Mid Lane 49.77% Win Rate76% Pick RateQiyana Mid Lane Counters: 15 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Qiyana in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Badplank says “Assassin, Viktor doesn't like assassins, she can just plummet you down. Suggest playing defensively and asking jungler for some help.”
Lunar1v9 says “She has a high burst of damage at level 3 so be aware of that. Level 1 and 2 u are way stronger than her so be aware of that push wave with ur passive stacked up and try to poke her on sidelane u hard beat her with ur level advantage
GAMING ACADEMY says “You can bully this lane quite hard, but if you waste your E then you will be punished. Be very careful with how you use it pre 6. Consider taking a defensive summoner like exhaust or barrier in this matchup.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Cloth armour first back is good. Keep in mind her cooldowns and range. She will destroy you if you walk up without spells. Use your EQ bounce to poke then back off until E is backup. Never greed when you're under 40% HP. Zhonyas 3rd is pretty good. Be wary of her ult range during teamfights and just pop Zhonyas once she ults. ”
Tamikaze says “You need to understand her different types of elements. Notably, her stun ability compared to the others. If she has stun up, her combo is 10x more lethal in lane. Qiyana is similar to Zed in the fact that if she snowballs early the lane is miserable, but if you can survive to post 6. The lane is much easier. Most of her trade potential in lane comes from her dashing through minions onto you. So be conscious about your positioning next to the wave and respect the range of her dash. Additionally, respect walls and even your own tower for her ult. If the Qiyana is a good player, you don't stand a chance. Notable interaction: she can ult off your wall and stun you. If you ult and she ults, you need to step back IMMEDIATELY to prevent yourself from being stunned.”
MattStyle says “Es casi tan peligrosa como Irelia. El principal problema es que puede inflingirte demasiado daño de forma sorpresiva y no permitirte ultearte a tiempo.
Juega lo más defensivo posible e intenta no feedear. ”
j4ss says “Zero sustain but unfair damage. Don't get close to walls and poke her down, it's almost impossible to kill her in lane, rush damage and shieldbow second item will do job. plated steelcaps are useless here so you can go swifties or ionian boots.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora is quite strong into assassins, as her stronger early game can beat many of them into the ground before they start to become too threatening, while having similar amounts of burst damage in the later stages of the game. The ability to buy Zhonya's Hourglass is also extremely significant. ”
Tatsurion says “ive never in my life had trouble with qiyana, sure she is mobile, but honestly every time she attempts to trade in with you shes forced to walk back to her minions and take at least 2-3 hits of your soldiers, her ult DOES work with yours so be mindful of that, but assassin players are generally greedy, so you are probably looking for some easy shuffles.
Shes too squishy to be a threat to you later on. A very good matchup for you.
Burst if the comp allows.”
Vladmidir says “Pool her ult or her Q combos. You hard win trades and out sustain her. Ping her roams but don't follow her, you will never outroam her. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start.
Another skill matchup, tho I think it's slightly Zed favoured. Poke her until you feel comfortable all inning. You should aim to dodge her Water Q or R with your W and R, as her locking you down can mean lead to you getting killed rather easily. Keep in mind that her Q follows you, if she uses it while in her E.
Her grass Q makes it harder to hit your Q's so a early sweeper can help tremendously.
She has a lot of dashes, which makes it hard to hit your Q's reliably in general.Think about where she might dodge to and aim your q's accordingly or while she's locked in an animation.”
support_diff says “Qiyana is an assassin that is really hard to play. She has a good poke damage, can go invisible (read her ability descriptions, it is really hard to understand her playstyle otherwise) and has a short root. She has a great mobility so you can't really hit skillshots on her. That's not bad, because you only have one skillshot that isn't your main source of damage anyways. She can get close to you really easily with her E, which is really bad for you as it is hard to win trades if you are close to a melee champion. You need to play passively, freeze the wave near your turret and wait for a gank. Keep your farm up, but don't expect to get a cs lead against her”
BrMario1011 says “broken pdf champ, same as zed, if you play right she cant play, just watch out if she has water cc thing since she can one shot you level 4,6 and after that always ig lol, funny champ ik, and make sure you wait for her dashes
only real problem is that this champ is fucking disgusting and she scales so hard and one shots ur team
tiny threat on lower elos
she loses to u extremely hard level 1-3
go electrocute/grasp, d ring/seal and ingnite”
vitya331 says “Qiyana is an easy match up because she is very squishy and you can out trade her every time she tries to go on you. But be careful because she can cancel your engage with her Ult.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] You win this matchup really hard early game and should pressure her as much as possible with PTA + Boneplate and harass her for every CS to build up a lead. If she gets any kills from roaming / solokilling you the matchup quickly snowballs out of control and becomes unplayable.”
sick204 says “Respect Qiyana's burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and W. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Qiyana's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Qiyana's terrain interactions, as they can significantly enhance her damage output and mobility. Utilize W to block Qiyana's abilities and reduce her poke and engage potential. Engage on Qiyana when her abilities are on cooldown, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building armor items like Ninja Tabi to mitigate Qiyana's physical damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “A good Qiyana is hard, I suggest you'd take TP on this once because she can kill you after she gets her ult. Harass her pre 6 and survive until you get that core and rely on your team to help you/.”
otaliz says “Be careful with her level 3 all-in, generally people don't imagine she has much damage at this point, but believe me, she does. This is a good matchup to go Exhaust. You can poke her pre-level 3, so try to abuse this as much as you can, to reduce the chances of her trying to kill you from level 3 onwards. I like to go with Resolve on the secondary runes against her, using either Bone Plating, or Conditioning.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] You win this matchup really hard early game and should pressure her as much as possible with PTA + Boneplate and harass her for every CS to build up a lead. If she gets any kills from roaming / solokilling you the matchup quickly snowballs out of control and becomes unplayable.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. Fun and skill Match up. You can also fight with her even though she is invisible. You have the range on Q3,W and also R to cover the whole area she is invisible in.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Qiyana is extremely weak in her first few Levels, and her Level 1 is borderline unplayable, so you should do your best to bully her with attacks and abilities as much as you can at that point. Play a bit more carefully after Level 3 as her burst becomes much more respectable, but poke her down during the windows in which she doesn't have her E (11 seconds). Be careful not to play near walls so as to not get caught out by a Qiyana ult!”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - barrier - Flat HP.
To me Qiyana isn't the worst assasin to face, because as long as you don't stand near walls, you won't get one shot. You could even be able to combo her and kill her if she doesn't kill you. You will easily poke her out of lane, and when you have items, you will just one shot her (unless she buys EoN). ”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you, but other than that you will want to build up a lead before she hits 6. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. You will pretty much always win quick QW trades and she should need to use a lot of mana to farm with Q, so make sure you position aggressively.
awawa says “Avoid orange W - Q poke, beware blue W - Q stun, as its a good setup for ganks. Don't stay near walls if she has R. W her engage. An average Qiyana will lose the lane herself. SPAM PING IF SHE ROAMS”
MageSept says “Really depends on how good the Qiyana is. Second wind is often better than Bone plating in this matchup as she needs to poke you down before she can all-in.
If you want to be very safe, get a Cloth Armor and build Rod of Ages.”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you, but other than that you will want to build up a lead before she hits 6. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. Consider buying a cloth armor on first base to nullify her lethality, and then upgrade it into Zhonya's 2nd item.”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you, but other than that you will want to build up a lead before she hits 6. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. Eclipse works well in this matchup and you can look for either Electrocute ignite or first strike and TP.”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you, but other than that you will want to build up a lead before she hits 6. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. I would highly recommend playing tank azir in this matchup.
Soft Headpats says “Qiyana can't do much at levels 1 and 2, so use this time to harass her. As soon as she hits level 3, she becomes much more annoying with her flexible mobility. Try to keep the wave closer to your tower, and be careful of her powerful all-in at 6. Walls are not your friend. Qiyana players will often dive you using your turret for her ult, so be wary of that.
Zhonya's active is difficult to use against her since you can't activate it if you get caught by her ult. You have to activate it during the small window where she's winding up her ult, or else you'll be swept up into it. ”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana can be bullied very hard levels 1 and 2 but you should be careful of her level 3 spike and want the wave to be in the middle or coming back to you by this point. Post 6 do your best to stay away from walls, and try use your E defensively to stop her from getting onto you.”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. Consider taking exhaust for this matchup.”
Deceiver_euw says “LeBlanc is really good into Qiyana in the laning phase. The matchup is a lot about abusing her early if she doesnt take tp and doran shield (most qiyanas dont do this). The mechanic interactions are also very LeBlanc favoured, since you can reveal her in her Grass mark, you have a free chain hit on her if she uses her E on you and you can use your W snap back to avoid her E+Q damage. Never position near a wall where she can do her flash ult burst combo on you. Or if you do, anticipate the combo and react to it since she is useless after she wastes her combo.”
ShokLoL says “Qiyana can be bullied very hard levels 1 and 2 but you should be careful of her level 3 spike and want the wave to be in the middle or coming back to you by this point. Post 6 do your best to stay away from walls, and try use your E defensively to stop her from getting onto you.”
vSomnia says “Can be a hard matchup. Try to cs and harass her with Q's and scorch procs. Look for opportunities to get passive proc after hitting Q. Try to get control in the lane get courageous or she takes over. Don't fight close to walls. Be careful when she has ice, you might get ganked or catch full combo when she hits it. Hard to get passive proc off when she uses invisible Q.”
InTaggar says “ENG: HIGHLY IMPORTANT, poke him with Q in the first levels and dont let him farm than lvl 3, after that and if u doing well, she will be behind u and u can have priority in your lane to help your jungler.
If u dont do that the game is over.
Runes: Aery with Scorch.
Spells: TP/Barrier.
ESP: MUY IMPORTANTE, asegurate de pockearla con la Q durante los primeros niveles y negarle el farm y la experiencia, si lo haces bien ella quedará muy atrás y vas a tener prioridad de linea para poder ayudar a tu jungla y poder snowballear de a poco.
Si no haces esto la partida se volverá muy difícil debido a su kit de habilidades.
Runas: Aery + Quemadura.
Spells: TP/Barrera”
FelixMrChat says “Not an easy matchup, but with a good itemization (Frozen Heart, Tabi) you should be able to get out of it without too much trouble. Be careful, however, to have at least as much impact as her on the lane.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Qiyana until lvl 3 you can poke her with Q and W, after 3 play a little more safe, especcialy if she have the blue arc, trade to fight her when she use W having one less dash to predict, and stay away from the walls after 6”
Kikife says “Since Qiyana has visual indicators as for which element she has taken, you know if she's looking for a stun. Try to stay away from river as she can get a neat combo on you by taking water then earth with a double Q toss and electrocute proc.
Watch for her ganking as she can get huge stuns on your team for free kill potential.
Stay away from walls where you can and play central to your lane / closer to your side whilst stacking Q and looking for out of her Q range poke.”
vreiki says “No nível 1, voce tem uma vantagem enorme, abuse do ataque básico. Fique atento à ganks. Quando ela estiver em recarga puna. Seu alcance é maior que o dela para pokear.”
gaarrett says “Button mash W when she jumps on you. Let her start trades unless your wave is in a good spot. Try to land E2 when she's in grass Q as that will remove her invisibility and open up for a full combo. [3/5] ultimate, really only used for the stun. Remember that river counts as terrain so you don't need to line people up against a wall when fighting in baron or dragon pit. ”
149Gray says “Another generic melee/assassin matchup, slowpush and poke her when she tries to go for a minion, be careful on the bounce. Play around your pool.”
sennahGG says “My Favorite Ban this Assasin is Hell. She goes Invisible then All-Ins you and as you are just Squishy she kills you. W away if she gets close to you. She will Deny so much Farm its crazy”
ImVoxxX says “Kinda equal to you, she wants to all-in at lvl 2 and 3.
Dodge her water Q and R.
Don't fight her near water, her R can stun you even if you're not near walls.”
ExodusBlue says “Good Qiyana's are hard to hit w Q and E abilities. Farm w QE when she goes invisible then back off wave. EQ>QQ if she goes for a dash Q trade to cut ground on you. Stay away from walls and do not push to her side trust”
Axsanea says “[EN]
If she has ignite like other assasins, and you are low health specially this one will kill you due that his "Q" deals more dmg between lower your health is, engage with your "W" and keep trades short but longer than usual, try to use your "E" to get out of her range, and if she follows, and fail his "Q" engage back with your second "E" cast.
Si ella ha llevado "ignite" como cualquier otro asesino, y tienes poca salud, especialmente este campeon te matará debido a que su "Q" causa más daño entre menos salud tengas, juego con tu "W" y mantén los intercambios cortos pero más largos de lo habitual, debes usar tu "E" para salir de su rango, y si ella te sigue y falla su "Q", vuelve a enganchar con tu segundo cast de la "E".
wundrew says “Skill matchup. You can always dodge her first Q with shunpo, do not stand next to walls when trading because she will ult you. Very hard to dive because of ult and grass Q.”
SurferKiller says “Her combo hurts so much you scream IRL. It's insanely hard to win lane vs her, because if you kill her once, she starts perma roaming and kills your botlane and gets fed. If you are behind, she does the same. Ping more times than normal as soon as you notice she is missing. Let your team know. In-lane, wait for level 9 and wait for her to miss her E, then all in.”
KazunaSan says “Ne la laissez pas prendre de l'avance sinon ça peut être assez difficile, je jouerais comète pour la poke ou electrocute pour try le oneshot
match up assez skillé, ne pas gaspiller ses CD sinon c'est terminé pour vous.
VinnieStyle says “Qiyana karşısında pozisyon hatası yapılmaması gereken bir champ, sizi erken aşamada en rahat cezalandıracak ve oyunda düşürecek seviyede tehlike arz ediyor; hem de bunu item olmadan yapabiliyor!
Genel kanının aksine Zed, Yasuo gibi champlar Azir'in counterı değil. Daha çok skill matchup ı diyebiliriz. Ancak Qiyana bunların ötesinde bir laning aşaması geçirerek size zor anlar yaşatabilir.
Karşısında tutuştur yerine teleport ile oynamanız önemlidir zira koridor itmesi azımsanamayacak seviyede yüksek bir şampiyon.
Geride kalın ve ormancınızla organize olun!”
Wizboy73 says “Take defensive runes, bully her early cause she turns into a monster post 6 and once she gets a dirk. you do win in later game especialy once you have zhonyas,. ”
LoveMid says “I have played this matchup maybe a good 3 times and haven't had the best success. It isn't a hard matchup but her kit allows her to play around your stun really easily”
Shinbae says “Довольно мобильная на всех этапах игры, ещё и тонной урона, не самый лучший пик для Зои. Однако если будете держать дистанцию и не давать вас застанить или подобраться близко, то у вас будет много преимущества.
Если Киану поймать на ошибке, она, не всегда, но ваншотается”
Halkem says “Don't push into her if possible or build a really big wave to crash while bullying her. You can play very agressive against her in the first 2 levels. When the wave is bouncing and she's lv3, it's really dangerous for you to step up, you just have to respect. Once the wave is close to your turret its fine taking trades as she can't hard commit. Make sure to track her roams and ping your team, it's the only way she can build a lead on you, because after 6 your R counters her mobility too much.”
Iceyou says “Idle minion wave just like every other melee and poke . Level 3 she is very dangerous care . This one is exception dont ignore her she is extremely good at teamfights if you get a lead snowball and farm her if you can . That means dont allow her to take plates when you are ahaid so you can roam its more important to keep her behind .”
TrueGIXERJ says “i really, *REALLY*, dislike qiyana - if she roots you with blue element you probably die because CC is horrible for you - her invis prevents all of your damage if she uses it well also. i don't really know what to do into this matchup lol.”
The Milelator says “Check her mastery points, if she is no otp you automatically win lane. She always loses the trade and you have better push. If she is an otp and knows her moves, avoid walls if you can. Remember her E places her BEHIND you. Though even a high skill player must respect you. Push waves and roam, if you are not confident enough to kill her. ”
WarwicksSimp says “The easiest assassin matchup next to Katarina, Qiyana never has solo kill pressure on you, all she can do is hope to outplay you constantly. Oracle lens is good here. Barrier is good here.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so u can shuffle her into tower. Advice I would say is to try your best in avoiding those skillshots, because they do a lot of dmg.”
Tokiyami says “Skill matchup you can abuse her early pre 3 and have prio, just becareful of her lvl 6 all in because she will try to widde you down to 70-80% hp and then all in you with her combo which kills you. Just try to trade and poke with her as much as you can early because she doesn't have much damage in the early game another thing to note is that your E reveals her in her bush Q”
Yannik123 says “She can oneshot you after 6, Zhonyas if important, 2. item. She can dodge your stuff but if you stay away from her you can maybe win with roams or ganks.”
Lindroganti says “She can do little more than chuck her mildly ranged ability at you. Just block her ult and you are fine. You can predict her ult or even bait it by standing near a wall.”
stormraided says “Level 1 walk up and try to melee Q her if she didn't level up W first. If you take ignite you can ignite her before she throws her grass Q, or if you land your W just Q in and proc your passive, she'll have an outline even if she's invisible. Dodge Q hits by standing behind minions. Do not stand close to walls/grass/river because she can ult and oneshot you if her R hits. ”
support_diff says “Farm, don't get hit by her abilities and trade when she doesn't have her dash up. Qiyana has an amazing ult to steal. Bit of a skill matchup, a good Qiyana can make it significantly harder for you to farm against her”
Fuzzmonkey says “Make sure not to stand close to a wall. Our W is an counter to her stealth, cuz after you reach her she is revealed for 1.5 seconds, meaning she cant go hide in stealth for that duration. After the reveal ends, back off and go in again with w to not get punished by her stealth. ”
Wraithlander says “Avoid using W early when trading with her. She has multiple gap closers which need to be taken into consideration and her burst damage is absurd after dirk. Dodge her Qs as best as you can and consider rushing a seeker's armsguard.”
sullyyylol says “Both champs have a weak early, you should be able to look for an all in early. At 6 if she's ahead there isn't much counterplay to her 1 shot insta combo.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Qiyana is dangerous due to the amount of her crowd control, which makes assassinating you much easier. To win this matchup, it's crucial to position yourself well against her and maintain distance. Crown build would be Great”
tangerrine says “She isn't TOO bad for an assassin matchup. Be careful of level 3, as she WILL try and engage. Same with level 6. Try to ask for ganks and never shove against her or she will burst you down. ”
TheBougis says “I haven't seen nearly any Qiyanas but she shouldn't be too strong against you as she is an assassin and you're an infinitely healing tank. Peel your duo and you will win.”
Zero macro says “Qiyana has a really bad lvl 1/2/3, and should taken advantage over by Kog'Maw. Once Qiyana hits level 6 it will become hard for Kog'Maw to be able to walk up.
Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
Rarnetto2 says “Qiyana has a great all in you have to watch out for. When she hits 6 it becomes very difficult to use the walls for your E due to her ultimate ccing around the walls when it collides with terrain. Play well pre-6 and look for roams.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Not that bad just make sure to bully her pre 6 and stay away from walls after 6. level 6 its jsut postioning and poking her down. Go comet”
IggyBoom says “Legit easy, as long as she has no water W she is free af. You can freely engage on her, you can counter her engage, you have enough to make Qiyana cry.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Punish her when she goes for CS]
[If she jumps on you for trade and backs off, then pull her back and trade her back]
[Early Armor against her is very good]”
freuio123 says “Ich hasse qiyana Matchup einfach.
Du outpushst, outroamst und bist generell einfach der bessere Champion und dann stehst in der Lane lvl 7 1x zu nah an der Wand und bist one hit, schade du hast das Game verloren.
Ähnlich wie Pantheon, an sich kann qiyana nicht so viel machen, aber hier kann schneller was schief gehen und dann ist sie ahead und snowballed whole map.”
NickLeVlach says “Very ez. Again, if she is one trick ponny, main Qiyana ONLY then she know that to do. Well, if you find one, don't panic. You got him. 90% of the time he'll get first strike. You have to take it away from him to make him useless. Don't let her fall on you and always save your E for the moment she tries it.”
Zeusman00 says “Very hard matchup, has very strong burst and solid poke. Biggest threat is her invisibility inside of her Grass Q because you can not use your E on her. Avoid as much poke as possible and try to catch her when she doesnt have grass element.”
uwuimsocute says “Idk, this champ just isnt good. She wont be able to farm until 6, since you will outtrade her. If you somehow do not manage to get ahead before 6, you need to be a bit careful since she might be able to allin you.
Still, matchup should be very easy since she shouldnt be able to farm in this lane.”
qkthr1 says “skill matchup. her hoop range is pathetic and extremely easy to dodge, and not super debilitating if you get hit. Also just pay attention to which hoop shes using, and if she has ult up stay away from walls. i have a 66 wr againt qiyana and i out scored her each time, its a matter of using your W smart, then aggressing her when shes exhausted her abilities. stay away from walls in teamfights, and her impact is very small”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge her Qs
- Whenever she has Ice Q, she is most likely gonna get gank, or is looking to all-in you
- Don't waste E
- Use E whenever she E you, or unless its really free”
Painters says “Skill match up. She has a lot of burst. You do not want to stand by walls due to her ult. Again, save your W for when she's in your face.”
Jg_diff says “She isn't really a threat for you, as you both are going to probably play pretty safely. If both win their farm, you are going to be the ones to rule how the game goes on. Don't feed her or you're going to be shouted at.”
Cryniu says “As Pantheon, Qiyana can stun and kill you with burst AD damage. You can poke her a lot in early game but keep your distance in lvl 6. If you are suffering go for Zhonyas or Crown and if the jungler is CC-dependent build Mercury's.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Roaming and Team Fights: Qiyana tends to focus on snowballing and roaming. Use this opportunity to roam and impact other lanes with your crowd control and burst potential.”
TB Azir says “1 levelda inanılmaz weak olduğu için üstüne koşun ve olabildiğince zonelayın, elinde yeşil ve su varken de bir tık temkinli oynayın ve Q'larını dodgelamaya çalışın, hepsi bu.
Rün: Fleet, PTA”
DaddyVladdy says “Go aery/electro and beat her to death.Her combos are predictable.If she ults you into a wall theres a split second between the push and the stun where you can pool.”
Smudey says “You are generally good against assassins as Shen and Qiyana is no exception. Try to get an early lead lvl 2. She doesn't have the most range so abuse that by going for taunts (not too predictable so she doesn't dash away) and winning long trades. Her stealth can be quite annoying though so watch out for that.”
darkezmond says “A fairly easy matchup at all stages of the game for you, poke Q and auto attacks, play aggressively with your E, be wary of her element of water”
kaiba77 says “Her damage is just higher. React to her E dash with your E, if you hit it you win. Do not recast e immediately, use it to reveal her in grass Q.”
Edawg says “She's just pretty annoying, don't fall for her bait by trying to all-in her close to any walls. Play safe and roam, only fight in the middle of lane.”
Budgizee says “i dont like this matchup, she has a lot of dashes compare to cassio ( 0 ) so its very difficult to deal with her unless u stun or W to lock her down.
be careful of her ult and combo with Q and E”
SlayQueen101 says “Same as zed. Make sure to poke her. Do not let her roam and make sure to stay under tower. Dont stand near walls or river when playing against her.”
Nooldles says “Very similar to the Fizz matchup. Can't really trade into you since you can always return with W and potentially chase with Q and E. Also has a great ultimate for you to steal. ”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
eyeball choice.
Sit in the middle of the lane. Short trades. Shove her under tower. Save bubble for her dashes.
Keep your damage high to threaten her like she threatens you. TAKE BARRIER. And you can bubble beyond you when she E's onto you.
Consider zhonyas.”
Deru says “Pretty similar to fizz, you can't really solokill her unless she makes bad mistakes but you can outroam her. She onetaps you at every stage of the game if you don't have enough reflexes.”
Deru says “Pretty similar to Fizz, you can't really solokill her unless she makes bad mistakes but you can outroam her. She onetaps you at every stage of the game if you don't have enough reflexes.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Another unpleasant killer, can hide (invisibility with your R, it will be easier for you to find it), and cause damage at a short distance, there are also jerks. When it has R (LVL 6), do not STAND At the WALLS, it is better not to get even close, and also, with special care, put your W, it throws off and if there was a wall or a similar relief, it stuns you.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended BOTRK on start and then full AP or Sunderer rush.”
Mayuushii says “While you can harass her she can hit back and has dashes to avoid your stuff as well as invis to bamboozle you. Control the wave and keep it away from walls cause if she gets 6 she will look to 100 to 0 you”
Samikin says “Minor Threat.
You outrange her, especially from levels 1-2. If she ever jumps onto you, you can sleep her since she dashes in a straight line towards you, even if she goes invisible.
QIyana still has a lot of kill pressure after level 6 and especially after her first item, so you still have to respect her. Don't play next to any walls with her ult up. Try to play in the middle of the lane if it's safe. Qiyana also won't be able to get her root if she is pushed into her own tower.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute or Conqueror]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Eclipse]
[Farm till 6 then try roam] [You cant kill her without jg even then its hard coz she get invisible]”
AkuAku says “Outdamages you at all points of the game. Poke from shroud and try to dodge her WEQ bursts. She usually gets push because of how big of a threat her damage is, so just spam ping bot so they dont die to her roams :)”
TheAfricanDream says “Although this matchup may seem heavily Qiyana favoured, there is a lot Swain can do to win this matchup in the first few minutes. Qiyana is a very very weak champion level 1. Like most melee enemies, you can heavily poke them with basic attacks and your close-range Q at levels 1 and 2. Slow push this wave and harass her as soon as she stands up to last hit a minion. If she takes too many bad trades, she will not have any kill pressure on you. Respect her level 3 if she still has a lot of hp and play around her cooldowns. Qiyana will have to roam and get a lead to win the game. Keep her mid lane by pressuring her but be careful that you do not get ganked. Take Bone Plating if you are worried about being killed in lane.”
Cjtheawesome says “At level 3 similar to irelia she can wombo combo you. So be careful and try to dodge her W +Q combos as much as you can. At level 6 stay as far back in the lane and safely CS to prevent her E+R+Q+W+Q combo.”
Magmor says “She can't do much too you she will just spam W and Q. Just sustain with D shield shove and roam. Pretty much never R her as she has way too many dashes + her invis she will just dodge all ur abilities. Play for the map in this matchup.”
Demonsedge90 says “Qiyana is a strong assassin in the mid-lane and can prove very difficult for Syndra to deal with if she gets too far ahead. So poke her and avoid open combat unless she makes a mistake and gives you a window to strike.”
Wizahd says “You have to keep back, or she will 1 shot you. Your best bet is forcing her out of lane with your poke, if you miss Q, you're dead most of the time.”
Atemporal says “Este confronto não era jogável no lançamento de Qiyana, mas Qiyana foi muito nerfada, mas agora novamente na 11ª temporada ela é muito forte com todos os fanboys de qiyana superservidor chinês. Você a venceu no nível 1, considere o início E. No nível 2, você pode trocar
se ela estiver segurando uma Wall Q. Se ela tiver um Q furtivo ou Q no river, você não poderá proc passiva. A janela principal para você trocar no início do jogo é logo após ela usar W. Isso significa que ela tem apenas 1 Q e ela não terá o pequeno W dash para
saia do seu alcance aa. Você deve apenas causar dano a ela em 1v1s. Use suas poções cedo para que ela não receba dano de Q quando você estiver com menos de 50% de HP. Tenha cuidado ao usar o seu Q quando estiver na pista.
Qiyana vence lutas longas contra você no início do jogo, enquanto você ganha negociações curtas. Use muito W quando você for para Q push, para afastá-la. Sua janela para entrar é sempre que você Q a onda, sempre tenha isso em mente. Se você não morrer antes do seu primeiro
lembre-se que a pista está ganha para você. Os jogadores de Qiyana sempre vagam como loucos, certifique-se de fazer ping em seus possíveis roams e wards na pista para ver para qual lado ela vai. Para cada item que você completa, você a destrói cada vez mais.
Tenha um pouco de cuidado em teamfights de seu R, que pode CC o suficiente para ela e sua equipe derrubá-lo. Considere Armguard do apanhador desde o início.”
Simelodeon says “I: Crown
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Die Schwere des Matchups hängt stark vom Skill der Qiyana ab.
Poke sie early aus der Lane und punish sie dafür wenn sie ein Element verschwendet. Push sie ein damit sie nicht roamen kann aber pass auf dass sie nicht deine Backline Minions als Gapcloser nutzt. Bleib von Wänden weg damit sie ihre Ult nicht gut nutzen kann.”
Lucid Walking says “One of the hardermatchups because it's hard to land your Q on her (She dashes too much man..)
Silence yousrelf the moment she dashes towards you and move away from any walls, rivers or grass. This way she can't ult you effectively.
Perhaps you can buy Zhonya's (first stack Seekers' Armguard) against her if there are more AD champions in her team.
Balinthun873 says “She can turn invisible making q hard to hit and she has hard ccs. general rule against this champ is to stay away from the walls and the tower or she will one shot you after lvl 6. If she has the stunning q then you need to dodge that with R.”
Spoomk says “Just dashes a bunch of the time and fucks around, often without finding out because engaging is difficult. Stay away from walls and you probably won't die, but good luck landing a W against her.”
xblademojo says “Careful with fast pushing second wave into her turret. Champions like Qiyana love to commit to you starting from level 2. If you won't get killed early then you will be winning later on. Armseeker first item into liandrys into zhonyas.”
xblademojo says “Don't push too far into her, unless you are confident of your positioning because starting from Level 2 she might look for trades with you. All depends on her Health. Possibly counter her burst with Armseeker”
sapphire__lol says “Easy matchup works like Talon and Akali. Just e her melee use q so her invis is useless and keep trading with conq and w. She can try to dodge your e with her w so try to walk up as close as poss. ”
Quirkzee says “The 2nd worst matchup for Akali in mid lane, you can potentially kill her 1v1 if she makes a mistake, the problem is that her damage is so high that she can easily kill you at all stages of the game before you get Zhonya's.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch her elements. If you see she has got a river element then enemy jungler is probably somewhere nearby, so move back for few seconds and be careful.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
Adamonias says “Even lane, xerath favoured believe it or not. You actually outrange her intire kit and her gap close isnt good enough to REALLY get on you without flash. Always take barrier or Exhaust for her U;t (I prefer barrier) and just poke her when she tries to last hit. be careful walking up to her side of the lane bc she can run you down with Grass Q --> Ice Q but otherwise its pretty tame. Just care that she does have 2 dashes on a low cooldown so don't waste too many abilities early game when she's not last hitting or standing in her wave.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch her elements. If you see she has got a river element then enemy jungler is probably somewhere nearby, so move back for few seconds and be careful.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
Tears of fears says “You can W her Q, go either cleanse (her R), or exhaust (prevent burst damage) . Conq or Elec both good here, choose what matches your playstyle”
SkyBanana says “The most versatile assassin in game: Qiyana is not fair to go against. She has WAY too much in her kit that makes her what she is. CC, stealth, mobility, reset cd for Q, huge AoE CC and damage on R. 100% favored in Qiyana unless she has no brains. Best to play someone else.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones. When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot Ult you into it.”
NegativePhoenix says “You can easily outpoke her, however her damage is nuts if she gets close enough so be careful. Once she hits 6, try to keep away from walls so she can't ult burst you down. If Qiyana stays behind she can't do much so do your best to slow her progress down.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “You need to pray she's not from the LCS when she all-ins. Wait for her to use up her special q and poke her then. Since you have more sustain play passively as she prefers you taking a real fight than a poke battle. ”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is very annoying. You outrange her because she's melee. It can be a bit harder if she's good, but it's still winnable. You can take Exhaust if you're not confident. Poke her hard early. She has no way to get on you or poke you level 1 since she starts W, or, if she starts Q, the range is extremely short. Dodge her Qs later or you will get forced out of lane. She will use her E on minions to get near you to use her abilities. Avoid going near walls or your own turret so she can't Ult you into them for the stun. She can Ult your Ult as soon as you cast it and it will stun you, so watch out for that. You can take Inspiration second for Perfect Timing. You definitely want to build Zhonya's Hourglass 2nd in this matchup. She will try to avoid your AAs by going into stealth if she's near any bushes. Avoid fighting her in chokes because of her AoE, she is also very strong in the river since shes able to grab stuns from it. Her Ult hitbox is very BS so make sure you are far from any walls.”
Bughans says “Eugh, why can't she be too busy stepping on her simps for her to actually be played in game, god damn dashing all over the place Akali 2.0”
lumihehe says “same as talon, she does no damage. you can kill her at pretty much all stages of the game, considering you have the right items and you don't play like a complete ape.”
KayyeN says “Arguably a skill matchup, but Qiyana undoubtedly has the upper hand. She has incredibly high and early one-shot potential, allowing her to annihilate you as soon as you jump to any dagger close to her. She's the one who picks the fights. She will stay right on top of you and delay the fight in her favor by staying invisible in her grass Q. She has multiple ways of interrupting you and it's even impossible to roam against her because of her R and ambush potential.”
DabiDabi says “She has a lot of dashes to dodge your chain and can burst you just as quick so do be careful. Abuse your range and take quick trades. Land your chain to prevent her all-in”
DabiDabi says “This is a pretty hard matchup. She has good mobility and her burst can do a lot of dmg. Either ult her away from walls or wait for her to use her ult and then respond with yours.”
OSG Rewynd says “Rush seekers. If she ults you, you can ult before her stun goes off, so spam r on her r and she can't one shot you. Try to shove waves to keep her in lane. You have better waveclear than she does.”
Errevandare says “Неиграбельный матчап. Если Киана не первый раз на чемпионе, то любые трейды мы проигрываем, может ваншотнуть до фул хп в зависимости от слотов, в чуть более долгих трейдах мы не можем вносить урон из-за инвиза. Стоит взять малую руну на армор вместо хп и купить тканевую броню за 300 с первого бека. На лайне просто фармить, не пытаться трейдиться, не проседать по хп. С лесником можно убить. Кандидат в бан, но слишком низкий пикрейт, не думаю, что того стоит.”
Super08131208 says “This is a 50-50 matchup. Play aggressive against her. Trade Q's with her and trade E's with her. As long as she doesn't ult you to a wall, you win 90% of the time. 10% being you getting bursted by her and you aren't able to trade back giving her free dmg on you.
Uberizm says “People say this is hard but it really isn't, just use your 200yrs champ to outplay her ult, its really very simple to out burst her too with shroud”
Zoose says “Bully her at lv 1 and 2 with your Q, and E poke. Avoid her Q poke by standing behind minions and go aggressive when you can, as long as you stay close to full HP, she struggles to ever out trade you, unless she gets in melee range. Use the E rock animation to reveal her location in the Grass Q. She's a huge threat with her ultimate, so stay away from walls, river and brushes. You can push in waves and roam.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early and ask for ganks]
[Pay attention on colour of her weapon]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]
[Don't let her free roam]”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
Watch out her E and element she use in that moment, stay away from the wall and use E to counter her W and E, making her can't come into you easily.
After Level 9, you should gank the other lane instead of fighting her in lane since she has mobility better than you.
After Level 13 you'll outscale her because of insane damage Worked ground Q. Play around your team and don't fight her alone. If she press R on your team, Press your Zhonya's immediately.”
Esrucnl says “Skill matchup. The better player will usually win this, more favourable towards Qiyana early game but Fizz shines after getting zhonya's.
You have TRUE VISION on your ultimate so you can see her when you hit it and she has her green Q on her (the stealth).
Tip: use your E to dodge her R and use vision to your advantage. With this I mean make sure you go in a bush and deny vision and she doesn't know where you are so you can get an easy ult off and kill her from there.
Once you have zhonya you can use your E to dodge her Q or for burst and time your Zhonya for her ult. Should be doable.. right?
Azurio says “Similar to katarina, she will afk early game, so try to pressure her pre 6 with ignite. After 6, it's a skill matchup, she can kill you with serrated dirk, try to stay far from walls. You can run fleet defensive or thunderlord if you are confident and for more pressure early. Buy tabis. ”
beansoce says “Deny her from the wave level 1, proc electrocute off repeat. Try and be careful most qiyanas will sit on camoflauge all game so its hard to proc ur q. Just respect her once she's 3 cause she can oneshot you early. Try and pool her ult once she's 6 and don't STAND near walls.”
Bunny Kata says “Roams a lot, is decent in 1vs1, good in skirmishes, and very good in teamfights. She is probably gonna be more useful than you. You split better tho, try to abuse that.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Ring”
Zanannya says “Build crown or zhonyas as soon as possible, run fleet. If you don't like to play safe, go full agressive with eletrocute, ludens and ignite.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Can be a pain in the ass with her constant stealth with the grass enchantment. Don't underestimate her early all-in and you'll be fine.”
annak3ndr1ck says “She is basically u but an AD version. Killing her in 1v1's and on ganks is essential to winning against her, she can 1v9 games othetwise”
Magmora says “She has insane early burst, so be super careful. Take bone plating, and make sure to pick up crown, or zonyahs, or both. If you get low in lane she can and will kill you. When she has ult up make sure to stay away from walls because she can CC you.”
Vrowx says “The 2nd worst matchup for Akali in mid lane, you can potentially kill her 1v1 if she makes a mistake, the problem is that her damage is so high that she can easily kill you at all stages of the game before you get Zhonya's.”
Berdasco9 says “Simplemente tiene mas daño que tu y su invisibilidad hace que sea muy difícil dar tus dagas, evita estar cerca de paredes o estas muerto y busca momentos en los que Qiyana falle su Q para saltarle.”
Dazzther says “Burst assassin. When her cooldowns are down, engage fearlessly. But be carefull when she's gotten the riven passive (and don't fight to death near walls).”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early]
[Post 6 be careful of her burst]
[Don't stay near rock terrain]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
donidaking says “Poke her level 1 as you outrange her.
Don t push her in as it s easier for her to all in you.
Dodge her Q and dont waste your pool.
You can pool her R if you time it right, she becomes really annoying when she gets Prowler watch out for that.”
KyogoEntity says “Try to gain a HP lead the first two levels, because if played correctly it's almost impossible to win trades agaisnt her. If not confident take exhaust. ”
lilmeatgirl666 says “The champion is just literal aids. Everfrost is one of the best ways to have a chance of killing her. Zhonyas or Gargoyle work good against her combos as well.”
ADAhriAbuser says “Harass her before level 6. Just like Fizz Q you can cancel her dash with charm and get to a safe distance. Be careful after level 6, she can oneshot you. Take double armor in runes.”
Ahri Simplord says “She's kinda OP right now, you need to give her the Fizz treatment so you play with TP,although she is not gonna push the first wave because she's scared to step up since she has one of the weakest lvl 1s. You're looking to take really good backs and constantly shove the waves and avoid laning as much as you can and roam. Her all in is pretty undodgeable from most champions but you can catch her mid E and prevent her from using her second Q to execute you.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a good job of countering Qiyana. Normally, he wins a whopping 53.3% of the time the champs battle one another in. In Malzahar versus Qiyana games, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less probable to get first blood. This indicates that he probably won't be able to get first blood against Qiyana.”
KeNaNFoR says “One shot machine, will find and nail to the wall, underestimate its strength, it has a very large damage allowing you to turn over team fights”
Dj Memelord says “since qiyana players usually have such a big skill gap between themselves i just like to say that a bad qiyana is 1 and a GOOD qiyana is a 5. Champions is busted if you have god given hands for Olympus tier mechanix.”
Bundif says “She's basically better Zed with a slightly nicer butt. Her skills are more impactful and require less mechanical skill to execute. Edge of Night is a necessity if you're not gonna dodge her R with your W, which takes a lot of practice.”
SupaSnor says “Depend on the Qiyana player, the champion itself is pretty squishy so you will do decent damage on trades, watch out for her all in on lvl 6, if she gets ahead she will keep one shotting you if she gets close.”
ZERO420 says “One of if not the hardest matchups for Akshan. I would recommend permabanning her if you do not have a specific champ you don't like playing against.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's ring]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Use your E around her so she can' dash somewhere]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Juon says “Everyone's favourite 200 year champ. She's actually decently easy for gragas, she mostly relies on engaging on you which is perfect for an easy counter-burst trade. Electro and E max second.”
Hocus Brokus says “Poke with e and be careful with passive procs. Keep in mind she may e onto you and burst you down. W-Q her into a combo with passive procs. At level 6 you should keep in mind the terrain you are positioned around and if she is playing up towards your turret be ready to flash out of the stun. After finding it hard to kill you she will roam bot/top.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Crown of the Shattered Queen]
[Punish her whenever she is last hitting]
[Post 6 be careful of her burst]
[Don't stay near rock terrain]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Ara55 says “You should never die in this lane, you out damage her, and its difficult for her to land her ult on you. just scale and fight at 6-9.
Fake Supp says “Can one Shot you Easily you can play vs her but must be aware of her cds
Start E to this matchup and remember you will only win this lane if you poke her enough before she gets 3 after that u will need to play safe and ping for getting ganks or w8 for her to mess something up and you exploit it
once you get a lead anddont give her rooms she will lose”
desch3445 says “Honestly this one just comes down to mechanical outplay. Yeah, make sure she can't roam and all that, but when push comes to shove, you're gonna have to pull some montage stuff to beat her, and she's gonna have to do the same.
She does have like a billion dashes though, perfect for dodging your Shockblasts, so it's essential to wait until she's expended those to throw your Shockblast.
Take the First Strike page; Melee champ, minimal poke, so long as you land your stuff, you're peaches.”
ThePieBeam says “aaaaaagony. This champ is a burst artillery control mage assassin that builds AD and has a decently strong early. Why the fuck any of this was okayed I'll never know, but what I do know is that you're going to be killed by a long sword refill pot champ at lvl 3. Just try to abuse her lvl 1-3 as much as possible and then play it safe unless she manages to do a dumb move. Her abilities do have some cooldowns so if you're hot on the draw you might be able to catch her out but I really doubt it since she can poke you from outside of your effective range (for some reason). Oh also, don't even bother using your W post-6. Honestly this might even be a lvl 8 or 12 W level game, but that's usually not a good idea into any lane.”
Callmebee says “Keanu Reeves long lost sister, Qiyana. Really difficult to lane against due to her high burst, mobility and invisibility. Use your max range to farm (crucial!!) and charge your Manaflow Band and play for teamfights. Take barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Qiyana is extremely frustrating to play against because of her many invisibilities. Making our grapple pretty much useless. Fight her a lot early before she can get Lvl 3. Be careful of when she has her frost form because she can potentially one shot you. Engage with your grapple if you land your passive (even if she has her grass form) Then Q immediately when she uses it to hit her with both procs and wait for her to get out. Get as much damage as you can off before she reshrouds and walk back. Repeat this until you can kill. Post 6 stand away from walls as much as possible and follow the same steps.”
lonestar1870 says “Qiyana is a hard matchup since she has a lot of mobility to dodge your spells and enough damage to oneshot you at any point past level 6.
Never facecheck bushes if you don't know where she is and be careful positioning near walls.
Push her in early and focus on getting all early cs and try to deny her farm.
Your best bet is to slowbuild big waves and crash them, then let the wave come back to you. When you crash a large wave, you can organize a dive with your jungler, poke her under tower, get vision, roam, tempo reset, etc.
She may try to sack waves to roam, make sure to let your team know if she leaves lane.
Resetting at a bad time gives her prio to roam, so be very careful and plan your backs in advance unless you have teleport up.
I prefer Electrocute for more oneshot potential and start doran's ring for the HP, but you can go Aery for a more poke oriented lane and grab TWT/c-pot if you think you can position well enough to avoid her all in. You can go PR if you need it into their team comp (like tryndamere top), but it makes your laning a lot harder.
I prefer to run either Ignite for kill threat or barrier for survivability into Qiyana, but you can still go Teleport.
Zhonyas or seekers early is nice for some armor.
Cosmic Drive is okay too for a bit more HP and Haste.”
Desperate Nasus says “For Nasus, Qiyana is a hard matchup. After her level 2 avoid walking up for Cs, her damage is really insane due to Long sword + Electrocute. On your first back, buy sheen and wait for her mistake. Once she uses her dash to trade Instant Wither Ghost and run her down. On level 8 try to have permanently priority against her. Dont give her a chance to roam and snowball.”
itakute says “Currently her river Q goes through windwall meaning she can full combo you without you being able to doing anything. When its bugfixed this matchup is minor. Try to windwall her Q and harass her heavily level 1-2.”
Rhybeaux says “Good Qiyana can definitely dom you. Stay away from walls and keep some distance so you don't get rooted. Her reset will start to do a lot of damage overtime.”
BlockPad says “Care, she can oneshot you lvl 2-3. You had to poke a lot and respect the fact that she can dash through you're minion to Q you more easely. Keep you're W for when she engage into you”
CashLOL says “This matchup is scary. She has a lot of mobility. If you do trade her she dashes in and half healths you. Keep the wave in a place where she can't continuously roam. Farm for items and team fights. If she doesn't snowball you can be more useful later. Be clear of walls at all times.”
iZianni says “I don't care if W counters her, Qiyana is the most broken champion in the game with a 56% winrate for 10 WHOLE MONTHS HAHA
You should be permabanning this or Zed.”
pwins says “Same goes for any assassin, be very careful in lane and try to look for an opportunity to cast your E on them when they try to go in on you. And one thing, RESPECT QIYANA'S RANGE!!! Be also very careful to not get close to walls since she will use that to her advantage. ”
Juplicate says “Her burst is super high and her ultimate has a really long stun. You can bully her levels 1-2 and can trade against her after that. After level 6 her ultimate requires you being near a wall to get the stun so stay away from walls.”
Miscake says “Abuse do seu range nos primeiros níveis e depois jogue defensivamente pelo scaling. Ela causa dano baseado na vida perdida e você toma selfdamage, não precisa ser um gênio pra saber quem vence aqui.
WayOfTheTempesst says “You should abuse Qiyana really hard level 1 and 2 since she really is not a champion until she gets all her abilities at level 3. If she does not have her grass element and you see she has mountain or water, that is the time you can all in her as long as you windwall her snare because she can not avoid your ulti by going stealth. Always windwall in her direction when she E's you bc her Q will track towards you. Your windwall can also block her ult so she should really never kill you. Build early cloth armor or she will literally full to 0 you with 0 counterplay”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is annoying because of her stealth and mobility. Early cloth armor is good here so she can't 100 to 0 you. Do your best to dodge her Qs. You can dodge her ult with your E or ult. She can really punish your positioning; don't stand near walls or you'll die or get really chunked. Ping her when she's mia because she loves to roam. Be careful in river because her ult will also stun you there.”
Katawina52 says “Go Bone Plating/Overgrowth or Unflinching (depends how much cc they have) always vs Qiyana for her all in trades. When she goes in just W-Q her and trade back. If your boneplating is up, you should win this most of the times. Remember to never all in her near a wall to prevent her chain cc from R/blue Q. If they have an AD jgler you can rush seekers. Make sure to use the short trades harass (tip 2 on general kata tips) with qiyana aswell in lane if you want to be the one that trades first.”
eiensiei says “I'll poke with E and can go for passive procs, but that will put me in her E range. If she does jump to me, I'll shield myself as she AA-Q's once and then grabs another element (which resets both her Q CD and her passive damage). This leaves her with no more mobility abilities, vulnerable to my Q. Pointless calling my jungler for help as she can go invisible with her Q twice in a short span of time. After level 6 it's important to keep track of my surroundings, her R stuns when it knocks a champion back into a brush/wall/river. I'll pay attention to her whereabouts during baron/drake fights especially or she'll quickly wipe out the whole team with a well placed R. She needs to snowball to be useful, she'll try roaming bot/top after 6. It's usually easier for Lux to get a pick than it is for her later on. Zhonya's/Ninja Tabi are both great buys when not doing great against her.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Against Qiyana you're interested to duel her pre 6 as often as you can from a longer range and, if possible to make her dash through your E. Get 2x Doran Rings and maybe a cloth armor. Be extremely careful post 6 for her ultimate since most Qiyana players will try to push you into a wall and one-shot you. I would argue that Barrier against her would be more useful than Heal. Be careful on 2vs2 with your jungler or on enemy ganks because if she gets advantage she's a monster in mid game, but falls off late game usually.”
xblademojo says “Simply just Cloth Armor, try to let her push towards you so you wont get oneshotted level 3 on his go in. Losing some cs in order to keep wave in your "safe zone" is okey. Once you prevent her dps by getting additional armor she can't really do much against you. Bone plating+Cloth and Electrocute. Still those kind of matchups requires a lot of awareness and predicting opponents, most of the time you can't match her roams.”
Avucado says “Start E and abuse her incredibly weak lvl 1 and 2. She may go corrupting pots and if she does you want most of them gone before shes lvl 3. She has crazy damage output and can very easily kill you at half health, and if she lands everything she will kill you at full health. Look for hooks but don't walk into her e range because if you do you will be locked in the animation and she can easily combo you. After lvl 3 don't look to E through her because she can jump away or e through you at an angle. Go longsword because she cant spam her qs at you early or she will run out of mana. ”
LunarVortex says “While you can technically spellshield her stuns easily, her low cooldowns, good waveclear and high mobility make her very difficult to deal with. Keep a Control Ward on the map at all times to reduce her roam potential. Buy an early Seeker's Armguard if necessary.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Careful for her lvl 3 all in. Good matchup to go barrier in. Itemize armor if you feel like you need it. You can easily punish her lvl 1 and level 2.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Similar to Pantheon, early seekers tabs and you can beat her. Just watch out when your low she can crit on abilites similar to Pantheon.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Quite a hard match-up since she does out trade you pretty easily and has multiple dashes to dodge your chain. I would suggest using double chains to keep your distance from her and calling your jungler to help you snowball off her too. ”
Urpog says “Lacks the damage to deal with you but can kite around your abilities annoyingly, either free farm matchup where you're oppressively winning or an equal matchup where you're outscaling her.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Quite easy since your poke will always out-trade her, don't let her dash into you, and always save your E for the moment where she does attempt this. ”
CashLOL says “Really hard matchup pre 6, needs really good spacing. After level 6, don't ult her till she ults as she can just ult you into a wall after you ult her and die.”
iZianni says “Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q Bush Q
You honestly do really good early since you outrange her, but it becomes an issue when she oneshots you from stealth. A seekers armguard should render her mostly useless if you can survive the combo!
Manaflow band is king in this match up, 100-0 is extremely likely if you land GLP.”
Eriosunx says “Qiyana is a skill-based matchup.
Fleet + Boneplating is reccomended for this matchup
She can easily take over the lane if she gets a lead just like Zed.
You can cancel his Q and his Ultimate with your Windwall.
Make sure to trade her only when your Boneplating is up!”
ShokLoL says “Pre 6 is very easy for Zoe, you can bully her a lot and all in with electrocute ignite. Post 6 be very careful of standing too close to a wall as you will be killed very easily. It can be a good idea to buy a cloth armor in this matchup and go for Zhonya second.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade in Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
poke her lvl 1-2 and try to all-in.
you can block her Q and R
against qiyana is not necessary to build armor early if she's not feed.
TheoRut says “Whenever she tries to jump on you, use E + Q at the same time to push her away from you and stun her after and then just one shot her with ignite + combo.
Electrocute is suggested.”
ShokLoL says “You can bully this lane quite hard, but if you waste your E then you will be punished. Be very careful with how you use it pre 6. Consider taking a defensive summoner like exhaust or barrier in this matchup.”
Elite500 says “Just like kassadin, set up slowpush, fish for autos so minions aggro on you and drag them away from her so she cant last hit, dont get caught with the wave near her tower freezing when she hits lvl 3 or it's goodnight”
Dr Eggmund says “Qiyana can be very scary, however she is a melee champion so this does make it easier, with great mobility and burst damage she appears to be a threat to Vladimir, we need to farm and poke her like usual, whilst maintaining a safe distance so she doesn't trample all over you.”
iZianni says “Like all assasins, if she closes the game we're immediately doomed. She is a melee which is to our advantage but she has so many dashes + hops that it's extremely dangerous to go for poke. It takes one ultimate to 100-0.
Avoid bush enchants like the plague, avoid water enchants like the plague.
Zhonyas match up”
Ambitieux says “Qiyana is a very scary laner. If she gets even the slightest lead she can push it miles with her high burst. Don't be afraid though your best ability to win this is to bully her pre 6. Pushing her under tower and harassing her. When she dashes at all you can charm and it will stop her in her tracks. Careful of 6 due to her ability to 1 shot. It's still able to be beaten but you need distance, and playing around your dash. Try to get early wards in jungle to ensure that you can't be ganked due to her instant CC capabilities. Pick up armguard early.”
iZianni says “She presses her 4 sec CD W every time you cast a spell to avoid anything you use the entire game.
Your only hope is full comboing her from fog of war or off a positioning mistake.
You don't ever win this match up, so just power farm at max range with E until your jungler helps you 2v1.”
kindo says “Qyiana sucks to play against at all points of the game, and it never gets better. She will permanently sit in stealth the entire laning phase and you cannot target her ever. She will grab grass, e/q you and w/q again with another grass. Then she'll walk back to tower where she'll... grab another grass. You can't hit her, she'll sit stealth while you're in your ult, at all points in the game she'll sit stealth. Stealth to once shot you, stealth in your ult, stealth until the game is over and you can never touch her. The only saving grace is that most qiyana players are terrible and wind up throwing. I have no info on the matchup, I dodge qiyana on sight.”
Coldsong says “Qiyana's multiple dashes make her super slippery, especially when she uses her grass Q twice. Make sure to not stand too close to terrain so she doesn't get a good R off and avoid her initial shockwave in the river or brush since it can also stun you. Try to stand a little bit behind the wave to help dodge her first Q, since the second one will not be as potent.”
Shikikashi says “Before level 6, it is a very tough matchup for you. You need good spacing and positioning, if her ult is up, don't all in her, she will just kill you.”
ParkboyYT says “If she can land cc on you, she will definitely outtrade you. Try to land your CC chain and engage with that. When you hit 6 don't be afraid to double chain Qiyana.”
King Turtle says “Similar to Talon, She can all in you pretty early but you can interrupt her dash so be sure to watch for the animation and predict her movement. If you can do that the lane will be a bit easier.”
resetwice says “Her kit is very good against Talon! She can use W to avoid your W and Q with grass/water to avoid all wins. Also, she can use E to gap closer and all win on you. Try to flash her R or you'll get in trouble. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
BloodyPoison says “It's a very hard matchup to win and usually you'll win only if you can dodge her R with your W. Even then, it's an extremely stressful matchup.”
Sylvan Lore says “Qiyana is a really hard match-up to understand if you haven't tried her yourself. I would highly recommend actually playing a few games of Qiyana if you are struggling with this matchup. Lane phase should be relatively easy since you have the range advantage, but as soon as she hits 6, this lane gets really rough. Zhonya is a must have for her damage. If you zhonya her combo, she won't have anything left over and you should be safe. Recommend vs. AD Assassin and barrier.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Ban this champion.
She out roams you, out lanes you, out damages you, out scales you.
If you win it's because she is terrible, not because you were good. This matchup is not playable.”
Saddest says “Be conscious of your positioning post 6. Quick trades are the way to go; you will not will an extended trade against a Qiyana. Her Q's are not too hard to avoid, you mostly want to avoid the blue one as if you get rooted you will be hit by everything else in her kit.”
Avyxia says “She can 100-0 you if you aren't careful. Keep you e ready if she tries to jump you and she can't really do much. If you aren't confident I suggest building Seekers armguard.”
ShroudBalanced says “I honestly only have one thing against Qiyana and it is her huge team fight potential if she has like a Viego, she is a issue compared to Akali in terms of burst, you can beat her but out of lane she can out of nowhere get a double and ggwp.”
Impossible2Gank says “You need to work your way to defensive items such as Tabis or Zhyonas Hourglass to stand a chance and try not falling behind while doing so. Stay away from walls and always play around boxes. Armor is recommended early.”
King Turtle says “Qiyana can blow up your health bar at any phase of the game and her being able to E through minions means she can get through your poke if she wants to delete you.”
duhnx says “Stay away from walls and careful of her roams. Other than that her combos are easily avoided by using E or punished if she uses W or E badly.”
King Turtle says “Her damage early on is impossible to match and once she gets serrated dirk she can all in you at any time. Along with the fact that she can and will use your E and W against you to get easy Ults. ”
Oryann says “Qiyana can be a trouble if not well played early, but being poked in early levels can be a nightmare for her.
Make sure you poke her with your Q's and autos when she goes to farm a minion and try to kill her if you can!”
richardlized says “You can get a good trade in against her level 1, but you have to back off level 2 and get in a good trade level 3. If she has the bush Q,you probably shouldn’t try to combo her because of the invisibility. This matchup is quite easy in lower elos and get harder as elo rises. Qiyana’s level 6 is very strong so it comes down to who ults second loses. If you ult her she has the chance to water Q root into R stun so you would have to dodge her R with your R. ”
Thresh Mid says “Qiyana early does not outtrade a Thresh max auto Flay if they are to start Terrashape (W), along with her Audacity (E) can be cancelled by Flay. Level 6 and beyond she can be difficult due to her full combo off of Supreme Display of Talent (R). Trading trading early game is needed. If not done she will consistently throw her Edge of Ixtal (Q) at you to attempt to look at kills.”
Hienaa says “You also counter her invisilibty like Akali and Talon, but she has her ult CC to counter your all in with Q, and can one shot you if you give her a small lead, try to bait out her R before going in.”
DabiDabi says “Have not played against a lot of good Qiyana's. But what I can suggest is that her trade is almost as good as yours. Try to avoid her E+Q+W+Q combo. She can deal a lot of damage from it. Stay away from walls.”
Nanelol says “She's able to burst you down easily, play with your AA and W around her and always ping when she's missing since she will roam whole game.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy matchup for Draven, she cant do anything as she lacks sustain, poke, early damage etc, only thing you have to care abt is her getting 6 with a dirk and 1 shotting you which is quite easy to avoid, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
DabiDabi says “This is a 50-50 matchup. Play aggressive against her. Trade Q's with her and trade E's with her. As long as she doesn't ult you to a wall, you win 90% of the time. 10% being you getting bursted by her and you aren't able to trade back giving her free dmg on you.”
TheSecretsWithin says “A good Qiyana player is hard to come by, but when you do face one, it is gonna be torture. Her mobility, stun, invisibility and bonus damage against low targets are already a problem for Kassadin, and I haven't even mentioned her ultimate yet. At lvl 1, try to trade with her. She has one of the weakest lvl 1, start W and start trading with her early. When you see her use her W, try to make her waste it so that she can't get a fast combo on you. At lvl 6, stay clear of walls so she can't stun-lock you. Later on into the game, it is easy to burst her down, but her invisibility might make it annoying to track her.”
Nanelol says “Play the lane safe. Rock will do more damage if you are low, grass makes invisible patch, water roots you. Stay away from walls, and steal her ult for fights it is very good.”
TheEnglishman says “skill matchup. Dodge her stuff and try to kill her early with ganks.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Electrocute. Summon Aery is a possible choice.
Constantly harass her during laning phase but make sure to not get hit by a water q w q combo. she has formidable damage early game but you can constantly harass her. She will try to roam sidelane so punish her through freezing and turret plates.”
lolzayno says “Hard matchup against ziggs since hard engage. Ziggs does terrible against assassins. Super slippery and can be very quick making it difficult to react. Qiyana will always look for angles to deal damage to you by throwing two Q's at you or dashing to a minion and double q'ing you to surprise assassinate you. Standard early game trade is typical auto + q + auto. Poke assassin that continues to poke you down until you are half HP where you get all in'd with ulti and die instantly. Very fustrating matchup.”
Sanctuar says “Due to her versatile kit as well as high mobility in lane, trading with her seems almost impossible. You can hit her with W while she's invisible, avoid fighting near walls as she excels there with her ultimate.”
fanchessfan says “Same as Fizz: E her away when he tries to go in. If he gets ahead ur really f*ked. Take exhaust and trade around his cooldowns. Respect his ultimate. Try to get your jungler to try to "hover" you while you bait. Like fizz, if she tries to go in you can R and disengage. ”
Vispectra says “AD champion automatically means a pretty hard match-up. She's not an exception. Besides that bitchy attitude she will constantly poke you and if you fall below 50% hp , she could easily end up killing you. That R might always screw you if you try to use your ult to fight her. She's got a strong lane but beyond that it should be okay for you. I'd advise Dark seal and refill to try to stick to the lane.”
DebilekLaZe says “If you keep your distance level 1 and auto from afar, she literally cannot do anything. Don't die and build up a cs lead with constant slow pushes.”
cookanarities says “Qyiana sucks to play against at all points of the game, and it never gets better. She will permanently sit in stealth the entire laning phase and you cannot target her ever. She will grab grass, e/q you and w/q again with another grass. Then she'll walk back to tower where she'll... grab another grass. You can't hit her, she'll sit stealth while you're in your ult, at all points in the game she'll sit stealth. Stealth to once shot you, stealth in your ult, stealth until the game is over and you can never touch her. The only saving grace is that most qiyana players are terrible and wind up throwing. I have no info on the matchup, I dodge qiyana on sight.”
TheWerefloof says “I haven't played against a good Qiyana yet, but I can imagine she can be a nightmare. Will update if I have any good advice besides abusing her early, and playing to her W cooldown.”
luminyan says “An annoying matchup. I would bring Barrier here, and again just try and farm. Stay away from walls and turrets, and just wait for your jungler before you try and engage.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Qiyana can easily burst Yone down at levels 2 and 3, but can be killed after level 6 if you land your combo. Try not to fall too far behind early. Take the Standard page with Armor.”
Daers says “You can start W against her, and avoid fighting her lvl1 for longer than your W duration. You can perma poke her with your Q and she can't do too much about it. Punish her each time she goes up to farm. Avoid going for an electrocute proc if she has Ice enchantment on her Q. Watch out for her level 3 combo, it can kill you at about 60% HP as long as she has ignite.”
lolventureiro says “Skill matchup. Bloquear a ult dele com o W. Bem chato por causa da invisibilidade do Q e alta mobilidade da Qiyana. Eletrocute/letalidade é uma boa opção.”
Little Planet says “Qiyana's lvl 1-2 are really weak, use it to your advantage and generate a big health lead.
Once you hit lvl 3 she should be a free kill or you can zone her off the wave forever.
Your waveclear is better, so you can prevent her from roaming entirely.”
Excalibxr says “Qiyana is similar to ekko, she can just dodge all your daggers. Combo slowly vs her and try to use your auto attacks. If you can, react to her r with e and dodge it. ”
Joseph Evanss says “If shes bad then just auto attack her and q her until shes low, then go in and kill her. If has any ounce of talent then you will literally never win against her. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade and rush a Chain Vest”
ahspaghetti says “go bone plating/overgrowth/unflinching, you also want to rush seekers. you want to always all in her for trades as she excels in quick bursts. if she goes in, just w -> q her and trade back. you also want to watch your positioning near walls as she will be able to cc chain you assassins with cc :(. you can also initiate short trades with her.”
zeldimi says “PFFFFFFFFFFFT. I once killed a mastery 7 qiyana that was 7/0 from roaming, 1 lvl ahead, and I was afk for 2 mins from power outage. Her kit is so bad against you it's insane. If you see her dashing to you just oneshot her like a fly.”
JoshAy says “Play the lane safe. Rock will do more damage if you are low, grass makes invisible patch, water roots you. Stay away from walls, and steal her ult for fights it is very good. ”
The Jhin Cena says “Take either the Conqueror Laning runes or the Fleet Footwork Laning Runes, and I recommend running Bone Plating due to her short burst windows. Consider grabbing Exhaust if you repeatedly struggle with facing Qiyanas, and use it once she tries to 1 shot you. Qiyana right now is my perma ban since she is a fairly common pick at the moment, and more often than not will get very fed throughout the game. She overall is a fairly difficult matchup who is quite strong in the current meta. Her burst can be pretty deadly, and she gets a massive power spike once she grabs Prowler's Claw. In order to avoid her poke, simply try and stand away from the minions. If she lands her ult on you, you're instantly dead, so make sure to not stand near walls, or to snap back with your E right as she's beginning to ult you. To trade with her, use your typical E > Stacked Q combo, though also keep in mind that her grass enchant can make her go invisible so it can be more difficult to trade while she has it up. Additionally, when Qiyana grabs an enchantment she does a short leap which she can use to dodge your engages, so look to trade when she has recently used her leap, or engage with only 1 stack on your Q. Mainly look to farm the early game, and once you get Mythic + Infinity Edge you should be able to win 1v1s against her unless she's really fed. In general like most Lethality champions you will outscale her heavily, so just don't throw by giving her an early lead and you will be fine.”
xoonaka says “This matchup can be a bit difficult, her lvl 3 is just as strong as you and that burst dmg can REALLY catch you off guard, get a lead by looking to kill her and get her off the game. The hardest part of the matchup is countering her roaming, if she decides to roam it doesn't matter if she's out of the game, she can get back with 1 good roam and 1 shot your entire team.”
mihaila says “Dont take trades only after level 3. Her ult is great. Dont stay in a line with minions so she cant Q-W-Q u.
Dodge her ice Q with E. She can dodge ur E2 with W. U can t solo kill her only if she makes a really big mistake.”
XD001 says “Just like Fizz, Talon, and Zed, Qiyana is a very skill and mechanics dependent matchup. If you are better than the enemy, you should win. Abuse Qiyana's long early cooldowns. She wins short, bursty trades but you can use W to win longer trades, running away with passive afterwards. At level 6 don't stand next to and you wont get solo'd since you have R insurance. In team fights don't stand next to your team and focus on targeting the enemy squishies.
Ekko slightly outscales her.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “Easy lane. Play far from walls and use w to cover her grass q. Ganks are free against her. Trade at level 1 with auto q auto and then kill her at level 2.”
Havenia says “It really depends on how you fight her, she has low cooldowns and she can easily fight you and execute combo and bait your abilities out. But in reality, if you get loads of ganks there's not much she can do.”
Noodles912 says “Play safe, and look for engage trades. She is like a similar version of you, so you can call it "skill based". Post 6, stay away from walls, and E if it is a must. Look to roam when you can.”
pavelp420 says “If the Qiyana is good, you are up for a very hard lane. She does a lot of damage and has a lot of CC, so be careful and don't let her get fed. Try to roam.”
Wunsch3957 says “Right now she's a little busted but it's not too hard of a matchup. you can W her Q, but you want to save it for the blue one which will root you. You can also block her R. Take Conq, harass her as much as possible with Q and take extended trades. ”
lordsaladito says “Can delete you level 3 if not carefull, she will try to engage with ice (stun) or plant (invisible) element. She can also dash through you W.”
Lot of Wind here says “Don't try to play too aggro as she can kill you very fast. Play passive and scale ; you won't be able to match her roaming potential. You can block her R and Q (but not the added effects of it).”
Luxon333 says “if he is good it is very hard to play against and you will die a lot
try to play the lane safe
she can doge all of your ability's and can oneshot you at lvl 6
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup in your favor. Avoid fighting in river and jungle after 6. Q her for every minion and all in her when she misses snare (blue Q). Conq with flash/ignite.”
Coldsong says “Qiyana has insane amounts of damage and crowd control with her R. Do not stand near terrain and make sure to dodge her elemental Q's. A Seeker's rush is heavily recommended.”
JEAFlashSword says “A good Qiyana will abuse the stealth to make her hard to target her W Q combo is rly unfair completly undodgeable but you can windwall it and also her R with good timing”
Abbyca says “A good Qiyana late game, can destroy you, you have to win early game, and try to bait out her rushes, Q's, and ult's. Also, she has poke ADV on you, so play smart.”
BigBushMan says “Qiyana is actually a slightly easier matchup, despite her insane burst, you can easily dodge it with your E and look to all-in her. Stay away from walls at level 6 and beyond and you will be just fine, and most importantly, dodge the Ocean Q. It will enable her burst if you don't. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy matchup for Draven, she cant do anything as she lacks sustain, poke, early damage etc, only thing you have to care abt is her getting 6 with a dirk and 1 shotting you which is quite easy to avoid, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
Hiimkata says “Go Bone Plating/Overgrowth or Unflinching (depends how much cc they have) always vs Qiyana for her all in trades. When she goes in just W-Q her and trade back. If your boneplating is up, you should win this most of the times. Remember to never all in her near a wall to prevent her chain cc from R/blue Q. If they have an AD jgler its a really easy matchup if you just rush seekers. Make sure to use the short trades harass (tip 2 on general kata tips) with qiyana aswell in lane if you want to be the one that trades first.”
KataTocDo says “It's fine. Dodge her Q, shunpo behind her or to minions when she ults.
Runes: Conq-Resolve or Elec.-Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade or Dark Seal”
ITSDEBEAR says “One of my most banned champs in s10. Just make sure that she wont get ahead off roaming. Even if behind she still packs a punch. Abusable pre3 and pre6.”
invalidd says “Barely seen but when picked they're usually pretty good at the champion, if they utilize their skills well it's complicated to keep up with since
her level 3 is better than yours so you should plan to abuse her in level 1 and level 2, you should E away when she Es on you and not try to hook her
because she will dash away from your hook attempt most of the time, stay away from walls at lvl6. Complicated to gank.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. Aight, don't underestimate her burst damage. Respect her like you're respecting Talon's level 2 first blood potential. She is very difficult to hit and has a devastating stun which separates her from other assassin champions. This means that your positioning in teamfights is highly important; if you get stunned it's game over since you can't ult. Once her dashes are down, you must E+Q+W+Q her so that she can't escape. It's important to coordinate ganks with your jungler to shut her down early. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
SkellyBirb says “You can poke down Qiyana and trade with her fairly well. As long as she doesn't hit her ultimate on you, she shouldn't be able to kill you too easily.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. Aight, don't underestimate her burst damage. Respect her like you're respecting Talon's level 2 first blood potential. She is very difficult to hit and has a devastating stun which separates her from other assassin champions. This means that your positioning in teamfights is highly important; if you get stunned it's game over since you can't ult. Once her dashes are down, you must E+Q+W+Q her so that she can't escape. It's important to coordinate ganks with your jungler to shut her down early. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs qiyana: Pockeala y compra sortija de doran, una vez gaste su cc intenta tradear corto y moverte, no gastes tu R en vano pues te dará la vuelta al tradeo (Compa hielo eterno para evitar que se escape con su invisibilidad)
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Puny assassin
- You beat her in lane
- Try to shove her under tower and look for a roam with your prio
- Or, you can try and kill her. Wait for her to use her W, and look for a taunt or E on her. If you land either, you win the trade automatically.
- Early seekers armguard makes it impossible for you to lose trades
- Be careful because Qiyana runs ignite almost every game”
Big Shawn says “In the current Patch (10.2), I haven't faced many Qiyanas. Therefore this comment will be based on past events. Ekko and Qiyana both have insane burst damage. Which is why this match-up is a 50/50 situation. Should you fall behind, she will win future trades. Should it be the other way around, you will dominate. Your Ultimate will be crucial against hers, unless you dodge it.”
BCota says “Hurts SO MUCH early game. Dodge whatever you can whenever you can. Try to pool her ult and just duel her. Shes really squishy so just one shot her 6 after poking her to like 60% hp”
Chili Dog says “Just like kassadin, set up slowpush, fish for autos so minions aggro on you and drag them away from her so she cant last hit, dont get caught with the wave near her tower freezing when she hits lvl 3 or it's goodnight. Electrocute is recommended.”
JustGalaxy06 says “Very weak vs yone . Easy win at 1v1 at midlane . if you're camped just stay at your tower and freeze. look for oportunities and one-shot her”
vCraze says “Qiyana is a hard champion to play against as she has a lot of mobility and stealth. You can punish her early if she ever uses Q to clear minions so lookout for this. Both her Q and W have 7s cooldowns so keep this in mind. Once she hits 3 keep distance from her as she can chunk you with her combo. Again, if she uses E this is your chance to punish her but make sure you're not getting into melee range of her. ”
Sadkid says “A good Qiyana is scary. However most times you will be able to poke her down early and get the first move. Watch out for her mobility and fights around objectives. ”
SkellyBirb says “Qiyana can burst you down quickly, so I'd recommend building Zhonya's into her. You can trade with her fairly well and she can be pretty weak if she doesn't get a lead.”
PedrinhoXD says “Here's a tip: Qiyana E always has more range than expected, and that is why this champion is hard to play against, but you should be able to outrange her”
S4V4 says “The damage she can do in low period of time is insane. With her combo, she deals a lot of damage, makes the lane unwinnable. As long as you take long trades, you will be able to win the lane.”
WolfRider01 says “Aside from Qiyana's insane late game damage and her CC, this is a fairly even matchup that can be won by dodging her Ice Q's Root. You can W her R to prevent being stunned, however that's very tough to time correctly.”
Hqzz says “Qiyanna can be a threat, she isn't as much of a threat as Diana but her ability to root, dash and hit you again makes her a very aggressive champ. You can counter her with a good root and then walk away.”
MartyBG says “Very hard matchup for Lux. After lvl 6 she can just jump on you and oneshot you. Try to play passively against her and don't step up too much, poke her pre 6.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. Skill Matchup Slightly Zoe favored. You win lvl 1-2 Qiyana has the weakest lvl 1 in the game take advantage of that. If she E's on u hold ur E until she uses her W then e her or E backwards as she is E'ing to you. Lvl 6 she can ult you if u R near a wall. Her lvl 6 is one of the best in the game she can 100- 0 even if ur full hp. Get Seekers if u get behind.”
Zatharah says “MIDs que conseguem chegar e burstar Seraphine muito fácil são seus maiores counters, visto que ela não tem mobilidade e apenas seu W pra segurar o burst.”
Bobbab says “Skill matchup. Whoever is better wins this laning phase. She can follow your roams and she can roam just as well as you. Her damage is similar to yours (A little higher) but she has lower mobility then you. Getting her to ult in a post 6 fight is almost a guaranteed win.”
Embracing says “Out bursts you, can dodge and maneuver around your spears, and pretty much wins every single all in when her ults up, although it's on an extremely long CD.”
Magical Rock says “Qiyana is pretty easy to take down, as she is squishy and is melee. But beware, as she can root you and her red ring can do some good damage.”
neverwanted2be says “She is tricky, but Yone is faster. Dodge her "Q iced" and punish her. U can also harass her with ur "Q" or "W" when she s trying to lasthit. Conqueror is a great choice here.”
Haywyre says “Go electrocute and avoid her E dash. If her weapon is icy blue stay away from her, jg might be near by. Punish her when she walks into daggers and hop out.”
Frixen says “A terrible matchup. You can poke her,but stay as far away as possible, as as soon as she gets on to you, you're dead. She can roam almost just as well as you can, and she has superior wave clear. This is a terrible matchup, please run bone plating and a defensive summoner spell. (Exhaust or Barrier). Don't stand next to walls either. Good luck cs'ing under turret!”
SkellyBirb says “Qiyana is extremely strong right now and with her invisibility, she can be really hard to kill. She has a lot of burst as well. If you get a combo on her, you could possibly one shot her.”
Shazzaam says “Broken champion with disgusting damage. Try to freeze the lane and try to stay above 70% hp since she can demolish your HP with her combo without damage items.”
Forscythe says “She already have a weak lane phase until 6, so poke her endlessly. Watch out for her ultimate because once she is level 6, she will ask for gank from her jungler.”
Reason97 says “Qiyana can do a stupid amount of damage in lane phase, and she has a lot of movement to get around, but she isnt unstoppable. a good stun will mess up her flow and give you time to retaliate. Also, never forget that her Q has a longer range when it's empowered with an ability, so be careful about playing around it's range. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. You can windwall most of her damage and stop her from comboing you level 3. The biggest part of this matchup is watching for her roaming and stopping her from setting up ganks by getting vision all throughout the river. Take Conq.”
Fadedreformed says “If she hasn't started with refillable and has a long sword you can try to 1 v 1 her lvl 1 starting with w. Highly recommended to take d-shield and smash her in lane. If she roams you and gets fed by your team then good luck :D”
Shock_101 says “Dodge her qs and respect her elements, because they make her very powerful. Spam flash when she ults you, there's a time where you can get out if you're quick enough and you wont get stunned.”
DaggerTV_ says “Qiyana has the ability to controll you with her water element and her ult. If she catches you of without any way of leaving you probably will die. Try to abuse her when she doesnt have an element. Buy armour'”
Yuki H. says “It looks like she is still fairly new and people have not yet fully come to a conclusion on how to play her efficiently, which puts her threat level here. Just know she has incredible kill potential at 6, especially near terrain.”
fwii says “Punish her at level 1 and level 2 by forcing trades. Once she is level 3, avoid her Q poke and burst damage. If you are below 60% HP, you will die to her combo. ”
Veralion says “Decent harassment, but nothing too crazy. Hard to catch and finish off early, but it's possible. She doesn't have much all in potential as long as you stay away from walls after 6. Her ult does knockback for flash distance, so make sure that her dash distance can never put you between her and said walls if your fury isn't full. Pressing R to immune her knockback and avoid her ult will leave her absolutely defenseless, use it right when she dashes in. One thing to note however, your turret counts as a wall and she can ult it, too. Which is BS, but whatever I guess. This means that you don't have a lot of viable ground to stand on while you are shoved in with low health, so just back if you find yourself in this situation. Aside from that, in most situations I would hold ult and wait for your jungler to all in. It's tough to stick to her and finish her off if she can use grass empowered E, meaning that ulting at her head-on while she is in the middle of the lane will probably just waste your fury and leave you overextended. If she's pushed away from side bushes and holding Rock or Water Q, well, that's a different story. She loves to roam, so look to catch her facechecking on her way back to lane. ”
Icemperor says “The only threat is the Q river cc, so play a bit safer when she has river enchant. Also be careful when she has brush enchant as she can get away easily.”
Zak247 says “Qiyana probably has one of the most powerful level 3s ever if she gets a full combo on you and you are still alive make sure you keep your distance and farm. Once you get level 6 you can kill her pretty easily with a good combo and ult ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Major
You outpoke her but it is a painful lane due to her raw burst at level 3 which can out burst you even more so at level 6
Just try to roam and hope she doesn't go Mobis”
snukumz says “What a bitch!
Push waves so she can't roam.
Be really careful because she has 2 dashes and can dodge your skill shots, as well as gap close and destroy you.
Stay away from walls, and away from your tower when in lane since she can stun you against it.
You can combo her and kill her if she messes up.
Try to poke her when you can. ”
Pentakai says “Wait for your level 3 to fight her. Be aware of her root, and do short trades to outdamage her. Consider buying an early Seeker's Armguard.”
panger 174 says “esta hecho mierda este champ, tiene mucha presion pero le podes sacar ventaja bien, tene en cuenta a que elemento va a saltar cuando tires e
cometa elec”
Gageowago says “ She can use her dashes to avoid all your skillshots and can easily half health you level 3 with her E (Q with River) AA. If she's good she can E (Q w/ River) AA you and then ignite (W to get wall) AA Q. Stay away from walls unless you want to lose 40% of your health from her ult alone. If you see her dash directly onto you back up as best you can and wait for a clean shot at charm while hovering your flash or ult to avoid her ult. If she goes in on you with her empowered q and you know she has her w dash up, wait until she uses it to reposition herself and then go for an easy charm.”
topal says “She can't all in you at any point.Be carefull when she hits 6 if you don't get stunned by her q you can win the trade. Don't go in with all your cc cause she might be able to turn on you.”
JacWilly says “Very even lane, dont ult her first , dodge her ult with your ult, as when you ult, she gets a free ult on you if near a wall, allowing you to do no damage as your stunned, by the time you are able to move again, you are more than likely dead.”
Fhizzikx says “lvl 1 you can weave in a few autos but don't get in her e range and stay away from walls once she gets 6. keep in mind what q she has so you can play properly”
roskataka says “Try to dodge her skillshots and you should be fine, don't fight her until you have your protobelt for dodging skillshots and engaging. Don't tower dive her unless you have her ult and Barrier/Cleans(better case) up.”
serruh says “used to be a lot harder before her q got nerfed in the early ranks, now you can actually lane into her until you get some armor. do not underestimate her all in though, as she will kill if you disrespect and dont get armor or hang around on low hp. will be a menace in teamfights, as this champ can 0/20 and still provide decent utility and dmg and can obviously flip some roams and turn the game on its own. all this considered, should not be able to fight you one on one once you get some items”
SQBv2 says “Very strong early game champ, build Zhonya's Hourglass first. Qiyana's burst is too strong with her ult. You need to play carefully post level 3. But harass her level 1 and 2 so you can take charge of the lane early and force her to recall.”
ER1KLB says “Qiyana ...
Dash every 3 seconds, invisibility and damage ...
It's really risky to play ZOE against her, you're not going to do much in the early game”
ur_mom_gay says “Rough because you kind of have to sit back and let her do her thing in lane. Hard to hit since she has 2 dashes to avoid your Q's. If you engage with R she can hide in her invis, so try to open with WEQ when fighting her. Don't get behind and you should be able to fight her in the midgame.”
Sloyr says “Her early damage is really high with her combo EQ(ice)AAWQ(wall) so you have to either stay away from her, or dodge her combo. At 6, if you're able to dodge her combo, you can go all in. ”
ekkologix says “skill matchup , if she uses her R properly and u get stunned you're dead ,she can dodge our W+E+Q+A.A combo easily , she'll build mob boots probably to roam but can't outpush you.”
583498534583 says “talon ve zed kadar olmasa da qiyana da zor bir matchuptır erken bir maceracının pazubendi tercih edilebilir ( FARM YAPIP 13 14. DAKİKADA ASIRLIK SOPAYI BİTİREBİLECEKSENİZ EĞER PAZUBENDİNE HARCAYACAĞINIZ GOLD YÜZÜNDEN BİTMEYECEKSE TEKRARDAN DÜŞÜNEBİLİRSİNİZ)”
NebuIa says “Don't stand too close to walls. Be ready to bubble her right as she e's if you have good reflexes, or until after she w's away. Watch for facechecking her after she roams, as she may bush camp and kill you instead. Consider barrier if you have trouble.”
TheBlueImperial says “Not a lot she can do, she's incredibly reliant on snowballing and Galio is an incredibly hard target for her to kill. You also follow her roams easily.”
cobbzy says “Make sure to go Doran shield, ask for jungle pressure often. She is a hard matchup but as long as you fight during her cooldowns it is possible. ”
MachyFDW says “Also a farely difficult matchup , if you dont pay atencion to your positioning. Avoid walls if you can and sava your wall for ice w and ultimate.”
vaske_lol says “Rush Seeker's Armguard and avoid trading if she has an element and W off cooldown. Try to freeze the wave and let your team know when she tries to roam.”
LONERlSM says “Look to play passive and when she is looking to roam shove her in. you out scale her and much like alkali buy rylias to slow her down for the team. ”
MarkeleleYasuo says “You cant rely on your windwall because her q kind of explodes in the middle, dont try to fight her unless you are really confident, you have to sit under turret and farm up, her kill pressure is to high, just ping when she goes for a roam and then push asap and get a quick recall ”
Marumo says “Threat level 8.
A cautious 4. I've only played against a Qiyana twice but both times it has been a struggle in lane. She has a good deal of strength but I found in both cases that when we left the laning phase they fell to pieces.”
Cloud375 says “This is a somewhat fun skill matchup to play. She is a melee champ with dashes and a hard hitting ultimate. There are only two things to be aware of when fighting her in lane.
1. Before level 2 don't be afraid to hit her constantly, but be more careful once she hit's level 2 due to her dashes - She can kill you with them if she is good.
2. Once she hits level 6, keep a good distance away from her, but more importantly, keep a good distance away from all walls and turrets, her ultimate can definitely waste you if it lands.
Other than that, this is a fun lane where the better player wins, no stupid "Your damage is absolutely BS" because if she starts to oneshot you, it is COMPLETELY your fault for not being able to stop her from becoming that strong.”
Garybaldo says “Buy early armor, don't underestimate her burst, stay far from walls, other than that she's not much of a threat as she can't push you under turret without putting her in danger of you landing a combo onto her, you outscale pretty hard. Use your W to see if she's roaming, spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, she has good roam potential”
worddog says “You will want sustain as she does a lot of damage, exhaust can also be useful. Rushing a seekers is a good way to prevent her from bursting you before you can make use of your sustain.”
Noirubilac says “Stay away from walls to avoid her stun. Pressure her hard at lvl 1 and 2. Watch for ganks. If she overcommits punish her hard.
(You can roam on this,
Gets Outscaled)
SirZeros says “Qiwhat?
Okay, that burst is high. Don't let her get too close. Also a nearby tank with some cc should do the trick. She's still pretty squish.
If she cannot kill you, you can.”
Tchouvline says “Qiyana is a gap closer champ, to deal huge damages she need to get closer, so you won't have any problem to kite her. Be careful about ganks and you should be fine :D”
shitieboh says “If she gets ganked at start of game you cant do anything to her she can just one shot you after lvl 6
if you want to beat her destroy her before she reaches her lvl 6 ”
chloric says “Be careful for her level 3 power spike. Don't underestimate her Rock Element Q bonus damage. Both of you are roam gods but you have better roaming.”
hoppyscotch says “if you block her ult and at least a q you will always win. But she will just shit on you if she lands her ult, quite a hard matchup, if she engages on you when you dont have windwall you are dead.”
WonderFUllGuy69 says “Be very carefull on this one, she will destroy you early so just farm until 6 and ask your jungler for 1 or 2 ganks. after you get a good lead on her she will become useless”
Best Akali Fra says “Qiyana is one of the most biggest counter of Akali. She have broken mobility (W/Z + E), she can easily pokes you (Q/A) and stun (R) !! Just try to trade her at level 1 with your early combo before she goes to level 2.”
SepekuAW says “This matchup is very hard for syndra if they rush hex drinker. Qiyana can one shot you even from behind, if they don't rush hexdrinker you can one shot as well. There's no real specific tips vs qiyana that i can give as my knowledge vs her is still kinda small. Just be weary of walls when fighting her, and try to proc electrocute once, then wait for it to come back off CD. all in as soon as its back up if shes not full hp.”
Flygenring says “Play lane very safely to avoid her snowballing, get resolve secondary. You WILL outscale her eventually. And if you fight in open spaces, she is more or less useless.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Pre-6 parry the water/river element Q, After 6, be mindful of how you parry, as her threat level comes hard at level 3 and 6. Make sure that she can't get many roams off, as she can make some really impacting roams.”
maplecat21 says “I actually haven't seen her yet, but based on her kit, she doesn't seem too much of a threat. Similar to akali, just don't hug walls post 6, and try and avoid fighting in bushes/river. Notably, your wall doesn't proc her ult explosions.”
RagexAddict says “Qiyana isn't too much of a threat in lane, mainly because her ultimate can't really stun you unless you're hugging a wall. You should be able to trade her at levels 2 and 3.”
Fluctuation says “This matchup is hilariously easy, since Qiyana lacks early damage to counter your engage. Go for poke pre 6 and then go for the kill with ult.”
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