As a Support 48.16% Win Rate97% Pick RateNautilus As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nautilus as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “He cant really 1v1 you but after a few items he is really annoying to fight, he shields like hell and builds full tank.”
Neiri says “I somehow have a 100% winrate against Nautilus but that's not to downplay the fact he can be your hardest lane. Don't step up. 14/13 second CD on the hook.”
Jogar no max range do Q da Sona e de preferencia entre os minions
Aplicar o slow quando ele tentar tomar utilizar o E em você em você ou no aliado
Você escala mais !”
Zileanaire says “More annoying than Blitzcrank because he's not useless when he misses Q. Anyone that can lock you down is a threat. Make him hit your ADC instead :D”
FlopQueenEra says “I hate this and I fear this, because he dmg so high on early and can kill a RENGAR OR KAYN JUNGLE. And you're elise and squishy so side step his first”
JVS8 says “Nautilus can be a scary lane, as getting caught by his hook can result in death. However, if you play the lane correctly, you should be able to win. Stay in the minion wave to make it harder for him to land a hook, and always position yourself near a wall. This will allow you to use your E to peel for yourself or your ADC if he tries to engage.”
Kalakaua says “I think Nautilus might not be played enough around my rank because it seems like enemy marksman don't usually follow their plays correctly or in time.
Regular engage support with plenty CC but you can probably survive it all.”
mUI0g says “His hook is a strong threat.
Hit ult is undodgeable - even when out of range he can F-R.
Nautilus base damage is also high, so if he hooks you there's a high chance you will get all in-ed.”
Smaugyon says “Hook champs are annoying but Naut will kill you solo with no problem. If he lands a hook somone dies and he will do 80% dmg. On top of that his ability to catch people and team fight is kinda insane. If u havent banned him then hope taht you will be in a winning position ”
Cdevel says “We are somewhere between major and even. If he's really good, it's hard, if he's ok-tier, you just hide behind minions and poke him - he has very few ways to reach you.”
zSharpFire says “Really depends on the jungler and the ADC, but a Naut paired with a strong aggressive ADC such as Draven or Lucian is uncontainable. In that case you should look to play for late and take gathering storm.”
JVS8 says “Facing Nautilus can be intimidating, as getting caught by him often means a quick death. However, with the right approach, you can gain the upper hand. Position yourself within the minion wave to make it difficult for him to land his hook, and always stay near a wall. This positioning allows you to use your E ability effectively to either peel for yourself or protect your ADC.”
Randomless says “Stay behind minions and you're good, DO NOT block his hooks for your ADC, you can slow and root him to get your ADC out but your ADC probably can't and will not.”
Arctic Arrow says “Nautilus can be a significant threat due to his strong crowd control and ability to engage heavily. His hook (Q) and follow-up CC can easily catch you out of position, making it crucial to avoid standing too close to your ADC.
Play carefully around his cooldowns, as he can turn the tide of fights with his engage and tankiness. Ward deeply to track his movements and communicate with your team to avoid getting caught.
Engage when Nautilus’s key abilities are on cooldown to minimize his impact.”
Ziulo says “Can be a menace early for ur adc. Root the enemy adc (when he is still far away) and try to block his anchor with your clone when naut engages.”
The Stabbio says “Absolutely horrid. If he manages to aa you or hit you with any spell, you can't engage. Personally, I recommend you ban this every game.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP. Overloaded. Its fine dying in lane this matchup.
Counterplay: Peel for ADC. You can Q mid his Q and back off. Eat hook for your ADC”
Abarame says “He can miss everything but Ult and Auto attack flash. Either way you slice it, Nautilus WILL cc you. respect the multiple ways he can do so and fight in the middle of minions during laning. wait for him to cc someone else in a teamfight then walk up. if you can dodge his q, thats a very good sign and makes this matchup lot more bearable.”
TnDD says “Engage şampiyonlarına karşı Bard oynamak bence çok daha kolay. Minyonların arkasında durmaya çalış.
ÖNEMLİ: Eğer Nautilius sana Q atması kesin ise ona doğru hızlıca Q at. o seni kendine çekeceği için Q da ona değecektir.(Anlattığım şey basit ve güçsüz gözükebilir fakat oyunun içinde birçok şeyi değiştirir.)
Rakip nautilius Ultisini attığı anda rakip ADC'ye ultini at ve engage yapmasını engelle. (Nautilius karakteri göründüğünden daha kırılgan bir şampiyondur.)”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Play for peel and you can turn around this matchup very quickly, worst thing that can happen in this matchup is getting camped by enemy jungler while yours doesnt play for bot.(If he ults you can either E to block most damage whle you are in the air or even R him so you dodge his stun) (IMPORTANT DONT DISRESPECT HIS LEVEL 1-2 THEY CAN ALL IN YOU OR YOUR ADC AND WIN IF YOU DONT LAND E)”
Foxirion says “Nautilus' crowd control and tankiness make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can easily lock down Rakan and disrupt his engages with his powerful CC abilities.”
1yanou says “Matchup kinda depends on the adc's picked. I personally don't struggle vs nautilus too much and he is very very easily punished if he misses his hook. Your adc is very prone to getting dove vs him though so you need to keep that in mind when you go for a roam. ”
Cyndakyu says “morgana is best against single target hookers, its free as long as you save your black shield for their hook and shield the right person - they only win if they outroam you, so be aware of the map and ping your laners!”
schizoslvt says “Tough matchup.
Respect at all times and just try to survive
If his adc is Ezrael or something weak early then you can try to kill him”
Velkyann says “The most powerfull engage support against Kayle support, his Q has a very broken hitbox so be carefull. Literally all you can do is dodge his Q and be carefull with his autos, but even so he can just ult you.”
Sinyora says “This boring champion's whole kit revolves around stuns. Even his Auto Attack stuns. Just use your E) Black Shield on your allies and watch him come near you just to get Binded.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Naut's hook is incredibly telegraphed and you can easily block his dash with W.
While he is shielded his attacks deal a large amount of bonus damage, so knock out his shield before confronting him.”
Nekuteru says “Tanks are big no no for laning phase against you, you want squishy enemies that you can evaporate with 3 keys. ( Also if you get hooked, you're basically ADC level tank )”
kentrooo says “Any form of hard engage is strong into zoe. She can still outplay with the ms from w but mid-late game gets out supp gapped by tank supps.”
Cyndakyu says “play behind minions and avoid the hook
to cancel his hook you usually need to predict it with beforehand, as it often lands before the hook connects, meaning he still dashes”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Will hook you or your adc, and pull himself close to you even if he misses. Very tanky, and just. Annoying to play again.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “He has pretty good stuns and can get tanky but is not Leona level. Try to tank Q for the enemy. [it can actually work in your favor by bringing you closer to him.]”
FiletedMinion says “His hook is a problem. That's really it, it will cancel a lot of your knock ups if timed well. He otherwise can be ignored in favor of hitting the adc.”
HenrySJG says “consider banning every game.
her only consistently hard bot matchup since he can just skilllessly point and click R on you and you are doomed unless you have crown defensive build”
kentrooo says “Any form of hard engage is strong into zoe. She can still outplay with the ms from w but mid-late game gets out supp gapped by tank supps.”
TheSkyLrd says “Naut the mighty nut. Avoid him as much as possible if your adc gets hooked try your best to peel for your adc by using your W on naut. Good Luck you got this :)”
Yoshiking123 says “You can ult whoever he ults later and you can deny his engage. The only time you would lose is if there's a huge difference in your ADC's power early compared to his (like if you have an Ezreal vs a Draven)”
Aerenax says “Nautilus will be the one engaging in this lane, but that does not matter as you will have the best opportunities to neutralise that. When he hooks your ADC just start stacking your passive on him and use your E to block his ADCs damage. This lane is very winnable in most cases. ”
Ryecheria says “Look to poke if you can, but prioritize not dying and staying out of lethal range and ranges for critical abilities. If you can cheese them and poke them so that they are unable to engage then the match up is playable.
Nautilus can soak your damage and poke so look to hit the ADC with poke.
Nautilus has a lot of pressure with his ult. If Nautilus plays off vision, you have to be aware that Nautilus can one shot you.
Skill matchup. ”
HumbleMundo says “Since naut has two forms of cc early on with his Auto and Q he isnt very fun to lane into especially since he'll pull into you regardless of a stun so he'll be able to get his root off. Once Naut is lvl 6 you wont be able to tank cc for anyone anymore due to it being a click on ”
Maticz3007 says “Thresh matchup, but with more CC. If he lands his Q, you are in some trouble, but you can peel your ADC with W rather easily. Build does not matter.”
JezebelleXX says “Biggest threat by far to Support Miss Fortune. You are not able to harass him safely with anything except E, and even then he can click W and negate all of your poke. Take Celerity.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Nautilus is a major match against Soraka due to several key reasons that exploit Soraka's vulnerabilities and capitalize on Nautilus' strengths. Here is a detailed explanation:
Crowd Control (CC): Nautilus possesses a wide array of crowd control abilities, including his passive Rooted Anchor, Dredge Line (Q), and Depth Charge (R). These CC abilities can effectively disrupt Soraka's healing and crowd control abilities, making it difficult for her to assist her team during crucial moments. Nautilus can lock her down with his crowd control, preventing her from healing or silencing important targets.
Targeted Engage: Nautilus has exceptional engage potential with his Dredge Line ability, which allows him to dash towards a target and briefly immobilize them. This targeted engage is particularly effective against Soraka because she lacks any mobility or escape tools. Once Nautilus lands his Dredge Line on Soraka, he can quickly follow up with his crowd control abilities, isolating her from her team and rendering her vulnerable.
Burst Damage: Nautilus possesses substantial burst damage potential, especially when coupled with an AD-oriented build. His Titan's Wrath (W) provides a significant damage boost, and his passive Staggering Blow enhances his auto-attacks with additional damage. By maximizing his burst damage output, Nautilus can quickly burst down Soraka before she has a chance to react or heal her allies effectively.
Itemization: Nautilus can itemize against Soraka's healing capabilities effectively. Items like Executioner's Calling and Mortal Reminder apply Grievous Wounds, reducing Soraka's healing by 40%. By incorporating these items into his build, Nautilus can significantly hinder Soraka's ability to sustain her teammates, making her a less potent support in team fights.
Anti-Sustain Abilities: In addition to his crowd control and burst damage, Nautilus has inherent anti-sustain abilities that synergize well against Soraka. His Depth Charge ultimate can knock up Soraka and prevent her from healing her allies during the crucial initiation phase of a team fight. Furthermore, his passive Rooted Anchor can root Soraka in place, inhibiting her movement and making it harder for her to provide consistent heals.
Tankiness: Nautilus is known for his exceptional tankiness, boasting a high base health pool and access to defensive abilities like his shield from Titan's Wrath (W). This tankiness allows him to soak up damage from Soraka and her teammates while still maintaining his presence in team fights. Nautilus can effectively absorb the brunt of Soraka's damage and crowd control, allowing his team to focus on eliminating Soraka or other priority targets.
Strategic Targeting: A skilled Nautilus player can strategically target Soraka during team fights, recognizing her importance as the primary source of healing for her team. By singling her out and neutralizing her early on, Nautilus can significantly disrupt the enemy team's sustain and force them into unfavorable engagements.
In conclusion, Nautilus presents a significant threat to Soraka due to his crowd control, burst damage, anti-sustain abilities, tankiness, and strategic targeting. His kit enables him to effectively disrupt Soraka's healing capabilities, making her a prime target in team fights and significantly reducing her impact on the game. Nautilus' ability to lock down Soraka and neutralize her healing potential makes him a major match against the Star Guardian support”
Fear The Jester says “Skill Matchup, His hook is the hardest to deal with since he can just ult and then hook you. boxblock it or eat it and displace yourself with Q to make him waste mana on his E. (immediately recall to make it look stylish and ruin his morale)”
ohsuko says “If he gets his R on you, you're probably dead. He can either catch you with his hook, or easily get away. He's also incredibly tanky. He probably wins most matchups.”
support_diff says “Nautilus is a great support with a lot of cc and he is also hard to kill due to his tankiness. If he lands his hook on you, you will probably die. Play something else”
Lunar Empress says “Same with Leona. You can cancel his hook with Howling Gale and leave him defenseless. However, if his hook lands, just tornado the enemy ADC so they can't follow up. Go Glacial here.”
mazewalk says “He can cancel his autoattack animation into his hook so be careful. Mikael's Blessing is useless against his hook and ultimate, so don't waste your money. Deny his escape by dashing between him and a wall.”
JWhizz says “Yuumi can struggle into hard engage supports, it can be hard to poke them out and your ADC may get pressured off CS. As her Qs do less damage to targets that are closer it can be hard to contest early levels.”
Afnyc says “Thing to be wary of is his early engage. This build needs time to get tanky, early glasc is still squishy. Laning is always dangerous. I position between creeps for poking and disengage early if I expect an all in.
Becomes less threatening with items. Rush armor boots to counter the damage from opponent adc and naut becomes less threatening too.”
RobinValentine1 says “You have no way to prevent anything he wants to do to you or your carry. Pick another champ. Otherwise get guardian max e to minimize lane losses.
Be very careful of hook. You should poke him when hook is down. If possible to get him low enough that he cannot engage in these windows. Otherwise cower and wait for teamfight.”
support_diff says “Hard cc definitely counters you, and Nautilus has the hardest cc in the game. Poke him from far and stay behind minions so he can't hook you”
Lurs says “Whoever goes in first loses. It's like this for most engage supports. If you dash in first they will cancel your knock up. If they dash in first your peeling can counter them really well.”
itstsuk3 says “Take Glacial. Pretty even match up, play aroud the minions and dont get hooked too often (although its better for him to hook you than your ADC) and you should win. If he does hook your ADC focus the Enemy ADC so they cant follow up the engage. Mid/Late Game just ignore him and focus down the carries.”
Aydov says “Just run electrocute rune page. With a good positioning you should most probably win the laning. Don't try to save your flash if you sure his Q is coming onto you. In case you get hooked use all your abilities on adc and ignite, this way you may still survive and even get a kill or two”
Aerenax says “Nautilus will be the one engaging in this lane, but that doens't matter as you will have the best opportunities to counter his attack with your combo. This lane is very winnable in most cases. ”
Wounds2 says “Nautilus can't use Q if you W him. If you position well in lane, it should be hard to get hooked. Easy to punish him if he whiffs a hook onto a minion or terrain, since you can fling him into your adc. Naut is way squishier than he looks so he just dies usually. Flinging him and staying in front of him doesn't allow him to hook to a wall and escape too. His ult counters you if you are out of position and his team can follow up. However, if Nautilus ults you it's usually a good thing since your carries aren't getting ulted.”
Cyclic says “Pretty difficult matchup. Punish him level 1 and don't be caught in a invade. If he misses Q make sure to punish the long cooldown and poke as much as possible and regain control of the wave. Post 6 be very careful as his ult + Q combo will instakill you in most matchups”
ZharMeny says “As you probably already realised Rell is really good into engage and hook supports for some reason, Nautilus consistently being the worst pick into her, if Nautilus engages into you you can just re-engage and win the fight. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Toches says “Just don't get hooked in lvl 1/2 and this lanes free, he can no longer hook.
there's a reason taric is the go-to counter for naut in proplay.”
mellorwastaken says “Used to be harder before nerfs. Now i would call this a skill matchup, maybe slightly in naut favour, but you can win if your adc doesent get perma hooked. Look to bait his Q and punish him when its on CD.”
iveye says “Skill match-up, simply like most hook champs be the barrier between you and your carry. Play off of minion waves and walls to deny his engage. He has a big CC chain so make sure that he uses it on you and not your carry.”
gizemdeniz says “Pretty dangerous with a good ADc. With its stun duration and Tank potential, it will be a major nuisance. Regardless, if you trade carefully with your partner, you are likely to win, not unattainable.”
GG Cannon says “Not only can he root you in place for ages, which is one of Akali's worst nightmares, his E can reveal your position on your smoke for a while, he can hit you with his anchor inside your smoke and his ultimate can completely stop you in your engage for ages, while killing him is extremely hard to do on a 1v1.”
cyb3r1a says “Take guardian in runes. Trade aggressively with him level 1 if he doesn't have a high damage ADC. Only long range Qs for trading otherwise.”
WhiteLotus says “You can win lvl 1 if he misses his Q on a minion or wall. If you get hitted by his his Q (if you are lvl 3 or fresh lvl 2 and got Mantra up) Mantra W him so you can survive the engage. Lane can be pretty rough, bc most of the time, 1 Hook is enough to get a kill. You need to make a decision who u need to W. If they enemy ADC is Half Life, you can turn his engage (Nautilus) and try to kill the enemy ADC if he follows up. Care about that he got a lot of dmg too and his w blocks your Mantra Q at lvl 2-4 so try to poke the enemy ADC instead of him.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Read the Blitzcrank entry for detailed guide on how to play against hooks. Naut hook has a low cast time and large hitbox, meaning most Naut players can have an itchy trigger finger, however the hitbox is so big you'll be safe with even just a singular minion most of the time. You can easily rush boots and hold W to use your movespeed to bait hooks and pressure when it's on CD. Glacial is generally pretty good here to match him in lane and to enhance your disengage potential, but you can get away with Aery if your teamcomp calls for it and the enemy ADC isn't super strong early. It's difficult to roam into Naut as he can towerdive quite well, but as long as you're staying on lane and positioning even half decently he's bound to go even. You outscale no matter which build you play but if you can get away with it Aery usually scales harder.”
ssricky says “Nautilus is squishy compared to every other tank support. I honestly find him the easiest to deal with. His Q can be easily dodged with E if you're near a wave or just W it. He can only try to auto your ADC at that point.”
thunderthighs says “Nautilus is less of a threat than Leona or Amumu, since his hook brings you into a middle ground, which means that you're safe if you're behind your traps or if you are in a wave.”
unhben says “A good Nautilus will wait for your fear to be down in lane to engage and unfortunately because you want to poke, your doom passive will be down every now and then. Just be mindful of poking while you have a larger wave and lane pressure. ”
zotet says “Nautilus is extremely efficient at closing the gap, this will allow the enemy team to get lots of damage on you if your ADC can't back you up. Beware of his pull and make sure to play safer.”
L9NunuChillump says “Nautilus allows you to hit him alot and can be handled by your adc while you soak CC but can easily beat you if you don't have a proactive adc and end up going in too deep”
unhben says “Nautilus is the hardest hook support to deal with since he gains a shield so early into laning. Try to place turrets infront of his hook when you see them launched and stay near walls to bait him out or make it harder for him to land. Turret Max > E Max > W Max is going to be the best for this lane 100%. ”
Ablano says “nautilus is just like blitz but he the good thing about his is his hook is longer and be careful when he hits lvl 6, especially if he has glacial rune, make sure the wave is near your turret so that you are safe ”
Twday says “basically blitz but not as bad since you can use your e before he hooks and he either wont hook anymore or he hooks you, gets stunned and you can walk away safely”
OakuMarai says “Like a mix of Leona and Blitzcrank. Guardian. He can't hook you if you're behind a minion. Good Nautiluses will still E you though then try to hook you. Take celerity and dodge his Q's if you can. Post 6 be careful of his ult. CC his ADC if he engages.”
PykEugeo says “He is only strong in the early levels against you, after level 3, he is an all downhill game unless he has a samira or jhin to have his back.
Dodge his grabs and attacks and then counterattack.
Navn says “With good reactions, you can actually block his Q with your pillar, but if you screw it up, it's gonna look really awkward. But he becomes a delicious ult target later.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “In lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Dredge Line(Q). When playing as a ranged champion, try and abuse your auto attack range to poke him down and gain a health lead. Do not over-commit to poking though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “In lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Dredge Line(Q). When playing as a ranged champion, try and abuse your auto attack range to poke him down and gain a health lead. Do not over-commit to poking though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “In lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Dredge Line(Q). When playing as a ranged champion, try and abuse your auto attack range to poke him down and gain a health lead. Do not over-commit to poking though.”
aRhesty says “This matchup gets easier with experience. When he hooks you, just Q-E stun the enemy ADC. Honestly not as threatening to you in lane as you'd think - lategame he can catch you out however, so watch yourself. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “In lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Dredge Line(Q). When playing as a ranged champion, try and abuse your auto attack range to poke him down and gain a health lead. Do not over-commit to poking though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “In lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Dredge Line(Q). When playing as a ranged champion, try and abuse your auto attack range to poke him down and gain a health lead. Do not over-commit to poking though.”
M4DN355 says “Nautilus is very strong against Pyke as he has a ton of cc and can deny Pyke of his escape if he decides to save his E. As long as you don't walk up too close to him, then it shouldn't be too difficult to get away unless he flash+auto attacks you, meaning you need to dash away and try to dodge his Q. If you're too far in a fight and he's level 6 or more, he can just press R on you and stop you from doing anything in a fight.”
DamselOfDistress says “Be very careful of his ultimate!!! Nautilus has many ways to engage with flash that are simply not reactable. I recommend playing extra safe into him.”
urazevirgen says “Naut is a perfect support. Don't allow him come closer. Otherwise you shoul play the game without moving cause his 4out of 5 skills are CC. Your "E" prevents one of them, "Q"”
Navn says “He can become a bit of a problem. Aim for his lane partner and try to bodyblock his turn-around on your own lane partner. Otherwise, your teamfighting should be better than his after laning phase.”
ShoDesu says “Like most hook champs, Janna struggles in this match up. The difference in this match up and Blitz/Pyke is that you have a small window to q Naut so he can't get his auto off. ”
Jageiko says “Nautilus is not that simple to lane, unless your goal is only to stay alive. You can cancel his Q, sure, but not his R. He's tanky AF and the hook hitbox is so huge. Try to bait his Q then all in his ADC. If he R, you can R his ADC and kill him 1v2 for free.”
ADDikt8 says “Hard engage champs are difficult for Nami since she is generally quite squishy. If you or your ADC do get engaged on, try your best to land your bubble on the enemy ADC to prevent further lane loss.”
babyyspace says “Nautilus is a massive threat due to being able to hook over walls and his first auto rooting. Always wait for them to use there hook before attempting to procc shield. Take E first against any champ with a hook they most often than not will get your ADC low before lvl 2, this gives you the sustain needed. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Nautilus engages much better than you, but finds it very difficult to walk through you when you're trying to peel for your team, so play for that.”
Akidne21 says “Nami is a weak champion, if blotzcrank grabs her or gets close to her to apply his passive or use his ult, she will probably die. stay in back of the minions and ward the bushes.”
OffWasTaken says “Teemo struggles against heavy engage tanky supports. Best you can do is block his passive (root from auto) which he usually uses after hook. This guy is a nightmare in lane, especially with the point and click ulti.”
BagelTso says “He's like you but with a hook instead of you running towards them, try to avoid his skill shots or bait them out with a Q without predator”
Navn says “His hook range is farther than your W cast range, and its quite difficult to deal with. This may be one of the few times to go Relic Shield over Spellthiefs.”
FrostedSpark says “Dashes to stun you, will just get stunned himself. As long as you dodge auto attacks and repulse him when he ults you should be fine. Only putting the dash champs in tiny to show how they've went from counter picks to no threat at all.”
Tom3kk says “If you dodge his Q he can't really do much about you without using his ult at which point you can just jump on a teammate to prevent death, but you can't run away from his ult which means if you get hit by it you are either about to spend 8 seconds not being on someone or someone will die.”
DocturShaco says “Don't get locked down by him unless you are with your adc. If you can keep him off your ADC, and make him hook you, then you can engage with E on his ADC.”
spirit legacy says “You might be thinking ''but he's a tank and brand counters most tanks''
That is correct, but a good Nautilus can abuse a Brand very hard. He outranges you by far with his q and can punish you very hard by misstepping/ when trying to engage. I personally ban nautilus 99% of the time. ”
Papa Urgot says “Supp:
Extremely dangerous in lane. also a chance that you dont get your ult off since his huge CC Chain. consider taking Unflinching in the runes .”
LordZaneLP says “wait for lvl 4 and then kill him, only when he hits his hook on you he has a chance to win a 2vs2. When he hooks your adc it doesnt matter, because you need hp to counter all in them when he goes in.”
Rissen says “Respect his power during laning phase, or you'll pay for it. Rush Mercury Treads when you're against him and try to burst him down post 6, because that's where he starts to get irrelevant ”
Demonsedge90 says “Nautilus hard wins in a duel with you even if you were to exhaust all your skills on him, so to prevent this, make sure he cannot use his hook or put you into the wrong position with his r, and you should have an easy lane. Also, make sure to engage with your aftershock at the ready.”
mikixmoris says “Nautilus does not care about your DMG. He is too tanky and has way too much CC. I use to perma-ban him until I realized that not a lot of people play him. Still a very hard match-up.”
Bella Starlily says “Nautilus is very dangerous with his lockdown combos and point and click ultimate. Play safe, look for poke windows when his Q is down, Use terrain to your advantage. ”
Cordiall says “Nautilus can hold you still, which sucks, but if he's holding you still he's not holding your ADC still. His Q is such a huge skillshot that it's not hard to block, and your E blocks both his E and his R. Just be careful not to let him get on your ADC too many times and you should be fine.”
Kat_Alien says “This Big guy can dominate you on the lane. If he hooks you... You are dead. So stay behind your minions to be safe and alive. If he hits level 6 try to not get in his range of Ultimate. If you get hit by his ult you are probably dead. How to counter this? Even QSS won't help. Hope your support will help you by body blocking his Q after you get hit by his Ultimate. You can counter him by your ultimate range. If you misplay that one it's over. If you play it well you got it!”
HiImForeHead says “Renata as not mobile champ is free kill when he grab you or use on you normal attack ultimate. His shield makes him tanky at first lvl so take care of his grabs and don't fight with him on close range”
Eu como Miilena says “Tome muito muito cuidado com a ancora dele. pokear ele é extremamente ineficiente por conta do escudo dele então foque no adc inimigo. Fique sempre muito atento a wave para nao levar a ancora dele e recue cedo de uma wave que esta prestes a acabar. tome cuidado com seu posicionamento em questão da ult dele por que se você for pego por ela em uma área aberta sem proteção é muito difícil sair vivo sempre fuja da ult dele usando seu E. ”
SunnySneezer says “Just no, better ban this champ, too much dmg, too much cc, too much tankines and his ulti is just ugh. Just no, don't even try to trade him, throw a Q or E for poke and walk back no point in taking all in trades like ever.”
Kat_Alien says “When you get hooked this big bad boy won't let you escape. As we are not mobile champion it is hard to do anything about it. when you use your repositioning skill he can still escape from it just by clicking his Q ability earlier to pull the wall or you or even your ADC. The problem is with his shield because he is not that vulnerable to your poke. The idea of how to play against it is simple. Stay behind your minions and poke enemy ADC to the point where you and your ADC are able to kill ENEMY ADC. ”
Kat_Alien says “If you get hooked by this big bad boy you will have to waste all your abilities to survive this one. Also poking this dude is useless because of his shield. We are losing our potential to poke enemies to the point we can all in. How to play against it? Try to poke enemy ADC and focus on staying behind your minions to not let him pull you with his Q. ”
DtNikk says “Huuge hook, hard to avoid, easy to poke though, stay behind minions and poke him. You'r silence wont do much good against him though. Mikaels, Boots of swiftness and Spellthieves should be good here. ”
hampenguin says “Honestly just kinda wanted to put here, this is probably my favourite MU, I just eat the hook, get an auto on Naut, then empowered W him or the ADC, he feels the least tanky of all of the tank supps.”
RatKing666 says “Another character who's about on par with you, same as blitz just go out of your way to not get grabbed, or use your E to protect yourself in a pinch.”
TheBlueImperial says “Nautilus is another hook champ, so he has the same issue as them. If you stand between him and your carry he cannot engage, if he does you will be brought into range of his carry and he cannot cancel your engagement until he gets his R.”
beefyylol says “Very similar to Leona. As long as you don't get perma CC'd and die early, you will hard outscale. You can also use your ult to negate his, as Nautilus ult is extremely telegraphed.”
PumpkinMatters says “Uma partida mais fácil do que as contra Leona, mas a situação é muito parecida. Diferentemente de outros suportes de iniciação, Nautilus não é tão resistente, então ele até pode ser focado por você e seu adc (apesar d'eu não recomendar), mas a âncora dele e sua passiva devem ser respeitadas. Qualquer passo errado que você der, todo seu combo vai por água abaixo e é tchau Rell”
PumpkinMatters says “An easier matchup than against Leona, but it's very similar. Unlike other engage supports, Nautilus is not that tanky, so he can even be focused by you and your ADC (even though I don't fully recommend), but his anchor and his passive need to be respected. Any wrong step you give can destroy your combo and bye Rell”
Alks says “I have found these champs, that pull you in, are much easer to handle if you stay behind minions and dodge well. and with your new found speed, you can do that :D”
Harry132 says “Hook champs are very hard to deal with early with this build
What you can do to play around this is play around the wave and be on the opposite side of him”
HypoTheAced says “Another hook champion that counters Senna. His Q is the widest, so it's also harder to dodge when thrown at her. His passive also makes sure you don't go nowhere and die almost every time.”
HypoTheAced says “Another hook champion that counters Senna. His Q is the widest, so it's also harder to dodge when thrown at her. His passive also makes sure you don't go nowhere and die almost every time.”
Lee McGee says “His hook is similar to Thresh, but unlike Thresh this dude will root you, slow you, and make you hate life until you fall down crippled from his ADC constantly hitting you.”
SirCaptFair says “he might look intimidating but it's honestly about who engages first. If he hits your adc use that as an opportunity to e to your adc and w on the opponent adc if you guys both all in the enemy ADC and hit your abilities you will most likely win.”
itsElJefe says “Basically the same logic as Blitz, he's tanky, can pull you, root, and knock you up. You die if you get grabbed. Play back and poke, if he can't grab you he can't kill you.”
revu says “[ROAMING SUPPORT]
Similar to Bard. His engage is really predictable and if he misses q and pulls himself closer to you, he is pretty much dead.”
Discord231 says “Mas cc que tu, no lo podrás matar, te canela cosas con básicos, etc. no te recomendaría usar filo de robahechizos contra él, a menos que tengas un buen adc al lado.”
Ms_Clair says “Naut and other hook champs are struggle because of the pressure they apply on you. Nautilus is also worrisome do to his hook auto combo and point and click cc with ultimate. Janna's early shielding and peel does little when the enemy gets directly on top. ”
TNTea says “Tanks are Swain's best match-ups. His ability to punish their last-hits, keep them in on his range, and just generally win the DPS war come team-fight phase makes him an invaluable asset against Tank Lanes or multi-tank compositions.”
GuanaTv says “Nautilus contra Thresh nao tem muito segredo: Quem acertar mais, vence!
(Nautilus vs. Thresh doesn't have many secrets: whoever gets the most skills right wins!)”
Gobomo says “Stay behind minions and don't push past them, and you'll be fine. Try to whittle him down slowly while he can't engage onto you because of the minions in the way. Be ready to match flash if he tries to flash + hook you.”
Petra Venj says “Survive until you get Moonstone. The only thing you can do is leave laning phase with as little issues as possible and outscale him. He's scary even at level 1.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “If Naut was looking for some scubadiving adventures,hes in for a bad time,literally poke the hell out of him and watch him weep over the rift floor.
neuroplasticity says “Not that bad of a matchup unless paired with Kalista or Draven. Yes, the hook has the width or Russia but you should be fine playing around your minion wave.
You can consider bubbling Nautilus since his hook is telegraphed and should mean that he cannot get the additional AA for his passive root, leaving room for your carry to retreat.
I would still recommend Guardian as Nautilus' R is point & click and all you really need to do in order to win is to survive the initiation.
Your ultimate also denies any follow-up so you should be fine as long as you're not running face first into multiple enemies.
Shurelya's/Redemption can be decent item choices if needed for disengage/survivability.
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).
Whenever Nauts's Hook is on cooldown (~15s cooldown). Go in and harass as much as you can!”
Mooncurve says “It's really ad match up, You can win if you are better than him, both of you have lock down combos (yours is more damage while he has more hard cc)”
Mr buckets says “Nautilus can be a scary lane, if he catches you then you die. But if you play the lane correctly then you should win. You want to play in the minion wave, making it hard for him to land a hook and always stay close to a wall to use your e to peel yourself or your adc.
eiensiei says “Poke as much as you can early, but after that I recommend locking the wave right next to your tower to avoid potential engages. If you crashed the wave into their tower, do not try to autoattack the tower for Spellthief stacks, he can easily hook you in. Avoid his Q at all costs.”
Goldenstinger says “Same principles as Blitz, play passive early so he doesnt get free hooks or stuns. Level 2 points into fear early for this match up”
Dotje says “Nautilus is similar to the other hook/ grab champions. You’ll be in trouble if you are not able to avoid his hook. Use Q on his adc if Naut lands a hook (maybe even on you) to reduce their damage output. Naut is an easy kill early, just like Blitz, so don't hesitate to stun/burst him instead of his adc. Tip: vs engage champions it's often good to get early boots.”
Daromius says “Keep an eye on him and try to avoid the hook, punish him if he goes for cannon minion, post 6 you should win most fights if fought properly.”
Doglightning says “take guardian. Stealth right as the hook hits you and you can avoid him hitting the auto after to root you. You win this lane early ez and usually can get a free tower plate in first few waves. care tho if he gets ganks and snowballs he can be unplayable vs.”
limeheart says “Take bone plating unflinching. You must play this matchup by either counter CC whenever nautilus engages or (easier) just peel your adc by hooking nautilus away. Do not throw random hooks or you will be very useless in this matchup.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Stay out of his Q range, if he casts ult on your ADC, try to immediately gold card the enemy carry so they don't get a chance to get their damage off.”
Mystral says “I don't know, he's just boring to have against and a great tank support, you can't do much against him. If you see him coming closer, poke him or just W him and run away. ”
LeeTV says “Naut is quite oppressive if you get hooked. Try to proc his aftershock before engaging in any fights. If naut misses his hook look for an opportunity to all in the enemy adc.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. This match up is very skilled. If you stay behind minions poking and don't get caught you can win the lane. If naut gets even slightly ahead you should start to roam as lane is done.”
Aerenax says “Nautilus has tons of cc but to land the most of it he has to get close to you by, for example, hitting a hook. His ult is something different but in most games he won’t use it on you. A great tip to find a kill in lane is to stick next to walls. If he throws his Q at you, dodge it (for example with your E). When his Q connects he will follow it into the wall and you can re-engage on him with your W or R to secure a free kill.”
eiensiei says “Poke as much as you can early, but after that I recommend locking the wave right next to your tower to avoid potential engages. If you crashed the wave into their tower, do not try to autoattack the tower, he can easily hook you in. Avoid his Q at all costs. Relic match-up.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't let Nautilus engage on your adc. Respect the damage Nautilus has. You can kill Nautilus only if his Aftershock is on cooldown. You can engage high-hp Nautilus only if your Aftershock is ready.”
warmfishu says “His Dredge Line (Q) will hook and pull you towards him and his team. Staggering Blow (P) will root you, and Depth Charge (R) is a targeted knock-up. All of these will reset your W. Riptide (E) will slow you if you are near Nautilus. He also benefits from a shield (W) that resets his auto attacks. Yuumi can poke him down from afar, but be cautious when his abilities are up.”
iKonek says “Nautilus isn't obnoxious because of his hook (which you can easily counter with your lantern), it's his relentless CC that is painful. Make sure to burn through his carry quickly, or the CC you'll have to endure while trading will get you both killed.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Another hook champion means another high priority threat to watch out for. He has very high base damages and CC on every ability. And with a point-click hard engage, if he picks you to ult, you are almost guaranteed dead.
He does less damage with his shield down. His mana pool is much lower than yours. And he's easy to punish if his Q is on cooldown.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Basically a walking CC machine. Try to look for hooks only on their ADC. Be sure to play behind minions as if he is a Blitzcrank. He has HIGH burst damage and can be very hard to stop once he hits level 6. Lantern your ADC as quick as possible once he he is walking up.”
lin00 says “Nautilus packs heavy CC in his kit and his hook is far most faster that Thresh's hook. You can Flay as he Qs you to activate Aftershock if you took that to negate most of the damage from his combo. ”
Korippo says “He's very oppressive but only if he can land his hooks for the most part. If you hide behind minions and position well for your passive, he won't really have room to just hook you and single you out for free. Just don't get into melee range and you'll be fine, but in the event you/your ADC do get caught out by him, he's pretty much going to guarantee a kill on one or both of you, so play safe if possible. ”
MsBean says “Same as blitz, their hooks are really dangerous towards Soraka, she does not do well towards champs that hooks, use your E when you predict they're going to hook you. ”
Flackojodye says “His Q is so wide that most of the time he will end up hitting your plants instead of whoever he's trying to Q. REspect his tankiness in and out of lane.”
Distinger says “You have two options here: 1. Wait for him to land a Q on you, E backwards and Q him into tower range. Or 2. Wait till he engages on the ADC and Q him backwards.
Either way hooking this guy or his ADC does nothing in laning phase, you have to wait for him to engage first.
Best to take Aftershock.”
Arcurath says “Just have to play really safe early behind wave and hope no insane hitbox hooks hit you or you die instantly.
After 6 you are chilling, whoever he cc combos you ult and then he is stuck in middle of your team.”
Hanjaro says “Much like most enchanters, Janna is squishy, so an all-in hook lane can be scary. Fortunately they rely on hitting their hooks, and they're always melee! Watch your positioning, one misstep can certainly end up in death.”
0Banda says “ Nautilus, as a hook champion is an easy matchup for Rakan you can dodge his Q with your W or E preferently
Your only problem against Nautilus will be he's E, so when you are attacking the enemy ADC and he cast this ability you will E back to your ADC
Against Nautilus build as usual, the only exception will be Unflinching in the runes because of all the CC this champion has, in lane phase ignore him and focus the enemy ADC when wanting to trade”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Xerath is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Beware of a flash all in from Nautilus, he is very tanky once he has his shield as well.”
Luiscencias says “Honestly nowadays I hardly see people taking him as support, and he is no longer my permaban but I still have to be very afraid of him if he does get picked. Same deal as with other pull champs, play safe and boring in lane because you win the long game”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are deadly for Lux, even through the use of aftershock, if she misses a binding, or they're already in melee range of her and manage to get their cc off, she can be bursted down easily.
Abuse their hook CDs, and their melee range, stay behind minions, and be inconsistent with your movement!”
Hanjaro says “Yuumi is extremely weak when it comes to all-in engage, she hasn't got much peel and if she detaches, she will be bursted down - it's very hard for her to keep her ADC alive when she gets engaged on.”
lenithebot says “Nautilus vs Alistar is a skill matchup. Since it is engage vs engage whoever engages first loses unless its a very good engage. In this matchup if nothing happens Bot Lane look for roams I would go Phase Rush for this matchup if you cant roam ask for ganks.”
Exoslol says “Very similair to Thresh but seems a bit less of a threat. Still very likely to CC chain you and kill you. His only tool of engagement on you should be his Q as you should never be too close in range to him.”
SorakaMainsDiscord says “His R is a point and click long range stun and knock-up. If you are targeted but this the entire enemy team has the option to burst you whilst you are a sitting banana.”
Amphawn says “He IS CC. He also has a hook, so don't get hit by it. Apart from that he doesn't have range so you can poke him super easily when he tries to get minions. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Similar to Blitzcrank
Use minions to your advantage, you can use hexflash or flash from behind minions to engage. With Nautilus you can poke him easily from a safe distance though as if he engages he also endangers himself.”
Jowoey says “Believe it or not this is one of Janna's easier matchups. Exhaust isn't too bad here if you can reach his adc when he engages on your or your adc. However, once you're comfortable with this lane, you can be full on aggressive and take ignite and just poke him to death most of the time. Utilize your minion wave.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “Nautilus is really tanky, has a ton of CC, range and damage during the lane. This match up forces you to play passively. It's really hard to punish him even if he overextends.
Nautilus es muy duro, tiene mucho CC, daño y rango lo que nos fuerza a jugar pasivamente. Es muy díficil de castigar incluso si se posiciona mal.”
Melyn says “While a difficult matchup, it's very possible to win. Always play behind minions and use EW if you're in threat of being hooked. Poke a lot with Q and respect his level 6 spike. If he commits to your ADC, ignore him and zone/kill theirs (unless he's very low).”
Hanjaro says “Nautilus is scary as he has hard CC and can easily 100 - 0 you or your ADC if you're not careful. Poke him down from range and dodge his hooks, be aware of a flash all in threat.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Velkoz is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Nautilus is very tanky with his shield, and he can probably kill you in one combo, his range is longer than you think. Be very careful.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy enchanters, hook champions are very scary. You have a good disengage with your silence and slow, but you're still very susceptible to burst. Dodge their hooks, poke when on CD! Naut has some terrifying CC and damage, be very careful.”
Biotic says “Respect especially his Level 1. Its about positioning yourself behind the Wave so he cant hook and After Level 6 it should be very free even if he hooks you. Give up some farm when the wave is in the middle and Naut threatens to hook you its fine you outscale.”
Hanjaro says “As per usual, squishy enchanters vs hook champions is just a scary lane match to be in. Poke when their hook is on CD, be careful of a flash engage, don't get too close. Naut is one of the scariest hook champs, with huge burst damage - it feels like you'll die from one auto! Play passive, do not underestimate his power.”
35OCE says “Nautilus's strong engage kit makes Sona suffer in lane. If Nautilus lands a hook most likely it will be a confirmed death to Sona. Especially with Nautilus's ultimate at level 6.”
KillMeKillMe says “He's got a decent pull, which can also be used to maneuver around the map near walls. He's got a good aoe slow, a good tanky shield, a stun on every couple of auto attacks, and his ult can't be dodged or block, follows you, deals decent damage, and knocks you up in the air.
Your only counter is to doge his pulls, outsustain him and his adc by healing yourself and your adc, poke him and his teammate down, and then try to get a kill with your teammate.”
Lugos says “He either want to stomp you on lane or just push the wave and go roam mid. If you dont give yourself easy to hook, you can harass him every time he walks up even a little bit making him not worth to even think of engaging on you so the second is to not let him push and roam. You should push them instead and make sure he cant fast hook- engage you even with a flash. Like standing right behind a minion makes it hard enough for him to flash Q you because it might hit the minion instead actually, you should also do this only if you have flash, if he just flash R you then you can flash away somewhere even if his Q hit you afterwards, ure still too far for his adc to catch up in time to burst you. ”
King Crow says “Very easy for Nautilus to engage on you and lockdown either you or your ADC. He has more CC than you do and outranges you with his hook. Limits your options heavily in laning.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Slightly easier to deal with than Blitzcrank becuase he doesn't have a silence, but you still have to respect him in lane. If the enemy wave is pushing and your minions are about to die, just run back to your next wave. ”
Rayzer74jr says “This guy is going to be a hassle if he hooks you, though this guys hook is one to be less afraid of since he goes to you and can only stun you, take this chance to land a W and position yourself to hit some sweet sweet Q's.”
Skyzinho1775 says “Look im not gonna lie to you, but naut is not hard , BUT U ARE FULL AP.
The whole point of going Full AP its killing the bastard in 3 sec. And Nautlilus its a big yikes because u cant kill him and u are unlikely to protect ur ADC from his CC. Because again, ur full ap , not doing support.”
Guoblide says “Nautilus is one of the easiest matchups for Braum due to him only wanting to engage which Braum's naturally defensive kit counters. Nautilus is a tanky engage/catch support who is great at frontlining and dictating when fights break out. His only mobility spell is Dredge Line though so once he goes into a fight it is hard for him to get out. Nautilus spikes at Level 2 when Riptide grants him an AOE slow that is great at catching out enemies, Level 3 when Titan's Wrath makes him incredibly tanky, and Level 6 when Depth Charge lets him catch out enemies and set up a massive AOE knock-up. In lane Braum should position himself behind the minion wave in between his ADC and Nautilus to make it near impossible for Nautilus to land a [{Dredge Line]] on your ADC. Braum should play safe until Level 3 where he gets all of his defensive abilities up. If Nautilus lands a Dredge Line before Level 3 it can usually lead to a kill or burnt Summoner Spells if he has an aggressive ADC (Which is usually the case). Try to stand in the middle of your minion wave and walk out a little bit to land a Winter's Bite on the enemy ADC when they walk up to CS. Since Dredge Line has a massive hitbox it is super hard to land onto Braum if he stands right next to the minions. The Dredge Line will usually land onto a minion and put him in a bad position. Try to prioritize poking the enemy ADC as Nautilus is pretty hard to kill until Level 6. Once Braum hits Level 6 it becomes much easier to deal with Nautilus as he can use Glacial Fissure to peel for his ADC if they get engaged on. Keep in mind that Depth Charge can't be blocked by Unbreakable so if Nautilus targets your ADC with it the best thing to do is just bodyblock the Dredge Line engage and hope your ADC gets to safety. Once the laning phase is over Braum massively outscales Nautilus so getting out of lane without dying a lot can significantly increase your chances of winning.”
SigtheOutcast says “Hide behind minions. And also ask for ganks, bait his hooks, and wait for his mana to get low before going in. He can outtrade you AND out-tank you unless you kite him perfectly.”
DanNS12 says “Watch out for Nautilus level 1 it's strong because of his passive CC with autos and play behind minions and watch out for his level 6 all-in.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. This match up is very skilled. If you stay behind minions poking and don't get caught you can win the lane. If naut gets even slightly ahead you should start to roam as lane is done.
Billehz says “if he hooks you before 6, your w won't really help much in escaping, but you can try to charm him as his hook is going towards you if you think you can't dodge it”
Jaori says “He is weak in the early game. W+E cancel after he engages. Beware of his passive and all the other roots. Do not ever use your E during his root, it will go to waste.”
Nanelol says “Try staying behind minions while he has his hook up and especially care when he has R since he can always R you and follow up with his hook.”
Toddiek24 says “Good zoning ability of Nautilus can easily cause death as his ability "Q" hits you and your ADC can easily kill you and your ADC. (And big TANK)”
Go Getter says “He has crazy high damage early game and can easily beat you out in a staring contest. He's a bigger threat than Blitz crank due to him being able to safely trade with you since you don't do any damage.
You also can't really stop him from ulting your ADC, so you've gotta prepare some big brain peels or else he'll secure some kills.”
knif says “Another engage support, another hook to dodge. However, Naut is considerably tankier than some of the other engage supports meaning he's got more reason to play aggressive, so keeping safe is as always a good idea here. If Naut lands a hook, try and bubble the AD to make the fight a little easier.”
dragonmasterc says “An effective Nautilus player will be able to exploit your squishy nature to be able to either focus you or your ADC down (most likely your ADC), and there's not many items you can build against him to stop his march forward. Given your E's range, it's a matter of whether or not you can safely poke him down early without giving him an engage with his Q+auto. If you can get him low enough, his presence falls significantly, though this becomes increasingly challenging.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy, immobile mages, hook champions are your worst nightmare. Try to dodge their abilities and poke when they're on cooldown.
Nautilus is very tanky and his hook range is longer and wider than you think! If he gets you, you're dead.”
Tatewari says “You get hit by his Q, you die.
You stun him before he comes near you, he dies (depending on HP and lvl).
Try to poke him down early so he won't be able to all in.”
Vispectra says “I've seen this pop-up a few times, it's an okay lane. Boring but hey you're playing a scaling champ , boring is your middle name. Trades into him early will not go in your favor but later on it becomes a breeze because while he has CC his damage is rather lack-luster, you can constantly hit him with your W to generate mana back and hit him with a 400 or 800 R which will put him back in his place.”
vrsds1 says “AA,Q,E,R all of this are CC ability's making him a total pain for the Yuumi user. The Q (is a hook) and R have a lot of range. Stay away from him as much as possible.”
Pluckypenguin says “Nautilus can be a threat if you let him. If he hooks your adc just stun their adc. this leaves nautilus in an open position for your adc to do damage, and you can w outta there to avoid damage from their adc. Overall just play smart around him.”
HerYandere says “Ignore him. He doesn't exist for you. If you can convince your ADC to do the same and ONLY go on the enemy ADC, you win 10/10 times. Once you kill their ADC, he's a super minion.”
Xennia says “As an squishy champ, any champion with a hook can be problematic.
Obvious advice is to dodge the hooks and try to use E as smartly as you can...”
TimGr says “If he lands his hook, stun him or his ADC. If his hook is down, he's a big slow target, easy to poke down. You can heal yourself or your ADC through everything he does.”
ayoshe says “Nautilus is one of my least-favourite match ups, just because his kit consists of a lot of CC and provides a free shield that blocks most of your trade damage. Freeze waves and harass after he misses his hook.”
DasNerdwork says “Dodge his hook and try to take his shield down as soon as possible. (He will lose his AOE cleave on his auto attacks). If you play it well, you can also try to stay as close as possible to your ADC in teamfights, so theres a possibility he accidentally ults you.”
terrybogar1 says “Naut is simmilar to thresh and Blitz, but a bit tankier. Make sure W his root rather than his hook, so you can be close to him and dish out your damage.”
Esoterica says “Nautilus is known to be an oppressive catch/tank support, but LeBlanc negates some of his strengths as his hook is clearly telegraphed and he cannot protect his ADC from damage.
W forward proactively to bait hooks or ults and simply return to safety. If he catches your ADC, burst down the enemy ADC with them to swing the trade in your favour. Do not play scared, as your ADC will take free damage or even die.”
Terrible matchup during laning phase, particularly after level 6: Nautilus love all-ins even early on. While if it's true that staying behind minions helps, the truth is that Nautilus can just flash in your face and AA + Q + E, making you AFK. After level 6, he can just R you or your ADC and then do the same exact thing. If he do that, try to run away from your ADC and flash under your tower; if he grabs you during the process it should be a win for you. I suggest to not play around the laning phase and respect him as much as possible. After laning phase it should be a little better, but he has a better teamfight and you're not the best against tanks. Consider picking Lyandri's and Void Staff, but look at all the enemy composition before doing it. Mercury Treads are an option.”
Dotje says “Nautilus has an insane amount of cc, trying to make distance before his ult reached any of you is not bad. Polymorhp(W) the enemy adc so yours can recover and abuse the cooldowns whenever you can.”
Pyroxes says “As a squishy, hook champions will most likely aim at you. As with all hook champions, only poke if their hook is down or behind your minions.”
KeleiX13 says “Poke him down level 1 as much as you can since he doesn't really have enough damage nor the tankiness he needs to kill you without risk dying himself. Level 2 he can pretty much run you down if he has enough health unless you have a big enough wave to block him hook/deal return damage. Beware that his ult knocks up whoever it runs through, so don't run in between Nautilus and whoever he has targeted for his ult so you will be knocked up. Early game, he is still pretty squishy so you should go aggressive if he doesn't have his flash up or if you have a big wave. If he has a flash up, there is a possibility he could flash auto Q you, and you will lose a lot of health and possibly die. Keep good brush control especially if he takes Hexflash since Nautilus would probably play up in your face and this lane is about punishing him for his mistakes and trying to poke him safely.”
anionPositivo says “Nautilus fio? xiiiiiii isso aqui é bem complicado pro Rakan, principalmente no early, ele dando engage tanto em você quanto no adc pode matar os dois já que esse bixo da muito dano, perma ban.”
hexcat says “Playmaking supports are dangerous if you get hit by their abilites, if you can survive their abilites, you easily poke them out and force them to take very bad trades.”
Adam bot says “He's super annoying and you cannot really poke down his HP. Play safe and try to use your tornado when possible. His ultimate is your nightmare but you can try to outrun him so he can't catch up to his knock-up.”
Discord231 says “Mas cc que tu, no lo podrás matar, te canela cosas con básicos, etc. no te recomendaría usar filo de robahechizos contra el, a menos que tengas un buen adc al lado.”
Levkar says “A good Nautilus will always AA you as soon as you hop off. During laning you can poke from behind cs. Watch out for his ultimate, it can easily put your W on cooldown.”
LilRidge says “Try to block as many of Nautilus' (Q) Dredge Line's as you possibly can for your ADC. You can quickly escape with (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down if you happen to get caught out.
Your ADC won't be able to do a thing against Nautilus' CC. So if you fail to block a (Q) Dredge Line try to all-in the enemy ADC immediately.”
Ionia King says “Naut is a scary champion right now. You have more team oriented cc than he does. Just avoid him or wait for him to hook into someone before you jump into him.”
The Last Rakan says “Rakan invade a back line de Nautilus com muita facilidade, ele não consegue acompanhá-lo, tome os puxões no lugar de seus aliados e volte com o "E", caso ele gaste tudo em você, você ainda estará em vantagem, mesmo morto.”
Tauricus2017 says “Nautilus is probably the most dangerous hook based support you can possibly face. At first you can dodge his Q but later it becomes nearly impossible as he can destroy you with point & click stun and knockup. Zhonya can help a bit but since it prevents you from moving he still gets what he wants - stun you. The only real way to survive this matchup is to keep your distance. Honestly this champion is my personal go to BAN pick atm for his relatively high play rate. Stay safe!”
SpartanDumpster says “Nautilus similarly threatens you like Blitzcrank, he hits you with that hook then him and his adc slaughter you. He's also really bulky, so you're more reliant on your adc hurting him while you have him stunned. The bright side is that his hook simultaneously pulls him and you towards each other, so he could end up putting himself in a position he doesn't want to be in, and there's more room for your adc to step in to help you (and vice versa). Additionally, if he misses and hits terrain, he'll be pulled to it, giving you an opportunity to stun and slow him.”
Rainuu says “Nautilus is an okay matchup for Lillia as most of his cc can be easily avoided. With a bit of experience, his hook can be sidestepped quite smoothly and the first hit cc is virutally impossible to hit on Lillia. Look out of the ulti however, it can completely disrupt your momentum”
Kefochka says “Наутилуса можно наказать, если он неправильно ворвался, адк Наутилуса можно наказать, если Наут ворвался правильно. Несмотря на хорошее комбо, он ничем не сможет защитить своего адк от пассивки и E Тарика.”
Starchase says “Never detach from your ADC, EVER, even if he has kog'maw ADC, you will get hooked and die.
Lvl 6 if he R you or your ADC it's pretty much a death sentence, your ADC can't flash away from it, Mikael's Blessing will do nothing against him, because all of his cc abilities are knockups, with the exception of his passive.
I recommend and advise you to just ban this champion, it's literally unplayable.”
Takitsu says “Rough hook champ with a broken hitbox that riot wont fix. Save your flay for Nautilus Q. Flay him off when he engages or flaying him towards you when he tries to Q away. Poke when you can against him, this champ is tankier than Thresh, so beware of long fights. Will take several hooks before being able to kill Nautilus. Never all-in Nautilus unless he is under 40% hp. Otherwise he will likely survive.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Nautilus is big and slow. This makes him extremely easy to hit with your damaging abilities and crowd control, which puts him in easy positions for your team to follow up with the kill. Your W also makes it easy to escape from him in most situations unless his team is nearby to capitalize on it.”
unhben says “This match-up is super scary because he will just tank all of your hits PRE-Aftershock proc, then hook onto you or catch you and just bludgeon you to death. Play in your minions and only focus the ADC/try to slow naut with traps so he cant get to you or your carry easier.”
losolkos says “His huge hitbox make dodge his Q easier and harder in the same time you can hide behind the minions and he have big problem to hit you but also when you are on open space its you need lacky and good movment to dodge it also his ult can by anoying just run away when he use it on you but when he use on adc use W to minimaliz the dmg .”
Discord231 says “Mas cc que tu, no lo podrás matar, te canela cosas con básicos, etc. no te recomendaría usar filo de robahechizos contra el, a menos que tengas un buen adc al lado. ”
unhben says “Tanky and can cancel your Q or W or R. Dont fight at any point in lane, just ward hop away and tease him. Wait for ganks and make him rage hook and blow CD's.”
Bear Gummies says “If he can just get in range to ult you, you might be in a bit of trouble. Do not take aery- either take comet to whittle him down so that he can never come close during the laning phase or take guardian to avoid dying to the burst damage that he enables.”
billyw493 says “His R is a point and click long range stun and knock-up. If you are targeted but this the entire enemy team has the option to burst you whilst you are a sitting banana.”
Jannito02 says “Nautilus hook has a pretty weird hitbox, making it one of the easiest skillshots to hit in the game. He can hook your ADC easily if he doesn't play behind your minions, and being so close makes your Q do less damage. Also if he gets you, you'll probably get killed, as Nautilus and the enemy ADC will destroy you, and your W will be in cooldown because of Nauti's CC. ”
EionThePepega says “Nautilus is a scary champion to fight against, so going Resolve and getting Relic Shield for better sustain in lane. Not only that, but his ultimate is very easy to predict, for it has a delay, so it will be easy to cast black shield.”
Gryndall says “All hook supports is good/bad depends on HOOK. WOW incredibly :)
We have plants which will block them. Mayor problem is that you must be ready block ur adc path too. If adc can't avoid. ”
xDopii says “Another skill matchup. Nautilus roots himself in his hooks and attacks, so look for a hook when he does so. Always avoid being hooked as he has a lot more damage than you.”
Magdaleno9 says “BAN HIM, if not, also take guardian and you will be good. He has a lot of damage so try not to fight with him until you have moonstone. Then you win. ”
EionThePepega says “This is Ban Worthy. Any hard engage champion is an extreme threat to you, and Nautilus is the scariest. The only way is to play as passive as possible and respect his existence by moving back.”
The Lotus Queen says “Nautilus' chain CC engage is highly dangerous and deadly. Make sure to use minions as cover to not get hooked, and stay out of his point-and-click ultimate, which will most often than not ensure your death.”
vnillz says “Another hook champion. Play very passively against a Naut, and like Blitz; play behind the minion wave if possible. Stay out of the range of dredge line. ”
Meepy says “He is very strong in early 2 v 2 fights, If you get hit by his Q you die. You outscale him. If your carry gets hit by his combo its often a good idea to just Ult your ADC”
Jexeff says “If you are about to get hooked, there is a time period where you can flay to prevent him from getting in auto-attack range to use his passive. Just be mindful of your positioning. If you are the one engaging, I feel you will be better off for the most part.”
razzyhealer says “A hook champion and extremely tanky. Has a lock-on guaranteed CC as well. Autos are also guaranteed to CC. Wait for him to use hook before trying to proc passive against him. Try poking down with Q.”
Wounds2 says “If Nautilus ults you in a fight, you first instinct would be to run to your team and be safe, right? Well if you do that, there is a good chance his ult will knock up your teammates as well. On top of this, he has huge kill pressure on you in lane and you will suffer the consequences of getting CC'ed by him. Play behind your minions and harass with Q in lane if he gives you it for free.”
icebombhunter says “Skill matchup. He can cancel your grab and stop your dash, so make sure to use it after his aa. Take aftershock, and grab him, after that he will grab you and aa you, tell your adc to focus the enemy adc and to don't care of you, after his combo e towards the enemy adc and flash if necessary. Rush mercury. After 6 just aim for the adc and try to kill him with the ult for the bonus gold, remember that if you die but kill him or his adc with your ultimate you gain 3 times the gold, so always worth even if your adc dies too.”
itizhelia says “He's much stronger lane phase compared to Rakan and usually you let him be the main character in the lane phase until you reach the mid-late game phase where you can actually win him since your much better support compared to him.
He stuns only a single target for a maximum amount of duration, but you can stun his whole team.
TL;DR Survive the lane and don't get picked by him after the lane phase.”
Dotje says “As long you're not the one getting caught you have a fair shot at saving your ally from his burst with your ultimate. But if he targets you in fights, it's hard to save yourself as his Q and R cancels your ultimate. In lane you can try to out poke him, but it's decently risky. Getting an early advantage does make this lane easier.”
Navn says “Play very defensive. At almost all points, he wins the match-up. But, if he misses his Hook (on you and the wall) then look to punish him as much as you can. Playing around your Bone plating and Guardian tends to help a lot. If you have those up and bait him to hook you while past your minion wave, you can usually win the all-in.”
Xeptron says “Nautilus - THE BIG CC TANK MACHINE! He has his strenghts - engage with a hook, his auto attack is also a stun, ultimate abilty sends you to Mars and his E slows you down easily in your tracks. With ignite & aftershock up, Nautilus can one shot anyone, it feels.
While he can do that, he has a weakness - he cannot engage through minions so he has to walk up and if he hits a wall, he gets pulled to the wall and you can easily punish it, also is very vulnerable to poke. If there's a way for you to poke Nautilus (Example - Varus poke, Kaisa poke), it will make the engage a lot easier for you. If you are running guardian, it will for sure tank most of the Nautilus damage and won't hurt your AD as much.
Also, you have one sweet counter to his pull - you can flay it during his pull. Once Nautilus tries to run away and hook the wall to get away, flay him while he is pulling himself towards the wall, the flay will stop him and can be easily killed if damage applied.”
Frank6264 says “Nautilus actualmente es de los mejores soportes del juego y combinado con un ADC fuerte en juego temprano hará pasarles una fase de líneas muy complicada. A menos que no use bien a ese personaje, tiene CC con casi todas sus habilidades (incluída la pasiva) y post nivel 6 su definitiva es imposible de esquivar y es perfecta para intentar asegurar un asesinato. En fase de líneas, traten de hostigarlo sin desposicionarse (colóquense detras de súbditos aliados para que no pueda pegarles con el gancho) para poder sacarlo de línea y así no pueda sacar ventaja en juego temprano. Recomiendo runas defensivas en este enfrentamiento.”
Pixel Pocket says “Like most hard engages, he suffers into your spell shield. Especially considering he does a lot of AD damage and can't smash through your shield as easily as a full AP support”
Pixel Pocket says “Most engages lose against Sett, Leona is no exception. If he engages on you, you will probably win the trade and have ample ability to push him out of position with your Ult.”
sssky says “Can kill you in an all-in with a competent ADC. CC is Support Kindred's biggest weakness.
Incredibly oppressive if he gets an early lead on you.
Like other matchups, proper use of Q to dodge can win you the lane.”
Nightshade1925 says “It's annoying if he hit his hook. If you can dodge his hook, you can poke him really hard. After lvl 6 play safe because he has a garanteed cc with his ult. If his adc follows well, you're dead.”
CastratedSeal says “Consider dodging in champ select. Soraka will get ran over from levels 1-18. Start Relic Shield and take a Guardian rune page. Crucible isn't very useful against Nautilus, either. You can Crucible Depth Charge's stun, but not the knockup (The knockup lasts for a flat 1 second, the stun lasts for 1/1.5/2 seconds based on rank).”
Titans Revenge says “As a Thresh main, Nautilus is the one support I don't like to see. his hit box is huge, he is tanky, he has point and click knockup/stun, and an AOE slow that deals magic damage. Dodge his massive hook and it will be much easier. This lane does not usually go in Thresh's favor.”
Hceercs says “Like Leona, if he gets his full engage off he's usually going to win the all-in. You should be looking to harass him or his ad early on, and then be looking for all-ins after he has his hook on cooldown.
bdumo says “Nautilus is another good ban. His Q is strong, His W prevents you from winning early trades. His E slows and reveals you in Twitch Q. His R gives true sight.”
RedNBlue says “Just don't get dredge line hooked and you should be find he should be an easy wraith stalker until he gets level 6 then he will just ult you out of pure spite. then you will have to be careful;.”
CastratedSeal says “One of the hardest matchups. Take Guardian and start Relic Shield. Take Exhaust. Stay out of Dredge Line's range and play passively in lane. ”
YourCut says “Conqueror. Can be a pain pre-6. Post 6 becomes like any tank, free Conqueror stacks. Focus his ADC, stay close to points where the wall bends so you can potentially avoid his hook and stay far away from your ADC to not give him an amazing R.”
Borusky says “É aí que você mostra o verdadeiro bonecão. Ele não pode dar engage, porque você usa o W e tira seu adc do engage, e, se ele vier pra cima de ti, você desce a muqueta labial e úmida nele, deixando-o igual uma latinha de coca amassada.”
EmpressBee says “Nautilus is a major threat due to his snare on auto and Q. Nami is very squishy so she is in danger against CC. Nami must track the enemy jungler well in order to avoid ganks that start with Nautilus flash auto. Nami must position behind minions to avoid being hooked.”
NEED WATER says “Nautilus falls off later in the game compared to you, but can still mess you up with his chain CC. Avoid knocking up your allies if he ult's you and as always, dodge Q. ”
GamingTy12 says “it is really the same as Leona with his R you most likely will die if he lands it because it will just cancel your R and also early into the lane if you get hit by his Q you will be cc'd for a while and probably will die so either dodge it or ban.”
Tartmeringue says “While his cc is a pain, he can't do much to you on his own. This matchup will be adc dependent for the most part. Just make sure he's using his abilities on you, rather than your adc.”
fm Mac says “Hard cc counters Yuumi and the Naut can zone the adc really hard. You can actually stay out a decent amount as long as you space his auto and hide behind minions for his q. Once he gets ult you have to perma stay on your adc or it will knock your out. ”
kimjisoo8 says “Really easy. Just stay behind minions and POKE HIM LIKE HELL. Poke him so he can't even think about hooking you. Stay behind minions, and ward bushes.”
just_juniper says “As with Blitzcrank, you can hide behind minions and activated plants. However, his W negates a large portion of your poke, and minions don't provide safety against his R. If he ever catches you alongside an aggressive ADC, you are completely doomed. ”
LuckLeite says “if played correctly, he can counter engage with a lot of cc, and you're going to die
But if you poke first, and after 50% of his health engage, you'll probably win”
Wike says “I'd say Nautilus is more annoying than Blitz because he can hook you, is super tanky, has a shield to absorb damage, and can stun you. Everything he does is a counter to you in lane and even outside of lane. Just play safe and get as much damage done to their ADC as possible. BE CAREFUL**”
Guoblide says “Nautilus is an extremely easy matchup for Sett. All of Nautilus's abilities are made to be good in short range all-ins which is good for the Sett player because Sett excels in melee skirmishes, especially during the laning phase. You can sustain way better because of your Pit Grit passive and you can out-trade him in every fight due to your Haymaker shield. All of Nautilus's abilities are also pretty bad against Sett. Depth Charge can be scary if it hooks your ADC. Just like with the Blitzcrank matchup you should stand in between Nautilus and your ADC so Nautilus is forced to Depth Charge you. If Nautilus does Depth Charge you then he pulls you closer to his ADC so you can Knuckle Down for the movement speed and try to Facebreaker stun both Nautilus and his ADC. If the ADC is out of reach then Facebreaker Nautilus into his minion wave. When dueling you can either rush into the enemy ADC and attempt to burst them down or you can stand in front of your ADC and protect them. When engaging Sett should always focus on dealing most of his damage to the enemy ADC and not Nautilus unless the Nautilus is really low. This is because Nautilus with Aftershock and/or Gargoyle Stoneplate is way too tanky to kill. If he is super tanky then it is really important to land the center of your Haymaker on him for the true damage. During laning phase try to bait out Aftershock from the Nautilus by making him use one of his forms of CC. When he does then Knuckle Down or Flash engage onto his ADC for a kill. During teamfights try to wait for Nautilus to activate Gargoyle Stoneplate and then The Show Stopper him into his backline for massive damage. Nautilus is usually the main tank for his team so removing him from the frontline can make in way easier for your team to engage onto the enemy carries.”
engo44 says “Champions with hooks/engages are a pure nightmare for Soraka and her Allies. Try to stay behind minions and keep the distance ,when his hook is up.”
jackdw31 says “Tanky with great peel, strong options for disengage and engage. Neither of you will kill eachother very easily without help, so try to coordinate a kill on him before he's ahead.”
Jum3h says “ You’ll be in trouble if you are not able to avoid his hook. Use Q on his adc if Naut lands a hook. Naut is an easy kill early, just like Blitz. It's often good to get early boots.”
TotallySugoi says “He's my perma ban champion. Broken hit boxes, ridiculous cooldowns, unkillable, unfair damage, has it all. Definitely take the support build and play extra safe.”
White Cr0w says “CC monster that deals damage even when built tanky, plus has a shield. You may think he would counter you that way, but the fact is that he is kinda squishy early, and his clears arent that strong. try to set him behind in levels, so he can't farm or gank. Remember you can avoid his ultimate with your clone pop.”
katt5 says “Just another hook champion. Once he gets six he has a ton of engage with his ult and can easily ult you and then CC you after it knocks you up. ”
Jovy says “Very tank and has great peel, will be difficult to burst him down or get to hit ADC. Try to kill him before he gets ahead/while he's still squishy. An advantage you have is that he can't burst you down either.”
Thunder1224 says “You can counter with Guardian. Not as a big threat because his q distance, if he grabs you is not as far because he also gets close to you so you don't went deep in enemy, Ult and then you can run away”
NirvanaBunny says “Nautilus is very tough to deal with because he's a very tanky champion who also does a lot of damage. If you're hooked by him you're going to have a bad time! ”
deputydirtbag says “I usually permaban naut in all my games. He can point and click stun you or your adc at lvl 6 and his q hitbox is bigger than it looks. Either look for an engage lvl 1 if he doesn't start q or wait for him to engage.”
Jovy says “Nautilus is very tough to deal with because he's a very tanky champion who also does a lot of damage. If you get hooked by him it can be very difficult to survive, because his combo is very deadly, especially when he's being asissted by his ADC! Your Q and your ult can interrupt his Q and you should do your best to disengage unfavourable fights with him, try to poke him and hope for ganks, because this lane is going to be very tough for you.”
Kilo Khaos says “Nautilus isn't obnoxious because of his hook (which you can easily counter with your lantern), it's his relentless CC that is painful. Make sure to burn through his carry quickly, or the CC you'll have to endure while trading will get you both killed.”
moon827 says “Nautilus is a very uncommon pick in general, but if you see him, he is extremely tanky, and is hard to burst down, which could be a reason for you to take ignite, but it won't do a ton. He also has a lot of cc, which could be rather annoying to deal with.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nautilus is kind of a skill match-up. He also has a hook, but that's not his main threat. If he lands his hook on your AD carry, just immediately throw out your lantern to pull him to safety.
The biggest threat Nautilus offers is then chain of crowd control he can provide. So when you go for an all-in make sure you kill Nautilus or his AD carry instantly, because all the crowd control he can use if you don't can easily turn the fight in his favor.”
Afro D Legend says “Can point and click cc you, starting out with the ult. You might be able to run a distance before it impacts though so you make distance from people who can hurt you.”
Bouhhsolene says “MAN FUCK THIS CHAMPION
No but honestly ban Nautilus
A not fair hitbox, lot of CC, long range with his Q, tankiness, slow, shield, plus some damage. You just hate Nautilus.”
Tauricus2017 says “If you don't let yourself hit by his Q you shouldn't have a hard time - It's more tricky then against other hooks tho. If he R's you shuriken flip or R away, you can also use your W to disable his ADC to attack you when you get knocked up.”
SalsaVoxCS says “Depends on your adc. If he doesn't get caught to his Q and if you can manage to hook adc means free lane but otherwise things are getting harder”
Vahlok says “Dodge his hook everytime you can. If he is trying to escape by hooking a wall, you can stop him with your Q or E. Try to punish him everytime he gets close to farm. If he ults your adc, lantern him to disengage.”
KeleiX13 says “Always ward the center bush and keep track of where he is. Stay behind your minion wave and poke him when his hook is down or when the wave is blocking his hook. ”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. This champion is incredibly tanky but falls pretty hard against Pantheon. He possesses an pull that is slightly less optimal than Blitz's, because it doesn't pull you right to his ADC unless he positions himself poorly. Be careful of his ultimate's CC potential as well as his powerful damage while his shield is active.”
ShroudedBRH says “Nautilas can R + Q + AA (Passive ) to lock you down and becomes very tanky into the late game. You can poke pre level 6 to deter him from trying to all in”
niftyyy_lol says “Has a pretty big powerspike at level 6, so watch out for that. Play behind minions, because a hook might mean dying. You could go spellthiefs because hes melee.”
NixLychee says “His hook is a mistake of Riot to keep in their game. It covers the whole lane and travels faster than yours, so you should ban Nautilus, if you can't outplay him.”
Wicked Cherry says “Pretty much the same as Blitz - try to dodge the hook. I'd always try to harass him heavily to reduce the chances of you or your allies being stunned by him.”
Wicked Cherry says “Skillshot champion. I'll make it quick: Don't get hooked. You cannot kill him because he's tanky but you'll always be able to get a nice Q and maybe even an E out. Use that but play safe behind minions and keep in mind her can hook walls to drag himself onto you.”
QueerJunk says “You have a 51% winrate, so he is better to face then leona, a skill based matchup where you win if you dodge his Q. It will be difficult to poke him out of lane but be patient keep a healthy distance and wait for him to get raged at by his team for not getting any hooks!”
Thomas Stella says “Anything involving a hook is extremely dangerous for Orianna. This one has the peculiarity of climbing damn well, which makes it one of the most dangerous supports to deal with. In early it is simpler, E + W + R would be enough to deal with him and his anchor”
TheMistCollector says “Same thing as Leona, except that at level 6 he has a point-and-click knock up that will lead to a guaranteed kill. Try to hide in your E and dodge the hook and you'll be fine (you can also permaban him. i still recommend Leona though)”
haha noob says “If you get hooked you have to either burn summoners or die. With his hook and auto that's at least 1.75 seconds of CC. Sona doesn't have any CC besides R, so if you get hooked pre 6 you probably are dead.”
TheSpecialist says “Much like Leona, Nautilus has a combination of Roots, Knock Ups & Slows but Nautilus' Damage is far higher than Leona's is with his high AP scaling & W”
SkellyBirb says “Nautilus can be a huge threat due to his insane amount of crowd control and high base damage. He also has an ultimate that can really ruin your day, so play careful.”
ShanksMeister says “Play on your minions so he can't hook then chain CC you. If he casts R on you, speed boost out and run like hell. Get as close to your turret/far away as possible; FLASH if you need to!”
Vexno says “Unusual pick but he is very tanky, and hence is very hard to burst down which could be a good reason to take the ignite option but it won't do a ton of damage.”
Krynomi says “Probably one of your biggest threats and a good autopilot ban. Nautilus isn't a huge threat if you can keep the distance between you two, but that's pretty difficult. Try to bait his E out and stay at your max range when unattached.”
Illumination says “One of the only matchups who can CC you and your ADC through the minion wave on top of being absurdly tanky and having arguably the most devastating CC combo rivaled only by Leona. Ban or dodge on sight. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “You should destroy nautilus in lane after his 10.16 nerfs. His w is about half your w's damage as a shield. Sit behind minions and enjoy the free gold procs and kills. If a nautilus can't see you in a bush and you're caught out, it's probably better to just keep running if he has q'd for you to step back before and step back if he's q'd for you to keep running before. Hook players expect you to not change your movement patterns.”
Hoshikoo746 says “I don't want to face that !!!
Nautilus isn't THAT annoying but if he snowball, ouch, you are gonna have a hard time.
And someone said that "Nautilus is op on every lane", it is kinda true...”
snukumz says “Very scary engage and CC.
Watch out for him at all levels.
He's very beefy.
If he does engage try to use your stun to zone off their ADC, and have your ADC punish him for engaging. ”
Dreadscythe95 says “If you are not Morgana, Brand, Leonna or Pyke, Nautilus is always a big threat. His all-in is very dangerous, with 1 billion CC, especially before lvl 6 that Swain has no Ult and he can't sustain the dmg. A clense could help in this situation but Heal is useful as well. ”
thesophieset says “Severely unfun lane. He brings more CC than you can ever cleanse off your allies with a Mikael's Crucible, and his Q hook has the hitbox of a freight train. Naut is kind of a must ban for me personally, but if you do have to lane against one, proceed with EXTREME caution. Respect his level 6 R powerspike and get out of the way of the ally he ulted because everyone in the way of his R gets knocked up as well. If you can counterpick, don't choose Soraka into him – it would just make your life miserable.”
NalgaSensei says “Quite tanky and hard to finish off. He can pull you and wack you with his hammer. This roots you and allows the enemy ADC to finish you off very quickly. ”
Oiaki says “NAUTILUS Q + AA IS A MASSIVE PROBLEM RIOT FIXXXXXXXX, jokes aside. Nautilus could really bully u and using his ult in a team fight is going to be a bad situation FOR YOU.”
Karashimi says “naut is also a bad match up but just stand behind but not too far from your adc just q and back off early game and DONT get hook once again .”
Aspect of Cancer says “I rather remake than to lane against this bloody behemoth. If you do somehow lane against him. Stay behind minions, they are your only safe haven.”
rquoe says “Senna's worst match-up. Nautilus has everything Senna doesn't like to deal with: endless CC, ridiculous tankyness, long range, gap-closing abilities and a shield. Pick Grasp against him and play as safe as you can, as your only chance here is to scale.”
Akja says “This match-up is close to extreme, if you get hit by his Q you're almost 100% dead. However he's not really fast so you can poke him decently, always stay behind your minions though.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Mucho más daño que tú, mucho más cc y mucho más tanque. Ponte delante de tu adc y reza porque no tengan el suficiente daño para hacerte un 100 a o a ti”
Keny McCormick says “Not as severe as blitz, but tanky like Leona, Naut is one that you want to have something like Cut Down on. Try and live through his engage and you can outrade over the extended trades.”
Abusable Yuumi says “If you get hooked, you die. If you get auto'd, you die. If you get ulted, your ADC (or you, if you don't hop on him) probably dies.
INCREDIBLY scary champion, keep in mind that if he's on your ADC and you jump out any direction than directly away you'll be in his auto attack range.
Do NOT let him auto you or you lose the fight 100%.”
Apho says “Nautilus is the team version for Blitzcrank except he has a slower hook. Stay in a poking range until you can kill them or until lane phase is over.”
P1nkward says “If your ADC is a "catcher" (as I like to call those who just can't dodge anything), Nautilus is a big problem for your lane, unless they pick mobility champion, such as Kai'sa, Ezreal, Lucian.”
Dougaroo says “Nautilus' sort of hook can be killer when it comes to keeping you out of lane. If he makes his throw he will stun you for a split second, allowing him to get some damage off before you can fear him as well as the enemy adc can all in on you. His threat isn't crazy but if you keep your eyes open and predict his throws: he can be easily beaten.”
Singed1vs9 says “He is really strong pre 6.
Go tanky runes if you don't feel confident.
At lvl 6 it gets better since u can 3/4 the adc HP bar with ur full combo+Ignite and get him out of the fight.”
spazzed says “He is pretty dangerous as he has a lot of cc, and its going to be hard to sustain his damage especially before your lvl 6 ult. He is pretty tanky, do your best not to get caught of guard.”
HoneyQT says “Naut is a pain post-6. If he ults and your ADC is out of position, you're likely going to have to use everything to save them. If he ults you, you probably are going to die. ”
Rurikato says “Nautilus is not much of a threat for you because you can just poke him with your Hymn of Valor (Q) when he used his Titan's Wrath (W), but you should avoid his combo Dredge Line (Q) and Staggering Blow (P) because it can deal much damage to you.”
Loki029 says “He will cry when he Plays against you, Spirit visage (Hint: Use ult a bit later, his shield could block if he is fast enough, try to silence before ult)”
AlexZzZz says “Now many people say that Naut,Leona and Thresh counter Bard but I completely disagree.As long as your run Guardian/Omnistone you are gonna be pretty tanky and it's gonna be hard for them to kill you.Especially after lvl 6, you can just R their adc while they engage and kill them pretty easily.”
PayyBack says “Since Nautilus is a kill lane support you should counter this by playing defensive and farming. If you out-farm a kill lane without feeding them you will have the advantage mid/late game.”
Flint124 says “If he misses his Q, he's a free kill.
If he LANDS his Q, you can probably turn it.
Your only real difficulty is post 6, since his ult will make defending your carry impossible.”
NamiSona says “This big asshole is like blitz and pyke in one. He has a very long grab range like blitz and powerful knock up, more powerful then Blitz. Very more tanky and more scary.”
DarkGabumon says “Like Leona he is also incredibly strong at engages. However you can try to hide behind your minions to avoid hooks, and he can't ult to start engages like Leona. The best thing to do is try to hide behind minions and be mindful of a flash R. Depending on the situation you can max W, or E. You could also just take points into one early and max the other.”
Daedralus says “Never underestimate the big guy and his big anchor but to your luck, his cooldowns are also big! Don't fight him if he has his shield active and try to bait it out. In a fist fight, use your E and fight as long as you can with it on. If you see him throw his anchor. Make sure you Q as you will travel with him. Big boi ain't gonna be escaping you! Your healing gets you the advantage here and you should aim for early kills before he gets too tanky. You will need more items to shred him later on. ”
BstWood says “Nautilus can be very aggressive. I have won more games against Nautilus due to my passive melting his health bar. If Nautilus misses a grip, you can punish with a full combo.”
Curmudgeon says “One of the easiest match ups for Sett along with Thresh. he has to go into YOU, making you more viable to do what you do best, crush skulls. ”
SuperTezcat1 says “Any hook support that grabs you will be a problem.
Anyways you can counter nautilus a bit by predict where is he going to grab you and use a Q at the place”
Kefochka says “Попытки Наутилуса подбить вас или вашего союзника закончатся провалом. Ваш харас и поук линии не дадут ему ни фармиться, ни инициировать.”
FofyFur says “this champion is very dangerous to yuumi because the yuumi passive need to make a basic and any type of cc can reset his W. but naut can do it 3 times and make him a big damage”
Jointed says “Nautilus puts people to sleep. He is a great engage tank that's sitting at the top of the meta game for good reason. If you get hooked its pretty much lights out. Don't give him an early lead.”
Nicl1242 says “Nautilus is like an unstoppable tank, he will be very hard for you to kill, and since he can stop your normal way to get away, with MS and portals, because of his Passiv, Q and R, He can pick you or your adc off, without you doing a lot.”
Pognog says “Makes laning phase dangerous as if you are just slightly in the wrong position he can lock you down and you will likely pay the price. If you are able to keep at a distance and protect your ADC from behind you can usually go even.”
Larmack says “His hook is really hard to dodge, but you can avoid it by standing behind minions. Be wary that he may try to flash auto you to put your w on cd.”
Gravixx says “Another champion who doesn't get seen very often nowadays. He has a TON of cc, which is very annoying and deadly to get caught in. You have to play it slow and keep trading before he's low enough to go all in on.”
Gravixx says “He's a little different than Blitz or Thresh. He has very heavy cc and can ult you or your adc from long range. Getting cc locked will be no fun, but [[polymorph]] and [[wild growth]] will be your best friend.”
JSKF says “If he hits you, you are dead. There are no do-overs, you just die right there with no hope for survival. I would recommend not playing Yuumi into a Nautilus, but if there is no choice stay behind minions AT ALL TIMES, if he walks up to the minions while you are un-attached, reattach quick. At lvl 6 he is highly oppressive, watch out!”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are very scary for squishy enchanters, dodge their hooks and poke them while they're on cooldown. One combo and you're dead. Play passive, wait for a gank, watch for flash engages.”
Hanjaro says “Like most squishy mages, Zyra is no exception to the danger of hook champions. Try to dodge his abilities and poke him down when they're on cooldown - Nautilus has high CC, with the root on his passive, and he is tanky with his shield. Be careful of him.”
Hanjaro says “Any hook champions are your biggest threat, just like any other squishy mage or enchanter. Dodge their hooks, poke when on cooldown. You can harass them easier with a long range dark wind, but you can push the wave into a dangerous spot!”
Hanjaro says “Nautilus is scary, his all-in is very dangerous - but you can easily poke him down. Dodge his abilities and you should win the lane. Focus on killing the ADC instead.”
GoBucket says “Tanky with good CC, don't engage onto him. He does not want to hook you either so block it for your ADC. Your W deletes his shield, though so turn on him if he wastes his hook onto you. You will win that trade. Unless he's low enough, do not fully commit and E out to take the winning trade, he is likely too tanky to burst down from full HP. Otherwise, look to engage onto his ADC and you'll win.”
M1sh0 says “Hooks and Raka don't mix. If you get hooked you will 80% of the time have to flash away after you get pulled. If not you usually just die from bursting.”
Beeee says “Honestly, Naut is probably one of the most annoying supports to lane against right now. Your q won't stop his q, either, so it makes it more difficult to avoid engages. Along with his large amount of cc and tankiness, he's a champion I avoid as much as possible when playing Lux.”
marisbroodti says “Our most even lane at the time of writing the guide. A back and forth dancing match up that will ultimately depend on who makes the first mistake. He has no escapes other than wall pull. Just like you, you have to respect Nautilus' range, underestimating him will most likely result in death.”
ONICH4N says “A better blitz. Tankier, has a hook, extremely dangerous full combo with adc. You can Q/R his q to stop it. Pray your jgler ganks bc this isn't a good match up even with the heavy poke advantage.”
Sava333 says “Nautilus has a lot of heavy CC, including his inescapable ult. Never hook him close to your ADC. Try to bait him close to your tower, hook him in the tower and E backwards to stun him.”
clapiza says “Can stop you in lane easily. His ults can CC you and your adc, and he tanks more than you. Try to outpush him with a long range adc and roam.”
Vexno says “Unusual pick but he is very tanky, and hence is very hard to burst down which could be a good reason to take the ignite option but it won't do a ton of damage.”
unhben says “Champions such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Pyke are all very dangerous to Bard once they have access to all their engage tools at level 2 or 3”
Mr. Nyahr says “He builds health, does low damage, and you can pop his shield very easily. Not much of a threat, especially if you can dodge his anchor.”
supersuavebro says “Anchor boi is tanky and can latch on, but if he's too focused on you to grab your adc then the lane is still won. Poke out his adc and make him spend all his time keeping you away. Just try not to get caught out yourself”
Silverskatan says “It is possible to trade or all in if you hit your w in earlygame on their adc. Still lost the game since our kayle (in ranked) decided to give ornn an jax 7 kills each before 20 mins.”
NirvanaBunny says “He is a stupid tank with amazing peel. He's very difficult to burst down or to hit his ADC. Do your best to kill him before he gets ahead and while he is still squishy.”
aimez says “Nautilus is a very uncommon pick in general, but if you see him, he is extremely tanky, and is hard to burst down, which could be a reason for you to take ignite, but it won't do a ton. He also has a lot of cc, which could be rather annoying to deal with.”
Ahpulzz says “Basically a tankier Thresh with more damage but less utility. While he technically beats you in an even fight, he's entirely reliant on his Q for engaging and is a walking skillshot sponge, otherwise. Poke safely behind minions , don't fight him while his shield is active, and make sure not to let him hook your AD.”
RagingJug says “See a pattern with Senna's threats?
Senna does poorly against tanks with hooks as her only real escape is flash.
Though you should be good as long as you poke while avoiding hooks.
Senna currently has about a 43.85% win rate into Nautilus.”
Mantra Decorum says “Against Nautilus you need to play safe, his engange is too strong. Just poke him when his q is on CD. You positioning is very important in this matchup.”
SilentTitan says “A ton of crowd control mixed with a tanky body, and you've got a real annoyance to deal with. Let him engage first and then counter-engage. Keep your adc alive with your shield and healing and you'll survive.”
Ahpulzz says “Nautilus will be playing fairly similar to you, making this a more or less of a skill match up. Both of you will look to whack one another, but where you excel in extended fights, Nautilus excels in burst. Getting hooked by his anchor shouldn't be much of a concern to you at least, but your ADC should be extra cautious - the hitbox is very large, and if he catches them, they're bound to take serious damage. However, his cooldowns are fairly high so if he blows something and fails, capitalize on it and go aggressive. Another cool interaction is that your can use your pillar to deny his Dredge Line's if your timing is impeccable since DL can't pass through terrain. And of course, Naut being Naut, he will definitely be tankier than most other champs, and will be a prime target for your ultimate.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Nautilus is big and has a LOT of stoppage skills, but as he is a tank you can face him head-on. You won't have a problem in frontal combat. ”
StrawberryMewlk says “Due to the engage tool Nautilus has and the fact that Ahri is pretty immobile pre level 6, Nautilus along with the other engage/hook champs are extremely dangerous opponents.”
Vermeio says “His hook have the potential to be more annoying than blitz. You can stop with your W (presence) though. Play safe, he can make some nasty surprises. ”
Axeloy says “Nautilus needs to land his hooks to really do anything to Nami, but that isn't as hard with his massive anchor. Otherwise, Nami bullies him completely in lane.”
Sona Aria says “Nautilus is extremely tanky, has high base damage on abilities, and 4 forms of cc to lock you down. Play behind minions, and beware his flash auto range. I recommend taking free stopwatch for his ultimate, and not to overextend past level 6.”
Haezard01 says “With his perma-CC and his shield he can out-busrt you. Wait for mid-late game in where his potential falls off and you outscale him in damage.”
ChampionEricOriginal says “There's NOTHING you can do against him, I recommend just straight up banning him. Also this counts to every other tank in the bot lane”
Saethwyr says “The Nice thing about melee engage supports is that while taric has an okay engage, he excels at counter-engaging into them. that being said, a smart Nautilus will save ult to deal with you engaging on his carry, so keep an eye out and Ult the second you see his ult go out.”
FRIZFOREVER says “insant engage. a lot of additional wave clear. good allin. a lot of dmg. True nightmare of any ut or ap sup. Permoment ban even after nerfs”
Tophatant says “He immobilizes you with his passive, he has a hook where you both meet, slows enemies with his e and has a ignite on his W with his knock-up R Defense time huh”
DBtheKnight says “Similar to robot, but with a more challenging super. He grabs your ADC, you E to your ADC W to theirs, hit Q on their ADC and E back to your ADC to give them a heal and another shield.”
RainbowNova says “Nautilus his entire kit is based around CC. His passive? CC. His Q? CC. His W? More damage on his CC and a shield to be able to CC more. His E, CC. His R? A POINT AND CLICK CC ABILITY, WHICH CC's ANYONE IN THE WAY OF HIS TARGET. Basically, if you're against this, good luck and try not to ragequit.”
SawyerNelson says “Nautilus has high damage. Respect his hook and his ULT. Being to far forward is the only way you lose this matchup. Try and abuse Nautilus early, playing inside the minion wave so he can't hook you”
Hanjaro says “Nautilus can be a pretty decent threat for Pykes carry. This champ provides very high CC with a deceptively long hook range on his q. I don't recommend eating hooks from Nautilus if you can avoid it, however his carry is punishable in a similar fashion that Pykes is. Nautilus needs a direct line to be able to hook/peel so if he is away from his carry you can look to punish.”
Nunus Blueballs says “Again you have solid disengage. If your adc gets caught there isn't much you can do. If you get caught just q to proc aftershock and walk away.”
Rozyrade says “If you or the adc gets hit by even one of Nautilus' abilities, you're most likely dead. Try to catch his abilities to prevent your adc of dying.”
SVA Shadow says “Yuumi will struggle against Nautilus because of the hard engage from him and if your lane ally dies you are left without alot of chance but use W to heal and gain Movement Speed to escape”
Fruxo says “Avoid his pulls. Otherwise, he's not a threat. If he tanks, don't target him in team fights instead go for the other opponents like the squishies since they are the ones doing all the damage.”
NirvanaBunny says “Nautilus is very tough to deal with because he's a very tanky champion who also does a lot of damage. If you're hooked by him you're going to have a bad time! Your Q and your ultimate can interrupt his hook to keep that in mind when trying to disengage.”
SawyerNelson says “Block his hook with W. When he ULTS you you can negate it with W as well, any initiation he gets on your ADC look to counter by spending your abilities on the enemy ADC, if you spend them on nautilus you can lose.”
NirvanaBunny says “Nautilus is very tough to deal with because he's a very tanky champion who also does a lot of damage. If you're hooked by him you're going to have a bad time! ”
Meresjev says “You just have to predict when is he going to throw an anchor or ult and shield your allies. You can also focus adc when he fails all his CC, because he will be on Cooldown. ”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh wins the lane against Nautilus Support early, but post 6 Nautilus has the advantage to start a fight with his UTL at any time, basically putting you on lanturn duty, and if you move forward and are the target he ults you probably die.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Nautilus has a damaging sheild, a root, a hook, and a stunning ult. Be very careful. You'll be fine past level 9 but he has potential to dominate early game, and may even try diving before level 6 so be careful early and have a lot of health.”
semisomniac says “Another big hook champ. He can't hook you through walls and he pulls himself and his target to a midpoint between them, so if your ADC gets hooked, you can basically guarantee a root by placing your E beneath where they land.”
The Lost Drawing says “Mucho CC y daño los primeros niveles. Le haces un poco de 'counter' a su iniciación, y 'full-counter' a su escape con su 'Q'.
Pega AP y su 'R' le facilita los 'ganks' y el focus a tus carrys, asi que para eso tienes tu 'R' (quita a los carrys enemigos por medio de una 'Flanqueada')”
TheComicalBiker says “Nautilus is only a minor threat because his hook (Q) can easily be countered with Thresh's lantern (W). He does not have much damage but his CC is very strong. Kill his carry quickly and he will not be a problem.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Another hook champion means another high priority threat to watch out for. He has very high base damages and CC on every ability. And with a point-click hard engage, if he picks you to ult, you are almost guaranteed dead.
He does less damage with his shield down. His mana pool is much lower than yours. And he's easy to punish if his Q is on cooldown.”
drunken hunter says “Nautilus is usually played as support because of his cc but he can also be a top laner if you want so. He can root a target by auto attacking it o be careful and try to keep the poke and engages quick. He deals a good amount of damage with his abilities (and AAs) even though he is a tank. By buying phage first you can make the quick poke/engage safer and you can run away from his (E). So get level 2 as soon as possible and try the classic engage but first without exhaust because you probably cant kill him with one all-in. Keep your exhaust so that you have it when you are losing a fight, when the jungler ganks or when you when you are sure that the engage shall kill him. Also watch out for his shield (E).”
Jeroen R8 says “Nautilus hardly has any peel options, therefore you should engage on his ADC and burst them quickly before he can do anything. His slows and snares will get you killed if you let him engage on you. Lanterning your ADC is no problem at all after which you can retaliate.”
I love Lun Lun says “Nautilus is not that great but he is certainly dangerous,however we can out heal him and also since his hitbox is huge we can hide behind a minion or our ADC for us not to get hit from his Q.In teamfights he is not that useful but don't let him ult you,you are dead otherwise.That's all about him...he will most usually stand in the bush so we already know what to do...WARD.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, just remember that spell shielding his hook still lets him move half the distance (still probably a good idea) also you can spell shield his passive auto root and his ult. all his good stuff is basically non-existant against u :)”
Wasbeer says “The CC chain that Nautilus puts out on you or the ADC makes it hard to win early trades. Play back and farm till you'r jungler comes to help. Late game Nautilus isn't a threat at all.”
Synk1904 says “Tank, hard to kill, but he won't give you much trouble either, he can pull you and at the same time dash into you but it isn't nearly as bad as blitz or Thresh.”
SawyerNelson says “Nautilus unlike other tank can simply walk up to you and press R for an engage which is pretty lame. If you don't have flash up you have to avoid him completely. In lane stand in the minion wave or out of range of his hook or die. If he fails and engage he is burstable.”
FunnyBunnyH says “The only reason he can be problematic is because he is generally paired with strong early game ADCs. You do have strong counter-engage into him, and outscale him hard.”
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