Top Lane 46.58% Win Rate95% Pick RateK'Sante Top Lane Counters: 45 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against K'Sante in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bolivian bro says “Easy matchup you tank enough. Just follow the plan.”
a_k_z7 says “an even match up whoever gets an advantge wins the lane
both of your q's has the same range so play around it
trading a full proc of your q against 1 q is winning trade
sidestep his q3 or stay out of its range
his w is so easy to block with your w
whenever he ults if you can try to ult him or run away he has armor pen and omnivamp while in his ult for whatever reason thx riot
w max is good against him”
Nithril says “This is a weird champ, stay besides the minionwave to split his focus on the minions or you, he is overloaded and has a lot of abillities and recasts, go for a sustain build and try to deplete his mana”
parker3n9 says “Early game, you can harass K’Sante non-stop and even have some kill threat before Level 6. However, once he hits 6, his kill potential increases significantly. Be especially careful around walls—if he lands his ultimate and kidnaps you into an isolated position, you’ll likely lose the fight. Post-6, your focus should shift to avoiding side-lane fights and playing exclusively for teamfights, where you can have a much greater impact with your ultimate and slows from Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “extremely mobile champ with multiple forms of CC, hes very strong current patch and very hard to play against. use your Q to dodge Q, and parry his Q3 as its very telegraphed (can also slideparry to suprise him when hes farming). dont let him freeze near his turret as he can combo you into it fairly easy. if you can expect his ult, you can parry behind you to stun him, unless he does it over a wall, then you just not get taken(however this doesnt work, since a good k'sante will ccchain you into the ult, which is why its best to parry q3 or his W). He can E to dodge your W and not get stunned after Q3 which is problematic, but if you parry his W when he uses it recklessly you can 100% get a stun off. Poke him out with extended trades when your parry is off-cooldown, then all-in when hes below 50% hp.”
sprdlol says “Skill-based matchup. Get grasp and sudden impact in this lane. You beats him in lane but be careful, one simple death can make him unkillable.”
magician4444 says “Even if you play this perfectly, his ult is ridiculous. You have to dodge and space everything perfectly. You also don't have an ult vs him if he has W up, sorry. ”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Full Aggro with Ignite and try to somehow kill him early. Once he gets 6 if he ults you he does SOOO much dmg to you even if you are ahead so bewave flash his Ultform W it does abillion dmg”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. Use W on his Q to poke. Just farm, this is a super boring lane, he can't kill you unless you mess up and you can't kill him unless he mess up. ”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about scaling through early game bfr Trinity since this is his only window to abuse u properly, remember to not use your w unless his e is down and always look to dodge his q in a way that lets u look for a trade right away to counter trade him and remember to never all in him with e since he will use his w on it and then outtrade you hard with no chance to fight back so only use it if it's rly bad for him to use his w. After lvl 6 remember when he tries to all in you with his ult don't try to hookshot away and r ather just look to walk away while hoping to dodge q since if you use hookshot he will just cast r to cancel it and then you're dead so only cast it if you think he can' t react fast enough. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush.”
Spartaniko says “He can't do nothing against your Q poke, just be aware of his ult. Don't get baited, he can W you under his turret or ult you there. If he has ult up try to have your rotation up so you can just oneshot him if he ults.
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Easy matchup unless they are VERY high elo/OTP. You generally outstat K'Sante but he has greater outplay potential. Play safe until level 7 and then you should naturally be winning long trades.
Most important things in this matchup are his W (Both before and after Ult) block your Ult, and if he predicts that then you lose, so hold your ult. You should also save your ult until after he ults as he'll
be much squishier and you can burst him out. "”
Fanatical Goose says “Ksante is BS (to no ones surprise) but mainly just a skill matchup that can get out of hand. Watch out for Q3 and his unbreakable stun. Once he gets bramble vest you need to poke him down before an all in. ”
Houcs says “Try not to smile when facing this champ xD
Care of his W, Care if he has QQQ, remember after he ults you he can press W and it deals insanely much dmg.
His W also gets reset on his R”
Wafflerush says “The Pride of Nazumah is a tough matchup, mainly because he is a champion that scales with health and resistances. Trading with K'Sante isn't very easy, nor does it work too well since he matches your CC. He can easily block your passive and Q with his W, so avoid using Q to engage.
The best way to fight against K'Sante is to farm cautiously and to stay away from river side. His Ultimate will carry you away from safety if you are in the wrong position, so play near the brush on the alcove side in case you need to Q away.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Preciso falar algo? o boneco tem stun, slown, dano baseado na vida, true damge com base na armadura e vida no W com ult, acho que ja está auto explicativo né?”
UrPersonalGod says “He will go for short trades early.
He wins those with Grasp so try to avoid them and go for poke after he uses E.
As long as you are high HP and not really behind, his level 6 isnt to scary.”
Althalosofsirun says “K'sante's newest mini rework has made him very good into bruisers like sett or Darius but you can still beat him if you buy cleaver first with plated steel caps since his W true dmg is based on the physical dmg it dealt to the target.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about movement around his q basically whenever he qs u need to sidestep it in a wave that lets u walk into him during the cast to auto w him and never jump on him otherwise u lose trade cose he uses w only use it when he can't win the trade after using w, after 1st item he starts to beat u but it depends how well u can poke him down with short trades if u can still kill him or not. I advise Grasp with Dshield and Sheen rush.”
Skaarlschloch says “Pretty difficult matchup a good Ksante is a mid-late menace and punishing him early or around 6 isnt easy. Try to maintain push and prio and win through jungle/team”
SemenDrinker says “KSANTE 4700 HEALTH 500 ARMOR AND MR DASH KNOCKUP CC RESIST (Blade and bone plating)
Your only chance to beat this freak is before he gets level 6. Once he's 6 he ults you and you just die instantly. He can avoid your poke with his E shield and when he doesn't have it up he will just W your q2 or q3. This champ is a pain and the only way you win is if he misplays heavily. Never overcommit post 6 and do your best to stay away from walls. Obviously the matchup will scale with your elo, meaning the lower you are the less likely the Ksante's are good.”
Banzi says “its a farming lane
cant kill him unless u get him under tower or u get a gank
his w counters u q and e so try and hold them to some extend”
IvanBeifong says “The champ's been overly nerf to the point of being ashes of his old self, conqueror build works against this man, be careful at level 6 as he still has enough damage to kill you if you're not careful enough.
Usually when you W at him, AA, Q him, he'll use W, that's where you E away, and when he dashes with his W you E2.
His ult is situational, works if you get to throw someone else under tower.”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. k'sante matchup is a punish one, you don't E unless he uses dash and you don't E+W if has W up. you have prio just dont get hit by his Q poke and walk up to him, bait out his abilities then punish. post 6 you basically just save W for after he has used R and W. main thing is to try and not be predictable with your cc.”
Skaarlschloch says “You beat him early as you can block his Q3 and W.
You have better gameimpact with your roams, often you can proxy, in later teamfights you can kill his adc easier than he can kill yours. Either win early or freescale both are fine for you”
Frankoloko says “You win most fights. Never walk past the third bush (on his side) he can easily throw you under his tower and win the fight that way.”
Zagreus16 says “If you dont get a lead on this guy then you wont ever win against him. Max Q and dodge his knockups at all costs to really get at him. Always be careful trying to fight him near his tower, he can do some dumb things and bounce you into his tower and shred you then so always keep that in mind. Black cleaver a very good rush against him.”
CrimsonL7 says “You beat him early and will continue beating him until he buys antiheal. (so if he doesnt you will just always beat him pretty much) as always with Ksante he can outplay you so idk how to give advice there, just learn what he does and trade properly and you will be fine. ”
step1v9 says “HoB - Profane | Tryndamere hard wins the match-up but K'sante can build armor and neutralize; thus, it's important that Trynd builds a lead and maintains it. Find all-ins when he has just used 3Q. If K'sante takes ghost you should just force it and disengage to create a vulnerable window to kill him later. If K'sante takes flash he can actually win the 1v1 by flash 3Q in R form, so be aware.”
Raideru says “Matchup goes in your favor in early game, try to auto w him whenever u can when he goes for q on wave and follow up after his e with your q or use your q to poke him when he uses his q, care for his w near his tower cose he can push you rly far into his tower and ult after so care for that, between 6 and 11 u win until he gets iceborn afterwards u win again once u get lvl 11 + first item”
Azzin says “Nothing to say here, you can't really kill him (just like every tank match-up), you should avoid useless trades and just play to get high xp+gold income, perma push and try to invade enemy jgler/roam mid.”
Haxorr says “K'Sante is an interesting matchup and pretty challenging if you misplay waves or do not respect his all-in. However, you are stronger early and can for sure get solo kills in the early game. After one to two items, it can be pretty tough to fight K'Sante if you aren't ahead.
Take Grasp and rush Trinity Force. Play aggressive on the first wave and get prio in the lane. This matchup is pretty even and for the most part revolves around having good wave mechanics. You are just looking to trade with your w empowered auto when grasp is up. After 6, do not just jump into him and e as he can w it and then ult and kill you.”
DuckQc says “You can kill him pre-6 if you dodge his abilities, and when you get ult you run him down on repeat. NUT TAKE CARE, THIS CHAMP IS GIGGA OP.”
TeiWasTaken says “You beat this champion in laning phase. Rush LDR against him, or else he will disable your champ with armor stacking. You beat him pre 6 and even later if you are even slightly ahead.”
Baby_Driver says “Second wind with demolish is great here.
I love running Black Cleaver first item into him as not only you lower his armors but also lower his damage.
With good spacing, you can make him lose first 3 melee exp from minions lvl 1.
Make sure to not use your Q's blindly as he will just E away.”
Ulsur says ““This is K'Sante, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” - Showmaker.
Winnable, early game is fine, mid game too but just don't get too close, in late game avoid any 1 v 1 with him. Oh and don't try to tower dive him, please.”
DDemonJesters says “haven't played much with a k'sante top since his nerf. Just try to play safe and dodge his pokes. If he W try to wait it out and trade him.”
Shark of Void says “He can poke you with E+Q combo. Use W to evade his W. Trade after his Q. You can't kill him after 6, but if he uses R - then you kill him easily.”
forlid says “K'Sante is mostly played at very high elo as he is difficult to make use of. The matchup itself is quite even though with you having the edge early and especially late. Kraken makes this much easier. His level 6 powerspike is quite strong, and you should avoid dueling him if he uses it. Keep in mind that in exchange for damage he loses the majority of his resistances, so you can try to burst him. If he uses W, don't bother using your strongest moves as it blocks a lot of damage.”
AWierdShoe says “This "tank" has a pretty overloaded kit, even with the multiple changes he's been receiving. Position the blade up the lane so that early game you can play aggressive as long as you sidestep his Q's, especially his Q3 (the one that knocks up enemies in a path). Don't taunt into his W, instead if you need to taunt backwards towards your tower and then pull your blade through him for some damage. You can shield his Q's and shield/block his passive auto procs with W. You have multiple chances to get a lead on this guy, but at level 6 K'Sante HARD wins since his ultimate is such a giga-steroid that you need to be careful not to stand too close to inner walls so that he doesn't pull you through them. You need to also not play too close to his tower at 6 since he can easily insec you with flash+W and ult. ”
PinkBlood says “K'sante is quite weak early you might be able to chunk him heavy levels 1-3 if he doesn't respect barrels. You should be able to get push in this lane early. Just be careful of his level 6 and buy boots early depending. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good, i prefer ignite and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*Hard matchup*
Never engage his W.
Poke him with Q and back a bit when his Q3 is ready. Bro is too much
After level 6 so push/crash the waves so u can roam the map for team fights/ objectives and kills when possible.
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp, conq
yes you would think morde hard wins this since k'sante is a tank but he is too tanky, can kite to well with his slows and has 3 unstoppables to block your r.
Dont r until he uses w. Usually he will use it if you e. Dont use w until he uses r. Be mindful of him ulting you away from Tower into River. ”
SenSen_LoL says “He's not that much of a threat before getting his lvl 6. However, he has good waveclear and a protection for all ins, which makes him hard to punish. He's also very tanky and your auto attacks won't do much on lane against him.
Similar to Fiora, Irelia, try to wait before unleashing your cougar combo when you jump on him.
Once he unlocks his ult, keep in mind to not stay near walls, and focus on not getting trapped under his tower (he can Q3, W and ult). If he all ins, focus on running for your life, do not hesitate to flash out to avoid taking too much damage.”
MaesePerez says “You're both scaling tanks, but he does win a 1v1, especially if he can use his w to avoid your q knockup. Once in his ult if you can't instantly combo him with q w e into ult execute he destroys you, so be careful, as he wins the isolated 1v1. In teamfights you are stronger because of your AOE cc from q and w, and if he ults you away from the fight you should be able to survive until your team comes to help. Don't feed in lane and you'll be fine”
Guldkarameller says “After new patch he shouldn't be problem. Can also farm a ton of First Strike gold from him. Stay away from terrain he can R you over. Poke as much as you can. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
you have to dodge every q3, and if he ults run away you have no chance of winning the 1v1. If he doesnt have ult you can run him down. You hard outpoke and he has no sustain. He does more in teamfights but if you perma sidelane he cant do much”
hamgi says “dodge his q3. avoid going for trades with his w up (24s). space properly to avoid being hit by q1-2 as he can go for passive and grasp proc. dont stand next to walls post 6 (unless ur in e)”
forlid says “One of the tankiest champions in the game. Early armor penetration is good here. Walk sideways to dodge his Q3 and respect his short trades as they are quite oppressive wth Grasp. His R gives him huge damage but he becomes quite squishy. Don't waste your cooldowns on his W and remember that he can recast it instantly after he uses R.”
PlayCabex says “Skill matchup where neither of you really don’t die. He has a lot of CC so you should try to avoid walking into his face. You mostly wanna use your Q after he uses his W. Goal in laning phase is to farm up items. You can kill him quite easily with your jungler due to your gank setup.
Runes: First Strike/Comet”
Belle19 says “Its maybe a level 3-4 difficulty when he's overpowered but when he's balanced/weak (like right now) its a really easy matchup. When he isnt ulting hes another tank for you to beat up through an extended fight, and when he ults his health pool is low enough that he gets heavily chunked out by yours. Once he has gargoyles your ult is a lot less reliable but by that point you have your own items that make 1v1s favored for you anyway, especially considering how hard iceborn was nerfed from the mythic state to now. If you are struggling build a black cleaver first item it lowers his damage”
zwartebliksem says “Becomes a really hard lane after level 6, before that bully hard. You should be able to out trade him, but try to avoid his Q's. This will give him Max Health True Damage.”
lbc1506 says “He can only get on top of you if he ults, to which you ult and q to walk away.
Pre 6 just collect stacks on him.
By the time he gets damage in his kit, you will have enough health to negate it all.”
Haearnbleidd says “K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙♂️ but remember you are Olaf.
You can kill him pre-6 if you dodge his abilities, and when you get ult you run him down on repeat.
Build: BC/Rav > hexplate/shojin”
AWierdShoe says “This champion is [insert Showmaker copypasta here], and is our hardest tank matchup for us. K'Sante has a lot of good early game dueling and damage with his passive, and can mitigate our damage with his W or dodge it out with his E. Avoid getting hit by his Qs in the early game, and don't get knocked up by his Q3 if it's charged up. We don't really deal damage to this guy without the proper items. At level 6, his ult can be really scary, so if you don't have ult to fight back you're most likely dead. Around level 4 our Qs will do decent amounts of damage to him, just be ready if he Ws into you and trades back. He can't kill us as easily early until he gets his ult, so level 4+ is our opportunity to play slightly aggressive into him to look for potential kills. Armor shred is a must in order to deal any damage (I like Black Cleaver rush).”
Grimmloi says “sakin ve kontrollü bir şekilde oynarsanız kolay eşleşme fakat en ufak hatada sizi çok rahat kesebilir, ultisini ultiniz ile dodgelebilirsiniz”
deathbypotion says “He is weak rn, dodge his Qs, don`t flip when he is unstoppable, do not stay close to his tower as he can kidnap you. You will outscale him. Your W stops him casting dashes”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conquer / Grasp
Add K'sante to the list of champions who need to play with a toaster in a bathtub.
You have to be on point. When you trade, jump from bush and be ready to dodge the Q. If he chains you with Qs you're gonna lose the trade. His W is also busted. Don't let him pin you close to the river walls, or close to his turret.
Don't let him freeze you under his turret.
The only thing you can do, is be very active when you trade. Dodge Qs, Keep autoing, When he ults, you have 2 options, Kite it out, or try to burst him down.
If he gets a lead, he's going to run you over.
I've been debating on a AP Bruiser build for him, and a couple others with a grasp page. ”
Akuzai says “I wish beating this champ was as telegraphed as it seems. Pre 6 you can beat him though you should watch out since he has too much mobility. Post 6 I would recommend freezing a wave under tower and just farming to scale. If he ults you just try to kite away and keep calm.”
Shazir says “Volibear struggles against K'Sante. You can take Lethal Tempo and try to kill him in early levels. Or you can take Grasp and build tank to help your teammates.”
hoflol says “Pretty even lane. K'Sante early slows can be very frustrating, but his damage is usually quite predictable. Rush swiftness boots and proxy if you find him too annoying.”
Lukajs says “K'Sante may be a tank and can be shredded, but don't underestimate his damage output. If you E + Q4 while he has his knockup ready, you can lose about half your health from him.
Play around poking him when his Q3 is down. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Another tank with quite a bit of HP, typically isn't an issue at any stage of the game. Avoid getting hit by Q3's and try to block his poke with your Boar Stance. Can possibly kill you at level 6, but if you save your Awakened Boar Stance or simply run away from him, his kill pressure practically evaporates.”
ThelpixG says “A tank that actually poses a kill threat against you.
His early game is strong and he has a very strong level 6 powerspike but thats about it, you just outscale him entirely afterwards.
How to Beat?
- Antitank setup;
- Try dodging his Q;
- Don't let him proc his passive easily on you;
- Avoid being near walls so he can't ult you properly;
- If he ults you remeber, he deals alot of damage but he becomes just as squishy as any other skirmisher so once you get some crit you can jut oneshot him after he ults.”
xXazzer says “K'sante is hella annoying. He can chain CC you and burst you after 6. He is too tanky and has too much CC. But I find going cdr minor rune, and rushing cleaver works well against him.”
NegativePhoenix says “His rework has definitely made him interesting but still about the same in terms of threat.
The only scary thing really about him is his W now has major true damage in his all-out which I have seen one shot many people
Honestly if you can side step his Qs and bait out his W when ganks come you're basically doing good in this matchup”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) You beat him early but he will outscale you insanely hard. It's also very hard to dodge his Q's later into the game because of his health scaling. He will try to play around his tower/insec ult or just statcheck you if you miss W or E. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
LilliaFanBoy says “Even after constant nerfs K'sante is still a pain.
You can take extended fights easily with Conqueror as long as you don't let him proc Grasp on you or get his by his reverse knockback.
Tabi's are a must here due to his R.”
WhendZ says “K'sante tem a versatilidade de ser um tank assassino (WTF riot?) mas não é problema não. desvia do q dele e cuidado com a ult. ele te dá bastante dano na ult, mas nada que dois barris não te ajudem. Ele já foi mt forte, mas agora é de boas”
LegacyOneTap says “hes just a 2023 champion with a lot of stats, don't let him cheese you with wall hack ultimate he has sending you to his tower better than sett. hes not difficult to play against, dodge his q's and you can build ds bork and so on he loses any time.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or grasp] Matchup can go both ways. He is still annoying even after the nerfs. I would recommend rushing liandry rylais and getting some armor. The rest is the usualy build, fights are usualy pretty even, but be sure to shotgunblast him with q after his Ult.”
Yogolord says “just broken right now
not much to explain here i feel like he honestly pretty ok to fight against but his abilitis are just bullshit
when it comes to fight in lane you can abuse his knock up as a gap closer because zac trades are pretty damn good as long as you get your blobs”
JPGamer10BR says “K'Sante mantenha distância, se você souber manter a distância de forma correta tu ganha com facilidade essa lane, se tu der um passo sem querer e tomar o 3º Q ou o W dele, tu perde a troca, caso ele faça Manopla, tome o dobro de cuidado, basta manter distância e tu sobrevive a lane.
Runas> Grasp, PTA, F.F ou Aery.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Very easy matchup pre 6. Trade with Q when he does, block his W dash or E dash with your W. Do not use E or R on him when charging his W.”
Denied20 says “This guy is hard to approach with is extended chain of cc. Due to this and Yasuo's squishy nature makes him "undivable".
It does not help that he brings some cc to his All Out, which makes his offensive form excruciating to duel.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush. This guy can kidnap you from tower. You are doomed if his team plays around you. Try to farm up. Dodge his knock up Q.”
Murfz says “Matchup is fine as far as I'm concerned, bit boring though since it can feel like a simulator where you're just dodging his Q's. Dshield good vs ksante but I still go lethal tempo, TP recommended. Hard to kill him unless he ints so play for sunderer spike and get your kills later on, in lane focus on CS.”
BurritoTopKing says “Try your best to dodge his Q's, as long as you don't lose a lot of hp early you should have prio and just get vision or roam, after 6 he is killable but try to avoid getting hit by his Q3.”
WarwicksSimp says “Broken champion but I lack enough games vs this champion as warwick top, typically you can't do much though outside of building plated steelcaps and taking good trades. Still winnable.”
xskyswitch says “In lane you bully him pretty hard, I suggest going BC rush if high damage build, or normal frontline build. Respect his damage post 6 as he can burst very fast and get behind your E easily.”
Tronnes says “pretty easy matchup. Your q's outrange his q's. Just respect his R because even though he's supposed to be a tank he doesn't do tank dmg. ”
Bonkyou says “Easy matchup against most players until you meet a good k'sante, Outvalues your kit by stacking armor early. Doesn't have much pressure otherwise. You are favoured”
Chaddouk says “If he doesn't want to die, he won't, like yasuo need to bait Q's by faking last hitting CS, Lose short trades win long obviously. It's all about dodging his abilities on lane, I think trynd is decent into K'sante especially for the fact he wastes hp for damage when he R, but I don't care about his damage I have my R, and I do care about him having less hp. Just dodge spells and keep in mind his cooldowns E pretty short W long af.”
daitolol says “TOP // - Very hard matchup due to the fact that his E shield makes short trades hard and his ult extends long trades losing them as well :^)
-Early game you are looking for perma baiting out his q by walking back and forth, your Qs have very similar range so it is easy to do, when he goes for an E+q combo you can either try to hit him with E or wait out on shroud perserving your energy so his shield run out and you can get actual damage in him
-His Q3 is very slow and easy to dodge but he can pair it up by Using E on minion and leave you with little time to react, make sure to keep your distance when he has Q3 ready He can do a Q3+W+R combo to get you out of your tower, you should be very careful
- Your opening to all in is when he Used E/W to damage you, after that just play with your shorud and keep your distance (Your w can make him cancel R) In the scenario where you want to soak up his R or he was able to use it because you dont have shroud, Use E1 and run away as that will great distance in which you can dodge his Empowered w( he will almost always for for R+Q1+W combo) After his W is on CD you can use R2 as when he is ulti form all of his defensives stats drop massively and is extremely sqshy just make sure to be mindful of the E/F as he can dodge your R2 and then he WILL win the long trade
Black Demon Ezel says “He loses health on cast of his ult and can easily be CC'd to death with your constant Q/W spamming. It's quite the simple task to obliterate this prideful warrior”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Just be careful not to get mind gamed and unburrow into his w, though it won't put a knockup cooldown on him. He will still kill you if he gets a good engage, and is able to cancel your tunnel dashes with w, r and 3rd q. play conservatively in this matchup and make sure not to push too aggressively as its easy to get caugh out by this champion.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
Bully him pre 6 and don't let him get the push and free Qs. Make sure to dodge his empowered Q and you'll be good to go. If you have trouble dodging his Q, you can preemtively throw out a blind so he doesn't get to proc his passive. When he hits 6, stay away from walls and save your Q for when he Ults you. If you played the early game well and poked him a lot, you should even be able to kill him in his All-Out form with Ignite.”
TheBougis says “K'Sante can be very weak or very strong depending on the player's skill and mechanics. His ult is very strong as it makes his passive do max health true damage. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
SVKGuardian says “Gigachad is really strong right now 13.13. If you jump on him he will bully you as much as possible. Poking him is also pretty hard due to his insane mobillity.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A tough matchup but not impossible. Try to kite his CC and be careful as his all in is deceptively strong. Try to CS well and combo your E and W to maximize the damage your dealing by hitting with the true damage from the center of W.”
Samikin says “K'Sante can be bullied in the laning phase if you can constantly stay outside of his range while still poking him consistently. HOWEVER, his lvl 6 can be very lethal if you are not close to your turret or above 75% health. ”
bocchicken says “If he takes you under his tower, then you're kind of doomed. BUT if he goes "all out" it already puts him 1 Urgot trade away from lethal, and him losing his resistances makes him very squishy. ”
ModelitoTime says “K'Sante is super tanky but doesn't pose that much of a threat in terms of pure DPS he has. He can be mildly annoying with his Q in lane phase however. Do your best of your ability to not get hit by these and always remember your E can buffer through knockup cc. So when he tries to land his empowered Q on you just E at him as its about to hit you and you land a free E on to him. As all tank matchups go ALWAYS rush Black Cleaver and you should be fine :]”
Antecc says “K'Sante is usually piloted by bad players, so you'll have an easy time without actually needing any help in this lane. However, be wary of a few things. Don't get hit by his Q when going for minions, expect a W by K'Sante if you press E near him. He'll first try to jump out with E, and if you follow him he'll W. Dodge the W. Lastly, you one shot him if he ever decides to ult in a situation where you aren't 10 HP.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I never lost to him but i think i played against some shitty ones. His kit seems pretty strong but i didnt play him so i dont have much experience. He has a lot of insec potential so avoid harassing him under the tower, and if he has ult even near the tower beacuse he will suck you in.”
ABL Pantheon says “If you can dodge his abilities you pretty much win. Dodge Q and W. E his Ultimate. You have more damage early. He probably outscales you. He will probably yield.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> CORE
he can w your ult and cancel it so bait it before going for undertower combo
lordimboutabust says “Hard to kill, dangerous at 6, tanky with big mobility, try to poke him down then all in when he's low if that's even possible because he seems to have insane regen. Otherwise dodge empowered Q if possible and just try to out heal by stacking conquerer and smashing him in a fight like other tanks | second wind | Dshield - tank mythic or divine (depends on yours and enemy team comp, right now I prefer divine)”
Bernardian says “Broken fuckin tank. K'sante early game is shit, hes EXACLTY like Sion in which he has no good early stats and is very squishy. He scales incredibly well and is really good in teamfights. In lane you win this matchup very hard. k'sante is very weak to your all ins and if he all ins himself he dies as he converts 80% of his total stats to dmg and loses all defenses. Using the full tenacity rune page plus second wind dorans make K'santes poke usless. Into this champion you ALWAYS want to go black cleaver no matter what mythic you have as it not only reduces his resistances but also reduces the damage he deals and how much he can reduce as everything in his kit except his E scales with how much armour and magic resist he has. I wouldnt say you dominate as its easy to throw this matchup away but its not so difficult and even if you make a few mistakes your still generally stronger than him.”
demirkaiser says “Dodge his Q3. Don't ult him when he uses W. Don't full combo him when he uses W since he gets damage reduction. Don't stay near walls or he will ult you. He is a tank so you should be alright.”
PeanutTime36 says “Proc w as much as possible, e away from any engages and chase down with w movement speed. Super easy matchup, take spear to snowball.”
miiekuuz says “if you dodge his abilities youll be okay. youll be tank enough to sustain his damage and do enough dammage at the same time to chunk him”
Raen says “Try to dodge his empowered Q that knocks you back. He got low cds on his Q so try to move a lot to dodge it. Don't stay near walls bcs he will try to R you. If hes about to R you, wait with ur E for his ,,damage" form to tank some dodge on your E. Some lifesteal would be helpful vs him.”
Federals1 says “K'sante's strength comes from his ability to pull your very far back all the way to his turret. It's the thing that will kill you most often if you are not careful. When he is in his ultimate he also does a lot of damage but does lose a lot of tankiness as well. Once he gets his Iceborn Gauntlet trying to kite him becomes a lot harder, so q max isn't exactly ideal. W is better as it means even if he does slow you a lot so he can keep fighting, you can win the 1v1 with the increased damage and healing. Try to save your ultimate for when his w is used, as if he times it properly it will negate a lot of burst. You can go for Cosmic Drive, Iceborn Gauntlet or Black Cleaver. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM or Grasp if you struggle, and start dshield. Try to dodge his Q's and make sure he doesn't get free autos. When jumping on try use your E so he doesn't get passive hit and stun then walk away, Try to poke him down with your W before you all in.”
KaiOverHere says “Outscale lane but he auto pushes into you because of his AOE
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
Althalosofsirun says “his R power spike can kill you save your W for after he R's since he takes half of his own health away with it try to auto him down and stun him out of his E ”
Nurakami says “After nerfs ksante is not as scary but he is still tanky assasin on r so care for your life when pride of nazuma will r you out from your turret.”
BezMemow says “You need to bully him earlygame and force long trades and get him to back at an inconvienient timing so that he can't back TP with negatron cloak + null magic mantle. If you're able to do that and get some CS advantage you can win lvl 6, otherwise he can literally oneshot you. Take flash to avoid his W and use your ultimate as he uses Q3 animation so that he can't cancel it.”
LocaLAM says “He has a ton of CC and can be a huge threat if you can't play around him correctly. If he ults, he'll become a nuissance due to his high damage and resistances so it's best to avoid that if possible.”
rilxy4u says “This mf never dies and has cc immunity for half his abilities.
Outplay: try to play around boxes, have preplaced ones for him to dash into, try trading with E, do not fight while he's in his ult.”
Smauggy says “never faced as lillia so ill jsut make some logic thinking:
His q got some range /460 and yours up to 480) , so be carefull of your positioning w8 that he w to ult him, if he ults ou, ult him and run away, with some armor and hp you will be fine to jsut run ”
JaxIsAHobo says “Fucking disgustingly annoying champion. Not hard to deal with in lower ranks as most ksante players are pretty bad, but in higher ranks, hes extremely difficult to deal with due to his extremely efficient trades and insane bulk. Tether his Qs, and engage into him only after he misses a Q. Sidestep the knockups from his 3rd Qs, and use your counterstrike sparingly as he can tank the damage and kidnap you deeper into his side of the map with his push or his ult. ”
Loweloexpert says “Pls kill this shit lvl3. He will Q3 and W, thats it. just Q during his Q3 and E just after his W, then auto ign auto Q auto auto ez. At 6 just wait his ult and ult him right after. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Best to be careful with dumb K'Sante. He will mitigate literally all of your damage if he gets any unnecessary kills. Although I don't know what his Q, W, or E is, I do know his ultimate is quite deadly, sacrificing a large sum of his health to vastly increase his defenses and make his Ntofos way stronger. Caution is required”
Phrxshn says “Avoid being in front of K'Sante in order to dodge his Ntofo Strike(Q) as it will knock you towards him. Wait for his Path Maker(W) charge to finish so your crowd control would work against him. He can dash with his Footwork(E) and gain shield off of his skill, wait out his shield then fight him. Try to avoid fighting him while he is facing towards his own turret as he can blink your champion towards his turret. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace)”
Mnem says “Go with Flash Ghost, Conqueror and bone plating. Destroy him xd. E + Q for him to dash to reduce his Q damage. Don't use your E or R while K'Sante is channeling his W. Build Plated Steelcaps and Divine Sunderer.”
Roothor says “He has to engage you, and that is what Illaoi likes most. But beware his high damage, even if he gets behind. Play on the upper side of the map, so he cannot drive you out of the tentacles scope with his R”
ARealFakeIdentity says “You can dodge nearly every one of his abilities due to movement speed, while also being able to cancel his empowered auto-attacks.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Dodge his Q's and avoid letting him ult you to under his turret.
Try hard to get a lead earlygame before he gets levels and bases for armor items.
Fryx says “K'Sante has good Trading and a dangerous all in since you cant dodge it once you are hit, but in teamfight you should excel. Max W in this Matchup and take Grasp, don't bother too much about destroying him in lane later on you will have your value. Still hard.”
OTP Toxin says “He is another broken champion from Riot Games haha, but he is just a tank that you can poke a lot, try to avoid his dashs and stay out of walls to avoid his ult and you will be fine, just blind him when he ults and you will be ok.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Second Wind. After Nerfs is free matchup. Contest Wave Early. Tether His Q. He Will dodge your Q With his Dash ( E ). Very slippery champion.”
SesaPrime says “K'Sante does not hold much of a challenge to Camille, but he does hold a lot of disrupting tools to knock you off your game. He can cancel your Hookshot & always prepare to respond to your engages.
He's a bruiser by nature, he'll only be strong for a short while until your items come into play. ”
Vixylafoen says “He'll usually never die and will dash out of your barrels. Catch him up when his dash is down and try to outtrade him with passive resets. If he goes in on you with his R when you're healthy, you will usually kill him first”
Reines Kokosfett says “You can dodge his Q with your E and win trades but his all out (R) damage is very high. If you are mounted when he ults you should be able to just one-combo him. If you are dismounted to can kill you.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
If he walks close to a wall level 1 you can cheese him by starting E and you pretty much get prio and win the lane. If he doesn't then dodge his Q's level 1 and you can walk up to him to trade a grasp auto when his Q is down and W him to heal back. Once he has his E he will block your W with his E shield so try to wait for him to use his E. The onus is on him to get a lead on you early because once you have Divine Sunderer you pretty much just win. Do you best to side step his Q's and keep taking small trades to whittle down his health bar and W him to stay healthy. Your job is to not die before you get your mythic item. Be very careful when he hits level 6 because if he's running conqueror and you use your hookshot on him he can all in you and practically 1 shot you. Also be careful when standing close to his tower because he can pull you into tower range with the kit that he has.”
Kocykek says “Early on you can outtrade him easily.
After 6 beware of his ult. It grants stats that can one shot you (literally).
You block his dash. Don't come close near his tower or he will ult you. Don't understimate him.”
1Yamato1 says “Tome cuidado com trocas early game com ele, Você sempre ganha o all win mas vai fica tentando ter trocas curtas. Se você conseguir fica igual com ele, ele não clica mais depois de 1 item, se não estiver confiante use grasp. ”
StingingChicken says “Your sustained damage is quite a bit higher than his early, be aggressive and don't be afraid to walk him down the lane. Your q is faster and has more range than his as well, so juke his and land yours and you'll do well. You should be able to get a lead early, and while he gets stronger at 6 it remains manageable.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge his Q3]
[Bait his W then use your abilities]
[Don't stand near walls or he will send you away with his R]”
stefanko says “K'Sante can space you with his q's, so try to bait his q's before going to last hit minions or trade. Try to play with waves until 6, after 6 you win all ins. Don't start trade by q-ing in, cause he can just dash away and negate all your damage. In lane you will usually go even, but he denies you in teamfights so try to keep him sidelane in mid/late game(grasp, teleport)”
Zeffie says “Constant passive damage procs, disruption and displacement from Q3 as well as the desire to throw you any way he wants with his channel. He can also dodge ults or W's with his dash not to mention his bonus damage once he ults.
Very very tough matchup, Iceborn is probably your best option”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:WACANDA FOREVER,most balanced champ that i ever seen HE SIMPLY BEATS MOST BALANCED CHAMP OF LAST YEAR(AAtrox)Ban it or try to duel only if you both have mythic”
PraefectusMace says “What makes him annoying is that his attack slows you, and he is a chonky boy who will build EVEN more chokiness. So while early game he might not be as much of a problem, as time goes on it will be difficult to dent him. So make sure to punish him when you can and dodge those slows of his, ESPECIALLY the third attack as it knocks you right towards him.”
Tonho says “He deals much damage on you and can tank/ dodge your combo with ease. He is hard to kill, and after 6 you lose the trade. Only way to kill him is if he plays poorly. He can one combo you if you dismount after 6 and he has his entire kit available. Just avoid being poked, avoid trades unless he misses everything.”
BoilTheOil says “Try to gain an advantage before he gets items, his early levels are where he's most beatable. Be careful when close to his tower, he can easily pull you into it with his 3rd Q. Don't use W if his E is up unless you combo it with your own E, if he dodges W he will likely run you down.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. If you don't get insanely outplayed, you win most fights pre-6. After 6 and before you get your first item, though, he is lowkey stronger than you. After your first item you beat him again. I recommend Liandry's if he builds Rookern, so it takes longer for the shield to come back up, and Riftmaker if he doesn't build Rookern. He can react to your ult animation and cancel it with W or R if he's good, so make sure to either mask your ult with q or to only ult him after he used his W in his ult form (his W cooldown resets after ulting). You can bait him into using it before you ult by pulling him away with E so he has to use W in order to not get pulled away. Never fight near his turret after 6, he can cc chain you into his turret without counterplay. Same goes for when you're under your turret. If he knocks you close to the wall, he can ult you over it and you're no longer under your turret, so try to stand next to the map border if you think he can beat you. He gets pretty tanky later on, so only ult him if he is low. ”
Anoying bro5 says “Use your Q to evade his Q (he slams down his arm forward, it is on fairly low cd). You can consistently dodge his Q when you Q to his vitals, and use spacing well. You can W his 3rd Q which pulls you in (almost like yasuo). Be careful as he can move so if you can not consistently and W on this ability, save it for his all in. Be careful of your position as his ult can carry you over walls to his enemy jungler. He is also very strong when near his turret so be mindful of positioning. Overall you win extended trades if you use your riposte properly. Wouldnt recommends engaging if he has over half HP in laneing phase.”
hamgi says “k'sante is strong mid-late game as he gets incredibly tanky, he's very mobile, and he has consistent displacement. early on, he's fairly weak as he doesn't have cd reduction to stay on top of u, so winning trades and avoiding his q3 is fairly easy. he must land q1 to chain them to q3 unlike yone, but if he lands a q, he also gains an empowered aa, so avoid staying in range and make him waste it on a minion before re-engaging. his w makes him unstoppable, so avoid q3/r'ing him when he does this as he won't be cc'd, tho he will still take dmg. his kit is similar to riven in the sense has 3 q's, the last a knock up, a shield+dash, and an ult that increases his ad on his spells. his ult, if knocking u against a wall, sends u thru it and does additional dmg; otherwise, he gets behind u. he loses a threshold of his hp and resistances but he gains omnivamp and ad and becomes manaless, so keep in mind he might be a harder fight at this point than u think”
Black Demon Ezel says “This new threat K'Sante builds too tanky to stop. On top of that, his ult is a shyvana ult and talon backflip combo that annihilates all in it's path. I have never beaten a K'Sante before and why do I get the sinking feeling I will never beat one”
Pep_Shin says “Really annoying matchup as he can disengage very easily.
If he wastes his W you can long trade him to put him in a bad spot
You can tradeback with E-Q.
If you wait for him to engage you, you will statcheck him most of the time. Without his R to disengage you can use yours to beat him.
If he gets too much ahead, you won't be able to kill him anymore, he'll get too tanky and deal too much damage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “K'Sante is downright rude with his Shyvana based ult, extreme strength and impossibly high defenses. Use the walkers and attack from range, Let your little guys do the front row talking”
GannicusTTV says “Shen beats K'sante easy pre6. Just trade with him. Pay attention to the character cue for the knock up and dodge it. Do not use W immediately after taunt and trade, as he can disrupt you away from your W with his Charge. wait to W after. at lvl 6 he can hurt you, so save your E to disengage and pay attention if your back is to a long wall. just poke him but don' tover commit, and as long as you are healthy and he ultis, you have time and space to run away or even kill him if he is low hp.”
lorensj81 says “Patch 13.1 updated - K'Sante got a nerf >>> This is quite an easy matchup early. I usually start Q and trade on cooldown (dodging his Qs), also pushing wave for level 2 advantage. Be careful standing close to his tower when his 3rd Q is ready (whirlwind around him), if he hits that you are knocked towards him, and he can dash with his E (shield) and bring you into tower with his W (unstoppable). At level 6 he is quite scary, he can R you through walls, and he will get alot of omnivamp and 65% reduced resists, this is where ignite is great. Ignite and burst him with your R!
His damage and cooldown on Q scales with resists, so he will get very tanky, but as long as you crush him early he should never become a problem.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Early game is rather simple, he plays similar to that of a Yone or Yasuo with their wind flowing around them.
If you see this, he has the ability to potentially knock you up and behind him locking you down especially around his turret.
Into the late game he becomes more difficult to deal with as he is a scaling tank that can also deal tremendous amounts of damage.
Once he is level 6, stay away from terrain, as he can grab you and throw you through them to the other side. If he is killed before the ultimate finishes you will get bugged and be unable to move for 6 seconds, before getting stunned for a second. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Try to get more resources, or kill him and get plates
Wave 1-4:
Play for Q poke, you can also parry his normal Q's to deny him a TON of damage, and guarantee hitting the parry which is very valuable, you can get prio in this matchup.
You wanna take DBlade
Constantly be spacing (sideways) to anticipate and dodge his Q's, he can just spam them and poke you down, which is the main threat he has.
I like to keep parry for his 3rd Q, and sometimes his W if he charges it up and its an obvious parry, although if he's in melee range and releases it early, it's extremely hard to react to,
Try to keep in mind that he can kite you vitals pretty well with his abilities, (W & E), and bait out his abilities before going for risky vitals.
As for his ultimate, try to be really mindful of where you are positioned as he can easily bring you towards his jungler and kill you”
LoLReal says “Champ isn't a big issue for Darius. He needs to fight up close and we have much stronger extended trades than he does. K'sante can't beat us in a straight up 1v1 but be careful of his gank set up with enemy jungler because it is very good.”
Alan234 says “Fleet footwork or PTA should work well in this matchup. Riftmaker or Liandry should both be good. Treat this as any other juggernaut really, just weaker. I haven't played this matchup a lot so its hard to tell. TECHNICALLY you should be favored. Try to have the push so that he can't stack his q (just like vs yone). One he has 2 stacks on his q focus on dodging it over anything else. You should win most all ins simply because your blind is so powerful. If you think that he will all in maybe keep your blind until after K'Sante ults, since it dramatically increases his auto damage. If he is charging his w Shield you usually have the timer to throw a shroom in the wave and guarantee hitting him.”
Irelius says “He has one of the most strong skillsets amongst all toplaner. Good K'Sante is not an easy enemy.
However, his numbers are so nerfed that he can't really oppose you. Take the prio and never loose it.
Be aware, tho, of his slow asf insec tower cheese. Do not allow him to E+W from behind and pull you to his tower. That is the only way he can actually kill you.
Later in the game his main source of damage is R and W. Which deal physical damage and thus are countered by your W heavily. ”
BiriRamen says “Just go Fleet with a Doran's Ring, and shit on his soul. Fuck this stupid fucking champion. I have yet to lose to him top, idk if it's people cannot play him, but nah. This lane is freelo, just build tanky so your team has some sort of front line for a bit.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
I found this to be an easy matchup everytime i played it, just be careful about his W and don't let him pull you under his tower. You can cleanse his R off with W2 or his damage after ult, just hold ignite (if you don't want to play tp) for after he uses R because he gets high lifesteal, but you can oneshot him if he doesn't keep refilling. Focus on keeping HP high.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “ I dont know the champion yet but i played couple times vs him and i dont think its a hard matchup, his cc is very strong, and if you get by his charged Q you will propably lose trade, but its very easy to dodge though. Be carefull if you are harassing him next to his tower as his insec potential is insane with or without ult, he cant really kill you in his tank form, as his damage sucks there, his ult form is you threat but if you manage to harass him enough he wont be able to all in you due to hp diff and you will win anyways. Remember to avoid staying next to river side walls as he can teleport you to his jungler or just outside the lane where you are not as strong”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
K'Sante is just a block with a lot of CC. It is not a problem for Gwen, because she deals a lot of true damage. The guy is losing fights to you, so you should lead the lane. Just watch out for his combo with R, because you won't be able to move.
(I've only played 3 games on K'Sante, so the experiences described here may be very subjective.)”
NegativePhoenix says “K'Sante has been through the riot grinder over and over as they can't seem to pin down a way to balance him fully. Your trades are better than his so long as he cant proc his passive on you and he doesn't constantly land stuns. Late game is kinda iffy on who can damage who faster and who dodges better”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 8.7/10
➡️I personally struggle A LOT with this matchup, K'sante deals way too much damage and takes too little in lane. Trundle wins until first reset where K'sante buys chain vest/brambles/tabis etc. However, Trundle wins after 3 items (hydra+botrk+cleaver). For this reason, I place him as a counter-matchup but you have a lot more expression in the matchup and it can be won.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad k'sante vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average k'sante vs Average Trundle ➡️60/40 K'sante/Trundle
Good K'sante vs Good Trundle ➡️ K'sante stomps Trundle”
L0ganJG says “This is my ban, you never have enough damage to kill him unless you win level 1 and EVEN THEN Chain Vest + Bramble = You lose. Sheen does more damage than BotRK. Play safe 24/7 and try to roam”
Haxorr says “K'Sante is a really easy matchup in my opinion if you play a controlled playstyle. The best way to lane vs him is to use your vitals and movement to bait out his q, then q to the vital for a free trade. I highly advise that you do not q for vitals behind K'Sante if you can't parry his W, or if it's early levels as his Q + Grasp auto can hurt quite a bit. Instead, try to use movement and front vitals to kite him out and maintain space so he can never auto attack you without using his e. Once he does that, then you can look to take an extended trade. Of course, parrying either his q3 or w is good, I also enjoy saving my parry for after he ults and parrying his ult form w. Overall, pretty easy matchup as are most tanks. Doran's blade with Conqueror + Sorcery setup, or take Grasp if you struggle vs K'Sante”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Absolutely unkilable, he just needs a bramble vest and even if you had a 3 kills lead you'll still loose, roam as much as possible.”
hayrst says “200 YEAR CHAMPION (ban if possible)
if he builds MR is just over for you, either switch lanes or you wont be able to snowball.
The problem with this matchup is that his Q outranges your passive auto so it makes it harder to stack grasp and heartsteel.
tip: try to dodge his q's as much as possible, and when u start dealing no damage because of his MR switch lanes.”
CactEyez says “Very annoying, very broken. His W will do crazy damage to you so avoid it as best you can. Do not try and R him while he has W or R or RW (yeah 3 unstoppables FUN!).
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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