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Viego Counter Stats

Viego Counters
Discover all champions who counter Viego. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Viego in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
424 Tips for countering Viego below

In the Jungle
49.92% Win Rate96% Pick Rate Viego In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Viego in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

DoxxTheLeague says “a good viego makes a 5 viego is a type of champion you can not ult he will trade his ult for yours and its much more worth since his ult resets per kill unlike yours which as 120 seconds cooldown try to kite him dont get into his range dodge his stun if he hits his stun and has 2 items his burst will hurt. you can go rylai second here.”
Doxx's OTP Lillia guide (GM JUNGLE OTP) by DoxxTheLeague | Lillia Player
kimijebac123 says “hard/annoying matchup. you shoudlnt lose this matchup if you go PR”
Kimara's Hecarim Build 14.16 by kimijebac123 | Hecarim Player
orka4.sandraj says “Everytime you see his E mist, E yourself so you wont be stunned by his W. Additionally, watch out for his R damage. Is one of easier enemies because of low mobility.”
Full AP Burst Morgana by orka4.sandraj | Morgana Player
AlgebraLinear2 says “If you're fed, you absolutely can't let Viego get your kill/assist, specially if there are ally teammates around. Don't counter gank him. Just stay close, show your presence and maybe make him go away scared. Don't go agressive into him in those situations. If he kills you or your allies he will just heal and reset, and the fight is probably over.”
VOLIBEAR JUNGLE BR TANKY BUILD by AlgebraLinear2 | Volibear Player
DabloonDemon says “Early game can stick to you, out sustain you and win the 1v1.”
[14.13] Putting the Jungle in Jungle | Zyra by DabloonDemon | Zyra Player
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Viego is very reliant on item spikes. Take away his snowballing potential by counterjungling and invading his jungle will slow him down immensely. You're just on a race with items against him.”
[Season 14] (Patch 14.13) Neeko Jungle by Neekster | Neeko Player
lurutin says “Dodge his stun or ult with your Q. Bring him back to his wife, you win.”
[14.13] A true Wuju master by lurutin | Master Yi Player
masrigod says “Very even matchup I would argue even slightly Nidalee favoured, make sure to dodge his W and to get Zhonya's so he can't get resets.”
Nidalee Jungle Guide by masrigod | Nidalee Player
solummmmmmm says “This matchup is not that hard since his power spike hits around 4lvl and 6 lvl u can easy invade him at lvl 2 if u are good and smart one ”
kindred guide f BIEKSI by solummmmmmm | Kindred Player
lolWillieP says “You *should* win every 1v1, but keep an eye on item spikes”
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