Bottom Lane 49.63% Win Rate96% Pick RateZeri Bottom Lane Counters: 19 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zeri in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Zeri with a yuumi goes even at best. Until late game if the zeri is really good she can outscale you and carry. But in reality most zeri players are boosted so its a free lane.”
FroszTyzada says “Apenas tome cuidado trocando com uma zeri ultada ou buffada pelo seu E, tente desviar de seus Q que você não terá problemas contra uma Zeri.”
BrunkageManden says “Very skill dependent. She has lots of MS. She is scaling so kill her early.
W-wall block everything except the spark and her AA (none-Q auto)”
Umatcha says “Zeri es un campeón que varía bastante segun la habilidad del jugador, una buena Zeri buscará pokearte con su Q y W, o si tiene un support de engage puede kitearte sin mucho problema. En cambio, una mala Zeri no sabrá respetar tu rango y armas, por lo que puedes ganar fácilmente”
Devilbuny says “Nie miałem okazji grać Kalistą w Zeri ale mając obie postacie ograne mogę powiedzieć że Zeri ma gorsze early. Zagrożeniem może być jej R-ka bo dzięki niej może łatwo ci uciec”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / Safe in lane / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak in early / Support dependant / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Short range (without R)
| WHAT TO DO ? - Zeri is a strong champion in early game since she can Q multiple times without having to be in trouble. Just Q her if she trades you, otherwise, don't risk it. Level 6 is in her favor, she can destroy you and abuse you. Late game in the other hand is in your advantage since she has no burst and no range.”
Avxm says “Kogmaw generally tends to statcheck and outrange zeri. Harass with your W, the only way to lose this matchup is to find yourself poked out and then bursted by her R and auto e auto + w combos, however any full hp all ins you should win. Try and avoid chasing her unless you can gurantee forcing your autos with w as when zeri is kiting backwards she essentially has higher range then you due to how her q functions. You wanna force all ins where your dps is constantly outputted and not negated by her kiting away.”
Kociokwik says “Weak eraly but she scales very well, before 6 you win all fights but be carefull bcs her ult is huge spike for her. Try to zoan her from wall so she can't escape with "e" if you dodge her "w" and with yours , then you have free engage on her.”
Foxirion says “Zeri's kit generally does not pose a significant threat to Kog'Maw compared to other champions. While Zeri may have some crowd control abilities and utility, her damage output and direct threat to Kog'Maw are relatively lower. Kog'Maw should be able to handle Zeri with proper positioning and focus on higher-priority threats during team fights.”
afr0rk says “Very hard to deal with once she has her Ult. Play around her E cooldown, Zeri without E is weaker than Ezreal without his E. Without E, Zeri cannot deal any damage to you while you're standing in the wave, while ezreal can still auto and W. Always try to bait her Ult out before committing to a fight, Zeri is half the champion without her Ult”
TH Lunacy says “Ban her outside of low-elo every game. She has a stronger Mid-game and better skirmishing power starting at level 6 and/or at first item. She simply outvalues you throughout the early and mid game. Look to outscale her!”
Bobalegre says “Her early game is horrible, you can duel her pretty easily and even poke with aa since her aa don't go through minions. She scales really well however, later in the game you can kinda duel her if she misses her autos, if she ults in the late game get away from her.”
Vapora Dark says “This matchup scales heavily with the Zeri's skill level, less so with the Aphelios's skill level. High level Zeri players will play from a range impossible for Aphelios to match, forcing him to play passive to not walk into her W and Q poke. Meanwhile she always has a way to dive onto him when favourable to her, while he lacks the ability to do the same to her, giving her all the agency in the matchup. Low level Zeri players however will find themselves too close to Aphelios far too frequently and take bad trades that were entirely avoidable. This matchup goes from easy to hard depending on the Zeri player's skill.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “keep her away from walls when all-inning, save your E for when she starts walking close enough to the wall to E. Her laning is easy enough to play into, when it starts to get late game be warry of her R burst damage. It will take you by surprise if she gets ahead enough.”
NegativePhoenix says “I love playing Zeri, but against Smolder she can't really compare to him during the late game
During lane phase, she might be able to kill you if she can get on top of you and ult you, so be careful of her level 6
If you notice her walking toward walls be ready for her W. It's CD is about as long as Smolders W, so use that for reference”
iiExploit says “Not many players can pilot this champion well and you outrange her by a ton. She has a lot of burst in her kit with her R and W so do not underestimate her and watch for her E across walls.”
LustAndSpite says “Zeri can straight up bully you out of the game.
Her Auto Attacks don't do any damage, so your ult is useless against her. Her Q range is very high, her mobility far exceeds yours and her poke is also fairly strong.
The only advantage you have over her is that you can shield her Ultrashock Laser, but that's about it. Try to CC her and let the rest of your team take care of her.”
the hood says “You win most trades or All-ins at most stages in the game. Matchup gets slightly harder after lvl 6 but you should still easyly beat her if you didnt fall behind. Use your e to cancel her dash. Be careful: She is the strongest late game ADC atm.”
support_diff says “I haven't played against Zeri more than once as Ezreal so I can't really give you much advice on how to win the lane. Don't go to his Q's range so she can't poke you, try to poke her out of lane and be aware for enemy jungler ganks as she has pretty good gank setups”
DreamOfValhalla says “Not a big threat try not to get hit by her R. She does not pose a threat in laning because she is stronger in later stages of the game, but you outscale her.”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Zeri is a problem worthy of a headache, it's not even because she is Zeri but because of the support that usually comes with her, you can punish her laning phase a lot, but avoid switching when she turns on her Ultimate, because there will always be a Lulu or Yuumi peeling enough so she doesn't die.”
Reptile9LoL says “Zeri is another farming matchup, and you can easily abuse Q's on her whenever she goes for lasthits as she cant hit you if youre inside the wave, If zeri uses R you can disengage with your condemn. When zeri tries to go for dashes to escape you can also just pin her in her E animation and she gets pulled back out of the wall.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / Safe in lane / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak in early / Support dependant / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Short range (without R)
| WHAT TO DO ? - Taking trades against Zeri is great because she can't really give it back. Prefere short trades so she can't E then Q to make it even. Level 6 is in your favor, surprise her with a well placed R and use your combo to make her unable to come to close. Lategame is even but mostly in Zeri's favor.”
Hidden Ghoster says “Honestly, I don't think I need to say anything for this one. Just punish her with Green level 1 and look to force anything out of her as she can't do anything to counter it. All gun combos beat her.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Play around your minions to make it harder for her to poke you. When she ults don't let her hit you because the movement speed she will get is enough to kite you down. You can take exhaust if you aren't confident in dodging her q.”
VrNtv says “Zeri is very similar to Jinx regarding playstyle, they both scale really good and have somehow weak early game, with only difference being that Zeri is way harder to punish thanks to her ability to jump over walls. Her early lane is pretty bad since she can't really poke you over cs. Her ult is her real source of damage, you should avoid her when it's active, it runs out after few seconds if she doesn't hit any champs, then you can run her down. When she recalled and you are alone on lane, make sure not to overstay for plates, since she can just jump over walls and all in you. (Same as with twitch's invisibility) Always make sure to dodge her W since after rework its pretty much budget Lux ult.
RandomNPC777 says “Zeri fluctuates from one of the easiest to hardest matchups depending on the skill of the Zeri. She can beat you in lane if she plays it well, but she's slightly worse in teamfights as long as you have your r up.”
I Am Not u says “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I should talk about this, shouldn't I? Her escape is annoying. That's it. She can't kite away from you because you have better mobility, her damage is meh, and her poke is laughable. Be careful if you engage when she hits level six, but you should be fine otherwise.”
Xr3ad says “Zeri her autos are skillshots forcing her to guess where you are in your invis, you generally outdamage and outtrade her with short trades, do this and you should be able to win pretty easily”
wungus says “Zeri has a very difficult time poking you in lane, but level 6 onwards can be problematic due to her high mobility. CC and burst will deal with her.”
whitemindlight says “You can trade with her really good and also All-in her since she is very squieshy. Lategame she can carry teamfights better than Varus, but until then you can stomp her”
SheriffADC says “Try to snowball pre-6 because she is squishy in the earlygame. After level 6 it becomes hard to kill her if you don't oneshot her, she just kites away with ult and then chases you down.”
Amberdragon says “Zeri is easy to bully with your range. Her wave clear is rather weak so use that to get lane prio and turret platings.
When it comes to her all-ins you want to always be max range and hopefully trap her before she becomes too fast.”
matek1207 says “I feel like you can really outplay zeri with your jumps, remember that she has to SKILLSHOT that. If you can really try to predict where she's gonna use those Q you can get hit way less times. Even tho she scales better so be careful in later stages of the game. Try to make her useless in early and trade often with support.”
slendoooo says “Zeri is only becomes problematic for Draven in late game when she stacks her Ultimate passive on your team's frontline.
She's easily punishable bot, especially because her autos are dodge able.
Fight between minions so she won't be able to auto attack you, the only way for her to do that is by pressing her E ability, but even then, she only gets 3 piercing Autos. Just continue to trade with her till she is dead.
If you’re fighting with her and she is clos e to a wall always save your E for her E in case she wants to de-engage by using E over the wall.
A video example of Zeri-Draven
(To be made)”
LionelOCE says “Zeri is quite easy to lane against in the early game because she has very weak laning power. The main threat of this champion is her scaling in the mid to late game.”
Banana Pirate says “Zeri isn't a hard matchup if you play it right. Dodge her w and she has no range so you can poke quite easily. Keep in mind of her dash because she can dash over jungle and and get close. Zeri will scale late game so you need to win lane early; bully her with poke and try not to let her get CS. In conclusion use your range and don't get close to her (also watch out for her late game).”
Pengwan says “If she has her ult just don't bother trying to 1v1, if she doesn't then you should win most of the time. Pretty comfertable matchup for you as she doesn't really have too much kill pressure in lane while also not being overly oppressive in the late game”
KnobHobbler says “A very very very fast champ.
Can't do much due to constant nerfs so you scale better than her so you win 1v1.
Keep her under her own tower.
Trade when her zappy touch is down.”
franksterzz says “Zeri is even weaker than you early. Most Zeris go Resolve secondary due to her laughable base stats. She takes lethal tempo so if you have PTA, play around short trades where you can proc it and weave in an auto or two. Try to dodge her Ws, especially over the wall because it can deal some crazy damage and play behind your support and minions early because her autos(Qs) can't go through.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] You and your support need to deny as much farm from her as possible, she scales mostly from items. Her all-ins become really strong once she hits 6. It's also hard to gank her because of her gliding through walls. You can counter her by playing in you minions, as they'll absord the damage from her attacks. She's shines in teamfights, so it's very important that your ult catches her so that she can't get off.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
Amberdragon says “Zeri is too safe. She can't harass you behind minions very well but she is very hard to catch, so if you don't kill her fast she will kite you to death. Your W doesn't work on her Q”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her Spark Surge(E) very much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of her strong burst and all-in potential with her Ultimate Lightning Crash(R). Try and stay far back from her if you’re low. Her is blocked by minions and so is her Ultrashock(W). Always stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for her to harass you.”
NorVillain2 says “Zeri is super anoying machup, because she can easly escape with her E and do a lot of dmg with her buffed W. So be very agresive in lvl 1 ( same is with Veigar)”
m1NEEX says “Zeri is very similar to Jinx regarding playstyle, they both scale really good and have somehow weak early game, with only difference being that Zeri is way harder to punish thanks to her ability to jump over walls. Her early lane is pretty bad since she can't really poke you over cs. Her ult is her real source of damage, you should avoid her when it's active, it runs out after few seconds if she doesn't hit any champs, then you can run her down. When she recalled and you are alone on lane, make sure not to overstay for plates, since she can just jump over walls and all in you. (Same as with twitch's invisibility) Always make sure to dodge her W since after rework its pretty much budget Lux ult.”
HowDoYouKite says “Fight early and fight often. Zeri has a hard time fighting in minion waves similar to Kai'sa. Same play style applies.
Just remember to punish, because early to mid game is the only stage where Tristana handily beats Zeri. If even or Zeri ahead post laning phase, Zeri will heavily out perform Tristana in teamfights.”
Xedavion says “The hotfix Zeri got made her a very difficult lane for Varus,be careful of her long range W because it can do alot of damage,plus because of her high mobility its hard for Varus to react if she all ins him.”
Dravenhalal says “Really squishy but her W does insane amounts of damage and the slow is annoying. Doesn't help either that she can just E over the wall and totally cuck your all in. Go exhaust.”
Amberdragon says “Zeri has really weak laning if she doesn't have peel support, you burst her easily. You can also chase her across walls and you have more mobility to catch up. Only issue is you have bad clear and if she stacks her R it's hard to catch/get away from her. Use E and Exhaust to slow her”
V1gorous1 says “is a nightmare late game if allowed to scale however your hard beat her in all ins block her w to avoid being kited take unflinching use your e to follow her dash”
moso says “Nowadays your best shot is beating her early game and snowballing. She is weak to Ashe early and easily kiteable but is a significantly better carry at 3+ items. At this point you should be playing to slow her, which in turn lowers her overall DPS, and hit ults on her.”
OTP Toxin says “If you blind her, she will be missing her Qs IF she is targeting it on you, IF you get a main Zeri, he can target the opposite way and hit you anyway. Don't fight her if she is buffed by her ult.”
Deathstroke5277 says “I don't think she's much of a problem, fight in minions and her dmg is basically nullified. If you try to 1v1 in the open you might lose. Try to kite her and DO NOT chase her. She's too fast and can slow.”
Demonsedge90 says “Dealing with Zeri is straightforward during the lane phase. She can slow us down with her w and gains movement speed as she attacks with her ultimate. All you need to do is poke her down at every turn and do your best to avoid her empowered w (guaranteed crit) that anchors off walls and structures.”
nannersowo says “riot legit designed this champion to make sona players cry in infinite agony holy
I was the sona in this clip”
Amberdragon says “Zeri is a tricky matchup. Early on you both have good trades and are relatively weak, but Zeri will spike earlier because you need evolve. Her main weakness is that she will be squishier than you. She has more range and poke to harass you, which you counter by having a minion advantage, but if you do push into her tower you will set yourself up for a gank to which Zeri can easily follow up with her slow and R movement speed. Out of laning phase things get worse for you as she will be able to absorb your R shield and safely disengage with E or R. She thrives in longer trades, so if you can't burst her she will simply kite you and run you down while you are on cooldown. She can also hit you while you are invisible. Overall, it can be a nasty matchup but definately playable if you are fed or if she is not too fed. ”
TheKingUltra says “She deals less damage than akshan and vayne, but is much more mobile. If you catch her once, try to hard cc her for as long as possible, anathemas will help a lot and your improved boots will help to close the gap a bit.”
Amberdragon says “Zeri is handleable until level 6 since you can bully her with your Q and superior wave clear, but the longer the game goes the worst the matchup gets. After her first back and level 6 she will have enough damage to kill you and alot of mobility to kite away from your feathers. She also has W slow to run you down, and because her E is extended on terrain it can make it really hard for your support to engage on her. It is hard but in a 1v1 situation try to time your R to avoid hers so that she doesn't get any stacks, and in lane punish her whenever she misuses her E. If she gets her ult stacked you will never catch her and she will run you down. Late game she can easily kill you on her own by embushing you from a wall.”
Kat_Alien says “With her mobility and movement speed and escaping through the walls, Karma is useless. It is super hard to hit her and also if we finally get to the point we get that sweet W on her then she can escape through the wall... The only way to stop her is to make some outplays with flash. We can also try to stop her dmg by body blocking our ADC. GOOD LUCK XD”
Alvatorz says “She's too mobile for you and now with her stronger early lane it's even harder to get rid of her. On late it will be a nightmare to treat. Be carefull.”
Coldsong says “Zeri is really annoying for Samira since she is very safe, and her E makes her very hard to punish. Make sure to only go for an engage if she uses her E as otherwise she gets a free escape. Also try to position behind minions so that her Q cannot hit you for free unless she E's.”
Alvatorz says “Zeri ! The little new one. Early on Samira is one of the biggest counter to Zeri but latter on, when she gets item, you will just be outscaled and outranged so carefull with that.”
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