Bottom Lane 51.01% Win Rate64% Pick RateZiggs Bottom Lane Counters: 15 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ziggs in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
notSUSnaSUS says “Lot of people will pick it against you without, any succes. You out Evolve him.”
Shindeiruwu says “you win hard before he has first back and buys any ap items. Then you better dodge every ability or he will just one shot you. Make sure not to leave him alone in side lanes as he will execute all your turrets :C”
rowzkit says “He outranges you (and every other ADC) by a lot, so fighting is often not possible. Try your best to avoid his Q's as they're the main source of his damage. Avoid trading unless it's an all in, as there is close to no chance you'll be able to outtrade him (if you can even reach him in the first place), and ensure that you have your E or Flash to disengage.”
Kociokwik says “most of the times you can't kill him on a lane so take tp and scale for free. It's a coin flip who gets better team same situation with sivir”
Foxirion says “Ziggs' AoE damage and zoning potential can complement Kog'Maw's sustained damage output. Ziggs' ability to control space, provide poke, and burst down targets can create opportunities for Kog'Maw to deal damage.”
afr0rk says “It's a matter of who can dodge more skillshots. Don't stand in the wave so he has to choose between pushing and poking. NEVER leash, try to push as hard as you can and get Priority. ”
loaderdragon15 says “Ziggs is one of the worst champs to play Ezreal into, he can burst you before you can burst him. The long range provided by his spammable Q makes it almost impossible to reach.”
Vapora Dark says “Ziggs plays entirely through his spammable Q with far too much range for you to fight back, on top of having insane zone control from his E and insane disengage in his W. There is little chance of winning this lane if you don't have a hook support such as Blitzcrank.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “another artillery mage, 1 of draven's hardest matchups, sit back and try your best to live laning, look for all-ins only. Make sure his blast-charge (knock-up) is down before you decide whether you want to flash for him or not. If he's low enough to 1 auto go for it, if not you're better off just hoping he walks back in and makes the same mistake. Vamp scepter early into this is a must if you have 0 lane agency, if you can't find an opening just bite the bullet and buy it, it'll save you a headache.”
the hood says “Can refuse to lane vs you and force u to just farm either getting pushed in or him pushing. Try to push him in and try avoid letting him push since he can take turrets really fast. Try to find allin windows when his W is on CD.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Annoying to deal with btu shouldn't be much proiblem. If you dodge his W and Q you can all In him(with a good engage support).Try to bait his Q in lane ”
Hidden Ghoster says “Don't let Ziggs land his poke on you because you will get punished in lane severely. You win this matchup but avoid unnecessary poke. ”
Lachoni1 says “Ziggs will want to afk farm and take towers. If you have engage you can look to kill him but if your support goes for an enchanter you will not be very happy in lane.”
slendoooo says “Ziggs is the hardest Mage matchup for Draven on bot, besides his insane scaling and pushing capability he's often really annoying and can easily win short trades vs you by using his Q, W and Passive Damage.
He also can use his E to de-engage on you and make you miss axes.
To counter all this always look for a fake engage first so he ends up wasting his E, then follow up with your real engage to kill him.
A video example of Ziggs-Draven
(To be made)”
KnobHobbler says “Play out of wave and you will be fine.
Take sustain runes with ghost.
You win the 1v1 so hard.
Keep constant pressure on him so he doesn't get a gazillion towers.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
m1NEEX says “From AP Mages on bot Ziggs is probably easiest for Jinx, since he lacks burst and his poke can be dodged easily and you outscale him. You can try to all in him but it's not easy thanks to his W. You outscale him hard, so no need to force any fights that aren't worth it.”
Kitqsune says “You'll need shield, bone plating, and second wind in my opinion. His poke is heavy and you won't be able to get on him much due to his w. Just be safe.”
Warui430 says “Ziggs is playable against but only because of supports.
The best thing to do into Ziggs is play slow and safe until he uses his W and his E.”
TangsterinE says “Has higher burst but lacks the traditional "consistant damage" that traditional ADCs have. Still, a tough matchup because of how busted APCs are in current meta.”
wardinbush says “Just like other ap botlaners, just annoying. his w can mess with your stacks and the location where your q is gonna land makes it easier to land his.”
Valhalla Coach says “If he has to recall before he has Lost Chapter his game becomes much harder. He will perma push you under tower leaving him very weak to ganks, if he doesn't get a lead you'll be more useful later in the game. Matchup can be very hard or just annoying depending on supports”
ASneakySausage says “Threat level somewhere in between 3 and 4. He outranges with his Q, but if you can dodge and get up close, there isn't much he can do.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Ziggs would be the #1 most popular botlane mage in the meta and his only goal is to poke and bully you out of lane so he can take all of your towers and win the game
◉ He will try to poke you with [[Bouncing Bomb]] when you walk near the minion wave so be sure to have some space so it becomes very hard for him to hit you. If you hug a minion then he’ll just hit the minion and the splash damage will hit you so keep that in mind.
◉ His setup against you since you’re immobile will be [[Satchel Charge]] into [[Hexplosive Minefield]]. He can knock you up in the air for a bit and chooses from which angle this will happen so keep that in mind since [[Ziggs]] players love to use [[Satchel Charge]] to push you back into his support and kill you!
◉ Win condition: Do your best to not get poked early. You want to farm up till you can get [[Noonquiver]] in your first recall since after that you’ll have enough damage to permanently push the waves back into [[Ziggs]] and keep him away from taking your tower!!!!
I Am Not u says “I hate APCs with a passion. But Ziggs is a massive letdown. Ziggs can poke you, but what can he do when you jump on him? He can use his satchel charge, sure, but then what? Just walk in a different direction that where his Q is coming from and don't walk into the minefield. Build a Wit's End if you're not to confident.”
Vixylafoen says “Annoying and strong. Long range, tons of mana, hard hitting poke, and high pushing power. Put him behind early or he'll be doing a ton.”
Coldsong says “Similar to Syndra, Ziggs is super annoying to face as Samira. He outranges you by far with his Q poke and his disengage with his W is amazing. His Satchel Toss and passive allow him to push towers very quickly, and his ultimate can easily finish you off. I would get a lot of early magic resist and try to W his W since the knockback can be annoying.”
Doody_tco says “He will deal damage with his abilites and poke Miss Fortune to death, even when trying to escape his abilities and reach closer to him, he can escape and save himself”
163 Keldaaas says “Da du keine Möglichkeit hast, Antiheal zu bauen, und Ziggs dich permanent einpusht, kannst du die Lane nicht spielen wie du es solltest und wirst auf kurz oder lang outscaled.”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Ziggs can provide very strong poke and be a general nuisance in lane but shouldn't be able to kill you as long as you have hands. It is very likely though that, unless he has a weak support, he will take your tower and scale faster than you thanks to tower plating. Be aware of this and you should be fine.”
Chaeha says “Ziggs greatly outranges Kai'Sa, but not as hard as the other ap bot laners as it's easier to dodge these skillshots in my opinion. However, it might be necessary to take Magic Resist runes against ziggs bot.”
yers says “Spammy artillery mage, but his abilities are relatively easy to avoid. Going off of a long range E stun will greatly help you set up a combo.”
HyroPyro says “Ziggs has long range poke and excellent waveclear. He can poke you under turret and escape ganks easily with his Satchel Charge (W). This matchup is highly support dependant in order to gain lane priority.”
im_zeno says “Ziggs is currently the best bot lane in my opinion, but Yasuo counters him same with mid. Play safe till lvl 2-3 depending on your support, don't get poked too hard, dodge his Q without getting close to the minion wave, wind wall to deny his escape with his satchel, E out of the middle of his ult to avoid the max damage, E out of his bombs.”
Elresser says “Has poke from a big range and has safety with his W. Play safe with your W healing until level 3, and try to look for all ins with your support. You can win all ins with your ult.”
Alvatorz says “I. HATE. THIS. CHAMP.
Seriously, he was already good in botlane without the recent buffs but now with the AP on his Qs and the speed of his R, he's a real problem for every botlaners, especially Aphelios. Ban him. BAN HIM.”
DoublefeedOP says “Ziggs isn't a threat at all, his only threat is his amazing waveclear. He's pretty much going to be matching you and you'll outscale him later because you're playing an ADC. Use your mid-game powerspike to edge your lead over him and win the game!”
DoublefeedOP says “He will output a ton of pressure permapushing the wave, there isn't much you can do so just take it and hope your jungler comes. Since he outranges you, you can try a cheeky flash E into a wall for an engage.”
DoublefeedOP says “If you all in him, he can just W beneath himself and make your trades worthless. Be very careful when you go in and only go in if you have him CC'd or can dodge his abilities.”
Shouryuu Reppa says “Eto buwisit talaga 'to kapag 'to yung ginamit na support ng kalaban, ang hirap makalapit, chachane-chane-in ka lang ng skill nya, lakas pa bumawas..”
NMFO says “Ziggs can zone you out with his bouncing bomb very well, and his trap bombs can be placed in ways that make it difficult to find angles from. ”
Mid Lane 49.15% Win Rate29% Pick RateZiggs Mid Lane Counters: 1 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ziggs in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Ziggs is just not gonna let you do anything to him before 6 after level 6 try to either play teamfights for obj roam etc.Also play with arcane comet and teleport against ziggs cause he outranges you a lot.”
xumi_k says “At first it can be hard, especially if you don't know his kit. He can disengage you and throw bombs in a wave, not letting you Q on minions. Easier to kill in early game. If you manage to get to him he's dead, but Ziggs usually try to stay as far as possible, as he prefers ranged fights, throwing his abilities from afar, so roam or all-in him from behind.”
zSmoke says “Ziggs is another annoying character, he will always be poking you but at any moment he has to move out of position to take down the tower. I recommend waiting until he doesn't have W because he cancels your reset, other than that you can burst him very easily.”
Tamikaze says “Ziggs has a hard time hitting you due to your long range and you have a hard time hitting him due to his long range. It's a relatively even matchup, but you have higher DPS in teamfights and duels, making you the better champ. If you see him use W, that's your window to just dash into him and do damage. Just play around his cooldowns and it's a free lane. Additionally, remember to keep the wave pushed out, because Ziggs wants to get to your tower to destroy your plates and eventually get first tower gold. That's his entire identity.”
j4ss says “There is nothing he can do to avoid your poke, once you get statikk you can counter his pushes, I like to go teleport against him to protect turrets, but that's optional. bt third after a crit a item is good to bare his poke.”
Tatsurion says “Artillery mages are by default cunts to deal with, and for some reason this guy i just find to be the worst of the bunch? Same as velkoz and xerath, trading with him is usually a bad idea, since you waste a lot of mana to do so, but overall late game is in your hands, but youll have to deal with a very annoying laning phase.
Burst goes well if the comp allows”
Xc1Mare says “Зигс это тТристана и Талия вместе взятые .Он взял всё самое худшее от них обоих.
1 - Его W даёт ему гарант того что вы не полетите в него с W так как он откинет и задамажит вас + улетит от вас сам.
2 - ОГРОМНЫЙ урон по площади .Все его кнопки наносят урон на большой дистанции и по области .вы будете практически всегда без пассивки и без возможности ответить своей Q
3 - Башни Зигс просто не замечает .как и тристана способен оставить вас без первой башни очень рано ,из-за чего его нельзя оставлять на линии одного
4 - Зигс очень хорошо убивает крипов и из-за 2 пункта ,вы не сможете забирать пачки крипов раньше него ,ведь это грозит вам большими потерями хп.
Игра против Зигса привязывает вас к башне и не даёт возможности смещения из-за вечного запуша ,играйте ТОЛЬКО от ганга лесника и покупайте щит дорана”
GreenReapers says “Any page. Tho First strike can be hard to get off reliably due to his range.
I haven't played the matchup in quite a while, but theoretically speaking, D-shield makes sense if you aren't good at dodging his Q, his main poke. Otherwise going Long Sword is preferred by me.
Getting on Ziggs is the only challenge in the matchup. He'll outrange you, tho not so hard as other artillery mages. Playing around his W takes a few tries of practice, but is definetly doable.
The usual lane pattern will be, that he pushes into you, you throw poke at him and catch as much cs as possible. Killing him early game is very hard if he doesn't waste his abilities, so you'll have to sit back and take it.
If you swap into him, he'll use his W to get away or E to slow you and has a window to poke you for free. You can engage more easily if E or W are down for waveclear, but he can stay extremely safe, so hard to kill. If he messes up be sure to capitalize off of it. Getting ahead in this matchup means you can steamroll him and use your pressure across the map.
If you time it well post 6 you can use your R to dodge his W explosion and follow him at the same time. Otherwise holding W until after the explosion occurs is a good option.”
support_diff says “Ziggs is a mage with a really strong poke and abilities that are somewhat easy to hit. However, he is really squishy and can die to you easily. Trade as much as you can to get him down and stomp him. Don't stay too close to minions so he can't hit you with his Q”
vitya331 says “Ziggs has a lot of poke but it is not that hard to dodge his Qs and he is very squishy and you can poke him with couple Qs and all in after, but be careful because he can cancel your all in with his W.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA / Fleet] Ziggs doesnt have too much threat on you just dont stand inside of your minions as his Q is way easier to hit that way. Be aware that he can W you away if you E straight into him.”
sick204 says “Respect Ziggs's poke and area control with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Ziggs's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Ziggs's ability to push waves quickly and chip away at turret health with his passive. Utilize Wind Wall to block Ziggs's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and damage output. Engage on Ziggs when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Ziggs's crowd control and magic damage.”
otaliz says “Ziggs' strength lies in the destructive power he has against turrets, so if you use your ultimate to go side lanes, he can destroy your turret with his passive and W. Ziggs can use his ultimate on the river and hit the side lane, so be aware of that when you use your ultimate.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA / Fleet] Ziggs doesnt have too much threat on you just dont stand inside of your minions as his Q is way easier to hit that way. Be aware that he can W you away if you E straight into him.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Ziggs doesn't really have kill pressure on you... if you try to match his push you pretty much nullify him. Ask some help from your jungler if he pushes too much.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank. Once he gets too much waveclear for you to punish, just look to push and invade jungle or roam to other lanes.
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank. I would recommend phase rush in this matchup, but you can take first strike if you just want to scale.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots and take fleet in this matchup.”
Soft Headpats says “Similar to Xerath and Lux; this lane is all about dodging skillshots. Consider rushing T2 boots to help with this. Your poke and waveclear are stronger than his, so as long as you avoid his poke this lane should be straightforward. His Q has a decent AoE and low CD, so be careful standing too close to minions - especially if they're low health - as a good Ziggs will use the minion wave to catch you with the AoE. If you step up too far, Ziggs can W you into a bad position due to how quickly it comes out so be careful of that.
Be mindful of your wave if you decide to roam. Ziggs can push and take plates and turrets incredibly quickly if he's left alone. ”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs is relatively strong in lane but if you dodge his skillshots you should be fine. Rushing T2 boots can help a lot. Try play for ganks and skirmishes.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down.
ShokLoL says “As long as you can dodge Ziggs skillshots you should find this matchup to be pretty easy as you both outpoke and outwaveclear him. Consider rushing T2 boots - normally sorc shoes - to help avoid his poke.”
vSomnia says “Don't stand close to minions to dodge his Q's. When he used Q for cs or missed you look to make a trade. Do this a few times and you might solo kill or get his recall.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Ziggs just try don't stay near your cs making you taking dmg from his Q splash, try to bait his W so after that he can't run away from you, like Xerath he will take advantage of his long range abilities so dodge them and you get a free trade”
Kikife says “Make sure you are taking TP here as Ziggs is a turret destroyer and will get ahead early if he's able to take your turret, so make sure that you keep it healthy and keep the wave pushed so that he cannot break it down.
Be wary of R ganks on your teammates and ping when he's missing for them to back away.
Other than this he has no real kill potential as his main damaging ability is so easy to dodge that it's comical.”
vreiki says “Um bom Ziggs vai te pokear demais e abusar da vantagem de alcance. Um ótimo ziggs, vai colocar o TNT no seu pé e te jogar pra longe impedindo de usar o E pra dar engage ou fugir.”
gaarrett says “Can keep you off of him and will constantly be poking you down. If you roam, he takes your turret without trying. You can E2 if he tries to jump away and it'll catch him, giving you a chance to trade. [4/5] ultimate, I always forget how insane the range on this thing is. ”
149Gray says “Don't stay in the wave, that's the only way for him to consistently hit Q's on you. Other than that, just farm can't really poke him unless he makes a mistake.”
ImVoxxX says “Just dodge his Q's and bait his W.
All- in him when he wastes his W.
Crash the waves and roam, he'll push the waves and destroy your tower when you're not there.”
XD001 says “Ziggs can be difficult due to his early poke and suprising damage at all stages of the game. If you E on top of him, he can W away from you and kite you, winning the trade. Only go in if your W lands on top of him or you manage to get 2 passive stacks from Q poke. After rocketbelt this becomes more more playable and you can be more aggro to chunk him and kill him with. Just farm up to that point and you'll be fine mid-late game. In team fights, look for flanks to one shot him so you don't eat poke while standing with your team.
take Elec + sorcery page or Hail of blades”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Same thing here, but if he wants to farm all the time under tower he will be able and you won't be able to kill him, but if so, you have total control of lane, you can invade, rotate, you can do whatever you want.
Lo mismo aquí, pero si quiere farmear todo el tiempo debajo de la torre, podrá y tú no podrás matarlo, pero si es así, tienes control total del carril, puedes invadir, rotar, puedes hacer lo que quieras.”
KazunaSan says “ziggs mid est faible car il a du push mais aucun potentiel de kill, vous allez l'outsustain , l'out roam et votre push rivalise avec le sien après les 8 min de jeu, cherchez à faire valoir cet avantage sur la map et les objectifs.”
FrostbiteMW says “Very high damage, a good Ziggs can easily kill you with one combo. He is super squishy however, take that weakness to your advantage. His whole kit surrounds long range abilities, so he has an advantage in range.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After a few levels the poke will be annoying tho and you will suffer alot. Build boots fast and try to dodge as much as u can.”
Wizboy73 says “Take poke runes or experimental runes, abuse him early, later he can instaclear waves and its hard to get a kill on him, you do outscale though. ”
Halkem says “Too much poke and clear wave for you to deal with early. Look to survive and scale, since it gets a little bit easier when you reach your power spikes. Mind his ultimate when roaming or going for plays. His W can cancel your R, so care.”
Iceyou says “Take tp he is annoying and DODGE the bombs . Rush chapter , ignore him at fights and kill his entire team he cant hurt you since you spend most of the fight during invulnerability with R and zhonyas and he is incredibly good at poking but very weak at all ins . ”
The Milelator says “Ziggs is at the moment the best midlaner in my opinion. A very good ban in general, since he is a very good blind pick for mid and bot. You can't really push waves vs him or trade him properly, unless he is bad or significantly worse than you. Play for team or ask jgler for help. If he has no W up, you can trade him or all in him. He also has early mana problems, try to wait out until he has no mana and then start trading + pushing.”
bloomer010 says “Ziggs heavily out-ranges you, which can be difficult for Veigar. If Ziggs is accompanied by a team of long-range champions, consider taking the Predator keystone rune to hunt them down. ”
WarwicksSimp says “A good ziggs isn't possible to kill but you usually can't die to him and can just answer his push anytime you want 1v1. You're more useful in teamfights if played correctly, and tank build is good here if your team has carries.”
FrostbiteMW says “Long range poke champ. Its hard to play against that since you have low range. Once youre somehow close and dodge his CC you can kill him. Besides that play safe and dodge everything you can. ”
support_diff says “Try to farm and dodge his poke with your E and when he uses his minefield, you can try to trade him. His ultimate is really good for securing kills”
Wraithlander says “Heavy poke champ. Consider early boots to avoid his bombs. You can't really roam too much against Ziggs otherwise he will just take your entire tower by 10 minutes. Max Q to match wave clear and abuse his lack of mobility when trading. If he Es or Ws aggressively engage onto him.”
Zero macro says “Xerath and Kog'Maw are both poke mages, Ziggs has more range earlier on than Kog'maw. This is a very even matchup that is based on skillshots and wave push.
Recommended to take teleport”
Rarnetto2 says “Ziggs is a nasty matchup for Zeri in lane, as he can push and poke well from level 1. When you roam he pushes hard and can siege turrets extremely well. You have to try and avoid his abilities and hope he runs out of mana in lane. Given its hard to roam, you may need to stay in lane and get all ins on him with the help of the jungler.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3 ”
Braimyy says “Really tough match up if the ziggs is good, he can control the lane very very well and is one of the most oppressive match ups I've played so far. But nobody plays him~”
V1kt0r555 says “[Don't let him outrange you and don't let him push your lane]
[Don't stand on his W and E]
[Avoid getting hitted by his center on his R]”
freuio123 says “Ziggs ist ähnlich wie die ganzen super Longrange Matchups - er outpushed und outpoked dich und ist sehr schwer zu catchen.
Wenn du hier ahead gehst kannst du ihn aber 24/7 einfach runterlaufen auf jeder Ulti.
Ansonsten kannst du aber entspannt early cs nehmen und auf 6 mit Jungler für Kills schauen.
Anguish333 says “- Same as xerath, you won't really lane vs this, he will just perma push you, and all you can do is dodge spells
- Free kill whenever he wastes W
- He can Throw every ability on himself when engaging so be careful of it”
Zeusman00 says “If you can't dodge his Q's this matchup is incredibly hard, but he can be caught out extremely easily. If he tries to use his satchel charge to get away, you can place your Miasma on him and his satchel will not actually knock him up”
Painters says “He has the ability to out poke you. Don't stand near minions since that will allow him to farm them and damage you with the splash damage.”
Cryniu says “It's very hard to poke him, keep your distance and clear the wave. This match is like Xerath but Ziggs doesn't have stun so Mercury's are not good. Play with your team to negate his poke.”
TB Azir says “Her ne kadar Ryze, Orianna, Viktor gibi control magelerden biri olsa da 12371831 vuran 10 mana isteyen ve 3 saniyede bir spamladığı aptal skill'i Q'suyla zaman zaman Lux'tan beter hissettiren üst üste 2 oyun oynamak istemeyeceğim bir matchup. Eşleşmeyi sinir bozucu hale getiren asıl şey Ziggs'in, Azir'i Azir yapan özelliklerin başında gelen ''range'', ''lane push'', ''poke'' gibi şeylerin hepsine sahip olması. Ziggs için Vel'Koz matchup'ının zor hali de diyebilirim aslında. Dolayısıyla yapmanız gereken en önemli şey 3 saniyede bir attığı 12397137213 vurup 10 mana harcayan Q'larını dodgelemak. Flashı yokken şımarıp sizi kule altınızda dürtmek isterse de bi insec ve free 300 gold.
Rün: Fleet”
darkezmond says “An unpleasant matchup because of the range of his spells, avoid long trades with him, when his spells in cd, poke your W=>Q, W=>R, Q=>E, after 6 lvl, avoid clashes with him”
Fantasygamer02 says “Ziggs counters Ivern thematically and can be extremely oppressive in laning phase. His AOE damage makes it extremely hard for Ivern to play the game since Ivern only has a single-target shield. Moonstone still helps a bit, but Ziggs easily out damages the healing. You need to win the game very early before Ziggs can finish his core items and start dishing out insane amounts of damage that you cannot deal with. I also recommend rushing Mikael's, or at least a Negatron Cloak, before buying redemption for the MR and CC removal for his minefield.”
Deru says “Easy matchup because he's a pretty immobile mage if he cannot use his dash out ability. W him and lock him down with the help of your jungler early on. Shoving and roaming isn't suggested if he's able to push too cause he will shred your plates easily.”
Deru says “Easy matchup because he's a pretty immobile mage if he cannot use his dash out ability. W him and lock him down with the help of your jungler early on. Shoving and roaming isn't suggested if he's able to push too cause he will shred your plates easily.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand carefully. He often throws his skills, you can leave his bomb that ricochets off the ground with his W. His E throws little bombs that slow down. His W, reclines from the center of the back, and can destroy the tower with 25% health. Its R acts over a larger area, so be careful with a small number of hp.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Doran Shield]
[Mythic: prowler]
[Dont let him poke you to low HP] [Farm till 6] [Dont let him push he have insane push + he can instakill towers] ”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Ziggs is simply an annoying poke champion, and he can also knock you away if you try to all in him. The tips against him is just to dodge his bombs, which isn't hard after you learn the spacing of it. ”
Demonsedge90 says “The name of the game versus Ziggs is to poke him down often and make sure to zone him off minions. Though with all his poke, walking up can be challenging when looking to poke him back. This matchup is best played by taking less damage, so you scale in the long run.”
Atemporal says “A única chance de Ziggs ganhar essa pista é se ele te cutucar com força no nível 1. Evite ser muito assediado no início. Se Ziggs tiver W up, geralmente não vale a pena trocar
com ele. Se você tem um slowpush em sua direção e tem hp muito alto, você pode trocar para forçar o W dele, então use a pressão para zoneá-lo. Não há problema em relaxar no início desta pista e apenas cultivar para Proto. Você pode empurrá-lo com força quando atingir o nível 4
e então use este prio para invadir o jg inimigo ou fazer jogadas pelo mapa. Após o nível 7 você continua recebendo pri. Ziggs provavelmente estará abraçando sua torre, então não faz sentido tentar abusar dele. Abuse de sua equipe e pressione o mapa,
mergulhe na bot lane e invada etc. Uma vez que você tenha o Proto, você pode começar a matar os Ziggs também. Ziggs nunca pode te matar 1v1 e ele nunca pode lidar com você 1v1. Jogue para a faixa lateral, depois agrupe e force Ziggs a ficar fora de posição.
Este confronto é basicamente o mesmo que o confronto Vel'Koz. Ziggs pode causar grandes danos em teamfights, mas ao flanquear e jogar na pista lateral, você pode facilmente chegar até ele e dar um tiro nele. Deve ser gg após 3 itens.”
SanyGame says “Getting kills on him will be difficult due to his range advantage, so your main objective is to try going even.
Place your turrets far away from the wave so that he can't Q them. If he shoves you in, he becomes more vulnerable to ganks.
Barrier/Teleport and early boots are recommended.”
Spoomk says “Annoying with his poke, but you should be able to dodge most of his abilities by engaging when he uses them, or bait them out and go in after. ”
GoodMangoes2war says “Ziggs is annoying, not difficult, Q spam will not be optimum but that's fine. take care with the ghanks as that's when Ziggs can get you.”
Adamonias says “On paper it's an even lane; in actuality, it's quite ziggs favored. He almost matches your range and his ult can even be MORE impactful in teamfights. He will throw his E whenever you charge Q and it will just ruin your day, he can even W your charge to stop the channel. He can also just ult on top of you when you R so watch out for that. All in all hard lane, early MR might help if you feel yourself getting bullied or falling behind. you actually do outscale him and can out teamfight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
SkyBanana says “Artillery mage Ziggs is of course annoying. Low CD spells and constant harass is guaranteed to be a hard lane. Remember you can beat him in team fights, but that doesn't mean he can't beat you in everything else.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
Body Those Fools says “Do your best to dodge his Qs; it's a bit slow and sometimes it even just goes over you. It's advisable to not roam without massive lane priority in this matchup. Ziggs can do alot of damage to your tower with his Passive and execute it with his W. Do your best to not let him push you in 24/7; if you lose mid tower, you will lose a lot of pressure on the map. Be aware his W, if timed perfectly, can cancel your drift (WEQ) while engaging or going for an escape. ”
KayyeN says “A very rare sight on midlane nowadays. His poke is annoying and you can't ever really siege a Ziggs, but as long as you play around his W and keep an E reset to dodge his R, you should be fine.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Stay away from minions as you want to keep Ziggs from farming and poking at the same time. Laning phase will be based on how well you can avoid his skillshots and how well you can capitalize on his overusage of abilities.
Mid/Late game
Ziggs starts to hurt you a ton so try to either blow him up early or keep him in lane while you snowball your team to a win. If he does get fed, don't try to engage solo as he is near impossible to reach unless you deal with the frontline first.”
Zoose says “Avoid standing next to minions or he will land his Q splash damage. He is all skillshots so early boots will help to dodge them. All in him any time you can catch him out. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Don't let him poke you for free]
[Don't stand on his mines]
[His W can destroy your 25% Health Tower so keep in mind]
[Don't stand on his R center at all]”
Esrucnl says “Very squishy and easy to kill. Can dodge every ability with your E, since it's a skillshot. You hit R he is probably dead.
However a small tip: you should ult before him after he used his explosive jump (W) since it makes him easier to kill. Try baiting it out with your combo's before you all in. Not needed though if you ult at the proper spot. (let's say close to your turret)”
Azurio says “Kinda chill lane. power farm until first back and level 6, then you can kill pressure him with both summs and R. Corrupt is fine and early trade are good, if you don't lose too much hp.”
beansoce says “Has a lot of wave clear and damage early, can't really get onto him because of his w. Try to farm early once one item you can one shot him.”
clytt says “I haven't seen a Ziggs mid in a very long time. I used to main this and his poking ability is an absolute nightmare. Once he get lost chapter, he'll bombard the living daylights out of us with an endless ability rotation.”
donidaking says “This matchup depends on the Vladimir player and how good he is.
Since he has so much range he can just farm safely he also has an escape with his W and if he goes barrier it s unlikely to kill him.
That being said his Q isn t hard to dodge so poke him as much as you can since he has no sustain.
If you can get him to use barrier early he s dead at level 6.
To help you dodge his abilities and get in range to poke him i suggest running Predator and buying boots first item if you kill him it s over.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “He can't really play the game against you. Just dodge his Q poke and this lane is a breeze. You can
put extra points in your E, similar to the Vlad matchup, since his W is such a long cooldown and it's his
only escape ability. He will also just perma shove the wave, so you can just free farm and scale.
Haydoslang says “The only way you lose this matchup is if you get poked out early, getting prio in the lane early should force him to use resources on the minions and lead to his inevitable doom”
Juon says “Has a lot of poke and control of the lane. Wait for 6 to try make plays on him, otherwise just whittle him down with q's. Run comet + max W second.”
soulentt says “Ziggs and his bombs are very strong, but if you will poke him and shield yourself continously, it will be fine. If he engages, poke him from safe distance.”
DabiDabi says “Ziggs is a easy lane but all of his abilities are so annoying. Q poke, E slow and AoE, and W knock. Dodge his skill shots combo him whenever you get the chance to. He is squishy and his fighting ability is useless if he doesn't hit all of his skills.”
Winter Nicole says “Ziggs: You can overpower them with your abilities by trapping them and Q them but he just have those bombs that's really annoying. (Recommend playing safe against Zigg players)”
ThePieBeam says “Artillery mage with a completely free knockup. He's mega squishy so if you can get ontop of him he's deadder that disco but that's just impossible because of his satchel charge. Just stack tear, take barrier, and play safe. Ask for some jg ganks but a good Ziggs won't go too far into lane at any time (unless he's killing a turret).”
Callmebee says “BOMBS AWAY! Ziggs is very good at poking others down however we can make it a bit harder for him: while usually I would stay behind my caster minions, this time you want to position yourself to the side so he doesn't get easy Q's. Take barrier for his all in potential or teleport if you want to make sure he doesn't take your tower early, as he is very good at that.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] This is one of the easiest matchups you will have. Don't hover around your minions so you can easily dodge Ziggs' bombs. Go in on repeat until you eventually kill him.”
lonestar1870 says “You kill him extremely easily since he is so squishy and is usually a little bit easier than Xerath and Velkoz.
He is pretty mana hugry, you can force him to go for a lot of trades and outsustain him early (if he goes dorans ring). Just make sure you don't trade autos when he has passive up.
Be careful roaming since he will take plates/towers very fast.
Electrocute and Comet are nice for better laning. Go PR if you need it for their jungler.
Teleport is a must into Ziggs due to his wave clear. Ignite is okay in lower ranks.
Rush boots so you can dodge his spells.”
Nafnegle says “Ziggs is very good at poking others down however we can make it a bit harder for him: while usually I would stay behind my caster minions, this time you want to position yourself to the side so he doesn't get easy Q's. ”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs is very easy to kill early with E max and ignite, you can either rush Wit's End or a vamp scepter in this matchup depending on the rest of their teamcomp.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Don't see ziggs much but he is pretty easy to deal with. Only way this lanes really an issue is if you get hit by all of the poke he throws at you which is pretty simple to dodge as long as you don't clump with the minions because his Q is a lot easier to dodge out of the wave. Don't dash into his mine field and dash out of the middle of his ulti to not get hit by the max damage of it. You can also windwall infront of him during an all in to try to deny him the satchel escape.”
Katawina52 says “Ziggs' base dmg is really high so if he hits 2 Qs early you're already 60% hp, so obviously not getting hit by his poke is key in this matchup. Dont stand near minions because his Q aoe explodes on minions so it's way easier for him to hit you. All ins aren't that easy too cuz of his knockup when you go in, but you can still do a fairly decent amount of damage by just standard trade comboing him and once you have your item spike you can probably look to perma kill him aswell. So just make sure you survive his early high dmg poke. Also dont roam too much vs a ziggs or he will take ur inhibitor tower in 15 mins. (can go d shield/second wind if u want to survive)”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting Potion because Intensive Poke and sustain is heavily needed. Biscuits MIGHT work too but I'd rather have Minion Dematerializer.
In Long Range Mages Matchups you have to try to understand their Q pattern and where they will cast it. They would generally want to either poke
you down to kill you or shove you out of the lane, but the matchup is not really impossible if you get boots and try to get close to them for a nice combo.Ziggs has the most oppressive wave clear with Q/E/R and he will demolish your towers if you roam too much, so create a balance. Allow him to take your tower only if you gank and get THEIR tower first on bot or top. Careful for Ziggs W, he can INSEC you and setup ganks for his jungler.
Try to be as non predictable as possible.
Get Minion Dematerializer.
Post 6 try to either get close on them with your ult and outplay with flash OR roam
bot faster than them and get kills. They will follow with their long range abilities but by the time they actually do something meaningful you should have sealead
the deal. This matchup is all about roaming and learning how to
properly dodge his poke on lane. It is okay if you do not get kills, but it is not ok to get killed especially since he cannot 100-0 you unless he's super fed.
Hullos says “Just worse Vel and Xerath, he has a harder time keeping you away as he escape is not good enough most of the time. A good Ziggs can make it feel bad but at least its not a good Xerath. Keep away from roams as he can decimate your tower. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “In this matchup it's crucial to understand how Ziggs Q works. It has bigger explosion radius, than "trigger" radius. That means that if he blows it up on minion, you might get damaged, which is how Ziggs mostly tries to harass you, but if you stand isolated from your minions, it should be fairly easy to avoid his Qs, because it literally has to jump on your face, to make it blow. Don't be too greedy and don't go into face to face all in trade, because thats where he can kite you over his mine field and finnish you off with his ult. Abuse the fact, that your skillshots are a bit more reliable than his ones.”
LunarVortex says “His poke is annoying but that's about it. Try to match his push with your W to prevent him from damaging your tower too much. Get early boots to dodge his poke.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Keep in mind Ziggs can ult botlane when he is in the river. Also keep in mind if you ult to sidelane he can destroy your turret with his W.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “You can outsustain his poke during teamfights look for where his ult is landing. Just can't get a good combo on him because of his W”
Fuzzmonkey says “Very very easy match up if you can dodge all of his Q's. He will most likely use his W to keep distance between you and him when you go in with your W. But if you manage to get your chain onto him whilst going in to him you should be able to out-trade him no matter what. Rinse and repeat. Same at level 6, using your chains will keep him from going anywhere.”
Fuzzmonkey says “A nice poke match up, dodge all of his Q's and try and he all your Q's. You both work the same way since you're disengage is your E, same with his time bomb. Make sure you play as aggressive as possible if he isn't able to hit his skillshots. ”
Aegox says “If he lands his E behind you, he will probably try to rush you, try to R away but if you can't you have a chance of hitting your E and getting away or killing him.”
ShokLoL says “Very free matchup, he can poke you out but unless you get hit by everything you can just run at him with electrocute ignite when he uses his cooldowns. It's very important to rush T2 boots in this matchup to avoid his skillshots and force trades.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield. In Resolve Second Wind and overgrowth.
you can get E lvl1 for a good trade against him.
in lane try to dodge his Q's and block ziggs's W to trade against him.
try to all-in lvl 2-3 or 6
you can block his Q,W and E.”
Kords says “Ziggs is a really easy one because he can only damage you with skillshots, but he can waveclear really well with Q and E. He can also follow your roams really well with his ult. But in the 1v1 you win all times because of exhaust and a stun. You shouldn't step on his mines at all, otherwise he can kill you. Ziggs has large presence in teamfights and can blow up the backline if you aren't careful. Look to kill him when you can to avoid heavy damage to your team. That however is easy to dodge so you should be able to avoid the BOMBASTIC problem of losing your W)”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank.”
Elite500 says “Has a lot of range, if he plays clean it'll be hard to kill, also most ziggs go barrier so fuck that shit, if he goes MR then you cant really kill him”
Ambitieux says “Ziggs skill shots are very predictable so you have to be a little more light foot for this matchup. Try to not sit on top of minions. Try to get into a halfway point of Ziggs so you can get a nice charm. He is pretty dead if you get a charm off, especially past 6. Look for all ins or even jungle assistance due to his low mobility.”
kindo says “Farm lane, pretty standard. No CC, he will just sit back and chuck bombs all lane. Almost never killable, he can disengage with satchel or his slow bombs. Don't let him push to tower since he destroys towers and can execute them with his satchel if low enough. Just farm and sustain damage taken with your W and try to rotate elsewhere on the map. ”
Coldsong says “Ziggs is easy but very tedious to lane against due to his strong Q poke, waveclear from his E, and the fact that he can knock you away with his W. Try to dodge his skillshots and do not let him free push, since he clears towers very fast. Also, make sure to NOT stand in the center when he ults since it deals the most damage.”
resetwice says “He can't burst you, but his poke is annoying. Similar to Xerath, he has to choose between farming or poking you. All win if his W isn't up and If he's farming safe push wave and roam. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Ziggs has great zoning tools with E and W so try to bait them out then all in, he is pretty easy to kill if you manage to get on him and also is a terrible roamer so swifties early can be good. Don't be scared to flash on him when you have lethality items. It will probably kill + Ignite.”
ACE873 says “Ziggs is who Akali counters the most. He's squishy and immobile with no CC, and his main source of damage, which is his Q, can be easily dodged using your E.”
Biko14CS says “He can pretty much poke you very much, try playing safe atleast untill 3, then you can do small trades on him. At 6, try to bait his W before ulting because he can very easily cancel it.”
Sylvan Lore says “The way this lane plays out really depends on how good the Ziggs is at landing his abilities. He can outrange you and outdamage your E shield so you need to dodge skill and stay away from the splash damage he will be doing while he pushes the minion wave. Late game you will need a banshee veil to survive just a few spell from him, but he is an easy target if you can get close to him. One R->Q->W should be enough to 1 shot him on only 4-5 items. Most of my losses to Ziggs are from my team trying to rush objectives and him just Ulting them away from us. If you are confident in dodging, i would say trade with him in lane, but be cautious.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build”
Hienaa says “Even tho they are ranged champions, if you hit 1 Q on them, they cant contest your insane damage output and they just have to take it. One tapped every time.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) play around his W CD as its the only mobility he has and only trade with him after he used his passive, then you can kill him quite easily, would recommend ignite/TP.”
Nanelol says “Free lane. Farm safely to level 2 and then q aa w should burn flash. His lunch box is annoying but if he's the slightest bit off with it then its still a free kill. Jungle ganks are appreciated.”
Nanelol says “A standard poke mage with very little to keep you off him. He's squishy, immobile, and has damage easy to dodge/cancel. Take the Fleet page and MR. ”
tozosi says “He's a lane bully, but as long as you can get a good roam off and snowball from there, you can kill him later in the game quite easily. He's somewhat difficult to gank or go all in on him in lane since he has his W to escape, so I recommend not trying to all in him.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Other than the constant stuff he has thrown all over the place, I feel Ziggs is one of the more chill matchups you can face as Kassadin. If you are confident in your sidestepping, you can go Giga chad mode and just run straight at him. But usually, you will just be waiting for your R, then you run at him, not much to talk about other than to absorb as much damage as possible with your Q shield. And be wary of his passive auto-attack. It deals quite a lot of damage, so try not to tank too many. Every time Ziggs uses an ability, the cooldown for said passive is reduced, so do be wary of the passive damage. ”
3Riptide3 says “You can boots rush into this if you want, but not necessary. He can shove you in as well. This basically becomes waveclear simulator. You will lose turret, don't worry about it, just roam.”
Sanctuar says “His pushing power gets strong once he has a Luden's, before that you can easily keep up with his waveclear by maxing Q and make sure you dodge his Q and E while laning.”
cookanarities says “Farm lane, pretty standard. No CC, he will just sit back and chuck bombs all lane. Almost never killable, he can disengage with satchel or his slow bombs. Don't let him push to tower since he destroys towers and can execute them with his satchel if low enough. Just farm and sustain damage taken with your W and try to rotate elsewhere on the map.”
DarDarThePenguin says “A standard poke mage with very little to keep you off him. He's squishy, immobile, and has damage easy to dodge/cancel. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Tiene buen daño, pero es bastante squishy, en caso de aplicarle nuestro aturdimiento podemos bajarle una cantidad notable de vida.”
Farg says “Long range poke makes this matchup very difficult, alongside the mines he places on the ground so would be hard to dash onto him. His satchel (W) makes it very difficult to stick onto him as well. Only hope there is in this matchup is all inning when his satchel is down and if hes mispositioned but its very hard for him to be in that situation because of how long range his Q is.”
Joseph Evanss says “Kinda hard to get on top of him because of his W but if you do its typically a free kill unless he has barrier. Try to aim your q3 where the w will take him after his recast. Also if his w is down its pretty easy to kill him. After Berserkers + Zeal it becomes easier. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “he does a lot of damage early on, you always want to dodge his q, either by sidestepping or e into him. and try not to stand near minions as his q is aoe, which will hit you and the minions. control your roaming timers, ziggs can perma push and kill your tower super early.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “If you play safe you might kill him if he missplays otherwise he can out trade you but cannot kill you unless you missplay and cannot dodge”
JoshAy says “Very annoying because he can poke you HARD. Ult is good, and he can disengage pretty well. He will demolish your tower so pick roam timers carefully. Not played often. ”
Zileni says “Zilean is just the superior bomber. His only escape tool is his W and you win any trade against him. You counter his late game potential with your ultimate.”
iKrez says “This is a pretty easy matchup when you get prowler's claw.
You will just have to use your item on a minion then full combo him.
Don't try to kill him in early if he plays safe, and ask to your jungle a fast wave push when you want to back because of his wave clear”
xoonaka says “He can knock you away, has annoying poke and can punish your towers when you're roaming, wait for his W and he is killable as heck. You can tank his entire E and kill him as long as you're ahead and have full HP.”
mihaila says “A lot of poke that u need fleet footwork. His ult is great for stealing objectives and for roams. He can dodge ur E2 if he know to use W correctly.”
HeroAronNavius says “Ziggs isnt really a good counter against Yone. Ziggs is really bad right now bcs of his patch he got v.11 that made his Q+W+E less stronger. You can engage and take on Ziggs early game. Go for full offence build.”
Noodles912 says “Play safe early, and roam. Thats all to it, since he will blast himself always if you ult. Watch for his early poke. Corrupting pots are greats, combined with your PTA.”
BloxNaderYT says “Liandry's and Void Staff enable him to shred Sion mid to late game, outscales and outranges Sion, and can use W to dodge sion ultimate, negating alot of gank setup”
elnino9 says “Dodge his Q bombs. Go aggressive if his abilities are on CD. Ziggs is a mana user and has to use up a lot of mana to poke, go in when he has none. He's Squishy and not really one of the hardest matchup, if Ziggs overextends go aggressive. Watch for his satchel when going for an all-in. Start Doran shield against him or boots to avoid his Q bombs, both good options.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) play around his W CD as its the only mobility he has and only trade with him after he used his passive, then you can kill him quite easily, would recommend ignite/TP.”
Cornifa says “He does not deal a lot of damage despite him being ranged, just keep your distance and trade when necessary, try to freeze the wave under your tower for convenience.”
Hiimkata says “Ziggs' base dmg is really fking high so if he hits 2 Qs early you're already 60% hp, so obviously not getting hit by his poke is key in this matchup. Dont stand near minions because his Q aoe explodes on minions so it's way easier for him to hit you. All ins aren't that easy too cuz of his knockup when you go in, but you can still do a fairly decent amount of damage by just standard trade comboing him and once you have Bork/Wits end you can probably look to perma kill him aswell. So just make sure you survive his early high dmg poke. Also dont roam too much vs a ziggs or he will take ur inhibitor tower in 15 mins.”
ParkChnm says “Same with Xerath, he outranged and outdamages Orianna a lot, even with E. In lane, try to stay away from minions since he his Q has a small AoE effect. Banshee's is a good item late game. If you do get onto Ziggs, he should be dead since he's really squishy.”
KataTocDo says “Annoying if the Zigg has a brain. Easy to kill though if he does not know how to play the game. If he does know how to play, just let him push up and EW onto him. Let him waste his get-away blast cone thing and then QER.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal”
wildersovereign says “Very non-threatening matchup. You can match his waveclear and heavily out-damage him in fights. His poke is obnoxious but all of it is dodgeable and doesn't do enough damage to force you out of lane unless you keep running into his bombs. His only escape is W, but this can mess your ult up if he has it up, so try to go in on him after he uses it if possible.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Pretty easy. Same case as Brand. You just dont lose too much hp, take him down to half hp and after he dies once itll be hard for him to comeback
rajsovsky says “Very annoying if he hits spells. It's like dodge simulator. No cooldown on spells. You are pretty much going to need wraiths, but hes squishy so when you get Rocketbelt you can try to kill him.”
invalidd says “Not too hard to beat if you dodge most of the spells and if not you will regen most of it anyway, you can trade against him fairly easily, don't let
him shit on ur tower too hard because he can take it down really quick with his bomb when it's low HP and don't underestimate his dmg. Fairly easy to gank.”
SkellyBirb says “Ziggs is a bit annoying to face because of how much damage he can do through abilities. You can spell shield and trade with him, however he has bombs on the ground that you can't really shield against. This can zone you fairly hard, however he's pretty manageable as long as you can hit your Qs and shield his bouncing bombs.”
Zenzyx says “This matchup is only a challenge if you let him poke you down enough that you cant go all in. Ziggs has a lot of damage early and can poke you out of lane with Q and E. If Ziggs uses his W to launch in immediately trade him, you should kill. ”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Match his wavelcear with your Q and passive
- You can only look to kill him if he wastes his W
- Look to outroam him
- Play with your jungler”
Scyrine says “He's super squishy, you should try to play agro lvl 3 and if you're still not hitting any skills then just wait for 6 and hard engage him.”
BCota says “Pokes you out of lane ask for ganks when you can. Try to farm as much as possible try to heal from raptors too. Take DShield. Again, if you can dodge skillshots like Faker you win this matchup as he cant damage you but you have a point-and-click Q”
Chili Dog says “Has a lot of range, if he plays clean it'll be hard to kill, also most ziggs go barrier so fuck that shit, if he goes MR then you cant really kill him. Phase Rush is recommended.”
Xiphire says “Try to not get poked and pushed away while you try to trade and you should be good. You should also watch out for his slow as it really slows your dash.”
Last Roar says “Ziggs can't be left alone. He has only one objective and thats to take turrets. Just keep your lane pushed up, he's squishy so you can poke him down and look for all ins. But dont roam, he may pick up some kills with his ult if hes good.
Obj: dont roam, focus on taking first turret. Try to win all ins against him. You can snowball vs him, but he can kill turrets in a few shots late. So force an early win.”
vCraze says “Ziggs is an easy matchup for Xerath because of the range advantage. In lane phase you don't want to be standing next to the minions as it makes it easier for Ziggs to land his Q. Poke him when you can and once you get Ludens it should be fairly simple.”
OxiteoMyst says “Ziggs is more annoying than a threat. He gets side lane and jg pressure after 6 because of his ult. He shouldn't be able to kill you but he can poke you down easily, make sure to sidestep his spells. Watch out for jg ganks.”
WolfRider01 says “He's just a poke mage. He can easily shut Yasuo down if played correctly. Avoid being hit by the bouncing bomb (Q) and be aggressive and you should be fine. Take fleet if you feel uncomfortable fighting him.”
Bobbab says “When his w is down he is easily killed. Ziggs often saves this abillity though so try to all in multiple times as your e can come up before it.”
sweodigaming says “Very high damage, a good Ziggs can easily kill you with one combo. He is super squishy however, take that weakness to your advantage. His whole kit surrounds long range abilities, so he has an advantage in range.”
MetaKnight13373 says “Ziggs has a lot of long range poke damage, however it is more easy to dodge than Xerath's or Lux's he also doesn't have any great tools to self peel, like Xerath and Lux do.”
FalleN3 says “Ziggs has a lot of range and considerable wave-clear and will most likley spam you with (Q) Bouncing Bomb and keep the lane pushed hard. If he manages to land his (W) Satchel Charge and place an (E) Hexplosive Minefield you can find yourself in a world of trouble. You really need to avoid his (E) Hexplosive Minefield as they will slow you a lot making it possible for him to land his other abilities. He's very immobile and only has his (W) Satchel Charge for escape potential, try to punish him if it's on cooldown - especially if your Jungler is around and able to gank. Concentrate on farming, take Barrier and avoid his skill-shots. TIP: You take less damage from his ultimate if you are not standing in the center of it.”
SkellyBirb says “Ziggs has a lot of poke, but little kill potential. Just use your shrines and play behind minions to make it hard for him to poke you.”
FalleN3 says “My advice in this match-up is to play safe until level 6. He has a massive range advantage over you and will take full advantage of this. Try your best not to die in this lane early as it will put you at a serious disadvantage against him. Farm with your (Q) if that is all you can do. As long as you haven't fallen massively behind once you hit level 6 the lane swings to your favour. If you step on his mines you're gonna get slowed as well as take damage and this is going to make it much easier for him to land AA and abilities on you.”
FalleN3 says “If you don't take much damage from him before level 3 you can try for an all-in then, however I tend to try to play safe until level 6. He has a massive range advantage over you and will take full advantage of this. Try your best not to die in this lane early as it will put you at a serious disadvantage against him. He will end up pushing hard so farm under tower as best as you can. As long as you haven't fallen massively behind once you hit level 6 the lane swings to your favour. If you step on his mines you're gonna get slowed as well as take damage and this is going to make it much easier for him to land AA and abilities on you. Try to save your (E) for dodging his ulti if possible.”
Shazzaam says “His poke is decent and he demolishes your tower. You won't have prio so call your jungler for some assistance. Don't leave him alone with your tower.”
xAsuta says “Just like Teemo he can poke you a lot but if you all in him he can't fight you back. If you have problems buy Hexdrinker for MR and AD or rush Mercs to run him down. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. You just kind of beat him because he doesn't really deal that much damage early. If he for whatever reason puts himself in a position to be ran down then you can do just that. Take Conq.”
ShockMaster says “This matchup is a bit complicated,like who made the first one shot win. Wait for him to use 2-3 abilities on minions,and go with a different combo: E+R(R instead of flash with 1 sec difference)+Flash+W+Q.This combo will surprise him and will not let him to escape with his W”
Yuki H. says “Very annoying to deal with, mainly because he is an AOE control mage. Ziggs primarily seeks to farm with his empowered autos and Q, all the while building mana items like Archangel's Staff or Luden's. He will probably purchase Zhonya's some time, so make sure to not get baited too hard, and check his item slots to make sure he does not have a Stopwatch or Zhonya's. It's fine to be pushed in against a Ziggs since it makes it easier for junglers to gank. Just try to avoid getting hit by his Qs when he is only trying to farm. Also, make sure to dodge his Satchel Charge (W) with your pre-positioned shadow so you can swap with it right after you ult. Otherwise, while you are displaced he will have enough time to jump and flash out.”
Veralion says “Third worst matchup. Dodge the game. His Q travels a mile and is deceptive. W doesn’t let you close distance. E zones you away from all farm. And even if you dodge all of that, his passive will still chip you down and force you back. You basically aren’t allowed to ever auto a creep, even under your own turret if the Ziggs has two hands and half a brain. You have one very brief window to all in him at 6 and gain some ground back, as he is fragile and will melt, but past that he will probably have too much gold on you. Your only hope is that you have a jungler that can take advantage of him while he’s denying you under turret. Ask to swap with top if the alternative matchups would be more beneficial. Thankfully, Ziggs is rare for reasons that I do not really understand, he is REALLY good, so here’s hoping you’re never in this situation.”
vuty2002 says “Even though Yasuo's Wind Wall can block almost entirely Ziggs' abilities, his W has a very long cooldown (30s).
It's best to block only his E so you can get close to him.”
Ghostwalker562 says “His poke can be devastating and his disengages and slows can be such a rough game. However, you do kill him so much faster but the ticking in the early game is what's most harmful to you. Use your E often to farm and as range because your is has a very far range.”
PepeOnDrugs says “My advice in this match-up is to play safe until level 6. He has a massive range advantage over you and will take full advantage of this. Try your best not to die in this lane early as it will put you at a serious disadvantage against him. Farm with your (Q) if that is all you can do. As long as you haven't fallen massively behind once you hit level 6 the lane swings to your favour. If you step on his mines you're gonna get slowed as well as take damage and this is going to make it much easier for him to land AA and abilities on you.
Debonair Karma says “You probably won't poke him all that much but he won't do anything to you either. Farm and dodge his Q's. Don't let him get to your tower. Take teleport or barrier.”
Gageowago says “If you somehow run into a Ziggs just dodge his skillshots the best you can and land your charm to win trades. He's a pretty bad champ so you shouldn't have that much trouble.”
Lil Tidepod says “If you dodge all of his abilities, or the majority of them, Ziggs is useless. He does outrange you, but you should be able to play around his abilities. If you're gonna trade, wait for his knockup bomb to go down, or his AOE slow bombs. Beware when recalling after level 6, because he won't hesitate to ult you.”
Capparelli says “Surprisingly hard, at least for me, i usually end up with a Hexdrinker because he just spams Q, he is very easy to kill but hard to get on top of, you cant roam much because Ziggs will just blow up your tower so only roam after he backs or you kill him”
RockitoAhri says “Ziggs is pretty straight forward. You need to do THREE things. Do not stay near minions, play parallel of the minion wave so you can always throw an auto attack or a Q at him, you have to be aggressive Vs. Ziggs. And last. WARD. You are playing forward on a matchup you have lane advantage in. WARD, because you WILL get ganked. ”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
ekkologix says “Easy Matchup , Max E and build early CDR ,Be Agressive.
A good ziggs will use his w against your E , having lower cdr gives u advantage,Roam when he undertower.”
8wolf says “His range and poke damage is pretty similar to Azir's. This lane will most probably be decided by who gets caught out of position first. Try to farm and look for mistakes.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Ziggs good, but is he that good?
Watch out for Q and E.
Poke and Harass,. If he uses hes W go all in. Otherwise, just go all in all the time. Small amount of HP on this one.”
Tehqo says “This guy also outranges you pretty hard. It's annoying but it is easy to dodge. If you can all in on him when he uses his abilities, he's easy. Don't let yourself get outpoked too hard.”
NebuIa says “His poke is really annoying but he's kind of harmless. Not much else to say, a pretty standard matchup. I take base aery and ignite/barrier.”
TheBlueImperial says “Heavy poke lane but has mana issues and incredibly squishy. If you full combo them they're dead and you have the option to roam.”
cobbzy says “The biggest thing about ziggs is his poke, make sure to dodge his Q when you can. He is squishy so if you can catch him in an all in the kill is practically yours. It is hard to engage when his W and E are up so make sure to fight when he is on cooldown. Otherwise, go roam the map for kills and apply pressure elsewhere. ”
arcticmonk says “Concede minions in first 2 levels. Dodge his bombs and stay healthy for a lvl 3 trade. If he uses too much mana to push the wave he will go OOM then all-in him.”
i am a heron says “similar to morgana, ziggs will play outside your range, have you pushed to tower and will blast it down in no time. however, his spells will be easier for you to dodge than, say, those of velkoz.”
LONERlSM says “Farm lane make sure that you dodge his q and recall when the wave is crashed in the mid or in his turret. Allowing ziggs to get mid lane tower is bad for you if mid stays past 17 minutes you did your job against this matchup.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/TP matchup.
Exact same thing as other mages. Except instead of focusing on harass, focus on waveclear/shoving. Ziggs takes towers hella fast, so don't let him near it. Otherwise, kinda easy shuffle ganks, but he can E out if he's good enough. W Q AA spam him, stand behind minions so his Q doesn't hit.”
Mid Win Repeat says “He can poke you from the safety of his wave but he can't really kill you but if you land your W onto him you can kill him. A lot of the times though you land your W-E-Q combo and than he just W's away with low health. Thats fine just shove the wave base and reset.”
HeisendongNA says “Xerath and Ziggs outrange Heimerdinger and they have enough long range waveclear to kill turrets from afar. The best thing to do in these match-ups is max W instead of Q. Make sure to get boots early so you can dodge their skillshots and hit them easier”
Tayna says “Another "will poke you to death", he has 1 (one) ability to run away from u and it has a long cd, abuse that. Go all in with your ult if he wasted skills in poking. DODGE, FOR GOD'S SAKE, DODGEEEEE.”
Garybaldo says “Rarely seen nowadays, however he's a pain in the ass to play against, great disengage, much more poke and push potential, you can't match his global ultimate, only pray you can get one good all in into him and you might take him down”
Novok says “Ziggs is pretty straight forward. You need to do THREE things. Do not stay near minions, play parallel of the minion wave so you can always throw an auto attack or a Q at him, you have to be aggressive Vs. Ziggs. And last. WARD. You are playing forward on a matchup you have lane advantage in. WARD, because you WILL get ganked.”
worddog says “Skill dependant matchup, if he uses his W properly he should be able to stop you from going all in on him. His disengage is on a longer CD than your engage so it favours Ekko.”
Tchouvline says “This tiny bomber is a PAIN for Fiddle, he can spam his Q, can cancel your W with his W. This tiny yordle must not be underestimated !”
Euphoric Toaster says “Annoying matchup. Hes able to clear your turrets pretty easily and does a good job at matching your push. Place your turrets away from the wave so he cant hit them and the wave with one Q. He has some mobility/utility with his Satchel Charge so he can be a tiny bit slippery, but isn't too hard to kill with jungle help. Similar to the Xerath matchup but his skillshots are a lot easier to dodge.”
Fox1ne says “Look for a better wave manipulation to out-trade him correctly,he is going clearly for the minions since he knows that you have the upper hand on trading him.”
kilgta says “pokes you a lot, you usually have to flash ult to kill him and he can runaway with his bombs. you gonna make every flashes worth it. You have to pop your W after he used his E in order to push the wave, else he will just kill all your voidlings. If he doesnt E your minions when you farm, you are facing a bad Ziggs, work towards trading with him anytimes. Start corrupt pot or sapphire.”
unownreality says “if you can dodge the bombs, you should win. Stay away from your minions, however, this will leave you vulnerable to ganks. Try to make sure satchel is on cooldown before you go for a full burst. He can use it to dodge your ultimate. ”
MechaaZero says “He can do some damage here and there, but your all in given that you land everything is much stronger. Pick your engagements and commit to them.”
maplecat21 says “He's annoying but gets outscaled at boots. If he has a brain you can't kill him though, so you have to babysit your tower to keep him from taking it.”
RagexAddict says “Ziggs isn't much of a threat to you in lane, but he can push you in when you're out of lane. His W can also break down low health turrets, so try to push him in as much as possible. Asserting your lane dominance against him is key in this lane matchup.”
Fluctuation says “Against Ziggs it's important to utilize his immobility against him. If he puts down his minefield and moves away from it, punish him. If he misses his Q, punish him. After level 6, be wary of his ult, since you can't really escape it when he's close to you.”
LyndonK9 says “This is pretty much a farm lane. Dodge his Qs and try to wave clear him. Play forward and land your Qs on him, afterwards he is an easy kill.”
SmokeyEggs says “Hard to trade with since W lauches both champions in the opposite direction, and his wave clear and ability to respond to teamfights can be annoying, but his trading in skirmishes is weak so abuse that part and never let him push in.”
BicBee says “Stay away from minions. Ziggs is the strongest when long range. He's the weakest in close range so step forward if you want to harass and bully him. Push lane if you can and roam. Good Ziggs value farm more than solo kills in lane and will just stay safe until they get items for team fights. If your top/bot lane is low post 6 there's a good chance that Ziggs will step out of lane to try and ult them. ”
BicBee says “Stay away from minions. Ziggs is the strongest when long range. He's the weakest in close range so step forward if you want to harass and bully him. Push lane if you can and roam. Good Ziggs value farm more than solo kills in lane and will just stay safe until they get items for team fights. If your top/bot lane is low post 6 there's a good chance that Ziggs will step out of lane to try and ult them.”
thedonk says “Don't try to walk up to him to do a Q+W combo. Poke him with W+Q+E or W+Q+R+E. Hurt him with those combos as much as possible. Dodge his Q's and he will try to use his E to knock you away or escape. ”
Dudstrol says “Ziggs é fraco em defesa, mas forte em dano. Se ele gastar skills para farmar vá para cima e cause dano e recue. Só vá quando for matar rápido, pois ele pode muito bem virar e te matar.”
Padrepio says “During lanephase, a lot of his damage came from his passive: care of his empowered AAs. He can R on other lanes to get free kills, tell your teammates when he hit 6 and call every ss.”
Jazzmonkey says “Easy matchup you will be his biggest nightmare. Trade him always if you can play with your crd and masteries and kill him straight away if you reach level 6.”
Eli The Bat says “Harass in the form of BOMBS....
Its easy for him to avoid your full combo with his "E" so.... its not that worth to 1 v 1 him....
Also watch out for his Turret Breaking Potential....”
qasddsa says “Tolerable lane. Run Fleet here with either a Corrupting Potion or Doran's Shield. Don't let him push against you as he can take towers really well and poke you at the same time. As you go into the mid and late game, he becomes relatively irrelevant against you because you can just pop him with Riftwalk stacked. If he doesn't group with his team and decides to split instead, you can either answer him with Riftwalk + Teleport or group and take objectives instead.”
Draczor says “Ziggs is no threat since he probably will only focus on pushing or poking you while keeping a distance from you as he knows that he won't win a trade against you. But you are able to poke him too with your laser. In the early game, pressure him enough so that he won't be able to farm unless he uses spells. Naturally, if he comes close poke him with Q and E otherwise try to kill him if you have ult and he has no means of running away fast. If he is low enough do not be afraid to Flash and use your combo to kill him.”
Sozzoh says “Ziggs isn't that hard to play against, but he does outrange you. Since his abilities are fairly easy to dodge, you can all-in him and kill him if he uses all his abilities trying to poke you. Abuse him early game if he uses his abilities to farm. That way he'll be out of mana and low on health. ”
AQRC Turtle says “Stay away from your minions wave to avoid the Aoe dmg of his bomb. You can try timing your ult when ziggs ult to avoid the dmg. Once you hit lvl 6 hes vulnerable to your all in. ”
Smol Jelly says “Ziggs has long range poke, annoying AOE abilities, and better turret-taking abilities than you do. However, since you both have long range, his skills are pretty slow, so you can see them coming from a mile away. With no hard CC, he can't lock you down, and you have no dash so you don't really have to worry about his AoE minefield. Poke him out, and it should go your way.”
lkycch says “Understand that he has highly potent waveclear and poke, so don't waste your mana trying to poke him in lane. Focus on waveclear and let him push, so that your jungler can gank. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Saddest says “ Same situation as Xerath, you will probably never be near him. However, he is a bit less oppressive and that is always good! Watch out for any mistakes he may make.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs outranges you but doesn't have a whole lot of kill threat. Play comet E max and as long as you don't get hit by too many Qs you should be fine. Make sure to play apart from the wave so he can't push it at the same time as harassing you. Your skirmishes are far superior, but be careful about roaming too much and giving up tower plates.”
Chuleex says “Ziggs is very easy to deal with, he can become annoying once he has an item or two bc of his poke, but overall he doesnt have a defensive tool apart from e so he can be killed quite easy, some zed mains take hydra to sustain trough his poke and to use a popular bruiser build, but eclipse does great too.”
ShokLoL says “The key to playing against Ziggs is standing apart from the creep wave. You can easily dodge his Q and you can poke him down consistently with E. If he uses CDs you can look to get aggressive with your Q as well.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be annoying with his constant Q spam, but swifties rush will make dodging this a lot easier. Make sure to stand apart from the wave so he can't splash Qs on you. Keep autoing the wave to maintain prio.”
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