In the Jungle 49.71% Win Rate97% Pick RateGraves In the Jungle Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Graves in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “Really easy, dont invade level 3, he will always have 6-7 stacks of armor on E and you won't do any damage. Play for your marks, after the 4th you can outrange and outscale him, don't force too much 1v1/2v2 early game against him if you don't have terrain advantage, since the only way for him to win is by snowballing early game”
HandlessHecarim says “Will look to invade you whenever he can, make sure you ward your jungle as its common for graves to look to level 2 or level 3 invade and catch you out.
I perma ban this champ because hes super popular right now. ”
EstarossaSAMA says “Graves is a huge thresh because of his E (Dash) increases his armor making it hard to one shot. Really easy to kite Rhaast and you should avoid fighting him at all in the early game. Later in the game you can one shot him with Shadow as long as he's E is not stacked.”
DEG310 says “you win over him level 2-6 since he needs to reload but once he gets some items he starts to do damage and hurt you but you can alphastrike and dodge both his q and ult”
SelfLOL says “Care for lvl 1 invade. Can invade a lot. Buy pen Stacked passive give a lot of armor. Care w nearsight. Might flip invades Similar to belveth but not as bad imo. Gold reliant champ. Tabis can help. Has good clear. Scary with lead and late with crit. Can be difficult to 1v1. Deaths dance”
Kema says “He can't kill you early, but can mess up your tempo. If you don't have good macro he can get ahead. He can't play into your e, and he sucks midgame (when you are strongest)”
SkaterKidd says “Graves' ability to kite Maokai with his E - Quickdraw and W - Smoke Screen makes it difficult for to close the gap. He is able to invade early and disrupt Maokai's clear.”
stefanko says “He outpushes you level 1, try to stay healthy and you can look for all in level 3. If he doesn't snowball you hard win on 6. Make sure to q on him when he is stuck in animation, so you can secure the e recast on him and have better position. (fleet, teleport)”
friendlyfarmer123 says “A good graves will invade you early and shut you down. If vsing graves, I recommend warding your opposite buff of where you're starting and path according to guides on youtube about pathing when scared of invades. There are plenty of guides out there. This will be a common theme. These champions will basically always start at their red buff and hop over the wall to invade you. ”
UrPersonalGod says “he has a strong early so respect that.
If he manages to create a lead he can take over entire games but most of the time you just outscale him.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. He can invade but you can block his autos + Q with your W if you wait to skill it level 3. You can run him down for the rest of the game easily and follow him through walls with your E. He's only scary if he gets fed and lots of lethality.”
SkaterKidd says “Graves' ability to kite Warwick with his E - Quickdraw and W - Smoke Screen makes it difficult for Warwick to close the gap. Graves can burst down Warwick from a distance, and his True Grit passive makes him tanky enough to survive Warwick's engages.”
DoxxTheLeague says “NEVER walk into a graves keep kiting him from a distance and dont go into him just q run away a bit try to hit your e run back at him when your q is back keep doing that. build some armor item randuin omen best choice into him plus its a decent item on lillia.”
Kuro_Usagi says “Can and will outscale you early due to how cheap Crit items are right now and how busted Eclipse is for Graves. I'd recommend permabanning him until Rito puts him back in the box of shame.”
y every name taken says “Do not engage into him in plain sight with Q, as he will just sidestep it. In a 1v1, it's better to engage with R and wait for him to dash before Q'ing. Graves players also love to invade early, so watch out for that.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange him and his E passive is useless. Try to sidestep his Qs (walk out of the line). You can either Flash out of his Ult or W+E away of his Ult. When he Ws you, just walk out of it or E away. You can hide behind and use minions, teammates, and turrets to block his auto attacks.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. He'll probably just force level 3 ganks. Counterjungle him and track his wherabouts for you to ping for your team. Just wait for him to use his [E] before throwing any skills or just catch him off-guard with your Passive + [R] + Protobelt.”
Graves is a ranged jungler with good sustained damage. As Ornn, try to avoid extended trades early on due to his burst potential. Coordinate with your team for objectives where Ornn's utility shines. Build armor early to withstand Graves' damage”
Yomu says “Graves favored because of his range. Look to counter his engage if he E's forward. Try not to just W towards him for free. You need W+Q and teammate to kill him for free.”
lolWillieP says “Graves has a ton of built-in armor with true grit. Going AP tank is a lot easier, otherwise you will have a tough time 1v1'ing him once he gets items”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat him early on as he gets free armor. Take what opportunities he allows you to get and avoid forcing anything. If Graves invades, it's best to avoid confrontation and give up your camps unless your team is there to collapse on him. You may have a chance to kill him late game if you managed to stay even through the early and mid-game.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Annoying matchup. Graves has an invade window level 3, but unless he has lots of lane prio, you can outplay it with your W (don’t take two points q right away). You can easily space graves throughout the game, and you have lots of outplay potential. Can always run him down with ghost and chase through walls with E + R. Graves will usually itemize Maw, but he is never too much of a threat to Gwen as we typically just have more damage than him. ”
VainTaka says “He may have blinds but you have stuns. Go stun him before he blind you. He's all about pressure and you can match him with pressure back. Ping back your team of his whereabouts. Should be no trouble from him.”
Oakart says “Be careful of any early game junglers who like to invade like graves. Best play safe and heavily warded early on. Buy pinks! You will out scale them layer!”
huncho1v9 says “- One of the hardest matchups in high elo. Graves can punish Hecarim early game and outscale easily. Graves has 3 options earlygame for invade. Important to get early vision in enemy jungle and do your best to be aware.
1) lvl 1 late invade/early invade
-> to counter, you can either stack top/bot and play for lvl 1 skirmish if you think your comp is good lvl 1 + get vision
2) level 3 cross-map invade
-> to counter, when you cross map through mid you want to get vision on second buff brush (after wolves/raptors), and skip second buff and go to gromp/krugs
-> you can use this method against any other invade junglers (nidalee, kindred)
3) level 2 cheese invade over wall
-> to counter you can either ward river, or get your support/team to ward river
-> only a select few champs can do this (graves, nidalee, kindred are the main ones)
Fyir says “Graves can make your game much more difficult with his nearsight and he can also invade you quite well with his dash to close the gap and his fast clear speed.”
Mignognium says “Attention à ces vilaine taby [Plated Steelcaps] et à son gain d'armure par montée de niveaux. Les dégâts peuvent aussi être surprenant si feed. Mais si vous faites rapidement un [Black Cleaver] sa devrais passer d'un no match à un 50/50 si vous placer bien tout vos sorts. Et prenez garde il fait les objectifs plus vite que vous ne pouvez le penser alors mettez de la vision sur vos objectifs majeurs. ”
tradtrad says “Slightly Lee Sin favoured, try to wait for his E to use your Q, if you get on top of him you beat him in melee range. A good Graves will try to hit you for free as much as he can with his autos before committing.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Graves is a skill matchup, both champs have timers to duel each other, depending on skills hit/dodged and level advantage this matchup is very volatile. weakest point is before your first item but after first item you win 1v1 pretty hard so long as you hit r and dont get kited.”
RickTheMage says “This one you win if you know how to move to get out of the smoke screen and it will have a dash that the cdr is smaller and it gains resistance when you use it. I believe that the ghost is a good choice here, since you will always have more mobility and will easily get out of his Q and W and with the slow passive of Shaco's Knife you will ensure that you are always hitting him.”
IvernGott says “Graves high dmg output against Ivern but also his high mobility of jumping walls early on creating a high thread for ivern not only early into the game but also mid/lategame”
Kittylxz says “Este campeón literalmente puede dejarte fuera de game totalmente, de un básico te destruye las cajas y en general acercartele es un peligro, podrías intentar invadirlo en early pero es demasiado riesgoso, es un BAN si o sí.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “One of the slowest full clearing junglers, sometimes he can try to invade you, but he's loses, you should always look to invade him after your full clear, you even can catch him on his 5th camp if Graves player is not expirianced.”
Cookiemanman says “Graves is a very annoying matchup for Volibear. His ability to kite using his E (quickdraw) makes it very hard for Volibear to apply his damage. He is also a large invade threat early into the game. Look to fight Graves with his E on cool down to ensure your E (sky splitter) connects.”
astral 1v9 says “hard, u can 1v1 if even but this champ gets to do whatever he wants against you and can perma bully and farm faster. Not as bad as nid kindred tho, for sure the easiest one of the triple perma invade champs (nid kindred graves) to face against. ”
Coach Myga says “You can't beat Graves earlygame and often he will invade you on your second camp (level 2), or your opposite quadrant. If he ever finds you clearing a camp she can kill you. If he ever finds you without E, he will kill you. It's a very bad match up, you need to get heaps of kills to make this match up work. ”
HawkSP says “Graves can disrupt Daisy with his knockback shots, challenging Ivern's pet control. His aggressive invades and ganking style can be troublesome, so warding key jungle entrances is essential.”
X3mHills says “He can one-shot you, making it one of the most difficult matchups for Lillia. You feel helpless and can do nothing but rely on your support. Try to invade him and quickly retreat when he approaches.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Graves: If he gets ahead its pain but again not much players know how to use him to the fullest so its even-major level.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Dont contest him that much over your jg if your team doesnt follow just let him take it and try to farm something in his jg or gank ”
CommanderRexy says “He does not counter you exactly, I am just sick of seeing him so much. He has always been strong. I would still ban Nocturne (VoliBear) over him but just know you might have a bad time as they like to invade. ”
oneshotudyr says “Annoying to play against, since he can jump away from you using his E, his E gives him armor and he's "ranged" so he can kite you a little bit.
An annoying skill matchup.”
Tortizzy says “I find the Graves matchup very easy, we have way better clear, way better ganks and your ultimate obliterates him. Be careful of his smoke and just gank more than him”
xTechikaze says “Hes op right now and will likely burst you at any point of the game after lvl 6. you can build whatever you like hes a hard matchup. the only thing that will save you is the skill match up and macro gameplay. do your best.”
YICARY says “graves can outkite with his aa and e. consider going ghost against him or trapping him. blade of the ruined king is also a good idea for slwoing him with ur first autoattack. ”
RuinedJG says “Only really a big threat early game, slides down to even during mid game and stays there until late when he moves to major-extreme, since he hits item spikes that cause him to 1 shot you if you are assassin. Take phase rush, ward opposite side from where you are starting.
I like Phase Rush against Graves.”
jajkopajko says “Actually not such a bad matchup, you would expect that he kills us easily, but most of the time you can win this if played right. Try to do your clear ASAP and take top scuttle before he gets there. Be careful of his invades, ward entrances to your jungle and around lvl 7-8 try to be around herald, since they often prioritize than to drake. When fighting 1v1 in jungle try to hide behind monsters so he cant shoot you and play around your mobility with ghost, your range is bigger so kiting is the best option, his pure dmg is much higher than yours so you still need to be careful even though you can win this.”
shatteredekko says “Maw makes this matchup hard. If he doesn't build it you win hard. Once he has items make sure when you try to kill him you get your W shield or else he will burst you in .01 seconds. ”
Daawwnn says “a good graves will take your camps do the same and take his if you know where he starts try mirroring his path so that he cant invade you as easily you win the 1v1 earlygame if you keep ur W until he dashes”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Don't stand close to walls. Pay attention to his Grit stacks and don't fight him when they are high. When he W's you stay calm and simply walk towards him holding your Q till you know where he is. R him away if he is Fed and can One shot you. Graves loves to Invade so prepare to scrap over small camps often.”
veipz says “So this matchup is graves favored and he can do what he want he can invade he can gank he got river control nearly all game. sometimes you can beat him when u have stacks and he dont.
If you have Q stacks u can go on him u win, otherwise he wins. He has stacks and you cant look for dragon herald fight when he is on it cuz he wins 8 stack graves is like horror game.
i want to give a example here, imagine u are playing blue side and he is red side both junglers did full clear and u want to fight for bot crab. This mafia boss type guy will eat you there he has 8 stacks and u dont have stacks this is TERRIBLE FIGHT...
Track him all game. (IMPORTANT)
If you are playing against graves u can read kindred %90 similar champs just scroll down and read invade strategy”
loganrichards says “Graves favored because of his range. Look to counter his engage if he E's forward. Try not to just W towards him for free. You need W+Q and teammate to kill him for free. ”
aS1lenT says “Always ban him. He will kite you around and outsustain you after he finishes his Death's Dance combined with red smite. If graves goes Phase rush the only way to fight him is getting the Phase rush on cooldown or have your laners CC him so he can not escape. If you meet him 1v1 the only way you kill him is if you get the first combo in from an unwarded area. I don't think this matchup is playable though as he 9/10x outperforms you later on in the game while being unkillabe.
garbocan says “Graves counters Ivern on many levels.
His basic attacks knock Daisy back and apply a bit of hitstun, which makes controlling her near impossible. This is made worse by the fact that pet controls bug out often during displacement, which makes you have to know weird input tech to regain control of her.
He's an aggressive invade jungler who can punish Ivern's early clear, especially with things like late invades/vertical jungle.
He's also difficult to countergank, since he doesn't hard commit at the start of a gank like many other junglers do.
Ward the baron pit on blue team and dragon pit on red team level 1. This will prevent Graves from Eing over the wall after taking Red to steal your grove camps.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “His W can be quite annoying when trying to auto attack him. He can also kite you pretty well with his E. Once he gets level 6 he has a lot of burst.”
OakIgu says “Just like Lee Sin be very carefull with a early invade because that will punish you to the point the game will become 100% more hard, he is not hard to catch but can jump walls and also have tons of damage I just recomend you to play with your team or will be getting picked off very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Staying behind minions or jungle monsters can block his auto attacks. Don’t stay close to walls since it makes him to use his Q against you quicker. Don’t fight him alone unless when he has low HP or your champion is well fed.”
Akotanya says “He can kite you and he gain too much Armor with his E you can't win in 1v1. He can outscale you if you can't invade him. You need your teammate to invade him.”
SYROBE says “If you are jungling vs an Enemy Graves, he will naturally have an Advantage. His armor stacking Grit + his extra little mobility makes him hard to fight or kill. Briar will also be taking every single shotgun pellet to her mouth due to her self taunt on a graves giving him more damage.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even time into graves, Briar can withstand Graves invades and early skirmishes. However, Briar can suffer from low amount of Movement Speed and gap closer early on + graves can kite Briar decently well still, while maintaining a good stat check.
Overall Briar has a slightly slower jungle clear and tempo than Graves, but a way stronger stat check without getting kited.
Coccaa says “Pretty much at all levels you can beat him. I'd say maybe like level 3 or 4 he's a bit stronger because he can fully stack his E and he gets a lot of AD per level, but even then you may still win it depends on items. If you both have nothing but your jungle item you will most likely win. You can also save your E for after he E's.”
borkedeuw says “Playing a good graves will make the game a living hell for you. Graves usually attempts to invade you after he hits level 3 when he's a lot stronger than viego.”
SparklingFlow says “Graves Ability To lvl 2 invade is very very strong against hecarim as hecarim is weaker than graves lvl 1-3 ward the side you are starting to evade this invade ”
Pyrobot says “Graves is a pain. Similar to Kayn matchup, where if he's smart he can just one shot all of your dogs and then you. Gonna be tough to duel him if you're not fed, though if you get ahead of him he shouldn't be a problem.”
EagleXs says “Your pack can tank his shots for you. If you cast W as he throws smoke, your W will home in on him, wasting and countering his smoke.
Obviously, if you're not careful, he can delete you, especially if you don't have your pack to defend you, but generally you should be able to fight him.”
TheBougis says “Graves has a lot of damage in his kit and has high outplay potential, try to poke him down and don't visibly engage into him when he is full health (if you can W him from outside his vision it can be good, but again, not when he has full health). ”
Turnupthetoaster says “He can stack a lot of Armor using his E, can kite you, and his W completely cucks your passive. Until you get cleaver, you won't be doing much damage to him whatsoever, and even if you do have it you won't really be able to fight him without help. Not to mention he can invade, counter-jungle, out-farm, and out-gank you. Truly one of Rengar's worst matchups.”
theloaf says “If he dashes onto you, Q him, then walk behind him so that his Q doesn't hit you on the way back. Respond to his W with an E to keep him nearby. ”
GeoAbdu says “Hard game but not impossible nowdays he building lethality so u can go stridebreaker with tanky items and focus teamfights not recomend invides he is also invider so ward your camps
Zero macro says “Graves is strong early/mid/late game, thereby he stacks Armor and has stronger auto hits due to how close his enemies are. Nidalee performs well into armor enemies, and she has a strong early/mid game. Thereby she can maintain range and solid damage from a distance before she gives her lethal blow.”
Zero macro says “Graves is one of the short cooldown dash junglers that has good early strength combined with invades. Graves also gains armor from his E Grit. Thereby Zed should be careful for invades that will deny him from powerfarming the jungle. Later on Shred Zed will have an easy time into Graves, when even or ahead.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Graves is a very short-ranged character. You out-range and poke him whenever he tries to go for the wave. His AA's will barely deal any damage to you unless he E's into you, in which case you can sleep him, run away, and hit him with Q once you're out of his range.
Matchup gets a bit harder after Graves gets Ravenous Hydra, so try to establish a lead before that.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Electrocute Rune Page OR Liandry's Anguish + Cosmic Drive”
Scratchyerik says “Graves is just damage. You can get away with Phase Rush but don't fight him post Cleaver. If he blunders E you can get a free E+Q. If he holds it like a human you have to initiate with melee R.”
Karhuslol says “Although he does have a lot of armor stacking, Graves is a strong dualist and it can be hard to hit Q's on Graves. He can also one shot you if he's very fed. ”
metalhydra273 says “Might be a hot take, but I really don't care for Graves that much when facing him. Sure, a fed Graves is hard to kill, but he has no naturally defenses or good escape if you can lock him down. He'll have a hard time getting much done if you target him when you're not losing, and you're capable of running him down and winning 1v1s if you dodge the q burst damage. His w is a problem, rendering you helpless with a slow that is surprisingly strong. If he gets ahead early he'll make life hard, but if you play smart he's not actually too bad to play against. Otherwise you'll have to find windows to take him down if he positions poorly. It's a skill matchup where I feel like the Graves player is pressured to get ahead more than you are.”
NegativePhoenix says “He can beat you early game so no point in that engage without a teammates help. Late game he is a monster if he's fed up enough to do it in any way. If you can burst him down with full AP since he doesn't get MR off his E, you'll win most fights otherwise those are his wins. As a Hybrid you have better shots but I'd recommend having a teammate for these engages. Full Tank Rell needs to body block his shots and keep him CCed since his autos hit whatever is closest”
MrFerrot says “My personal permaban. Strong early, invades, always wins the 1v1s, has better ganks, scales like a monster. It's also difficult to one-shot him.”
Ezikko says “If youre very behind and he is leading it might get hard with all the free armor he has and the incredible amount of damage, but aside from that you just solo kill him free.”
Apari1010 says “This matchup is more playable for Shadow Assassin but for Rhaast he can dodge your W with his E. On top of that he can stack armor, kite you and he beats the shit out of you early. I recommend doing a reverse full clear (Red - Blue - Gromp - Wolves - Raptors - Krugs). It'll add a few seconds to your clear but it makes sure you get everything and don't die. Your best bet is to hit your W on him when someone else hard CCs him.”
shacolovesyou says “can poke and kite us so hard, has burst damage and even can use his W or dash agressively or to escape, also has armor in his abilities so this is a big problem”
BradJr says “Your E completely shuts him down. Get close to him and full combo. The only issue is that he can get fed easily and kill your team on repeat. (clone rating 4/10)”
FaeBytez says “Graves can deal a lot of damage quickly, but he lacks crowd control and mobility. Diana can outmaneuver him and take him down with ease.”
ttvRegedice says “Graves isn't difficult early (BE CAREFUL OF HIS INVADES, WARD YOUR OPPOSITE BUFF OR STARTING BUFF ENTRANCE). However, he can snowball early mishaps on your part very hard as he can go dmg items but still have a lot of armor with the grit passive of his E. Also he can negate jumps by tossing the most OP basic ability in the game, smokescreen, into bushes. Also, he's risky to invade as he can stack his grit while clearing (+ if he's taking fleet he'll remain full hp) so you'll end up fighting him when he has 100 armor lvl 3 or something crazy like that lol. Aim for counter ganks and generally trying to catch him off guard. Get yourself ahead through lanes and build last whisper item 3rd.”
Borinn says “He is very strong, can kite you and has a lot of armor early with his e skill. Try to go cross map against him and gank as much as possible.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “After his most recent buffs to crit scaling this menace is back from the grave(s). Farms very fast and if he gets a few kills this matchup quickly becomes unplayable. even fighting him early is bad as his Passive gives him enough armor to tank your damage and dashes away if he does end up coming out on the losing side of the 1v1”
proxarius says “This is a heavily Evelynn-favored matchup. Graves HAS to get ahead, and he WILL invade if he knows what he's doing. If you path smartly, you will consistently win 1v1 after 6 (if he doesn't farm your laners like camps).”
Intropingman says “He has not typical aa, but is ad and you reduce his healing from items that he builds, if not fed you beat him. You can't 1vs1 him if he build black cleaver + magic resist.”
Majd1 says “Super free matchup, every time you land spear on him you will one shot him. Match up can become slightly annoying if he gets Maw of Malmortius in the earlier stages of the game, so be aware of his items and play around his items. Usually matchup is very easy and snowbally for Nidalee.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Your tankiness completely counters Graves, even early game he will never be able to easily 1v1 you. The only issue may be with mobility, as Graves players may try to invade against you Hexflash may be needed to try and stop these invades, as well as well placed defensive wards.”
Dabgren says “You want to R Graves before you Q him in many sequences cause in many cases he will / can just E / R away from your q, denying your biggest damage output, you win this matchup early on but get easily outscaled.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Try to block his autos with your W and stay away from walls when he has his Q up. His W can be very annoying, but if you notice him using his abilities recklessly, you can try fighting him and even take ignite for potential kill thread. If not, just take TP and play for ults.”
checca says “This matchup, based on my experience, is Zac favored against bad Graves players. I usually run Conqueror to prevent the threat of an early invade. Once you complete the first full clear, you and Graves are basically even, but Zac will slowly outscale even if even in gold. Aftershock and Thornmail absolutely cripple Graves. At top level a good graves player can always beat zac no matter what.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. Kite with your Q and E back to him since you can't do really much at early game. Avoid his smoke as much as possible if you want to kite back. Build Brust Build and kill him in bush”
lovicoaching says “Same thing as Elise but in opposite way. This guy invades whole game, level 1 2 3 4 ... But if you get to scale it's pretty hard for him to hit you. can be a hard or an easy matchup based on lanes.
Important to ward river for level 1/2 invades. Level 3 isnt as common but if he didnt invade level 1 or 2 really get ready for level 3. If he hasn't invaded by level 4 you probably got a free win.”
Suki545 says “I personally permaban graves so idk what to tell u except that hes hecas biggest counter.He can invade,he gets insane amounts of armor from his E and he can dash over walls multiple times to escape and kite well.Hes also one of the most picked junglers rn.”
Davecraft16 says “2 marksman who both scale for late game, who will win?
In this matchup you have to abuse him early and then late game I would recommend teamfights instead of 1v1.
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Ward your buff you're not starting on. He can do Buff into your buff and that is really bad. He's hard to beat if he gets early kills, but it's doable.
Tip: Tell your midlaner to try to get priority early game so Graves has a harder time invading you.”
Bhyure33 says “Stacks armor with E, and can also use it to dodge your W. Is also very good at invading you. A big threat, but in low-elo people aren't that good at kiting or invading properly, so there is a lower chance of actually facing a good Graves main. Try to pick a fight when he has no stacks on E.”
Lasine says “Same as Elise, this matchup depends a lot on the Graves skill level but is a bit more difficult due to his passive (extra armor). Most Graves dont know how to play him well so you wont have much problems most of the games. If the Graves is very good this is an extreme matchup.”
BLOODINSIDE says “Graves is a resource heavy champion. If you get ahead early and snowball he will have a hard time playing the game around 3 losing lanes. But at the same time if you allow him to scale up he will give you a hard time”
RedNBlue says “Graves is a lower 5, don't feed him or he will do a lot of damage to you, and your back line with his ultimate.
One moment your team is behind you and all you have to do is look forwards to graves. Then he drops a nuke on you and your team with an R and after the dust and blindness settles your team is just gone and your sitting 50% health surrounded by the enemy.
Don't get blinded, don't get ulted, don't let him get fed. A decent graves will win against you. Graves in a higher Elo game is a champion to ban. ”
ErniBurni says “Lethality graves ist ez zu töten, aber tank graves kannst du vergessen. Musst gegen graves antiheal kaufen, wenn er lifesteal omnivamp kaufst”
Hazardist says “His fast clears and insane invade potential makes it so Graves will be a matchup where you have to be wary of any early game invades, and being willing to give up early skirmishes for scuttles or objectives as he's stronger early game. Don't skip building armor against him, and focus him in teamfights because his sustained damage is surprisingly high if left out of control.”
Whasian says “Graves is interesting to play against as his blind is pretty annoying and his ability to dash out of your W can be annoying, but your Ghouls out scale him.”
Riccardo126 says “Extremely annoying. His W blocks you completely from engaging negating vision, his dash lets him go out of range or behind your shield. Plus all his abilities gives him more armor, so you deal less dmg to him.
Probably the most specific Pantheon jungle counter”
Centaur says “His massive armor gained from his E passive makes him unduelable outside of the early stages of the game. Try to avoid Graves. He has little mobility so with help he is punishable. ”
MythicalMinute says “I will be putting risk factor at 5 because if the Graves is good, he will thrash you, people think he's weak early but he can do so much early. Dont be afraid to all in him early but be wary of his armour stacks, he can get up to 30 armour level 1 so wait for that to go. You can invade him early due to his alright clear, soon as he backs once just spam gank and hope he isnt there.
Bruiser (Tank Oriented) is good.”
spuki97 says “Not a hard matchup as people make it out to be. Watch his E stacks. If he has more then 5 stacks don't chase him. Make sure to dodge his spells and you kill him. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “Karthus hates champions that can dash to dodge his Qs and the wall, and Graves has his E. Futhermore, He got his W that blinds you, so you can't hit any Q.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Graves is hard matchup, why? He got a setup to easily dodge all of your skillshots, his E (Quickdraw) increases his armor and makes harder to oneshot him. Try to avoid fighting early game as much as possible.
- On mid/late game you can oneshot him when his E (Quickdraw) isn't stacked up.”
Kao_Oak says “Just be careful with his burst and tankiness. You can dodge his spells easily with your Q but watch out for his W because it will cut your vision. Try to keep your W up in case you get trapped in his smoke.”
RengarNBush says “Some say this is the best rengar counter but I disagree, build Eclipse and you beat him with bushes, he is a weak champ currently (12.17). He is still strong in the hands of an experienced player.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Graves hard smashes you early because he can invade you and make your life hell however if your team rotates and you CC him with E then your life becomes so much more peaceful. Build armor and you outscale him. Skill Matchup.”
Cheeseypops1 says “If you ever hit E force a big trade on him, Rush Steelcaps and if you r him while you have Steelcaps he should just die if you hit your Abilities ”
Eagzey says “Yes Graves can invade/pressure us early game, but with mythic spike we can easily 1-shot him (especially because most Graves players are going Umbral first item). If you can R him without using W it's a free kill (when he E's you W to catch).”
JeffJoehnsen says “All ranged champions are pretty hard to play against he can just stay out of your range but when you grabbed him you can finish him”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Only look to fight Graves if there are lots of allied minions in lane so you can use them to block his auto-attacks. Graves auto attacks are not always effective as monsters, minions, towers block his damage and consume a bullet. Stay behind a monster or minion to avoid his auto-attack damage. When fighting around the Scuttle Crab, make sure it’s in between you and him so it blocks an auto. When duelling Graves, try and stand away from terrain as he will use it to his advantage to make his End of the Line(Q) explode quicker.”
Yuki H. says “His early game invade pressure is what brings him up from a threat level of "minor." From level 4 onwards, you will mostly never die to Graves unless you jump in and miss. In the late game he may be well-equipped to deal with Zac if even, but in skirmishes, Zac will outshine Graves 9/10 times.”
KruzeAlogic says “Graves is a Ranged champion but is easier for Kayn to play against while using Rhaast. Fighting him would give you Shadow Assassin stacks so you'd have to wait for your Rhaast counter to go down before transforming”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Graves auto attacks are not always effective as monsters/minions/towers block his damage and consume a bullet. Stay behind a monster or minion to avoid his auto-attack damage. When fighting around the Scuttle Crab, make sure it’s in between you and him so it blocks an auto. When duelling Graves, try and stand away from terrain as he will use it to his advantage to make his End of the Line(Q) explode quicker. Graves is a very strong duellist. Don’t fight him unless he’s low on health. He is also very good at kiting.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Graves auto attacks are not always effective as monsters/minions/towers block his damage and consume a bullet. Stay behind a monster or minion to avoid his auto-attack damage. When fighting around the Scuttle Crab, make sure it’s in between you and him so it blocks an auto. When duelling Graves, try and stand away from terrain as he will use it to his advantage to make his End of the Line(Q) explode quicker. Graves is a very strong duellist. Don’t fight him unless he’s low on health. He is also very good at kiting.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL, unless he's really fed. dodging second Q damage would really help you out.
This used to be such a beast but now is quite tame.”
lumihehe says “similarly to taliyah, he will kite you forever if you dont have one of the following: a teammates cc, your ult, or ghost. if you have any of those 3 in a mid game fight with him, you probably beat him. try focusing on farming better.”
Salmon Kid says “Good graves players can suffocate you with his damage and tempo, but Lillia still does very well in this matchup. Graves can avoid Lillia's damage a lot easier than other junglers, but also struggles to land his damage on her if he uses his dash evasively. ”
Darksword255 says “Graves is really easy, Hold your Q to make sure u don't get gapped by his E. With your kit you should be able to easily stay right on top of him, he's only a problem when he's fed.”
sajmonakk says “Worst matchup, in early to mid he will destroy you like nothing, you can start dueling him in your late game as assassin. If you have Rhaast, you can kill him with your team easily.”
Dad Prime says “Whoever knows their champ more, a good graves will save his dash until you use your W and therefore avoid most of your 1v1 pressure, however get the jump on him and you win.”
ItsAydam says “Extreme threat late game if he can scale. He will two hit you and his W makes your life hell. Can be punished early if he doesn't have stacks on his E. You usually win 2v2's 90% of the time early game vs him. Personally he's my go to ban every game because of how strong he can become late game. He also makes the game really unfun and can tilt you.”
Dojyaan says “If he has grit he will fuck your ass if played correctly. Do not underestimate that mans damage. One second you are full hp next second man hits you with 2 shots and then ults and grey screen.”
Nik7857 says “Graves is a nightmare champ for everyone, but your champ counters his. Your spiderlings can block his AA. Graves will always be healthy in the jg so invading wont always work without some help.”
Farmer Cleetus says “If fed: major+, if not even or lower cause he can't deal damage to you anymore when you're fed. Can or will be problematic tho if the game advances in the late while he keeps up his CS. He might be able to do something and make a turn around and changing his threat then to Major+.”
RactickTTV says “Watch out for his early invades with wards at the entrance of your jungle. Graves likes to invade at level 2 invade after doing his red. Try to avoid fighting him in the jungle early and you should be able to outscale him.”
just pick yone says “Pretty hard matchup, has an easy waveclear and can dodge your abilites just with E, u can go on him once he uses his Q on the wave.”
GiAEcchI says “He shits on you early on, with red form you can fight him mid game, he will still win if he can kite you, if you miss your W, consider backing off, late game avoid fighting when he has his E stacks.”
Blakbor says “As a Graves and Viego main, I can tell you that a good Graves beats Viego in almost every scenario, you can't 1v1 him and his clear is faster than yours”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game Graves isn't too annoying to fight unless he's gotten ahead off of heavy ganks. If you can avoid letting him snowball off of you and other lanes, he won't be as useful in the later stages of the game and you'll beat him. If you fight him in lane, use your minion wave as a wall so his autos get blocked and avoid walls so that his Q doesn't double hit you instantly.”
SunLongGod says “W blind is annoying, other than that you can dodge a lot of his abilities. Make sure to use your AA W AA combo when fighting him bc he out damage your meditation.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game is his, and he can invade you if he feels you'll be a threat later in the game. Mid-Late game once you get a lead though he pretty much can't fight you unless he knows where you are when you approach him.”
Groovywelsh says “Graves can be good at kiting with his E and he also get armor but with gosht unless he is a good he should not kite you, and you can just kill him”
One Stab says “If he is not building armor and your atleast as fed as he is, you can win 1v1's by catching him off guard and jumping on him first. You win early game if you use Conqueror. Tho, don't try to fight him when his E is stacked. Also you won't be able to jump if he smokescreens you. ”
duowithdeath says “W is hard counter as it blocks vision in your passive, very scary to deal with early and if he invades u probably die to redbuff aa.
Before season 13 Graves was absolutely unplayable, but in recent patches the matchup has become much more bearable (I've even stopped banning this champion). There is room for outplay with Q placement now, and with nerfs to mr items and Graves players going bruiser instead of lethality now, matchup has become somewhat playable.”
Boptimus says “Pretty rare lane but can be difficult depending on the skill of the player. Graves has no real kill threat on you unless you let him free hit AA you. The best time to trade with Graves is when he dashes in. Use you combo and chunk him, then look for an all-in if he gets too low and blows his E.”
mirkodevito says “fight him just when you take the spear and most of the time he will go eclipse or immortal shieldbow and that shield of the 2 items will counter you a lot, so be careful and use well your skillshot. ”
Shro says “Graves has a surprising amount of damage that he can do within a short period of time. I don't recommend fighting him unless you at least have Plated Steelcaps. If you want to be safe, wait until you have Warden's Mail to start 1v1s with him.”
JustMTK says “This not a matchup in midlane (most of the times) but he's a really strong champion that could surprise you when going in for a kill. So make sure you're stronger than him before deciding to challenge him. (I've made this mistake way too much)”
septikgong Twitch says “Any invading jungler that is played well will become a nightmare for you to play, in short, avoid these junglers when playing Yi.”
IamFafa says “Graves beats you level 1-3 but if he doesnt get ahead in those early levels by invading you, you should win, always ward in advance vs graves, most likely you will see him at your gromp. Make sure to take phase rush to be able to run after him.”
GrayJinxed says “Graves' will reduce your range advantage by using his smokescreen (W) which limits your vision and slows you while inside it. Use your Q in the opposite direction that you saw the smokescreen to avoid limited visual contact with the enemy.
He will then try to move closer with his dash (E) which stacks armor each time he uses it in combat. By avoiding his smoke (W), use W to lower the cooldown of your Q and try your best to jump away whilst also auto-attacking him in the process.
Avoid walls unless you know Graves' grenade shot (Q) is on cooldown or you are fast enough to jump over a wall.
His ult (R) is an Area of Effect execute shot which can be countered with your ult (R).
TimothyFly says “Just an annoying matchup, try and match him by counter-ganking him. You never win 1v1 unless ur ahead so play around ur team and punish his mistakes.”
Majd1 says “Super free matchup, every time you land spear on him you will one shot him. Match up can become slightly annoying if he gets Maw of Malmortius in the earlier stages of the game, so be aware of his items and play around his items. Usually matchup is very easy and snowbally for Nidalee.”
DarkMareOfficial says “I don't have many issues with Graves as he doesn't have CC. You can also keep up with his dash. The only issue I got is with his w. That blind is really annoying so try to get out of it as fast as possible. I d recommend using the w dash in a different direction not towards him as his auto will hit you even if he tries to hit the Decoy (W). He can get fed depending on how much your team knows how to play against him, but overall you can take him once you get a bit of advantage over him.”
WONDR says “If the graves is good he can be a nigth mare, if u fight him in jungle fight him where theres more than 1 bush as he can use his W on your bush and it will hurt you a lot. If the graves is semi-bad you should win easily. ”
ISwearImNotPolish says “Graves is annoying to fight because he has enough damage to kill you quickly, but also enough armor to survive your burst, not to mention his Smoke Screen is difficult to deal with. Try to avoid his abilities as much as possible and use your ult well.”
Marmeleader says “Stacks armor, cant 1 v 1, only killable on invades with no passive stacks. Hard outscales you, W smokescreen disables and disorientates you in teamfights if used properly”
YoungTact says “This champion will kite you out in the open but struggles to deal with you in jungle fights. Has a healthier clear than you but clears around the same speed. Can W his E and R dashes to potentially pick him out. You have stronger early game ganks so look to build a lead through that. Toplane graves probably goes up to 4 in terms of threat, rush plated steelcaps and play to farm. Go full tank and try to beat him in impact. Can look to punish him before vampiric scepter with Q+Passive grasp combos. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “He scales well, got amazing invades, he can blind and than you cannot shield anyone. Really bad in my opinion and when graves was dominating meta it was my perma ban ”
OfficerVi says “Very overloaded champion. During fights and skirmishes, he ruins your game. His W makes the game unplayable. Try to gank before his full clear. ”
ViniHunters says “Graves doesn't beat Udyr in 1v1, but he can get away from Udyr easily using E to go through walls and W to slow and blind, buying time for his allies to help him.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Graves tries to just perma shove you under tower and has tons of built in armor in his kit. Try to land your W on him, most graves will use their dash. You can then use your E to get on top of them for a short trade. Keep doing this before he builds his lifesteal items. Stay behind minions so he can't auto you. Don't stand in front of your tower to cs or he can easily land his Q on you when it hits your tower/terrain. If he gets a kill on you your lane is basically over. Try to be more useful than him outside of lane phase.”
Madabc says “Can be the easiest matchup if he has no stacks on E, to one of the harder ones if he has full stacked E. Be wary of his stacks before going in because the armor he gets from E is really important in whether you one shot him or not. ”
Coorowko says “You'll be behind Graves from the beginning, he has a one up on you in terms of early game power and if you're playing a semi-competent player they will always early invade. You can counter invade if you're on top of things, but don't outplay yourself in the process, keep vision control and keep track of him otherwise he's a pain to deal with and hard to catch up to. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Graves is one of your highest counters. He does INSANE damage, even early on. Scales high. High health and survivability with his Immortal Shieldbow build. Can run Serpent's Fang and can delete you in two shots. That, already, is insane. BUT WAIT, there's more! He can push Daisy back before she can use her knock-up, disrupting your combo. His dash can dodge your CC and can close the distance between you and him, so it's hard to kite him out. His insane early clear speeds also means he can take your blue before you can even come back to get it on your first clear. The only thing you have over him is that his E only gives armor, and not MR, so hitting your abilities and locking him down can get him killed. Ban worthy. Aery Inspiration. For AP, go CotSQ or Everfrost. Sup, go Shurelya's.”
officialwiseguy says “His Smoke Screen is annoying and he has alot of Dmg but since he has no CC, you can dodge alot of his spells or negate damage with your W.”
Consolo says “Honestly depends on the Graves, if you can get him behind he is turboworthless, but good Graves players won't let you get them behind. Try to counterjungle as much as you can, and take objectives while he's weak. Counterganking a great option into him, as he has no escape. Threat scales with your rank.”
White Cr0w says “Graves is a champion so easy to frustrate. Don't go for an all-in against him, since that's what he wants. Steal camps, take half his HP with a combo and jump away only to come again the next minute.
Graves needs control. Remove it to him.”
FacetLOL says “Just wait for his E stacks to run out as you wont be able to kill him if he has high stacks as his armor will be way too high in the early/mid/late game.”
Scythe Prince says “hardest counter to Kayn.
You cannot beat Graves early to mid game due to the additional armor he gets from his Quickdraw (E).
as Shadow Assassin if he has no stacks on his Quickdraw (E) you can fight him.
If you chose Rhaast, ensure to peel your carries.”
OTP Toxin says “Run in his direction and blind him, that's right, run in his direction, 'cause he will throw the smoke where you are OR in your back thinking that you will run away when you see him.”
Zehmox says “Outpaths you 9/10 but if you get a few items and survive the early game vs graves you usually oneshot him with prowler's and edge. if they build shieldbow go for a serpent fang 2nd”
Very Last Cat says “i usually ban this cause if he w´s some bushes you can play and the armor gain on his e makes lethality useless and he always out dps u”
MrMeem45 says “Major if he takes ignite. The only thing you have to keep in mind with graves is not to fight him when his grit is up. See those circles around his feet? If you see those, just don't. It should be smooth sailing from there if they're not there. If he has ignite, he's going to cheese you at your red or he's going to cheese your teammates. Ward it and don't get caught off guard by the insane burst.”
Very Last Cat says “i usually ban this cause if he w´s some bushes you can play and the armor gain on his e makes lethality useless and he always out dps u
b0n0 says “I ban Graves every game. First off the champ goes all over the place and trackign early is hard. Is he invading you? Is he vertical jungling? Is he gnaking level 2?
He scales better and also is stronger I believe at most points of the game.
Vi's bread and butter is getting on top of someone and beating the shit out of them. Graves mobility, armor, damage basically just negate Vi's kit, ban dodge or enjoy loss. ”
Zero macro says “Rlly strong early with good movement on the map. Try to avoid his counterjungling style. many jungle camp swaps will happen in this matchup depended on allied and enemy teams that help him invade level 1.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very strong and active jungle pick that can 1v1 Xin Zhao at the right circumstances, he has very fast clear and will attemp to gank semi-extended lanes or he will just try to harash them in order to give an edge to his team during the early and mid game.”
Elekktro says “A good Graves player will out farm you and permanently invade all game. He can also kite Viego very easily and dodge your W. Graves is my personal perma ban.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “The lane is in your favor since hes very short-ranged,once he gets pulled wait for half a second and apply a w to deny him an escape and finish him off.
Dshield or Dblade.”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
Graves wins trades in the early game because he has more damage than you and is not as squishy as you. Even in mid game if he builds Maw you can't win the trades.”
sonminh says “Don't fight him early. 2v2 is possible if coordination is right and you have the first attack. Don't try to match full clear with him; he is way faster. Look for counter ganks, Graves can only gank if your laners are extremely vulnerable. Later in the game, picking him off is easy. Focus him first and play front to back if possible.”
J98TheGreat says “This is more so between a 4 and 5. This is a tough champion to outdo as Graves is one of the strongest champions right now. The better player here should win, but if he isn't bad he isn't going to make the mistakes that you need for him to not be more impactful than you later in the game. This is going to be a ban for your team more so than for yourself as your third ban option.”
GranadaExperimental says “Based on my experience fighting Graves with Kayn, I can deduce that giving a 1v1 fight against him is very dangerous since unless "Graves" makes some kind of mistake or barely knows how to play his champion, most of the time, Kayn lose due to high Graves damage”
King Fidd says “Graves is a strong early game duelist who is also a ticking time bomb due to his insane late game, where he becomes insanely tanky with huge dps. The only option is to hopefully outpace him mid game once you have ultimate.”
Ghionova says “Vision loss, DR buff with stacked E, 2 auto hits and youre dead when hes fed. Ask your allies to help if you go into his jungle and try to make his life worse.”
NMFO says “You can beat graves' ass early as with your E and Q he can't kite away that effectively, however once graves has an item or two he just can stat check you. A good graves knows to not fight trundle early and to just counter-jg and farm for one item, at which point trundle becomes effectively useless into graves. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “He has great damage in every game phase. As long as he is not fed, he won't be a problem to you. Avoid fighting him when he builds Immortal Shield Bow.”
gelz_4 says “If he uses his smoke u dont know where to Q and u are superslow aswell so its super annoying to fight Graves and he gennerly is a counter with his early on damage u could maybe fight him but its really hard and his e can dodge ur q”
Brosinex says “Te invadirá constantemente si es bueno y antes del infierno a veces, incluso después de las 6 tienes que darle los campamentos. No trates de pelear con él en la escotilla, especialmente si hizo caminatas sobre el agua, solo ve al otro. Lo superas en escala a menos que todo lo que haga sea cultivar, entonces siempre estará un nivel por encima de ti.”
Da Mastah says “As long as your going on hit and he doesn't have a huge lead you should be able to beat him in all stages of the game. The only way he can get a significant lead is to gank or dive other lanes, so make sure you contest him whenever he's looking to make plays.”
Spection says “Dangerous champion. Starts red usually, can probbaly take blue. Will most likely try to counterjungle you so do it back to him. He is unduelable for you at all points of the game and can dodge your E every time, so only throw it out wheen you know his E is down or he is stunned by Daisy or an ally. ”
The Elysian1 says “Not a big deal , he will probably powerfarm like Evelynn and just scale till late. Recent nerfs made his early weak , but in late he can be a problem. Buy Serpant if he has Shieldbow. His ganks ain't the best , but he can clear with ulty. You have more impacth on the game so focus on ganking.
HellhoundHDD says “He is Mobile, Ranged and his smokescreen is terrible to deal with a good graves will kite you to death because he is a "balanced" champion”
KafueLechwe says “Like any early game jungler, Graves is really scary for Sion, especially since Graves can stack armor before fighting him. When against a Graves, play safe until you get your Titanic Hydra, as then you will be able to dish out a ton of damage on him.”
Citric says “Watch out for his early invades with wards at the entrance of your jungle. Graves likes to either level 1 late invade or level 2 invade after doing his red. Try to avoid fighting him in the jungle and you should be able to outscale him.”
Pusi Puu says “beats you almost everytime and can smokescreen your bush so you can't jump. Try to fight him when he has no passive stacks and preferably when you have 4 stacks. Oneshot is possible at lvl 6 when you catch him in river with full ferocity. Dont flip a invade vs graves since he either beats you or just outruns you with phase rush.”
IMissedMyQ says “This is as close to a skill matchup as it can get. Both of you are very vulnerable to each other. If graves gets the jump on you, then you will never be able to kill him (unless you have a big lead). If you get the jump on him, he's forced to retreat or die. Always be on the lookout to pounce on him. Never be caught with your pants down.”
Doubtfull says “Graves historically struggles with AP jungle match ups. This one is a little tricky as you much be in his auto range in order to Q, but with the right micro you can dodge the back end of his Q and pop him. If you have a heavy AP team he can stack MR and make this match up pretty difficult. ”
RactickTTV says “Graves biggest threat to Kayn is his E (Quickdraw) increases his armor making it hard to one shot him. He will also be able to kite Rhaast very easily. I would avoid fighting him at any point in the early game. Later on, you can one shot him with Shadow Assassin as long as his E (Quickdraw) isn't stacked”
LambWolf says “Don't duel graves if he has many e stacks. Right click him to check if he has alot of them. You can win fight against him if he doesn't have e stacks before fight.”
SnowballBarrage says “Graves is always super strong champ, he's nothing I'm scared of but he does so much damage if he gets fed. Don't let himget fed.”
NixLychee says “He will kite you, even with your gap closers, and he will power farm and scale, allowing for better fighting late. He's strong both early and late, so be careful with him. His bonus armor makes him incredibly tanky, but you can still duel him early game if you manage to dodge his Q damage. Don't let him farm freely. Pretty long cooldowns early game.”
KamiKZ says “Very annoying to deal with, but you can change your playstyle to get the upper hand. Get the jump on him first and use Void Assault to stop him from auto attacking you. Just be wary when jumping on him, he can easily dash away which leaves you vulnerable if you do not have Void Assault. Also be mindful of how tanky he can become while still dealing damage with the tankiness from True Grit (passive), Challenging smite, Ninja Tabis, Phantom Dancer, Deaths Dance, Maw or more which negate your burst. Challenging smite and Q evolve will make a big difference in dueling him.”
LordGrox says “Annoying due to his Grit stacks collected with his E, which grant him a lot more defenses than his build would suggest. Try to fight him when his stacks run out.”
Veralion says “Graves isn't doing too well right now. His strengths are clear speed and clear safety, not ganking, much like you. Just respect him and condede crabs until 6 if necessary as usual. Don't let him proc phase rush or he will probably run you down, he's absolutely nuts with that rune. Stay well away from him while he has red. Both of you occupy the niche of scaling objective-based junglers. He farms camps way faster than you do, but you beat him in objective damage. That clear speed of his lets him snowball exceptionally hard if he gets lucky with a good early game, and he will become fast enough to clear half of your jungle on top of his with every rotation. Graves players counterjungle to an obnoxious degree. Things become unmanageable at this point without catchup XP. Make sure that when he's thinking about your gromp, you're thinking about his drake. ”
Goldenstinger says “Not as tough - will invade you early. I usually ask for a leash in this match up to ensure i get buffs off the table in time. Ward your opposing buff with a control ward and counter jungle if required. If your lanes have prio ping him counter jungling for a free kill. ”
Doubtfull says “Graves can be annoying with early invades, but post that you win the match up. Play around this by getting a leash and using pinks to guard your entrances. In the late game lock him down and take him out.”
nZk01 says “pretty much impossible to kill early, always check for grid stacks to see if you can fight him, very easy to outgank him or kill him with boxes on raptors ”
FREAKSTAR says “Scary champion, good Graves players are VERY aggressive. They will try to fight you all game long, you don't really want the 1v1.
Outrun them farm whatever they dont and if they invade you, invade them opposide side.
Keep track of them and keep your distance, you will outscale.
Late game when Graves is trying to team fight, your E damage will completely destroy him and his teammates.
This is one of the matchups that determines how good your Shyvana is.”
Tormentula says “Elise can only beat him early on. Mid and Late game he will outscale her, have significantly higher farm than her, carry better than her, and overall just outclass her after his first item if he got to chill and farm. His smokescreen actually counters Rappel since if he drops it in the center, Elise still cannot see anything while in Rappel, and he can dodge Cocoon with his E while killing all spiderlings with Q. Best bet is to Rappel the explosion of his Q, wait for him to waste E to Cocoon him, and abuse him early game while he's weak. ”
Doubtfull says “Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game. Graves outfarms rek'sai, and 3/4 abilities in his kit help him kite you. He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive. This is my priority ban if I want to play rek'sai in high elo. Less of a threat the further down the ladder you are, as players aren't as good at kiting.”
IMissedMyQ says “Graves is very tough. He has a strong level 2 to match you, and he is very slippery. His high damage and high mobility makes him perfect for countering your kit. The best thing you can do is look to counter gank him. If you're able to catch him by surprise, you may be able to effectively handle him.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush. Dark Harvest if possible.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if his team is full of AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Graves is a very consistent champion, good at all stages in the game depending on the situation, avoid letting him get fed, as that might be the end of the line for you. Be aware of potential invades, ask your team for help if you see him coming, otherwise, just run. Use your movement speed to dodge his Q and smoke screen, kite him since his auto attack range is quite small, he also has no way of dodging your ult in his kit (hooray!), and since he's quite squishy, that might result on him getting one-shotted.”
Whynotbefriends says “I put him in Major as he becomes hard to deal with until you are extremely good at Nidalee, then he goes down to a 3. similar to Lillia in the respect of needing to outclear him, early fights are yours if you get the initiative.”
MiningRicK says “He is Graves, and he will kill all Monsters until the game is over (Powerfarmer). So he will also kill your jungle Monsters and he can 1vs1 you. Try to fight him with your Teammates together that will be succesful.”
Insightful says “Graves is a hard matchup because he has a lot of mobility, can clear fast and he can easily break your tempo by invading, if he scales he just 1 shots you. ”
[Graves is basically an ADC that wants to stand the closest possible to you, but you're Rammus, you counter ADCs even though this one is a bit tankier and likes being in a near-melee range, which is something you could like since your E has a bit more range that your AA which makes it ideal to cast. He has a two dashes but except if he has W and R, he cannot really get away from you.]
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Graves is rather one-dimensional with his simple slow and Q Damage. Get in range of him and its a pretty simple fight. CC will make him lose everything.”
tobbtobbler says “Graves, Kindred, Elise, Udyr, and other high-tempo early game junglers will shut you out of the early game if they play correctly. Ward your camps and ask laners to rotate if they invade, but try not to get into a fight with them pre-titanic if it’s not a guaranteed 2v1.”
Karasmai says “[b]Please ban this champ [/b]there is very little to no counterplay if you don't ban him. I suggest dodging if some reason you didn't do either of these get ready for 15 minutes of the most unenjoyable experience you’ve ever had. If you manage to beat a Graves you probably went Rhaast and team fought better but you also probably had a better team so just ban him to save yourself.”
MexBookMaster says “Banealo el 100% de las veces. No hay mucho que decir de este match, siempre que quiera invadirte lo hará y tendrás que cederle tu jungla porque si quieres pelear el te matará. Shadow Assassin (Azul) tiene mayor probabilidad de ganar que Rhaast debido a que Graves te puede Kaitear hasta el infinito.”
Exoslol says “Graves is the champion I ban 100% of the time. Graves makes your life miserable. He will kite you around and outsustain you after he finishes his Death's Dance combined with red smite. If graves goes Phase rush the only way to fight him is getting the Phase rush on cooldown or have your laners CC him so he can not escape. If you meet him 1v1 the only way you kill him is if you get the first combo in from an unwarded area. I don't think this matchup is playable though as he 9/10x outperforms you later on in the game while being unkillabe.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Graves is the closest it comes to a skill matchup, jungle matchup is determined by ganks, Warwick can't kill Graves cause Graves kites Warwick and runs away however Graves can't kill Warwick cause Warwick will kill Graves if he tries. Best possible time to kill is a level 3 invade by playing out of vision in a bush and following his dash with "Q"”
gankyourgrandma says “Pretty big skill matchup. He can invade you early, but isn't too strong. If you get a lead then you can bully him out of the game.”
ak521 says “Very easy matchup. You can tank most of his damage, land your Q on him in a team fight and he's dead easily. Strong early game and good 1v1 strategy against many champions who are in similar line or behind. So as long as you put enough pressure on Graves and remember to gank your teammates, you should end up fine.”
Rhoku says “Graves is one of the more problematic junglers to deal with due to how slippery he potentially can be. He isn't the best kiter due to his lower range but if he outplays your pull with his dash, then you pretty much can't do anything against him unless you have Ghost. He scales up very well but he can't really oneshot you if you tank up. Getting to him is the difficult part. He can also outplay your ultimate with his smokescreen. His clear is better and he is more mobile around the map. You must force him into a corner and kill him at some point. He is also difficult to kill during invades as he stacks his E armor up.”
Kayncer says “He scales a lot and has the range + Kiting Advantage his early is also not bad, careful around him!
Is easier to kill as Blue Kayn but still Kayn Struggles here, I personally always ban him or nocturne playing Kayn.
Pyroen says “This is more of a skill matchup - Graves needs farm to be effective, similar to Nidalee. If you can map his route and counter jungle you can reach your early spikes faster that him. Be careful when engaging him 1v1 in the jungle since he has a relatively safe clear he should always be close to full hp.
Once you have runic echoes and Sorc boots - land that spear and end his reign of terror.
(remember to always clean up his camps when you've taken him off the map)”
Insightful says “Graves is hard to deal with in the jungle, he has a very strong early game and scales even better, try to avoid his invades and don't fight early, focus on teamfighting with your R up
izzlelol says “He will constantly invade you if he's good and pre 6 hell sometimes even after 6 you have to give the camps to him. Don't try to fight him at scuttle especially if he took waterwalking just go to the other one. You outscale him unless all he does is farm then he will always be a level over you.”
Lambda Diana says “Graves will try to counter jg and invade you I think the match up is fav for Diana since his E gives armor and not mr. If he gets ahead he will one shot you hourglass is great if he does build mr void is great too. ”
OsakaSatang says “Electro+inspiration
he is fair squishy before he gets shieldbow. Can contest crab. You can easily kill him once u hit 6 but he has high damage, so be careful.”
aurus666lol says “They have nerfed some builds, runes etc, but he still clear very fast and still can cheese you like Kindred. If he goes Phase Rush, it will be hard to escape from him, even if he doesn't play Flash (ignite instead). Try to get kill lead on scuttle fight by calling your midlaner/toplaner or both , so he will be easy target.”
temmykusaii says “ah yes, malcom. i strongly hate graves in general so i usually ban him, you should too. graves is graves you kinda just lose but have a strong chance of winning if he uses e incorrectly. your e counters his e
lightrocket2 says “Abuses black cleaver. He does ridiculous damage up close and has a dash so 1v1's are very very difficult. Try to play for objectives because you do scale better but he's overturned and can easily get ahead. Run phase rush”
Ellesmere says “Much like Kindred, Graves can kite you fairly well while doing lots of damage to you. He's also annoyingly tanky so unless you have a clear advantage, don't mess with him too much. Focus on getting lanes ahead and counter ganking.”
Sammystinky says “He gains armor from passive which doesn't help him from you. But depending on his build he can give you trouble and pinning him down is hard. ”
Very Rxre says “skill matchup, he gets items faster than you and also scales so you really have to impact the map heavily or else u will get hard outscaled fast.”
Chrosser says “Intenta esquivar su bomba de humo ya que si logra metértela lo mas probable es que mueras. No intentes forzar una pelea contra el, es poco probable que ganes.”
Hynder says “He can kite you very well and thanks to his E, he scales armor so he is more difficult to deal in 1 vs 1.
So gank a lot and make other lanes win. You don't really want a fight versus him.”
Suseri says “His Smoke Screen is annoying and he has alot of damage but since he has no CC, you can dodge alot of his spells or negate his damage with your W.”
FrostForest says “Can dodge your EQ and run you down
You never beat him 1v1 unless you burst him or get the jump on him
Watch for his stacks on his E and what runes he has”
Irmike78 says “The best tip here is to time your W and E's right to avoid his kit. Match up depends on who out plays who. His dash is on a shorter cool down early game then Gwen's so play with caution as he can easily dodge Gwen Q which is all her dmg”
Gedrah says “Graves has a lot of early damage and early presence. He can easily burst and follow sejuani across the map. Be careful when trading against him. Start on the opposite side of the map and don't fight him unless you can outnumber him.”
RichMrFork says “Can use his terrain scaling to get creative invade and gank paths. Graves has many different builds and options to go each game. He can go Phase Rush or Fleet, Flash or Ignite, or even invade you level 2 or at your second buff. He can become extremely hard to kill if he goes Shieldbow paired with his mobility. You have a much stronger gank presence over him so make sure to be proactive on the map because Graves will outfarm you. Try to keep the same gameplan as harder matchups, survive the early levels and use your better gank threat to get your lanes ahead so Graves has a harder time farming, soloing objectives and invading you.”
Kayn Mains says “Definitely the worst matchup for Kayn. You cannot beat Graves early to mid game due to the additional armor he gets from his Quickdraw (E).
Make sure to avoid him. If he invades you, you have no other choice but to give up your jungle camps unless your team decides to come and collapse on him.
Once you reach the late game you can start considering to duel him as Shadow Assassin if he has no stacks on his Quickdraw (E). If you chose Rhaast, ensure the survival of your team by peeling for them.”
LilPaniniUwU says “He will kite you, even with your gap closers, and he will power farm and scale, allowing for better fighting late. He's strong both early and late, so be careful with him. His bonus armor makes him incredibly tanky, but you can still duel him early game if you manage to dodge his Q damage.
metalhydra273 says “I'd say Graves marks the true even point of jungle matchups in this guide. He can be hard to kill sometimes, is fresh fodder others. You have means to outplay him and run him down thanks to your spire speed in a 1v1, and you can also kill him easily with ult, but if he gets ahead it can be trouble. Limit his early game capabilities and look to be more useful than him throughout the game by getting objective prio early and force him to try to contest.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Definitely the worst matchup for Kayn. You cannot beat Graves early to mid game due to the additional armor he gets from his Quickdraw (E). Make sure to avoid him. If he invades you, you have no other choice but to give up your jungle camps unless your team decides to come and collapse on him. Once you reach the late game you can start considering to duel him as Shadow Assassin if he has no stacks on his Quickdraw (E). If you chose Rhaast, ensure the survival of your team by peeling for them.
mgutis says “Graves is extremely dangerous, he beats you 1v1 at all stages of the game, can invade you at will, and at 1 item has better skirmishing, need stopwatch ASAP”
PulseBeat_02 says “This will not be a fun matchup with you. He can easily dodge your Q with his withdraw. You can Black Shield his smoke canister, (because it deals magic damage), but nothing else, because they deal physical damage.”
Aqua Dragon says “Graves is a pretty annoying early bully, but Voidlings are able to eat up a lot of the autoattack damage. Graves is also pretty dependent on getting an early lead to succeed, and tends not to focus on objectives too much, granting Malzahar ample time to sneak some dragons.”
KhaZix Mains says “[5/10] Can be very annoying to deal with but you can change your playstyle to get have better odds against him. You can try to get the jump on him first and use Void Assault to stop him from auto attacking you, just be wary as he can easily dash away which leaves you vulnerable if you do not have Void Assault. Prowler can be viable for getting on top of him without having to use Leap as well as Serpent's Fang for breaking through his Shieldbow.
Also take note of how tanky he can become while still dealing damage with the tankiness from True Grit and his itemization choices which negate your burst. Q evolve can make a big difference in dueling him. It’s recommended to pick up Conqueror in this matchup and evolve R into W to provide utility to your team and minimize some of his mobility. ”
Ejsner says “Graves isn't too challenging in the early game (BUT WATCH OUT FOR HIS INVADES, AND MAKE SURE TO WARD YOUR OPPOSITE BUFF OR STARTING BUFF ENTRANCE). However, he can capitalize heavily on any early mistakes, thanks to his ability to build damage items while still being tanky with the grit passive of his E. He can also disrupt jumps with his powerful basic ability, smokescreen, especially in bushes. Invading him is risky, as he can stack grit while clearing, potentially leading to fights where he's unexpectedly tanky. Look for counter ganks and opportunities to catch him off guard. Prioritize getting ahead through lanes and consider building Last Whisper as your third item. Dealing with a Graves who stacks Death's Dance and Frozen Heart can be tough, so try to avoid situations where he's heavily stacked with these items.”
Ejsner says “Conqueror suggested. Graves is just a complete counter to Rengar all together. Reason being, If Rengar leaps, all Graves needs to do is W Rengar, and E away from him. Graves's ultimate ability, (R) also knocks him back away from Rengar's chase, and his Q is a direct shot in the direction he points, which will ricochet if bounced off a wall, which will do tons of damage to Rengar. And that's not even the bad part. Graves can stack up Armor with his E, so when stacked up, he will take NO damage from Rengar what so ever. ”
Nanelol says “Losing matchup. Graves wins trades in the early game because he has more damage than you and is not as squishy as you. Even in mid game if he builds Maw you can't win the trades. Try to hit your cocoon after he used his Dash (E).”
Eagzey says “Has too much sustain for us to do anything. And because he's ranged it's very hard to kill as AP Shaco. Just hope the Graves is terrible.”
aurus666lol says “Emmmm, he is clearing fast. He is dealing huge dmg, he can 100-0 you with Q and two autos BUT you have bigger mobility than him, which is good because he needs to shoot twice and reload. In this time, you can dash away, cast spear and jump on him to enter the fight again. Fun fact: It's the most known matchup for Esport matches. ”
legendtomi1 says “Graves is the closest it comes to a skill matchup, jungle matchup is determined by ganks, Warwick can't kill Graves cause Graves kites Warwick and runs away however Graves can't kill Warwick cause Warwick will kill Graves if he tries. Best possible time to kill is a level 3 invade by playing out of vision in a bush and following his dash with "Q"”
14yo sad lulu says “ENG: Definitely the worst matchup for Kayn. You cannot beat Graves early to mid game due to the additional armor he gets from his Quickdraw (E). Make sure to avoid him. If he invades you, you have no other choice but to give up your jungle camps unless your team decides to come and collapse on him. Once you reach the late game you can start considering to duel him as Shadow Assassin if he has no stacks on his Quickdraw (E). If you chose Rhaast, ensure the survival of your team by peeling for them.
(RU: Определенно худший матчап для Кайна. Вы не можете победить Грейвса в начале и середине игры из-за дополнительной брони, которую он получает от своего Quickdraw (E). Постарайся избегать его. Если он нападет на вас, у вас нет другого выбора, кроме как отказаться от своих лагерей в джунглях, если только ваша команда не решит прийти и обрушиться на него. Как только вы дойдете до конца игры, вы можете начать рассматривать возможность дуэли с ним в качестве Теневого Убийцы, если у него нет стеков на его Quickdraw (E). Если вы выбрали Rhaast, обеспечьте выживание своей команды, очистив их.)”
RedNBlue says “Graves is a good all around Jungler with a good tanky mix build and is a good jungler all game pretty much. A good Graves early will try to fight you and kit you back and as you chase and throw your axe he will be doubling the damage you are doing.”
EUWRATS says “Graves beats you level 1-3 but if he doesnt get ahead in those early levels by invading you, you should win, always ward in advance vs graves, most likely you will see him at your gromp. Make sure to take phase rush to be able to run after him.”
nZk01 says “deals way too much damage and is way too tanky, bit scary but you can outplay him very early and even after 1st back if he goes crit if he tries to invade”
Strike1 says “Ah my love graves, this matchup is slightly kindred favoured mostly because graves is not good right now but also because kindred outranges graves and is able to kite him and burst him down
If fight starts melee and graves is good and has farmed well he can mess up kindred (especially if graves went ignite instead of flash)
Needless to say though, kindred outscales graves and is a better champ overall so graves is only a minor threat”
SoSheolH says “You're building armour and he's building lethality, he'll shred you pretty quick given the chance and lifesteal his way through fights, but your heavy CC can get him killed quickly in a teamfight. Don't 1v1 him, though. A good Graves will also spam invade you, so it may be a good idea to simply do your two buffs and start ganking (like Lee Sin).”
Kindredgarten says “Kind of an even matchup but more Graves favored. He farms faster than you but you are slightly better early. Keep in mind that he can stack armor with his E passive in extended fights. Hard if he gets ahead but it's winnable. If he goes ignite, duels will be super hard to win and you should probably avoid it. Graves players like to invade so keep that in mind.”
Caled says “Graves is easily one of the HARDEST matchups for Kayn that he will lose 99% of the time. Regardless of what form you go, Graves' ability to fight pretty much any melee jungler is VERY strong as he gets bonus armor with his E (QuickDraw). Going Blue Kayn, you will never be able to one shot him as his itemization and kit counter you. Going Red Kayn, graves will kite you out of any of your Q’s (Reaping Slash) and will be able to dodge your W (Blade’s Reach) preventing you from ever locking him down. Graves thrives in early game skirmishes and can easily abuse Kayn before form through that of constant jungle pressure and invades. Against Graves, you will most likely have to give up any early scuttles and concede any pressure to him early/mid game as your weakest point is pre form. For most Kayn players, Graves is a MUST ban as it proves to be his worst matchup.”
litecrunch says “This guy will dominate the early game and will most likely try to invade you. Don't fight early at all as he can kite you easily, ESPECIALLY with phase rush.”
liserith says “Graves's strongest weapon is his kiting strength. However, as a fellow ranged champ, you can duel him just fine. When he hits you with W, make sure to Q out as soon as possible.”
kaynt ward says “Graves can clear as fast as you which means he can invade early easily and screw you over. His mobility in the jungle can mimic yours which makes it hard to run away from. If it's a good player he can out-kite you easily before you get form. Also, he is ranged which is bad when going Rhaast.”
etlios says “Unkillable and will one shot you, but has a hard time forcing a fight on you if you don't face check him. Just avoid him, because he will just be you but better.”
Gumipapucs says “I do not like playing into this champion. He will be stronger in early game, so you want to mostly avoid 1v1's with him unless you are ahead.
Try to track him & predict where he may be able to gank, ping your teammates and prepare for counterganking. If you are behind or you just don't feel it would work out, you can invade his jungle on the other side / get drake/herald or gank another lane, as you know he won't be able to respond to any of this.”
ShadowCross says “He can kill you any part of the game, cancel daisy autos, outfarms you, build serpents and invade you for free. It's just so unplayable. but if you get your lanes fed and position well he can't get to you in teamfights . ”
Shinkutsune says “Avoid him in the early levels, he kills you if you dont dodge his Q. After 6, you should be able to 1V1 him if you use your Q correctly and if he isnt 20/0.
KeyTheMonolith says “Graves can clear faster then you invade you at will and if you go Shadow Assassin he can blind you when you engage he also has the power to one shot you at will.”
temple1997 says “Griggs can definitely be a problem if given the chance, he can do a good amount of damage and kill you before you can kill him if you aren't fed.”
chevy the sloot says “Updating after recent nerfs. This champion is still annoying but is better. Try to start opposite buff and have someone ward your other buff because he likes to invade. Post 6 you can fight him if you have a lead just make sure you kite out his Q and W. Red smite is mandatory here.”
c0st0m says “both junglers want to again power farm till certain spikes, graves struggles against ap matchups and mobile champs so in a duel you can definitly beat him”
Tinjus says “Very annoying to deal with, but Kha'Zix can handle him quite easily. Get the jump on him first and use Void Assault to stop him from auto attacking you. Just be wary when jumping on him, he can easily dash away which leaves you vulnerable without Void Assault.”
Udyr uber says “Tente acabar com ele no level 3
E quando ele estiver gankando, tente invadir ele, pois ele consegue ganhar as trocas no early contra você (Se ele souber caitar)
Tabi+Guerreiro+Malho congelado
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Grave's damage output can completely obliterate Gragas before he gets the chance to do anything. Like Amumu, try to invade Graves early on and win the game as soon as possible.”
Tylen says “Graves can invade you and kill you easily at lv.1 rendering you useless for the entire game. A way to counter this invading is to start blue then vertical jungle, don't contest scuttle and counter jungle him. Stack AR. ”
kidgrindel2 says “Graves is a ranged champion so it'll be difficult for Viego to stick onto him already but he also has a dash which also makes it difficult, and if Viego whiffs his W then its all over for him.”
WILK3HHH says “Conqueror, graves is the most disgusting matchup imo, his w is the strongest skill in his kit "smokescreen", his e can stack up armors, his r is dealing high dmg, just dodge or ban”
Bel37 says “You can actually fight him early. It really depends on how good the graves knows how to kite though. But in general he isn't too much of a threat.”
JunglerBuilds says “Ward your jungle and you should be alright. Has good jungle clear and high early damage. Needs a support to duo objectives. Try not to get counterjungled.”
ChaseMorePlz says “He has high burst potential when he gets ahead, however when he dashes you need to hit your Bandage Toss on him to stop him from reigning terror. Overall, an easy matchup just ward for your team and be wary of his invades. ”
CaptianMike says “While Graves is Auto Attack based, he does deal plenty of damage. I would avoid fights early, but you win mid and late game. There is not too much to worry about. Just farm and outscale.”
sonminh says “Don't fight him early. 2v2 is possible if coordination is right and you have the first attack. Don't try to match full clear with him; he is way faster. Look for counter ganks, Graves can only gank if your laners are extremely vulnerable. Later in the game, picking him off is easy. Focus him first and play front to back if possible.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early , avoid fights when he has E stacks up.
Graves is powerfarming jungler so try punishing him whenever you can on ganks or in his jungle.”
Kevalanium says “as long as you play smart and wait until 3 or 6 don't miss your q early and you should win if you get a lead he is 100% useless once you hit 6 ”
xracer02 says “Graves is just broken and has too much armor against you. He will rush Plated Steelcaps and you won't kill him. Graves also gets too much armor with his E passive.”
G Spot God says “If he gets ahead it could be a long game for you. If not then I like the outscaling potential skarner has in this matchup. Must push the envelope early if he is behind and punish him. Only take duels if you hit your e and you have the spire or are very ahead. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “This is one of the most skilled matchups, he has one of the healthiest clears in game, he has mobility, burst, and DPS. Not an easy matchup I have to say, but, if you sneak invade him, or cheese him early, you win. If not, you'll eventually outscale him with form and mythical item, and one shot him. Make sure you don't let him invade you, and don't fight him for long, cause he will kite you off.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Graves can be a very rough match-up if he gets an early lead, but if he falls behind even a little bit you can just eat him up.”
ziolo to noob says “Always go ignite against him, he never kills you, you're ultimate counter to him due to your Q and amount of damage early to late game.”
Wookie_Meme says “You have to play safe against him, he can easily 1v1 you. he can also start to perma invade if he gets a little fed, which could cause some huge problems.”
EvoNinja7 says “He out damages you in the early game, so play passive until you get your Kraken Slayer. Once you get Kraken Slayer you should be able to out duel him if you land a fully or semi charged W.”
MetaSolaray says “Graves natural tankiness from Grit will make him a tough matchup. While you win in direct fights if you can get on top of him smokescreen can make this hard. Counter with nimbus clock and avoid invading Graves if he's running Phase Rush. Taking waterwalking you can try to catch him turning corners with good vision and your raw melee stats will win early game. Late game build bramble and focus on peeling him as he'll be to bulky while dealing damage for you to handle.”
Sq_09 says “Graves has similarly low pressure to you early, but he clears way faster than you. Try figthing him when you have your Liandry's, since he is not at a point where he could just delete you. Speaking of which, he can oneshot you as soon as he has Collector. In teamfights, you can try to catch him out and burst him, since he probably won't survive being ERd in a teamfight.”
DarkAuraLOL says “A really annoying matchup early, he has great mobility especially with phase rush, he has good invading kit, with his dash through walls , he has a real fast clear , and doesn't lose health, just try to cheese his other side of the map, and only fight him if he's lower than you, also don't chase him once he dashes, cause of phase rush proc, try to fight him off, back when he dashes, unless u can flash and finish him off . Also avoid him invading your jungle , ward and ping your teammates.”
RedNBlue says “You have longer range just make sure to dodge out of his near sighted smoke bomb so that you can still shoot him. Otherwise he will be a piece of cake and if he picks graves into you he will be making a GRAVES MISTAKE!”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Graves is kind of weird where it's like if you get slapped harder than you slap you lose. Landing stun on this guy is basically an essential, especially if he has phase rush. Don't try to ult him to gap close just because you missed your W unless your giga ahead. It's probably not gonna do you any good. You will probably appreciate either Galeforce or Kraken Slayer vs him.”
Sheathblade says “Graves can easily burst you down if your not careful. Fight him with caution; he will most likely go nosing around in your jungle. Also has stupid amounts of armor for no reason.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “"even" is just the average of 50% of graves being a tiny threat while the other 50% being an extreme threat. Most people can't play him well enough”
Shukori says “As of right now [Patch 11.3], Graves is really bad in my opinion and is therefore not even a threat to Karthus. Nevertheless i will write down Notes in case he becomes strong again.||||||Graves becomes a threat starting at lvl 1 because his Shotgun passive allows him to exert a lot of damage with autoattacks only. He also has a really fast Clear so make sure to ward in case he steals your Camps and if he does act accordingly. His Smokescreen [W] can be quite a nuisance but as long as you kind of "guess" where the enemy is and Q while walking out you should be fine. This is kinda the part where Intuition and gamesense comes into play.”
Hidon1 says “He likes to full clear as well. He will come out if the kills are free and he might also make a pressure gank to get some objectives, but the only thing he has on you is early invades - be careful to not get gunned down in your jungle. But with Phase Rush your early fighting in the jungle should not be a problem. ”
adony101 says “You can match his early aggression but he outscales you, especially in teamfights. You can 1v1 him mid-late game if he doesn't build mr. Go zhonya's 3rd item. Not a bad match-up overall imo.”
J03B0B says “A good graves look to stall your lvl 6 spike by invading and looking to take 2v2/3v3 skirmishes. He'll be more useful than you pre 6 so make sure you're not baiting your teammates into what graves wants.
When you gank, it better work, or your opposite side jg is gone and your level 6 is delayed by a lot. Once you have ult take over the game! ”
J03B0B says “HIs E allows him to dodge your E, after that he procs phase rush and dominates you. It's not unwinnable but he will out scale you and he isn't easily exploitable early game. ”
TheMrDarkness says “PERMA BAN HIM IF YOU ARE PLAYING RENGAR. You will regret not banning him. he's just as squishy as any marksman, but if he stacks if E, he is just unkillable also if he has phase rush is hard to catch him”
SingleSausage says “He has better clear than you and can steal alot of ur camps to get ahead, early u can beat him if you stay on him and e his burst but if he kits u he can win, you have better gankes after 6 he has better become 6 overall its a skill match up”
YIVENDER says “His Smoke Screen is annoying and he has alot of Dmg but since he has no CC, you can dodge alot of his spells or negate some damage with your W.”
Schadenfreude says “If you main this champion, go ahead and close out this tab, because I hate you. I have seen people taking galeforce on him, so he might be harder to catch, but if you manage to get your hands on this piece of shit, I want you to make him suffer. Invade any chance you get. Put him behind and make him regret queuing up. ”
chevy the sloot says “You are arguably the only counter match up Graves has. That said this is usually a tempo match up so you want to bully him and deny him a snowball before yours. ”
Watsonthe8th says “Im told this is a good match up for jax. I have no complains. he has a hard time fighting you as your e negates his burst. Ive lost to alot of jaxs while on graves so...... maybe its good.”
styllEE says “Nocturne is really good into a lot of junglers atm, he beats most of them 1v1, and can nuke a lot of the populars like Graves, Taliyah etc.”
Karthus man says “Graves can be a problem to you, but only in the early game and if he gets fed. If that happens, you should get a stopwatch to survive his initial burst and also try to power farm to catch up. Be weary about his invades because that is what graves likes to do.”
TheElibeater says “Hard counter to Kayn. Especially in the earlier stages of the game, Kayn doesn't stand a chance against Graves. His additional armor from the passive of his E makes him a great duelist against AD champions.”
SDA Foobar says “he scales well in late game and does almost same dmg as lee sin in early, very strong you can try to counter gank or tell your solo laners to help you invade ”
ToMeTTV says “Strong champ in general but and can get tanky so AD does very bad into this and AP will struggle also because he can just dash onto you making it very hard to cite.”
Karwit says “Jest to chyba najcięższy przeciwnik dla kayna , Jeśli gramy asasynem , nie jesteśmy w stanie zadać mu obrażeń jeśli trafi nas krótkowzrocznością , jeśli gramy darkinem jest na tyle mobilny aby nas obijać zanim my zadamy mu obrażenia. Dodatkowo ma ogromny pancerz z pasywki E”
Kosserai says “Graves can feed himself pretty easily, once he haves eclipse and The Collector, you can say goodbye to the victory, try ganking the winning lane if this happens, if there is no winning lane, gank the one with the most amount of kills”
Chaddy Chapstick says “Graves is Ivern's biggest counter seeing how he can dodge, put out high damage, and fight better than you in every stage of the game. His autos will knock back monsters/minions and daisy is considered a monster so she will never be able to get her 3 hit passive on him.”
Ivern OTP says “I used to ban graves perma since his autos push back Daisy and it used to tilt the living shit out of me. Graves can easily counter jg and contest your camps. Any champion that has an easy time getting into your jg and possibly stealing a prepping camp is a high threat to you.”
ractick says “His passive, his E and W can be very abnoxious to Kayn. He will be able to kite Kayn with his E and Phase Rush.
His W (Nearsighted) can prevent you from using R at the right time and cause you to die.
Tricky match-up, not the hardest can be won with both forms, but I find Blue a better fit.”
nicksms says “I permaban graves. There are worse counters to Shaco but I just can't play against graves for some reason. He outfarms me, outganks me, out-objectives me, and most Graves players I play against can actually use the champion (unlike heca or nunu, for some reason).”
McSushi says “You'll have to rely on him misplaying.
there's usually no way to win against a good graves, so you'll have to abuse every mistake that he or his team makes.
in gold elo and below, he will usually do a five camp clear from red to gromp. you can do a double buff gromp clear and invade him, low elo players just CANT kite camps, even on graves.”
Connweasel says “Graves is a top contender for my ban every game, this champion's passive gives him addition armor which makes him tanky without items. His entire kit is all about kiting, and it can be extremely hard to actually get on this champion and deal with him.”
ENIGMAckey says “Graves is not only the most meta jungle in higher elo for the last few years, he is also the most annoying by a wide margin. Even if you root him with your Q and slow him with your shield, he can still stay on top of you.
If you fall behind to Graves, consider your jungle gone.”
CalicoCactus says “Can be annoying early with his smokje screen and his kite ability, at the end of the day he is an ADC who right now is building lethality, you should have no problem with him.”
RankOneZesin says “Graves is the champion I ban 100% of the time. Graves makes your life miserable. He will kite you around and outsustain you after he finishes his Death's Dance combined with red smite. If graves goes Phase rush the only way to fight him is getting the Phase rush on cooldown or have your laners CC him so he can not escape. If you meet him 1v1 the only way you kill him is if you get the first combo in from an unwarded area. I don't think this matchup is playable though as he 9/10x outperforms you later on in the game while being unkillabe.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Graves is only a major threat because of his early game power. Always watch out for level 2 invades with his E and save your taunt for when he flashes or Quickdraws away.”
jhoijhoi says “ Graves is a heavy burst damage carry. His combo of Quickdraw, Buckshot and Collateral Damage coupled with any sort of support CC/damage increase often results in a kill. He is also innately tanky due to True Grit, so it is hard to lower his health. Lastly, Smoke Screen is often used to confuse those trying to gank, or to hinder anyone who tries to flee - the lack of vision completely screws up any initiation or follow up.”
killcolin says “Same thing as lee sin. If he invades you pre-6 you're fucked. Once you hit 6 you can duel him with no isolation but he does scale very hard and can be a pain to deal with due to his w cancelling your q.”
Andygumy says “His Smoke Screen is annoying and he has alot of Dmg but you since he has no CC, you can dodge alot of his spells or negate some damage with your W.”
NiceTryVi says “Graves, like kindred, will kite you forever, but is far less annoying to deal with than she is. His high burst is something to be wary of as well.”
Fresh Diamond says “Graves W and E makes it hard to fight him without blue smite. He is much less mobile than Kindred, but his high auto damage and his armor stacking passive makes him unusually hard to kill.”
VirulentCabbage says “A good Graves will invade you level 2 and send you to the grey screen simulator for the rest of the game by taking all your clear and then snowballing till he can one shot your entire team. 99% of games you should ban this champion in ranked. Norms are mostly okay.”
Minase says “Graves can easily shut you down and make your game unplayable and ontop of that he can very easily buy MR making him unkillable. However, if you get ahead early he can't play the game at all, so just try to avoid him and path safely so you can find a kill without dying. If you die even once the game is most likely over.”
BoyWonder00 says “Amazing early game and will look to invade you often. He can also use his W to keep you from fearing him with your Q. He falls off late game, though, so if you can not die you outscale him.”
ACE4291 says “Can be annoying and tanky. He perma invades but you have a better teamfight 5v5 kit
Silence and Q is an easy escape if he chases you pre 6”
Orfeass says “Againts Graves you dont play leauge of legends you play survival due to his dominant early game and his constant invades make him really hard to play againts with thet fact that you need Rhast to beat him but he gives Shaddow Assassin orbs just makes it harder. ”
At0mikx458 says “Graves has a lack of MR so you can deal a lot of damage. But be carefull in 1v1 if you miss cocon because he can deal a lot of damage”
BoyWonder00 says “Like Elise, he shuts down Kayn and prevents him from getting his form. His E also stacks armour, and both Rhaast and SA do mostly physical damage.”
PH45 says “Has a dash so be careful as he can burst you really quickly early on as you are quite weak without your transformation. Remember to dodge his Q as it deals a ton of damage and in narrow spaces its much faster to explode.”
FalleN3 says “Graves has incredible early damage and if he gets fed you will have a big problem dealing with him. You will need to avoid his Smoke Screen as the loss of vision will leave you vulnerable. Using your meditate can help you to survive all-ins.”
Holessando says “Graves is extremely powerful now in my opinion, he's a tank bruiser/assassin, who is really unbalanced. He can do a lot in late game, with full items, he gets a lot of hp, armor, and also damage, which makes him greatly strong. He can delete the whole team, once, I was playing againt him, and he did literally 1v4, without any help. This champion doesn't make sense, and should be nerfed. Be careful about early trades, since he's strong in all phases of game. Try to not get him fed, or he'll do the thing I wrote before. He may come to steal some of your camps, so be prepared. ”
metalhydra273 says “I'm going to say it again once more so I don't have to repeat myself too much, but whoever gets ahead usually wins. Graves is very susceptible to ult and you can run him down, but if he's too tanky to deal with it could be hard to kill him. Look to pull ahead before the late game and keep up pressure.”
DemacianStandard says “It's Graves. You generally won't do damage to him, but you can take advantage of his lack of mobility in extended fights. He cannot be duelled at any point in the game and is prone to stealing red buffs.”
NixLychee says “The biggest threat for Kayn, this is almost always an insta-ban because, as Kayn, you get kited REALLY hard, so you don't want to go up against a lot of ranged Junglers. His dash and kiting ability makes it impossible to hit your abilities, and his smokescreen prevents you from using your targeted ultimate, so basically just always ban Graves.”
Xe0N says “He is a 1v1 beast and he will kill you multiple times in the early game. If he always counterjungles you and/or 1v1s you in your jungle all the time play aggressive and try to gank a lot.”
brSL7 says “Muitos Graves gostam de ficar invadindo a sua jungle, então peça ajuda para seu time e warde sempre.
No geral Mid-Late Game a troca é do Dr Mundo ”
AKScorched says “Graves is a pain in the behind for Fiddle. His mobility is pretty annoying and that nearsight succs (no pun intended). Basically don't fight him and if he invades you ask for your teammates help to kill him. If they don't just invade him and steal his raptors or wolves. Basically whatever he's stealing from you. You win mid-lategame against him, even 1v1.”
NixLychee says “You get kited quite easily, especially if you don't yet have ult or it's on cooldown. Try to avoid fighting Graves unless you are significantly ahead.”
KaRMaX says “One of ther worst match up. He will invade your jgl early, has better mobility and dmg. You need to understand if you have mid priority to be able to farm your jungle and have help from your laners to deal with him. You can try some counter jungle to not fall behind and play around the map, find an opportunity to gank.”
Spection says “ UNCOMMON. Graves is probably your hardest ADC counter, bringing a terrifying amount of damage at any range whether he is extremely behind or way in the lead, you don't ever want to pick Pantheon onto this horrifying champion. He will burst you down in seconds and wipe his face with your blood and tears. ”
chasemyman1 says “You would think this is an easy matchup due to Graves kit being built against AD but its a really tough matchup for Elise. He can dodge your cocoon easily and use his smoke grenade to blind you. Mix this with Phase Rush and he dances around you. Trying and get some early ganks of to get objectives before he can impact the game.”
popthepop says “Strong in solo queue, very hard to contest scuttles because zac is too weak early. Try to split the map and go for the other scuttle. If graves has not snowballed his early lead too far ahead, you are doing well.
berronii says “He's one of the hardest champions to get to in the jungle, you'll get a bunch of damage just by getting close to him. E as fast as he turns back to you, and start going towards him. He'll deal some damage to you even through your E, but you have your Q so you shouldn't worry. Once you get close to him, it'll be hard but you can win if you've finished Warrior. Don't start fights with him before finishing it. ”
Depresso says “Goes Phase Rush thus making your slow worthless against him.
One auto attacks sends daisy directly to Brazil so don't expect to ever get a knock-up on this guy, or by that matter, around him at all.
Can invade and kill you if he knows your pathing aswell”
PsiGuard says “This matchup slightly favors Evelynn as the game goes on, but Graves has a strong early game (especially level 2) and may invade you, so plan your route and place vision to avoid fighting him. Once you have Runic Echoes and level 6, you can start threatening him directly. Watch out for defensive items like Hexdrinker, Mercury's Treads or Phantom Dancer that might make him tankier than he seems. If you keep scaling and getting more AP, eventually you'll outstrip his defenses if you can ever charm him.”
PsiGuard says “Graves' mobility, armor and sustained damage allow him to 1v1 you at most points of the game. You can usually avoid dying to him 1v1, but it'll be difficult to win early fights if he's involved. Feel free to cede minor objectives like the Scuttle to him, as the only way he kills you is if you commit to fighting him. Make sure you take Nimbus Cloak in this matchup so he doesn't run you down.”
Freyhacks says “Because Xin is nerfed, graves became harder to deal with because he got buffed and he can kite a Xin if you dont have any items. You will be fine if you are ahead though.”
Freyhacks says “Graves gets armor stacked on his e so in long fights he out sustains you. In season 9 however Kayn is doing much better against graves.”
Aimisenpaii says “As long as you can dodge his smokescreen, you will win trade, this is a skill matchup, if you get ahead, punish him as hard as you can”
KillyOne says “Similar to Kindred in a sense that he is ranged with a lot of damage, but also is pretty tanky thanks to his E passive. He will likely kite you a lot, so don't try too hard to fight with him. Focus on objectives rather than 1v1ing Graves.”
KillyOne says “A good graves player will give you nightmares in the jungle. He is ranged which makes him hard to kite and he also packs quite a bit of damage and gap closers with a dash and slow.”
Ambient12 says “UNCOMMON. Graves is probably your hardest ADC counter, bringing a terrifying amount of damage at any range whether he is extremely behind or way in the lead, you don't ever want to pick Pantheon onto this horrifying champion. He will burst you down in seconds and wipe his face with your blood and tears.”
League Of Cursed says “You are looking to power farm much faster than he can. Always be on the move between camps, and try to grab scuttles way before he can get there. May be difficult at times, but you can gank harder at 6.
League Of Cursed says “Graves has the ability to clear jungle monsters without spending health and you will lose the battle against Graves in the jungle ...
Dopamine_influx says “A good graves will never die to rengar, as his passive gives him a lot of armor, his red smite and tabi is basically an exhaust. He doesn't clear faster than you, so you can always try to meet him at scuttle, provided you have prio. You win with triple Q if you play it right. (don't chase after he procs phase rush, stay near bushes, predict where he will E when you E...)”
reganakers says “Another champ that can kite Rek'Sai quite easily. His passive also makes him a tank vs AD champs like Rek'sai so taking a 1v1 against him may not be as easy as it would seem.”
Stiwy says “Strong early game and ranged autoattacks. His E armor can be a pain to deal with in the early game.
Try to play safe and you will outscale him.
If you are not too behind you can kill him at level 6.
Ninja tabis are a good early buy.”
Xeldom says “Difficult match-up.
Graves will never lose to you 1v1 due to his Quickdraw. His core build is black cleaver and he will buy ninja tabi's against you. Maintain constant pressure of the map and gank/ward your jungle entrance for invades. Do not let Graves farm for free.”
Poohlio says “He out damage you early and can stack armor with his E, kinda busted not gonna lie especially when he has Phase Rush and out manuvers you too D:”
Jogress says “Strong early - may invade and may ruin you game. Play accurately and ping to allies. If your jungle is warded - counterjungle his part when he appears”
ZLOCO says “Good Graves can Easy counter jungle you with Ignite/Phase Rush so u must play safe vs him,he have extremly good jungle clearance and amazing sustian.”
NoLyfe says “Grave's abusers are kinda gay, if he doesn't get too far ahead you should be okay. Late game just r him if hes ahead , if he's not relevant, just r backline.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Graves overall is less mobile than Kindred, but he has high dmg, and his smokescreen can easily lose you fights, so just make sure to kite him out and play around his abiltiy cooldowns, because if you dodge his W and Q you outdmg him significantly.”
Date Me Lee Sin says “Graves gonna be very annoying, to beat him u need to focus to jump in first then use your ultimate to cancel his auto attacks,he will probably will go ninja tabi that will make ur burst smaller, after evolve Q u will see big difference. Versus Graves i recommend to pick Conqueror and Evolve R and Q in this matchup you can evolve W too so you can minimize his moovement speed.”
MegaAlphaDog says “Similar to kindred in the ability to kite you out, but a bit harder to deal with as his E passive allows him to be a bit tankier in fights. play for objectives instead of fighting early.”
TimRhabey says “He's a pain for you to kill his gank is pretty bad like yours but the major problem is that he can tank you and kite you easily + his W prevents you from AA anything that is out of his W range.”
GhostReaper87 says “This guy can invade you from lvl 1 and will keep invading you if he knows what he is doing.Try to lay a ward down on his red and see where he started so you can adjust where to start so you don't fight for same crab or worst case scenario he invades and kills you.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Skill Match too, this is a little bit harder than Lee Sin and Elise, but is winnable too, hmm, Graves is so tanky at lvl 3 so take care on scuttles”
Kamisore says “Just permaban him, his Grit makes it so he gets free armor so you can't 1v1 him, and if he W's a bush you can't leap and you also get slowed.”
One Stab says “His E passive, items and dmg make him a huge thread, besides him being quite strong rn. Go conqueror, try to squirmish early. Banning him is probably the best option tho. ”
DarkPit59 says “Graves dispose d'outils dévastateurs pour toujours gagner ses duels. Il dispose de très lourds dégâts et peut vous anéantir dès l'earlygame. Si son KDA s'envole, il sera difficile de l'affronter sans mourir. Enfin, prenez garde à son ultime lorsque vous fuyez avec peu de PV.”
SapphireLoL says “Graves can kite you, much like any other ranged jungler, however his smoke bomb can prevent you from ulting him when you need it most.”
WickedPoppet says “You are looking to power farm much faster than he can. Always be on the move between camps, and try to grab scuttles way before he can get there. May be difficult at times, but you can gank harder at 6.”
D3str00 says “To be honest, fights with Graves all always equal. Trouble starts when he hit good smoke - you won't be able to hit Q properly, moreover You will have hard times hitting him with auto attacks, which is key to win early trades. In addition, because of his primary rune (phase rush) he is hard to track with your Q”
agarandom says “As long as the Graves does not throw or run it down, you will most likely lose this matchup. Graves is a hardcounter to Rengar. If he uses his W on you, you cannot jump (since you can't see). He kites you too well and he has way too much armor to deal with. Ban this if you don't ”
SavageFy says “Graves' damage, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Graves often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Basically the same as Nidalee. Be careful of 1:25 and don't take early game skirmishes when he can countergank. Try to get stuff going when he is going for a full clear. You will inevitably fall behind in the midgame so everything before is an investment for you.”
Waffel136 says “Simply bann graves to avoid getting dominated, as it is very difficult to jungle against graves if you play rek'sai due to the kiting.”
GinWinsky says “If skilled, a Graves player will outfarm you and kite you to death. If he gets CCd by your box, then you win the 1v1. Can kill him easily after Duskblade.”
Ehxakt says “Pretty meta right now. Its just a threat when the enemy knows what he is doing. When played correctly you just get outjungled. Just perma gank then i guess.”
TrevorJayce says “Graves's kit is pretty insane into Rengar. The free armor he gets from E as well as the blind that he can just drop in a bush and make you lose both eyes instead of just one, he's going to outdamage you if he's a good graves. Regardless though, play around his blind and dance around his Q and you should win skirmishes.”
Sismanski says “Graves is another odd to fight against Champion. Not as bad as some others, but his Smoke can be annoying, if you want to dash around. You can't dash to what you cannot see.
Technically there still are many threats to Wu, even with this build. Especially CC and constant ranged poke can be hard to fight against. Basically if your team is getting poked to death, there is not much you can do.”
Morzanoth says “So Graves is an odd match-up. He has a similar playstyle to fizz in terms of what he looks to do in a game but he doesn't have as hard a fall off in the late game. I rank him pretty low on the match up list for fizz because he doesn't really have much kill pressure on you since you can more often than not E to avoid a lot of damage and run away. Fizz's level 6 is actually better than graves (20% increased damage to a target) since Fizz can then basically one-shot anyone he chooses. Just be careful of getting counter jungled since graves has a better clear early on.”
Nico449c says “Graves is one of the weaker junglers the only things you should be away of you will lose most fights if you miss e or if you let him hit you with both damage parts of q. Otherwise you will easily win fights early hes weak so if you invade him or countergank him your almost guaranteed a free kill or flash. He got extremely weak ganks early and later.”
Nanfaza says “His clear is clean and healthy along with his burst also fatal if fed. His Smokescreen(W) really annoying since you can't Alpha Strike(Q) out of it.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Graves can be a very rough match-up if he gets an early lead, but if he falls behind even a little bit you can just eat him up.”
The Top Bear says “Skill matchup in his favor. Use your W to dodge his q and you can probably win the fight, however only if you hit the q. Try to fight with as much room as possible and don't confine yourself.”
urrb says “Graves is basically freelo against Kha'Zix. Unless he builds lethality and gets a lead before you fight him, he's generally pretty easy to beat. If you ever catch him isolated he's just dead. ”
SirEdgeLordYi says “he is kinda weak right now but can still outduel you if you are not careful enough. ( if you have a red buff you have the advantage over him)”
cutmeh says “His quick and healthy clear opens the potential for you to be invaded. Smoke screen is also annoying to deal with as it prevents you from jumping ”
0kruemlmonster says “Ghost recommended, he'll try to kite you. He simply deals more damage than you. Hyper late game you got him, but before that it's difficult.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Hard to kill due to his E and items that he can build. Graves can outfarm you, walk into your jungle and beat you 1v1 early-mid game. Try your best to outgank this champion.”
Mkcls says “Graves is 50/50 match-up. Don't try to fight him early, you should be able to outgank him. With recent buffs, he's a bit harder to kill so keep in mind that you lose long time fights with him.”
Simphoria says “Scales decent, has quick and healthy clears. He can't really kill us but he can counter very well. Like Eve, be careful of his snowballing potential. ”
Fyurex says “The current meta is all about the early game. Graves is very strong early game. If you let him snowball he will become way too strong mid game and will one-shot your carries. try denying him jungle farm with counterjungling.”
LFS_aXent says “He is just as mobile as you, due to his auto reducing CS on his his dash and all. He may out damage you. My best advice would be to follow up if he is ganking. Always counter-gank, don't let him get fed. You win early.”
McDank says “He has very high damage output and clears camps very fast so he may try to counterjungle you whenever he sees you ganking, so try to make sure you have good vision in your jungle. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Graves is fairly weak right now. You do what he does but better. Don't stand in his smoke and watch out for his Q. If his E is down, you have a window to punish him before it is up again.”
Laverenz says “Quite easy for Jax to kill. Graves relies on his basic attack, which you can just block ;). Also, he has no real escape move, except for his little dash. You can just run after him if he dashes, no problem. ”
Chromuro says “This matchup is really deceptive: I put it at 1, but it could be really anything. In early game he's manageable, one of his main problems is that he can be easily kited so your Q can stop any of his engages. If he get even slighly fed, he becomes a nightmare and he'll stick to you and kill you with ease. Stealing some of his camps could help you managing this threat”
4by3 says “Also a traditional Shaco counter, it's one of those champions that whether you both of you build full damage, even if you engage on him he will still kill you. Avoid him early he will invade a lot.”
KhaZix Mains says “[5/10] Very annoying to deal with, but you can change your playstyle to get the upper hand. Get the jump on him first and use Void Assault to stop him from auto attacking you. Just be wary when jumping on him, he can easily dash away which leaves you vulnerable if you do not have Void Assault. Also be mindful of how tanky he can become while still dealing damage with the tankiness from True Grit (passive), Challenging Smite, Ninja Tabis, Death's Dance, or more which negate your burst. Q evolve can make a big difference in dueling him. It’s recommended to try out Phase Rush in this matchup as you’ll have a lot more sticking power and slow resistance to not get kited by him earlygame. Also be mindful of his early invades and ganks.”
MrPuggles says “ Graves is easy enough to beat in a 1v1 early. His reload time during the early game is pretty slow, making it so that you out damage him. Graves also has no reliable disengage, meaning once you get on him, there isn't much Graves can do. Don't invade in this matchup, but if you see him, you can probably kill him. Like most champions, he will outscale you, so be sure to make effective use of the early game.”
Yzroma says “Actuellement Graves est faible contre Vi, essaie de counter gank un maxiumum mais ne tente pas d'invade risquée car il peut temporiser sa mort.”
The Jhin Cena says “His smoke can screw up your aim for your Q so try and avoid that most of all. Also he could possibly dash out of the way of your Q so try and strike unpredictably or if you know it's down.”
Bombabo says “You will be hopeless against him until you're 6, and you will struggle against him throughout the game, due to his natural tankiness and crazy damage. If you're gonna go for him, be sure to make it quick, and expect to have to ult”
Lil Trash says “He is easy to kill early on make sure you don't let him roam around freely in his jungle and let him cs mid game. Other than that he is an easy matchup”
xMalcho says “Don't fight him lvl 2 or 3 he is much stronger than you.Try killing him when you have ult and you can catch him sometimes when he is doing raptors he will be low on health.Try to ward his raptors or yours because graves players love taking raptors.Raptors <3”
Toad12138 says “A good graves can destroy you because 1, he can dodge your W easily with his E, 2, he beats you 1v1 easily early game and can invade your jungle constantly, 3, he outscales you late.”
quinceeeee says “Grave is ranged, mobile, high-damage, which is too much for a morde. He doesn't even need R to kill you, because you just can't touch him.”
Dayum Draven says “Graves has high burst damage so his damage is on par with you. His smokescreen is important because it denies your vision and every second counts”
abboz says “He is scary. His burst makes him very strong rn. Be careful not to fight him when hes fed. Use your e to zone him and use ur r and q to steal his dmg and armor”
Fruxo says “Dodge his Q whenever he tries to use it for wave-clear (If he use it). Try to dodge his smoke + R to avoid unnecessary deaths. And be careful of ganks, we don't want any deaths here.”
Twist21 says “His lvl 3 is stronger than yours , don't try to solo kill him in the jg but if your laners are stronger than his laners try to take 2v2 / 3v3 fights for the scouttle crab.”
BigBadVoodo says “Extremely hard matchup for us. We can never stay on him as he can kite all the time, and his dmg is pretty absurd. The only time we can even think of killing him is on his red at level 3, but if we make one mistake, it's over.”
xTheUnlimited says “Pretty strong jungler right now. Not sure what to do against him. Warn your teammates, 2v1 him and just wait for late game where you are tanky enough to compensate his damage. If this guy gets ahead, your game could be over!”
Yuki Nagato says “Very annoying matchup, if you want a chance at fighting him you have to get the jump on him first and even then he can just E away, be careful of how tanky he can become because of his E stacks.”
LePlay says “He relies on his E - which is easily blocked by your W - to reload his gun and get some armor, but also deals significant damage with his auto attacks and his Q. Furthermore, you can´t use your E on him while he blinds you with his W”
PenguinOnStick says “You should be able to deal with graves early on since Jax is almost unstoppable at that time. It will be a bit tricky late since he is very tank. Don't use your E before he uses his. Or Q on him when he has used his E.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “He is probably the best Solo Q jungler right now. He will mosly farm but gank as well not too much but as long as you don't get an early lead he will destroy you and your team. So you will have to get an early lead and counter gank him with your laners. Most of the players below diamond just pick him because he is meta and don't know how to play him.”
OmnimX says “His nearsighted can screw you over, but he only has 2 bullets. Try to engage him without ammo, or use your charm. If charmed, he will melt like a regular squishy.”
ElementressX says “This guy is disarmingly strong. Don't let him kite you. IF you do get close enough he is dead. Try to kill him as much as possible, but don't die to the other lanes doing this.”
Iced IMP says “With a dash that gives him resistances and allows him to stick to you coupled with his damage this match up is quite a challenge. Avoid it at all costs. If you find yourself in this matchup use plenty of wards.”
Wulfery says “In 1 on 1 fight you may have a chance due to E, but he'll still be able to outdps you, especially if smoke screen will be dropped right in time.”
Violzandre says “Okay, one of the few real threats, he's going to poke you and run, slowing you, bursting with his abilities when he can do a great dmg, and he farm good too.
Tips? Try to get every red buff in the match when you can, abuse of the wards against him and avoid fighting him alone.
Yeah, you can try using your R and you W to catch him but he have a great mobility too, that's why you need to get every red buff, because you can't kill him if he has it.”
LordTamaki says “Graves isn't to bad if you charm him. He has very litlle range just avoid taking melee shots and you should be able to defeat him. As with camilla, however, his early game beats yours.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, don't try to just stand there and out auto this man tho, if he is fed he will shotgun ur weiner and that might hurt, just kite and spell shield his dumb ult and he'll probably die sooner or later.”
Loul_60 says “Graves is a tricky one, the typical 'outfarming' strategy doesn't really work with him because he has very good clear too, Graves can also out 1v1 you early, just try to powerfarm level 6, get the correct form for the situation (remember Graves is ranged) and then you may be able to fight him and win.”
TricolorStar says “One of the most dangerous matchups for Evelynn. An AoE blind, stacking Magic Resist, and an execute makes him very, very dangerous. Expect him to take your red or invade you early.”
Morzanoth says “Graves can be a tricky match for FIddle. The high burst and sustained damage of graves means you cannot fight him in a 1v1. The only time you can risk fighting a graves is if you can land your ult because he won't be able to escape most of the time. ”
ninja8135 says “He is a beast in the current meta. He has the advantage of range and his abilities give him insane resistances. Do not engage unless you are fed or have an ally to back you up.”
GamingGaodzilla says “You can beat Graves at all points in the game as long as he's going even with you, although you might have some difficulty against him late game. ”
Markz says “Graves can kite you fairly well while doing lots of damage to you. He's also annoyingly tanky so unless you have a clear advantage, don't mess with him too much. Focus on getting lanes ahead and counter ganking.”
Avarkk says “Graves can be very hard to hit with your abilities. And his E armour passive makes him annoying tanky to try duel. Try to get your lanes ahead against this cigar boy.”
OddOwl says “Graves will counterjungle and duel you easily. Making it really hard for you to get any buffs and crabs. He also has two abilities to dodge your E and R.”
Razvan1ro says “Stronger dueling at all stages of the game unless he falls behind. You have better ganks.Try co counter gank and avoid him early.
You can 1 shoot him if you have all trinkets available.”
Damosus says “Early game you get clapped. He just out damages Yi at many points in the game. If you have Guinsoo stacks and ult you should have a fairly easy time fighting him. DON'T fight early, and watch for invades. ”
TheGodKingSilver says “Much like Kindred, Graves can kite you fairly well while doing lots of damage to you. He's also annoyingly tanky so unless you have a clear advantage, don't mess with him too much. Focus on getting lanes ahead and counter ganking.”
CalebsLegacy says “Don't let him counter jungle you as he is a great farmer. Once ahead, you can't beat him but, you can easily win if you counter jungle him and fight him in the bushes. ”
0 Ganks Given says “Kindred is actually one of those champs that can stand toe to toe with Graves through out the whole game, and scale beyond him with their marks. Just watch out for his damage he can still burst you faster.”
KonOCE says “He has fast clear, with a boat load of damage, stay away from walls and try to fight him in the river or in the open, he wont be about to kite you”
Morzanoth says “Graves is probably the strongest jungler when he is meta. He clears super fast and doesnt even lose HP. Thankfully you are a tank and have a good amount of cc to use. If you get ahead in the match up you can actually bully him a bit and if he mispositions you can kill him with your team.”
Abidd says “Good Graves players will be able to kite you, however if you see him in the river, always go for him since there's no chance he will escape both Waterwalking and Celerity. You will out damage him, in this sense. Other than that, don't even try it.”
MetabuserEU says “Pretty strong jungler right now. Not sure what to do against him. Warn your teammates, 2v1 him and just wait for late game where you are tanky enough to compensate his damage. If this guy gets ahead, your game could be over!”
ChineseMonkey says “Graves countera o Shaco devido a sua passiva, que joga minions e consequentemente a ShacoBox para trás, fora sua capacidade de te caitar até o inferno.
xXZwippinXx says “Early On will have a better clear and higher damage scaling, you can catch him off guard once you reach Lvl. 6, try to use your stealth to your advantage.”
Castcade says “Graves Is not hard nor easy to fight his near sight is annoying because you need to waste a q to get out of it without letting the arrows fly to anyone his armor stacking is hard to deal with but you have more dashes i recommend playing safe and do not contest marks with him”
Meta4our says “You all probably know why u placed Graves on this list it's because he is the perfect counter to Kayn no matter the form,or how much kills you have.
He will always he a strong pick individually and a good counter pick to Kayn”
MannerlessNG says “Easy.
He can duck and weave and a decent one can kite you around to be sure, but if you jump him or put him into a wall, he's toast in no time.
He has pathetic damage early on, decent damge mid game and back to pathetic at late when your all tanky.
He's a high risk champion who needs tons of gold and ganks to really do well, which can't be expencted from anyone who isn't an expert.
He also invades your jungle a lot, so ward.”
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