Discover all champions who counter Heimerdinger. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Heimerdinger in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
Top Lane 51.01% Win Rate58% Pick RateHeimerdinger Top Lane Counters: 21 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Heimerdinger in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
You have to be quick, abuse the fact that he's perma shoving waves and trade when he's setting new towers. To all-win, don't burn everything, go in, make him waste his R, go back, wait for his R to go CD and kill him.”
parker3n9 says “This matchup can be annoying as Heimerdinger will constantly push you in with his turrets. However, it’s manageable if you focus on clearing his turrets efficiently. One trick is to leave a single turret up when he pushes you in—this allows you to land your E, pull him under your turret, and punish him. His turret will automatically attack you, causing him to draw turret aggro, setting up a favorable trade or kill opportunity.
Recommended Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “rarely played anymore but its a pretty easy. You can either play kill him or to ignore him completely and scale. Parry his E, as its very telegraphed, and try to dodge his W/evolved W with your Q. You can quickly destroy his turrets with Q>AA, and they go on a very long cooldown, giving you a chance to all in. Try to not get poked out by his comet and W poke.”
Spartaniko says “Don't get baited, E if you're gonna get hit by his stun, go Doran's shield, engage on him if he wastes his stun. Actually one of worse Panth's matchups if Heimer is skilled. However, you can kill him if you manage to ult on him or get a gank, he is very inmobile.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
"Absolutely impossible, dodge 100% of the time. If you're forced to play it then try to kill his towers once you're level 3 with Q+auto and he'll lose some pressure. Realistically though you
have no chance unless he hard ints. Even the jungler cannot save you..." ”
ABL Pantheon says “Unplayable most of the times. You can't even poke him with Q he has greater range. His turrets are also annyoing and you can't really farm without losing a lot of HP. Can't do much unless he is really bad.”
Sekirooo says “it can be both tiny and extreme it depends on the player best thing is if you jump him and go all out on him since he is very easy to damage but not easy to kill if he slows you ”
Frankoloko says “The key to this win is Cosmic Insight, Magical Footwear, Exhaust, Flash. Then don't get poked so that you can basically use everything once you have lv6 to kill him. Using your shield for full value is important here. Go Rylai to make sure he doesn't get away from your full combo. Go Mercs after to get out of his stun faster”
Belle19 says “currently a level 1 or 2 threat if you actually see him purely because heimerdinger is complete ass right now. But assuming he is in a healthy state, you will never be able to break his turrets or walk up but he will auto push the wave. So just farm under tower, you completely outscale in a split where you can run up and kill his turrets and run away and regen Faster than his turret cd and you outtempo. A decent donger knows this and will try to punish lane. He will set up shop in front of your turret and try to get every plate. You still win 2v1, don't worry, so just spam ask for ganks. Generally heimer players chill out and put turrets farther back in lane after dying once. Keep in mind if you misstep heimer can 100-0 you when he has ult up. If he doesn't play aggro just farm under tower and outscale -- heimer is more a counter to lane bullies like renekton who need to push a lead in lane, you have no pressure to do that”
IngvarE says “The nightmare matchup, you won't see him too much low elo but if he is picked before you consider swapping to a counter of his.
He can place a turret to block your E, he will prevent you from farming, he will bully you the moment you decide to W, he will clear all of your tentacles.
It's just not worth playing.
Take second wind. Start dorans, rush spectres cowl and mercs ASAP and play as reserved as possible. Set up your tentacles within tower range, focus on wave and focus on hitting your E within tower range while considering his Q cooldown. You can get cull to aid in replacing your lost gold income.
Ask for jungler ganks (unlikely you will recieve them so don't expect one), if jgler isn't clearing your side then farm it if you can't contest wave.
If he is pushing for your tower, allow him to take it. It hurts but it will allow you to farm MUCH easier and puts him at a greater risk of ganks.
It will be incredibly tilting but if you play for farm, build MR and help your team in fights you'll be ok.”
Godzilla010 says “Take Ignite.
Play safe early, may have to give cs. Look for an over step by him post 6 and all in, you need high HP though or he will burst you down. ”
step1v9 says “Do your best to kill his turrets when his Q and E are on CD. His passive gives him movespeed around towers so diving him can be hard, and all-ins can be hard without ghost and flash. When in doubt just outscale.”
TeiWasTaken says “Heimerdicker is a pretty hard matchup, because its very hard to get on top of him. Try to use your E to engage and dodge his E sweet spot. Getting stunned by it usually means death!”
procatking says “PTA, tp,D shield, take rune NO.4.
heimer is just farm bot that sits under his turrets, best u can do is ask your jg to gank u.
(without his turrets he's just a chubby hamster, no bit deal).
Roam the map for kills and help your team.”
MaesePerez says “Annoying but not difficult, dont get hit by his e and you outscale extremely hard. Very boring lane, build some MR so you dont get shredded by turrets and his W, you should be fine. Worth telling your jungler to not gank, since you should be able to hold your own against him and a squishy jungler trying to help can get one shot if he hits his e. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX (poking heimer does nothing you can never kill him)
farm up. His turrets auto push the lane so you can safely farm under tower. You can also cleaver his turrets. Generally just an easy lane as long as you dont try to run him down and play under his turrets. I will say though, if you have a weak early jungle or a jungler who wont gank you out of ego, and the heimer realizes this, he will set up shop infront of your turret and just take your turret at minute 10. If he does this you need to beg your jungler or mid to gank you, the worst thing you can do is run into him to try to make him stop as he will just kill you. Luckily all it really takes is one death by a gank and heimer players will chill out and place turrets near their own tower”
Belle19 says “if you just farm outside of his turret range you outscale him. You can periodically look to break his turrets with q auto or auto w. Dorans shield + second wind is a must. Good heimerdingers have weird play patterns that are hard to predict and will instantly kill you if you get caught off guard but its not really an issue since theres like 5 good heimerdinger mains on NA”
hoflol says “Singed has no range or quick movement so will need to run in to Heimer turrets to engage. Hence taking a lot of damage and making dueling impossible.
Proxy this lane whenever possible as you will also be avoiding his turrets when doing so.
ThelpixG says “This matchup is super boring and noninteractive, he can just pressure you with his turrets and harass you under your turret preventing you from csing properly.
Although he is pretty squishy and not that mobile and since he will always pressure you he will most likely be vulnerable to ganks.
How to Beat?
- Buy an early cull and be ready for a boring lane where nothing happens;
- Try killing his turrets with your Q so you can gain extra gold and silver serpents;
- Call out your jungler for ganks once he shoves you in and starts trying to harass you under turret;
- Dodge his W poke and E;
- Never trade with him in the middle of his turrets;
- If you land a barrel on him and he has no ult or no turrets just run him down and kill him.”
X_TRM says “(start W/E) You can use his turrets to stun him. Second wind + Doran's Shield needed. It's also very hard to dodge his stun grenade. He has potential to burst you but not enough to kill you early. Later he becomes impossible to approach do to his insane damage and slow from Rylai's. Cancer champ. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
WhendZ says “Aceita que dói menos. Respeita o cara e farma o que der. ele vai te pokear muito, desvia do que der. Quando você fechar o item do fulgor você dá IK na maquininha dele 90% das vezes. é um ban sólido, se você tiver com medo.”
JPGamer10BR says “Heimerdinger né, ele coloca maquinas que farmam por ele, tem stum e MUITO alcance, então foque no farm e apenas tente não morrer, não tome o stum dele, tente desviar.
caso esteja muito complicado tem alguns itens que tu pode fazer, passos de mercúrio para ter tenacidade e mr, pode fazer canhão fumegante para ter mais alcance e poder farmar (recomendo apenas a bota).”
BurritoTopKing says “Unplayable i would rather dodge than play it, but if you decide to play it just farm and try to wait for a gank or a missplay from him.”
Shazir says “Hard matchup because his turrets deals massive damage. But you can go Doran shield and Second Wind and all-in in level 6. Or, you can try to kill him with level 2 e + flash + q combo .”
WarwicksSimp says “Winnable until he gets rylais then you cant play. If he has exhaust you lose automatically and this becomes a dodge or ff game as he will just be too impactful. ”
Tronnes says “Annoying champ, however he is pretty easy to gank so dodge his stun when your in his turrets. If possible don't fight him in his main dmg (his turrets) so try and space around them. ”
King Turtle says “He has the same problem as Akshan where he will spend the entire laning phase zoning you and throwing shit at you until he eventually pushes you past your tower. ”
Chaddouk says “Vs heimer it is very important that you go to lane level 1. The goal is to take out his turrets, that easy. If you manage to do that, you can get lane prio, you can go for long trades, etc. If you don't, he's gonna perma push you and be a menace during the whole laning phase. If you didn't manage to clear the turrets and get a lead early-on, just wait for your level 6 to look to all-in. If you start the all-in at full hp it should be winnable, depending on 2 things : his summs (they sometimes go exhaust) or the fact that he hits E or not. Even earlier you can actually look for big trades as long as he misses an E. Try not to E in until he uses it otherwise he can hit you pretty easily and kite and you will get damaged a lot. Be also always mindful of wether he has a stopwatch or not, it is core on heimer and counters trynd pretty hard so do not get baited because of it.”
nyfoye says “Heimer will constantly push your lane which causes you to cs under tower and miss all the while poking you. They will not let you get in range to Q without trading an E with their turret in which we lose the trades. Dodge”
Black Demon Ezel says “Heimerdinger is extremely broken and his turrets are worse. They can negate any healing you have by offsetting it with damage and then he deals more damage with W or E. He can annihilate you and pierce right through you like a stone to a pane of glass. Dangerous.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DShield/Cull if you are greedy]
[Build: Fleet with Second WInd + Liandry's]
Stay back and farm all lane. You can't kill him and he can't kill you under turret. Try to dodge his W and E. Don't challenge his turrets when Heimer is near them. You will outscale him eventually so just focus on farming and getting as much CS as possible.”
Antecc says “Even though heimer is oppressive and annoying, you virtually cannot lose after a magic mantle and sheen, even while tanking every ability in the book (though try not to get hit by his E, even if it doesn't matter in the long run). Give up the cs you cannot take and outscale him rapidly.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “If he doesnt play like an orangutan just dont even try to kill him. Grasp would be much better for trading but i like first strike more as you dont want to trade with him that much anyways. You cant kill him if he wont int and he cant kill you if you wont int so just sit there and farm. Its pretty a decent situation for you as gp really likes farm”
lordimboutabust says “Really annoying lane. he will almost always have you shoved under tower and your goal is to survive. you out scale him after lane. Remember he can block your W with his turrets. If he wastes his E you can try and all in but you need to hit your crits and be careful of turrets | Second Wind | Dshield - mercs - evenshroud”
Bernardian says “One of if not Darius worst ranged matchups or matchups period. Stack as much anti-ranged shit as you possibly can(second wind, dorans, boots rush) you have ZERO priority in this lane, thank god hes not picked as much top anymore as he once was before.”
TheGBabaYaga says “You really cant do much. Play defense and farm as much as you can, it will be hard. He is quite annoying cause of bots and he spams spells. Engage with jungler if you can or he is running out of mana, its the only way to kill him.”
demirkaiser says “Another creatura. Don't try until level 2. E + Q him and try to run him down. Don't fight until 6. After 6, let him place his tarrets and you can ult him. His tarrets stays out of the realm but dodge his W and E.”
Lukajs says “Heimerdinger likes to play around his turrets and stun you while you're in their radius, attempt to pick them off one by one. Turrets are their own entities, meaning Heimer doesn't need to be in your W for them to deal damage to you. Pick off his turrets one by one, and use your W when he tries to RW or RE.
Play around farm.”
kayle1v9 says “cull first recall and farm under tower, kinda free because u get to scale. just be careful to not get poked out of lane to fast. TP is must here.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo and teleport with dshield start. play safe and farm, if he wastes E then you can try to kill him or if he doesn't have mana. ”
Twogrand says “This is a tough match up but you have to mack sure you click on to see how many turrets he has it will show on his picture so what you try to do is clear them all out and all in him when you cant place any towers downs . hard to clear towers just farm get hexdrinker and start to land poke.
conq, tp eclipse.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Start W. Start Doran's Shield. You're pretty much going to be sitting under tower farming and scaling up. Wait to go in when your jungler comes and try to dodge his stun.”
PH45 says “Play to farm up and only engage with your jungler if suitable. Best chances to kill him are when he is out of mana or if he somehow misses his stun grenade. Dshield and second wind recommended.”
BezMemow says “He pushes forever making him susceptible to ganks, your ult removes his bots so it's an easy kill post 6, but he has huge poke and without a jungler you can't ever kill him.
Start D Shield”
rilxy4u says “Hard matchup both psychically and mentally. Turrets attack and activate boxes, you can't trade with E, he will 1 combo you or poke to death with no outplay against him, all the while saying that you are "smaller than the diagram". Keep your head up king, 2 inches is more than enough.
Outplay: play passive, trade with your E, try to not feed by playing too aggro, engaging on him is pretty difficult but if you are able get him low enough there is kill potential from all in.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Heimerdinger is a nuisance to deal with. Not just because he's got way to much cc, but because his turrets will just chip away at your health bar endlessly and they don't have a time limit of activity like Shaco's boxes. Avoid this matchup if you see it. Just play someone else”
Mnem says “Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork, Second Wind Unflinching. Rush Mercury Treads and Hexdrinker if you are having trouble with it. Avoid being pokeed by him and focus on your CS and save HP, play on his mistakes and ganks from your jg. Bait your E and turn on Ghost and all in on him or when he gets close to your tower. Build Mercury Treads, StrideBreaker and Maw of Malmortius (if having problems with it in game).”
Vixylafoen says “Oppressive laner, but he can't really kill you if you just be safe about it. Farm off of his turrets with Q for some extra, free gold”
Reines Kokosfett says “You have to dodge his E with your E. Then you should just be able to run him down and kill his turrets. You can also use your ult to block the e stun and your ult shield to tank some of his tuerrets damage.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet
Eclipse(Or Draktharr if you get fed)
He can't do nothing if not barricate. The only way he can be a menace is if you get caught by his E when sorrounded by his 3 tourrets, if he wastes it you can punish him really hard. Be careful later in the game if he has zhonia because he will actually be able to outplay you. Lane is free.”
stefanko says “Unplayable matchup, go second wind and d shield, play to farm up. Only window you have to kill him is when he is out of mana. (fleet with resolve or phase rush, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let him push, he will anyways. Once he oversteps too far you can jump onto him and parry his E. If you hit the stun correctly you will win the trade. You will have to go Hexdrinker first item + Goredrinker as mythic so you can outsustain his turret dmg in later game.”
Tonho says “You burst him fast enough while being a hard target for his E. You can ignore his turrets if you land everything. After Zhonya's, you may be more careful. Overall simple matchup. Bring Conquer, run at least one tenacity on runes.”
lorensj81 says “This is an annoying lane. He will push you in so a quick Ironspike whip to waveclear under tower. Try early to kill his towers and dodge his spells, especially his stun will deal massive damage if 3 towers attacks you. He gets move speed walking close to his turrets, so can be hard to catch. If you get onto him and have dodged his spells, he is just dead after level 6.”
GannicusTTV says “He is annoying to deal with it, but not impossible. Kill his turrets when you can and dodge his stun. if you constantly kill his turrets, he will be vulnerable to some all ins. your W block his turrets damage. ”
Irelius says “Не получаем слишком много поука. Доджим его стан. Персонаж появляется раз в тысячелетие, потому чего-то конкретного сказать не могу. Ломаем ему туррельки, авта+Q должно хватать с лвл 7, но это не точно. ”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. You can’t leech in this matchup. You have to walk straight to lane and instantly kill Heimer’s turrets as soon as he spawns them or you will lose all wave control. When Heimer reaches level 3, you want to forget that he has his E (stun). It’s much more consistent to just try to damage Heimer and go on him than it is to try to predict his melee range E. After you get stunned, you can W the turret damage and mitigate some of the damage and that will be much more consistent. You will want to get an early Null-Magic Mantle. Something to note is that if you don’t get MR against Heimer, no matter how behind Heimer is, he will always have the ability to oneshot you after he gets level 6. He will just stun you into his empowered W and it will be a oneshot even if he’s 0/5. Trying to fight him after he gets Zhonya is pointless, so you will want to avoid side laning against him and instead look to get CS, enemy jungle camps and pressure the map.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Another matchup that is not difficult despite the reviews. Avoid his stun and he won't cause any problems if you just start attacking him. With your W you can dodge his turrets as well as all his other abilities. If he gets too close, just kill him. Play defensively though, because Heimer will be pushing all the time, so you shouldn't have a problem farming.”
SrMolinv says “Break his towers everytime you can. Doran shield is super useful. Hes super squishy, he only kills you if he hits E or has exhaust. Dont let this yordle bully you.”
AlyssaTennya says “If he lanes against you, dodge. Don't ban him, heimer top is rare. But if you think he's top definitely dodge. If he's mid, it's whatever, because you can kill him if you didn't have to lane against him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't stay near his turrets]
[Dodge his W and E]
[Ask for your jungler to help if he pushes hard]”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Dont fight him, try to just farm.
You can try all in him, after hexdrinker mercs with r and ignite.
RandumPersin says “100% unwinnable matchup. Must take PTA, use E1 to dodge the grenade and all trades will go even at best. Heimerdinger perma shoves waves which is something that is very problematic for us since it will destabilize and completely destroy our fury management. He outscales us and is more valuable to his team at all points in the game (except for maybe levels 6-9), Heimerdinger is one of our worst matchups; the lane sucks since he's bursty and a ranged mage, making the game hard to play and he can abuse us forever. Rush merc treads and pray you can hold weakside”
Fizzy says “Fleet Footwork it's very useful against him, poke him and the machines so removing them as fast as possible, always try to destroy them before moving forward to kill, if you hit the stun it's a guaranteed victory”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont trade with him early as his turrets are pretty sick, stay under the tower and take cs, if he ints and gets behind its free lane, if he doesnt wait for some items and lv7 and then you can fuck him. Dont underestimate him as he is pretty tricky and can turn tables around during the trade if you dont pay attention.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Don't fight him ever unless your jungler ganks. Take TP 100% of the time and play for Ults since Heimerdingers scaling sucks and he doesn't do tower damage. Buying Spectre's Cowl can diminish his poke.”
hamgi says “his turrets are very annoying as it prevents u from cs'ing healthily and chasing him into bushes is dangerous. however, they are easy to take out with q3+aa and they give 5g. it doesnt seem much in the moment, but if u consistently take them out, the gold stacks up. his w and e empower his turrets's attacks on the enemy unit they hit, so try to avoid being hit by them. they're all skill shots but can go thru minions, so avoid standing too close to them and consistently move or bait with e. like karma, his ult empowers his spells, his q a large turret, his w a longer, stronger, and wider barrage, and his e a double bounce. early laning phase is annoying as the poke builds up, so a refillable and a mantle/spectral early will go a long way. he is hard to trade with as they mostly let their turrets do all the work, allowing them to play far back, but consistently destroy his turrets. when fighting, get on top of him, and keep him locked up so he cant place more down or stun u with e”
StingingChicken says “You can jump on him anytime he's in range without a huge wave, E'ing towards him blocks all damage from his turrets even if they're behind you. EIther juke or E his stun, getting hit is a death sentence. Ends up being a farm lane where he can't walk into your stun range. ”
P: -
Q: 20
W: 11 > 7
E: 11
R: 100 > 70
Runes vs Heimer: Grasp, Conq, Fleet
HIGH Econ: Conq + Bruiser
MID Econ: Grasp + Stasis
LOW Econ: Fleet + smite Lethality (you for 1 in late game, or split potential)
Strengths: VERY good turtling, great siege, insane Baron potential, super safe pick, magic damage, 'hyper carry' if fights go his way.
Weaknesses: Immobile, Heimer players are weak af, no sustain, glued to turrets, ult dependent for skirmishes
Notes: Figure out your 1 shot combos on his turrets, and play the mana game/charge game vs his turrets + W/E poke. Save 4 stack for his E or the charged turret shots, Ravenous Hydra is strong here for the AoE to kill his turrets.
It takes 2 smites to kill his big turret.
DONT let him cheese your jungle's Blue/Red (depending which team you are).”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “this matchup is lowkey unplayable, u can only all in if he used his E before 6 when he uses his E and he is 6 there is most likely no all in potential possible since he can just kite arround his turrets”
Elresser says “he favours longer trades and you favour shorter ones. I still can't figure this one out so I'll put him on even for now. Note: don't fight him on his ultimate turret.”
kajinator says “Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP or you have automatically lost. I'm not exaggerating teleport is mandatory into Heimerdinger. You will have no kill pressure on him ever and you will just have to sit under tower and farm until you can roam and make plays with your team as you are a better team fighter than him. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “This matchup is easy because Heimer has no choice but to permanently push the wave. This means you can farm up and burst him down in lategame. Be careful because he also has early kill pressure on you!”
Evandabank says “Heimerdinger is a champion that most bruisers cannot play the game against. The one saving grace in this matchup for Kled, is that he does way more damage than the other bruisers.
Heim is so lethal because it is almost impossible to take a positive trade into him with his turrets. Kled is no exception and short trades are always going to be a loss for you. Allow Heim to push you under your tower and wait for level 5 so that you have 3 points in your Q. At level 5, look to engage onto him, preferably if he only has two turrets active. It is also ideal if you can pickup a pickaxe before looking for your first all-in to ensure you have the damage to kill him. Flash in this lane is very very bad for you in my opinion. If you run TP and ignite, look to take an early reset after poking him down. You will lose the trade however, you can then TP back to lane and all-in him with an item advantage. If you are having problems engaging onto Heim, start hitting his turrets like an ape and then once he auto attacks you, E-Q combo on top of him.
Heimerdinger is always squishy into the mid/late game. Look to hide in bushes in sidelanes and try to kill him before he can get his turrets set up when he comes to clear waves.”
SrMolinv says “Romperle las torretas, escudo de doran y buscar tradeos cortos. Los all in son muy faciles, solo tienes que esquivar su stun. Es tan blandito que es facil de matar.”
Oogaboogaga says “If top you can run past turrets and kill him quite easily. Play safe until he overextends. Give up farm if you need to. If mid it is somewhat harder as he has a turret to run to. With jungler you can easily kill as he has to overextend top to assert lane pressure.”
Duwiiton says “Get your jungler to the Toplane after baiting his stun, and it should be a pretty free kill. Heimer has no defense other than his stun and turrets. Don't bother fighting him in his turrets.”
CupcakeDinosaur says “Heimer poses an extreme threat after level 3 as your passive jump is quite predictable and he can stun you with his E inside of his turrets' range for tons of damage, so try and bait his E before engaging and trade for as little time as possible”
Irelius says “Dont get poked too much early. Dodge his stun. Havent played this matchup in a while. Q+AA his turrets. I believe, at lvl 7 your Q starts to oneshot his turrets and that's why this matchup is this easy, ”
lenithebot says “Heimerdinger has insane zoning with his turrets and makes it very hard for you to poke him without losing a lot of your own hp but with his low hp if you can land a few barrels and qs you can try to all in with flash passive and ignite to try and kill him but it is very risky since if he doesn't die you probably will”
dracondas says “annoying matchup if you grab him just send him back to arcane and he dies avoid all his cc and rockets cuz it does a lot of damage and so does his turrets go for the force of nature approach”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Heimerdinger reaches level 6, his kill pressure and strength increase dramatically. Keep this in mind and beware of his empowered abilities. Let him push the wave closer to your tower and destroy him together with your Jungler.”
Thrandor says “Not much to say, this is somewhat a natural counter. Keep track of his build to see if he has Stopwatch or Zhonyas. Before that you can try engaging him with R, afterwards, I don't recommend doing that”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Absolutely impossible, dodge 100% of the time. If you're forced to play it then try to kill his towers once you're level 3 with Q+auto and he'll lose some pressure. Realistically though you
have no chance unless he hard ints. Even the jungler cannot save you.. ”
Farmer Cleetus says “Major threat, can phase you away if you are not able to use your W to save yourself, he'll also kite you so he cannot be damaged at all, be careful when facing him.”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield and Win Lane. Rush Wit's End. He out-pokes with his turrets you but you can Q + E at him whenever he misses his W or E. He needs both to combo you. Hide behind your minions. You should be able to zone him enough to (relatively) safely auto his turrets down. It's worth using Ghost to chase him since his turrets push the wave to you. Back away when he Ults . It's unnecessary to freeze against him. Do not dance.”
Taiquyorah says “Farm lane. MU chiant car intuable et il peut vous poke mais vous devriez être capable de farmer surtout dès que vous avez brillance.
Et vous gagner en late game avec un stuff critique !”
buuu1401 says “(TOP/MID) Have fun brother. IF you all in him well make it count bro if you don't hit your abilities well you are dead trust me. (he is a pain)”
wooverbo says “You'll be sitting next to your tower all laning phase, there is no point to playing against him, just dodge. Keep in mind he can 1v2 you and your jungler and win if he positions well. The only good thing about this matchup is that there are no more than 2 Heimerdinger players in the world...”
HelloStranger says “PHASE | Flash + Ignite/Ghost
AFK under turret and farm for 30 minutes. You can try to proxy and it will probably be more effective than being an afk bug for heim to swat. I would consider dodging if you have the LP to spare this matchup is beyond ruined for Garen.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His turrets can be very annoying, dont fight him if he has a lot of them out. It's crucial that you dont get hit by his E stun, use your E to dodge it and only engage on him if he doesnt have it.
His turrets will auto-push, just sit under tower and farm if necessary.
Pretty easy to gank if he overxtends and doesnt have ult.”
kurbart says “free lane if your having trouble with big head here just poke him down and make sure every time he puts down a turret break it they go on a 20+ sec cool down then after that just run him down kind of sad killing him ”
VituVonDoom says “Boooooriiiiiiing. Like, really, why play him? Just go FS and get rich poking him and just farming. DON'T EVER ENGAGE HIM, that's the only way he ever kills you. QE him to hell and just accept the fate of some of the most uninteractive 15 minutes of your life”
KrazyKid1024 says “Same deal as hecarim. Our ulti as rengar is telegraphed so he can use E to stun you if he's good. Then you lose. But if he doesn't then it's usually free.”
Aberrant Demon says “He'll push by default, chill and let it happen. Stay as healthy as you can and W either of his skillshots if they are going to land. Only kill his turrets if it won't put you in a vulnerable position. Post-6 you can brute force with Ghost all-in. Always check if he has Stopwatch/Zhonya's Hourglass before going in.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Play safe - Stay healthy first 3 levels -> When we get level 3 we can look for trades but you gotta be very careful with his E (nade). If he hits that you just lose the trade -> When you have Q3 you can poke down his towers and use W to absord any incoming damage -> Once E is dodged and you are fairly close to him you can run him down, especially the more items you get -> Can run him down as well with R if you have enough damage to follow up with your R. Then use Q3 or E to dodge his nade and kill him”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “💀💀💀💀 he's a genius and you're a psyco with a candle pole. Wait the lane walk far away from where he installed his machines. Then E earlier to fall stunning him. SPLIT DON'T TEAMFIGHT AGAINST THIS MAN.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
SURVIVE, matchup is not playable in early game, you need to scale a bit, get 2-3 items.
Wave 1-4:
You can poke him a bit here, priotize his turrets as a simple Q + auto kills his turrets in early game, do not contest prio too much.
This matchup is unplayable, you can only kill them level 1 if you all in and ignore turret damage, you can also Q + AA turrets destroying them in early.
Even level 1 with turrets he completely melts you, although you can soak damage and destroy them, they have such low cost for him that it is possibly not even worth it.
He has too much damage and poke that it makes it not survivable, even under turret he places his turrets on the limit of turret range and pokes you down so hard you cannot farm mages.
Go Dshield + Second Wind to somehow survive.
Even if you parry his E you don't guarantee a kill as he can dodge it so easily with turret movespeed and even then he can just DPS you to death, despite the stun.
The main problem is that he can run away while damaging you, so you cannot get an easy vital proc as he just keeps kiting you.
If he uses E poorly, you can look to all in while trying to parry his W and try to kill him, still very hard, but possibly manageable.
Beg for jungler ganks and pray that you have a jungler that can gank Heimer otherwise just dodge it. DOOMED MATCHUP.
Build hexdrinker for a bit of survivability.”
Scallywag says “Annoying matchup for all melee champions. A bit easier for Gangplank since he has his q and barrels.
Hard to kill him solo since he will zone you with his turrets.
He should not be able to kill you if you don't greed for farm, but one misstep may cost your life.”
ShacoMagicTrick says “This is the most boring lane i have ever seen but still he outpokes you. In most cases you cannot kill him and he cannot kill you. Just wait for your jungler. ”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You turtle and then all in him level 6, you just ult onto him and E him then shroud to dodge his stuff and then Q him down until you can execute him. if he get crown then you are in big trouble so it is important that you smash him early. ”
Trundledaddy says “I personally would dodge, lanes almost unplayable, only way you win is if heimer misplays a lot and/or gets an aneurism, and you get a 2 level lead and can just perma run him down, mercs rush is good here”
Kurose0027 says “This matchup is unplayable, dodge it. Flash after parrying if you didn't parry his stun or else you will get one shotted in the all in.”
Federals1 says “He is extremely difficult to deal with. At 6 he can match your burst, so if you jump in and he is ready with his big turret, you are doomed. You will explode instantly from his 3 turrets, his big turret, and the grenade stun. You need to bait out his ultimate before an actual all in, like charging at him, and once he drops his ultimate, back off and wait for your q to come back up again. After that it doesn't matter if he has the small turrets. Q max is needed.
Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's ring works better into him. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Third rune page should be used.”
ProbablyPlatform says “I don’t ban him because looking at his icon give me PTSD so I just uninstall whenever I see him. Same as Fiora, I just don’t wanna see him and assume he is a big threat because he probably is”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
This matchup is autododge, you either have a duo jgl that perma ganks you or you're fucked. If you decide to play It, take Dshield + Second wind and rush Hexdrinker. Try to parry his E and if you hit him you can try to all in, but he just counters you in all ways, pokes harder than you, with his MS he kites and dodges your W, and even if you stun him he will still dmg you with his turrets.”
alexionut05 says “Very difficult laning phase. His turrets will absolutely melt you if you misplay. You must exploit any mispositioning of his. When you all-in, try to push him out of his turrets, either with E or a short (not tap) R.”
MHLoppy says “His high regen is a pain in the ass, since it makes it much harder to poke him out than is typical in ranged matchups. Turrets and grenade also make it riskier than usual to all-in. Just remember that despite his regen and damage, he is actually incredibly squishy if he hasn't built durability - if you can get onto him then he'll only take a couple of seconds to kill if you have ult on.”
Kocykek says “Don't try to come closer to him. He will push so your jungler can come and you can punish him. Go for Magic Resists or some Damage to one shot him.”
Helzky says “Depends on how hard he's pressuring you. But if we assume they know their champion, you have to play safe here. There's no realistic outcome where you solo kill him without help when he has knowledge of his champion. Prowlers with Maiden and you should be able to kill him.”
OliveeGarden says “take fleet, ghost and first buy swiftness boots. donger is really only good in lane phase, don't give him an advantage and play for team fights.”
Anoying bro5 says “This matchup isn't too hard, but it can be annoying if you don't know how to approach the fight. Whenever possible, try to take out his turrets. Early on in the game, they are on a fairly long cooldown so you can kill them pretty fast if the Heim isn't good. If the Heim is playing very defensive, just look to take extended trades, as if you land your E it is hard for him to escape. If he ever uses his stun aggressively and misses, uses this time to engage on to him. If he is holding it, just try to look for the animation to riposte the stun. If he has ult, he most likely will use it to enhance his turret, if that's the case, just bait out his ult and then disengage until the ult is gone, then reengage afterward.”
Your Desired Username says “Hard match-up. Take absorb life and dshield. You can't really do much pre-6 besides from staying under turret and getting every minion possible, and Mordekaiser kinda sucks at farming under turret. Your ult removes his turrets, but in Brazil you have to hit everything to be able to kill him because he will stun you with his grenade. Additionally you will probably start the fight with about 1/2 of you HP thanks to his poke. Even if you manage to kill him, he will still have prio again until your ult comes back up, unless you are like 4 kills ahead at this point. He's a decent ult target later on, but note that he will probably have Zhonya's at that point.”
AlexFL7000 says “Heimerdinger is an extremely annoying matchup. You can't really do much against his turrets, and you will always be pushed into due to his turrets. Recommended Items: Banshee's Veil, Mercury's Treads”
Black Demon Ezel says “Heimerdinger's turrets can be a nuisance but coupled with your walkers which the turrets don't target it's side monster vs. side monster and honestly I don't know who'll win since I haven't done this matchup yet. Caution is key.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Heim is just annoying. Build Force of Nature at least some point in the game. Run the Aery runes to poke him and his towers out. Frostfire to counter his turret MS.”
GastlyLoL says “This matchup is generally going to leave you under your turret the entire time. Try to get your tiamat and farm up as much as possible, then it will be possible to engage on him after level 6 and your first back, especially if you can bait out his stun. Be careful when ganking him, because he can often turn around and kill you or your jungler, or both. Tank the turret during ganks with your ult, and once you get a small lead on him, you should be able to kill him. If he burns grenade, he has no way of stopping you from killing him. Try to make him burn it.”
LunaticDancer says “Pain. I Am Bullied runes, D Shield. You'll most likely spend the first 6 levels farming under the turret. After you get ult, his turrets get relatively easy to manage.”
Captain Bane says “excuse me, never think this is going to happen anytime soon, so while im at it im taking some physics notes here.
QUESTION: what would happen to the pressure and temperature of the air molecules when you create a closed environment and expand its volume?
Since volume is reversely proportional to the pressure of the air molecules, expanding the volume will decrease the pressure, and since pressure is the distance of the molecules between one and another, there will be an increase in molecular work, which is defined as force times distance, and that work is equal to the inner energy, which translates to kinetic energy or simply said temperature. Therefore the expansion of the volume will decrease the pressure and in addition decrease the temperature in the given situation.
Oh yeah and you win against heimerdinger by argumenting: 1+1= 3”
N0kk__ says “Player based. Heim is squishy and can be easily destroyed, but his turrets deal massive dmg. Freezing lane is the best thing to do. You will fall back with CS ,but no a huge minus. Ask for ganks and buy MR.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Heimerdinger is lethal in his own right because of his being a ranged top laner and his turrets. Combine that with the fact that his turrets never go away except for inside your ult, you are pretty much gunned down before you have a chance of proccing passive on him”
ToothlessKnight says “You have very little kill pressure vs a good Hemier as they know how to kite around turrets and use their stun to counter you. Max Q in this lane, poke best you can and pray your jungler can help. You outscale in the sidelane but you have little kill pressure at all stages 1v1. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Annoying, but not a particularly strong threat. Take fleet footwork and second wind + dorans and kill his turrets while healing his damage in short trades until he's out of q charges. You can then look to all in. Always keep stacks up for his w when killing his turrets so you don't take a bad hit.”
SloppyWalrusX says “His turrets block your E, he pushes every wave fast so u have to farm under turret. its very hard to poke him down due to his movement speed around his turrets.
You can somewhat win this matchup by rushing merc treads and stacking mr. but thats not very optimal”
Stinkee says “Only problem with Heimerdinger is the fact that he'll shove lanes to your tower nonstop. You need a mana item (Abyssal Mask) to keep up with him and shove your waves. You can actually throw his turrets with your E, allowing you to reposition them to better manage your waves. You can even throw his turrets towards your tower so your tower fires at it. He will not be much of a threat at all unless his jungler comes.”
Sovereign Kitten says “You can (Q) his turrets and kill them with 2 (AA), so your objective is to focus on this and avoid using abilities, if you prefer to not max (Q). However, if you do max (Q) you can kill his turrets in one (Q) so long as you have the AP early game, which allows allowing you to press your advantage of shoving him back and not setting up a perma shove into your tower. Keep on your toes scout! You need to be vigilant and keep avoiding all of his skill shots. Once his towers are down for a tiny second you can get in and poke him a little or continue to simply take his turrets down until he's out of mana.”
BoilTheOil says “You can cheese him level 1 by sitting in the third bush top lane and running at him once the minions come. You probably can't kill him in lane and he pokes you out. If their jungler or mid laner is also AP rush Merc treads against him. If your jungler ganks him you can probably kill him just by running into him and using E, just watch out for his insane burst. If they don't have any frontline for you to ult he outscales you. ”
Phrxshn says “Consider being a full-time Proxy Singed because you will not out trade him. If you cannot push or set-up proxy consider skipping a wave just to proxy. Try to kill Heimerdinger if you chose to lane against him. Dodging his skillshots will determine if you can trade or not. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature or Abyssal Mask for laning; Rylai's Scepter, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Heimerdinger, Singed without turrets) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “His turrets block your hooks and Thresh's immobility and short range makes it difficult to avoid his stun. You also lack the damage to efficiently clear his turrets although you can pull them under turret with Q. Unplayable if he's good.”
quinn adc says “Heimerdinger turret range is 350, while your auto attack range is 525, so you can freely hit his turrets from afar.
His turrets requires 2 AAs to kill, OR 1 Q + 1 AA to kill them.
If you blind a turret, the turret is disabled for 1.5 seconds INCLUDING his ulted tower.
In lane, Heimerdinger wants to stack his towers and shove you in.
Ideally you DON'T want to leash if possible so that you can come to lane first.
Hard shove him early so whenever he puts down a tower, you can kill it with ease.
Without lane control, you will back Heim your BISH. Stand behind minions in lane because Heim W is easy to hit, the beams, and if he hits you with them, his towers get 20% increased range.
Now, the most important thing, DODGE HEIMERDINGER E STUN AT ALL COSTS! His E is 970 range, which means he can land it from far away.
To counter this, whenever Heim Es you, either vault a minion OR Heimerdinger himself, and by doing so, your vault will juke & dodge his E stun, which is important because if he lands his E on you, he can follow up with his W AND all turrets within 1000 range will gain 100% beam charge.
If his E is down, it is a 12 second CD, so you can retaliate with a combo and you will win.
Even if he has a few turrets up, I like to hard combo him and you will deal more damage, even if he has some turrets up.
Even better, if you let him W after he Es and both abilities don't hit you, now you HARD win the engage.
Post 6 be mindful of his R.
Ulted Turret only has 450 range and Heim usually uses it defensively if you try to all in him, so if he uses it, save blind for it to disable it.
His empowered W has immense range and damage, so if you are low, play far back because he can snipe you with it.
Finally, ulted grenade can bounce, so be careful not to be hit by it.
With this lane, DO NOT ROAM because heim can push so fast and take so many plates.
You can resort to a farm lane if you need to, but I find that Heim is easy to beat when you play around juking his E stun and punishing him when this ability is down :) Just remember, GET LANE PRIO and you will find the matchup to be easier than expected :D”
Veng Shotz says “Rush mercs+ cowl/hexdrinker and pray you have enough damage to kill him before you die.
If you dont you wont be able to play the lane.
If you do you still wont be able to farm but you can try to kill him on repeat. Farm after he dies when turrets shut down, its all you'll get before he comes back and sets up turrets again. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Avoid fighting him while he has 2-3 turretns around him. Blocking his stun doesnt mean winning the trade because his turrets deal A LOT of dmg early game. At level 6, dont fight him if he spawns the big turret! Wait for it to expire and go back in for the kill.
Always make sure to eliminate his turrets first before you trade him!”
At_Tar_Ras says “auto-Q all his turrets ASAP as they're being put down and he UNIRONICALLY has zero threat against you. this is an easy matchup and when you're fed his turrets simply mean more mobility for your dash reset.”
SunFalk says “He can play safe. He has a stun. He has a lot of damage. He has a good wave clear. - Heimerdinger is very annoying, play safe under tower and CS their, let him push with his cannons and dodge his stun, wait this way for a gank to kill the Heimer. Possitive point about laning against Heimer is that you'll almost never get ganked.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
slogdog says “Ranged annoying rat champ. Go doran's shield and try poking with E and ghouls. Build MR. build vamp scepter if you need to live. Outscale him. Dodge his E.”
Raen says “Annyoing to play against, try to destory his mini turrets regulary and jump in when he uses his E. Early doran shield will be helpful vs his poke and Sheen for kill potential. Use E for his turret dmg. ”
Xerath gaming says “Never fought against this but in my opinion it should be free kill when you press R since all his turrets wont be in the realm of death. Till then try to farm and dodge his W + E”
Phrxshn says “Consider roaming across the map.Try to kill Heimerdinger if you chose to lane against him. Dodging his skillshots will determine if you can trade or not. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature for laning; Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Heimerdinger, Trundle without turrets) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)
LoLReal says “Enjoy farming under turret because that's all you'll be able to do in this lane. Ungankable champion too, obnoxious to play against. Build early cowl and focus on farming well for mid-game.”
Justkb says “More annoying than effective! Make sure that you take Doran’s Shield and that you can get Q's off against him tower at level 2! Once you get Merc Treads you can safely Q his towers while trying to dodge his stun. If you can take out 2 towers without his response, make sure you try to run him down and finish him off. If you fall behind look to roam and play the rest of the Map more effectively as he can’t match your roam timers once he has placed towers and is lacking mana. ”
P1Legend says “Stack ap early, every ap component you can find. this match becomes the easiest thing in the world when you can just double W his turrets and have all his damage potential disappear, while also hitting him for 60% of his hp. keep clearing his turrets this way once you stack enough Ap and the matchup is very easy”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I would actually go Doran's Ring in this matchup and put 3 early points into E. Bait the heimer into putting up turrets. You'll inherently get pushed here, but at least you'll be able to stack. You are so much more useful in teamfights and late game too.”
Phrxshn says “Consider roaming across the map. Try to kill Heimerdinger if you chose to lane against him. Dodging his skillshots will determine if you can trade or not. (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Heimerdinger) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite)”
Phrxshn says “Consider roaming across the map.Try to kill Heimerdinger if you chose to lane against him. Dodging his skillshots will determine if you can trade or not. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature for laning; Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Heimerdinger, Warwick without turrets) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
Phrxshn says “Consider roaming across the map.Try to kill Heimerdinger if you chose to lane against him. Dodging his skillshots will determine if you can trade or not. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature for laning; Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Heimerdinger, Sett without turrets) (Outscaling Edge: Even)
OTP Toxin says “Kill his turrets and dodge his obvious E throws when you are going to hit his turrets, you will kill easily. Throw your mushrooms on his turrets, R turrets or waves, he will always run into them.”
SilverAvalanche says “Free farm lane, I recommend sprit visage first item or maw if you are really confident.
just ult when he ults if you decide to go in and save your E to run out of the turrets.
also be aware he goes stop watch so if he does not activate it instantly when you ult, just use your ult as soon as possible. Stop watch: 2.5s, your ult: 3.15s. else you won't hit him with the ult damage or get the heal”
Drake6401 says “Only difficult if your jungler never ever ganks. If you have a jungler with brain cells, you'll be okay. A very annoying laner no matter where he goes. If he's feeling extra petty, he'll go top. This is just a farming lane for the most part as he will run from every fight. If he tries to poke with his stun grenade then you have an opening to engage. Make it a very very short fight. PTA rune is recommended and use bushes as a get out method to disengage his turrets. He's terrible at lane control and inevitably overextends which makes him vulnerable to ganks. ”
A Heimer lane is poke city. Take EVERY anti poke thing at your disposal. His rockets do so much damage if he lands all of them that you might need to start triple dshield in order to have enough health to actually survive in this lane. On the bright side, he will almost ALWAYS be pushed up so he is very gankable. Not to mention how if he is overconfident and steps too far up, you can run him down. He is low hp so you can kill him very quickly. The trick is not dying after. Even if he isn’t there to attack you, his turrets will be. Unflinching in addition to Second Wind is great. I’d recommend packing tenacity and Rushing Merc boots if you think you have kill pressure on him. If he completely destroys you, just give up and build Negatron Cloak. On the bright side, you outscale him in the 1v1 as you tend to be very tanky so as long as you dont die and get whatever farm you can get, you will get to a point where he is free food for you. Feel free to kill his turrets using your Q or W. But later on, they become so tanky that the damage you take while doing so is not even worth killing the turret, especially since Heimer will just put another one down.”
RivalOCE says “Try to focus on hitting his towers. If you can dodge his stun you should win trades and skirmishes. At level 6, try to juggle your Q's then all in when he mis-spaces. You win the scale too, just try to survive lane.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - You can try to kill him as best as you can after 6.
- Avoid/dodge his stun combo, and try to get a few Qs on him without taking too much of his turret damage.
- All in him if he's at around 70% or less health and when you have some MR items. Last thing you want to do is happen is die when you you all.
- People who play Heimer are usually very confident in their abilities. Becareful!
- A good jungler will gank your lane"”
Rhoku says “This matchup is going to be HELL. For the first 5 levels, you just need to sit back and make sure not to take damage. Trust me when I tell you that 1 stun grenade, regardless whether he lands the slow or the stun, will lead to you getting chunked from full to half HP INSTANTLY. If you can land a pull, your combo will do a lot of damage to him, as he is innately a squishy champion but trying to do so will leave you vulnerable. Just make sure you SURVIVE until level 6. Give up CS, conserve HP and try to passively exist in your lane. On the bright side, your ultimate CHANGES the entire dynamic. His turrets and etc won't be around to help him in the Death Realm. So look to Ult him either AS he throws out his stun grenade, OR as he puts down his super turret with his ultimate. This way, you will cancel one of his major abilities which will allow you to just walk up and murder him with little resistance.”
YasTilt says “You can dash on his Turrets so abuse of this. he is really Squichy and his R Enhanced Abilities can be blocked with your Wall. Laning Phase will be annoying because of his Poke. Try to pick fights when he don't have his Stun.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DShield) Try your best to farm and scale. You can ask your jungler for a gank. Heimer will perma push because of his turrets. Buy MR. E+Flashing when your R is up and you are full HP usually means a kill.”
PK Noob says “You can avoid his poke, but when you look to all-in him your still gonna close enough to be shot by his turrets and get stunned. Heimerdinger is extremely squishy, so wait for the perfect opportunity to one-shot him.”
lulw says “Cancer champion but you can windwall basically anything he does. Dash to him windwall stun and then just kill him because of his squishiness. ”
Psychopathic Top says “This is a matchup where the Heimerdinger determines the difficulty of the lane. Bad Heimers drop turrets for no reason and gives you free stacks (while auto shoving the wave to your tower). Good Heimers would simply shove you out of lane and force early backs which is the biggest problem, as you lose econ in losing way too much cs and stacks. The best way to play this matchup is to survive as long as possible before backing, and rushing lucidity boots to juke his stun. HE WILL BE UP LEVELS AND GOLD through cs and plates there's nothing to do about that, just remember you are better at teamfighting so don't sweat if his up a lot of gold early, do NOT die no matter what. Look for flanks in mid game and try to avoid a head on fight vs Heimer's team.”
DippyDan says “Perma-pusher, impossible to get priority in lane, and has high DPS poke. Will be sitting under turret pretty much the entire game.
TIPS: [1] Lv. 1-3 your Q+AA kills the turret, but eventually won't. Make use of this. [2] Pick up Lifesteal early to sustain in the lane.
[3] Can easily kill with R and Parry.”
Hecki says “If you know that the enemy Heimerdinger will be toplane you should take Magic Resist in your runes and Second Wind. Go with Dorans Shield to maximize your health regen since he will most definetly try to poke you down. Don't try to fight him in the midst of his turrets. If you are good at side stepping try after getting level 6 to bait out his E by you popping R and running towards him. Unless the Heimerdinger is a psychopath his defense mechanism should make him press E on you and so predict that and sidestep it. Without his E his only chance to survive is to burst you down with his W and turrets, which shouldn't be enough when your healthy.”
Yumi Project says “Fight him only with your ult and W up.
Try to farm under tower and wait for gank if you dont have your ult up. Remember to place well you shield.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + Second Wind
We will just demolish your health bar if you step up to close. Try dodging as much as you can to stay as healthy as possible. You cant do anything unless your jungler comes around. It's still a bit easy, because Heimers just push the wave 24/7 like bots. Kinda free farm, but not really.
-Wits end rush.”
SunOak says “Annoying to deal with but after level 6 you can look for an all in with 4 ghouls because you will outdamage him dont forget to take MR defense runes instead of armor. Start Dorans shield to deal with his poke. If you run any resolve tree bring second wind.”
Alan234 says “Go Fleet Footwork to survive lane by auto attacking krug/gromp.
Dont waste too much time attacking the towers, but do attack them early game. The only time you have a realistic chance to kill them is lvl 1 turrets and MAYBe lvl 2 turrets. He can replenish them but its good to keep up pressure in lane. Its mostly a farm lane where it depends if he lands skillshots or if you dodge and q poke him down. Usually noone can kill anyone and you both just force each other to back and lose cs/platings. Heimer just wins by constantly pushing and the only way you win is by exploiting him when he is low on mana or needs a base, else there is little you can do.”
JaxIsAHobo says “The literal definition of anti-interaction, this little cheeky piece of **** is quite annoying to lane against. A good heimerdinger will be able to zone you out, and in good circumstances, even 1v2 vs you and your jungler if you misplay. Try to kill his turrets with your E up, and use your leap to avoid getting hit by his grenade. ”
Catlover765 says “He outranges you so you can't kill his turrets without losing half of the health bar at the very least. His damage is pretty high even if you managed to dodge his E”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP DIFFICILE NE PRENEZ PAS TROP DE POKE COMMENCER BOUCLIER DE DORAN ET SECOND SOUFFLE AVEC LES BOTTES DE MERCURES SI VOUS VOUS ETES FAIT DEMOLIR PRENEZ MANTEAU DE NEGATRON ET FARMER VOUS POURREZ L'OUTSCALE SI IL NE RESPECTE PAS LES DISTANCES UTILISER VOTRE E ET POURSUIVEZ LE AVEC LE GHOST DEMANDER DE L'AIDE AU JUNGLE SI POSSIBLE PRENEZ CONQUEROR ET FORCER LES FIGHTS SI IL NA PAS DE TOURELLES AVEC L'ESTROPIEUR HEIMER EST UN FREE KILL. Un heimerdinger en lane ne va faire que vous poke prenez des items pour résister au poke les rocket font beaucoup de dégâts si il les touche toutes le start triple collier rafraichissant est envisageable le coté positif est qu'il va probablement vous push H24 il est donc ENORMEMENT vulnérable au ganks surtout que si il s'approche trop vous pourrez tout simplement lui courir dessus je recommande de rush la ténacité et des mercures si il vous défonce prenez manteau de negatron . Point positif vous allez l'outscale en 1v1 puisque vous pourrez le tanker donc si vous ne mourrez pas et farmer il deviendra un free kill pour vous de plus il est assez facile de détruire ses tourelles avec le Q et le W.”
Vandenelis says “One of the most boring champions to play against. You can't win trades against him if he knows what he is doing. But he can't do damage unless you walk into the range of his turrets. So you should be able to just farm up early. he gets increased movement speed near his turrets, so if your jungle is ganking and you miss your cc then just fall back and stop the gank, since a good Heimerdinger could kill you both when you don't have cc”
DarkyTheReal says “Easy matchup, Heimerdinger is very weak this season, and you kill one turret with auto+Q, just go for all-ins against him, and you'll destroy him. At level 1 if you can try to cheese him on a bush or something.”
Rodos says “Heimer is known for his annoying turrets, that wont let you farm, or get close to him at all. Also you wont be able to land any E on him as he can get cover behind the minions and his little turrets. For this reason dont engage him for any reason at the very early game. At level 6 even tho his ult is very strong, remember that your ult deals huge damage and heals you enough. Anyways he wont be an easy enemy to deal with and there isnt much you can do. Just play safe, farm, and waith for your jungler to come and help you or try trading him at 6. But ofc buy mr before trading him.”
SKRELAX says “Take Dshield, play safe, and wait for outscale. Don't try to outtrade him, he can E Stun you, and it's easy outtrade or maybe a kill for him.”
Byku2506 says “This is terrible matchup for you, he can easily beat you at 1v1, just wait for jungler and try to catch him if he plays agressivly against you. Just wait for his mistake and build strong mr against this fucker.”
Fryx says “Pre 6 he will be super annoying so just take the farm you can get. Stay as healthy as possible! Once you are 6 just straight up ult him even full hp and use your full combo on him. After that try to run since he will use his ult. Once he is 30% hp he can not really stay in lane. Trust me it works every time. Sometimes you can even kill him like that.”
wff010 says “EXTREMELY cringe lane. I developed a very specific playstyle for this lane. I run exhaust, nimbus cloak and transcendence. Why? He can burst you down 100-0 as soon as he stuns you or poke you to death under his tower. So, whenever you have exhaust, run at him with everything you've got, exhaust him when he throws out his stun, and then kill him ASAP. This will likely be happening under your tower a lot since heim permapushes. So, ask for plenty of ganks.”
LoLReal says “Heimer is hard for us. Punishes us hard early game and isn't very easy to kill. Also difficult to gank. Build an early spectre's cowl in this lane and farm. Mordekaiser can be more useful in team fights so be patient. Heimer builds early zhonya's so he can also be tricky to kill inside of our R. Punish him before he finishes zhonya's post 6.”
SanLourdes says “Another poke machine. He will try and establish lane dominance early. This is perfect since you usually freeze your waves in front of tower anyway. Your Q can be used at a range to take out his turrets, and your E can launch them out of positioning. Once you get a stun on him, you can finish him off easily. Respect his burst, it is more powerful than you think.”
RainAndBow says “Can't win against this other yordle. Let his turrets station wherever he wants, just don't interfere. Try to take the turrets if you can, but if he is nearby it is not worth the risk. Allow his minions to shove into your tower and farm like that. Pray for jungler gank. ”
calbino says “Heimer's poke is irritating, but if you hit first Q, he's basically dead unless he zhonyas/stopwatches. However, prioritize dodging his stun with E rather than positioning your Q with it.”
RareParrot says “Do not let him push you to turret you will get poked down under turret via rockets if you have bush prio you can win by assassinating him because hes squishy.”
ForgottenProject says “This is not a lane this is just Torment. You'll be under your turret for the first 15 Minutes of the game making you Question why even bother with this Game?
[1]Take Teleport and Just Farm out the Lane, there's not much you can do here.
[2]Take Corrupting Pot in Lane and Pick up Mercs so you dont get overwhelmed by his damage.
[3]You can beat him if he doesn't have his turrets set-up or if you kill his turrets and still have Most of your Hp.
[4] Don't ask for ganks just focus on farming till the Laning Phase is over, you will out-scale Hard.”
epic blitz top says “Very annoying matchup. Gets to block your hooks with turrets (if he is skilled) Look to hit level 6 first and all in, or hit hooks and trade that way. NEVER trade inside his turrets.”
SavagePridestalker says “Kinda weird matchup, you'll never be really able to kill him, since he'll just be pushing the lane against you permanently. I'd say DON'T play tank Rengar into him.”
Marwaii says “Dude, nerf Heimerdinger. Take shield and play safe till mega Gnar. Mega Gnar will kill him at lvl 6 and you can kill his turrets with your Qs.
Take Stride + Mercs.”
a1a7s45 says “Heimerdinger is extremely oppressive. Now people are playing him because Beryl played him at Worlds. If you need to ban him, do so. Otherwise, pray you have a team that scales hard in teamfights. You need to play around them if you want to make Heim pay.”
AlanVenator says “There is not much you can do against Heimerdinger. Try to avoid poke and stay healthy. When asking for ganks, try to clear his turrets and minions as they will do a lot of damage.”
SethPRG says “You win level 1, I'd try to bush cheese, but if he doesn't die you will have to play safe unless you can dodge everything and destroy his turrets quickly. Better to just let him push and wait for your JG or level 6 and Stridebraker. His missiles are relatively easy to dodge unless he aims the skill shot to be widespread. His turrets are annoying, but in all-ins, you can use that against him by stunning him into them. If he tries to throw a stun bomb at you use your ult to dodge the CC. Rush Mercury Treads into Stridebreaker, and then get Force of Nature second item, you will need the pasive. He won't be able to beat you after that till late game.”
DaSticks says “Very hard matchup if the heimer plays well. He can 1v2 you and your jungler if he has ult so ping your jungler away! You can kill his turrets with autos when safe to but he recharges them quickly so it's hard to get a good window to trade, just play defensively. When you want to all in him bait him into throwing E then flash on him.”
majororange77 says “Full info in Guide.
Great matchup. Just let him push and free farm under tower. If he gets too aggressive, let your jungle path bot and gank.”
Kaizin says “Take a few early points into your E so that you're able to farm and clear his cannons. He'll most likely keep you pushed into tower so just try to farm as best as you can and avoid walking up to the wave near his turrets as he deals a lot more damage than expected. Second wind, early boots and health are all very good into this matchup. At level 6 you can try to go for an all in, just make sure you've poke him down to at least 60% with your E. That way you can kill him in one rotation of abilities. If he flashes I'd take the flash, let your jungler know and don't be greedy.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
If you can position your W well, then you should not be taking damage from all his turrets, or at least most of them, and your E makes it very easy to dodge his other abilities. He will most likely keep you pushed under your tower, ask for a gank or just play safe and cs as best as possible.”
deathwalker7119 says “Another really hard matchup, if you see this guy in ranked you should probably just dodge or spam ping jungle help. You cannot fight him in his turrets as they fuck you, so always play back and wait for him to push past them. You need to parry his grenade + dash out of the missiles, or else you will get 1 shot. Again, his turrets will literally solo kill you as they give him movement speed and do incredible DPS, AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!!!!”
Humitaxx says “Just try to freeze the wave and trade every now and then, whenever all of your abilities are up you can chase with Q and stun him with E, he can melt you but you can abuse his turret damage to get a charged W at him”
Darkduet says “Heimer is one of the most hated champions of mine, but thank god your passive makes it a lot easier to approach him. Be careful though, heimer is very tricky”
Womsky says “lane survival, doran's sheild, He is known as the ultimate lane bully who shoves u under your turret and forces u to stay there all laning phase while poking you, but as a tryndamere, u have so much sustain and u can destroy his turrets while out sustaining his mana pool, he has alot of skill shots, so dodging is important in this matchup, he will try to throw stuff at u when u go for his turrets, but u can dodge it and destroy them, he is nothing without his turrets, when the game starts u can also head to the lane right away to prevent him from setting up turrets, if u let him set up too much he can poke u out, dives and kills on him is easy if u take out all turrets and stay high hp high fury, his base states are nothing compared for you.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be troubling if he lands his combo on you but it is fairly easy to avoid everything he throws at you. Start with Q and look to build your passive/be aggressive early on. If you land your E at level 2 it is a guaranteed flash or kill from him depending on how hard you chunk him. You can be extremely aggressive against him just make sure to be aware of ganks. Post 6 it is crucial to avoid his combo as he can easily do 80%+ of your hp in a second or two if you get hit by his combo. Avoid his combo and you are golden in all ins.”
tibs2 says “Depression aids cancer bad match up. You just sit under tower and hope you flip the better team. Don't really have any useful tips for this match up other than don't try to trade with him ever.”
Ratakor says “Ranged, he hard push -> ez gank, his turrets hurt a lot, don't get poke and stay even in farm, you can kill him after first back by run on him and dodge his stun bomb”
JeanMichelBambi says “Even if he isn't common, he's a pain to deal with, he deals lots of poke damage, and can hide behind his turrets to block any hooks you might be trying to throw at him.”
AmericanNut says “Your shield blocks his E, W, and turrets. Save your shield for when he ults as that is when he bursts his hardest. Do not walk into turret nest for any reason.”
Noodles912 says “Come on. Its Heimer. Spam pots and q lane and never engage. Keep your jungler away from your lane. You can freeze easily with how much damage his turrets do. Stay healthy, and recall if you are low. W can stop his stunning bomb and rocket barrage.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
Heimerdinger will easily poke you and if you go in, his nest of turrets will blow you up. Just stay safe, disguise yourself as a farmer, and wait until your jungle come to help you or wait until you can move out of your lane.”
Oskarl3 says “tough to fight early because he pushes you in non stop, but you can use your e to reposition his towers. goredrinker is good here to help you survive his prolonged damage”
Draconic56 says “This matchup is going to be hell for you. For the first 5 levels, you just need to sit back and make sure not to take damage. If you can land a pull, your combo will do a lot of damage to him, as he is innately a squishy champion but trying to do so will leave you vulnerable. Just make sure you survive until level 6. Give up CS, conserve HP, and try to passively exist in your lane. On the bright side, your ultimate changes the entire dynamic. His turrets and etc won't be around to help him in the Death Realm. So look to Ult him either AS he throws out his stun grenade, or as he puts down his super turret with his ultimate. This way, you will cancel one of his major abilities which will allow you to just walk up and murder him with little resistance.”
SanLourdes says “I hate this matchup more than anything in the world. He is a poke machine with tons of CC and burst potential. Stay out of his way pre-level 6. Freeze the wave in front of your tower and let him push. Safely CS and when you have your ultimate, use Ghost, E , ult him and make him pay for all the pain he has caused. His turrets won't be there in your Death Realm to save his mustache. Other than that, play it safe and do not feed him. Respect his burst potential. Build Doran's Shield. Keep the rest of your normal build and buy Sorcerer's Shoes.”
negoZoma69 says “AP Neeko can't do much against heimer in lane, he will just get free movespeed from his passive and kite you. Just try your best to kill his turrets and bait his abilities to make him run out of mana. AD Neeko on other hand has a small window to kill him if you dodge his E.”
SeptikYT says “Really annoying to lane against to the point it's near impossible to trade with him. To also mention he outscales you by a lot, so just dodge or ban this guy.”
SanLourdes says “Heimerdinger will out-trade you in every way possible. Play defensive and ask your jungler for ganks. Take down his turrets whenever you can as it will be near impossible to survive in places where he has many of them. Don't take too much poke! He has great burst potential when you least expect it and his playstyle will soon have you tilted if you aren't careful. Don't take Doran's Blade into this matchup unless you want to lose the lane. Freeze the minion wave just before your tower range and farm safely. Allow him to play aggressive and when he overcommits punish him for it. Heimerdinger has everything he needs to counter you; poke, a stun to stop your initiations, high burst damage, decent health and range. I would say to definitely ban him, but his play rate is so low that its not practical. If you are matched up against a Heimerdinger its best to dodge. A five minute wait is better than the worst 15 minute forfeit game in your life.”
nichovsky says “what can i say exept its heimer. if you engage with ult he can stun you and ult then W or Q he can just run if he gets you stuned as well”
TwistedDemon says “You should beat him. Kill his turrets and don't let yourself be hit by his stun. Ask for ganks since he is very vulnerable, and easy to kill in a 2v1. After 6 it becomes a bit harder, just make him to waste his ult and you'll be fine.”
Runtley says “Heimerdinger is just annoying. You want to make sure you hit his turrets twice then the poison will take care of the rest. You can also throw your shrooms on your turrets if they are close enough to each other and get them all. I recommend you use aery so you can get a bunch of poke/ on hit damage.”
Rime101 says “Ignite + electrocute + dorans shield
Max Q
Look to safe farm until 6 where you have strong all-in potential
Kill turrets with Q if possible to attack his mana pool, also free gold
Ignite can be good for stronger all-in”
Erenando says “Uninstall.
No seriously you'll have a very hard time at stacking since he can kill you under your own tower. You must manage to survive the lane until you got spirit visage, mercury's and of course sheen to fight him of, but until then you're basically fucked without your jungler.”
GrGamingTeo says “All you need to do against Heimerdinger is dodge his grenade and don't stand near him if your lane looks like a military base. You can rush Mercury's Treads if it makes sence for the enemy team or Hexdrinker.”
Gordusko says “Heimerdinger is a true lane bully. Laning against this fella is just a pain. You gotta keep destroying his turrets and try to stay healthy. Try to give him some damage if possible with your Q+E combo and wait for him to make mistake. And pray :) ”
LunaticDancer says “I might be an idiot, but this guy always absolutely beats me in top lane (at least last season). You need MR. You need to never get hit by his stun grenade. You need to destroy his turrets immediately before he can create a formation with them. Be careful of him setting up his ult turret and then using Zhonya's.”
tasie456s says “Turrets are annoying, but if he groups them up too much, you can combo them all together. He helps you to waveclear, so look to constantly shove and roam with your jungler. ”
SpyDaFX says “try to kill at level 2/3. dont trade with him when his machines are nearby, ask for ganks, a skill matchup (he needs to land his stuff, if he doesn't it's a free lane for you after level 2/3 if you get a lead especially). go press the attack.”
Ravenborne says “Mandatory to get 3 Rejuv Bead as Start. Simply can not touch him. If he gets close to Tower however you can run him down with Ghost because your Damage is far greater than his. Just be sure to not let his Stun Grenade hit you at his turrets because he will then be able to finish you off.”
mobsterplatypus says “The poke is very annoying here, but once you reach level 6, go all in, wait for him to use his ultimate (usually on the turret) then use yours. His turrets can follow him to the realm of death, and if he already used his stun its pretty much over for him. Run riftmaker to help with the poke.”
Kil4fun says “Play passive until you get 6. He hurts a lot but if you don't tank abilities you can just sit behind minions and wait out the rocket attacks. Besides that his turrets have more range/same range until level 16 where you can take them for free.”
Devilofthewest says “A good heimer dinger will wreck your shit . There are too many instances where you will need your E and it is very easy for them to force you to use it. Most likely you will get stuck trying to farm with your long range Q because if he stuns you when you try to last hit CS then his turrets will kill you ... and once he hits lvl 6 jumping on him will be suicide unless you have your E up and ready (this is a champ where EMPOWERED E actually is very useful so that you can block his whole ult or enough of it to get away ) This all being said IF you can burst him dead with your combo + ignite you can win but it is still HIGH risk . The only real thing you can do is take advantage of his lack of escapes , let him push up , try to get him to burn his ult and ping your jungler for assistence (also one final note for anyone unaware , his ult tower stays up if he dies , so if you burst him there is a high chance his ult will still kill you )”
ModelitoTime says “Although Heimer top is not too common it is still a thing. Take MR runes and take a Doran's Shield with you. Heimer is a lane bully and can push lanes really fast with his turrets. Although they look small they make this matchup dangerous. Never try to hit Heimer with your W unless you have already landed your Q or a E on him. I say this because your W will always try to hit his turrets rather than him because they are closer to you. I recommend trying to land a Q from far range then just E+Flash into him, he is really squishy so as soon as you land a E on him 9 times out of 10 he is dead. That is your best bet at securing a kill in this matchup. If you see that she rushes Zhonyas that will make this matchup really tough because he will just Zhonya and let his turrets do the work for him. If your E is up again time it right so that you can hit him with it as soon as his hourlglass is over. Other than that you scale over Heimer extremely. Turbo Chemtank later in the game could also help if he is being obnoxious.”
WookieChewbacca says “Proxy when able. You can dive Heimerdinger only if you have a vast speed advantage at level 6. If the lane is pushed, you can fling him towards the enemy side of the map, away from his turrets.”
xxskipskipxx says “Farm Lane ~
Dodge his Abilities and dont force trades!
if he misses his Stun (E) you can look in to trade him, BUT make sure you dont stand in the range of ALL 3 Turrets of Heimer!!
Let him push and ask for Jungle help”
RedNBlue says “Easy kill, just make sure to shoot his turrets and dodge his stun with your e and double shot him. Hes too short range to fight you without his turrets.”
EU_Toxicity says “Very rough for most immoblie melees including Darius. I'd buy 3x Rejuv Beads as you can keep one and buy adaptive helm later. You do have a chance to all-in him before 6 by dodging/flashing his grenade and running him down with ghost . If the grenade hit you just back off as he will surely outdamage you.”
iZeal says “Another difficult matchup as Heimer will permapush you into tower trying to harass you while you will have problems farming and destroying his turrets. If he catches you with a stun, you die after level 6. Try to kill his turrets while dodging his E and W before going in or bait out his ultimate for a gank so he can't 2v1 you and your jungler.
RejuBeads>DShield, Merc Treads, Specter's Cowl or Hexdrinker if struggling”
byThiagus says “UNA LINEA INFERNAL, Recomiendo segunda pagina de runas, escudo de doran y ghost. Farmear Hasta un gank de tu jungler O que utilize mal su e SINO NO PODES ENTRARLE.”
StrikeX114 says “Heimerdinger's turrets can often be one- or two-tapped by most champions. Yuumi is not in said majority. Build a Stinger early to destroy his turrets faster, because he can otherwise keep you at a distance for the entire game.”
Saarlichenbog says “Heimerdinger loves to bait you into his turret setup which is his primary form of DPS. There are several phases to the lane to ensure he doesn't take over which can be done pretty easily if managed correctly. Removing his turrets upon placement is crucial as he has a small delay between placing each new turret this being your time to full combo him. Once he hits level 6, there's always the threat of him double-casting which is why at this point you should start playing more defensively for items. Finally, when he hits Zhonyas it becomes incredibly dangerous to try and solo kill him but he will more often then not be pinned to one lane which means you can then translate your lead into more map impact.”
hiugnadie says “He is a complete lane bully, luckily he doesn't top very much. If you do go against him, though, the rule is you win fights outside of turret range, he wins them inside. try to freeze early and just farm, you outscale him. also if your jungler ganks early and you kill him, then try to shove as hard as you can and kill all of his turrets, and then you have a chance of winning lane against him.”
Captain Dantems says “Tome cuidado com as torrezinhas dele, pokea ele com seu Q e barril, uma hora da para matar ele. Grasp. Dá para usar poção corrupta, anel de Doran e Cristal de safira com 3 poções.”
ItsPaulygon says “Don't even try to trade with him. He can just stun you and let his turrets do all the work for him. Play safe, take Doran's shield and take all the cs you can. Only engage if you have your jungler with you. But be careful, as he can still deal with both of you.”
TheMightyNinja says “He will push you constantly wich makes him vulnerable to ganks.
Your W can block his turrets shots.
Try to stay healthy, dodge his skills and farm as much as you can safely, you become more impacful than him later in the game with your ultimate. I would recommend the Fleet Footwork build in this matchup”
MrGasYourGirl says “He's the 11/10. You gotta deep proxy behind the second tower and prepare to get blasted in the ass if he catches you. He's a very naughty yordle.”
Frostyfps says “Can be troubling if he lands his combo on you but it is fairly easy to avoid everything he throws at you. Start with Q and look to build your passive/be aggressive early on. If you land your E at level 2 it is a guaranteed flash or kill from him depending on how hard you chunk him. You can be extremely aggressive against him just make sure to be aware of ganks. Post 6 it is crucial to avoid his combo as he can easily do 80%+ of your hp in a second or two if you get hit by his combo. Avoid his combo and you are golden in all ins.
TangoVallhala says “try killing him early on when he is no escape or damage, later on wait for 6, watch out for his E Cooldown. Also go hex drinker rush.”
qasddsa says “Be careful of his rockets and stun grenade. He'll be constantly pushing the wave, so ask your jungler for a gank. Try your best to not fight in his turrets, as their damage starts to ramp up as you get closer to level 6. In teamfights, do not fight in his cannons; make sure to clear them. You do not want to get caught by his stun grenade.”
Heimer is a really inmobile champion but he can use that to his advantages with his torrets. In this lane he will always permapush since his torrets will automatically autoattack you, but you have to play it safe enough to not get poked, once the wave starts pushing back you can kill the torrets with your minion wave and then look to waste his mana like that. Fleet in this lane is really good but if you feel confident you can try to go for Spellbook. if he can't get an advantage in this lane, later on you will beat him 1v1. Look to setup a splitpush situation where he has to match you and look to all in him when he hasn't placed his torrets yet, the torrets are his main source of damage, without them he is super squishy. Remember you can stack his torrets with Q.”
SubHuman Filth says “Go for aery and 3 points in q from early game.
Shroom his turrets. and only poke with q.
Dont get hit by his E, then you will die very quickly.”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Head to lane at the very start of the game and make sure heimer doesnt set up his turrets in lane, and also make sure he doesnt cheese your jungle buff level 1 either. Merc treads can help in this matchup or you can take tenacity on your runes If you are able to consistently take out heimer's turrets in the early game and not allow him to have 3 up at one time you can outsustain heimer's auto's and get very good early pressure on him. If you let him get his turrets down then he will be able to pressure you and shove you under turret and deny you CS. Post 6 you can look for allins on heimer however you need full fury and close to full hp to look for it, also you need to take out heimer's turrets before going after him or else he will burst you very quickly and kite around his turrets while you are ulting. Once you get about 2-3 items you can start beating heimer even when he has full turrets and cooldowns ready, still a good idea to take out his turrets early though so he doesnt have the burst of damage for after your ulti is over. In the mid-late game split push, if you don't think you can dive heimer then look to push him in and use your superior mobility to outrotate him on the map and potentially flank his team while he is holding the wave.”
Nabura says “Take fleet. Put on your dancing shoes and bait his abilities for the entire laning phase, some people hate this matchup but I personally find it fun as they usually constantly miss their abilities and slowly lose control of the lane. Just be careful of TPing back to lane, going for greedy last hits and bushes, as these moments CAN GET YOU KILLED.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Head to lane at the very start of the game and make sure heimer doesnt set up his turrets in lane, and also make sure he doesnt cheese your jungle buff level 1 either. Merc treads can help in this matchup or you can take tenacity on your runes If you are able to consistently take out heimer's turrets in the early game and not allow him to have 3 up at one time you can outsustain heimer's auto's and get very good early pressure on him. If you let him get his turrets down then he will be able to pressure you and shove you under turret and deny you CS. Post 6 you can look for allins on heimer however you need full fury and close to full hp to look for it, also you need to take out heimer's turrets before going after him or else he will burst you very quickly and kite around his turrets while you are ulting. Once you get about 2-3 items you can start beating heimer even when he has full turrets and cooldowns ready, still a good idea to take out his turrets early though so he doesnt have the burst of damage for after your ulti is over. In the mid-late game split push, if you don't think you can dive heimer then look to push him in and use your superior mobility to outrotate him on the map and potentially flank his team while he is holding the wave.”
ZergDood says “He needs one stun to win the trade (and he'll manage to do so!). He'll push the lane, focus on farming and punish positioning. Be careful when he isn't around, push your wave. You won't enjoy this matchup.”
Ayanleh says “He's pretty stronger than you early on but hes pretty squishy so get lv6 and take him to the shadow realm and kill him there as it removes his turrets.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Haven't played this matchup that much, but heimers damage and waveclear is strong, you should be able to kill him if you get in however and you want to ult away from turrets during an allin if possible.
Take MR.”
wallobear53 says “Heimerdinger will attempt to shove you in while simultaneously trying to poke you. Destroy his Q with your AOE abilities while simultaneously clearing the wave. This will help you match his pushing power and will keep you even in the lane.
Avoiding Heimerdinger’s E should be your top priority, no matter which lane you belong to. That ability when paired with his Q turrets can destroy your health bar and kill you immediately if you don’t have resistances.
While CS’ing, make sure you don’t get hit by his W as it will give him a push as well as a trade advantage. Make sure you don’t let him shove you into your tower, or else he will just siege you under his tower or roam around the map and get leads elsewhere.
laoshin3v3 says “You can clear his towers with your E, and they take damage if they stay near enough to minions. Just Farm up no reason to fight him without jungler.”
9690 says “D-Blade. Use his turrets as mobility against him. He will poke you a bit but it won't be enough to force you out of lane, especially if you can keep the pressure up on him. You should always have lane priority in this matchup. Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Head to lane at the very start of the game and make sure heimer doesnt set up his turrets in lane, and also make sure he doesnt cheese your jungle buff level 1 either. Merc treads can help in this matchup or you can take tenacity on your runes If you are able to consistently take out heimer's turrets in the early game and not allow him to have 3 up at one time you can outsustain heimer's auto's and get very good early pressure on him. If you let him get his turrets down then he will be able to pressure you and shove you under turret and deny you CS. Post 6 you can look for allins on heimer however you need full fury and close to full hp to look for it, also you need to take out heimer's turrets before going after him or else he will burst you very quickly and kite around his turrets while you are ulting. Once you get about 2-3 items you can start beating heimer even when he has full turrets and cooldowns ready, still a good idea to take out his turrets early though so he doesnt have the burst of damage for after your ulti is over. In the mid-late game split push, if you don't think you can dive heimer then look to push him in and use your superior mobility to outrotate him on the map and potentially flank his team while he is holding the wave”
BloodyDream81 says “Comme pour GP, le niveau de menace réel est plutôt autour de 4, mais il te faut de l'expérience sur Darius pour ça, dans un premier temps évite absolument ce match up, et considère le comme affronter Cassiopeia, un enfer ! Je vais quand même te donner quelques astuce qui rendront ça un peu plus viable.
Premièrement, prend "Second souffle" pour la regen vie quand tu te fais poke, deuxièmement prend note du placement de ses tourelles, et essaie de toutes les toucher avec ton A pour les détruire rapidement, ensuite, le E de heimerdinger (sa grenade) et son sort le plus dangereux, si tu parviens à l'éviter, non seulement tu ne seras pas Stun mais en plus les tourelles n'utiliseront pas leur attaque spécial sur toi. Si il utilise mal on E, utilise tout de suite fantôme et court lui dessus, en réussissant ton A tu le tuera à coup sur, n'oublie pas de t'éloigner des tourelles une fois qu'il est mort car elle continue à jouer pendant 4 secondes après sa mort.
Astuce : Des bottes de mercure, un phage et l'aide de ton jungle sont les seul moyen d'espérer faire quelque chose ! Bon courage, et reste forte !”
Dantheman81 says “Heimer isn't really played very much but if he is all you have to do is q the turrets and they die. Without his turrets he lacks any damage to kill you throughout the game.”
Xplor says “Heimerdinger is not a threat unless you go all-in when he has his turrets down.
He will control the wave, you will do the same. Farm out of his range and poke with your Mists and "E" as much as possible. Do not engage on him unless you are confident you can take him down.”
TentiTiger11 says “By far the biggest problem to garen. This matchup is just straight up horrible. Heimer has great poke, high damage, and lane control with his turrets. Even with this build, he will still deny you so much gold and exp. If he poke you down, he can tower dive with his jungler. Avoid at ALL COSTS. Maybe ask your mid to lane swap at the beginning if they are ok with it.”
DirtyDishSoap says “His turrets don't outright kill your Ghouls, and he'll likely die by them if you land an E. Every Heim will push but it's incredibly important to bear in mind that 1. He'll be fast, 2. He can stun and kill you if you're not careful, and 3. Your jungler will almost always F it up and feed him.
Tell your jungler to not gank. Seriously. I call it "The Curse of the Donger". where your jungler suffers a seizure and they just fly in half health and die to this midget.
With that being said, Heim takes practice to beat, but once you nail it down, he's super easy.”
report singed ty says “You lose this lane and there's nothing you can do. Luckily for you, it's likely you'll never even have to fight this matchup. If you ever see him just dodge. He's probably the one matchup I always recommend dodging on. Your winrate vs him is something like only a 30% chance last I checked, it's crazy bad and it's not a matchup you can try and outskill your opponent in either.”
Sq_09 says “You can't engage him but if he doesn't place offensive turrets you can try and poke him a bit. Just don't walk into his stuff and he's a chill lane, that you just need to counterpush. If you take some damage he can W you but you can take the damage. ”
Beatport Expo says “Haven't fought him yet but based on experience, you're gonna have either swallow one of his turrets and throw it away from you and NOT directly onto Heimerdinger If your W doesn't kill the turret. This of course, cost you some damage and you won't be able to bring him away from his Tower since you used your W on his turret. ”
SirDrPotato says “A very very hard lane. The only reason why I do not put heimerdinger up in "Extreme" is because you are way better than him later in the game. However, laning phase is a nightmare. Buy doran's shield or corrupting potion and stay under turret, farm the best you can and do not try anything risky. Sometimes it might sound like you have a nice opening to engange him but trust me: You don't. Also, there are very few junglers that can help you, most often than not heimer will just kill you and your jungler, however, there are a few mid laners that might: If your mid laner is ahead and has burst - talon, fizz, diana - you can ask them for some help, be aware that heimer might kill both of you and if your mid laner denies to help you that's a very wise choice. Stay calm, you scale better.”
Subject3 says “stay under tower, stay under tower... stay under tower, look your skills can only target one thing, if he hides behind his turrets your q does nothing, if you try and swallow his turrets you will get nothing out of it, he has more.
if you try and swallow him! look at him go at mach speed around his turrets and you barely able to stack at him, and then die.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Frustrating, like most yordle matchups. He will basically try to either turtle with his turrets or push like a maniac and keep you under your own turret, which is bad because you need bushes to have any pressure on him, and if he gets to scale he can be terrifying. Lane is fairly even otherwise, he is very squishy early and if you get a lead on him he either rushes Zhonyas or keeps dying without jungler assistance, both of which will set him back significantly. Try killing his turrets as soon as they spawn with a Leap + Q, they will reduce his pressure significantly and give you an opening, but respect his E+W damage or you might find yourself losing the trade if you don't have Emp W at the ready. At level 6 his ult will make directly jumping into him a really bad idea unless you are already ahead, so try playing carefully around it and don't be afraid to ask for jungle assistance to secure the lead. All in all, manageable lane where you can just crush the game if you get ahead and just farm if you are behind.
Ignite is good for early game pressure, specially since he is squishy. Fleet and HoB both work well enough, conqueror is an option too but he is very squishy and you don't really want / need long trades on him.”
Itreallyhim says “Annoying, But grab him with E, Q and then back off, use your W after his E or his W hits you.
Just a patience matchup. Stay strong in your mental and wreck his buildings.”
Rivenetto says “He isnt doing great in meta so hes not playable at top(thanks god) but hes an extreme threat to Riven.Try to fight him only if his E is on cooldown and if he dont have stopwatch/zhonyas.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “i awlays dodge this matchup because its impossibile to be on lane rush mercs and proxy if you want to beat him later on in game make sure to buy adaptive helm and hextech protobelt to kil his turrets
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Neither one of you will really "win" this lane. Heimer doesn't have kill pressure on you unless you engage him in his turrets and you can sustain through his poke using Fleet Footwork. Try and shove your minion wave and roam into the enemy jungle or down to midlane. If you get a lead you can kill him in about 4 charged auto's once you have Stormrazor and Rapid Firecannon so if you do get a lead make sure you push it. Late game you can 1v1 him and most likely kill him before he really gets chance to do anything else.”
Blakespeare says “the poke is hard practice wave control and before engages you want to focus down the turrets taking his damage source away, This is a cull match up unless you are not confident in your side step ability then you want to take dorans shield.”
Braddik says “There's a small window lvl 2-3 where you can all in him if you set your wave up properly. Kill him twice and you'll kill him forever. Rushing mercs can be good here. If he gets to level 6 uncontested you lose.”
spaceriftmaster says “Heimer is actually pretty easy. Pre six he's very difficult to fight. But when you use death realm his turrets don't follow him into the death realm giving you a free kill even if he stopwatch's or uses hourglass.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Basically an annoying match up. He makes his lane a military base and presses one button while his army of turrets melts your health bar. You also can't engage him since his turrets take zero damage and he can just stopwatch or hourglass and lets his turrets do all the work.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es otro counter.
Especialista en bajar tanques con un solo objeto. Solo juega pasivo y armate 'Yelmo adaptable' despues tiene mejores TF fuera de sus torretitas”
Pedrokis says “Bonecão esse hein. / Poke ridículo com todas as skills e muito dano por segundo caso você vá pra cima e ele tiver torres, stun, Q e muitos minions perto dele. / Espera ele ficar mal posicionado e tiver sem Zhonya's ou cronômetro, daí você ganha facilmente.”
TheRevenantsHand says “If this guy is patient, he can be quite a bump in the road. Just like other "spawnable" ults, wait for him to use his first. But beware, good players will wait for your ult first.”
Split King says “There is not much counter play for Shen in this lane. Do not fight him unless he is really bad. Focus on farming and staying alive. Rush Spectre's Cowl and Merc treads.”
JPlayah16 says “He isn't a huge threat to your existence, but you'll never get a kill on him unless you get seriously fed elsewhere first. Don't engage him during the laning phase and play defensively. Watch out for his stun grenade when you run up to last hit minions.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “He has strong waveclear and poke. He is annoying especially after he builds Rylai's.
Tip: Beat him before 6. Destroy his turrets first. You can dodge his E with your E dash.
Bring Phase Rush and Nullifying Orb against him to avoid slow by Rylai's and his AP damage. If you are still struggling, you can consider buying Boots of Swiftness to negate slow.”
BeautifulWinter says “You will lose this lane. If you play other champions do not play illaoi into Heimerdinger.
Post 6 only play agro if you land E and can flash ult on top of him.
If the heimerdinger is bad you might be able to kill him with Youmuu's however I recommend building whatever will help your team more in team fights.”
Big Belly Bop says “He will be constantly pushing and ganks will be nearly impossible unless you have a jungler that can follow up and do damage. Ask for ganks and TRY to stay even in farm. Look for good ults across the map and roam mid if possible to gain a gold lead. You will out-scale him with items. Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion, Burst rune page.”
9690 says “Heimer is hard for us. Punishes us hard early game and isn't very easy to kill. Also difficult to gank. Build an early spectre's cowl in this lane and farm. Mordekaiser can be more useful in team fights so be patient. Heimer builds early zhonya's so he can also be tricky to kill inside of our R. Punish him before he finishes zhonya's post 6.”
3rr0rL says “His spam of Q is very annoying. To win lane you need to wait the perfect moment to flash into him and kill him. If you lost a lot of farm and gave him couple kills, ask your jungler to help you.”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull to not get poked down too much by heimerdinger, if at level 4 or 5 you have 30% health or lower just teleport back to lane afther basing and buy yourselve a null magic mantle, against heimerdinger the conqueror page is recommanded.”
mightydylan101 says “Heimer is a counter as hes ranged and his turrets do a lot of damage to you even early. His turrets can also CS for him and he scales bad.”
ThisIsJustSad says “1, Heimer is only annoying if he manages to setup his turrets. You need to always be ready to trade your hp bar to make sure he never gets a single turret up. Use auto-q on each turret and the E auto reset + crit to get rid of the turrets.
2. If Heimer doesn't have turrets, he auto loses.
3. Heimer will naturally push the wave due to the turrets he places down. Kill them, then freeze the wave, then run heimer down.
4. You don't need to w Heimer Stun, you just need to W Heimer to slow him down. You can use your q at max range to give you more wiggle room to dodge Heimer stun.”
NasusIsMyBoy says “His little robot things are great at denying farm and poking whenever you get close, however you can stack them but you should watch out for the orb thing he throws as all of the others will target you”
Nightblue33 says “Try To Damage his cannons because if he out of it he will be easier to kill him and also he is a bad counter just go E and the Q and E again ”
Hamstertamer says “Boring. Just farm under tower for 10 minutes, and rush adaptive helm + merc treads so you can kick his ass later. Punish him with E if he tries to slowly chip at your tower.”
SummonedLight says “Good heimerdinger will just set up in lane and push slowly to your tower and tower dive with his turrets to out proxy you. Just go double proxy if that happens.”
HKRV says “Dodge. Seriously you can't do much in his early game. Even bigger bully than Teemo. Ask the jungler to babysit. Be on the move always, as staying still here is more of a death sentence. ”
Poppu says “Build MR, Adaptive Helm, play with your team and snowball them instead. Heim will just hard push and deny CS, really annoying lane to deal with.”
Shady Zane says “Heimer ze crazy yordle.. Great, here we go again with this.
Anyways, playing against heimer can get quite difficult cause of his turrets. SO you have to think before you strike and try to avoid his E. (Can't give much advice even tho I've played as/vs him in top)”
Petethebossch says “Just farm under tower until Heimerdinger makes a mistake or gets ganked. If not you will be able to kill him level 11ish if you haven't fallen behind.”
Jnewbringspain says “One of the hardest matchups. Don't try to solo fight him until late game. Ask for ganks in pregame as you will need them. His turrets make trading with him at close range impossible.”
Zestysquid says “Dinger is bad news. He will not engage on you and will kick you under your turret. His turrets have more health than your boxes and don't expire, but they don't do as much damage. Try to get your protobelt fast to keep up with his pushing. Roam as much as you can afford to in order to get ahead.”
M2 Jizu says “Juega pasivo y espera al gank del jungla, necesitas saber jugar muy bien para que no se te complique este Matchup, si eres Platino 4+ me imagino que tienes una idea de como jugarle a Heimer y como matarlo siendo Shen, si eres Platino 4- juega pasivo y espera el gank de tu jungla. necesitarás sustain.”
Onwego317 says “As a too hit Teemo Heimer can be a pain early. Make sure to get his turrets down as fast as you can. Knowing he will out cs you early lane phase is fine. BePatient and you will come out of the lane ahead on cs and the tower take down. Hurricane will change the lane once acquired for sure. Place plenty of wards around tribush and in the river. When Heimer backs to upgrade is when you take your stabs at the tower. It will be a slow lane as your jungler may be hesitant to gank due to his abilities and turrets. LVL 6 also changes the lane significantly in your favor.”
RainbowNova says “I literally haven't seen this guy all year besides in ARAM. I have no clue how he would fare against Tankmo, but I'd imagine that Tankmo could tank most damage with Adaptive Helm. ”
DrMoneybags says “This matchup is very annoying for any melee toplaner. Heimer is a burst mage that excels against low-range champs. His turrets cost very little mana and he can constantly shove you in if you don't have tiamat, which will let him poke you a ton.
Be careful when you engage on him with E, he can retaliate with his stun and that'll blast you with his turrets. Wait until he throws his stun grenade and then dive onto him. He gets enhanced movement speed around turrets, so landing your Q can be a bit tricky as well. Once he has Zhonyas it's pretty hard to beat him without a lot of MR since he can use his enlarged turret while he's in stasis to chunk you out. ”
Qubert64 says “Not very common matchup. Haven't played him enough to really give any tips on fighting him. Probably just sit under turret with an adaptive helm.”
Zdenster says “You don't get poked out. Take Arcane Comet. Don't fight him when all of his turrets are up. Use W to destroy them. Rush Sheen or Merc's Treads.”
Carlosm04 says “Rei mendigo e suas torres, krai esse bixo me dar uma raiva, tenta pedir ajudar do jg ou bate algumas torrinhas pra ele ficar desvantagem , n seja atingido pelo E dele, se nao as torres vao dar o dano do cacete”
nuken507 says “this little dude can do a lot of damage at range, vi has a very short range meaning that he can eat half your health before you even touch him”
E61K says “Start Doran's Shield and take Second wind + Conqueror. Heimerdinger has always been frustrating to play against as an immobile melee champion. The best approach to this would be rushing Specter's Cowl and then destroying his Turrets with Q's or a quick AA+W and then all-inning him when he has little to no turrets placed. Stacked turrets into a grenade can easily chunk you so hard that you need to cower behind your turret or need to recall. Other than that if you can't cope with him his pushing nature opens him up for a nice gank. Just play it smart so you and your jungler don't get double killed.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Consistent damage from turrets, Hard to Dive, AP, CC. Weaknesses: Low Mobility, Squishy. He'll be trying to poke you down heavily early game so build a hexdrinker against this guy and after you gain a few levels start trying to remove his turrets to mitigate his potential damage output. You will eventually outscale him and deal enough damage to kill him in a 1v1 so play the waiting game and don't give him a huge lead. Once you have hexdrinker, you should be able to all in him once he is either low on mana or is on cooldowns. That is your chance to punish him and gain the lead that you need in the lane. Don’t be surprised if you have to give up your tower early, that’s just how the matchup can turn out a lot of the time.”
Sion says “Post level 6 you win any and all trades as long as you E his ulted turret away and/or dodge his stun. Play around E max 2nd cause it's mandatory in this matchup. You will outpush and outroam him post 6.”
shlemvem says “Playing against a good heimerdinger with singed is one of the hardest things in matchups with singed. You can't engage, you can't farm, proxying is hard, etc.”
POTATOBEAVER says “Your kit cant really do much as Heimerdinger uses turrets mainly and not auto attacks, not much u can do before 6, try and get youur jg to early gank”
Zahkar00 says “Take Glacial.
Honestly this is just a cancer lane. But he isnt hard to kill. Once you get negtron and sheen you can just run up and kill him if his minion wave isnt to big. But realistically he will be outpoking you so you may have to rely on your jng'er”
Bakiraka says “Really not bad. Let him push you in and you'll outscale him pretty handily. Your barrels can also make short work of his turrets. Just forget about poking him.”
Trixelkour says “Almost a tier 5 threat, but winnable if you can stay safe and juke his stuns in lane. Take exhaust and ignite if you want an easy early game kill. Runes are pretty wide for Heimer since a lot of them can be useful against him. Get plenty of MR and you can win anytime anywhere. ”
E61K says “Yasuo is probably Heimerdinger's greatest counter. Heimer is basically like Orianna except that it's mostly the turrets which make Heimer the champion he is. The thing is that you are resourceless and can one-shot his turrets with EQ at level 2 or just use them to gapclose. After you are on top of him you can either windwall his stun or dodge it with your E and then he will be helpless. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Lane Aproach: Farm safely, you can all in when he has no turrets.
Key CDs:R
Notes: You can easily 100-0 him with triforce, Q reset on turrets.”
Mouadyam says “boring lane, you will die if you try to kill him inside of his towers so just farm boringly and abide by this veery fun champion's rules, kill the little furry if he gets too close though, an early spectre's cowbl can help with his poke.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Trying my best not to insult this guy... You can move around him and dodge or windwall his abilities pretty easily. But he still does a lot of damage when you least expect it. Against him you start Doran's Shield and rush Merc and PD”
iam colorblind says “Very hard to play against.
You can't farm in early game and he poke's u very fast down.
Buy Hextrinker and try to cheese him!
Don't go on him in early game or you will be dead.”
FIux says “Heimerdinger makes using your E hard since he would have turrets awaiting you. In this case, you would want to use Q to destroy his turrets. Only use E to engage when he has his skills on cooldown and you are out of range from his turrets.”
CaioOP1985 says “His turrets are annoying and hurt a lot earlier into the game, but they are also a juicy source of stacks for your Q, so enjoy it while watching out for missiles and grenades.”
Ashnard says “Heimer has a lot of damage and lane control due to his turrets, but you can easily kill them with 1q + auto when u get the chance. Be careful of his stun grenade, it will chunk you pretty hard if it hits in middle of his turrets.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Your Q can quite reliably kill turrets in the later stages of the game. He's still going to bully you early, but you can win trades if you can bait the grenade out or have taken down some of his turrets.”
Dacnomaniak says “This lane is not gonna be fun. The Constant turret pressure means you cant really go in early. But an Adaptive Helmet and it will make your life a lot easier.”
IllIlllIIlI says “This little fucking yordle manages to piss me off everytime, but still not an extremely difficult lane. You can often come out on top if you manage to out manouver his stun.”
Nechu2448 says “He is annoying so much. Heimer can build sentries you can go past them or anything . you can try destroy but aslo heimer is danger , he throw at you grande and turrets start attacking you. To defet him you need jungler help
DuhBrandon says “I know this a top guide but you have no idea how many people I've seen go heimerdinger top lane and crush me. Trust me its not fun. There is a high chance you will be behind on farm. if the heimerdinger gets ahead it will be near impossible to catch up so your best bet is to all in when you can and abuse your shroud.”
galvapheonix says “ Heimer isn't really played very much but if he is all you have to do is q the turrets and they die. Without his turrets he lacks any damage to kill you throughout the game.”
thedunkening111 says “The 'you're not going to do anything' lane. What can I say. The good thing is you got tons of lock down, so ganking the guy isn't totally out of the question.
Take Aftershock”
Mid Lane 52.59% Win Rate21% Pick RateHeimerdinger Mid Lane Counters: 2 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Heimerdinger in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
BrMario1011 says “just wait for mid/late game lol, if you have R and flash and your jg can one shot him/perma stun him he just cant play (if not dont even try, he can 1v2 easily) you work pretty well with low amounts of cs
late game just flash on him
go any setup tbh lol”
maiathemagical says “Heimercringer is a miserable laner to deal with unless your jungler is really, really on the ball with it - try to get them to gank when he shoves waves, but if you get left alone it's pretty hard, since you can't go aggro on him unless he's significantly behind already.
Let him spend his mana setting up turrets, don't fight around them. In general just don't EVER fight him on his terms”
Cepatrol says “he will push you under tower and sit on his 80cm manlet towers while bombing you, try to salvage cs, you outscale and he will get CANCER from you accidentally killing his towers in teamfights later”
Tamikaze says “You counter this matchup. Azir has the range advantage, and you can break his turrets with your soldiers. Just dodge his E and the lane is unplayable for him. ”
MattStyle says “Inevitablemente pusheará la oleada con sus torretas y podrá ser castigado si gankea tu JG. No debería ser capaz de matarte nunca. Si lo hace es porque que algo estás haciendo mal.”
j4ss says “Boring champion, just poke him down and clear waves, once you get statikk, his game is basically over, Heimer is useless. You can start snowball for free on the map.”
Vladmidir says “Try your best not to interact with him until jungle ganks. You can pool his stun or his ulted W, but this matchup is pretty aids until you can just flash on him and one shot him. ”
GreenReapers says “Electrocute or Conqueror.
D-Shield if not confident, else longsword.
Don't get near his towers early. Let him push you in and throw your combos to get him low. If you engage him, it's best if his E is on cd, as he can burst you, if he stand next to his towers.
Should be an easy kill post 6 and especially once you get voltaic.”
support_diff says “Heimerdinger has a really good early game and can take cs without much effort. It is really hard to poke him down as he can hit his stun on you when you are in your auto attack animation. Play passively and wait until his stun is on a cooldown. Destroy his turrets and keep your distance.”
orka4.sandraj says “It would be the second ban if it was possible, but you will rather see a leblanc than a heimerdinger, because they usually go top. If enemy picks heimer first, go pick something else.”
otaliz says “In lane, he's not much of a threat. He will always try to permanently push the wave and hit your turret. Make sure you push the wave and destroy his turrets before considering roaming. Otherwise, he will rush to destroy your turret with his ultimate and Q.”
Foxirion says “Heimer’s ability to control an area with his turrets can be a threat to Swain, as it can disrupt his positioning and control team fights.”
awawa says “Hes got all the potential to make your life miserable. He WILL spam towers and poke you every time he has a chance. Your best bet is to let him push and call for your junglers help, hes squishy and dies in an instant. Else play safe and prep for a lvl 6 all-in with ignite.
Game becomes a lot easier once laning phase ends though, you oneshot him easy.”
gaarrett says “Heimerdinger was designed to counter melee all-in champs. Second Wind, Doran's Shield, be patient. Poke with Q if he's in range, dodge the stun with E. You can attempt to E2 but he will likely just put a turret down to catch the chains. [2/5] ultimate, you get a single cast of Heimer's empowered Q/W/E.”
149Gray says “He will automatically push the wave with his turrets and poke you under the tower, try to dodge his spells and pool his E if you need to, keep farming you outscale.”
SurferKiller says “Try to dodge his E as much as you can, stack his turrets. The less there are, the better. Play safe until 9 and after that, all in when there's not many turrets and he missed his E. If your jungler is ganking you before you hit 9, make sure all the turrets are gone.”
KazunaSan says “Infame, il bloque votre E avec ses tourelles et vous poke à l'infini, vous n'aurez jamais le push et allez être forcé sous votre tower, il peut vous 2V1 si vous tentez de le gank mais c'est la seule solution, vous n'avez pas le choix de GO TP”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Abuse his low range and perma poke him. Try to kill his turrets asap and you will have a good time.”
Shinbae says “Вся проблема заключается в его машинках, если он закрылся ими от твоего скилла, так ещё и получил по лицу, неприятно...
Однако сам по себе он слабый, а звезда Зои спокойно ломает эти самые машинки”
Hexeria says “[Dont fight him in his turrets.] [Max out your Q, go full damage and destroy his Turrets with your Q, before engaging him.] [Other than that, he should be an easy Kill.] ”
Halkem says “He will have prio and be annoying first levels. After LC you can reliably kill his machines and you can use them to spread your E. Care for his 1v2 potential when he has all his machines set-up in lane.”
The Milelator says “Heimerdinge mid is played only by OTP's. He is really annoying, since he has also a really good push. Once you have some lvls and a little bit of health, you can try to trade with him by hitting heimer with his turrets. If you realize he wins most trades, try to push waves and roam OR ask jgler to gank him, since hitting your E on him guarantees Flash or kill. ”
WarwicksSimp says “Winnable until he gets rylais then you cant play. If he has exhaust you lose automatically and this becomes a dodge or ff game as he will just be too impactful. ”
Yannik123 says “He can place a tower in front of him to dodge your e. If you land an e you can oneshot him. He pushes fast so you can think about taking teleport.”
Lindroganti says “Kill his turrets if you can, block when he stuns you, as it blocks the turret empowered autos. Otherwise treat him like any other mage.”
Fuzzmonkey says “He will zone you out. You will not win an early game fight against him. All you can do is try to catch on to his mistakes and punish. Only go in on him if his stun grenade is down. ”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Heimerdinger is annoying, but as long as you stay safe and only go in when you know you'll win, you should be fine. His lane pressure is annoying but don't take stupid trades and he shouldn't be able to do much.”
Just_Invalid says “Be careful for is Upgraded E while being ganked as well as his Upgraded W burst potential if you step out of line. Other than that fun lane, and his turrets can be used to keep your 4th Q passive stack active which is handy. :)”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
Just care about his E when you're inside his turret's range”
TheGBabaYaga says “He is not much of a threat even with his bots, dont forget that you can easy manipulate the waves of minions and leave him with no space. If he spams, you can spam more ”
freuio123 says “Heimderdinger halt. Er outpusht, kann deinen Charm mit nem Turret blocken. Generell schwer in ihn reinzuspielen.
Lane ist quasi whatever, cs einfach und warte darauf, dass er useless wird oder du auf seinen Resets roamen kannst.”
NickLeVlach says “Tiny little shit... Syndra is basically the biggest counter to Heimerdinger since you can pick up his turrets with your W. Constantly poke him with Q as well. Easy win.”
Anguish333 says “- Doran's Shield+Second Wind needed, might take Fleet if u have trouble with him
- Make sure You don't get hit by his E, his turrets will hit you with Laser
- really hard to all in because of turrets blocking your E, he can just use his E on top of him to insta stun you whenever you go for ult
- Make sure you look which item he goes first, if he goes zhoniyas you will almost never be able to kill him”
Shoei baron king says “A matchup mais suave pro yasuo, as tropas são de boa de destruir, da pra dar dash nelas e tu bloqueia tudo oque ele tem, alem de ele ser um champ imovel”
Cryniu says “He will surround you in your turret. Try to poke him and clear the wave. If you are having problems Mercury's treads will help you, remember that Heimer has a stun.
Do your CC Combo when your jungle is coming, so you will hit his turrets and stun him.”
bhakli says “Free game IF you DO NOT DIE OR BE BEHIND IN FARM. He perma pushes you, get the free farm -> buy bork, oneshot his towers and kill him 99 times.”
Krzychu678 says “It will be hard to land your Q on him because he will place his turrets everywhere, so try to start a fight with W on minion near him or ward hop to him if you sure you will kill him.”
Glitchgun says “His turrets are so annoying and his whole kit is just longer range and he does way too much damage. Always take barrier against him. The changes of killing him is pretty low. Play safe with Q + E poke, and wait for your ult.”
darkezmond says “He can block your Q with his turrets, wait for his R for even more aggression, break his turrets with auto attacks and then switch to W=>Q, E=>Q”
Budgizee says “biggest counter i think, dodge every abilities and u will survive, play very safe , dont engage him unless you are 100% sure to not die and to kill.
take tp to get fast in lane or tp in fight”
Edwwardo says “He's quick when around his towers so can easily dodge your W and zone everything else including ganks. But he can also pretty much do nothing against you except give you 5 gold per tower.”
AnxialSociety says “Spellbook boots biscuit cosmic.
Absolute gathering.
A good heimer will be ungankable, and hard push while stunning you into a kill if you don't dodge e / walk in turret range.
Focus on farm and dodging his e. Play to scale.”
Deru says “Very tough matchup since he oneshots you whenever you try to engage on him at basically any stage of the game. Outpush whenever you have timers and try to goo flip him if he doesn't respect you.”
Deru says “Very tough matchup since he oneshots you whenever you try to engage on him at basically any stage of the game. Outpush whenever you have timers and try to goo flip him if he doesn't respect you.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Keep your distance, use creeps, his W (missiles) does not hit through creeps. It will also be difficult for you to hit it with your own, because it accelerates movement near its turrets (Q). Shoes would be a good solution to dodge his E (mounted flying camp, or deceleration), and his other abilities during R (modification of abilities).”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Farm under turret and try to destroy his mini turrets with Q.
Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
DawrazWasInting says “You cant do anything to him in lane. He can outrade you even if you land your W stun. Sit back and farm and wait for your jungler to gank. ”
HomeOfLily says “His move speed means he can run away from your E trade/all-in, his turrets are hard to kill with your auto speed, and his damage is no joke. I ban him or Malzahar every game.”
MetalK1d says “It is very hard to approach Heimerdinger since his turrets block your E. The only way to kill him is to poke with Qs and push him into you with Ult.”
Cjtheawesome says “Be careful of walking into turret range as his E combo is lethal to corki. Play for lvl 6 and you can free farm his turrets with missiles.”
BC1970 says “A pain in the ass before you can leave lane. If you can force him to setup his mini turrets near his mid turret I would recommend taking predator as your rune so you can roam and actually impact the game in laning phase. Otherwise just focus on not being poked and surviving whilst farming well for 14 minutes. After that it's your time to be the bully.”
Demonsedge90 says “Turrets, turrets and more turrets, this man will have them all the time, so your job is to make sure you can stay safe and still poke effectively and not surrender too much to him. Play cautiously & don't overextend unless you know help's incoming.”
Atemporal says “Yay, o inimigo no meio do Heimerdinger. Prepare-se para sentar sob sua torre lutando pelos próximos 10 minutos de sua vida. Heimerdinger irá empurrar cada onda, ele estará cutucando você com autos e Ws enquanto você não tem nada que você
pode fazer sobre isso. Nunca dê E nele, já que todo jogador de Heimer vai E você assim que você pousar e você sofrerá uma quantidade extrema de dano. Heimer é rápido demais para você acertá-lo com um W e rápido demais para você conseguir um proc passivo nele. Durante
early lane, você só precisa aceitar que será vítima de bullying. Não desperdice seu Q tentando matar as torres dele, ele vai conseguir novas para substituí-las quando as destruir. A única maneira de obter uma boa negociação no início do jogo é se o
Heimer é estúpido o suficiente para amontoar suas torres. Se ele o fizer, espere que ele desperdice seu E e depois W de uma maneira que atordoe as torres e faça uma troca rápida. Tenha em mente que isso nunca funcionará contra jogadores experientes de Heimer. Eles não vão desperdiçar
seu E e eles não agruparão as torres. Se este for o caso, certifique-se de pegar o máximo de fazenda possível, E para evitar o W ou E de Heimer quando estiver cultivando sob a torre. Uma vez que a fase de rotas termina (geralmente quando qualquer uma das rotas bot leva um
torre e começa a trocar de faixa) entre em uma faixa lateral o mais rápido possível. Heimer quer áreas menores com suas torres. Ele não pode ter torres cobrindo uma longa pista lateral, então você poderá facilmente empurrar as ondas e contornar o mapa, ou você pode procurar
emboscadas nele. Depois de Proto, você já estará forte o suficiente para 100 a 0 se você conseguir um W.”
Voidling13 says “Heimerdinger is very easy to lane against. Your slam will destroy his turrets destoying his damage out put. That makes him fall behind in levels. ”
pamiclo says “hard laning phase. try to sustain and farm. dont try to destroy his turrets, cause you cant. when you are 6, wait his fault and try to all in(but you must play well, its high risk.)”
IamBishop says “Really annoying, but I have had some success against it recently. You can 2 shot his towers with your autos early on, and use them to stun him with your e. Its just an annoying match him, not as bad as azir or anivia, but just generally annoying. ”
Balinthun873 says “His turrets are really annoying and can kill you quickly. You will most likely camp under tower so just use weq combo when its up and all in him at really low health (below 40%)”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont trade with him early as his turrets are pretty sick, stay under the tower and take cs, if he ints and gets behind its free lane, if he doesnt wait for some items and lv7 and then you can fuck him. Dont underestimate him as he is pretty tricky and can turn tables around during the trade if you dont pay attention.”
Spoomk says “Just stay back, you're good at taking little amounts of CS and going in when necessary. As long as you jump him with W you can hit or even kill his turrets in the process. Avoid his stun and you're golden.”
Veng Shotz says “havent seen a hiemer top/mid outside one time since the durability patch, he's been pushed down to an even lane since he can still bully you early before you buy items for him but once you have them you can play a bit more aggressive.
Rush mercs+ cowl/hexdrinker and pray you have enough damage to kill him before you get bursted down by his turrets and combo when you decide to all in.
Bunan says “Comet - Manaflow Band - Transcendence - Scorch- Second Wind - Unflinching
Corrupting potion
Q -> E -> Q
Q max -> W ->E
In this matchup it is crucial to time your Q with your CDs to maximise damage efficiency
Q (10s (lvl1))
comet (20s)
corrupting (12s)
You want to Q on scorch CD (every 10 s) to poke heimer and last hit minions
Once you have lost some Hp & mana then when you use corrupting you should instantly Q for the burn damage & then as soon as your Q is off CD you should use it again (this way you get 2x the corrupting burn dmg) there is a 2 second window for this so it is pretty easy to do
Go for an all in once heimer is weak (around 40-50% hp)
one of Sylas' hardest matchups (extremely low pickrate though)
even if u ask for jng to come he is likely to go 1 for 1 due to his turrets being so potent
Farm lane you will be shoved in so you should alert your jng before hand to stop heimer from snowballing from river skirmishes
Look to rush Lost chapter ”
Adamonias says “You get shoved in till 1 item; then you win.
He can block your E with turrets, care his bush cheese with ignite.
Make sure you work hitting turrets into your farming, and sidestep his E.
You hard outscale him”
SkyBanana says “Heimerdinger's issue is that your jungler cannot help you unless you take down his turrets first. A secret thing that people don't know is that Seraphine's E can instantly stun his turrets. Use that to your advantage so you can take down Heimerdinger's turrets and eventually him. All in all don't make stupid plays and ALWAYS use Q or E in bushes. Just to make sure he isn't in there.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Trading against Heimerdinger can be extremely tedious, yet it can be done. Taking down his Turrets(Q) will be the main focus in order to poke or trade with him. When using your skills shots (if they’re AOE), try and aim them so they hit both Heimerdinger and his Turrets(Q). This will make it easier for you to clear them down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane. Once Heimerdinger reaches level 6, his kill pressure and strength increase dramatically. Keep this in mind and beware of his empowered abilities.”
NegativePhoenix says “More annoying than anything since most heims just try to keep turrets where he can punish you for poking him or trying to destroy them. If anything just respect his turrets and dont feed him. He's super easy to burst later in the game.”
Body Those Fools says “Heimerdinger will set up his turrets in lane level 1; use your soldiers to take them out so he can't shove you under turret. Try to side-step his W or hide behind minions. You MUST side-step his E or you will get stunned and chunked, have to flash, or die. This allows him to land his W and his turrets will auto shoot a laser at you if he lands an ability. You can farm his turrets just by dropping a soldier on them and AAing them. Only go for all-ins when his E is down or he will kill you.”
Bughans says “People still play this guy, lol? I'm revamping these threat descriptions after 2 years and his place hasn't changed at all loool
either way avoid his E for all that is holy, if you do it's easy, just run away once your combo is done”
KayyeN says “Not a good matchup. Pushes very fast. Constant poke from his E and W. Immediately stuns you after your engage. Can't fight him inside his turrets anyway.”
Uberizm says “You know how your autos already do no dmg to minions? Well his turrets take 3 autos !!!!!! This is cbt but you wont die if you dont overextend”
basrty1p says “His turrets quite annoying to melee champions expect Taliyah.
You can destroy his turrets so easily just throw your low cd Q instead.
If he can't win you in lane, he'll be useless. Especially After you get Level 9”
Azurio says “Hit turrets and wave at the same time if possible. Avoid his E and try to kill him level 2 with ignite. If you don't, wait until midgame teamfights. Be very careful if your jungle ganks him.”
ddieguito_es says “You can kill his turrets with Q + he's squishy and if you close gap he's dead. Not a big deal, don't get CCd by his W and get early MR if you're in trouble.”
beansoce says “He just pushes the lane with his turrets early so just try to farm the best under tower. Try to poke him only when you have empowered q, you can oneshot him once rocketbelt to dodge his e. Try and save w for his ult dmg.”
Eralta says “heimer is a popular counterpick but you easily beat him after you get crit and a noonquiver because one non crit hit will kill his turrets”
Bunny Kata says “You can one shot him, but lane isn't fun. Try to find an opportunity to get close to him, avoid his stunt and burst him.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield.”
CheezyEagle says “This can be 50/50 because, if you can dodge his abilities you can win the match-up. P.S save the empowered shots for turrets so they can be destroyed faster. ”
Berdasco9 says “Es heimerdinger la unica forma para matarle es que el que lo juega sea muy malo y se salga de posición intenta que te pokee poco y busca roamear.”
Dazzther says “Will stay safe and farm with his Q, can poke you, and still hit W and E under your W. Also, you probably won't be able to land a single E onto him bc of his Q.”
donidaking says “Hello Professor,how are you?
He s similar a bit to malzahar as in he uses turrets to push you under tower.
Trading against heimer with his turrets up it s pretty hard as if he E's you and it hits it s over so you have to pool his E each time unless he just throws it to Mars.
Poke him without taking too much harass and if he s low enough just commit.
If he goes barrier you won t be able to kill him so don t even try.
Remember that most of his abilities are projectiles besides the turrets which means you can dodge his W or E with pool(watch out for improved E it bounces if you plan on dodging it).”
Bertsicle says “Prayge he doesn't go exhaust and stopwatch or its GG, go TP if he's Master tier+ just all in him with ignite if he's lower than that. Most Heim players aren't that good at dealing with fizz all in. If you can E his stun, there is hope. If you witness this disgusting little yordle brain guy wasting his W and E on a wave make sure to punish him with a short trade because there really isn't much he can do there.”
Whitelies says “Just dodge his E and slow him down with your E or Serylda's Grudge then you're good. Though, his turrets hurt more. Be sure to take those down.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Whenever you use your W to cs, make sure you hit at least one of his turrets as well. You get mana back for destroying them too and that makes it much easier to harass him in lane while not losing much mana.”
Dustyacer says “Have fun doing nothing for a while. Can engage if he misses his stun. Consider tp. Your e blocks his turret dmg if u face heimer. If you get hit by Full W, can consider using E to block empowered Lasers. ”
Ahri Simplord says “He can keep you permanently under turret if you get no help and even if you do he's still likely to do so. He can place turrets between your charm and him so a lot of your damage can go to waste and he's also pretty fast. You outrange his turrets with your auto attacks but usually your auto attacks aren't enough to kill his turrets.”
doggo pup says “his turrets allow him to have enough lane control so wukong can't fight him in a fair fight, his range and cc is enough to make it hard for wukong to fight him.”
Xalt says “Try to poke out his turrets to one hit before you all in so your AOE on your W finishes them off he wont have time to react and place more while you're ulting. use your second E to position behind him as he uses his grenade to avoid being stunned for a easy all in and kill.”
Bundif says “I HATE playing around his stupid turrets. Other than the impatience and constant frustration, it's a fairly easy matchup. j/k I hate it and he forces you to look for ganks that could net you nothing whilst taking your plates⭐ ;) ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Tear of the Goddess]
[Free Farm lane]
[Don't stay near his turrets]
[You can gain stacks from his turrets]”
Juon says “Dodge the game. Literally unplayable, rat champion. His turrets block you, chunks you and protect him from ganks. You will be sitting under tower most of the game where he will just kill you anyways (; If for some reason you want to play this, run comet, teleport and max W second.”
soulentt says “Heimer can stun you with his E, but your E has more range so you practically out-poke him and he is pretty much easy to play against. But dont let him kill minions.”
DabiDabi says “This matchup is very annoying but because of Talon's early dmg, you can win this matchup mid-diff. Just don't get hit by his stun/grenade and over-poked by his turrets.”
Winter Nicole says “Heimerdinger: He is once hard yordle to go against because he just Q and her bots gets so annoying, he does alot of damage once he's feed. (Recommend playing it safe and ganking top and mid lane and trying to get dragon a lot with the jungler and try to get him at low hp for your jungler to kill him)”
ThePieBeam says “Himer does a lot of damage but it's mostly loaded into his rockets. His abilities are on long cooldowns and his passive speed increase isn't really strong enough to dodge Q. Be mindful of his stun and the crazy burst he can pull out of an ult rocket barrage but other than that you should have a pretty easy time.”
LBDB says “You don't stand a chance in farming, fighting, or trading. You might as well sit under tower and drink some tea because you won't be leaving.”
fLeXeRlol says “Your range is greater than his turrets'. Play a bit more passively and dodge his Flashbangs. When no minions ore turrets are in the way, you can easily full combo him for a kill.”
Epic_Semibold says “He is annoying ? Be more annoying than him. Don't try to push when he has turrets up, but try to destroy his turret when he is a bit too far from wave or when one is already focused on a minion. Try poking him with pixel perfect Q or W. Other than that, don't try to be too close and try to beat him really early or he might snowball.”
Callmebee says “Hmm, he's smaller than the diagram. Heimerdonger is pretty boring to lane against to be honest, you can't really receive ganks as he is a master at 1v2 because of his turrets, so unless you manage to somehow one shot him, it's a farming simulator. Do try to depush him with abilities and try not to roam, he will take your tower! Consider Teleport.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] This matchup should be pretty simple so long as you focus his turrets first. Your attack range isn't large enough to hit them without being targeted. Hit them with your Q and go to execute when they are focusing your minions. If you manage to proc your passive on him then go all in just be sure to jump off when he throws out his E. Post Lvl 6 Heimerdinger is still vulnerable so long as he doesn't hit his E. Any time his E is down go all in.”
lonestar1870 says “He just wants to push and get prio all game, try to contest his push when possible. Like vs TF, you're losing lane if you let him perma prio. It's okay to give prio situationally if you think you're getting ganked though
You can W his turrets.
Just try to slowly poke him out of lane early and take burst trades. You don't need to commit to an all in and you don't need to let him trade back onto you.
You easily kill him at level 6 with a 6 ball ult
Electrocute, Phase Rush, and Comet are good this matchup depending on the rest of the enemy team's champs. You can pick Ignite or Teleport this match too.”
Desperate Nasus says “Most Nasus players think this matchup is unplayable due to the pressure he applies with his Q. First levels let him push the waves and try to last hit under your tower. Farming under your tower against Heimerdinger is fine since he cant do much. On your first recall buy Sheen and try to recover the amount of damage he does. (YOU WILL BE BEHIND ON FARM EXPERIENCE AND PLATES) but there is not much you can do about it. If you manage to stack well against him, if he makes a mistake like throwing his E, make sure to take advantage of it and run him down.”
DanielC0029 says “Cannot get close to him on all the early game, look for kills on other lanes when you get your ult. Ask your jungler for help. Ban this if he is on free champ rotation.”
leonidas44 says “Not a hard much nor an eazy one. use your q to take out his turrets early and be sure to freeze the wave in order to keep the wave into your teritory so he will not get it into his cannons. Try to avoid his stun too and in the most part you will deal more dmg than him”
livikattt says “His poke is gonna suck, but if you can sidestep his stun and get the right angle, you can oneshot him really easily. Be careful of his turrets blocking your charm, though.”
pwins says “Heimer is a total lane bully against Zoe and easily takes over lane thanks to his turrets. Try to hit his turrets whenever you can and damage him when he tries to stun you! ”
Miscake says “Você tem 100% de cura nas máquinas dele, sem as quais ele não tem dano suficiente em trocas longas. A partir do nível 4 você mata elas com AA+Q ou com apenas o Q vermelho. Se ele não vier com barreira ele morre no nível 6 no back de Alternador, impossível perder tanto a longo prazo quanto no all-win.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Relatively easy lane.
Wait until level 3 to go in so you have Windwall to block his E. You can easily E AA Q his turrets to one shot them.
If Heimerdinger gets pushed in, he has a very hard time last hitting.
The only way you die in this matchup is if you don't Windwall his E and take his R W to the face.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Do not fight him if he has a lot of turrets out; he will chunk most of your HP. Use your E
to dodge his E. Be careful using Q3 on him because he can and will just E you and you'll die. He will most
likely push you under tower, so just play to farm and scale. You can only go on him when he doesn't have
many turrets down and his E is on cooldown.”
Katawina52 says “If I'm being honest, just dont trade him and tell your jungler to stay away. That's all heimer wants, and doing so dooms this matchup. Only way to kill him is if he goes ignite/tp and you've poked him down in lane with harass combo (n. 2 on basic kata tips), but I wouldn't even risk doing this because it's not worth the outplay potential you need to do. Better to avoid doing what he wants and push>roam/2v2 fight. You're way stronger there than in lane. Mercs good vs heimer if they have more cc's.”
eiensiei says “Level 1 I'll rush to lane and kill his little turrets as he places them if I can. Other than that, most of the laning phase is spent under tower for Lux and I focus on getting as much CS as I can. I avoid roaming in this match-up, as he won't follow and is going to push fast and get plates. This is not as much of a threat because of the kill pressure, but he'll easily get ahead by farming better while I'm struggling under tower. However, ganks can definitely shut Heimer down and make him think twice before playing up to my turret again, so I'll try to ping my jungler for assistance.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting due to turrets. Hit as often as you can his turrets with your small Q (Q on circle). Use E when pushing, hitting cannons too in the process.
Go for all ins whenever possible but predict and try to dodge his E (because the cannons will Beam you).
Usually he will perma push you and ganks on him will be difficult but have no fear for that, just try to keep up with the push and focus on getting a kill either on him or on botlane. Very few players are experienced with Heimerdinger so try to abuse that.”
Polarshift says “Honestly, super annoying to play against. But atleast your E spreads if you use it on his turrets. Asking for a gank against this guy is a bit tricky, since in lower elos he will most likely get a doublekill instead. Farm up, outscale and outperform him in the teamfights and the sidelane. It's important to dodge his stun ability. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Can be annoying if they are good but the lane just ends up being a farm lane. If that ends up happening then you almost always come out on top with ult.”
Avucado says “Turrets are like Azir's, they can't see you themselves and wont shoot you in your W unless Heimer sees you himself. Don't try to trade with him at all, you will never win it unless you somehow hook him, but he can just block it by placing a turret in from of himself. Once he's 6 he can basically do over half your health under tower if he hits the stun. Once you see the missile version of his R just E away as fast as possible. Ganks are hard to pull off without a jungler with easy cc. ”
LunarVortex says “Your W is great for clearing turrets and your E is great for blocking his stun. Time your E well so he doesn't break it before his stun. The worst that can happen to you in this matchup is that he forces you to lasthit under tower.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This is the most predictable matchup in the game. He will always just look to perma push your tower. Make sure you push him in/ destroy his turrets before you consider roaming. Otherwise your tower will be gone really fast.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “I rarely see him mid but it's easy to just afk farm and outroam a heimerdinger. You will run a risk dahsing in to him if he has turrets up though”
Fuzzmonkey says “Work around when he has turrets near him. If he doesn't go in for trades, other than that don't go near him and just farm as best you can against him. At level 6 will be your best all in opportunity, make sure you hit everything. Biggest thing about the match up is to not let him hit you with the stun grenade, this will pretty much kill you if all 3 of his turrets then hit you after. Other than that, just play it safe and wait for him to use his cooldowns.”
Yeager says “This is something i rarely see midlane because heimer is better top since he's oppressive against melee champions. Heimer does 1 thing: Stack turrets and shove people in.
If you're fast, you can walk into one of the midlane brushes BEFORE the minions spawn to destroy his turrets with your team. If you manage to do that, the lane will become so much easier because you simply have to destroy every turret as soon as he places them. He will lose his ability to control the lane. If you can shove him in, his lane is doomed.
Watch out for his E AOE stun. I often see heimer players using this ability right when you're about to attack one of his turrets.
His W deals a lot of damage but it can be body-blocked by minions, so stay behind those when trading.
Basically you use your range advantage to take down his turrets. Bait out his E (it helps having boots since it's a skillshot) and then go for trades.
Even though i run phase rush into pretty much everything, it's really strong into heimer. You can counter his slows and dodge his skillshots with the bonus movement speed.
Fuzzmonkey says “Syndra is basically the biggest counter to heimerdinger since you can pick up his turrets with your W. Constantly poke him with Q as well. Easy win.”
Aegox says “Heimerdinger is extremely annoying because he will literally just hide behind turrets to block all your shots. Try using your R to get behind turrets, hit an E, then Q around the turrets to hit him.”
MikeVix says “This champion is @#$* trash. He has everything. Poke, Stun, Damage. You can all in him when you hit 6. Watch out for his stun and u should be good.”
wDesired says “Easy Matchup
If you can't win against Heimer just perma roam as if you don't get a lead it will be harder to deal with him during late game teamfights”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield in Resolve second wind and unflinching.
against heimer you need to kill his turrets so he can't deal you a lot of damage and push the have.
you can use yasuo's E on his turrets and block his E and W.”
Kords says “As Heimerdinger sets up his turrets, you can start taking them out, he cannot keep them up and you can shove him in really well early game. He can set up a gank with Ult E so be careful of that. He also cannot follow your roams at all. In teamfights he is nothing more than a nuisance when behind. ”
WildeBob says “Good matchup for you because both of you kind of just farm and he will just constantly push into you. Get vamp scepter early to negate his poke and you can free farm forever.”
Yasukeh says “It's practically impossible to get on top of him until level 6, and even then it's hard to actually kill him. He can often 1v2 if he gets ahead of you, and it's easy for him to deny you. Just farm it out until 6 and you should be able possibly get onto him or just outskirmish him and getting leads through playing with your team.
Take Triple Rejuv beads, and wait for ganks. Make sure you tank the turret during the gank with your ult. If you get a small lead on him, you can easily kill him through all of his damage. ”
Elite500 says “He pushes in like cancer, really hard to trade with him since he will make you waste pool with his grenade.. Try to poke him low very slowly, if he has barrier go ff, if he has no barrier just oneshot”
Dr Eggmund says “Don't underestimate Bill Nye as he is a genius after all. Avoid his turret's damage and all-ining him at 6 should be very simple for you as he is very-VERY squishy. Build resistance if you can't bare his turret damage but if you position yourself properly you should have the upper hand throughout all portions of the game.”
Ambitieux says “Laning against Heim is one of the most stressful. You outrange his turret with autos, make sure you get rid of setup level 1 and try to just farm the lane. Your advantage here is you ability to roam with mobility and his need to stay put in lane. Try to get jungler help around 6 and roam with him. I suggest putting wards in enemy jungle and look for plays there or in other lanes. ”
kindo says “The matchup is rough if he just pokes and saves his E, but it's still not terrible. You'll be likely forced to sit under tower and farm for a while and hope for a jungle gank and that he doesn't 1v2.
You don't outrange his turrets until 4-mark, but afterwards you do. Sheen helps you q/auto to kill towers, but puts you vulnerable to being stunned and killed.
Build tenacity and try to dodge his stun. If it lands, tenacity will ensure you don't get 1 shot before being able to ult. E/ignite to execute out when he has no stun or cooldowns.
You scale hard vs him and it's hard for him to sidelane given that he needs his turrets placed. You snowball hard versus him and he has bad roams, but if he gets a lead it just means sitting mid and farming.”
Coldsong says “Heimerdinger is a very annoying matchup for Talon, but not an impossible one. Make sure to destroy his turrets and play safe. Bait his grenade and go for an all in, as he is very squishy. NEVER engage on Heimerdinger if he has his ult turret up, as most of the time he will just kill you before you can even get your passive off.”
resetwice says “He does a lot of damage and has good CC. Buy doran's shield to soften his hard poke. Let him waste his E stun and you can all win easier. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Don't use Q's on his turrets unless it's needed (when there is a lot). Since you have many jumps, dodging his stun or missiles shouldn't be a problem.
You only win trades if he doesn't have a lot of turrets down. He's also pretty easy to one shot so don't be scared.
I'd usually go Mercury Treads unless I'm destroying my matchup.”
meie says “Perma shove lane, free lane if your jungler ganks and removes pressure. Extremely poky lane but Heimer is very squishy with no mobility so it's easy to chase and win.”
Sylvan Lore says “Heimer is usually very good at pushing people in and gaining large leads through cs alone. Orianna however does not struggle at all in dealing with him. You can use your range to safely remove his towers faster than he can replace them by simply using Q. I would not reccomend using Q->W to take them out though as this will make you run out of mana very quickly. Without towers up, this champion really struggle. Especially if you can push him under his own turret! If he has 3 turrets up, DO NOT try to kill him, even with your jungler. I commonly see people falling into the trap of trying to kill his turrets before you have enough of a mana pool to not destroy yourself by doing it. Buying an extra mana item early in lane is completely acceptable to remove his ability to hold a push on you.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR TOPLANE
Your autos out range his turrets. He has no good answer to your E and gets ganked really easily. Don't get oneshot by his E - R and you good.”
Yumi Project says “If u can manage to survive the loudy noise of his turret, u won. Important thing: every heimer remain near his own turret. U can use dagger to close him and burst him with all-in.”
Kune ML says “If there were a level higher than Extreme , i would pick it for this guy . You can't farm , you can't kill , you can't do anything . If he hide after his Q or the minion then your E are useless , Can't even farm under tower . The only thing you can do is to wait for the jungler or roam to get assist and kills”
Impossible2Gank says “Even though his turrets can easily take out your boxes, if you lend a few points into E you should be able to poke him down enough to go in for a play with your R. You can also try to bait him closer near your turret to make a play or wait for jungle pressure.”
duhnx says “His poke is annoying but he is absolute garbage at killing you, just E from his missiles if he has no turrets and E away from his stun if he does. Use Second Wind and Doran's Shield.”
kevin00506 says “According to lolshida, heimerdinger is the biggest threat to zed imagineable. his massive dong disallows any counterplay, and is the biggest zed counter to ever exist in the history of the game. ”
richardlized says “Heimerdinger is an annoying matchup, but pretty easy. His turrets do not do much damage unless you get hit by the stun. Just do not get hit and you are fine. After 6, you can ult his stun and win. There isn’t a lot of Zed specific tips in this matchup. Because if how his turrets work, they perma-push, so it is easy to set up a jungle gank, if the jungler cc’s him, just weq and he will get popped easily.
Hienaa says “Won't let you roam, you cant kill his tower without dying, you will need a lot of jungle help, but the only thing you can do is try to get 6 asap and then spam jungle for help, but you will always be stuck in lane until you can go split side”
Eoba says “The matchup becomes extreme if he's running barrier. The only guarantee to winning this lane is to only W Q Auto, as Q'ing first will let him predict where you'll land...and then he will follow up with E.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) annoying but you can deal with it early on, dodging his granade with your W is very easy just care about all his turrets and his ult, very easy to fight early and very easy to dive with your jungler aswell, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
Nanelol says “Good heimers are really annoying. You cant cs and have to pray for a jungle gank or for the heimer to waste stun. Take null orb and electrocute.”
DabiDabi says “Don't trade with Heimer pre level 3. His turrets will do a lot of dmg over time and avoid his stun. If you are able to hit E, you can take the trade onto him as he won't be able to do much if you are on top of him and in shroud. At level 6 when you can become Akali, you easily win. His buffed turrets is the only scary thing as the rest of his other buffed abilities are skillshots.”
tozosi says “You're almost certainly going to be shoved under turret, so look to roam if possible or wait for a gank. Post-6, if he misses his stun, you can look to all in him if you think you have enough damage.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Any summs. Phase Rush.
Just aim to last hit under tower and outsustain him. He will always push so farm up and when he's low enough go for an all in since he has no way to survive your all in unless he has barrier or zhonyas.”
Nanelol says “Just wait for a gank, watch out for his E when he has 3 turrets down. at 1 item you can oneshot him if he walks into a dagger/your E range. Try to dodge his E. You outscale him hard. ”
seemes says “You never want to take extended trades with his turrets up, you can poke well with q and try and force him under tower and remove his turrets. you will be able to kill or force out of lane with q poke.”
StarTundra says “Heimerdinger is a pain to fight. Early on your AA outrange his turrets, use this to abuse them and clear them relatively safely. later on you'll need to use R to clear them if they're that big of an issue but for the most part you're best off either roaming or focusing on farming CS, as heimerdinger can't engage on you either. If heimer is ballzy you can chunk him and make him retreat back to his turrets.”
cookanarities says “The matchup is rough if he just pokes and saves his E, but it's still not terrible. You'll be likely forced to sit under tower and farm for a while and hope for a jungle gank and that he doesn't 1v2. You don't outrange his turrets until 4-mark, but afterwards you do. Sheen helps you q/auto to kill towers, but puts you vulnerable to being stunned and killed. Build tenacity and try to dodge his stun. If it lands, tenacity will ensure you don't get 1 shot before being able to ult. E/ignite to execute out when he has no stun or cooldowns. You scale hard vs him and it's hard for him to sidelane given that he needs his turrets placed. You snowball hard versus him and he has bad roams, but if he gets a lead it just means sitting mid and farming.
Krayzci says “Find a way to farm around his aggression. You'll find that his turrets are very pokey so make sure to take as little damage as you can and synergize with your jungle!”
luminyan says “Yet again, an annoying matchup. His turrets are irritating, but you can hit them from a distance. You'll take a bit of damage, but I would W, then E, then AA the turrets to make them useless. Bring Barrier here.”
AceRHYTHM says “The biggest issue with Heim is his ability to outfarm you. Because of his turrets, he is incredibly difficult to approach, so your best bet is to let him place his 3 turrets near his tower, than let him push and hug turret for an opening whenever possible.”
Aethlo says “Heimerdinger has the wave clear advantage. ||
Heimerdinger wins pre-3. ||
Heimerdinger and Annie are equal pre-6. ||
Heimerdinger loses post-6. ||
Heimerdinger and Annie have equal scaling. ||
Tip: Use Q to last hit turrets - you can't really push him in so play to scale. Careful for when he buys a stopwatch - Heimerdingers buy this item a lot - so make sure to check his items.
PRoli03 says “Free lane. Don't be overaggressive and you will do fine. You outrange his turrets and can take them down with ease using Q or R. (Lethal tempo or Electrocute)”
A55AILANT says “Super annoying to play against.
Just farmup and sidelane, after first tower drops.
He shouldn't match you in the sidelanes.
Don't ask for ganks in lower elos, as it may result in the undesired result.”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “Heimerdinger is a bad matchup because he can zone u out with his turrets if you try to break them he will burst u and take all your hp luckily he is squishy and u can deal almost all his hp too with one of ur combos.”
Daers says “Try take out turrets whenever you can, try to use your Q to poke him and hit his turrets at the same time. If he misses his stun and his turrets are low, try to all in him. You can use his own turrets to catch up to him with your E. ”
Neekolai says “Pretty free matchup, you can easily hit stuff as everything you have goes through his turrets, and you can just one shot him (if he doesnt have zhonyas).”
Little Planet says “Your W knocks back his towers and oneshots them at rank 3, it's beyond free.
Just W spam the wave and kill off all his towers, and then do whatever you want whether that's roaming or killing him under tower.”
Kscepersky says “Playing versus Heimerdinger on first look maybe hard, but it's veeeery easy! You can destroy his cannons with your W and oneshot him at lvl 6.”
Joseph Evanss says “Farm it out until Beserkers + Zeal then you can kill him easily. Just go in with e and smack him up, if he presses ult take e back then repeat once its off cooldown. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “go d shield and always look for fights in the river as if he uses all of his turrets in lane, his map presence will be near 0 as you and your jungle will always win scuttle fights against the enemy. try not to fight him too much in lane as he can do a shit ton of poke which will erase your presence in the game.”
zeldimi says “He just pushes in nonstop. Pool his grenades. Poke him little by little. If he has barrier, good luck trying to kill him. If he doesn't just go oneshot”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Because of his poke id say is hard matchup but you can kill him if you play it perfectly and if you fight outside his turrets”
peytonqt says “[HARD/BANNABLE] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear] Welcome to hell! Grab yourself a bed and set it down at your tower because this lane will put you to sleep real fast. You might be able to get his turrets but its pretty easy for him to punish you. His trading is strong throughout the game and this lane is just unenjoyable. Look to farm and stack tear.”
Doctor Yas says “Hard early, but after level three it's a free lane. You can wind wall all of his abilities. Be sure to use your wind wall on his E. His turrets give you free dashes, and can easily be killed with an EQ combo. ”
JoshAy says “Unless you are really good this matchup will haunt your dreams. You can't kill his turrets with Q and get poked out if you try to get rid of them otherwise. Try to push and roam. BAD ULT TO STEAL, WILL CHANGE YOUR ABILITES DONT TAKE IT”
Mpegial says “While not really easy to go near to, you don't... need to, you can just go kill other laners or the jungler and Heimer can't do much about it.”
Tauricus2017 says “His turrets are very powerful and annoying to deal with. There is not much you can do in this matchup. If you engage, he will most likely stun you between 3 turrets and interrupt your W. If you will try to outpush him, you most likely won't succed as he can control waves very easily. Call out for ganks and try to kill him as a team.”
Zileni says “Heimerdinger is really fun to deal with because for his entire laning phase he perma pushes. This isn't even too bad because you just need your Jungler to come to you. Landing a W is actually pretty hard against him because he is pretty fast, but if you have your items from farming under tower, you can easily kill him if you land your W.”
mihaila says “He is pretty annoying with his turrets early on but after u beat him very hard. Take his ult only for securing a kill from long distance or if u dont have dmg at all, use his W from ult, if u dont have anything better to steal u can steal his ult and use E in teamfights. Take Fleetfootwork”
XD001 says “Never fight him, he will kite you and his turrets will slowly but surely kill you if you run into him. Focus on CSing and invest into early Verdant Barrier or merc treads if the enemy team has a lot of AP champions. Eventually you can come close to 1 shotting Heimer in the mid/late game. Look for a flank and do everything you can to not get hit by his E stun.
Even scaling
take Elec + precision page”
GabomanDeLegado says “Si entramos las torretas nos bajan y dentro de todo el bullicio no le podremos atinar ni una habilidad = FUCKING DEAD. Lo mejor es esperar al jungla y rezar para que el Heimer no se haga una doble. ”
Luciiid says “Good heimers are really annoying. You cant cs and have to pray for a jungle gank or for the heimer to waste stun. Take null orb and electrocute.”
Noodles912 says “Play chicken till level 6. In this lane, you can max Q if you would like. Use ult to avoid his rockets/bombs, and Q to soak missiles. Go mercs if you would like, and outscale him. NEVER FIGHT HIM PRE 11, AND KEEP YOUR JG AWAY FROM MID.”
elnino9 says “Setup Q daggers on him and poke in/out - After Shunpoing on Q, immediately use W to get a full refund on Shunpo and use that to shunpo back out on minions. Careful when he has too many turrets next to him if you attempt an all-in. Start Doran shield. You will be pushed in this laning phase most of the time, last hit under turret, careful for his rocket poke under turret. Don't need to win lane as his strength comes within being a bully in lane.”
PASS10NE says “Don't get close to his turrets and try to shove roam this lane. Only go him when you're able to proc your passive or when your jungler ganks, but ganks against Heimerdinger can be difficult. Approach heimer with caution.”
Wunsch3957 says “Let him push level 1 and always stand behind minions so he can't hit W. Take down his turrets with your Q before engaging, you can also use them to dash. W his E or his empowered E. Conq.”
Lot of Wind here says “A situational matchup. You can destroy his turrets and avoid most of his damage ; be careful when dashing in as he can throw a devastating E.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Heimer is just going to place turrets down and poke you down as much as he can. Get prowlers claw then do a combo with Prowlers or freeze lane and ask for ganks.”
Wunsch3957 says “Just let him push and have your jungler camp him. Dodge his E as well, fight with a wave and Q/W his turrets when you get the chance. ”
GeDBo says “This match up is fun to play. Both of you depend on your soldier/turret placing. It like a game of chess - who will do what and when. Heimer's weaknesses lie in his turret reliance. In order to survive, Heimerdinger needs all 3 of his turrets to maximize his potential. The placement of them is absolutely crucial. On top of this, his other two skills are skill shots, making him slightly more difficult to play. Unlike Azir he lacks mobility, meaning - he can be punished harshlyif he makes a mistake. Azir at least has escape whether you will use your dash or ultimate.”
Edg3Lord says “He has some lane pressure and you will rather have some hard time regaining lane control. Your Q doesn't one shot his turrets, so take than into consideration if you ever try to disable some of them. Otherwise, he can't do much to you and you can block his single stun.”
Coldsong says “Heimerdinger's turrets can easily be killed with a Q once you start to put points into it, so make sure to keep destroying them before you go to kill him.”
Gloglito says “He'll hardshove the lane into you early on, but if you manage to farm decently and get yourself some mana, the matchup is fine. You'll be able to burst him down eventually.”
SoraSan says “Heimerdinger é praticamente uma lane perdida. Ele domina a lane de todas as formas, ele te pokeia, e quase sempre ele vai estar empurrando a rota contra você. Porém, você ganha no scaling. Jogue focando em farmar e avise o seu caçador para não te gankar.
Não avance nele de maneira alguma a não ser que queira morrer. Aceite os pokes e revide caso ele avance demais, não foque as maquinas dele a não ser que ele esteja longe ou que ela já esteja pra ser destruída. Caso ele esteja machucando muito, compre Passos de Mercúrio e recomendo Véu de Banshee nessa partida
Recomendo ir de Chuva de Laminas, porém vá com INSPIRAÇÃO como arvore secundaria. Pegue Entrega de Biscoitos e Tônico da Distorção do Tempo. E vá pra lane com Poção Corrupta.”
BigBushMan says “The only real problem here is that Heimer is going to be able to perma shove you with his turrets. Call for jungle help when he shoves and hes an easy kill. ”
KawaiiSpecter says “If I'm being honest, just dont trade him and tell your jungler to stay away. That's all heimer wants, and doing so dooms this matchup. Only way to kill him is if he goes ignite/tp and you've poked him down in lane with harass combo (n. 2 on basic kata tips), but I wouldn't even risk doing this because it's not worth the outplay potential you need to do. Better to avoid doing what he wants and push>roam/2v2 fight. You're way stronger there than in lane. Mercs good vs heimer if they have more cc's.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) annoying but you can deal with it early on, dodging his granade with your W is very easy just care about all his turrets and his ult, very easy to fight early and very easy to dive with your jungler aswell, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
Gtoxer says “runa recomendavel:eletreocutar ou conquer. Feitiço de invocador: Faça barreira ou ignite.
1)espere um gank do seu jg!.
2) Voce pode limpa mt facil as torres dele com seu Q
3)Tome cuidado para não ser gankado.
4)Faça escudo de doran.
5)aproveite para tira as maquina deles quando ele não tiver na lane
Tamatamo says “Pain. He can block hook with turrets, poke you out very easily, and do a high amount of burst. Try to stay up in cs and try to create a roam timer when possible so you can go down bot or go up top.”
Mr. MalzMalzahar says “You can easily wipe out his turrets if they're all close together but if they're spread apart your e won't be very useful so probably use your q and w to kill them, sometimes e.”
bboyxje123 says “You can hit his turrets without getting in its range. Sit back and farm. Wait until heimerdinger makes a mistake and use it to your advantage.”
UnoTrickCho says “Feels alot like cassio/anivia, take fleet resolve and just focus on farming. You can use your e to dash through his turrets. Also, try and position your wind wall in such a way that you block 2 or even 3 of his turrets.”
XanBad says “I hate this, not too many people play this champ but it is very annoying if you go against this. I would highly recommend getting hexdrinker first item.”
bleapintosh says “very hard to do trades with him because of turrets. Don't feel obliged to play super aggro; that's what he wants.
try to roam in this matchup.”
Yamikaze says “The only way he can get a lead is if he gets to stack 3 turrets and push super fast. We can cheese him(before minions spawn) by waiting in a brush while he's stacking turrets and then take them down. Keep taking his turrets down when he's spawning them, and you will have no trouble in this matchup. Your windwall can block ALL his damage. ”
wildersovereign says “You win this matchup most of the time, but that doesn't mean it'll be fun. Heimerdinger is one of the few champions that can match your waveclear even after you get your Lost Chapter, which makes him interesting to lane against. Taking out turrets should be your biggest priority, because they will shred you if you ignore them. The most effective way of doing this is positioning your Tormented Shadow to hit as many of his turrets and minions as possible. Hitting him with it is optional, but helpful, especially if he's low. He becomes more and more vulnerable to all-ins the more turrets he loses, so try to catch him off guard at these points. His kill threat on you is minimal if you play smart. Most importantly, you are WAY stronger outside of laning phase than he is. Survive until then and keep your farm up for the best results.”
ITSDEBEAR says “You just trade with him outside of his turret range and oneshot him later on. Predator and electro work really well since you need to burst him”
rajsovsky says “His turrets may be annoying, but he probably shouldn't kill you in laning phase unless he gets jungler's help or you fucked up hard. Try to get Rocketbelt and just kill him. Dodge his W/E with your Pool. You may need wraiths in this matchup”
invalidd says “Tbh you will spend most of this lane trying to farm the CS you can since he beats you in short trades, pokes you pretty hard and
will push you in a lot, he's weaker once you get your items but you need to perform perfect trades to properly win the lane, mostly after he misses his
stun. Can be hard to gank since he can 1v2 you and your jung if one of you are low enough.”
lkycch says “The lane dominance and bullying that Heimerdinger is capable of will put you under turret all throughout laning phase. Try your best to CS under turret. Don’t waste your mana trying to destroy his turrets with your bombs, as you will get pushed in anyways due to your high cooldowns early on. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Aikairi says “He's so hard to fight when he has Zhonya's. Try to avoid his E when fighting him and you should win unless you are standing in front of 3 turrets. You can try killing one of the turrets by using dagger on it, then shunpoing to turret and hitting it with your passive. He's annoying but shouldn't be much of a threat until post-6 and teamfights when he has Zhonya's.”
SkellyBirb says “Heimer can't do much against Sivir. Use your range to poke him down and just farm, however don't go all or chase him through his turrets.”
lkycch says “The lane dominance and bullying that Heimerdinger is capable of will put you under turret all throughout laning phase. Try your best to CS under turret. Don’t waste your mana trying to destroy his turrets with your bombs, as you will get pushed in anyways due to your high cooldowns early on. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Heimer: Match ccomplicado, tienes que aguantar, romper torretitas, cuando hayan menos torretas (pendiente que no tenga el cronometro para usarlo) y haya gastado su stun es tu momento, recuerda que cuando te tires echate para los lados por si planea soltar la R, otra opcion que tienes es hacer casi lo mismo, solo que esta vez entrando y saliendo y se asustara y activara la R por el miedo o por que cree que le iniciaras. (Puedes usar luden para matarlo antes de que responda)”
TheHostileCat says “So. Frigging. Annoying. Nothing you can do in laning unless he messes up badly, call for jg help and kill him in teamfights. When he has ult - RUN AWAY. You can try to poke when he has no stuns. ”
MisterIncredabel says “Heimer dinger is the best because if you use q on his turrets and kill it u absorb an AP... with tear of goddess you will be able to keep getting AP eventually you'll be so strong u can max ur meteor strike thin and push lane, if u stun him you'll be able to punish him... but if he ults with turrets just walk away until it breaks and you'll be able to win with ease.”
Rauschel says “If he is played good it is very hard in the laning phase. Histurrets have the same range as you and also focus you if you attack them while he takes barely no damage. Waiting for an good situation at lvl 3 can lead to a kill often, he isnt the tankiest champ”
YIVENDER says “Hard early, but after level three it's a free lane. You can wind wall all of his abilities. Be sure to use your wind wall on his E. His turrets give you free dashes, and can easily be killed with an EQ combo.
Tortoise_Maniac says “- His turrets make it extremely hard for you to get on him
- Just try to match his wavelcear with yours and help your jungler and roam
- You win 2v2 outside of lane as he can't set up turrets
Scyrine says “Super annoying and but also super squishy. I see a lot of new players have trouble with him but once your in shroud the turrets he has don't attack you. Do a simple E backwards and Q combo to proc passive and place shroud and hit him with a Q>>AA>>Q combo.”
BCota says “Annoying af ez to feed him just take Dshield and if you need to, buy corrupting potions. Sacrificing some HP for farm might become a necessity but as long as you dont get dangerously low ~40% hp. Just farm you outscale him or if you get the chance trade with Auto+Q even if you lose the trade you still win it because of your sustain”
Chili Dog says “He pushes in like cancer, really hard to trade with him since he will make you waste pool with his grenade. Try to poke him low very slowly, if he has barrier go ff, if he has no barrier just oneshot. Phase Rush recommended.”
JustGalaxy06 says “Take care of his turrets . you can get your q out of his turrets so profit of them and poke him very much . He's a squishy champ so in late he's gonna tank maximum r some aa-s and some q-s . Take care of his stun ”
Niqkl says “Heimer is an interesting matchup, but as long as you dont get hit by the E you should be good. Dont try to all in him when he has 3 Turrets on him! You will be surprised at how much damage he does.”
Dafioske says “Subiría una posición más pero viendo que es blando y en pelea de equipo carece de movilidad de le puede dar casa pero en línea mejor ve farmeando y pienso ayuda al jungla porque. Te tendrá full linea”
vCraze says “Heimerdinger is a pretty easy matchup as you can contest his pushing power fairly early. Do not let him push you under tower as you wont be able to leave. Poke him and if you can kill his turrets when possible, free gold and stops his pushing power periodically. Once you hit 6 you should win every fights as long as you dont get in range of his E.”
Sadkid says “Heimer is kind of weird. Usually, you can use your range to his advantage, however, a good heimer will place his turret in front after being slept to block Q. Beware of this interaction. ”
OxiteoMyst says “You outrange his turrets i think but his voice is annoying af. Also he has a stun that will ruin your day lategame.
(especially when empowered) ”
Kursayer says “This little annoying Yordle is bad for Urgot at the start. He can just sit back and relax and poke Urgot. My best advice is to start Spirit Visage and poke him with Q.”
SkellyBirb says “Heimerdinger relies on his turrets and they deal most of his damage. You can jump right on top of him and burst him, but he will poke you a lot in lane. Catch him when he isn't near his turrets and abuse his turrets with your Q.”
Katfire says “Heimer is really squishy, but he will poke you a lot early game. Dodge his stun and rockets and try to destroy his turrets with your AOE damage as you trade with him. After 6 he might use his big R turret when you all in him and then stun you or stopwatch/Zhonya's and leave you to die to his turrents.
While he isn't a really hard match up you should respect his potential damage.”
S4V4 says “Yasuo's kit completely counters Heimer. Dashing around his towers, and windwall makes this lane for Heimer unplayble. Make sure to destroy his towers. Don't underestimate Heimers power, he is pretty dangerous if Yasuo doesn't play the lane correctly.”
WolfRider01 says “Avoid the stun, and focus killing his turrets. He is a lane bully that only scales if he gets fed. Once his stun is on cool down you can easily run him down. Be mindful of his turret damage. Take fleet.”
Hqzz says “Heimer is a threat to all melee champs, however he can be a problem for Ryze as well. Don't waste mana on killing turrets, auto them as much as possible and do not try to fight while he has turrets up (that is just common sense). ”
Akali go skrrrt says “This is a pretty annoying match up for akali. You can trade when your W is up as his turrets cant target you if you are hidden in your W.”
KaAZu13 says “You cannot fight his turrets and minions + him at the same time, he is same as zed, you just cannot advance in the lane with him, it's best to switch to mid or top, avoid having him on the same lane with you.”
economistastonks says “No one likes laning against this cruel genius. You can try to all in if he is low on mana, but at level 6 he will be able to simply stun and burst you.
I wouldn't pick Pyke against him. ”
Bobbab says “You can e and q the turrets for an easy all in. Bait out his e and you should easily be able to kill him. Dont fight in 2+ turrets and watch out for his ult turret.”
DrWindwall says “He just farms and waits to punish your mistakes. keep that in mind and you can deal with him. Short trade with your passive up and leave if he has turrets placed.”
sweodigaming says “He has very good sustain. He is also very squish. Be careful to not get caught around his turrets, they can do much unexpected damage.”
Grayified says “In bot lane, care for turrets in bushes. You take the turrets easily mid, and it takes slightly more effort bot. Heimerdinger is mostly a threat because of his potential damage output if he lands CC and his gank setup.”
Daeydark says “You don't have any kill pressure before level 6, so just look to poke with W when his E is down and safely farm under your turret. Only look to trade with him if your jungler is ganking. Once you hit level 6, you can now beat him in a 1v1 with your standard combo.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “Boooooring, don't focus the turrets, you'll lose your time. Just wait an opportunity to charm and kill him. Send your jungler away, he's going to feed the heimer. Nothing you can do, noyhing he can do.”
SkellyBirb says “You don't have much kill pressure as his turrets will deal damage even if you stun him, but you can roam to gain your advantage and he won't be able to stop you easily.”
FalleN3 says “This is a lane where he will generally have you shoved up to your tower all day long with his turrets. They are pretty squishy so try to not let him get x3 of them set-up. Try to farm as much as you can, look for picks and out-roam him if possible. Use your mobility to your advantage. He is pretty squishy so after level 6 you can 100-0 him but be aware, even after he is dead the turrets will continue to shoot at you. You can use your Shroud to drop tower agro once he is dead. It is a tough lane Pre 6 though!”
FalleN3 says “This is a lane where he will generally have you shoved up to your tower all day long with his turrets. They are pretty squishy so try to not let him get x3 of them set-up. You can try to kill them with Q+W and (E) out as needed but be aware this will cost you quiet a bit of mana! Try to farm as much as you can, look for picks and out-roam him if possible. Use your mobility to your advantage. After level 6 you should be able to all-in him but be aware, even after he is dead the turrets will continue to shoot at you.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Use his turrets as mobility against him. He will poke you a bit but it won't be enough to force you out of lane, especially if you can keep the pressure up on him. You should always have lane priority in this matchup. Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
Fadedreformed says “Easy matchup don't die pre 6 and he is just unable to do anything. Avoid getting hit by his e because his turrets are gonna chunk you for a huge amount”
DaggerTV_ says “Heimer will do exactly what you dont want. He will permapush, forcing you to stay in lane and he will have perma prio. There is essentaily nothing you can do but wait for your jungler to do something. However, this amtchup is rare
Yuki H. says “Though it seems to be a difficult lane, Zed can actually start q'ing Heimer's turrets while he's setting them up before minions spawn in lane. (2q's per turret). For in-lane trading patterns, do NOT look to W in if Heimer is holding both stun and rockets with nearby turrets. Only look for aggressive trades if he does not have turrets or rocket/stun grenade. Otherwise just try to poke him down with abilities without going too near.”
fwii says “Start Corrupting potion and farm until Jungle Gank. Heimer is very poke heavy with his Turrets and it's risky to trade against him early. Killable after level 6. ”
bobatea says “Idk you have to be lucky to win against a heim as hes super annoying in lane with his turrets. Just try to farm up to get like a extra dorans blade and getting 6 and all inng on him so get some sort of lead but jsut try not to feed him, busted late game.”
Proma says “Dshield
You're better off looking for roams than trying to kill him as most of them tend to place towers and permashove/sit under tower. If he blows his E and you get on top of him you should win.”
Chiefsnake says “Annoying early game because he can out shove you with his turrets so you just have to farm until you have enough points in W to shove and roam”
Veralion says “Hope you’re good at farming under turret, cause you’re going to be doing a lot of it. Your E is on too long of a CD to cleanly deal with his turrets, but you can do enough to keep him on 1 or 2. 2 E’s or an E-auto will kill them; try to line up shots which get a few last hits and also hit a turret, then follow up with a melee if you think you can get away with it. One turret shooting you does very little damage. You should be able to prevent him from leapfrogging all 3 turrets too far forward, which is the real threat of Heimerdinger. Stand behind creeps to avoid full-wave missile hits. You won’t be able to avoid his missile spreads, but they won’t hurt too badly. If you get clipped by a grenade, turn on W and run perpendicular to the incoming turret lasers. You’ll be able to run right out of the most damaging part of his kit. Do NOT get grenade stunned around 2 or 3 turrets or you'll be chunked right out of lane. He squishes easily, so you can kill him once he shoves in after you’ve just backed and bought. You’ll need to immediately go on him before he chips you back down again. Orbit him while you’re hitting him to make it harder for him to land grenade stun; the direct hit radius is pretty small, and mind those turret lasers! ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “He takes a big bulky stance in mid lane trying to take it over but your AA AA Q kills the turrets so you should be able to win this fairly easily with poke
When he gets 6 and puts down a big turret, just back off with E.”
snukumz says “Supposedly a counter to Vel'Koz.
Focus on wave clearing, and killing his turrets when he puts them up.
Watch out for his stun, and don't let your jungler gank him unless he's out of little turrets.
Late-late game you can roast him with a Q and your ultimate. ”
1256 says “just outscale him, very annoying because of permaprio, hes barely gankable too and you cant rly destroy his turrets, legit nobrainer
goodimbinatas says “His turrets grant you additional stacks in laning phase and are even easier to farm later on in the game when Veigar has enough AP to one-shot them with his Q.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This is a lane where he will generally have you shoved up to your tower all day long with his turrets. They are pretty squishy so try to not let him get x3 of them set-up. Try to farm as much as you can, look for picks and out-roam him if possible. Use your mobility to your advantage. He is pretty squishy so after level 6 you can 100-0 him but be aware, even after he is dead the turrets will continue to shoot at you. You can use your Shroud to drop tower agro once he is dead. It is a tough lane Pre 6 though!
CallMeDaddyGR says “I dont have much to say about this annoying guy, there is not much you can do about him, just dont get hit by his stun and play passive till you get a gank from your jg, be careful tho, a single missplay can lead to him getting a double and trust me, you dont want that to happen”
Debonair Karma says “His turrets will put you in a lot of trouble. No real way to counterplay him other than staying under tower and farm with Q. Take teleport”
Gageowago says “Just don't fight him in his turrets. This is a matchup where corrupting potions aren't a terrible choice. -----(Patch 9.24b) Heimer is a weaker pick now because of the nerf to his rockets and grenade, but he is still a threat so continue to not fight in his turrets.”
topal says “very hard to deal with if he sets up his towers well.try to all in him if he steps out of his towers and kill them with q.Take absolute focus to kill the towers easier.”
Ignix0 says “Hes by far the dumbest champ in the game, I hate this matchup (even though you win it). Just keep your distance and weq him to death! You should really watch out if he has zhonyas.”
ZombieZack1 says “Heimerdinger can Win against Lux if played Well but Mostly Lux will win, Heim is Easily Dodged and Lux can Shield throughout his Turret Damage”
Lil Tidepod says “It's really difficult to get close enough to Heimer to pop any of your combos, because his turrets will just never-endingly chunk your health. Try and clear his turrets as quickly as possible, preferably before you kill minions, because they will cause him to win any trade. If you dodge his stun bomb, engage on him if he has one or no turrets up, as he has nothing to stop you from popping his health bar.”
Fhizzikx says “You will most likely be shoved in pretty hard but try to keep the wave in balance by using w on the wave. It isn't that dangerous to shove the wave with e since heimer cant really punish you for using your e. Later in the game you should win.”
Malmortious says “He will put some turrets down for pressure, try to play around them. Dodge his skillshots and burst him fast when you can, preferably by surprise attack with E. His turrets give him a lot of lane control so you will need to roam more to match his pressure and stay relevant if you can't get kills on him.”
RockitoAhri says “Annoying. Don't focus on his tower too much, let them be. He usually steps up to secure CS, make sure to poke him and be ready to sidestep his Grande (E). It will make the turrets focus you and poof your HP. TLDR: avoid grenade and poke him when he comes for CS. ”
ER1KLB says “Can outscale you. His turrets are really annoying and if he's able to put them correctly, you're not going to do much, just wait for a gank.”
t3rminated says “This heim ding dong is fairly easy for you. You can easily outrange his turrent and poke him. Great thing is that if you kill his turrent with your Q, it refunds mana back. Poke him out and dodge his stuns. ”
jster131 says “this is one of those matchups where you are goint to want to let him push you into your turret. His turrets are annoying to deal with, bu they can be killed almost instantly by hitting an auto-q cancel (See Tips n' Tricks). Dodge his stun with e and disengage when you se his ult indicator ( He gets a weird kinda helmet). Also, you can dash over Heimerdinger's turrets to gap close if there are no minions nearby.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “This dude is cancer
his turrets, and range, basically everythign
Q his turrets while he's placing it before the minion spawn and always Spam ur Qs on his turrets and try to farm as well
and call your jungler to help you out but before that clear his Q's or he will get a double kill. if you don't want to face him just ban him”
Witchxry says “Heimerdinger is not good to go up against, but he is very squishy. You're going to want to focus on CS and break his turrets any chance you can.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
ekkologix says “this guy is the teemo from midlane,
be agressive , 3 Hit then when you're positioning yourself dodge his skill , pretty much like ziggs matchup, a bit harder.”
8wolf says “His towers are just free farm for you. +10 gold whoop whoop. Careful at his e. if he lands one expect a ton of burst dmg. Most times this is a farm lane.”
NebuIa says “Very annoying waveclear lane but nothing more than that. Similar to Anivia pains. Don't R too close to him or he will dump his damage onto you.”
TheBlueImperial says “Heavy poke lane but has mana issues and incredibly squishy. If you full combo them they're dead and you have the option to roam.”
Je Suis Azir says “Honestly, you can take care of his turrets, and poke him, all while not losing control of the wave. Just cripple him, he is a shitty little Yordle who can get stiffed by you if you shred his turrets and poke him viciously.”
Dgraider says “You'll need your jungler to help you out with this matchup to secure a kill if the heimerdinger plays well, but you should be able to clear his turrets without too much trouble. I'd advise taking celerity in this because the move speed really helps with dodging his abilities”
cobbzy says “Really difficult match-up. He will poke all day long and every time you trade he will have his turrets do most of the work. Avoid getting stunned by his E, watch out for ult-W. Roam often, or get jungler help. ”
sekkondsEU says “Havent seen him in mid for quite a long time, but he is pretty annoying. Dont trade-risk too much, reather try looking only for good trades and all-ins.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite Matchup
Run down mid level 1, he'll try to setup turrets. Destroy them with soldiers. LUL free gold. Spam W Q AA with Ludens rush, farm off his towers, shove this mofo in.
He will shove you in for the first few levels, but that's ok, this bitch ass will miss half his cs anyways.
Very easy to shuffle gank.”
Marumo says “Threat level 2.
When first you lane against a Heimerdinger it seems a very hard lane to win. However, Heimer actually gives Veigar the perfect conditions to thrive. Heimer gives you turrets you can Q to get stacks off of, he makes you farm under the safety of your turret and he makes you wait for the late game. When you hit the late game you should have massively outscaled him.
Just dodge his stun and it's easy stacks.”
Braddik says “if you can take out his turrets early you can trade well while blocking damage with your q. past 6 you should be able to 1 shot him as he has low mobility”
Cloud375 says “The turrets are painful and outrange your auto attack range, you need to be careful when playing against him. Your Q does have enough range to hit turrets and poke the Heimer though, so try abuse that when you can and the lane should be easier.”
Tayna says “This is just sad, your W will destroy his turrets + farm for you. He can't CC you, u have more range, and he can't run from your R. Just...sad...”
IceBite says “Try to get a jungler with cc and kill him together with him. Lee is perfect vs him because he can kick him out of his turrets. Do not jump in blind.”
Sneaky boi says “Start D shield, try to farm and dodge his skills. Buy stopwatch versus him so when he land a skillshot on you the turrets laser won't do damage.
Chromuro says “Heimer is pretty easy, his turrets will fall like flies with your voidlings. The only annoying part is that the turrets can "distract" your E.”
SeeEl says “People who play this champion are reported to start wars, create famine and evolve new genetically superior diseases. You will not have priority in this lane and he will smack you but remember that your utility in teamfights and late game scaling is superior. That being said, there are literally no good heimerdinger players until challenger. Also, don't try to outpush this guy, accept that he is keyboard smashing drooler smashing his QWE buttons so play to farm.”
Big Shawn says “I would classify it as a greenlight, but you never know. Heimerdinger is quite a disgusting champ with him constantly just "Camping" on the lane.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “If you burst him and build Hexdrinker it will be hard for him to kill you because you will have MR and when you R him he can't absorb your damage but you must dodge his E stun to move away”
EvilOranges says “D-Shield or D-Blade. This matchup is basically him shoving over and over again while you maintain a freeze. He can't kill you, you can't kill him. (At least solo). Wait for jungler or level 6 spike, and always Windwall or E his grenade. Take Fleet Footwork.”
League Gamer says “His turrets are able to poke you down, but you are able to pick them up with your W. Throwing his turrets away from you helps keep the fight pretty even.”
Best Akali Fra says “Just... Stay away from this bullshit XD
Nah, seriously... just freeze your lane and wait for your jungler. This is really hard to kill Heimerdinger because of his stun (E) and his turrets (Q/A) You will get low hp faster and it's gonna be more difficult to do trades !!”
KaktusHraje08 says “When u press E on him his turret outdamage u so much so play so much agressive when u reach lvl3 take water element stun him press E on him and take grass element q him and run away ”
kilgta says “Easy matchup, level 1 to 5, let him do his shtick of shoving and you try to last hit at your best. with lost chapter, he cant do anything. e his tower thats it.”
unownreality says “you can singularity his turrets for easy kills. He shouldnt be able to get the foothold he needs to win lane, as long as you are taking out the turrets effectivly. ”
MechaaZero says “Eh. More annoying than anything. A good Heimer will block your E with his turrets if he is expecting is, but if your use your Q wisely and wait for a gank if your pressed, it can be relatively balanced.”
CC Diana says “This is an awful matchup. You can't do anything pre 6 and post 6, it's still bad. Heimerdinger likes sitting inside his ring or turrets which makes it incredibly frustrating to CS and risky to dive in. Pre 6, you'll have to sacrifice some CS farm with Q. Keep an eye on the white bar on Heimer's turrets. When the bar is white, the next shot from the turret will deal increased damage and will pass through units so do not be in the line of fire. Once you are 6, do not jump in recklessly. Heimerdinger will likely still be sitting in his ring of turrets which is his safe zone. Assuming you do dive in, make sure he used his E (stun). If he catches you with it, it will empower ALL of his surrounding turrets which will either kill you or get you very low, not to mention he will also UPGRADE!!! his turret to a super turret. So, poke him out with Q to get him low and go in for the kill when you can. Don't take unnecessary risks.”
RagexAddict says “Heimerdinger is by far one of the most frustrating champions for Fizz to deal with in lane. He will constantly push you to your tower and make it difficult for you to CS effectively. Try your best to farm up and all in him by levels 2-3 if possible. Taking teleport against him might also be a good idea if you're confident that you won't be able to get at him in game.”
SrSuders says “Aufgrund der kleinen Geschütze die er aufstellen kann mach das Fassen von Heimerdinger schwierig.
Jedoch wenn man Heimerdinger eine Falle stellt oder schnell one-shotet, in der Backline z.B stellt er kein Problem dar.”
Flipps says “Prioritize taking out his turrets before anything, but don't get caught out. Heimerdongs mostly rush zhonyas so instead of countering you he might get armour instead. That being said don't chase him into his turrets and avoid the stun.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “If you give him the lane for a bit, good luck getting back in. Ask for a gank if you leave to gank someone else. A recall is fine since you come through tower and can slowly cut in through that way”
RainbowNova says “Heimerdinger's E(CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade) has a pretty big radius, which can both slow and stun you. His R(UPGRADE!!!) makes this radius even bigger, allowing him to slow/stun you easier.”
borsamalac says “Irritating to lane vs him , play with teleport. He will force u to farm under tower, his main dmg comes from when he lands stun on you and his turrets starts to deal dmg to you. When u have trinity +boots its your time to kill him.”
Yenwai says “more of a nuisance really, if you play passive, farm and roam with teleport or help jungle invade he cant do to much and you'll out scale mid game with your R and team.”
Bughans says “Quite fast, but shouldn't be that much of a problem. Dodge his stun, preferably while engaging with W. Then he oughta be dead. Be prepared to run if he uses ult turret. ”
SmokeyEggs says “This champion is literally impossible to trade with until you have Protobelt and Mercs, just roam and push hard until you have those items and then you win”
ryze4thewin says “you cant kill him he cant kill you try to get kills with roaming then when fed kill him in lane he is cancer but you are better at roaming”
Bestlover says “Realy hard to kill him, and he as higt dmg as well so you need to be skill to dodge his abilities.
Look to roam and ask jungle help to shave the wave when you need to.”
AzureArmatt says “Without his turrets heimer is useless. So just destroy his turrets and then go for the win. staying behind minions will prevent his rockets to hit you. It looks simple now right?”
Shaawn says “The only way he can get a lead is if he gets to stack 3 turrets and push super fast. We can cheese him(before minions spawn) by waiting in a brush while he's stacking turrets and then take them down. Keep taking his turrets down when he's spawning them, and you will have no trouble in this matchup. Your windwall can block ALL his damage.”
Dudstrol says “Use seu E nas torretas e empurre a rota quando possível, heimer perde muita força sem suas torres. Mesmo assim não deixe ele acertar um combo, pois caso acerte ira te matar ou fazer voltar base.”