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Rengar Counter Stats

Rengar Counters
Discover all champions who counter Rengar. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Rengar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,169 Tips for countering Rengar below

In the Jungle
48.33% Win Rate86% Pick Rate Rengar In the Jungle Counters: 31 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Rengar in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Kazuh says “I consider Rengar a matchup you wont go against usually in low elo, but if you are against him it is unplayable. Rengar is a very interesting champion in my opinion, because if you are against a noob Rengar you can easily one-shot him and outperform him. However, if he is a real Rengar OTP it is over. Rengar can easily W over your burst resulting in CDs and death, it is very hard to outplay him if he is better than you and is holding his CDs to kill you. Rengar can easily one-shot you and invade you, AND 1v1 if played all correctly. Rengar can spot you, and run away from you with his R, he can also make your jungling experience extremely tilting if he knows how to jungle. He can easily invade you without problem unless you ward. The only advice I can give is that in order to keep him from canceling your burst is to hold your R back and play around his CDs and bait. If played correctly you can 1v1 him without a problem. With his R there is really nothing you can do. If he is stronger than you and can one-shot you, you should run away from this and wait until its on CD to stealth back in.”
FULL-DEPTH Evelynn Guide ꨄ - 14.22 by Kazuh | Evelynn Player
mgutis says “Although I don't recommend banning Rengar to anyone below Challenger, generally speaking he is a strong counter to Karthus. His empowered W is very strong against Karthus who is primarily a burst champion. Hard matchup. ”
Kema says “Pretty rare in low elo, and most don't have the mechanics to pull him off properly. If they're smurfing just ff 15.”
shiifox says “best not to engage in 1v1 and instead lock him down with team”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
stefanko says “Don't use your e too early, he can kite it easily, look to pull wave towards river level 1, so he can't use bushes as easily, try to ignite his w. His trade pattern will be to w after you burst and stun him, so look to go for short trade with ur w, and once he used his w you can all in him as he wont be able to heal the big chunk of your damage. Another think to pay attention to when you all in is, you wanna try to fight when he doesnt have minions to jump to, cause again, the only way he wins all in is if you waste your e too early, or if he cant kite your e.(lt, ignite)”
[14.20] Stefanko's Challenger In Depth Jax Guide by stefanko | Jax Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can easily invade you all game and one shot you early. You really can't do anything vs this champion. Try to figure out where he started and track him accordingly.”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Difficult match-up because he can negate your burst and chase/kill you. Beware as he can reveal you invisible.”
WIP - [14.19] Your Average Shaco Main Guide by Le Korvo | Shaco Player
UrPersonalGod says “Watch out for his invades. If he manages to snowball he can 1v9. If he uses r you can predict r on your adcs to peel them.”
Comprehensive Shyvana Guid all Builds by UrPersonalGod | Shyvana Player
Jackiewawa says “Dark seal back. Rengar can look to invade level 3, get a ward at your buff or river bush and do your outer camps first. You can fight him once you get Nashor's, save W for when he jumps on you with R. Go Zhonyas 2nd if he's extremely fed to use on his R. Try to track him and countergank if viable.”
DoxxTheLeague says “Unplayable vs a good rengar he will perma invade you make it pain to play but you are 10x him in teamfights still my personal ban rush zhonyas into this matchup as second item after liandrys”
Doxx's OTP Lillia guide (GM JUNGLE OTP) by DoxxTheLeague | Lillia Player
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