try to bait her into a early lvl 2/3 trade and hope the wave pushes into you. Make sure to stay away from walls, or you're playing to her strengths.
I go Doran's Shield in this matchup, and hold on. You don't even really outscale her because of true dmg and her kit, but you will get tanky enough where she can't burst you down. At that point it's a macro game. Avoiding giving up a kill pre-6 is huge in this. Most Camille mains will save her hook as an escape, but if they ever go in with it first you can Wither and bonk her with your Q and some autos before retreating. ”
qveenevelynn says “Be careful with her stun. She is not a real threat. Dont forget her passive which can give her advantage on you on your early laning phase. ”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. Her Hookshot/WallDive(E) can be stop midcast via Unstoppable Force can also negate her (E). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Fan22 says “In my opinion you can survive this lane if you play well and coordinate with your jungler, because remember Maokai is really good helping in ganks, and when Camille uses E if you time right your W you can follow her, but be careful not to run into her tower.
What makes this matchup difficult its the True damague of her Q and high mobility with extra movement speed from Q and the E long Dash, and if she is feed it can be dificult to your team to shut her down since camille with 2 or items can kill with no problem a squishy champ and after that 1v3 or 1v4 your team.
I recommend thornmail against her since camille always builds/ or has some form life steal.
in the early game play as passively as possible an go Aftershock.”
An3TJM says “u can beat her early if you dont get hit by her w too much, play around her q auto resets and the q dmg in general. singed w can stop the second part of her e and her ult, try not to take fights where she gets the engage on you, if she uses e towars you flip her right before she hits you, you dont outscale her, but you wont need to if you play the earlygame correct”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. Her Hookshot/WallDive(E) can be stop midcast via Primal Howl, Primal Howl can also negate her (E). If she uses Hextech Ultimatum(R), Primal Howl her out of the ultimate at the edge to negate it. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup!
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Play smart and exploit her mistakes.
(3) Bait her E and you can go all in but you need to block her second ult damage.
(4) Care after she hits lvl6. You will get ganked a lot.
(5) I recommend to make deep vision.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Camille can scale very hard late game, but early you can destroy her. Care for her W poke. If she E's on you pull her out of it. U win the all-in. If she wastes E on u, ghost. Care for her lvl 6 because she can dodge ur abilities.”
Sporkintahn says “EASY LANE!!!--- She can't fight you 1v1 in all ins as you will out damage her.--- Kite her and harass with Q, her E is very telegraphed but can be hard to dodge or kite away from.--- Don't underestimate her gank assist and ability to gap close or escape with her Hookshot (E).--- If you are good enough you can Apprehend (E) her out of her Hookshot so look for those opportunities.--- Do not Apprehend (E) her if her Hookshot is available as she will always get away from you. Again you want to save it to cancel her Hookshot whenever she does try to escape.”
DooDooSlayer says “Top Lane:
Not too bad, the true damage is threatening but your E >> AA damage is more so.
If you ult her and swing her outside of her ult while it's active, it will cancel and you can walk free.
Try to land your E when she uses her's for an easy stun once her E is over or missed.”
Fan22 says “Her true damage and mobility will make your Early game very difficult, going tank can mitigate her pression over you, but going AP helps to poke her since she will just zone you out and wont let you farm.
Remember to use your Q or W to negate her from casting Q and E (the wall-jump ability).”
Kacto15 says “A nivel 1 súbete un punto en la W, de esta forma ella obtendrá un escudo de daño mágico y los patrones de trade se vuelven mas sencillos, si ella usa su W tu usa instantáneamente la tuya y bloqueas daño, si le esquivas su E (gancho) la ralentizas y le cargas la Q, nunca intentes ultear hacia afuera ya que ella puede ultearte de igual forma y detener tu habilidad definitiva, puedes ir sion LETALIDAD O TANQUE”
MythicMike says “Has a really safe laning phase. Poke with Q because then she can't proc her passive shield. Make sure her passive shield is down when you go in for an all in. dodge her E if you can so she doesn't get attack speed.”
Jewceratops says “All in her after she uses E or cancel it with hook and don't get poked by her W. Avoid taking short trades to a point where she can win the all in before u hit 5 stacks.”
Fan22 says “It's very hard to do anything against camille, in that sense she is kinda similar to Darius but with more tools at her disposal
Her All-ins are very powerful and can chunk atleast half your health without you being able to respond to the trade.
The Key against camille is to trade or All-in when her abilities are down, and using your W to effectively block either her Q or E.
Another reason why Camille is such a pain it's because of her true damage and good dueling, and her Ult also makes sure you can't escape, although Garen doesn't have any escape tool anyway.
Camille also excells more in the mid-late game and in Teamfights than Garen does, which makes very important to not feed her in the early-game.
One very good trick is to silence camille with Q when she is about to use her empowered Q on you, which denegates a lot of her dmg if done correctly.”
Phrxshn says “Try to fight her without Precision Protocol(Q) as she will get significant extra damage. Dodge her Tactical Sweep(W) which is frontal cone AOE and trading should be bearable. (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Camille) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
top10rengar says “mrs sexy legs is not very good for you cuz she can keep you in place with her ult (pain) and run you down with the enemy jungler
goredrinker is recommended to keep u alive”
montybucket says “Camille is an irritating champion to fight as Mordekaiser. She's got mobility with her E and will always go for short trades with you. Her passive shield is annoying because when you try to punish her for going short trades vs you she mitigates a lot of your damage. However once you get to go for a extended trade when she makes a mistake, its so sweet just to fucking murder her. This match up is skill based in her favour, but most of the time Camille players are just using her because she's "broken" so they will generally have less experience on her and will make those game losing mistakes more often. But as a general tip for any Camille match up, keep the wave frozen on your side of the lane, and she won't be able to trade. If she does just punish her hard. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Try to bait out her E then trade against her. Be careful trading with her because her 2nd Q can do quite a lot of damage.
A good camille player will try to dodge your R with her ultimate, wich makes her untargetable for a short moment.
Sometimes Camille can get pretty aggressive and try to fight you when she lands her W, so watch out for that.
Plated steelcaps is a good idea.”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] If u parry her E or Ult you win the fight. Dodge her W with Q towards her or away from her. Vital + grasp burn through her passive shield to help with trades.”
LegitLechner says “Camille was my permaban at the beginning of season 11. Then i realized how to fight her. Its all a skill matchup. Use your superior wave clear to farm and try to use e when she engages. If your going to be stunned at least use the time and hit e. If she stay on you a quick ult can end the fight.”
SaltCat says “Play passive until level 3, dodge her e with your e, use your q or e when she w in order to go either out of its range or just engage her”
duckling213 says “From the one match I've faced with Camille so far this is really aids, not sure how to win this same as the sett matchup if anyone has any tips please let me know. I now have been banning camille over sett. ”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill her before divine sunderer.
Go for short trades
Use flash to dodge her e when dismounted.(thats how you usually kill a "good" camille by "baiting them" since they alaways take ignite)
You should be weaker lvl 1 be ready to start pushing the wave before them.”
MCSwavest says “This champ either sucks to fight, or does literally nothing. You have a very easy way of harassing Camille, especially when your E allows you to escape anything pre-6. After 6 you should both be strong, but make sure you watch for the R animation cancel, as it will put your R on a 5 second CD.”
Drake6401 says “Camille is certainly agile but she lacks the raw power to win trades with you after level 3. Your W breaks her shield so it's no longer an issue. Try to keep fights away from walls to limit her mobility and engage She will try to poke you with her W as it is her form of lane sustain. She wants to land the outer end, so dash in after her for the trade. Post 6, your ultimate beats her's so you will outscale her mid game.”
Camille can be anything from a skill matchup in your favor, to a free lane for you to get fed off of, depending on whether or not you can use your E to grab her out of her hookshot and if you can understand how her champion works. There is NOTHING that a Camille can do to beat you in an all in. She is easy to land Qs against as long as you understand how to kite her. She is VERY weak in all ins. If you ever catch her when her E is on cooldown, she is just dead on the spot. The problem for inexperienced Darius players, comes from when they use their E to pull her in and combo her, which ends in the Camille taking a good trade and using her hookshot to get away. The Camille will just W poke you into oblivion and abuse the very broken rune setups currently available on her to out trade you and then all in oyu when ur too low to beat her. If you learn how to cancel her E, then this lane is mostly FREE. That and also not letting Camille poke you for free. Her heal thing outranges your Q a little bit so try to Q in return or stay out of its range. In order to cancel her E, what you want to do is to time your E to hit her AFTER her hook hits a wall. If you are able to do this regularly, this is a free lane. Just be a bit careful, as a Camille is crazy good at setting up ganks. And try not to lose lane against her. A fed Camille is a rare sight but a fed Camille can actually just 1v9. She is a bit of a threat at 2-3 items but as long as you are not inting and have ghost, you can kite her to her death. At level 6, you need to E->Q instantly because she can dodge Q with her R.”
RivalOCE says “Camille outscales Riven so make the most of lane. Bait her passive/break bone plating then look for short trades. Her E can be broken by W in the first half and your third Q in the second half. Riven's ult beats Camille's at 6, but the lane is moreso in your favor. Use mobility spells to dodge W. Avoid trading level 1 until her passive shield/boneplating is down.”
Chease says “One of my most hated lanes but possible to beat. Her Passive shield won't block your W, E her when she uses W. If she uses E into you try to dodge it/cancel it with E then just run her down.”
Quinncidence says “The trick against Camille is to not go for short trades with her (her passive+W loves short trades).
If Camille E is on cd try hit E and wall her in when you have cats ready and go for longer trades)
You can also hit Camille with E, run into Camille and throw W on Camille while standing on top of her (if she tries to E away you will get hit by it and she remains stuck inside the wall, if doing this with cats up you will most likely win the trade and maybe even get a kill).
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Take ignite here instead of TP to smash this lane
- Q her whenever possible, play around her damage shields, make sure you don't Q her when she's shielded!
- Most important: If you can't dodge her stun, E her before she stuns you. After she does her combo, she should have magic shield up so just W auto her and Q her once it's gone. You win trade everytime.
- Avoid her once she has her second Q, she can quickly stun you and true damage Q you and run away
- You will win this lane until she gets her first sheen item. But at that point, lane phase should be over soon.
- She can use her ult to dodge your ult! Becareful!
- Get early Bami's, she does true damage, no reason to get a lot of armor. Get more HP.
- You can also build AP Mythic which is what I do since tank doesn't work against her.
- Position yourself away from the walls below you so you have time to react to her stun."”
Amvill says “Its really hard to build against her since she usually goes Grasp and Sunderrer which means she can shred you with ease. Trading is impossible due to her passive and her spacing potential. Your best shot at surviving her all in is to try and fling her out of her ult zone to cancel it.”
Wawza says “With her passive shield and mobility in her kit it will be a tough matchup in the early game, at 6 you should win against her with ultimate, play safe early and rush Ninja Tabi + Kindlegem.”
The Real Fake says “If you can dodge her E this matchup is quite good for you. You can use your E when you see her throw out the first part of her E. Run away/dodge her E, then go in with your enhanced auto. Since your E increases your attack range, she won't be able to auto you to proc her passive to block your E burst damage. After this you can just walk along with her and spam Q while weaving autos in between because Camille does nothing without items early if she misses her E. Camille can never fight you early, nor out push you. Use this early game power to either kill her, deny her minion gold/exp, or push her in and roam. She wins super short trades early, but you win extended trades.”
Rhoku says “Camille is not the easiest of lanes. She can be quite slippery at times but she is no issue overall. You straight up beat her in all ins, if you land your Qs. She is able to dodge your things with her superior movement speed but this should be a non issue for when it comes to your Q. You should be looking to save your E for when she uses her hookshot. If you are fast enough, you can cancel it in the middle of the hookshot, guaranteeing her death. Overall, you are free to do whatever you want in this matchup. Just don't be stupid and you should be good to go.”
maxlid3 says “Can't really do much in early levels but can easily engage onto you. Keep away from walls and hold your W after she jumps on you to not miss your W. After Level 6 she can just ult you and you won't be able to escape.”
Heansuh says “Super annoying. I would rate her 4.5, because she's not Extreme, but she's not a major threat either. She scales well like Ornn, and her Q deals true damage, so it's quite hard. She can block your Q-E combo by using E on your Q. You can trade against her when her passive shield runs out, or when she wastes her E. Try not to get close to her when you ult, because she can ignore your ult with her ult. Your W doesn't stop her from ulting you!”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) If Camilie ever engages in lane, she won't have any escape tools. When she E2's right into you, just E her. Camilie can dodge your R with her R, so try to R right after your E (or if you are stunned better wait untill she uses her R). This matchup is not a big struggle for Urgot just play around her passive and don't trade if she has Q2 up. Dodging Camilie's W's' lifesteal part is important. She has splitpushing advantage, while Urgot's better at teamfights.”
PK Noob says “Even with her passive shield you can still out trade Camille easily. When she tries to use her E, you can simply dodge it with your dash. If she tries to walk up to you, Q and E away so she doesn't get her shield and you damage her.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror or Grasp. Try to kite her efficiently - especially with your 2nd auto attack, it has a slightly higher range than her auto attack. Bait her shield, it has a 20 second cooldown - long enough to make trades you can win. If she tries to use her W - Tactical Sweep, pull her to you with your E - Facebreaker - so she doesn't heal and you don't take increased damage. Recommending to rush Blade of the Ruined King. Don't let her bait your W - Haymaker, she can easily dodge it with her E - Hookshot/Wall Dive and R - The Hextech Ultimatum. Go W level 2. Try to stay away from terrain. She outscales you, but in teamfights, you are just better.”
Val3n says “True damage with her Q, a engage and disengage E and better sustain than you. And her R counters your E by not letting you get back to your body. Otherwise, ban her if you dont want a hard time. ”
LippyDarren says “Annoying matchup, camille shield is huge. Go spin into Q against camille. Manage your wave well and you should be fine. Do not waste your Q on her shield, instead spin on her shield when she has it, use Q only after her shield is gone to apply your armour-shredded and conqueror empowered Q onto her. Against a good camille you will lose this matchup almost all the time unless you get jungle assistance, as she can just poke you and E away with a big shield. You just have to farm up and sustain in lane as best as you can, dont let her interrupt your passive in the early levels and you should be fine”
wDesired says “Lee Sin is a way harder lane bully than camille the most basic counter to her all in is to kick her away after she ults you to cancel her ult”
wDesired says “Skill Matchup favouring Irelia after lvl 3
Try to dodge her E with Qs or if you can't dodge in time try to W to cancel for E + Q combo then use your E to stun her”
Avelon6698 says “She can poke you with her w that heals her, she can use q2 for true damage, and she can use E to get away. She also scales fairly well. be careful of this one.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Although I myself am fairly good against Camille, she's still a huge threat for morde, with all her CC and adaptive defenses, there isn't really a way to punch through the Steel Shadow”
Psychopathic Top says “Camille level 1-3 is extremely powerful. Her auto+ true damage tick does 1/4th of your hp level 1. Most Camilles start W level 1 for poke and lane prio (shoving). If this champ gets through select and you did not dodge, try to soft E max into it and hope for the best by flipping 50/50. Do not stand near walls as hook shot (her E) will deal massive damage and also generate a shield for her. Post sheen, if Camille uses hook shot into you, all in and kill her. However, good Camille players will never do that, which means if she holds her E there is absolutely nothing you can do. This is also why it's basically unplayable matchup above diamond. She outscales you hard mid-late, with a half-screen gap close every 5 seconds, 700 true damage nuke on Q. Ban or dodge imo, not worth the coinflip (not even a coinflip, kinda just lose because she destroys your team). If you get ganked once or if Camille gets 1 kill early game for no reason, she can snowball this lead blatantly hard and 1 v 9 the game. ”
DippyDan says “Strong kit, Great roaming potential, and stronger late game. TIPS: [1] Take Grasp (Vital + Grasp proc damage goes through passive shield) [2] Q into her or away when she uses W. [3] Parry E or Ult.”
Gospodin Bure says “Super mobile, super annoying and high kill potential post 6, be very careful how you move around her, poke her pre 3 and try to get an item lead since she is highly dependent on gold and leads.”
Hecki says “Go Bone Plating and rush the damage components of your item build first. Dodge her W so she can't proc your Bone Plating for free and trade when you can hit free Q's while she farms. Save up your W when she goes for a stun with her E and kite away from her. If you follow these steps she shouldn't be all to difficult but the problem is that she will outscale you hard. Try your best in the early game and respect her gank setup potential with R.”
IvernLover74856 says “Use your Q to dodge her when she walljumps at you. Once she gets triforce, she's much harder to kite. You win early game, and mid/late game if you aren't inting to her.
With Kraken you outtrade her after getting 1st kill gold, with divine good luck lol.
Try to get 4 marks, but it doesn't really make you able to escape.
Save your ult for hers and use the ignite trick to win an all-in. Try to freeze the wave when she leaves lane ( you're a ranged top).”
ArshieMeBob says “She has so much mobility and burst, plus a shield to help with trades. Try to dodge her E, and trade back with her while kiting back. Her gank setup is good at 6, so stay warded up.”
Rocking Masterock says “Camille's trading pattern is perfect, however, if you max E, you can time it when she tries to stun you, make sure to damage her before her passive shield is applied, camille will most probably build DS against a tank like you, so if you want to keep the lead against her, play it safe until you also get DS, very winnable, yet not easy either, mostly skill matchup.”
DemonicTrail says “Keep away from her 2nd Q, abuse her when its on CD. Same with her passive. when she tries to W, W to her to not let her heal from outer”
KoKoNwoo says “She outtrades you with her passive but, due to recent nerfs her passive early game is 20 seconds. You can use this to fight in between the cooldown of her passive. Dodging her E is very important because most of her damage in a a trade will come from the attack speed boost she gets on her E. If you cannot dodge the E use W right away to reduce most of her auto attack damage. Later in the game you should be able to all in Camille as long as you hit one of your Q resets on her. She will most likely ult either your E or your ult so use this to hit at least one.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ignite TP; standard runes and build] Camille counters Kayle, however at lower elos they do not punish or zone Kayle hard enough. Respect her powerspikes and play around her passive activation clause and your PTA proc to get favorable trades. If she leashes lvl1 you can shove in and get a wave bounce that should get you to lvl6 safely.”
Kune ML says “50-50 since the early game , do not make extend trade until you get trifinity force , even that this is a 50-50 matchup you sould still bring Conqueror”
Vic Trinaest says “Mega cancer against Garen. What's good is nobody plays her in low elo, but if you get against a good Camille player, get ready to have a surgery to remove your tumour.”
SunOak says “Hard matchup I like to go for short trade runes personally I take Grasp rune page 2 otherwise I go fleet footwork. But after playing it a few times you learn to counter her keep in mind she can grapple on your W!”
Sidrome says “Care for her level 2 power spike, until then you can go on the her straight up. But care, because on this matchup who gets ahead first, like 2 kills, wins the lane.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Blade
-Standard AP
Stand in the middle of the lane so you can dodge her E better. Stay out of her reach at all times so she cannot proc her shield on you. You can poke her with Q, E as long as you play it safe. Going for E's is risky and I would advise to use it more for farming or incase she all-ins for fighting.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.---------------------------- Debería ser un matchup fácil para teemo, tienes que esquivar su E y no tendras problema. Procura denegar la segunda activación de su Q con tu ceguera.
Tene mucho cuidado con su R ya que puede asegurar los Ganks del JG y dejarte en una muerte segura.”
Alan234 says “I prefer Fleet Footwork because you can just prock it whenever she goes for a w.
Try to dodge her w by going perpendicular to it or by baiting it out (not terrible if you dont, but will make lane easier). Q her second q or she deals lots of damage. Be aware of enemy jungle pathing because she has excellent gank setup. Play in your wave once she engages with e (again try to walk perpendicular to the skillshot) and place a shroom and you should win early game. Try to shroom close to walls where camille usually hookshots, so that she hookshots into a shroom. Late game she beats you so try to poke a lot without getting killed by the jgl in the process. Zhonya intelligently with your q cooldown.”
TXK_ says “Strong scaling champion means you want to look for early prolonged fights. Her E cooldown is long in the early levels so fights should be won pre 20 min.”
MegadabYt says “Camille has her ult and her E, which are a bit hard to counter with this build, so you will just need to poke her a bit more to get chip damage. And do NOT tower dive her, no matter how low she is.”
Kartagoo says “Camillies is really hard cuz you can only Q poke her otherwise you mostly lose trades. try to watch out when she hits 6 and you are low cuz she deals a lot of burst in her ult. I think you should go ghost ignite that lane and try to all in her when shes kinda low and used her grapple and maybe her slow.”
aurus666lol says “Remember that now she will play Grasp and Divine Sunderer, which means that she can oneshot now with her Q and heal for 5% of HP, even like for 8% with W. Ban her if you don't want to end with 0/10.”
Polartech says “Camille has an entire Abilities set that is really devastating against Kayle. She can easily Jump on you, stunning Kayle for a bit and increasing her Attack Speed to do a lot of Damges! If you can, switch lane with your mid laner, if you can't, you will have to play really always under your Tower...! Camille's Ultimate is a Nightmare, and if she catch you distant from your Tower will be a sure death even with all your Ultimate Ready. Don't push, don't dive, don't think you can kill her alone, just farm and wait for ganks,. Even after reaching level 6 continue to play safer as possible, and if you haven't your Ultimate ready, simply let her to push, and you can farm only under your Tower.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Camille is an interesting matchup for Jax, in that this is a skill matchup, but it's in Jax's favor. Pretty self explanatory, but don't get hit by camille's outer sweep, by either walking out of it, or jumping onto her. Block her empowered second auto attack using counterstrike. Avoid fighting against her when he procs her passive shield, and fight after its down. You generally want to rush sunderer in this matchup, but in lower ranks, you can often get a botrk and a ruby crystal and outtrade + sustain her.”
Dijaj says “Camille outscales garen extremely hard, so it's important to shut her down in lane.
Look for windows where camille has not got her passive or bone plating up, and go for repeated short trades until she is low enough to kill. ”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP ASSEZ FACILE. FAITES ATTENTION AU JUNGLE CAR CAMILLE POSSEDE UN SETUP DE GANK JUSTE RIDICULE. UTILISEZ VOTRE E POUR CANCEL SON E( QUAND ELLE DASH SUR UN MUR PUIS VOUS) +EVITEZ DE LA TRADE LEVEL 1 SON SHIELD EST TROP FORT. Le matchup dependra surtout de vous utilisez votre E pour annuler le sien. Si elle vous all in qu'elle rate et que son E est en cooldown elle est juste morte. Le problème pour les joueurs inexpérimentés de Darius, vient du moment où ils utilisent leur E pour l'attirer et la combo, ce qui se termine par le fait que Camille prend un bon trade et utilise son grappin pour s'échapper. Si vous apprenez a cancel ses all ins avec votre E cette lane devrait être gratuite. Evitez en revanche de vous faire poke surtout si elle joue poigne de l'immortel. Son W(l'arc de cercle qui heal) possede une range superieur a votre Q donc soit vous sortez de la range ou bien vous tenter de la Q. Lorsqu'elle sera level 6 si un fight est difficle faite E + Q rapidement pour qu'elle ne dodge pas avec son R votre Q.”
King Turtle says “Her Passive Shield and True Damage on Q can be overwhelming, and since you're squishy for a long time you can't afford to trade with her unless she reaches hard. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “There are a few things you can do against this match-up. Try to win in the early-game. After her 1st item you are doomed. Pray for your jungler to communicate.
"Scissors for legs... Okay, I thought I had seen stupid designs before..."”
m1dge says “she does true dmg can easily doge your W if you use it to doge her stun and your R with hers.
you can make lane alot easier by buying tabis but it is better to get double ruby first and just poke with 3 points q ”
Prezibogen says “She can't really beat you in a 1v1, she is just annoying when trying to catch her.
Rush Steelcaps so you win fights for sure and at the same time be able to chase her if she does not have her escape.
The only dangerous situation is when she hits Level 2 and can engage on you. When you keep your distance there, there is nothing that she can do.
If she still gets fed somehow wait till Level 6 and you will be able to beat her again.”
Bombabo says “Hard to kill early on due to her passive. Do your best not to get hit by her W. Your time to fight her is when she uses her E, since you can use your E to counter it. Be careful with this though, since a smart Camille player will wait for you to use your dash before jumping to stun you.”
Vandenelis says “try to punish her with your e when she walks up for a minion. if she tries fighting back, try to kite her to your wave, you win trades if you get free poke on her or if you go for a long trade, and break her passive shield If you knock her up when she has a grappling hook going into the wall, after the knock-up, she will still pull herself next to the wall.”
DarkyTheReal says “Level 1 you never fight Camille, she has a shield and her Q that makes her super strong level 1. For this matchup, the easiest way to win is freeze the wave on your tower and do quick trades. When she has no E, You can all in, and you'll win.”
XtheZ115 says “Camille is a duelist. You are not. She is highly mobile with dashes and jumps. You run fast. It's a tough matchup, but a little proxy farming and kiting can go a long way... but if it's a good Camille, I pity you.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “It depends on the camille and on her runes. But in general this is an easier matchup. Parry her e and if shes stunned, do a fast ult and kill her or make her so low, she has to base. ”
SettVEVO says “It's a skill matchup, avoid wasting your Q on her passive, you want to be using normal AAs, or your W when she has activated it. When she uses her W, if you can, run at her and E her so she can't heal from her W, but i don't blame you if you can't do it, it's not easy. Avoiding her E is really helpful to win a trade against her, you can also tank her Q2 with W if you need to. Although I like getting grit by tanking it and returning the damage with a chunky W. You can cancel her E with your own but you need to react fast, it is easier to cancel her E with your R. Peel your adc by ulting her in teamfights after she has ulted.”
Byku2506 says “Skill matchup, Watch out for walls and try to beat her at lvl 1, when she miss her stun, drag her and use standard combo on Darius to beat her, fight her to the end always! When she hits you with stun try to poke her by using Q, aa and W. Dont use E before she dont use R.”
SleepyFawn says “Camille is a difficult match up.
She can cancel your ult with her own ult and her E stun also knocks you back so it cancels your W cast. On top of that, her ult makes it difficult to kite her.
If she misses her E that's when you want to trade hard into her. Buy early armor; even though she does true damage it can be helpful.”
eramsorgr says “Not really a big threat in terms of damage, since we can mitigate most of it but she is very very mobile and very annoying to kill while also destroying you in poke.”
Spiderfork says “Can be a threat, but major issue is mistiming your stuns with her escape and her intial ultimate cast. Wait for her to waste abilities before you go for the kill.”
Fryx says “Skill matchup. She can destroy you because of her True Damage and annoying harass. Her Ult can be used to dodge your Ult keep that in mind. Dodging her E is hard but necessary to win this matchup. Ult her on lane from far away when she tries to use e and burst her down from 50%. Make sure her q is on Cooldown and you should win most of the trades. TAKE COMET IN THIS MATCHUP!”
Smartest2 says “Camille is a toughy. Her damage is always surprising and can be tough to deal with. Almost all Camilles take comet and poke with Q. Understand the range, and do your best to dodge the qs. Time your e for when she comes to jump at you, since she can't dodge it while she's animation locked. If she all ins you with her jump you should just be able to kill her with your ult if she isn't crazy far ahead.”
wff010 says “She somewhat matches your damage levels 1-2 and she pokes harder so run doran's shield but at level three you just win. If she's smart, she'll spam w and e to stay away and poke so just E whenever she tries to sweep you and spam E Q whenever you can until you can kill her. Use your W to block her empowered q. At level six you just win but even harder. Your ult forcefully pulls her out of her e, your e forces her to miss w, and then you just auto her to death. Just remember to ult her e and you should autowin the matchup. Ghost helps you run her down.”
LoLReal says “Camille is more annoying than anything else, but not much of a threat. Trade with her when her passive is down and farm until 6. Post 6 we win and kill her in R. She can never all in us after as long as she doesn't get ahead. ”
Vispectra says “Her early game is weak and you might think this makes you even but no. Most ad champs have the upper hand in lane against you and this one is no exception. Most bruisers make for a difficult lane due to their abilities to easily out-trade you and sustain in lane.”
qosmox says “Force use of your slightly longer attack range when she’s last hitting. Whenever she uses E to jump you, instantly press both Q and W to deny her, and trade back for a second before backing out. IMPORTANT: Always stay far enough away from the walls so you can always react with the Q+W presses in ime when she E’s.”
SanLourdes says “Her dashes can be extremely annoying, and this matchup can be pretty difficult in the rare occurrence that she is good. The only other thing to keep in mind is that you cannot ult out of her ult. Her mobility is her main threat. If you scale, she shouldn't be too much of a problem however, just don't feed her.”
CucumberSandwich says “Pretty broken champ at the moment, and builds Sunderer which destroys tanks like Amumu. Try to bait out her W or E and look for poke with your W and E.”
RainAndBow says “Blind her when she is going to use Q2. It is much better to blind her when she is using Q2 rather than Q1, so save it for that. Her Q2 actually expires very fast, so this means that the blind will be especially effective. If she misses her stun, go in. ”
JustAlexK says “Even if you block her E, the damage output that she has from her empowered Q is massive. Play with care and do not engage in 1v1s without spells.”
calbino says “Camille's kit is really cancer. Her passive shield easily blocks your passive or any Q you throw at her. That combined with her high damage, brief untargetability in her R, and good engage/trading in lane makes her a viable ban.”
Jaori says “Playable. You win a level 6 1vs1 just like in any other match-up. Try not to get ganked and you'll win. Use your pillar to stop her dash, exactly at the time when she hits the wall with the first cast.”
ForgottenProject says “It's a skill match-up similar to Riven. Her Early-Game is pretty weak.
[1] Don't get hit by her W. Q Into her If she tries to hit you with it.
[2]If you parry her E you win the trade. If she Baits out your parry she wins the trade.
[3]Her early-game is weak so theres a high chance you will kill her in a lv6 All-in as long as you're not already behind.
[4]She scales Just as well as you so try to end the game early if you get ahead of her.”
ForgottenProject says “START DORANS BLADE! This will make her passive shield a Physical Damage Shield NOT a Magic Damage Shield!
NEVER E unless she uses her W.
I tend to E away from her W, this way i can auto minions after to get it back up quickly before she uses E for a trade. ”
Sopachi says “Camille is another hard counter to Kled. She has INSANE burst damage after she buys Sheen and she is very mobile with her Hookshot (E). She can also completely negate your all in with her R. You can win lane early and snowball it, but if you are forced to back early or die do not attempt to fight her again and instead look to shove wave and roam or try to freeze under your turret.”
turtlehamstercroc says “you can trade really hard level 2, after that just farm up for sheen, once you have sheen let her engage on you, keep autoing her without usinq e just yet, then use e and ult as soon as her empowered q comes, now she has no escape since she wasted e engaging on you, is at low hp and she doesn't have her empowered w which is where most of her damage is at you have passive shield to win the rest of the fight, and get a kill from there”
KarmaChamelion says “While Camille will hurt like a truck this is not the worst lane ever as her main mobility (E) has a high cooldown early on and it's easy to see when she has empowered Q2 ready. Camille will want to hug the wall so it's almost impossible to react to her E so space yourself to the opposite side of whatever wall she's hugging and harass with W and use your Q to dodge Camille's W. Be careful as Camille can dodge your ult with her own (though this takes good reactions on her part) once she has Sunderer it's best to avoid dueling her unless she's super behind.”
Bricks N Chips says “Less dangerous than Tryndamere, but still a threat if you can't dodge her slow and can't position in a way that her jump won't hit. Also very difficult level 6 if you have no summoner spells to get away before she ults you.”
Marwaii says “Take shield. Try to dodge her E and only trade if she misses it. Focus on farming cause you will not win trades against her. If you get mythic early then it should be fine.
Trinity + Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Camille plays to scale up so you need to shut her down by any means. Once she gets Sheen, you really need to respect her. However, if you hit level 6 before her, you can go right back to being aggressive.
Camille is one of those champs who has two options for you to counter her. Take her on in the duel in the sidelane or teamfight 4v5 and leave your turrets and inhibs exposed. A general tip for champs who you have to duel or teamfight, go to the sidelane and take the duel but TP once you see the rest of the team so you can have a man advantage.”
MachDawn says “SKILL BASED. You can kill camille by when she uses E you counter by using W to negate some damage. Then after e q r q a a q and probably kill.”
oogoogerson says “Camille is annoying. She can trade hard with her wall jump combos so try and flip her away and run around a little bit. Her level 6 is pretty deadly so try and wait until it is on cooldown to try and 1v1 her. Take Ignite.”
RedNBlue says “Camille has a good duel and in a 1 v 1 im sure you could win early game with your grasp of the undying healing plus damage.
Pretty much anybody that is an assassin top lane or assassin type bruiser will have a bit of a hard time early game against you.”
HsyTron says “Very nice poke, so much true damage. You cant escape that champ. Very powerfull mid-late game. D.Ring is nice. Get sheen first back and try to fight when she e's on you.”
Tristepun says “Her early trades can be problematic but the matchup is simple. On a cancel of her e with your e she is dead. Grabbing her during her w is good to outrade her. She has better scaling, you lose late game 1v1 in most cases.”
Smartest2 says “Camille has surprising amounts of burst in her kits if she can get on you. When Camille goes to wall jump, use your E to get to safety, and harass her while her jump is down.”
Breadcrumbs says “Play around her shield, W when she dashes to you with her Stun. If you all in her while her shield is down, you can kill her before she kills you.”
SethPRG says “You can beat them levels 1-3 even if they have their passive up. Your best bet for winning this matchup is using your E to catch them right before they hit you, or using it to pull their W closer to you. After level 6 you'll want to stun them with your E to always hit your W so Camille can't R it. If you can, save your ult for when Camille tries to escape with their E. Take Bramble early, as well as Plated Steelcaps. Go Death's Dance 2nd or 3rd item, it will help you fight them easier, but they also have a lot of true damage so be wary of this.”
El Leon Gnar says “Camille is my current permaban. She has insane kill pressure on you in lane, and doesn't fall off. If you're laning against her and she starts to get ahead your best bet is to just fall back and farm with Q, if you can bait out her second E cast you should be safe.”
Unholy Vanity says “Camille is very mobile, and hard to catch off-guard. She will shred at your health with her scalings, and will most likely avoid any and all confrontations you try to force. As such, make sure that YOU are the one engaged first - it is possible to stop her dash with a well-timed stun.”
joelspaho121 says “This matchup is pretty darius sided and straight forward.d blade start with standard rune page (sorcery).You can hard abuse early game camille because she cant match your early power in any way. Be as aggressive as you possibly can as it will get you an easy kill on her since like i said she will ALWAYS lose trades. After getting a kill on her you can just look to freeze to make her lane a nightmare. Always save E when she's about to E because this always cancels her hookshot and drags her to you so she will be forced to either flash or die. Another reason why you hard win is because she is bad at extended trades earlier on as opposed to you which is another reason why you heavily win the matchup.good camille players will find the right times to trade but it will generally consist of them abusing your E cd so use it well and dont give her any windows for a trade. Good Camille players will save R to dodge your Q so try to force her use R on you first and then look to Q.
Overall super easy matchup but just be careful and dont int.”
K1ng OZIL says “EASY LANE. KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR THE JUNGLER. DON’T UNDERESTIMATE HOW GOOD A CAMILLE CAN BE IN GANKS. TRY TO USE YOUR E TO CANCEL HER HOOKSHOT. TRY NOT TO EAT TOO MUCH POKE LEVEL 1. Camille can be anything from a skill matchup in your favor, to a free lane for you to get fed off of, depending on whether or not you can use your E to grab her out of her hookshot and if you can understand how her champion works. There is NOTHING that a Camille can do to beat you in an all in. She is easy to land Qs against as long as you understand how to kite her. She is VERY weak in all ins. If you ever catch her when her E is on cooldown, she is just dead on the spot. The problem for inexperienced Darius players, comes from when they use their E to pull her in and combo her, which ends in the Camille taking a good trade and using her hookshot to get away. The Camille will just W poke you into oblivion and abuse the very broken rune setups currently available on her to out trade you and then all in oyu when ur too low to beat her. If you learn how to cancel her E, then this lane is mostly FREE. That and also not letting Camille poke you for free. Her heal thing outranges your Q a little bit so try to Q in return or stay out of its range. In order to cancel her E, what you want to do is to time your E to hit her AFTER her hook hits a wall. If you are able to do this regularly, this is a free lane. Just be a bit careful, as a Camille is crazy good at setting up ganks. And try not to lose lane against her. A fed Camille is a rare sight but a fed Camille can actually just 1v9. She is a bit of a threat at 2-3 items but as long as you are not inting and have ghost, you can kite her to her death. At level 6, you need to E->Q instantly because she can dodge Q with her R.”
DaSticks says “You can blind her empowered (true damage) Q. Bait her into shrooms and try to avoid getting hit with her E. You can pretend to go up and auto her so she uses W (the sweeping kick) but walk away so it doesn't hit you (to avoid poke in lane).”
Godidi says “I've never actually fought any camille as Teemo, so I'll be talking not by experience but by logic. I consider her a minor threat as you can litteraly deny her major damage source (The Cho'Gath ult on her Q) by pressing 1 button. The reason she is in tiny is only because she can very easily engage with her E, as it offers her mobility and cc, but, if you dodge that or waste it so your jgler can come, its a free lane.”
Kaizin says “Camille is a harder matchup due to her ability to short trade with you and not take any damage back. Bramble rush is good against her healing from w and grasp. PTA is the best setup against Camille, you will start with Doran’s ring so her hybrid will be a magic damage shield, hence your q autos and w will bypass the shield. Always try to play around her shield and bait her w by walking up and back unpredictably.”
NPGRiven says “You are able to level 1 all-in if you get her passive shield down, letting her auto you once and backing out is worth getting that shield down.
You can cancel her E as it connect with a wall. You can use her W or your 3rd Q in order to stop her from using it.
At 6 you are able to all-in her around 60-70% hp, make sure you hold your windslash for her ult, she can dodge your R2 with her ult.”
I am so chill says “skill matchup.If you can dodge her e well...congratz you probably killed her.However in late game she may outduel you.Harras her and hold ur w untill she uses her e or far away from a wall.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
You do not have much that can help you against her. Try and dodge her E with your E and remember that she can sustain with the outer part of her W. She does a lot of true damage with her Q so getting armor might help but is not going to be very good. Hourglass will probably be a must and remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
ApollonATH says “Bad matchup that can be won if you play around your powerspikes and dodge her E stun. Dont go in for short trades as she will always win it with her built in sustain. Dont stack a lot of health because she can melt you . zhonyas can be life saving vs her”
deathwalker7119 says “This matchup is definitely Fiora favored in low-elo, but some really good Camille one tricks can win the matchup. Look to parry 2nd E, or her empowered Q. If you parry either of these, you need to burst her fast or else they will come off CD again and you will just die. A good camille will miss E on purpose to bait parry, if she is baiting parry then don't parry 2nd E and just go for the Q. You can look to trade by using Q on front-facing vitals, just make sure you don't walk in auto range as her passive will force you to hard lose a short trade if you Q in.”
xxxxzomb says “Try to hit lvl 2 before her and kill her, if that fails play the lane slow and wait for her to mess up, then punish with an all in hard”
WarwicksSimp says “Hard win early then becomes a skill mu on lvl 6 and beyond. Usually you'll win this matchup unless Camille is good at her champ and knows the matchup.”
JeanMichelBambi says “With her true damage she may win some trades as long as she is able to escape using a wall, the rest of her kit not being an issue, her ult being a downgraded version of yours”
TwoKingzz says “Go grasp and never give her a true damage auto. Care for her early game E off walls. Bait her E into you for easy ganks. Stack hp and damage - trinity titanic is a good idea.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “She is hard if she can poke you at level 1 since you don’t have passive, they usually try to run at you at level 1 so start E so you can disengage. Try to stun her when she autos you so she tanks the minions. You want to avoid fighting her until it crashes to your tower, once it does you can stack your passive and start looking for fights. You can dodge her E and W with your Q as long as you have low hp minions. Use your W on her E as well as it will prevent you from taking as much damage. The lane is much easier at this point however be really careful once she has sheen since her poke will chunk you hard, be prepared to all in her the moment she uses her E on you but be wary of ganks. Avoid fighting her after she gets 2 items unless you are ahead of her in levels and items.
Womsky says “lane survival kit set up, she hurts in early level, she will state check u hard pre level 4, what camille wants to do to win this match up is to abuse her shield passive early on by trading harashly into you, try to get a kill pre 6, get CS lead and depending on how much of a lead she has, she will stall till she gets her power spikes, usually level 13/triforce, by that she outscales you and makes sure to not play into your power spikes, so what you need to do, is avoid trading pre 4, bait her shield passive by AA her and letting her AA you then you spin away, do it away from walls cause she can re engage with her E quickly, her shield has a 16 sec CD as l know, so u have a window to trade with her if u bait it, post 6, she is really weak, her ulti doesn't help her much as you are not the one who is trapped with her, so look for harash trades post 6 and forcing all in's as she is weaker than you, you will destroy her in 1v1 till she gets triforce/tabies so till then, abuse her, later on the matchup becomes more into her favour as she scales well, but there is still rooms for outplay etc, like if she misses a E, u land a W slow, stuff like that, not a very bad match up, a fun one.”
Losiu says “Fight at level three. When she is jumping on you, try to dodge it with q. If this is impossible, use w to absorb all the damege. Try to fight as long as it is possible.You are alwayys going to win longer trades”
tibs2 says “Take w lvl 2. This match up is very easy if you know how to play it right. Kite her autos with your q watch her e and make sure you w it and don't use r until she r cause her r will cancel your r for some god forsaken reason.”
svjade says “Camille is a very easy kill for Akali if all of her attacks are dodged, sudden impact of Akali's attacks will execute Camille before she knows it.”
DunkinDumpling says “Darius beats camille early, but she outscales him. Camille can be very opressive early as well if she takes ignite tp, so be cautious. but i like this matchup because darius e counters camille e, if camille tries to e, darius can pull mid air and stop it completely. it will take some practice but overall it is a skill matchup. camille has 2 abilities that can dodge your q, so good luck! ”
ActuallyTox says “Skill Matchup, bait her passive shield before you go all-in. Never Towerdive when she has ult ready. She scales better and has a decent early game so she wont be as easy to deal with as a kayle e.g. .”
Ponkstronk says “It's a 50-50. Her adaptive shield kinda messes up your q dmg. Try to save your spells and stack conq against her. You can cancel her hookshot with e and r.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Comenzar con Espada de Doran para engañar el escudo pasivo de Camille. Usar la E para esquivar su W y también para evitar el engage de su E.”
painkillertop says “Fairly rough matchup early on, I would suggest starting out the laning phase with a Doran's shield for a bit of sustain. It is definitely not a bad idea to trade with Camille early on as she isn't too tanky as long as you don’t get baited by her passive Adaptive Denses which gives her a shield of 20% of her maximum HP. Try to save your E for when Camille has used her Hookshot ability where she jumps off a wall and onto a target. As with most matchups post level 9 you outscale Camille (as long as she doesn’t get a huge lead in the early levels). Remember not to chase Camille while her Hookshot is up as its most probably a waste of your time. ”
samuel420 says “she outscales you after lvl 13, try to kill her earlygame and try to join your team as fastes as you can, because you are much better in teamfights, take Grasph”
AmericanNut says “She has a physical damage shield and a good ult, can be a handful, but you can out damage her with this build, and even go toe-to-toe with massive amounts of lifesteal.”
Noodles912 says “She beats you always early game. Just farm, and W if she jumps, so she is unable to ult. If she hits you with it, you can't escape. Watch out for her E, as it can be hard times occasionally. Look to outscale her, and ping teammates if she roams.”
Cayteer says “Try to juke her E , otherwise you always lose to her. Try to bait her E then pull combo her. Other than that you can't even against her. Every stage on the game , she beats you.”
Buszman says “You don't have to immediately flip the entire game on level 1 because of a passive shield and the supposed possibility of being defeated by a random factor like a weird wave setting by you. Your W completely disables Camille's R when used on an ally, setting up 3 stacks with good W timing can disable her E.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “The amount of cockiness this character can have is hilarious. Keep your W charged as much as you can so when she dashes to you you can turn the duel”
kohyss says “This matchup is a bit annoying but after 6 she will stand no chance. Try to save your E after her E and pul her pack in. Build bramble+plated steelcaps early.”
People tend to think that Camille and Fiora are two very complicated characters to master, and often they compare the two. In game, it's a real battle of the titans.
You can, and you have to always parry her E : Take care, she can bait you and wait when she is on the wall: you have to get away from her to be within reach, but not too close so that you can have time to parry. If you parry her E, the trade is in your favor.
Take care, if she ults you and you ult her, She can stand by a wall created by her R to counter the vitals,so only R if she does not have it.
Take care of her Q, this thing hurts !
A nice thing to do is to get away from her when her Q is charged so she loose it. She will try to E to get you but you will parry it, so she loose Q and E and you win the trade.
Good luck ! ”
PoppingMoth says “Camille please stop doing 600 to 1000 true damage to me I thought that was only smites that could do that please I know you got a double kill down bot lane but I built all this armor for you dont let it be useless oh god”
Fra660 says “this is a skill matchup, if you meet a good camille it will be quite tough to deal with, even for its high damage but technically it shouldn't be too hard to kill her if you play safe”
nachoreformed says “I ban this champion every game. The lane isn't super rough for morde but if you don't utterly dominate her she'll do it to you. Even if you manage not to feed her she'll still come out of lane a lot stronger than you and scale harder.”
OverlordOfTheLane says “stay in midle of lane and make her auto u for her passive to go to waste if she dosent try to q her if she keeps not hitting u try to max q against her and keep doing it maybe a sheen buy might work”
SPJohnWD says “Camille has high mobility and burst damage but low sustainability as long as you avoid her w's and cancel her e's with your e2 you can deal with her in lane.”
teemodumbstupid says “Early game is hard for you. You win when you have sheen and lucidity boots. Her Q can do a lot of true damage late game, and she will probably try to run after she uses it. You can W her after she does that and run her down.”
LastLee says “Camille is also a really difficult face lane with Kayle. With her E she will always be an annoying champion that will stun and you and kayle has not many things to escape. ”
Urgodzilla says “Very annoying to deal with. Her passive shield will make you lose trades in early game, her Q deals a good chunk of true damage, her W is hard to dodge, she can also use her R to dodge your R. You should win after lvl9 if you hit all your abilities.”
Oskarl3 says “you do magic damage with your e, so that can help with her passive shield. she outscales you but doesn't have too much kill pressure early, don't make yourself immobile by using your q because that lets her land a free e ”
ZeruelOP says “Literally hard to beat but you can win if you build correctly I recommend not going Stride Breaker in this matchup and try building Serpents Fang to minimize the Shield she gains from her passive”
Tsundere Tahm says “Camille es un campeon al que debes abusar en early, porque en late/mid se convierte en una bestia baja torres y baja tanques, por lo que recomiendo abusarla en early, espera a que se confié, cómela y métela bajo torre, además al igual que Aatrox, si falla el rapel esta vulnerable. ”
jmp_01_ says “OP Champion. Can easily dodge your W - Haymaker with her E - Hookshot or with her R - The Hextech Ultimatum. Go, if possible, for extended trades and make sure not to eat the true damage from her Q - Precision Protocol. Pray that she won't reach the lategame.”
AyeJa3 says “You can easily parry her Q, poke her down with your Q. Dodge her W, and do not use ult when she has E as it can be an easy escape for her. This matchup will be heavily dependent on your ability to parry her abilities.”
Draconic56 says “Camille is not the easiest of lanes. She can be quite slippery at times but she is no issue overall. You straight up beat her in all-ins, if you land your Qs. She is able to dodge your things with her superior movement speed but this shouldn't be an issue for when it comes to your Q. You should be looking to save your E for when she uses her hook shot. If you are fast enough, you can cancel it in the middle of the hook shot, guaranteeing her death. Overall, you are free to do whatever you want in this matchup. Just don't be stupid and you should be good to go.”
Kokob5 says “Not a particularly hard match up, So long as you don't let her abuse you and walk away you should win. Use W when she's about to hit you with her empowered auto and you'll win trades.”
negoZoma69 says “The early levels are winnable with proper spacing, but once she gets sheen the matchup becomes difficult. She can easily engage and tank your burst with her shield. Even if you manage to chunk her hp she will never be low enough for you to all-in because her R and E counter you extremely hard. If she manages to snowball you'll probably just try to be a cc bot with everfrost to peel her away from your carries. Champ is busted atm and is stressful to play against, also very popular and easy to play, banworthy.”
not normal says “Skill match-up
Don't get close to walls and stay clear of her slow. If she ults you, you is ded unless you keep her pinned down with W and E. Bait her to walk out of her ult, because then it will stop.”
Docoda says “A good Camille will try to aggressively poke you down after level 2. If you manage to land an E on her while she's using her hooks, she can't use the second jump from them and you'll have an opportunity to poke. A well timed W could also throw her off.”
Dorom says “Nobody likes to play against Camille. It is stupid, annoying and strong. She just jumps at you and stuns you, then slows you and meanwhile she charges up her second Q and does a Cho'Gath ult damage on one ability. Play safe.”
jvr_ says “You can 1v1 her on lvl 1 but after before 2 items spike you won't be able to 1v1 her, your W does nearly nothing in this match up basically. Freeze lane.”
pioj12 says “Camille right now is very good in the top lane and counters gnar quite a bit, because of her E she can enter and get a really good trade.
She counters your mega form because of her Q true damage and R which gets taken a lot of your kitte potential
The_Real_Wickd says “Camille is a super fun high mechanical matchup. The better player will mostly win this one.
The way to play it is to bait out her W, and try to dodge it. If you can't dodge it use Q to proc passive (Shield) or E to get out. It's extremely important that you don't take damage from her W without using your Shield. Your goal is to make her go out of mana before you go out of Health. You can trade with Camille, but I recommend short trades due to her passive. Put the sword behind the minions. When she walks up to last hit you Q to proc empowered Auto's and hit her once while she's busy hitting the minion that she wants to kill for gold. You can taunt on her after her passive is down if you so desire. That's the only time you really want to taunt on her.
One important thing to remember. Late game it's important to use your W (Block) to cancel out Camille's 2nd Q as that does a ton of True Damage. You can also utilize that in a team fight to keep your team mates safer. Your AD Carry will struggle against a Camille so protecting her is of the utmost importance.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Care about Camille! You can only win trades when she doesnt have her E up. She could cancel your E with her's. Recommended Runes: Phaserush/ Aftershock.”
raede says “Camille is just good into Volibear. Although not amazing, Camille trade based playstyle will never let Volibear get his second W unless she makes a mistake.”
ChaseMorePlz says “It's a hard counter in the mid game so it's best to keep it clean with this one. Stay healthy and Avoid overextending against her because she has insane gap closing. Her ultimate, The Hextech Ultimatum has a relatively short cooldown and really shuts you down. ”
CaptianMike says “You will sometimes see Camille in the jungle but it is nothing to worry about. When she engages, she will deal a lot of damage but then her damage falls off. Engage in long fights to win and you should win every duel once you get red smite.”
Lunarisen says “Her mobility will be the biggest problem here, so make sure to play passively and focus on your farming while being weary of her Stun.”
Sasdos says “impossible to trade cuz her passive gives her 1/5 of her hp bar as a shield for free. make sure she has no passive then u engage.
good ult to steal and if she misses her e it free kill”
Reformed Ravi says “Tricky matchup. Walk away when she has a full charge q and dont use w until she uses her e on you. Camille thrives off of short trades so dont let that happen. let her engage you, then w and e and bonk her to death. If she saves e and pokes you with w, use your ghouls to poke back with e.”
stygiandesolation says “Q on her when she W and block her Q2 with your E. Recast your E to stop from her jumping off the wall. She can be tough early on but after 6 you auto win.”
Rime101 says “You can dodge her E with the movement speed from your E.
Stay away from the walls
Try to predict when she will W to dodge it.
Start DORAN SHIELD if she has comet
Toliam says “I used to think this one was hard, but it's not too bad.
She can dodge your stun with ultimate, scales extremely well, can survive your harass, and will do extremely high amounts of damage.
With a seeker's and before she has Divine / Trinity completed, you'll be chill. After Liandry's + Rylai she cannot burst you in time.”
Alekra says “Very difficult lane. She can outtrade you very easily with her passive shield. You can try to get hit by 1 autoattack, wait until her passive is down and then trade with her. Although you should play more defensively as she only has killpressure on you if you are low.”
Erenando says “She is going to be stronger pre 6. Get sheen asap and you'll be able to contest her, but be careful about her second q. People often underestimate her damage.”
czrmtz24 says “Camille can block most of your duels as she gets a built in shield. She can engage on you whenever she wants, and never has to take a bad trade. Don't prioritize tank items against her as she also gets true damage in her kit.”
lulw says “Pretty even. If she tries to hit a W, run at her with your Q and E her into you. Beat her up from there. If she ever jumps on you, E her immediately. Remember her shield doesn't block your W true damage. Back for plated steel caps first back. Her true damage is crazy with tri force. You should be able to 1v1 her with bork and plated steelcaps. Don't let her q or w you for free. Always trade back. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Camile is actually a preatty easy lane to beat. All you have to do is let her AA you to ge ther shield up in your minion wave and once her passive is on cooldown you can trade her. Don't let her use her Q or her W on you for free. Once he tries to use her E on the wall you can use your E the moment her hook touches the wall and your pull will be registered and she will not go to the wall. Whenever she W you, you need to Q her. Always remember to stand in the middle of the lane because if you stand on either side of the lane she will get an instant stun in you and Q you for true damage and one-shot you. After you kill her you can reset and freeze the lane and it's over.”