Top Lane 50.23% Win Rate96% Pick RateAatrox Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aatrox in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “really strong lvl 1, avoid trading him when he starts hiting with his q dont get caught into his w and u are safe. His lvl 6 is pretty annoying. Manage ur fury wisely, his qs can cancel ur e if they hit you.”
Maniaxx says “Aatrox has strong sustain, crowd control, and mobility, especially in his World Ender (R) form. He can outheal most of the damage you deal with his Q (The Darkin Blade) and Passive (Deathbringer Stance).
How to deal with him:
Build anti-heal early: Items like Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling will reduce Aatrox’s healing and make him less threatening.
Use your range: Mundo's Q (Infected Cleaver) lets you poke Aatrox from a distance, reducing his ability to sustain and trade effectively.
Respect his all-ins: Aatrox’s R (World Ender) makes him much stronger. Avoid extended trades when he has his ultimate up.”
a_k_z7 says “aatrox in general has the upper hand in this match up
better range and damage
lvl 1 look to trade close to him so he q1 and q2 and walk away from q3
only w when he want to q3 and e
q1 + e or q2 + e you cant really avoid the damage from you w
if you cant escpae his w e the wave so you can
dont fight when he r unless he is very low just ult him
poke him with q and play at eqaul distance to his q
buy anti heal against”
Puyo says “Levar incendiar. A Riven não tem dificuldade de desviar das skills dele. Se ele estiver um pouco forte, guarde sempre o E e pelo mens 1 Q para não tomar o Q3 dele no centro.”
ballsniffer112 says “Pretty difficult matchup if the enemy knows how to play passive, try to take advantage of your lvl 2. Buy antiheal epic item on first back, bait his ult before full engaging”
ThatGing3rNuts says “Aatrox is beatable but definitely favoured towards him. Look to fight him lvl 1 by walking up to his brush and placing your sword there, so you can threaten an early empowered Q. Use your E to doge inwards from his Q1, and pull your Q through him for empowered Q. He wont be able to hit his Q2 so once he goes for it make sure you focus on dodging his Q3, and then punish with Q grasp again. Use your W to block his passive auto when you can. Also if he hits his
W, try to walk out without E, and then E out afterwards, as his W pullback will cancel your dash if you dont E instantly. Rush thornmail and ninja tabis to help your case in this matchup. Ignite is preferable due to its anti-heal it gives you, and you can use ult to have cross map impact as he is a fighting/snowball reliant champ.”
parker3n9 says “This is my primary ban, and for good reason—if the Aatrox player is skilled, this matchup becomes incredibly difficult. While you can try to harass him in lane, getting caught by his chains without Flash is practically a death sentence. I strongly recommend banning Aatrox to avoid dealing with this uphill battle.
Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Cake walk for fiora unless the aatrox is MARGINALLY better than you. Take conq and ignite and try to stomp him. Each Q can be parried for a stun (preferably dodge first 2 with your Q, and parry the third one). You can very easily Q out of his W, or slide parry it for an unexpected stun. Dont waste gold for executioners, fight him with your ignite up, and when you're ahead you just beat him without antiheal. Coup De Grace”
Iron 3 20 lp guides says “malphite can also just poke with q . careful of his abilites or youll die. if you cant dodge you can go tank but dont expect to solo kill him”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Aggro Runes + Ignite, Rush Executioner->Eclipse->Mortal Reminder
This is a very close matchup he can beat you if you missplay and get hit by his fullcombo etc”
Lilac says “Aatrox poses somewhat of a threat in lane, but you unless you hard lose you'll find yourself outscaling him relatively quickly.
Having Aatrox sent to match your splits is both a blessing and a curse, as he has good disengage and sustain making it difficult to continue your push. However, as long as you have your W up, he has difficulty engaging on you, much less forcing a kill, and holding him in a sidelane removes a strong teamfighter from the enemy.
Recommended: Conqueror + Standard Build. Fiora's grievous wounds options aren't great, so taking ignite will make your life much easier.”
melet says “go conq and wait for his passive cooldowns also when you get anti-heal and deaths dance he will only get %30 of his life steal so abuse it and use your w on his third q it deals most of the damage”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Avoid his Q. Buy Grievous Wounds. Do small trades taking as minimal damage as possible. All-win when he's low, but careful with his R. ”
maiathemagical says “Really depends if you know how to dodge/space vs. Aatrox. If you do this becomes trivial, but if you can't or he outplays you it will be bad.”
Fenharion says “Aatrox can be really hard if they know how to full combo and keep distance. I go executioners early to deny healing and use my E defensively rather than offensively because aatrox can deal more damage if he plays correctly and towards late game I ask my teammates to kill him together.”
Raideru says “This matchup is a bit tricky depending on the skill of the Aatrox, generally what I like to do in this lane is lvl 1 I start w and try to hit the wave while waiting for him to use his passive on the wave afterwards you can always tank his normal auto and proc your passive and then auto him once and walk away with w poke and you will get prio afterwards unless he tries to brute force it, the matchup is all ab playing around his q cooldown whenever he wastes it you look to fight him but just care to not jump in when it's up cose if he plays it correctly he can take half of your hp without much counterplay. After lvl 6 u don't really win all ins all u can really do is chip him down slowly with short trades and when you all in him remember to use your ult to dodge one of his Qs. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this matchup.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
Annoying matchup if he's good at spacing you with Q's, DON'T get hit by his passive auto early game and don't be afraid of walking INTO him to dodge his Q's, you can win all ins. Be careful of his stacked Conq+Ult outhealing your DPS. IF YOU SWALLOW HIM FOR MAX DURATION AFTER HE Q'S, HIS Q WILL TIME OUT AND GO ON COOLDOWN
MrBuis says “(C)(>20) It's a pure skill matchup. You win the first 3 levels. If he goes ignite, then push the wave and only trade with him when necessary. Try to throw Q when he's in his Q animation. If it hits +, you don't get hit by Q1, pop Ghost and run him down. From 6 - 8, it's a 50/50 fight, depending on whoever makes more mistakes, but you eat him alive at lv 9-10 when your Q is 45% slow, counter his movement speed boost from R. His damage on the turret is WEAK AF; you can abuse that to recall when necessary. Death Dance counter his passive healing, so go for Stridebreaker -> Ammor Boost -> Deathdance build.”
Spartaniko says “Slightly Aatrox favored matchup. Go ignite. W his second Q, E third Q, try to ignite when he has his passive up or if you see he is going to hit a Q sweet spot. Play around your Q execute before he heals. Sidestep if he hits W, its avoidable.”
4eadami says “I take conqueror with dark seal and get prio for the lvl 2 Cheese and 90% kill them. If you Aren't sure , get PR and proxy. If he bullies you in lane , Rush t2 Boots after fated ashes and get Dead Man's 3rd(Unending Despair if 3+ Melee's) and you can Dodge pretty much everything he throws at you. Rush Liandry's and you beat him 1v1 with ult and ghost when you have liandry and Boots. After fated ashes , walk up to him from a Bush with Q open and E him before getting away. It is a good way to trade against Aatrox if you are behind. ”
Fenharion says “Aatrox's skills counter your entire champion,it's really easy for him to poke you with E + Q and his W will pull you most of the time,if he manages to land his full combo it will hurt you a lot. Taking bramble vest doesn't really work against him since that item only applies anti-heal if someone auto attacks you. And on top of all this his ultimate works as a steroid,as for tips against him: Take Oblivion Orb early and take ghost to dodge his skills,if there is not a fed champ on enemy team you'll want to ult aatrox to not let him steamroll your team and heal for ages.”
Houcs says “A good Aatrox is gonna keep distance and poke you but those are rare cases. Just look to reach lvl 6 and hold wave near tower and then look for opportunity to grab him to it. A good tip is to predict your R when he is gonna do his E-Q poke on you. Usually very predictable.”
Wafflerush says “Against Aatrox, you will need to swallow your pride and utilize the protection of turret as often as possible.
Trading with Aatrox is like stepping on a minefield of Lego bricks, knowing full well they are there before you. He wins almost all trades because of his innate healing passive on his E. The best way to play against this is as follows:
1. Play Under Turret
You will need to let him push you under turret. Aatrox will be very aggressive, so trying to farm outside of tower range will be a nightmare. Brush up on your CS'ing skills because they will be needed here. Nautilus' Passive helps quite a bit with last hitting minions, but so does his E. Try your best to use your Q for disengaging rather than trying to hook him under turret. He will likely just dodge your hook with his E, and because he doesn't need mana, you will be digging yourself a hole by missing a hook.
2. Watch for you Jungler
If your jungler is willing to come and gank (as they should) be prepared to Q. Once you hook him, walk PAST Aatrox. Most Aatrox players will take Flash/Teleport, so preparing yourself for the Flash away is critical for getting a small edge with takedown gold.
3. Do not be Tempted
Aatrox looks low, maybe you can score a quick takedown and earn some gold to get back in the ring with him... WRONG. His ultimate is the absolute undoing of everything you just thought. Once the World-Ender takes flight, it's over. His additional movespeed, damage, and healing makes it nearly impossible to take him down on your own. Let him stay low, let him back, and try your best to keep your cool. Greeding against Aatrox is a bad idea.”
JargonHQ says “Side step his Q's, bait them out if you can. Positioning is key in this matchup. His ult is basically your ult but he only gets the healing if hits his shit. Swifties if you are confident in dodging his abilities. Tabis if you aren't. As for landing phase, start Q and early harass, poke him down so he can't all in you and space his Q's correctly.”
Althalosofsirun says “You can take either the scaling rune page or the meta page. all you will need to do is try to kill him pre level 4 his level 1 is deceiving he can kill you take W and have ignite if you goal is to win lane otherwise take teleport.”
wApMorty says “Skill matchup, snowballs hard.
Respect level 2, start with E in case he gets prio and don't greed. Look to cast E when he E-Q.
Matchup gets easier from level 6 once you can spawn lot of ghouls and fight with Maiden.”
Ninjauberkill says “Perma ban as top.
If however you find yourself playing against him, buy oblivion orb and pray for ganks. Try to side step Q1 Q2 and pool on top of him when he uses Q3 (Preferably with 3+ minions so you can get a good chunk of healing off).”
misterbig says “easy matchup early, just run at him with Q E and u can easy dodge his first 2 Q's, W his 3rd Q. He will win against you later but you can abuse him early. buy antiheal early if needed”
IvanBeifong says “Dodge his Q sweet spots, oblivion orb is good into him, short trades dodging his Qs, and then walk away, it's even because the champ is strong and heals a lot as Sylas.
Ult is pretty decent, not the best, not the worst, increased healing is always good.”
Skaarlschloch says “AP is better than Tank. This matchup is not easy, Being practically a ranged character aatrox avoids W1 most of the time, so its hard to poke him out. With jngl help he is easy to kill”
Belle19 says “he has the complete edge in lane but he is completely hopeless against your split later on. Phase rush helps greatly for running out of his w. Rush executioners. Just focus on staying in xp range and healing with passive. I don't think you win early even with conq so don't take”
LilPicky says “(Camille favored)(Take 1st rune page) Dont E while in his W if he hits his W, he will Q you while you E and he will cancel your E, you will die. Try to stay next to him when you go for trades so that he misses his Q1 and Q2, when he misses those 2 walk back so that he cant hit you with Q3, dont trade with him when he has his empowered auto because he will hit you first (he has extra range) and he will get your bone plating before you can hit him first so you get your passive and then bone plating ”
Body Those Fools says “Watch out for Aatrox's E+Q combos; he can reposition himself to hit you when his E is up, however it has a very long cooldown early. You can consider an early Oblivion Orb into this matchup because of his overall sustain from his Passive and his Ult's healing if he's able to get ontop of you. If you ever get hit by his W, you need to walk to the left or right or you have to W E Q or E Q out or you will take massive damage or have to blow flash. At level 6, you can just Ult him away when he Ults, or just E Q back to your tower. ”
smrgol says “It's mostly a skill matchup, this is a test of how well you can predict and dodge abilities, punish his Q+E when he misses and utilize your traps+W root whenever you can. Run under your tower when he ults and if he isn't full health, pop your ghost and kite him after it ends.”
Zagreus16 says “Start w and literally run at him to do a full trade, you will win lvl 1 if he full fights you if you have ignite. if you get him low lvl 1 you can go all in lvl 2-3 to kill him. he becomes a extreme threat later on in lane if you dont get a lead cause of his Q's CDR. you will even want anti heal exe calling to limit his healing as much as possible”
CrimsonL7 says “This matchup blows. But rejoice little briar player it is winnable! If the Aatrox is deaf and blind you can kill him! Play really aggressively pre 6 and post 6 only fight him if your ignite is up. Try to dodge his W sweetspots with your Q and W and if you cant just E his third one since it does the most damage. He outscales you in 1v1 hard. If you fall behind early and he is good expect to die like 20 times”
TroyLoL says “If you're able to dodge his abilities you out trade and win easily. However if you get hit by let's say 2 of 3 q's you're going to have a hard time out trading him.”
NASAO says “For me the worst route in the top lane (my ban). At lv 9, dodging from his skills (in particular the Q3 combo) and spacing him, you will kill him.”
YuletideGlory says “Aatox is really easy to read since you know what's coming as soon as he casts Q, allowing you to stun E consistently and walk away from the threat or beat him to a pulp. Your sustain is too high for Aatrox to be a threat, but you still don't want to take his hits for no reason. Play around his Q and all-in after it's over.
I even beat Aatrox in a full health slug fest WHILE he was ulting the whole time.”
Raideru says “Aatrox lvl 1 is really weak, what you want to do is zone him off the first 3 minions and if he tries to trade you continue fighting him, in the end you should end up with more hp and then just keep zoning until you 3rd wave crash into reset, after lvl 6 if he ever q+e forward on you look to hook him in and all in if you're the same hp you should win the all in”
Azzin says “This matchup is annoying because if he does not int you'll never beat him in 1v1, this champion is made to win sustained fights ,go fleet/phase rush so you can poke him down and run out. Dodging his Q will be your goal the entire game so just focus at this in lane.”
Haxorr says “Aatrox is largely a skill matchup. I play both Aatrox and Jax quite a lot (my two most played champs last split) and I tend to prefer being on the Aatrox side of this matchup. However, it is winnable from both sides of the matchup.
Both Lethal Tempo and Fleet can work in this matchup. In higher elo, it can be nice to take Fleet in this matchup because it enables you to run out of his w after you jump on him. THE BIGGEST THING IN THIS LANE IS Aatrox can never use his e towards you. If he ever uses his first q and e's toward you with it, jump on him immediately as once his e is down he can't kite you out anymore. Also, when both flashes are up, Jax is very favored in this matchup. Rush Trinity Force.”
DuckQc says “Executionner. Poke and play safe till 6. Lvl 6 you destroy him. Try to take advantage of your Q(Slow) and R to juke is Q and cancel his healing.It all depends on aatrox's skill and playstyle, if he doesn't kite your ult with his, he can't do anything unless you died 2+ more times pre-6.”
Arthapsic says “Never trade when his passive is up. When his passive is up wiaty for him to last hit with and trade with a fully stacked Q -> E. Save W for Attrox's first Q, use E to dodge his 3rd Q or E out of his W if you are caught by it. If he uses his dash to engage on you after 6 you can win the all in if you hit everything, 3 points into Q then E max for more E cooldown to be able to dodge his spells.”
Beeware says “He will try to poke you with his Q, especially when you have First Strike up. Avoid getting chained by his W and he won't be able to all in. Make sure to get Thornmail or Morello”
TeiWasTaken says “This is a skill matchup. Buy Executioner Calling ASAP. Dodge his Q3 with your E. Your Q provides antiheal - use it when he uses his ult!”
ArmedDad says “Youll be fine if you are on your a game for sidestepping. If not, gg go next lol. Honestly its a minor difficulty as he builds eclipse and lethality now so the health issue is not there, but he is at times more usefull in teamfights. the sidelane is kinda weird as it depends on who gets the engage started. but you can win on side if you do things right.
use ult to dodge either q2 or q3. generally q3.
you can use e to get out of the w and then re-engage.
his e is super low cd so be carefull with using w for poke. also his q1 range is the same as your w (I believe).”
WIELKI B says “Take Fleet and Bone Plaiting, or First Strike if feeling confident. Can easily kill you during laning phase. Go antiheal and swiftness. dodge his crit Q and W. Poke his as much as you can u have chance of winning 1v1 if he is 40% hp and ur full ”
OTP Zuko says “(Go Fleet, and Fleet build) Purchase Swiftness Boots as soon as possible because this matchup revolves around dodging his abilities. When you successfully dodge all of his Q's, you'll have a short window to deal some damage to him. Never engage him in a fight without Ignite after level 6. Also, aim to use your Q ability on his passive whenever possible.”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- His main ability is his Q
- His only way of outplaying you pre-6 is to try and hit Q's on you to get closer with each Q hit
- His E is dash that he can use during Q cast, so he is going to cast Q and at the last possible moment cast E to get you
- Avoiding Qs - first is easiest to avoid to sides, because it has far reach but is narrow.
- Second Q is wide, but not as far
- Third Q is the strongest, but he has to cast it near himself and the empowered area is where he lands
- After 6, be careful, he gets tons of movement speed
- You are basically playing dance with Aatrox, trying to bait him, into bad Q's while trading him, making him angry and forcing him into bad R
- Don't walk up that far into the lane if you are not considerably more fed than he is
- If you want to try and all in with him, always consider flashing from his 3d Q's empowered Q and consider having Chakrams+R, so you can utilize your max damage vs melee”
SVKGuardian says “His whole gameplay is about his Qs. Make sure to dodge his first two Q's with your E. If he already used E-dash to hit one of the first Qs, then its easy for you to dodge 3d Q”
step1v9 says “Trade away from his passive if you can (let him auto minions). Walk in and out (tether) of his Q ranges so that he wastes the CDs, then look for trades after. Also, you can try and dodge his Q during your trades with him. For first 2 Q click into him and for the last Q use your E to dodge. Trynd wins early levels (1-5). After that, win by finding an all-in window. When he uses R and you can't kill him start running away, then IF he chases you can look for a reengage window because the R will expire in your all-in.”
DioSett says “Start w , take ignite or ghost , look for kills early , after lvl 6 buy anti heal , if u manage to kill him 2 times before lvl 6 start with ruined king otherwise start with stridebreaker ”
DDemonJesters says “Not that hard just dodge Q, and you wont need some backup items if you have ignite you outheal him just dont let him get that lifesteal from your ganks might turn around the tide for him”
FunnyJuanny says “Matchup should be free, you should be able to run him down, hold your Qs for his swings and chains and it should be free. Bramble if your struggling”
Shark of Void says “You can use W to prevent his W from hitting you or to break the chain. He can run away from you with R, so one shot him faster. Use E on him to evade the edge of his Q. Also, if you have a good reaction, you can interrupt his E with R.”
Baby_Driver says “Pure Skill matchup.
If he ever tries to poke you with Q under your tower just pull him in.
This works especially well with his Q2, just pull him in as he takes tower shots and run him down.
Most of the time you win an all-in if you dodge his Q3.”
Hotch says “Very hard to fight at almost every stage in the game. Build swifties early and try your best to dodge his Q's. Punish when his Q is on cooldown.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “skill matchup dodge his q ability by side stepping it, e when he e's. he will use his e and counter attack you. Go any summoner spell here. flash or ghost might be best here. sure ignite for his healing its fine get antiheal item, make a flash play”
SVKGuardian says “Be really carefull. His Q doubled with his E can suddenly get you. If he gets you with one Q, you are in big trouble, because he could start chaining and use his flash to get you.
After 6 he is even bigger problem. I would consider trying to play around your turret poking him and holding your W distance, so he could do nothing.
Still care for for being to far in lane after 6, so he couldnt just run you down.”
forlid says “Aatrox is relatively hard to scale as a threat because even a slight difference in skill can make a huge gap in how you lane against him. Early game you win in extended duels but try to deny his poke, as it is quite troublesome. Try to memorize his abilities as they have humongous cooldowns early. You scale much better later on so try to play your lane so that you don't give him a huge lead. His R allows him to outsustain you so wait for it to burn out until you engage.”
Skayling says “{Lethal Tempo or Fleet}
{Resolve (classic)} OR {Sorcery (classic)}
{AS and double scaling health as minor runes}
{Max Q}
Starter : Doran Ring if Fleet, Doran Blade if LT or PTA
How to play the matchup ?
Let Aatrox Push and farm from a safe distance. Keep your health at all cost, don't trade health for CS.
Try to bait his Q's in the wave so it push into you, but don't get hit by it
This matchup is solo killable but don't be too greedy since he can still destroy you”
SVKGuardian says “If you are strong enough, you can use his Q cycle. You can stick really close to him if you have your Q up and his first two Qs will do no damage, if you are able to not let him go.
If he has range on you tho, be very careful, it can go really bad really quickly.”
Lyyh_ says “Skill matchup. Rush plated and try don't not fight without ghost if you're not fed. Poke with Q in early when his Q on cd. You can by antiheal at some point but it's useless if you're really ahead or really behind.”
PinkBlood says “A good aatrox is hard to play into, I usually opt into using ignite in soloq and trying to trade heavy early and look for kills with ignite. This champion is very reliant on its dash to extend its combo so make sure to keep track of it when dodging. ”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.3.
*Favorable for pantheon*
avoid his The Darkin Blade(Q) at least the last 2 and buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING firstly.
If he's Q2 gonna land on u Shield Vault(W) him.
And block his Q3 if u need to with your Aegis Assault(E).
poke him non-stop and u gonna win him.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Bramble early. Flash/tp. Spellbook can be good. Riftmaker first if he goes lethality, liandries if bruiser. Cosmic can help dodge his abilities. Dont go tabis unless he builds lethality. You can r to make his w disappear. Abuse His high cooldowns early and dont Play to far back. If you can bait his r and disengage with e and ult him afterwards you win easily.
You win until 2 items if you dodge enough of his q's but he outscales you eventually. If he is smart and buys maw first item you are just kinda fucked. You can never kill him If he does that.”
conqiyana says “w his q sweet spot/e minions to get out of it.
dont fight him when he has passive up.
dont fight when he ults, just kite with grass q or run away”
SenSen_LoL says “This one is a tricky skill matchup. Be careful when you try to harass him, as his Q1 E combo can reach you pretty easily and can allow him to unleash his full combo on you. Once he gets lvl 6, be very careful when you trade because he can reach you and stick to you easily with the bonus movespeed he gains”
mastershen says “Look to kill early ignite his ult and rush antiheal go ap you can win if try to kill with level 2 strat E Q you can go PTA in this matchup or grasp”
Lynusc says “Be careful in the laning phase, respect him alot more at level 3-11.
Spend 1st ability point in E and spend 2 point in Q before maxing E.This will help you trade in early game.
Your W lasts for 4 seconds so you don't really need it to save for Q3.
Aatrox can be very oppresive after getting his ult.”
PlasitcChairMan says “While Darius Is a strong Dualist (Even in early game). Aatrox has Better dmg, CC, And sustain than Darius, Therefore I'd Highly recommend playing safe until Lv6 Or at least until your Jng ganks, Buy anti heal (Like Executioner's Calling or Bramble vest), And dodge his Q as much as you can.”
MaesePerez says “Play safe, you never beat him in a 1v1 unless massively ahead. Rush bramble and bami's and farm, eventually you outscale in teamfights. Not worth banning but not a fun matchup. ”
Bibi4A says “Versus Aatrox you need good spacing and precise usage of your E. Use cage when his dash is down or he engages towards you. Don't buy antiheal it's bait! Get to easy when you have experience.”
Guldkarameller says “Buy anti heal asap. If he E's towards you, you can go in, since he has no other way of escaping other than flash. You can argue and say he can fear ghouls with R, but I doubt many Aatrox players know this. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
If he lands any q's your passive gives out, which doesnt help as denying aatrox q cc doesnt do anything except make you lose health from passive. You have to dodge every q, and q back to trade whenever he e's forward. when he has passive up, dont walk up, just farm with q, wait for him to use passive on a minion. If he gets it off on you he heals for a fourth of his health bar and deals insane damage. Unless the enemy is full AD dont rush a bramble just rush warmogs. If you manage to get warmogs without going insanely behind or dying then he becomes pretty easy to deal with. Currently my actual perma (if someone else bans ambessa) since both fiora and gwen got substantially more playable with my new phase rush technology”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Get too close to him, and he dodges your q, get too far, and he stuns you, mostly try to poke him with e/q or even w as much as you can until you know you can all in.”
Angryappleseed says “Skill-based Matchup. Take Ignite.
Sidestep his First Q, W onto him on his second Q, and E his third Q.
Rinse and repeat. Be careful of his Lv6 powerspike.”
Artszy says “os Q dele tem mais range que teu AA da passiva, sempre q tu tenta pokear ele tu está no range do Q1 dele. corta cura de primeiro item e espera ele ir para cima.”
hamgi says “spacing is so incredibly important. u can dodge all of his q's if u know its range. abuse trading when it's on cd (14s @ r1, 12s @ r2, 10s @ r3; 1s cd between casts; 4s cast window per q). move perpendicularly if hit by w or use e if necessary. avoid fighting him in his r unless u have grevious/ignite ”
Piccettin0 says “It's not that strong Aatrox pre 6 u are good versus him and phase rush help u to poke and E is good to waste his E
Try to doge Q full damage ”
Belle19 says “he outpokes you, outranges you, and if he has ignite he wins an all-in if he hits any sweet spot past the first one. Rush tabis into bramble here, you need the t2 boots asap to be able to juke better and run out of w. Aatrox players are generally pretty predictable and e forward on their second or third q. Walk towards them when they start their second or third q if they havent e'd yet. You can dodge the w if you see it coming. Unflinching changes are gonna make this matchup harder since you cant run out of the w as easily anymore and you resolve is worse so you cant take second wind as easily. Try to freeze and ghost run him down if he walks up, although freezing into aatrox is pretty tough without being poked out. IMO you outscale him in all areas of the game so its fine if you go even, especially if he has ignite.
FYI: this champ is incredibly broken right now! It's my ban”
kilgta says “easy early, hard late. cannot kill without ignite. if you kill him early, the matchup becomes easy. be careful of him running you down in the lane.”
zwartebliksem says “Your Q and E counter his entire kit. If it's a really good Aatrox, it could quickly become an Even matchup. Simply because he will be landing every Q, every W and know exactly how to play around your kit.”
Grimmloi says “w tutturduğunda zincir sizi tam çekecekken ulti atıp çekmesini engelleyebilirsiniz genelde zincir tam çekecekken zincirin çekeceği noktaya q atarlar böylece bir q yeteneğini de dodgelemiş olursunuz”
Haearnbleidd says “It can be a tough lane or an extra snowball lane. It all depends on aatrox's skill and playstyle, if he doesn't kite your ult with his, he can't do anything unless you died 2+ more times pre-6.
I would recommend going hexplate > stride/rav and buying early anti-heal.
lbc1506 says “Aatrox is one of the only Champions that can beat you 1v1 as he can stack up his q on you and has e to dodge through wall.
W also pulls you back if you misplay.
100% Recommended Ban”
Joy17 says “ Aatrox pode ter sustain considerável, mas Warwick, com seu controle de grupo e mobilidade, pode lidar com Aatrox nas trocas e evitar que ele aproveite ao máximo seu sustain.”
deathbypotion says “He is very vulnerable for proxying as he have low AS. You can kill him lv2 if he used his Q on minions. Don`t underestimate his teamfight potential. After Sundered Sky he will just outtrade you with its passive. Your W stops him from casting E”
This ones either real fun, or real unfun.
Side step the first Q, walk into the 2nd, walk out of the 3rd.
You can WW his 3rd Q if you know you can't avoid.
You can root him after his 2nd Q, and kite to a bush to avoid the 3rd Q.
If he lands his W, walk in a straight line to the left or right. Otherwise he gets you. When he ults, root and use your ult to wait it out. ”
Akuzai says “I hate this champion but as far as late game goes he's okay, more so if you have healing reduction. Lane is just a matter of outspacing him and going for the all in, if you can avoid fighting him and getting poked out that's even better.”
PPlongcook says “Dodge the chain and third Q with your E and you win. Use your Q to dodge his first or second Q. All in him level 3.
He does a lot more damage now, so you need to really outplay him to win this.”
Vin Livesel says “Pretty easy with the specific rune page
Focus on dodging his Q's. That's literally it
(If they bring ignite this can go up in difficulty)
You outscale HEAVILY ”
hoflol says “Skill related matchup. Aatrox skillshots can be fairly easy to play around, and rushing swiftness boots can make this matchup much easier.
Your R anti-heal also is great for reducing his increased healing.”
Lukajs says “Aatrox is a pretty straight forward matchup for Gwen. He is animation locked when he uses his Q, so if he uses Q1 forward, you can Q4 + E + AA into him, and beat his poke. If he continues, you can use your W to dodge his Q2.
Play around poking when he attempts to poke or engage.”
GheeseEmpty says “If you have good movement, Aatrox will find it very difficult to full combo you. An early Bramble Vest to cut healing and Swiftness boots to negate his W can do wonders.”
PlayCabex says “Permaban this champion. If you do manage to play vs him: The way you play this matchup is by going W max into q as usual. The way u play vs him is completely different since you have to perma cancel your drain and space correctly. After 6 you can kill him with your combo ( E silence into R into Q into W )
trulyaito says “- Melee vs Melee so go Dblade
- Your Q applys grevious wounds.
- A good aatrox will use Q2 to guarantee a hit whenever you use pull with your q.
- Outscales you but you easily kill him before lvl 6. And it gets difficult lvl 9.
- Go for trades early since he has really long base cooldowns and lvl 1 q does little damage.
- Use your Q to avoid his Q2 and Q3.
- Unflinching is a good rune he since if you are dismounted it can help you get out of his W.”
NegativePhoenix says “Your main goal isn't to fight him, just to make sure he doesn't get fed. If he can get fed off you somehow, he's gonna be really annoying in the later stages of the game.
Get Bramble first, try to avoid any super extended trades and hope your jungler will gank him since he's pretty easy to make waste flash if you constantly hold him still”
ThelpixG says “His early game is way too strong for you to compete with him on a 1v1, once he's level 6 it only gets worse since now he can dive you and even if you got ignite he will still heal a lot of health because of the new items.
His current build is also really strong against GP since he can pretty much oneshot you whilst absorbing all of your damage.
I would recommend taking fleet and TP and just focusing on scaling.
Avoid getting hit by his poke and Q's sweetspots as well as his W.
Abuse his downtime in the early game to trade with him.
If you want a better chance of killing him in lane, take the grasp setup with ignite.”
LilliaFanBoy says “If he can consistently land his Q sweet spots then yea it will be troublesome.
Maintain 4 Passive stacks up and you should be fine.
Try and spam Q and E when he won't hit his Q sweet spot in conjunction with his E.”
Steinuhu says “Dorans blade start \\ Always W his Q2 \\ Dont Q3 into him if you have no E \\ Always use E for trading \\ If he wastes all 3 Q's and ur in a bush, you may ult him to all in”
WhendZ says “Depois que o Aatrox começou a buildar letalidade, fica muito difícil de jogar contra. eu acho que seria ideal banir, é basicamente o que eu bano. Se você não quiser banir, tenta se manter longe dos Q's e W dele e joga safe. pode ir pra cima se ele errar tudo.”
LegacyOneTap says “Lethal, dblade, ignite flash. Cheese level 1 if possible, fight him while his q is down, when caught by w try to jump immediately out away from his q's so you don't get killed early. You hard win past sheen since he can't keep up past that item into sunderer or trinity if you want him to just stop existing in the game. relatively easy matchup when you are out of lane, in lane its a bit difficult but its in your favor.”
Yogolord says “alot of people are afraid of him but again just get anathema if you feel you can skip anti heal and its free
also before he gets his ult you can still win trades just play correct”
peterplum says “He's kinda annoying in early if he plays well, dodge his Q crit spots and you will be fine. When you transform into Rhaast you will win easily”
joke7813 says “If you both play even, you will win easily.
Your Q gives antiheal and with your E you can outrun his E or sweetspots of the Q.
If you can dogde his knockup on the first Q just E+Q in him. It will result in a good trade...just dogde the 3rd Q of him!
Bonus Tipp: If you have ult you can even "ignore" the knockup so it will be always a good trade.”
JPGamer10BR says “Aatrox, para ganhar dele tu precisa desviar principalmente dos 2 primeiros Q, caso ele use o Dash no 1º Q é melhor, pois é mais fácil para desviar, tente correr pra cima ou para baixo, melhor do que correr para trás, bota de rapidez é perfeito para essa matchup.
Runas> F.F ou PTA.”
Denied20 says “MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: SCARCE. Aatrox suffers greatly from your early damage, and you have a kit to effectively dodge every single spell he has. On paper this match up should be free, but Aatrox hold a lot of damage a few levels in and Yasuo gets melted much quicker than Yasuo melts him. This is due to Yasuo having low defensive stats. Compare to a similar top laner, e.g. Irelia, he has quite lower hp and armor a few levels in. Never get hit by the enhanced auto from him, wait until he last hit minions with it, then trade. Always keep dodging and baiting his W.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Can be dangerous if you get hit by his Qs. Avoid Q 1 with sidestep. If he dashes for Q 2 you can block it with W or E onto him to avoid big damage, If he tries to dash onto you with Q3 just block with W and avoid the big damage.”
Crossing Calvin says “Phase rush.
Be carefull to not overextend the fight because of his healing. Test how he Q's and try to dodge his big area Q. Movement is really important in this matchup. Teamfight wise you both are great”
Murfz says “Some say the lane is hard but I think its fun, I don't think ignite is needed, try to E his passive auto if he has it and use your Q on minions to avoid his W pull if possible.”
BurritoTopKing says “Rush boots for easier Q spacing, try to dodge his Q's and you should be able to win trades, careful if he is lvl 6 or has ignite, executioner's can help a lot.”
Autolykus says “Start w and wait in a bush lvl 1 and do a full trade. You have to win early or his cds get really low and can outtrade you. You can go ghost/flash and match his ult with ghost.”
xskyswitch says “Aatrox is generally a skill matchup for Pantheon. In lane he is stronger past level 4, however at 2-3 items you become stronger than Aatrox.”
RivenCarriedYou says “Riven has all the tools necessary to dodge Aatrox's spells/mitigate his damage. start dorans blade. absolutely rape him before He hits lvl 4. At level 4 he puts two points in Q. which has a bigger powerspike than your level 4. until that he isn't a champion more like a minion. especially when Her high mobility ensures escape from his W. Try to take short trades into him, once conqueror kicks in his healing will outheal a lot of your damage early. Chip down to 50% HP then all in with ult.”
Chaddouk says “I used to struggle a lot vs Aatrox, not anymore. Here's the things I keep in mind that help me : First Aatrox is weak AF lvl 1, his Q is very predictable, has no dash, and a long ass CD (14 sec after last Q). Good Aatrox players will Q1 in the fog in order to last hit first 3 melees with Q2, keep that in mind. If he goes Flash Tp you can even go doran's blade and abuse him. Then, it sounds silly, but what comes after Q1 ? Q2, after Q2, Q3, after Q3, nothing for a bit. Sounds dumb but spacing is giga important against the champion and the spacing changes from a Q to another. So keep the rotation in mind as if you were the Aatrox player and add E range to it when he has it. Just like Fiora, it's easy to bait them into using R and then disengage to take an all in when they don't have it. Can purchase anti healing early but again, if you have enough damage it's not a must have. Later on side if you're even or ahead you win pretty easily the 1v1.”
BaotoGame says “Skill matchup,but it a Yorick favoured.Aatrox is very strong at early game if you get hit all his Q+conqueror,you die.A good Aatrox always spacing you and don't let you bonk him.However you will easily outscale him when you take ignite.1 thing to be aware of is his R can fear your ghouls and maiden and that can remove a lot of your damage temporarily. Also you should try placing W down after he dashes with E.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans blade start \\
Always W his Q2 \\
Dont Q3 into him if you have no E \\
Always use E for trading \\
If he wastes all 3 Q's and ur in a bush, you may ult him to all in”
daitolol says “- Tether back and forth to bait out his Qs (Back&Forth movement is better than sidestepping, from experience)
- Building anti heal is optional
- Use your E to dodge out his Q2, when taking E2 when he has Q3 up, try to instantly go for a side step instead of AA (can use W ms to make it easier)
- Ideal trading pattern after 6 should be as follows: Bait out Q1 by tethering, dodge Q2 with either E1 or R1, after that kite him around (Target should be around
60~70% hp and you need to have ignite/anti heal ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Bait out his qs and mind game the 3rd one based on if he holds it or not, then look to get a full trade once its on cooldown. Disengage with tunnels when he uses ult or just burst him as fast as possible with r to avoid his 3rd q.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Walk at him lvl 1 and trade or zone him off the first wave and you will 100% win if take your W. You can use your E to pull him into you and make him miss his Q1 or Q2. Your W blocks most of his Q3 damage if you manage to time it right. If he only uses Q1 and Q2 he is essentially a ranged champ if you can't punish him. Anti-heal will be very much needed if you want to have a chance to kill him post 6. You need to rush Botrk or he will statcheck you if the player knows how to space you well. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Chempunk Chainsword”
At_Tar_Ras says “take ignite. backstep his Q1, E1 into his Q2 and E2 behind of his Q3 and you should be okay. once u do that just AA+W and AA+Q. conq probably is better here but PTA can be taken if aatrox team is mainly squishies. ”
vexxed04 says “{Take Phase rush ignite flash} Skill matchup, get to work on your fancy feet. If you can't outrun his Q crit then walk into him to take less damage. If you are being oppressed by him save your Q for negating his W slow. Additionally hit W if you know a crit will land. Poke him once with Phase Rush and iron spike and run away. If he is at 60-70% hp rush him and dodge his Q's you can burn him easily.”
Dew Master Flash says “I would ban aatrox if Gwen did not get buffed, but Aatrox is also a significant threat. You have to really move quickly and dodge his qs. Look to proxy. Armor Armor Armor”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: Fleet + Liandry's]
A lot of people think that Aatrox is a counterpick to Teemo, but it's really just about movement. If you take Fleet + Swifty Boots, you'll be able to dodge his Q, outrun his W (if you get hit) and outpoke him in lane. Buy Oblivion Orb early to mitigate his healing. If you know what you are doing, he won't be able to hit you. He is super weak in the first 3 levels so try to bully him as much as possible.”
chewy378 says “His knockups can kill you quickly if you don't have passive stacks up. However, if you do have passive stacks up, you will beat him in a 1v1.”
Pretzel Shiv says “Man, this champ pisses me off. Pre 6
Poke him down with Q, if he uses his Q combo, you can go in and do some damage. Always bring ignite. YOU CAN DESTROY HIM PRE ^ DONT BE AN IDIOT. Bring presence/coup if you want to go full Q poke. But you can completely dominate ”
PILLAR OF ICE says “Play aggresive first two levels and have perfect cs. After level 3 bait the q 1 by going towards him and backing off when u get in range, if he dases q1 run at him so he misses q2 and just dodge q3 with w ms. after blade ur winning if he doesnt have ignite, if he has u wait anathema and smash him.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “Skill matchup, but slightly Aatrox favored. If he hits his W, W out of it ASAP. Be careful to mix up the direction however, because if he hits his Q sweet spot you'll still get pulled.
Rush sunfire, and take Ignite in this matchup.”
DebRiX9 says “Build bramble vest first item, he does not have true damage or %hp damage, thus the armor you build + GW is extremly valuable even more than damage. Then go for rylai”
Yangus beef says “You outscale hard and win level six if you rush executioner's, but he does win at level 4. Play safe until executioner's, otherwise he may snowball.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A tough matchup but not impossible. Make sure to buy antiheal for this champ as they do lots of healing and this will shut them down quite effectively.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
Apollo_XIV says “Here's some tips for this matchup as it's fairly difficult. Dodging his various Q's and evading his passive AA with Shen's W are the basics. Firstly evading his first Q is pretty simple but like all Aatrox players they will try to E with their second Q best way to avoid the knock Up and Damage is to get inside the Q's box and you can then easily E away from his last Q. Early Bramble Vest would be your best friend with early match ups against Aatrox. Be careful of his Q's as they can interupt your E's and just try to play around making him miss his Q's and using W to deny his passive AA on you.”
SVKGuardian says “Does a lot of damage from pretty far away. You can't really juke his 3d Q with Xin, but you can dodge 1st and 2nd, you can also dodge both of those Qs empowered zones with your E - getting straight on Aatrox.
He also has pretty good sustain.
Pretty hard to trade against.”
Codeeex says “Skill match-up, but he has an advantage over you with ignite. make sure to not get hit by all of his 3 Q's or else you lose. Rush Plated Steelcaps, and try to engage when he wastes his second Q.”
Antecc says “Skill matchup, slightly Jax favored. It's all about how you go about dodging Aatrox's Q's. Always fight if his Q is down. Dodge Q1 by side-stepping and Q2 by leaping onto Aatrox, though be careful to not get hit by W/Q3 afterwards. You can Q out of the W in case you get hit. Level 1 cheese in the toplane bush that's near the enemy top tower.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “(13.14: he got hard buffed and is very strong so i move him from minor temporarily)
ALWAYS TAKE IGNITE. Skill matchup but on your side, your movement is crucial so buy boots early. After 6 dont get too far from your tower as he can chase you with his ult. keep minions between you and him to avoid being hit by his W. Sitting on a barrel for potential all in might be helpful. Lvls 7 and 13 are huge for you as it changes a lot, you outscale hard”
ABL Pantheon says “It's a skill matchup depending on both players skill level. You win from levels 1-3. After level 4 he can start poking you and fighting you but you still have the upper hand. At level 6 he can easily kill you unless you are very ahead. When versing Aatrox dodge his Q1, W his Q2 and E his Q3. That way he can't deal damage to you and heal.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: phase rush, flash + ghost, start with dark seal and refil potion. Rush boots of swiftness, try to proc phase rush while killing the wave and just go proxy, save ur flip for his Q2 or Q3, after demonic u can easily kill him
Zombzn00b says “I've played this matchup once and it went terrible, but i think i was too aggresive early. Try to play safe early and dodge q. You outscale. I think this might be even matchup if i try it again.”
Bernardian says “He is very weak till lvl 4. Anti heal is optional however i prefer tier 2 boots as making his W useless is very good. Speaking of his W, it is his best setup tool most of the time if he hits it on you it is a won trade sometimes even a kill so try to walk out to the sides of the W so you don't get pulled in. If your losing the lane bramble is a good buy. Both boneplating and second wind work here.”
Waqql says “As against most melee champions, Gnar has an advantage in the first three levels, but it becomes challenging against Aatrox. Do not underestimate his self-healing and damage, and pay attention to his summoner spell. Let him push the lane and try to force a 2v1 situation. Only trade if you are confident that you can dodge Aatrox's abilities or if they are on cooldown. Buy anti-healing items early on. If Aatrox catches you, it becomes difficult to create distance without a jump.”
AlmightyNoxian says “So easy matchup for Darius. It's really easy to bully him on lane. Just make sure to walk on him while he is trying to Q you. Try to avoid Q3 Because It can be a big threat for you.”
FaNTOP says “Срочно берите "Шипованный доспех" и "Вечерний покров", затем атакуйте его комбо, уклоняйтесь от его W или просто принимайте удар и вступайте в обмен ударов, это легкий матчап. Подходите вперед каждый раз, когда он делает первую Q, а отходите, когда он делает вторую Q. ОЧЕНЬ ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ матчап.”
matma says “Never engage in a fight with an Aatrox when he has his first (Q) up, as he can simply adjust his angle by using his (E) > (Q) combo. If he uses (Q) on minions, you can move closer as his second (Q) has a shorter range and it is much harder for him control and adjust allowing for us to juke it out. His (W) can be blocked by minions and if you do happen to get hit run to the left or the right side. Attempting to run from the skill in the linear path is bad, even if you use Flash it can still pull you back. Running to the side of the AoE is the most effective way, and be aware you take more damage from the highlighted zones. ”
0xeaD5D18 says “Lethal Tempo. Long Sword or Doran's Blade. Flash + Barrier. Dodge his Q early, after you get to level 6 Aatrox can't beat you. BOTRK will give you a huge advantage.”
TheGBabaYaga says “Aatrox is strong from level 1, you need to be careful how you will kite him so you can drop his hp and then you will be able to kill him. Try to play with him as much as you can, make him waste 2 times his Q at least and you will be fine.”
demirkaiser says “This matchup depends on the Aatrox. If he is good, he will fuck you up. If he is bad, free lane. Buy bramble early and rush Rylai's. Try to abuse him level 1, his Q cooldown and damage is low but don't get hit by Q3. After level 2, don't try to trade him. Be careful at level 4, if he hits full combo you will need to base. Level 6 is where you can trade him if you aren't low and not back a lot. Lower his health by spamming Q's and dodge his Q's. After that just ult him and kill him in the brazil. You scale him pretty hard.”
kayle1v9 says “rushing early berserkers and oblivion orb helps a lot, I also like putting 3 points into q and then max E. It's all about dodging his Q's. At level 11 you should be able to dominate him”
LxVer says “Good matchup, easy to punish his mistakes in the early game and not that hard to one shot in late game. He can't use E to escape the cage.”
UmbreonQueen says “Skill matchup. Poke him whenever you can. dodge his first two Qs with your W and E his third. Bait out his W and dodge it at all costs. If he pops out R for an all in use your E to get away and punish him once it runs out”
Twogrand says “Aatrox is interesting its all about learning how the player plays. i find them pretty easy to cope again you just test the waters all in and see how they respond. once you get Executioners he will struggle more and more, Take phase rush and ignite and do eclipse build path”
Althalosofsirun says “rush swifties buy bork his R is stronger than yours all in him lvl 1 take W and full trade try to kill him before lvl 4 if you cant then wait till teamfight cause he will out damage you and outtrade you”
Tomuuko says “After he uses his E (dash) try to be more agressive and deny as many cs as possible. If he hits you once with Q, he can then do full combo and you can do nothing, you can mostly only flash from his W then. So if he used his 2nd Q and hits W, you have to use your shield (W) to reduce incoming BIG DAMAGE.
After lvl 6 you can try to all-in him with Flash/Ignite.”
BezMemow says “Very difficult matchup.
Make sure to crash wave 2,3 or 4 early so that it bouncesback, on the bounceback play very safe, one combo takes half of HP. If you're unfortunate enough to somehow get hit by it, your only solution is to fight back, E+Q and auto while his Q is on CD.
BUY ANTI HEAL and boots early, if he won't get a lead till you can win the all in.
Matchup got worse as he got buffed repeatedly.”
LocaLAM says “Taking ignite + antiheal will solve all your problems. The issue is his Q and W can really ruin your chances of winning since he'll use it to knock your passive. Dodge them and you should be fine”
rilxy4u says “Outranges you with his abilities, his R makes him basically invincible, has strong initiation with dashes and pull, out trades you hard (especially with his healing)
Outplay: try to avoid his combo sweet spots, Q out of his pull, use your R to dodge hit a landing, trade with E, if he pops ulti jus run away. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
Smauggy says “Slows animations, he just has one dash, you can poke and run, bait for his w or dash and its good.
only chance for him is to w you, when you dont have stacks, there is nothing to stack, so he can full combo you ”
Loweloexpert says “flash ignite, dark seal refillable, conq sorc.
farm far from his range until lvl 3, then wait his first Q E, instantly pull him after E. Q auto ign auto auto flash Q. first blood. This is what happens 99% of my games against aatrox, just dont be scared, his lvl 3 is nothing compared to yours. his lvl 4 is stronger btw so if you dont kill him lvl 3 just chill until 6, wait his ult and then ult him cancelling his 3rd Q. This is how to crush an Aatrox.”
sinatra1633 says “Aatrox can't really beat you at all since you beat him at all ins, short trades, or let him somehow do his full combo on you consistently.
Play as per normal and then outscale him.”
Black Demon Ezel says “This is a Hard CC fight that neither side can really win with that alone. Only reason Aatrox is the winner is because of his E's passive omnivamp. I strongly suggest rushing thornmail after mythic/boots to curb it and give you something of a fighting chance, just try not to fight too much too early and you are good”
RanDomGuY060 says “Go in level 1, if he plays level 1 safe open E level 2 and go all in. Don't let it be late. Go a grievous wounds item first base. Take ignite if you wont buy morello or thornmail.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As a lot of damage comes from his Q ability, you cannot easily blind him, however dodging his abilities should be fairly simple. Consider throwing Mushrooms within your lane to slow him if he attempts to approach with the boosted movement speed from his ultimate.”
tommytaxfraud says “He's got the stronger level 2, and he will try and use his dash-combo to all in you whenever he can. He also heals quite a bit, so Grievous Wounds is top priority if you're unfortunate enough to lane against him.”
AloisNL says “This matchup is even when isolated. Very often Aatrox players will rush Plated steelcaps or alot of health. If they do so, I recommend that you take build an early executioners to match his sustain.
Item start options: Dorans shield / Longsword + 3 pots. I would take flash + ignite into this matchup currently so you can have an edge.
The way to I approach the matchup: I try to get a small trade in where I chunk Aatrox for about 20% and get his boneplating out. Then after I will look for an all in window.
The more items you have, the easier this matchup will become, because you hard outscale the matchup.”
W4llaceK says “Start ring or shield, take ignite, rush anti-heal first base. DO NOT all in him unless you have ignite up, you WILL lose. Bait the Q by standing at its max range, walk in for Q1, W his Q2, and E on the other side of him for Q3. Always walk to the side of his W, if you go swifties as long as you don't get hit by Q you can always walk out. Before level 4 his Q cd is long so if you see him burn it go in, you beat him level 1 and 2 so push for wave prior and first level 2”
SesaPrime says “Grievous Wounds is a must have against Aatrox's current state. A champion with no resource bar that rely on CD's & spacing.
Smart Aatrox players know how well they can zone & kite Camille throughout the lane & take full advantage of pressuring her early game.
His only mobility against yours is his Umbral Dashes. Ones he uses one, he has a short CD for the next. That is when you strike. ”
zap and you die says “EW on melee will probably do no damage on his 3rd Q that will smack your shield and heal him up, you can abuse him first 5 levels by just running into him, and smacking.
Do not fight untill his conq is full, tho feel free to get a few blows in after your combo. Do not fight if he doesn't W, if he uses it slightly after fight ends, he'll probably end up hitting another whole QQQ combo perfectly.”
Reines Kokosfett says “You can use your mobility to easily dodge his Qs. If he uses Q level 1 or 2, don't hesitate to punish him for last hits. After he got Dirk he can easily one shot you if you get dismounted.”
Lolivor says “Dodge q sweetspot, wait for ganks.
W to dodge q3 or the e pullback.
Stun him and shield allies during ganks since if he gets a kill he'll probably get a double and snowball.”
DJCraz says “You're not mobile so kiting his abilities can be difficult. It is winnable tho, take ignite or build early executioner's blade. Play around his cooldowns and punish for any whiffed abilities. If he has ult you're gonna have to commit to the fight as he will chase you down when low.”
Spookwr says “Its an even matchup but the easier it becomes the higher level you are. You can dodge all his abilities easily with W and poke him out when you reach level 6+”
primate nefasto says “It is pretty easy and fun to play against, make sure to avoid his Q´s and especially to not let him cancel your E with his Q. Try to save W to avoid his 3 Q. If you get behind you will need help. Try to set up a kill lvl 6.”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Bone Plating. You win until 6, after lvl 6 you need to be cautious and avoid Aatrox's Q and W as much as possible. Rush Bramble Vest and do Trinity Force.”
Boptimus says “Aatrox is a massive threat in the meta currently and is very hard to deal with. That being said you have ways to avoid his combos with W and E.
Taking an all-in with Aatrox without some kind of grevious wounds is risky but you also have a good amount of sustain and mobility during your R.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade. OR
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Both work.
Parry one of his Q's or his E. They will often Q3+Flash so be ready to Flash or parry it.
As long as you dont let him poke you for free and you parry one of his knock ups you will always win trades. Just play it patiently and don't let him bait you in.”
stefanko says “Get a slowpush level 1, try dodging his q's and farming, avoid getting hit by his passive aa. Make sure you get level 2 first and slowly crash the wave. Make sure to manage the wave properly so you don't have it close to his tower, cause crashing a wave against Aatrox is pretty hard if you are not allowed to q on him outside of tower range. After you crash the wave respect his slow push, and fight him only on your slowpush. He is really strong when his q is maxed out, but after level 9 he starts falling off. Q on him aggresively if you are slowpushing and have passive stacked up and be ready to sidestep his w. Most of Aatrox players will e out once you q on them, so often walking with them instead of staying in place to autoattack is good so your e doesn't get kited. Steelcaps rush is really good against him as it allows you to dodge his q's and w easier and also reduce good chunk of his damage. (fleet, tp)”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:I love you my balanced friend,yes your q apply grievous wounds but its not makes him much easier dodge his Q's and ALWAYS take ignite”
Zeffie says “Aatrox depends on how many Q's you can dodge and how good the enemy is. the more Q's you can dodge the better and take short trades where you can proc E and leave if possible. He will be a problem if he gets eclipse early”
NoirJrookid says “He deals a lot of true damage so he will be able to shred you don't 1v1 him until he is low, fight him with your team until he is low then get him in your R, his stats will be useful if he is building correctly.”
killer2325 says “Basically in 12.23 Aatrox is really strong. But Aatrox weak in early lvls, you need to abuse his big cd on Q and trade with him when its on cd. Try to farm as much as you can, he never outscale you. After lvl 6 be careful cause he can burst you from 70-80 % hp.”
Tonho says “(Written before his incoming nerf)
Overbuffed enough to be a threat to what should be his counter. A good Aatrox won't let you kill him at all. If he builds Divine Sunderer, there is nothing you can do.
Bring ignite and pray that he plays poorly enough so you can kill before level 6 (he will comeback eventually).
Conquer make trades better.”
Smalmeck says “Although gwen has a really bad early game aatrox pre lvl 3 has an even worse one. Play aggressive in lane avoid his passive and dash out of his q sweetspot. This matchup is very much in your favour”
PraefectusMace says “Haven't fought with many Aartrox so far, but while the Q spam can be annoying, you can punish his misses. Either bite him after a whiff, or land a fear followed by the bites. Also be sure to avoid his root/lock attack otherwise he might do the entire combo on your booty. GW is important on this matchup as well.”
dzsama says “Aatrox can be tricky depending on how good they are. He is in a pretty strong state currently so he is a popular pick. Important thing in this matchup is to dodge his key points of his Q. It is also important to walk out of his W from the side before it retracts you to the middle as it basically guarantees him a key area hit on his Q if you stay in the area. Trade while he uses the first 2 procs and then quickly jump out before the 3rd one lands. Late game you outscale. If he misses his W you can try to all in him. Just dance around his Q procs as they chunk you a lot. When his ult is down he is a lot easier to kill since he won't have his added mobility.”
Pep_Shin says “There's two way of winning this. Either going cheese with ghost ignite and zone him out of minions lvl 1 but it's hard to do it well as the second minion wave can down your health badly.
Or you can play around his Q until lvl 6 and all in him, dodge the Q dmg to deny his healing and burst him as fast as possible.
He will try to kill you with his own ult but if he feels he will loose he will run away with his ult movement speed.
Be careful, if he catches a lead you'll never be able to kill him.”
GannicusTTV says “Used to be harder. His Q cooldown is long early, so take advantage of that. Dodge his first Q by baiting in, walking up and back, and once he has expired the time or wasted his next two Qs, you look for a trade. After lvl 2/3, you can keep doing it and forcing trades whenever he used his Qs. just make sure you are healthy enough to do that, and you will be able to get kills. At lvl 6 you have to respect his ultimate because of his healing and extra damage, and at lvl 9 his Q cooldown is much shorter, so you should keep your E for disengage unless you are fed and ahead to facetank him.
Try to push level 2 first if possible as you win hard if he only has Q”
Demacia Statue says “He heals, he's got mobility, and he hits hard. Recommended permaban for his ability to outmaneuver most of your abilities and out-damage you at nearly all stages of the game.”
Babuleh says “Доран блейд Завоеватель q e w
Взяв флеш игнайт в атрокса, вместе с завоевателем вы должны пытаться вдавить его первые 3 уровня, на которых он не является персонажем. Стретегия в том , чтобы получить лвл 2 первым и пойти алл ин с ешки с кушкой. Дальше можно попробовать переиграть его механически, оббегая кушки на высокой скорости передвижения с вашей Q, но после лвла 4 матчап уже не совсем в вашу пользу без помощи лесника. Но если вы не уверены в том, победите ли вы, берите грасп.”
Armorjacker says “On his third Q, you W him mid third q animation forcing him to take damage and shielding yourself from the last q. Build executioners after your mythic along with completing the item(Chempunk Chainsword), build everything as normal afterwards. Sell boots for steraks after your done with 6 items. Late game you want to just auto and q resets unto he gets to half health, then e stun into full grit w and that should do it for him.”
lorensj81 says “Patch 13.1 updated - Aatrox got a nerf. I don't think this will change matchup to much! >>> This is a very hard lane, try to only trade when he used his passive auto on a minion. Aatrox is quite weak until level 4-5, so if he wastes all his Qs that is a good time to trade. Make sure not to get hit by his Q crit zones. Walk close on Q1 and Q2 and try and walk away for his Q3.
It is also wise to save your Q to run out of Aatrox W to not get crit comboed.”
Irelius says “Держим W на его третий кухан, танцуем вокруг всех остальных. Если у вас есть руки, Атрокс не сможет попасть практически ни одним свитспотом. Атрокс до лвл 4 не чемпион вообще. Берём прио в свои руки, желательно убить его до лвл 4. Если у вас и у Атрокса игнайт, то мачап легчайший. После лвл 4 у него появляется возможность вас убить, если вы ошибётесь. Далее по игре он не может стоять против Ирелии на сайде, но зачастую сильнее в драках. ”
400APFT says “All 160+ champions are threats. Being able to effectivly manage cooldown will have a huge impact on your play. Tired of one shot Kayn. How about him not landing a basic? Zed's ult with no follow up for mark? Rengar's leaps
to suspiciously imaginable Vayne nothing look alike? Then this is the build for you. ”
400APFT says “All 160+ champions are threats. Being able to know how and when to make crucial plays is going to be the difference. Being Vayne you're always the carry. So let Mundo Carry you for once. As in your now the offspring Vayne/Mundo carry that is unkillable. Enemies damage you and you're just chilling. Like Mundo's cold dead hands. ”
Kitming says “Abuse the fact that you have an easy time with wave clear and he doesn't (without ravenous). Remember that your Q has a long cooldown early, so don't be so aggressive with it. ”
Puyi says “If you play it correctly, you completely negate his kit. Your E helps you dodge his 3 Qs or his W, and if he somehow manages to hit you, your W prevents his CC and reduces his damage significantly. Get bramble vest early and he shouldn't be able to do anything to you.”
Deathbat1 says “Little to no threat at all. If you build full tank you can out-sustain him in pretty much any fight especially if he goes the lethality build. Early fights are highly recommended.”
JustSad42 says “In the early game, Aatrox is a skill matchup since he has better wave control and sustain than you do and he can consistently E your parry. To beat him, either outscale him at one item, or Q-W into him when he uses his Q to CS to get a free stun. Or wait till he uses E then parry his next Q knockup or his W pull. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ignite+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
You outscale him easly. In lane you must avoid W and first and second Q. After your 6 u can allin him and kill. Just farm and poke him with your Q. Rush Bramble Vest and Tabi.”
NegativePhoenix says “Aatrox has the better overall early game and since he can sustain so well, poking is a bit iffy unless you can keep up the pressure on him. Take Ignite and at least get Bramble/Execuctioners Calling to help. I would personally not engage him in an all in unless his ult is down, or you're able to ult him into your tower range through the wall.”
Night Guy says “Aatrox for me is even, I matched against some Aatrox's in the top and most of the times at level 3 you're even and when you get to level 6 you have the upper hand in the fight so try to rush 6 before him and just duel him right away 90% of the time you win the fight. ”
JustSad42 says “Only way to lose to Aatrox is if you fight him outside of a wave after he gets his Serrated dirk.
Your autoattacks when you have your passive stacked just shred his HP bar, so you don't need to hit E in order to trade.
Getting passive then Q-ing on him, pressing E and not re-casting it is much more consistent and still a winning trade pattern.”
Rasta Mouse says “Stay away from his sweetspots on his Qs as they knock you up and do extra damage which early on will result in him beating you in the laning phase. Otherwise he is quite easy to kill post 6 even when he's going bruiser, just remember to get anti-healing against him.”
SrMolinv says “You can deal with Aatrox early, but if he goes tabi it becomes really hard. Ignite is almost a MUST against Aatrox. You can scape from his W with 1 dash usually, you can walk away by the short path. Build a lot of CDR and make a good use of ignite.”
BradJr says “Can out-range you and out-sustain you. Try not to get hit by the bounce house of Q spam. You can try ulting him when he ults and you are ahead.”
Yone Trick Pony says “Conditioning / Overgrowth
You win level one, unless he hits his sweet spots. Dodge his Q3 with your E and try to ult him when he uses W. Trade him when his passive is on CD. Buy anti-heal early.
P 24-12
Q 14-6
W 20-14
E 9-5
R 120-80”
Oikaton says “Riven can easily dodge his abilities. Try to do short trades to him and when hes kinda low you can all in. Take ignite in this matchup because of his healing.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. try to walk in and out to bait his Q's, you can stun him at the end of his first Q and walk out because his second Q won't hit you. Manage your wave so it's not near his tower therefore he can farm safety with his Q and poke you.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Avoid his Q sweet spot or you will be knocked up]
[Avoid his W at all cost]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Make sure to have good movement to dodge his Q's, sometimes requiring you to walk FORWARD instead of backward to dodge the sweet spot.
Hitting W is essential as his ultimate gives him a lot of movement speed to match your ghost.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Champ is cancer broken.
Dblade start,go chainsword 1st item or bork if you re ahead.
Rush tabi.
Try to hard trade with him early,
your cds are much lower than his.
if he trades with you lvl 1 - he loses wavecontrol.
Go into lane bush, closest to him, lvl 1 and fight him if he facechecks, u hard win and u can setup flash red w ignite auto q kill lvl 2
After he gets dirk tabi dont fight him, unless you can oneshot him (bcs hes fucking thanos at dirk tabi)
RandumPersin says “This is a fun matchup. We get 2 dashes, he gets 1. Take conq and rush bramble. At level 6 if you have full bramble the all in should be majorly in your favor. If he gets an early kill on you this lane will be very rough. look to use E1 to get out of his W chain and E2 to dodge his Q3. Don't be afraid to use E2 with fury when trading with him, Aatrox has a high amount of base armor and is likely rushing steelcaps.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet or Conqueror
Eclipse(better) or Goredrinker
You can kill him with not too much effort, just don't get baited on jumping into him when he has Q3 and dodge his Qs. Respect his lv4 if he's full hp.”
Smudey says “He is weak early so you can try to push for level advantage. ALWAYS try to dodge his Q Sweetspot (your E can help). Block his passive with your W. You can E out of his W, but don't do it too late or you'll just get pulled back and lose your E. DON'T BUILD BRAMBLE VEST AGAINST HIM. The effect is useless because he doesn't use auto-attacks a lot. Buying Armor will be better at killing his healing.”
HightLoL says “easy in low elo, gets harder in higher. Aatrox favored
poke him with q while dodging his q's. when he e's early game, you can look to punish him since it is high cd.
go executioners and hp item components”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You always want ignite beacuse it cuts off a lot of his main power (healing), zone him with your barrels, and buy boots fast beacuse movement speed is key in this matchup as you need to dodge his sweetspots and be able to leave W cage. His cds are very long early so abuse it, your passive works very similar to his, if u know he used it on minions you can walk up and trade with yours. If youre not ahead avoid going too far from your tower if you know he has ult beacuse he can easily chase you down, His autos are pretty slow so its hard for him to auto your barrel, but he can do it with dash and aa reset so be aware of that. Level 7 is your powerspike. You outscale him”
Ludowico says “Unlike Darius, Aatrox actually still outtrades you when you Flay to disrupt his Qs, hard. His third Q is surprisingly hard to make miss as well. His W and Qs in general are great against big immobile opponents like Thresh, and his sustain in fights will make what damage you do insignificant. Avoid combat, just farm and play defensive. Rush Plated Steelcaps and Titanic Hydra. Bramble Vest insinuates you want to fight him, don't bother. Get grievous later for teamfights, not laning phase. (Cryo build)”
hamgi says “aatrox is incredibly strong with his dirk powerspike, so try to avoid getting hit in the crit area of his q's. he can dash while q'ing, so try to run at him if he q1+e or q2+e and run away if he q3+e to avoid the sweet spots. always get on top of him with q3/e when fighting as he will be forced to either q1+e backwards, creating a gap between u and he can't follow up with q2+e or q3+e. this is the ideal point to all-in but keep in mind he will still have his q3. run out of his w with e whenever u can, if necessary. keep poking him until u force his ult out. keep him locked up in his ult so he cant get healing off, and use ignite (if applicable). rush executioner's otherwise”
TheAncientShogun says “Aatrox in early is not that hard, but he can poke you with his Q. Don't go in unless you wanna feed and have an hard late game.
Aatrox all'inizio non è molto difficile, ma ti può pokare con la sua Q. Non combatterlo se non vuoi dargli kill e farlo diventare un game impossibile.”
BlessingPlate63 says “I put aatrox for healing champs in general. If they survive your burst, you might have a hard time dealing with them. Bully them early game before they can become healing machines and you should be fine. Make sure you have your team around or that you can finish them off before they heal if they survive your haymaker.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Very hard match-up depending on how good your opponent is. Always rush Steelcaps first so you can get into his space and ALWAYS punish him if he dashes into you by pulling him next to you and you should just win if you can do that. You cannot play scared vs this champion or you will int you need to fight him all in if he dashes towards you at full hp”
HEYMAN765 says “XD just destroy him, u dodge EVERITHING and kill him easy, but in 6 lvl he can do smth, but when i play against it, i have 7 0 0 before he hits 6 , so just XD matchup”
Crazy Billy Bob says “Even though kled has built-in grievous wounds, it doesn't meant kled is the ultimate counter to aatrox, you will still get contested with every minion you try to take while he stands 10 meters away from you, instead try to make good use of your slipperiness to dodge his abilities with high cooldowns”
StingingChicken says “At level 1 trust your movement to land your Q and juke his. Respect him level 2 with dash, you have no mobility or damage block to dodge his q's. At 3 you can trade hard, need to juke Q1, w inside of Q2 and block Q3 with e. Respect his ult at 6, try not to all in since his Q cd is shorter than your W and E CD. Lots of ways for him to outplay your combo with flash and dash though so not as easy as it may sound. You outscale him hard in the 1v1 at 3 items. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Aatrox fav. if he uses his E one time forward in early game u can always look to punish him since his E his a high cooldown that early in the game, other than that dont get poked too much early lvls he cant say on range with his Q (most of the aatrox players play ignite nowerdays so dont let urself get baited into a fight lvl 3 where u didnt hit Q bec u would even win if u dont hit Q but with ignite he just runs u down”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
kajinator says “Aatrox is a very difficult champion to deal with due to him being a drain tank who can out-heal your damage if he hits one spell. Take Phase Rush because you do not want to be going for extended trades versus this guy. Bring Flash + Ignite to combat his healing early if you do find yourself unlucky enough to be in an extended trade with him. You can also W his third Q if you are going to get sweet spotted and there is no escape because it will quite literally kill you at like 25% HP”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
Evandabank says “This is Kled's best matchup in my opinion. Aatrox loses the early game super hard due to the fact that he cannot hit any of his critical Q points. Kled also has a way to escape his W super easily. Make sure when you play against Aatrox that you save your second E so that you can dodge his third Q. You have innate healing reduction so unlike most champions into Aatrox, you do not need to purchase an early executioners. All in Aatrox whenenver he tries to CS or push up the lane.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Aatrox is a fairly difficult matchup, even more so since the Grievous Wounds nerf. I would recommend avoiding fighting him completely until level 11, and until then max Q and farm from a distance. He can get onto you and dive you really easily and you'll never be able to really kill him until you hit 11. Wait until you can burst him down from a range.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
SrMolinv says “Nivel 3 y esquivar todo lo posible. El ignite ayuda muchisimo contra Aatrox. Para escapar de su W con 1 dash suele ser suficiente, a veces hay que usar 2. Es posible salir andando si vas por el camino corto. Aatrox gana hasta antes de nivel 6, a partir de alli Riven tiene potencial de matarle. Si Aatrox rushea tabis gana la linea automaticamente, si no morimos somos mas fuertes en mid/late.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
Sc1 x says “Beware of Q1 + E he can dash onto you CC and then W you and you won't be able to escape, like with most champs stay way back and farm with Q and punish him whenever he goes in front of his wave since you can hit isolated Q's. (This will also discourage him from getting aggressive onto you)”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Aatrox é uma lane bastante desafiadora, você provavelmente vai cair no cs, o que é normal. - Preste atenção nas Skills do Aatrox para ganhar a lane, Se você estiver no range dele o 1º Q ele não irá usar o desh tente desviar - Seu 2º Q ele irá usar o Desh então ande para atrás e logo em seguida para cima dele isso irá fazer vc desviar do 2º Q com Desh - em seguida jogue suas skills e fuja com o Phase Rush - 3º Q você não pode tomar nunca, Jogue Q nele sempre que estiver com o fluxo de mana, Dê 3 skills para ativar o Phase Rush apenas quando ele acertar o W em você ou se já desviou dos 1º e 2º Q Dele, se conseguir, Quando o Aatrox ficar com pouquinho menos da metade da vida,espere todas suas Habilidades e COmbe ele com R. lvl 6 fácil matar com gank"”
Oogaboogaga says “Good aatrox is very scary, can kite you and has kill pressure. If you get 6 at the same time, you can burst him (similar to darius). He is a lot easier to kill later in the game with a few items.”
KaiOverHere says “(FS Galeforce, Ghost IGN) Aatrox is a very painful matchup, as you will have to sit under tower for a good portion of the game. You can't really fight him, like at all, until you hit galeforce. However, he can't really kill you because of your sustain, and because you have enough MS to dodge his abilities. He also can't freeze on you because of how hitting you hits the wave, and he can't really dive you unless he has his jungler. Take FS + Galeforce because going the bruiser build into Aatrox will result in him lifestealing more than you can damage him. Take Ghost so you can dodge his abilities easier and Ignite so you can cut his healing. You start running him over at Galeforce + Mortal Reminder, the problem is that he can completely take over the map before then.”
Duwiiton says “Don't try killing Aatrox outside of tower or with his ult up. Aatrox's healing and damage just outmatch any short-trading you could do.”
kam1k says “BUY EXECUTIONER FIRST and win him after 6 (because you never win him in hes ult) -make him use the first Q in the mobs and try to dodge it. (for freezing line under tower) catch him by mistake: 1) if he uses E with 1st Q just follow him and go all in with W and AA after he uses 2nd Q, use E to run out. keep your distance using Q until he uses 3rd Q or until 4 seconds have passed after 2nd Q.”
zir zir azir says “Aatrox is now a pretty strong champion of the top lane, try to play carefully from creeps, and do not fall for his combo, if he goes through an eclipse, one axe combo and you lost the line. You can catch him on the dive, throwing him after the impact, in the closed side of the tower. Beware of his attractions, combos with w e q will not help if he has time to throw you up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
Voice44 says “нужно раннее преимущество (для этого очень хорошо подходит летал темп если хотите в первые 1-5 лвлов убить атрокса). попробуйте навязать трейд лвл 1 с вешкой. В этом матчапе очень важно правильно доджить все его кушки а для этого требуется поиграть этот матчап не раз. Нажимайте вешку во время его 3 кушки чтобы не получать так много демеджа. не советую брать страшные раны (они сейчас почти бесполезные поэтому игнайта для этого матчапа хватит) вам нужно попытаться заоллынить его . так вы намного сильнее а если он вас запоукает то вы с большой вероятностью проиграете.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains(W) and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his The Darkin Blade(Q) and Umbral Dash(E) have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his Q and E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
Demonsedge90 says “Positioning is the devil in this matchup since you must always watch where he will use his q. It's not a hard fight either because the minute he uses q1 or q2, you can use e on him to close the gap. Avoid doing this when going for q3 since you will likely be in the sweet spot and could take massive damage.”
Irelius says “Aatrox is not a champion pre lvl 4. Gain the push and assert lane dominance. However, matchup is not that easy as most people think. Yes, Aatrox is really weak pre lvl 4, he has really high cooldowns and his rank 1 Q barely deals ahy damage. However. Irelia has low base hp and it can be tricky to kill Aatrox pre-4. Plus, Aatrox 90% of the times plays with ignite. If you got ignite too you kill him eyes closed any time you jump at him with stacked passive. Without ignite – you need to actually use your speels, dodge his and, most importantly, dodge final Q or W it. Later in the game he cannot contest you, unless you fail to blade dance around his abilities. Invest in damage and armor, not anti-healing. Remember, if you dodge his skills, he will not heal.
Try to dodge his Qs invards.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his Q and E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Aatrox é uma lane bastante desafiadora, você provavelmente vai cair no cs, o que é normal. - Preste atenção nas Skills do Aatrox para ganhar a lane, Se você estiver no range dele o 1º Q ele não irá usar o desh tente desviar - Seu 2º Q ele irá usar o Desh então ande para atrás e logo em seguida para cima dele isso irá fazer vc desviar do 2º Q com Desh - em seguida jogue suas skills e fuja com o Phase Rush - 3º Q você não pode tomar nunca, Jogue Q nele sempre que estiver com o fluxo de mana, Dê 3 skills para ativar o Phase Rush apenas quando ele acertar o W em você ou se já desviou dos 1º e 2º Q Dele, se conseguir, Quando o Aatrox ficar com pouquinho menos da metade da vida,espere todas suas Habilidades e COmbe ele com R. lvl 6 fácil matar com gank"”
Elresser says “This matchup used to be an extreme threat, until I found out phase rush is good here. Will have to play against him more to make sure if it's even or lower.”
1akai1 says “Uma lane muito facil, mas tem que tomar muito cuidado, nos primeiros lvs espere ele gastar a passiva nas wave e depois inicie a troca, guarde o w pro Q3 ou pro W. Você não ganha a troca dele early game na volta da wave. Eu gosto de usar conquer nessa lane”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay behind minions so it would be difficult for Aarox to land his W on your champion. It's very important to not feed him early on or he would become unstoppable. Grievous wounds are required so it would be good to by a Bramble Vest and Thornmail later on. Aatrox deals physical damage so you can also buy Anathema's Chains against him. Generally Aatrox is stronger than Nasus, especially after level 3 when he can use all his common abilities. Don't try to kill every minion. You should wait level 9, buy Sheen, Bramble Vest, get 150+ stacks and then you can destroy him. It would be better to let him come closer to your tower to reduce his chances to escape from you.”
Thrandor says “Aatrox can poke you a lot while outsustaining you on the long run. Consider an Executioner's Calling! When fighting, you can use your Q on him to dodge the sweetspot of his third Q.”
Racz says “Strong agianst you, try to W his AA. Dodging his Q's are key in this matchup. Bramble vest early is a good choice in this lane. Play passive, he wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Both his Q and E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Hate this champ when playing Neeko as his healing is super strong, even through anti heal. If you can dodge his Q's and stay out of his aa range its not to bad. Or if you get an early lead”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Annoying matchup if he's good at spacing you with Q's, DON'T get hit by his passive auto early game and don't be afraid of walking INTO him to dodge his Q's, you can win all ins. Be careful of his stacked Conq+Ult outhealing your DPS. ”
Alachiel says “I would go for the speed evelynn against him, and if you do so, that's an easy lane.
The move speed that your E is giving you makes it very easy to dodge his Q.”
Polkadog says “Ah... Aatrox... not fun. Out-damages you out-sustains you, out-performs you. His 1Q has more range than your AA at lvl6. Don't trade with him, you'll lose.
Go Phase Rush so you'll have more chances against him!”
Deftvx says “Absolute aids. Don't take magical footwear and rush boots to dodge better? Dorans shield and pray for ganks? Have to E out of his W fast or you'll get pulled back in and die. His Q cd is 10 secs at level 5, 5 secs at 9. If trading, avoid during his passive. Maybe 2-3 points in W here? Save ignite post 6 for ganks to kill him. Rush executioners after divine? Try to stand out of minions so he can't push and poke you at same time.”
tacowo_ says “I have no idea who wins this matchup. I've played it probably 10 times, and even after reviewing the replay I couldn't tell what wins or loses this lane. I genuinely, honestly do not know.”
Farmer Cleetus says “He's even in the early game, but becomes a Major+ or Minor+ depending on how he plays. If he knows how you fight + he knows how to properly use his combo against Sett, then you're most likely doomed. If you avoid his combo and do everything right, by using your E on the correct time and your W when his dash isn't up at all, then you can outdamage and outfight him completely. Just be careful when he gets a Jungle Camp, you might outfight them both in a 1v2, but he can gain more and more kills by that. I also recommend you taking Ignite in order to deny his Lifesteal onto you.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Очень скил матчап, играйте от его кд умений. Не деритесь пока не будет два щупальцам рядом , или рядом с его пачкей крипов. Фармите с помощью Q. Поукайте E лишь когда у вас приоритет волны или есть два щупальца. Помните, Аатрокс легко дает E в бок а затем W, и фулл комбо, Аатрокс может легко вас откайтить если вы промазали ешкой. Для новичка советую, не драться долго, только короткие трейты или быстрый прокаст фулл комбо, чтобы шотнуть его, если он убежал на ульте, лучше отпустите, редко когда эти "догонялки" за Аатроксом хорошо кончались.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Что-то между ГП и чо'гатом, после первой пойманной Q или W чаша весов может наклониться в сторону врага, так что нужно полагаться на скил и очень много доджить. Здесь я в 100% беру фейз раш и первыми ботинки (для быстрого выхода в ботинки стремительности). Советую пораньше собрать хилорез.”
Loki421 says “This dude is tough and your speed generally don't mean anything to him bc of his mobility and CC. With other builds he's not too bad, but with this one he sucks.”
j4ss says “Go ignite, Rush Executioner's and abuse of your short trades. Be careful about your mana, since he don't use mana, you can be punished if you waste yours.”
fodlybod says “Surprisingly not that bad. Max Q and go double Dorans Blade early. DO NOT FIGHT EARLY OR YOU WILL THROW. All in level 2 and if you don't kill play for level 6 or if you are really behind play for Anathemas.”
fungling says “Check to find the best ban based on pickrate and winrate in your rank. Generally, banning Aatrox is the best option for a Sion one-trick.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile car il faut esquiver ses Q (surtout le dernier) et en même temps penser à ses barils et ses reset d'AA.
Il out-range le Q de Gangplank avec son combo Q + E.
Si vous esquivez son premier Q, vous avez vos chances pour prendre un trade.
Son early est sa faiblesse donc essayer d'en abuser le plus possible.
Ignite fortement conseillé pour le potentiel de kill + l'anti-heal.
THICCshake says “Hard but playable matchup.
You cant really trade with him that much because if you walk up he can just triple q you and you're left with 50% hp. So just focus on farming and you outscale him lv11.
Remember to pick ignite.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's not an impossible matchup, but one of the few I'm skeptic of overall. Get bramble early and take ignite against him. Later in the game he can't damage you too easily and will rely on his healing to beat you. Just ignite him in that case that he ults to fight you and you'll for the most part win since you'll be too beefy.”
BestGPWesrBrom says “Dodge skill shots and poke him out with Q. Take ignite and build antiheal early. After ER, LDR will be a better second item than Prowlers.”
Yiphen says “Win Lane. You barely outrange his Q2, and if he goes in to Q3, just Q away. If he lands his Q1 sweetspot, walk into him so his Q2 will be weaker. Alternatively, you can wait for it to go on cooldown and then E + AA him. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
gekigami says “a distancia dos AA do gnar ficam exatamente alinhados com o Q do aatrox. então é bem facil ele acertar você se você não for 'rapido'.
Tabi ninja e carrasco são essenciais para ganhar essa lane. ”
wooverbo says “It's very hard to kill Aatrox by yourself unless you spit him under your tower. I'd recommend taking Ignite, so you don't have to delay your item spikes for Bramble vest.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Dont trade with him when he has passive.
Try and space well so you dont get hit by his sweetspots.
Easy to gank if you freeze, but dont let him 1v2 with ult.
Dont fight him in his ult unless you have grevious wounds.”
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash + Ignite
Playing against Aatrox is an upward hill battle. Except you're on fire and stepping on needles whilst playing. This champ is NOT FUN to play against. I would consider taking ghost here if you have problems dodging his skillshots as dodging Aatrox's Q's are VITAL. IF HE HITS YOU WITH 2 OR MORE Q KNOCKUPS YOU INSTANTLY LOSE THE TRADE. DISENGAGE OR DIE. This matchup would be on extreme but there is an actual counter to this champ as it is mechanically difficult to play. If you are good at dodging this matchup will be a piece of cake.”
Yuelia says “Can do tons of damage, but you can dodge his first Q with your own Q, as well as Aatrox isn't the best into tanks. Not a good idea to try to kill”
DimitriLSD123 says “Every Atrox I’ve played against has raged and said I’m not a real champ he can be effective with ganks but it’s free build anti tank and anti heal”
VituVonDoom says “Always dodge his Q's, no matter the cost. You can Hammer Q him in the first two to get into the inner part, but in the 3rd you want to get the hell away. If he knocks you up once in his W, he WILL pull you in no matter what, so save your Hammer Q to dodge that knockup in specific. Go Phase rush page, makes kiting his sweets spots a breeze, and make sure to rush antiheal”
Saud Almutairi says “Skill matchup you can go ignite flash or ignite ghost. lvl 1 and 2 u win all-ins and lvl 3 try to side step and if your not good at side stepping then wait until lvl 6 and all in .`”
xXMMGGMMXx says “This is a very tough lane for warwick.
The longer the fight goes, better it is for aatrox. You want to hit a few Q trades, and dip. Almost like an outboxer jabbing, but don't all in.
When you have 6, you can kill him at all in.
Dodge his Q in Laning Phase as best as you can.”
xSamuraii says “Due to recent changes in his Q, build Bramble Vest ASAP and avoid trades with him. Taunt with E to avoid his Q combo. Ask your jungler for ganks.”
KrazyKid1024 says “Aatrox was a difficult matchup when I started out but with time I realized it's more of a skill lane. Either stick close to him and build anti heal EARLY or just don't get hit by his q sweet spot at all. In bushes it's a lot more manageable as you can control your movement more. Late game it's slightly in his favor but with the right items and good mechanics isn't too bad.”
NegativePhoenix says “While not as dangerous as he use to be, he's still a threat if he can land his Q sweetspots. Definitely avoid the Q3 sweetspot if possible during fights. You can get better trades than him earlier since his Q CD is so low, but around 6 is his powerspike so always watch out for that. If you didn't take ignite or don't want to, get oblivion orb early. Ghost is a good option to help match his ult MS”
TrinityForceYasuo says “First few waves get the push lead, hit level 2 first and punish if he does not respect -> Then look to freeze waves and punish when he walks up for cs -> Bait out his Qs 9that is his main trading ability) or if you get hit by it look to not be in the sweet spot ((Most forward part) -> Let him use his passive on the minions ->You can dodge his E or just get out of it with your E after you've been hit -> You win extended trades -> He depends on abilities -> Engage trades mainly with E+Q3 -> When he ults if you can pull the damage to kill him, keep trading. If not bait his R and disengage”
Aberrant Demon says “Farm safely while staying inside of your minion wave until at least level 3. If he does try to Q you, just walk back and he'll end up pushing wave faster which is good for you. Aatrox is stronger when going into the enemy instead of having to kite back due to how stiff his skillshots are. Don't let him trade into you with his passive up. W if any of his Qs are going to hit you. Once you are level 3, you can run inside of his first Q, spin on that boy, and Phase Rush out. Matchup becomes really free after you have Stridebreaker. Your Ult makes him very sad because he can't be the drain tank that he dreams of.”
Galactities says “Hes really just annoying to deal with, nothing too challenging. Hes scary with 6 though if you have early grevious you should beat him. Dodge 1-2 Q and W his 3rd Q.”
Galactities says “Laning is all about dodging his Q sweet spots. You especially want to dodge third Q, You will typically win if you have ghost up as you can just dodge his Q's fairly easily, though without ghost its really hard. Stack armor against him it'll reduce his healing as his healing goes through with Post Mitigation damage meaning it scales with his DMG, lowering his dmg with armor = lowering his heal”
Captain__Archie says “Should be an easy win unless he pokes you down with Q's before the all-in. Try to mitigate his poke and Q his third Q as it is his main damage source.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “HARD OUTSCALE. If the aatrox is good just farm and scale, after the first item you take the lead. But if you're based and want to trade there's 2 possible scenarios 1:(long trade) walk on him AA+E(to block his passive)+W he will E away, Q on him and sidestep to dodge his W (if you take it walk to left or right and the trade is over). Scenario 2(short trade)- (He will be Qing the wave to farm, (bc he can't get close to you) in his Q1 Q him during the animation and AA+W then sidestep to avoid his W and the trade is over.Buy antiheal or take ignite. ”
947ytb says “- Joué poigne
- Lv1 prendre tres vite le push pour obtenir lv2 ,
- 1er back sheen 2nd back executioner
- Important de tp au premier back
- Au niveau 7 tu le tue en dessous des 700 hp
- Le but est de ne pas le laisser build une wave sinon il peut nous pressure fort ”
IcunoX says “Hard lane for sure as his Q has like 0 sec cooldown, and he heals a lot. However it is winnable but very dependent on skill of the Aatrox and your skill on Gragas. Don't try to fight him in his R unless you can oneshot him.”
MorgottTheKing says “Skill matchup. You can all-in lvl1 looking for vitals. Rush lvl 2 and level W. If Aatrox 1st q does not seem to hit you, it means he will e to close the gap. This is the perfect time to parry, and will always hit. ”
The Kled Mob says “Just make sure to weave in between his Q's and hug him and make sure he can't hit his 3rd Q. If he hits 3rd Q + Ignite you are dead. If you are losing this matchup somehow buy plated and bramble. ”
AbyssaLegend says “Really High sustain that can be annoying for using Pyke's R. All his abilities can be really dangerous in reality, try to stay away from him when he use his R and dodge his W.”
Boptimus says “I personally have quite a bit of mental block against Aatrox in general, but I find this is a difficult lane regardless. This is a match up where I would highly recommend picking up an early Oblivion Orb after Lost Chapter. If he chains you then E out, and avoid his Empowered Q hitboxes at all costs. It's hard for you to kill each other but he will always win extended fights.”
xZugas says “[Recommended: First Strike/Electrocute, Standard AD/AP Build] Aatrox's Q counters your leap, so be careful at lvl 1. You should win this match by bursting him rather than having extended fights on which he can obliterate you. Take Executioners, respect his damage and trade him when his Q is on CD, as it has a significant amount of CD at low levels.”
Scallywag says “Skill matchup.
If you get combo'd once early in lane you have to flash or you will die.
Still outplayable by abusing barrel/passive movement speed and dodging his abilities.”
verikukko says “If the Aatrox player plays well and doesn't make big mistakes, then Volibear can get poked out of lane and find it very hard to ever reach Aatrox for an all-in.
You pretty much just have to hope for Aatrox to make a mistake where we can find an all-in window to kill him and get a lead.”
Trundledaddy says “Use your w effectively to juke around his q "crit" box, wait for him to passive on minions, possible boots of speed or executioners rush depending
on lead, I call this an ego matchup, if you have a good day, it's free, if you're having a bad day, it's hard.”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] I like to start doran's ring and rush armor boots. The doran's ring helps with your all in potential you have on Aatrox, while the armor boots helps chase him down and reduce his damage. Try to poke him a bit with your Q when he goes for cs while side stepping and dodging his Q. This matchup is kind of a poke battle during the early game. When you have your E, you can pull him while he's in his Q animation and win an all in as long as you both are even in hp and his minion wave isn't too big. He wants to poke you down so you can't all in him as easily and you want to all in him with your ignite.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Anti-Tahm Kit (IF FED):
Passive, hard to 1v1.
Aatrox belongs between even and extreme. This is a wildcard in my experience since nobody really plays him.
Dawn Break says “En este enfrentamiento depende más de como juegue el enemigo, si juega con distancia, comienza con Rompecascos/Hullbreaker, si no es así entonces con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King. Siempre prioriza en las cortacuraciones, es a tu gusto el empezar con Llamada del Verdugo o Vesta Espinosa,”
slogdog says “Matchup favouring Aatrox due to his ability to be able to kite and poke with his Q. All-ins however favour Gwen a lot more due to her insane burst with R and Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: you W into him as soon as he Qs you and then you just stand and Q him until he uses Q3 then you just E out and win the trade.”
FlayMan says “Aatrox is basically just a skill matchup. If you can outpoke him then you just all in him, and if he outpokes you then he will just all in you. I like to take shield in this lane to sustain through poke and just engage when I hit a q.”
powerfullgeo says “Get ignite and dodge the sweet spot of his Q. Also rush Executioners Calling and don't let him auto attack you when his passive is up (holding his sword horizontally). Simple lane”
Kurose0027 says “Skill matchup. This matchup is more tricky than is commonly believed. If the Aatrox is good enough, he can win the lane by waiting for level 5, and poking you with Q's while saving his E for your W. It is a lot easier to play this matchup from the Fiora side so you shouldn't worry too much + you outscale him very hard after 1-2 items.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
I like to start doran's ring and rush armor boots. The doran's ring helps with your all in potential you have on Aatrox, while the armor boots helps chase him down and reduce his damage. Try to poke him a bit with your Q when he goes for cs while side stepping and dodging his Q. This matchup is kind of a poke battle during the early game. When you have your E, you can pull him while he's in his Q animation and win an all in as long as you both are even in hp and his minion wave isn't too big. He wants to poke you down so you can't all in him as easily and you want to all in him with your ignite.”
Federals1 says “Aatrox can be difficult, as he can keep you at bay with his q pokes if you don't know how to properly dodge them or if you all in at the wrong time. You destroy him at level 2 with q+e, but when he gets w he has the upper hand if he plays it well. Your best bet is to let him push to you and then try to run him down before he gets to his turret. Due to how Volibear is right now you also need to "poke" him down, with your trade combo.
One general tip is that you can reset your q when he uses his q on the sweetspot. You do not lose your movement speed when he cancels you out of it, so you can use your q just before getting hit by it so you get the movement speed, and then q again when you are close enough to stun properly.
Q max is needed to be able to catch up to have enough speed and do your rotation and to also be able to run out of his range. Third rune page should be used. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells.”
Egotistical Bad says “Hit him Non-stop, he won't and can't outpoke you. You will build your Grasp stacks on him like a joke, if he tries to engage with Ultimate just make him Stand Aside.”
MCSwavest says “Very easy to fight. Take care to avoid second sweet spot, as it is more than likely what will do the most damage if you're spacing incorrectly. He can still pull some bullshit out of his ass if he's 0/4, so just watch where you're positioning.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Wait for him to use passive to farm, you want to do long trades pre-lvl 6. Try to parry his 3rd Q or his W so you stun him and then destroy him, dodge 1st and 2nd Q with your passive MS or your Q. His abilities have a lot of CD so you can engage him after he uses any of them. After lvl 6 you should have advantage, if you don't, do short trades so if he uses his ult you can run.
Antihealing is really useful in this matchup.
Freeze your lane so you can run him down and easily kill him, poke him a lot too to bait his abilities.
Espera a que use su pasiva en un minion, antes de lvl 6 quieres hacer trades largos. Intenta Ripostear su 3ra Q o su W para stunearle y luego matarlo, esquiva su 1ra y 2da Q con tu MS de la pasiva o tu Q. Sus habilidades tienen mucho CD por lo que puedes hacer engage cuando se gaste alguna. Después de lvl 6 deberías tener ventaja, si no la tienes, hazle trades cortos para que si usa su R puedas huir fácilmente. Comprar antihealing puede ayudar mucho. Freezea para poder perseguirle por toda la línea y matarlo, también puedes pokearle mucho para baitearle alguna habilidad.
King Bradley says “Difficulty level 10/10
Start: Doran's shield
SS: Flash + Ignite
His healing is unbalanced so stay out of his range.. Aatrox is a laning phase bully.. Later on in the game he tends to have a harder time in teamfights because he has to use his brain for once. Go for a Lethal Tempo setup.
KiroChuong says “Executioners early. Try to dodge his Q and he's done.
*Recently Aatrox has been going wild with lethality, be careful when ur against this guy”
bigbearbiggy says “Any champion that braindead catches waves will be a threat, as this will prevent you from braindead pushing in waves and eventually destroying the nexus. Bait them in all chat to lure them to a different location, then continue pushing.”
darkintaki says “Skill matchup. Dodge his Q's and punish him since he has no escapes. Avoid Trade with him when your ult is down. Get Bramble Vest and Steelcaps.”
gazibulle says “Fun & skill matchup, Camille favoured. You hard outscale him. Early levels you just poke him with W, and if he ever Q-Es you in order to poke you, he has no dash, so you E on him with passive up and go for a trade. Good Aatrox players will W the same place you E into, so you will be bound to take it: you must kite to the sides to get out. Make sure to remove his Bone Plating with your W. If he Es to get out of your W outer cone, you E him and you will always win as long as you dodge his Qs a bit and you have shield up. You can R his Q3 which is his most important source of damage. Consider trading when he just used his passive AA on a minion, as it does %max HP damage and heals him for a decent amount against champs. If he has E and you want to force a trade, you can E on a wall, wait, and most players will just E anywhere and you just follow their movement since you can stick on the walls for 0.75s. Most Aatrox players will Q1 with the tip, then Q2-E, so in order to counter this you brute-force into him and you won't be hit by the knock-up cone. If you struggle in this matchup, Ignite / TP makes it way easier. Also make sure to buy Executioner's after your Sheen, so you don't lose a big part of your damage; Aatrox starts healing a lot at 6, not really before.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Rush Bramble vest. Either stay in xp range or pick cs up with Level 1 E. This matchup is fine to go E rush but I would recommend taking fleet or phase rush and Q max.”
alexionut05 says “Fairly easy matchup. Avoid his Q's edges. He might try to dash to hit it, you can simply W to block his dash. Pick up a Bramble Vest early and this matchup should be one of the easiest.”
MHLoppy says “Whenever you're able to trade without getting hit by his Q's sweet-spot damage you win. You can also poke him down a bit since your Q outranges everything he has. If he chains you and you don't have ult on, just walk sideways out of the box where the distance is shortest.”
Agatrium says “Pretty much a skill matchup. Take ignite so you can have good kill pressure on him and weave in and out of his Qs. If he lands W on you, press Q and get out of the box. ”
IoannAzerot says “A good Atrox can humiliate you so much that you'll cry for about an hour after the game. Lots of damage, health regeneration, ability to dive under ultimates. At level 6, only the jungler and your ultimates will help you. Farm as much as you can otherwise you won't be able to counter it in the mid and late stages.”
Jellyjaneo says “I don't really think Aatrox is much of a threat now that I have more experience playing Kayle but he can def be a challenge for someone who is new to Kayle. ”
Gassid says “Commence au Z, essaye de prendre le contrôle de la lane pour l'all in level 2 avec ton E. Quand tu l'all-in essaye d'esquiver sont 3eme Q avec ton R. Tu peux esquiver son Z si tu E à la fin.”
Aphelios4ever says “Fairly simple if you don´t always get hit by his q spot that deals more damage. Shouldn´t be that hard to outplay him with white gun and barrier if he engages you.”
LimitlessHavoc says “Level 1 you win, if you don't get hit by his Q sweet spot and Q extend and break his bone plating with your 3rd Q prior to trading.
Key to this lane is dodging his abilities with your abilities, early boots really helps in this lane.
Post level 6, short trade him continuously and all in him with ignite if he is <60% and you're relatively healthy as well.”
Cryniu says “Mucho cuidado cuando usas tu E, si te lo cancela con su Q estás prácticamente muerto.
Trata de usar tu E para atacarlo fuerte o para salirte de sus cadenas.
Por lo general es muy complicado matarlo, trata de jugar tranquilo y atácalo en momentos muy clave.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra aatrox, considera no usarla.
Vesta espinosa y botas básicas las veo muy importantes.”
Akali187 says “You can dodge all his abilities with your W, E, R and movement speed. Watch out for his Q especially his 3rd Q as it may bring the fight in his favour if he lands it.”
Helzky says “This champion is an okay matchup for Yorick. Dodge his Q's, buy executioners early. Maybe take ignite here if you're not confident in your ability.”
OliveeGarden says “Take ignite. One of Sett's more annoying matchups, into a good Aatrox you will get punished constantly for trying to CS, let him push you in to tower and try look for trades with e if he goes for poke. you can look for trades early but you don't win the all in post 6 without Bork. ”
Ujiyo says “W his 2nd Q or 3rd Q, however its much better if you just Q through him to dodge his 3rd Q, you can also Q into him and dodge his abilities by moving inside him. Pretty simple matchup. If he lands Q1>W look to Q out of the box. If you can't do it safely you're pretty fucked. If he uses Q1 + E>W you can just all in him. ”
Potent213 says “Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Outfarm him until Hydra, you can kill him then 100%, before that it's difficult, especially if he rushes armor boots.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, and try to get a freeze.
Take Ignite
Care for his empowered auto, wait for him to use it on a minion.
Try to parry his Q when he has no E or predict where he uses E if he often does it in the same way, otherwise you can parry his W and look to dodge his Q's with your movespeed and your own Q.
Getting executioner is very helpful in this matchup if you don't have ignite.
Try to pull in the waves so you can look for an all in and run him down with conqueror stacked, try to poke him to make him use E or Q and then when his spells are on cooldown look for a big all in.
(Some take bramble + grasp, very, very rare but in the off chance they do try to freeze and get the biggest lead you can in lane as they are trying to survive lane to teamfight later”
GG Cannon says “Aatrox can quite easily out heal your poke damage and if gets a good engage on you, it can mess up your rhythm by a lot.
As with Akali, it is not impossible to win in lane, but it takes being careful and some luck.”
StormPhoenix3 says “Early game caution and Aatrox won't kill you, late game all in trades are concerning but poking and still being aggressive works well against him.”
Tiorda says “He can poke u easily. U can choose Spellbook or Aftershock. Play safe and try to play farming simulator. First go armor boots and bramble vest. Hard but not impossible”
magician4444 says “I'd consider this a skill match up. It all depends on your ability to dodge his stuff. If you fail to dodge his abilites, he's gonna melt you quick. Anti heal or ignite is good to take. You could even consider ghost to help dodge his abilites.”
Heworic says “You can easily dodge his Q with E, but be careful of his Q3. When he tries to Q you, E into him and Q back. Rush anti-heal and shut him down early, because he scales as well.”
TheChoz3nOne says “I underrated Aatrox in S11. His skills are always hard to dodge and they have low cooldown. You probably can outplay him in first 3-lvls. Punish for him for his mistakes. Don't fight with him if his abilities is ready.
After lvl 6 he is hard to kill so don't trade with him.”
ChowJunior says “Fairly easy matchup. Obviously, avoid his Q sweetspots. Base boots are a must get first back to help with dodging those since he's a skillshot based laner. Get an early bramble”
boboderaffe says “A good aatrox player can stomp you, however:
If you manage to sidestep even just one of his Q's or his W you will always win a trade past Level 6. You have to rush anti-heal into Zhonya's.
The key to winning this lane is knowing that aatrox heals A LOT by individual attacks and abilities. Swain on the other hand heals each second and even while Zhonya's is active. So, if he engages you with R you simply R as well and sidestep as well as you can. Use Zhonya's for his W or 3rd Q ONLY and you will win or survive every time.”
Your Desired Username says “Hard match-up. Aatrox is favored in lane. If the aatrox is skilled, you won't be able to do anything in lane. Rush bramble vest into liandry's. Respect his damage in the early game, he can really chunk you down if he hits at least 2 of his sweet spots and zone you out of cs if you happen to take a really bad trade. He will most likely use his e to hit sweet spots of his q but this is good for you because you can essentially hit q's for free. Always run to the side of his w, NEVER to the top, as this will just guarantee it to pull you and give aatrox a free sweet spot. Additionally, you can ult him just after he W'd you, for some reason this makes the W disappear and you won't get pulled. He gets really hard to kill in the late game, especially if he builds maw, so don't ult him unless you have healing reduction.”
dexcellent says “thats what you have ignite for. you outscale him even in lategame with this build + the move speed in this build helps you with dodging. he still beats you with his ult though.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Haven't VS'd him yet. Ofc, get Bramble Vest first item. I'd guess he can compete well with you.
Lethal Tempo with Stride and rush BoRK. Get Bramble Early and use W to dodge his Q if you are near minions.”
IamRed says “Your typical lane bully. He won't let you farm so just stay under your tower. You won't die a lot if you sit under your tower. You can try Q and E him under your tower for some tower hits, but that's basically it. You just wait until mid or late game so you can do something.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Aatrox's sweet spots will slaughter your walkers and your maiden will take serious amounts of damage right along with it. Use your walkers to block his W and get Chempunk as fast as possible to mitigate his E's passive omnivamp”
Dekar173 says “
Ability and Passive cooldowns
P: 24 > 12
Q: 14 > 6
W: 20 > 14
E: 9 > 5
R: 120 > 80
Runes vs Aatrox: FLEET
HIGH Econ: Eclipse/Kraken, Executioner's prio (KILL HIM!)
MID Econ: Eclipse, Executioner's (POKE then kill)
LOW Econ: Stasis/Everfrost (Focus splitting and proxy)
Doran's Blade + pot start.
Strengths: AoE, Sustain, CC Chain, Tankiness, Bruiser builds, Mid-game teamfights
Weaknesses: Split sieging, mid-high range threats, only has low-mid range damage, linear build paths, most mains are Peter Files
Generally I prefer Fleet vs Aatrox to avoid his Q hitboxes (especially since Rengar is so fat) BUT Tempo will probably make short work of this weakling.
SNOWBALL + he has bruiser comp: Bork, Sunderer, Executioner's core rush, you can duel him with this set up as long as you have gold/XP advantage, just be sure to not let him get sweet-spots. If you're 2-3 levels up with 1/2 or 1 item you can just 1 shot him
SNOWBALL + squishy comp: Eclipse into 1 shot crit or lethal depending on economy
EQUAL lane: Sunderer > bruiser/stasis
LOSING: Stasis + waveclear kite with E max after W, prioritize waveclear
ArshieMeBob says “Aatrox just shits on ranged toplaners in general. He's super deadly if he hits his combo. If you try to poke him, he has the oppurtunity to E-Q and follow up with the insane method of running you down. Unfortunately it doesn't get much better at 6 since his ult gives him movement speed (rip kiting) and AD plus healing. Only way you win is if you dodge his Q's, which is possible, just don't play into his hands.”
LunaticDancer says “Take Gambler runes and D Shield. This is a simple match up, just don't stand in his Q sweet spots (being inside his Qs is actually fine when trading). You can easily escape his W running sideways, but often you don't even need to. When chasing, wait for him to burn his dash before you trap him with W, he's gonna be helpless. His ultimate scares your summons away for a moment, play with that in mind.
Anti-heal ruins him further.”
pubg player 1337 says “Aatrox is not in meta but he is still so powerful so you should respect him, he is so much stronger in early and mid game, you can only beat him when he will let you stack”
MruW says “No one can mess with this Singed 1v9 Op build, so you can beat every champion, but you cant see every champ here because i got so fast in my next game so i have to go and 1v9 with this Singed OP build”
Eduardocwalle says “With the movement speed that ur Q provides u should be able to dodge his Q. U enable his W too cause u can dodge the cc with ur e and later engage him. Just take ignite and you will outscale him.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him anytime.
Dont randomly dismount during laning phase in this matchup but if you do, flash his first q since it you dont he will full combo you and you are a goner.”
Black Demon Ezel says “People say this is easy pickings for Mordekaiser to deal with. WHAT A FILTHY LIE!!! Aatrox's sweet spots are so dang annoying to work with because he just spams them and then dashes on top of you when you aren't in range for his last one which is the worst of the three of em. what you want to do is get Boots of Swiftness to counteract his W should it hit you and not get drawn back to the center. That and his entire kit is based off of self sustain and CC so bring lots of anti heal. Heck, build Thornmail and Morellonomicon if you need to give him more issues”
Sandor Clegane98 says “I know I pressed even but I actually ban this guy every game because it's just obnoxious, your main objective is dodging the outer edge of his massive anime sword, a D-shield start is recommended, don't be afraid of all ins because you win provided you managed to dodge atleast 1 of his q's.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Aatrox is not much of a threat. He needs to engage to put out dmg. If you don't get locked into his CC chain. Good. If you get the Spirit out first. Great.”
davidbiton1 says “little to no chance against you because of your speed and e to mess with him, but early game have an anti heal item either ap or armor one but you need one to win.”
Kapralek says “Try Dodging his Qs, if you survive early game you and your team should have easy time with him. Don't feed him, buy ANTIHEAL(can be just oblivion don't need to buy whole item)”
ToothlessKnight says “Aatrox is a very tough matchup for Urgot early game. You have a huge hitbox and this makes it easy for a good Aatrox to combo you. The focus is for you to survive until you are lv9. I typically recommend building a bramble vest first to counter the healing from his passive, ult and conqueror. Aatrox heals based off the damage he deals so armor is huge. You hard outscale him in the mid/late game. If you get ahead he should never comeback vs Urgot.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Little room for error. Avoid his outer qs at all costs. engage once all of them are down, or simply avoid them if you can read the aatrox player. Fleet helps for the matchup”
MrZoltannn says “His q can damage you very well, but pre 6, he is a mostly free kill for you if played well.
Look out for his W and try to hold your E to dodge a CC that would flip the fight, dont jump away from all of his Q's.(go into dorans shield, and mythic should be Stridebreaker)
(If you belive you can do a oneshot combo on him go Prowlers with ignite)”
xPetu says “Tips: W his Passive-AA. Dodge inwards when he Q's. Early Bramble Vest can be good. Either insta E or don't E at all if he hits W, if you wait and E at the wrong time, you will get pulled back and die. He can also interrupt your E with his Qs.”
Stinkee says “Aatrox is one of those matchups that is heavily reliant on skill and how strong Aatrox is in the meta. His passive is really strong against you (doing max health bonus damage on his first auto attack). His Q can be really annoying and his W is hard to avoid as Sion because you have very little mobility. To avoid his W, try to stand behind minions, it is hard to dodge if you are out in the open (similar to something like Illaoi E). Aatrox is a very cooldown dependent champion and from my experience, most Aatrox players spam their abilities on cooldown pretty much. You can use this to your advantage by waiting for him to use his Q and W, then fight him. If the Aatrox is good though, he will probably manage his cooldowns better, giving you fewer options. If he is able to cancel your Q, it's not a huge deal because your Q goes to a 2-second cooldown when interrupted and most people do not know that. As with any matchup that has a lot of healing in lane, you are going to want to rush Bramble Vest to reduce his healing then later upgrade into Thornmail (2nd or 3rd item). ”
Sovereign Kitten says “Never engage in a fight with an Aatrox when he has his first (Q) up, as he can simply adjust his angle by using his (E) > (Q) combo. If he uses (Q) on minions, you can move closer as his second (Q) has a shorter range and it is much harder for him control and adjust allowing for us to juke it out. His (W) can be blocked by minions and if you do happen to get hit run to the left or the right side. Attempting to run from the skill in the linear path is bad, even if you use Flash it can still pull you back. Running to the side of the AoE is the most effective way, and be aware you take more damage from the highlighted zones.
Anoying bro5 says “Fun matchup for Fiora. Try to parry his 3rd Q as it is predictable and does a lot of damage. You can also engage (if you are ahead) by riposting his W pull into him and Qing him while dodging his Qs. You will want to build executioners calling if you are behind. You can easily beat him with good movement combined with your Q as he needs to hit you in those sweet spots for maximum damage.”
BoilTheOil says “He kites you with his whole kit and is able to land every Q because you're immobile, better learn to play dodgeball. You don't need to buy grevious wounds against him early, just take ignite. Use W when he uses Q3 to block the most damage. Try to bait out his Q1 so you can get cs. If you start the fight with full hp you can beat him in an all in but if the Aatrox is smart he won't try to fight you in all ins. He's a decent target to ult in teamfights, just wait for him to try and engage on your team first. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “You can't beat him. Just survive. He will hit you a lot so bramble vest will help reduce that healing. The good news is while his lane is brutal, its almost exclusively physical damage which Thresh scales well against. As a result, you are probably stronger in teamfights than him with plenty of disruption to lock Aatrox down.”
quinn adc says “Level 1 you can use your vault aggressively on him after he uses his second Q to prevent him from punishing you.
Aatrox Q1 & Q2 are long range, and will interupt vault often, but his Q3 is very short, and our vault will put us in safe distance when he's using it against us.
Level 3 onwards be careful for his E->Q combo, and also his W (the ability that brings you to the centre of his box).
Early game, Aatrox will be able to trap you in his W if he lands it on you, but Quinn hard claps Aatrox when you get your W maxed out.
Essentially, if Aatrox Ws you, hit him with a harrier proc to use the increased MS to run out, OR you could also vault out of it! A lot of times you can vault to aatrox if he's far out from his W, and you will escape effortlessly.
PTA is good for lane domination, but if you run it, be careful of his W.
Stand behind minions to prevent his W engage.
If he Rs you, Instantly AA-E-AA and run away.
If you have PR, even if he lands W on you, you get slow resistance to side step it easily.
Ignite early during his R to reduce healing.
If Aatrox misses E-Q poke in lane, instantly run him down for a very big trade.
His W is a 26 second Cd, so if he ever uses it, you have a huge window to dominate lane.”
Phrxshn says “This match-up will mostly skilled base if you can dodge the Darkin Blade(Q), Infernal Chains(W). As most of his damage if not all comes from his Q. Fling him into your Adhesive to negate any bad trade. Your Adhesive will be able to stop his Umbral Dash. (Recommended core Items: Plated Steelcaps)
(Mega Adhesive Stops Umbral Dash) (Fling Overrides Umbral Dash) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Aatrox) (Outscaling Edge: Singed)”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “I find the reworked Aatrox to be easier to fight than the old one. Pay attention when he uses his passive on minions and then try your best to dodge the outter part of his 2 Q's and the center of his 3rd Q. If he has his passive ready, he will do a Q > W > Q > AA > Q combo which at early levels should leave you at 25-30% hp max. (Your windwall can block his W)”
SunFalk says “He will life steal a lot. He has a dash. - Against Aatrox, you want to build grevious wounds very fast in the game. Try to dodge his skill shots and CS behind minions. When he ults, go back and dont try to fight because his life steal will make him win.”
Amphawn says “Make sure you dodge his knock ups and pull. He can kill you very easily if he catches you with any of his abilities, so poke safely. If he ults, your best option is to run. If he hits you with his pull, it is your top priority to get out, and the easiest way is to go towards to side. Sometimes you might want to move slightly towards him, as he will try to catch you with a knock up on the side, so you also have to dodge his Q. Once you have a few items though he can't really do anything against you as long as you don't get hit by everything he has, as he can't poke or trade very well once you hit 6. Buy GW as he has a ton of healing.”
PH45 says “Aatrox can be tricky depending on how good they are. He is in a pretty strong state currently so he is a popular pick. Important thing in this matchup is to dodge his key points of his Q. It is also important to walk out of his W from the side before it retracts you to the middle as it basically guarantees him a key area hit on his Q if you stay in the area. Trade while he uses the first 2 procs and then quickly jump out before the 3rd one lands. If he misses his W you can try to all in him. Just dance around his Q procs as they chunk you a lot. When his ult is down he is a lot easier to kill since he won't have his added mobility.”
jpaul2077 says “Match up is difficult because Aatrox zones you from level 1 with his Q. Look to minimize damage while farming and look for all in's while his Q and E are on cooldown.”
At_Tar_Ras says “aatrox is really strong right now so im putting him in even. it depends how good aatrox is. most aatrox's already mental boom in this matchup. you have plenty of mobility to avoid all of his attacks so simply do so. it's advised to sidestep his Q1, Q around his Q2 and Q into him to avoid his Q3 (but careful he could Q3 behind himself and hit u) and if you can't then W it to negate as much damage as possible. get grevious wounds if you need but don't set back your BORK powerspike for it. bork just insta wins this matchup. ”
slogdog says “Aatrox is very strong early game, especially if it's a good Aatrox that knows how to control spacing in lane. However you easily outscale him especially if you run Ignite. One thing to be wary of is that, Aatrox R fears ghouls and maiden, and that can remove a lot of your damage temporarily. Also you should try placing W down after he dashes with E.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
SaltCat says “People think irelia is the counter to aatrox, they are wrong, aatrox can win vs irelia easily, level 1 if you have full passive you win, level 2 you win if you have full passive , after level 3 aatrox has the ability to kill you, get grevious wounds early and try to dodge his abilities with your q”
Phrxshn says “This match-up will mostly skilled base if you can dodge the Darkin Blade(Q), Infernal Chains(W). As most of his damage if not all comes from his Q.
(Recommended core Items: Thornmail , Plated Steelcaps)
(Sustained 1v1 Trades: Aatrox) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Fairly straight-forward. His Q is super telegraphed, and if he dashes in just unload your ghouls with E and your W wall. Get grievous wounds, trust me. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Level one all in him with dorans blade. Aatrox usually starts Q first which has an abusable CD. Try to get lane priority by slow push. Extend your Qs during laning by waiting. The CD of Q starts with the first cast and not the 3rd. Aatrox doesn't have this. Short trade him by Q>W>aa ”
laoshin3v3 says “Klepto
Just Parry his 3rd Q and u won't be able to lose the fight if u stun him.
If u struggle against it take Conqueror and buy Executioners”
Justkb says “This is a skill matchup that favours Darius in Low Elo but becomes harder in High Elo. Try to bait out his first Q at level 1 and then hit yours! Try to rush him at level 2 and force a big wave under his tower at level 3. You should be able to back on an extra D-blade and completely out-trade him once the wave pushes back in your favour. If you get ahead, make sure you buy an executioner or Bramble vest as this significantly reduces his healing. If you are ahead Aatrox shouldn't pose any threat to you. If you are behind, try and wait for your jungler to punish any mistakes or keep waves closer to the tower and try and counter trade if he gets greedy.”
P1Legend says “You can kill him in lane early, but save Ult for when he Ults. Ap Rengar loses sustained fights, So if you jump on him and do not kill him by the time he starts healing, that is your cue to leave that interaction. Be aware that he will run at you until you are under your tower if he Ults, so be prepared to deal with that.”
King Turtle says “he can be dodged around a good amount early , but if he manages to hit 1 Q there's a good chance he'll be able to combo the others together. You can usually walk out of W but his R gives him enough MS to run you down unless you're at full stacks.”
Boptimus says “READ THE MATCH UP CHAPTER!! === Early Tier 2 Boots will be a massive help in dodging his Q's and breaking his chain combo. Put 3 points in W if you struggle in this lane.”
Raen says “Avoid his Q's edge and you will be fine. Try to move all the time right left up and down good movement is important vs Aatrox baiting his Q. Executioner rush is good vs Aatrox also after Sunderer/DD/Mortal Reminder you should win every fight if you won't take his every spell at face. If you don't feel confident on Jax just farm don't try to fight him you outscale him anyway later and you will beat him easily.”
Xerath gaming says “A skill matchup, you can easily beat him if you dodge his critical Q. Just farm till 6 and you should win this matchup, get Oblivion orb or bramble vest based of what path you go. Take ignite!”
A_Drunk_Carry says “A lane bully early, but definitely winnable. Stay behind the creeps at early levels, and make Aatrox have to Q through your minions to get to you. Dodge as much as you can, but if you do get hit at least the wave will push and you can safely farm on your half of the map. Buy grievous in this lane, or Aatrox will just regen forever. ”
qveenevelynn says “You just have to dodge his comps this is quite easy with the move speed boost you get from Eve's E. Be careful with his ult, don't fight him.”
Phrxshn says “This match-up will mostly skilled base if you can dodge the Darkin Blade(Q), Infernal Chains(W). As most of his damage if not all comes from his Q.
(Recommended core Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Aatrox in Early Game, Malphite in Late Game) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite)”
Phrxshn says “This match-up will mostly skilled base if you can dodge the Darkin Blade(Q), Infernal Chains(W). As most of his damage if not all comes from his Q.
(Recommended core Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Aatrox in Early Game, Warwick in Late Game) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup!
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Play smart and exploit his mistakes.
(3) Jump on him when he is casting his 1st Q and block the 3rd Q. U should kill him in the early game.
(4) Buy executioners!”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- This is a skill matchup in your favor. --- His Q is what you really need to watch out for. It is extremely similar to Riven's Q as it has three charges.---You want to avoid the tail end of his first two Qs and the very center of his third Q as they deal massive damage and knock up enemies. The animations are very telegraphed and can be dodged easily if you're quick enough.---Be careful of his dash which he can cast during all of his other abilities animations, especially on the third cast of his Q as it deals a lot of damage and can allow him to quickly reposition himself to hit you with a Q .--- If he hits more than one of his max dmg Q's on you then you lose the trade or fight almost every single time.--- Avoid his W as it will slow, tether and pull you into the center after a short period of time which will allow him to be able to combo all of his Q's onto you. Just run out if you do get hit before it goes off.---Take Steelcaps and Executioners or Bramblevest early as they will counter him very well and cut down his healing. I prefer Bramblevest at the armor provides you extra survivability.”
DooDooSlayer says “Top Lane:
Annoying but playing safe, letting the wave push towards you and picking up anti-heal early will reward you with an occasional kill.
Just ult him during a gank so that his healing is useless.”
Kacto15 says “Intenta esquivarle los puntos fuertes de su Q, las cadenas infernales se esquivan moviéndose hacia los lados o hacia al frente, nunca hacia atrás, comprar Vesta Espinosa puede resultar muy útil, hacer disengage si usa su habilidad definitiva, preferible ir sion LETALIDAD”
MythicMike says “You have built in grevious wounds which helps trading against Aatrox. Your E helps you dodge his Q's critical spots. Aatrox doesn't like extremely short trades, so as long as you apply the grevious wounds, trade and get out you should have no problem taking him down. ”
Jewceratops says “Dodge his Q's! Play around the Q cooldown it is pretty long early. With his ult up Aatrox is hard to kite and gets a masssive stat boost.”
Phrxshn says “This match-up will mostly skilled base if you can dodge the Darkin Blade(Q), Infernal Chains(W). As most of his damage if not all comes from his Q.
(Recommended core Items: Plated Steelcaps, Bramble Vest)
(Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
montybucket says “Aatrox can beat you pre 6, but its not always guaranteed for him. It can really go either way at 6, but once you get rift you win any fight with him. Buy Bramble and you'll be good as gold. ”
LegitLechner says “A good aatrox will never let you hit him. Use the time between his q's to land your e. A perfectly timed ult wins 99.99% of 1v1's if even.”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] you can parry his entire kit, so its an easy matchup. Rush executioners and stay close to him during trades, so his first 2 Qs cant knock you up. A good Aatrox wont use his third Q to get lower Cooldown, so choose the time for your W careful, as you want it to start a trade.”
OTP Toxin says “He obviously can kill you in a combo, but, you have more move speed than him and can easily dodge his skills while kiting him, I don't think it's a hard lane, but it require patience and focus to win. Play defensive and punish him when he is on CDs.”
duckling213 says “skill matchup for sure. If you can dodge his q stuff you can win easy. I just went my normal build path and it was a pretty even lane. you can escape his w with our e and also you can use e to negate some of the q damage.”
SilverAvalanche says “Ult his Ult, dodge his stuff.
You can't really match his wave clear, but if you stay out side the wave then he has to choose between you or the wave. Else it is completely acceptable just to go for CS, since when you get your form, he really can't do much, because of your dashes and MS.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Aatrox has free poke and lots of healing, but he can be outplayed. Always dodge the sweet spot, even if it means walking closer to him. If he lands W, try your best to get out by walking to him or to one side. If he ults, don't fight him unless you are ahead and confident or can take him under tower and ignite”
Drake6401 says “Buy Executioner's Calling very early so his level 6 doesn't spike too hard.
Your mobility and burst damage puts you at the advantage but not one set in stone. You only win if you outplay the Aatrox consistently. Side step his first Q, then dash close to him for his second Q and leave holding your next dash in wait for his last Q. He will often dash where he expects you to go so keep that in mind. If Aatrox uses his ultimate before you can quickly kill him, back off so he waists it. If you can burst him down before he stays in his ult for long, it won't do him much good against you.”
This is a very skill based lane. You should only be able to be hit by the first Aatrox Q, as the other 2 are completely outplayable. You want to pop ghost and just run around him when you do pull him in so that he has a very difficult time landing his Qs onto you. If he can land his Qs, he stands a chance. If you dodge them or he misses them, he is free food. Executioners is vital if he gets a kill in lane OR he farms evenly with you, because his healing in his ult will be unbeliavably high without it. If he ever Es into you, he leaves himself vulnerable as he no longer has his escape move. Dshield along with Second wind are great but Nimbus gives you a very powerful dodging ability that is great for this lane. Conqueror is the go to. TRY NOT TO GET HIT BY HIS W. If you do get hit by it, try to walk out of it as soon as possible as the repositioning can let Aatrox get ALL of his Qs off which basically means you just lose. Just flash out if necessary. As a last thing of note, try to make sure you hit your Qs on him. Aatrox’ healing means that he will have extra health for you to punch through. If he becomes a problem and you just died to him twice or so, you can get Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest but honestly at that point you won't be able to 1v1 him without your jungler unless he MASSIVELY messes up.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Aatrox possui bastante dano e pode ser um perigo se ele acertar todos os seus Q em você, principalmente o último. Use o Q no Aatrox sempre que puder para tirar vida dele e aguarde nível 2 ou 3 para agressivar, tentando desviar sempre dos Qs do Aatrox. O combo EW+AA+QE+AA é muito bom contra ele. Caso não consiga combar por completo, se reposicione e aguarde uma melhor troca. Katarina por ter muita mobilidade fará Aatrox errar suas habilidades, mas não subestime o potencial de cura e seu dano com a ultimate, guarde sempre o ignite para esse momento ou faça Morellonomicon para garantir as trocas também visto que ele poderá comprar Death's Dance. Só ulte no Aatrox se ele não conseguir te parar com os Qs, lembre-se que os 2 primeiros Qs do Aatrox só param sua ult se acertar no fim do range da habilidade, e o 3 Q só se você estiver no centro. Em teamfights, foque-o imediatamente, não deixe ele iniciar lutas e não deixe ele durar muito nas lutas com seu ultimate ativo. Katarina nessa match-up consegue dar roaming sem problemas, por isso abuse e consiga alguns kills em outras lanes. O potencial de perigo de Aatrox é baixo visto que a Katarina possui muita mobilidade contra ele, facilitando desviar do Q do Aatrox, e por ser dependente de suas habilidades para dar dano, acaba perdendo nas trocas devido Katarina ter um combo muito mais rápido e mais forte que o dele.”
RivalOCE says “Riven has all the tools necessary to dodge Aatrox's spells/mitigate his damage. Her high mobility ensures escape from his W. Try to take short trades into him, once conq kicks in his healing will outheal a lot of your damage early. Chip down to 50% HP then all in with ult.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Aatrox is a pretty challenging lane, you will very likely be down cs which is normal.
- His Q dash pokes you and it gets pretty annoying and hard to dodge. His regular Qs can be outplay however.
- His 1st Q can be baited out by fake walking toward and away from him or play at an angle with him and you can side step it as well
- His 2nd Q can be dodged just by going into him
- His 3rd Q just run away from him, if has dash up, you need to run unpredictably and juke it
- If you are really good and manage to outplay his Qs, you'll win the trade everytime but I wouldn't count on it happening often in high elo.
- His pull is easy to fail, just Q and run away from him
- You don't want to push your lane against him. Wait for jungler to gank and it's easy kill after 6"”
MrDomian says “If you can don't fight before level 6.
Don't go into long trades.
You can counter his skills with your W.
Try to kill him quickly before he starts healing.
Very important is anty-heal - Bramble Vest.”
The Real Fake says “Hecarim used to be a popular counter to Aatrox by C9 Licorice, as your mobility makes it very hard for Aatrox to land good Q's. However, after his power shifts, I believe Aatrox is among one of the best top laners in the game. His healing is absurd, he will be stronger than you mid to late game. Your only window to punish him is laning phase, before he gets items and only if you have ignite up to reduce his healing. If you feed him laning phase, you will never beat him. -9.18 edit: Aatrox's laning and pushing power has been gutted, less sustain from minions. This should be a relatively easy matchup now.”
Amvill says “Its a skill lane until he lands his chains on you, then you are kind of screwed unless you have Swiftness boots. Only go for extended trades if you have ult.”
Rhoku says “This is a very skill based lane. You should only be able to be hit by the first Aatrox Q, as the other 2 are completely outplayable. He has higher range than you so, if played perfectly, he will be able to completely kite you out. But you do win all ins unless he gets fed. This is why you want to wait for him to use a Q and then wait it out earlier on. Later on, when you have R, you will be able to beat him if you force him into a corner where he cannot kite you. Rylai's and Morello is very good here. Rune wise, going resolve with Second Wind is a very viable option. This is one of the few lanes I'd recommend Ignite as it is super useful into his healing. Early armor is recommended”
maxlid3 says “You can poke him early and he won't be able to reach you really. W him if he engages. After level 6 he can just ult and become basically unkillable, especially if he builds Goredrinker. Buy antiheal early.”
Heansuh says “Although you can block his W pull with your W, his sustain in lane is really good. It's very tricky to solo kill him because of his ult, Conqueror and lifesteal. Wait for your jungler to gank, try not to get hit by his Q combos and don't get hit by his W or try not to waste your W on his W to block airborne from his Q.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Buy early healing reduction. Don't let him full combo you. Go for short trades. Make sure that his W won't cancel your E. If he messes up his abilities - punish with a trade. If his passive is up do not let him auto attack you, wait until he farms a minion with it. Aatrox players usually E+Q2 when they landed their Q1 so you can predict that with your E. Even matchup before lvl 9, Urgot wins after. Urgot is stronger in mid game teamfights and splitpushing.”
PK Noob says “When your fighting Aatrox, save your E for his third Q. If he connects his 3rd Q you'll most likely lose the fight. As long as you dodge it, you'll be able to win the fight.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror, Aatrox can kite you easily and hit every Q because you are immobile, take Bramble Vest first, rush Blade of the Ruined King. Try to bait his Qs so you can farm without getting poked to death. After Blade of the Ruined King you should win an all-in against him. Good enemy to ult in teamfights, but let him engage first.”
LippyDarren says “Pretty tough, gotta dodge his first 2 Qs if you wanna win the trades. Rush Zerkers into Executioners. Complete Triforce, then complete Mortal Reminder and you should be able to deal with Aatrox for the rest of the game as Garen becomes very potent with the combination of Zerkers + Triforce + Mortal Reminder. Again, dodge his Qs, when he uses his chain on you press Q to cleanse the slow and get out of the CC. You should be able to get good chances to Q in, spin on him, ignite and R to get kill after kill”
wDesired says “Easy champ to deal with
Start your laning phase by hitting one of the caster minion until you can Q it after that just get 5 stacks with 4 minions and 5 Q aatrox
Try to weave AA when you Q ”
Brotharock says “Aatrox it's very hard in phase lines because he has mobility, damage and clear wave. Play super safe and try that he not freeze you the wave.”
Avelon6698 says “you will destroy a bad aatrox. But an aatrox who knows what he's doing can be a threat, just try getting him killed early. If not just play safe and don't feed he falls off after midgame.”
Psychopathic Top says “Matchup got easier since the goredrinker nerfs. The amount of Q's dodged during lane phase will basically determin winning/losing lane (upon first back). Cannot engage until bramble and sheen. It is hard to first back with 1200 gold, so a 900 gold base is recommended. First back with 900 and buy bramble ruby, then upon second back, buy sheen and all in. If early game goes well, mid late game should not be an issue. Nasus = Aatrox in teamfights when both champs are even (in terms of 5 v 5 power), however the player that is more ahead gets to win 5 v 5s. ”
Persicum777 says “A bad aatrox is a sad thing to see, because he can easily go 0/5 in lane against you, a good aatrox is a fun challenge that can lead to a not so fun midgame if your not careful, I've never been buried by him but if he gets ahead or has jungle pressure and you don't things can get out of hand very quickly. Like riven when he uses his q's up that is the best time to strike, when he lands a W go to the short side of his square or just e out if you have it up, and watch up for his e for juking your dash, but keep that in mind that he is manaless so his cooldowns early are really long! Early on you want to bait him to go aggressive with his q, and use his e too, if he tries this tactic as long as you dodge the knock up, you can go all in as he has no real escape and wont get back in until his Q is back up, most of the time this is when they w thou, giving you the ideal time to e onto him, a few things you should be aware of is his knock ups on his Q will stop your e if your mid e, and his ult is the main problem. At level 6 his ult gives bonus damage, sustain and mobility is really strong if you dont already have a advantage on him and your ult is a way to lock him down + dodging one of his abilities, his does give more kill pressure!
Any rune set up is fine for aatrox grasp and pta you need to be alittle more bursty conq lets you all in him but his all in is strong too so itll make it alot more of a skill match up. Comet is really unnecessary into him.
I wouldn't start corrupting into aatrox cause your not gonna be able to match his sustain really, dorans blade is best start here cause you do win early. Getting a exec calling is good in this match up!”
Naut1Trick says “Early game Aatrox is insane against crit sett. This is because your not building tank. You're squishy and that is what Aatrox thrives off of.”
Gospodin Bure says “Because Aatrox isn't the best at engaging far off targets your best bet is to stay behind minions and hit him with a barrel+Q combo when he tries to engage you.”
DippyDan says “Bruiser with 3 knock-ups and a pull that Fiora can parry. An easy matchup unless played poorly. A very strong champion if ahead and can carry teamfights. Tips: [1] Avoid Q+E poke. [2] When all-inning, just stay up close so he can't knockup and Parry his 3rd Q. [3] Buy Executioners!”
clalobaciel says “Aatrox is a fairly easy matchup. The best advice I can give for laning phase is to be close to him in his first 2 q's, but then go away for the 3rd, and also try to parry his pull or knockups for a chance to stun him. As youre avoiding plenty, it should be easy enough for you to kill him.”
fishybearo says “This is a pretty even matchup, rush Bramble Vest or Executioners to beat him early. I recommend Bramble Vest if the enemy jungle is also AD, giving you more chance to maneuver in a 2 v 1.”
Rocking Masterock says “Aatrox is vulnerable to Q poke, max Q then W, but build tank or DS, don't go AP, try to not get caught by his Q3 and W. [Keep in mind aatrox Passive heals when hitting champions mostly]”
Krytiku says “Sort of like darius, you can dodge all his sweet spots with Q and E which will remove a lot of his damage. Get an early oblivion orb/bramble ”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes and build OR Fleet] He wins every trade early and can push you out of lane easily with a single combo if you ever fall behind. Play passively and outscale, do not look for plays. His E cooldown is long at lower levels.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + second wind for maximum sustain.
Oblivion Orb -> Standard AP
He will just punish you 2 hard if you step up 2 far.
MS is important to dodge his Q's and his W. AP is very much the way to go against him.
SunOak says “If the Aatrox lands all of his Q's you will instantly lose the trade so when fighting him i recommend you focus on dodging his ablilites. Rush grievous wounds because of his healing. Starter item should be dorans blade”
Sidrome says “It's a fine matchup, but you want to fight him just on level 3, with small trades. You just trade with him again when you have anti heal.”
Val3n says “You both heal a lot, but if he ults, run. Rush Executioners and you beat him easily. Also, you may consider using Ignite for this matchup.”
CFCryo says “My second favourite champion reworked into this... abomination. Semi-jokes aside, he is TOUGH. The manaless Q spam may be dodgeable and even Flayable sometimes, but the pressure can build as he never has to stop doing them. Harass him when his Q is down, and since you're immobile, you are gonna take a lot of damage and possible death if he lands W on you. Keep careful watch of his E and try to know when he has it up, as that's what'll get you caught by his Q and chained up.
Take Aftershock. Even though I play a lot of Aatrox, he's still a struggle for Thresh.”
NeroZYN says “Aatrox is very annoying to play against, for the sole fact that you can only use your E to dodge one of his Q abilites, leaving him to land the rest of them onto you. Spacing is hard against him as your Auto Attack Range is near enough the same as his Q range, so he can easily land the crit part of his ability. Executioners / Ignite is also very much needed vs. Aatrox !”
Alan234 says “Fleet Footwork with Swiftness Boots
So this matchup is all about movement. You need to be aware of his Q range and dodge accordingly. As the lane progresses Aatrox will become aware of your dodging patterns so try to be unpredictable. If you get hit by one wrong combo you either die, blow flash or have to base so your movement is crucial if you want to win!
Pro tip - often aatroxes start out with trying to get e - q1 poke on you. If you manage to dodge it they will q1 and then e q2 (the big slash) when you go for a minion. The only counterplay for it is to see it coming and to dodge it before he does it. If you do dodge it aatrox has no more cooldowns to touch you and you can punish.
If you have swiftness boots you can run out of his w, else youre screwed if he lands it. its on a long cooldown so play around it if he misses. If you get caught by his w, I recommend flashing early, because worst case you might flash and then still get pulled back. Only take fights when you have ignite, it doesn't matter how low he is, please only commit to a kill with ignite.
As long as you dodge stuff you will win this lane and its minor, if your movement is bad this could be very difficult
MegadabYt says “Aatrox is a very high CC and high sustain champ, and his mobility with his dash is very hard to counter with Asol. It would be best to run Doran's Shield against him to prevent pokes. Its also best to not push wave and let him. ”
aurus666lol says “He is so powerful with his sustain and healing with Goredrinker. Try to escape from his W with ur E and poke him as well.
EDIT: Items are so nerfed, but he still heals for full hp. Try building Exe first and build Tabi, his Q animations are faster than your E, so better to play around it.”
Polartech says “After his rework, Aatrox is really Dangerous for Kayle. He can Stun, he has a good Mobility, he has self Sustain, and he has a good amount of damages with his "Q" 3 Hits Combo. It's really hard to stay at the right distance against this champion. The best thing you can do is to use your Radiant Blast and Celestial Blessing when he hits you with his first "Q". You will probably skip some minions but absolutely don't gift Kills to him, because he is one of the strongest Snowballing Champion for Kayle. Play safe near or even under your Tower, especially at level 1, because Aatrox at level 1 is already very strong.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Aatrox is a champion that fully relies on three things;
1.) you not building executioners calling
2.) you not building executioners calling
3.) you not building executioners calling
Dont get hit by sweetspot Qs, and build armor if you struggle vs him. Give some CS if necessary when under tower. Your level 6 is far stronger than his, so play aggressively if you manage to do well level 1-5.
RhinoStar says “Tough matchup, it is important to dodge his q and try to poke him as much as you can. If he hits u with at least one Q sweet spot, you might get a lot of damage.Dont go into huge trades. Buy bramble vest and try to farm as much as you can. ”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. PRENEZ CONQUEROR SI VOUS PRENEZ L'ARBRE VOLONTE PRENEZ SECOND SOUFFLE SINON PRENEZ SORCERIE AVEC MANTEAU NUAGEUX MAIS ESQUIVEZ BIEN, PRENEZ BOUCLIER DE DORAN TOUCHEZ VOS Q ET ESSAYEZ DE DODGE LES SIENS ESQUIVER A TOUT PRIX SON 3EME Q OU IL GAGNERA LE FIGHT NE FIGHTEZ PAS SI VOUS ETES TOUT LES DEUX LOW LIFE IL VOUS OUTRANGE. C'est un matchup très skiller le premier Q est difficile a prévoir en revanche les deux autres peuvent être esquiver. Vous voulez ghost après l'avoir grab pour pouvoir lui tourner autour il aura donc énormément de mal a hit ses Q si il les rate c'est un free kill. Marque du bourreau est un must dans le matchup sinon il régénérera beaucoup trop de pv avec son ultime. Si jamais il vous E il se rend vulnérable puisqu'il n'aura plus aucun moyen de s'échapper si vous décider de l'all in. Evitez de vous faire toucher par son W et si jamais il vous touche essayer d'en sortir le plus rapidement possible ( sur les cotés qui sont plus court que de reculer btw :) ) car son W peut lui permettre de hit tout ses Q et de vous détruire si jamais vous perdez énormément partez sur une armure roncière mais vous ne devriez plus être capable de l'1v1 sans votre jungle ou si il se loupe.”
MiXA6511 says “Skill based matchup, just try to dodge his Q and you should be fine... If you want you can use his W in your favor, but I suggest dodging it.”
SemPelo says “The dream battle!
Take domination runes on the second tree to gain some health back from trades, if you take resolve use "second wind" with "overgrowth".
Mostly skill matchup.
Teleport is better on this matchup since he heals from any damage, so executeners is better than ignite.”
Prezibogen says “Rush bramble to counter his Healing.
There are not many champs who can beat Morde in early game, but he is one of them and his damage is very high. So play passive early.”
KillMeKillMe says “Rush bramble vest. His passive lets his basic attack deal 5 to 12% max health damage depending on level, and healing him for the damage dealt, the cooldown gets reduced from auto attacking and hitting with abilities. The passive on his e let's him heal 20 to 30% of the post mitigation damage he deals to champions, which is increased when he's in his ultimate.
Ultimate incresases attack speed by 20 to 30% and self healing (basically his passive and lifesteal) by 30 to 60%, basically don't even try to fight him in his ultimate unless you absolutely have to.”
Bombabo says “He has incredible early game damage and sustain, which is easy to land against large, slow targets such as Urgot. Play safe until you have your first item built. Aatrox can still probably beat you in a fight at your level 9 powerspike, try waiting till level 11”
Vandenelis says “he will play against you aggressively, to win trades against him you got to play in your minion wave, and dodge his q sweet spots, he is stronger than you early, but later on he can't do anything against you. I recommend getting Sunfire cape to be able to kill him in a 1v1”
Grayified says “Try to not get hit by his third Q, and do not let him get a kill advantage on you, otherwise he will snowball out of control. If you want to all-in, get close before you E.”
MikaeraKun says “Major Threat after he hits Level 6. Try and get as many ganks as possible to set him back. Pray to God he doesn't get fed in meantime.”
apkibum says “Aatrox is a healing nightmare, but unlike some of the other healing champs mentioned on this list, oblivion orb actually does something on him. Rush oblivion and you win lane easy. He is pretty tanky later on but your ap or ad should be enough to melt him down. ”
SettVEVO says “This depends on the player, but a good Aatrox will make your life hell, he's almost a ranged character until he doesn't want to be. Try to dodge his Q's in lane as if you don't he will all in once you're low enough. You can all in him early as long as you dodge Q1, just Q at him right after his Q1 misses to dodge Q2 with your bonus ms and use W when he uses Q3. You can tank his Q3 with your W and you'll damage him at the same time. Boots will help against him in lane. Ult him away from team if he is bothering your adc too much.”
LukieRae says “Don't let him chain CC you. Starting E would be ideal; save it for his engages. Buying anti-heal would be very beneficial, and try to maintain distance. He won't be able to heal if he can't get to you, so try to play the war of attrition.”
Byku2506 says “Its pretty easy if you dont make any mistake, try to dodge every Q and catch him every time when he miss all Q or when he dont use any Q. Buy fast antiheal if you want to win every 1v1 against him.”
bigbearbiggy says “Any champion that just braindead catches waves nonstop in the lane that you are pushing is a threat since you will have a harder time backdooring”
RTO says “Aatrox has high all in potential in early game, but you can negate it by dodging his abilities. Be wary of his ult, but if he doesn't secure a kill, he isn't going to survive.”
Fryx says “Aatrox can be good against Malphite. It is hard for you to dodge his abilities since you cant really dodge them. If he starts using his Q's, it makes sense for you to q him also so you have more movementspeed to dodge it.
Take Grasp here and Max W. Eventually hitting him with W will give you a window to ult and kill him.”
Smartest2 says “Not too bad of a lane. Aatrox has good damage, but it takes too long for him to get it. Understand his ranges and stay away from them, don't forget he has a dash. Abuse him with your q. Land e, and wail on him. Pressure him out of lane as much as possible, you can probably 1v2 any combination of aatrox+jungler once you have your ult.”
wff010 says “He's basically a ranged champion. You win levels 1-5, but he'll outscale you levels 6+. Push your early strength hard and beat him down before he can outscale you. Run Ignite and it'll be hard for him to outscale.”
LoLReal says “Not a huge issue. He can out trade you early, respect his level 1. As the lane goes on, if you're even you win hard. Dodge his Q's, get ninja tabi. Post 6 you smash him and kill him on spawn with R. Just don't make mistakes early and don't let him snowball.”
Vispectra says “Ouch. Don't pick Kassadin into this unless you're very confident. Aatrox's early power will leave you hugging your tower and let him either dive or roam a lot.”
qosmox says “Aatrox is pretty hard matchup. You need to dodge his q's crits and build bramble vest in early. Remember, you can cancel his passive damage with w, but he takes heal.”
SanLourdes says “The knockups from his Q will disrupt the channeling of yours. Usually he will not be able to kill you unless you let him just have at it. Thornmail extremely important of this matchup. His W will also be able to disrupt your Q. Your best bet in defeating him is baiting out his Q and W and then using yours to stun him. If you do you should be able to defeat him. If he ults, slow him or stun him and run away, it will be a stalemate or you will die. ”
Viego99 says “ you kill him before lvl 6 (but you need dodge hıs 3.)> after 6 he kill you if you are not ahead you outscale him and your teamfight is better.”
RainAndBow says “Dodge his W and Q, win the game. Buy Swiftness Boots if you fail at dodging. If you can't dodge, this matchup is hopeless. Always take ignite. ”
Dbthegamer74 says “Playing into aatrox is not fun, avoid taking poke from his Q level 1 and 2. Play safe until you get grevious wounds from bramble vest or executioner's calling.Trade with your q and you can easily win against him.”
ForgottenProject says “This is a fun match-up and it Favors you. There are Multiple things to parry and the 2 Second Stun you get off of them makes this a Free win.
[1]Parry his Last Q as that's what does the most damage and easiest to parry.
[2]You can also parry his W as it's about to drag you back in as he usually pairs it up with his last Q to lock you down.
[3]You can fight him in his Ultimate without any problem, just make sure you dodge some of his Qs with your own Q.”
Fuu Enju says “You will need to bring ignite for the matchup if you want to knockout Aatrox early game. This will help reduce his healing abilities and ensure you to do a finishing combo burst move on him. Make sure to buy Bramble Vest to get constant grievous wounds for him.”
RedNBlue says “Hes a threat due to his ability to thrive from being close to you but once you get your scaling as long as he's not too fed your going to be able to kill him.”
turtlehamstercroc says “he's really squishy and kind of inmobile, get up close and personal with him and then back off with the w movespeed as soon as he's about to do his third q strike (the circle shaped one), if you avoid his q strikes correctly you should deal with him without a problem”
SavagePridestalker says “Quite a hard matchup, especially once Aatrox gets a couple of levels and his Q cooldown goes down. I wouldn't recommend playing tank Rengar into Aatrox, because he scales much better than you and you want more aggressive laning while building damage.”
Marwaii says “Just kite him and poke him with Q. Take anti heal if necessary. You can probably kill him at level 6. Ensure that you dance around him to avoid his sweet spots.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Like most melee vs ranged matchups, you have the first two levels to poke Aatrox out but come level three, you really don't want to underestimate his damage. He usually takes Ignite so when you're weak, recall and TP back in with full HP and an item advantage. If you kill him, good news. He can't come back as fast as you can.
In teamfights, play to catch Aatrox without his ult. If he popped it in a skirmish it's GG. If you have anti-heal like a Thornmail or a Chempunk, he won't do his job.”
oogoogerson says “Both of you heal a lot, this is a skill matchup to be honest. You could go for a cheesy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing. Take Ignite to duel and take teleport if you are scared.”
MachDawn says “You can absolutely SHRED Aatrox. He cant do much because you can dodge all his Q's with your own. You should about always win this lane.”
Safolet says “I love this matchup, because Aatrox has no way of beating you in the lane phase with all the mobility and range that Gnar has. If Aatrox catches you with the Q or the W, just jump away and voila. Gnar has a very good ability to make it difficult to farm aatrox, since it has the passive of the W, which grants you movement speed and percentage damage, it has the Q, to hit from far and be able to activate the passive of the W easier , and also if you make a mistake, you have your E to get out of conflicts and go back to bothering from afar. When you're in MegaGnar, what I recommend the most is having your R or W to stun Aatrox as soon as he wants to get close and then go out with the E.”
Ganii7 says “The q shoud be easy to dodge with the w or the e when he uses the first try to dodge with e out and doble cast to dodge the second this will expose you to the third but you can dodge it with w. Kinda skill driven match”
RedNBlue says “Aatrox like you would think isn't too much on the meta in peoples minds but he actually can do a bit more than you might think really. Aatroxes Q will just bust through your shield and then he will continue to kill you with the next three blows. Once he gets his E cage (I think its his e) then you will not be having fun as if he can place it well even with your speed boost you will have trouble escaping without busting a flash or an ult.”
Tristepun says “If he's bad the matchup shouldn't be too much of a problem but a good aatrox can be tricky to face. Abusing ghost and e to dodge your q's is the key to winning. Take bramble.”
SethPRG says “This matchup is entirely dependant on how well you can dodge his Qs. Sidestepping is key, walk one direction away from Aatrox then quickly go the other way. You can E his Q into you to offset the Crit zone from hitting you. Basically, if you dodge his first 2 Qs, you win. Sometimes you will want to ult his chain (W) to avoid being pulled in by it. Make sure you dodge his abilities or CC him during his ult more so than anything else, or you might end up losing the fight. Going Trinity Force is good here since they will probably end up going Goredrinker, which isn't the best for 1v1s, and Trinity is especially good if the Aatrox is going Lethality, he will melt like butter from your Q Sheen proc. Rush Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling, and go Death's Dance 2nd item.”
SpartanDumpster says “You outrange and can outmaneuver Aatrox, but it doesn't take him much to kill Gnar. His abilities can be dodged fairly easily, and your hop makes it easy to escape his W. If he tries to unleash all of his abilities on you and each on misses, that's the perfect opportunity to retaliate, especially if he doesn't have his ult.”
El Leon Gnar says “When you get good at kiting you will have nothing to fear v.s. Aatrox. Play around the edges of his Q's, trade back with your passive procs, and make sure you don't get knocked up out of your E and you will be fine.”
doozy99 says “Go for the Easy Matchup rune page, take Flash Ignite. Your main goal is to dodge his Qs, he'll win every trade if he lands them. You can use your E to dodge his second Q, but keep in mind he'll use his third Q next. You can use your BoRK to disengage before he gets to use his third Q. He'll then have no source of damage besides his basic attacks. ”
Unholy Vanity says “Aatrox relies greatly on his skillshots to deal damage. An immobile champion such as Rell will have great difficulty dodging his onslaught of attacks. However, as long as the tether remains, it is possible to sustain a prolonged fight, even as much as win it.”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup but slightly aatrox favored because of the range disadvantage.d blade start if confident, dshield if not confident enough and take bone plating. this matchup is aatrox favored for the only reason that he has range advantage over darius but if you play it well aatrox should lose.Since he has long base cds, you can use that to your advantage by fighting once he burns q or force him to trade when he starts casting his first q by dragging him with e which will reposition his sweet spot, you can pop ghost and run him down but be cautious to not get hit by his q sweetspots as it will heal him for a lot and could quite possibly get you killed if he lands everything. if lane goes even grab bramble in order to have the extra advantage in a trade. Freezing is unfair as darius and this case is no expection, try to freeze whenever you are give the chance and if he tries to burn q to farm pop ghost and run him down.”
Lucas9000 says “This matchup is a Fiora favored skill matchup. Use Riposte (W) for his sweetspots on The Darkin Blade (Q) and you should be okay. Please for the love of god rush The Executioner for a easier matchup, but fear not if you want to play HARDCORE, then dont.”
Brotharock says “Aatrox it's very hard in phase lines because he has mobility, damage and clear wave. Play super safe and try that he not freeze you the wave.”
K1ng OZIL says “SKILL MATCHUP. CONQUEROR. IF UR GOING RESOLVE, TAKE SECOND WIND. IF UR GOING SORCERY, BE GOOD AT DODGING. DSHIELD. HIT YOUR QS. TRY TO DODGE HIS QS. DONT LET HIM LAND HIS LAST Q EVER. OR ELSE HE WINS THE FIGHT. STICK ON TO HIM. DON’T LET HIM POKE YOU DOWN. DON’T FIGHT WHEN UR BOTH LOW HP. HE OUTRANGES YOU.|| This is a very skill based lane. You should only be able to be hit by the first Aatrox Q, as the other 2 are completely outplayable. You want to pop ghost and just run around him when you do pull him in so that he has a very difficult time landing his Qs onto you. If he can land his Qs, he stands a chance. If you dodge them or he misses them, he is free food. Executioners is vital if he gets a kill in lane OR he farms evenly with you, because his healing in his ult will be unbeliavably high without it. If he ever Es into you, he leaves himself vulnerable as he no longer has his escape move. Dshield along with Second wind are great but Nimbus gives you a very powerful dodging ability that is great for this lane. Conqueror is the go to. TRY NOT TO GET HIT BY HIS W. If you do get hit by it, try to walk out of it as soon as possible as the repositioning can let Aatrox get ALL of his Qs off which basically means you just lose. Just flash out if necessary. As a last thing of note, try to make sure you hit your Qs on him. Aatrox’ healing means that he will have extra health for you to punch through. If he becomes a problem and you just died to him twice or so, you can get Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest but honestly at that point you won't be able to 1v1 him without your jungler unless he MASSIVELY messes up.”
DaSticks says “One of Teemos harder matchups. You can sidestep his first Q but be careful not to be in range for him to hit you with his dash 2nd Q! Stay behind minions to avoid his W hitting you as it will allow you to all in you easily.”
Godidi says “Aatrox is a very complicated matchup, but, with the right runes, and build you can possibly ease the difficulty. Take Movement Speed Runes and Anti-Healing.”
Kaizin says “Bramble rush early and take short trades, Aatrox will generally win longer trades due to his built-in healing. Try to move more diagonally instead of back and forth, that way he has a harder time hitting with q dash.”
NPGRiven says “You are able to level 1 all-in against Aatrox as Riven if you don't get hit by any of his empowered Qs. After he uses his 3rd Q you can abuse it's long cooldown. Getting lane priority against Aatrox always helps you.
You can use your abilities to easily dodge Aatrox's abilities. Don't try all in him when he is 100% HP. And don't rush executioners. His early healing isn't good, if you play it right you don't need executioners, get them later within the game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep your Celestial Blessing (W) to go out of his Infernal Chains (W) in time. I would recommend you to buy Doran's Ring to have enough mana for both last hiting minions and using Celestial Blessing (W). Buy Berserker's Greaves as fast as possible for the same goal.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Take Ignite or build some early anti-heal. You have no auto range so he should not be knocking you up with his Q. It should be easy to avoid his Q with Gwen’s E. His other main form of damage his is W, try and get out of it as soon as possible or if you can dodge Q without needing E then use E to get out of W.”
ApollonATH says “Aatrox can be hard stomped by voli in early game.Play your lane correctly and rush anti heal after that he can't do much of anything to stop you.”
deathwalker7119 says “No Aatrox should be really beating you, at level two you can look to all in by parrying either 2nd or 3rd Q, whichever one you don't parry try to dodge. You want to try and make sure to stun him with this, but if you don't you should still win as long as you parry or dodge the 2nd/3rd Qs. Level 6+ he can look to 1v1 you if you don't parry and burst him, so make sure to really be poking him out with vitals and forcing him into bad trades. If Aatrox all-ins you with full HP and you don't parry + stun him and you don't have a lead, you CAN lose it. Overall a pretty easy matchup as long as you take your front-facing vitals in as well as parry/dodge those Qs.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Aatrox's main form of damage is easy to counter with Mordekaiser's E, getting an early grevious wounds item makes him practically useless against you”
Snow Day Zoe says “He is the one champ that outranges you as melee and able to 1v1 you completely at level 6, you just have to manage your health well and play defensive.”
Nekosett says “Not too strong this patch though he has mobility buy bramble and just q e him in lane he doesn't pose too much of a threat and usually cant outduel you start dorans blade and just kill him”
Russkyoki says “Very aggressive champ but you can outplay using w to get away or when getting ganked, and then q after and in a fight for 150+ health.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be pretty annoying with his Q poke and healing but generally it is Irelia favored. I start with Q early on and try to get the lane to push or stay in the middle because at lvl 2 with passive stacked you are much stronger. If you manage to keep the lane in the middle or pushing and have your passive stacked, at lvl 2 if you land your E you can go for the all in. Try to either flash his 3rd Q if he is committed or Q a low hp minion if you have one around (try to prep one for this opportunity) and you should win. Post 3 use your W on his third Q. I would also recommend going right into botrk before getting executioners because it is important to be able to do as much damage as possible to him early levels in order to snowball. Avoid allowing him to poke you down as if you are under 75% HP you will not win an all in, especially if he can kite you out. You destroy him with botrk even if you have no grievous wounds hence why I rush the item but I do get executioners as his healing is crazy after level 11. Make sure to start E first if he gets to the lane first and let him push where you will be able to stack your passive safely under tower and look to all in if you can manage to hit E.
Womsky says “Scaling set up, attrox is a melee lane bully but he got nerfed hard and that match up now favours you, his level 1 is pretty weak, so if u see him starts dorian blade, you can take a very harash trade with him level 1 with fury, and by dodging his Q's, cause he has no sustain outside his passive, and landing his Q on u heals him abit, early game he kinda has the upper hand on you, around level 3 till u get first item, then u outscale hard, tips about dealing with him is waiting him to use his passive on minions before going in, dodging his most important Q "third one" is important to make trades good for you, u can all in if he over extends while u are high HP high fury, your sustained damage is way too much for him with lethal tempo, you can dominate him or outscale him, if u look for the outscale pick ghost, if u look for early kills pick ignite”
tibs2 says “Rush bramble/CDR boots first item Thornmail. Match up is all about trying to w his e which is mostly occur after q2/q3 but he knows that you know that so it kinda becomes a big game of chicken. Still you turbo outscale him late game so just chill lane phase dont die and you are chillin big time.”
shinsuky says “EAsy dodges and easy poke, warning about his early game still strong if he touch you ;) lvl 6 easy to beat with shrooms when he revives.”
SadmanV3 says “A good Aatroc will prove to be a tough matchup for Nasus, simply because in the early game, he can trade favorably whilst Nasus cannot, well not effectively at least.
*Tips for laning Aatrox
1. Good wave management
2. Avoiding Qs
3. Avoiding Aatrox's % dmg passive”
svjade says “He starts off relatively strong so it's best to wait for Akali to scale a little. If all of his attacks are avoided, he should be an easy kill.”
DunkinDumpling says “Very Easy matchup for Darius, Ever time he tries to q e you, counter it with pull auto w q, then he hard loses the trade. ALSO rush bramble vest and tabis. aatrox will do no damage if you rush these items first. ”
JeanMichelBambi says “You can displace his knock up with your Q and E, you may not be able to fight him before you get grevious wounds but you shouldn't die to him in lane.”
dusaanv2 says “Aatrox can be a little bit of a threat because of his Life Steal but it can be easy countered with a Bramble West or even Executioner's Calling.”
ActuallyTox says “This matchup is free unless the Aatrox is a god. You can dodge his Q Sweetspot with leaps and rush antiheal to cripple his entire kit. He outperforms you in Teamfights but you scale better. His Lvl 1 Q-Cooldowns are ridiculously high so you can go for the first blood. Try to take trades when his passives on cooldown. Consider Taking Ignite.”
AmericanNut says “Aatrox is a tough battle as of right now, his early game is strong, but not as strong as yours, get executioner's calling and root out the Darkin with your Shield Vault and Comet Spear combo.”
Noodles912 says “All upon Aatrox's skill. Early game, just farm for your life and spam Q if you are low. Pool when you cannot escape his W, and outscale him. Morellonomicon can deny his heal late game. ”
Buszman says “An annoying matchup for a character that is considered mostly dead by the mains by the sheer reduction in possible healing caused by weakening the Goredrinker. Rush of Bramble Vest can be equivalent to a player spending more time in chat talking about how their character wasn't killed by the item. A good Aatrox will know how to control lanes and ranges with his Q, so when finding a good opening you shouldn't be afraid to step forward to avoid his abilities as you should win all-ins. Try to avoid passive damage from the improved autoattack in the early levels.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “The amount of poke he has is ungodly (hehe), only engage when you're sure his Q is down because his Ult will give him health if its not”
Aatrox is pretty easy to deal with : There are a lot of CC that you can parry so the difficulty is to know which CC you should parry.
Keep in mind that his 3rd Q is thougher than the 2nd which is thougher than the first : So always try to parry the last Q at the start. But the W is the best thing to parry because you deny his combo W+Q.
Fun match-up.”
OverlordOfTheLane says “trade only when hes q are down and hes e also you can use ur e to spin though him to dodge hes e as long as u have the hp to do so”
SPJohnWD says “Aatrox has the potential to outplay Sylas due to the fact most abilities force sylas to stand still for a second to finish animations allowing him to hit his q's with ease.”
teemodumbstupid says “Very annoying early game, take Fleet or Conqueror. You will win when you have Sheen. Be careful early game for his Q+Es. You also want healing reduction.”
Urgodzilla says “This champion personifies everything I hate about this game: massive damage, massive healing, non-existent cooldowns, ability to chase you or run away from you with his dashes, he doesn't care about mana. You still can outplay his Qs and W with your E and you outscale him once you get lvl13 and healing reduction but prepare for painful laning phase.”
Laserholic says “Champions like Aatrox who rely on mid-range hits are easy to deal with if you plan a counter attack with your E (Dash). Any threatening abilities from Aatrox can be blocked with your W most of the time. Plan Lv6 All-ins or set up ganks for your jungler when he goes for E+Q combos by blocking his harass and dashing in.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Este es un match up bastante facil, intenta dodgear sus q, falla 2 de las 3 queda expuesto, por lo que podemos tradear a gusto, además una vez tenemos vesta espinosa + bami podemos tradearle con mucha probabilidad de kill si es que llevamos ignite.”
Draconic56 says “He outranges you with his Q. But you win all-ins unless he is fed. When you get to level 6 ult after he ults so you take his ult stats. Bramble vest and ignite are very useful against his healing.”
SanLourdes says “A skill matchup, you outscale him faster but only if you don't feed him. Build Bramble Vest early and do not get hit by consecutive Q's. Your ult > his ult. Keep the rest of your build the same and take Sorcerer's Shoes.”
Kokob5 says “Skill based match up. Building Bramble and steelcaps into him will shut him down. Just survive until 6 and don't eat his Q poke and you'll come out on top.”
Thats a OOF says “Take grasp. Dodge the Q sweetspots (if possible) avoid him hitting his W on you. If he R's disengage and after the ult expires you can all in him with ignite. Rush brambles.”
negoZoma69 says “Very skill based matchup. If you are AP you tipically want to poke him from distance until hes low enough so you can all in. If you are AD you'll need to bait out his abilities and retaliate after.”
not normal says “Whoa hello there! Can I just farm. *get knock-up'ed 3 times in a row*. Much like Jax, the only counter to him is backing off and not feed. Get a few pokes in so he doesn't get too cocky, unless you want to bait him under tower, and destroy him together with your jungler.”
Hesychia says “If your enemy knows how to play aatrox, he can just outdamage you.
Pushing the lane won't work since he has AOE damage (Q) he will just push lanes faster than you. Ask your jungler to gank early game. If you kill him 1-2 times, you will just snowball so hard. Start with "W" first if you wanna trade with him in early. but trade him early if you think you can dodge his "Q" or he will win trade, however even he wins trade if you make "5 Stacks" you will just kill him. He doesn't have Omnivamp at early game. Just his passive so use this advantage. Make sure to build "Executioner's Calling" or "Bramble Vest" at this point. I recommend EXECUTIONER'S CALLING because it works with your bleed.”
SKRELAX says “Aatrox players can be very impressive in showing their abilities with Aatrox, i've met a lot of Aatrox players, some of them are good, some of them bad. Not that hard matchup, but still be careful, also buy an early executioner's.”
Dorom says “This champion cannot lose to Gangplank. Unless you're the best GP ever you have basically no chance against this guy. He just spams Q and then dashes to you just to heal up all the trade damage you dealt to him. Trading is almost griefing against this guy. Do not 1v1 him unless he's extremely low and you have ignite/grievous wounds.”
SpartanDumpster says “Another one based on assumptions, but Aatrox match ups tend to be skill based. If he properly uses his abilities and plays around your W cool down, he'll be a real threat. If you block his W and first two Qs with your W, and avoid his third Q, you can abuse him while those are on cool down, especially during the early game.”
pioj12 says “This more like nothing is a skill matchup in early game if you take a bad trade and dont have the sustain runes you are going to have a bad time.
But if you manage to dodge and to not take bad trades early game you are going to be fine bc the kite on gnar becomes better depending on your level so you can dodge a lot of skillshots.
This more than nothing is a skill matchup. A little tip is when an atrox grabs you with his pull you use E to not have a bad trade.
Try to fight him when you know he already use Q and you are in mega form
The_Real_Wickd says “Playing against Aatroxs is extremely difficult. You have to be able to mechanically outplay his Q's or you stand no chance. Generally you want Aatrox to push you in. The trades you take is by dodging his first Q and afterwards taunting on him to dodge the 2nd Q. Do 1 or 2 hits and dodge the 3rd Q as best as you can. When going for minions it's important to not go in a straight line to take the minion. If you go in a straight line it's extremely easy for Aatrox to hit his Q or W on you. Try to do some cheeky sneaky moves around the minions before going for the last hit.”
TwistedDemon says “He shouldn't be a problem for you toplane, as long as you keep distance. Poke as much as you can, try to even get a kill at lvl 1 if he's stupid. ”
raede says “Aatrox, although he gets crushed early game can just outheal you so much. Once you get a bramble vest and you killed him once or twice pre level 6 you should be all set.”
jpaul2077 says “This is a skill match up, but currently Aatrox is very hard to duel 1v1. When aatrox q's, for the first 2 stay close to him to avoid the sweet spots and then try to walk away from the 3rd Q as it will be directly on the center of the champion. Or just run away and wait for the Q to go on cooldown. When he W's you, use E to either run away or fight back. Ignite will be key to winning early 1v1's. Remember that if he gets a kill/assist during his ultimate that he will revive!”
Runtley says “He can be annoying if he's fed. Wait for him to use his knock up then go in. Use electrocute so you can do the AA, Q, AA combo and get in that electro damage. Just keep doing that to survive. When going Aatrox you really just want to survive and not feed him because a fed Aatrox is scary.”
bocchicken says “Use Q movement speed to dodge Aatrox Q lvl 1, becomes harder from lvl 2 onwards. Consider an early bramble vest to cut his healing. he can't out-kite your iceborn + Q slow and if he's below 50% or below HP when you're lvl 6 you can just all-in him with R. ”
KingNklaus says “One of the most fun match ups in the game both of you can screw up Aatrox is a very uforgiving champion he can get major damage into you but all of his damage is outplayable ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Let's be honest here, Aatrox isn't a very good champion unless you're an experienced player. I enjoy the matchup, it's fun and easy to abuse. ( Rework coming soon though! O: )”
Reformed Ravi says “pretty annoying, buy antiheal and wait for him to use his dash then use w. if he is in your w, go in it with him for the first 2 activations of his q. Then walk out for his third one. If you do this you shouldnt get hit by the sweet spot. Remember that your level one and two is very weak.”
RetiredPykeMain says “This one is controversial cuz a good aatrox will always be a huge threat to you but let's be honest if you're into these guides you're gold and below so low elo aatrox players tend to be not so great, always dodge his q knockup spots before you want to trade.”
Rime101 says “Build Seeker’s after protobelt if enemy jungler is AD.
Dodging first Q is most important thing.
If he hits you with W run sideways to get out of it!
When he ults instead of running and letting him get free damage on you, KILL HIM if you can. He does not have a revive anymore unless he gets a kill!
Alekra says “Depends heavily on you being able to move unpredictable. If you can dodge his Q you will win trades. Take Bramble Vest early to counter his healing. Ignite may also help.”
Toliam says “A scary matchup - high amount of sustain during fights and enough base stats to tank burst prior to items. Care for level 6 fights. If you survive his combo you will win.
The problem is, you need three individual items to beat Aatrox. You need Oblivion Orb, you need Seeker's Armguard, and you need Liandry's Anguish. This is 5k gold, which is not quick to get.
Rylai's second into Morello Zhonya.”
Erenando says “His healing is strong enough to heal back your Q dmg, but he isn't as much of a threat as Darius is. At some point in mid game you can deal with him if you played safe. You can also ask for some ganks pre 6, since he has a weak early game.”
lulw says “Aatrox is a pretty easy matchup for sett. Executioners is very helpful against him. His healing is really high at 6 so be careful. You win trades with him as long as you dodge his third Q. You can pull him out of his dash so if he tries to get away, he aint getting away. You should win 1v1's with bork and executioners. ”
ToinoEscaca says “If you are still new playing Tahm Kench, it can be stressful playing against Aatrox. He does a good amount of damage, and lvl.6 powerspike can be game changing. So, make sure that when he gets lvl.6 you have Bramble Vest and counter his R with Devour, to spend some time of that ultimate.
When he's using Q, walk towards him, you'll win the trade.”
shoupi says “he has good sustain just don't get hit by q or you are getting chunked pretty hard, try to e out of his first 2 q's and most of the time when his w connects you're not escaping and probably will have to use flash”
GrGamingTeo says “Just dodge his skillshots and you will be fine. 90% of the time Aatrox will use: Q, Q-E, Q, AA and if he manages to pull off that combo you are dead. Once he uses his 2nd Q, you can E, AA, W, ghost immediately because you will have 3 stacks on him and he will not be able to hit his 3rd Q because of his slow and you will have ghost and movement speed to run far enough so he won't hit you with his 3rd Q even if he flashes, then you all-in him and he dies. After lv6 if you don't have a Bramble Vest or an Executioner's Calling he is giong to run full speed at you and heal through everything that you throw at him especialy if he lands his Q properly.”
4fun Player says “If the Aatrox is really bad its pretty easy you just dodge the first Q and pool with e the second one and he loses half his hp.
Stay back 20 seconds and you kill him with the second one but this matchup is not winnable if the Aatrox or rather you re going to chain feed because he can bait your pool with his W and dive you directly after that.
Phaserush or you die horribly if he hits 1 Q”
HoftheGreed says “Aatrox es un campeón que no debería darte muchos problemas (nuevamente, depende de la persona que lo utilice, pero aun así, tenemos cierta ventaja). De lo que hay que estar atento es de sus Q, durante los primeros dos lanzamientos, hay que aprovechar para castigar a Aatrox por lo que hay que mantenernos pegados a el, pero para su tercer lanzamiento, hay que tratar de aturdirlo con la E antes de que la ejecute y con suerte, no podrá lanzarla o mientras trata de atinarla después del aturdimiento, posicionarse alado o detrás de el. Es recomendable rushear la Vesta Espinosa para evitarlos problemas con su curación excesiva y estar atento a cuando utiliza su E para entrar o esperarnos y que no nos de con su W.”
Hypnosa says “He can cancel your Q with his Q and W . In early game he is total nightmare for you. But if you farm and stack up armor he is just a super minion in mid game.”
Olaf Only says “Before 6 try and poke as much as possible, you can fight him if he uses his Q's on the minionwave or if his passive is down.
After 6 you outdamage him, but he gets movespeed which makes it hard to chain your Q's. If you land everything you win, but if you miss one you're usually doomed. Executioner's Calling - Must Buy!”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Start W. You can take one poke from his Q then W him to get your hp back after his Q is on cooldown. His early game is pretty weak - so you should have control over the wave. You can take E level 2 and hookshot onto him when he should still be level 1. All you have to do in this matchup is take small trades with your grasp and try not to all in him when he his above 50% hp. If you ever hookshot onto him while he has his abilities off cooldown he can easily kill you after he lands his W so be careful. During the early game just look to W him for hp and walk up to Q him or hookshot onto him for a short aa-Q-Q trade while his Q is on cooldown. Once you have your Divine Sunderer you pretty much win and he should be very scared. Walking side to side when his Q and E are up can help you dodge his Q. When his Q2 and E are up, you can walk towards him because most Aatrox players will expect you to walk away and they'll miss their Q2 sweet spot.
During an all in you should look to dodge his 3rd Q with your R. Also, you can cancel the pull of his W with your E as long as your E is still in the air. ”
tasie456s says “Take phase rush. you are too mobile for him to consistently hit his sweet spot qs, meaning his main damage and healing is gone, but if he gets onto you its not very fun. Swap morellos out for an item, or get your team to build more grevious wounds. ”
SpyDaFX says “dodge his stuff and it's pretty easy to kill him before level 6. all of your kit counters his if you play it well (it's a skill matchup). go conqueror, doran's shield is recommended if you're not that good of a Renekton.”
Ravenborne says “Depends on if you let him hit his CC chain on you and if he manages hit all three of his Q's on you. If he does you are most likely not going to win that fight. Be sure to stick to him when you do engage onto him so he does not have the opportunity to hit his first two Q's onto you. If you get a small edge pre 6 you should be fine afterwards.”
mobsterplatypus says “Killing Aatrox quickly is key. Carry ignite, rush bramble vest, and try to engage with a gank. Both Aatrox and Mordekaiser are juggernauts of sustain, and for the most part the matchup can go either way. It's easy to escape W with boots and passive MS so its not that big of a deal, but he can dodge your E very easily. Go riftmaker and fight it out, because if there's no grevious wounds involved it will take a while. go steelcaps here”
Mr.Kovacic says “Wont let you stack as well. If you do fight him, be sure to ult and get in his face so he cant crit you with his Q. Hes helpless then”
Sidarius says “I really dont like Aatrox his 3 bumps makes getting close really annoying , rush tabis and anti heal.At lvl 6 you can kill him after he use q , pop ghost and all in.”
Kil4fun says “W out of his chains. He will always do more damage than you until 25ish minutes into the game. You need an oblivion orb into him. Just try to CS with Q.”
Jaborsh says “He will just heal up the damage you poked him with, so you will have to wait for your jungle for this one...... only if he 1v2s with the insane healing? ”
Bear24 says “After 6 the heals on aatrox are actually broken. So buy bramble. You win before 6 if you dodge his q's. If you are ahead you after 6 can still lose so... At lvl 14 dodge his q and you can out sustain”
TheMrDarkness says “If you will dodge all his Qs you should win the trade very easli, try to fight him when his W is down and rush executioner's and enjoy free lane ^-^”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Aatrox spanks, HARD. You've got to be really good at dodging his Q's and W to win trades and even then if he R's just dip. Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcap are highly recommended here. Try and survive your lane and in team fights do your utmost to peel him away (By goo-flinging him and whatnot).
Your W cancels his ability to E.
Moved to a Major threat from Extreme due to his recent nerfs. (Which seem to keep on coming, RIP Aatrox)”
Whobick says “Aatrox is a hard match up. His lifesteal is superior to yours. His passive makes this lane just that much harder. You can poke with Undertow (Q) but that's about all. He is somewhat weak early but his passive makes up for it. Just don't feed and try to get ganks from your jungler.”
ModelitoTime says “This matchup really depends on how well your enemy can play Aatrox really, do your best to dodge his Q dodge the first Q by going either left or right, dont run from it because he will E while doing his first Q and it will hit you, E him right when he casts his 2nd Q. That is probably the most effective way of trading with Aatrox. Since you have a range advantage over Aatrox you can poke him down aswell. If he hits you with his W just E to the side and you will escape it.”
kingchas2 says “Easily kite-able. You can use your R to block his 3rd Q damage and leave him without any kill pressure. Once you are 6 you can just bully him. Use your W to escape his W and dodge his Q's.”
nvckxwsky says “Aatrox beats riven pretty hard in 1-3 lvl.
Dodge his q's with ur q and e and rush executioner asap, ignite is pretty handy in this matchup.
His w is on really high cooldown (~20s at 1 rank).”
I Am Goliath says “This guys laning is just STRONG, nothing necessarily counters you as camille and I've actualy won this matchup a decent amount but it really depends on how well you position in this lane and if you dodge his Q's, if you ever get hit by a full combo then you're pretty much chunked out of lane, just try to take value trades with your shield and sidestep his Q's, worse comes to worse you can always E away from him and there's not much he can do. You 100% beat him in the splitpush later on since he falls off pretty decently.”
xxskipskipxx says “wait for lvl 3 for trades! let him use his q first and while his q is casting engage on him with your q!
If you are having troubles try to dodges his Q's especially the red parts and farm up safely!”
Dannala says “Top: An easy to poke champ. High AoE with his Q aside he's very immobile and besides his third Q it's easy to dodge and just damage him with spiderlings while he's casting. Third Q can be Rappeled as well as his pull.
Jungle: Invading an Aatrox is simple if you know where he started and where he will be at his lowest without a level up in sight.
An invading Aatrox is as easy as top.
Late: His ult gives him a bit more mobility but generally has the same weaknesses you can exploit but your spiderlings will die easier.”
ZergDood says “It should be a skill matchup, but like Illaoi, once you understand the character well enough, it becomes extremely easier. Try to dodge his Q, and NEVER get hit by his 3rd Q. it's fine if you get hit by the first 2 procs, but the third one will make you lose the trade. Once his dash is on cooldown (you can W it), he's a sitting duck. Be aware of his ult, it's a big powerspike for him. Rush Bramble!”
Heckin says “Lol, I can't with this champ, just dont even try to fight him, he f**** you up in all trades, just play pasively, or you can roam to help other lanes, then come back to your lane to get some farm.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “Fácil de ganhar apenas dar stun no ultimo q dele caso não use o q fica trocando com ele ate ficar low life se fizeres a minha build vais sempre ganhar nas trocas contra aatrox!”
OmegaDelta000 says “Aatrox has a lot of healing even after buying Grievous Wounds, but you can win in the late game. Just survive early game, ask for ganks if possible.”
RedNBlue says “Aatrox is very easy to kite, his pull in yes will be a possible problem but it can also be escaped from a good amount of the times too.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Aatrox can be quite discusting die to his heal and utility. However you will be fine as long as you can dodge his Q knockups as you can escape his cage fairly easy”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “You can really mess him up pre-6 and rush bramble and steel plates to mitigate his damage and healing. Frostfire Gauntlet or Turbo Chemtank”
Raideru says “This matchup is Jax favored, u want to avoid getting hit by his passive lvl 1 and avoid getting hit by more than 1 q, once u get push u want to jump on him and auto him and don't proc your e unless he autos cose then u can jump him again during the lvl 2 timer. This matchup is generally easy for jax after 1st reset, cose the way u play it is you jump on him auto w e auto walk away with fleet speed and chip him down like that slowly. I advise Fleet with Dblade start into Sheen + Boots rush.”
LeSocair says “You can totally mess with him in lane, after all the changes he's got. He will heal a lot during it and move fast as hell though, avoid fights against his R if you're not ahead enough.”
TioKirb says “Aatrox is a powerful laner against Lillia, it is one of the only champions that I fail to scare at level 1. Play relatively safe and farm until you get 800g for an Oblivion Orb. After that, he