As a Support 51.15% Win Rate62% Pick RateVel'Koz As a Support Counters: 32 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vel'Koz as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zileanaire says “If they're good at trigonometry (they always seem to be. Nerds) then it's a threat. Suddenly turning around at random times can be a helpful way of dodging his Q ability. ”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “Generally not hard to deal with, but a good Velkoz can poke hard. He statistically beats you and 1 E kills you in lane after level 3.”
Aerenax says “Velkoz pokes you down in lane which will probably force you under tower with half HP. Get used to his Q and how it angles and play around his E. When his abilities are on cooldown look for a Q to oneshot him.”
Arctic Arrow says “His abilities, especially his Q (Plasma Fission) and E (Tectonic Disruption), can be annoying, but they are manageable with good positioning.
Avoid standing in his skill shots to minimize damage and crowd control effects. Engage when his abilities are on cooldown or when he’s out of position.”
xpwnz1337 says “Unlucky matchup. overbuffed tank burst mage. Alistar's counter.
Counterplay: Dont eat poke. Roam. Try catching him with your team. Respect his passive as it can go through your R.”
hardkoR says “Good vel'koz is extremely dangerous for swain. After he reaches lvl 6 he can one shot you til the end of the game. His true dmg counters your tank build and he has lots slows and kitting. Only champion with stronger lvl 6 spike then you in bot-lane. ”
Foxirion says “Vel’Koz’s high range and burst damage can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. His ability to poke from a distance can make it difficult for Nautilus to engage.”
Stillo says “When facing Vel'Koz as Braum, the matchup presents a unique challenge due to Vel'Koz's ability to deal true damage with his ultimate, Life Form Disintegration Ray. While you can block Vel'Koz's other abilities, such as Plasma Fission and Tectonic Disruption, using your Unbreakable shield to block Life Form Disintegration Ray exposes you to significant true damage, making Vel'Koz a priority ban for you.
To navigate this matchup effectively, you must adopt a proactive approach that focuses on engaging and disrupting Vel'Koz's combos to prevent him from unleashing his ultimate. Braum's crowd control abilities, such as Winter's Bite and Glacial Fissure, can interrupt Vel'Koz's channeling and disrupt his positioning, providing opportunities for your teammates to follow up and secure kills.
Additionally, prioritize vision control and map awareness to avoid getting caught out by Vel'Koz's long-range poke and potential roams. Placing wards in key areas and communicating with teammates to track Vel'Koz's movements can help you anticipate his engages and respond accordingly.
Furthermore, consider building items that provide additional magic resist and health to mitigate Vel'Koz's burst damage and increase your survivability in team fights. Items like Spirit Visage and Adaptive Helm can help you withstand Vel'Koz's onslaught and remain a resilient frontline presence for your team.
Overall, while Vel'Koz presents a formidable challenge for you due to his true damage ultimate, adopting a proactive playstyle, prioritizing vision control, and building defensively can help you navigate the matchup effectively and secure victory for your team.”
Foxirion says “Vel'Koz's long-range poke and true damage abilities make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can easily poke down Rakan from afar and melt him in team fights.”
RangoFan2011 says “Maybe worst matchup for bard in lane, but you can completely shut him down late game. Other that that take second wind with unflinching, since his Q slows and E is a knockup.”
Velkyann says “Very good poke with one of the best ults for teamfights. You will want to dodge his Q and E, you can use your W to dodge his E but everything else only use W if your adc/team can be healed.”
Sinyora says “Vel'Koz Has a HUGE range advantage and can easily break our E) Black Shield without a CC. Most Supports that outheal or outpoke are Morgana's biggest threats.”
Speecter says “Very hard and annoying matchup, all his abilities are CCs which makes your E very important. If possible try to rush him with your shield on. Ganks from your jungle should be obligatory.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “He deals a lot of damage but is pretty immobile. Poke him to death, and try not to get hit with his attacks. If you do, hop back on your adc until his passive goes away.”
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quecck says “Do not fear the eyeball man. He is a pretty intimidating support with his weird mathematical prowess but is super susceptible to your engages. Stay calm and watch for his abilities, they are easier to dodge than you might think, and protect yourself in the minion wave. Getting yourself poked is just stupid. Also save your W for his ult. Hold it as long as you reasonably can. laser eye man go brrr
quecck says “Do not fear the eyeball man. He is a pretty intimidating support with his weird mathematical prowess but is super susceptible to your engages. Stay calm and watch for his abilities, they are easier to dodge than you might think, and protect yourself in the minion wave. Getting yourself poked is just stupid. Also save your W for his ult. Hold it as long as you reasonably can. laser eye man go brrr”
HotEspressoooo says “The biggest threat to neeko. amazing poke and util throughout all stages of the game. take comet and play under tower like a pussy.”
Arrowmundx says “This matchup really seems like the worst one, but I don't ever ban him, because his is never played. I would think about dodging, unless your team is great at diving.”
Aerenax says “Velkoz is another of those "supports" that does a lot of damage. Just try to survive lane by staying healthy and punish him for his cooldowns. ”
ohsuko says “(Electrocute makes this matchup extreme). High damage, has cc, makes it hard to trade and WILL punish you if you walk up for Electrocute trades.”
Ryecheria says “Typically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
Get an early wave push. Vel cooldowns shorter CD and does more damage so focus on the wave.
When it is obvious that you win the trade, look to flash w him because he has low mobility. ”
mazewalk says “Cancel his ultimate so your ADC wont be wiped from the face of Earth by true damage. During laning phase VelKoz players tend to willingly spam their Q W so you can just spend some time dodging their poke and then engage when they have no mana. Punish them whenever they waste their E.”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup, boxblock his Q to trigger it early, Q or R to dodge his E knockup. bait him into using his abilities on you instead of your adc. Put your clone in his face when he R's (risky as his R melts you)”
ohsuko says “He does a lot of damage and has a small amount of CC. You should be able to dodge all of his abilities easily. Just try your best to poke and not take any damage.”
shacolovesyou says “has poke so u will suffer in early, dont engage if he has E available, if he uses R u can outplay him throwing a clone bomb into him”
support_diff says “Vel'Koz has a very good poke and makes it nearly impossible to you to get in your stealth without getting hit by a skillshot in the following two seconds”
epicc nick says “very strong against renata, can hide behind minions and spam long range moves, try to Q him or put pressure on him with your E so he can't poke you”
Lunar Empress says “A mage like Vel'koz will 100 to 0 you if you get hit by his airborne. His poke is way better but is quite dodgeable. Go Glacial as mages don't have mobility. ”
mazewalk says “You don't need to bait him into wasting his skills, he'll spam his Q whenever he can. Pay attention to his positioning, because he can send his Q into no vision and then it gets to you. Don't waste your W untill he ults. His E throws you away from him if you're close enough, so you should be careful when using ult. Buy Knights Vow if your carry is getting erased from his true damage.
Q cd is always 7.
E cd = 16/15/14/13/12”
Afnyc says “Pick aery page. Vel has the advantage because there's more to dodge compared to other poke supports. so much poke!!! Play in your wave to dodge his poke, poke the opposing adc as much as possible and wait for an oppportunity to engage.
game 2: ran guardian. poke for days, but more managable, managed to punish a few missteps and pull out a lead through that”
support_diff says “His poke is very strong and he deals a ton of true damage with his combo, watch out for his Q and try to surprise him. If you land your hook, he dies.”
Dotje says “Vel'Koz is a bigger problem than lux. I still put him on even, because he's not quite a support. You can also cancel his ultimate and pick him off quite easily (if yourteam follows up). He cannot escape picks like Nami does. ”
Aerenax says “Vel'koz is another of those "supports" that does a lot of damage. Just try to survive lane by staying healthy and punish him for his cooldowns. ”
Cyclic says “His Q does a lot of damage to you since the health nerfs and he will chunk you for a lot of your HP. Since he outpokes you it can be hard to get souls and his ult is deadly if he hits a combo on you. Similar to lux but harder”
Toches says “he has good waveclear to push for seiging plates, and if you get hit by E be prepared to take a lot of damage and return to neutral
if he whiffs E, you've got a good shot at killing him.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Vel'Koz SUP, if played on the limit of its potential, out-pokes, out-mana-sustain, out-damage (on Ultimate), out-CC… becoming a really problematic Mage Support Champion to deal against.
Although it is very rare a Vel'Koz player will be so good to the point of deserving a Ban, the Champion has got this Long-Range Ability abuse potential, which makes it worse than most other Mage Support Matchups for Nidalee SUP.”
iveye says “Vel'koz has a lot of poke and also one of the few mages with true damage. If you have his fully marked passive his R will shred you in seconds so he should be your main target to to CC because he is most likely going to die without help.”
gizemdeniz says “Velkoz's range is pretty high, but poking us might not be as easy as he thinks. We can get close enough to him with our ult and deal effective damage with a good combo. We may have a hard time early, but it's not an impossible match.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Swifties/Lucidity are good. Swifties let you juke his skills a lot more easily and Lucidity let you have lower flash CD to cancel his R, which is otherwise a pain. His hitbox is pretty huge and taking Glacial + stopwatch (so you can buy boots early) let's you run him down with a lot of ADC's.
|||MID||| You can't really do much to him as a midlaner other than run Lucidity and hope to Flash+R his R and insec him if possible. ”
Roltu says “Vel'koz quizás el mejor zoner que puede detener a thresh pero tienen la tendencia de malposicionarse mucho si es un Vel'koz novato, aparte de ser un mago débil en fase temprana.”
zotet says “Vel'Koz has very similar range to senna and can poke as well. This makes them quite even, though Vel'Koz has a worse CC which makes her weaker in that category but more damaging moves which can be difficult to dodge. They are a pretty even matchup as their range are both quite far. It is best to play passive and trade as much as you can.”
LordZaneLP says “didnt played against him for so long idk anymore, but prob same like xerath except the fact that his ult can oneshot you nearly from 100 to 0 so watch out because of that.”
PykEugeo says “velkoz is very easy to kill as you just have to wait for him to use his q to engage him, dodging the other spells, be very aggressive when you do
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After Vel’koz has a few points in his Plasma Fission(Q), he’s damage output is going to be high. Make sure you’re always near the minion wave so you can run into it if needed.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After Vel’koz has a few points in his Plasma Fission(Q), he’s damage output is going to be high. Make sure you’re always near the minion wave so you can run into it if needed.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After Vel’koz has a few points in his Plasma Fission(Q), he’s damage output is going to be high. Make sure you’re always near the minion wave so you can run into it if needed.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After Vel’koz has a few points in his Plasma Fission(Q), he’s damage output is going to be high. Make sure you’re always near the minion wave so you can run into it if needed.”
ShoDesu says “You get out ranged in this match up and he can use E to cancel your ult. Like Xerath, need to punish his immobility with fully charged nado's out of vision and ganks. ”
Jageiko says “Velkoz is actually a pretty easy lane if you know how to dance. Dodge his E at all costs, and his Q by going forward when you can. He is squishy so your kill pressure will be insane. Your E and R cancel his R, and guessing when he's going to R is not hard.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Vel'koz is like a less effective Xerath while being more difficult. That being said he will more often than not be offscreen and he does scale well, but he doesn't roam as well as your and your teamfighting potential gives you more agency than he will have.”
GoldenCat says “Too much poke for you to heal, good all-in potential with a slow, a knock-up, and a long-ranged laser beam. Almost always a ban or dodge.”
SlippStream says “One of the few poke supports that can give you a run for your money. Unlike something like Xerath, however, Vel'Koz's strength comes from the skill of the pilot. A good Vel'Koz can easily punish you for trying to poke with a Q and then follow up with W and/or E. Stay on your toes to dodge his important skillshots.”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Similarly to xerath, he has a lot of range and poke which makes laning very difficult. You'll have to be very careful of his E being used to peel, knocking you up where you are very vulnerable.
Vel'koz is immobile though, so with a good engage or trap set-up you'll be able to burst him down.
Also, if he uses his ultimate you can throw a clone into him, fearing him out of the cast.”
rocco521 says “This match is really hard due to the fact vel coz can play really far back and just out range you and poke you out. Wait for vel coz to over extend and then w onto a minion and trade onto him with your adc or jungler.”
Demonsedge90 says “Like most heavy damage mages, Vel'Koz spams out skills quickly and does everything he can to force you back to the fountain. The only way to beat him is to catch him napping and force him back as often as possible.”
Cimcia484 says “ In the laning phase he pokes Soraka without giving her opportunity to Q him back and mitigate the poke with healing. Similar problems with champions like Xerath, Brand or Lux. If they missplay and get hit by your Q, the lane changes entirely.”
Cordiall says “Vel'koz can poke Braum out, and a good Vel'koz can get some CRAZY angles on his poke abilities. However, if you dodge them, Braum can just all-in and kill Vel and there isn't much Vel can do about it. Your E does NOT stop Vel's R, though, so be careful.”
DtNikk says “Just as Swain, Velkoz will beat you in lane. Relic shield is a MUST here. Swiftness boots are best as He'll shred through Merc Treads.
You should be looking for a Locked of the Iron Solari for the shield.”
TheBlueImperial says “He has lots of poke and true damage which makes him a dangerous opponent but he is still another immobile and squishy champion. Once you get onto him he cannot escape and will usually die.”
HypoTheAced says “As frightening as this matchup sounds it's definitely a skill matchup. Unless Velkoz is able to land his Q's on you and your ADC he mostly dominates, but if he misses you can get free trades.”
pHreekaz says “If you can't dodge his ability's he is and EXTREME threat. If he unleash his combo and you can dodge you just go all in. he has pretty long CDs.”
bive says “supp: all in when u kno where every1 is and if tp advantage is even or favorable if Vel misses E and health is even or favorable, exhaust his ult since nami ult would be used to engage or save bubble for his ult”
commit lego foot says “long range poke mage with a lot of burst, but some of it is true damage from passive so you get melted. Positioning is important as you want brush control but also it is easier to get hit by his Q if you are outside the minion wave. One of the few supports worth focusing over the ADC in 2v2 all in based only on the sheer burst it does. Hard to approach without flash engage/hexflash from bush as if you get hit by his E you will grey screen and make the 2v2 impossible after 6. most counterplay is just getting them to push by standing in wave when they q and getting jungle attention when they are overextended. ”
M Le Maudit says “He's a very annoying champ to play against but if he burns his CD u can just solo kill him. Avoid his A and his bump and it will be an easy lane.”
Discord231 says “Vel'Koz es un campeón que si sabes esquivar no te debería dar problemas, la dificultad de la línea dependerá de los reflejos de tu adc. ”
Gobomo says “Stun him through minions with your Q and do your best to dodge his skillshots by being unpredictable with your movement. It may be worth going Swifties or Steelcaps just to have a better time against him in lane, even. Even though he has a lot of damage at long range, he's very weak to getting bursted down, as he has low health and no mobility. His only self-peel is either killing you or knocking you up with E, which has a 16 second cooldown at rank 1 and is usually the last ability he maxes. Try your best to Q-Auto combo him whenever he uses his Q at level 1, and back off at level 2 once he gets his W. ”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “Much like Xerath, Vel'Koz can safely poke you down while staying out of range. Predict his Q and dodge, don't eat both of his W, stay healthy, focus on the adc.”
eiensiei says “Watch out for his Q's in lane and walk up to poke him/his laner while it's on cooldown.
Unlike other AP supports, Vel'Koz scales extremely well because of his true damage passive and will ultimately act as a second mid laner in terms of damage. Getting hit by his Q-R in later stages of the game is usually a quick death, so avoid it at all costs.”
Doglightning says “Run Comet. Neekos hardest counter even if you aren't even in lane vs her. She can poke you outta lane early but this is your best time vs her. After 6 you literally cannot get close to her. If she lands a single Q she will 100-0 you with ult. Dodge if shes in game”
Mystral says “Let's talk about this "beautiful" champ that I hate. If he's good, your lane will be like a cancer. It's a continuous poke and you can't shield everything. His combo could be mortal to you and your ADC. Play aggressively, try to poke him and win the trades. ”
Aerenax says “Vel'Koz pokes you down in lane which will probably force you under tower with half HP. Get used to his Q and how it angles and play around his E. ”
eiensiei says “Watch out for his Q's in lane and walk up to poke him/his laner while it's on cooldown.
Unlike other AP supports, Vel'Koz scales extremely well because of his true damage passive and will ultimately act as a second mid laner in terms of damage. Getting hit by his Q-R in later stages of the game is usually a quick death, so avoid it at all costs.”
LimTheDestructor says “Focus Vel'Koz usually. Don't make engages that don't end up killing him or his adc. In later phases of game, have R ready for stunning him when he starts casting his R, or just oneshot him (which can be often harder than expected = risky).”
warmfishu says “Does a lot of damage. His Tectonic Disruption (E) is an area knock-up and stun. When he uses Plasma Fission (Q), you can walk forward to avoid the secondary bolts.”
Rasta Da Masta says “I may be a bit biased here because I mastered Vel'Koz, but if he never hits you with his spells, he isn't a threat. Interrupt his R with your W if you can. And if you can damage him more than he can, you can win this lane.”
PicklePantsLOL says “He has long-ranged poke which makes it really hard for you to trade with him. As soon as you get into range, he will damage you. Take defensive minor runes and invest in corrupting potion.”
Korippo says “This is an annoying lane due to Vel'Koz's obnoxious long range poke and knockup, as well as his laser on his ult, but he suffers from being poked out of lane as much as any other burst mage, and so long as you don't spoonfeed him the ability to poke you and your ADC down, you can win all-ins pre-6 pretty easily while his abilities are on CD, especially with jungle help. Try your best to avoid his knockup if you do go out for your passive and otherwise you should be okay, and do NOT let him stack his passive on you. Buying Shurelya's here is good to help your team better evade his ult.”
TheImmortalEye says “Neekos worst counters are high range mages since she cant do anything to close gaps effectively.
Neekos hardest counter, whatever u do he will best it and i would dodge in the rare time hes getting picked, otherwise take guardian and peel till your teams midlaner can dril him a new one after laning phase”
0Banda says “Your matchup against Vel'Koz will be completely skilled, he has an incredible poke with he's Q and W combined with Arcane Comet
When engaging, focus him, as his major weakness is he's low mobility and low health
Against him, play safer than usual as he has an incredible long range[
Against Vel'Koz you should build as usual, but on your first back you should buy Boots in order to dodge he's skillshots on a more effective way. In the rune section you should pick Second Wind in order to get rid of some of he's poke”
Jowoey says “Good Vel'Koz players will never let you poke them basically. Let him be super aggressive and wait for ganks. Try to sustain as well as you can during that time.”
Jaori says “Much poke, but he is very squishy and you can block his ult twice. Play as you would against veigar. Level 6 aggro engage and both him and his carry are out.”
HerYandere says “Ungodly annoying, he's going to make you dance, but he's immobile. Wait till they push up then chase him down (not if they have a huge wave though. clear it halfway at least first). HIS ULT WILL DELETE YOU”
DasNerdwork says “Vel'Koz has a kit consisting of 4 skillshots making him very vulnerable to champions with dashes, just like you. He has no escape options except for his flash and you can easily dodge his knockup. Also you are able to interrupt his ultimate with yours or your knockup.”
Esoterica says “Vel'koz excels at poking and dealing burst damage when landing his knockup. However, he is very vulnerable without his abilities, and cannot react if you jump on him and blink back when he tries to punish you.
At range, he can only use his Q for damage and your ADC will mostly be safe. If your ADC is caught, Vel'koz is very fragile and can easily be killed.”
Poor old Vel'koz is just you but worse; he pursuits your same playstile during laning phase, but with lower range and harder skillshots.
But don't underestimate, he has a better teamfight due to his passive and ultimate, so try to use your range advantage to put him as much behind as you can early.”
Daraysen says “Vel'koz is a coinflip, again, dangerous when ahead, weak when behind, you can interrupt his ult which makes you good against him, but he does a lot of damage.”
Dotje says “It's hard to cancel his ultimate, so try not to get hit by his full combo by yourself. If you have trouble against this champion you can take guardian and with stone plate you're able to survive his full combo. Going relic with it makes it harder for him to get spellthief stacks as you can keep your distance.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Karma because they outrange her so hard in lane that Karma can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
KeleiX13 says “It's recommended to take Stopwatch into Vel'Koz if you're having trouble dodging his skillshots and think you might just be poked then ulted. Make trades with him short so he can't easily stack his passive on you and deal more damage on you than you need to take. If you can, ult him during his ult to stop it from channeling.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Lulu because they outrange her so hard in lane that lulu can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
anionPositivo says “Um ''''pouco'''' de poke na laning phase, mais não é tão díficil de desviar. Seu W e sua ult cancelam a ult dele, é só deixar calibrada!”
Discord231 says “Vel'Koz es un campeón que si sabes esquivar no te debería dar problemas, la dificultad de la línea dependerá de los reflejos e tu adc.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Soraka because they outrange her so hard in lane that Soraka can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
LilRidge says “Remember that you need dodge Vel'Koz's (Q) Plasma Fission and side-step his (E) Tectonic Disruption in this lane to find any kind of success. You will have to time your all-ins appropriately, or else Vel'Koz will just end up killing you.
Dodging his (Q) Plasma Fission is essential as the poke can hamper your ability to all-in at a proper time and force you to recall.
Rainuu says “Velkoz isn't too bad to play against as he has no mobility and doesn't offer much for his adc. As long as you can dodge his skillshots, you'll be fine”
Kefochka says “Очень тяжёлый соперник на боте. Даже если противник не очень хорошо играет на нём, он всё равно не подпустит вас к себе. Наносит чистый урон и его прокаст очень мощный. ЗАПРЕЩЕНО собираться в жир, это бесполезно, нужно собираться в хил.”
Starchase says “Never detach your ADC, he will burst you down.
Heal as much as you can with your E to negate his poke damage.
Care about lvl 6, if he hits his knockup, is a death sentence.
You don't outscale him.”
Takitsu says “Lot of poke and damage to be careful about. Squishy target that usually dies from being hooked. Use minions to block Vel'koz Q, and make sure to dodge 2nd proc of Vel'koz W to avoid the passive true damage.
Post-6 Hook and flay can stop vel'koz ult, but if you are not able avoid stacking on top of team mates.”
losolkos says “Big dmg very big range you cant do much on him you can kill him just using e and slow him or ult him try to dodge his abilitis and make him use all mana.”
Discord231 says “Vel'Koz es un campeón que si sabes esquivar no te debería dar problemas, la dificultad de la línea dependerá de los reflejos e tu adc. ”
Bear Gummies says “I would consider going relic shield for this matchup. Aery might be the keystone to pick up in this matchup- you get the extra shielding while receiving some form of payoff when you poke. As long as you navigate around his Q, you should be okay. Your movement speed allows you to dodge his W and E relatively easily, so just make sure not to get cut down too early in the game. He is a mage support, so as long as you don't die early, he will never have the chance to snowball.”
xDopii says “High range poke support with insane burst. Vel'Koz is pretty much untouchable and can punish you for your positioning at any time. The matchup depends on your ADC, if you have a good engage ADC like Tristana, the lane should be pretty easy. Always ask for ganks though.”
mscocca says “Immobile champion. Play safe and you will be able to melt it once you get access to Luden's Echo.
Tip: Best moment to land your Q (Human) and consequentially jump on it with your W (Cougar) is during its ultimate.”
The Lotus Queen says “Vel'Koz has high damage and annoying poke that can make laning phase hard. Use minions as cover and rush boots to dodge spells. ”
Sinci says “Long range champions are almost impossible to get close to and in laning phase you can't ever get close to them which makes you just feel useless.”
icebombhunter says “Just grab him and he is dead. you can avoid his cc, he has range but he can't do much to you, just be aware of his passive once he has 6.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: I hate Vel'Koz. His damage is very high and you must focus at all costs avoiding his Q (as it will slow and the rest of his abilities will follow).”
itizhelia says “Vel'Koz shares the same scenario pretty much as Xerath when it comes to the matchups, but in this match up it's much easier to avoid his poking ability compared to Xeraths.
Punish him for walking up, you go even in this lane only if Vel'Koz keeps his distance.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Vel'Koz has a lot of poke and you need to careful to not let him get full stacks on you. Because he will really hurt if that happens. Other than that he is a very immobile champion and very defenseless. So don't be afraid to go hard on him.”
Xeptron says “Laning against Velkoz can go both ways - very good and very bad, no inbetween.
As a mage poke champion, it is very hard to outdamage the champion and hard to engage. Due to Velkoz abilities hitting you from far away, she doesn't need to be any near you to hit them thus making it harder for Thresh to find an engage.
Despite doing a lot of high damage, it's very clear that Velkoz isn't tanky at all. If she misteps once, you follow with an engage and punish it. Once you get lead, laning phase will get easier and you can snowball of it.”
CanadaJay says “A midlaner slapped into support role (A little hypocritical because Gragas is a jungler slapped into support role). High damage and absolute aids abilities. Try to go in on him whenever he whiffs his abilities or try to interrupt his laser with your E or Ult.”
McZeddy says “Extremely high range, can poke you freely if he is good with his Qs, also due to your low range, you can also easily be hit by his knockup, which usually results in a death.”
jessuva says “Vel'Koz is really annoying. He does a lot of damage, but your kit is really powerful and you can heal, while he can't. Play some hopscotch and run around lane a bunch to dodge all of his abilities. If you are losing lane, rush boots for the extra movement speed. His ult isn't a threat because your silence cancels it. ”
Titans Revenge says “He will poke you with endless mana then ult you into oblivion. He has a lot of range and a knock up for CC. His downside....if he is EVER out of position, or you can flash onto him...he has no way to escape. Look to play around your flash in this matchup.”
DeadlyPhantom says “I main this champ and can safetly say this squid is gonna whip you into shape, like Xerath he can Poke you out in all stages of the game. But unlike Xerath he has potental to one shot you level 6 if he got his passive stacked up and you are around half Health. The good thing is he can only his E with Q set up or
he predicts your movement. Late game his poke with Liandry's and Demonic Embrace will hurt. So magic resist is good but not as effective if he gets a full rotation of abilities. Same with Xerath he will never be in E range if he's good.”
RASKODILA123 says “Will try to poke you a lot and usually if you play close to your minions so he cant hit you he will waste his mana and will be easy target for your spells.”
RcosplayEnjoyer says “You can use your Q to cancel his ult and you can use your W to block his Q from pocking you.
Regardless, be careful of his oneshot potential with his passiv procks.”
ReignMargulan says “Fuck this bitch. He can just burst you if you get hit by his knockup from across the map so you basically cant do much considering his great range and true dmg. but hes not extreme because if you hook him and cc chain him he will be the one being bursted”
katt5 says “He has a lot of damage. You need to dodge his E or he will almost certainly kill you. There's a reasonable chance he'll bring Ignite to lane. ”
Rastub P says “Vel'Koz is one of the aids champs to fight against in bot because of hes poking moves if he is with Veigar itself u are going to have bad time till you get A) Lucky moment to beat them B) U are getting helped by jg and success form it”
Jovy says “Although very squishy has very high damage, high range and low mana costing poke. If you can pin him down, he's dead in no time at all, but it'll be difficult reaching him, especially after a few lvls.”
Kilo Khaos says “Another mana reliant champion who can be locked down if he's lacking the mana. All his abilities are skillshots, so dodging them is a vital part to winning lane. After he's level 6, don't engage if either you or your carry are low, as an ult from him can kill one of or both of you.”
moon827 says “Vel'koz is yet another mid laner that became weak, so he became a support. He has 2 forms of cc, a slow with his q, and a knock up with his e. If you can dodge his cc, than you should have an extremely easy lane, barring you their adc is someone like twitch or vayne.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Vel'Koz isn't a very hard match-up for Thresh because he has 0 escape and his abilities are very telegraphed. On top of that Vel'Koz is also a very squishy support.
Bait out his stun, then feel free to go all-in on either him or his AD carry and enjoy your free kill.”
Vahlok says “He pokes a lot, so focus on dodge it and engage him with E, so if he flashes out you can stil hook him. If he goes midlane, be careful with sidestepping.”
Mickeystick says “Depends on bot lane carry. If they have a long range poker (Caitlyn, Jhin) then you honestly don't get to play the game. You just sit back and farm. With every single other carry in the bot lane it's a garbage champion and a free win.”
Wicked Cherry says “Beware of his knock up and consistent damage. His range is way larger than yours, try harass him when it's safe and try to keep either your W or ult for him to interrupt his ult.”
Wicked Cherry says “Well, we all hate a good Vel'Koz but lucky enough he's not so common anymore. He can hurt a lot but you should be able to heal his damage and you can interrupt his ult with your silence. BUT don't flash or run toward him in a straight line - you will be damaged way too much and it's pretty risky anyway. Sometimes it's better to run for life and then get back at him once it's safer and his abilities are on CD.
Grab mobility boots to not get caught by his knock up and run out of his abilities. Also, rush Ardent's to make your heals more effective. ”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 57% winrate against Vel'Koz, most poke champions cannot contend with your heals and end up being invalidated when you land your CC forcing them to give away free kills. Avoid their skillshots for freelo!”
TheMistCollector says “Easiest poke matchup. Stay behind minions and you'll be fine. If you are scared of him, you can always get your mists with Q to make it faster. ”
Giraffe3100 says “Vel'Koz outranges you in lane (not your W) and may have more consistent damage in team fights if you aren't using enough abilities. ”
TailsGothicAngel says “It's all about positioning and taking advantage when he misses his Q and his knock up. Poke him down and make sure to juke his abilities.”
Joseseyboy says “Burst damage as well as true damage makes it harder to decide who to give your ultimate. Don't feel bad about not saving everybody. Remember he is vulnerable during his ultimate.”
snukumz says “Vel'koz out ranges you, and if he lands his combo on you, you will die.
The good news, like Xerath, is that he is squishy and your ult will wreck him.”
snukumz says “He super outranges you and there's not much you can do about it.
The good news is if you stun him you can delete him.
The bad news is most of the time you're going to be cowering in the back trying to avoid his poke.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He can bully you a lot and his true dmg can make your lifesteal useless since you can't outrade him easily when you both have ults.”
thesophieset says “Another lane you shouldn't necessarily pick Soraka into if you have the choice because the matchup will never be in your favour until laning phase is long over. If you get jungle assistance, silence him so he can't get away and burst him first. Vel'Koz is a squishy glass cannon champion naturally, and most support Vel'Koz players build little to no resistances. Remember that you can cancel his R with your E, but don't walk through it to achieve that because he only needs to hit 1-2 abilities on you before casting R to achieve his full stack true damage. Consider running Exhaust because it reduces his ult damage significantly – that is, if you can get in range to cast it on him. As with Xerath, all of his spells are skillshots, so put your dancing shoes on for this lane.”
NalgaSensei says “Very hard to stun since he outranges you like crazy and his poke is quite the threat. He's easy to beat though if you are adept at avoiding his poke and if you're able to stun him, you can just delete him. ”
snukumz says “Watch out for his Q's and stay behind minions.
If you avoid his Q's then he's not much of a problem as you can easily out-trade him without his Q.
Use your plants to poke him down and he is very squishy and they will hurt him.
Be careful once he gets his ult. ”
trundlesuppport says “annoying as fuck, out range you and out poke you and even scale better than you, only way to win this lane is to dodge his Qs and try to all-in him when his e on cd”
SynLynx says “This matchup can go either way, the most important thing for both sides is to consider cooldowns. Whoever has more abilities wins the trade, really. After he has 6 save your w in fights because you can cancel his ult with it.”
rquoe says “Hard-hitting abilities that aren't easy to kite, but he's very squishy and immobile. Needs kills to be good late-game, so he will fall off if he doesn't get any.”
THEBURGERKING says “Any ranged support can give you a hard time, you can still dodge their skill shots depending on the matchup and and gap closing becomes a priority in lane”
JenaColada says “Snowbally support. Try to dodge his skillshots and you'll be good. He spikes at 2,3 and 6 as he's able to stack his passive more reliably.”
JustSlayter says “Easy lane early due to the lack of mobility. HOWEVER his burst along with his ult can be a danger so be prepared to stun him to stop it or ult to survive.”
HoneyQT says “A bit less threatening than Lux overall, he's a good noob-stomper as a lot of low elo players can't dodge his combos, but his lack of utility puts him a bit below her.”
Xeratherxes says “Champion dla osób bez rąk. OP Dmg, łatwo się trafia spell'ami i praktycznie nie zużywa many. Grając na niego Soną, wystarczy, że raz cię trafi ze stuna - Leżysz.”
PayyBack says “Try to hug your minions or use even E to avoid his abilities.
Same like with Brand and Xerath, Vel'Koz is really weak versus high engaging champions so post 6 looks for all-in on Vel'Koz and there's a really high chance you'll execute him.”
DarkGabumon says “Like Brand, it's however hits their abilities better. Although he has much more range in lane and power, so be very careful of that. Try to W his poke and poke him out. if played well, they will never get binded in lane.”
BstWood says “Velkoz is actually a good pick against Brand. If comes down to who is better at playing the champ. Velkoz is very squishy and dies in a full combo.”
Jointed says “He is like a lot of other kill lanes. If he gets his rotation on you, you're not gonna have a good time. Play around his abilities and you can still stack your support item well. You will out value him mid to late if he doesn't have a profitable start.”
Hanjaro says “Like Lux, he has a higher range than you, and he can counter-engage on you if you're trying to poke him down. Try and dodge his abilities to the best you can and you'll negate a lot of his damage threat.”
Hanjaro says “High range, high damage, and a deadly combo. Avoid his abilities, stand inside the minion wave, beware of all in with his ult post lvl 6. He's immobile and squishy when caught out.”
Hanjaro says “High damage, high range. Avoid his abilities, don't get too close. Wait for a gank. You can interrupt his ult with a dazzle, or negate all the damage if you time your ult well.”
GoBucket says “Oppressive Poke. Terrible to lane against. BUT at least he is immobile. Bait out his abilities and take advantage of his lack of escape. Once you get on top of him it is over. Rush merc treads.”
Ghionova says “High range but wont be a problem when youre invisible. He is squishy and not a big deal. His ult can be dodged or canceled easily. Use your movementspeed from W and ITEMS to dodge as much as you can, true dmg hurts ;)”
suppdiff says “ASK FOR AN AGGRESIVE ADC! This lane is hard if the velkoz has half a brain. Be sure to remember barrier is overturned as fuck and not to get baited by it. Force a level two all in and ask for jungler help once his flash is down.”
WhiteGoliath says “you don't want to face this guy, you can't go near him, and you can't stop him from poking you down to death with his huge dmg and range. JUST DODGE”
Laverenz says “Vel'Koz and brand are very similar. They both have strong poke-potential, making it hard to go aggresive as you most likely will get out zoned against them.”
SpamerZg says “If he misses the combo hes gonna be useless and you can just engage on him. If you set box on him he wont be able to escape because of his lack of mobility, and if he tries to ult you it will do nothing.”
aimez says “Vel'koz is yet another mid laner that became weak, so he became a support. He has 2 forms of cc, a slow with his q, and a knock up with his e. If you can dodge his cc, than you should have an extremely easy lane, barring you their adc is someone like twitch or vayne.”
Dragfla says “Watch out for sniper, dodge pokes, and bully him in his face and every will be okay, never go in without you bot patner if they are 2 here.”
Ahpulzz says “He has long ranged poke and good burst damage, too. His best poke won't go through minions, though, so hug your wave and move erratically to stay healthy. He's squishy and immobile, so a hook on him will probably score a kill just as easily as a gank would.”
cebollaamargada says “Los supports de pokeo solo ganarán cuando tengan mayor rango o mejor posicionamiento que tú.
en el caso del rango, ashe se ve superada por las habilidades de xerath y vel'koz.”
Aethlo says “Probably out-pokes you but your all in trades are better. At level 6 you will win the all ins despite his menacing looking laser as long as you have an adc who can right click properly.”
Vermeio says “Velkoz, it´s almost impossible. Long range, too much dmg, and the possibility to go true dmg. Still, you can do something, but with extreme care. Aftershock + bone plating is imperative to have a minimal chance. ”
NoHard says “Vel'koz can burst and drill your HP early, his abilities are harder to dodge and he can be harder to engage on. That being said its not the end of the world just play safer for this match up.”
Sona Aria says “Most of Velkoz' damage is in his Q, his passive, and his ultimate. Learning how to avoid his Q is up to experience, I recommend walking forward in a diagonal fashion, and swapping directions. If he lands Q, he has an easier time of landing his e, knockup, and will consistently proc passive by doing so. Don't get hit by Q. His ultimate is fairly long range, but it is a channel that can be interrupted by trading your ultimate. ”
supportsbelike says “His long range and your ability to dodge should not be a problem. However, he does more damage than you early game, and has a lot more CC. Dodge his stun, and you'll most likely survive. ”
Hanjaro says “Extremely high damage long range champ. Can be very hard for your carry to lane against this champ. Their sole focus will be to get your carry low or kill them. Try to abuse how squishy this champ is and engage before your carry gets poked out of lane. Vel'koz will have a hard time proccing passive damage if they use their W to harass. Abuse their W cooldowns but remember they can have up to 2 stored.”
Drlazerbeam says “Nami players should be fine into Vel, as long as they don't try to play agro into Vel. After Vel hits 6, the lane tilts towards vel's favor, as nami has few options to deal with his ultimate range. ”
SawyerNelson says “Velkoz support has ok poke in lane, so respect it levels 1-4, then look for neutral hook punishes when velkoz is frame locked casting Q, or flash flay hook to force if their summoner spells are down.”
semisomniac says “Another high-damage support, albeit less common than Zyra or Brand. His poke is pretty high-ranged so it might be hard to punish him when he does it. Try to sustain as well as you can. When he hits level 6, try to have your E ready in case the enemy team decides to all-in so that you can interrupt his ult laser. ”
TheLuluMain says “Very tough lane, he outranges you and getting close enough to trade often results in you getting stunned and dying. You have no healing so you must react in time to shield his damage. Play safe and hope for the late game to come soon.”
TheComicalBiker says “Dodge Vel'Koz's abilities and engage when he is low on mana. Be careful post-6 because his ultimate can do massive damage to both your carry and you at the same time.”
Rasta Da Masta says “I may be a bit biased here because I mastered Vel'Koz, but if he never hits you with his spells, he isn't a threat. Interrupt his R with your W if you can. And if you can damage him, you can win this lane.”
Jeroen R8 says “Like Lux dodging skillshots is the game here. Engaging on him should prove no challenge at all, just make sure you and your carry are not too low when you do. Also keep an eye on his mana. He tends to spam his abilities to try and get his lane opponents low so when he's all out of juice, go in for the kill.”
Mid Lane 51.47% Win Rate33% Pick RateVel'Koz Mid Lane Counters: 18 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vel'Koz in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
(played once vs him on I think you have to get used to it
(all-in champ, don't eat his abilities and calculate the trajectory)”
Tamikaze says “[Barrier is viable for his ult, however I recommend Teleport]
Vel'Koz does outrange you as a champion, but your mobility has the advantage to win lane. If uses Q & W in lane, you have a chance to go in and ult him. If he does lane the E when you go in be ready to be ulted right away. I recommend that you play around your Jungler since he's an immobile mage into an Azir shuffle. It will guarantee a flash at minimum. ”
MattStyle says “Es como un Xerath pero mucho peor. Su Q es mucho más fácil de evitar escondiéndote tras tus minions. No representa una amenaza. Hace mil años no lo ven en mid.”
Tatsurion says “Long range mages are your hardest matchup. theres little you can do other than dodge, because its not worth to trade with them, if you HAVE to use your Q to trade, its not worth. ESPECIALLY if you dont have mana sustain runes
Burst if the comp allows”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long sword start.
Even though Vel'Koz is an artillery mage, his early poke is not so bad, as though you'd need D-Shield.
The only thing you really need to worry about is his E, as he can selfpeel with it rather easily into a combo. This should usually not be able to kill you outright tho.
If he wastes it you can easily engage him with R or W. Look out to swap behind him if he channels his R. ”
support_diff says “Vel'Koz is a mage with many skillshots that aren't so hard to hit if the player knows what they are doing. Because of your passive (double auto attack) his skillshots are even easier to hit, so try to only use single auto attacks when farming. Only go in if he doesn't have two of his basic abilities up because otherwise the trade won't be worth it for you. Vel'Koz is immobile, so ganks can get him killed pretty easily especially if he doesn't have his E (knock up) available”
MetalK1d says “Vel'Koz has a very strong poke just hide behind minions to not get poked, he is very immobile so you can easily push him into you and kill.”
otaliz says “Poke him as much as you can pre-level 6. From level 6 onwards, start pushing the wave as much as you can and look for roaming opportunities. Mercury's Treads is a good item to buy at first base, it offers you more movement speed to dodge his abilities, magic resistance and tenacity.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Play around minions as often as you can, since Vel'Koz's main damaging ability gets blocked by minions. In case there's no nearby minions, it might be better to walk towards Vel'Koz, as it is harder to recast at closer distance. Remember to hold your Satchel so you can cancel Vel'Koz's ultimate beam's channel.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Vel'Koz is annoying because usually when he's picked, the player only plays vel'koz. This lane is poking and movement simulator, just like Hwei, Ziggs and Xerath. Try to outpush him so he has to choose between hitting spells on you or the wave.”
ShokLoL says “Vel’Koz has a lot of poke and waveclear but if he uses these cooldowns aggressively he will be vulnerable to being traded on. Trying to keep the wave in a gankable position or looking to press forward onto him if he wastes his cooldowns is very important. Positioning in the creep wave can make dodging Qs easier and make sure to not get hit by Es as that’s Vel’Koz’s best way of trading. After level 6 if you get by an E it’s possible Vel’Koz can kill you with ulti, so try hold your E post level 6 to cancel his R unless you're sure you will win the all in regardless.
ShokLoL says “Vel’Koz has a lot of poke and waveclear but if he uses these cooldowns aggressively he will be vulnerable to being traded on.. Trying to keep the wave in a gankable position or looking to press forward onto him if he wastes his cooldowns is very important. Positioning in the creep wave can make dodging Qs easier and make sure to not get hit by Es as that’s Vel’Koz’s best way of trading. Post 6 if you decide to R forward, make sure he isn't in range to E the other end of your portal or you will take a lot of damage on the way out.”
awawa says “Outranges you, you prob wont kill him in lane without your jungler. Dies when you R.
If he hits E, he can deal a lot of damage or even kill you with his R. (passive fear cancels it, keep that in mind)
Run mercs and/or banshees if you are struggling.”
MageSept says “Vel'koz is pretty similar to Xerath except Vel'koz skillshots are a bit harder to hit but he has more burst.
You need early tier 2 boots against Vel'koz, so Inspiration tree isn't optimal.
I would recommend these runes: Phase rush, Nulliyfing Orb, Celerity, Gathering Storm + Second Wind, Overgrowth.”
ShokLoL says “Vel’Koz has a lot of poke and waveclear but if he uses these cooldowns aggressively he will be vulnerable to being traded on. Positioning in the creep wave can make dodging Qs easier and make sure to not get hit by Es as that’s Vel’Koz’s best way of trading. After level 6 if you get by an E it’s possible Vel’Koz can kill you with ulti so keeping your movement active is key.”
ShokLoL says “Vel’Koz has a lot of poke and waveclear but if he uses these cooldowns aggressively he will be vulnerable to being traded on. Trying to keep the wave in a gankable position or looking to press forward onto him if he wastes his cooldowns is very important. Positioning in the creep wave can make dodging Qs easier and make sure to not get hit by Es as that’s Vel’Koz’s best way of trading. After level 6 if you get by an E it’s possible Vel’Koz can kill you with ulti so keeping your movement active is key. If he ever wastes E you can look to force a kill by running him down with phase rush.
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz has a lot of poke but it's relatively easy to avoid. Look to poke him on CD and just make sure you don't get hit by his E. After level 6 you can easily setup ganks onto him, but if you too far without help you can die to his ulti on the way out.”
Soft Headpats says “Vel'koz has decent range and is a lot more consistent after the changes to his E. Play around the minion wave to dodge his skillshots, but try to avoid playing in the middle of your minion wave as it'll make pushing easier for him.
After 6, he can chunk you for a lot of damage if he lands an E (you can cancel his R as long as you have E up and no minions between you though). Rushing T2 boots early on can help with dodging skillshots.”
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz is fairly weak in lane as long as you dodge some Qs and don't stack with the wave to get hit by E. He is very very gankable so try make plays with your jungle. Consider rushing sorc shoes in this matchup as the added movespeed is super nice. Post 6 make sure you don't get hit by a Vel'Koz E or you will take a lot of damage from his ultimate.”
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz has a lot of poke and waveclear but doesn't have any kill threat until 6. Positioning in the creep wave can make dodging Qs easier and make sure to not get hit by Es as that’s Vel’Koz’s best way of trading. After level 6 if you get by an E it’s possible Vel’Koz can kill you with ulti so keeping your movement active is key.
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz is fairly weak in lane as long as you dodge some Qs and don't stack with the wave to get hit by E. As with most ranged matchups you can easily poke him down. Consider rushing sorc shoes in this matchup as the added movespeed is super nice. Post 6 make sure you don't get hit by a Vel'Koz E or you will take a lot of damage from his ultimate.”
vSomnia says “If he uses his Q to poke you or take cs, look to go all in. Once you hit second E on him try to instantly dodge his E and you win the trade. Play aggressive and dodge his abilities. Beter to dodge his Q by walking towards him.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Vel'Koz watch out for his E making you taking a full trade combo and a lot of dmg, so try to trade him when e have wasted his E and his W, for his R you can take space except or your, it's a coinflip but you decide if you R him or R out his R”
Kikife says “When vel'koz pops his Q, use E to fly back and to not get hit by this ability. Try to dodge as once he hits his passive you will be ulted and dead.
Using your minions as a shield block and by dodging his W, you can E in and then W Q for good damage. You will be able to poke him down so long as you've dodged that initial Q.”
gaarrett says “Bullet hell, Doran's Shield and Second Wind if you're not feeling lucky. E2 his knockback when you eventually get in his face. [2/5] ultimate, you don't have Vel'Koz's passive so the damage is lacking. ”
MukiiBaa says “His poke and his abilities wont let you kill him, his R deals true dmg after he stack his passive on you so you are zapped by his R to death unless you hit E to cancel it
Ghost flash if you are confidante
Flash tp if you are not.”
149Gray says “His Q's are undodgeable, it all just depends on how good/bad the Vel'Koz is. You need to play around the minions so they black his Q's, try not to get hit by his E or pool if needed, if he has R and your pool is down, stay out of his range or you will die.”
XD001 says “While Vel'koz poke can be annoying early, by the time you get hextech alternator you can consistently chunk him out of lane. When you E, he will knock up the ground ontop of him, so only initiate trades if you're sure you can dodge it or if its down. After rocketbelt you can consistently one shot or atleast chunk him out of lane. In team fights, look for flanks to one shot him so you don't eat poke while standing with your team.
take Elec + sorcery page or Hail of Blades”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Same thing that syndra, but easier I'd say, watch out at level 6, cause' he can kill you if you mess up with your "E" find spots to get into him, and try to dogde, bait out his "E" if you don't you will take a ugly trade, in the worse of the cases don't try to run away, but stay close so he can't use his "R" walk or dash through him.
Lo mismo que Syndra, pero yo diría que es más fácil, ten cuidado con el nivel 6, porque puede matarte si te equivocas con tu "E". Encuentra oportunidades para entrarle, esquiva o baitea su "E". Si no lo haces, haras un trade horrible en el peor de los casos, no intentes huir, pero mantente cerca para que no pueda usar su "R" camina o dashea a través de él. ”
SurferKiller says “His poke is hard to deal with. But if you dodge it you win the matchup. Play safe until 6. Then, all in if you have Sheen + 100 Stacks + Ghost.”
KazunaSan says “match up skillé mais léger avantage pour velkoz qui va profiter de sa range et de son depush pour vous asphyxier, essayer de push la wave très vite et de profiter des fenetres pour aller dans la river et créer des avantages sur la map.”
FrostbiteMW says “His passive deals true damage and can easily delete you, build tanky items like Protobelt, Liandry's Torment and such. He has far more range than you. Doding his Q and E is mediocrely easy however.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After a few levels the poke will be annoying tho and you will suffer alot. Build boots fast and try to dodge as much as u can.”
Wizboy73 says “Its a poke champ so ofc its hard, Take poke runes or experimental runes. Just be carefull of geometry and his R, if he hits a full combo and ults he can 100-0 you, so barrier is a viable option here. ”
Hexeria says “[His range and his True damage is your only problem.] [Try to dodge all his Skillshots and E away from his Ult.] [But if his E is out, he has nothing else and is just a squishy mage, you can kill quickly.]”
Halkem says “Good clearwave to match yours and high range poke, which can be dangerous. Respect his R solokill potential and track his spells' CDs so you can get push and roam. Can rush boots.”
The Milelator says “If you meet vel in a ranked game, you found yourself in a rare matchup. In early game he has not enough damage with his W to really poke you. Dodge his Q's and push waves. you can try to trade with E slow, however you must dodge his E stun. If he ever ult you or stands to close without flash, you kill him easily. In late just cancel his R with your ult.”
WarwicksSimp says “Similar to the xerath matchup but easier due to how easy it is to dodge his abilities as he is very telegraphed. Teamfights can be difficult though because of his true damage.”
FrostbiteMW says “Long range poke champ. Its hard to play against that since you have low range. Once youre somehow close and dodge his CC you can kill him. Besides that play safe and dodge everything you can.
Also tip: You can cancel his R with your W.”
support_diff says “Dodge his poke with your E and farm, if he uses more than one ability, go for a trade as most of his damage is already gone. Vel'koz is a massive lane bully against Sylas”
Fuzzmonkey says “Velkoz needs to rely mostly on hitting his E. Dodge that and your golden. An added bonus is, that Velkoz usually relies on hitting Q early game, and your pets can tank those hits for you. ”
Wraithlander says “Heavy poke matchup. Consider early boots to dodge and bait Q out. Engage onto him if he mispositions or uses all his spells on the wave. Dodging his E is crucial to winning this matchup.”
Zero macro says “Vel'Koz into Caitlyn mid is an even matchup normally spoken, due to their skillshots. But Caitlyn has no pressure from Vel'Koz whenever kept distance, thereby she can pressure him well during the early lane phase to gain a lead.”
Zero macro says “Vel'Koz has better range than Kog'maw early on but that will fade with Kog'maw lvl 11/16, but however has easy to dodge spells. Recommended to run Ghost.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
Don't let him proc his passiv ”
freuio123 says “Wird kaum gespielt, aber velkoz ist super eklig.
er traded hart, hat guten Push und outranged dich. Wenn er Cleanse spielt hast du auch 0 Kill pressure und seine Ulti forced dich jedes mal zu ulten.
Du roamst besser und er ist auch gut zu catchen mit Jungle Attention, roughes matchup.”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge his Abilities, especially when he has some stacks of passive on you already, (his passive deals true damage on proc)
- Be careful of his Ult, deals a lot of DMG
- When he Ults you can R1 Through him (he will have to cancel it, because he can't turn that fast whenver he ults)
NickLeVlach says “The Octopus. So, just a boring match-up and more of a team fight dependent match up. Super boring. Make sure you save your E for when you think he'll use R since this will take him out of it. Becarful the knock up.”
Zeusman00 says “Extremely hard matchup, avoid being poked out by his Q especially and avoid the second half of his E. If he lands his W on you post 6, he will ult you and kill you. if he uses ult on you without cc, you can flash ult him to cancel it.”
Jg_diff says “Vel'koz is probably the easiest possible matchup for you. He can't do anything, and you might get fed very early if he doesn't play safely. Remember to poke him a lot and dodge his abilities.”
Cryniu says “It's really hard to poke him because he can keep a lot of distance. Clear the wave and play to mid-late game. Although you can counter his burst damage with your ultimate, he can do a lot of area damage. I think Mercury's treads is a viable option but not very good.”
bhakli says “A bit harder because he can poke while you are farming under tower/freezing. Try to go out of vision, E1 than dash on minions and E2 him for a kill.”
darkezmond says “Problematic matchup due to the presence of R and E, avoid long trades with him after lvl 6, poke your Q under the tower and away from his spells”
AnxialSociety says “Aery nimbus transcendence/celerity gathering. Impact choice.
Early cosmic.
Ignite ghost.
Will poke you out hard. Play to scale. Don't ult forwards or you will die.”
Deru says “Annoying poke but he's immobile so ask for jungler's help in this matchup to snowball him early on. Roam whenever you can push the wave when he's nowhere to be found cause his pushing ability is quite good.”
Deru says “Annoying poke but he's immobile so ask for jungler's help in this matchup to snowball him early on. Roam whenever you can push the wave when he's nowhere to be found cause his pushing ability is quite good.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand carefully, cover yourself with creeps. After the 6th, he can kill you quickly with his R, and before it, too, there are chances to kill you, because his passivity gives net damage for 3 due to damage from abilities.”
StralekS says “Free ASF: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. You can dodge all his abilities.”
Mayuushii says “Poke mage but you can play around it. W movespeed to dodge Q or his E knockup. Go forward to poke but be aware of the E. R away from the knockup or his R when theres kill pressure”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Vel'Koz has no way of punishing you for jumping straight into his face with R. His spells are also relatively easy to dodge or do little damage if you don't get hit by the 3-hit passive. Play aggressive in your minions in this lane.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
AkuAku says “it's playable for sure trust me :))))
jokes aside his poke is annoying and he reveals you in stealth with ease... but you can outroam him so get push if you can”
MAXimumCRUZ says “He can do a lot of damage, but is incredibly venerable when he is using is ult. You can just use your ult to go behind him and get a free kill. ”
TheAfricanDream says “The same tips for Xerath apply to Vel'koz as they both fullt outrange Swain and will poke you down in lane. Try your best to survive in lane as this will primarily be a skill shot dodging test. Play for your side lanes and jungler as you will be stronger in early skirmishes than Vel'koz.”
Demonsedge90 says “With all kinds of pokes at his disposal, you'd want to pull your hair out (no joke). However, he is just a nuisance if he lands his abilities. So the best action is to let him push and farm under the turret and look for assistance from the jungle or another lane. After that, you can beat him.”
Atemporal says “Combate realmente fácil, desde que você não seja atingido pelo Q dele logo no início. Se ele acertar um Q, ele também acertará seu cometa e provavelmente alguns autos, não deixe ele acertar você no nível 1, pois esta é a única maneira de você perder . Mesmo que este confronto seja fácil, não tente Q
empurre cedo. Deixe-o empurrá-lo e relaxar. Se ele desperdiçar Q, você pode pular nele no nível 2. A partir do nível 3 é arriscado pular nele porque ele vai apenas insta E em cima de si mesmo para derrubá-lo, então você é kited por autos. Você pode negociar enquanto
como você usa W primeiro, e seu Q está em CD. O jogo inicial contra o Vel'Koz geralmente é apenas um aperto de mão por um tempo. Você está feliz por estar apenas cultivando neste confronto. No nível 7, sua waveclear é mais forte que a dele, use isso a seu favor
empurrando e roaming muito. É muito arriscado para Vel'Koz seguir suas andanças. Você começa a vencê-lo com força assim que obtém o Protobelt, pois você poderá fazer o EQ proto automá-lo antes que ele possa E afastá-lo. Use Proto ativo para desviar de seu E, ou
use a velocidade de movimento passiva para evitar seu E se ele não usá-lo instantaneamente. Fazer trades agressivos contra Vel'Koz e trocar ults com ele vale super a pena. Quando ele está ulting, ele não tem nenhum dano surpresa, então você sempre pode
desligue os ults de baixo hp da embreagem. Neste confronto após o nível 7+, a única maneira de você morrer é se você de alguma forma tiver que explodir sua ult enquanto ele ainda tem seu R. Se você não tiver R, jogue super respeitoso até que ele volte. Depois do Proto, o jogo deve basicamente
ser vencido, Vel'Koz não pode fazer nada contra você e você o vence com mais força em cada item.”
Lucid Walking says “Nothing too crazy. Just the fact that he can shove waves pretty quickly and Soraka can't farm that well under turret. Respect his range”
Spoomk says “Really not challenging from my experience. As long as you dodge his abilities (which may take a little practice, but not much) he can't do much against your engage. His laser hurts a bit, but you should be fine.
Veng Shotz says “You will never be in range to do any damage to him while he harasses you for free with his Q and waveclear with his w. Your best bet is to roam to get a lead. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
Adamonias says “Whoevers better at dodging, but xerath favoured bc your abilities are easier to land. Stun him when he ults. His knockup is better than ur E but ur W is better than his and your Q is MUCH easier to land. Just walk forward when he Q's and he will usually miss. He usually goes barrier so once you have shadowflame you will just 1 shot him even through that.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray(R), either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
ZiegenZelu says “Auf der Lane kann er dich aus sicherer Entfernung poken, und im späteren Spielverlauf kommst du ohne gute flanks nicht an ihn ran.
Er outranged dich während des gesamten Spiels.”
SkyBanana says “I forgot Vel'koz. See this list is so out of order.
Artillery mages are annoying and Vel has to be the worst of all. Magic and True Damage in a champion with great poke and siege? Annoying to go against at all stages of the game. Be prepared to be chunked and don't know where from and his all in combo is over kill.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Vel'koz has close to the same range as you but the only thing you really need to worry about is dodging his Q. If you do this then you will out range him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Plasma Fission(Q)’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate, either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.”
Body Those Fools says “Similar to Syndra, this matchup is just dodging simulator; dodge his abilites and this matchup is easy. He'll try to hit you with his Q2, so just try to walk out of its range or run forward (they don't expect this). Poke him down with Q+AA+Arcane Comet and all-in him when he's low. If he misses his E, you can go for a much more aggressive trade. You can E out of his Ult. ”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight - Conditioning - Overgrowth
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Ask for early gank (Immobile)
Farm safely
you can cancel velkoz R with E2
If marked with passive stacks leave his range until they disappear
Early boots (Sorcs)
R 4/10 (You dont get the passive true dmg) Good in teamfights vs grouped people ”
KayyeN says “Easy matchup as long as you don't eat every spell he throws. Dodge his Q so you don't get slowed, predict him casting his E under himself when you engage and dodge his R by jumping behind him whenever possible. GG.”
HikariWoosh says “This guy will end you if you do not respect him. If you can manage an early lead on him pre-6 then you may be able to establish wave control, but if you're even play for roams.”
ze kraken says “Annoying all throughout the game. He's got more sustain and poke. His true damage is also a pain. Maybe rush a zhonya or farm from far away with your bombs.”
Zoose says “He is all skillshots so early boots will help to dodge them. Avoid letting him stack his passive 3 times, or you'll take a chunk of true damage. You should look to catch him out and all in him any time. Keep track of his flash and ping it to let your jungler know, as he's extremely vulnerable. His main peel tool is his E knock up, so go aggressive when its down. It has a 16 second cooldown. You can cancel his ult with your W and ultimate. He's an easy target to hit while his channeling his ultimate. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Don't get 3 stack from his passive or you will take True damage]
[Dodge his Q and W]
[Don't get knocked from his E]
[Try to cancel his channel from his R]”
Esrucnl says “Pretty easy. You can dodge every single ability with your E or just move out of it if you have spiderman reflexes.
Tip: save your E for either his E or R to avoid a lot of damage you can take. His Q+W should be dodge by movement. If you mess up your E and he hits a combo you are dead.”
Azurio says “He can't pressure you before mythic.
Trade him when he use spells on wave, dodge his E with yours. Care about his Q R level 6, he can burst you from 70% hp. Buy mercs and it should be fine.”
ddieguito_es says “A more annoying matchup than a hard one. Buy MR boots if you're having a hard time, and if you hit a few stuns they're dead. I recommend Arcane Comet”
beansoce says “Has a lot of range and wave clear, just dodge his q and your pool for his e early. Try to save pool for his ult otherwise you'll just die to his full combo. Once rocketbelt you can easily one shot him since he's immobile.”
CheezyEagle says “Again, dodging is key with Vel, but the problem with him is at level 6. His ult is scary up close, and to do a full combo with Neeko requires to be in range of Vel's ult. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge his skillshots]
[Don't get stacked by his passive]
[Don't get knocked up by his E or he will burst you down]”
donidaking says “THE VOID EYE!
OK this players always go barrier since he s not lacking dmg.
His range is bigger than yours and his passive hurts so try to avoid it.
Pool his E and dodge his Q by using minion wave.
His R does true dmg with passive
so if you don t have pool don t walk up.
He s squishy so you can kill him at leve 6 if you play right, one tip i can give you is to gap close hard once you are close to him he will try to E you just pool it and if he R' s you just walk behind him.”
TheKingUltra says “Except of his low mobility, he is very hard to play around in the early, because of his e and his q which either knock up or slow you. And his true damage ult is hard to survive in the early game. In late game ult him as soon as a second enemy stands next to him.”
Dustyacer says “Easier than xerath as his cc is easier for pantheon to dodge imo. Our e blocks his everything (most notably his r). Dont allow him to aa the wave for free, he has to farm with abilities. If are being jngl ganked, u can flash w onto him and kill. Be careful of his barrier. ”
Ahri Simplord says “He outranges you quite hard but his spells are easy to dodge in my opinion, don't spirit rush into an obvious possition cause getting hit by his E will kill you, his R is pretty irrelevant since you can either jump away from it or charm him if you're close enough,he has amazing wave clear but so do you so try to roam.”
Bundif says “These long range artillery mages can be a pain in the butt BUT if you simply follow the "STAY HEALTHY UNTIL 3" rule, you should be fine. Give up CS, give up your car keys, give up your mortgage, let him push you into tower until lvl 3 so long as you stay healthy and you can all in him for the trade of his life.
⭐Watch out!”
RIPStollie says “Playing against a velkoz can make you feel hopeless if they know what they are doing. Try to get in poke whenever you can, and it is especially important to call for your jungler for help because they will likely be pushing for most of the laning phase.”
Haydoslang says “ trade when they're on cooldown, all in lvl 6. This matchup is hard because of her slows and knockup, i would wait out fo vision for her to use spells on the wave and then predator on her past 6.”
Juon says “Can poke you to death, watch out for his q positionings. Basically dodging simulator, he is easy kill once you have ult as he is immobile. Run comet, Max W second.”
soulentt says “If you can dodge, you can win this easily, but if you cannot, well good luck. Try to poke him as much as possible, and shield yourself everytime he engages you.”
DabiDabi says “Easy but I hate this matchup. Most Velkoz will bring Barrier or Heal against Talon. Dodge his Q's and E's. When Velkoz ults, you can Flash behind or somewhere where it'll take a second for Velkoz to redirect his ult and combo him. You can use your ult to reposition yourself if you are close enough.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge his skillshots]
[Don't get stacked by his passive]
[Don't get caught by his E or you're dead]”
ChrisWasTaken says “kinda like ahri / zoe read those, honnestly all matchups where you need to bait a spell to succeed in trading are the weak spots of Xin.”
Fake Supp says “you will have a hard time vs this guy cause he is so far away from you but his mobility is his weakness dodge his skillshots and all in him he but be aware if u miss even one Q or E u will heavily poked down”
ThePieBeam says “He's got the range and his Q split can be scary but it's not too bad really. Just avoid getting hit by his knockup and you'll do just fine, assuming you can dodge a few of his abilities. Be careful of ganks post-6 tho because his beam attack slows you way harder than you'de assume.”
Callmebee says “Uh the giant eye of death, not my favourite match-up. Most of the time Vel'Koz players aim their Q a bit behind you assuming you're going to walk back, so a lot of the times I try to dodge forward. Be prepared for the rest of his spells though. Take barrier, poke early for Manaflow and farm waiting for ganks/teamfights.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Stay out of your minions to make Vel'Koz have to choose between using his abilities on you or the wave. Use your E aggressively and be sure to dodge his E. Look to freeze the wave so you have a longer lane to chase him down.”
lonestar1870 says “You can kill him easily if you can get onto him, but he outranges you which makes the lane and mid/late-game pretty hard.
You can still play fairly aggressive in this lane, just make sure to dodge his Q by standing behind minions.
You can E him to stop his ult (if in range).
Often you want to just push wave and help your team since it is hard to kill Velk.
If you miss your E and are positioned aggressively, he will be able to oneshot you post 6 if he lands Q.
Comet is decent since it will be hard to land 3 spells on him, but you can go Elec or PR if you want.
I like TP since you don't have a ton of kill pressure on him, but ignite is still decent (esp in lower elos) for if he mispositions.
Boots rush is very good to dodge his spells.”
Desperate Nasus says “Vel'koz is an easy matchup for Nasus. Try to survive his poke using Fleet footwork, Second wind and 3 beads. First recall buy Sheen and heal his poke. After level 6 there is notching he can do. Overall pretty easy laning phase for Nasus. The only tool he has to make a gap between you and him is his E, if you manage to dodge that you are able to run him down using W and Ghost.”
Supremely Juicy says “Also a champion with range competition. You will most likely be fine if you are good at dodging his Qs but it could mean death if you get caught out.”
BlockPad says “Even match up, he got more range than you, respect his passive and R because of the true damage that can oneshot you. Poke as hard as you can and try to dodge his spell.”
IAmMakattack says “Vel'koz out-damages you, but his poke cannot go through minions, so stand behind them. If needed, I recommend taking Aery and Biscuit Delivery for additional survivability.”
pwins says “A good Vel'koz player can easily outrange Zoe and poke her out of lane. Take advantage of his slow movement and do your thing! Be very careful of where you are since once you're caught in his E he can burst you to high heaven. ”
Miscake says “Ele literalmente não dá dano se você desviar do E e não tomar o combo inteiro. O poke dele é irrelevante pelo resto da lane porque a partir do nível 8 seu sustain te deixa imortal.
Outra matchup onde o único jeito dele ganhar é puxando e dando roaming. Aqui Electrocute é melhor que Phase Rush e Ghost é melhor que Ignite, você nunca vai estar no range de usar Ignite na lane e quando chegar no range dele vai querer dar one-shot (de preferência no nível 6 com o back de Alternador Hextech)”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Similar lane to Xerath but a bit harder due to not being able to windwall his ulti. Don't go on him untill you are lvl 3 and have all of your abilities so you can windwall his E when you go on him. Another thing you need to keep in mind is his charges on W. His W has 2 charges with a 19 sec cd so try to keep track of those and go on him when at least one of them are on cd.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Relatively easy matchup as long as you can dodge his kit. Stay out of the wave when he Ws. You can
dodge his Q and E with your E. When he uses his abilities on the wave, then you can look for a trade or an
all-in. He should be pretty easy to kill after level 6 since he's immobile.”
Katawina52 says “Only a bit hard, because he can keep distance and poke you out hard early game. Try to always dodge his spells and always walk in front or backwards when he Qs. Really vurnable to ganks and in 2v2/3v3 you should be way stronger so use that to your strength. Careful for his passive true damage if he hits his spells it can hurt a lot.”
PlayCabex says “You need to dodge as much as you can, he is very squishy which means you can kill him very easily , when you are near him and he ults , ult and go kill him , when away run with your w don't run when you are fed , just 1shot him”
eiensiei says “I poke him with E without going for passive procs after level 3, as he'll deal more damage with his combo, even through my W. He can constantly push me in and poke under tower with Q while I'm forced to use all my mana to CS. The best advice I have for this match-up is "just dodge and CS enough to stay relevant". I'll build Zhonya's for his R and if I feel like I'm having a really rough time, I'll get Mercury's Treads.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting Potion because Intensive Poke and sustain is heavily needed. Biscuits MIGHT work too but I'd rather have Minion Dematerializer.
Ring + 2 Pots also work because you will be able to kill him pre 6 as he actually needs to get a bit close to minions to last hit. It is a very easy matchup because his E is predictable and post 6 you can just keep your W for his R. Get boots if you cannot dodge his E. If you still cannot dodge his E roam, he can push as good as you if not better but he cannot roam and his follow(s) will be slow. Be careful of him when he follows because of his ult. In teamfights you can disrupt as well his ult with your W. Usually winnable matchup due to his inability to deal consistent damage pre 6 when you get too close. Learn his Q pattern in the first levels and you should be fine, hitting Vel'Koz Q's consistently is extremely difficult and you can predict it without fuss if you focus a bit. ”
Polarshift says “You won't be able to get close to him if he plays well and when he knocks you up you're gonna have to burn a flash or you're dead (after 6). Sometimes it's better to flash his ult sideways. However, that's all he is; annoying with a lot of damage. You have better wave-clear, gank setup and sidelaning. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Basically the same as Xerath but a little bit easier to approach and kill with wall. The trade off being he has a stronger all in with ult. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Velkoz is possibly hardest matchup, that you might have against any mage-type champion. Main reason is, that his damage output with full combo is insane and even if you build MR, it will not save you against his true damage. Last biggest thing is, that you don't have any interrupt for his ult, so if he manages to land combo, you are most likely dead. In this case just farm up and try to not get killed. You can poke a bit from behind, but don't get into his E range if possible. When you hit level 16, you should be able to win game through pure poke, because your range is just incredibly high compared to his, but mostly it's not easy to get there.”
Avucado says “Start hook because he wont walk up close enough for E and look for a hook. After 3 you can W up to him into either ability or e through the wave into a hook on him. Watch out for his E because he still does good damage. ”
LunarVortex says “Vel'Koz outranges and outdamages you by a lot. NEVER waste your E on his Q and W poke when he has E and R ready, try to dodge it instead. Buy early boots to make dodging easier. You can catch him offguard and Q him while he's ulting someone else.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Dodge his E and you should win all trades since it's quite hard for him to hit all his other abilities. When level 6, try and bait his ult with your W placement this is an easy way of getting him to waste his ult. ”
Xelikari says “This guy is tough, he might shove you in the first two waves and after that its pretty tough to actually deal damage to him. I'd look to roam whenever you can. Difficult to kill without both sums being up.”
Yeager says “Matchup very similar to Xerath. The difference between those 2 is the fact that vel'koz has MORE kill potential in lane because he falls off as the game progresses. You have to focus on dodging his E(a displacement ability) that can hold you in place for him to land his entire combo, and his Q(his poke ability with a slow). If you get hit by any of those, he can burst you down with his ultimate. I suggest rushing tier 2 boots ASAP (usually right after lost chapter is completed). His Q can be body blocked, so stay in the minion wave to dodge it easily. Even though he has the range advantage, you outscale him hard, so you don't have to force anything in the laning phase. Glacial Augment vel'koz is also really popular atm. Phase Rush is a good counter to the slows (from his abilities and items)”
Dj Memelord says “This guy shreds you during laning phase. Dorans shield is a must. He will perma push u under turret, not much you can do but wait for ganks or leave lane. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Skill match up. If he hits hit knock up, you'll get burst down. Make sure you save your E for when you think he'll use R since this will take him out of it.”
XayLies says “You can WindWall all of his abilities except for R that will deal a minor damage if he didn't mark you with his passive. also you can knock him up and disable his R.”
iZianni says “Max range Q/R, we're dead. Never in range to stun lock him, just boring match up and more of a team fight dependent match up.
Super boring. ”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Second wind and unflinching.
vel'koz it's feels annoying to play against if the vel'koz is really good,try to dodge or block his Q and have long trades against him.
you can get E lvl 1 to try all-in him lvl 2”
Kords says “Vel'Koz is rather easy, but can be annoying. When he uses E to clear minions you can run at him with stun and outtrade him. Be careful at post 6 because he can burst you down and kill you with his R. You can still stop it using Q or R, but you should exhaust and run. He has reliable waveclear (but a long CD) so you can roam, but expect him to follow. He does HUGE damage in teamfights, but is really immobile, so if you catch him, he is dead. ”
TheoRut says “You lose if he hits a single E so... Don't get hit by it. he's easily killed by one combo but vel koz players usually takes barrier so beware.
phase rush against this matchup.”
Elite500 says “He has a shitload of range, just dodge his geometry LOOL4HEad if you get hit by his knockup you can say bye to your hp, use pool smart, his ult does massive damage too”
Dr Eggmund says “Dodge dodge and dodge. This lane is a mini game for Vladimir if he wins by dodging Velkoz's abilities then you should beat him. Be as aggresive as you can when he wastes his abilities. Vladimir is a champion all about timing, waiting for the enemy for their cooldowns is key to winning this lane. ”
Ambitieux says “Vel'koz is only really hard if you let Vel have his way. Try to stay within minions so he cant snipe with his q. But not close enough to were his knock-up is instant and he can get free passive off you with E, W combo. At 6 his mobility is crazy terrible so you can have a jungler come in for a guarantee kill if you are having it rough. Other than that his push is pretty weak early and you can try to push him into turret if you feel like it. Fighting for early control with your jungler will help push advantages. Looking for roams is the easiest and safest way out of this lane.”
Baion says “This champ outranges you. It's almost impossible to lane against. Try to avoid as much as possible his pokes and sustein your health until jungler ganks you. Revide his pokes with your W and E (your range abilities)”
iZianni says “Similar range, however its easier for Velkoz to find a kill window.
You can still one shot Velkoz unless he has barrier.
The issue is if he ever lands two Qs in lane, he can just laser you to death if you try to combo him.
Verdant Barrier angle.”
Coldsong says “Vel'Koz can deal a lot of damage including true damage, but is very squishy with little mobility and self-peel. Make sure to stand away from the wave so he cannot farm and poke at the same time, and as long as you dodge his Q and E you should be fine. Also if he uses R flash behind him since he cannot redirect it very fast.”
resetwice says “His poke is annoying, but you can avoid his Q and R jumping a wall. You can flash his E to all win, but it's better if his Q is in cooldown too so you won't be slowed. Push lane so you have enough gold to one shot early him even if he's with barrier. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Velkoz is not particularly hard, just annoying, he can perma push in the wave but is very easy to kill if you do get on top of him, save w to dodge his knock up when you all in.
He will probably be running barrier so chances to kill him are lower. If he plays really passive, search for good roams.”
Sylvan Lore says “Vel'koz is a strong champion into Orianna with high damage and long range skillshots. Keep in mind when he throws out his Q, that he can cancel it early if you dodge towards him. You can win trades only if you dodge his abilities while landing yours. Any time he lands an E, you will more than likely lose the trade pre-6 or die post 6 so stay out of range. Your ult can be used to cancel his if you are quick which may save your team in a lategame fight. Other than that, do your best to shield your allies and peel in team fights while damaging to be more useful than he is.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AP Assassin Build”
Impossible2Gank says “Can be a hard champ to handle but if you keep moving in lane and get boots asap you'll be fine just try not to get hit 3 times by his abilities as to avoid the true damage proc.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not LT or DH) - Any Item - Any Spell | Very annoying to lane against, but if you can utilise your dash and good dodging ability to escape poke, you can win.”
richardlized says “Can be hard against a very good one, but generally Vel'koz matchup is very easy to win. The only source of defense he has against you is his knockup, so if you ult his knockup, you are fine. If you somehow got hit by his telegraphed knockup post 6 and get full comboed, do not hesitate to flash ult the velkoz R, since velkoz cannot direct his R to hit behind himself.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge his Q by sidestepping/hiding behind minions.
[2] Stay away from him if you have 2 passive stacks on you, his AAs refresh the timer.
[3] Post 6, you can E ”
Thresh Mid says “Vel'Koz can poke you out without having to walk up, but once he uses his cc he can be easy pickings for the usual combo. Level 6 is the best time to surprise him with The Box combo. ”
xMetix says “Very mechanical match up, you need to dodge a lot and catch him out of position, usually use E through minions not directly on him since he outranges you. Consider holding your ultimate to stop his laser but you might burst him before he gets the chance to use it.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) one of the hardest matchups as he just completely outranges you and can stay safe, you need your jungler to help you with him, if he miss positions and walks up too far you can try to kill him aswell, would recommend TP.”
tozosi says “Be prepared to play dodging simulator in lane. Vel'Koz players usually play further up in lane than Xerath players, so you have a better chance of getting a kill in lane against a Vel'Koz.”
Nanelol says “His kit has much better wave clear for lower mana costs early, he kills your voidlings and can poke u if ur lane positioning is not good. Play safe farm up and use your Q or ulti to cancel his ulti.
TheDuskWalker says “All Summs. Phase Rush.
Become Michael Jackson and use your dodging skills. Try to not get hit by everything since his passive hurts. Just outsustain and outscale him through farm.”
Sanctuar says “Even experienced players will have one weakness: After using both of their W charges to clear the wave, they are open for engages. Use this to your advantage, but make sure you dodge his E while going after him. If you struggle laning against him, make up for it by roaming other lanes post lvl 6, since your roaming is superior to his.”
fanchessfan says “Again this matchup is really annoying but you should be fine. As long as you can dodge Vel'Koz's skill shots with your Q (don't sidestep the Q!!!). Your E interrupts her ultimate.”
StarTundra says “Velkoz is extremely good at keeping you at bay, and you're super bad at approaching him. Luckily, most velkoz's think their ult is the end all be all of strategy and you can walk TOWARDS them and bump them with your wall, subsequently enabling you to follow with a Q R E AA and murder them”
PlankBank500 says “Outranges, outdamages you, outpushes you, and since he has a knock up and not a Stun or something like that, Your W doesn't stop it, just allows you flash after your W. Play safe and maybe try to poke him when he is on CD. Post lvl 6 if he hits you with knock up and u don't flash out with w, say bye bye to your HP. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “A standard poke mage with very little to keep you off him. He's squishy, immobile, and has damage easy to dodge/cancel. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Contra Vel'Koz se trata de un combate de habilidades, el que mejor apunte gana, un consejo es que su Q no atraviesa oleadas, puedes usar eso a tu favor para dodgearle, ten cuidado a nivel 6, si te aplica su levantamiento y usa su definitiva puede matarte facilmente.”
A55AILANT says “You won't be able to get close to him.
you're gonna have to burn a flash or you're dead (after level 6)
You have better waveclear and Sidelane pressure, use it to your advantage.”
Oxydation says “You cant kill him, because of his range, in most cases, but in this matchup goes everything around dodging and baiting. He will try to push you in and harass you, so ask for Jungle help. Start D-Shield(if you are Plat or higher)”
Little Planet says “His range makes it very hard to get on top of him, his waveclear makes it hard to roam.
Play it slow until you get your mythic and try to impact the rest of the map.”
Joseph Evanss says “Very easy matchup, use your e to dodge his knockup, you can also just dodge it with the e ms so no need to worry too much about holding e vs him. If he has barrier its hard to kill pre Berserkers + Zeal but after that its free. In fights ult him the second he presses ult and you will kill him. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “you want to always dodge around his spells and look to e -> w and dodge the knockup which will open you up to an extended trade or all in. he is very vulnerable to ganks and is relatively weak in river fights, and be mindful of his passive true damage proc, dodge spells, you can also walk into minions to avoid her q”
7daysko says “Skill Match-Up. He has superior range, but if you can dodge his E and time your combo correctly, you can disrupt his ulti mid-channel and burst him down.”
JoshAy says “Play him like most mages, farm safely early and all in him at your powerspikes. His ultimate is not very good because you don't get the true damage passive.”
Mpegial says “He has insane range with his Q but winions are your friends here, just do sum farmin and sum jungler killin and sum roamin and you are Sett for life.”
Noodles912 says “Squishy with super slow abilities. Save your E for his E, and look for all ins with your shark. Roam a lot. If you win your lane, it is game over for the enemy team, and he will struggle to come back. Mercs is okay, but PTA is amazing.”
elnino9 says “Play aggressive when his Q is on CD. Setup Q daggers when he's going for CS. He's VERY squishy and can be out-traded. If he misses knock up, he's open. Careful when he's level 6 because his ult does PLENTY of damage and if you don't have E ready you'd eat a lot of the damage. His ult makes him stationary, take advantage of this. You can all in with EW, but as soon as you do, walk to the side to avoid his knock up, you should anticipate this.”
Wunsch3957 says “He out damages everyone in the game early on. Try to dodge his spells and W his E, stand at the side of your minions to dodge his E so he can't proc his passive which HURTS. This matchup does favor you though. Conq/Fleet are both viable.”
Lot of Wind here says “A good matchup for Yasuo as you can block his Q, W as well as his E. However, you can't block his R. Be careful when going in : the trade back may be hard to deal with.”
Wunsch3957 says “He has some of the highest raw damages in the game. Just avoid his E and side step his Qs and Ws. E out of his R during trades. When he has barrier just roam. Fleet with flash/ignite. Galeforce as mythic.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Well... This comes down to dodging his stuff. Just keep in mind, that you are playing a dodge game and that he is extremely easy kill with your jungler after 6. You can also cancel his R. Usually this just becomes a waveclear lane and is decided in the eamfight stage. ”
Coldsong says “He has some insane amounts of range that you cannot deal with. Do not get hit by his E and try to move unpredictably so it is harder for him to land his Q. Buy an early stopwatch and Banshee's Veil for his ult and other abilities.”
BigBushMan says “This matchup is pretty similar to Xerath in the sense that if you get onto him he cant get you off, but be careful of his E as if he hits that he can one shot you in later stages. Shove the wave and look to roam to make plays on the side lanes. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) one of the hardest matchups as he just completely outranges you and can stay safe, you need your jungler to help you with him, if he miss positions and walks up too far you can try to kill him aswell, would recommend TP.”
Cornifa says “If he hits his combo you're pretty dead, he has a lot of range (bigger than your combo) and his passive deals true damage which means your R won't get you out of it, yet still if he does full combo you and you R out of it you can interrupt it with your W so try doing that.”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot harder than some may think. Try to avoid ulting while his E is up and try to keep up with his trades. This comes down to a lot of Micro where it comes to dodging his attacks and landing your own. I recommend an early boots rush, whether it's Lucidity boots or Mercury Treads.”
Hiimkata says “Only a bit hard, because he can keep distance and poke you out hard early game. Try to always dodge his spells and always walk in front or backwards when he Qs. Really vurnable to ganks and in 2v2/3v3 you should be way stronger so use that to your strength. Careful for his passive true damage if he hits his spells it can hurt a lot.
KataTocDo says “Dodge his shit and you win. Watch out for his ult which does true damage because of his passive.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items:D Shield”
Jnewbringspain says “He has good poke, but if you can land a Rupture or two, he is no problem. Squishier than almost anyone, and also immobile, he's an easy target for an all-in burst. You will need to beware of eating too many skillshots though. If he stacks them up, you will take true damage and it hurts!”
Yamikaze says “All his abilities are skillshots, making him really weak against mobile champions like Yasuo. You can use windwall to block Q,W and E but NOTnot the ultimate. If he makes the mistake of walking too far up, dash onto him and play as aggro as possible because you have the advantage in a minion wave. In the later stages of the game you should pressure in the sidelane because he won't be able to match you/run away. ”
wildersovereign says “You don't see this champion very often, but he is pretty difficult for you to deal with. Save your E for his E and do your best to survive his poke. However, he is extremely immobile and squishy. If you Flash onto him, he's basically dead unless he Flashes in response. Landing a Q, although difficult due to his range, is a death sentence once you put a few points into W. Try to get your jungler to help you kill him. Remember that his R is much more effective after you've been Researched, as it will deal true damage and therefore ignore your Black Shield, so don't let yourself eat too many skillshots for free. I might consider buying an early Verdant Barrier if he's giving you too much trouble.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Okay. This match up is simple. You get on him and he is fucked! Bonus points if you can get on him after he blows his abilities and is on cooldown. Vel'Koz has no escape and can easily be bursted to the grave. Don't let him abuse you with his poke.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Personally hated matchup. Dodge his qs and make sure to pool knockup. All rune pages work here but predator is superior for trading and bursting”
rajsovsky says “Annoying, but if he didn't have S+ from math, he's not going to be pretty much dangerous. Just farm. You can't kill him, He can't kill you. After you get Hextech you can try to all-in him if you are confident and try to kill him maybe.”
invalidd says “A poke mage that doesn't have much kill pressure on you and you can abuse easily until he gets his knockup which can cancel your hook channel
and mess you up a little, the lane only gets bad when he gets his ultimate because he can oneshot you if he knocks you up and does his full combo, in
teamfights it's easier to sneak up on him and assassinate him. Easy to setup ganks on.”
lkycch says “Understand that he has highly potent waveclear and poke, so don't waste your mana trying to poke him in lane. Focus on waveclear and let him push, so that your jungler can gank. Be smart about which angle you engage on him, as running together in a straight line with your teammates means he can hit you all with his ult simultaneously. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
lkycch says “You can engage on him as soon as his Q slow is down. You have to learn to dodge the angle of his Q as the particles split. If you manage to stun him with E+Q+W+Q, your ADC can followup and burst him down. Use TS+GLP to setup Q+W+Q stuns on him from afar, so that he can't combo you down and has to focus on running away. Be smart about which angle you engage on him, as running together in a straight line with your teammates means he can hit you all with his ult simultaneously. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
ezmod66 says “This match is not easy. Majority of the time when you encounter this the guy will know what he is doing.
Focus on farming and the fancy footwork. Early on his wave clear is better than yours.
If he wastes q e you can look for a trade.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Very boring matchup
- Waveclear to match him
- Look to play around your jungler
- Very hard to kill due to his range
- If he wastes his E you can out trade him
- Don't get baited by barrier or heal
- Roam at level 6
- Use teleport aggressively to impact sidelanes”
Big Shawn says “Your Mobility makes it hard for Vel'Koz to predict your movement. He is easily punishable when he ults, as he stands still. The perfect time to cast your W-Ability and finish him.”
Scyrine says “whenever he uses his R, dont be afraid to R and cancel his. dodge his skillshots and finish him. He's squishy and weak, it should be free. ”
BCota says “You can kill him just stay behind minions for his Q dodge the knockup with your pool pre-6 and dodge his ult 6+ get him low and set up for the oneshot just be wary of his 3 hit passive
Chili Dog says “He has a shitload of range, just dodge his geometry LOOL4HEad if you get hit by his knockup you can say bye to your hp, use pool smart, his ult does massive damage too. Phase Rush recommended.”
FalleN3 says “He out-ranges you a LOT and hits hard. Take Movement Speed Quints for this game and try to not get hit by his combo's. This is a difficult lane but if you manage to get up to him while he is ulting, you can stun him which will interrupt it. This lane is really going to rely on how decent you are at avoiding his skill shots and knock up. ROA or another HP item will be of great use here since he deals a fair chunk of true damage.”
vCraze says “Vel'koz can be annoying early as they have the early damage and pushing power but as the game goes longer your range advantage will be key so keep this in mind and play safe and scale. Don't stand in the minion wave as will be looking to shove and also hit you if possible. His passive with the true damage does a lot of damage so if you have 2 stacks on you just walk away and let it reset.”
WolfRider01 says “Avoid allowing Vel to stack his passive. His level 6 is strong, and he is very strong when he gets fed. Avoid getting hit by his Q. Fairly straight forward. If uncomfortable in this lane, take fleet.”
sweodigaming says “His passive deals true damage and can easily delete you, build tanky items like Protobelt, Liandry's Torment and such. He has far more range than you. Doding his Q and E is mediocrely easy however.”
Trolley. says “He is a pain in the ass during laning phase due to his insane poke, Be very careful after level 6 as his QER combo can kill you even if you use both W and barrier and your non- rylai echo E won't stop his ult”
ItzJavAgain says “Lots of poke,watch out for when his R does true damage,if you can Q him right when he uses R you will avoid almost all his damage and even if u didnt have a Q reset mark It is more than worth”
ZeMoller says “Velkoz long range, burst and safe laning followed up by likely flash barrier or flash cleanse, makes laning against him impossible and the only chance of a kill, is if you freeze and he walks too far up when your jungler is around, since he is an imobile mage.”
SkellyBirb says “Vel'Koz can burst you from high health once he hits level 6. He has quite a bit of poke, so position yourself carefully to dodge it. Shrines early on are important to staying in lane.”
Frixen says “This is a completely skill matchup. You can get onto him with your gold card, and win extended trades, but the key to it is dodging his abilities. It purely comes down to that. I suggest taking ghost. ”
FalleN3 says “He out-ranges you a LOT and hits hard. Try to not get hit by his combo's. This is a difficult lane pre 6 but if you don't eat up his combo's all the time you will put yourself in a great position to punish him once you have your ultimate. This lane is really going to rely on how decent you are at avoiding his skill shots and knock up. He has 4 skill shots which makes your mobility very difficult for him to deal with. When he ulti's you, you can dash to him and then walk behind him if need be. Use your shroud to your advantage.”
FalleN3 says “He out-ranges you a LOT and hits hard. Try to not get hit by his combo's. This is a difficult lane pre 6 but if you don't eat up his combo's all the time you will put yourself in a great position to punish him once you have your ultimate. This lane is really going to rely on how decent you are at avoiding his skill shots and knock up. He has 4 skill shots which makes your mobility very difficult for him to deal with. When he ulti's you, you can (E) or (Q) to him and then walk behind him if need be. After level 6 this lane gets easier.”
xAsuta says “He is a mage who only has skillshots. Dodge them and all in him since he can't escape. If he ults you, jump on him and go behind to dodge his beam.
Fadedreformed says “Pretty hard matchup, he will always outrange you, you will have trouble poking or getting close to him to actually damage. After somepoing he will q + ult you so care about his powerspike. Dance like a Michael Jackson and you shall be fine”
Shock_101 says “Dodge the skill shots, and if she gets 3 stacks on you, disengage, unless you've already hard committed. They will usually try to ult when they get 3 stacks, but if you're on top of her she won't.”
ShockMaster says “Very immobile champ,and is very hard for him to predict your E dash,so you can easily go all in him when you re feeded and you will be very ok”
Yuki H. says “Difficult lane due to his range and W, which can go through minions. He isn't much of a threat unless you are hit 3 times with his abilities which proc his passive (bonus true damage). As long as his passive doesn't proc, you can pretty much out trade him every time. Once again, your ult and W can dodge any of his abilities so use them wisely. He is also an immobile champion so ask for frequent ganks (junglers love ganking immobile lanes). This is, of course, if you aren't pushed into his tower.”
fwii says “Start Corrupting Potion and spam push early. Vel'koz is difficult to approach due to his Q slow so dodge it while farming. Killable at level 6. ”
Veralion says “Vel'koz is quickly becoming one of my favorite lanes as I practice it more and more, and is actually quite a lot of fun to play into. All of his spells are telegraphed and should not hit you, with the exception of the first tick of his W. Back off when that inevitably hits you; it’s a quick cast and a wide area, so it will happen. Make sure not to let him proc his passive. Most of the difficulty of the matchup comes from learning his Q, which is a unique and deceptive mechanic. Hide behind your wave so he can’t directly Q you, then dodge back if he tries to split it around your shields. His E has a very short range but will guarantee his combo if it connects, and is his most threatening ability. If you were close enough that he can follow up a Q hit with an E, you’ve f***ed up. A good Vel will shoot E's right in front of creeps that are about to die, attempting to catch you when you walk up to last hit them. Pay extra special attention to this and don't walk into his trap. You'll take a full combo and be forced to back. If you do this after 6, you probably just die from full. You can wreck him at 6 if he is dumb enough to int into range; he is extremely squishy, builds greedy, and you can easily kill him through barrier, but his spells don’t force him to and a good player won’t give you the chance. If you see a moment, don’t chase after him immediately after ulting in. If he lands E and full combos, you almost certainly will die. Mash flash if he tries to catch you with E at your landing spot. If he is truly determined to play safe, it’s best to either just ult in place and chunk him from range or roam. He's got no mobility and won't be able to answer.”
Sephix92 says “The Problem against vel koz to cover him against his pokes couse his range play you fast out but your still strong enough against him you need to go all in if you want dangerous enough poking fights he will win .”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Major
He outranges you and hurts like hell with his passive but he is fairly easy to dodge, After 6 he has the annoying Q then R to slow you so that the Q lands so be wary of it.”
1256 says “awful champ i hate it, has lots of range to poke you down and r is bulls... but you can run him down since he's vulnerable to allins, you outscale
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “Treat him like Xerath. Kind of a skill match up. His wave clear is god. Try to keep up with it. Watch out for how many stacks he has on you because it'll do true damage and watch out for his knockup. Very immobile tho, easy to shuffle.
Take comet/conq.”
PepeOnDrugs says “He out-ranges you a LOT and hits hard. Try to not get hit by his combo's. This is a difficult lane pre 6 but if you don't eat up his combo's all the time you will put yourself in a great position to punish him once you have your ultimate. This lane is really going to rely on how decent you are at avoiding his skill shots and knock up. He has 4 skill shots which makes your mobility very difficult for him to deal with. When he ulti's you, you can dash to him and then walk behind him if need be. Use your shroud to your advantage.
xXAhriXx69 says “Vel'koz can be really hard since he has a lot more range than ahri and since his passive gives him a lot of true damage makes him a dangerous foe to face in the midlane”
Debonair Karma says “Vel'koz's poke isn't all that threatening. It's all fairly easy to dodge. Unless he takes glacial augment. Then he's going for hextech-glp and twin shadows. In that case you don't stand a chance. He'll permaslow you and land his full combo on you, which is always a guaranteed death. Take teleport/barrier/heal and get a corrupting pot”
topal says “he has a lot of range but he can't really do anything if you all in him. try your best to dodge his skillshots and you will be able to beat him.”
Lil Tidepod says “His spells are easy to dodge. Sit on the opposite side of the minion wave that he's on. This will help you to avoid his long ranged ability. If he misses his knockup, all in him, because he can't do anything to stop you unless he's fed.”
Capparelli says “A good vel'koz is still able to smash you, a bad one will regret picking an immobile mage, stay behind minions avoid poke and all in at level 4ish after he uses Q or both of his W's , you do not need Hexdrinker unless you are really losing, but if you are it wont help much because of his true damage”
serruh says “read xerath matchup but basically he's that but much much worse since he can actually threat a kill at 6 and he can farm much safely without losing mana”
RockitoAhri says “His abilities are really easy to sidestep, stay around minions, you win every trade, bully him with confidence. at lvl 6 freely go for the kill. ”
Kami_EU says “By dodging Vel's abilites through unexpected movements is the best bet to win VS Vel'Koz.
Yasuo's Windwall will stop Vel'Koz's Q, W and E.
For this reason it's a heavily Yasuo favoured matchup.
jster131 says “Vel'Koz is no issue as long as you dodge his abilities by either juking them or by using your e. Once he used his abilities or runs out of mana, all in him as he will be forced to use at least one of his Summoner Spells and you can maybe get a kill of of that.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
Gogicha55 says “Really scary if he knows what he's doing, kill him if he steps up too close and shove and roam if he's good and plays safe also watch out for his Ult damage”
8wolf says “Mostly played as a supp. If he tries to get his combo on you, you can get out of his range with your e. If he ults and you think you can burst him down, go in and interrupt his ult with yours, or dash around him since it takes some time for him to turn around.”
Tehqo says “He has literally no mobility whatsoever, and it's easy to dodge his skillshots. If you push lane and poke him, he's going to cry like a little baby. Stand behind minions and be careful of his skillshots and you're good.”
NebuIa says “Annoying levels of poke, it's like a worse Xerath. Hide behind minions and don't get hit by his E, and you should be fine. Care for his R damage, it does a LOT even if he only hits Q with it. Corrupting pot will help, and maybe heal, as they don't really go ignite.”
TheBlueImperial says “A very annoying matchup because of his poke and true damage but you're capable of shoving his lane in and burning his mana bar which will force him to back or miss more CS under tower.”
Je Suis Azir says “Be mindful of his stupid annoying abilities. Same thing as with Xerath, don't let him hit both you and the minions, and try and dodge his shit best you can. All you have to do is hardpush, wait for 6 and then you can fuck his head with your jungler. ”
TheSpark says “One of my favorite mages, he works similarly to you in that he lands his cc and bursts you down. His Q poke can be tricky to dodge, and if he maxes W his wave clear will be better than yours.
Get your jungler to help gank him, as he is very immobile and only has one slower moving hard cc.”
GalioPlayer says “Absolute cancer of a character , his entire kit has so much range in it that you literally cant get in e distance , even when you flash e its very unlikely that you will hit , and like every other mage , vel scales like a motherfucker so its really hard to outplay this guy at any stage of the game, though if you do get in range you can oneshot .”
cobbzy says “He plays far back and poke soften but is by far one of the most squishy champs in the game. If you can catch him in an all in or maybe during his ult, he is an easy kill. Just dodge poke. Go Doran's shield.”
i am a heron says “velkoz will push you into tower and poke you out of lane. he'll keep you from using your bushes or your Q and melt through your moderate tankiness. he'll scale up and be a monster late-game while you lag behind. bad bad lane. if you end up having to play this, your best bet is to gank him repeatedly and just keep him from ever playing the lane, because you can beat him in the first few levels with your OP shield and your Q is a jungler's wet dream. If VK is smart, though, he won't let you get that close. the good news is that most people play VK bot, not mid, so you shouldn't see him here.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/TP matchup.
Treat him like other mages. Rule number one, do not stand next to minions. Force him to pick, shove you win or poke you. If he shoves you in, poke him. If he pokes you, shove him in. Never let him accomplish 2 things using abilities.
Level 1 if he starts Q, shove that bitch in. If he starts W, harass him hard. W Q AA poke and back off. Continue this process. At around first-second backs, he will be able to shove you in, however he is easy 300g for your jungler with ez af shuffles.”
Mid Win Repeat says “You can stomp him but this is a very annoying lane because his abilities are longer ranged than yours so its hard to close the gap on him. Not much he can do though even if he ults just W him to cancel it.”
Braddik says “if you can dodge his abilities pre6 you'll be fine, try to trade using your q. after 6 wait for his knockup and r to dodge it then kill him.”
HeisendongNA says “He counters Heimerdinger if he plays safe and just clears your turrets from range and pokes you down. Even though this matchups is not as oppressive as other poke/waveclear matchups like Syndra, Ziggs or Xerath. Dodge his knock-up at all cost and max W to match his waveclear.”
Cloud375 says “Not too hard to win this one, just dodge his skillshots and you should be fine as long as you can beat him early game. If you can't, then you're in trouble because his threat level shoots straight through the roof.”
Tayna says “He's only annoying. Tbh if you get used to dancing around lane, you can dodge most of his abilities lol.
He can't run tho, and that's a plus because if you go all-in, you'll probably kill him”
Garybaldo says “Slighty favored towards Vel'Koz since it's pretty hard for you to cancel his R, however it's kind of a fair matchup, your dodging skills will define the outcome of the lane”
Novok says “His abilities are really easy to sidestep, stay around minions, you win every trade, bully him with confidence. at lvl 6 freely go for the kill. ”
Euphoric Toaster says “Heimer is weak vs artillery mages, but Vel'Koz is probably the easiest of them to manage. His Q can be blocked by the wave or your turrets and his W is good for pushing the wave but has limited range and does little damage to you. The only way he should be able to kill you early is if he lands his E after poking you down (which shouldn't happen) and he combos you, or with the help of his jungler. He begins to HURT when he gets Luden's Echo and Magic Penetration, so you have to be quick with dodging his abilities and also be especially wary of him firing at you from over walls/in fog of war. If he ever Ults you, hes locked in his channel meaning you get a free RE onto him which can result in an Ult trade or possibly even a kill if hes low/you combo it with turret lasers.”
Chromuro says “*sigh* The Void isn't always nice with you and Vel'koz is everything but friendly. A good Vel'koz will make sure to break your passive whenever he can and his W+P will delete minions from existence. If you get caugth in his E without having the passive active, say goodbye to this cruel world. Farm the most you can and ask ganks to your jungler before it's too late (aka before you get 0/10 in 15 minutes).”
Big Shawn says “A champ you can block most abilities with, but take care of his passive which allows him to deal true damage when successfully activated.”
Wizboy73 says “Vel'koz can poke you out if you cant dodge his shots, but he is vunerable for your W since he is immobile. try to bait out his r and then place your W over him, then its a free kill. Take barrier to not get blown up.”
Massive Nuts says “Velkoz's waveclear is really hard to match in early-game and you can't really get close to him as his E can be quite hard to dodge.”
quinniston says “Really annoying to lange against if you can't dodge his abilites. Rush hexdrinker and play safe if you're not confident laning against him ”
kilgta says “very hard but unpopular lane, if you get velkoz mid, just dodge. There is one velkoz mid every years. realistically, you need to match his clear and W when he has used his W and E which wont be easy because its low cooldown. try to R or Q his ult. try to focus on farming.”
unownreality says “Velkoz is equally as bursty as lux. Both are matched fairly well. I reccomend playing slightly off the minion line, to avoid the inevitable W farm, but close enough to avoid the Geometry wars of his Q. Best chance to get them is right after using his knockup. You are slightly outranged on singularity here, so he has the small advantage, but mostly its a skill matchup. ”
RagexAddict says “You're one of Vel'Koz's biggest counters. His E is hard to land even on an immobile target. When that ability is down, make sure to be aggressive at that point. It's very hard for him to turn while using his ultimate, and your ultimate will also stop his from channeling. If he does try to counter attack with his ult. Use your E to position yourself behind him after you ult him so he can't lock you down.”
LyndonK9 says “Geometry. When he Qs don't walk away from him but walk towards him or stand in your minion wave. Walk out of minion wave when his Q is down because he always Ws the wave. Squishy and very all-inable.”
YourBestSenpai says “From my experience, it's pretty easy to deal with him. He will try to spam you with his skills in lane, try to dodge them as best as you can, you counter his ult great, so unless you are sure you can kill him, don't use your charm until he ults.”
BL00dY3nD says “You will learn to dodge like a pro. If you dodge you can 1 shot him. He is easy to kill if you know how to dodge. After 2-3 games you will be a pro against him. You can counter his R with your W.”
Bughans says “Can imagine this guy is gonna be a problem, luckily high skilled champions don't get played much in silver. God, please let me somehow get to gold so atleast my teammates know what they're doing.”
MrMad2000 says “It's really easy to gapclose and kill Vel'koz. He has no escape and as long as you dodge his Q and E, the worst situation your lane will be is a stalemate that will allow you to scale and get your two core items.”
BicBee says “Wait out Velkoz stacks before fighting. Play around minions to avoid getting hit by his geometry. You should be able to win against him pretty easily. Usually Velkoz will put the knock up close to him if you're going forward for a kill. Save a charge of ult to avoid his knock up if you can't predict. ”
BicBee says “Depends on how well you dodge his skills. If you're struggling with dodging then build boots ASAP. Don't fight him while he has stacks on you. In general you can win trades pretty easily because it's easier to dodge his skills than for him to dodge yours. Be mindful of his E when walking in to QW him. ”
AzureArmatt says “Vel koz is Poke mage with great potential to burst his targets but his abilities are quite easy to doge if you are familiar with them. His most dangerous combo starts with his AoE knock up on E followed by W and Q finished by his R. his passive apply "research" stacks that let him "research" his target, once you are researched (hit 3 stacks) u will receive a chunk of true damage and vel koz ultimate will deal true damage to you instead of magic damage which is way worse for somebody like Ahri and her low hp pool. so run away from his ultimate and abilities so he won't be able to do his "research" and you will win that lane if you manage to close the distance between you and him since his poke range is superior compared to yours”
Shaawn says “All his abilities are skillshots, making him really weak against mobile champions like Yasuo. You can use windwall to block Q,W and E but NOTnot the ultimate. If he makes the mistake of walking too far up, dash onto him and play as aggro as possible because you have the advantage in a minion wave. In the later stages of the game you should pressure in the sidelane because he won't be able to match you/run away.”
thedonk says “Go in when he doesn't have his E, or make him waste it. Hide by your minions to avoid his Q. He'll most likely try to farm just using his abilities. Bait his R with your W and buy Banshee's if you are having trouble with him.”
Padrepio says “You cannot do a lot during lanephase against long range poke. He can kill you in a single combo if you're caught off guard. Just farm and wait for a gank.”
Valor_Chaos says “Kind of an annoying match up. Id honestly put him somewhere between major and even. All of his attacks are skill shots, but he out ranges you easily pre 11. Another farming lane until 11. ”
Jammy158 says “Annoying poke and range. However, you have mobility to all-in and he's vulnerable. Find all-in opportunites and kill him. Be careful of his burst at 6 since your Windwall cannot block his ulti.”
qasddsa says “Oppressive laning phase. I recommend you to not let him push you in; keep the lane towards you side (but near the middle) or push up towards him when you're safe. Definitely want to run Fleet and a Doran's Shield in this lane. After level 6, it gets a lot easier for you especially if you can avoid his W knockup and silence his ult if he starts using it.”
Sozzoh says “Relatively easy lane. Vel'Koz's skillshots are pretty easy to dodge. Pre-6 you'll want to push him under turret and watch him cry. Post-6 be careful because his Ult does more than you think. Since Vel'Koz has no mobility, it's pretty easy to Shurima Shuffle him into your turret.”
Katapullt says “When he Qs run towards him. Use your E to dodge his stun (E). Keep in mind your W gives movement speed you can use that to dodge his E as well. If you wanna play safe buy Zhonia”
Witwickies says “This match-up is test of your skills at dodging skillshots. It all comes to this, and, as you have much better poke, you have to dominate line at first levels. Always be first to all-in and... it's pretty all here.”
AQRC Turtle says “Easy mathup for zed once u get lvl 6. try to get lvl advantage and engage him when his abilities are on cd. Also use your minion wave to protect urself from his skillshot and keep walking to avoid getting harass easily.”
Smol Jelly says “Vel'koz has good wave clear, abnormal poke, and a dangerous passive. Keep an eye out for projectiles, which will set up the whole kit. If you dodge the Q projectile, and poke accordingly, you should be fine. Remember that the ult locks Vel'koz in place, so you can get a clean ult off if Vel'koz is low for an easy kill.”
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz pre 6 is pretty weak, play slightly inside the wave so you can use the creeps to block his Q but not completely inside it to where you can get hit by his W at the same time. You can take comet E max to punish lane harder, or electrocute Q max for stronger skirmishing. His only real threat is at 6 where if he lands an E on you he will immediately ult you, focus on Wing his E if he ever casts it. He's extremely immobile so ganks or teamfights should be easy.”
Zeekar says “he barely even exists at time of writing, in probably like 500 games of rakan mid I have never once been against this guy. But generally his only threat to you is the fact his Q slows you to a crawl, and that he has flash ”
zolamalo says “You don't ban this Champion but you can't win either. If he’s good at landing skill shots, or you struggle to dodge them, he can completely dominate the lane. Focus on poking him with your E while pressuring his mana pool, and buy boots as early as possible to help you avoid his abilities.”
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz is overall pretty easy, you want to position slightly to the side of the wave (so you don't get hit by W) but close enough to the creeps that you can block his Q. The only real risk is at 6, if you get caught by Q slow or E he'll follow up with R which is a lot damage, so just be very aware of dodging these.”
ShokLoL says “Vel'Koz isn't too bad but has a couple scary windows. You should be able to pressure hard early levels, keep pushing the wave and stay behind the creeps to avoid his Q. Post 6 as long as you don't get hit by his E you should be fine, so rush swiftness boots to dodge and be willing to use your E to avoid it.”
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