Mid Lane 51.12% Win Rate91% Pick RateMalzahar Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Malzahar in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Hot Chocolate says “tbh he isnt that much of a threat but he can quickly get a cs lead and destroy you so be sure to make trades with him and dont get behind in cs if possible.”
revielfrank says “Flash ult is always an option for him but you have an enemy of your own kind. He will also want to scale with farm but can't scale as you and doesn't have roam ability. And as long as you seek his E, you won't be harmed at all. ”
j4m.euw says “People believe malzahar is a very difficult matchup, and it is in lower elos. However, the matchup isn't that hard, but he can poke you alot. Try to take second wind in this matchup over bone plating, this can really help recover if you have taken a lot of damage from his trades. His Q can easily be dodged by your E. You can easily kill his W's by using your E, but try not to go in towards him or you may take heavy damage if you are not ready for the trade. You can stack your Q's on his W's, for it is basically free gold. After first back, you should consider taking Quicksliver Slash, because it can remove the cc from his ult. He will be stuck in his ult animation and won't be able to move if you use your QSS quickly, and can easily secure the kill.”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Very annoying. Watch his ult. Merc's is good but you wont need it until after RoA. Try and look for some roams early game as he can burn mana like paper. Late game he matches your wave clear with two button clicks. Keep your distance until he ults someone else then freefire on his team. FoN is good here. ”
Cepatrol says “push him in as hard as possible early, he cant farm under tower, if enemy jg pressures you while doing this gg, and need to pool early in fights so he cant r”
xumi_k says “Very painful... for Malzahar. You stack your passive on his little void minions, gaining gold, damage, mobility... you kill him easily. He has a passive magic shield, so if it's up, you can't stun him with E, but he still gets marked. I usually start with R when all-in him, it destroys his shield and you can stun him with E, so he won't run away.”
Tamikaze says “I would say Azir counters this matchup. Once you have Nashors, it's unplayable for Malzahar. Your high waveclear prevents him from shoving you under the tower, and it's easy to proc his passive with your Q poke. I only put him as minor threat rather than tiny threat because of his easy gank setup. There is really no way to counter his flash+R, but he can only do it every 5 minutes. Just be conscious of the whereabouts of the Jungler. Try to time your recalls with either Malzahar, cannon waves or teleport to maximize your xp and gold consumption in lane. He could build an xp advantage early solely for a bad recall you did. ”
MattStyle says “Es sencillo. Evita acercarte al minion que tiene su E para que no se pase a ti. El principal problema es su R que muchas veces impedirá que puedas ultearte, pero tiene poco rango. ”
Tatsurion says “I mean, if anything he just lets you have more cs, and malzahar players are brainless, 2 gold per minion, 3 minions at a time, every time they want to waveclear they get you bascially a full minions worth of gold, and it does add up especially early since they tend to cast them multiple times a wave, sure the ult is annoying, but his silence doesnt affect you, and his E cannot reach you without being poked back. Nothign he can do here. All yours.
take burst if the comp allows”
JuulBox says “He's very oppresive against your weak early-game clear and his R just completely stops you. Use your tunnel Q to get rid of his shield from afar”
Vladmidir says “DODGE THIS CHAMP, DONT EGO IT. if u end up playing against this abomination, you have to hard shove in waves pre 6 and look for solo kills/dives. After 6... goodluck bro.”
GreenReapers says “Any Page viable. Proccing first strike can be rather awkward, because of his passive shield.
D-shield can be a very good buy, if you want to trade with him aggressively. It basically negates his lvl 1 E damage, when it hits you, as it reprocs for every tick of it. Still, try not to get hit by it too much.
Playing around Malzahar's passive is the major challenge in this matchup. It has a cooldown of 30/24/18/12 at lvl 1/6/11/16, so it will almost always have a longer cd than your W. By trading as soon or a few seconds after your W comes up, you keep the damage reduction down. This is important, as the shield also blocks your E slow and damage, making it harder to hit your q's. If you throw your combo too fast when the shield is up, all of the damage will get reduced by 90% so throw WE wait for the shield to expire and then throw your qs.
Post 6 the matchup becomes very dependent on malzahars ultimate. He usually won´t be able to one shot you with one rotation of his spells. If you manage to proc his shield you should be able to perma engage him, even if you have to trade minions for the kill, as he will perma shove. Note, that his R is a great way to setup his jungler for ganks, so keep an eye on that and his Q silences, so you won't be able to use your shadows/damaging abilities for 1-2 seconds, if you get hit by it.
Clearing his Voidlings robs him of a big portion of his damage.
Late game becomes harder, as he will be able to basically oneshot you, with one Rotation, while you're supressed. Either get a qss, if you struggle getting it earlier works too, or wait for him to use it on a teammate before going in.”
EVEKING says “Shouldnt be a problem, just watch for his ult, the ult aint the most balanced thing in this game, if he ults you, expect your hp to get melted and you will only be able to look at him..”
sick204 says “Respect Malzahar's space control with his E and R, as they can deal significant damage over time and suppress Yasuo, respectively. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Malzahar's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Malzahar's passive, which grants him a spell shield that blocks Yasuo's abilities if not popped beforehand. Engage on Malzahar when his abilities are on cooldown, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Quicksilver Sash or Mercurial Scimitar to cleanse Malzahar's suppress or magic resist items to mitigate his damage.”
otaliz says “Malzahar is one of the easiest matchups to play as Twisted Fate. Kill his Void Swarm to get more gold with your passive and stop him from push the wave. Just be careful with his ultimate, other than that, just farm, poke him and roaming a lot to win the game.”
Foxirion says “Malza’s crowd control and damage over time can be a major threat to Swain, as he can lock Swain down and whittle down his health over time.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. ANNYOING PIECE OF SHIT. Try to outplay him in early game by Q3 and E. DONT let him EVER ult you. You are dead when he lands his R.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.]
Malzahar is pretty abusable due to his low range and immobility in the early game, and you should chip at his health with Qs. Keep your distance from infected minions so the infection cannot spread to you.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
Malzahar is a worse version of Lissandra : he only has 1 cc and no gap closer besides his flash. You can proc his passive shield very easily with your E slow, wait a bit, then detonate it to damage him. Be careful of where his jungler is and you should be fine since he can't 100%-0% you alone even with flash.”
awawa says “He has no kill pressure pre-6. Make sure to proc his spellshield before you use fear combos. His R can setup ganks and kill you in teamfights.
Dies when you R. ”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Try and build a significant lead in lane as he scales extremely well so he needs to be put behind. You don't really need a QSS since you have so much range, and you're best off just playing front to back teamfights vs Malzahar instead of looking for engages.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. You should be able to build a huge lead in lane in this matchup. I would normally recommend not buying QSS, as typically you will not be an ult target in teamfights due to your range.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Try and build a significant lead in lane as he scales extremely well so he needs to be put behind. You also heavily outrange him in the mid game so just be careful about going melee in fights too early. You can take electrocute ignite in this matchup if you prefer.”
Soft Headpats says “You can proc his passive easily, and your waveclear outmatches his since you can melt the voidlings as soon as they spawn.
He becomes more dangerous once he hits 6 thanks to his point-and-click ult, but you can also EQ him out of it if you cast it right before he ults you. Keep track of where their jungler is, since the only way you should be dying in this lane is to his ult plus a gank.
You can opt for a QSS if you feel like he's focusing you a lot (especially with flash ults), but most of the time you shouldn't be easily accessible for him in the first place. ”
blacklikeblack says “Decent Lane, can be annoying, but after 6 its free. You can cancel his r with your q. Make sure to not waste your Q tho. If you go second wind its free matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Be careful of stepping up post 6 if you don't know where their jungler is. You can consider QSS, but you don't want to buy it too early as it will slow down your spikes too much.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Malzahar does scale well but you scale even better so even a small lead will generally be enough. You can buy a QSS early if you feel like you need it but you should outrange him in fights so I try skip it if I can.”
Deceiver_euw says “Malzahar is similar to Lissandra, but he does not neutralize her in lane. Qss is recommended but you can also play to avoid him later on. In lane you will win 1v1 into him but after 6 you have to respect him hard if there is a chance that his jungler is mid. If you are sure that you are 1v1 mid, you can trade recklessly. You also win 1v1 hard pre 6.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Be careful of stepping up post 6 if you don't know where their jungler is. You can consider QSS, but normally you won't need it in teamfights because of your range so it can be a waste of gold.”
vSomnia says “If uses his E on the minions go take a trade and try to dodge his Q. Kill his W monsters and his waveclear will be less efficient. When you think you have kill pressure but he has R up, go all in with E W and portal yourself most of the time they will panic ult, and get stunned by your portal resulting in a free kill. Be careful for his silence, unabling you to ult.”
elite600.lunar bacca says “most skilled combo in the game you get ganked he presses r and you re dead his passive prevents you from your flash combo massive wave clear but in low elo just get one of the poke runes dodge his q and get his ass almost always works”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Malzahar just dodge his Q, when you trade with your E use W before to breaking his shield and after use third Q to make him take more dmg and get knocked up, don't try to dive him after lvl 6 cause he will R you instant letting you die for tower shot”
gaarrett says “Eye-roll matchup. Won't kill you unless you screw up but Malignance and Malzahar waveclear means some CS will be lost if you roam. Dodge his silence with E. Make sure to remove his passive shield before trying to grab his ult or it will go on cooldown and you will be left with nothing. [4/5] ultimate, can peel for teammates, lock down an important target, or just to show Malzahar what the outplay button feels like.”
MukiiBaa says “He is extreme threat to your turret than you, whenever i try to roam i come back with 3 plates gone.
you are better teamfighter champ than him and you can cancel his R with your E if he ults someone else.
use Q when he spawn his voidbugs”
149Gray says “Hard push lvl 1 since Malzahar has a really hard time farming under turret and can't match your push early, look for the enemy jg/supp so you don't get ganeked, once he buys Lost Chapter, he has wave control and can become very annoying, when he gets lvl 6, try to stay healthy so he doesn't kill you with his R, keep looking for enemy jg/supp. He is really problematic for you later on since he just like Aurelion builds Liandry, Rylai, and Morello.”
ImVoxxX says “Allways be poking him with W to make his passive shield reset.
After lvl 6, i usually buy QSS but you don't need to, just don't fight him.
(I like to fight him even at lvl 6)”
Axsanea says “[EN]
You win, but if he gets a little ahead, and he knows how to position, you shouldn't be able to kill him, + level 6 is a power spike for both, due to the gank set up, you both get.
Tú ganas, pero si él saca ventaja y sabe cómo posicionarse, no deberías poder matarlo, + el nivel 6 es un aumento de poder para ambos, debido a que pueden incrementar la oportunidad de que un gankeo funcione.”
wundrew says “Malz is very weak early. Let him push into you and then you can run him down when he walks up. Trade hard before 6, you can still win after but his gank setup with ult is op.”
SurferKiller says “Stack his minions. If you can't avoid his poke, play safe, call your jungler. Use E on him to break his passive before fighting, specially before jungle ganks.”
KazunaSan says “On rompish, le perso annule tout votre combo avec son passif, vous devez go ceinture hextech pour faire proc son passif et pouvoir le tuer, n'hésitez pas à tuer ses bêtes pour l'empecher de hard push et garder le controle de la lane, profitez de sa faible mobilité pour roam”
FrostbiteMW says “Mostly annoying. Can harass you very hard. He can zone the lane very good and has great sustain. You can't roam since you will lose a lot of farm. He does however have mana problems through out the game! I suggest taking TP in this lane.”
FrostbiteMW says “You outrange him. Just perma poke on all stages of the game and stay back. Only chance he has is a flash ult + jungle gank after 6. Just respect that and stay back.”
FrostbiteMW says “You outrange him. Just perma poke on all stages of the game and stay back. Only chance he has is a flash ult + jungle gank after 6. Just respect that and stay back.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Abuse his weak early game, try to perma poke and push. Normally he doesnt have a way to reach you - be careful of ganks tho.”
Shinbae says “Любой сайт со статистикой по Лиге покажет что у Зои самый низкий винрейт против Мальзахара, такое ощущение что его специально создавали против неё заранее, либо наоборот создали Зои чтобы она на порядок была слабее Мальзы.
Тут полный букет, пассивка которая аннулирует любой скилл( однако снимается простой усиленный АА), кушка которая накладывает сайленс на Зои, что довольно критично, вешка с вызовом войдлингов, если в них попасть, к примеру, сном, мало приятного, ешка наносящая периодический урон и перекатывающая на соседнего твоего союзного крипа или сразу же на тебя (в большинстве случаев, как далеко бы ты ни находился) и ульта, вишенка на торте, Зои и так довольно тонкий чемпион который плохо себя чувствует в стане, так тут ещё и 2,5 секунды ТАРГЕТНОГО дизейбла, Зои просто выключается как чемпион.....
Играя за Зои просто кидайте в пермабан Мальзахара, не трепайте себе нервы, вам они ещё понадобятся”
Wizboy73 says “take default runes or snowball runes. Matchup is super easy, his passive should never be up. if you time it right you can cancel his R with your R instantly killing him pretty much at that point, you outscale too. ”
LoveMid says “You can dodge his silence by sidestepping back and forth but be weary of his early damage and scorch. you can cancel his R with your E-Q if timed right.”
Hexeria says “[You can kill all 3 of his minions with one Passive which is just free gold for you.] [Dont stand to close to minions that got his E on them, and try to get his Passive shield down with a Q before engaging him.] [Also due to his Ult, dont towerdive him and try not to push, if you dont know where the enemy Jungle is.]”
Herr Von Martinus says “With a small side step Azir out ranges Malzahar's Q, avoid his e by constantly pushing him in to the tower, poking him under the tower after early game, don't ever let him pressure the wave more than you do and after that without a jungler there isn't much he can do”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him MAJOR-Threat because he is not danger if he alone but his R will confirm kill you if he took his jungler to stomp your lane”
Iceyou says “Ok this one just dont try to kill . Poke early cause its free but he will have tp and come back before you are able to kill . Play the game fast use his early weakness and roam play with your jungler force objectives , he or his team will do mistakes to contest you and unavoidably lose . ”
TrueGIXERJ says “malz is a click-to-win anti-carry mage. he'll beat you in every 1v1 post-6, but pre-6 you have an opportunity to play really aggressively when his spells are down to try and build a lead. in teamfights, punish his use of R as much as possible and prevent your carries from dying during it. if he Rs you, you die. what a shame.”
The Milelator says “One of the freest, best and easiest match ups for Sion. You CAN'T LOSE LANE! Make sure his shield is never up. And trade with him as much as you can. You can use his crabs to slow him down and ult him. Most importantly his only push option is his "poision" (E), soak it with your W shield and D Shield and deny him minions and prio. Once he is low enough tower dive the shit out of him, get platings and use your prio to help team. ”
Hikkinnado says “Most skillfull matchup, cause you need to dodge his e, predist whe he is gonna ult and use q on him, lich bane is rly good in this matchup.”
WarwicksSimp says “Amazing ban. Similar to the lissandra matchup but he has insane wave clear, and with ghost he can kite you out. Your auto or q can get rid of his passive or a junglers gank to hit him then r'ing him. His flash is more valuable than yours so it's fine if he flashes away defensively, with Malignance he has R up a lot more so this matchup gets so much harder with that and Rylais, borderline impossible.”
FrostbiteMW says “He has no CC besides his R. Because of his low range you can just be aggresive and try to combo him. Just be careful of ganks, since he has insane CC setup.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play since he just outpushes you. His shield is also annoying because you often cant hit him. Its also really easy for him to R you, making you an easy target for ganks.”
Tokiyami says “Bully this champ so hard, zone him from wave, make his life miserable. Take dshield and second wind for sustain because you will be trading with him a lot in this lane. The only times you want to all in him is if hes over extending and his team is nowhere near by so it doesnt matter if he presses R on you or not.”
Lindroganti says “Chuck a spear to stop his passive. Don't stand around minions dying to his burn, it will latch on to you. Don't let yourself get minion swarmed, use them to stack passive. Dodge his silence. You can block his ult, but it's more of a prediction.”
support_diff says “Use Q to break his shield, don't get caught in his poke, destroy his voidlings with your passive, focus on trading and fighting early. When you get level 6, steal his ult immediately and use it to get an easy kill”
Fuzzmonkey says “Make sure to buy Quicksilver Sash at some point in the game and malzahar wont be a problem anymore. Just be careful during laning phase since he will lock you down for his jungler with his ult. Wait for him to use cooldowns on minions and jump on him.”
Wraithlander says “Quite an easy laning phase as he is very weak early on. You can E in and auto to break his shield or use Q to let you engage onto him. His ult is annoying to deal with later on as if he saves it only for you there's nothing you can do except pay the QSS tax.”
Riceyboll says “He can be a bit tricky with his passive shield and the goon summoning, but if you get rid of his shield first and then hook him it's not a problem. If he is smart he will try to summon his voidlings to block your Q so be mindful of that.”
support_diff says “Malzahar deals a lot of damage and has a good cs, but his kit isn't very good against Akshan. Destroy his little goblin fellas to prevent cs him and focus on farming. Search for roaming opportunities.”
TheBougis says “Malzahar is actually not as annoying as you would think he is (at least not to you), the only annoying thing for you is his voidlings blocking your Q.
When he eventually ults your duo you can also ult your duo and protect him with ease.”
Zero macro says “Caitlyn has a free early lane into Malzahar and she should perma push into him if possible. Thereby malzahar has a bad gank setup untill he reaches level 6. Quicksilver Sash is needed to rush for Caitlyn to maintain safe in lane on Malzahar level 6+”
BigDaddyPantheon says “The only problem with Malzahar is his shield. If you can start Q, make sure he doesn't have his shield, and then all in level 2, you should get a strong early lead.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
his ult is annoying but USELESS on you.
Tip : get in you Q range, break his shield with you Q while ulting him then if he ult, he'll be cancelled by the bump ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Your Q can clear his W minions instantly]
[Don't get silenced by his Q]
[Don't stay near minion affected by his E]
[Be careful about his R and gank setup]”
freuio123 says “Malz ist richtig gut in Ahri. Hat push potenzial, nach 6 immer eine gute Antwort für Ahris Mobility und sein Schild ist super hart für Ahri zu brechen, wenn du nicht E + Q von ihm dafür fressen magst.
Ist Tricky, empfehle hier einfach zu gucken was so geht. Mit Ganking Jungler ist Malz recht anfällig, ansonsten outvaluest du ihn in der Regel später in Teamfights und durch deine Mobilty.
Banshees must buy.”
NickLeVlach says “Just make sure that he doesn't have his passive. You can get rid of his passive shield with your Q. You can pre E -Q combo when malzahar goes to ult you and it will cancel his ult completely”
Zeusman00 says “Very annoying, avoid being poked with Q and having the E damage jump from minions onto you. Qss as a 2nd item heavily recommended, pay attention to where enemy jungler is.”
uwuimsocute says “Spellshield is annoying, his little creatures are annoying, this champ as a whole is annoying. Still a fine matchup for Varus, he cannot do much against you.
Just farm and outscale him.”
Fluddah says “His passive is just so so so unfun to play into, you can break his ult with your ult, but his wave clear is nasty, try to get him under tower with Q+W ”
qkthr1 says “i have a good wr against malz but hes very annoying. play careful and be liberal with your flash and w usage back/ W out of his weird ball thing, and be wary of his ult. you out dmg and outscale at almost every point in the game”
Anguish333 says “- Don't fast combo instantly, wait for his passive to come off
- Stay away from minions that are about to die to avoid Poke
- Build QSS to cleanse his R, he will most likely just Ult you and enemy jungler will come
- Don't force when his Ult is up”
Shoei baron king says “da pra matar ele lv 2 lv3, mas depois disso sua vida sera um inferno, pelo menos compre uma bandana antes lv 6, vai te salvar de algumas plays.”
Sosan says “Extremely annoying matchup that shuts you down easily. Take cleanse and Aery and always wait until you engage, his R is super good against you.”
Sephix92 says “He is able to denied your first skill and also can counter and bring you in very bad life position with his R, doesnt matter if you have cleanse or whatever a good malzahar will always catch you.”
Cryniu says “I think this match is hard only because his ultimate counters yours. You can't use your ultimate if Malzahar suppresses you. Try to avoid fighting in lane, your ultimate counters Malzahar ulti on your allies. Try to poke slowly and to keep him without his shield. If you are suffering you could buy Qss but I don't recommend it, I prefer banshee or force of nature in mid game.”
bhakli says “Play safe, second wind + d shield is an option. Farm, look for all-ins without his ult or try to E his R but that's hard. Buy QSS if needed”
MarcZ8 says “Tough matchup, you can easily take his passive out either with e or q and pray for him to get in a bad possition or your jungler to come.”
TB Azir says “Q'ları dodgela, böceklere askerle vurma çünkü tek yemiyolar normal auto at, Q'sunu kullandığı zaman dürtmek için üstüne koş ve adam wave'i pushlarken sen de izlemeyip paso wave'e vur yoksa kule altında wave'le uğraşmak zorunda kalıyosun adam ışık hızında pushladığı için. Flashı yokken çok ittirip kule altına yaklaşırsa da bi insec ve bedavadan 300 gold. Hepsi bu. Ha son olarak da ufak bi trick: Malzahar'dan garanti ulti yiyeceğinizi düşündüğünüz pozisyonlarda siz de ultinizi tam Malzahar ultisini yemeden önce castlerseniz, cast'i tamamlayıp predictleyerek elinizden çıkardığınız ultiniz, ultisini kullanmakta olan Malzahar'ın havaya savrulmasını ve dolayısıyla sizin de kurtulmanızı sağlayacaktır.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
Kostas01 says “One wrong move and you will die because of his ult.
He will only try to trade you if he's going to get help or if he has ult.
Play around summs.”
South Z says “Too much pressure for Jax, and an obnoxious shield. You can farm under turret with a Doran's Shield.
Tip : his shield lingers for 0.25 seconds, so the combo against him is Q -> AA -> W -> E, as this will ensure that your E stuns him.”
DaddyVladdy says “Would say ban but he isnt picked enough so go next/dodge.Perma roam then lock down.You only win until like lvl 4-5.Once he puts into e its over”
vxnity says “Don't try to all-in him if he has ult. Try and poke him every so often so that his shield doesn't come up. Stay far-ish from your minions so that his E doesn't spread to you.”
darkezmond says “Perma-ban 3. His passive skill denies trading with him, aggress from the first minutes of the game until he has no damage, after lvl 6 do not try to contact him in any way”
ardizzle says “Has early lane control against you but is really bad at freezing a wave. Farm safely and focus down his voidlings. Always be aware of what minion his E is on. ”
Budgizee says “You don't want to burn to his R and minions stay at a good range and pray, when he use Ult and passiv its you'r chance to go but becareful of his poison and minions”
Caganos says “If he builds the shitty item that does not even deserve to be named, you will have a lot of down time. You have to wait for his passive and the item to go down (wait after you dash to him) to W him. His ult can lock you down in teamfights however good positioning will make him either waste his ult on somebody else or just never use it. ”
Nooldles says “The lane vs Malzahar is quite boring (like all Malzahar lanes) but it does allow you to scale pretty nicely into your core spikes. HIs ultimate is great to take and as long as you farm relatively well, you outperform him in skirmish scenarios. Can take First strike against him as he never has kill threat onto you solo.”
AnxialSociety says “Spellbook footwear biscuits cosmic.
Manaflow gathering.
Teleport flash.
Play to scale and help your team with utility.
Save Q for voidlings to stop push.
Will flash R you.
He can r your ult forward.
Your job is to not let him push. Ever. That's your job now. You're a push-stopper that matches his laning all-game. That's why you take teleport and cosmic particularly. Consider lucidity.”
Deru says “Very big counter to you since his ult blocks your engage. He also shoves better so asking for jungler's help to stomp the lane is your only play. Rocketbelt is good into him to pop his passive shield.”
Deru says “Very big counter to you since his ult blocks your engage. He also shoves better so asking for jungler's help to stomp the lane is your only play. Rocketbelt is good into him to pop his passive shield.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Keep your distance, farm passively. You can play on him, but his passivity from abilities will not allow you to do this so often, before the camp or any other ability, knock down his AA shield, or W, this will give you the opportunity to deal damage, also at critical moments. when he can play on you through suppression (R), try to throw Q, mb you will save your life.”
StralekS says “Kat Favored: Conqueror/ Domination (Sudden Impact and Ingenious Hunter), Ignite + Flash, Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. On start rush Sunderer with QSS item to escape his R and win lane easier. ”
GG Cannon says “His ult can end your whole career and his Q, if he uses it properly, can mess you up enough so that you won't be able to use E2 to get out and become an easy kill.
If there is a Malzahar on the enemy team, make sure to wait for someone else on your team to engage first and ask your team for help to force him to use his ult, or he will definitely save it just for you,”
Mayuushii says “Fight for lane control and try to keep his shield down with autos or W to max harass damage from Q. Use W move speed to dodge his silence and avoid low minions when he puts his e on them. Lvl 6 be aware of his R which will stop you and hurt, fear the flash R gank setup.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
It is very easy for Zoe to proc Malzahar's spell shield, but a good Malzahar will be able to block Zoe's E with his W's minions, which is more annoying than anything. He has good gank setup with level 6 and Flash R, so just be careful for that. Outside of that, he can't really kill you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
HomeOfLily says “He's not much of a threat in lane, just dodge his silence and treat his minions like heimerdinger turrets (kill them instantly upon spawn) Look to get rid of his shield between him auto'ing the wave, and then look to do heavy trades after you kill his minions. His pushing power is so good that its better to just try and surivive in way until you can get Wit's End and Noonquiver to try and start going against him.”
Whitelies says “Not much of a threat. Just don't get close to his turret. He'll punish you there. Poke his passive with your Q and let the wave get to your turret. But not too close, let your junglers punish him when he's deep.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Duskblade or Prowler]
[Dont let him touch your tower he have insane push] [Rush quicksilver to cancel his R]”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Take cleanse against him. His ult will shut you down in the middle of your combos. Also, his crab dudes will block your E and you may even auto attack them by accident.”
TheAfricanDream says “This matchup is Swain favoured. You can easily kill all his voidlings with your Q. Malzahar will always be inside Swains range which makes him a very easy kill pre 6. Your E can proc his passive as it moves through him, and while on the way back, the E will proc on him and you will be able to pull him for an easy passive stack.”
MetalK1d says “Malzahar is very annoying because of his silence, shield and voidlings they can cover him from your E. The way to kill him is to break his shield you can buy Luden's Companion or Protobelt to make it easier, after you broke his shield you can all in and kill him.”
hesentorki says “Laning is very easy, he has good setups with his teammates. But 1v1's you win. Buy qss after shieldbow. Don't buy zeal or you buy too many loose components. You beat him hard before 6. Can even 1v2 the lane if enemy jungler isn't strong.”
Cjtheawesome says “Another farm lane, be careful of his flash + R combo, maintain good vision in rivers and you should be fine. His E will chunk you out easily so try to chunk him down a little bit before trying 1v1s”
BC1970 says “His passive is annoying but you should be able to farm his ability made minions well to get stacks, which technically means free ap. So in actuality he's just a friendly dude in the enemy team trying to give you ability power :D.”
Demonsedge90 says “Dot damage heavy champion who can eat away at your minions fast, so make sure to poke safely against him and don't get too close to dying minions to avoid malefic visions damage from hitting you. Also, be watchful for his suppression ultimate that will immobilize you and prevent you from doing anything in the fight with him.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “This mf just sits mid and perma pushes and I love matchups like this generally like seraphine. Problem here is if he snap ults you instantly in a fight you are fucked and he can setup ganks well, theres no advice other than play spacing well to dodge his q, dont be tagged by his e off of minions, and play well generally. Rocketbelt is required to undo his passive. Nightharvester just gets absorbed by it. Its a 3 difficulty depending how the mahlz plays, if he adapts and instant ults you are fucked but usually they do shit like go rylais morellos and try to e ult so it becomes playable.”
Atemporal says “Malzahar é um dos confrontos em que você pode ir para o Q hard push nível 1. Eu só farei isso se não vir o Malzahar na lane, porque como Ekko você preferencialmente quer poder andar longe na lane para lançar o primeiro Q. Você já pode
comece a negociar a partir do nível 2. Mesmo que Malzahar tenha seu escudo levantado, você ainda pode negociar usando E nele, então espere 0,25 segundos (seu escudo dura 0,25 segundos depois de receber dano), então Q auto e corra. Não faça o combo padrão E1 - Q - E2
vs Malzahar com escudo para cima. Procure negociações sempre que Malzahar usar E na onda de tropas, mas certifique-se de que o E não salte para você durante a negociação, porque você corre o risco de sofrer muito dano. Lembre-se que seu Q não dá um tiro
Voidlings de Malzahar até chegar ao nível 5 com 3 pontos em Q. Não desperdice toda a sua mana para Q seus voidlings antes do nível 5. Se você conseguir negociações bem-sucedidas cedo e Malzahar ficar com pouca saúde, não o deixe empurrar a onda para livre de sempre. Você pode ficar
perto de seus próprios lacaios em que Malzahar usou E, e os auxílios espaciais se espalharão para você em vez dos lacaios. Após o nível 6, você precisa ter muito cuidado. Quão cuidadoso você tem que ser depende muito do jogo na selva e se o inimigo
jungler é um campeão com dano suficiente para te matar durante o R de Malzahar. Sempre que você achar que Malzahar pode dar R em você, se você estiver negociando com ele ou sendo ganked, coloque seu W de uma forma que você ainda consiga o escudo mesmo se Malzahar te ultar ,
e um W bem colocado pode tanto proteger você quanto atordoar o Malzahar para cancelar seu R. Vs Malzahar que você não quer agrupar porque o R dele torna as lutas de equipe impossíveis de jogar para você. Jogue na pista lateral, se Malzahar vier defender, empurre e desmorone
o time dele. Você não pode lutar em equipe se Malzahar estiver com sua equipe. Você não quer desperdiçar 1300 de ouro no QSS porque perderá muito dano. Na minha opinião, QSS só é aceitável como 4º item ao jogar Ekko vs Malzahar. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
Eins der einfachsten Matchups für Viktor und Pain für jeden Malzahar. Du kannst Early aggressiv mit Q-AA spielen. Deine E oneshottet Voidlinge zu jeder Phase also spar dir deinen Laser um alle aufeinmal zu töten+ Poke aif Malz zu kriegen. Dein Waveclear ist zu jeder Phase besser und deine Ult bricht seine ab (wenn er jemand anderen ultet oder du timing glück hast). Ab Level 6 musst du versuchen sein Schild permanent weg zu haben damit du, wenn er dich ulten will, instant w unter ihn setzt. Wenn er ulten sollte wird er gleich darauf vom Stun unterbrochen.”
Lucid Walking says “FARMING LANE: The main problem with this matchup is that this guy pushes a bit too hard. Soraka has problems farming in lane, and Malzahar makes it unbearable, resulting him getting stronger and you weaker without the need of kills.
Try to balance his pushing by mirroring him: whenever he uses E and his Voidlings, start Q'ing the minion waves aggresively (2 Q's on backrow minions when Q is at lvl3)
Your main goal is to have the wave in the middle.
(tip: also, you can silence his ult to save other teammates, but not yourself (unless you really time the frame right which is so hard to pull off and requires a lot of prediction skills). ”
SanyGame says “This is a frustrating matchup against a good Malzahar. Firstly, you will definitely need a lot of sustain, so take Delivery Biscuits and Refillable Potion. Try to be as aggressive as possible before he reaches level 6 as his damage is very low, cooldown and mana cost are high. Don't overextend yourself or dive him because he can easily use his ult and kill you. Barrier saved me from his ult so many times that I would recommend picking it up (or taking Ignite if you want to be aggressive as much as possible). Beware of the jungle and do deep warding as he relies heavily on ganks. If his passive is active, always try to hit him with a wide [W] to stun him later.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You counter his main ability (R) with your W. he cant do much against you, if he has his shield just Q him but if possible track his passive cd so if its like 3sec before his shield popping up, Q him with pot, so the pot will take off his shield and his passive goes to nothing. He has no damage to kill you, his poke is pretty annoying, quarantine from infected minions and you should be okay. ”
Xelikari says “for most of the lane phase, Malzahar is more focused on the minion wave than actually fighting you. Pop his passive shield whenever possible by just walking up with a Q-- a single tick will break it. Before level 6 you can just walk up and trade whenever, especially if any of his abilities are on cooldown.
For runes, I take either First Strike or Predator, after 6 it gets riskier to interact with Malzahar if you’re not ahead, he does lots of damage and it’s a super free gank so I prefer to impact the map after I quickly shove the wave. I take Doran’s Ring in this matchup to try and further abuse the early lane as well. You can take TP or Ignite, I prefer Ignite for stronger roams and kill pressure early on.
Note: QSS will remove the ‘suppression’ debuff, but he will still damage you with his Ult.”
sapphire__lol says “His ult is generally good against you later. On lane he can bully you a bit but at the same time he is attackable. Try to break his passive shield with your q then look for all ins pre 6. After 6 play with your jungler to kill him. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
Adamonias says “You counter him pretty hard. He MIGHT shove you in pre-lost chapter but once you have that the lane is over for him. Flash R for ganks is his only threat, his only ability that canmatch your range is Q and thats easy to sidestep. Just hit his minions when you Q or W and win the lane. Your poke negates his passive and means he should never have it up.”
Aenimatora says “He is current midlane meta, but he can be a quite confy opponent. Just dont come too close to him, farm up and he won´t be able to control you in the lategame. You outscale him hard. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
BalkanGem says “Malzahar is a tough matchup for kennen. He can constantly poke you with his E, all while he is safe with his passive and staying behind minions”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate Nether Grasp(R) is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
SkyBanana says “Malzahar's passive is the main issue of Seraphine. As he can ignore CC and 99% damage when it is up so you need to use your passive enhanced auto attacks to break it then lock him down with your R E QQ burst combo. A thing to remember is that he can just auto push waves and gain mana back doing so. You need to punish him by killing voidlings and make sure he doesn't kill his E target so it doesn't bounce in laning phase or in the later parts of the game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.”
NegativePhoenix says “Surprisingly in your favor somewhat. His passive is easy to remove thanks to your Qs massive range so it can stay down almost all lane phase. Just make sure you watch yourself when he hits level 6+, alot of Malz players will just ult you and 75% of the time, his jungle or teammate will be nearby for cleanup.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “nothing major except ult. If he tries to 1v1 you, don't engage hard. Wait for team and try to stall him. If you are getting owned by his ult, use your teammates as shields and heal them.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is pretty easy. You outrange him so just harass him with Q+AA. He doesn't have kill pressure on you until level 6, but even then he needs the help of his jungler and/or support. Sidestep his Q so you don't get silenced. If you get hit by his Q or R when his E is on you, the E will reset and do more damage to you. His Q will interrupt your E Q dash, so watch out for that. Poke him down and just all-in him with E+Q+R. Your regular auto's will 1 shot his voidlings, take them out to lower his waveclear.”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight- Nullifying Orb - Transcendence
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q max->W->E
Q one shots voidlings
Stay away from infected minions
Poke/CS with Q to break spellshield(30s CD) & DMG
Post 6 setup gank with his R
R 7/10 Good for picks (2.5s suppress)
AbyssaLegend says “Come on do i have to put all the counters here? can't i just select the most annoying champ to deal with in midlane? the counters of katarina are everywhere! You know that i'm lazy!”
KayyeN says “Just like any other Malzahar matchup, extremely boring. He shoves every wave so your jungler has to hold mid when you roam. Dodge his Q when you engage, don't let his E spread to you from minions. Try removing his shield before your jungler ganks. If you really need to win the 1v1, buy QSS. And keep in mind, Cleanse doesn't work against his R.”
Zarasaras says “YOU NEED protobelt against him to destroy his passive
He outpushes wave, can always stop you with his R and is hard to one shot him without ignite
You need to fast combo him the fastest you can
protobelt against his passive
R + Predator Empowered Q + E + Ignite and W if you can to try to oneshot him”
30DaysNoShower says “Malz is fine in the lane phase but after he gets level 6 he will R you in every teamfight and makes the game absolutely unplayable for kassadin. (I ban him every game)”
OSG Rewynd says “Malzahar is one of the easiest lanes for Ekko. Instead of E1-Q-E2, you have to E to break his passive, and then Q auto and leave. Then you can trade whenever he walks up without his passive on. Shove and roam after early laning phase. Respect his ability to ult you and keep you from ulting. If you W on top of him and he ults you, you get a near-guaranteed stun and ult followed by a kill.”
DabiDabi says “Malzahar is pretty annoying to lane against. He can suppress you in place. Just try to poke him and mostly farm since your farming is better.”
ze kraken says “It's a boring lane. He will try to push and you will QQ his minions. You probably can't kill him easily due to his shield (that you can poke down with an aa) but he will also harrass you with his E. With a jungler he becomes more dangerous, but it's fairly obvious that you're gonna get ganked if he walks up to you. ”
Super08131208 says “Malzahar literally can't do anything pre-6. Just dodge his Q and his virus spell. His voidling can be one shotted so you get free gold. At level 4, if you hit your E, he can't do anything if you get on top of him assuming you aren't low. At level 6, his ult does no dmg and won't do anything to you unless he catches you under tower.
SulkingKING says “Similar issue to Zyra, but his minions have actual hp and not 'ward-like' hp that Zyra plants have, meaning you can just press Q and heal from them.”
Thegroaning_loki says “better at trading than you which farming and trading is all you really will do in the laning phase play around his mana and make sure you punish him when he runs out”
Zoose says “This becomes a very stale lane, as he will look to push waves constantly, lv 4 onwards. Try to finish off his voidlings to reduce his pushing pressure and force him to use more mana. You must remove Malzahars shield if you want to W flip him, so best to use E W Q combo. At lv 6, be cautious with enemy junglers, as Malz can simply flash ult suppress you. ”
Uberizm says “I think malzahar players have something going on in their head to make them deranged enough to enjoy making themselves AND another player not play the game when they press R. Can't really kill cuz of lane pressure but its still possible, lame in teamfights though”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Also a TP matchup. Most boring lane. Farm his spiders with barrels + Q for super quick ult upgrades. Break spellshield with Q before ganks. Orange his ult or for sustain.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Push your lane and roam]
[Bait his shield before using your E]”
basrty1p says “His skill is quite in pain to you
He presses R and you die so quickly.
Even Cleanse can't help you this time.
Focus farm in lane and tries to gank the other lane as usual.
If you're hit from his R so much, you may consider to buy QSS or Banshee instead.
Not Recommend for QSS since there's no build for Taliyah to buy Silvermere Dawn or Mercurial Scimitar.”
King Turtle says “Malzahar is going to be a problem for anyone with little mobility and not much defensive stats because his highest damage abilities are just simple point and click D.O.T”
DabiDabi says “Malzahar literally can't do anything pre-6. Just dodge his Q and his virus spell. His voidling can be one shotted so you get free gold. At level 4, if you hit your E, he can't do anything if you get on top of him assuming you aren't low. At level 6, his ult does no dmg and won't do anything to you unless he catches you under tower.”
Esrucnl says “It should be a fine matchup. Annoying because of his passive shield, pop it before you all in with your R and you will win. (for example q in and then go out and you have a small window (25-30 seconds) to ult and kill him. Once your ult is on him he can't press R on you aswell so it should be free. Just make sure you get his passive and press E when he has a lot of voidlings.”
Azurio says “Boring matchup but not that hard. He will perma shove you under tower but you can easily farm. Proc his passive with smoke and ask for 1 or 2 ganks if possible, else just chill and kill him later whith mercs and eclipse. You can run TP too, and buy QSS very early.”
beansoce says “It's a very difficult matchup, he has a spellshield every 40 seconds, his q is a silence which counters ur e. Try to auto him to drop his spellshild then q. Use ur e to get rid of his voidlings to deny waveclear, late game you can buy banshees and use rocketbelt to drop his passive before full comboing.”
Bunny Kata says “You can dodge his Q's with your E, so if he is too close to you and uses Q, just E towards him and fight. You can absolutely destroy him early, but if he has a jungler at level6, you're in trouble. You're better in teamfights than him, he is better in skirmishes.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion”
clytt says “PERMA-BAN 3. Unbelievably annoying to lane against. Isn't the biggest threat ever but his ult lets him suck more face than a chode-chubbed 6th grade make out sesh. Good luck, dodge the ballsack-criss-cross. Won't 1v9 but will melt the hell out of everything that moves.”
Eralta says “FUCK this guy, i hate him, there is no counterplay to him, use your qs to force wave and hit his little RAT minions
do NOT force a fight and utilize every gank to get a kill by waiting for the shield to go down before you w
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Dorans Ring: Thats a mechanical lane before malzahar level 6, after this, call your jungle for help or buy QSS.”
zRawen says “Você não pode bloquear as habilidades dele, ele não vai te deixar sair da rota porque pusha muito a wave e te inutiliza nas lutas com uma única habilidade. Mesmo que você feche a Bandana ele ainda vai te encher o saco, mas como ninguém joga com ele não vale tanto a pena banir.”
moso says “• Ivern pretty much beats most mages at all stages of the game.
• Ivern can max E first and use it to instantly kill Malzahar's voidlings.
• Everytime Daisy is up Malzahar can't play the game and has to flash or die.
• Most mage matchups are similar to Malzahar, hit 6 on Ivern and all in them.”
SKRELAX says “Malza is pretty easy, you can proc his shield by e'ing and then sleep him, or simply autoattacking him before using any abilities to break his shield. Be aware of his R + Voidlings, since it does pretty ridiculous damage.”
Berdasco9 says “El matchup va de la siguiente manera, el Malzahar se queda atrás donde no le puedes alcanzar y pushea oleadas y pushea oleadas y te pokea y pushea oleadas hasta que tiene ulti entonces te flashea ulti y gankeo del jungla y has perdido.”
Dazzther says “Poke boring lane. Don't even think of diving him, otherwise he'll just R you under his tower. Try to roam and get some kills. Feel free to engage whenever his R's down.”
Airflected says “He will just R you, be careful post 6. Pre 6 you can try and engage and get a kill but it is very hard because of his poke and passive.”
donidaking says “I LIVE TO PUSH LANE!
Okay this matchup is annoying but not impossible.
Match his push as most malzahar players will just push push push.
As for how do you kill him just poke him constantly he has no sustain besides pots while you heal, if he plays really safe he s pretty hard to kill.
At level 6 it s dangerous to get ganked bcuz if you get ulted you are dead.
If you get some decent poke you can kill him at level 6 just make sure you R before he R's and you must be full hp.
Kat_Alien says “When he will see you in teamfight will use his R to stop you from going in. But you can outplay it smart. You can go all in and try to make your ultiamte hit him while he uses his. It will stun him so thanks to that his ultimate will be stopped and you are free to fight. If there are more problems with that champion just buy QSS and you are no longer vulnerable against his Ultimate.”
TheKingUltra says “No mobility and his passive is easy to destroy with your e. His ult can get annoying, because of max health damage or when he starts ulting your carry, try to punish him for that.”
ADAhriAbuser says “While it might seem that his passive would counter Ahri, since we are building AD Q is not used for damage. Therefore, you can cast Q before charm to break his passive. Control vision and don't let him set up his jungler for a free kill.”
Dustyacer says “Gonna be farming for most of the game. Before engaging try to poke his shield off with q. Since he's always pushing, he's pretty gankable. You can actually time your E to go off when is ulting, basically makes his w/e/r dmg dissppear for that time.
Try to predict his r timing on you and e to block it, he usually does it right after spamming his other abilities. Or when his jungler shows up and he's gonna r (maybe even flash) to start the engage.
Definately winnable though.”
Nighswan says “Malzahar is a wave pushing king. His E can push you in constantly and with his voidlings, even quicker. Wait for him to use his W to summon the voidlings and kill them as soon as possible to avoid being pushed into your tower too quickly. Be careful level 6 because he can suppress you for a jungler gank.”
Ahri Simplord says “His passive is a free Banshee's so its hard to just throw a charm at him,look to burst it first with a W flame or R. You can't really R into him since he can just supress you and wait for his team to kill you. In laning he will keep shoving in the waves with his E and W to prevent you from roaming but that makes him pretty open to ganks. If you buffer your E right before he uses his R on you,you can interrupt his R but that is pretty much a prediciton.”
m0rfeazz says “u cant win, just cant, try to kill him pre6 use E on him then AA to get rid of that shield and all in him.After six just take his ult and roam with it, you cant 1vs1 him. help other lanes is the best option”
irelia support says “Neeko doesn't have a lot of counters however Malzhar's spellshield passive can be an issue. With his minions that can do burn damage if he builds liandry's it's hard to get rid of the shield with just an auto without taking damage. Using an ability forces Neeko to not be able to full combo, not only that but if it's already down and she tries to full combo she can get silenced before she can land her q on top of the e or not get the full blossom in.”
Bundif says “Another annoyingly safe pick. His pushing power prevents you from roaming almost all the time. You have to poke him down as much as possible to try and get an early lead and by the time you have your Serrated Dirk, you'll be able to kill all his little voidlings the moment he spawns them.
⭐Smelly Zhonya's user.”
DaffeLaffe says “Ahh, this one is not too hard, just go for an all-in level 6. Just all in when you can, he can do much about. And when you hit level 6 you should just one shot him, especially if you poke with q beforehand.”
FyreRode says “He doesn't wanna fight you super early, and you don't wanna fight him either, only difference is you scale way deeper into the game. Since his ultimate is also super telegraphed, you can use it to save yourself and any allies he ults later into the match if they don't have QSS.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Dodge his Q]
[Don't stay near minions while they are being hitted by his E]
[You can gain stacks from his voidlings]”
Juon says “Malzahar is strong but also weak, his strength lies in his silence and his passive. Running ludens and hitting minions so the proc bounces on him can remove the shield. From there I usually look for an all in as he is very squishy. Run comet and max W second. Protobelt also works very well here to take of his shield for engage.”
soulentt says “Malzahar has good ult and is long range, also he has his minions which can block your Q. Try to poke from long range but dont engage him very much.”
OTP Toxin says “He can solo you, Malza is my second pick when someone's grab my Teemo, but I know how to play against Teemo. In the other hand I know that I can win against him :D Just rush Quick Silver Sash, Wits End or Banshee's and you will make him regret his pick.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Liandry's Anguish]
[Don't let him push under your turret]
[Bait his shield before going for kill]
[Your ult cancels his ult]”
desch3445 says “Malz doesn't let you shove, doesn't let you poke, and doesn't let you carry. You're gonna NEED your Jungler to win this lane, which can never be a sure thing. Sad :(
Take the Conqueror page; No other page really works, you can't let FS proc on his shield, same w/ Electrocute, and Aery doesn't work lategame with the Eclipse proc on his shield. Conq is the only way you can compete, as he also has no mobility.”
ThePieBeam says “This champ is super annoying but almost entirely because of the D-ring nerf he's nowhere near as good as he was. As it stands your waveclear is way better than his. Also, you can knock off his spell shield with W so just keep him scared and take the free lane. If he tries to do anything pre-6 he just loses, and post-6 if you have a kill or two it's not too hard to burst him down before he can get his R off. Do play safe into his post-6 though since he can still very much kill you with all of his shit pumping straight down your bird throat.”
UnxRuly says “Basically always requires you to have Silvermere once they recognize you as the threat. Fewer Itemization choices. Also a lot of poke damage”
LBDB says “I won't be addressing any other characters past the ones I already did so just know that as long as you play smart there are very few mages that beat you and anyone who builds squishy is your prey.”
Epic_Semibold says “He is annoying, but try to destroy him early. Also bait his R with yours if you are in a critical situation. Wait for his cooldown/mana to run out before ingaging.”
Aethlo says “Malzahar has the waveclear advantage. ||
Annie wins pre-3. ||
Annie wins pre-6. ||
Annie wins slightly post-6. || Malzahar outscales Annie. ||
Tip: Just auto away his shield in the early game and outrange him - use your e in trades and negate his damage. Build rocketbelt... Later you need it to remove his shield and quickly one-shot him. The reason he isn't a difficulty of 1 is because he has amazing gank setup post-6. This is pretty much the only way you will lose, he will just be bullied and be forced to continuously shove waves to avoid laning against you.”
Eriosunx says “Malzahar is also an easy matchup for Irelia both pre and after level 6.
Irelia has an insane sustain in lane and Malzahar's poke is basically inexistent for her.
Also you can dash on his minions.
You can cancel his passive spellshield with your W.
If you hit your E on his spellshield you will still mark him.
You can stop his ultimate by yourself since your second E can be moved even when you are suppressed from Malzahar's R as long as you took his spellshield down before getting ulted.
[*11.14 UPDATE* You can no loger move your second E when stunned so we are no longer able to stop Malzahar's channaled Ultimate while ccd.]
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Malzahar doesn't have the damage to keep up with Akshan. Anytime he uses E on the wave find a way to land a Q onto him and go all in. Until 6 you will be going all in whenever you get an opening to. Post 6 you can still go all in but don't do it unless he is positioned AT LEAST in the middle of the lane. He shouldn't kill you with R and you can just run him down after.”
lonestar1870 says “Push the wave, he is really weak early. He really needs lost chapter before he can function properly.
Try to auto him to proc his spell shield & try not to let him get it back. Keep Q'ing him when possible, you outrange him.
As long as you keep prio you will be fine in this matchup, but make sure to ward since he has decent gank setup with his ult.
Be careful roaming since he will be able to push quickly and go for plates.
You can kill him fairly easily with a 6 ball ult.
If you know he is gonna R, you can E right before (predict) and stop it.
Any runes work in this matchup. PR gives you more mobility, electrocute gives you more 1v1 power. Comet and Aery are also fine in this matchup so you can have twt/c-pot and more laning damage.
I prefer TP since malz punishes roams and bad resets, but you can go ignite. You cannot cleanse his ult, so don't take cleanse.”
Desperate Nasus says “Free stack pre level 6.Early levels he cant do much you outsustain his damage with second with. I suggest going Conqueror against him for the duels. On your first back buy Boots of lucidity and keep stacking. After you buy Sheen you are ready to go. On level 8 use your E to break his passive and then Wither him and open Ghost. Matchup is pretty easy for Nasus. The only problem is that Malza outscales Nasus later on. Your goal is to end the game before 30 minutes.”
CashLOL says “Level 6 will always be a threat but you can bully malzahar in lane easily. You also will output much more damage in teamfights. You can Q his minions on the wave for extra gold and auto his shield off before going for poke.”
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is annoying in the midgame but the early game is extremely easy. Max E with ignite and you can freely E into him without much counterplay. Make sure to kill his voidlings whenever they come out so he can't push at all. Buying a QSS around your first item will go a long way here.”
pwins says “Be careful of his space aids and try to auto his spell shield to get it off. Aside from that, you can easily demolish him in lane as long as you're careful. ”
livikattt says “Malzahar can silence you, which you never want, and his ultimate does a lot of damage while also keeping you pinned down for a long time. His spellshield is also super annoying when you're trying to poke him or hit a charm. Try to auto-w-auto him to get his spellshield down as soon as it's up so you can all-in if need be. Be careful about pushing up in lane because he can ult you and if you get ganked, you're probably just dead. The only good thing is that he's a rare pick. If you're struggling against him, don't forget to PAY YOUR TAXES. Get a QSS as soon as possible, and even prioritize that over getting a stopwatch.”
MadaCareca says “Possivelmente voce sera campado pelo jg rival, a ult dele e um poblema geral e a passiva dele não vai deixar v oce dar all win nele
Miscake says “Uma lane semelhante à do Ryze no quesito de outrange e de push, você não tem como virar nele desde que ele mantenha o spellshield up e nem como punir ele quando for dar roaming, Mercury Threads são boas aqui já que você não pode fazer QSS, então investir nisso em troca de dano vale a pena.
Na lane o seu E carregado dá one shot nos bichinhos do W dele, além deles serem considerados alvos de 100% de cura pro Q vermelho. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Very easy lane.
It is legit impossible to die to him 1v1 pre-6. He just feeds you gold with his minions.
E to dodge his Q and kill his Ws as soon as he casts them.
Get QSS after tier 2 boots or this matchup is a lot harder.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is very free. You get to scale freely and he has no kill pressure on you until level
6. The only negative in this matchup is you are roped into buying a QSS. Don't rush it; instead get zerks,
then vamp scepter, and then QSS into Shieldbow. You can pretty much kill him on cooldown because he's so
immobile and squishy.”
Katawina52 says “Pre 6 it's really easy to kill and have prio/pressure in lane. All in him when he uses E on minion or you could just all in when you're healthy enough. Once he has Lost Chapter it's more annoying because he can perma push the wave. Pre 6 you should just look for trades all the time becasue you can't lose them, but once he gets 6 and lost chapter you can never walk up and you have to accept his push and just push after. Careful for his silence even after he uses it it's still active for a second so you can still get hit by it. I dont like to buy qss because it hinders your dmg too much unless you're snowballing then you should go for a qss else just position really well and dont go in too early and have patience (which you should always do once he has 6)”
eiensiei says “Lux's E removes his passive with just the slow, so I can E - wait 0.5s - E. If I go for passive procs, I'll use W when he E's me and I won't walk back immediately (that's where he'll throw his Q) - instead, I'll walk forward or stand still. He's hard to solo kill, as I need to focus on farming when he tries to push me in 24/7, but if I focus down the voidlings, that does slow down his push and it only takes 1 autoattack.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting Potion and Minion Dematerializer due to his heavy push power. Focus on pushing as heavy as you can early but be careful of ganks. Focus on getting a kill early on if you can until level 6. Post 6 he can setup ganks easily for his jungler so just roam and get stuff somewhere else after pushing. Don't neglect your tower because his push power is insane. Try to get your jungler to gank him before 6 because that's where Malz is really bad. Post 6 try to stop his ult on your teammates with your W if you can and if he does not have his passive up. If you struggle get some MR by getting either Mercs or Banshees.”
xblademojo says “I call it even due to his pressure against your team, and making you unable to go-in because of his Nether Grasp. Matchup is comfortable, max E. Only problem is that you are forced to respect his champion in midgame/lategame. Its really uncomfortable.”
Polarshift says “Annoying to play against. He does a lot of damage if he can get his resets on you and he has a free spellshield. Cleanse also doesn't remove his ultimate supression, so that makes you an easy target. The good part is though, that you can kill his voidlings and potentially pop his shield with E+Q. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “You can push just as hard, you do more poke, as long as you have E on his ult is useless, you get free mana from his minions. The only threat is he is an easy lane to gank post 6. ”
ISterbenI says “Skill matchup. If he's good he will dodge your combo and cancel your R with his Q or R. If you're better you will be able to trap him in your combo (R->W->Q->E) without him being able to hit you back.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Quite easy matchup, if you waveclear his spawned minions, even though it's mostly farm lane, because once when he has all of his abilities, he will most likely push waves really fast and going close range against him isn't best, since he can use entire combo to neutralize you. Though you can poke him from range and try to deny some of his farm, while he shouldn't be really able to touch you, unless he uses his flash R during gank.”
Avucado says “Incredibly annoying. Early levels will be easy but as once he gets 6 the lane is hell. He can shove easily and can kill you easily. The only way you kill this guy is by getting ahead early and snowballing or through ganks. auto or hook his shield early and look to E through and get him low. Look for hooks consistently but don't take to much damage in doing so. Only overextend to get his shield off when your jungler is coming and they have cc in their kit. Never try to E through him post 6 even if his shield is down because he will just R and kill you instantly. Buy QSS if he is focusing you or you are solo carrying.”
Callmebee says “Malzahar is a pretty easy match-up, you win early, you can poke him down easily and if you're mindful of his spreading DOT, you should be able to kill him/bully him out of lane.
Tip: If you put your E down where he is and wait about 0.5 a second, it gets rid of his shield and detonating your E does damage him. Take barrier and consider MR boots if you're struggling. ”
LunarVortex says “A single tick from your W is enough to remove his passive. Keep that in mind when trying to cc him. Try to match his push with your W so you don't have to lasthit under tower (you both suck at doing that early on). His voidlings can be annoying since they can block your Q, and you might not be able to spellshield his ult since you have to predict it and can't simply react to it. Consider buying a QSS is he keeps ulting you every fight.”
Yeager says “Your red card will oneshot all his voidlings. You have stronger waveclear and he can't do anything until lvl 6. In this matchup you want a early quicksilver sash so he can't set you up for ganks. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Use W on minions, if you need to stop him from clearing waves. You can also use this as your gap closer too if positioned correctly. Try to Q/auto attack his shield passive before going in for combos. Don't go in at 6 if he has his minions up, he will most likely one shot you with a full rotations of abilities + R if so. If you're getting focused A LOT ask your support to build Mikael's Crucible for you.”
Yeager says “Corrupting potion is good against his passive shield. When he gets enough items / points in his abilities, all he does is shove the wave and roam to catch someone with his ult. You want to kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn since it will mess up his waveclear.
Have good vision around the river, so you don't get caught by his ult + jungler gank. You can usually tell when he's receiving a gank, just by watching how he moves in the lane. If he suddenly starts playing aggressive then it probably means there's someone waiting to gank you.
Get QSS after luden's echo to counter his ultimate. Remember he's immobile, so you can call your jungler for ganks and set him behind.
Teleport is also good vs malzahar since you will use up a lot of mana when fighting for lane prio.
You both scale well into lategame but imo Orianna has the edge with her zone potential, utility and damage. ”
Urpog says “Midlane: Uninteractive gameplay, plays to farm from ranges you can't interact with. The only saving grace in this lane is the fact he doesn't do anything before sub-6, so it's your responsibility to participate with early team fighting, get objectives, play for other lanes, take teleport against Malzahar, shove waves in and look to invade/do something proactive on the map, you are now a second jungler.”
Dj Memelord says “You have innate resistances so you can survive his ult burst. Hes also open to ur flash q burst. spin on his crabs and keep clearing waves untill you can roam. Relentless hunter and ravenous hunter both work here”
Fuzzmonkey says “Shouldn't be too hard to deal with. You can get rid of his passive shield with your Q and repeat for combos.
Did you know?
You can pre E -Q combo when malzahar goes to ult you and it will cancel his ult completely :)”
MikeVix says “Q to take down his shield. Then combo him with WEQ. Dont hit his minions. Watch the silence. Before 6 you can try to all in and get a kill. After 6 its more difficult but u can still kill him if u hold your WEQ after he finishes ulting you.”
ShokLoL says “A lot of people think Malzahar is a counter to Zoe because Malzahar can ult her whenever she ults forward. This is true, but the lane is so easy and if you play well in teamfights you will have no problem. Make sure to use your Q in lane to kill his voidlings and he will never be able to push the lane. If you ever break his shield he can't do anything to you just running at him and killing him with electrocute ignite. In teamfights do be very careful of ulting forward next to Malzahar but otherwise you outrange him insanely hard.”
King Turtle says “similar to Cass, he's good at cucking people. He has a Silence, his E which gives you space dysentery, and his R completely bends you over unless he mistimes it. Essentially the moment you R in it's over. ”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield Resolve, Second wind and overgrowth.
Take his Shield off before you trade against him,and try to always let him without the shield.
You can't use cleanse summoner spell to clear Malzahar's ult.”
Kords says “If Malz is good, he will start E and contest the shove. You can poke him and remove his shield more or less all the time. His ult is lethal if you are getting ganked, because this means certain death. If you sense you are getting ganked, back up and farm under tower. Roam as much as you can so you get your team ahead early on. In teamfights, Malzahar looks to lock down 1 person, and you have 2 ways of stopping him, do so and he will be useless in the rest of the fight. Post 6 don’t get too close to malzahar while his minions are near you. Ult is pretty much only lethal for Sol if the minions are not spawned right before he ults you. Cleanse do not work on his R btw.”
TheoRut says “Malzahar is just super annoying to play against. If you time your E at the right time before he ults you, you cancel his ult but he will most likely win the trade anyways.
Electrocute against this matchup
ShokLoL says “Extremely easy. You can one shot his voidlings with Q so he can never push. You can bully him all game long, just be careful how far you go up in the lane post 6 if you don't have good wards set up.”
Luxeul says “His Q silence makes it difficult to find good solo kills during laning phase. Late game his R can completely shut you down if you aren't careful. Avoid using R2 unless you know his R is on cooldown.”
ShokLoL says “Another misunderstood matchup. The 1v1 in this matchup is extremely easy but in teamfights if you don't have a QSS will be quite difficult. You can almost guarantee solokills with electrocute ignite (or TP if you prefer). Try use your W to kill his voidlings as well as damage him.”
Yasukeh says “Malzahar is by far the easiest matchup for Tryndamere in the game. Your Mocking Shout pops his passive, and Tiamat auto clears all of the his voidlings. At level 6, you can always dive him even if he has ult up, no matter how high health he is. ”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Malzahar ficará puxando lane, por isso evite ficar perto dos minions que estejam com pouca vida para que a habilidade E (Malefic Visions) não passe para você. Tire a passiva dele e fique atento ao tempo de retorno dela para que você possa combá-lo sem perder seu dano, o combo ideal é EW+AA+QE+AA. Fique atento ao nível 6 dele, caso não tenha feito bandana, possivelmente vai te ultar a qualquer momento e te matará junto com o jungler dele. Para negar essa estratégia, você pode rushar Bandana e ficar farmando, enquanto tenta matar ele nos níveis mais baixos sem medo de morrer por causa da ultimate ou para dar roaming depois de puxar a lane. Malzahar não tem muito dano e na maioria das vezes usam teleporte, com isso permite que você abuse nos níveis iniciais. Em teamfights, fique atento ao ultimate dele, caso você tenha bandana você pode agressiva contra ele, mas com cautela, ciente de que só pode usar a bandana uma vez para parar o CC que receber. Roaming deve ser feito apesar das circunstâncias, pois no final da partida ele fica muito forte devido os itens. Evite prolongar a partida pois ele ficará forte no final. O potencial de perigo de Malzahar é baixo visto que a Katarina só precisará de um item para pará-lo e é Bandana, Katarina possui alta mobilidade e muita facilidade em roamings pelo mapa, e graças ao reset as lutas sempre são favoráveis para a Katarina, ao contrário do Malzahar que precisa focar um. ”
Elite500 says “Kinda aids, just try your best to match his push and when he calls his slaves wipe them away with a fully charged E, later in the game if you pool underneath him and he spamm presses R on your pool zhonyas before pool ends, it flips the targetible / invulrable switch on so he legit ults you while in zhonyas, wasting it.”
Dr Eggmund says “Space AIDS can be annoying but it comes down to your dodging ability. If you are able to dodge his abilities you will make Malzahar run out of mana and give you the upper hand in lane pressure. Try and get the experience advantage and shut him down with 6 advanatage. Don't push up in lane too farm after he gets 6 as he will bait you into his teammate and his ult will allow them to do the rest to you.”
iZianni says “Never have priority, never have kill potential.
This champ is unfun to play against but is ultimately team dependent thus denying you of the ability to play the way you want to.
Ambitieux says “The Malz lane is pretty straight forward. You can try to poke him out after you get your mana item. Other than that just match his pushing power with yours. Farm his cs and wait till you can roam at 6. Be cautious in this lane for ganks and try not to blow ult/flash unnecessarily. Wont be able to kill unless you get good damage from him being too aggressive. If you can get jungle gank a gook way to get him without realizing his ur ult proccing his shield as ur charming.”
iZianni says “You can easily break his spell shield, you always have range advantage.
You both perma farm, you have more impact in team fights.
You have solo kill pressure in this lane.
Build QSS if you're being flash ulted.”
kindo says “Relatively easy, almost never picked though. His passive 30-18 (lvls 1-11) seconds during laning phase - you can easily poke this off with a q into range and 1 auto. Over the next 30 seconds you just have to do this again to stop it from refreshing. You can pretty much force into his range any time the shield is down.
Your Q can 1 shot his minions, and he has pretty mediocre range and poke. Any poke you can heal with W passive and he shouldn't be able to push the wave if he uses his dot on you.
Pay your taxes and buy a QSS so that he can't just flash ult you for his jungle or teammates. You will likely gain a lead in lane, it would suck for him to flash and claim a bounty because you're trying to tax evade.”
Coldsong says “Malzahar's point and click suppression is very frustrating to deal with, but other than that he is very easy to deal with. Make sure to buy an early QSS as the setup and damage from his ult is insane. To get rid of his passive shield, use W or Tiamat on a wave so that it also hits him so that you can catch him off guard.”
King Turtle says “his point and click abilities are impossible to avoid and will 100% fuck you over if the malzahar is good. Try not to play against him whenever possible.”
resetwice says “He can farm safe but his poke isn't that hard. You can all win when his passive and Q aren't up. If he's alone you can kill him if he R but if he's with team you are in trouble! BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Malzahar is relatively easy to kill, but also can turn things and kill you. Matchup is pretty average, I recommend going in with Q Bush, which will get his shield out, then just W+Q and
most likely just run away and wait for the next trade. QSS is questionable since it just takes away a lot of gold, but if you're struggling to kill him that much, might as well go for it.
Boots are your choice.”
Sylvan Lore says “The only reason this isn't a higher threat is that this champion has been pretty nerfed recently. Malzahar will shove out lane and avoid interaction with you and then just Ult you when his jungler or team is nearby. I usually get a QSS after my first item just because of how important it is to escape the cc of his ult. Orianna is pretty good at keep his passive shield down, but killing a Malzahar is really difficult in most cases.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build with a QSS”
Saddest says “Nothing will happen in this lane, as he will just shove with E if he has a brain. However, if you do manage to get on him Pre 6, you should be able to kill him pretty easily. QSS is a must have, he will make it his mission to R you in every single team fight.”
SVS Raka says “Malzahar has a little advantage against Yasuo if he manages to get a kill or some good CS lead. His job is just to shove every wave at your turret and poke you during the lane. Take Fleet Footwork. CLEANSE DOESN'T WORK AGAINST HIS ULTIMATE. Try to purchase Quicksilver Sash after Berserker's Greaves.”
Avyxia says “Easy to break off his shield and poke and try to q e him if he is trying to ult you and you might stun him out of it (if his shield isn't there)”
Impossible2Gank says “Pretty even matchup, You can negate his ult by placing a box down right when he uses it making sure he has no shield. His lane push can be annoying but that will just set your jungle up for easy ganks. Magic resist recommended early or just rush Quicksilver Sash.”
VyoS says “Get his Spellshield down first. , QSS when you got some Gold to spare.
After his spellshield is down Q combo him and wait till next W or go in when he's low enough. Try to get an AA first when you went in, then R E AA. Don't try to towerdive, almost everytime it ends by killing yourself. If you got the damage you can also W E R Q”
ReapeRGP says “He doesn't do too much damage if he isn't stupidly fed so just try to stack as much as possible in the start and when you have Lost Chapter you can harass him, just don't forget to Q him so you take out his passive. Watch out for his R tho, if he clicks and his jungler is going to gank you are as good as dead. His voidspawns are stackable with Q.”
King Turtle says “I won't even bother playing against him to figure out the matchup rating. Hit 6 get supressed, All-in get silenced, walk up to farm get space dysentery. No thanks. ”
duhnx says “Try to get ganks. This matchup is hard because he has a lot of poke and waveclear, both Pyke is bad at. His ult stops you from popping off even if you're doing good. His shield stops a lot of burst too.”
King Turtle says “Pre 6 he's annoying and will out push you, but you can manage if you avoid his E and keep him out of his comfort zone. Once you hit 6 though you have to get QSS, get help from a teamate, or lose. His ult is just a massive problem for you that is difficult to get around.”
Netwou says “All you need to do is dodge his q, his wind wall can't block your spells so keep constantly harrassing him. If he dives you ult him, he can't do much about it.”
richardlized says “You win before 1st base every time just break his shield with Q if he over steps just hit him as long as there aren’t too many minions just run him down with autos. Even if he hits everything early as long as you are healthy he shouldn’t have damage to kill you; if he wastes Q as well just all in however after he gets lost chapter he will just spam shove you under tower and base when he gets low. When you ult him he will most likely try and instant R you but before he can R you there is time to hit your Q’s as long as you do WERQ.
Nanelol says “Malzahar is tricky to deal with... Your auto attacks can pop his Passive spellshield, but this makes you unable to flash ult ambush him, and gives him plenty of time to react to the fact that you are there, so he will just cast his abilities and ult you. Avoid fighting him one on one, and if he gets Banshees Veil, there is not much you can do to him out of team fights...”
Thresh Mid says “Malzahar is an interesting case, he's difficult because you can never interact with him. Malzahar keeps you pushed in and unable to roam. Along with that if Malzahar is to ever get jungle assistants it is a guaranteed kill against you. But his voidlings can give you souls so
try to make the best of it.”
Hienaa says “A bit like heimer but easier to play against because you one shot his W with E, but he just perma shoves with E + W, making it hard to roam and having low kill pressure cuz of his R”
xMetix says “Malzahar is super easy. Before level 6 he's not even a champion, any time he uses spells on minions you can just run him down, keep the wave close to your tower so you have more room to fight. After level 6 pay close attention to his jungler's position since he can set up a very easy gank. Use grass a lot to avoid his Ultimate.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) easy lane just care after 6 to not get 1 shot by him and his jungler, otherwise very easy to kill, would recommend TP/Barrier or Ignite.”
tozosi says “Lane isn't terrible against Malzahar, though be expected to get poked quite a bit. The most annoying thing about him is his ult which can completely screw you over in teamfights. There's not really a counter to this except for buying QSS.”
Nanelol says “You can out damage Malzahar at range, however do not underestimate the range of his ultimate. His spellshield isn't much of an issue as it can be popped by any ability including your ultimate.
TheEnglishman says “Skill matchup, pay attention to the silence range get a qss so you don't get caught out with ult and always auto or q to pop his passive before you lock card and try to stun trade.
Elec recommended.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush.
Try to dodge his q as much as possible and don't stand next to e'd minions. He will constantly shove you in so make sure to last hit well. Once he hits 6 there is very little counterplay once he presses r. This is a matchup I would dodge.”
archelauslol says “Baya zor bir matchup, pushuna karşılık vermek için durmadan oto ve q spamleyin, full stack e ile böceklerine tek atabilirsiniz. Hextech roketkemer bitirdikten sonra kafasına full combo atarsanız, phase rush ile flash atsa bile yakalayıp öldürme şansınız var.”
Sanctuar says “Malzahar's passive gives him a fairly safe laning phase, combined with his constant pushing power due to his E. His voidlings deal more damage to targets affected by Malefic vision; bring them down by simply one-hitting them, so that Malzahar needs to spam more abilites which results in losing more mana in the process. The suppression of his ultimate can be cleansed by a QSS, but the damage continues. If you want to survive his damage, simply build a Mercury's to reduce the CC duration of his ultimate as well as the damage of his abilities. Malzahar's damage comes from setting up his combo by hitting you with his E first - he has no access to burst damage. Once he used up his ultimate you can engage on him with yours.”
shidonryoku says “Malzahar is now insanely strong. He will not allow you to farm normally, poisoning your life with his E, which moves to an adjacent target if it dies from it. He has a passive spell shield, a huge amount of AOE damage. His ultimate completely counters your blast, which forces you to play carefully and wait for Malzahar to spend his R, or you have to spend 1300G on Quicksilver Sash.”
Vispectra says “You will not be able to kill this man. He will shove the lane down your throat and force you to CS under your tower while suffering space aids, his biggest threats are his passive , which can be annoying to get rid of and his R which will set you up perfectly for the easiest gank ever. If you want to win the try sidelanes later on.”
DebilekLaZe says “Very annoying, he will perma push so you don't get to play the game, outtrades you, his shield blocks an ability. Get rid of his little monsters with either autos or E.”
StarTundra says “Outplay button. Don't fight him alone or 2v2 post 6 unless your ally has hard CC to knock him out of his ult. Malzahar will always outclear and shove the wave almost always. Proc his spell shield with R an AA before engaging with Q. Also hit his little crabs with AA when they're clearing for him.”
cookanarities says “Relatively easy, almost never picked though. His passive 30-18 (lvls 1-11) seconds during laning phase - you can easily poke this off with a q into range and 1 auto. Over the next 30 seconds you just have to do this again to stop it from refreshing. You can pretty much force into his range any time the shield is down. Your Q can 1 shot his minions, and he has pretty mediocre range and poke. Any poke you can heal with W passive and he shouldn't be able to push the wave if he uses his dot on you. Pay your taxes and buy a QSS so that he can't just flash ult you for his jungle or teammates. You will likely gain a lead in lane, it would suck for him to flash and claim a bounty because you're trying to tax evade.”
Krayzci says “Play safe and wait out his abilities, once you have the lead and enough W healing feel free to do as you please! just be safe and make sure to ward :)”
Is it just me or does every Malzahar use the bee skin? Anyway weak before six, after six he's a problem. Standard stuff really.”
luminyan says “I hate this matchup. It's not as difficult as Fizz or Azir, but it will get you tilted. If you see his space aids on something, avoid the minion it's on. Your E can pop his spellshield due to the slow, so I would recommend throwing that at him whenever you can. Once he gets ult, forget any chance you had at killing him.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Malzahar has no pressure on you before level 6, but is extremely hard to engage on. After 6, he can 100-0 you and setup a jungle gank/dive for free. Destroy his passive with your W and kill his voidlings to run him out of mana. Take the Standard page and MR.”
thefeedski says “More annoying than a threat due to his pushing power and spell shield. Be careful where you place your turrets to avoid having his E take out multiple. ”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “La "única" amenaza es su R, que te puede dejar en una situación un poco difícil, de igual forma, cuidado con su Q mientras farmeas.”
A55AILANT says “He does a lot of damage if he can get his resets on you and he has a free spellshield.
Your waveclear is better, use it to your advantage.
Oxydation says “Malzahar is not a hard matchup on Lane, just fight him after he use Q, if you hit E on Spellshield, u can dash anyways and all in him. Aware Late game of face checking bushes.”
VeneficusFerox says “Not much of a threat. Just keep away from minions affected by Malefic Visions. Mostly dangerous when you allow him to push the wave and he starts roaming and killing your team mates.”
Little Planet says “He can match your push and his ult is by default great at keeping divers off him.
He also has great gank recieval, forcing you to play it slow after lvl 6.
Push and roam is the way to go.”
Joseph Evanss says “You are significantly stronger than him pre 6 but its also kinda hard to kill if hes good at malz. After 6 your still stronger than him but he can set up for a gank, your e can cancel his ult if you time it right. Use your w to get rid of his passive before going in. Your also fine to just farm it out and out scale him. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “pre 6 you want to almost always look for trades, you can all in him when he es onto minions. post 6 you want to position better, not in one where he can just ult you and shut you down, have patience in larger team fights as he will most likely ult you to shut you down. if you are feeling ballsy, you can go long sword and run him down lvl 2.”
zeldimi says “This is pretty weird. He's just gonna push lane. You can win lane if you poke and all in. But late game he can just R you and let his team kill you even if he's behind. So hope you're not the only carry on the team.”
Minnotaro says “Same as teemo, ranged and so cancer he wont do damage to you before level 6 but after he buy his item he will make you die easily , i recommend to buying QSS”
BullRedHunter says “If you are safe while he is ulting you, you will be able to kill him after his ult ends or just fall back, farming lane, try to roam a lot”
7daysko says “Anivia's auto attack range makes it easy to ruin his passive, however he could still out-trade you if you use both Q and R before he silences/supresses you. Note that your wall is also capable of wasting his passive, in which case he will walk right through it instead of being blocked.”
JoshAy says “I actually misjudged this matchup. You hard win this matchup so much. Stay away from his Malefic Visions so he can't poke you out. When you go in to fight him, E1 and AA to break his shield OR Q to break his shield. As long as your W or your E2 doesn't hit his shield you should be able to legitimately just walk at him and win. Post 6 make sure you have enough health to fight him so you can tank his ultimate and make sure you won't get teamed up on when he's ulting you.”
JustMTK says “This is a really hard to play against. Because he will keep you in the lane with his pushing power, so you won't be able to roam as much. Another reason is, when you want to go in for a trade he'll just deny it by using his ult and walking away. You're actually just a free scaling lane for him if he plays it right.”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Fleet Footwork Laning Runes. Malzahar overall is an easy match up for Yone. While he will constantly poke you, once you dive on him there isn't much he can do to stop you. I'd suggest using your E to dodge his silence and then engaging from there. I'd also suggest grabbing QSS early on since Malazahar's only threat to Yone is his ult which can lock you in an uncomfortable situation. While you can break his ultimate by snapping back your E at the right time, this isn't a very reliable counter and so grabbing QSS early on is your best bet. Overall just farm the early game while making frequent trades with your E > Stacked Q engage. It is also quite easy to pop Malzahar's passive on Yone, so simply Q or W Malzahar once his passive is up so it won't minimize your engages. ”
Sparklle says “i only added in a few champs that i saw with decent threat.
pretty much anyone who can cc you and engage hard will stomp you. when you get cc'd you cannot reactivate your Q and your ULT will stop. this makes you a sitting duck”
Mpegial says “His Ultimate ability is bonkers stupid, he has really good damage, a great form of CC that is not avoidable and can just destroy you if you aren't careful.”
XD001 says “Just really really annoying. Shove in the wave as fast as possible and look for roams. Pick up merc treads and run as much tenacity as possible since post-6 malz will look to set up ganks with his R. Late game look for flank routes and do not get CC chained cause this shit is so cancer. Easy lane, just annoying. Malzahar outscales Ekko.
take Elec + precision page”
Noodles912 says “Skill based matchup. Never throw your shark when his passive is up, stay far from your low HP minions, and look to burst trades when possible. If you can chunk him out of lane, you can look to roam. Mercs can work if you wish.”
elnino9 says “Take advantage of him if he uses his E on minions. Try to get rid of his spell shield passive and keep it down to prepare yourself for an all-in. Don't get E'd or you'll get poked down hard. Start Doran shield as it's good vs Damage over time. Purchase QSS sometime after gunblade if your team isn't that ahead. His ult will make him vulnerable while standing still, take advantage of this if he ults one of your allies. Dump on him in teamfights.”
NuclearAkali says “Very irritating ult that can make the game very one sided. Build a quick silver sash into this matchup and you will be fine. You win fights against him before he hits 6.”
Wunsch3957 says “Rush QSS and put 2 points in Q level 3. Don't get harassed to much, try to clear his voidings with your Q and don't stand near low HP minions. Conq.”
Wunsch3957 says “Really easy lane, just Q his voidings and dodge his Q. Stand away from low HP minions to avoid his E. Rush QSS for his R and roam if he has barrier. Conq with resolve secondary and flash/ignite. Galeforce mythic. ”
Aht3ns says “He won't deal damage to you but you will have no way to stop him if he Rs your teammate since you have no CC. If he Rs you then your passive/tenacity should be enough to win the fight.”
Edg3Lord says “His E will certainly be annoying, but you can use his extra minions to heal yourself off your passive, since you will have extra targets. Otherwise, he isn't a real threat up until the late game.”
The Jhin Cena says “Malzahar is one of the most poke-heavy champs in League. He can spawn his little minions and spread his void crap all the while sitting back at a safe distance. If you try and CS, your health will drop fast so it is really difficult to farm against Malzahar. Additionally, his shield which is up fairly often prevents you from landing any hooks, and you usually have to get in melee range to destroy the shield being that his minions provide a barrier against any ranged hooks. Malzahar pressing R will easily kill you given the right situation, so a lot of times I will actually build Mercurial Scimitar or Maw of Malmortius when fighting him so I don't get killed by his ult. Usually you will have to wait for ganks to get any kills against him.”
lukuluku says “He is weak early, especially if you kill his vodlings. Go tankier than normal and buy merc treads. You can kill him lv 6 if his jungler is not present. ”
Coldsong says “Malzahar will push you into your turret, so look to Q minions rather than trading often. Make sure to pop his passive shield with an auto before going in.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) easy lane just care after 6 to not get 1 shot by him and his jungler, otherwise very easy to kill, would recommend TP/Barrier or Ignite.”
Cornifa says “Just ult his ult and you should be good, he has a lot of range which can be really annoying, just stay away from him and combo when he's out of abilities.”
BigFatCat909 says “Rush a QSS if you need to, remember that Mercury Treads "DO NOT" reduce the duration of his ultimate. His passive shield is a bit odd, rather than blocking just one ability, if you use your abilities too quickly it has the ability to block EVERYTHING, so be careful when trading and take your time with ability usage.”
Johan Paracelso says “The only thing you should worry about is his passive spell shield, since it can go through your cage, and makes him inmune to your Q W and R. Malzahar has an early preassure over Veigar, since his E and W clean waves at the speed of light, and his E passive can out sustain you (when we are talking about mana). So, you could try to auto him before your combo, but even so, his E range is bigger than your auto range, so watch out”
Hiimkata says “Pre 6 it's really easy to kill and have prio/pressure in lane. All in him when he uses E on minion or you could just all in when you're healthy enough. Once he has Lost Chapter it's more annoying because he can perma push the wave. Pre 6 you should just look for trades all the time becasue you can't lose them, but once he gets 6 and lost chapter you can never walk up and you have to accept his push and just push after. Careful for his silence even after he uses it it's still active for a second so you can still get hit by it. I dont like to buy qss because it hinders your dmg too much unless you're snowballing then you should go for a qss else just position really well and dont go in too early and have patience(which you should always do once he has 6)”
CaptianMike says “He is quite easy to beat in lane! He stays back to farm, and so do you. What's really neat is that you can kill his minions to restore mana (Your E passive). It's the perfect lane! The only problem is that if he gets his shield in time, he can almost entirely negate your ultimate so be sure to use it as soon as you know you can kill him, but far enough from him that he won't silence or suppress you to cancel it. Don't sweat this one.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Stay away from your minions and poke and break his Passive so he can't absorb your Q damage for a while, Malmortius is optional, use the correct mechanic so he can't stop you with his R after you use yours”
mrsuits says “Pre 6 keep his shield on cooldown and ask for ganks while keeping the wave on a neutral state. After 6 do the same but respecting his Ult cause its a killer. Exhaust might help”
Poppi Sama says “Even matchup, constantly poke to remove spell shield, and avoid his ult range. Look for ganks, for he will CC you with his Ultimate, before or after his jungler appears mid.”
bboyxje123 says “Lucian is great against malzahar. With your Q you can kill all his beasts in once. With your W you can deactivate malzahar's passif. The only negative thing about this matchup is that his Q cancels your ult.”
KataTocDo says “His outplay button(R) will screw you over. Abuse him early.
Runes: Conq. - Dom. or Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Blade or Dark Seal”
oxydon141414 says “You need to watch out and be aware of where the enemy jungler is,how much health you have during the lane phase, if his jungler is going to gank him/if you are low HP he will just R you and you will die.
In teamfights just wait and position yourself so that he won't be able to R you.”
Jnewbringspain says “Malzahar has two tools that can makes things difficult for you. First is his shield. You'll need to break it before you can do any damage. Secondly, his ult will do percentage damage to you, which is not good considering Cho's tanky status. The good news is how immobile he is. Once you crack his shield, your next Ruptures should be easy to land.”
Yamikaze says “In this matchup you want QSS early. Malzahar is very good at setting up free kills with his ultimate, so i suggest finishing your Zeal or Phantom Dancer and then rush a QSS.”
1Recycle Bin1 says “Not a threat in lane, start doran's blade and bully him with conqueror and auto attacks for early lead, try not to go for risky plays level 6
play slowly and you'll win”
wildersovereign says “His passive shield can block both your Q and the first hit of your ult, but this can be easily negated with your W during laning phase. The main difficulty in this matchup is the fact that his R is unreactable, meaning it's impossible to E it unless you predict it. This is a serious kill threat, especially when the enemy jungler is involved, so be careful when he has it up. He's immobile, so killing him when his spell shield is down is pretty easy, but make sure his E doesn't travel to you too much. As a reminder, his E will spread to a nearby target if another target (usually a minion) dies while afflicted. Stay away from low-health infected minions and you should be fine. Thankfully, your W makes this task a piece of cake.”
SkyBanana says “You will not out push this man at all. Malzahar will negate your greatest CC with his passive and he can instantly pick off anyone who is straggling, including you. Be very careful when laning against him since a good Malzahar can shut down any champion regardless of how well you are doing.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Only his r is scary as long as he isnt fed. I recommend taking predator or aery here. Flash is crucial because you can engage before he can ult you”
rajsovsky says “People call it hard matchup, but in my opinion it really isn't if you have brain. He can't kill you without someone's help that's why he waits for his ult and someone to help him killing you. Buy pings and play round vision so he can't do anything to you.”
invalidd says “Can be really annoying because the only way you can have an efficient trade is to get close to him to auto him to get rid of the shield and
hook him, but doing all of that will cause you to take a lot of harass which gets worse at level 6, if he uses his E on minions though
you can W over to him and always auto before going for a hook, you can also use your E to get close to him if you think the enemy jng won't come soon.
Complicated to gank.”
Aikairi says “Malzahar is pretty aids before. However, now you can just get QSS first item and finish Mercurial Scimitar since you can go AD. Make sure you get QSS tho because it counters him hard, not in just the hard-cc aspect. After you QSS his ulti, he is still hard-cc'd by his own ulti since it only negates the cc duration on you and not the damage. This means he's a standing target for you to kill easily.
In laning phase, just dodge his silence by going in on him and use your Q to proc his passive shield.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs malza: Lleva Tp para el hard pockeo que te tendrá , ademas como es splitpusher farmeara mas rapido, es decir que si te matan una vez y no tienes tp, el aprovechara todo eso. Compra eco de luden ) Ah, y no temas a pockear, eso si, guardate tu Q para cuando te tire la R cancelarla. No podras matarlo eficientemente en linea, puede que termine en una 1kill para los dos o simplemente no se puedan llegar a matar en fase de linea, por eso el tp, para rotar y sacar kill.”
TheHostileCat says “His split pushing is way better than yours, and his ult is stronger per say. Get a quicksilver sash (qss) and avoid his silence/q. Try to one shot the little voidlings with your q and then q-auto-w-q trades in lane. ”
YIVENDER says “n this matchup you want QSS early. Malzahar is very good at setting up free kills with his ultimate, so i suggest finishing your Zeal or Phantom Dancer and then rush a QSS.
YIVENDER says “n this matchup you want QSS early. Malzahar is very good at setting up free kills with his ultimate, so i suggest finishing your Zeal or Phantom Dancer and then rush a QSS.
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Very boring lane
- Match his push
- If you're looking to gank him, get his passive down with your Q
- You win jungle 2v2's
- Outroam him with ult and teleport”
Big Shawn says “Malzahar can be fragile against Ekko. Due to the fact that Ekko can leap so fast towards him, his passive shield will be gone. Poking him won't be a problem as he will have a hard time poking you. Full engages should be your rhythm to win against him.”
Scyrine says “Another champion a lot of people have trouble with. always try to proc his shield off and look for a combo. Just never play against him under his turret, as he'll just R you. get rid of his passive and full engage. ”
BCota says “Really annoying perma pushes you, space aids hurt like hell try to auto him to take his shield off and run him down pre 6. if you get 6 first take his shield off and use E+Q and autos to lower his health then all in when your CDs are up. If he ults you just use your ult Q+E+W and ignite and you should heal your health back and just kill him”
Chili Dog says “Kind of aids, just try your best to match his push and when he calls his slaves wipe them away with a fully charged E, later in the game if you pool underneath him and he spam presses R on your pool zhonyas before pool ends, it flips the targetable / invulnerable switch on so he legit ults you while in zhonyas, wasting it. Phase Rush recommended.”
Xiphire says “He has a strong poke and a silence that make it difficult to have a life on a lane but his most devastating ability is his R so make sure you gonna have QSS.”
ITss_HURRICAN3 says “Malzahar is basically your counterpick: his E can spread through minions and if you ult he can ult you back, suppressing a damage blocker making the teamfight hard.”
FalleN3 says “He will generally push the lane, HARD! This will make it so that you are going to be CS'ing under your tower for most of the laning phase. He has low mobility and is vulnerable to ganks so the fact that he will generally push the lane so hard will likely mean that he will over-extend quiet a bit. Use this to your advantage and call for some jungle help. His passive can be annoying as it makes him immune to CC (which includes your stun) so make sure his passive is down before attempting to all-in him. After level 6 you both can burst each other down so it would be wise to be the one to make the first move! TIP: Cleanse will not remove Malzahar's Ultimate from you because it is a suppression.”
Last Roar says “You can beat him before lvl-6 and after lvl 6 if his ults down. He's more annoying than scary. He clears very fast, meaning he can punish your roams. With Malzahar the main thing to do is dodge his abilities and kill his creeps, then all in. He's also quite mana hungry, so you can sometimes bait his abilities out of him to make him useless.
Obj: Dodge abilities and all in him. Keep control of the waves. If you go even in lane. He's not too much of a threat to your team.”
SkellyBirb says “Malzahar can be hard to engage on due to his spell shield and can shut you down in ganks and team fights with his ultimate. QSS can be great against him.”
vCraze says “Malzahar is a very easy matchup, you have a large range advantage on him at all stages. Stay away from the minions when he has his E on them as you don't want to take any unnecessary damage. You can kill his minions while pushing the wave with your Q. Make sure you poke him out when manflow and comet are available and don't walk in range of him when you hit 6. Once you have Ludens he should never be able to touch you.”
Sadkid says “Malz poses little to no threat. Try match his push and R forward to break his spell shield and he is incredibly squishy. Only threat is his ulti with a gank. Play with your range later on. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Never let his passive recharge, just keep poking him down and try to timing your lasers so it also kills the critters he summons as well as damaging him. He can cc you and get you killed in teamfights so be wary of that, otherwise in laning just run his mana dry by not letting his E infect any new minions. Get jg help if you must because he is good at setting up ganks.”
Mad AkaTha says “Can be easily outplayed if makes mistake.
Wait for him to make a mistake then Attack him
Dash through minions into him poke him little bit then dash away”
Elpatronchico says “I don't see Malzahar as much of a threat, but I see many players struggle to win lane against him. Try to rush Quicksilver Sash as fast as you can, then try to poke him with E + Q + AA combo.”
S4V4 says “Very easy match up, he doesn't win any trade. Not early game, not mid game, not late game. Only problem he can cause is his R. Buy QSS and you're good to go.”
WolfRider01 says “Malzahar has natural lane presence due to his DOT and his CC. Let him shove the wave, then get in his face, knock his shield down, and poke him down. DO NOT ENGAGE HIM WHEN YOU ARE LOW BEYOND LVL 6. HE WILL KILL YOU WITH R+IGNITE AND E. DO NOT TOWER DIVE HIM IF HIS R IS UP.”
Katfire says “Malz isn't too difficult his silence is easy to dodge and most of the time you will kill his voidlings without even having to try while trading with him. The only problem and major annoyance is that you will need to buy a QSS preferably before lvl 6. ”
Aiseral says “Use Q to proc his passive shield when lane laning against him. Just be cautious of his ultimate so try not to overextend too far in lane as you will be vulnerable to the enemy jungler”
MINISE says “Malzahar is an easy matchup, take ignite into a doran's blade but instead of focusing Malzahar, focus on the minions and his mini-void crabs to CS”
MagicalFartz1 says “Spellbook with teleport. He has everything in his kit to stomp you, from his passive to ult. You can't bubble him if he has passive and even if you bubble him with his passive down he can use his voidlings to nullify or block your Q damage. All in him if his passive is down and he has used his voidlings. Can't do much in lane just farm up and wait for ganks. In the mid game make picks on his teammates and avoid him.”
Akali go skrrrt says “Just like with most ranged match up you cant really do much pre lvl 3/6. Dont get harassed to much for a few minions. Be carefull when going all in lvl 6 as he can just press R to stun you.”
economistastonks says “He can really zone you out of your game plan. He can push you into tower constantly and harder than other champions, while also having a shield against your long range hooks, as well as having an lethal ultimate. If you're against it, try being patient and getting Tiamat, once you have it, try to use it to take his shield ou before an all-in. ”
Elpatronchico says “For his R. This should be an easy mashup if you know how to counter him, but as I see many players struggle to win against him, he can be very hard.
Try to rush Quicksilver Sash, and stay out from his range. Use your E only to engage, oterhwise don't try to kill him.”
DrWindwall says “I would place him between even and major if i could. It's pretty obvious why he can destroy you. you can either play safe and farm up as he usually never freezes and buy a qss which is a game changer in this case.”
sweodigaming says “Mostly annoying. Can harass you very hard. He can zone the lane very good and has great sustain. You can't roam since you will lose a lot of farm. He does however have mana problems through out the game! I suggest taking TP in this lane.”
MetaKnight13373 says “You can out damage Malzahar at range, however do not underestimate the range of his ultimate. His spellshield isn't much of an issue as it can be popped by any ability including your ultimate. ”
Aukaren says “His passive is what makes the matchup pretty much impossible if he plays it well., he will push his lane and will to try to bait out your E, Once its baited he will just go all in you. Always go Mercury Treads and Rush QSS [Quicksilver Sash] as soon as you hit LvL 6”
sm1rk says “He's a pain with his ult. You need QSS, cleanse does not work. He'll lock you down every team fight, and when you get QSS, he'll force your ADC to get a QSS as well. QSS.”
Manzey says “Malzahar will shove you in under the tower over and over again. Call for ganks and play safe. Try to lower his void shield before the gank.”
Siderman5 says “One of the problems with Malzahar is his passive, because it is really irritating, when you try to charm him, but his spellshield just appeared and blocked the charm. And most of the time, if you are not in a strong position and he has ult up, he can take down you really easily after your charm is blocked by the spellshield. And I didn't even mentioned, how easy is for his jg to gank a Malzahar. If you push the wave up a bit, you have to be aware, his ult can supress you, and his jungler can just easily walk near and take you down. Versus Malzahar you should build magic resistance items like Banshee's, and should ask your jg for some ganks.”
Lunasta says “He is really annoying and can push the wave really fast, preventing you from Roaming, So build a QSS to escape his ult, and Try to be as annoying as him, give him tiny bursts every time he tries to farm of E>Q until he gets low and dies or have to go to Base”
Haywyre says “Pre 6 fights should be in your favor but team fighting will need to be played extra careful. If you'd like Cleanse is a good option here.”
Yeager says “He can shove in faster than you, he has a spellshield and voidlings that can block your damage. Always keep his passive shield down, and try to hit all his voidlings with a paddle star so he can't waveclear as fast. After level 6 you want to stay safe until you have quicksilver sash. ”
SkellyBirb says “Malzahar is hard to deal with. You can heal up from his poke with shrines, but you may struggle to burst him and you'll have to poke him down and keep his shield down if you want to all in. Once he hits 6, you'll need to play very carefully when his ultimate is up.”
Frixen says “One of the worst matchups, simply because of the fact that he has unparalleled wave clear which means you will always be cs'ing under turret. Trading against him is quite difficult since he has his spell shield as well as the fact that he has his ultimate which leaves you not being able to walk up to him at all.”
FalleN3 says “He will push the lane extremely hard which is going to make it very difficult for you to roam. His passive is a problem for you so you need to remove it from him. His voidlings along with the rest of his kit and ultimate will make for an easy kill for him on you. Call for jungler help and try to punish him for any mistakes he makes. Take Teleport for this lane and remind your bot lane to keep a deep ward for you.”
FalleN3 says “He will push the lane extremely hard which is going to make it very difficult for you to roam. His passive is a problem for you so you need to remove it from him. His voidlings along with the rest of his kit and ultimate will make for an easy kill for him on you. Call for jungler help and try to punish him for any mistakes he makes. Take Teleport for this lane and remind your bot lane to keep a deep ward for you. Cleanse could be an option either, depending on your confidence. Mid game is usually where the problem lies for me against this champion.”
Ambience14 says “Malzahar is my go-to ban when I'm playing in high elo. If you're playing properly, he should never be able to kill you. Unfortunately, kill pressure isn't what makes Malz excel in this matchup. He's able to permashove the wave into your turret making you completely unable to leave lane or poke him down. This mean that he can constantly do one of two things. He will either poke you under turret and slowly take away your HP until you're forced to back, or he'll roam to place wards in your jungle, help with an invade, or gank a lane. All of this puts an immense amount of pressure on your teammates that there is no way for you to match. You will also likely have to build a QSS early, slowing down your powerspikes. If you're against Malz, thin the wave as much as possible, ping every time he leaves lane and let your team know that he's roaming a lot. I also highly recommend taking TP in this matchup in order to get back to lane quicker after being poked and to match his roams across the map. Even with all these precautions taken, it becomes very difficult to win if Malz is good. I recommend banning him every single game in Diamond+ if you plan on playing Mundo.”
Reason97 says “Malzahar can be a tricky one. He doesnt seem like much on the surface, but he has damage over time which can be super annoying, and if he gets in range for his R, it's an absolute nightmare for you since it locks you down completely. A skill matchup, with an edge in his favor. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade or D-Shield. Really annoying. He can shove you out of lane and just ruin you. Don't try to trade unless you get out his passive or have your jungler with you. He can be very easy to kill if he messes up. His R is the real annoying thing though, if you plan to all in him you will need a QSS. Outscales you. Take Fleet.”
Godzillababy says “After Lvl 6 you need to be really careful because he can press R and the jungle can finish you off. You need to go all in early he can outpoke you but if you go all in he is pretty helpless.”
Jimmy1337 says “U have to build a lot of MR to have chance to kill him during the laning phase. If you try to kill him at 6th, you're gonna be dead, cause of his high damage with full combo. Try to avoid getting caught with his E, and if you really want to fight with him, you have to turn off his passive shield.”
u fool says “Pyke's combo requires you to hit almost everything. Malzahar's passive is a counter to all your abilities, and laning against him will be difficult. In addition, you may be stuck under tower and poked. However, he is very squishy and if you can get your jungler to gank, it could be a free kill that turns your lane around.”
arcanejhin says “The only annoying part is his ult, and you could get QSS for that. Use Q and W To quickly clear his minions and make sure you do not stand next to a minion that is about to die from smoke.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty easy you outrade him, you can actually cancel his ult if you time it correctly, you can also e his voidlings
to kill them all. ”
DaggerTV_ says “You can abuse malzahards by perdicting his ult, and wing right before it. Malz gets a lot of damage by the voidlings, and if he ults he will spawn them before. If you leave enough time for the voidlings to spawn as the dagger falls on you. The dagger will kill them even if you are ulted by Malz. This is after 1 item, so remeber to nto do crazy things before that.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Malzahar has no real kill pressure on you pre 6. you can use your red card to AOE his voidlings, denying a lot of his waveclear. You can maybe look to kill him early if he plays poorly. Post 6 you'll have a hard time dealing with him solo due to hid ultimate, but he can't follow your roams at all.”
ShockMaster says “R Champ,his E dmg is Horrible,and i don t want to speak about his R and Q silence,fck this shiet i m out mmm. Just play deffensive and ask jungles's help”
Yuki H. says “Early game Zed doesn't actually struggle that much against Malzahar since a Q from Zed clears his voidlings and Malz's E is often put onto minions. The only thing that makes him difficult to deal with is his ult, which allows him to lock Zed down for a potential gank. Make sure to have awareness of the enemy jungler and don't take any unnecessary risks post 6.”
fwii says “Spam push early to force Malz to farm under tower. His waveclear is really poor before level 7 so he will miss a lot of farm. Look for kill after level 6”
Proma says “Dshield
Screw this champion. It doesn't matter how hard you shut him down in lane, post 6 he can just press R and get easy kills to get back into the game. My advice would be to play aggressive early and post 6 try to roam and get your team ahead since malz will eventually catchup to your lead.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very important to note that this is a midlaner, however his abilities counter you heavily because he has a silence and an ultimate you must buy Quicksilver Sash for to do anything or outplay. ”
Topofall says “Hes annoying but not nearly as bad a as galio or talon. Pre 6 you can bully him abit as long as you expect his silences. After 6 you should wait for him to die to use your ult or he will cancel it.”
Tocsam Vladimir says “Place good wards, stay calm, this is the most tilting matchup you can have, malz isn't hard to beat alone but he can ignore you and wait for ganks. Rushing qss is an option, but remember it stops your build and makes you weaker, I prefer to save it for later in the game.”
Defensivity1 says “Can easily outpush you and shove the wave under your tower with very little counterplay, be carefull if he uses a full combo on you ur almost guaranteed to die.”
Veralion says “There are two kinds of Malzahar in the world. The kind that E’s the wave and the kind that only E’s you. You can play around space AIDS on your wave and farm under turret once he has a few points in, but if he just spam E’s you things can get marginally annoying. Second wind/doran's shield gets insane value in this lane. A properly timed ult will immune and interrupt his R, but since it’s instant it’s tricky. You gotta pretty much be in his head to do it. It's also unnecessary; your all-in will absolutely destroy him, ult or no ult. If your ult doesn't land, hit him with a tick of W to drop his passive before using your E. The best solution is just to poke him before going in, though; his passive is on a pretty long cooldown. If you think their jungler might be anywhere near midlane, do NOT be within flash R range of Malz. This is really the only thing he can do to beat you.”
OOBLEXX says “Easily pokes Akali out in lane, even in her shroud, causing her to miss out on a lot of farm which is bad since you want to be aiming for Hextech GB at 10 minutes. ”
vuty2002 says “You basically can't dive tower to kill him and enemy Jungler will camp your lane because Malzahar Ultimate can suppression you for 2.5 seconds, enough for them to kill you.”
TheWindWalker says “Always ult first, so that when he ults back he is not prepared with his W and E and has to run after then end of it but you chase him down.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Major
You can not leave him alone in lane unless you wanna lose your tower at 10 minutes with you losing a lot of CS so i suggest you take TP.
He has the spellshield so you can't do that much alone without getting the short end of the stick.”
snukumz says “He's basically 0 threat until he hits level 6, then it's almost impossible for you to kill him unless he fucks up royally or his ult is down.
If his ult is up then he can just stop you from killing him with it. If he's smart he's predict your landing with his silence, use his Voidlings and space aids, and then ult and kill you.
You can actually cancel Malz's ult if you cast your ult as he casts his but you have to get very luck to do this. ”
snukumz says “It's a farm and wave clearing lane.
His wave clear is a bit better but not way better.
Wait to use abilities and clear the wave until after Malzahar summons his minions, once he does use your abilities to clear the wave and kill his minions, he loses a lot of his wave clearing power once his minions die. Priorities auto attacking his minions to stop his ability to wave clear.
Use your Q from time to time to keep his passive spell shield down.
Look to combo him when you can to kill him, but beware his silence will stop your ultimate and his ult will as well.
He's very killable with a jungle gank.
GrayRiver says “"He will push the lane extremely hard which is going to make it very difficult for you to roam. His passive is a problem for you so you need to remove it from him. His voidlings along with the rest of his kit and ultimate will make for an easy kill for him on you. Call for jungler help and try to punish him for any mistakes he makes. Take Teleport for this lane and remind your bot lane to keep a deep ward for you." FalleN3”
1256 says “lissandra case except this dude shoves it so fast, quite annoying and also his spellshield late omg.. just outscale and make your teammates pop it, careful when trading you can lose them, if you pop malzas shield once with q you can cast next ones to renew his passive cd, you oneshot voidlings with e
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
goodimbinatas says “Veigar can easily kill his voidlings with W or just stack two of them with Q in the laning phase. Later on in the game, Veigar is able to out-range Malzahar with his spells.”
AZIR MEN says “FARMING LANE! Good news, your wave clear costs less mana than his. Take teleport and don't stand near low hp minions. Watch out for his flash ult. It cannot be cleansed.
take lethal tempo, conq, or comet with teleport as a summoner spell.”
Pentakai says “E his voidlings. Be careful of his R + enemy jungler. If he ults a teammate, you can interrupt it with your Q. Be wary of his R during teamfights.”
LightningTemplar says “QSS will be necessary early on if you want to accomplish anything in lane post 6. But by building a QSS early, you'll be sacrificing a lot of crucial dmg, and therefore reducing the kill pressure you have on Malzahar. Ask jungler for help. ”
only yasuo play says “Insane gank setup with his R. Try to bully him before he hits 6. Try to blow his spell shield with q3 but DO NOT hit minions.
Dodge his abilities with e.
Post 6 you are fucked.
Buy quick silver sash.”
PepeOnDrugs says “He will push the lane extremely hard which is going to make it very difficult for you to roam. His passive is a problem for you so you need to remove it from him. His voidlings along with the rest of his kit and ultimate will make for an easy kill for him on you. Call for jungler help and try to punish him for any mistakes he makes. Take Teleport for this lane and remind your bot lane to keep a deep ward for you.
xXAhriXx69 says “The ult is a problem for almost any mid laner since you generally dont have much health and since your'e locked in place it makes for an easy target”
lRusu says “The reason Malzahar counters you so hard is because if you ever go in he will just ult you and you have no counter besides force buying an AD ITEM (Quick Silver Sash)”
KataFlix says “Malzahar is very easy to play against with unless you are very greedy, being greedy gives him the opportunity to leave you with low HP and can easily Flash R you until you are dead, if you feel uneasy to play against Malzahar, disable his passive with your Q and let him push your lane for longer fights with him, make sure no enemy minions are next to you to take extra damage”
MaxskeProductions says “This type of champ is the easiest for ekko. You have strong enough waveclear to match his and also kill his W minions for extra gold. You can jump on him anytime you like. If he is perma ulting you mid game, a QSS might not be a bad buy.”
henxs says “Pokes a lot and his ult is very dangerous.
If u will reach lvl 6 first then you should engage but be sure where enemy jungler is.
Early ganks vs him may already win the gank for you.”
panger 174 says “champ de autista, va a pushear. sacale la pasiva y despues trata de matarlo. con la r te va a matar siempre. podes sacar QSS NO TE DA AD dh elec”
Debonair Karma says “Malzahar isn't that big of a threat himself, but he can easily kill you in a gank, he's also a very good roamer. Early on you can outpush him so try to shove him in because he struggles to farm under tower. Take teleport”
Gageowago says “Ahri destroys malzahar when it's just him. (Although you seriously need to make sure he can't reset his e onto you because you'll take a ton of damage.) When his spellshield is up and you want to trade with charm throw your q right before charm so that the spellshield is removed and he takes the charm amplified q damage as well as getting cc'd. When he hits 6 make sure to have both sides of the lane warded because Malzahar has insane gank setup potential. If he's too much of a problem to handle just purchase the QSS tax.”
BigFatCat909 says “Malzahar is only really annoying post 6, don't be fooled, merc treads don't reduce his ult duration, though the magic resist is nice.”
topal says “you can't really push him under tower and roam nor kill him in lane so he neutralises you well. He will just push and keep you under tower. Use your q to proc his passive and all in him when his passive is on cd before 6 or if he has no ult.”
ZombieZack1 says “Malzahar Should be Easily Winnable, he Has a Slow Laning Phase and Lux is decent while Farming Under Turret, Try to Auto him to Clear his Shield
Lil Tidepod says “Malzahar has similar range to you, but if you avoid his silence, he should be an easy kill if his ultimate is down or he doesn't have it yet. Try to poke him hard and force him under turret, because he'll miss a lot of farm.”
Fhizzikx says “The only real threat is his r so bring cleanse with you if they can follow up and kill you. You can take down his passive shield with an auto attack so look to take it down whenever possible. Taking Liandries is necessary because if ur in combat then he will be in combat too and that means it will take longer for his shield to come back.”
Capparelli says “As shocking as it is this is actually not a terrible matchup, you can dodge his Q with W and your Q oneshots the minions he makes, his P is also easy to take out with a max range Q, Tiamat if shoving and roaming, Hexdrinker if fighting”
serruh says “slightly stronger version of lissandra(matchup-wise), used to be really annoying with his cancer puppies but since your flux auto-spreads on first cast, it's a lot easier to clear them and if you get rid of them he's a piece of cake. unlike lissandra, do NOT get cleanse as it will do nothing, but beware of his gank setup with R.”
RockitoAhri says “Poke him until he is killable with a single spell rotation. 50%HP Malz > Max Range Q > auto > W > R. Poof. He can't even ult.
If one shotting him is not possible, you engage with Q > R > W into him and charm right after. Most of the times he will ult you right after you dash into him and your charm will cancel his ult. Looks good as well. You will get honors and stuff. ”
Prenora says “so much utility allows you to break his sheild and the aoe bubble allows you to kill his summons with one spell, if he uses maleific visions on a minion, all in him.”
Kami_EU says “Long gone are the days in where Malzahar hardcounters Yasuo, quite the contrary - burning Malzahar's passive spellshield is rather simple for Yasuo.
Trade with him if he wastes his cooldowns.
Buying QSS will make you tough to kill for Malzahar even in 1v2 situations.”
Sismanski says “Not as bad as Cassio, but if Malza decided to save his ult just for you, he also will be quite annoying. This problem can be solved buy getting the Quicksilver Sash, but leaves your build without the final item.”
chrisloths says “Your plant autos can easily remove his spell shield. If he gets close to you to ult you, place your plants and ultimate and they'll kill him while he's standing still.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “his silence and farming can be alilttle bit annoying, stay away from your minions when he E's them and one Q will clear his monsters
try not to tower dive him when he have his ulti and always bait his silence and try to dodge it anyway
Witchxry says “Terrible. He's very hard to play against because he gets a free spellshield, has a silence, and can cc you very hard with his Ult and just kill you if you get stuck. It's winnable, but you're gonna want to be as safe as you can while laning.”
Sloyr says “He will just push waves really hard and stay under tower. You can't dive him because of his R, so roam bot and wait for fights. During fights, try to go in when he wastes his ult.”
MomQueen says “Built in Banshee's can literally block any attempts at damage, zoning silence to prevent CS-ing and engaging, and an ult that deals DOT and completely renders you immobile.”
ekkologix says “Medium matchup, Q to remove his passive and all-in with W , level 6 along a burst jungle like graves is a problem ,here i prefer tenacity over QSS.”
Gogicha55 says “Pokes, Has a really strong ult, REALLY good waveclear So it's hard to just shove and roam, try to kill him early or play it safe and roam if you see an opportunity ”
8wolf says “Very annoying to play against. His waveclear is amazing, but the voidlings give a bit of extra gold. Cleanse only removes the stun from his ult, the dmg still goes through, but if you really don't want to get the dmg from the space AIDS, cleanse + Zhonya is what you need.”
Daedralus says “Better to dodge than go to this game as he will never allow himself near you, not to mention his passive that prevents you from initiating with your Ult. You must always auto first to bring his passive down and never have your Q or Ult blocked or you will have no source of higher damage or heal, and will bring your death especially with his swarm of minions that hurt like hell as if his ranged suppress ult was not enough. Your E is good if you ever get infected by his E and can make his ult signifcantly useless if timed together by luck and will leave him slightly vulnerable in this case. But other than that, he has a great advantage over you. ”
Gettsuu says “Très chiant a tuer en 1v1 mais il ne vous tuera jamais en 1V1 non plus vus votre range.
Je vous conseille de hard push la lane et de roamer.”
Tehqo says “Get his shield out of the way. Once he's 6 you might not want to shuffle him anymore because he can just ult you. His little creatures will be annoying to deal with.”
This lane shuts you down completely. Auto-shove then he hides in fog of war so you cannot step up because he can just R you if you go into the river. His jungler can play around him easily so you cannot get vision (permanent pinks you can't contest.) THIS IS THE ONLY MATCHUP I CONSIDER GLACIAL AUGMENT IN. I know my laning is shut down so I go for a supportive style of build.”
TheBlueImperial says “Not seen him in a really long time, incredibly unpopular but you easily shove a lane and roam and there isn't much he can do against it.”
Impswitch says “He pushes pretty well so its hard to roam. Obviously you dont want to be pushed and have him flash ult you and get ganked but you can farm it up and try to roam.”
GalioPlayer says “he can absorb your most important dueling ability (E) with his passive and then proceed to murder you with his very , very balanced kit ”
KitsyMamori says “He will shut you down no matter what. He has a spellshield to block your Q/R and a suppress with a lot of abilities that go with it. Avoid 1 on 1's”
cobbzy says “Really difficult lane. Play passive and ask for jungler pressure when they can help. If you can get ganks and secure the kills, it could be easier for you in the mid game to destroy in lane. Take Doran's shield. ”
vaske_lol says “He is unkillable in lane for the most part. DO NOT jump into the enemy team while his ult is up even if you have Zhonya's.
If you use your Q to cancel his R, you will most likely win the teamfight or survive the incoming gank.”
Aizenvolt says “It's generally an easy matchup. Try to dont take free poke from his malefic visions. What I mean is when he has used that on the minions stay away from them because when it kills a minion it will go on the nearest target and if it is you then you will get free poke. After 6 be careful, because his ult can synergize well with a gank and take an easy kill so when you go in be sure that the enemy jungler isn't near. Whatever you do dont dive him under turret. He will ult and kill you easy. Ask for gank if you cant kill him. Don't take cleanse versus Malzahar, it doesn't work on his ult. If you get hit by malzahars malefic visions try to not get hit by malzahars call of the void(i mean his silence) because it will refresh malefic visions damage on you.”
ShockStrikes says “Dodge his poke, he is able to silence you, resulting in you not being able to use your abilities. Build Quicksilver Sash against him because his ultimate is broken. Not even cleanse can break his ultimate CC.”
stupid katarina says “(Q* + R) He can't do much. If he doesn't have flash make sure to kill him as much as possible. His ultimate isn't that bad if you R near him for the knock up effect or if you W to polymorph him.”
LONERlSM says “Farm lane malzahar passive blocks one spell look to q him and break the passive before making an extend trade. Play away from your minions malz e spreads to the closest target if malz es you than look to shove the wave forcing malz to lose cs but if he es the wave look for an extend trade.”
DravensBukkake says “TP
cancer af matchup he cc lock you into gank spam
jk this ain't liss
Ignite matchup. Malz solo kill pressure VERY low. Setup soldiers levels 1-3 next to him. Walk up, and setup soldiers. if he E's or Q's you, your AA will out dmg it, much less if you do 2 AA's. At around level 3 to 4, if you aa'd him enough, at around 30% hp, he'll die from W E Q AA ign. Buy QSS later if you really need to, or if you're the teams win condition. Only reason its listed major, is because theres literally no counterplay to his ult, other than QSS. You hard stomp him in lane, out shove out poke out everything, but he denies you being able to 1v9. Absolute cancer. Also you can't dive him for shit past 6.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Fight him as much as you can before 6 After that you must buy Qss before you can fight him, when you have your Qss the lane becomes very easy again, use his voidlings to your advantage ”
Marumo says “Threat level 6.
He's a pain, sure, but at the end of the day if you're keeping yourself up on farm and positioning well you shouldn't have too hard of a time. What's even nicer is that he likes to push you under tower and leave himself vulnerable to ganks.”
YeeDS says “Can kill you at all stages of the game. His minions slows you so you don't get close and there is nothing to dodge so you die real easy.
Get Mercury Treads and try to avoid him.”
Braddik says “E his void walkers and burst him down, watch out for his R level 6. dont take super long trades as his space aids will hurt a lot. You can poke him pretty well and absorb his damage with your q.”
EvilBird090 says “Fuck this guy. Malzahar himself is not the biggest threat to Vladimir, but his passive denies you an all in most of the times while his ult further cucks you in teamfights even if you go for different targets. The only counter play is to build QSS or wait his ult out, otherwise the enemy team will probably focus you while you are suppressed and you will die before you can Zhonya's or pool.”
Mortal333 says “His spellshield can nulify the stun of your E and make him able to dodge every single skillshot, has a good range, a silence and his ultimate makes it easy to gank you or engage on you.”
HeisendongNA says “Malzahar is an amazing pusher who destroys turrets quite easily. Also care for his lvl 6 burst; suppression from his ult can set up ganks on you super easy.”
spark2 says “If at all possible, avoid picking Ekko into Malz. Most of his abilities are point-and-click, giving him really easy, unmissable harass and lockdown. Always pop his passive shield before trying to engage. He pushes extremely hard and is vulnerable to ganks, so just try not to die too much and ask for help from your jungler when he inevitably pushes the wave! Investing in a Quicksilver Sash to negate his ult is also definitely worth it if you're having trouble.”
Cloud375 says “Space aids are annoying and so are the minions due to your squishiness. You cannot cancel his ult either so typically, I would either ask for a jungler to help or just take cleanse over ignite in this lane.”
Tayna says “You counter him, but it's annoying to play against, ngl.
Time your E well, keep your distance, and just go all in when he doesn't have his ult.”
IceBite says “kill him early and together with your jungler after 6, Malzahar mains are small brain so they will push your lane forever and wont stop until they got your Inhib. maybe take Dorans Shield vs his E”
Yu_1 says “His immense CC will be a pain to deal against, not to mention his spell shield further making your job harder. Try and bait him to use his ultimate before you use yours, and harass him whenever possible using the W-E-double Q combo.”
Garybaldo says “Careful with his 6-spike, his passive will mess up your E, he'll outpush you hard, however you're much more relevant in teamfights. Sash is a must. Use your W to see if he's roaming, spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, he has great roam potential”
iijcaii says “His passive can deny a pluck and save his life a lot. His spiders are also an issue to maneuver around. Save your W for when he uses R on you to counteract the DOT damage. He can also use his silence to cancel your Q.”
wrinkle_juice says “You'll probably need QSS late game because he will most likely just focus ult you every time he sees you in team fights. Definitely need two rotations of your tornado in order to go in on him effectively because of his spell shield. Never engage while his shield is up and steer clear of minions that are afflicted with his poison.”
Novok says “Poke him until he is killable with a single spell rotation. 50%HP Malz > auto > E > Q > W > R. Poof. He can't even ult. If one shotting him is not possible, you engage with Q > R > W into him and charm right after. Most of the times he will ult you right after you dash into him and your charm will cancel his ult. Looks good as well. You will get honors and stuff. ”
worddog says “A simple matchup, if you want to win hard you have to build tenacity. If you do not mind scaling than the lane is fairly simple and he will never pose much of a threat to you until you have already hit your power spike. You'll want strong waveclear if you plan on having a passive lane.”
SirZeros says “Malzahar is not picked that often, but can definetly burst you down pretty quickly. You have to tell your jungler to babysitt a bit in the earlygame, because if he gets ahead it's not funny. Some Magic Resist helps anyway.”
Hi Im Zoky says “Malzahar is strong against zed.
He got strong push and laning phase, he's ult counter you the most. Try poking with q and freezin wave til your jg is ther!
Euphoric Toaster says “The main thing Malzahar does is shove, so if as you're able beat or match his push you've already negated a lot of his presence in the game. Focus mainly on keeping up with his shove and wait for teamfights, as you have a greater presence in them than he does. Malzahar can only Ult one person in teamfights and you can not only Ult multiple people but he is completely vulnerable to being oneshot by you if he doesn't Ult you. In lane, poke his shield off with autos or by fanning your W, and you can E his voidlings, killing them all and hurting his pushing power. Unfortunately he MAY get some early kills on you with flash Ults + his jungler ganking, which theres really nothing you can do about that. If worst comes to worst you can always just but a Quicksilver Sash as well.”
chloric says “Ughhh fuck this guy. Honestly ban him because:
1. His Spellshield cockblocks you to hook him.
2. His voidlings can block your hook.
3. His ult is annoying.”
Full Metal Jayce says “Malzahar isn't really a hard matchup in terms of mechanics but his ult can often times set up ganks or a full combo of his with ignite can often take you down with very little you can do against it.
Big Shawn says “If you attempt to rush QSS, you will win this lane. But your Play style will have to change, that being passive as your are "technically" behind.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “You must build Hexdrinker to absorb his damage in Early Game
Don't approach your E'd minions
Force him to do his R then use yours for payback”
Zeyan says “Spell shield Counters your engage and his silence messes your engage up. hard to kill in lane without jungle help and his ult completely ruins your day.”
ZenonZeni says “Never Dive Mal he will lure you in under tower and destroy you. When facing mal play smart and punish him if he is alone. But never face him without an advantage while also try to avoid clinging to minions.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “I'm just going to put it simple- I hate Malzahar. His free spell shield makes it very hard to kill him. If you pop ult before he does (remember Pop Blossom only stops with death), then you can interrupt his ult and get away/kill him. Always kill his voidlings with Q and stack your passive off them.
You DO NOT kill him in lane. It just isn't possible. Maybe with a gank, but don't spam ping your jungler about it. Just wait for Ludens and stopwatch before roaming, because you can't really push against him.”
EvilOranges says “Start D-Shield or D-Blade. This is a matchup where he will poke you with his E, shove your wave with Q, W, AND E, can't get knocked up because of his shield passive, and can level 6 insta-kill you with his jungler by pressing R. Rush QSS after zeal or statikk. (You don't have to right after zeal if the enemy jungler is weak or can't really gank well.) Take Fleet Footwork.”
I Do Not Flame says “Try to kill it before he reach 6 or he can snowball with you.
Let him push lane and farm with your Q, trying to hit him with it to take away his shield.”
ShadowFox101 says “He has amazing waveclear which means he can punish your roams. Once he hits level 6 he can counter your ultimate with his own. If you hit level 6 first, try to kill him. Don't underestimate his silence when you go in.”
vzelt says “Going against Malahar can be tricky after level 6. I recommend taking cleanse for this champion matchup to dodge the R. It will be hard to win trades so try to keep up with farm until the late game where you can outscale.”
LightningDeceptigon says “Annoying to deal with, high poke and his ult is a major threat since Vlad doesn't run cleanse. Strong laning phase compared to Vlad's weak early-game.”
DaykareLeL says “Hes a major counter because he can push without even enter in your Q range and he forces you to build QuickSilver what delay your power spike.”
Xavier Senori says “Malz is a pretty serious problem in lane, as his spell shield protects him against early harass, he can burst you down with his ult, and he pushes harder than you. Harass him early to force him to place his space aids on you instead of on the minions, and push him under his tower. Call for early ganks if possible.”
Poleseas16 says “Your worst nightmare if you're playing Fizz. As a melee champion, it'll be incredibly difficult to win trades if his passive shield is up. You won't be able to all in at any stage of the game as his ult will stop you in your tracks. You'll be forced to CS under turret early game until help with a gank.”
Pumparum says “Malz doesn't have the mana to kill you early and isn't fast enough to out roam you. His only threat is that he may lock you down for a gank or that you underestimate his voidling damage while being ulted. Fairly easy farm lane.”
Galactroce says “Il vous seras chiant d'affronter un Malzahar à cause de son passif qui ignoreras vos dégâts. Mais son passif s'en va quand il marche sur votre E, vous pourrez toujours le root (Z) Il peut aussi vous faire de gros dégâts avec son combo simple mais très fort. ”
unownreality says “if you can pop his magic shield, you can kill him. Watch for minions to predict ult use. Singularity his position and wait until his spell shield is popped before detonating. ”
MechaaZero says “I have come to hate this match-up largely due to his ult. which LASTS FOREVER. His minions provide decent blockage for your Q, but once you get 6 things shape up. The R is really the deciding factor, and he will have better wave pressure.”
CC Diana says “The main issue with playing against Malzahar is that he naturally and very effectively pushes the lane which gives him roam priority. To prevent him from roaming, push the lane back into his tower. Once you are 6, Malzahar should not be much of a problem. Once you have gotten rid of his passive shield he becomes a free kill unless of course he still has ult up. In this scenario, just poke him down with Q until he gets low enough for an all in. It also goes without saying that at level 6, do not dive Malz while he is under turret since he can suppress you before you finish your full combo.”
maplecat21 says “You scale comparably, you push comparably. You get free money from his voidlings though. You also have a stronger duel than him post 6, so make sure to abuse it. Remember that you can knock out the spellshield with an auto, and if you hit him with Q dead on and explode when it's passed him, you can still stun him through spellshield.”
Boy0Champ says “In this matchup you want QSS early. Malzahar is very good at setting up free kills with his ultimate, so i suggest finishing your Zeal or Phantom Dancer and then rush a QSS.”
EvilOranges says “Corruption Potion. He is long range, infinite pushing power, and an ult that can lock you out of Riftwalk and any abilities for ganks. You won't be able to touch him early, so just play safe early. Try to buy a Quicksilver Sash, especially if the enemy jungler has strong damage. You can Riftwalk away if the jungler can't do enough damage while you are suppressed.”
RagexAddict says “Malzahar can push you in pretty hard, the same as Heimerdinger. His damage is lacking early if his voidlings aren't up, so use that as your chance to trade with him. A good idea beforehand would be to Q at him and E away and wait for them to come off cooldown. You'll be more effective the next time you go in to trade with his spellshield down. Remember that his ultimate will suppress you and leave you vulnerable to attack and that his spellshield can negate your ult.”
Flipps says “Don't let him catch you out. You should be able to clear his minions fairly quickly. If he is shoving wave to meet a skirmish ping it really hard and try to focus him. If he keeps focusing minions you might be able to kill or demotivate him to skirmish, otherwise you are better off going to the skirmish yourself. Knowing when to roam on cassiopeia is key, as she is immobile. you might want a QSS in this lane.”
Rarely Pro says “Malzahar's Passive can get pretty annoying when you are trying to perform your burst or cage him, and sometimes they build Banshee's Veil which adds on to the annoyance, to to poke with your Q to remove his passive and watch out for him using flash ults. It's best to build Banshee's Veil yourself to counter him.”
picarowanderer says “His Ult is quite annoying because it puts you in a position where you can't do shit. I'd peel with the ADC if I were you. In early game though, you can poke him to take away his shield. Afterwards, you can bully him until he does a shitload of AP to you. This is why you have a wall.”
LyndonK9 says “This matchup is not super hard but it is in his favor. Use your auto to get rid of his passive and Q him.
His spellshield negates your charm so try and auto him to get rid of it and charm. This is best done while your jungler is ganking. He has an easier time waveclearing than you.”
DaytonMcCloud says “If you're not familiar with the match up, this can be a nightmare with his spellshield and ultimate. Keep it down with Q, and look to trade when he uses his abilities to clear waves.”
Nightshade17 says “This guy is one of Vlads hardest counters. His ult pretty much makes you useless. Be very careful about getting caught out by his R. His biggest weakness early is his mana costs so try and keep him in lane as long as possible.”
RainbowNova says “He has a Point 'N Click Suppression, a pretty wide Silence and a Point 'N Click DoT ability which stops most of your movement speed bonuses. You'll most likely be too fast for him to hit anything, but it's a threat nonetheless.”
virkon says “Excellent matchup for Orianna, your Ball kills his minions easy, and you win 1vs1. You both want to push waves, but he cant without his minions so you get dominance mid lane.”
YourBestSenpai says “Eh, really gay ult, but that's all to be honest. Try to get his passive off first before engaging, if he ults someone else, just charm him, try to predict when he might ult you and charm right before he does to cancel it and smash him,”
Ec40494 says “Ultimate counters your ultimate. Break his shield with Q before all in. Avoid getting poked by his Poison and get QSS if ulti is proving too much for you.”
Zee Led says “This is early QSS matchup, after level 6 you just need to play as defensive as you can, because if malzahar ults you and his jungler is around, you are dead no matter what. Remember, cleanse doesn't work for malzahar's ultimate, that's why you need QSS.”
Zee Led says “You need to play as aggressive as you can untill level 6. Don't make trades when his passive shield is up, make sure to get it down with Q, then wait till Q is up again and go in hard. Don't risk making plays when he's level 6, because his ult is simply stupid and if his jungler is around, you will be dead.”
Best Karth NA says “Easy pre 6, you outpoke him. Use your q or auto to get rid of his shield and then go to town because he has a lot of trouble dodging your q. Malzahar's worst matchup imo, as he can't do much to you early game, and you have strong kill potential on him pre 6. If you aren't confident in your ability to grab an early kill on him, hard shove the wave early on as he has a lot of trouble last hitting under turret. ”
Charon25 says “Plus embêtant qu'autre chose. Il peut bloquer le Coup de Bidon avec ses créatures, mais elles sont tuables en un Q.
Protobelt et Chasseur Ingénieux essentiels pour contrer son push.”
AgreeableOtter says “Skill Matchup.
Rush Hexdrinker and hope that he's too stupid to R you after you come out of your ult. Your chances of killing him pre 6 are pretty bad because of his Passive Shield. You outscale him pretty hard, you should use that to your advantage.
Of course Qss fucks him really hard”
noolan says “Buckle your seatbelt, this is going to be a nightmare lane. You are going to lose lane so badly, it is going to physically hurt. DOT, 2.5 second ult cancelling suppression, an army of minions. Someone please remove this champion. Im done. . . ”
NescEI says “Get his Spellshield down first. Hexdrinker is a good option, QSS too when you got some Gold to spare. After his spellshield is down Q combo him and wait till next W or go in when he's low enough. Try to get an AA first when you went in, then R E AA. Don't try to towerdive, almost everytime it ends by killing yourself.”
Shderen says “Really insane pushing power, get ready to farm under tower. His Voidlings are also nuts, consider slowing them with your Q. Fun fact: hitting him while his passive is up with your Q still gives you the health regen and movespeed. Skill matchup.”
HerrSolahri says “Well... We saw how this Matchup goes in the Finals of 2017 Worlds Crown vs. Faker. Try to avoid it, but I most of the times win it anyway, because most Malzahar players are Autofill or bad, but a Malz OTP will win it.”
Fruxo says “Although his ultimate can drain your health away as well as suppress you, recommend getting Mercurial Scimitar to break off from suppression. His overall damage is pretty small though but it can still kill you if you aren't being careful.”
Extro Huski says “He can block your ult because of his bullshit passive which leads to a major threat. He also deals a lot of damage and has a lot of range”
chillin kenshi says “Walls you into lane try to kill him after he uses e or q on wave. Take his passive down with auto, dash to dodge the silence, get hex drinker and or qss your gonna it at least after lane. He will wall you into lane”
SmokeyEggs says “Immobile champ but his silence can interrupt all in's and his E with W can really hurt. Just push the wave hard and all in him when you can kill.”
Drdarkmage666 says “Non stop shoving wave you wont be able to kill him. He can out trade you if he lands his silence and can just press r for his jungler to kill you. ”
BicBee says “AA or W Malz to get rid of his passive shield before landing other skills onto him. You can 1 shot his voidlings with your Q. It'll significantly stop his push. Make sure to stay away from the minion that has malefic vision on it as it'll bounce to you when it dies. As soon as he uses his silence you can all in him pretty easily. DONT DIVE HIM.”
IHaveBongos says “He can constantly take down your turrets if you don't use them properly. To counter it just use 2 turrets at a time and when he takes down the set of two with his e place up 2 new ones. Another way would be to poke him with autos and pressure him out of lane early.”
BicBee says “You can 1 shot his voidlings with Q. AA or Q him to take off his shield before throwing out more skills. Look to trade with him whenever his silence is on CD. NEVER dive him. You win trades pretty easily, but won't be able to solo him instantly. You need to accumulate your damage over time. Play a bit more passive if your flash is down. ”
Bestlover says “You need to have some magic resist early and cleanse or quicksilver to fight him.
but until then you have a bad laning phase against him because he can poke you a lot before 6”
vukashin.xyz says “Land Q to remove his shield
Use W>E>Q combo to harras
If he uses e on minions you can trade with him since he will lose a lot if damage
Rush QSS after ghostblade or you will lack damage”
AzureArmatt says “Malzahar is Ahri counterpick for same reason Syndra is, point click ultimate you can't avoid once it's flying at you. his brainless mechanics let him get his wave pushed under your turret constantly and deal quite dangerous poke dmg over time. But here is the trick to beat Malzahar, get rid of his shield + abuse his short attack range. if you do this right you would be your teams hero because if Malzahar is behind everybody are happy.”
Bestlover says “Realy hard to engage, he as his shield and the time you need to take it way, he will just ult you and make you ult back or you die
Only way to win is to use cleanse and fight when his shield/ult is down.”
Lobex says “can do proto belt into him (just use proto to get his shield off and shark him right away, he will ult you and your shark knock up will cancel it so you win)
or just go qss”
Shaawn says “If you are against a good malz, you need to play smart (dorans shiled will help you alot in this matchup) rush qss so you can escape really easily from an enemy gank, if you feel like hes bad and you wanna kill him try to get his passive down with your nado and then once he is gonna look for a cs you dash in for a trade or maybe an all in.”
NocUout says “Easily one of your hardest matchups. Build hexdrinker and QSS as soon as possible if you want any hope of winning. Don't even try to get in close for a kill, he will just ult you and silence you. ”
thedonk says “Extremely annoying matchup. He will always be pushed up because of his E, which you should avoid. Try auto attacking away his passive before you trade with him. Buy QSS if you are having a really hard time against his R. Cleanse will not help with his R!!!”
Chickenwheel says “Malzahar just wants to push and we want to fight. His passive makes it very hard to trade since we can't proc it without being on top of him.
TLDR: He's a b*tch. Just farm and roam.”
Delthion says “Take Electrocute against him. Constantly poke him with Q to keep his shield down, after level six wait for your E to come up and chunk him with R+E+W+Q this will proc Electrocute and get him to about 40% hp. Wait for Electrocute to come back up and all-in him. He will try to use ult, but unless he has all of his spells up, this won't hurt at all. Immobile AP champs like Malz are very easy to play into as Kassadin.”
overweight_zoe says “Same as lissandra. Your clear matches his but is much cheaper in the early levels. He'll find himself farming under turret a lot. Hilarious ult interactions as well, as sometimes malz will try to ult you as you peek-a-boo in with your ult, only for you to reset back to your initial position. ”
Jammy158 says “Yikes. This champ can apply aids and you can't do anything about it. He sets up easy jungle ganks at 6 because of his Ult. Try to abuse his weak early game before he hits 6 as he will end up just permashoving and not fight you. Get QSS later on.”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Votre Q détruira le Z de malzahar et il en à autant besoin que son E de plus votre 4 rebond fait plus mal et il a trois sbires du néants avec son z qui le suive tant qu'il à pas E”
Junix L9 says “You cant really lane against him, he will just push lane over and over so you don't really get to fight him.
Try to push fast and follow up with his roams.
In teamfights you shouldn't go in when he has ult. ”
Eli The Bat says “Until level 6, its easy for you to make lots of damage to him....
His "W" thingies die to just one of your "Q" so, thats very nice....
If youre outfarming him and dont want to get in any trouble.... you can rush Quicksilver Sash and youre good to go....”
apsonalol says “Boneco que vai pushar lane e quando vir pra cima provavelmente o jungler vai estar vindo junto, fique longe de suas skills, recomendo sempre buildar AP Control, já que ele também vai jogar em base de controle de equipe, porém é bom você ter uma zhonya ou QSS em algum momento do jogo, mas isso fica ao critério do jogador.”
LionLifeSteal says “Can walk straight through your wall if his spell shield is up and his suppress will likely result in you dying immediately afterward.”
LionLifeSteal says “Don't go in his ult range and don't try to roam against him. If you roam while he is in lane you will miss many waves of minions because he has one of the strongest pushes in mid lane.”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “HA HA HA
Pardon de vous avoir effrayé ce n'est que le rire que vous aurez en affrontant malzahard l'idée est simple malz à besoin de son Z et son E pour farmer mais vous utiliserez son Z (les êtres du néant) comme cible lorsqu'il l'activera ainsi vous pourrez le poke d'un peu plus loin deplus vous pourrez instant QZQ parceque ses être du néant perde des pv rapidement et son donc squishy.”
moutenn says “His damage is not your problem. The fact that he can hold you in place as a jungler comes in is the problem.
Prop his shield with Q. Then engage with W. Remember that wile he R's, he cant move, so he will be right there when you comes out.”
qasddsa says “He'll constantly push you in during laning phase. After level 6, it'll only get more dangerous because of his ultimate and silence. I recommend trying to push up and roam or wait for him to roam to push towers. In teamfights, try to avoid going near him as much as you can or wait until he has already used his ultimate.”
WhiteSheepz says “Malzahar is a huge threat to any Xerath player, if he hits an ultimate you are as good as dead. His spell shield also stops your poke reducing you to crying in the corner. Request a lane swap if possible, if not just cs and kill his voidlings- try not to fight him.”
Yadashi says “Becuase of Malzahars spell shield and point click poke it's hard to trade with him in lane. It's hard to land a combo on him becuase of his W. After 6, because of his point click ultimate, waiting for gank is probably your best option. Get Banshee's Veil second item in this matchup”
Andicus says “Malzahar can be fairly annoying if he is good at controlling the minion wave. Build QSS after Dirk or rush QSS if needed. You win in trades if you get rid of his shield before hand. Make sure to avoid his E (the void aids) as it does do more damage than you would expect.”
rimzaki says “Hes passive silence and ultimate can be threat u If u want trade him u must down hims passive and dont fight low healt if he got level 6 get cleanse and beat him ”
dingram says “He will usually be super aggressive and push your lane and his passive makes him hard to deal with, so make sure to try and get rid of the passive and get a gank from your jungler to punish any mistakes.”
Gambinos says “He can poke you out all he wants, he has a passive shield that counters your tornado. His Ult stuns. He'll also play like a bitch so, have fun lol”
Sozzoh says “If Malzahar has his shield up, try and get it out of the way so you can poke him. I recommend buying Mercury Treads against this guy so his ult doesn't last as long. Pre-6 you can play a little more aggressive, but once he gets 6, don't shuffle near him or else he'll ult you. His voidlings can also be a problem.”
Autoswitched says “High threat due to his silence, suppression, and generally annoying kit with his passive. If you get flash ulti'd by this guy, you're most likely getting ganked so the only option is to either rush a qss which will offer magic resist and will mean you'll never die to his ultimate, or rush a hexdrinker for a shot at "winning lane" Generally playing passive is enough. Items to rush - Qss, hexdrinker, life steal, phantom dancer, frozen mallet. Mallet is so he can't kite you. Start Doran's blade and aim to get a early refillable as you'll be popping potions a lot. Life steal is helpful but generally farm, you will out scale him and will easily 1v1 him later in the game.”
Prenora says “Because of his immobility, AP lucian can actually take advantage of Malzahar pretty easily. wait until he uses Maelific Visions on a minion, then go in on him hard. you can match his waveclear easily.”
Witwickies says “Quicksilver Stash is must-buy item. You always have to keep attention to target of his E. His E and W deals more damage than your poke. Always remember to pop-out his passive before picking fight or before all-in. But remember! Without QSS never come close to him.”
Morathin says “When playing vs. Malzahar, have an eye on the minimap and try to find his jungler. He has one of the best gank setups in the game with his ult. Try to fight him when you are sure that his jungler is not mid.”
undeadsoldiers says “Malz is an annoying poophead who will shove you in constantly.
Poke him with Q and autos to keep his passive shield down.
You can easily nuke his voidlings with Sheen, but everything else will take its toll. Be prepared to buy lots of potions.
If he tries to flash-ult you, throw E at him if possible.
His ult alone cannot kill you until later in the game. Pop Barrier when it's over and run away to avoid absorbing more poke.
Suggested: rush Sheen to kill voidlings”
macspam says “Malzahar will just waveclear the shit out of you and push you into turret. Put early points in W and just try to hold him at bay. Twin shadows is a good buy to destroy his spellshield.”
WubbyWulf says “Malz is a hard lane to go against. He will poke you out with E and his ult will completely counter your kit. Try to ask for ganks if you are against this champ.”
ZF.PandaYang says “He was everything you do now want to mess with, His Silence will stop you mid combo and so will his ult, never tower dive him unless you are prepared. get hexdrinker,QSS and mercuy's treads for good measure.”
wo xiang zhaoo says “He can bully you out of the lane but you can go balls deep when lvl 6. You can cancel his R with your Q. It's even possible to interrupt him while he R's you. Timing is everything.”
Prenora says “Malzahar's pesky shield basically nullifies half of your combo, making it hard to go in on him, if his shield is down you should be able to win the trades, wait for him to use maelific visions on a minion though first”
asffg123 says “Malzahar has good trading options, and his spell shield will limit what you can do. Once he hits 6, you will die if you play aggressive or he catches you. You are likely to lose laning phase.”
DuhBrandon says “this champ will be tricky if you are getting camped other than that you shouldn't have a problem just keep your eye on your health because malzahar has pretty good poke. and if he ults you and their jungler is there just accept death.”
Smol Jelly says “Bring cleanse for his ult, and use your E wisely. You can get some nice gold from killing his voidlings and minions at the same time. Be aware of his spell shield. Break it before you go in for a combo.”
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