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Aurelion Sol Counter Stats

Aurelion Sol Counters
Discover all champions who counter Aurelion Sol. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Aurelion Sol in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
847 Tips for countering Aurelion Sol below

Mid Lane
50.08% Win Rate89% Pick Rate Aurelion Sol Mid Lane Counters: 35 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Aurelion Sol in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

zSmoke says “Aurelion Sol suffers a lot in early lane because he doesn't have MR and trades will be quite easy (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)”
S14.23 GUIDE DIANA MID by zSmoke | Diana Player
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Very easy to bully early after his Q nerfs. Save your W for when he flies. When he EQs the wave, just walk up at start sending spells at him. May become an issue later in the game if he gets kills. FoN is a must and Swifties helps with the Rylai's slow.”
RYZE by v0ltage38 | Ryze Player
PetriciteLoL says “Constantly engage with E and you win If you keep hitting it.”
Cepatrol says “you outscale him, you can only really die or get fucked by him if you want to fuck him, play safe = outscale risk free, play aggressive and risk lane, he does a lot of dmg lvl 1-5”
Vladimir Mid/Top Guide (Updated 14.21) by Cepatrol | Vladimir Player
TunaBuna says “stacking champion like you but can catch you easily later in the game. try to get ahead of him early”
[14.20] Season 2024: Veigar Guide by TunaBuna | Veigar Player
Tamikaze says “Asol is a minor threat for Azir. You can dash out of his E, you can stop his Q with your ultimate and you can even outrange his Q with your max range W. If you play it smart you should not die to Asol. Be careful of his W having the ability to run you down in lane. Once you have Nashors, he doesn't stand a chance in a 1v1 against you. Don't be afraid to flash out of his ult in a tight situation. His late game is the problem. I'd recommend coordinating with your Jungler to keep him down for a majority of the game, preventing his lane game powerspike. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “Tiene buen push con su E. Buen roaming con su W. Pero no representa una amenaza para ti durante la fase de líneas. Cuando está canalizando su Q puedes acertarle una doble Q fácilmente. Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularlo.”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
j4ss says “Cringe champion, you can barely hit you AAs you Qs but he can't do anything to avoid your poke, so the full poke graves with dark seal, d. ring and early scout's slingshot is a good option here. You can even go CDR boots in lane to maximize your poke threat. Call for ganks and don't let him scale. ”
Yuhkis Ribs says “cancel his beam with your q look for short trades and run him down when he's low enough ”
(14.16) kassadin ape guide by Yuhkis Ribs | Kassadin Player
Tatsurion says “This is a difficult one, because both of you scale INCREDIBLY well. You will scale better. He scales safer. He WILL fuck you up and its just a matter of time, you CAN fuck them up first, and thankfully the lane isnt too difficult to deal with, so youll have a good start. Late game though.. Both burst and conq are valid”
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