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Syndra Counter Stats

Syndra Counters
Discover all champions who counter Syndra. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Syndra in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
788 Tips for countering Syndra below

Mid Lane
50.65% Win Rate93% Pick Rate Syndra Mid Lane Counters: 45 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Syndra in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

j4ss says “She have tons of damage and poke. Rush Mercs and hexdrinker, then go statikk and crit.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “very hard to play against, try to keep your HP threshold high. Start E , her lv 1 is stronger than yours. you need LIANDRY SERAPH'S for this one. u can switch boneplating with second wind.”
Yuhkis Ribs says “evade her Q and try not to get hit by her E call your jg for help”
Tatsurion says “Despicable lane. Her stun is very difficult to avoid, and even if it doesnt hit, it pushes you back, screwing up any attempts at shuffles. Her abilities deal a lot of damage, and your flimsy shield on your E will not protect you from her ult. A really onesided matchup. Take burst and pray”
JuulBox says “Her stun is quite annoying to deal with and she's got a good amount of burst damage, but punishing her for missing her abilities is a great chance of victory”
Rek'Sai Mid (?) by JuulBox | Rek'Sai Player
Coslan says “Syndra requires some learning to fight, and in a ideal game she is impossible to fight if she saves her W. Regardless, her pressure in lane is not incredibly high and eventually she is bound to slip up. Poke, Burst.”
Samira - Inters May Cry [WIP] by Coslan | Samira Player
gimmelovej says “Here you dont need just Mastery with qiyana, you need to at least know how to dodge well and how the Syndra works. Her E disengages and pokes .”
[14.15] Ultimate Qiyana FULL GUIDE!!! by gimmelovej | Qiyana Player
Xc1Mare says “Все чемпионы из 5 тира являются практически неиграбельными матчапами для сутулой собаки ,в таких противостояниях вы пытаетесь не дать врагу получить лишних убийств на миду или играете через окольные пути не вступая в прямую конфронтацию с вашим оппонентом по линии и пытаясь делать полезные действия по карте (вы играете роль 2 лесника ,а не мидера) Матчап против синдры неиграбелен 1 - Любая ваша агрессия через W заканчивается гарант станом после которого вы ловите полный прокаст чудища 2 - Из-за своей пассивки она становится сильнее вас в поздних стадиях игры ,что должно вынуждать вас не дать ей так просто получить ресурсы в начале ,но смотрите пункт 1 3 - Синдра очень быстро чистит пачки за пару кнопок ,но и паралельно не даёт вам так-же быстро их пушить, что не даёт вам так легко идти на роум В итоге вы не можете убить её и безопасно спушивать пачки что-бы уйти на роум ,она становится сильнее вас со временем и имеет больший импакт в тимфайте Молитесь леснику”
Слабейший ассасин в игре by Xc1Mare | Naafiri Player
Vladmidir says “This is my permaban i hate this matchup. Tether in and out of her Q range and try to side step her Q E. Pool her ult. This matchup is aids you might just wanna dodge.”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. Long Sword start, D-Shield if you aren't good at dodging her Q's. Her main damage in the early will come from her Q, so dodging it will make the lane much easier. Early boots are a good buy, so I don't recommend taking magical footwear. You can ult her ult, the timing isn't even very tight. Her only self peel is her E, which is rather strong, as it knocks you away aswell as having the potential to stun you. Thats why when you engage and she still has her E up you should try to have an ability up that can follow her.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
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