Top Lane 48.83% Win Rate80% Pick RateSion Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sion in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “Pretty annoying matchup, after 1 item u cant really kill him, he can use his r to come in the lane instanly, or use it defensively to leave whenever he is getting ganked or low hp, or offensively when u are low up and can get a combo on you. the longer he travles with his ult the longer u gonna get stunned by it. Avoid his e and u win every trade.”
Maniaxx says “Sion can engage hard with his Q (Decimating Smash), and his Passive (Glory in Death) allows him to continue to deal damage even after he dies.
How to deal with him:
Poke and kite: Sion is slow and easy to poke, so use Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke him and avoid getting hit by his Q.
Build tank items: Sion's damage comes from his crowd control and tankiness. Building tanky will help you outlast him in extended fights.”
a_k_z7 says “sion is eaasily counterd by you
when you q for the wave you can get an easy q on him but try to hit him with the edge of it so you can get out of the q range
you can also e his q to cancle it and countine the trade
you can perma fight sion and wins since you can cancle his q which is his main soruce of damage
wave mamagent is good since he will hve tp and can ult back to lane
mid to late game you can fight him with black cleaver so dont be afraid to go fight im when he is psuhing the lane
if sion proxy try to ingore him since you going to kill him will waste your time + you will lose cs + the wave will bounce back to him if he is very low or you can gank him fast try to get the wave fast and kill him fast so you dont waste aanything”
Nithril says “Your E will cancel his Q but cast it quickly otherwise he will cast it while you are midair and do his full combo on you, care for his ult and go for DPS build he will eventually outscale you so roam around and help your team secure a lead”
ballhog2dacore says “E his Q charge and poke early with Q. Look for an all in at level 2 with ignite. Overall an easy lane especially if he builds AD. ”
Raideru says “This matchup u just spam W whenever you can and always look to trade him whenever your passive is up since you can always walk away easily with one sided trades just make sure to not hookshot in awkward spot cose he can fight u back with e slow into q so keep that in mind, after first item you win trades hard but don't play overly aggressive in early just chip him down slowly with your one sided trade patterns. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush and if you're not really ahead vs him I advise Shojin 3rd in order to be able to 1v1 him.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"He doesn't do enough damage to ever threaten you but his scaling is good so you'll have to dominate early. Stun/Eat him to cancel his Q and try to always pop his W because the magic
damage will chunk you. Other than that, good fundementals will let you win this. " ”
Spartaniko says “This matchup is all about timing his Q: your W cancels it but if he stuns you before you hit him you won't stun him. If he is already in the 'stun time spot' of his Q just E to avoid its damage. BOTRK helps a lot to kill him after he starts stacking health, consider it 2nd or 3rd item.”
Houcs says “Never had problems against this, Doesnt even have to drag him to tower. Can easily win trades outside of your tower.
Tho this champion can become a problem later in game because he will be very tanky. And Skarner is not really good at killing tanks so its up to your team to kill him.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “super free matchup, just jump on him whenever the wave is in a good spot. make sure to be right inside him as much as you can so you can just move to the side when he is channeling his Q”
UrPersonalGod says “Pretty free lane.
The Baus tactic of Q wave 3 and then proxy doesnt really work against you because you can cancel his Q with yours.
If he goes for proxy ignore him and wait for your jungle. ”
Skaarlschloch says “Scaling Conq (OR PHASERUSH!!) Page with DRing Start + Teleport
Pressure him early but dont die!!
No 1 for 1 trades as he insta respawns + TP
2 Options:
If he builds full HP build with Heartsteel or Titanic Rush you can Rush BORK 1st or 2nd (preference)
If he goes Armor like Bramble->Thornnail you can go Tiamat Rush for Proxy into Black Cleaver into Bork if they have many high HP targets or Titanic Riftmaker if its just him and your team can already shred him!
If they go AD Sion (way better option for them IMO the matchup vs AD Sion is quite hard losing!!), you wont know in champ select but if you did you would go Phaserush!! Instead you can go Swiftnessboots early and mabye Stridebreaker/BlackCleaver for the Phage effect otherwise mabye Ionians for more Flashes&TPs helps alot in lane”
tictac9090 says “Zone him from the xp level 1 with your W. Pretty free matchup but he does outscale you. Late game you win most 1v1's but it's gonna take time to get him down.”
Skaarlschloch says “Sion is usually a decently bad matchup depending on how good the sion player is.
As of 14.14-14.16 Sion is probably the worst champ in the game so youll be super fine xD”
SemenDrinker says “Blade or shield Bone plating or 2nd wind
Your kit just counter sion q. If you don't think you're in range to stop his q you can always just e to the side. Sion is just a giant target that you can spam q on off cd. Obviously do your best to run away from his passive as he hits you for max health dmg. ”
IvanBeifong says “Tank matchup, dodge his Qs and you'll be fine, usually you'll want to go Conq build, if not you'll run out of mana.
Good ult for roaming, but not for anything else.”
Frankoloko says “Take Demolish since you don't need Bone Plating to beat him. Don't ult him while he is running. Rush Liandries as it does a ton of damage to his HP build.”
LilPicky says “(1st rune page start blade) E him while he is charging his Qs on the minion wave, but dont E in front of his Q because you will just get stunned, E to his side, and try to blow up his shield before his shield does damage to you, you can R his R to stop him and he wont stun you 90% of the time (weird interaction the other 10%) ”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is pretty similar to the Ornn matchup. Avoid his E and walk out of his Q and you're fine. Watch out for the bushes early because some Sion players love to cheese with a fully charged Q. I would personally take Cut Down in this matchup if I go Precision since he can infinitely stack HP from his W Passive. First Strike is also good because you can just proc it for free, provided you dodge his E. If he has his W active, either poke it off or just walk away if he walks towards you or you will take some damage. You can just E or EQ out of his Ult or make him Ult into your Ult, so it's not much of a threat.”
TentiTiger11 says “Sion and other tanks are hard just because they build MR, passive farm during lane, and outscales you. Most aren’t as bad as ornn but still suck. I would still just focus on killing early and then maybe bringing TP to go bot and kill other people.”
Zagreus16 says “sion is there to give u a happy day cause you win so easy in lane and on top of that, late game he has so much health that if u ult him into his own team its gonna do so much dmg that you will get the big happy :)”
step1v9 says “Save your E to get out of his Q charge. Never tank full Q charge as it increases the damage and CC duration. Take demolish and if he proxy you proxy.”
Lukenzoo says “Some people will just proxy with sion so dont let them and try to be away from bushes if sion isn't in lane because he can try to cheese you”
Raideru says “Zone him lvl 1 with Q or W, whenever he tries to go for a Q on the wave try to walk around it and then go on him and start autoing him and once he walks away pull him back in, he can't really do much to you since u stat check him all the time”
Azzin says “You can maybe kill him once or twice early on, but rengar AP just struggle alot against tanks, you can't really kill him alone if you don't go for CDR build. Again => proxy + prio = jgler invade = gg.”
Haxorr says “Really easy matchup. Start DBlade, bring Grasp and I would rush Trinity. You can really abuse Sion early on in the game, just trade aggressively but watch out because he can have some surprising damage. I think Baus makes lots of ppl think this champ SUCKS and has no damage, but it's not true. If you hold your E then he can't Q which is nice. Overall, just play for prio and grubs skirmishes, you're stronger.”
DuckQc says “Easy matchup. Pre-6 Don't get into his q, and you are safe, when you have your ult you run him down. Try to block his ult when he wants to run away. Take TP to be sur to match him and the classic sion pushing strats”
Beeware says “He's tanky, can slow you and poke you with his Q. He's also pretty fast, you won't outrun him. His R ignores your cage. Dance around his abilities and farm - your scaling is better.”
Baby_Driver says “This matchup is very annoying.
Be aware of his lvl 1 Q in the bush.
Cancel his Q with pull, then auto attack him to death and use W when he is about run out of your auto attack range.
Ulsur says “You interrupt his Q with your 3 Qs easily, he has no mobility so you'll land your combo every single time, you outsustain him, don't be afraid to fight him if you're half his HP, he's weak early on, he has decent scaling and will often splitpush into ult for teamfights, Serylda's/Cleaver/Eclipse will destroy him.”
KingJoeyy says “easy matchups but if you're up against a good sion he can proxy you but don't let him punish him dodging his q E or W and snip him bad sion players cs badly unless they keep dying for wave buy darkseal and snowball.”
forlid says “Sion is a joke in lane against us. Hhis only window to kill you is early if he gets to poke you down, but your E just makes hitting his Q too hard. Rushing BORK makes him useless the entire game. Sion will, however, probably split the entire game and int continously, so his utility is always valuable. Just try to gap him so that he can never contribute too much into the game.”
PinkBlood says “A good sion can just bully you with his range. Make sure to hold orange for his ult in a all in. If sion proxies ever just make sure you farm with passive under tower.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for pantheon*
Use you W on his decimating smash(Q) From the side or when he start to charge it so u don't get stunned and he will.
constantly Q and AA him to force him to back. good item choice against him can be BotRK and eclipse because of the % DMG.
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
His early lane power is decent but if you e his q its free for you. You massively outscale him with liandries riftmaker rush. Dont r his r. ”
MaesePerez says “Extremely easy matchup. You do everything he does but better. You scale with HP better, have more damage, more consistent cc, and you win 1v1 at every point in the game. You can cancel his q with both q and w, and your e max hp damage shreds him. Also eating his zombie gives you a champion stack, so even if you don't get the kill, you can still get an ult stack, allowing both you and your jungler to get fed off the same kill.”
X_TRM says “(Start E) Try to walk around his Q with your Q or use your E if your are in his Q hitbox to cancel his damage. If you kill him withough Ult after 6 in lane, use it on his passive to clear the wave. In teamfights he is the main target you want to Ult. This matchup is very forgettable for Sion if he follows the proxy strat. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
forlid says “Sion is a very easy matchup. Your Q is easy to proc so that it cancels his Q charge, and his nature as a tank helps with you taking extended fights. You win against Sion in every point in the game.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
farm and dont engage with his cancer. Poke with cleaver but beyond that just focus on your own farm and denying him plates. He really shouldnt be able to proxy into you but if he does wait until it isnt a cannon wave so you can clear it quickly and then chase him. He's pretty much the only proxy champ where you can actually chase him for a kill just make sure you force him into the jungle so he isnt farming in death passive. Grasp”
Angryappleseed says “Maybe get an early cull if he starts proxying. Ingenious CD Build will work best. Get a BORK 4th item after eclipse+sundered+cleaver. He Hard outscales you, and he will make your life hell.
Artszy says “Tu não mata ele. ele te da outscaling e só vai ficar splitando. deixa as waves puxadas e vai ajudar teu time. priorize ultar ele nas tf que ele chegar ultando.”
hamgi says “abuse his long cd's and cast times. move perpendicularly out of his q's, interrupt with q3/r, or space them. stay away from bushes. his e goes thru minions, slows, and reduces armor, so avoid standing behind minions or dodge if in open space. space his w unless u can break it early (@ r1, 60 + 40% ap shield strength)”
support enjoyer says “if you can't dodge his abilieties you are dead.
well every champ that aren't aa and his abilities doesn't count as aa is major threat”
PlayCabex says “You have 2 ways to cancel his Q knock up. Don’t use both of em at once, because canceling sions q will put his ability on a 2 second cooldown. You can always finish you drain after canceling his Q. You wanna take first strike into this matchup and buy Liandry’s Anguish and Demonic embrace. Once you have those 2, sion will never be able to match you in side lane + you oneshot him with your R due to first strike.
Runes: First Strike”
Belle19 says “if you lose this go back to bots. You can cancel his q with e. Take advantage of the fact most sion mains will die for a cannon. Try to kill him away from wave, and in his passive do some juke shit so he doesnt just stand there farming in death”
zwartebliksem says “Sion can be quite scary early, since his base Q damage is very high and nearly undodgeable if E is down. If you kill him while dismounted, you better start running, he will run you down.”
AWierdShoe says “Another super easy matchup. Sion has no tools in his kit to contest Aatrox at any point in the game. He has poor mobility, and cancelling his Q charge up or even dodging it is super easy for us as long as we didn't waste our cooldowns poorly. Feel free to trade with Sion if he presses W; removing the shield he gets will remove the opportunity he has to deal AOE physical damage from the recast. It can be annoying to push waves and get a clean reset if you don't stack minions correctly, even if you kill him he'll just use his zombie passive to push you away from the wave early on and post-6 he'll just ult back to lane/use TP. ”
Haearnbleidd says “Easy matchup. Pre-6 Don't get into his q, and you are safe, when you have your ult you run him down. Try to block his ult when he wants to run away. Build: Rav/Shojin > Hexplate”
PPlongcook says “He is really overtuned this patch. You can dodge literally all of this damage but it doesn't seem to matter, he will just tank through it.
You need to get ahead of him early and keep him down or he will just sit in a sidelane end up with 7k health.
Take the Grasp page and trade as often as you can”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
I like fleet, or even lethal. I don't have issues with this matchup, I've heard some do.
Just avoid his Q from brush, he will try to deny you.
Normally they int to you, and hope you kill you with passive.
His passive will last until he respawns, so he can get prio and then TP back. You take TP to avoid a poorly timed back.
Akuzai says “Impossible for him to kill you without jungle as long as you dodge his q. Annoying to deal with in side but if you can bait him out a little you can just run him down.”
hoflol says “A low mobility tank. Dodge his Q CC wherever possible and you will win all extended trades.
Make sure and rush Demonic Embrace and you will always have kill pressure.”
Lukajs says “Sion is a slow champion with no real way of escaping your grasp, so if you can get his health lowered you should be able to cut him down. Poke him down at all times, since he can't respond to it with Q, because you have W.”
GheeseEmpty says “Pretty simple matchup, he's an HP building tank. He does zone you better than Cho'Gath and deals more damage than Mundo. He is overall a greater threat to you, but he's still fairly easy to deal with at most stages in the game. His splitpush is to be respected, but Bear build easily outdoes him, and Phoenix can kill him when not grouped.”
xXazzer says “You can cancel his Qs. He is squishy early on too. Just becareful of his bush cheese. Otherwise just go aggro on him, not much he can do except pray.”
NegativePhoenix says “This is actually a pretty easy matchup seeing as how your Q removes his W shield and all he plans to do is use Q to hit you which if you can't avoid your W shield can tank most of the damage.
You could also CC him to stop his Q but there's a weird bug where sometimes his Q knockup will still go off, and he'll still get the reset for interrupting his Q so don't be surprised if that happens.
AD Sion is a little scarier early but once you get some resistances set up there's not much difference [against you] between Tank and AD Sion”
LilliaFanBoy says “Don't sit next to brushes.
You can easily run out of his Q.
Try and not get hit by a random minion sent flying by his E.
Run him down with Demonic if you want.”
WhendZ says “Ele tem mais vida que você e ganha shield. Recomendo a jogar fora do Q dele e trocar quando ele estiver sem, flasha da ult e abuse dos seus barris.”
LegacyOneTap says “Lethal tempo, flash tp, divine, bork, bc, shojin, garg, steraks, or something else. You just kill him 30x over and stay pressuring top side early- mid game until you can run objectives. stun him while he's in q startup, proc his w shield down so he doesn't do any damage to you, dodge your minions he throws at you, try to time your recalls on his deaths, and his ult, as he makes you stay in lane so getting herald down asap is best prio for this matchup so you have more time to be away from lane for dragon plays, early levels just bully him while watching your waves and be careful of jungler mainly in this matchup as he'll probablly call the entire swat team on you for killing him once. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Cuidado com as moitas, ele pode te acertar com o Q carregado, warde o Blue ou Red do seu JG, pois ele pode roubar os campos dele, não tome o E dele, pois ele pode te dar o slow e te acertar com o Q carregado, logo depois te dando 1 auto ataque com o Grasp, nessa lane recomendo, bota de rapidez, liandry, F.F, e dilacerar.
Pode pegar, F.F ou PTA.
Eu pego TP, mas ignite não é ruim.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he steps forward. Use Q to break W shield to prevent damage. Use E to interupt his Q channel. You should win 1v1 until he builds hullbreaker, even if he is winning a fight he should never be able to catch you.”
Denied20 says “Kill him and threaten him until he starts proxying. If you actually mess up in the lane he will snowball on you hard.
I really recommend the "Tank as concern" build for this match up.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Sion has been nerfed alot (Tower plates and demolish.) Farm up if he only proxy's. Try to not get hit by his Q stun. Killing him early is a way to get ahead. Be carefull with your shutdown :)”
WarwicksSimp says “Scale. You can usually never kill him and youre easy to gank for enemy jungler. Just play smart and farm. Ganks are good to make him use R. Save your E for ganks so if he does die you fear him during his revive.”
xskyswitch says “Q poke and W his Q. If W is down, use E. Take teleport regardless of build since he will try to split push. R to help other lanes and teleport back to prevent him from splitting to nexus like Nasus.”
Tronnes says “Easy matchup. Try not to let him play around bush and cancel his Q's with your first q. Just punish him any time he attempts to CS and don't get walked down after he dies. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “Make sure to trade level 1, every time. do your combos in a way where you are able to break his Q. it goes on lower cooldown than usual but you will never get hit by it. build black cleaver and rush at least tier 1 boots. if he goes lethality with phase rush. RUSH Cooldown reduction. cant exactly say if you need lucidity or Steelcaps. depends in your personal game”
Chaddouk says “This is an easy matchup for tryndamere, Sion is basically a big punching ball for tryndamere. Abuse from level 1, all you have to do is consider his Q for which you can keep E to dash through or just move sideways. Pop his shield by just hitting him, and then I don't have much to say you have complete control of the wave, the only thing is it can be hard to hold a freeze cuz you can't cancel his Q so he can clear the wave easily with a good death, but still a death. It can be really good to go kraken before hydra, and also whenever you all in after 6 stay between him and his escape so he doesn't ult out. His R CD is longer than yours early. Ping his possible rotations with his 6 to your team and you're good to go most of the time.”
BaotoGame says “Very tankiness and high amount of damage at the late game.You can use to edge of your W to stop his Q.Your W can also block his ult.But he can also E your ghouls to slow you down, so be aware of that gank setup.”
daitolol says “- Really difficult matchup you can usually get to kill him around 2-3 times before he becomes unkillable, after that point you will have to get another member of your team to help you out in siding
- You can dodge his q by using e and getting a free hit, if it is down you should try your best in using MS from passive and q to dodge them
-His shield explodes, you have the choice of either destroying it and sacrficing a lot of your energy or waiting it out so you can go for better trades depends on the situation
- You have really good sustain so even if you are taking a lot of poke you can survive it
_WhiteSnow_ says “sion can't play the matchup, period. just brainlessly unburrow combo on repeat and try to dodge his abilities afterwards (optional). You'll outsustain his damage and he has no immediate cc thats able to punish you if you just walk in a straight line at him whenever you want to trade.”
At_Tar_Ras says “he's not too bad but he's gonna be unkillable once he gets tabis/bramble man :( NOT ideal but at least none of you can really kill each other. use E to dodge his Qs and make sure you don't get slowed by his E, that'll make it easier for him to hit you. champ is toxic and so BS to play against lol you're not even playing league top lane when you're against this champ it's lame af”
vexxed04 says “{Conq ignite flash} This matchup while being easy is rated even because of how well sion scales. Wave manipulation and baiting abilities is key here. Sion is easily defeatable with conq and your E. Don't give him a second to breathe but dont lose sight of the jungler. While sion is abusable he has great synergy with teammates. Always orb walk Sion and be ready to block the most profitable R direction for him whether it be an escape or another turret. Tanking an ult is better than losing him or everything else. Also, use your Q to cancel his Q to annoy him.”
Pretzel Shiv says “you win lane, but he's better late game since he can just split or run down your main damages. You need to end fast, break their mental.”
RipAMC says “He's a tank with a passive that lets him come back to life and deal damage. His crowd control and engage potential can be game-changing in team fights.”
TheBougis says “Always try to leave Sion for the second kill if possible as his passive is very strong even when he goes tank.
As long as he is alive, he shouldn't be much of a problem even if he goes crithality.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “Outscales you, but you contribute more for your team. Lane is very skill based, his Q stops your W, but you can cancel his Q with your W, Q, and Ult. Your Q breaks his W, and stops him from detonating it for extra damage. Focus on making plays with your team over building a lead in lane.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Easy to beat in lane. Just play casually and you can beat him (if you have thebausffs against you thats another story). He will tear down your towers tho.”
bocchicken says “This matchup feels really bad.. Only time it's hard for Sion is early due to his mana problems. After that, his Q cooldown is so low, it's hard for you to walkup to the wave. Consider just farming with Q max, and then looking to play for teamfights. If you kill him early, you can dominate the lane. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
Antecc says “Don't get Q'd and don't fight in his wave. In lane you'll win every trade, but try to dodge his E + Q combo. DS - BC build and you'll always win. Hullbreaker buy if he perma sidelanes. 1 of 2 match-ups where BotRK is an okay buy.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “TP RECOMMENDED, farm matchup, you can try to kill him and you will propably success after slowly shredding his hp bar but sometimes its not really worth it as his passive lets him not lose much anyways and it will propably force you to recall as well. Watch out for his ult as he can kill you if he lands it. Past 7 you can place barrels underneath him if he charges Q, past 13 its gets even easier. You melt him 1v1 with dominic and if you passive reset correctly you do it much better than 3 dariuses combined. He is still very good at diversion anyways so watch out for his splitpush. If he ults to run away and proxy you its propably a good idea to not care and just take farm same as against singed.”
ABL Pantheon says “You beat him early by poking him with Q and engaging when he is low with W. Avoid getting hit by his Charged Q and stay away from him when he has W. Also avoid his E. When he is Ulting towards you use E, if he does it to escape flash in front of him to cancel it. You eventually get outscaled.”
lordimboutabust says “Easiest matchup for aatrox. Your entire kit cancels his. Cancel all of his Qs and then just beat him. If he ults down lane try to block it if possible. If your not in a position to cancel his Q try to dash out and be careful of his ult-Q setup. He does scale very hard so try to end the game early | Second Wind (armour small rune) | Dblade - Divine”
Zombzn00b says “Easy matchup. Your max hp dmg from passive kills him quickly. You can W his Q or R stun. When using R on him be careful of his sunfire dmg if you dont have force of nature as it is unexpectadly high.”
Bernardian says “We are finally here boys the stomping grounds for brain off Darius matchups where if you literally run at them there is nothing they can do.
Sion is very very free as he is the only tank in the game with very very shit base stats(32 armour lvl 1, 44 if he takes double armour for up to 48 armour lvl 6, 60 if he takes double armour shard)so take advantage of that, dragging the wave and freezing is a really good tool to start the snowballing process going. Some Sion OTPs will commit to proxying because they cannot fight Darius head to head in the lane post 6 is nothing as you still shit on him regardless just make sure you deny him as much lane presence as possible. if they Sion tries pulling a baus call him a degen in all chat it will make him AFK i promise.”
Waqql says “It depends on the Sion on how the matchup goes. If your Sion manages to catch you in his Q every time, it will be a difficult game. If he can't manage to do so, you have a free pass. Don't let yourself get knocked up. Don't be afraid of his shield. If there's no minion in front of him and he activates the shield, usually a Q + W combo is enough to break the shield. Watch out for his E, don't let yourself get hit by your minions. As Mega Gnar, you shouldn't have any problems, but you should bait out his shield before engaging. One more thing, turn on the sound.”
FaNTOP says “Легкий противник. Не используйте свою W-способность, когда вы находитесь в его Q-способности, так как он просто продлит заряд и нанесет больше урона.”
Herbietron says “You have no way of dealing with his split push. He will be more useful than you in teamfights and will outscale you. You have to play the first 4 waves really well and have jungle attention to win this game.”
demirkaiser says “Watch out for the bushes at level 1 as he can Q you from the bush. Bully him early. Level 2 try to interrupt his Q. Post 6 is free kill.”
LxVer says “When he channels his Q you have a free trade. This is one of the few matchups that you should go Everfrost. When he ults just stay away from him and try to predict where he will crash.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo and dshield with tp or ignite. Cheese him LVL 1 and crash 3 or 4 wave then freeze the next ones near your tower and if he walks up just kill him.”
UmbreonQueen says “Same as Cho but with the added danger of his big damage. If they're smart they will charge Q right outside of range of your W so you eat the damage before stunning them and pop his shield to win the trade. Get a lead early on and go with the anti tank items so you can keep him in check even after early game”
Twogrand says “sion can be annoying if he goes full ad its free but if he goes tank its annoying as hell. try to harras early and make sure if you get stuck into a pinch when he trys to q you use your E to cancel it and knock him away, go conq CUTDOWN!!. tp with eclipse build path”
Herbietron says “You don't win vs him, you don't really lose vs him but he can ignore you and clear the wave. He can match your roams or push to eternity. Proxying is very annoying as csing under tower isn't the best.”
Smauggy says “Immobile tank, be aware of his e q combo, so stack a lot and you can out run it, after taht you can poke him ez, w8t his ult to ult him ”
LocaLAM says “Sion is you if you stacked health. Yeah his CC will be annoying but you can easily dodge his ult and Q. Just ward pushes to prevent a sneak Q and honestly, even if he hits it, just go at him and you can win.”
Loweloexpert says “He cant run from your disengage, you win from lvl2 to 18. You can rush demonic if you want but i think rylais is better. Be sure to not ult while he is unstoppable.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Knock up king with stuns and slows galore. He also passively gains health like an unending resevoir and then actively shields himself with the same damn ability. He's easy to fear and harder to beat so be careful”
Roothor says “Slow and big, perfet for E landing. Don't all in if he is full health though. Have black cleaver and kill some spirits before you engage”
ARealFakeIdentity says “You can basically dodge everything from him, the only problem may be his E, but this should be a very easy matchup with your movement speed.”
Nazcore says “Similar to nasus. Tanky but not unkillable. Does not usually go runes to play vs poke. Kiting can be difficult with sion Q. CS and play for objs/team.”
SesaPrime says “The real issue is if the enemy Sion is playing "Suicide Bomber" Sion into your turrets all game. You can't leave him alone. Its a battle of who can rush the base first with him. And he doesn't give a....”
zap and you die says “if he gets you with EQ from distance one too many times, it's over for you.
Staying melee in his minion Wave WILL hurt, as he is tank with good sustain. Try taking minions from the side.
When he tries to Q punish you, that is the moment you engeage.
Vixylafoen says “Super tanky with lots of damage, but extremely susceptable to pokes. Just farm FS off of him and prevent him from getting plates, and you can win”
primate nefasto says “make black claver and kill him all you want. in late game he will destroy you, so you need to take advantage early and be really usefull at teamfight. Cancel his Q with your R, let the time past between your two R´s so you can cancel two of his Q, and then avoid a third one with your W. He can cancel your E mid-air with his Q, take care.”
UlisesFRN says “Vi is designed to punch tanks
Builds that work better against them are the ones running Conqueror/LT and rushing either Black Cleaver or BOTRK. Eclipse is also good and Divine Sunderer makes them wanna cry
There is no such thing as Tank meta where the best items in the game currently are the ones countering tanks
Consider Vi when going against Tanks, as she is really good into them.
Dont get outscaled tho, Tanks like Sion or Ornn can be really hard to deal with if the game drags longer than intended”
Boptimus says “A huge portion of Sion's damage comes from his Q and the follow up he has after landing the CC. Your W can avoid the knock up in a pinch, it can shove him and cancel his Q putting it on a 2 second CD, and your E can be used to dodge it all together.
Sion can get pretty hard to kill if they are stacking resistances but if you can isolate him and keep him in one place you will shred him with the %HP damage on your R.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Q through him when he charges his Q, OR W if he goes for full charge. DON'T parry to early tho, this will make you take a bad trade and probably die, which should never happen in this matchup since it is so free.
Post 6 you can parry his R.
You will win trades every time as long as you don't let him Q or Grasp proc you for free.”
dzsama says “Dodge his Q and you should be fine. Gets pretty tanky so might be hard to kill until you get some items. After he dies run away as his passive form deals quite a lot of damage.”
lorensj81 says “You have to kill Sion alot early and try to deny. Never walk up to bushes to let him hit a fully charged Q on you. You can abrupt his Q by using Q on him, remember that it will come back from CD very fast after that.
When he uses shield, you can burst his shield fast and it will not explode.
If you let him free farm he will just outscale you with all the free HP he gets.”
Pep_Shin says “Don't do anything foolish before 6. You should be able to kill him, but if he gets a slight lead he will become too much tanky for you until you have enough items to match him.
Early :
Punish his Q by going around and beating him up.
Press E against his W and it should be enough.
Once 6 :
Run him down with R.
Try to be between him and his side of the map so he can't ult out without going into your jungle.
As long as you're not behind and you can spam E you're fine.
To 1v1 him late game, black cleaver will be helpful.”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
Абсолютная халява. Сион кастует Q – тыкаем E, влетаем. Жмём W на его ульт или кухан (если по какой-то причине не может его задоджить).
ВАЖНОЕ ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ ДЛЯ МИДРЕЛИЙ. Вы не можете дуэлить 7/0 Сиона с 6к хп, Санфаером, Ледяным Сердцем и бортоломом. Если КТО-ТО Сиона вообще сможет так нафидить. ”
Puyi says “He can never fight you. His Q and R are extremely telegraphed and easy to block with your W or dodge with your E. Your %max health damage is great against him, and you shred him during All-Out. One of the easiest matchups you can get.”
Irelius says “FREE
You cant lose this. E when he starts to channel his Q. W his R. E hit equals a kill. Beware of bushes tho. Build bork+divine and make him wonder why bramble vest no longer counters you.
IMPORANT NOTE FOR MIDLANE IRELIAS. You cant safely duel Sunfire, frozen heart 6000 hp Sion that somehow managed to get himself fed. ”
ananesever69 says “You can pretty easily just W his Q zone to avoid damage and the CC. He can't beat you in trades since you should be able to remove his W shield before he can even really have it fully built up. His Q has a shorter CD than your W though so be mindful of that if you want to chase”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Another very simple matchup. Sion will not have enough damage to kill you if he goes tank build. If a proxy goes, just let it go and farm. It's a waste of time chasing him after Hullbreaker's nerfs and his passive, he won't be a threat to your structures.”
NegativePhoenix says “You can pretty easily just W his Q zone to avoid damage and the CC. He can't beat you in trades since you should be able to remove his W shield before he can even really have it fully built up. His Q has a shorter CD than your W though so be mindful of that if you want to chase”
JustSad42 says “: This matchup pre-first back is pretty favored for you, But as soon as Sion gets some levels in his Q and health from his W passive and items, you will be unable to win this matchup unless the Sion misplays it extremely hard. You should play very aggressively until around level 6 or first back depending on game state. After the Sion becomes stronger than you, you will want to maintain your HP and be very careful of ganks since Sion has really good setup for ganks, especially in lane ganks (where the jungler enters your lane bushes out of vision). Some tips are that if Sion is Qing the wave, you can Q-W into it to get a free stun. If Sion is charging his Q, never W it unless it’s almost completely charged since most Sions will either go for a Q without a knockup or a full charged Q. You will want to W around 1.25 seconds after Sion starts channeling his Q and never W earlier than that. That’s the most consistent way to play that trade. Either you take a little damage or get a stun off. You can of course change this up if you think he will mess up and try to go for a quick stun, but do that at your own risk. You will outscale Sion at 2-3 items depending on game state, and easily be able to beat him in side every single time. If you hear Sion trying to R your team at that point, you can always Q-W into him, stun him ,and almost oneshot him alone while he’s stunned.”
BackTooBasics says “Grasp = same hp
Max E to interrupt his Q, trust me you'll need it.
If he goes ad then ya have to go stridebreaker to stop him durring his death.”
Night Guy says “You easily win the lane vs Sion but he will be a problem mid to late game babus type thing. So even if you win he will still manage to do something stupid and win later on.”
SrMolinv says “Hes a threat if he scales. But early game hes your punching bag. Save your stuns to cancel his Q. If he pushes too far without R or pre6 he cant scape from u.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Free lane]
[Be careful near bushes as he can knock you up without noticing]
[Don't use your R when he uses his R first]”
RandumPersin says “Very even matchup; We have tools to beat him and he has tools to beat us. Take conqueror, TP, and rush BotRK - look to trade very aggressively with Sion and don't be afraid to put our E on cooldown to dash in and dodge his charged Q. Using empowered W to break his W shield will win us pretty much every trade, and once we finish BotRK Sion cannot fight us again until he finishes his third item. He does massively outscale us and if we fall behind this matchup becomes incredibly difficult to play, but it's pretty hard to lose lane to Sion if you don't throw away your E cooldown on something other than his Q. BotRK and empowered W are EXTREMELY strong against Sion in pretty much every stage of the game, use them to your advantage to assert dominance in laning phase as well as midgame.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Sion is all about saving your E pull for his Qs, as when he is channeling his Q, you can E to cancel his damage, his knock up, his entire Q. You want to buy Swifties into this match up, as his slow is really good against you, and it will allow you to gap close a little bit easier since his max Q range is bigger than your max E range. ”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp or LT
Don't let him push wave under your tower, play for aggressive extended trading since you are a lot stronger for duels. As you get Divine he really never kills you especially if he doesn't go lethality. ”
Smudey says “You win early so try to get an early lead. Taunt through him if he uses Q and start short trading with him (the Q will have a lower cooldown if you taunt him mid-charge, but you can sidestep through him afterwards). If you want to kill him, try to trade efficiently and don't take too much damage since he will sustain through your damage and scales very good. If you manage to kill him, don't die by his passive or the kill isn't worth it.”
Fizzy says “If you do lethality, start praying... or just avoid his Q and fight where you will lose a lot of life, so kill him, passive will kill him. If he decides to tank you won't have too many problems, avoid Q and fights where you can expose yourself a lot, if he leaves lane, pull up to the tower.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Easy lane, he is easily kiteable and your passive reset true damage hurt him a lot. Avoid facechecing bushes and if you do bait his Q by sidestepping just after coming into its range, you pretty much want to do this to every unwarded bush with sions occurence propability. Dont ever get hit by his ult beacuse if you do youre dead and thats the only scenario where you die to him if you play it well and kite his abilities. Prowlers counter him hard beacuse you can go behind him when he charges his Q.”
hamgi says “easiest match up for anyone, really. pre-nerf sion was a bit of a problem in terms of matching, but current sion is no longer a threat in sidelane. and he was never a threat in laning phase. his q can knock up when charged long enough, and the key to knowing when is his axe glows briefly. dont run vertically out of it, just run/e to the side. treat it like aatrox's w. his e reduces the armor on the enemy unit it hits and subsequently slows anything behind it, so be mindful of that as it allows him to hit his q's easier. luckily, yone is extremely mobile with q3, r, and e, so it's typically never an issue getting hit by either. his passive/shield gives him infinite health from enemy units, so they typically take grasp + overgrowth to have as much hp, hp regen, and resistances as possible. rush bork and constantly match him so he doesnt scale for free. if he somehow gets to, just be prepared for a 5k+ sion in ur face. worry not, if they build straight tank, they are nothing but a body, so if u dont have to play front to back, ignore him for more volatile champs”
Cheeseypops1 says “You blatantly counter Sion, Your max hp on your passive makes it so that even if he has 10k hp you still 1v1 him, His champion is super weak in lane, The only thing you need to watch out for is that he can block your R with his R because it makes him unstoppable ”
StingingChicken says “Really easy early on, you can cancel his Q with your W or just block it with E. Same as other tanks, has poor sustained damage so don't be afraid to walk them all the way down the lane through their wave if they overextend. Sion matchup is more about not giving him tempo to take plates and proxy, but that isn't Pantheon specific. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “easiest matchup for darius by far, try to not take too many bad trades lvl 1/2 but u can still look for all in or even cheese lvl 1 in first bush, if u want to show rly much dominance u can go divine hullbreaker so he cant even play the inting sion strat”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
kajinator says “Sion is just like Shyvana and Ornn, don't underestimate his damage. His team fighting is dogshit so you can easily outpressure him there and you should be able to beat him in any post-6 all in with Conqueror and Flash + Ignite.”
BreadyToCrumble says “I don't like this matchup as he has crazy pushing potential with Hullbreaker+Demolish and you can't really kill him until late because he's so tanky, so he'll just get free towers. It's a tough matchup for sure, but with a few items you can start to match him. Once you hit 11 your waveclear will be super good so you can stop his pushes. Don't let him slowpush!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
pura4 says “"[Aperto dos Mortos Vivos com Osso Revestido, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Sion é muito difícil, mas não pode matá-lo tão facilmente. - Tente se mover muito enquanto farma e não fique em linha reta com o Sion, evite Q dele - Ele pune você com seu knock up quando você tenta farmar, muito chato de lidar, mas tente não ser atingido - Quando ele usar seu knock up para wlimpar a wave, após ele usar Q é um bom momento para vc comba-lo e sair. Tente causar o máximo de dano possível antes que seus feitiços voltem - Tente não se alinhar com ele, você realmente não quer ser atingido por sua lentidão. Jogue com seu time, e faça jogadas rápidas pelo mapa, não fique preso no splitpush do Sion"”
KaiOverHere says “(Conq, Flash Ignite/Ghost, Start cull) Sion is a farm lane. You can't really kill him and he most definitely cannot kill you. The problem is that he outscales you. Take cull and farm under tower. You'll be able to start messing with him once you get berserkers + 6. ”
Justin108 says “As a both Sion and Urgot main, I can confidently say that this is the most braindead matchup. He won't ever be able to kill you after your first item from which on you outscale him.”
CupcakeDinosaur says “Sion is a surprisingly bad matchup for Rengar. Problems arise once he is level 2/3 because of his Q and E which extremely limit your mobility while also dealing a lot of damage,
save the enpowered W for his stun or slow or fight him level 1”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
Voice44 says “берем завоеватель, самое главное в этом матчапе сбивать его кушку своей ешкой, в целом наказываем его в ерли но даже если вы не получили килл на лайне это не проблема, отыгрываем от тимфайтов и ультуем в него чтобы убить всех”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating Smash(Q) poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
1akai1 says “Não tente fica acertando seu W no Q dele, tente desviar, quando estiver matando ele tente sempre fica na frente dele pra ele não fugir com o R, quando você esta na frente ele não joga mais”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
pura4 says “"[Grasp com Osso Revestido, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Sion é muito difícil, mas não pode matá-lo tão facilmente. - Tente se mover muito enquanto farma e não fique em linha reta com o Sion, evite Q dele - Ele pune você com seu knock up quando você tenta farmar, muito chato de lidar, mas tente não ser atingido - Quando ele usar seu knock up para wlimpar a wave, após ele usar Q é um bom momento para vc comba-lo e sair. Tente causar o máximo de dano possível antes que seus feitiços voltem - Tente não se alinhar com ele, você realmente não quer ser atingido por sua lentidão. Jogue com seu time, e faça jogadas rápidas pelo mapa, não fique preso no splitpush do Sion"”
dracondas says “stop his Q with your E and don't forget it has a lower cooldown whenever you use it so counter it with E then prepare to dodge it and you can melt him down easily ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
Thrandor says “Very easy to win. When he starts charging Q run towards him and Q through him. If you can't do that make sure to hold down Q onto anything to avoid the cc. When killing him you might want to wait a moment for a spell to come up to escape his passive (also don't be shy to use barrier for that)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Q poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike. Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “He doesn't do enough damage to ever threaten you but his scaling is good so you'll have to dominate early. Stun/Eat him to cancel his Q and try to always pop his W because the magic
damage will chunk you. Other than that, good fundementals will let you win this. ”
tacowo_ says “I don't know what to say about Sion. Sunderer destroys him. AP destroys him. However, if he's full tank and not splitpushing, he's probably tankier than you are. Remember to run from his passive.”
UlisesFRN says “This is a weird matchup. You beat him in short trades but the difference in HP pools will force you out of lane before him. He shouldnt be able to killyou without help, as you can pretty much always combo him with Phase rush. If he builds Hullbreaker you no longer beat him without help.
You go kinda even with Sion until late game, where he is too tanky for you to kill”
Farmer Cleetus says “Broken Q hitbox, will outfight you when having the gold advantage. Also doesn't need any type of tank items, since his passive makes him tanky (in sense of health) each minion he kills.”
Stasmen says “Используя этот билд, данный матчап невозможно проиграть впринципе. Сокрушитель богов слишком сильно контрит Сиона, превращая его в ходячую аптечку, а процетный урон и пробивание делают бессмысленными его настакивание хп. Советы по матчапу:
1. Отменяйте его Q при помощи своих Q, однако учитывайте, что его Q будет иметь более низкий откат после отмены.
2. Лучше не сдавайте прокаст в его щит, когда он его отдаст, у вас будет хорошее окно для трейда/килла.
3. Старайтесь доджить E.
4. Если он ультует в отступление а вы находитесь рядом, попробуйте на реакции дать ешку туда куда он бежит, тогда вы собьете ульт и сможете добить его.
5. Респектите его возможность дать ульту в большое количество человек в тимфайте.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Не партесь, чемпион имеет крайне противные умения, ничего не поделаешь. Он сплитпушит, вы сплитпуште. Помните, ваша R, защищает вас от станов. Не давайте ему станить Q через крипов, иначе вы не сможете ответить E, тогда придеться лишь отвечать Q.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Too tanky to easily kill with assassin but still winnable early. Easier if Sion builds lethality. However I still recommend building the regular build or at least hybrid to offset this.”
Lost Chapter says “Tanks won't enjoy this match up at all. Dodge his Q with your E or use your W if you don't have cooldown/can't dodge it. You win at all stages of the game as long as he doesn't do some Baus things and farms at 11cs/min.”
Taiquyorah says “Sion a légèrement l'avantage en lane dû a sa tankiness mais s'il utilse son Q pour farm vous pouvez le trade.
Sinon il faut esquiver son E pour ne pas prendre son combo.
Le poke n'as pas beaucoup d'intérêt à part pour farm First Strike.
Jouez de manière passive et farmez, vous pouvez l'outscale en late.
Ne cherchez pas l'all in sauf si vous êtes sûr de tuer.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Inting Sion has officially been killed due to hullbreaker nerfs and his passive doing a ton less damage to structures. He's still a threat though. He'll build prowlers to gap close and get a kill in his passive if possible, then build full tank after. Do your best to silence him if you notice him charging his Q and tank his ult if he charges in. He can't kill you himself so he can mostly just CC you.”
7EyesNoSkills says “He is easy to kite, just don't get slowed. Beware his passive if he got Prowler's Claw, you have high push potential so he can't attack your tower easily.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
His abilities are on very long cooldowns, try and punish him when he uses them for farm. Respect bushes and ward if necessary. Dont underestimate his W damage. You can E behind him or to the side when he goes to Q you. He is very immobile so he's pretty easy to gank. To stop him from using R to run away you can use ult or flash in front of him.”
gloriousbobbyttv says “Proxy this guy in the end game. sion does less damage to turrets when he has no minions. swifties boots op vs this guy he has two slows
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “You should destroy him, you can avoid his slow with your W and even if he slow you, you can use your E to dodge his Q, same for his ultimate.”
Weberson says “O seu objetivo na matchup é acompanhar o Sion e impedir q ele leve torres, para isso usar Tp e fantasma, ruptor divino, maximixar o E e comprar gota para conseguir se manter na rota. Conquistador é um boa runa, as trocas vão ser extremamente longas, se ele fizer quebra-cascos é interessante acompanhá-lo fazendo esse item de segundo ou terceiro item, caso esteja na frente fazer de terceiro, dando prioridade a placa, se n fazer de segundo, para ter um splike mais cedo e um adional de dano.”
VituVonDoom says “One of the easier tanks to face, purely duo to how slow all his damage output is. Use your hammer E to cancel his Q, and stay away whenever he shields, so it doesn't blow up on your face, while staying wary of your minions, as he will use them to setup his combos. Go FS or Conq, and just make him regret ever watching TheBausffs”
Aberrant Demon says “Avoid fighting him level 1 unless he shows that he didn't start W. After level 2, you have enough damage to get through his shield. If he charges his Q, walk to the side and spin on him. If you are inside of it, W and look to either Q him or walk away depending on how close you are to him. Keep in mind that when you cancel his Q with your Q, his Q isn't set to its full cooldown. After level 6 he is really easy to kill, worst case scenario you can Flash his Ult. Ideally you look to dodge it or block the damage with W however. Once you have Stridebreaker, it's really hard for Sion to do anything to you.”
Galactities says “In fights you will win against him pretty much everytime, early and late (assuming hes not giga fed) You pretty much just harass him early and play away from his passive especially if he has phase rush. Try to zone him off CS and don't let him split push. Black Cleaver isn't a bad idea into him if he becomes very tanky.”
NegativePhoenix says “Sions been making a slight comeback thanks to his new favorite build being Heartsteel+Titanic [which both still proc in his passive form]. However, you're still the main thing that stops him from really doing much. If you can delete him early you shouldn't need to be concerned with him. Just be mindful his Q did get a damage boost at every rank so watch for that, especially if he goes lethality.”
AbyssaLegend says “After you kill him you must get away. Remeber that he can kill you after death because of his passive, and you are very low health.”
IcunoX says “you can interrupt his Q and poke him down, he doesn't win lane but keeps splitting with hullbreaker and will be a pain so watch out for him in late game.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible, deny resources, get plates.
Wave 1-4:
Be careful not to take too much poke as you might not be able to crash the wave, push as much as is safe, you want to eventually get a freeze versus Sion.
You want to all in with pulled in waves, look to parry his Q if possible as he will get severly punished.
Q out of his Q or use Parry to not get damaged too much in lane.
Usually parrying towards the ends is better as they often hold, and even if they let go early, you kept your parry and it did less dmg, but if you parry and they hold you are DOOMED.
Care when he buys bramble as he can sort of kite you.
When looking to trade him, back off when his cooldowns are coming back off.
As long as you are disciplined and respect this should be a win.”
LegitLechner says “Dont get bushed cheesed. has a solid 4 seconds of ez cc at lvl 6. But still a tank. And if inting sion than ur usually just getting super fed. Illaoi can match sion split very well.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Camille favoured. You outscale him if he plays tank, since you do true damage, but be careful of the Sion's assassin playstyle / Hullbreaker rush. Look if he starts Q or W, so you can adapt your starting spell: if he takes Q, take W and poke him, if he takes W, take E and all-in him. You can see if he started W if he gains HP when he executes a minion / you can click on him and see if he gained HP from his W passive. You can cancel his Q with your E, but be careful as he can cancel your hookshot if he charged it more than 1s and times it well. CCing him when he's in Q animation will reset a lot of his Q CD, so be careful. Don't W him for free unless you want to regen, he will block the damage with his shield. Dodge his W explosion damage by standing behind minions. You can buffer your E when he Qs. If he used his W and Q (to clear the wave for instance), all-in him and if you dodge his E, he's dead as he cannot run away from you. Be very careful if he plays Phase Rush since when he's dead he can run you down with it in passive mode. At level 6 you can prevent him from running away by ulting him. If you ult him while his ult is facing you, you will dodge it and he will do no damage. On the other hand, if you ult him while he is running away with his ult, you will get damaged by it, so be careful. Your ult cancels his Q. You outscale him on side lane but he outscales you in teamfights especially if he goes tank. If he goes Hullbreaker though, you must prevent him from pushing turrets, as he can do the Baus special to your tier 4 turrets and end the game alone.”
Boptimus says “3000+ games of Sion hasn't taught me very much about playing against him. In this match up I usually rush Liandry's and play to bully him off as much CS as I can. Eventually Sion will reach a point where you wont be able to kill him alone, so if he's split heavy you will need to call for help. That being said you have plenty of ways to disrupt him in a teamfight and you can maneuver around better than him.”
Papa Urgot says “He cant Q you thats bad for him.
Your cleaver is a disaster for him too.
Sion scales well but you scale way better. Q his passive on spawn and its useless too. facetank his ult when he has a good angle to hit your team. It doesnt do anything vs you.”
Scallywag says “Tank with a lot of damage.
If you are behind, he can kill you whenever he wants.
You can outplay him by dodging his q.
You can kill him early by poking him with q and barrels.
After a few items, he is very tanky and you have to proc your passive multiple times and dodge his q to not lose the fight.
Black Demon Ezel says “Sion's passive health gaining from the Soul Furnace is ridiculously annoying and hard to break through, not to mention his brute strength and sheer tankiness can weather any storm of attacks and if he decides it's too hot, he just ults and escapes. If your kink is undead juggernaut fighting then you do you. But that was rhetorical, nobody likes to fight Sion. He is ferocious and quite frankly rude. Just avoid him especially if you find yourself in range of his Q”
KyleTheConqueror says “He's just another tank that rivals your sustainability. You should 90% of the time if you know how to out sustain him. Dodge his Qs, get close to fight him, remove his shield with Q, and attack. eat him when necessary.
ShacoMagicTrick says “He will push you to death and late game you do nothing to him. If you don't stomp him early you will just watch how he breaks into your base. He's major becouse no one actually plays him in low elo and if they do, they will probably int.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Tank matchup. You win even harder once you have Riftmaker. You can pull him in while he's channeling his Q and just sit on him with your passive. Try to dodge his super telegraphed abilities and you should be fine.”
SilverAvalanche says “BAN. Bully: In lane he out ranges you and can block your damage with shield as well as out waveclear you. It is not a fun lane and it is not fun after. I go Fleet footwork and full assassin and just try and hold on to your tower for as long as possible. Your goal is just to kill enemy backline in teamfights and look for picks. If he goes and splitpushes all game then you are fuqed. But in general you just wanna snowball the matchup by landing your E onto him and use your shroud to move around and poke him with AAs and Qs. at level 6 you wanna all in Sion when his shield is down, then you can kill him.”
Trundledaddy says “Depends if he is tank or AD, but
eitherway you can definitely
win but also lose the lane, use
pillar for his ult, not his Q,
the cooldown goes to 1 sec
if you use pillar on it, not worth, you can match in side lane almost always, just don't fall behind in xp”
LoucasTitan says “Once you reach level 6, you instantly win, and make sure to abuse your w to Sion because of how Yorick's W would interrupt Sion's Q and R.”
powerfullgeo says “Early game go ham. Make sure you cancel his Q with your Q3 or W. He usually rush Hullbreaker. He usually is stupid, go for Black Cleaver first item”
Autolykus says “Go conqueror and run him down. You can use your E to cancel his knockup. He is extremely easy to kill before he grabs bramble. Post bramble it little harder but in teamfights just slam him into the enemy team for big damage. Hullbreaker and destroy all the towers with ease.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Tank matchup. You win even harder once you have Riftmaker. You can pull him in while he's channeling his Q and just sit on him with your passive. Try to dodge his super telegraphed abilities and you should be fine.”
Federals1 says “Sion has become a lot more threatening in the top lane. Due to the nature of how most players play him now, he will stay mostly on the side lane and take down turrets without stoping. His early game damage and cc is also very annoying to deal with. Cosmic Drive rush can work, but later on you will need Divine Sunderer to reliably win the 1v1. You can also buy Hullbreaker and try to match his split push. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells. Both q and w maxes work. First rune page should be used. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Very easy matchup, he should be farming from afar. U can punish him easily from farming melee and pull him when he charges Q. Dont let him get free farm.”
Bigfella0117 says “you need to bully him HARD in lane. if he get's fed you'll never kill him, but you win if he's not, so stop him from getting there.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Try to all in him when you have minion advantage, dodge or parry his Q and then all in him, when he gets bramble vest, you'll need to wait for when you have whip.”
KiroChuong says “You can block his R with your W. Farm and you outscale him hard. Build Sunderer if he's a tanker, build Tri-force if he builds lethality”
WestRover says “WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT GET HIT BY HIS Q, you need to try and just absorb as much exp as possible try and stay away from bushes and freeze wave best spell to go is barrier and tp ”
MHLoppy says “Sion is an unusually strong laner against you for a tank, most notably because of his Q's combination of damage and hard CC. His short trades can be very effective, so your best bet is to look for longer trades against him, particularly during level 1 when he has no abilities, or at level 6+ when you'll have ult to negate his CC. Remember you can break his W shield to prevent it from dealing any damage.”
Agatrium says “His tankiness and W shield, along with slows and a stun if he gets his Q fully charged make him able to short trade against you effectively. If he's about to land full Q on you, W it, or, if he begins charging it and you're close enough, Q him to stop it. If you can drag the fight out, you'll win early, but come mid-late game, he becomes extremely hard to kill alone. ”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral y atácalo cuando le subas niveles a tu Q.
Mucho cuidado al usar tu E, que no te la cancele con su Q.
Prioriza atravesarlo con tu Q, él acumula mucha vida.
Considera resistencias híbridas en runas, hace daño mágico con su W.
Considero viable llevar y no llevar tenacidad, depende que tanto esquives su Q.
El combo E+Destello rápido ayuda a sorprenderlo para que no use su escudo.”
Kocykek says “He can pretty much be tanky and he can outduel you but don't worry. Go for short trades early on, go for Sheen and poke him. And get Divine and play smart.”
Larkana_ says “Easiest matchup ever imo. Don't let him get off a charged Q and you're fine.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Low]/Skarner [High]”
OliveeGarden says “Take shield bash. Not a very notable matchup, try to land your E when he charges his Q then you can force a trade, dont get cocky as like many champs he has alot lower cool downs than Sett”
magician4444 says “You can't ult him otherwise he just ults. A good Sion can mess you up. Its usually a stalemate but you have a slight advantage in the match up. Dodging his Q's can also be quite tricky. Building Rylais renders him completely useless unless he hits ult or flashes onto you.”
King Turtle says “he's not a hard matchup or anything, in fact he's pretty easy. The only reason he's on this list is because inting sion is such a stupid play style and beating it is a total pain in the ass because riot decided someone can go 2/19 and still be rewarded because they R spammed the base for 20 minutes.”
ChowJunior says “Abuse him early. He will soon stack health and you won't be able to beat him, but early game will be a complete breeze. Don't allow him to get his Q stun off in fights; cancel his with your Q. This does not mean run at him while he's charging it if you can't reach him before it charges, though. Do note that if you cancel his Q, he'll get it back on a much shorter CD.”
Your Desired Username says “Very easy match-up. There isn't much he can really do to beat you in all-ins or short trades, although he does win short trades pre-3. You dumpster him in Brazil and he can't escape with his ult because he will just crash into the wall, unless he survives long enough to ult after, but generally he isn't good at stalling in Brazil so his only hope is to be tanky enough to survive your damage for 7 seconds. Post 10 minutes when he starts stacking mr and gets his hp for free from w, he can tank your damage in Brazil and walk out, so make sure to damage him before you ult. He's a decent ult target because he is a good team fighter and really good at zoning, somewhat similar to cho'gath, but obviously make sure you can kill him in your ult. You outscale him because his damage falls off super hard and if he builds lethality then you and your team can just one-shot him.”
boboderaffe says “Run “Normie”.
Cast W on top of him whenever he channels his Q and preferably get Demonic embrace to counter his immense amount of HP. ”
UlisesFRN says “Other Tanks, Bruisers without Sustain or good long trades. Prevent them from Csing with AA Q AA. Keep seeking aggresive trades when they waste cooldowns. Ignore them later on unless they dive your team alone”
BreadedBreadCrum says “High health scaling, but his R and Q are blocked by your E well. Use them against them and you will have a good chance at fights. Go Grasp. Divine. BoRK is also really good.
Watch out for his endless sidepushes and use R to stop his Q channel.”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler runes, starter items dependant on confidence. If he's building tank, this is gonna be the easiest lane of your life. If he's building lethality, you're gonna need to put in some footwork into it, but should still be fine. Your W can cock block his ult.”
COJA says “You can disrespect Sion by constantly cancelling his Q. If you don't think you can react in time, simply E outside of the range. If he uses W and you cannot destroy it immediately, wait for it to run out, otherwise he can detonate it to get a good trade.”
UnderworldShun says “Like Malphite (and pretty much every other tank) you probably won't kill him alone. Try sweet talk for his IP and DOS him. (Don't actually do that, I only have one more choice of ISP for this exact reason.)”
King Turtle says “if he goes full armor bramble vest he's going to be hard to kill and his wave clear means he can just sit top for 40 minutes and force you to match him or give towers. ”
space cat says “if you really want to go in, w as soon as he tries to q the wave and he wont react fast enough to cancel it and walk out. hes very squishy so you will always beat him in trades unless he gets ganks or VERY far ahead. ”
Eduardocwalle says “Dont look for fighting this guys with this build, if he goes lethality is alright, if he goes full tank just abort mission and build sunderer. ”
Polartech says “Sion can't jump, he cannot move fast, and he his slowing effect isn't so great, play quietly and push the lane after 6 if you want, cast your ultimate to prevent the damages of one charged Sion's Smash, and replicate with Kayle's Autoattacks.”
MCSwavest says “Sion is an easy straightforward matchup, the only thing to take care for is if you E behind him to kill. You can very easily be put in a very bad position and die to his passive.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Now this undead doofus is really dangerous for Mordekaiser. Try your hardest to avoid his Q range at all costs. A good Sion will end the charge early to still deal damage so try and E him before it happens”
5Head Builds says “His abilities are slow and his damage is low if you can avoid it. He also has a high HP bar so you passive work really well. Very easy Matchup.”
ToothlessKnight says “One of the few matchups where Sion actually thrives. Sion can bully Urgot very hard, but he will struggle 1v1 if urgot gets a lead. He will always be more useful in a 5v5 than Urgot, but he cannot match you in a sidelane late game so you can use this to pressure the enemy team. In lane it is best to use your E to escape and mitigate his Qs damage because by the time you can react to his Q windup and you react with E, he will knock you up and stun you. Once you get Black Cleaver he gets in a rough spot even with stacking armor as Urgot's passive does percent Hp damage as well.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Immobile tank with easily reactable abilities. You can either mind game his cds or save ferocity for stuns.
Mistakes will be punished by good sion players though, and they will hurt! This champion gets really tanky really quick and does not play to win lane so punish as hard as possible early.”
MrZoltannn says “His Q range for you is not good since he can easly knock you up, look out for his W explosion damage, and try to poke him as much as you can. lvl 6 all-in is hardly winnable against him.”
xPetu says “Tips: If you E cancel his Q, he will get it back on a very short cooldown, but it's still the right decision in a lot of scenarios. Passive shield his Q and E poke. Save your W for after he dies, you can block his AAs (prevents him from life stealing) and save allies.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Similar to Mundo, Sion is no different. High damage, high clear rate, and can engage level 6 pretty hard and pretty often. You can match his clear but barely, once again try to be there early game for his early ganks and avoid his (Q) invade cheese over walls. ”
Anoying bro5 says “Parry his Q if he often charges it or his health bubble. You can also use it on his Ult if he uses it poorly. If he has ult and you are winning, try to position yourself on top of him towards his escape route so he cant ult away. If you land your riposte early game when he wastes Q, you should win as his attack speed is already fairly slow. Take note of his W shield cooldown and play around it when possible as it can turn 1v1s.”
BoilTheOil says “In lane look to interrupt his Q using your E. Try to bully him early and gain a farm lead. You instantly win teamfights if you use ult on him and hit the enemy backline so pay attention to his position.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Sion with comet is quite hard to deal with. If you get hit by the comet, try to reach his minions to dash around, otherwise he'll hit you with his Q knockup for sure.
BORK into Kraken Slayer = easy win.”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Fling stops casting on his Decimating Smash) (Mega Adhesive prevents Unstoppable Onslaught from being cast, but does not stop it) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Sion will always be tankier than you, do a lot of damage, and generally be hard to kill. His lane is not particularly oppressive, however. Thresh can interrupt Sion's Q, can avoid Sion's W, and is usually out of range to avoid being punished by Sion's E. He's also free grasp stacks.
Ganks at lvl 6 can be hard because he'll press R and run away. Punish him if he greeds for tower plating. He outscales pretty hard and you can't 1v1 him after about 15-20 minutes depending on the build and the game. Anathemas is a nice item vs him. Redemption and KV can also be good if he's going AD and oneshotting your team. ”
quinn adc says “Quinn's E actually CANCELS Sion's Q, but puts it on a 2 second CD. To play the matchup correctly, play back to dodge Sion E (just watch out for your minions and try to not stay in a straight line from Sion behind your minions so Sion will be unable to use his E on you).
Next, if Sion EVER charges Q, immediately vault him to cancel his Q, and then go for a quick PTA proc trade and back up before his Q comes back up (canceling his Q puts it on a VERY short 2 second CD, so don't be greedy).
99% of Sion's don't know that you can do this, but after you do this mechanic a few times, the Sion's will start reactivating their Q quicker.
However, Sion's Q ONLY knocks you up if it's charged for at least 1 full second. So, you must vault Sion very quick to avoid being knocked up, because otherwise Sion will Q you mid vault if you wait too long and actually cancel your Vault, putting you in a dangerous position.
Post 6, your goal is to try to side step his R (quite hard to do, but it's really the only option).
If Sion lands his R on you, then don't panic. If his R was fully charged, you will be stunned for 1.75 seconds, but if the charge isn't for long, it goes 0.75 seconds (the duration is .75-1.75 depending on his charge time).
If he lands R on you and he isn't charging for long, then you are quite safe because Sion will use Q after, but if you're stunned for 0.75 seconds, then you can vault away from his Q after safely because Sion will be unable to channel his Q for 1+ seconds to knock you up.
TLDR, just don't get hit by Sion's fully charged R, If you hear that Sion sound, then RUN FOREST, RUN!!! Go Lord doms 3rd to pen his armour, when you have it then you beat sion up later on (:”
Amphawn says “Dodge his Q and try not to get slowed by his E. If you do, Q and W away. When you hit 6 poke poke poke. Watch out for his ult though because he can use it as a gap closer and if he hits, he can get a full Q on you. Also be careful when you're poking as he can get an E off and potentially all in if you're in a bad position.”
PH45 says “Dodge his Q and you should be fine. Gets pretty tanky so might be hard to kill until you get some items. After he dies run away as his passive form deals quite a lot of damage.”
At_Tar_Ras says “Q his slow abilities and once you get BORK he will be no problem. even before that you can kill him if you play the 4 stacks properly.”
iZeal says “You have 4 ways to interrupt his main source of damage, his Q. It's extremely hard for Sion to do anything against you until he gets tons of armor and even then you will make it impossible for him to apply meaningful CC.”
SunFalk says “He his tanky. His ult will make him go fast. He has a knock-up. He has a slow. - Sion will be knocking you up a lot, play safe behind minions and CS, out-sustain him and kill him. Play with sound for his ult.”
MrDomian says “Max W>E>Q and invest in tenacity - Sunfire Aegis.
Control his R with your W.
Control his Q with your Q+E or W.
The better player will win the duel.”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Recommended Items: Go your typical build route) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
slogdog says “Very tanky, and does a surprisingly high amount of damage. You can use the side of your W to displace him, cancelling his Q. You can also place W you completely cancel his R. But he can also E your ghouls in return so uh be wary of that gank setup.”
Raen says “ Don't forget about his passive cuz he can still get you down after dying but your E counter his passive very well. Avoid coming close to bushes because he will try to make ,,invisible'' Q at you. At 1 lvl try to all in him. Left or Right or jump behind him when hes making Q. Destory his W before he can recast it to not get free dmg. When fighting with him try to stay above him to not let him R and block it in case he tries to do it. ”
Xerath gaming says “It may seem as an easy matchup but if he is good he is gonna cancel your R with his R and his tankiness is enough to kill you. Press E to send him away from you in his passive”
SaltCat says “Level 1 with full passive you win, level 2 also, use your E to cancell his Q, this match up isnt as hard as people think, ping when he is missing, use your Q to dodge his Q if your E isnt up”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Recommended Items: Go your typical build route) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Klepto
Dash out of his Q since it's not worth using parry when he can use his Q too early or hold it very long and still has ult afterwards to CC you.”
Justkb says “Sion eats your Q! make sure you are avoiding his Q and landing clean E's in lane. try and poke him down and force him out of lane early to start building a sustainable lead. ”
P1Legend says “Your highest chance of killing him is in the early game. Take Doran's Blade and go for early trades, bait out his Q and then all in. If he gets armor on his first back, buy the AP components and switch your playstyle to W - W poke instead.”
MythicMike says “Your own Q can cancel his Q. Once it's been canceled you want to look for an all in. Very annoying matchup for the sion since he just gets his Q canceled all the time.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Tanks mean easy Q stacking and farming for you. Just be careful of Sion's Q, the range is deceptively long. He will try to shout minions at you when you're shoved under tower too.”
qveenevelynn says “Super easy matchup if you can dodge his comps. He is really slow, you can do him a lot of damages. Just be carefull to his combo ULT Q , that can kill you. Also, your charm cancels his Q. ”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Unstoppable Force stops casting on his Decimating Smash) (Unstoppable prevents Unstoppable Onslaught from being cast, but does not stop it) (Recommended Items: Typical Route) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Fan22 says “Sion its a tank that scles hard in the lategame, and when he hits that point its complicate to stop him.
Run grasp and try to setup ganks for your jungler, sion doesnt have mobility aside from Flash and R.
In late game keep him away from
your team, demonic embrace or abyssal maks can help to deal extra damage to him.”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Primal Howl or Infinite Duress stops casting on his Decimating Smash) (Warwick Control Crowd Abilities prevents Unstoppable Onslaught from being cast, but does not stop it) (Recommended Items: Blade of The Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) When he is casting his Q just jump on him and cancel his animation.
(3) Try to all in at lvl 2/3.
(4) Respect his passive
(5) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.
(6) I recommend Teleport here when you want to roam a lot, but if you want to kill him early take Ignite.”
Phrxshn says “To out trade him dodge his Decimating Smash(Q) or if you can't interrupt his channel. Avoid being in front of Sion to dodge majority of his Damage. Dodge his Roar of the Slayer(E) to prevent from being slowed. If you dodge his skills, you should be able to out trade him. Consider flashing or be in front of his Unstoppable Onslaught to either prevent escape or his impact in team fights. (Recommended Items: Go your typical build route) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Sion)”
montybucket says “Sion has the same issue as Chogath. He doesn't do enough damage to you to kill you, and even late game you shred him with riftmaker and demonic embrace. Its pretty much a free lane. But be aware of his split pushing ability, as he can win a game 2/15 just because of that. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Easy matchup, keep fighting him, as you are much stronger throughout the entire game. His Q is rather hard to predict with your W so just try to dodge it with your Q and engage on him. If you cant Q out of his Q run to an edge and W just before you leave, as that is the last chance for him to hit you. If he tries to roam with his ult you can stand in front of him and parry to get an easy kill”
SilverAvalanche says “Tank= easy matchup, you can either just stand close to him and Q though him when he tries to Q knock up you or just Q out if you are too far away. Try and dodge his slow ability and have E up if you are planning to kill him so you can escape with your life.
Try and ult his ult. And if you don't kill him before your first back, then buy tear. Since you need the mana to kill him when he becomes too tanky.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Sion's very slow and you can easily stop his Q by just stunning him. He shouldn't be trouble, just remember that he can stun lock you for a while while his jungler kills you”
Drake6401 says “ Sion is a skill matchup because both you you have outplay potential on each other. Renekton's dash is the main outplay method here because it bypasses Sion's slow so landing a stun Q is harder.
Your goal to beat him is dash out of his Q range and use empowered W to break his shield. If he doesn't use his shield, just stun him then dash away and kill him later. Do not dash out if his Q is still up because he has a chance to lock you down for a really bad trade back.
He will buy early armor stacking and you won't be able to kill him until you complete an item unless really ahead.”
Sion is among the easiest lanes in the game. There is nothing he can do. Just be careful level 1 as he might be cheesing your redbuff or charging up his Q in a bush. In all honesty, there is no way Sion can actually solo beat you. Your E cancels his Q as well. You can very easily dive him. Your ultimate resets off of his passive form which is good to remember. You also get your passive if you stack it on his passive form. He can escape with R in level 6 but you should have a massive lead before then.”
RivalOCE says “Hard trade level 1 before his passive has stacked. Combo in and break his Q channel with your W. You need to push leads in lane or he outscales you pretty easily.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Sion is pretty hard but can't kill you that easily.
- Try to move around a lot while trading to fuck with his knock up direction
- If he ints for turret, definitely try to kill him under tower
- He punishes you with his knock up when you try to farm, really annoying to deal with but try not to get hit
- When he used his knock up for waveclear, this is a good time to trade with him. Try to do as much damage as possible before his spells come back up
- Try not to line youself up with him, you really don't want to get hit by his slow."”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
Another really easy lane for Yorick (unless you play vs Thebausffs).
Farm up and as soon as u have ur first item and cats/maiden ready, you will win.
Can also block his R engage with ur wall in teamfights.”
Amvill says “Has the tools to lane, but not to chase. I would recommend proxying since he cant really do much to you unless he ults. Liandry's is a good buy against him if you team doesn't already have a Liandry's user.”
Rhoku says “Free food. Your pull cancels his Q. Your ult stops him from escaping with his ult. He does no damage and has terrible innate resistances. Your only worry is if he returns with his passive and kills you but even then, its a small chance. Just poke him down and if he DARES walk up, pull him in and kill him. Just make sure he doesn't get to CS. You don't want him to be too tanky for your team to deal with.”
YasTilt says “You can interrupt his Q with your Tornado and you can block his E (If it isn't a minion) with your W. Try your best to stop him from Stacking HP's with his W. If he goes Full Tank and he buys a Bami Cinder, stop taking extended Trades. If he goes full Lethality, Take Armor/Death's Dance.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Armor+DBlade) A scaling matchup. Low elo Sion's sometimes like to start Q first and go into the lane bush so don't stay near it lvl 1. In all-ins stand between him and his turret for him to not escape with R. Also he's unstoppable during his ult and he can escape your R by using it correctly so keep that in mind.”
PK Noob says “You can easily dodge his CC abilities and burst Sion. Even if he does hit you with a fully stacked Q in a 1v1, you'll still win the fight. In team fights you can W his Q or just dodge it with your E.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Interrupt his Q - Decimating Smash by using your E - Facebreaker. After he gets Bramble Vest and/or Tabis you won't be able to kill him ever. So just scale, farm and ult him in teamfights because he has tons of bonus HP.”
wDesired says “Easy Matchup
Just don't get hit by his Q if you cant win a trade
you win this matchup after level 2
Just get 5 stacks and fight him save your E for his Q”
Psychopathic Top says “
This matchup is easy if he goes tank, and easier if he goes full lethality. Nasus has too much sustain for Sion to deal with in lane. After level 6 and sheen, Sion will never be able to contest Nasus. The best he can do is try to stonewall, but you outscale and out teamfights him anyways. In lane, focus on dodging his Qs, which should be very easy to do, and farming up a storm so you will be a monster mid game. If Sion goes full lethality, he is wintrading, as it would be easier for you to kill him and he cannot stop your split at all.
Gospodin Bure says “Because Sion has a lot of skillshots and you have a lot of movement speed as long as you dodge his Q and E you can go in for a few autoattacks with passive and try to whittle him down.”
DippyDan says “Super Tank, but slow and easy to gank. If you are ahead he is very easy to chase. Huge stun if he lands max channeled Q. Very hard to predict Q since it has a very long channel time. TIPS: [1] Take easy vitals and just be up in his face and he won't land anything. [2] Lunge out of his Q or Parry if already used. [3] Can go Tri Force.”
Hecki says “Maybe the easiest match-up for Aatrox. Go Conditioning with Dorans Shield. You can cancel his Q at any time and abuse the fact that he is immobile without his R (except if he goes Prawlers Claw). Be careful though because a tank Sion will outscale you.”
ArshieMeBob says “Mostly a skill matchup. You have to be careful with his Q's and the Jungler, since he can set up ganks well. If he is smart, he will rush Steelcaps, which basically makes trying to kill him near impossible. Just poke him, and remember he can't really kill you if you avoid his Q's.”
DemonicTrail says “Another tank you just destroy, not much to say, YOUR E DOES NOT WORK ON HIS PASSIVE SO JUST RUN (however free grasp stacks when he is about to die)”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Problematic champion, his E through minions can setup a full combo and his value in teamfights is higher until late game. He can also match your splitpush efficiently. Keep in mind that his Q is invisible when cast from bushes and be mindful of his R long-range engage.”
SunOak says “Just farm early and look for all ins when he is charging his Q. Because of the Q charge timer he has you can always land your abilities on him for free. If you kill him dont forget his passive! Start cpot or dorans blade.”
Alan234 says “Go Fleet footwork (cut down and unflinching minor runes) with boots+refillable potion, swiftness boots and w max second into the normal PTA build (demonic embrace has more value)
You basically have to dodge his skillshots and youre fine. If you dont dodge them you will die quickly. If it isnt the baus he will do mistakes and give you free harass. His q hitbox is a lot larger than it seems so always run perpendicular to it and you should be okay (same with his ult). Due to your large amount of movement speed and small hitbox many sions will fail their q's and release it too late. Q him when he dies, because zombie sion deals a ton of damage. Sion w deals full dmg even if the shield is only 2 hp big so dont go for trades if you werent able to poke his shield down before it explodes.”
Mr. Popper says “You can kite him extremely easily, and run out of his Q (Decimating Smash) dodging his E (Roar of the Slayer) is important because it sets up most of his other abilities.
I recommend taking Fleet Footwork ”
aurus666lol says “After few changes in balance history, he is not big counter. I recommend playing around his E because any slows are killing Quinn, that's normal.
Maybe take Nimbus cloak from runes and Celerity instead of Absolute Focus.”
JaxIsAHobo says “A weird matchup, because you can choose to greed out or play slow in this matchup. Sion is actually extremely easy to kill early, so it's often worth it to greed out and look for trades into him. The matchup is as simple as just don't get hit by a charged Q, basically. You can leap out of it, you can sidestep it, you can even leap onto him before he charges it enough to knock you up and then auto him from behind. If he survives laning phase though, he becomes extremely tanky and hard to kill. BotRK into Sunderer is highly recommended if he becomes a threat. I also recommend freezing waves so you can try your best to deny him CS.
RhinoStar says “Not hard matchup. He seems tankier than he is so just take fights vs him. Your passive will easily let you approach him. Poke is also not very hard, since his character model is pretty big.”
Iczere says “You want to destroy Sion in the early-mid game, otherwise, he'll become too tanky to handle in the late game. Wait for him to Q, then poke at him and deal as much damage as possible. Use your move quick to sidestep and dodge his Q and R, as getting hit with one of the two spells doom.”
Prezibogen says “He is just weak. You can Ult while he does his Q to cancel it. Don't Ult him while he is full life, he will mostly Ult when he escapes your Ult with 10% Health.”
Vandenelis says “ you can cancel his q with your w, using your q takes too much time, so your q won't cancel his q, because he will use it earlier. if he goes tank you scale evenly. If he goes assassin you outscale him when you get Sunfire cape.”
Bombabo says “Not nearly as much of a threat to you as he used to be, but still capable of beating you early on if you don't play smart. Don't waste your mana on Q, and avoid engaging on him when his shield is off cooldown. If you can time your E to dash after the knockup of his Q, you will most likely win trades.”
DarkyTheReal says “In this matchup you can cancel Sion's Q with your stuns, so he shouldn't be able to play. However, if he gets 1 or 2 kills he's going to be a monster, and he will destroy you. Just crash 3rd wave, recall and freeze lane on your tower and bully him when he tries to cs.”
XtheZ115 says “Sion is quite strong, but you can cancel his Q with your E. I usually let a Sion hit a few of his Qs early in order to lull him into a sense of false security, then ruin his day when he takes a bad Q. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “parry his q hit to stun him, hit vitals and back off. Dont let him Farm. When hes low just all in him,but he still has a lot of dmg so be aware of that! His ult is easy to parry aswell. DONT FORGET HIS PASSIVE AFTER YOU KILL HIM!!!”
SettVEVO says “Another one of Sett's dream matchups, you can just imagine how you oneshot their backline with this huge zombie. But thats for mid to lategame. In terms of early game he actually can be harder than cho. If he is good he will constantly poke with E and Q, and will ult in when low enough. You can cancel his Q with your E but keep in mind it lowers its cd so he will have it up quickly. I actually prefer you have at least a little grit to W him while he Qs, it blocks his damage and he will take some in return. Always look to burst his W shield as its damage is pretty important for his trading. In teamfights look to ult him and nuke the enemy team.”
Byku2506 says “You can cancel Sion`s Q by draging him so if its good Sion just drag him immediately and beat his ass, dont stop freezing your lane. Dont fight too much when you have low hp. He always can revive after death.”
RTO says “If you can avoid his E, then the rest of his trade will miss you due to your mobility. You can out trade him on mistakes pretty easily. Important thing is dodging his E. Easy matchup if you can. ”
Fryx says “He can shield your q and you cant dodge the Q if he slows you with his E. If you are forced to match him play the lane carefully, abuse your passive to farm. Pick Grasp here max W and put him back into place.”
wff010 says “First off, it's a tank for you to throw into the enemy team. Second, you interrupt his q with both your e and your w. You can break his shield easily and his auto attacks don't hurt. Just all in and save your e for his q and your w for when he tries to q again. Permafreeze once you get a lead.”
LoLReal says “Avoid getting cheesed by his Q while he's in brush. Otherwise there is nothing to this lane. We win at all points like most tank match ups. Push him in and win.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1. Take short grasp trades, and if you’re very close to him and he starts charging his Q past lvl 2, then just instantly taunt him to interrupt it and take a good trade.You should win extended trades using 6 emp. auto’s as long as you don’t get hit by a long-charged Q. Only start going for the extended trades after you hit lvl 3 though, short trades before then. Be mindful to not die to his passive if you kill him.”
CucumberSandwich says “Just save your Q to cancel his Q, and you shouldn't have a problem. Try to stay away from the minion waves too much, as he can E > Q and his minions will block your Q. You should be able to win trades with him pre 6, and poke him out of lane.”
Drygur says “Pretty easy lane, once he channels his (Q), you can dash out of the cone and look for a trade.
You can break his shield easily early on, just be careful to not take to much harass from his (E)!”
calbino says “Sion is an easy early game matchup, one I would prefer using Grasp against. Your Qs cancel his, and he has to walk up really close to use his W, and that means it'll be harder for him to dodge yours. He outscales you though, so watch out for that.”
RareParrot says “He will never kill you if you play smart, dont face check bushes as every single sion just camps them and charges q when hes 6 dont let him hit you with R because if he does ur cced for next 4 seconds. he will outscale you as a hyperscaling tank.”
ForgottenProject says “
[1]You Can Easily Parry his Q and Ult.
[2]Play around your Conquerer and you wont lose against him.
[3]Don't All-in before Level 6, only take short trades.
Marwaii says “You will win at every stage in the game. He is super weak and can't catch up to you. Hard push and don't let him farm.
Take Divine + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “Sion is just a bad champion. He should never be able to hit you with his Q. He is pretty hard to kill however because of how tanky he is and how he can stop your chase with his E and bail out of fights with his R. Take Teleport.”
AlanVenator says “His ult cancels the second cast of fear beyond death. He is quite tanky and can hit his Q whenever you go for E. Its really difficult to kill him.”
Breadcrumbs says “Sion can be a pain, but overall, you kill him at basically all stages of the game. You can dash around his Q as well as cancel it with your E. He's basically a Cannon minion early meaning he's super easy to First blood. Don't underestimate his passive damage as well, it's not a fun way to die.”
SethPRG says “Lethality Sion is much more scary than Tank Sion for you, but the only scary thing there is the insane CC into tons of damage, plus the Prowler's Claw he can use, also on his undead form. Just save your E to interrupt his Q, same with your R and you should win. Just dodge getting hit by a minion with his scream, don't take the pointless slow. Alternatively, if he's running away with his R, you can quickly ult him in the same direction, and if timed right land in front of him, cancelling his R. His splitting with Demolish and suiciding your towers can be scary, so be aware of that ESPECIALLY if you have open inhibs or an open nexus. Never leave your base if you have an open nexus or you just lose VS Sion. Try to match his splitting if you can, but always be aware he can ult away or ult from a split into an objective team, and you can't catch him. In team fights, ult him into his team and follow up with your E, and that makes him pretty useless since he's not in the front line. Take Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads depending on the enemy team comp. If he has Grasp, build Exe or Bramble somewhat early. It's preferred to ult his undead body at least once to assert your dominance in this matchup.”
El Leon Gnar says “Sion is a very strong tank but you should be able to dodge any of his Q's and just outtrade in lane. Don't use your E if he already has his knockup charged as he'll just cancel your jump and trade harder. One of the few lanes where I would recommend Sunderer over Stridebreaker.”
joelspaho121 says “Easiest darius matchup. D blade start with sorc tree. Sion can't win this matchup in anyway however you should know that he outscales you so dont keep the lane even for too long otherwise he will be unkillable. Save E when he charges Q to cancel it or you can try to reposition yourself outside of it and start autoing him as hes finishing charging Q. As soon as he tries to make a run for it drag him back with E. His damage doesnt match yours in anyway and hes immobile (outside of R). Free lane.”
Kaizin says “The reason this matchup is difficult is Sion's ability to space himself from his opponent. If Sion starts charging his Q, it's generally a better idea to use your Q and run towards him, that way you get the movespeed and when he stuns you, your q will rest and you're able to get to him. Things to watch out for are his shield, try to either break it as soon as he uses it, because he can't recast to blow it up for roughly 1.5 seconds. Try to avoid getting hit by his E, because this makes it a lot easier for Sion to land his Q. Another thing is if Sion ults, you can avoid the CC by ulting just before he hits you. Divine Sunderer is very good against Sion if you're able to build it. As Sion stacks health throughout the whole game and your Divine Sunderer will be dealing more and more damage.”
UlisesFRN says “You counter him. Use your Q when he starts charging his Axe Up, and punish hard if he tries to Last-Hit with AutoAttacks. Dont let him poke you down”
ApollonATH says “You win early game without any trouble. When he charges Q you can Q to dodge it then go in or Q to cancel his Q then all in him for the kill.
You get outscaled dont let him farm for free”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
Beef cake that will chunk you if you aren't careful. Make sure the fights aren't too close cuz of his passive. He is honestly fairly tricky to fight. Try and burst down his shield because if he can recast it then it will do a surprising amount of damage to you. ”
Humitaxx says “If you go against a Sion, then be careful about going with the tank build, since Sion will always outscale you in being a tank, so you will fall short in damage to kill him after a few minutes of staying even against him. If you want to play it safe, go with a regular Stride breaker - BOTRK build”
deathwalker7119 says “Try and dodge his Q, parry ult. You can parry Q if you realize a pattern in when hes using it. Parry the shield if you don't parry the Q, as when the shield pops it hurts a lot. Pretty easy tank matchup, just use Q to dodge his Q and watch out for the bush cheese/burst with R.”
UlisesFRN says “You hard counter him. If he tries to land a Q, E behind him and pummel him with AA and Q. Use your empowered W to break his shield and negate tons of his damage. Botrk is once again the best 1st item we can get by far. Just get it ASAP and see how his gigantic HP pool gets melt. You cant dive him if his Ult is up, and be carefull with his passive,since he deals lots of damage”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “You can only lose this lane if you literally play without your Q, you can avoid most of his abilities and make it really hard for him to to anything about it. However, he can get pretty tanky really fast so you might end up having a farm lane. This is really bad as he outscales you hard, same strat as malphite except you can fight him later levels no problem even if he gets bramble. Just avoid getting hit by his Q and fight with full passive and you auto win. Start Q and last hit the minions with Q to build up your passive, try to not shove him in so you can try and get lvl 2 first. If you do, level E immediately and land it on him. If you do you can chunk him hard or get his flash. Always be aggressive against Sion if you know where the enemy jungler is, as you have much higher sustain and his damage is low as long as you avoid his skill shots. Its a face roll lane after you get botrk as well.”
tibs2 says “Most of the time, I end up perma trading with Sion but somehow we both never die. Just q him if he q's you and he will get hit by q1 and q2 and the trade will be even. Good conditioning lane. ”
Ponkstronk says “It's and ok match up, unless he gets ahead. If you are even or ahead you win most of the times. You can cancel his q with both e and ult.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Su Q queda cancelada si usamos bien nuestra W o esquivamos con la E. Gwen es buena derritiendo tanques, así que Sion nunca será un problema.”
Noodles912 says “Easy lane but do not expect solo kills at all. Sion is really tanky and full of shields, so don't think about doing anything aggressive without your jg. Keep your distance and scale it up. Sion has low kill threat. You may not insta win laning phase, but you insta win the game.”
kohyss says “I found a strange bug when he is castin his Q then u ult him his Q bug and it will not hit you. Easy tank matchup, care for early cheese in bush with his Q.”
SPJohnWD says “Easy lane, win at almost all stages, able to cancel r dodge his Q with E at all stages of the game, R good to roam mid or shadow jungler.”
teemodumbstupid says “The easiest way to win this matchup is to turn on "Use movement prediction" in settings and move very unexpectedly. He will have a hard time hitting his Q on you if you move weirdly. You can win easily level 6. Take Conqueror. ”
jmp_01_ says “Strong scaling champ. Cancel his Q - Decimating Smash with your E - Facebreaker. Go for extended trades and definetly take a Blade of the Ruined King with you. He is the one you want to ult in lategame teamfights. Be careful of his passive - Glory in Death / Death Surge.”
Draconic56 says “Free food. Your pull cancels his Q. Your ult stops him from escaping with his ult. He does no damage and has terrible innate resistance. Your only worry is if he returns with his passive and kills you but even then, it is a small chance. Just poke him down and if he DARES walk up, pull him in and kill him. Just make sure he doesn't get to CS. You don't want him to be too tanky for your team to deal with.”
Kokob5 says “Not a hard one just don't let him land Q's for free. If you're in the Q use E to make him land a less painful one and trade back. Note that you can Dodge his Q with your R and sometimes after he exits his R for some reason when Mordekaier ults it does nothing and goes on CD so try to wait if you can.”
negoZoma69 says “Contrary to other tanks this isn't a free lane. That's because Sion gets beefy really fast and can chunk your HP hard if he slows you with his E. AP Neeko is not good at all vs Sion and gets outscaled, AD is a better option with early lifesteal/BOTRK rush.”
SleeplessX says “Try to leave his Q area so he has to cast it early for less damage, you can also attempt to W while he's charging but do it early or he will interrupt your dash and destroy you. He gets quite tanky but is very killable early, don't get run down by his zombie”
gladiatorrr4 says “Sion can get kited very well. Dodge his Q's. You can play more aggressive against Sion. Blade of the Ruined king is a really good item against him.”
raede says “Screw Sion man. He will be annoying always unless he leaves the game from rage. I guess the best tip is just to always use your Q to cancel his Q. If you don't kill him at least once in lane or you're doubling his cs, you're doing it wrong and he will be a monster.”
bocchicken says “ nerfs on his early damage make it SLIGHTLY easier, but he will still outsustain you especially early.
Care for CC chain (R+Q) look for trades when his W is down, use YOU Q move speed buff to side step HIS Q”
KingNklaus says “Non existent treath Sion is one of the most fair champion in the game his damage is outplayable he can get a couple of good hits onto you but his lack of sustained damage and escapes will let you win pretty much any fight with him”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Another boring matchup... he's a pain in the ass... you can't activate the second part of your ultimate when he ulti - like Olaf -. He's almost unkillable - when well played -. The main source of his damage is AD.”
Alekra says “W his stun or even better, use your Q to cancel it and you should be able to beat him. Max E and build Black Cleaver first if he goes tank, Stridebreaker first if he goes full AD.”
ToinoEscaca says “It's not a big threat, but we all know that his Airborne is annoying.
Make sure to not get CC'ed and you're fine.
Whenever he uses E wait for it to go away, you will lose the trade.
If he wants to get you when you are slowed by E, Tongue Lash (Q) him.”
NathanPyke says “You can cancel his Q with your Q and E not a threat when he doesn't have items. if this is a lethality sion avoid that Q at all costs”
Drumastermunch says “I'm not sure yet how to handle this guy, have to practice it. Just found out that if you stun his Q, he gets only 2s cooldown instead of the 10s. So, W his Q can still be effective, but don't overstay. If he has a lead, you are DOOMED”
LunaticDancer says “Easily manageable match up, just make sure to walk out of any of his danger zones. On level 2, you outtrade him, on level 6 he should have no realistic chance of beating you. Careful of his passive, best wall him off and protect your ultimate.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp/First Strike + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash + TP]
Tank farm lane. Sions will generally just perma shove the lane and try to poke you down. So this is generally just a farm lane. Try to avoid stepping close to the bushes if you don't see him in the lane because he might be charging up his Q. You win when you have Divine Sunderer.”
SpyDaFX says “pretty easy to kill at all levels, you should go press the attack, but if they have more tanks other than him than go conqueror, since he will go armor, but you will most likely win lane early so it doesn't matter that much.”
Ravenborne says “Just kill him XD. Play around his Q windup or just cancel it with E. Start Level 1 with W and cheesw him. If he has R just stand infront of him.”
Kil4fun says “His Q is really slow and you can dodge it. Don't get hit by his E and you'll have no problem taking almost 0 damage from him. You can burst his shield from range so he can't use it to waveclear or poke. He's fat and tanky but you have better poke as Kayle. ”
BigManYam says “Overall very tanky champion and will harass you early, scales infinitely with health and has hard CC which makes ganks hard to avoid. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Sion is pretty much unkillable without jungler help. Other than that his Q is easy to dodge as well as his E, shouldn't pose much kill-pressure either way.
Updated to Major due to alcove synergy 20/11/19”
kingchas2 says “Only thing to really note is don't walk near bushes level 1. Most Sion's will wait there and try and Cheese you with a fully charged Q. Other than that he really can never kill you. Use your W to dodge his E in lane and keep it up while he is backed to help dodge his R.”
ModelitoTime says “He is just tanky really, just avoid the bushes early levels because alot of sions will go in the bushes to get a cheesy Q off you, other than that stay relatively close to him so if he tries to Q you in lane you can land a quick E and cancel his Q, this matchup isn't hard at all. Also black cleaver rush is good
Dannala says “Sion has a lot of AoE potential, but you can break his shield and walk out of his Q so it's not terribly dangerous. Rappel always works as a last solution, as his fighting potential without those two are next to nill early on. He can shoot your spiderlings at you or away so he won't take damage from them but will lose most trades if he misses his Q. He's fairly easy to handle for Elise late game as well for similar reasons.”
ineptpineapple says “Sions a bit dumb at the moment when he has arcane comet, i dont know what to tell you, becuase otherwise its a pretty east matchup if you avoid the minions he chucks at you.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Pre 6 you should make sure to cancel his knockup with your Q.
After he hits level 6 you should try to dodge his charge (Obviously). If he stops close to you either Q him or use R.
If he is about to hit you shield your self and R as soon as possible.
Alternatively panic and waste all the things you have just to die anyways”
Raideru says “Very easy matchup in early game, whenever u can jump on him u should do it esp when he wastes q or e cose u just fight him stun him and walk away, care if you don't get him behind in early he can actually beat u later in the game. I advise Lethal Tempo+ Dblade with dmg components rush. Also bork 3rd might be a good option depending on his gold state.”
LeSocair says “Avoid his Q and his E, take down his Shield asap with Q and/or AA's. He stays still when channeling Q, use this to your advantage.
Be careful after R, all his CC are knockups, you can't W them.”
RedNBlue says “You will be able to kill him easily but you have to watch out for his passive revival and watch out for that level 6 int death and ult back killing you for a sweet 700g bounty.”
AmericanNut says “You'll do some nice damage to him, just don't be foolish and let im hit you fully charged, when he dies he will likely relentlessly chase after you, Tongue Lash and escape.”
Malol67 says “you can block everything on his kit with yours,
Your E for his W, your W for his Q.
Beware of his passive tho...
And never stay under his tower when he has ult up and he's coming to lane or you can get 100 to 0 under his turret.”
EU_Toxicity says “You can cancel his Q with your E pretty much everytime. If he's rushing armor, get cleaver and don't let him farm. After level 6 try to run behind him when fighting so he can't ult away.”
iZeal says “He has huge difficulties avoiding your Qs as his Q makes him stand still and he has no mobility. His % damage is based on his shield, so break it and he is left with flat damage which sucks for tanks. You can interrupt his Q with your E but don't wait too long as Sion can react to your animation and release his Q potentially stunning you. If you interrupt his Q it's on a 2 second cooldown and you can either try to dodge it or just use your Q as you can't possibly miss him. If you catch him, try to walk in front of his escape path so he can't just use his ult as escape tool. While you may have to bodyblock his initiation ultimates, it is mostly advisable to let someone else take the hit but then pull Sion so he cannot just chain-cc someone to death.
DBlade, Phage”
bocchicken says “You can interrupt his Q windup with your Q. your W does NOT interrupt his Q. force him to push the wave by standing in your minions so he Q's them when he attempts to trade with you. If he is proxying, rush bamis/sunfire so you can match his waveclear”
DasGrauen_ says “Hes pretty tanky late.. But, try to kill him on early levels. Dodge his Q and E by using your E and get away if hes using his W(shield)”
bocchicken says “if you dodge Sion's Q, you win. But he can poke you down, and is harder to punish. Also, if he rushes an early wardens mail, it's impossible for you to play”
byThiagus says “Lo mismo que malphite, a nivel 6 puede escapar con su r, tu e corta su q. No lo dejes farmear. segunda pagina de runas espada de doran”
teemoplayerr says “he has his Q and he will just airborne you and you will die instantly. he is also tanky so poking wont do so much even he is a melee.”
AWierdShoe says “
Contest the push level 1. Take short grasp trades, and if you’re very close to him and he starts charging his Q past level 2, then just instantly taunt him to interrupt it and take a good trade.You should win extended trades using 6 empowered Q’s as long as you don’t get hit by a long-charged Q. Only start going for the extended trades after you hit level 3 though, do short trades before then. Be mindful to not die to his passive if you kill him.
I Am Goliath says “You can cancel sion's Q with your Q if you're close enough to knock him back, you can also W to him to stop his ult or dodge his Q if you're fast enough. Try to push sion in early and make him farm under turret, overall he doesn't have much kill pressure on you.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Bait out his Q -> Contest cs when Q is down -> Do not line up yourself for his E on a minion -> Let wave push to you (only last hit the wave) -> Freeze -> When he walks up for cs run him down -> Level 6 when he needs to get away (AKA when he gets low on HP) he will be looking to R away so dash in front of him to prevent him/block/stop his R”
StrikeX114 says “Sion's greatest threat comes in his passive, which allows him to pursue you after death, which is often when you are extremely vulnerable. This is a champion you would rather keep alive than dead. Otherwise, his threats are his ultimate and Devastating Smash (Q) due to their damage potential and stun.”
Saarlichenbog says “Sion might be a tank, have lots of CC and seemingly a lot of sustain which would make him higher up in the list of threats. However, his kit is so poorly designed for when Kalista jumps on top of him to which she can exploit all of the weaknesses he has, rooting himself in his Q and his very narrow E skillshot. By either demolishing him in lane or itemizing correctly, Sion will always be a step behind Kalista.”
Chessylex says “Almost non existent threat as his main damage comes from his Q which you can completely negate with your Q's as he has to charge it for at least a second for it to be useful. Try not to get hit by his Ult as it knocks you up and stuns you giving him a free maxed Q charge as you can't get in Q1 range in time to stop him charging it.”
Biko14CS says “Sion's greatest threat comes in his passive, which allows him to pursue you after death, which is often when you are extremely vulnerable. This is a champion you would rather keep alive than dead. Otherwise, his threats are his ultimate and Devastating Smash (Q) due to their damage potential and stun.”
GLP1 says “Kled is very good against tanks for his high damage and because he will always have the free passive because they can't kill him without the mount.”
Nicklstherealone says “You can grab him in his Q (Knockup) and the rest of his abilities wont really matter. He is an very slow Champion except for his Ult so it shouldnt be hard. ”
pedrohnasc says “Very easy matchup, you can cancel his Q with your Q1, Q2, Q3 and your W. He can't do anything to you unless he stacks a lot of armor.”
Raphi0216 says “Spam W. Don't let him outplay you with out of vision Qs. You can cancel his Q with both your E and your R, but it'll only go on a 2 second CD.”
Frostyfps says “You can only lose this lane if you literally play without your Q, you can avoid most of his abilities and make it really hard for him to to anything about it. However, he can get pretty tanky really fast so you might end up having a farm lane. This is really bad as he outscales you hard, same strat as malphite except you can fight him later levels no problem even if he gets bramble. Just avoid getting hit by his Q and fight with full passive and you auto win. Start Q and last hit the minions with Q to build up your passive, try to not shove him in so you can try and get lvl 2 first. If you do, level E immediately and land it on him. If you do you can chunk him hard or get his flash. Always be aggressive against Sion if you know where the enemy jungler is, as you have much higher sustain and his damage is low as long as you avoid his skill shots. Its a face roll lane after you get botrk as well.”
Defensivity1 says “Cpot is a must, poke him with 3-4 ghouls, you should be able to all in him level 2-3 with 3-4 ghouls
He scales very well and can ignore you completely when he has sunfire and titanic hydra, so need to be ahead before he gets there.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Sion is a strong champion all game, and his Q can do so much damage to you if you let him fully charge it. Luckily, you can E to cancel it. Also, you have a small advantage early on, and your level 6 is stronger than his in 1v1 fights. ”
SourTower says “Sion's tankyness and how much he fits in the current meta will wreck you down if you dont play safe enough. Dont try to engage on him and save your E's for stopping his q or dashing out of it. Farming safely and roaming will give you a winning opportunity.”
YoungTact says “Dodge his Q by walking out of it with W, E'ing to a minion (best way) or at him(doing this reduces his Q cooldown so dont advise unless u can kill). Apply basic lane combo until you can kill.”
Sion, similar to Singed, its a really player dependent matchup, Sion either goes Full lethality or damage to burst Nasus all game or he goes for a full tank build to make Nasus deal no Damage all game into him. Early on, I recommend watching out your jungle and walk with your wave (just like Singed) to prevent him of Proxy Farming your wave since Nasus wave clear early on sucks. In laning phase, if he is not in lane, he's mostlikely in the toplane brush trying to hit a fully charged Q (similar to Rengar) early on try to stay away from the brushes until you see him. Once you hit lvl 6 and Shen power spike he can't really punish you since your all in is way stronger than his and you can start doing extended trades against him, if he goes for a full lethality you will kill him easily but be carefull when he revives since he will deal a lot of damage, just quite him. Later on to the game, Sion will usually look to Splitpush if he is going full Lethality or Teamfight if he is going full Tank, Look to Splitpush and force him to match you, because of his R and fully charged Q, Its really difficult for Nasus to match his Teamfight making Splitpushing the best way to beat him, If he is full lethality you can just dive him as long as he doesn't have R and just used his Q, he can't match Nasus scaling but if he goes Tank just look to shove waves and look for a flank on the enemy team, you got to be really fast in this one since Sion R allows him to join Teamfights super quick.”
Yasuo Comunica says “Sion one of the nasus strong enemies his life and armor makes it difficult for the puppy with his intensive Q and his W are difficult to stomp the line.
Sion is Tier B”
SubHuman Filth says “any rune is just fine.
just get early boots and but some points in w. he will poke you down with e's and q's. try to dodge his e's, so he cant q you.
i suck at this matchup, ngl.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion. Sion matchup is all about looking to force extended trades. Level one build up a little bit of fury and look for a big trade (dodge his q!) and typically you can get a good amount of damage on him, get level 2 power spike and look for an allin. If sion plays it safe get the first two waves into turret and let the wave "bounce" back towards you (minion waves crash all the way into turret then it starts pushing back towards you.) One tip against sion players is that you have to watch out for his 2 cheeses. He can cheese your buff level 1 by late invading into killing himself on the buff then taking it with his passive. Another cheese a sion player will do is wait in the second brush top lane and full charge a Q from the brush to get the first 3 minions and deal a lot of damage to you. If you avoid being cheesed by both of those and are able to play the matchup straight up you should win the early laning phase. Whether you snowball against sion or not depends on how well you can extend a trade, and how well you can manipulate the minion wave to set up proper allins using the length of the lane to run him down (basically look to have the wave on your side of the lane.) Make sure every time you kill Sion that you run away immediately so that you dont die to his passive. A lot of this matchup as well is dodging his q so make sure while you are trading with him that you sidestep his knockup. Also after level 6, make sure that you are in between sion and his escape path so the he cant ult away from you during the all in. In the mid-late game splitpush if sion is too tanky, just shove him in and use your superior mobility to outrotate him and take extra waves, jungle camps or even look for a flank opportunity if you see one.”
I Am Goliath says “Easy matchup since he gets max HP from his W and basicaly stacks HP as well so your W will always do a ton of damage, not only that but you can dodge his Q with your E since it is a decent channel. If the Sion is smart he can be kind of hard to kill but you should always have pressure in this lane and it should be fairly easy.”
Nabura says “If you can predict his E's he wont be able to land the rest of his kit. Care for Sion cheese from every single bush. Take this lane slow as being greedy will get you killed.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion. Sion matchup is all about looking to force extended trades. Level one build up a little bit of fury and look for a big trade (dodge his q!) and typically you can get a good amount of damage on him, get level 2 power spike and look for an allin. If sion plays it safe get the first two waves into turret and let the wave "bounce" back towards you (minion waves crash all the way into turret then it starts pushing back towards you.) One tip against sion players is that you have to watch out for his 2 cheeses. He can cheese your buff level 1 by late invading into killing himself on the buff then taking it with his passive. Another cheese a sion player will do is wait in the second brush top lane and full charge a Q from the brush to get the first 3 minions and deal a lot of damage to you. If you avoid being cheesed by both of those and are able to play the matchup straight up you should win the early laning phase. Whether you snowball against sion or not depends on how well you can extend a trade, and how well you can manipulate the minion wave to set up proper allins using the length of the lane to run him down (basically look to have the wave on your side of the lane.) Make sure every time you kill Sion that you run away immediately so that you dont die to his passive. A lot of this matchup as well is dodging his q so make sure while you are trading with him that you sidestep his knockup. Also after level 6, make sure that you are in between sion and his escape path so the he cant ult away from you during the all in. In the mid-late game splitpush if sion is too tanky, just shove him in and use your superior mobility to outrotate him and take extra waves, jungle camps or even look for a flank opportunity if you see one.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery , Grasp
Tente matar ele antes do lvl 6 fique atento pra desviar do E dele que da slow e quebra sua armadura e desvia do Q dele (não se aproxime das moitas que ele pode canalizar o Q invisivel)
Rushar : Nashor ou Liandry's”
Swaim says “ALL of his cc besides ult is channels which means your q can interupt them be carful of his tankiness and that his q cd is reduced when stopped ”
ZergDood says “He scales a lot an has a lot of roaming potential with his R, but that's when he actually scales. Use your tools (E to a minion, W to run away) to avoid his Q, zigzag towards him and take some trades against him. Take your shield and it's hammer time. Your Q will hurt A LOT, specially in early levels. Try using it when he Q's and you got out of range. This matchup can be really fun, specially because of the tankiness of both. Have fun AFK farming!”
qazx1427 says “Sion's ult can be stopped with your W, which is really satisfying to watch. He has no real mobility, so just buy Liandry's, lock him down, and get some free kills. Remember that E slows, so use that when he reanimates to nullify the speed boost.”
Ayanleh says “You can pull him to cancel his Q when hes channelling but dont ult him when hes channelling his Q as it will cancel your ult. As other tanky matchups passive + conqueror makes it even easier.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “He's extremely weak earlygame so abuse the shit out of him and smash his face in, later on he has the potential to give you some absurdly high damage ultimates. He can dodge your R with his and that's where the good news end for sion, you cancel his Q with your E, smash his face in and break his shield.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Sion is pretty easy to beat , you just have to dodge his q and you will win the all in.I recommend going fleet runes so you can stick to him better and start dorans shield.Flash and TP for sums since he is a tank and you want to avoid fighting him after his first item.”
Shumair says “It's hard to find a really good Sion player but when you do, it's essential to know some basic tricks in the matchup in order to win. Firstly, you should never face check bushes or he can catch you off guard with a full power Q. Another trick is to E him whilst he charges his Q to cancel it. You can ult him if he's already in his ult animation but if he ults mid cast of your ult then it'll cancel yours. Due to this you should only ult him whilst he charges his Q as he won't be able to counter ult. Build standard Rylai's etc vs tank sion but vs AD go for Seeker's.”
wallobear53 says “Avoid the lane brushes during the early stages of the game and keep the warded to avoid getting knocked up and CC’d by Sion’s Q. This also applies to the side brush at the river entrance.
Always try to trade with him if he is mispositioned or when you have a minion advantage on him. He won’t be able to retaliate effectively and will have to give up CS in order to return damage to you.
While farming, make it a point to avoid his E as he can easily slow you and set a gank for his Jungler with his Ultimate and Q. You will need to set some deep wards if you happen to be an immobile champion as Sion’s CC is quite hard to avoid once you get hit by his E.
NullPC says “Sion is interesting as he can just go even in lane and destory in team fights or get hit by your R and see 25% of his increased heath not matter. Overall cancle his Q with your E and let your passive shred him.”
ModxLoL says “Sion is pretty easy to play around; short trades are very straightforward. Just make sure you save your E to get out after or you will take return damage from his Q. Be careful about taking long trades as you might think it’s a good idea to keep hitting him after you CC him while he’s charging his Q. He actually gets a refund on the cooldown of his Q when it gets cancelled, so he’ll still be able to hit you with it on your way out.”
Stiwy says “Keep your E to cancel his Q's channeling. This lane shouldn't be hard as long as you don't get hit by a fully charged knockup.
Go for the usual Conqueror + Black Cleaver combination and avoid being trampled by his ult.
Start Cull.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up simple et assez semblable à Malphite et Maokai, petite particularité, quand tu le vois charger son A, tu peux l'interrompre en utilisant ton E, ce qui t'évitera le bump et t'assureras de le tuer facilement, essaie également d'éviter son E qui t'applique un méchant slow, et qui te fera louper le kill.
Fais toutefois extrêmement attention au passif de Sion qui le fais ressusciter pour une courte durée après sa mort, ne cherche pas à l'affronter ça ne sert a rien, utilise ton Z pour le ralentir est court, il fais de très gros dégâts sous cette forme, et pourrait facilement te surprendre !
Astuce : Botte de rang 2 et phage assureront une victoire facile ”
Dantheman81 says “Sion is one of the tankiest champions in the whole game and can go in and escape with his ultimate if things so south. If he builds full AD he will be able to kill you very easily; especially when dead. This should be a pushing game as you want to end before he becomes unkillable.”
Xplor says “Sion AoE's are so slow that you can avoid them all. All you have to do is to poke him as much as possible and go all-in whenever possible.
Past level 6 you will have an even better chance with Yorick.”
Darrkescru says “O bixin chato, use impeto tenta sempre desviar do E dele pois te causa slow caso você tome proca o impeto e sai correndo de perto, o problema e que no começo ate da para matar o sion mas depois ele fica tão tank que fica imortal, o melhor jeito de ganhar e tentando pushar a wave pokeando ele e fazendo ele perder CS”
Angela du Seithr says “Bien que Sion puisse être un problème avec ses larges AOE et Optimisation Glaciale, il est en réalité très prévisible. Wardez les bushs et évitez de vous mettre dans l'angle des sbires afin d'être le plus pénible pour lui.”
TotallyEclipse says “Most underwhelming tank matchup ever. He has no escapes pre 6, all in him every chance you get and try to jump behind his Q. You should snowball vs Sion”
MateuszNH says “If he goes AD he is easy as fuck,otherwise even matchup.
Just jump on him and W behind so you miss his Q or get much lower dmg without CC. Don't get cheese by him in the bushes. Your are stronger in all ins.”
report singed ty says “Fling him if he tries to charge a Q, sidestep his minion punching thing and wait out his shield. ALWAYS stand infront of where he wants to ult so he cant use it as an escape when fighting him.
If you screw these steps up though he will do tons of damage and you die.”
Sq_09 says “He is slow. If you get hit by a Q you'll take some damage but if you can kite him he's really not that much of a thread. Just take care of his R and you should be fine. ”
unrealPR0D16Y says “Try to use your W after he Q's. You getting knocked up will cancel the ability.
Likewise, your Q cancels his Q.
Also be mindful of his passive, Sion coming back from death could prove to be an issue. ”
SabinX says “Just be careful around the bushes he camps with his Q. You are stronger than him, but if you get cheesed you will mostly lose. Also use W to dodge his Q when you go all in on him.”
VIP Titan says “Sion just a tank boi. He also one of the melee range poke champion. In late game he will be super tanky. So make sure rush ruined king.
Dodge his Q abilities since it does loads of damage.
Try not to dive this man since he got W which equals to his max health.
Max E or Q!
Subject3 says “never fought a sion with tahm kench but i assume its really easy, if he going for the knock up and his in line with your q, dont let him run away scott free”
Starci says “This is a very hard lane, since he can just hold his Q until your parry runs out. And if you use it late, there's the chance he will trigger it early and still stun you. Or he can trigger it before the bar is full so even if you parry it, you won't stun him. Then, after 6, he can just ult in your face and stun you. Very hard lane.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Sion's a scaling tank who actually has a good laning phase if he plays it correctly, and his W passive means that the longer the game goes on the more he will be able to tank. If you don't get a lead early on you will be forced into a farm lane in which neither of you have tremendous kill potential on each other. If you get a lead you can try pushing tower soon-ish and roam since he can't follow you super well without tp and ult down (his R cooldown is fairly high). If he gets a lead you will never ever kill him and he can throw you around like a ragdoll until the game ends.
The key to this lane is abusing the first 3 levels the most you can, you are stronger than him until at least level 6 and if you manage to kill him early you can snowball off of it. Be careful with jumping directly to him if you are not near a bush you can go back to, he can slow you with E, aa you for a bit, Q you, and then explode W for a fair chunk of damage. If you want to all in him you have to do it very early and making sure you will not eat a Q the moment you jump in, because he will instantly win the trade otherwise unless you have Emp W ready. You can also try baiting his shield (it has a big cd early game) and then wail on him abusing the fact he has lost one of his main sources of tankiness. Lane gets harder when he gets tabi, and it becomes a waste of time to try to kill him the moment he gets sunfire cape- but it's bearable and you can at least try to pressure other lanes.
Ignite is only good if you are 100% sure you will kill him very early, else his shield will make it useless, so TP is less risky. Conqueror works good against him since most of your trades with him will be long if you dodge his Q, but Grasp has its uses.”
J 2 the ROC says “Very easy matchup. You can flip him when he channels his Q, and if you break his shield before he can reactivate it, he has virtually no other form of damage.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, You can remove his Q from the game, aswell as his Ult.
Good timing required, He has no escapes but is naturally tanky.
Do long trades.”
Anyerlaw says “És un match up intermedio, te dedicas a pokearle y *intentar* parkearle su q. Si no t paras sus q y dejas que te stunee te ganará la línia.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Really easy to dodge Sion's Decimating smash. Just use your abilities to dance around him and whittle him down and he won't be able to do much.”
ShinyEmo says “Easy to melt mid to late but annoying early. Dodge his Q's and gg. Look out for his passive and try to push the lane because he is more likely to continuously push and destroy turrets. Teleport will be a good choice to prevent him from pushing. ”
lugzinho says “Following him when he R's with your R is really fun to watch.
Just abuse his early game as much as you can cuz late game he'll just be a Thick Brick Wall which can tank 3 Nexus Turrets at the same time.
If it gets too tanky to the point he wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is one of the easiest matchups for you. You can cancel out his Q with your flay and deny him from getting damage aswell as stopping him from landing hard CC. The Sion will most likely start to instant cast Q so if you see him starting to do this rather save your flay so that you can flay him AFTER his Q slows you. Don't be scared of fighting him early game as you can outpoke him and kill him quite easily. Sion scales really well so be careful of facing him alone late game, but all in all I would say this is a matchup you win quite easily.”
ForgottenProject says “Sion is a very annoying matchup for newer Fiora players
Save your Parry for his R that you can predict easily
Don’t waste parry on his Q, just dash behind him or out of it
You win after level 6 unless he builds Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis
If you are winning the fight and he runs away, walk in front of him, so he can’t ult away
Use your ult/vital MS to do this”
Braddik says “Most underwhelming tank matchup ever. He has no escapes pre 6, all in him every chance you get and try to jump behind his Q. You should snowball vs Sion”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Play safe, farm and poke and dodge his Q's if you can do this you may not be able to kill him but you'll be able to keep him from getting too big. Make sure to ask for ganks and watch our for ganks since a fed Sion is a nightmare.”
The Lost Drawing says “Le cancelas su 'Q', puedes salir de ella con tu 'E'.
Es facil el early-game pero el late tanquea mas que tu incluso puede tener mejor TF”
Pedrokis says “Realmente só vai ser uma matchup difícil se o JG dele te campar, já que você espanca ele se você buildar Cutelo Negro como primeiro item. / Abusa do seu E pra desviar do Q e possivelmente da ult dele.”
Daedralus says “You can demolish this guy in a way that will make him RQ. If he is charging, latch your Q on him. You will not get stunned even if you get hit, and if you do get hit, you will heal it off anyway. His main damage will thus be gone which was probably not even fully charged due to your counter-attack. His ult is the only real problem you might face. But the fun fact is, if he starts running away with it, you can ult at him yourself and counter the 2 contact ults with each other ;). Your damage reduction from E is also essential if he lets towards you as it will block a lot of damage. I believe you can also latch on this ult to deny his knock, but that should be a little difficult to pull off.”
BeautifulWinter says “You do a lot to him once you hit 6 however due to his tankyness you need to play passive until you can ult him.
If you do get him you should probably try to get away from his corpse as it might be able to kill you after death.”
Big Belly Bop says “Watch out for his E and try not to be linear to him. This lane is simple but he will become very tanky eventually. Poke him and get free stacks to start scaling. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.”
ExfIamed says “As long as you dodge his Q and W his slow you win, try not to unload all your damage while he has his shield up just walk with him until it expires and then unload. Incredibly easy matchup.”
9690 says “Avoid getting cheesed by his Q while he's in brush. Otherwise there is nothing to this lane. We win at all points like most tank match ups. Push him in and win.”
Loevely says “Honestly I just autopilot vs Sion so I end up inting when I play vs him. Normally he's easy to play around, but does do deceptively high damage so make sure to watch out for that. ”
Quezel says “Sion is completely free if he goes tank and slightly harder if he goes lethality. Use your e to cancel his q and then just wail on him he will lose every trade to your shield.”
mightydylan101 says “Sion does a lot of damage early and if he goes either full AD, AP or tank he can still kill you until late game. His Q can stun you and will easily do half your health. Stay super back and safe farming until either lane is over or you're sure that he wont be able to punish you hard in a trade. Most of the time you wont be able to trade him unless somehow you get fed early or he just sucks.”
ProgettoYorick says “Sion is discreet only for the reason of being tank, being in lane against him is feasible.
Advice from OTP: being main both can tell you to think about the farm and keep control of the map for any Tp (like the dragon). Watch out for ganks.”
Xelaadryth says “Top lane Sion nowadays is really easy to harass though he gets really tanky really fast, it's almost impossible to get hit by his stun so just focus on countering his hard push and doing as much poke damage as possible before his shield starts getting too big to break. Try to position yourself so he can't easily harass you down by hitting minions at you, it hurts a lot more than you'd think. It shouldn't take long before you can't hurt him at all anymore.”
Skarner Main says “Sion stay away from the bush level 1 when you are in lane sion players normaly stand there to get a cheese on their opponents when you get some items you beat this guy care for his passive and always go sideways when he Q you ”
AlienMV says “Be worried about approaching the minion wave, as he can more easily land his E which will follow with a Q.
As the laning progresses, it should be easier to dodge his Q with enough MS.”
Atlascrower says “Dont get engaged by his R, this could be your Death if his the Jungler is there. The Lane should be pretty easy, as long as you farm enough. He can tank the most of your Damage during Laning Phase and deals more to you as you to him.”
Poppu says “He pushes the wave stronger, more CC, and better set up for ganks. Recommended to play for teamfights and peel or disengage. He scales into the late game. To trade, make sure you take out his W, which is his shield, after that his damage is reduced by 40%. You can also E him out of his Q, but make sure to save W to run because it resets his Q CD by 50%.”
homxr says “This went from an decent match-up, to a very annoying one with his buff. Make sure you don't take many of his E's, and try to fully engage after his shield is off or on cooldown.”
Lynboe says “Même si le champion est très tank, cela ne veut pas dire qu’il est impossible de le punir car il n’a pas d’escape, une fois que vous l’avez attrapé avec votre E vous pourrez simplement lui courir après et l’imploser.
Mais pour cela vous devez gagner la lane très tôt, une fois que Sion prend un peu d’avance il devient rapidement impossible à tuer, même avec un wave management il sera très facile de lui rouler dessu.
Face à Sion, l’ont conseille de commencer avec une Doran’s blade afin de jouer de manière très agressive.
Jnewbringspain says “Sion is very difficult because of the amount of CC, damage, and health. It is hard to win trades because of the massive shield he gets. Try your best to avoid his Roar of the Slayer, as it will drop your armor. Leap Strike to avoid Decimating Smash. Build BOTRK first in this matchup for some better sustain and tank shred.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Very easy matchup. Q in for vitals, parrying his Q is quite easy, and constantly push him in and make him recall. This makes him usually use his ultimate to lane, making his Q the only CC ability.”
Devitt45 says “Trade with Sion every now and then. After a trade, focus on farming and healing back up with your passive. Be careful around bushes, they can make his Q invisible. When trading like this, you are either going to make him recall or die. If he does die, use your Q to run away while pressing W.”
M2 Jizu says “No se que decir, no es muy difícil. atraviesa tu Q siempre y cuando el esté cargando su Q tirale tu E rápido para que no le de tiempo a reaccionar.
Esquiva siempre el daño de su escudo.”
0mega best says “He is easy to kill early, but be careful,if its a good Sion it can be very hard sometimes and he does outank you, poke him, dont get caught in is Q and dodge his range E.”
Onwego317 says “Unless you are good at sidestepping and anticipating his abilities this champion is a beast to lane against as a to hit Teemo. Poke Him moving lateral not forwarding engaging him.”
ImpossibleLogic says “As long as you don't get hit by his Q's you win easy. When he goes to Q a minion wave as, Sion's frequently do, you can Q him and cancel his Q from there you can follow up with a combo. He can do nothing about just watch out for when you go for this him E R'ing you setting him up to almost one shot you.”
FunkySoul says “He scales really well, damage or tank. Go grasp and crush him! Don't get early cheesed, however, or else he'll have all the lane prio in the world.”
DrMoneybags says “Inting Sion can be pretty annoying in general, but not so much for Kled. Dash and Q through his Q and easily break his shield with your W. With conqueror, he should never be able to sit in lane unharmed. Just be careful of ganks since he has a ton of crowd control. His passive is only a problem if you get dismounted while killing him.”
Qubert64 says “Easy af. Taunt to dodge his q. If close enough taunt through him so it fizzles. Q'ing through him is needed to win fights. stick on him and rotate around so he cant charge a q.”
OnionMilkshake says “Aslong as you dont get hit by his Q's you win easy when he goes to Q a minion wave as Sion's frequently do you can Q him and cancel his Q from there you can follow up with a combo he can do nothing about just watch out for when you go for this him E R'ing you setting him up to almost one shot you
(Recommended: Conq)”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't kill him and his W gives him HP if he kills an enemy. Careful early, he can't fight you late if you don't fall behind and can farm.”
Khazem says “One of the more obnoxious tanks to deal with due to his many ways to keep you away from him and punish you for moving too close. Avoid using your E as gap closer and instead use it to tank his Q when necessary. You should be able to get damage in on him quite often but never underestimate his ability to retaliate hard even without damage items.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es mas fácil cuando tomas un poco de ventaja sobre el ya que el es 'meele' y tu tienes mas movilidad que el.
>>> Juega con 'Conquistador' y 'Golpe bajo' con 'Cazador Voraz' y runas de Resistencia Mágica (MR)
>>> Cada vez que cargue su 'Q' castigale con una 'Q' tuya por un costado o cancelala con tu 'E' pero su enfriamiento en este caso lo recupera en 2 segundos mas o menos asi que no te confíes
>>> No te ponga entre tus súbditos ya que te mete su 'E' y 'Q' de manera mas facil
>>> Si no tienes visión de el no te pegues a los arbustos ya que es normal que te hagan 'traps' ahí con su 'Q' cargada al máximo y la neta a nivel 1 baja mucho”
ElleryTheViking says “Pre 3 you hammer him. There's very little he can do to stop you. Just hit him with E's and a Q where you can. Post 6 he's a little difficult to bring down. Your best bet is pre 6 before he gets too tanky.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go for Conqueror. You outright destroy Sion since he is an immobile tank. Bash his head in whenever he comes close. Freeze the wave on him right outside of your tower and force him to walk up, don't shove him in. You don't want to shove him in since, by doing that, you allow his W to scale give him free farm. It's also worth noting that your E cancels his Q. Post-6 block his escape route by standing in the way of it.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High base damage, Poke, Tanky. Weaknesses: Out-scaled, Low Mobility, Predictable CC. He can take quite a bit of punishment but with a predictable stun, HP stacking, and low mobility he's a pretty easy target for Fiora to just jump in and start proccing vitals. Don't go too ham though as his early game damage and passive are nothing to scoff at especially if he tries to poke you down with Arcane Comet or go Full AD for some reason. You can also riposte his Ultimate so keep that in mind. If he goes AD or the Suicide Split Push Sion build, that makes it that much easier for you to 100 to 0 him because she shouldn’t be able to out-damage you with the amount of sustain and AD you have. Dodge or Riposte his Q, get out of range of his W or pop it before he can use it, Side step his E, and Riposte his Ultimate and the matchup should be pretty easy once you’ve gotten used to it. Buying at least tier-1 boots early is recommended if you are having trouble dodging his E and or his Q. Side step to the left or right for both, never up or down.”
Miracle Matter says “This matchup can be surprisingly difficult simply because Sion's raw damage is ridiculous. You do have ways to beat him, though. First: If he ever begins charging his Q, double-bomb him. It will stun him and interrupt the cast. Be wary; it will only go on a partial cooldown, and come up again within a few seconds.
He can kill you if he Ults into you before you have some Zz'Rot Armor, so until then, harass from a safe distance.
Second: Take the 'tanky alternative' build mentioned above, where you build Iceborne instead of Lucidities/Lich Bane. This also frees you up to take Boots of Swiftness or Merc Treads to reduce the efficacy of his slow if you'd like.”
Daniloooo says “Ezy to dodge his Q and E but still can do a lot of dmg if not dodged. U have more range so you should be good. Ward up and watch for ganks his JG prob gonna come to help him take you out.”
drunken hunter says “Sion is very tanky, especially with his (W) passive -> he gets hp when he farms. Try do do an early kill and buy Lord Dominic's Regards after you bought The Black Cleaver.”
kkiskk says “Dodge his full charged Q and you're fine. You can easily heal his E / W poke damage from minions. All-in him if he has no mana. Avoid aftershock peroid if he has it.”
SeaWeeb says “Is very tanky but his gap closing is tied to his ult. Don't let him get a good q off and if he dies disengage with E if you have it. If he gets a lead he will be very hard to bring down.”
Evil Lightning says “I'll admit it, Sion is a pretty good tank in the current meta. But Aatrox is the one champ where all of strengths KIIINDA fall flat. Hell, you're actually LESS clunky compared to Sion. (maybe thats why Aatrox has that one line regarding axes)”
Proxxecube says “Again, a tank, so nothing to be fearful of. Just parry his CC, and poke him whenever possible, as he can't auto in time after you hit a vital. All in with your ult if you may get too low after he dies.”
polarehare says “A real pain in the a**, bute, because you play close the hitbox for his Q is less wide the closer it is to him, and in 1v1's he cant really use his E on minions, he also has an annoying shield that is quiet the obstacle when trading so watch out, best thing to do is bait his shield, dodge his E and get close to where its hard for him to hit you with his Q.”
E61K says “You can easily juke his abilities since they are very predictable. He is very immobile and doesn't do a lot of damage unless you eat a fully charged Q or ult.”
Beartrand says “You can just basically right click Sion to death. Finish him off with a bite of your W. He isn't a very fast moving champion, so it's gonna be easy to proc your Conquerors and hit your empowered autos with your ult.”
Omega best says “Sion is tank and he does damage, there is not much you can do but try fliping him at the right moments and when he uses his decimated slam then attack him or when your jungle comes then attack him too.Play very safe, avoid being poke with his E and build armor and call for ganks.”
ThebestGP says “The damage you produce is universal and damage any tanks or squishy, Urgot kit allows him to fight any tank or bruiser top lane. Keep W up for trades. ”
Zachlikespizza says “Sion is a lane bully, he'll try to whittle you down with his q and e but you can play around this, use your q to stop his q and your e to dodge his e. Only look for kills against him early game as he'll become far too tanky.”
Mouadyam says “easy matchup, pull him to cancel his Q, you outdamage him at every rank of the game, be sure not to be trolled and let him bleed to death as he can absorb it with his shield”
Demon Lord AC0 says “You'll out trade him in most of the cases unless he buys a lot of armor early on. Just dodge his skills and you'll be fine. Start Doran's Shield and Rush BORK into Merc Treads, and keep your crit chance rising as you build Bork, like I showed in the items section. You'll need crit for the armor Pen on your ult”
TakeLPlease says “has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware. His passive can also deal damage after his death, so use your own damage to kill him before he can kill you.”
HunterFreddy says “You can easily juke Sion's Q because of your movement speed (atleast the hard hitting Q). You can also easily juke his ult if you're not standing too close to him when he uses it.”
whybother34 says “You see sion support or sion overall you lock trundle in and have fun. Let's name why you're so good against him. Your pillar can not only stop his q channel but also his ult since he stops on terrain. He gets more health from his w passive so your ult takes even more from him. He's a tank support without much good initiation save his ult but you got that covered. This is all you could want in a lane opponent, great tank stats for your ult, no hard engage that you have to peel off, and you counter him. ”
Skullsunderer says “CC and Tank. Armor pen. not much of a help because of his straight health instead of armor of MR, Don't over commit if you're low, because he might kill you while undead.”
joelblack says “Tanky AF. Just do normal tank build and chill. He can't do much unless you go in, and late game you will be a lot more useful to your team. Watch out for the new kamikaze Sion (He will kill himself by running to tower, for the goal of taking as many towers as possible.) Abuse this by getting a huge lead, and then roam.”
OrangeBeard says “He has a really good poke with e, but if you walk ult to him as he is channelling q and utl him or e stun him, it doesnt go off and you can keep killing him from there”
Ashnard says “Sion is hands down the strongest toplane tank currently. You can beat him pretty easily early with his immobility, but once he gets an item, he becomes pretty much unkillable for you. Spacing out your kit hits to stop his own can be quite effective at that point, as every time you cancel it, his q goes on 2 second cooldown.”
DERPFISHrejects says “You're one of very few champions who can actually reliably lethal Sion when he doesn't want it. Bully him, but respect his Q damage.”
Xeoah says “Sion can easily shrug off your damage while killing you.get a blade and shred him if he lets you auto him enough. If you are skilled with Quinn you can cancel his knockup. ”
galvapheonix says “ Sion is one of the tankiest champions in the whole game and can go in and escape with his ultimate if things so south. If he builds full AD he will be able to kill you very easily; especially when dead. This should be a pushing game as you want to end before he becomes unkillable.”
thedunkening111 says “A pushover, although that fully charged Q can be nasty. When he slows you, he'll probably walk up. Zenith blade onto him so you get behind him and start autoing. He'll either complete his Q or cancel, When either of those happen, kill the guy with everything you've got.
Take Conqueror”
Thoir says “Sion is extremely tanky, to kill him you need conqueror, but not Ignite. You can take off his shield with a Q and one AA, then you can do all the damage you want.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 3/10
➡️Extremely easy matchup for Trundle. If you aren't playing against TheBausffs then you will win 9/10 times. Sion has super low threat against Trundle and you can run him down basically the entire game. In this matchup, Cull is really great because you will be handshaking waves and picking up random kills. Hydra is a must and BOTRK + Cleaver/LDR/MR is a must if he is playing tank sion and you will stomp him all game. Don't spam your E and waste all of your mana. Only cancel his Q when you need to (to deny waves/deny damage). Sion becomes a higher threat if they are experienced or playing AD sion. A good matchup where you can go tiamat -> botrk. Keep in mind that sion CAN win if he gets a lead and you don't respect him.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad sion vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average sion vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good sion vs Good Trundle ➡️ 80/20 trundle favoured but sion can win if he gets a lead.”
L0ganJG says “You can go for any damage build and W start fight him. He cannot play unless you mess up. If he goes full damage you will out damage him, if he goes tank you build botrk and win.
Matchup tips: If he Q's > You E him into a wall
If he Q's not near a wall, W sideways and save Q, if you Q sometimes his Q will still hit.
Ulting his ult isn't that good because hes actually faster than you LOL”
Haxorr says “This matchup isn't as "free" as you might think, if the Sion is a good player. I think Baus has made people think the champ sucks, but he has a good amount of damage early on in the game. Thus, you need to still play smart and can't just ooga booga fight him early on. Sion players will vary how long they hold their q, so I prefer to hold my q to dodge it whenever they start charging theirs. His r is really easy to parry as well, and you outscale like crazy so no need to burger flip early 1v1s unless it's free. Any of the 3 runes can work here with Doran's blade”
AdeptDrax says “same like with Mundo, very hard to manage if babysitted, you can cancel his Q by stunning him with eigher Q3[icon:broken wings] or W[icon:ki burst]”
uri40 Uriel says “Sion it like cho'gath... But the worst thing is he can run into your shroons and W no lost life, forget to make the objective safe with this monster”
CactEyez says “He will out-scale but you can bully him in lane because his low damage. Try and deny him proxy.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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