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Riven Counter Stats

Riven Counters
Discover all champions who counter Riven. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Riven in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,115 Tips for countering Riven below

Top Lane
49.82% Win Rate91% Pick Rate Riven Top Lane Counters: 45 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Riven in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

tictac9090 says “Higly dependent on how good the Riven is. Watch out for her level 1 all in as she is incredibly strong if played correctly. If you still all in her level 1 make sure you flash her Q3 and space with your ghost. She usually beats you in 1v1's even when behind. Banning this champion is a good choice.”
Darius in depth build + every matchup explained by tictac9090 | Darius Player
SemenDrinker says “Blade Bone plating Super skill dependent. You both will play similarly as you both will punish each other for csing with your q's. I heavily recommend plated rush for armor since her burst potential lvl 6 with ignite is massive. Level 6 if you're at around 60-70% health she just insta kill you with her ignite ult combo so beware. I would try to kite backwards whenever she engages on you if you dont want to go for the all in. Play reactive against Riven. One mistep when you play reactive you're dead.”
Horrible Aatrox Main Gives You The Bare Minimum by SemenDrinker | Aatrox Player
Banzi says “e her final q "the slam" poke with distance get an early bramble west”
Engage + Value build - Tresh off-meta by Banzi | Thresh Player
IvanBeifong says “Never fight her at level 1, prefer 3-4-5 level trades, if she doesn't have ignite the threat it poses is lower, try to E away from her Q3 and engage as she's in the middle of the animation, you can cancel her Q3, take boneplating, as she'll always try to trade at level 1. Her ult is pretty meh, it works to get passive stacks and execute.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) try to E her 3rd Q you cancel it like pantheon W, R her Q3, you can also try to R her recasted R but its harder to predict, all in with bone plating, if you get first auto on her you win because you ger your passive + bone plating, dont use W its a waste mana she can just E your W, play near walls since she has high mobility and can dodge your E ”
Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version) by LilPicky | Camille Player
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
[14.15] Aurora TOP & JGL Guide 🐰🪄 by Lanec | Aurora Player
Syyvaz says “She can dodge all your kit, she can burst you on seconds. Try poking and wait for a gank”
AURORA COMPLETE GUIDE by Syyvaz | Aurora Player
Skaarlschloch says “Really only scary LV1 but even here you might win if she wastes 1-2 Qs”
Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea) by Skaarlschloch | Nocturne Player
Frankoloko says “Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. But to win you need to get to Steelcaps + Rylai's without losing too much. One tip is to start Cloth Armor + 4 Pots, this allows you to get to Steelcaps ASAP and survive early. Next get the HP of Rylai's first to get the most of your ARM + HP. Another tip is to ask your jungler for a gank or two. One or two successful ganks and you win this lane easy. Riven has no sustain so poke vs her is amazing.”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player
femboydegilim says “Another champ with 4 dashes cc and has a shield in her dash disgusting champ as always. ”
⭐Best Toplaner⭐ Lillia Toplane Guide ❤ by femboydegilim | Lillia Player
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