Bottom Lane 48.53% Win Rate97% Pick RateDraven Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Draven in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says âOut damages you early and can bloodrush outrun your passive slow. Try not to feed him early but if he does get fed i dont recommend going anywhere near him. Your ult is his kryptonite when he has no flash.â
FroszTyzada says âO maior problema para o twitch, vocĂȘ nĂŁo ganha troca curta, troca longa, all-in, apenas farme o mais safe e preserve seu hp para evitar dives.â
BigBallsLarry says âsame deal as lucian, play for outscaling
His E can catch you off guard and cc chain you with his support, always be aware of him and his strenght, as he can burst and one shot you in seconds. don't fight him early unless short PTA trades when he doesn't have his axes (or support isn't around). Recommend exhaust in this matchup. â
BrunkageManden says âHe just stat checks you early. He out damages mostly everyone bot. That said you can block everything with W.
Also when the axes are spinning back to him(if you find this useful)
This is one of few matchups where you do not win early, as Yas otherwise rely onâ
mateek says âno need for explanation, bro can run you down whenever he wants, but in lategame when you are full build and play good you can wipe him off the rift with your ult spacing.â
Umatcha says âUn buen draven te hace la fase de lineas imposible, pero vs el draven promedio esta linea depende mayormente en habilidad y tu rotacion de armas.
Le ganas en rango ademĂĄs de que si tienes un support de engage puedes ganar esta lĂnea sin problemas, sĂłlo procura focusearlo primero ya que el objetivo principal es no darle cash-insâ
Dr Yoshili says âThis matchup is not that hard, especially in lower elo, but more you will climb, more dangerous he'll get, good draven can make your game a nightmare, so here is a simple rule : DO NOT DIE, no matter the cost, play safe, and farm as much as you can, if he don't proc his passive, he will be useless, be patient enough, and you will outscale him.
If he do a big mistake, punish him if it is not too riskyâ
gaarrett says âIf drafted with engage, Draven will completely own the lane. Your goal is to prevent him from snowballing, because if Draven is even then he's losing. Pop W when he has double axes up and trades become a little better.â
thedanknepper says âSkill matchup. Jhin and Draven have the same exact playstyle, whoever gets the kill first gets a major lead for the rest of the game. Just make sure you work well with your support, and you've got this!â
Alvatorz says â| STRENGTHS - Strong early / Huge snowball potential / Good mobility / Outdamage you every state of the game / Presure in lane / Can comeback easily | WEAKNESSES - Easy to preshot abilities due to axes pattern / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse | WHAT TO DO ? - Play EXTREMELY safe in early game. Focus on stacks only. Don't ever trade with Draven. Mid/late game is pretty much the same, don't get too close to him otherwise he will destroy you in 3 or 4 auto attacks.â
Avxm says âDraven matchup is primarily support dependent. If draven gets a lead early he will stomp you, however if you can make it to 1 item with a lead, you stomp him beyond 1 item until he gets about 3+ items and can start 2 shotting you. If you are even at 1 item its a skill matchup but slightly favoured for you, do not try and trade him if he has his w and your e is on cooldown, wait for it to negate his ability to w at you and run you down. Also be careful of his e it is often overlooked how easily this spell can allow him to force all ins, and draven will beat you in full blown all ins especially before 1 item. But again this is probably the most support/jg dependent matchup kogmaw has as it can go either way depending on your sup, and his sup and who's jungle plays more around botlane. Dont be scared to play agressive or passive early depending on what the support matchup is. If you are struggling alot vs this matchup, or if enemy has alot of ad/auto attackers i HIGHLY RECCOMEND YOU TO build plated steelcaps (ninja tabis).
Also in champ select ask your support to play braum, braum is an autowin against draven and makes the matchup super kogmaw favoured.
Amberdragon says âI find Smolder to be a decent pick against Draven, because he can stay neutral, poke and disengage easily, which means Draven has a harder time snowballing lane.â
Kociokwik says âsupport dependant matchup don't engage wait for your support to make plays. You outscale draven but he snowballs better so tradeing 1for1 might not be the best option every time. Aim your qs into his axes so you can get free poke. Use exhaust when his axe is about to hit you so he can't cleanse it on time. Also consider takeing 65hp instead of scaleing.â
Shoro Mota says âYou want to get the biggest advantage possible on early, either by denying farm or directly killing him as much as possible, since then it becomes increasingly difficult to have a 1 vs 1 duel against him. In late you depend on taking advantage when Draven is focusing on another ally, or when you see an opportunity to set a group ambush on him.
situationally you can use your E to make him lose one of his axes, especially if you know that his Q could take cooldown. but it is not always a good idea to spend sentence on him, it depends on the contextâ
jughat109 says âlane bullied - the dame he dealt is higher than u in most of the game. The most important in this match up is play around his passive stacks. My advice is to play safe, when his passive stacks are many, u can set up a gank to make him lose his stacks. U will outscale him if u don't die in lane.â
Latte9969 says âDraven is a very hard matchup for ezreal, he outdamages you hard early and if he gets a lead there's nothing your champion can do. The trick is to aim your Q's in lane where his axes will land and don't walk into his auto range. Ezreal's Q will always outrange Draven's auto attack.â
Foxirion says âDraven's high damage output and ability to snowball can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His aggressive playstyle and burst damage can quickly take down Kog'Maw if he's not careful.â
Rank_1_Idiot says âAvoid as much poke as you can, and you win easily at 4-5. 6+ you can abyssal dive -> ghost him anytime, unless enemy support is a brand/zyra.â
afr0rk says âNeed to be careful for this one. Play for scaling, as Draven is incredibly strong early on and can just stat check you. That being said Ezreal is one of the best champs to play into him as he has relatively low range. Another weird advantage Ezreal has on Draven is that because you know where the axe will fall, you also know where the Draven is going, so you can land your Q's a bit easier. Good Draven's will expect this though, so pay attention to their habits. Exhaust works very well on him too.â
loaderdragon15 says âEarly Game Dominance: Draven is known for his incredibly strong early game due to the bonus gold from his Adoration passive. This allows him to build a significant advantage in lane, especially against champions like Ezreal who typically have a weaker early game. Draven can pressure Ezreal early on, denying him farm and potentially securing kills.
High Damage Output: Draven's Spinning Axes (Q) ability grants him significant bonus damage on his basic attacks. When caught, Draven can dish out massive amounts of damage very quickly, often out-trading Ezreal in short engagements.
Trading Potential: Draven's high damage output makes trading with him risky for Ezreal, especially in extended fights. Even if Ezreal tries to poke Draven from range, Draven can retaliate with his own damage and potentially come out ahead in trades.
Limited Mobility for Ezreal: Ezreal's mobility with Arcane Shift is helpful for dodging skillshots and repositioning in team fights, but it has a relatively long cooldown early on. Draven can capitalize on this cooldown window by engaging aggressively on Ezreal, knowing that Ezreal won't be able to easily escape.
Snowball Potential: If Draven manages to get kills early in the game, he can snowball out of control due to the bonus gold from his Adoration passive. Once Draven starts snowballing, it becomes increasingly difficult for Ezreal to deal with him, as Draven's damage output becomes overwhelming.
Intimidation Factor: Draven's aggressive playstyle and potential to snowball can often intimidate Ezreal players, causing them to play more defensively and miss out on opportunities to farm or trade effectively.â
fuckingrathatxdd says âDude can and will shoot you. You can try to punish him if he plays like a genuine retard.
Threats N' Tips: Axes. He WILL outtrade you with them thicc ahh axes. No axe? Shoot him. You're ahead? Try and shoot him. Walks up like a retard? Shoot him. Do NOT give Draven an early cashout. â
Maxxx_hhh says âWith an engage (Leona - Nautilus) or good enchanter (Millio for Range - Janna for AD) support, early game is terrible.
If he runs you down you can't contest and are forced to back offâ
Bobalegre says âNo matter what you can't solo kill a Draven in the early game. He does not scale well without winning the laning phase, you can either poke him down and try to all in, or farm safely and outscale. â
Vapora Dark says âWill out-damage you 90% of the time that you're in his range, leaving you with not much recourse except ignoring him. Thankfully, it's usually not too hard to do this as his range is very limited, so you should be able to survive just fine so long as you try and avoid interacting with him. You may also be able to kill him if your support is able to CC lock him. Can be extremely threatening if he has a hook support and your support is also weak to engage. Regardless, always run Exhaust against him to shut down his damage so you can survive being within his range when necessary.â
tacticalnin3 says âdrave is the threat with his aggro playstyle and huge damage the main way of playing is to farm and outscale but if you give away kills he will close out the game before you come onlineâ
Joshhh says â[Fleet] A good draven will run you over you do not win at any point and you will be severly punished for bad trades, exhaust is a must, can maybe all in with chakrams and exhaust if he doesnt have ghostâ
Dove666 says âSo, a challenging matchup for a beginner Aphelios. Avoid extended trades with him, try to deal as much damage as possible without giving him the opportunity to retaliate.â
Devilbuny says âUwaĆŒaj na niego. Draven jest w stanie ci zawaliÄ bombÄ za caĆe HP. Nie graj agresywnie na niego. Staraj siÄ go pokeowaÄ i nie idĆș z nim na all-in. Niemal zawsze ona wygra takÄ walkÄ z tobÄ â
hellfirelord says âDraven most of the times will have lane priority over you. But you can win this lane by trading smartly. He will most of the times stand aggressive so you can abuse his positioning when he tries to lasthit.â
Generalucifer says âDraven creates a lot of lane pressure by being aggressive. Smolder being a relatively squishy champion makes this guy a threat if you aren't careful.â
Pand4emic says âdrave is the threat with his aggro playstyle and huge damage the main way of playing is to farm and outscale but if you give away kills he will close out the game before you come onlineâ
NegativePhoenix says âPerma-Ban. Doesn't matter who you're afraid of, just perma-ban this monstrosity.
Smolder hard struggles against bully champs who get in your face without fear because he can't fight back properly, and overall it's better to avoid letting champs like Draven get snowballed
If for some ungodly reason you do go against him, just be careful of his approach, don't let him get in your face and hope he doesn't have a hard engage or hook support who knows how to fight and play with himâ
Leaf no Kitsune says âhe can always win against you. punish him for misssteps. try to not give him kills or he will snowball the game. you are stronger teamfight force.â
icuetoh says âIt kind of depends on support matchup. If draven has an engage support such as Leona, Nautilus, Alistar he is going to steamroll jhinâ
BioGuyverGanyu says âHe has really high damage early game and usually you'll get out damage. (P.S. this match up would be really good with Exhaust).â
leoismissing says âDeadly early game, if he gets one kill it's over. You outscale him and you can play safe with my go-to build, if your jungler is human he should be looking for a gank at 6 so your team can remove his stacks since by that moment of the game he will have at least 150 stacks.â
iiExploit says âThe threat level comes from the fact that if you do decide to engage him. You will probably die. Just farm up until you have items and see opportunity. One thing I learned about Draven players is that if you sit back and do nothing, eventually they will grow tired and just run at you and probably die because they just wanna get their stacks cashed. If your support is inting and is trying to engage when you tell them not to, the best is to ask for a gank and pray. Just keep farming, you outscale.â
Puppitteer says âI hate how this champ can snowball even if you don't feed him a kill your team still can, but if everything goes well a good Zeri player can beat Dravenâ
LustAndSpite says âHis burst is high, but you will be able to see him coming. Don't let him kill you, hit him with your Q before he can engage and you'll be fine.
Draven's biggest weakness is that the people who play him are over-confident bastards who will towerdive you at any opportunity. Use your Q and W to punish them if they do.â
support_diff says âDraven is the absolute king of the laning phase, his bonus auto attack damage from his Q combined with the movement speed boost and the cc is really unmatched among all the adcs on the rift. Wait for laning phase to end, don't play aggressively, don't fight, he has a really good snowballing potential due to his passive.â
tomoemioo says âits about draven u have to w8 for his mistake or try trade with W orr w8 for good gank and engage from supp and 6 lvl
and leave him let him push just give up on some minions u still win in xp battleâ
mythicdem0n says âDraven will out trade you in every stage of the game. I suggest building Dorans Shield and giving cs to avoid single auto tradesâ
Sivir BelfoRoxo says âDraven doesn't have much to say, if the player knows the basics, our Sivir does nothing. Playing against Draven is a very strategic and dangerous game, because if you die to him, he will simply build two or even more items in front of you, always play on Draven's mistake and try to punish him with his ricochets.â
Reptile9LoL says âDraven is one of the strongest if not the strongest Laner in the game, if he never missuses E Vayne cant find a kill window on him either so its genuinely just suffering playing vs him potentially taking an Axe on every minion you try to lasthit.
The way to win this matchup is to tumble forward in windows where draven cant auto back (for example when hes lasthitting) and by baiting out his E+ punishing him when he oversteps afterâ
LOVEE says âThe damage can feel a little oppressive in the early game especially with an engage support or poke support. Play around Q and E cooldowns for better trades.â
LuvEmoGirls says âDraven is mostly just annoying, because he trades 1 for 1, and he gets a lot of gold in return. But you can just play around your range, and out space him with your W
(W on him, max range Q and walk back )â
Karhuslol says âProbably the hardest matchup, because you can trade kills 1 for 1 with him but he will come out on top with extra gold and just keep farming you for free goldâ
Alvatorz says â| STRENGTHS - Strong early / Huge snowball potential / Good mobility / Outdamage you every state of the game / Presure in lane / Can comeback easily
| WEAKNESSES - Easy to preshot abilities due to axes pattern / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play EXTREMELY safe in early game. Preshot his axes and charge your Q to make him lose them. Mid/late game is pretty much the same, don't get too close to him otherwise he will destroy you in 3 or 4 auto attacks. Very favorable matchup for LETHALITY Varus. Harder for ON-HIT / AP.â
Pavel Sejk says âAggresive ADCs (Draven, Samira, Lucian or Jhin) are very strong into your combo early on. You have to be very careful while farming.â
LoLEnryu says âMake sure you do not fight draven with double axes until AT LEAST level 3. The only way Draven wins against Nilah is if he gets an early cash out which accelerates his early item spike. Nilah will always outscale a Draven, just do not play emotional and give up CS to keep HP high to wait for an opportunity where Draven messes up. â
Hidden Ghoster says âA good Draven player will destroy you. You DO NOT win at all level 1. DO NOT take a bad trade as you will lose the lane right then and there, A good Draven player will SEVERLY punish you. I recommend you take exhaust VS this lane to negate his burst so you can all in with Chakrams. You can also swap out Absolute Focus for Nimbus Cloak, your choice. â
Faxual says âif you're good u can use q on his axes.. but he still out damages you until 6. if he gets ~100+ stacks cashed in before 6 then it's doomed.â
Aleexex says âMĂĄs que nada en el juego temprano, nos saca mucho daño y nuestra respuesta es la mejor.
In early game he cause a lot of damage and our answer is not better.â
Stiffy21 says âNot fun to play against, FF if he has 3 kills pre 10 mins.
He scales unbelievably well. But beatable early if you have a good support and win trades thoughout lane phase. When draven is behind, he struggles making any impact in the game.â
VrNtv says âDraven players usually take exhaust or cleanse, so make sure to go Exhaust and survive lane. If he doesn't get kills on lane you outscale him really hard. Good wave managment matters here a lot, make sure to either freeze or slowpush your waves, if he freezes on his side you need your jungler to help you break the freeze, he can run you down anytime he wants if he has space. Don't walk in straight line if he walks towards you, try to dodge his E since it slows if it hits. It's okay to be behind on CS against him as long as he doesn't get kills. Also draven players usually mental boom if they don't get kills on lane and then they just run it down.â
VrNtv says âI ALWAYS PERMA BAN DRAVEN. Not much counterplay to Draven as a whole, your support matchup matters the most in this one. Take Exhaust into this lane.
NickLeVlach says âDraven has to win early so staying alive in this lane is top priorty. You just can't duel vs him unless extremly fed or you've poked him down. His main weakness is his scaling. â
RandomNPC777 says âDraven can punish you *HARD* early game. His early game damage and snowball potential are unmatched. Play safe, freeze lanes wherever possible, and hope for jungle help. You significantly more value than him lategame if he doesn't get fed. He likes to pair with any champion that can get him snowballing. Against him you should bring and champion who can consistently keep him off you, like Lux or Janna.â
Xr3ad says âDraven is a hard matchup based on enemy support, you can outtrade him if played correctly in ult, you generally want to take exhaust vs draven.â
wungus says âDraven can hit you for almost 100 damage if you walk up to last hit the wrong minion, and can put you in lethal very quickly. Play safe, farm smartly, stay in xp range, and you can kill him if you hit level 3 first. If you have more gold than Draven at the end of laning phase, he shouldn't be a problem for you.â
ddmr says âEs una linea injugable a menos que su support no sea engage , en caso de que tu tengas support de engage y el no se convierte en skill matchup y linea de Snowball , contra Draven siempre suelo ir con Hail of Bladesâ
SheriffADC says âMy personal permaban so I never play the matchup. You lose trades because he has way more base damage than you. If he holds his E for your ult you can never win, very winnable if he completely wastes it.â
livia999 says âMy personal perma ban, Not much counterplay to Draven, Your support matchup matters the most in this one. Take Exhaust into this lane.â
Lachoni1 says âDraven is her worst match-up.
I would recommend you to ban him.
If you are playing against him you want to play lane save and look for mid game fights.â
Amberdragon says âDraven wants to get kills and snowball, Caitlyn can't trade properly against a good Draven and pushing into his tower only makes it easier for him to run you down. If he has an aggressive support it is very likely he will take over laning phase and Dive you when they hit 6.â
matek1207 says âDraven's early game is probably best in the game if he can go in with his support. Don't let him get 2nd level before your. Kalista have great early but this guy's damage is something different. Don't try to trade 1 attack with him because his Q gives his overall bigger damage. Try to get his health down when he's catching axes or trying to reach minions.â
ChadKarthus says âIncredibly hard matchup, especially with IE Changes, snowballs crazy hard, you cant trade kills with him, I would recommend banning himâ
moso says âIn a vacuum a pretty difficult matchup as you cannot match his DPS. However, you are able to kite him and make it really hard for him to get many autos off if you are able to avoid his E. A mage support would most likely make this matchup a lot easier.â
aarkie says âWake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. â
ItsStin says âPretty much impossible to fight with a Draven early in the game. High damage output makes it hard to fight him along with his higher sustain.â
Santoryo says âPLEASE ALWAYS BAN DRAVEN (I DO IT TOO), It is very broken champion and usually when Draven players get their champion banned they will pick other worse ADCâ
PalestinianLuck says âHe just does more damage than you
you cant start a trade if you did not poke him
his main objective is to profit on you deaths and cash in to snowball the rest of the game
thats why u should stay put during laning phase â
Corpselover says âDraven is a skill matchup but favors slightly Samira.
You should try to survive until level 3 and you could fight him then but you'll have to block his axes with your W.â
LionelOCE says âDraven is Kalista's hardest lane matchup. He has a strong level 1 and can trade quite effectively against Kalista at all stages of the game. His E also interrupts her hop which disrupts auto attacking flow. Although this matchup is tough, it is not unplayable and can be managed with a strong support pick like Renata.â
LionelOCE says âDraven is difficult because he can match your all in threat at early levels. Try farm safely and frustrate him by denying his passive cash in. You will eventually outscale him and provide more utility if he cannot snowball.â
NearChance says âDraven varies from Even to Major based on the players build. More often than not they won't rush early sustain and your ability to kite backwards with W range, Phase Rush, and E slow means you can win. You do need to play this well however as a single kill is enough to start his snowball. â
NotAragami says âProbably the strongest early game out of all ADCs. Once he got a few kills he will snowball extremely hard and your team will flame you for feeding. Though you can make use of his weakness being he has to catch his axe, while also catching your W.â
xMinaxe says âBest Matchup for Samira its unplayable for him if u play well your W deletes his axes and his ult. after dirk u win for the entire game vs him.â
franksterzz says âYou don't beat him in most of the game. I recommend dodging. In case you decide to play anyway, stay away, don't challenge to 1v1s even if you're ahead. He has insane damage and at the moment, he's really strong overall.â
KnobHobbler says âAnother choice to ban. This champ is OP at the moment.
You lose every trade against him.
You don't win 1v1's.
Play safe under tower and pray for jungle to help you.
Exhaust is a must as well as randuins.â
UwUSoftGirl says â[Poke] Draven outdamages most carries if not all. Your best chance to do anything against him is poke, however once he has a Vampiric Scepter he will heal 40 health per auto attack. Honestly your best chance to win is to pray and get ganked.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
Kronaa says âSupport dependent, good thing is that you're blocking his chunky autos as you go in with W, but if you ever fall behind it's over. (story of the Nilah life)â
Amberdragon says âHe is a lane bully so respect his stronger early game. He won't let you farm and he wins all-ins early on if you are not careful. You can have a chance if you can block his autos and kill him before he kites you and your W runs out. Support matchup will make a HUGE difference.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âThe biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).â
warmfishu says âHurts a lot with his autos. He has an AoE knockback with Stand Aside (E). If he hits Yuumi with it, and especially if you get hit with additional CC, Yuumi could easily die. Whirling Death (R) is a global boomerang attack, so he can still kill her if she thinks she's escaped.â
Ludazel says âDraven is a hard matchup because just as with Jhin, you can't dodge auto attacks that deal 500 dmg. You outscale if he can't snowball.â
NorVillain2 says âDraven is an adc who deals realy big dmg so try to kill him until lvl 3 because then he'll have his E witch can stop you from chaising him.â
m1NEEX says âDraven players usually take exhaust or cleanse, so make sure to go Exhaust and survive lane. If he doesn't get kills on lane you outscale him really hard. Good wave managment matters here a lot, make sure to either freeze or slowpush your waves, if he freezes on his side you need your jungler to help you break the freeze, he can run you down anytime he wants if he has space. Don't walk in straight line if he walks towards you, try to dodge his E since it slows if it hits. It's okay to be behind on CS against him as long as he doesn't get kills. Also draven players usually mental boom if they don't get kills on lane and then they just run it down.â
Kamicali says âAlthough Xayah is a lane bully, she is nothing in comparison to Draven. His autos will do more damage, he moves faster than you, the rest is self explanatory. Also something worth of note, his E can mess up yours, so you don't really want to be holding your E.â
Hengi says âCoinflip champion. He has so much dmg early that you likely need to farm under tower. But there is hope, most of them tempt to greed and you can use it to your favor >:D.â
ARCTIC33 says âDraven is extreme threat for kog beacuse in early game you can die in just a few autos, try to play safe and punish him with W if he goes to far for CS.â
PVeS says âJhin is weak against people who can bully him harder than he can bully others. Try to short trade with your abilities, and avoid longer trades.â
TheGronne says âOut-Damages you early, which is where you want to snowball. Very tough matchup. But with enough cc from your support, it can be won.â
HowDoYouKite says âBan worthy:
Will need to contest the lane very early on (LVL 1, 2), preferably with a strong lane support to gain an advantage. If [[Tristana]] does not have an HP advantage by lvl 3 then every trade is default losing unless support or jungle gap is in our favor.
Consider dodging in champ select if our support locks in a greedy scaling support like [[Zilean]], [[Sona]], [[Yuumi]] to save yourself the mental anguish of 1v2 laning phase against [[Draven]].
Matchup specific:
Draven's [[stand aside]] cancels [[Rocket jump]] this means that:
1. On engages we will be missing 1 stack of [[Explosive charge]]
2. Hard for us to gap close or chase
3. Very hard to escape from bad trades or ganks
Xedavion says âPretty even lane,this match up is about who plays their champion better,just be careful of his early game because it is pretty strong.â
Amberdragon says âLane bully, deletes you hard and fast. Has a lot of sustain and damage. Always a major threat to you, one of the worst matchups for Zeri.â
SrBroccoli says âOnly difficult because he has a lot of damage early on, apart from that it's an ok match up.
Stay alive and charge Q from bushes to start fights with more health.â
V1gorous1 says âbeats you in melee can cancel your ult easily and can cancel your dash
only way to win its either beg for ganks or pray he fucks up , If you die once your lane is over try to block his axes in all insâ
Kitqsune says âIt depends on how good the player is but this matchup is easy. You can block ult, just don't do early fights. His q CHUNKS. Wait for mid game and then engage or try to get off early poke to lead to kills.â
BigBoyBen69 says âWEEELLLCCOOOMME TO THE LLEEEAGGUEEE OOFFF DRAAAAVEEEENNN!!!!! yh just please PLEASE don't feed this axe wielding boi, just farm safely and go to damage him when he's cc'd.â
LewisTheRat says âBetter duelist, he's gonna q you to death and bully you. You should never engage onto him even when ahead but you carry teamfights harder. â
quinn adc says âDraven is tough, but one of the easier ADCs compared to others.
Draven wins all long trades, but you win short trades with your blind.
How to play the trades is to Q Draven, and if you land it, go for a trade before backing off.
Draven E can cancel your E, so be careful about using it.
If I blind Draven, he will likely use E in front, so walk to the side when blinded to avoid it.
You can use E after his Q nearsight expires to slow him when it ends.
Draven is easier to land Q on because he will always try to pick up Axes, so throw Q where his axes are about to land.
Pushing for level 2 first is huge in this matchup, and remember that going even is a big win for you.
If you get 1-2 items, you can destroy Draven in all 1v1s because now you have enough damage to kill him in his blind.
Even if you're behind in lane, 1-2 items is all you need to kill him when he is blinded later on in the game.â
Amberdragon says âVery strong laning and snowball. Like Jhin he will try to get an early lead by trading and going all-in, you do not have the damage to fight back. In extended fights he also wins since he builds sustain.â
Alvatorz says âOne of the hardest matchup for Zeri. He deals too much damage for a short amount of time. Try to avoid any fight against him in the early game and scale gently to the late game, you'll have more chance to shine. Ask your jungler to punish him if he comits to much on you cause of his passiv.â
TangsterinE says âGood Dravens would be a 5, but on average, Draven falls off too quickly to be too big of a threat. Mark JG for assistance and make Draven irrelevant.â
FiddlesticksChan says âHe can kill you in 5-6 autos and cancel your Q with his E. Peel your adc by stunning him. Many Dravens will try to tower dive early; punish them with your E and Q.â
Demonsedge90 says âWhat can I say but don't take extended fights, and you only win all-ins against him with some help. Instead, poke him often with your skills while watching for his "stand aside" ability, and make sure not to take too many empowered axes from him.â
Krilep says âThis is a very hard lane due to your 500 attack range and weak auto attack damage (compared to dravens Q increasing his auto damage) It's possible to win the matchup by farming under tower and with your Q but extremely hard to pull off as most Draven players will auto you when you try to cs making it difficult to scale into mid game without letting Draven cash in his stacks. He WILL pressure you heavily early game.â
OmegaR says âDoes more damage than you early but at lvl 6 you can out range him and kill him pretty easily. Just dont get him fed early and you should be fine.â
DustRose says âDraven players know what Draven does, other ADC players know what Draven does, so why do they insist on trying to farm?
Stay safe early, farm under tower, lean on your support and jungle till you hit your power spikes. Get to cocky and you may get a face full of spinning axe.â
Alvatorz says âNot a very hard matchup. Use your W when he's about to throw an axe at you so he can't get i back, care for his potential exhaust and you're good.â
Valhalla Coach says âDon't trade auto for auto ever, wait until he messes up positioning (and he will) to ult him and cc chain with your support, if he can't catch axes he has no damage. If he doesn't snowball early you become much more useful than himâ
MrMeem45 says âUnlike Lethality Senna, Crit Senna relies more on slow, steady scaling than constant trading for absolution souls. It's why everyone goes the first build while fasting. That being said, heavy and hard hitters will capitalize on your lack of instant hard CC and low mobility to make your life miserable. Watch out for Draven, Kai'Sa, and Vayne specifically.â
Sellsword says âA matchup on the edge of being a 5 but I think he is an easier version of Kalista. Draven has VERY strong auto attacks with his axes which allow him to easily outtrade you, and with his W he can also easily run you down. However, he must catch his axes, and they show where they are going to land. Therefore my advise on this matchup is to START TEAR even when playing a Crit build, and throw Q at the spots where his Q's will land. If you land a lot of them, he can easily be bullied out of lane, especially if you also have a poke support like Lux, Xerath, Seraphine etc. But still, remember to be mindful of him, as he is definitely way better than you at 1- and 2v2s.â
RatSmacker69 says âThis match-up is annoying AF. Hope to god either he or his Support are bad. He does way too much damage and can destroy you in just a few autos. He gets melted fast and you can somewhat predict where he will move so try your best to out damage him. It's a simple yet painful match up, if you hit your skill shots and aren't stunned for too long you should win 2v2s in lane.â
Tolis slayer says âSome people say that this is a really bad match up for you and maybe this true but personally from my experience this is the biggest skill match up that jhin has.Also this match up is usually decided by what kinda support each of you have and how good they are. but be careful because if the match up is something like draven and leona while you lane with a weaker support early you are absolutely done for. Lastly if he get a kill on you or support play very carefully after that since he is incredibly strong early and gets really quickly gold. if that happens just farm under tower and dont fight unless your support lands a good engage or the jungler ganks you.But to be safe you should play slow and carefully and deny him getting kills.Since draven really falls off late game you dont need to fight him in lanâ
koggywoggy says âSurprisingly easy to beat because of your range advantage, but I have him as a major threat as he is nearly guaranteed to have a hyper-aggressive support. Tabi is useful but not necessary.â
v0idvv says âBarely any damage you can block, can W and run up on you easy. Play safe, use his landing zones to predict his movement to get some free poke from Q but you'll never win a 1v1.â
PancakeKittiwake says âIf Draven gets within your range you are screwed. If he charges at you aim for where his axe is going to land with your w and then blast him back to fountain from out of his range.â
Nom212 says âSimilar to Vayne, Draven trades very efficiently with his auto attacks and simply puts out more single target damage than you. You can go for short trades in lane by using a Q - AA combination. Be wary to block his E Stand Aside. If you get slowed by it you are pretty much dead or atleast forced to use your Flash.â
Adventfaith says âUp until level 3-4, you're not going to be doing much other than hugging tower. Once you get all 3 spells, you can start to poke with Q and block his AA's with your E. Watch for Execute ult and Collector proc. â
Ruined-Yuki says âReally early agro adc which in the right hands will put you behind by a mile so be careful and see if he knows how to abuse his early game agroâ
Alvatorz says âHard matchup, his E can counter your R and he'll deal more damage than you on a longer amount of time. Once again like Cait, if he has setup, lane will be hard to win for you.â
Heszo says âCan use his speed up to dodge your feathers! Extremely hard out damages you early. You outscale! Fight with CC and chain your feathers with supports CC.â
Amberdragon says âHe's on the verge of being an extreme threat. Don't ever trade with him in the early game unless he loses his Q. You can outscale him if he doesn't get fed. Trading with him is very risky so just try to play passive, don't let him get kills. Support matchup will make a huge difference in this lane.â
IKeepItTaco says ââ Draven is the ADC with the strongest laning phase in the entire game and is designed to be the most snowbally ADC in the entire game so youâll want to play safe going into this lane â
â His win condition will be to play super aggressively starting at level 1 and trying to kill you as often and as frequently as possible. Avoid contesting for level 2 or trading back. â
â Careful with how close you get to him because quite often Draven will speed himself up with [[Blood Rush]] then slow you down with [[Stand Aside]] and get a lot of damage off with his auto attacks while also making it easier for his support to engage on you because youâve been slowed by 20% for 2 seconds. â
â His ultimate [[Whirling Death]] is an all-in ability with lots of damage which recently got buffed to add the amount of admiration stacks as extra damage on top of it! So, when he gets level 6 be very careful if youâre ever on low HP around him â
â Draven players are the most aggressive players on earth often getting banned for how aggressively they type as well so be on your guard for random bush cheeses or potential tower dives! â
â Win condition: JUST DONT DIE. DONT DIE. If he gets no kills then the game is over for him and he will tilt off the face of the earth. You will outscale him extremely hard. Even if you lose CS that is fine as long as you donât let him get kills. â
Breathly says âDraven will always have the upper hand on you, he isn't an extreme counter in lane since you have your rockets W and traps top stop him from running you down, even tho its a hard lane you can still survive this one. But it will require you give up a few CS or at least are willing to sacrifice a lot of mana using Bazooka to CS with.â
I Am Not u says âYou lose. Sorry. Oh, you want me to go in-depth? He out damages you in the early game, can cancel your W, can execute you, always wins the early game unless you're Miss Fortune. If the enemy has a Draven do NOT play Tristana.â
OneRandomADCGuider says âHis damage is too high for you, his e can stop your R, play safe and take exhaust. U might outshine him in bigger teamfights.â
Amberdragon says âDraven does a lot of damage and he builds survivability so it is rather dangerous for Kindred if Draven knows what he is doing. Don't let him get an early lead and you will scale.â
Vixylafoen says âHe needs to get somewhat close to fight you, and you can easily catch him out of position due to his Q, but his damage is still very high.â
Heszo says âDraven can and will run you down easily with higher attack range and higher damage early game. You need to cs with your Q most of the time and just E whenever he E's you or the enemy support is a pull champ.â
LegendaryOstrich says âThis is a very hard lane due to your 500 attack range and weak auto attack damage (compared to dravens Q increasing his auto damage) It's possible to win the matchup by farming under tower and with your Q but extremely hard to pull off as most Draven players will auto you when you try to cs making it difficult to scale into mid game without letting Draven cash in his stacks. He WILL pressure you heavily early game.â
koog says âExhaust is good here. You can outdamage him easily if you have a few bonus chakram and get on top of him. Just make sure to not take 1 for 1 auto trades with him, and don't get caught by his E if you don't have chakram. â
A_Drunk_Carry says âDraven outdamages you early if you take extended trades. Save your Make it Rain for when he wants to go in, or to stop his escape in it's tracks. You can easily create open windows for your support by dropping your E on top of his axes as well. This lane gets easier after 2 items. â
PH45 says âGet's harder as the game goes on. Try to CC him so he can't catch his axes. Don't take long trades with him as he will outtrade you with his axes. Highly adviced to ask for ganks.â
Urason says âThis matchup is fairly skill based but still Samira favored. Every time you W, if Draven throws an axe, it'll consume it and he won't get it back. This works best versus Draven's with Hail of Blades.â
tokyodamonsta says âCan use his speed up to dodge your feathers! Extremely hard out damages you early. You outscale! Fight with CC and chain your feathers with supports CC.â
WayOfTheTempesst says âCan all-in Ziggs pretty easily after the first back especially when he is paired with another all-in support like Nautilus or Leona.â
LostFishEU says âDraven is the king of botlane early game. Draven always wins long trades and almost always wins all-ins. Even though Draven is strong he does come with a few weaknesses. Draven is short range and has no escapes, making him an easy target to hook and gank. Draven falls off mid game, and that's when you become the strongest with Ruined King and Rageblade, use this as an advantage.â
tokyodamonsta says âAgainst Draven since he is one of the only ADC's that can match and even do more DPS than you, i highly recommend playing off your supports CC and always going Essence Rush because Bork is more for sustained fights. Essence will allow you to burst him.â
tokyodamonsta says âExtremely hard matchup until you get some items! Draven beats you 1v1 and most 2v2 scenarios! Focus on scaling because you hard outscale him and if hes not fed he will be useless later on! Buy gauntlet and maybe even tabis vs him!â
A_Drunk_Carry says âHe'll try to run you down if you trade with autos. Poke from afar and wait to scale up. You'll beat him with lethality eventually. â
ELOSANTA says âIn the laning phase the only way for Lucian to win against Draven is to rely on ganks or outplaying, the only other way around this is to have a support who can hard cc Draven while Lucian gets off his entire combo plus passive shots. Also after level 6 and when Draven gets BloodThirster, Draven's damage output become much larger than that of Lucian's so always play safe against him.â
Coldsong says âDraven is a huge lane bully, but you directly counter him with your W. It can block his E and his Q autos, which causes him to not be able to catch them. Use this to your advantage, and when you block an axe and bait out his E go for an all in and you will destroy him. However, if you mess up and give him even a small kill lead he will snowball out of control.â
daudr9 says âPretty much the same as for Tristana except that Draven can't jump as high.
Eventually you wait for late and most likely outscale him (that is you auto q 4th auto galeforce him before he 2-3 shots you with hail of blades (if he is lethality)).â
VerySpookySoup says âDraven does so much damage. So early and you can't really do all that much if he gets a full engage on you. You'll want to play pretty safe against him. Try to let the wave push towards you. â
eraze321 says âDraven CAN be a threat if the player is a good Draven OTP, however if the player is not as good then the matchup isnt that hard. Respect his earlygame damage and dont take auto for auto trades, wait for your support to create a window where you can hit him for free or your jungler to gank. After level 6 you outrange him and it becomes easier. Take Exhaust always.â
Vapora Dark says âStylish, sexy, hard to play and has disgusting early pressure. Draven is a nightmare for Jhin as his lane presence is simply disgusting. You can never really trade with him so stick to farming hard, and only use your Dancing Greande to harass. Even with a 4th whisper shot you wont outdamage him. Play it safe on this one.
However, there is one thing that stops Draven from being a 9 or 10/10 counter. That is lategame you out damage him thanks to your range and general scaling, and the fact Draven is HARD to play. A good Draven is 9 or 10/10, a bad one is like 5/10. Overall though, you will usually be fighting Dravens who know what they're doing.â
NikkiTT says âDraven just has really high dmg so it can be a bit hard to play this matchup at first and notice your kill capabilities, engage support and punishing missposition mistakes once again is the key here and oneshotting him. Alternatively going for the combo after he has used his own E. Exhaust also helps against him a lot.â
163 Keldaaas says âDravens hoher Damage könnte dir zum VerhĂ€ngnis werden, wenn du nicht auf Range bleiben kannst. Ein gut getimedes (weirdchamp) E kann dein Netz abbrechen und dein Ende sein. >-<â
Banana Pirate says âDraven can be a big threat if you don't play it out right. You want to play with your range, so make sure you poke him a lot without getting to close. Also get a sup who can tank. â
Amberdragon says âIf enemy is good at Draven, fear him.
Don't ever trade with him in lane on your own, he is much like Lucian. If he doesn't get a lead early you can shut him down in the late game. Play passive in lane and if he focuses you, run away.â
Simon Uchinora says âDraven has less range than you, but hes axes does ALOT of damage,
even if you use your E to run, he gonna uses hes E to give you slow and eventually kill you, abuse of
excessive range you have and poke him slowly, not giving chece to he poke back.â
Rihh says âMainly support dependant but due to Draven's extremely high single target damage try not to take him in a 1v1 at almost any point in the game unless you are extremely fed and can 2-shot him.â
TismoTheTilted says âAlthough you can mess up his Q by rooting him, he deals insane damage. As soon as you reload, Draven ought to go in with his W.â
Urpog says âHe's oppressive throughout all stages of the game against you, the best way to play against Draven is this clip:â
Melyn says âHe is fast and deals a lot of damage. I go resolve second and try to land E when he goes to catch his axes. Don't underestimate his damage. Exhaust can be extremely strong (and tilting) here.â
Chaeha says âExtremely volatile lane where Draven can snowball very hard off of one kill. Draven will always have lane priority against you and you will never win the 1v1 against Draven. â
Penguto says âDraven can one shot you pretty easily since he has high damage and also he can catch up to you fast with his W
Altought you can root him with your Gravitum, that wont be always available. The reason he isn't in Extreme because it depends on what support he has.â
Light Within says âDraven is one of the best early game adcs.He completely outdamages Phel early.Do not try to trade unless you have a supp with chain cc or someone is ganking your lane.â
Penguto says âDraven can catch up to you easily with his W and will do so much damage to you that you wont be able to catch up. Make sure to block his E and farm up.â
MouayadD says âwith the LT changes you can bully draven, and also win trades against him using PTA, so he's on the weaker side of the match up pretty oftenâ
R3Veal says âI guess the best counter for Jhin besides Zed. You can't out damage him even with your FOURth shot. Combined with Alistar, they make a nightmare for you. His W increases his attack speed and movement speed and lets him win the trade easily. â
yers says âhis level1 and level2 play is just better. Don't look forward to trading him unless you're after level 2 and your support actually does something to put draven in a bad spot. You can outdo him by yourself later with your itemspikes.â
Urason says âDraven's raw DPS allows him to punish you early game and he can duel you the rest of the game. This is really up to your jungler and support to win the lane for you. â
King Turtle says âHe has insane early game damage and can also scale into late game if he gets a lead. His E can disrupt your trades and With the right support can completely lock you down. His R buff in 11.18 seems scary on paper but I have yet to get a good look at it in game so for now I'm leaving the rating unchanged.â
LilPaniniUwU says âDraven is the absolute king of the league's lane phase, far surpassing Caitlyn's peak period. At the same time, he is the strongest ADC in short and long trades, ranking second all-in. There has never been a truer champion quote than "Delevingne does it all." However, even Draven is not without his weaknesses. He is short-range and has no loopholes, which makes participation easy. Unfortunately, his all-in is very strong. If you go up against him, he'll likely make it a double kill, but like all bottom lane players, the two-player all-in is strong enough, and Draven has enough all-in. in. The poor support to bet against him is necessary to pass the Fairway King stage.
Nixxen47 says âall you wanna do in this lane is just try and farm up without dying and stomp him after 20-25 minutes into the game because you scale 10 times better.â
SopTop says âDraven, hey?. Yikes. Since Draven can pretty much one shot you with his Q and Collector alone, you'll probably get beat up pretty hard if he knows what he's doing.â
yers says âStronger lv 1 play than you, but you can start out-trading him at level 2 with a Q-E-STUN-AA combo. If your support goes in on the stun, expect even more damage or a kill! btw you can think of syndra as AP dravenâ
Lightfeather says âTry to poke him down in the early early game. If he gets his Lifesteal, either go anti heal for potentially all-in wins or just farm up for your 2 item powerspike.â
VeronyV says âYour W cancels his spinning axes, so engage your W after he auto attacks, not much else to say, his E cancels your Ultimate, can definitely outplay Samira, but the mtachup is against him.â
Free4ngel says âHe usually trades better than you if he lands his displacement ability, but with a good support you can push him in his tower. Pressure is what wins lanes.â
HyroPyro says âDraven is known to possess the best early game bot lane dominance. He constantly gets to control the wave position because of his high damage auto attacks with Spinning Axe (Q). He also snowballs extremely hard with his passive that gives him bonus gold on kills. Since he is usually shoving waves, call for ganks. Do not take short trades as he has high damage on his Spinning Axe (Q). Draven is difficult to play due to his axe catching mechanic. If your support can cc him when his axe is landing, he will do no damage and it is a window you can punish.â
im_zeno says âHe can be really dangerous if you don't respect his lvl 2. Play safe till first back or you can engage with your support lvl 3 since you can wind wall his axes. REMEMBER your wind wall can make his axes disappear so keep that in mind ALWAYS. ALSO he is WAYYYY stronger than you.â
banewastaken says âDraven's a big lane bully, and he will beat you in every trade you try to take. It's a playable matchup, but you'll need Plated Steelcaps and hug your turret into you're level 6.â
snowcard says âDraven just runs you down if he knows what to do-- I permaban him. Most ADCs that rely on only auto attacking (and empowered aa's) hurt Sivir the most. If you are stuck against him, play safe and try to Q him when he goes for his stacks.
What you can block: His E and one part of his R. â
LouisGeert says âDraven can take the upperhand in the lane in the early stages of the game and can deny Vayne off almost every CS if played properly, vayne outscales Draven but its hard to get to that point.â
YourPrincessLol says âHe outtrades Jhin really easily. Once you get more items the matchup becomes easier. Use your movement speed from your runes to trade/go for minions. AVOID TRADES.â
singed best adc says âI don't like to play against him because if he gets his feed your game is gone and he is very strong in early. Play safe as long as possible and ask your jungle for a nice gank to deny his stacks. Go base if needed, give him platings before you give him 600g + platings. If you are doing good you can snowball him easily.â
Pengwan says âYou just can't duel vs him unless extremly fed or you've poked him down. His main weakness is his scaling. Draven has to win early so staying alive in this lane is top priortyâ
banewastaken says âDraven is a lane bully and you're a scaling ADC, can I make it any more obvious? Try not to die to him and you will outscale him later on.â
m0rfeazz says âHuge damage,dont trade in 1vs1 he will probably win,try to deny his farm,watch where will his axes fall,abuse that and make him choose stay safe or get pokedâ
Ectele says âDon't let him get any lead, otherwise you hard lost.Play safe in the lane. Ask jg or mid to help you, always try to stunlock him otherwise he will take one or two in the grave with himâ
Trieuloo says âThis is a really easy matchup if you are practiced, however it is pretty snowbally if we play bad early. if you guys are on somewhat even gold at 10 mins the game is won.â
Alvatorz says âIt's Draven, but you can still better than Draven. Recent buffs made him really heavy and impossible to trade against except if you take Exhaust. You could outdamage him with a lot of Chakrams or long range poke with Calibrum.â
Bungo_T_Baggins says âDraven out-damages you bigtime through the early and mid game. While you outrange him lvl 1 and can look for poke with Calibrum, he is in control from lvl 2 until the end of the lane phase. It is possible to win this lane, but a good Draven will make it nearly impossible for you to gain a lead through lane. You do eventually outscale him.â
Ekezun says âVery easy to predict his movements so play with heavy CC support to stun/charm/other CC him when he tries to pick up his axes, it's pretty easy to hit your Q and maybe three autos with Hail of Blades on him tooâ
MiningRicK says âHe has much damage but if you engage him he only can run away. If your KDA isnÂŽt that bad you can fight him with your Lethality and Attack Damage. But actually dont chase him that hard because donÂŽt underrest his Damage.â
Xarmat says âAgainst a good Draven you can not compare. His AA and with Q does to much damage. He will push the lane under your tower. Stack some AD and get your farm under your tower.â
IM NOT TOXIC says âDraven has such pure damage early that it's very unlikely to win a trade with him. He can all-in you with great success. Utilize your W to prevent him from catching his axes. If he first bloods you or the support, the lane is over and you need to focus on farming. â
mousetrapslol says âEarly you will not be able to match his damage in extended trades at all. Once Draven gets vamp scepter the lane becomes very unwinnable, try to have your jungler get you a lead early and all in with your support. Once shieldbow is completed always keep track of this because if you E and do not account for the shieldbow, it could cost you your life.â
FunkyBeagle says âI ALWAYS PERMA BAN DRAVEN. Not much counterplay to Draven as a whole, your support matchup matters the most in this one. Take Exhaust into this lane.â
DoublefeedOP says âWhile a large threat to ezreal, you should be able to play safely and cs from a safe distance against him and set up the wave for a jungle gank.â
DoublefeedOP says âHe will run you down, I'd say he's your top counter. Don't fight with him unless you have a solid all-in and can CC chain him to death. He will beat you hard early but you will out scale him in the Mid-Late game.â
DoublefeedOP says âDraven can run you down as he's the strongest ADC in the game pre-6. While you can all in, be careful because he can easily delete you with his hail of blades and he can cancel your ult with his E.â
APC Ziggs says âA good draven is a nightmare for us. He pressures us from lvl 1 , he doesn't let us farm with autos and coupled with an agressive support is a recipe for disaster for a ziggs apc. Try to Q where his axes will fall and always , ALWAYS try to displace him with w ,during engages, so he drops an axe.â
nraxxr says âIf you are against someone who knows how to play Draven, you will get run down and die very quickly. My advice against Draven is really to abuse your range advantage. If you have a tanky support, wait for their engage before you even think about walking up to Draven. When starting a fight with him, try to sidestep his E since most low elo Dravens will panic E when a fight starts. Also, no matter what DO NOT DIE TO DRAVEN EARLY. He will snowball so much that you can't lane against him. â
lenithebot says âDraven is very annoying to fight against. He is a huge threat to you early game because of his insane burst. Your win condition against him should be able to farm as much as you can and eventually out scale him. Make sure to die to him as little as possible so he does not snowball off of his passive.â
KoZee says âDraven can be a tough matchup due to his large amount of damage per auto with his axes. However, you have some counter play against him. First, if he doesn't have his axes up you out damage him. Additionally, his pathing is very predictable due to him wanting to pick up his axes, so you can either Q or E to poke or force him to drop an axe. Additionally, you can R to engage on him which will root him and stop him from catching any axes and letting you out damage him. He also relies heavily on lifesteal, and since your E applies grievous wounds, you can drop it on him and to get that healing reduction.â
Delta eGirl says âThis match up is entirely based on the support. Draven himself is going to always hurt, but you've got enough tools in your kit to usually have options to fix that.â
FaceLikeAStreamer says âGood Dravens just simply out damagge u in lane heavily. Try to avoid this lane and dont even bother fighting. Cry for jungle ganks if the Draven isn't 4 0 yet.â
Moodkaps says âban or dodge If you do continue to play its easy to find out if its a good Draven or bad Draven. If its bad Draven then yay easy bot lane.â
Xayaphelia says âEasy matchup. If you see them lock in Draven, sigh in relief. The only way you lose is if you sprint it down into him. Stop him from catching axes with your E and he just cannot play the game.â
JCgo22 says âDraven relies completely on winning his landing phase and when going against a Kaiâsa, thatâs basically free as long as you donât have an engage support. Draven will easily poke you out all in you to kill you over and over again. His ability to take quick trades that do half of your health counters Kaiâsaâs auto q combo she normally uses to trade with opponents and his movement speed boost makes it hard to position during the landing phase. You just have to hit your lvl or item power spikes as he will fall off and you will come online.â
Raizins says âDraven can be a problem if you don't play around his E ability, which can interrupt your W and make it quite hard to initiate onto him. However just remember that Draven's usually have to manage catching axes so use this to your advantage when threatening combos and you can get him to drop axes or get confused and use E for nothing.â
TheGronne says âOut-Damages you early, which is where you want to snowball. Very tough matchup. But with enough cc from your support, it can be won.â
ooftheiii says âPunish Draven for moving to catch axes with a skillshot harass, or CC from a support.Preventing Draven from catching axes will significantly lower his damage output. Draven will try to poke you at early levels so play defensive and if you have a CC supp like Alistar, Leona, Taric (his biggest counters) try to bait him so he stands in front of his minions and try to keep him stunned!!! â
kingamazin says âDepending on the skill level of the draven player, this matchup can be one of the hardest adc matchups in the game. Paired with an aggressive support, he can make your laning phase absolutely miserable. While you do outrange him in rockets, he can use blood rush to get in range of you to punish your harass. You can try to auto him in rocket form while he is moving back to catch an axe, or use the splash damage from the rockets on the minion wave to poke him if he's trying to play too aggressively. You will hard outscale draven so long as you remain even in gold with him, so if you struggle with the draven matchup I would recommend playing passively and trying to position the wave near your tower so that your jungler can look to gank. You can also take exhaust in order to seriously reduce his damage during an all in. Draven is useless when behind so the best way to shut him down is by either outplaying him 2v2 or waiting for your jungler to gank. Buy control wards to set up vision near river to set up for a gank. When he dies he loses almost all of his stacks, and making sure Draven doesn't cash in should be your highest priority. â
TheGronne says âWith the new items, Draven can get up to 50% lifesteal, which is just far too much to deal with. In lane, if he goes HoB or Conquerer, he will simply destroy you. Only way to win is if you have a support with tons of cc, like Nautilus.â
Bluestrat says âDraven is probably the hardest match-up for Kaisa. He has very strong short trades, which is supposed to be Kai'sa's strength. So he is a counter for us. â
CantParry says âYour burst can catch a Draven off guard and it's harder for him to catch his Qs while trying to stay out of your E path, but watch out for his extreme DPS.â
a1a7s45 says âDraven has an insane early game. Make sure he doesn't snowball and kill him to stop his adoration from going through the roof. Not played against.â
Trampedach says âSkill matchup as your trading is even. Never trade auto for auto and he will always outtrade you in minion waves.
You can one shot him if semi isolated and you have more agency as the game progresses. â
Mothstress says âThis is what I'd call a skill matchup, if you can block his spinning axes you win the trade, but if he saves one he'll heavily outdamage you unless your support can cc them.â
Bluestrat says âDraven ist vermutlich das schwerste Match-Up fĂŒr Kaisa. Er hat sehr starke kurze Trades, was eigentlich die StĂ€rke von Kai'sa sein soll. Somit ist er ein Counter fĂŒr uns. â
Spatic says âDraven is the absolute king of laning phase in today's League, far beyond what Caitlyn ever was at her peak. He is simultaneously the strongest ADC in short trades, long trades, and second best in all-ins. Never has a champion quote ever been more true than "Draven does it all". However, even Draven is not quite without weakness. He's short-ranged and has no escapes so he's very vulnerable to being engaged on. Unfortunately he's so strong in all-ins that if you engage on him there's a good chance he'll just turn it into a double kill, but as with all bot laners, a duo with strong enough all-ins while Draven has a support poorly suited to deal with them is all it takes to overcome the king of laning phase.
Additionally, because of his short range and poor waveclear he can be easily handled by champions who can pressure him from outside his range like Caitlyn on the ADCs' side or Zyra on the supports' side, on the condition that he's not paired with a support that has the ability to easily engage on and lock down these long range champions for Draven to reach and kill, such as what Thresh or Nautilus would bring to the table.â
ctm20141 says âAlmost dodge worthy...
It's a nightmare lane, it doesn't almost matter if his support doesn't synergize well with him. It's a one sided lane: at level 1 DON'T EVEN TOUCH THE MINION WAVE, HE WILL DESTROY YOU! You will basically concede lane priority against him during all the laning phase. Care for his lv 2, lv 3 and lv 6 all ins: good Dravens will kill the minion required to hit his lv 2 and he WILL INSTANTLY RUN AT YOU! At lv 6 you COULD have some outplay potential, but if you get hit by his ult YOU ARE DEAD! The only ouplay you can make to win a 1v1 against him is to land an E to drop one of his axes AND to stun him into a wall. If you fail to do so you will 100% lose the 1v1. Let him take the tower if necessary and immediately freeze the minion wave near your T2. 1v1ing him is risky past mid game, his burst and crit is too much for your HP to handle. You outscale him in teamfights though IF you can afford to fight front to back. Your DPS is insane vs tanks and his damage is heavily countered by armor and high HP pools.â
Kalista Monster says âJust leave the game if he gets a kill. It's doomed. Nothing you can do but play safe and hope he turret dives with your jungler nearby.â
ComradeElmo says âYou guys have the same goal snowball the early game get dragon priority and end the game pre-30 minutes but draven beats you early game so just ban him.â
NathanPyke says âHe either has to avoid his own Q's to try and dodge your hooks but his W is the main threat because mobility is your biggest enemyâ
Remmacs1 says âAphelios with combos > Draven. Aphelios without combos < Draven. Fight Draven when you have good combos and you'll never lose this match up.â
SopTop says âAnother counter that generally is just good in ADC role this season, this would be a good ban if you don't have somebody already in mind.â
McNugglz says âFarm lane. Cull start. Play safe and avoid long trades with him because he will win. Wait for items to start trading. Take exhaust if you can.â
boopthesnoot says âIf you can root him with feathers and lock him down with a cc support, you can stop him from catching his spinning axes. Your ult can also be used to easily dodge his, but only once. Heavy poke him in lane and you can make it to late game.â
Zammey says âDo not take early trades/, focus on farming and call for ganks any time he gets a decent amount of stacks built up if your jungler can not assist you in depleting his stacks play entirely for farming or punish the draven for over aggression do not take head on fights if your even in kills â
Dank672 says âAlthough he has great early damage if he doesn't have an aggressive supp to match u can just poke him out to the point where he can't all in, then as long as u just farm u outscale himâ
BloxNaderYT says âIf played well, outdamages Kai'Sa at all stages of the game and with an engage or enchanter support, can give Kai'Sa a hard time throughout the laning phase into the late gameâ
RankedSkywar says âOne of Kaisa worst enemy, if possible try to cheese in bush. Farm safetely with your q, if you can get lv 1 lane prio then you'll win. Just make sure dont trade that much with him when he have two axes, if you gain lane prio lv 1 he'll have to come up and hit the minion for his Q. Let him hit the minion and then poke him. If he doesn't come out just slow push. â
Compliant says âDraven absolutley curbstomps Jinx in laning phase. It is crucial to focus on getting out of this lane with the most amount of resources as possible since this lane is so one-sided. A good support may sway this matchup in your favor, however, in most situations this will not be the case.â
EvoNinja7 says âDraven has insane amounts of damage with his Q's since they reset every time he catches his spinning axes. He can knock you to the side with his E which can help his support land a hook or a stun on you. when you see him trying to catch his axes, let him get into the rhythm of it, since he'll be more focused on catching the axes to add more money onto his passive. Try to engage him when he mispositions or when he is catching his axes. This can, however backfire on you since a good draven player can just bounce the axes of YOU, which will do a lot of damage.â
GiveMeMyDoritos says âHe oneshots better than you do when he takes the same build. Only advantage you have is your range and the ability to press R and dip. â
BluMistah says âDraven is that champion you will have to always be ready to run away from with your W. Keep it ready and try to get him killed, thats your only hopeâ
CastratedSeal says âSkill matchup. Draven's strong early game is intimidating, however you can bubble where his axes will land. Draven will have to either drop his axe or walk into your bubble. This is a neat trick since Draven players tend to try to pick their axes automatically.â
Scrimm says âDraven is hard to trade against because of how much damage he can put out as many Dravens also take HoB, but remember that he is squishy early on and weak before he backs to buy BF Sword. Try to punish him Levels 1-2 with HoB and your passive so he is at a greater risk of dying if he tries to all in you.â
FraleBot says âDraven tends to earn more gold early game, trades better when it comes to kills/cs and is in general a huge threat for Varus no matter what division you play in.â
BluMistah says âGenerally stronger champion than you early on so no hope for ambushing him. Try to not give him any kills and once he dies and lose stacks, you can get aheadâ
SkittleBtw says âI haven't played this match up at all in S11 yet, but I wouldn't expect much has changed, he hits you with one spinning axe and you lose lane, avoid this match up at all costs. If you get this match up DO NOT DIE. If you die to Draven early, your lane is done, you might aswell leave the game.â
Ledeni123 says âThis is tricky one with out his axes he is nothing, you poke him untill he go in rage mode after that you gotta hit your e(straight line charge usually) with him slowed use traps to make him stop or traps on axes, he backs off and you do it again untill they tilt â
pandorelol says âSurviving the early game is the hardest part. Being 20 cs behind at 10 minutes is normal. Just be extremly patient for your jungler gank, and do not let him cash his passive out. If you manage to get core item before him, you'll be able to enlarge the gap between you as he falls off really fast.â
Kalista Monster says âThe only champion that can match kalista's early game, hence why he is very difficult to beat. Since he is more single target based early game while kalista is more AOE based. He can dish out stronger single target damageâ
Dragonmysterieu says âWith his slighty longer AA range he is a menace. He will outtrade you and you will be forced to give up farm without exterior intervention.â
orogenz says âI like to start q lvl 1 against Draven and try to fight a little with my support. You should be evenish in dmg then. Care for wave management. CC chain him out of axes you're good.â
Slev says âDraven is an extreme threat to every ADC. His lane trading is basically unstoppable. The goal is generally to just stay even with him. If you have even kills and CS by mid-game, you've beaten Draven.â
ApheliosMain62 says âIf you see him, dodge, he have a better early and mid than you and he may stomp the line easy, stay farming and donât fight him.â
jhoijhoi says âDraven brings high damage at only 50 less range than Ashe while his Spinning Axes are active, and his CC skill shot Stand Aside and speed boost Blood Rush allow him to quickly close the distance to a target. It is best to only try to fight him head on while your 5 stack Ranger's Focus is active, to match his high damage. â
lolaidennn says âYou want to dodge him most games because he just doesn't let you play the lane or the game. He disables you in lane and just snowballs the game faster than you can scale. You can play into him with flash + exhaust and a Lulu or a kill lane duo partner.â
Archibold2 says âDraven early game just allows an all in engage and if the Draven knows what he's doing you will be forced under turret early on unable to farm. Heavily recommend if you are playing this lane you take Inspiration 2nd and buy cull on an early base.â
DddyAwsmSauce says âYou can predict where he is going since he tries to grab his axe. You can position yourself for a safe poke, especially if you use your Q. However, he does deal a lot of damage and has high poke potential. You might be able to handle Draven but your supp might feed.â
GodMulti says âDraven is stronger than you in the early to mid game, unless you shut him down in the early game by asking for ganks or making good plays with your Supp. Keep in mind that he can interrupt your Ult with his knockback axes.â
Manzey says âDraven will damage more than you during all stages of the game, so you'll have to make sure to kill him before he gets out of your gold card. Only trade while he is stunned, otherwise he'll make you regret it.â
SINKEMALL says âIMO Ezreal's hardest matchup. Besides Kalista, he has the strongest early levels out of any ADC. Outdamages you in nearly every part of the game unless he's mega behind. But as Ezreal, you can build extremely defensively against him. Don't be afraid to rush tabis.â
INS Phillo says âHe is a strong bully which can run you down, be carefull and try to keep enough range!
He can oneshot you @any time of the game, keep that in mind and dont let him snowball.â
nraxxr says âI would argue that Draven should have a tier of his own since he is such a situational ADC to lane against. His lane bully power is attributed to his high damage output during early levels, so just do your best to play safe against him. Whatever you do, just don't die to a Draven early, his passive will allow him to snowball the game HARD.â
Ultrama says âI almost always ban this guy. Don't trade with him, he will destroy you. Ask for ganks, play pasive and try to predict his axes. DONT FEED HIM or else is gg.â
Msloikturbo says âMinor threats are champions such as draven and tristana - they will try to kill you in lane, and they may succeed, but given enough time Aphelios will make short work of them. Just don't try to fight them after they begin to roll the snowball and you'll be fine.â
xKARx says âPretty strong champion. Doesn't have any mobility so if you get a good w try going in. Try playing with vision and staying in bushes so he cant auto attack you as his whole kit is based around auto attacks. Do not go for all ins unless his support is super passive.â
Cam1304 says âDraven's extremely strong early game will destroy your extremely weak early game. Most games will result in Draven getting fed if you don't play perfectly.â
SweatMeALake says âDraven has a really strong early game, and is often paired with an aggressive support. You are immobile so if he were to ever hit you with Stand Aside, you are either forced to burn flash or ultimate. Draven has more damage than you. Only time you can match or challenge his damage is when you have 5 stacks of Q, or when you have R. â
SweatMeALake says âYou do not win a pure 1v1 with Draven early game, unless you have a lead. This should be support reliant, if you can land a combo on Draven, then the trade should be in your favor. â
MrMad2000 says âA good draven will just run at you with W, dodge your net and kill you any time you get close. Make sure you get lane priority and poke him early so you get a CS lead. Don't get pushed in under tower.â
AdolfDripster69 says âDraven is one of the most oppressive lane bullies in the bot lane. Avoid taking trades or fights until you hit the Q spike. â
ultrafen says âDraven also outdamages you early, but unlike Vayne and Lucian, he lacks dashes. If your support has hard cc, then you can still kill him early.â
Spection says âRARE. Boasting no hard escape and little cc, Draven relies on his empowered auto attacks to do damage, which he can if you aren't careful about his passive. Draven has to catch his axes to ready another Spinning Axe. Don't let him do this! He is extremely predictable and easy to shut down, but do not ever underestimate his damage and always be wary of his ultimate.â
ShroudedBRH says âDraven gains access to higher damage output much sooner then Ashe. Its better to poke him down to deter his all ins. Try not to risk trading during laning phase as your almost always going to lose. Extend the game to fight him with help. Exhaust works pretty well against himâ
OverjarlZane says âHere's the thing with Draven. A good Draven is going to slaughter you, your team, and probably your teams family and there's not a damn thing you can do about it as a squishy mage because that's just who Draven is. A bad Draven is eaaaassssyyy though.â
OverjarlZane says âI just don't like playing into Draven much tbh. Extremely strong and WILL zone you early. Don't give him any kills or it's pretty much over.â
Siberg says âOP in Laning phase, just be careful and whatever you do, if you dont have a nautilus or something, DO NOT all in him, he will kill you both.â
EvoNinja7 says âHe's like the ultimate lane bully. Great at 1v1's and can easily melt away your health bar in the early game. You do end up out scaling him in the end but not a good matchup for you.â
StriveHD79 says âVery strong all-in champion, as long as he keeps his axes up he will out dps you. You want to maintain your distance at all times and farm safely. Avoid trading with him when he has axes up, only when he drops them do you want to look for anything.â
StriveHD79 says âDraven is a very strong all-in champion, as long as he keeps his axes up he will out dps you. You want to maintain your distance and trade with your volley ( w ability ) + autoattack when possible. Do not let him all in you.â
StriveHD79 says âSimilar to Tristana and Lucian, Draven wants to all in you, and if he has an engage support you want to play safe near your tower or you can walk up to harass him whenever he goes for CS. Avoid all-ins unless you have build a substantially health lead by poking him down since you out range him.â
StriveHD79 says âVery strong all-in champion, as long as he keeps his axes up he will out dps you. You want to maintain your distance at all times and farm safely. Avoid trading with him. Once out of lane when you complete two items you can constantly harass him with your superior range by spamming Q.â
StriveHD79 says âVery strong all-in champion, as long as he keeps his axes up he will do massive DPS. This matchup is very support dependant and it is very easy for draven to snowball due to his stacks but not so much for you.â
StriveHD79 says âVery difficult to deal with, he heavily out damages you and unlike Tristana and Lucian where they have a long cooldown with their ability, Draven relies on keeping his axes up, as long as his axes up, avoid fighting/trading with him in the early game. If Draven is not fed you will slowly outscale him starting at 2 items.â
WoodieHoodie009 says âhe just runs you down in lane, watch out for that. he always pushes in lane because of his adorations stacks and axe-catching, so call your jungler. dont get in range of his rapid fire cannon in the late game.â
Panuelos says âAvoid trading with him. Draven's Q autos will chunk you down pretty quickly, so just push the wave and force him to farm under his turretâ
HankScorpioblaze says âDraven is very easy to deal with as your CC can shred him to bits and make him unable to catch his spinning axes if they were thrownâ
eyh4sxdf says âHe's Draven. He can early bully you if he has a decent support but he's very kill able. Kite him so he has to keep moving to pick up his axes and do what you can with that time you leave him a bit more defenselessâ
StriveHD79 says âVery strong all-in champion, as long as he keeps his axes up he will out dps you. You want to maintain your distance at all times and farm safely. Avoid trading with him.â
snukumz says âHe does psycho damage to a squishy plant like you so watch out for him, but it's incredible easy for you to land your snare and your Q onto him, which makes poking him down and killing him very easy.â
xIntangible says âEarly game is hard from his early dominance, but mid and late game is free for kaisa to just stomp as long as draven isnt ahead you will win.â
Alonixlol says âDraven is the absolute king of laning phase in today's League, far beyond what Caitlyn ever was at her peak. He is simultaneously the strongest ADC in short trades, long trades, and second best in all-ins. Never has a champion quote ever been more true than "Draven does it all". However, even Draven is not quite without weakness. He's short-ranged and has no escapes so he's very vulnerable to being engaged on. Unfortunately he's so strong in all-ins that if you engage on him there's a good chance he'll just turn it into a double kill, but as with all bot laners, a duo with strong enough all-ins while Draven has a support poorly suited to deal with them is all it takes to overcome the king of laning phase.
Additionally, because of his short range and poor waveclear he can be easily handled by champions who can pressure him from outside his range like Caitlyn on the ADCs' side or Zyra on the supports' side, on the condition that he's not paired with a support that has the ability to easily engage on and lock down these long range champions for Draven to reach and kill, such as what Thresh or Nautilus would bring to the table.â
NakadashiV2 says âHard to win 1v1s against due to his damage early with PTA and his Q and losing a kill/first blood with his passive could result in lane being overâ
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says âWhile it IS possible to win against Draven, it'll all depend on your support's pressure, make sure to never EVER stay alone near a Dravenâ
Surp1Clone says âDraven has big damage and you need to gold card him in order to get rid of his Q then his damage drops and you can deal with him. â
Trisien says âFor some it's the hardest matchup, but since his range is smaller than other ADCs, he can't bully you as hard. Just be careful when fighting him early.â
MarksmanBL says âVery oppressive and essentially unkillable with his first item bloodthirster + 4 hitting AA's. Ban this guy or Aphelios depending on what you see most.â
NediHere says âIf you're playing against him, avoid any kind of battles - fast trades are not worth, as the same as going in. The only way to win against him is stunning him by your E, then attacking him. If support would stun him too - that should be kill. If Draven will play agro and won't let you farm - you should wait till your jungler's gank.â
xSEASeahawks12 says âA good Draven is capable of winning every trade in lane, and his DPS in quick fights while you try to land your full Hail of Blades-Rend combo is just too much. However, with a good engage support such as Thresh, Blitzcrank, Leona, and Swain that can punish Draven for trying to catch his axes can help swing this lane in your favor.â
Blue gumss says âDraven is kind of the adcs. He can kill you almost instantly so play passive if he's getting fed. You CANNOT 1v1 him. Best bet is to try and bully him early. His early game is the best and usually you'll be under tower. But many supports can help counter him. Be careful â
Zoodyacc says âDraven is a lane bully, there's no really a way you can win laning phase against a Draven who'll play properly. You might want to consider sticking tower, and eventually asking jungler for help.â
atonementblade says âAvoid trading with him. Draven's Q autos will chunk you down pretty quickly, so just push the wave and force him to farm under tower.â
atonementblade says âAvoid trading into him. When he has his axes spinning, he'll burst you down before you can proc PTA and Silver Bolts. You can win all-in fights if you land your stun, however.â
kiranezio says âDraven is almost a threat for all adc champions. His major damage is through his Q. Try to make him drop his Q and you are good to go. He could also use his E to stop your ult.â
Galois_Group says âWith this guide Draven stands no chance. He is trash at pushing compared to you. You can dodge his E with E, so there is no risk for you. You should annihilate this guy.â
ItsPaulygon says âBan this guy when you play Lucian, he will win lane, you have range disadvantage and damage disadvantage. He will punish you if you overextend.â
DatDoggo says âHis early game centered play style means it is very easy to sit back with the Comet runes and farm with Q and W, letting Draven fall off as you scale much harder with Critical Strike Chance.â
ghoul505 says âThis matchup can easily snowball both ways. It seems to be the most difficult match-up for an ezreal as the draven will likely just keep shoving. If you are in this matchup, look to farm with q safely, go barrier or tp and look to scale. Once you have your manamune and a sheen, you can look to poke the draven and force him out of lane. You just need to survive for your core items and then you should easily outscale.â
LupinTheCat says âDraaaaaaaven
So a neat trick in beating draven, when his axes are in the air, just Q where it will land or close to it, you will get free regen, but yeah, it's a pretty hard matchupâ
PrettyPinkPutin says âDraven can easily E your E and then run you down/kite you away, wait for him to blow it or catch him off guard, otherwise he is just your generic high damage ADC.â
Phantom R says âDraven is quite a tricky bot champion, and does heavy dmg early and mid game. You should outscale his dmg and be able to 1v1 him easily on Late game.
Early game, try to poke him with your Q whenever he tries to last hit minions and DO poke and trade when he only has 1 axe active. Don't be afraid of him early game, poke as much as you can and zone his support if it's a Thresh or a Blitzcrank (relay on your support help a lot early stage).â
Epic Striker says âDon't get kited by Draven he can do a lot of damage if he is fed. Other then that if he is not fed you can easily win against him.â
Midorima says âThis champion is probably the strongest bot lane champion since its existence. You will never out-trade or out-duel a Draven ever. The only option is lose as gracefully as possible. Even being down 30cs is better than dying to him once.
The only way you beat Draven is: quite literally either through jungle or being that much better of a player than he is.â
Deathfeather says âLeague of Draven? more like league of your demise. Probably the best adc threat wise. either ban or have your jungler camp him. then he'll run it down.â
black wolfr22 says âBe careful when going for trades with Draven, since he has way more damage than Jhin in the early game. Do not let him snowball.â
Mericat says âDraven is the GOD of early-laning and while not as dangerous to us as he is to almost all other Caitlyn builds, hes still a pain in the ass pick and can stomp us into the ground, when playing it too wrong. By all means avoid feeding him and dont take extended trades, because he WILL win them. Later on you can fight him and actually win duels quite easily.â
mrPERISH says âDraven drastically out damages you in a trade, especially early. Play safe and wait for him to be low health or a gank to engage. If you feed him early it's going to be GG.â
Nunuzera says âO dano avassalador do draven darĂĄ uma vasta vantagem antes de vocĂȘ conseguir colocar todos o stacks em um x1, pegue ele de surpresa e serĂĄ melhor.â
Szauronmester says âBan if you get a random support His axes way outdamage you even if you get auto q for his one auto. Don't try to trade with him unless he is caught in a hook or a bind. Freeze, and farm up. Bait him into stepping into your minion wave, then you can kill him. The moral of the story? He is a monster, so don't trade with him unless he ints. If your team ints him, then you are in trouble.â
Ichaid says âDraven is a hard matchup against vayne, you should always try to punish/trade with draven when he fails to catch his axe, as he is much weaker without them, other than that you should just try to farm and try not to let him snowball as he is a lane bully and he will beat the crap out of youâ
ZERO Destructo says âDraven has early lane pressure, so don't let him get on you at level 2 and try to poke him down with your Q if he ever gets too close to minions. You can also poke him with your W when he goes to grab a Spinning Axe. Braum is a great support to have versus Draven, as well as Brand. Drop traps on the sides of your lane so that he can't play aggressive on you without being slowed. In late game, even if he's behind with items and level, he can still probably outdamage you. Don't engage alone on him.â
Jima says âDraven has much superior damage compared to you because of his Q, this means if the Draven knows how to use this to his advantage he can easily outdamage you in trades if you don't use your gold card to prevent him for using his auto attacksâ
Nik7857 says âHard lane if Draven and his support are aggro and your support gets poked down. Just be patient and wait for a gank, when doing early fight flash his knock aside as it slows you and always focus him first as he has the highest dps.â
EvE_Deoxys says âHe out damages you and is stronger then you in fights. You need to target him in fights and even if you are ahead he can still come back to the game.â
Eccentricks says âScrew Draven. But, honestly, I don't have much of an issue against them. Just play it safe and be sure to poke while he is attacking minions to scare him out of grabbing his blades. Late game, he will die easy if you hit him with Spray and Pray.â
Deathfeather says âJesus christ, the people who play this champ are probably t1 fanboys that are boosted. that being said, he does DAMAGE. like more damage than a tweet from a politician on their career. Instaban or have ur jungler camp u.â
EzVeryReal says âDraven CAN be an issue if you make too many mistakes. However, with your range you should be able to play safe. Just be sure to rush ninja tabi's after tear. â
Mr. Nyahr says âYou have to be careful around him at all times. If you get ahead, he's still dangerous but you can play aggro. If HE gets ahead, you're screwed.â
Laverenz says âBig counter for Vayne. Play really passive against him, you won't be able to fight him early game because of the damage his Q gives him. Farm as much as you can and don't go in for trades, you won't be able to out-trade this boy. Don't fight unless absolutely necessary.â
Pacu says âIf he's a good draven, he will try to E you out of your ult. His damage can be a little much for you especially if he's fed. Ask your jungle for some early ganks. Bone plating/overgrowth helps.â
philsopaoto says âDraven is an easy matchup, as they both share similar ranges and Xayah can root Draven to counter his axes. The only threat Draven has is if he comes out of laning phase fed. Watchout for ganks and it's easy GGâ
haloboleon says âAlthough Senna has a weak early game, strong early champs are very weak vs her since she can just out sustain their trades and make it very easy to get by the laning phase without dying a single time. Just play passive and go for cs.â
MewlingRavenPaw says âFarming is your priority! Attempt to bait him to step up and Q him when he's ahead of the minions due to range nerfs of 8.4 can never AA trade. It is possible to kill him with a good support though they force Draven to drop his axes with CC or you have a large HP difference.â
corvy says âthis guy can turn any lvl 2 fight you take.
players and prep where the axes go with pathing. if they are dropping them on the spot they will look to go in if they are throwing them back they are playing passive. He is another lvl 2 fighter. if he wins HE WILL WIN LANE.
in case he wins. look for freeze and jungle gank. DO NOT KEEP FIGHTING! wait for him to messup, or you will bury the game under his mountain of goldâ
minepro221 says âI always say to ban him, and especially on kaisa. His axes way outdamage you even if you get auto q for his one auto. Don't try to trade with him unless he is caught in a hook or a bind. Freeze, and farm up. Bait him into stepping into your minion wave, then you can kill him. The moral of the story? He is a monster, so don't trade with him unless he ints. If your team ints him, then you are in trouble. Thus, ban this guy.â
mhsmhs123 says âThis one is a plain counter to Vayne. If someone picks Draven against you and you're thinking about picking Vayne, It is good to change your decision :). Although Vayne dramatically outscales Draven throughout the course of the game, Draven's early game pressure and control makes Vayne useless by the time it comes to late, especially if the Draven becomes fed. â
minepro221 says âBan this guy. Theoritically you win lane, if you avoid extended trades, and EQ him in the face if he tries to get on you. Not to mention punishing him on cs. The issue is, someone on your time is gonna int and feed him. If he gets snowballing, all hell breaks lose. He can run you down and even tower dive you. It is scary.â
Eucalyptus says âGraves plays like Draven in the early game but it leans slightly in Draven's favour. Hope you can abuse the rarity of the match-up and catch him off-guard but know an even match-up will always lean in his favour here.â
CarrotBoy07 says âSafe to trade if he ever drops his spinning axes, otherwise play safe. You can aim your Q bounce where he needs to catch his axe. His W speed-up can close distance, so keep your distance. His E can cancel your ult. Don't stay low HP or he can ult you from long range, even if you get hit by the first part of his ult, try to sidestep the second partâ
Lincoln878 says âDraven can walk up and auto you behind his support and minions, making it almost impossible to fightback if you don't have an aggressive support. Just farm and wait for you jungler or wait for him to int.â
Fruxo says âGet's harder as the game goes on. Try to CC him so he can't catch his axes. Don't take long trades with him as he will outtrade you with his axes. Highly adviced to ask for ganks.â
The Jhin Cena says âDraven is a cancer champion, but you really experience the cancer firsthand when you must lane against him. To put it simply, Draven just has superior damage. He does huge amounts of damage like Jhin, but doesn't have to reload, and also can benefit from attack speed. His ult can also counter Jhin. For example let's say that Draven has 20% HP so you try and take him off with an ult. Well now you're locked in place as you're ulting, leaving you very vulnerable to Draven's own ult which can kill you easily as your ulting. Not only that but Jhin lacks any sort of mobility, so even if you aren't ulting, you can very likely get killed by those axes. Draven isn't impossible to win against but I'd say that a good Draven wins over a good Jhin. So if you are having trouble in the lane, just be passive and farm under the turret because as long as you don't feed Draven then in the end your team will still have a chance at winning.â
Ni14 says âYeah never trade autos with draven. His autos do twice yours if he has an axe, triple yours if he has items. You should look to abuse his axe pickup locations and poke him out. Early on in the game before he gets lifesteal you can actually kill if you poke him enough and your support catches. Definitely go iceborn gauntlet because slowing down draven is very good. You can go either sheen or tear first in this matchup. â
Sooyoung says âHe is my most common ban in any game whatever I play as marksman, but he is Major counter for MF, because he has constant burst damage with axes and simply I don't have enough attack speed to burst him back, so it's pretty hard, stay passive in your lane if you get him.â
dravenfizz says âArguably Lucian's hardest matchup, impossible to trade with him, only thing you can do against him is call for ganks as draven naturally pushes the wave.â
Ryl Storm says âDraven can mess up Jhin's win conditions very early on. When playing against Draven, do NOT try to play aggressively unless it's a win-loss scenario. Trading 1 for 1 against Draven is not a good idea.â
JayBeeEU says âUse your W and Q on the spots where the axes are returning and can be harassed he got 0 escape abilities except Flash and his W you can followup them with your Eâ
Fruxo says âGet's harder as the game goes on. Try to CC him so he can't catch his axes. Don't take long trades with him as he will outtrade you with his axes. Highly adviced to ask for ganks.â
PhantomPlayz6 says âGet's harder as the game goes on. Try to CC him so he can't catch his axes. Don't take long trades with him as he will outtrade you with his axes. Highly adviced to ask for ganks.â
IPodPulse says âDraven is a huge lane bully, and a good Draven is extremely not fun to play against. Ninja tabi's are a good investment to reduce his high auto attack damage.
Depending on how he and his support play, you will need to adjust your play style. If he is playing aggressive, play safe and accept that some minions will be lost. If they are playing passive, you can try to match.
If they are paired with a healing support, poke can be obsolete. Save your abilities and mana for smart fights or when your jungler ganks.â
ELMallekZarzor says âAvoid early game skirmishes when Draven has 2 spinning axes--he'll win all trades.Lvl 6 is another power spike as he gets access to big burst for 2v2 all-ins.Aim skill shots at where his axes drops. Force him to take damage or drop his axes, which cuts down his damage significantly..Any kills and cashing in on his Passive stacks is usually a huge spike for Draven--it gives a lot of gold.Most Dravens will play aggressively looking to cash in on
Passive stacks, making them easy targets for ganks.Make an effort to shut him down. He loses 75% of his Passive stacks when he dies.â
Righteous Maniac says âOutdamages you if you are even throughout the game. Your one advantage is having more range due to Q and more kiting potential. Just aim Q's at his catch spots for free gold, otherwise don't fight unless you're confident or ahead or you will end up with two axes in your ass.â
Exs Xena says âDraven has without a doubt the early advantage over Ashe, avoid picking Ashe into Draven because in most scenario's, he'll outdamage you quite hard early on. Wait for ganks, or mispositioning by Draven to harass him. â
Potato95x says âThis piece of **** can kill you in the blink of an eye. DON'T FEED HIM, Don't trade too long and play passively. Ask for ganks when possible.â
GORE Klabok says âDraven can handle kalista attack damage whish is the highest of all adc at lvl 1 to 6 (without item). Hes also one of the adc who can blow-up kalista very fast due to her low base health and defence. Use 6 Armor rune twice if you get this matchup.â
AerysS says âYou can't just outdamage him. Draven's damage is too high for Jhin, if Jhin has no CC support to go with, this guy is the most major threat.â
SimbaADC says âLaning against Draven uses the same principles as when against Lucian - avoid his all in (and his supports CC), while using your waveclear and superior range to chip him down.â
4Inters1Lucian says âIf you get a Draven in your match do not pick Lucian. With your 500 unit range you cannot fight him, all will almost definitely lose against him.â
FrankynFood says âHe doesn't outrange you but he does out damage you significantly. Can be really hard to deal with if you don't have an aggressive support. â
IsseiDxD1 says âDraven is big lane bully and since we need alot of money with our items he will be really hard to beat. Try not to die and look to kill him when he have big amount of stacks. Draven mains start to tilt if they lose big anount of stacksâ
SlashLion says âTruckloads of damage and triggering amounts of close kills which result in a kill for Draven and a death for you. Dont take too much poke damage and let your support lock him down or call for a gank.â
InfernalFox says âIf you are not careful and die early you can lose the lane, It depends on how good he is. Keep your distance and poke, also its worth taking Executioner if he rushes Bloodthrister. â
MallisTheGreat says âAs always, his crits are more annoying than everything. If you can't ban him, avoid engaging him, unless your support is tanky enough.â
MallisTheGreat says âDraven's power has fallen since the last patch. If you focus on your attack speed and successful trades, you shouldn't have any problems against him. Still, beware for his level 6 spike (his ultimate deals a deceivingly large amount of damage)â
Vortiris says âNever, ever, EVER 1v1 this monster. Do not engage in long trades, and do not get caught out by him. If I were you, I'd rather dodge... not unless it's your promotions, then you might as well try.â
MasutaKokoBot says âDraven has to get significantly close to you to do damage, but after level 6 his ult might catch you behind your team. Use your mobility to try to avoid it, and keep a safe distance.â
sutrauboju says âI put Draven as extreme threat, although for an experienced ADC he should be manageable. For everyone else, Draven is a demon from hell with infinite damage. You won't win trades against him. Rely on your support and JG to trap him, but go all in only when 100% sure. Don't let him snowball.â
Shake the Shade says âDraven is one of the only matchups that will out damage you early. There's rarely a time when you can duel him even if you kill him 5 times over. Typically, Draven will get Lifesteal on first back and can ignore your Q poke allowing him to endlessly push you in. The best way to approach this matchup is to be very passive and only strike when the play is guaranteed. You can squeak out out-scaling him if you just stay even with him as his axe catch with get more unreliable for him as the game goes on while you'll continue to scale. â
Hidrogear says âTry to use your W on him and stay away. You won't be able to do any damadge in end game so d'ont be fool, even if he is low life don't go near him.â
Shacolada says âDraven is notorious for dealing disgusting amounts of raw damage. He will out-compete you with damage even with Jhin's fourth shot, and he has more mobility than Jhin. Allow your support lock him down, or call for a gank.â
GodOatmeal says âClassic annoyance for ADCs. Key is to minimize interaction, just shove him in and poke him with Q. Save Spellshield for his E or he'll all-in and kill you.â
DevilsNightMare says âVery Strong Early especially with a CC support ( leona ). Try to play safe, ask jungler for help and once your ahead, you should be good.â
HELL JUMPER says âDo not give him kills. If a fight with Draven looks bad or risky, it probably is. Farm, scale, and wait for an opportunity to punish and all-in Draven.â
Niculae01 says âSimilar to the MF matchup, he will burst you, 1 aa will deal you 30% of your HP. It hurts trust me. Stay safe and don't trade until you have some items.â
Fruxo says âGet's harder as the game goes on. Try to CC him so he can't catch his axes. Don't take long trades with him as he will outtrade you with his axes. Highly adviced to ask for ganks.â
Krazioz says âDraven is very dangerous for Jhin, although not as much as Jinx. If the Draven player is smart and good enough, he will probably kill you in the first three or five minutes of the game if paired with support like Nami or Lulu. best way to play against him is to hug tower and hope for your jungler to gank. But you will still most likely die. because he is Draven.â
Axemania says âDraven's early game damage is way too high compared to yours when he has his axes ready. Try to prevent him from catching axes by shooting your W to where they land.â
Pointrunner Cane says âYour nemesis. You will never outtrade him, no matter what support you got. Play under turret and farm, you are more useful that him late game. Good thing not many people play him. â
wizz001 says âTry to use range as possible. Try not to make a single mistake against Draven. Doesn't matter you are leading with kills at first DO NOT GO 1vs1 â
Lukito says âUsually when I play Vayne, I ban Draven as he counters Vayne really hard early game due to how much damage his Q lets him do. You won't be able to out-trade him for the majority of the game.â
LW888 says âIf he knows what hes doing, You're fucked!
He has more range than you and outdamages you early game, he can poke you down even under tower.
Almost no counter play. Pray :)â
jster131 says âOut-Damages you in every stage. I would recommend playing Lethality Jhin in this match up. One of the tips I can give you is to play extremely safe and wait for the jungler to help you.â
TruMediaMix1 says âYou absolutely NEVER want to lose lane to an experienced Draven player. Draven's Attack Damage is powerful even in the early game thanks to his Q. Perma ban him in solo queue, as effective communication is absolutely necessary in order to keep him locked down.â
Arabpsyco says âI almost always ban this guy. Don't trade with him, he will destroy you. Ask for ganks, play pasive and try to predict his axes. DONT FEED HIM or else is gg.â
Shizashi says âDraven is a lane bully to most champs and Lucian is one of them, Draven just straight up out damages you in trades, you can win if you play the lane right or outplay your enemy. â
xTheUnlimited says âFor me, Draven is always a hard matchup. High poke and early damage. Prevent him from getting stacks if you can. Hard to trade with him. You might just farm up. The most important thing to do against him: DONT DIE. As long as you prevent him from getting kills you can outdamage him in late game. â
xTheUnlimited says âFor me it's pretty hard to play vs Draven since he has a really high damage against you in lane and his bully potential is high. Also through the early range nerf he will harass you if you are going for CS. Try not to trade with him or fight him. If you can, deny him stacks. â
TruMediaMix1 says âYou absolutely never want to lose lane to Draven. His early game damage is stronger than usual for most ADCs, and he can easily burst you down in the late game. Every time you die to him, he gets an asstonne of gold. Cooperate with your teammates to keep him from getting out of hand. Because of this, you want to permaban him in solo queue.â
xTheUnlimited says âDraven is hard, because he has a lot of pressure in lane towards you. You should try to keep poking with your Q from a safe distance.â
Vaedelive says âHe has very high early dmg, and you lose 1 auto attack trades. try to get an aggro support so you can all in draven and get some spears stacked.â
L9 Boosted Trash says âPlay the lane EXTREMELY safe, if not, he will most likely kill you either at lvl 2 or 3. Just wait it out and dont try to go for anything unless he's 100% deadâ
Ightveso says âU can Q Bounce and play arround ur E+W combo + Range advantage. Farm safe. 2cnd Poke (Q bounce). 3rd Wait for gank. Dont get catched !â
tototobi says âDraven ist auf der Lane in allem besser als Tristana, auĂerdem kann er mit seiner E deinen Jump abbrechen! Ich wĂŒrde sehr safe spielen und NIEMALS einen Kill abgeben, gegen einen Draven reinjumpen ist auch keine gute Idee, da er dich im Normal outdamaged! Ich wĂŒrde auf den jungler warten und ihn vielleicht im 1v3 catchen, da gegen einen Draven selbst ein 3v2 Böse ausgehen kann!â
B34STLYG4M3R says âDraven is a nightmare. He outdamages you up until late game, where you catch up. Try and poke him while he's running to catch an axe. If he dropped an axe or two, you can win 2 auto trades. Hopefully your support can help you here.â
Statix20dan says âVery difficult matchup as he will always out-damage early-mid game. However late game can be much easier as Jhin builds items and gets more MS and crit.â
YukiWyvern says âCuidado com trocas desnecessĂĄrias, Draven pode usar a favor dele, e nĂŁo o deixe "brilhar",caso contrario vocĂȘ irĂĄ perder facilmente apĂłs seu retorno da base com o bĂŽnus de ouro de sua passiva caso nĂŁo consiga mais abater-lo.â
qasddsa says âHe has strong early game power; I recommend getting ganks from your Jungler and shutting him down early so he cannot cash out his passive.â
TruMediaMix1 says âYou absolutely cannot afford to lose your lane to Draven. His damage makes him incredibly dangerous throughout the entire game.â
Perseus the Vayne main says âWorst match for Vayne is vs Draven.You have to farm him in the early game and wait for your power spike. Do not take a 2v2 fight against him unless you absolutely have to, because he will win 90% of the time.â
Komrad says âEl mayor counter de Vayne, un ADC con un daño base bastante superior, una limpieza de oleadas fuerte y un kit de habilidades que pueden borrarte del mapa en segundos, un pick a banear en todas tus rankeds.â
undeadsoldiers says âYou do a lot more damage than him on the first hit, MF Q + AA + passive is 250-300% total AD + base stats vs Draven Q + AA only 165-205% total AD + base stats
MF first hit is maybe the biggest nuke in the game bare ultimates and infinitely scaling spells (Nasus and Veigar Q)
You only lose if you take extended trades, if Draven gets 3+ AA off on you, you'll lose (2 AA is even). don't do that, simply Q + AA and back off. If he tries to take an extended trade with W and E, you E and W back, and worst case scenario, have your support disengage.
Key words: very short trades.â
Best Tactics EU says âIt's impossible for you to trade with Draven early on, his auto attack will deal 2x yours, try to get the wave pushing, if that's not possible just wait for your support to get a perfect engage or for jungle ganks. You will always lose 1v1 vs Dravenâ
Anis4BiH says âGood Draven can be such a pain in the .... but with help of your support You can outplay him early and let your team a breath late game.
Besides him, most threaths can be Mobile junglers because you dont have a good escape as a Jhin so you need to place your traps (E) very good.â
Savagerayne says âHe will bully you throw out the lane phase. Avoid dying or this game will become a major struggle.
Survive lane phase and keep up with farm and in team fights you will out damage him.â
Seigemaster035 says âYou out scale but the early to mid game is hell. If he starts winning a trade and you try to Q away, he won't let it happen. your gonna have to use flash a lot early and make sure its up if you even are considering a trade.â
Ziickness says âThese 3 are the hardest to lane against for Vayne so try to avoid them.
Whenever u do end up fighting them just stay back, farm under turret, and if necessary get Tabi's in the early. â
MurrderHigh4 says âDraven damage is bs, and if he is fed, you wont be able to kill him, because you a Jhin, where you have no speed to run away, but if he feed, you are ok, and the way you can counter it, is every time that you have the FOUR auto, use it on him, make him scare the next time that he try to walk up to youâ
Robin Banks says âHe deals more damage in the early game, but at your 2 item spike you have a chance to beat him. Don't ever try to fight 1v1 unless you're very ahead. The thing with Draven is that its very easy to line up klepto Q procs when he catches his axes. But if he gets a lead, you'll feel it very quickly. â
Starredgamer says âThis guy is strong as hell in the early and late. If you ever got 1 shotted by
Draven then you know. I hate playing against him because there is nothing that you can do to prevent that axe from 1 shotting you, except building full tank.â
Nittwerp says âNo way you will win this lane. You can't outrade him, and even if you get ahead: NEVER try to 1v1 a Draven. You need some kind of CC to be able to fight draven, so don't get cocky and fight him.â
oskarishere says âOrta seviyede draven oynayan biri sizi kolaylıkla alt edebilir. Ya dereceli maçlarda draven banlayın ya da doÄru pozisyonu bekleyip gank isteyin.â
koyomilikesbloods says âDraven is generally a very snowbally heavily punishing champ. MF does a lot of damage just don't trade autos with him--take trades that he can't reciprocate.â
N1ster says âDraven is the absolute worst-case scenario for Vayne. Throughout the laning phase, you HAVE to sit back and only get farm when there is enough distance between you and him where he can't auto attack you, because his attacks early game do a TON of damage thanks to his Q. After level 6, nothing changes much, because his ult gives him as much of a spike in damage as your ult does. DO NOT take a 2v2 fight against him unless you absolutely have to, because he will win 90% of the time.â
Im_Demolish says âBiggest Bully in lane, likely will never change. Never try trading with him in laning phase, just poke him down with your 4th shot.â
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