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Fiora Counter Stats

Fiora Counters
Discover all champions who counter Fiora. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Fiora in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,809 Tips for countering Fiora below

Top Lane
49.66% Win Rate98% Pick Rate Fiora Top Lane Counters: 44 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Fiora in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

OOBLEXX says “Extremely hard to duel unless you are very far ahead. I ban her most of the time.”
MORDEKAISER *BONK* by OOBLEXX | Mordekaiser Player
VirtusTheImmortal says “Fiora can be between super evil, and ok. If you don't Q her often and decide to focus on W and E, it shouldn't be as bad.”
Cho'Gath Fimbulwinter Tank by VirtusTheImmortal | Cho'Gath Player
Kai Cenat Fanum TAX rizz says “Perma ban, if the fiora has 1 braincell you cant do nun”
Sigma Ohio Gyattkaiser build 🗣️💯 by Kai Cenat Fanum TAX rizz | Mordekaiser Player
Skaarlschloch says “It used to be a really close skillmatchup vs good fiora its hard to win nowadays”
Secretly OP XinZhao Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Xin Zhao Player
SemenDrinker says “Aatrox's most Infamous matchup. 2nd wind or bone plating, either or is fine. I always take shield into her cuz most Fiora's are gonna go grasp and just poke. But if she goes conq blade isn't terrible. The matchup is all about unpredictability. The most common way to trade is Q1, then get into range for q2 and e to the side to avoid parry. You will never w if she has her parry up as your w cd is almost the same as her parry. If she doesnt parry your q2. If you feel confident enough you can actually get away with q3ing directly onto her and simply walking off to the side. But I always found this to be a ping diff sill tbh. You MUST take plated and executioners into her as the matchup becomes a lot more bearable from then on. Then she just gets items and one shots you anyways. Lastly always hug the wall to hide your vital whenever she ults you. ”
Horrible Aatrox Main Gives You The Bare Minimum by SemenDrinker | Aatrox Player
Banzi says “she got strong poke and all in and her w can block ur q so try and use e+q combo to catch her off guard get an early bramble west ”
Engage + Value build - Tresh off-meta by Banzi | Thresh Player
IvanBeifong says “True damage, strong level 1, a good fiora will try to take you away from the wave, just let her and wait to level 3, try to bait her W jumping to her with E1, throw Q, and that'll usually be enough to bait it, you're strong in levels 4-5, be careful, she can parry your W. Her ult is pretty meh, you proccing the vitals of her R won't trigger any true damage.”
femboydegilim says “W. ”
⭐Best Toplaner⭐ Lillia Toplane Guide ❤ by femboydegilim | Lillia Player
y every name taken says “Never 1v1 her even if she's behind. If you are engaged with her for any reason, try to have your back against a wall so she won't be able to proc a vital there with her ult/passive. Also, a good Fiora will anticipate your Q engage and parry accordingly: sometimes I slightly miss my Q on purpose to trick Fiora's that are only paying attention to the animation but not the direction of the dash.”
Vi Matchups, Tips & Tricks [updated 14.15] by y every name taken | Vi Player
PetriciteLoL says “Really hard as you can't Q max against her due to her dashes and If she's good she will parry your E. Go Conq and 3 Q into W max.”
Rank 1 Sylas NA's Guide on New Sylas by PetriciteLoL | Sylas Player