Bottom Lane 50.6% Win Rate75% Pick RateZiggs Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ziggs in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Akantris says “u can never get in range of a ziggs so u just basically lose if ziggs knows how to play the matchup”
Kociokwik says “most of the times you can't kill him on a lane so take tp and scale for free. It's a coin flip who gets better team same situation with sivir”
Foxirion says “Ziggs' AoE damage and zoning potential can complement Kog'Maw's sustained damage output. Ziggs' ability to control space, provide poke, and burst down targets can create opportunities for Kog'Maw to deal damage.”
afr0rk says “It's a matter of who can dodge more skillshots. Don't stand in the wave so he has to choose between pushing and poking. NEVER leash, try to push as hard as you can and get Priority. ”
loaderdragon15 says “Ziggs is one of the worst champs to play Ezreal into, he can burst you before you can burst him. The long range provided by his spammable Q makes it almost impossible to reach.”
Vapora Dark says “Ziggs plays entirely through his spammable Q with far too much range for you to fight back, on top of having insane zone control from his E and insane disengage in his W. There is little chance of winning this lane if you don't have a hook support such as Blitzcrank.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “another artillery mage, 1 of draven's hardest matchups, sit back and try your best to live laning, look for all-ins only. Make sure his blast-charge (knock-up) is down before you decide whether you want to flash for him or not. If he's low enough to 1 auto go for it, if not you're better off just hoping he walks back in and makes the same mistake. Vamp scepter early into this is a must if you have 0 lane agency, if you can't find an opening just bite the bullet and buy it, it'll save you a headache.”
the hood says “Can refuse to lane vs you and force u to just farm either getting pushed in or him pushing. Try to push him in and try avoid letting him push since he can take turrets really fast. Try to find allin windows when his W is on CD.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Annoying to deal with btu shouldn't be much proiblem. If you dodge his W and Q you can all In him(with a good engage support).Try to bait his Q in lane ”
Hidden Ghoster says “Don't let Ziggs land his poke on you because you will get punished in lane severely. You win this matchup but avoid unnecessary poke. ”
Lachoni1 says “Ziggs will want to afk farm and take towers. If you have engage you can look to kill him but if your support goes for an enchanter you will not be very happy in lane.”
slendoooo says “Ziggs is the hardest Mage matchup for Draven on bot, besides his insane scaling and pushing capability he's often really annoying and can easily win short trades vs you by using his Q, W and Passive Damage.
He also can use his E to de-engage on you and make you miss axes.
To counter all this always look for a fake engage first so he ends up wasting his E, then follow up with your real engage to kill him.
A video example of Ziggs-Draven
(To be made)”
KnobHobbler says “Play out of wave and you will be fine.
Take sustain runes with ghost.
You win the 1v1 so hard.
Keep constant pressure on him so he doesn't get a gazillion towers.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Beware of roaming when Ziggs in lane as he has good wave clear and can easily take your tower while you’re gone. Kill him and then roam when he’s off the map. Ziggs’ main poke tool in lane is his Bouncing Bomb(Q). This skill has a short cooldown and does a decent amount of AOE damage. Do not stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage. Zigg’s will be looking to constantly poke and push the minion wave so he can get an early tower with his Satchel Charge(W). Try to match his wave clear so he is unable to push you into Tower and take it easily.”
m1NEEX says “From AP Mages on bot Ziggs is probably easiest for Jinx, since he lacks burst and his poke can be dodged easily and you outscale him. You can try to all in him but it's not easy thanks to his W. You outscale him hard, so no need to force any fights that aren't worth it.”
Warui430 says “Ziggs is playable against but only because of supports.
The best thing to do into Ziggs is play slow and safe until he uses his W and his E.”
Kitqsune says “You'll need shield, bone plating, and second wind in my opinion. His poke is heavy and you won't be able to get on him much due to his w. Just be safe.”
TangsterinE says “Has higher burst but lacks the traditional "consistant damage" that traditional ADCs have. Still, a tough matchup because of how busted APCs are in current meta.”
wardinbush says “Just like other ap botlaners, just annoying. his w can mess with your stacks and the location where your q is gonna land makes it easier to land his.”
Valhalla Coach says “If he has to recall before he has Lost Chapter his game becomes much harder. He will perma push you under tower leaving him very weak to ganks, if he doesn't get a lead you'll be more useful later in the game. Matchup can be very hard or just annoying depending on supports”
ASneakySausage says “Threat level somewhere in between 3 and 4. He outranges with his Q, but if you can dodge and get up close, there isn't much he can do.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Ziggs would be the #1 most popular botlane mage in the meta and his only goal is to poke and bully you out of lane so he can take all of your towers and win the game
◉ He will try to poke you with [[Bouncing Bomb]] when you walk near the minion wave so be sure to have some space so it becomes very hard for him to hit you. If you hug a minion then he’ll just hit the minion and the splash damage will hit you so keep that in mind.
◉ His setup against you since you’re immobile will be [[Satchel Charge]] into [[Hexplosive Minefield]]. He can knock you up in the air for a bit and chooses from which angle this will happen so keep that in mind since [[Ziggs]] players love to use [[Satchel Charge]] to push you back into his support and kill you!
◉ Win condition: Do your best to not get poked early. You want to farm up till you can get [[Noonquiver]] in your first recall since after that you’ll have enough damage to permanently push the waves back into [[Ziggs]] and keep him away from taking your tower!!!!
I Am Not u says “I hate APCs with a passion. But Ziggs is a massive letdown. Ziggs can poke you, but what can he do when you jump on him? He can use his satchel charge, sure, but then what? Just walk in a different direction that where his Q is coming from and don't walk into the minefield. Build a Wit's End if you're not to confident.”
Vixylafoen says “Annoying and strong. Long range, tons of mana, hard hitting poke, and high pushing power. Put him behind early or he'll be doing a ton.”
Coldsong says “Similar to Syndra, Ziggs is super annoying to face as Samira. He outranges you by far with his Q poke and his disengage with his W is amazing. His Satchel Toss and passive allow him to push towers very quickly, and his ultimate can easily finish you off. I would get a lot of early magic resist and try to W his W since the knockback can be annoying.”
Doody_tco says “He will deal damage with his abilites and poke Miss Fortune to death, even when trying to escape his abilities and reach closer to him, he can escape and save himself”
163 Keldaaas says “Da du keine Möglichkeit hast, Antiheal zu bauen, und Ziggs dich permanent einpusht, kannst du die Lane nicht spielen wie du es solltest und wirst auf kurz oder lang outscaled.”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Ziggs can provide very strong poke and be a general nuisance in lane but shouldn't be able to kill you as long as you have hands. It is very likely though that, unless he has a weak support, he will take your tower and scale faster than you thanks to tower plating. Be aware of this and you should be fine.”
Chaeha says “Ziggs greatly outranges Kai'Sa, but not as hard as the other ap bot laners as it's easier to dodge these skillshots in my opinion. However, it might be necessary to take Magic Resist runes against ziggs bot.”
yers says “Spammy artillery mage, but his abilities are relatively easy to avoid. Going off of a long range E stun will greatly help you set up a combo.”
HyroPyro says “Ziggs has long range poke and excellent waveclear. He can poke you under turret and escape ganks easily with his Satchel Charge (W). This matchup is highly support dependant in order to gain lane priority.”
im_zeno says “Ziggs is currently the best bot lane in my opinion, but Yasuo counters him same with mid. Play safe till lvl 2-3 depending on your support, don't get poked too hard, dodge his Q without getting close to the minion wave, wind wall to deny his escape with his satchel, E out of the middle of his ult to avoid the max damage, E out of his bombs.”
Elresser says “Has poke from a big range and has safety with his W. Play safe with your W healing until level 3, and try to look for all ins with your support. You can win all ins with your ult.”
Alvatorz says “I. HATE. THIS. CHAMP.
Seriously, he was already good in botlane without the recent buffs but now with the AP on his Qs and the speed of his R, he's a real problem for every botlaners, especially Aphelios. Ban him. BAN HIM.”
DoublefeedOP says “Ziggs isn't a threat at all, his only threat is his amazing waveclear. He's pretty much going to be matching you and you'll outscale him later because you're playing an ADC. Use your mid-game powerspike to edge your lead over him and win the game!”
DoublefeedOP says “He will output a ton of pressure permapushing the wave, there isn't much you can do so just take it and hope your jungler comes. Since he outranges you, you can try a cheeky flash E into a wall for an engage.”
DoublefeedOP says “If you all in him, he can just W beneath himself and make your trades worthless. Be very careful when you go in and only go in if you have him CC'd or can dodge his abilities.”
Shouryuu Reppa says “Eto buwisit talaga 'to kapag 'to yung ginamit na support ng kalaban, ang hirap makalapit, chachane-chane-in ka lang ng skill nya, lakas pa bumawas..”
NMFO says “Ziggs can zone you out with his bouncing bomb very well, and his trap bombs can be placed in ways that make it difficult to find angles from. ”
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