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Sion Counter Stats

Sion Counters
Discover all champions who counter Sion. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Sion in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
866 Tips for countering Sion below

Top Lane
48.83% Win Rate80% Pick Rate Sion Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Sion in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Dom1nus says “Pretty annoying matchup, after 1 item u cant really kill him, he can use his r to come in the lane instanly, or use it defensively to leave whenever he is getting ganked or low hp, or offensively when u are low up and can get a combo on you. the longer he travles with his ult the longer u gonna get stunned by it. Avoid his e and u win every trade.”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
Maniaxx says “Sion can engage hard with his Q (Decimating Smash), and his Passive (Glory in Death) allows him to continue to deal damage even after he dies. How to deal with him: Poke and kite: Sion is slow and easy to poke, so use Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke him and avoid getting hit by his Q. Build tank items: Sion's damage comes from his crowd control and tankiness. Building tanky will help you outlast him in extended fights.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “sion is eaasily counterd by you when you q for the wave you can get an easy q on him but try to hit him with the edge of it so you can get out of the q range you can also e his q to cancle it and countine the trade you can perma fight sion and wins since you can cancle his q which is his main soruce of damage wave mamagent is good since he will hve tp and can ult back to lane mid to late game you can fight him with black cleaver so dont be afraid to go fight im when he is psuhing the lane if sion proxy try to ingore him since you going to kill him will waste your time + you will lose cs + the wave will bounce back to him if he is very low or you can gank him fast try to get the wave fast and kill him fast so you dont waste aanything”
Nithril says “Your E will cancel his Q but cast it quickly otherwise he will cast it while you are midair and do his full combo on you, care for his ult and go for DPS build he will eventually outscale you so roam around and help your team secure a lead”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
ballhog2dacore says “E his Q charge and poke early with Q. Look for an all in at level 2 with ignite. Overall an easy lane especially if he builds AD. ”
Akali Top by ballhog2dacore | Akali Player
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade. Abuse early game. Dodge his E.”
Fighter Ambessa Top Guide by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
Raideru says “This matchup u just spam W whenever you can and always look to trade him whenever your passive is up since you can always walk away easily with one sided trades just make sure to not hookshot in awkward spot cose he can fight u back with e slow into q so keep that in mind, after first item you win trades hard but don't play overly aggressive in early just chip him down slowly with your one sided trade patterns. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush and if you're not really ahead vs him I advise Shojin 3rd in order to be able to 1v1 him.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES "He doesn't do enough damage to ever threaten you but his scaling is good so you'll have to dominate early. Stun/Eat him to cancel his Q and try to always pop his W because the magic damage will chunk you. Other than that, good fundementals will let you win this. " ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Spartaniko says “This matchup is all about timing his Q: your W cancels it but if he stuns you before you hit him you won't stun him. If he is already in the 'stun time spot' of his Q just E to avoid its damage. BOTRK helps a lot to kill him after he starts stacking health, consider it 2nd or 3rd item.”
Houcs says “Never had problems against this, Doesnt even have to drag him to tower. Can easily win trades outside of your tower. Tho this champion can become a problem later in game because he will be very tanky. And Skarner is not really good at killing tanks so its up to your team to kill him.”
SKARNER TOP (Challenger 1252lp peak) by Houcs | Skarner Player
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