In the Jungle 48.33% Win Rate86% Pick RateRengar In the Jungle Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rengar in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kazuh says “I consider Rengar a matchup you wont go against usually in low elo, but if you are against him it is unplayable.
Rengar is a very interesting champion in my opinion, because if you are against a noob Rengar you can easily one-shot him and outperform him. However, if he is a real Rengar OTP it is over. Rengar can easily W over your burst resulting in CDs and death, it is very hard to outplay him if he is better than you and is holding his CDs to kill you.
Rengar can easily one-shot you and invade you, AND 1v1 if played all correctly. Rengar can spot you, and run away from you with his R, he can also make your jungling experience extremely tilting if he knows how to jungle. He can easily invade you without problem unless you ward.
The only advice I can give is that in order to keep him from canceling your burst is to hold your R back and play around his CDs and bait. If played correctly you can 1v1 him without a problem.
With his R there is really nothing you can do. If he is stronger than you and can one-shot you, you should run away from this and wait until its on CD to stealth back in.”
mgutis says “Although I don't recommend banning Rengar to anyone below Challenger, generally speaking he is a strong counter to Karthus. His empowered W is very strong against Karthus who is primarily a burst champion. Hard matchup. ”
stefanko says “Don't use your e too early, he can kite it easily, look to pull wave towards river level 1, so he can't use bushes as easily, try to ignite his w. His trade pattern will be to w after you burst and stun him, so look to go for short trade with ur w, and once he used his w you can all in him as he wont be able to heal the big chunk of your damage. Another think to pay attention to when you all in is, you wanna try to fight when he doesnt have minions to jump to, cause again, the only way he wins all in is if you waste your e too early, or if he cant kite your e.(lt, ignite)”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can easily invade you all game and one shot you early. You really can't do anything vs this champion. Try to figure out where he started and track him accordingly.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark seal back. Rengar can look to invade level 3, get a ward at your buff or river bush and do your outer camps first. You can fight him once you get Nashor's, save W for when he jumps on you with R. Go Zhonyas 2nd if he's extremely fed to use on his R. Try to track him and countergank if viable.”
DoxxTheLeague says “Unplayable vs a good rengar he will perma invade you make it pain to play but you are 10x him in teamfights still my personal ban
rush zhonyas into this matchup as second item after liandrys”
Ashu Primu says “Another player skill matchup. If the Rengar knows what he's doing as a jungler/rengar player, you're cooked. His R and E deal with your stealth and his W undoes your burst. Maximize your farming and try to get ahead and then get the jump on him to beat him. If he falls behind, this becomes a non-threat.”
ScytherKhaZix says “Rengar is like Kha'Zix, when he has feed you have trouble killing him and when you have feed he has trouble killing you. REMEMBER a lot of Rengar players like to do invade you lvl 3 you have to take this into account and be careful because you have no chance of winning a fight with him that quickly unless you have help from mid or support”
orka4.sandraj says “You need a lot of skill for this type of match, it will be rough, you need to never lower your guard outside your jungle earlygame and NEVER lower it ANYWHERE in late. Unless he jumps you from a bush/uses R he will have hard time attacking you, watch out for those empowered Ws he can use after jumping you and dont duel him if he buys Edge of the Night.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is very hard. You need to perma-freeze near your turret; if you're pushing, he will constantly jump on you from the bushes so you need to stay away from them. If he has full stacks he can heal up a ton of your harass with his empowered W so save cooldowns until he uses it. Make sure to dodge his E to avoid getting slowed or snared. If he Ults onto you, with perfect timing, you can Ult him away and not take damage or Ult him towards a tower for a free kill. You can also time Zhonya's Hourglass while he's leaping at you to completely avoid his Ult.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Rengar is heavily reliant on level 3 jungle invades which Neeko is weak at. I suggest you track him down and play slowly and carefully in your jungle. Once he gets his bonetooth necklace complete it might be a hard time for you. Though rengar may easily be bursted with your full combo. Make sure he doesn't have an empowered [W] ready.”
Yomu says “He can break your fully charged E stun and heal to full from it. He can move around your E super fast from empowered spells movement speed Does good enough damage to force your E But if you do live from his combo you win after”
masrigod says “A skilled Rengar is tough to defeat. Typically, the one who engages first wins unless the other is exceptionally strong. Be careful of his fury; if he can execute a 4-fury combo, stay away. Buying Zhonyas or an early armguard is a must.”
Exxidara says “Normally its not that tough if he is cced by something else before we do our full combo but if he didnt then most likely he will just regen our whole combo with his w and he basically outsustain us (if he facecheck us on equal item we still can win)”
lolWillieP says “Show the little kitty cat what true AD burst looks like. I run over scrubnoob (challengar Rango player) - it's a super easy matchup for AD Udyr”
gnarz says “Most disgusting champion to play against, I personally always ban him, and you should as well. He can heal your whole burst, his ult reveals you, and he can perma invade you and not let you play.”
Maciejson says “His early game power allows him to invade you at will, so it's best to avoid confrontation. You really can't beat him due to his double W heal, so avoid fighting him and look to counter-gank his ultimate if possible. As Rhaast, try to knock him up when he hops on you. As Shadow Assassin, you can burst him out if you bait his heal, but it's easier for him to get to you first.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Hard matchup. Rengar has a strong level 3 invade window and can kill you easily. Hard to duel Rengar early, but after Nashor’s spike it becomes easy. Use your W when he full commits on you for the armour. Try your best to track his pathing and scale ASAP.”
Baby_Driver says “bone plating is amazing vs him.
Keep track of his passive stacks.
Whenever he jumps on you, auto-W him immediately. Do not waste your pull early.”
huncho1v9 says “- Hard matchup. In lower elos this matchup is easy, because playing Rengar is hard. In higher elos this matchup becomes difficult. Rengar can punish Hecarim at any point in the earlygame. You don’t win against his level 3 cross map invade, but if you’re able to farm and force him to match you tempo-wise, it’s not that bad. Conq is favoured in this matchup, for the dueling potential, but it depends on enemy comp.”
PillowHex says “This massive creep loves waiting for you to walk too close to a bush before jumping out and attacking you. Keep your eyes peeled and your wards peelier.”
Dreamer1v9 says “Rengar will always be an annoying champion for Evelynn. Any champ that can spot Evelynn quite easily like Rek'Sai are usually very annoying matchup's.
Rengar early is one of the strongest champion's in the game. His kit can completely destroy you and 1-shot you extremely fast.
Rengar is a champion you do not want to duel at all early. This matchup is completely unplayable if you are against a good Rengar.
I suggest you to either dodge or ignore him for most of the game.”
astral 1v9 says “good rengar can give you a run for your money, this champ sometimes just spawns with infinite kills for fun but if ur even u win 1v1 and dictate map control ”
Mignognium says “Si vous oubliez que votre [E] existe, il va vous massacrer, sinon presser [E] quand il essaye de vous ult et même quand vous vous battez contre lui proche des buissons, essayez de rester coller a lui et vous devriez gagner après que votre [R] est touché. ”
tradtrad says “Slightly Lee Sin favoured, you won't come across that many deadly Rengar players, especially after Profane Hydra nerfs. Right now he is absurdly broken but he is countered by the fact that a lot of people playing him right now don't know how to play him properly. It's easy to mess up on Rengar if you don't know your kit and cooldowns properly so you can punish bad Rengar players. You can also kick him off your carries in fights.”
IvernGott says “I Perma ban Rengar every game! His kit comepletly benefits from Iverns kit. Not only because of the W (bushmaker) creating Jump possibilities for Rengar. But also His W that cancles Iverns Q (rootcaller) and also Iverns R Knock up. Also rengar can really abuse Iverns early game by cheesing him in Iverns own Jungle by invading him permanent.
In mid/late game a fed rengar can just walk over Ivern without consequences!”
ShadySceptile says “He can invade you, he has the first jump on you in a 1v1 as assassins.
His R gives vision if you are in R, very annoying to operate in teamfights”
Shok3r says “Too much damage and finding it in your JG is death. Not recommended to look for a fight or a counter gank, he may end up breaking your game if you don't take care of him, and if he knows how to track it is difficult to win the game.”
Cookiemanman says “Due to Rengar's W ability he can cleanse / heal back most of the burst damage Volibear applies to him. It is also somewhat hard for Volibear to peel this champion off of his carries later into the game.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “The only champion that I struggled a lot, he can oneshot you before you can use any abilities. Zhonya's is must vs him, especially if he goes ahead. ”
tr0l3k says “Asasyni będą mogli nas łatwo oneshotować w late i mid gamie ale rada na to jest prosta mianowicie wardowanie tylko swojej jungli oraz czasami smoka, voids i heralda. Najlepszym przykładem takiego niebezpiecznego assasyna, który może nas szybko wyeleminować będzie Rengar.”
HawkSP says “Rengar capitalizes on Ivern's brush-making to his advantage, turning a key component of Ivern's kit against him. His ability to leap from brushes combined with the reduced cooldown on Ivern's brushes in recent patches makes Rengar a nightmare matchup. It's advisable to ban him to prevent losing control over brush-centric strategies.”
Jhingle says “He is very strong and u wanna rush banshee or jonyas against him, he has lots of damage and easily oneshots you, also his ult can spot u or ur effigy in fow.To escape that u need banshee.”
EnderRed29 says “A little bit overrated matchup except against very good Rengar players. In my opinion it's just a skill matchup, all you have to do is playing when he doesn't have his ultimate that you can't hide from.
ONE-SHOT him before he does.”
X3mHills says “You are stronger in teamfights, but it is essential to have Zhonya's Hourglass. Don't forget to place plenty of wards and avoid early skirmishes. If you are playing as Kindred or Kha'zix, be prepared for constant invasions, so having a reliable support who can place vision in all bushes is crucial.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Rengar: Not that hard you can cc him when he jump on you but still he is assasin so your team will get oneshotted if they are bad and he can solo carry.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Dont try to fight him in jungle.. Objectives should be free and track him a lot so you can tell your team his location”
PuppyDontPreach says “he will invade and feed off you early game. amazing permaban. but, if you want to counterplay: invest in zhonyas. ward his raptors or jungle whenever you can (or ask midlane) so you can path away from rengar since any rengar who isn't playing with their ass on the keyboard will spam invade. stay in a group and stay out of bushes (tragic i know) because otherwise if you ult he can still jump to you after. also don't charm when his ult is up, it'll cancel.”
VainTaka says “If for any reason he builds into a tank. Yup, big problem, and you are left with peeling all game. He is a jungle or top, with standard lethality. It's a big problem if his first item was built before 10 minutes. GG go next.”
RuinedJG says “Can be a massive issue if the Rengar player is decent, will 1 shot you off the face of the planet, will heal all your burst, i like bruiser into him so i can sustain his 1 shot and duel him in open lanes, stay away from bushes late game, early game you can win with conqueror, same idea as against nocturne around 6, tell your team he can gank.”
kcjackal__ says “Clear from blue buff down when facing rengar. They will look to invade you on your blue side if you start red a majority of your games. Your goal is to avoid him solo pre lvl 6. Dodging is also a good option if you see rengar locked in.”
Eternal_fullclear says “I permaban Rengar, it is a really cringe matchup. Rengar has early game power over you, He is the better assassin and just generally a disgusting champ to play against.”
Liventii says “Tout simplement le plus gros counter d'Evelynn. Il peut se heal tout le burst en un spell, révèle Evelynn invisible avec son R et peut donc se permettre d'invade sans aucun problème. Un enfer.”
jajkopajko says “He generally wins this matchup, early it isnt that bad, you can stun him, pop ghost and run, once he is lvl 6+ its terrible, i would recommend going zhonya 3rd item and mostly try to counter gank.”
shatteredekko says “High threat like Kha'Zix. Can outplay his burst with your R. Rengar will try to double q you when he jumps on you so try to mitigate the damage with R or W. Besides that it is extremley hard to fight him at any stage of the game. His ganks are a lot weaker then yours though so make use of that strength.”
Daawwnn says “can duel you easily anywhere in the jungle at any point in the game only moment where he wouldnt oneshot you is when u press a max rank E personally i recommend banning everygame”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Build Bruiser to not get one shot by him or Build Zhonya's. Check bushes with Q! Try to pay attention to his stacks and respond accordingly ”
veipz says “Some of hecarim players give rengar extreme hard matchup i dont think that hard u just cant fight crab in early game, if he comes ur red u win 1v1 rengar's full clear is really low health clear if your bot has prio u can invade. when second camp respawn timers come 6:30-40 he can invade u. Dont waste any time against him. vs rengar taking river control is important ward as you can. Late game u outscale him if he is not gonna snowball.”
loganrichards says “He can break your fully charged E stun and heal to full from it.
He can move around your E super fast from empowered spells movement speed
Does good enough damage to force your E
But if you do live from his combo you win after”
Pullks says “Rengar has a good early game, so you have to be careful. Another dangerous points are his burst and taunt removal by his empowered roar. ”
SesaPrime says “Rengar steps in a brush and just sits there.....until you step in range for him to pounce every time. Camille cannot match Rengar if he has good positioning for control of the brushes to freely pounce every opportunity he has.
He breaks out of CC's & has empowered damage/effects to his abilities & can heal back the HP he lost in any trade. While you do outscale him, he has the tools to prevent you from reaching that prime status....”
garbocan says “This wasn't always a bad matchup, in fact it was previously Ivern favored. However, with Ivern's bush cooldown significantly reduced, Rengar is an almost mandatory permaban.
80% of bush tech becomes unusable when Rengar is present. You can't protect your team from targeted abilities, speed yourself up with Gustwalker, increase your damage, etc.
If you have to play against him, go Mosstomper and use bushes primarily for vision.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a good time against Rengar, due to Briar’s strong anti-burst(E Damage Reduction) and Briar’s Passive effect against Rengar his burst damage into low damage kit.
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed then Rengar.
Briar should be careful against Rengar before some levels into W and level 6 R <—> Briar E can easily disengage against Rengar (Depending on the Brush placement and knock back), Rengar can extend the chase by using 4 Ferocity E —> This will lower Rengar his stat check a lot.
Valkidol says “Champion has 3 HP bars. He can heal your whole combo with a well timed W, then beat you in the extended fight. He can avoid your oneshots while also rolling you over with the slightest lead. Unfavourable.”
DeritGG_ says “Whenever Rengar gets a lead in early game he will turn into a big threat in midgame as Udyr requires 2 Items in order to be strong and have survivability whilst Rengar can snowball with 1 item”
didohimself says “If he gets ahead of you , just FF , no coming back , disgustingly cringe champ. Try to time your W with his jump. Also save E for when fighting him :)”
DarkAuraLOL says “Rengar is my permanent ban, this matchup is very annoying, he can heal your whole burst throughout the whole game with his W. He can invade you whenever he wants, and your mobility is nothing against his due to his bush jump passive. he can just stun you and your e is useless, he can jump around with your q's, has insane burst and early dps. has insane counter gank potential to you, cause he can camp bushes and just lock you down with his team if you want to gank. Generally I'd ban him, but if you want to deal with him, just don't face check bushes unless with your e, so you can have the Dot indicator that he's there, avoid him early, never look to fighting him unless you have form.”
Briar can just use her E whenever Rengar tries to do his Pounce combo on her. Reduces his burst and allows you to turn the fight. Forces rengar to ult away from you”
Coccaa says “you can pillar his leap if you time it right and just beat him down at that point and you will win as long as he's not giga fed.. i usually would take coup de grace against burst assassins like this because if you're low enough hp to proc last stand then you'll probably die to their burst anyway, so might as well go coup de grace to try and chomp them to death”
Centaur says “His ult reveals you, can very easily run you down if you facecheck bush, heals ALL burst with W, has insane burst + counterganks, HARD counter to Eve (recommended ban”
MusicJG says “Avoid bushes.
He will out dps you early game if you get near one.
Careful for level 3 invade, even if you have Grit stacked and he gets in a bush, he can contest you.
You outscale and can match him with Steelcaps if he's not very fed.”
TheBougis says “Rengar is stronger than you early - mid game because of his decently high dps.
Once you reach late game he is an absolute one-shot machine, luckily your'e not the one he can one-shot, when you see his ult, stay very close to your duo and the moment you see Rengar jumping from his ult, you need to ult your duo to help him survive the burst. ”
Claws HD says “His new E reveals invisible targets. I start and clear to the opposite side Rengar clears to, play through my laners and avoid him as much as possible. If I get fed I have a chance at 1v1ing, but it's better to focus on the neutral objectives and play as a team.”
Lennox2 says “If you have ever dreamed of solo carrying, then go back dreaming because you don't win against this guy. I PERMA ban Rengar because I just can't deal with this anymore. Should be your go-to ban as well.”
Zero macro says “Rengar has unlimited chase potential in brushes and in the jungle, thereby he has anti burst healing and strong output early and later in the game. Nidalee has to try to use walls at her advantage to remain new cooldowns while rengar W cooldown longer than her 2de rotation in order to win. --> Later in the game when ahead, Nidalee can use one rotation to win. When even or behind, Zhonya's Hourglass becomes a strong counter option.”
Zero macro says “Recommended to go Lethal Tempo, unless you can group burst Rengar early on. Rengar relies heavy on on-hit due to his Q's. This is why Shen is strong into him in a group. Shen early strength will weaken really fast into Rengar. Rengar can buy Serpents Fang as well.”
Zero macro says “Rengar gains early strength from lvl 3+ over Zed. Zed can win easily when he runs Ignite, but thats not worth it due to how valueable flash is for Zed. Rengar W healing which can be optained twice due to ferocity. Will prevent damage from an entire Zed combo. Recommended to play it slow into Rengar, combined with rushing executioners healing reduction.
Be aware of Rengar Snare setup into Zed R placement.”
Scratchyerik says “It's weird. He's essentially no threat to you but it's very hard to lock him down if he just keeps his cleanse. While fed he still can't kill you but your backline will die before your Q can dodge. Gotta be cracked and hit the instant R.”
NegativePhoenix says “Full AP = Death. Would stray away from full AP against him. His damage gets nuts but if you can out-tank him long enough to hold him still off your team you have good shots. If he can't be fed he can't do his damage he needs early game to get ahead. Just know his W is a cleanse when empowered so watch for that when stunning.”
metalhydra273 says “Rengar can dance around you by abusing bush stealth and his w cleanse. Watch his bar and time your cc well, and he'll really struggle to affect your carries unpunished (provided he isn't one shotting them). Play as if he has a qss if his bar is full and stick to your backline if his ult is active. With good play his teamfight effectiveness is nil. A fed Rengar will make life hell, but an even Skarner makes him nigh-useless. Still, the outplay potential is in his hands, and it's up to you to find ways around it if you want to fight him.”
TruckDriver says “Try not to blow your burst before he uses double W, he'll just heal everything back. Again, weaker early than Lee Sin if you play his ferocity right.”
Waqql says “MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOW or rather RRRRRAAAAAWWWWWWWRRRRR. Honestly, let him push. Keep your minions close to your tower and position yourself on the far wall, as seen from the bush. He will jump on minions to last-hit them, which is your chance to trade. When Rengar jumps on a minion, try to proc your W on him, but don't get too close. Once he goes back into the bush, he can jump again. Once he reaches level 6, stay close to your cozy tower. Try to wait with about 90 Rage, for Rengar snacking on your minions and then jump directly onto him while using Q in mid-air. As Mega Gnar, ult him away from the bushes and use W. Don't let him reach the bushes! Long story short: stay at the tower, wait for help, trade when he kills a minion. If you engage as Mega Gnar, keep him away from the bushes and don't die, please.”
MrFerrot says “Like Kha'zix, he will one-shot you. He falls off a cliff and can't really gank too well pre-6, so play with a tempo and gank/counter-gank advantage early. Later, play to avoid him. You out-farm him always.”
Apari1010 says “My current permaban. How they haven't nerfed this champ into the dirt is beyond me. He will likely invade you and try to kill you and if you aren't careful, he will likely succeed. If he gets 5 kills/assists early it's pretty much GG. He will win every single 1v1 even if you have ignite. Even once you have form this matchup becomes a bit more playable. Death's Dance and Randuin's Omen are mandatory against him. Rhaast is more playable than Shadow Assassin in this matchup because he cannot cleanse your knockup with his empowered W.”
shacolovesyou says “ur nightmare, he counters u really well with his R that can reveals u, maybe u can kill him while his abilities are in cooldown in the jungle”
Sh4dow44 says “In low elo he shouldn't be a big problem because u won't get invaded as much, for high elo its a pretty disgusting champ to play against as kayn”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Use your E if he is ready to jump at you and try to stand at the very edge. Use W when he jumps. (clone rating 6/10 depends on bushes)”
VrNtv says “Rengar is by far one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. He can simply heal all of your burst instantly, and he can perma invade you in the jungle. His ulti reveals you in stealth which is a huge counter as Eve plays around her stealth mechanic.”
Borinn says “If he gets early kills it becomes very hard for you to win. Keep your bushes warded so you don't get surprised by him. Your 2v2 are favorable.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Pretty hard matchup. Fighting him early is already difficult as he is very mobile and his empowered W allows him to ignore your E. Tends be forced to get kills early or he will be useless. Try and fight him in 2v2 or 3v3s with a strong cc ally”
Purecactus says “Nightmare matchup. You need to be wary of brushes and facechecking brushes can be one way ticket back to fountain. Only way to win is if you focus heavily on tracking Rengar and try o counter gank him as much as possible. Counter invading him is also important to make sure that you have farm lead. ”
proxarius says “Ban Rengar in Emerald+, but if the player is bad and doesn't get ahead this match-up becomes relatively easy. He will hold stacks to try and cleanse your w. ”
Hazardist says “Rengar has enough damage to burst you immediately as soon as he hits one completed item and it will always be hard to see him coming and predict his ambushes. Build deffensively and don't fall behind in the early game, or else he will take you out of the game.”
King Nyash says “He will burst you down try to avoid him and work on the opposite side of the map you kill him if you get your form and he is not ahead ”
khaevolved says “Rengar counters Kha so hard, his e makes you visible, and his w makes him regain the hp he lost last seconds, his r also makes you visible and his q doesn't need isolation which means he can fight you at camps.”
Majd1 says “Defeating Rengar is possible if you know how to play against him. It's crucial that you avoid crossing paths with him by choosing a different side of the map to play on. Rengar is particularly strong in the early game and can win every duel. Therefore, it's essential that you avoid facechecking him or getting invaded at level 3 while attempting to clear your second buff. Doing so will make him an extreme threat and give him the upper hand for the rest of the game. To counter Rengar, it's recommended to keep track of his ferocity stacks and invest in an early Zhonya's Hourglass or Seeker's Armguard to increase your chances of survival.”
1Strike says “Rengar mains will tell you this is a good matchup for Graves but that's mostly because they have a low IQ level (look at their winrates off rengar)
This matchup is terrible. Given equal footing, you do not win. He overpowers you with his burst, while able to heal your burst. If you end up in this matchup, your best bet is to avoid him in the river and force favourable 2v2/3v3. Get fed then you can pound him because Graves is good into him with a lead.
I personally ban rengar
Also start at red buff.
Narcissisticdude says “Theoretically just a better Shaco, in practice however, Rengar is an extremely mechanical champion who is relatively weak when behind. My main mechanical tips for kitty kat are
1. You can dodge half his burst if you can reaction speed him jumping out of a bush/r'ing you with your R.
2. If he R's make sure you are not the one being revealed as it sees through your q
Non-Mechanical Tips:
1. Often goes for a level 3 invade on your side, be ready, don't fight in a bush, you CAN win but it's stupid hard and he has to misplay.”
Smudey says “He wins early since he sits in the bushes and takes mostly one-sided trades. At lvl 3 you can block his Qs with your W. Try to trade with him by only using 1-2 empowered Qs and back off. Don't trade if he has stacks, only if he has like 0 or 1 stacks.”
checca says “Rengar, alongside Master Yi, is one of Zac's easiest matchups. Same concept, bring Aftershock and build Thornmail; they will always be useless after your two items. Rengar will never be able to fight you. If you need to peel for your team, sit next to whoever has Rengar's R mark on them. The only counter to Rengar is standing together.”
basrty1p says “He's fastest assassin I've ever seen. Buit after a lot of items nerf during patch, he's not that strong anymore. You have a lot of peel and stun. If he tries to jump unto you, press E and he die. Just don't let him kill you or teammate in early game.”
lovicoaching says “I mostly win vs this champ, I played vs it so many times I know everything these people do already. Still ban it if I don't ban Kindred or something because it's an extremely boring champion to face. Protecting from level 1 invade, warding against level 3 invades, and adapting clears is key. After that it's usually pretty free tbh. Flippy matchup if they full clear but most of them flip invade and lose game.”
Boptimus says “Rengar is brutal for the first few levels so you need to play back away from bushes and wait for the wave to push to you.
Grab as much CS as you can and eventually you should be able to start trading with him once you've gotten a bit of Armor.
Luckily you can negate a huge chunk of Rengars combo with W, then shove him further away from bushes. Once you take a few good trades you can all in.”
Suki545 says “Rengar has insane early game and skirmishing potential,good rengar players will deny hecarims ganks and make him fall behind because of his strenghts.”
Davecraft16 says “Don't fight him near bushes pre lvl 6; after lvl 6 you can try to fight him only if he isn't ahead of you. Unless he starts getting fed you should be able to outscale him. Some armor items like plated steelcaps are recommended.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Hecarim favoured, he can invade you lvl 3 but you can save your ward to cover yourself from that. Tip: Make sure when Rengar is ulting you have e activated and
use attack move. This will cancel his leap and all his burst.”
firetaliyah says “The only reason Rengar is in major for me is that he can kill you with bush cheeses. You can easily catch him and kill him in skirmishes and teamfights. Try not to interact early unless you aren't close to bushes and have a good spacing for your spells.”
Blubtastic says “Aggressive jungler that can abuse Zac's weak early game. Has good tools to stop Zac and get away, and can burst teammates before you're able to peel.”
Kukiziuu_ says “In my opinion its totally skill matchup. Good rengar will make hard times for you. If you play rhaast you should be fine until he dont snowball early. Try to counter gank him and do objectives. Hes stronger early and late game. if you play assasin you cant oneshot him because of his W that can heal him up in a second. As i said try to have as much vision as possible. Its still put in even because its winnable matchup and its not that hard to win against him.”
Bhyure33 says “Like Kha'zix he can burst you down at midgame before you can properly react, but unlike Kha'zix Rengar can face some issues with good rng, like the map losing almost all bushes due to infernal dragon. But he is also quite good early.”
another player says “Lot of Rengar players start on red-side for early level invade. U have no chance against assasin. Gank as much as possible to aply pressure on all lanes.”
ErniBurni says “Skillmatchup und geh auf Q oder W evolve, weil Rengar seine E Vision gibt, wenn er dich trifft oder er seine ulti macht. Kauf Ninja Tabi vs Rengar”
Hazardist says “Rengar is deceivably durable and, most importantly, his W offers a free QSS effect which means you should be careful before spending your Impale on him. In the early game, he also outdamages you by a large margin so focus more on objectives and arriving well equipped to the mid-game.”
Xerath gaming says “Shouldn't be too hard to beat since if he jumps and you press E he will be so deep in the lane that you can kill him most likely. Your R is free lane, if you feed him early you will get oneshot, but not many people play him top”
MythicalMinute says “Rengar can be a pain if he invades you and you're utterly clueless about it but you can go AP with the option of Zhonyas second if you feel like your ult takes too long to dodge his ult. Most of the time with AP Shaco, Rengar can't enter fights due to your box spam, even with inbuilt qss boxes are too much for him.
I dislike AD into rengar purely because if you burst him down to 20% within a second, he can heal it all instantly with empowered W.
So AP allows for longer fights meaning he'll heal less.
AP is great here.
ItsSplash says “Rengar's early game prowess combined with the fact that his ultimate can reveal Evelynn from half the map away whether shes camo'd or not make Rengar one of the hardest Evelynn counters.
Try your best to survive this matchups early game and whenever Rengar tries to R you, you must R instantly away before he gets his E-Bola strike onto you.”
BLaggen says “stat check the champ
ur only hope is to take conq into this guy. cant really win 1v1 vs him most of the time try to avoid it bc theres no coming back”
spuki97 says “If you are not experienced in this matchup then I suggest banning Rengar. If however you end up versus him, try to do blue > gromp > red and invade his blue side as he usually starts red buff and gets pretty chunked until he gets to blue. Never underestimate his damage tho, he can fight you even being 1 item behind. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “Pretty unplayable without Zhonya's as he will one shot you, but if he can't one shot you then you melt his face as he's not that fast, and really squishy.”
We1garLoL says “A good Rengar is very hard to beat. Who ever gets the first hit in usually wins unless the other is extremely strong. Play around his fury, if he has a way to get 4 fury combo then avoid at all costs. Zhonyas or an early armguard is a good purchase.”
Kao_Oak says “He can't really beats you in 1v1 unless he is really ahead and/or has a lot of bushes to play with. If he R you just use your W to soak his burst and turn him into mince meat.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “If the enemy jungle chose Rengar, you may be better off dodging queue, for your own sake. Rengar deletes you as easily as SA Kayn, and has similar roam and gank potential to Kayn once he has his Ultimate.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Cancel his ult/hops with your E and wail on him he is an assassin that can regen with his W rinse and repeat just peel your carries from his ult.”
Cheeseypops1 says “you have to give alot of cs vs this champ early game, dont fight him pre 6 you will probably lose unless you already have an advantage, Rush Steelcaps, Also never ever R him if he hasn't used an empowered ability in the fight yet because his empowered W will cleanse your R like gp oranges, But once you get Steelcaps/leeching leer or Steelcaps/Wardens mail you should win a fight to death if he doesnt outplay you with brushes ”
Eagzey says “It's not that Rengar's kit counters ours, it's just that he's very hard to kill even if he goes full assassin. It's also very hard to dodge his R ambush so make sure your finger is ready to press R as soon as he appears. Also harder to kite out because of his brush jump.”
Coach Myga says “This match up is very hard. You want to be very wary of brushes, especially before going to fights. Try to stick to walking around the map via lanes & keeping good track of Rengar. You can try and counter gank him early, but I don't recommend fighting him in river etc for crabs. I strongly recommend an on-hit build versus him instead of the critical strike build. On-hit builds offer more options for defensive items which will help versus Rengar. If he can't kill you in one rotation in the midgame it's very easy to turn the game & get the W. ”
YuzukiJG says “ I would normally consider rengar a minor threat because after level 6 he should completely get stomped in this matchup. The reason he's major is that he wins every single fight around the bushes pre 6. He can fully heal twice and burst you with full stacks. Make sure to ward and not fight him even if you have to give a camp or two pre 6.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, Rengar may try to cheese you to get an early health lead. You can reduce his all-in potential by waiting for him to show before walking forward. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map so Rengar cannot jump out of the bushes and trade with you. Furthermore, stick towards the bottom side of the lane at all times to make it harder for him to jump on you. Once Rengar hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate Thrill of the Hunt(R), he may look for the all-in. Alternatively, if he is unable to kill you, he may push the wave and try to roam with his Ultimate. If he leaves lane post 6, make sure you ping that he’s gone to reduce the chances of him getting a successful Ultimate off.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, Rengar may try to cheese you to get an early health lead. You can reduce his all-in potential by waiting for him to show before walking forward. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map so Rengar cannot jump out of the bushes and trade with you. Furthermore, stick towards the bottom side of the lane at all times to make it harder for him to jump on you. Once Rengar hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate Thrill of the Hunt(R), he may look for the all-in. Alternatively, if he is unable to kill you, he may push the wave and try to roam with his Ultimate. If he leaves lane post 6, make sure you ping that he’s gone to reduce the chances of him getting a successful Ultimate off.”
Aenimatora says “Extrem hard enemy in the Jungle. At 6 he can basically terrorize you all the time. If he doesn´t do so he will pay the debt later in the game, as you outscale everyone and anything”
BOSNIA AGONY 666 says “now, this is where the stuff starts to get serious.. as shaco once said; "WHY SO SERIOUS", hehehe... well, this is why.. this is where the original Rat IRL phrase of "ban rengar, stack red" comes from.. really broken champion, cannot escape from him, i would seriously recommend banning him”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rengar will try to power farm early so he can get his Thrill of the Hunt(R) and start ganking more effectively. Try to delay this power spike by invading him and stealing away his camps. Try to place vision inside Rengars jungle so you know where he is at all times. If you spot him on the top side (pre-level 6), try to invade the bottom side jungle and take his camps. Alternatively, you can gank the bottom lane. It isn’t uncommon for Rengar to repeatedly gank a lane over and over again. If he has just ganked your lane, expect him to return shortly afterwards.”
TowerOfGray11 says “Rengar can try to one shot you, but if you have any health items yet like "Shadowflame", he can't really do much. When he tries to one shot you, you can one shot him back, but only really in the mid-late game. Otherwise you'll just die and won't be able to do much damage to him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rengar will try to power farm early so he can get his Thrill of the Hunt(R) and start ganking more effectively. Try to delay this power spike by invading him and stealing away his camps. Try to place vision inside Rengars jungle so you know where he is at all times. If you spot him on the top side (pre-level 6), try to invade the bottom side jungle and take his camps. Alternatively, you can gank the bottom lane. It isn’t uncommon for Rengar to repeatedly gank a lane over and over again. If he has just ganked your lane, expect him to return shortly afterwards.”
Sambino says “Rengar is Rumble's next hardest matchup. Even if you are lvl 3, Rengar can still easily win a 1v1 because he can just W your burst damage. Once you have tried to burst him and he just W's it, you will lose every time. Try to ward early so you can spot if he tries to invade you at a buff. NEVER try to fight this champion 1v1. There is no scenario which you win. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, Rengar may try to cheese you to get an early health lead. You can reduce his all-in potential by waiting for him to show before walking forward. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map so Rengar cannot jump out of the bushes and trade with you. Furthermore, stick towards the bottom side of the lane at all times to make it harder for him to jump on you. Once Rengar hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate, he may look for the all-in. Alternatively, if he is unable to kill you, he may push the wave and try to roam with his Ultimate. If he leaves lane post 6, make sure you ping that he’s gone to reduce the chances of him getting a successful Ultimate off.”
lumihehe says “FIRST AND FOREMOST: TAKE ARMOUR IN YOUR RUNES. now,i hate this matchup a lot, but you definitely can win it. deep wards are key, and if you see him ulting towards you in your jungle, run away (not into a bush) and pray that you live, you can't fight him early-mid game unfortunately. similarly to poppy though, if you farm better you typically win this.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Rengar will just clap you away when he's 1 item above you, if you even go Rhaast you're dead. Might have changed due to the durability patch, I sadly see barely rengar players, so I won't change this threat level at all.”
Salmon Kid says “Rengar is really strong this patch and can outheal Lillia in some circumstances. This can be frustrating and Lillia's damage occurs over time and gets layered which is hard against Rengar W. Rengar has some hard cc in his bola and ways to get directly on top of you, but Lillia can peel Rengar out so long as she doesn't die from the intial engage which this build helps to negate through zhonyas and frozen heart. ”
Darksword255 says “Hold Q so you can follow him when he jumps or if he uses his R. You can mitigate all his damage with your E and u will out heal his damage. Tank-Rengar is hard because of his empowered W. Make sure to not CC him if he has full stacks of Ferocity.”
ThatsTheGodyr says “Makes a lot of Chaos. Esspecially botside. You can 1v1 him easily if even. Try to focus on Topside/Mid and Invading Topside. If possible: Try to countergank botside but don't waste your time”
rhvse says “Medium matchup. If your team dont feed him, you can easly kill him. Just stun him with your E and he is practically dead. Use your W to block his E and get more AS. Upgrade E first, he dont have any shield unless he buy Edge of Night.”
Nik7857 says “If you know a Rengar otp is in queue ban it. This champ counters you, because elise wants to get her damage off as fast as possible. His lvl 1 invade is also annoying. His W cleanse also counters you.”
ItsAydam says “I would normally consider rengar a minor threat because after level 6 he should completely get stomped in this matchup. The reason he's major is that he wins every single fight around the bushes pre 6. He can fully heal twice and burst you with full stacks. Make sure to ward and not fight him even if you have to give a camp or two pre 6.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game is a bit more easier but late game is his. Most Rengars build first strke and with the burst he has late game already you'll get one shot when he picks you out. If you can, fight him away from brush in 1v1s so he can't keep hopping on you. If he ults try to W him the second you notice where he's jumping from and Q away unless he's super weak and relies on his ult to get any real kill pressure.”
[Rengar is a very powerful assassin, he can literally oneshot your squishies in a fraction of second. However, he's orientated into AAs and so he's not good versus you. Just be aware, his empowered W cancels your E taunt and heals him a lot, he can magically survive if you manage to catch him and set him low.]
Scratchyerik says “If he has his empowered W or able to quickly cycle to it its easy for him to just outdamage and outsustain you. However you still outscale him and should be unable to assassinate you due to your E.”
HadesxLH says “Antes Rengar ja era um counter direto do viego devido ao seu powerpike midgame, após seu rework isso se tornou ainda mais evidente, devido ao fato de rengar ter o mesmo estilo de viego (early um pouco fraco, mid forte e late mediano) rengar pode vencer viego em literalmente qualquer momento do jogo oque torna dificil o combate contra o proprio sem o auxilio do seu time, nessa match up oque eu recomendo e trabalhar no erro de seu adversario e puni-lo sempre que possivel oque pode facilitar uma kill ou ate mesmo vantagem de CS, abuse dos ganks antes do lv 6 ja que mesmo os seus nao sendo tao fortes os de rengar sao mais fracos ainda, jogar para countergank tambem pode ser uma boa pedida e certifique-se de nao deixa-lo a frente pois caso isso aconteça sem aliados ao seu lado será praticamente impossivel derrota-lo ”
SunLongGod says “if he fed, you can fled. Your Q or W can avoid getting 1 shot combo like QEWQ, which can make him miss his E and W or reduce his damage. after ward you can go all in. You can buy Hourclass to annoy him tho.”
NegativePhoenix says “This cat is a literal counter to Evelynn in so many ways. He can just invade you and not have any issues doing it if he feels like he can get away with it. Not to mention he can just heal back all his burst with his W and his ult gives him true vision on you even if you're invisible, so there's no point in running from him if his ult is up.”
quinn adc says “Play the lane away from bushes. Ideally, shove him under tower or let him shove so he can't bush cheese you.
He wins if the lane is neutralized.
If he is in bush, E his Q leap, and then when he walks back to the bush, Q him before he enters so that he can't get the second leap off.
This combo is essential to take good trades against him, so only walk near the bush with your E up.
If you go even in this lane it is a big win for you because you outscale him if he isnt crazy fed.
If rengar cant one shot you post 6, you hard win the fight.
Thats why i like bone plating and plated steelcaps in this matchup.”
duowithdeath says “Kha’Zix but a bit easier to play vs, he can easily pick you before team fights in your own jungle with R, recommend buy zhonyas 2nd as it hardcounters him.”
OfficerVi says “Be VERY careful for his invade early game. You can't fight him until 1 item. Take Tabi's and play closer to your team. You can Q him out of his jump. ”
RLluka says “Just a disgusting annoying champ the way to beat it is just be ahead and have anti heal in your team cause you will not kill him if you dont.”
Shro says “Rengar is a major threat for Morde due to his incredible AD burst, but also because of his ability to remove your Ult through his empowered abilities.”
IamFafa says “Wins before you reach ur mythic, but then hard loses, so make sure you dont die to him while he invades your red. Great counter against rengar is ninja tabis and ulting before he gets 4 stacks of ferocity.”
evil in says “Rengar is one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. He can easily invade you early game and expose your position with his R. Try to avoid taking risks early game and ask your team to ward your jungle.”
Boptimus says “Sit back Level 1 and let him do whatever he wants. Once you hit level 2 you can E him if he tries to leap on you. Make sure you stay far away from bushes when your E is on cooldown. Eventually most Rengars will just stop trying to engage on you and start clearing and roaming, so make sure you communicate with pings whenever Rengar leaves lane.
Pick a Seeker's if you're struggling.”
AutisticBabyLvL10 says “He can be threatening pre 6, but after lvl 6 you should hard win any fight as long as he isnt fed and you have Plated steelcaps”
Majd1 says “Rengar can be beaten easily if you know how to play against him. It is very important that you do NOT path into Rengar which means that you want to path in a way where you avoid him and make sure that he is on the opposite of the map that you are. Rengar's strongest stages are in the early game because he will win every duel in the early levels and you do NOT want to facecheck him or get invaded level 3 on your second buff because if you do he will be an extreme threat for the rest of the game and take over the game. Make sure to watch his ferocity stacks and get an early Zhonya's/Seeker's Armguard to help you survive.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “This matchup used to be ever so slightly Kha' zix sided, but things have changed sorta. Avoid fighting him around bushes and build resistances to last you into the late game because he can regen all your damage with double W. If you do beat him, watch out for the event to get your fourth evolution. However, a decent Rengar will know how to pick his fights and where to fight you, so your best shot is assassinating him before he can react.”
Kat_Alien says “This big mad cat can see you even thru your Q. Only way to survive his R is to stay with your support such as lulu and try to survive that burst. Buy Guardian Angel or if you are going ap build that sweet zhonya. Good luck with hiding when he can smell your stinky cheese.”
YoungTact says “Can W His pounces but because he has a cleanse he can still outplay you. Your early game is a lot stronger in the jungle so look to out-tempo him through either invades or early game ganks. For rengar top it probably goes up to Major as the champion is a lane kingdom champion but you will most likely be more useful in teamfights. ”
DETDERT says “The battle of the nemesis. Kha'zix should always look for an early lead against rengar. Since rengar players, almost always full clears. Kha zix can find his moment, by shorten his pathing, and look for an early gank or an invade on rengar. Once khazix gets a lead, it should be unplayable for rengar.”
Novacane542 says “Assassins are a huge problem for karthus. Karthus has no escape and rengar can pick him off easily. He will look to counterjungle early so be prepared.”
Limaads says “Note: I probably have a different view on this matchup than other players. If I see a Rengar I dodge. The healing, gapclose, damage and fact Rengar is most played by experienced one tricks is enough to drive me away from ever playing against this matchup. Rengar actually scales very nicely with his passive and build paths this season so you can't reliably outscale like you would other junglers. Extremely hard to one shot him even if you reach your item spikes because of his grey health. The only advantage you have is that you have a lot more gank threat pre 6 but after that it's extremely easy for him to get fed off overextended teammates with his ult.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest. Phase Rush if needed.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Plated Steelcaps if his team is AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Bush is literally all of Rengar's gameplay, ward them, don't walk around them if you're not sure if it's safe. After-6 he doesn't need bushes to jump on you, so stay near your team and protect whoever he might jump into.”
Jksons says “he can invade you after his 3 camps so you need to ward bush behind your red or behind blue
bush on river entrance after clearing 3 camps”
Agatrium says “If he jumps on you, Q him, then follow him with E. Don't stand in the bushes to fight him, as that's what he wants. Let him come to you, then chunk him down. ”
Janooobi says “If Rengar gets an early lead he can become a problem so avoid him early and counter gank where possible, if you can avoid him getting an early lead you will be able to deal with him mid to late game”
DuckT says “You can counter him, but if he's good, he'll run tempo and jump before you can W his brush. It's really just a skill-check for the Rengar. You can avoid immediately dying. Don't just feed him W healing. He can heal 100% recent damage taken in the last 2.5s if he jumped at you, and 50% if he jumped with W. Don't waste damage, and you can take him down.”
Ferra says “Rengar is a good champion in synergy with ivern, but on the other hand he is an equally strong champion against you. He can make full use of your W and use ivern bushes as a boost to jump on you and reach you faster. Additionally, Rengar is able to deal a good amount of damage in a short time.”
Consolo says “RENGAR IN 2022 LOL. He can't kill you early, and if he isn't smurfing your team shouldn't die too often his ganks pre-6. Post 6, try to match him and when he uses his SUPER VISIBLE ULT just walk toward the team member that's marked. He can't do his combo if hes stunned midflight lmao. ”
FacetLOL says “You can kill him almost every game at his blue buff regardless of side.
Start at your blue buff then do Blue>Gromp> Wolves> Red buff and run into his Blueside alongside midlane and place a box in his box and kill him while hes double clearing blue/gromp”
Scythe Prince says “he will invade you in early game as he is stronger in early game Do not fight him you can beat him as shadow assassin if you are fed. Build Executioner's Calling and play for your team.”
ShuffleTM says “Fique ligado nos Stacks dele na hora de comprar troca, não exite em suar ignite quando for lutar com ele, ele pode healar muito no W. Se ele não tiver muito na sua frente você consegui ganhar 1v1 facilmente, gosto de fazer cutelo nessa matchup.”
OTP Toxin says “This is a fun lane to play. Always be in the low parte of the lane, away from the bushes, he will be going there and jumping for the minions, the trick is: Pay atenttion to the health of YOUR minions, so you can know where he will jump, then you punish him in every jump he does. After 6, plant 1 mushroom in easch of the tri-bush and you will make him cry. :D”
Zehmox says “you always track him down with your tremor if he ults and your ADC is very thankful for you if you prevent RENGAR from jumping on your ADCs great peeling will make rengars life miserable. ”
DarthMagusLoL says “fk this champ also. Literally designed to hunt for you, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE INVISIBLE AND SUPPOSED TO BE UNTARGETABLE. If rengar ults, run.”
SimpleShadow says “Rengar is an easy matchup. Time you're W for his R and bush jump. He can cancel your E stun and W ground with empowered W. This matchup should be really easy, try to counter gank him. ”
Abes_o7 says “There are some chamions on jungle that will oneshot you and you won't notice what killed you, rengar is one of them. You have to rely on your team to not give rengar his stacks.”
Zero macro says “Rengar has an Anti - Assasin kit with his W. Even when he tanks our combo early/mid game we will still lose it. Try to avoid him, focus on farming, counterganking and gank. once reaching ur first item combined with R, Rengar becomes less of a threat.”
Elekktro says “After Rengar's mini rework, but overall massive buff Rengar is a major threat to Viego. While there are ways to itemize against Rengar, a good Rengar player will run Viego over. I find it incredibly difficult to ever win this matchup.”
J98TheGreat says “Rengar is someone who if you want to 1v1 you try to do it in an area with no bushes in the river early, or else you want to let him have those scuttles. If you manage to kill him with or without a teammate before 4 minutes things will be great for you. This matchup is fair, you just need to do your best to counter-gank him and delay him stacking his passive on you and your teammates. Taking ghost can risk this, but it is still better for you than flash and you will need to play with that in mind.”
King Fidd says “Once you have zhonyas he can't oneshot you. You can also fight him early outside of bushes. Fiddlesticks effigies will block his ultimate vision, and he can't jump in or else he dies to your fear.”
Brosinex says “Él puede dispararte y si se vuelve más violento, básicamente se acaba. La curación y el daño que tiene el magullador rengar es una locura y, por lo general, puede matarte incluso antes de que tengas la oportunidad de lanzar la habilidad definitiva. Quédate con tu equipo y estarás bien”
Da Mastah says “This matchup really depends on how good the rengar is. Make sure to ward and meditate his burst. A good rengar will hold his abilities when ulting you to bait your w, so make sure to watch his animations carefully. You should be able to beat him easily if you get a lead, just be sure to ward your jungle for early invades.”
Jrift says “Cringe champ because Blue Kayn escape means nothing. also can CC which is not good for Blue Kayn. On top of that he gets more map pressure than you”
The Elysian1 says “ Not a big deal. Eclipse is doing the work for you. Overall just play for six , and don't get picked in the early game. When he jumps on you , get in stealth then try to run , or one shot him. But do not get in stealth while his R is active , since his Ult reveals you.
Sandor Clegane98 says “Everybody fears this mitten in the toplane,but seriously though,you have the upper hand in every aspect of the laning phase,literally punish him when he goes in to trade you or farm.
Dshield or Dblade.”
Dreamycake says “An experienced Rengar player will try to shut you down before you get your form. Survive until the form and you'll be fine. Beware the bushes!”
Citric says “Rengar will kill you if you run into him in the jungle with lower health. Snowballs hard against Shyvana. Not likely to invade early but be ware while doing scuttle because he may be in the bush waiting for you. Can also bring ignite and challenging smite to duel him if you need.”
LambWolf says “Watch out for rengar at early game. Don't face check any bushes. Try to just avoid him if you are alone. If you build galeforce, you can use it when he jumps on you to not let him completely one shot you with double q.”
SnowballBarrage says “Rengar is AP Nunu's top 1-2 biggest counters in the jungle and right now (14.24) he's insanely broken PERMA BAN. His empowered W cleanses all of your cc, and heals all of your burst, he oneshots you and has too much mobility. Way too hard.”
NixLychee says “Good Rengars are terrifying. Bad Rengars are pathetic. Fight him early and try to get your laners to collapse on him in the Jungle to set him behind early. Do NOT let him snowball. Beware of bushes.”
Polarshift says “Can go both ways honestly, however you should have the upper hand. Steelplated Kneecaps will make it harder for him to oneshot you (if you're ahead or even).
Make good use of your smokescreen; usually you want to use it on top of yourself and dash out of it so he has no vision of you. You can also cancel him from jumping on you by throwing your W under him when hes in a bush.
Remember that you must try your best to keep your Grit stacks while clearing and invading so that you can outduel him with the extra armor you gained from it.
You should win lvl 2 fights if he walks into you without stacks (be careful of ignite rengars though), fight's without bushes in the early game, invades from him (since you have Grit stacks) and it should get a lot easier after you get your Plated Steelcaps and DD.”
Veralion says “He will almost certainly look to level 3 invade, so be careful. Rengar loves to target the enemy jungler as there are tons of bushes to make setting up kills extremely easy. If you get matched up against a skilled one, you will have to treat every bush in your jungle with a healthy amount of paranoia. Make sure to ignite with your combo to cut his big W heal. This setup can deal with him on even footing. If he gets a lead and plays properly you won't be able to play the game. If being chased down, path away from bushes, and if necessary ult/flash a section of wall that won't give him an easy bush jump on the other side if he follows you. Shadow your carries later on in the game and make sure nobody is ever alone. Try to use your ult right when he lands to interrupt his one-shot combo and give your carry the little bit of distance they need to escape. ”
Riealone says “Be careful on your ganks and jungle clear, fighting him might be hard. He has all to counter you before your Mythic spike. Insane damage, heal, slow, root and great mobility in bushes”
Goldenstinger says “He can one shot you late - ward and track him effectively. you are more useful than him but a good rengar one trick can ruin your day. ”
nZk01 says “block E with box, he will W all your damage so try to commit to your burst when he's CC'd so he cant just normal W out of it and you have no damage and lose”
Arfreezy says “A bit weak in the current meta (10.24) but is expected to get buffed in 10.25. His level 3 and 6 spikes are very strong so try and path to the opposite side of him and split the map. Ninja tabi's makes this matchup much easier and you can start playing more aggressive.”
FREAKSTAR says “The statistics say you should win this matchup, however if you're facing a Rengar main smurfing this matchup can be really tough.
Similar to Olaf if the Rengar knows what he's doing he's going to try and invade you.
Do not give him a first blood, and do not feed this guy. He's not good at ganking early so as long as you avoid him you win this matchup.
Once you hit 6 and get some damage your ganks are superior. Play a team game, not a 1v1 game in the jungle, that's exaclty what he wants.”
Tormentula says “Rengar is typically a counterpick to Elise, but atm he's in a pretty weak state so you can outperform him in ganks and invades lately. The main thing to worry about is his 4 stack ferocity, as that means he can cleanse your Cocoon with W, and recover half of the damage you bursted him for rendering you useless with all your main abilities on cooldown. If you catch him under 4 ferocity, you can burst him, but if he's on 4 ferocity, you should wait for him to spend it so he doesn't have the big heal or cleanse. Build Zhonya's Hourglass to avoid dying to him as quickly, and late game play to Cocoon him as he jumps on your carries. ”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be tricky. Take Conqueror for sure and try to bully him in the early game. He likes to lane gank so if you have a lane that is pushed in, make sure that you warn them about this. If you can get wards in his jungle to spot out his path, that will go a long way. ”
IMissedMyQ says “You should not have a problem with Rengar, as long as you don't fight him around bushes. If you can get the jump on him (and you have EXECUTIONER'S CALLING) you can take him down pretty easily early on. You can also counter his Ult damage with your ult (you become untargetable) if you're fast enough. ”
Whynotbefriends says “A good Rengar is very hard to beat. Who ever gets the first hit in usually wins unless the other is extremely strong. Play around his fury, if he has a way to get 4 fury combo then avoid at all costs. Zhonyas or an early armguard is a good purchase. ”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You should always be able to 1v1 rengar in the early game. Try to contest his jungle camps whenever you have smite. Avoid fighting near bushes since this will Rengar an advantage over you. ”
Insightful says “this matchup is unplayable, if he finds you, he'll just kill you at any stage of the game, even if you try to cc him he can walk away and you'll never have enough damage to kill him, just dodge if they pick rengar or ban this champion”
AvidPanda says “Rengar is by far one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. He can simply heal all of your burst instantly, and he can perma invade you in the jungle. His ulti reveals you in stealth which is a huge counter as Eve plays around her stealth mechanic.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “yea, again, serpents fang. Also you make for him bushes, which is most popular synergy and thing that makes this machup barely playable”
Insightful says “Rengar counters evelynn in every way, faster clear, stronger early game. And his R can reveal you, only way to play this matchup is by avoiding him.”
poopyOCE says “If he has a bush or ult, DO NOT ENGAGE, he will 1 shot you, as you build minimal Tank Items. Otherwise use R on him in Teamfights to deny picks on your ADC to win the fight. Otherwise, try to keep an early lead and avoid 1v1 duels in the Jungle.”
FREAKSTAR says “If they are a smurfing Renger 1 trick you will have a hard time. Fiddle needs time to CC champions, a fed rengar doesn't give you time.
The good news for you is most Rengar players are bad at the game, so don't worry too much.”
poopyOCE says “Absolute cancer, burst is insane, denies your setup by sheer existence as he can bushcamp then leap 1 shot you. R lets him become camouflage to scout for you during teamfights. Be VERY aware of presence on rift.”
Karasmai says “This champ I put under very hard because he is very very slippery and can one shot either form with ease. Red tends to do better in the lower elos, blue gets destroyed because he is the assassin who's an anti assassin. My secret way of beating Rengar is going Bruiser Blue kayn which is called Bluzer, Because i can have the high dmg and movement speed that he has and counter him with Exec and Cleaver to not die and sustain his dmg. Usually i dont like to play vs rengar but he is beatable. Just dont let him kill you and your team cause if he gets 5 stacks early of his passive he will run you!”
MexBookMaster says “Si se feedea es GG. Te puede invadir siempre y abusar de ti. Como cualquier asesino pierde fuerza en el juego tardío pero no esperes llegar a ese punto contra un buen Rengar. Juega Rhaast o Shadow Assassin (Azul) y centrate en feedearte más rapido que el.”
Exoslol says “Rengar is rough. Rengar either wins the 1v1's or leaves with more hp. Because of his W and empowered W he is able to fully heal your burst while at the same time bursting you. If you're not careful he can fully heal up, press R and wait out his cooldowns before he jumps you and end you. Playing around your team is a good option and tracking where rengar goes. Rengar usually is squishy so if u get him CC'd you oneshot him.”
gankyourgrandma says “Rengar is by far one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. He can simply heal all of your burst instantly, and he can perma invade you in the jungle. His ulti reveals you in stealth which is a huge counter as Eve plays around her stealth mechanic.”
ak521 says “Very annoying with his R, can 100-0 squishies very very quickly. Stay away from brushes, stay near your adc. Might also be a good idea to watch out for invasions and keep brushes warded, it SUCKS to duel him- as like many other assassins, apply CC before they can do damage.”
Rhoku says “Rengar is free food. He will never be able to kill you unless he gets 10 kills ahead of you. Even then, you can tank up and outlast him. His healing is annoying when he goes Spirit Visage and etc. but lucky for us, most Rengar junglers go full assassin which means he is pretty much cat food. Make him regret jumping on you.”
Kayncer says “Kills you early, is fast, ward his Jungle a lot and keep track of him, or you´re team will have a bad time fighting him. Red is better off here!”
Dabgren says “As for early game, the one who snowballs the best without dying to much wins this matchup, although, Rengar R counters Kha'zix R so much, so if the Rengar plays fights out well he should win most of the times.”
izzlelol says “He can one shot you and if he goes bruiser its basically over. The healing and damage bruiser rengar has is just insane and he usually can kill you before you even have the chance to ult. Just stick with your team and you should be fine”
Lambda Diana says “He has so many builds that he can go full assassin or goredrinker try to not fight him and don't let him get a lead. If he gets to snowball its a gg you will not be safe anywhere in the jg. DO NOT FIGHT HIM IN BUSHES. Anti heal can help is need if he goes goredrinker. ”
OsakaSatang says “Conc+inspration
Annoying enemy. His burst damage is huge so be careful. Don't have much experience against jungle rengers but don't fight in his territory(bushes). ”
aurus666lol says “Did you know that Rengar VS Kha'Zix is skill matchup? Or like my friend said: "Who started - that guy will win". The reason why is that you can win if you play smart, but he can win if you play stupidly.
NEVER face-check bushes on river because he can be camping for u. With his W mechanics, he can heal all of his taken damage, so bait it first, after that deal your all dmg. If he gets CC'd and he doesn't have W, he can die easly.”
ItsSkoob says “Rengar is only a threat if in the right hands. I would take ignite against him and dont let him get early kills or he will snowball out of control.”
Ellesmere says “Since his rework, Rengar is much more difficult for Udyr to handle due to him being able to ignore CC... thanks Riot. Beware of the bush plays. Don't let him jump on you and run in the bushes and jump on you again and shit. Just stun him, follow him into the bush if you have to and beat that squishy kittens face in (wow that sounded way worse than I meant).”
Penguto says “Rengar is just the better assassins aswell he will just spam jump bushes in your jungle if he invades you, you wont be able to do more damage than him.”
Raggy69 says “Rengar is an scary cat prowling in the jungle hoping for an Ivern opponent. His claws and quick combos will turn your shield and HP into smithereens. Also he likes using the bushes against you! Damned traitors. ”
Suseri says “He has alot of burst but you can use your W on everything in his kit. His mobility in bushes aswell as his stun can allow him to outplay or escape from you.”
FrostForest says “Beats you 1v1 but can't teamfight well. Look to team up on him if you ever want to kill. He snowballs very hard and will take over the game if you give him kills”
manco1 says “Rengar is a 5/5 threat - he beats you on the scuttle fight with his bush levels 2+. The jungle is also littered with bushes so he always has his win condition. Avoid at all costs, outfarm and counter gank.”
RichMrFork says “ Note: I probably have a different view on this matchup than other players.
If I see a Rengar I dodge. The healing, gapclose, damage and fact Rengar is most played by experienced one tricks is enough to drive me away from ever playing against this matchup. Rengar actually scales very nicely with his passive and build paths this season so you can't reliably outscale like you would other junglers. Extremely hard to one shot him even if you reach your item spikes because of his grey health. The only advantage you have is that you have a lot more gank threat pre 6 but after that it's extremely easy for him to get fed off overextended teammates with his ult.”
Kayn Mains says “Very bad matchup for Kayn. Rengar's early game power lets him invade you when he wants. His Battle Roar (W) makes it incredibly unrealistic to kill him early to mid game. Do not fight him, however, look to countergank his ultimate if you can.
Neither form of yours beats this champ. Build Executioner's Calling and play for your team.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Good Rengars are terrifying. Bad Rengars are pathetic. Fight him early and try to get your laners to collapse on him in the Jungle to set him behind early.
metalhydra273 says “Easy on paper, but Rengar has many ways to outplay your kit and will abuse that if you let him get ahead. His enhanced w acts a qss, but if you can avoid wasting your ult on it, you can get him killed easily. It's an odd matchup that heavily favors the winner of the early game. If you go even though you have the slight advantage. Sit on your team when he tries to ult and he's not likely to dare try. ”
Jinx_48 says “i always go red form and always winning try know up him they combo if he going to r on you q away when you see jumping him on you to cancel his R damage. Maybe its minor but idk maybe i playing on worst rengars EUNE”
LilPaniniUwU says “Very bad matchup for Kayn. Rengar's early game power lets him invade you when he wants. His Battle Roar (W) makes it incredibely unrealistic to kill him early to mid game. Do not fight him, however, look to countergank his ultimate if you can. Neither form of yours beats this champ. Build Executioner's Calling and play for your team.
SpaceGl1der says “He will easily kill you in the early parts of the game. If he is any good he will try to camp your jungle and 100-0 you over and over... ward as much as you can and play safe. can also spot you in stealth with his R”
auileta says “He can counter all of your burst damage simply by healing, and you're substantially weaker than him in the early game. Regardless of whether you're invisible, his ult can find you, making you not as stealthy as you can/should be.”
InvictisOCE says “Better early game skirmishes, clear speed is close to yours, can invade you level 1. If Rengar gets a lead he is the hardest champ to deal with pre form even when form because of his w healing. If you get red Kayn you can deal with him easily if he's not super fed, blue form not so much unless your really far ahead of him or he's really far behind. path away from Rengar early game unless you have prio in the lane he's pathing to.”
Nanelol says “When he uses his ultimate he can see you while your being in stealth and you always will have to trade ultimates, so becareful when he has his Ultimate up.”
Nanelol says “In this matchup you have got the advantage until level 6. Elise have got way more pre 6 damage than rengar. After level 6 and a few items you shouldn't be able to fight him anymore. Definetly consider buying Oblivion Orb since his W can soak your damage and he will heal up to full hp in seconds.”
Eagzey says “Rengar wins most 1v1's I feel. And his R will reveal our invis. Also early game he can invade/late invade us Level 1 and we can't do anything. I don't like.”
uSgSello says “In this matchup you have got the advantage until level 6. Elise have got way more pre 6 damage than rengar. After level 6 and a few items you shouldn't be able to fight him anymore. But if you are ahead in items and dodge his jump out of his ult with your rappel you can win the fight.
In this matchup you should prevent counterjungling. Concentrate on ganking and counterganking After level 6 he may counterjungle you.”
uSgSello says “Skill based matchup. Rengar has more damage than you if he engages you. If you engage him + hit your combo and he has no stack you will win the trade. Pay attention to his pathing and prevent getting invaded. ”
Smartest2 says “Rengar can be tricky. He has an easy time picking off your teammates, but if you can anticipate where he's going to go you can easily out pressure him. Rengar likes bushes, watch to see where lanes are at to get a vague idea of where wards can be and cheese him from river bushes by top/bot.”
RTO says “Toplane Rengar is a nightmare. Freeze wave under your tower to avoid brushes, post 6 he has roam pressure and he has a cleanse on empowered W.”
qosmox says “Since he sits in the bush except when he lasthits a minion or jumps on you, your only window to take good trades is when you know he’s gonna jump for a lasthit. Walk up beforehand and prepare yourself to make 1-2 Q (Emp if possible) auto’s and then backing off out of his range if he tries to get back into the bush. Be wary of him when he has full or close to full ferocity stacks, and trade more when his bar is low or empty. Lvl 3+ you wanna deny his Q’s with your W and taunt out (through him if possible) if he tries to extend the trade. Once he’s much lower than you you can start going for extended trades instead.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “In low elo I have yet to find a decent Rengar, but if you do, be very carful with him. He can, and will oneshot you if not carful.”
Doubtfull says “One of your hardest match ups. NEVER use your W in fights, or you give him free bushes to jump off of. Try to track him early game and don't let him snowball.”
Narutoe says “With good reaction speed, you can ult and prevent his one shot, and then kill him in your ult. At all costs avoid fighting him near bushes after early game. Early and mid game you destory him, but he can still one shot you with his ult”
EUWRATS says “Wins before you reach trinity, but then hard loses, so make sure you dont die to him while he invades your red. Great counter against rengar is ninja tabis and ulting before he gets 4 stacks of ferocity.”
Xarmat says “Place a trap under your feed and wards in the bush. Trap the entry point of the brush where he wants to jump out. If the farms a minion, punish him.”
Kindredgarten says “With good reaction time you can negate his burst with your ultimate and get him low in yours to finish him off. A good idea to peel your team's squishies and yourself with your ult if he is fed. Most likely easy to kill if he's not near a bush. If he is near one, avoid fighting him at all costs unless you are super ahead.”
RadRob says “Rengar with Conqueror is pretty strong against you. A smart opponent would invade and then counter jungle. Survive the early game and you will be able to win.”
Caled says “Rengar makes the game extremely unenjoyable for Kayn and you will lose a majority of 1v1’s against him. Early game Rengar can invade and counter jungle you and beat you in a majority of duels. Rengar’s Battle Roar (W) prevents you from beating him early mid due to the sustain and cleanse he gets from it. Typically, you want to play more for your team in this matchup and look to stay clear of 1v1’s against him in a majority of the game. Only take duels if you are extremely ahead and are preferably going Rhaast.”
Loul_60 says “Annoying to deal with early as you literally cannot fight him. You're gonna have to bank on his low ganking pressure early game to try and win. If you go Red form just W him during his leap and you are fine.”
litecrunch says “If there is a bush nearby then you will get destroyed. You might have a chance if there isn't a bush and he has 0 stack but you should avoid fighting him early. make sure to ward and build defensively so you don't get one shot. Also, he will most likely look to invade you early in the game so make sure you path away from him or ward effectively.”
liserith says “If you don't ward well, Rengar will destroy you. This build gives you the tankiness to survive his initial burst, but his damage is still off the charts. Remember to ward and Q as soon as he jumps on you, W to reset it's cooldown, then use E to counter his E.”
HeroAronNavius says “This cat can one-shot you if you are not careful in mid-game. If you want to contest for drake with your team then you are fine. But do not try to 1v1 a Rengar because Viego has much DPS. All Rengar has to do after you just did heavy DPS to him is click W. Do not engage Rengar by yourself. Otherwise, Rengar is an easy target.”
Cayteer says “Just wait under your tower , he punishes you for even walking up to farm because of his passive. If he doesn't have his empowered W , you can pull combo him.”
chevy the sloot says “Natural counter you. Early game he hard beats you 1v1 and farms as fast as you after his buffs. Post 6 you can only contest/invade him if you have an oblivion orb, redsmite, and are ahead.”
c0st0m says “Completely unplayable will one shot you in auto q can cleanse your ult and you cant kite rengar whatsoever
give up however many crabs if need be DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT”
Shroomen Rider says “Rengar wins scuttles because of the bushes. You might be able to kill him if you catch him from invis, and he is easy to pick off during a counter-gank.
Save sweeper for his late game ulties because you can Q him mid jump. Put shrooms from where he is trying to flank from. ”
Tinjus says “The ultimate rivalry. Kha'Zix can easily outplay this matchup. Just kite around with your Ultimate and Leap, using Q and W as necessary and you'll be fine. Try not to fight him near bushes in the early game.”
Snadr says “Rengar can't really do any damage to Rammus. Rammus can easily catch rengar with taunt. It puts a lot of pressure on Rengar to snowball early and use empowered w to escape Rammus taunt”
UnaFlauta says “He has a very good oneshot potential, specially against Kindred. Be carefull and don't fight him. You might want to use the anti burst build”
Rubenvt3 says “With this build you are fairly squishy, Rengar can easily hunt you down if he is ahead.
I suggest a bruiser build when you are up against a Rengar that is ahead.”
PsiGuard says “Rengar is really dangerous in jungle or river fights where he can spam jumps from bushes. Ward to spot early invades to avoid being cheesed. You might want to start at your Red, since he can't chase you as well if he fights you at Blue.”
lolX9J says “One of the harder matchups.
Extended fights are hard due to his healing and conq.
Fearing him wont be possible due to 5th W or smite or him oneshotting boxes with his Q.
Lategame he cant win 1v1 against you tho, specially when you R his R-Jump on you.”
VenoSlayer123 says “The standard evelynn permaban. Pre-6, he can perma-invade you, and post 6, his ult reveals you. He can oneshot you before you can take him out at all stages.”
JunglerBuilds says “Should be an easy job, just W him, shouldn't be that hard. He is an assassin so you should be just looking to use your Twisted advance on him. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Stay grouped and be ready to Q>R him when he comes out of stealth. Grabbing your items asap will counter him hard, the early game may be a struggle since he has the clear advantage. He is squishy so when you get your items you will be able to peel for your team and burst him down. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Statistically speaking, Rengar is one of Vi's hardest matchups. She only has a 45% win rate versus him in Platinum+ games. In my opinion, this isn't always a very hard matchup, however respect his level 6. Rengar is pretty weak vs you early on unless he catches you pretty low, or if he is fed enough to 100-0 you. Your combo will chunk him out if you can land it properly. He may force you to build armor and tank items. Plated Steelcaps is probably a must versus him.”
BreakrZero says “Pretty easy, don't let him outplay you in duels. You farm quicker, gank better and have a stronger mid-game if he's not ultra fed. You're tankier in later stages of the game so he's never really a true threat to you. ”
Hxriis says “Many Kha'Zix players struggle against rengar. I usually go for a late invade on his red buff forcing either a smite battle or trying to fight him. If your botlane has a decent amount of cc, you definetely want to go for the kill on Rengar or at least make him flash away from the red. This should make you get the smite on the red buff. Anything after that is purely just reading the map. You simply farm up, always stay ahead and counter jungle. Especially if he doesn't have flash left, go for it but don't greed and overstay. If you are unable to do an early late invade, and the matchup is even, I suggest that you find Rengar before he finds you. I find myself realising that most of the times the one who catches the other one, usually wins the battle. If you can find or trap him and engage before he does, you'll keep the lead during the entire fight. Make sure to stay next to him in bushes to avoid his passive.”
Get Ricked says “Your arch nemesis. Whoever gets ahead can destroy the other. Who wins this is usually decided by who makes the first move. Be proactive and hunt for him so he doesn't get the chance to hunt for you.”
G Spot God says “He can cleanse your cc and if you are fighting in the jungle (which I do a lot with this build on Skarner) it can become messy even if you have the spire.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Ignite + TP]
This matchup isn't hard but just really annoying. You're going to have to give up a lot of cs to avoid his damage as he jumps out of the bush. But in order for him to maintain his passive stack he has to shove the wave -- so just farm up and wait for your jungler. Auto him if he jumps on you to get your passive. When you're level 6 and if your jungler comes you can R him and he's pretty much screwed.”
DarkAuraLOL says “The toughest matchup you can ever play, rengar can just constantly invade you, jump you through walls from vision and stopping your e, he counters all your mobility cause of his jumps, he outbursts you hard no matter how behind he is, the only way to win him, is to avoid him pre 6, out clearing him, trying to steal his raptors or golumns, since his clear on them is bad, and try to play around your team against him, once you get your form and your a little bit ahead, you will need heal reduction for his w, after that you'll be able to 1v1 him, but later on you might struggle with his ult ambush, his kit is better than your on ambush, so id advice an early ga or a ninja tabi”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rengar isn't the biggest threat, but you should always be very careful in this match-up because if Rengar gets an early lead he can steamroll over you. ”
EvoNinja7 says “HE outburst you, but if you can survive that with a decent amount of health, stun him and heal with your Q. Kraken power spike is key in this matchup.”
suprfxivsilkshot says “Early levels he will out-farm you and counter your abilities. By the time you get ult, you're about even, but dying to him even once during the first 5 mins becomes a bit of a death sentence for the whole game.
The same could be said for a lot of assassin junglers. If you get into a 1v1 with a champion that is good in the early game, you need to gtfo of there regardless of what you are giving up. This is one of the reasons I like buying a ward first; if you can bring in your mid and top for support while your buff is getting stolen, you get a semi-easy kill.”
MetaSolaray says “Try to fight Rengar away from bushes and with low fury. If he's at 3 stacks he can counter your damage with an empowered W. Once he's engaged on someone from a bush he's often slightly away from one allowing you to run him down. Catching him at scuttle where he's likely to burn a root on is a great way to punish him.”
DarkAuraLOL says “The toughest matchup you can ever play, rengar can just constantly invade you, jump you through walls from vision and stopping your e, he counters all your mobility cause of his jumps, he outbursts you hard no matter how behind he is, the only way to win him, is to avoid him pre 6, out clearing him, trying to steal his raptors or golumns, since his clear on them is bad, and try to play around your team against him, once you get your form and your a little bit ahead, you will need heal reduction for his w, after that you'll be able to 1v1 him, but later on you might struggle with his ult ambush, his kit is better than your on ambush, so id advice an early ga or a ninja tabi ”
RedNBlue says “Rengar will bash, YOU, UPPP and he will combo you heal back a health bar, heal back the bar and then he will stab you with a Popsicle stick and then kill you by shoving his alpha fang in your neck bleeding you dry and healing, feasting off of your body. You blood he loves bloooddddd.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This guy is nasty. If he goes ignite you just can't 1v1 him ever really. He will probably try to invade always so keep yellow trinket. You will need your laners help. Any build works honestly.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Rengar is very hard for you. He wins every 1v1 before you get form. Try to dont risk things in the Early game. If you go Blue Kayn he can always outdamage and outsustain you. If you go Red Kayn you can deal with him if you have Antiheal and some Armor.”
Dannala says “LANE: He will hide in the bush for the most part, simple stand on the other side and poke whenever he goes in for CS. Don't overextend too close to the bush so he can jump on you. The best way if you aim to kill him is to use just HQ+SQ and auto attack him until he uses his empowered roar then turn human to perform a full combo. Otherwise he will heal too much and you will have to retreat.
JUNGLE: A lot of the same as lane, except there are bushes everywhere, invading him is not gonna be an option unless you know he's really low. If he invades you you can only pray you get help or have a nearby camp to escape to. Generally do not engage unless very far ahead. LATE: Can Rappel his ult or Cocoon when he goes for your carry and combo him to either finish him or scare him off.”
Simon The Shaco Main says “Super hard matchup, can bait your Q and your ult with his ult. And he can see you when invis. AP Shaco makes it a bit more safer but it's still pretty hard.”
Linkay says “This matchup can be difficult if you try to fight him early and he gets a lead. If you are able to keep his movements on lock and counter gank, he should not be a problem. ”
Schadenfreude says “It all depends on his build. If he does goredrinker, you should be able to destroy him. If he goes lethality, be careful and try to put him behind in the early game. He is a feast or famine champion, so if he gets behind, he won't have much impact in the game. ”
TacoTheShaco says “He isnt that big of a deal, just reminding when he ults you and you go invisible, he can still see you and one tap you, but when he jumps on you, you still can ignore the damage take by pressing you r in time. ”
Karthus man says “Rengar is horrible. He will kill you very fast in all stages of the game. The only chance you have is to find a way to kill him in the early game, or get to late game, and get a Zhonyas.”
STVO124 says “Natural rivals, use your Q and W as necessary and you'll be fine. Try not to fight him near bushes in early, In very late game you will have the challenge to kill rengar or assist to gain another evolution point, meaning you'll get the chance to evolve all your abilities”
Rusitc1 says “When he hits 6, you cannot get out through walls due to the fact that his bush jumping has a rather large range, especially for the jungle being close quarters. His ult vision also means you are not getting away.
On blue kayn you might be able to assassinate him if you are ahead depending on his build
Maile says “Rengar hard wins early, avoid him early and play for mid-late game. Be careful for late invades because Rengar players are bit cringe and want to cheese their way to a win. ”
Happty says “He's not much of a threat if you're experienced in dueling him or if he's not that good, though, if he's a professional and you're not so experienced, he might be a big threat.”
CalicoCactus says “AD Assassin, haha. Rengar is literally the worst AD Assasin in the jungle meta I can think of now, he just does everything a lot worse than champions like Ekko and Kha'Zix.”
Joseppi1234 says “I just hate him
He jumps at you, he jumps again. He can one shot you if fed before your W even registers, and its just not a fun time at all.”
White Cr0w says “Skill matchup.
Strong assassin and duellist if he has everything up. Kill him when he uses his 5 fury charge to heal up on his jungle. Make sure you upgrade your red trinket so he doesn't use ultimate to escape.”
KevinThyAsian says “Read khazix’s threat description, very similar concept. Rengos a little bit easier to vs early on as he outputs less dmg than kha early (assuming kha has iso)”
Katszu says “Rengar should be avoided in the early game. Don't look into any bushes. If you're alone, try to avoid him. If you build galeforce, you may utilize it to prevent him from totally one-shotting you with double q when he jumps on you.”
Embracing says “If he jumps on you it's pretty donezo, but you can win fights if you have vision of him and land spear on him. Extremely hard matchup because there's no counterplay once he's already on top of you, but with proper tracking and positioning you can bait out good fights.”
Minase says “This is an extremely hard matchup. The only way you can beat this matchup is by pathing in such a way where he can never find you. Look to start either Wolves or Raptors. It is always better to give up camps than to die to him because once you die once to him the game is almost always lost. ”
BoyWonder00 says “He scales super hard and will be looking to get kills as often as possible. Strong throughout the game. He doesn't have CC that can cancel your W, and if you can deny him kills then you outscale him.”
ACE4291 says “Avoid him and anti heal
Dont worry if he gets ahead you still make a better impact on team fights than him only if your team is decent tho so be careful
NEVER FIGHT ALONE unless you destroyed him early and he's like 0-5”
FalleN3 says “He will easily kill you in the early parts of the game. After level 6 you begin to have a chance at winning trades against him. If he's any good, he will try to camp your jungle and 100-0 you over and over... ward as much as you can and play safe. Try to avoid fighting him near bushes and dodge his (E) Bola Strike. Some armor and health can go a long way.”
FalleN3 says “Man, this damage is just annoying. He will easily kill you in the early parts of the game. If he is any good he will try to camp your jungle and 100-0 you over and over... ward as much as you can and play safe.”
Holessando says “even matchup, you should be able to fight him and kill him.. if you're not sure, just wait for lv 6 and then fight him, you should be able to kill him with ULT for sure.. but don't if you're losing, that's a bad idea then.. help your team, dont focus on him, he falls of late game, you shine in late game, so theres not much to worry about ”
Afro D Legend says “A lot of damage if user has the right build, and the duskblade slow is enough to be a huge nuisance. You also might not know where he's coming from when in ult, so it'll be hard to run, especially if you don't have anything to auto attack beforehand. ”
metalhydra273 says “This matchup will always be lopsided, but is more of an uphill battle for Rengar. Skarner can easily deal with him by sitting on whoever Rengar wants to jump on provided you don't let him w your ult unpunished. If Rengar gets ahead though, he absolutely shits on Skarner nearly at Olaf's level. He will easily one shot you and while countering or threatening to counter any cc you throw at him with w. Don't let him get ahead and you can win this reliably.”
FrankWhite47 says “Rengar is a big treath because he can see you with his ult and he can also invade you pretty easy so the best thing to do is ward your jungle good or ask laners to ward and make sure you are always ahead of him when he tries to invade you so lets say you know he starts red and you know his pathing and he will invade you on blue just skip your blue buff then and go to his blue buff for an example”
THCrow says “Rengar has high burst early on and usually wins in fights against you in early engagements and should be avoided until mid to late game. ”
AKScorched says “Stay as far away from him as possible. Q him if he jumps or ults on you or your teammates and fight him then only if you're with a teammate. Focus him in teamfights if he gets too close and don't invade too much since he can kill you in the matter of 1-5 seconds at any point in the game.”
CinderTheSnake says “Early game look out for a invade. He can spot you in his ulti so play around that. He's a really big threat both early and late game.”
Ruffhsu says “At first glance, he might be a terrifying match up, but you can interrupt his leap with your W (in Red form) with good timing. As long as you can consistently do so, his damage against you is not too threatening. ”
chasemyman1 says “Be careful as even when you are ahead he can easily kill you. Avoid invading his jungle unless you KNOW he is not their. Use your Rappel just as he jumps on you with his ultimate to avoid damage.”
Twist21 says “Rengar is an oppressive early game champion but Tryndamere has enought sustain to deal with him.In this matchup you shouldn't really look to fight him pre 6 unless he doesn't have his passive fully stacked.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
Sandomar says “His kit is a dangerous counter-jungle for most, but Udyr can stun and kill.
May need teammates to assist with ctrl-wards to map location and plan ambushes.”
PsiGuard says “He can bully you early and his ult will reveal you in stealth if you're the closest enemy to him. You can survive his ult if you use your R as he jumps, but you'll usually need teammates nearby to kill him after that. Ward defensively to get through the early game and either get a pick before he presses R, or group with your team for more safety.”
xFirefoxYBA says “Rengar is one of evelynn's biggest counters. mainly cause he can spot you for his team with his r and his dmg comes from auto attacks.
I did not place him in EXTREME only because he takes a lot of skill and most players don't know how to play him properly and fully abuse you.”
Sinister Buffoon says “Rengar is weird. I mean in my experience, rengar withouyt be feed is easy to kill with shaco. You have your w and he has to use his smite to destroy your box or use some skill in box. That make him lose a lot of dmg or time and with your clone etc you can defeat him not really hard. The problem with rengar is his snowball. If rengar get feed then you are in a big problem. With his R he will see you even in your Q so in that point he jump on you and instakil. Build some armor then you will have an option.”
MrMuckDuck says “Rengar will most likely always grind your gears, or... flop your wings. If you manage to take down Rengar in early-game, you are most likely good to go. Remember that Rengar has both a lot of upsides and downsides to being your competitor. Rengar's passive, Unseed Predator, has a lot of advantage when brush camping. Rengar can vault onto you and easily take you down if you don't see him coming. The same principle goes for his ultimate, Thrill of the Hunt. TotH makes Rengar invisible and fast. Rengar can also vault onto you while ulting. This is where Rengar's downsides come out. Since Kha'Zix can both leap away and go invisible, the champions' abilities counter-cancel each other. When Rengar uses his ultimate around you, use your ultimate to go invisible and you're good to go.”
Happty says “Big no-no, he can easily kill you while being alone. The only way to beat him is by taking the lead by farming and being fed, but if he gets fed, then it won't be easy to kill him, at all. I normally won't approach him unless he's low or if he's way outleveled.”
TheInkKingLoL says “Rengar is a strong jungler, strong jungle fighter, and strong ganker. His ultimate, Thrill of the Hunt, allows him to easily jump on you and your teammates and kill you quickly. If he gets ahead early on, he will be able to kill most junglers and laners easily.”
Eggoman says “You will have trouble fighting him as you will never get to make the first move. If you see he used his ult be ready to counter with yours as soon as he jumps to knock him back.”
M.P.C says “TBH it really depends on the person who plays him. If he's smart he'll take advantage of his passive and do Peek-A-Boo's from the bush's to farm and harass/kill you then you're out of luck. But if its the opposite, EASIEST LANE EVER.”
KillyOne says “Rengar is always a mixed bag, in some games they are extremely strong in others non existent. He has pretty bad early clears, and is a threat only if he snowballs. Try to invade him or sniff him out at low HP in his jungle.”
KillyOne says “As Rengar players are all over the place in terms of skill. I don't find Rengar to be a Major threat for Lillia because he needs a skilled player to be effective. I would still be careful when engaging in a fight with him, but if he has no bushes you can easily kite him to death.”
NoaaaaXD says “Rengar can get oneshot you with duskblade powerspike, and you should be very careful to go alone. You should play around your team, so you atleast can trade 1 for 1. If you catch him far from a bush you can run him down. Just be careful of his W which can heal him to full HP again.”
League Of Cursed says “I'd want to put this lower, but most of the time I've ended up fighting over bushes with this man. Hes frustrating given his burst. Never fight him alone, but try to counter gank him whenever you can. You both are looking to gank at 6 or higher anyhow.
Poohlio says “This cat ain't friendly D: he will make your early game hell. Just seeing a bush will give you anxiety and he loves it. Don't contest scuttle early, ward up and team up to hunt him down. Once you get form it'll be easier.”
Jogress says “A good rengar will bully you through the entire game. He is stronger and it's hard to outrun him in the jungle. Ward everything, ping for your team to help, buy early armor and... BEWARE OF EVERY BUSH!
Good rengar may jump on your fresh ward and then jump on your head right after - a true horror of a champion”
AWierdShoe says “Rengar has the potential to one-shot you through bushes, so try not to facecheck if you think he's around the area. If you spot him in a bush, you can pop your W on him so he can't leap onto you. If he has no bush to play around, it is possible to duel him 1v1. You need to dodge his E, and watch out for his R as he can catch you by surprise and kill you before you can react.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Rengar's one shot Potential and invisibility can be a huge problem. His Empowered E can root you and keep you from escaping, and his ult means your never safe if he is fed. Play off his cooldowns and try to use your laners as bait and countergank him.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “If you know he is onto you, you can turn the fight by ulting as soon as he jumps on you, allowing you a chance to fight him off, then try to avoid bushes, dodge his bolas and use the tremendous slows you have in your arsenal to keep him at distance while making him regret his life choices.”
Shujin Jasukai says “Rengar isn't super hard to deal with as when he ults you can meditate to reduce his damage which will either put him in a bad position or force him to go for someone else on your team ”
TotallyEclipse says “Rush ninja tabi bramble vest and you can fight him. Otherwise there's literally no hope, stand on the opposite side of the wave and try to farm what you can. You'll outscale and destroy him out of lane.”
MegaAlphaDog says “coin-flip match up, skill dependent on who will come out on top, his early clear sucks so look to take advantage, but only if your lane has prio.”
TimRhabey says “Sempre ande proximo dos arbustos com seu E ligado se por algum motivo ele pular em voce sejq rapido, stune ele e fatie ele com seu Q recomento PTA com smite vermelho. (Warde bastante especialmente os arbustos proximos dos rios.)”
DarkPit59 says “Grâce à son ultime et ses lourds dégâts, en plus de ne pas pouvoir lui faire face en earlygame, il pourra vous révéler et vous traquer à partir du niveau 6. ”
OxDZZZZ says “Rengar can reveal eve in her ultimate, and can one shot her easily, and can win early invades against her, so if you are up to play evelynn ban him ”
Al3ksP says “Rengar will be hard to get especially if your ap shaco, heäll wait in bushes and when you get there he'll jump out and one shot you, best way to handle a rengar is to stay in your own jungle as much as possible”
Hawary says “in team fights if u r not going to kill the enemy carry , then protect urs from rengo and stay away from the bushes if u stun him go all in nd he will run like a pussy ”
Vodka4Gaben says “You outscale Rengar but if its a good rengar he will most likely camp your jungle or try to invade as much as possible. Until you get form, don't even think of fighting him.”
WickedPoppet says “I'd want to put this lower, but most of the time I've ended up fighting over bushes with this man. Hes frustrating given his burst. Never fight him alone, but try to counter gank him whenever you can. You both are looking to gank at 6 or higher anyhow.”
D3str00 says “Same as Kha'zix - beast on level 3. Also you can be ambushed from a bush. Avoid him in the early stages of the game, try to find opportunity on level 6.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Definition of anti-fun champ. Just farms up to 2 lethality items and then jumps on your carry without any counterplay. If you meet him alone you can kill him easily. Don't fight near a bush! Be careful with 1:25 as well. Try to make an investment before he can make one. In this case toplane bruisers really become a good win condition because your botlaner won't be one.”
Nyftt says “Rengar's R ability is a hard counter as it reveals your invisibility. As well as this his one shot potential makes it very hard for you. Against him make sure to keep your jungle entrances warded so he can't cheese kill your jungle. Against him opting for zhonya can be quite effective depending on the game.”
Freeakzoid says “There are basically no extreme threats for Rek'Sai, as she herself is an extreme threat to every other jungler thanks to her Tremor Sense (great for counterganking), extremely high damage in early game (can 1v1 almost every champion early) and her unique tunnel mechanism which has higher range than Flash (can escape or engage from places, where other champions can not). The only 'even' matchups for her are very heavy damage early junglers like Rengar, lee, elise.”
Nico449c says “Hes the hardest counter to you either you have to 2v2 or teamfight against him since hes W can negate most of your dmg combo so dont fight him unless your really fed. Try countergank or outgank him to win lvl 3 you dont have a chance if hes near a bush.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rengar isn't the biggest threat, but you should always be very careful in this match-up because if Rengar gets an early lead he can steamroll over you. ”
GODEFFO says “Rengar is a different issue for TF. There is counter potential, either using Stopwatch or just spam Attack moving while close to bushes, but Rengar's burst is very dangerous when it comes to facing him with TF. ”
Fabosch is Love says “Usually played by OTP, Rengar is a strong problem if he's fed. He has the engage priority on you when he ults. He destroys the Assassin Wukong. But you will have a stronger teamfight impact with the monkey. Keep some tankiness (Tabis is the best item against Rengar).”
RaptorDre says “Isn't a hard matchup, if your quick on reactions you can E his jump. He will be able to W back a lot of the hp you just bursted out though so try and space it out a small bit. ”
urrb says “This champion wins against Kha'Zix unless you can catch him with his abilities on cooldown and fight him in a bush where he can't get any passive autos on you. Don't ever fight him near bushes unless you're ready to all in him inside the bush. I generally try to get a lead by ganking before ever attempting to fight him. ”
SpecterZX says “This is ridiculously easy..
Incredibly predictable and easy to 1v1.Even if he gets fed you should live with your W and he wont have any abilities left to use.”
KitsyMamori says “His all in combo is easier to land then yours. Be really careful for counters in your jungle as he is really strong around bushes. When you see his ult pop-up on your head, wait for him to jump on you while you run away and at the second he jumps E > W > RUN OR FIGHT!”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “you cant beat him until you get R or unless rengar is ass. play smart. your ganks are better. be patient, once you have R you win fights easily”
Quezel says “Rengar can be very hard if you don't know the range on his leap however once you learn it the matchup gets a bit easier. Farm with q and use your e to pull him back to you when he leaps in or tries to retreat to a bush. Once you get seekers tabi it becomes significantly easier to fight him 1v1. NEVER ult him when has has ferocity his empowered w can remove your ult look to ult him behind you away from bushes to make the fight easier.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Good rengar players will run you over. You simply get outdamaged in a 1v1. Look to take drakes/rift herald and play for objectives. Don't be alone with low health while rengar still has R up.”
Mkcls says “One shot. With every R. possible to kill if you have huge advantage, but you cannot let him get into bushes. Leave scuttle, its not worth it. Kinda viable to early cheese.”
Simphoria says “Its like any other assassin. Clear a bit, gank. Our passive can protect us from his initial burst. He is a bit trickier than others because we have to watch where we Q. If we Q anywhere near a bush he will just jump to us or if we use our E when he has 5 stacks then he will empower W to break it. Other than that, he's not much different than any other assassin.
Late game when he ults, hover around your backline and the moment you see him dash in or if you can see him in the sweeper, then Q him. ”
HackedAccountlol says “Do a 5 point defense against him cause sometimes he will invade with his team in your jungle and if that happens just don't try to fight them cause Rengar in the jungle with bushes to help build up his fury will demolish your gameplan.”
Xelaadryth says “Auto attack him a lot. If he's in brush, stand far away, and look to hit him when he jumps out for cs with Qs and autos. He should have a hard time reaching you, especially if you dodge his slow/snare with your E.”
LFS_aXent says “Rengar and Kha'Zix are mechanically the same champion. I say you have a better time with Rengar, because you have the opportunity to play in the open with him, and beat down the kitty while he desperately tries jumping from bushes. Keep your distance late game, he will one shot with ult if you're not careful. Use your E wisely.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Depending on the player, Rengar can be a pain. Usually, however, he's not a big deal if you play correctly. He falls off late game, where you excel. Try to protect your squishy laners from his insane burst, and avoid his Bola Shot.”
Laverenz says “Rengar is a high one-burst champion, which makes a quite difficult opponent for Skarner. If you're ahead, he will use Ultimate to run away. If you're behind, he will just oneshot you”
today ill feed enemy team says “Weak early and Tiger Stance will destroy him, don't get caught low hp by his ult or you will die, when he ults use your E before he jumps on you and shred him.”
KingZogu says “personally i find rengar to be a massive pain in the early and mid game due to my agressive nature and karthus's low mobility rengar can pretty easily counter gank you and force a reaction.”
SirZeros says “Okay, this is most likely not gonna be a midlane matchup, but here's a great way to counter his burst. If you see him ulting hug a wall and prepare you tunnel, as soon as you see him jumping at you, use the tunnel. You ARE most likely get a some damage from his Q but usually not more.
If he goes through the tunnel too, just Q him into the wall. He usually shouldn't have four stacks already, so he can't cancel the stun.”
CryAwake says “straight forward his passive and ultimate is denied by your steadfast presence make sure to wait for his actual jump before casting it. ”
Her0mars says “probably not going to be a problem, heck you can invade this guy early because of his terrible first clear. When teamfights roll around just peel this guy with E and R. Sometimes it may get to the point where carry death is inevetable, in which case just try to kill him after. He is a cheese champion but sees play at high elo, even challenger level for his ability to instagib.”
Hamstertamer says “Stick with your team, go invisible when you see his ult indicator and counter-initiate. If he jumps anyone else than you focus him down. ”
Chromuro says “There are a couple of problems with him: first, he can make use of the brushes you create; sure, when the rengar is in your team is a good thing, but since brushes are a great tool to control enemy vision, you have to be extra careful placing them. Second, he can stick to you and he's an assassin, if he catches you while clearing jungle you have little possibilities to survive. Vision is important, keep your brushes warded and stick to your carries, your shield can deny a lot of his damage.”
4by3 says “Very snowbally matchup for both sides, if you have a lead you can destroy him easily. If he gets an early lead he will destroy you, and much easily too. You can outplay him if he's bad, but his power to avoid you from going in is not fun. If he is diving you with R, you can cancel his entire combo if you're sitting on a box. ”
batiabatyus says “Just clear his raptors and krugs at the early game for bonus exp. No chance that he is gonna be stronger than you, even in late game. Take all scuttle crabs. (Even Q+smite, if he is near)”
SupahotFairy says “Will very often try to counter jungle you, which can be very annoying, especially if your team is falling behind and losing lanes so that you can't counter jungle him back.
However, Vi outscales Rengar fast. As long as Rengar doesn't get too far ahead early, you will be able to take over in mid-game.”
Jadiac5 says “Yes he is the ONE the ONE you will ban EVERY match, his ultimate completely counters your passive, and if he is in a bush and sees you you will be having that grey screen before you can even see him. Rengar is only killable if you are HARD fed and on lanes when you can charm him.”
ASV1994 says “Now this "little cat" can burst the sh*t out of you in early game, banning him is also a good choice, but in case you end up vsing him avoid fighting him 1 v 1 ward bushes and powerfarm until you get Titanic Hydra and you finish your Smite Bloodrazor. ”
FesteringJester says “Yes, you can win against Rengar with WW, although, this will be another skill based match-up. MIND THE BUSHES. We are still tanky but that doesnt matter to him. ”
Fiskarn21 says “Rengar can be a major threat. He feeds on your bushes. It's not fun playing vs a Rengar... But if you don't use your bushes, he cannot get to you.”
itskimjesus says “blue kayn can not, and i mean, can not 1v1 rengar, his w heals your full combo and from there you die. unless your extremely fed and he is not”
EvilOranges says “Skill matchup. You can burst the knife-cat down, but he can do the same to you. Stay away from bushes, and buy Sweeping Lens. If he combos you, R or E away. He is stronger early game.”
vanchovski2002 says “Here it is your rivalry.
If he isn't fed then you can kill him 1v1.
If he jumps on, use your ultimate to either run away or fight him
People say he counters your Ult but you counter his ult so hard...He can't even imagine ”
PandaSenpai101 says “Try to push and utilize the bushes accordingly. You can go in on the bush to make him not able to use it with most of his damage gone.”
SlasherGamer says “Like all other 1 shot champs: If he gets early kills, Hecarim loses because of his low base tankyness causing him to get oneshotted. In this category are: KhaZix, Ekko, Qiyana, Nidalee, Rek Sai. Focus in early game can prevent a lot of bad games for sure.”
Bombabo says “Rengar will stomp you. He will most likely counterjungle you, where he will easily kill you. His ult reveals you even through demon shade, and he can repeatedly force you to ult just to survive. Even with your stealth, he will see you before you see him as long as he is in a bush. ”
Killerbacca10 says “He cant burst you. I recommend to counter gank him for free kills. However if he gets fed your screwed. Build anti burst if he snowballs. He can snowball the game well. Abuse your objective pressure.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A jungler that will mostly farm until lvl 6 and then he will try to snowball during mid game, so try to get in front of him during early game while also trying to outfarm him.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Can 1 Shot You With Ease. Just Build My On Hit With Titanic And Gage Build And You Will Demolish him. Extreme Threat If You Dont Though.”
xMalcho says “He will kill you level 2 don't fight him.Try to ward his jungle because his early clear is not that good.You can kill him if you catch him doing raptors or wolves.And if you will fight him to death ignite the moment you auto him once because he will w if you don't and fuck your ass.”
MrParias says “This guy farms until 6 and then kills teammates.Outfarm him , ward both sides of jungle as he will try to invade or counter jungle and keep an eye on his movements.”
FrozenKnight says “This goddamn cat will be unstoppable if he gets ahead. WARD. I can't stress enough that if you don't you will end up dying because you didn't see him. ”
Weebslayer says “If you end up fighting a Rengar
2) FOR the love of Satan dont place your w down if you think he is anywhere near by”
bluejaypig says “The new rengar is pretty busted, just don't fight him before 6 and you will still do fine. But he has gotten a lot more damage with his rework. ”
ExValentine0 says “Rengar can pop you instantly. If you don't hit him with a tornado while he's coming at you stealthed, then you'll just die horribly in under a second. If their Rengar is really good, rush health and armor items immediately.”
BigBadVoodo says “Another 50-50 matchup. Very hard playing from behind as he becomes unkillable. Try and pressure early and play around boxes a lot. His R is also a big counter as he can see us when we are in Q. Try using R to dodge his first auto attack from R to minimize dmg taken.”
WiskeyANDGin says “try to w when he leaps, predict it, if u do that u will get him easly, if not,still go all in on him, he wont be able to kill , only if he is really ahead of you”
xTheUnlimited says “Rengar will powerspike in mid game. Dont fight him there, and, I dont think you can ever 1v1 him, because his damage output might be too high. Try to keep him away from your carries since these are characters he wants to hunt down. Try to CC him right after he jumps. His empowered W is a hard counter to your CC though, so watch out for his stacks. ”
Court says “If Rengar pounces on Evelynn out of no where early game, she will probably die. Zhonyas will be key to staying alive against a Rengar, especially if Evelynn isn't doing well against him. His self-cleanse will make it difficult to get a kill on him. ”
MrPeach301 says “Just be careful about his one-shotting late game, and if he jumps on you just alpha dodge it or meditate if its early game (level 6 -11)”
Eznar says “Dont fight till evolved/invade his Blue since normally they make full clear Red side and in low elo nobody knows what a ward is anyways his mobility in the jgl is what makes him relativly strong
craY13 says “Same as for Kha'Zix. He can snowball very hard. If you manage to keep him small and don´t let him snowball as good as possible you can face him in 1vs.1.”
LePlay says “Typical assassin: Low life, high burst damage, vulnerable to stuns and slows. Try to block his R and his auto attack leap with your W and smack him against the nearest terrain with your E”
kkiskk says “Place a ward in the bush so he can't kite you. Unless you go full tank, you'll outdamage him in early and mid game. If he can't build his item faster than you, he has no damage to you. Watch out for he's 4 ferocity W that remove CC when you duel him, use ignite before he use his W. Get a pink ward post-6 so he can't escape / jumps on your unaware teammates.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “He can block your R with his inpowered W. Rengar will mosly farm till he hits 6. He cant gank mid pre 6 so if the enemy midlaner is pushing he is a free gank. You should watch for lane ganks/counter ganks top or bot from him. If you don't have a hard winning lane pre 6 you will have to counter his ganks if not he will snowball our of control.”
Optimal Pancake says “Not as strong as Kha'Zix but will be a threat if allowed to farm and invade. Ward up and wait for your form change before you fight him he outdamages you and everyone else early.”
ElementressX says “Rengar is super dangerous. When fighting him ask for help from other lanes he has more damage than you. Ward heavily and counter gank.”
Violzandre says “Booring, trying to oneshot you, if you can survive her first attack with his R (and that's easy with your R in the right moment), you can force him to a endurance battle that you with you'r lifesteal and mediocre defensive stats, will win.”
Predated01 says “Dumps on you 1v1 early due to his passive and can snowball a lead easily if the Rengar is skilled. Try not to int him early he's one of the few champs you beat the later the game goes on.”
LordTamaki says “He can be pretty annoying if he gets a lead on you, but if you land a w on him or have items yourself he can be taken down. His empowered w acts as a cleanse so watch his ferocity meter.”
Corvux says “Do to the fact that this champion can make use of your brush benefits: Unseen Predator: Grants attacks made in brush bonus attack range and the ability to leap at his target. ”
SpicySkelleton says “Do not let rengar stack their dark harvest if hes got it, counter jungle while building thornmail and sun cape to counter him. And while you fight him don't be afraid to ask for help, the more behind you put him the more you can benefit your team while hes out.”
Loul_60 says “Rengar is not as bad as Kha'Zix, no where near. He cannot gank very well pre-6, even then only with his ultimate. His AoE clear isn't great so look for invasions. He can still 1v1 you though in the early game so be very wary of that, especially if he gets to leap out of a bush onto you.”
L3gislacerator says “Ward up and never underestimate his damage. Be quick with your stun when he jumps on your team. As an assasin, he kills squishy targets quickly, but with the armor bonus and shield that a teammate gets from Bastion, you can protect against him.”
Hunterlogic says “With his buffs he is more of a threat. He can 1 shot you before you can press R. If he fails to 1 shot you it turns around and you win. Build a Randuins if he becomes a problem.”
RAT 4 says “rito decided to give him even more bonus damage from dark harvest so u can just get oneshoted if u are below 50% health even in early nice one! ”
Exhiled says “The new rengar is pretty busted, just don't fight him before 6 and you will still do fine. But he has gotten a lot more damage with his rework.
Damosus says “If he gets ahead just farm up. Try to avoid fighting him because you dont win, especially pre 6. Meditate when he ults/jumps and you should beat him. ”
Yi Guide says “He will easily kill you in the early parts of the game. After level 6 you begin to have a chance at winning trades against him. If he's any good, he will try to camp your jungle and 100-0 you over and over... ward as much as you can and play safe. Try to avoid fighting him near bushes and dodge his (E) Bola Strike. Some armor and health can go a long way.”
chakib2013 says “His champ is stronger than yours all you can do is play around your setup champs ( most likely your support / mid ) and learn how to avoid him in jungle because you will never win 1V1.”
Hazardist says “Rengar is one of the easiest assassins to deal with in a duel, but his clears are extremely fast, his mobility is hard to deal with for Yorick and scales really well the later the game goes on. If he gets fed, you might have to be forced to play defensively and peel for your backline rather than engage on him.”
FrediBelle says “Use sua ult no momento que ele ultar em você, ele vai gastar todo o combo e quando a ult acabar voce mata ele, guarde o E para estourar quando a ult acabar.”
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