As a Support 50.74% Win Rate99% Pick RateThresh As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Thresh as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Neiri says “Much slower tempo than other hook champs. Use your E's bonus movement speed that lasts for 7 seconds to your advantage.”
Jogar no max range do Q da Sona e de preferencia entre os minions
Aplicar o slow quando ele tentar tomar utilizar o E em você em você ou no aliado ”
Zileanaire says “High skill cap, but this is downright unplayable if they've invested the time. As always, make sure he hits your ADC instead. Play around minions. Hook will spell your doom. ”
Poro_King says “you can block his q by placing immediately a box between you and him. Heavy engages are usually easy for you because you can bait them to your traps, or trick them with your r. He will only become a problem if he builds magic resist”
Sh0ppe says “dont ever hook Thresh and instead hook his ADC, only E back from his Q if he starts pulling himself towards you, try and stun both thresh and his ADC to stop him from lanterning. land free trades when you see them. Avoid his passive auto as it can chunk despite your passive.”
Smaugyon says “Thresh is know for it's jack of all trade master of none aspects so he will be relevent no matter what you do to him. You honestly cant do much agaisnt him aside from baiting hooks ”
ZedAway says “"going somewhere?" - thresh
if u face an actual good thresh then its almost impossible to deal with, his lantern is a get out of jail free card, his E cancels ur W and a great peeler overall, his hook is also a nightmare, BUT if he misses it in the late game u can at least guarantee health advantage by engaging. ”
Aerenax says “Thresh is another hook champ which makes this matchup look easy. However, you have to be careful of his E that can cancel your Q follow up and makes you vulnerable for his hook.”
zSharpFire says “It's a really fun Skill matchup. Karma usually has the upper hand, but an hyper aggressive thresh and adc can be tough to contain. If you win lane and want to you can go Blaze Karma. If you lose i suggest you go ShieldBot or PeelBot”
Arctic Arrow says “Thresh is a major threat due to his versatile crowd control and playmaking potential. His hook (Q) can easily pick you or your ADC off, and his lantern (W) can save allies or reposition enemies. Avoid standing close to your ADC and try to dodge his skill shots.
Keep an eye on his cooldowns, especially his Q and E, to identify windows where he’s less dangerous.
Warding and positioning are key to avoid getting caught, and try to capitalize on missed hooks or mistakes for counter-engages.”
y every name taken says “Almost impossible to catch his ADC while he's around - use R to dodge as much CC as you can and do not Q straight at him while his Flay or hook is up. Stand on or ward his lantern to prevent his allies from taking it. I have never been able to knock someone mid-lantern-dash with Q, but that's an option.”
xpwnz1337 says “Just a better champion. You dont really care how overloaded OP this champ is. Just W+Q+moo enemy ADC.
Counterplay: Beware of your W cancel with his E. Ward lantern or body block it. Eat hooks into W+Q enemy ADC.
You win all ins if ADC human.”
LA COLORADA says “quite annoying. can deny your engage with his flay. you shouldn't be overconfident about tanking his damage either. whoever gets a lead first will most likely snowball the game.”
Abarame says “Facing Thresh is tough because he does more than just hook people, and even going even can be considered a win for him. He scales infinitely with armor and AP, which isn't a big issue early but becomes problematic later. His ability to disengage with W and E, and facilitate ganks from afar so be on your toes. Approach Thresh like Senna— play for momentum. While not banworthy, it's a matchup worth practicing.”
TnDD says “Portal ile Thresh'ten kolay kolay kaçamıyorsun. Q ve E ile seni çekiyor. Fakat koridor aşaması diğer desteklere göre daha rahat geçiyor.
ÖNEMLİ: Thresh ADC'sine fener attığında feneri engelleyemiyorsan tam adc'si giderken Thresh'e ulti at. Böylece ikisi aynı anda donar ve double stun atabilirsin.
GENEL BİLGİ: Son olarak Thresh'in attığı fenerlerin üstünde durabilir, totem atarak rakibin fenerle kaçmasını engelleyebilirsin.”
SchloppyPoppy says “If he Q's the ADC, use your W to cancel his engage. If you engage on the enemy ADC and they want to lantern away, use your W to cancel that”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Kinda like braum, if he is smart you can really play the game, however most thresh are always looking for engage so after he misses Q(or hits you with it) you can turn around the fight as long as you hit your E(However if he plays for scale and for peel you just gotta do the same since if you engage first you WILL lose unless you are already very ahead) (you may also try to dodge his Q with W and instantly use E so you dont chase thresh, just quick tap it to remove the frenzy effect)”
Foxirion says “Thresh's crowd control and ability to disrupt engages make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can easily peel Rakan off his carries and turn fights in his team's favor.”
glimppi says “You can block hooks with your boxes. Pressure with poke, and use offensive and defensive boxes. You can also bait him to hook, and jump in to a box field.”
RangoFan2011 says “If thresh hooks your ally, you have a lot of options to work with. Usually though, he's looking to make a pick, so don't hesitate to ult him or an enemy. You also generally want to wait if lantern is out before using your ult.”
Cyndakyu says “morgana is best against single target hookers, its free as long as you save your black shield for their hook and shield the right person - they only win if they outroam you, so be aware of the map and ping your laners!”
Velkyann says “You need to be carefull against Thresh because of his hook, its hard to see exactly where he is looking before sending it, he also scales very well but not better than Kayle. You can poke Thresh level 2 but be carefull, dont get to close to the minion because he can push you using his E and trap you with his ult, i recommend buying Mikael but be carefull he can still jump in.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Can go either way. Never EVER engage on him when he has his hook up, wait for him to whiff it/respond to his hooks. His flay is not that bad, but not the most respectable ability”
Razing42 says “Thresh can provide a lot of peel to protect his teammates, but also pick off your teammates if they missposition. You can hook his teammate out of his lantern.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] You can block Thresh's hook dash to you with W.
Try to keep minions between yourself and him to avoid his hook. When he flays you, use your dash to re-engage or disengage.”
NormalOstrich says “Skill matchup. Bait his hooks with e and he runs out of mana and cant punish adc. Has no poke nor mr so he just takes too much damage.”
Nekuteru says “Tanks are big no no for laning phase against you, you want squishy enemies that you can evaporate with 3 keys. ( Also if you get hooked, you're basically ADC level tank )”
FiletedMinion says “Same as NautiBoi. His hook can cancel your knockup. His hook is for a lot longer than Nautilus' though. Aside from that, he is not much of an issue.”
Thefrenchkefta says “Even if he is bad, he can cancel your W Dismount with his E by accident so very unfair to play against.
You'll see that basically everything that can cancel your W Dismount is annoying as hell.”
Xintero says “[SKILL MATCHUP] I think this matchup depends who can get a hook first. If you get hooked by Thresh and he all ins you, you're pretty much dead. I try to bait out his hook and go in after since it's a long cool down. Like Pyke, stand behind minions and you will be good. ”
Lurs says “Whoever goes in first loses. It's like this for most engage supports. If you dash in first they will cancel your knock up. If they dash in first your peeling can counter them really well.”
TheSkyLrd says “As long as you peel for your ADC, thresh will not be much of a problem. Just remember a Thresh is still a Thresh he will punish you if you engage him. If your adc is about to be hooked by Thresh use your E to go to them so you get pulled instead and W + auto thresh and E back to your adc and to safety. Overall this match-up is very boring as you won't be able to do much to engage very well in the early game.”
Minerok says “His flail as well as his hook cancel your q. You can outplay q pretty easily since it has a long casttime and you are very fast when you roll. Even his e is outplayable if you roll to him in a straight line and then reverse when you get in its castrange. This wont really work against good thresh players though because they will most likely not fall for the bait. The lantern also lets him safe teammates that would otherwise die to your engages.”
AndyLyYT says “Thresh is a major threat due to his grappling hook animation being visible, but is still very dangerous if/when you are hooked his hook is you only risk”
Aerenax says “Thresh is similar to other hook champion matchups. Try to look and peel your ADC when he gets hooked and find a reengage when possible on their ADC.”
Ryecheria says “Look to poke if you can, but prioritize not dying and staying out of lethal range and ranges for critical abilities. If you can cheese them and poke them so that they are unable to engage then the match up is playable.
Thresh relies on ADC, if paired with Draven, you have to play safe, but you can look to win the lane if you also have an aggressive ADC.
You can look to win the trade if your wave is bigger.
Thresh is capable to fight lv 1 with Karma, but loses a lot of power at 2.
Thresh will look to roam to force Karma to leave lane as she is strongest there.
Look to start in lane. Don't leash.
HumbleMundo says “Since thresh has two forms of cc early on you never want to get too close to him and like Nautilus he can pull himself to you after Q lands, you would want to just stay back and poke if you can. Remember minions are you friendly bystanders to hide behind”
Maticz3007 says “Skill check. If he doesn't land a hook on you, you are fine. Putting your E underneath your ADC who just got hooked prevents Thresh from using his E. Separating enemy ADC from him with your wall will get countered with his lantern, but separating HIM from his ADC when he has no Flash might cause a desperate all-in by bringing his lane partner to him. Build does not matter.”
Mr_Rab_Bit says “Because BARD is not a tank and doesn't have that much durability. If caught with a threat hook, bard will not be able to use the E skill to escape from the situation.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Thresh and Soraka are two support champions, meanwhile Thresh and Soraka possess different abilities and playstyles, there are several reasons why they can be considered an even match against each other.
Crowd Control Abilities: Thresh excels in crowd control with his abilities. His Death Sentence (Q) can hook and immobilize an enemy, while his Flay (E) can push enemies away or pull them towards him. These abilities provide him with the means to disrupt Soraka's healing and positioning, making it challenging for her to sustain her allies. Thresh's crowd control can interrupt Soraka's abilities, such as her Astral Infusion (W) or her ultimate, Wish (R), preventing her from effectively supporting her team.
Lantern Utility: Thresh's Dark Passage (W) lantern ability allows him to shield an ally, provide a means of escape, or initiate a fight. This utility enables Thresh to save his teammates from Soraka's damage or crowd control, ensuring they survive longer in engagements. Additionally, if an ally is caught by Soraka's Silence (E) ability, Thresh can use his lantern to quickly pull them to safety, reducing the impact of Soraka's zoning potential.
Ability to Isolate Targets: Thresh's Flay (E) ability can be used to disrupt enemy positioning and separate Soraka from her allies. By pushing Soraka away from her teammates, Thresh can limit her ability to heal or provide utility to them, thus reducing her overall impact in team fights. The ability to isolate key targets weakens Soraka's ability to keep her team alive and diminishes her effectiveness in prolonged skirmishes.
Counterplay Potential: Soraka's primary strength lies in her healing and sustaining capabilities. However, Thresh has tools to counteract her healing potential. His passive, Damnation, grants Thresh bonus attack damage, which can increase his damage output and make it more difficult for Soraka to heal through the damage. Additionally, Thresh's ultimate ability, The Box (R), can create a zone of terrain that slows enemies and deals damage over time. This ability can hinder Soraka's mobility and escape options, reducing her ability to survive or heal her allies effectively.
Skill-Based Matchup: The matchup between Thresh and Soraka heavily relies on the skill and decision-making of the players controlling these champions. Thresh players need to accurately land skill shots and make well-timed engages to overcome Soraka's healing and utility. On the other hand, Soraka players must position themselves wisely, anticipate Thresh's hooks and crowd control, and make precise decisions regarding healing prioritization. The outcome of the matchup depends on the ability of both players to outmaneuver and outsmart each other.
While Soraka's healing capabilities can make her a formidable support champion, Thresh possesses the tools to disrupt her healing, isolate targets, and provide utility to his team. The outcome of a Thresh vs. Soraka matchup heavily relies on the skill and decision-making of the players controlling these champions, making it an even match where both sides have opportunities to outplay each other.”
Fear The Jester says “Watch his hook animation and boxblock it or eat it and displace yourself with Q into your boxes to bait him into taking the hook, place a box/ward on his lantern so that his adc cant take it. ”
ohsuko says “You should be able to dodge his hook and flay range but if you get stuck in his R then you're probably dead unless you go through a wall and pray you have enough mobility to get away.”
Thyfate says “And same goes for all the hookers.
Your e has prio over cc and therefore can somewhat nullify hooks.
You can still be outplayed, and your lane isn’t a 1v1 (you should know what I mean).”
Apos says “This is a skill matchup. You have to learn his flay range. Your Q has more range than flay so if you space him perfectly he'll waste it. Respect the hook and once it's down you can punish him hard.”
Rebaulten says “This is a skill match up. If you dodge hooks you win through short trades. If you get hit by too many hooks you'll become useless fast.”
support_diff says “Thresh is a very good cc support and a good Thresh player can make his adc nearly unkillable with his lantern. If the Thresh knows what he's doing, it is really hard to win the lane”
jmp_01_ says “Probably as bad as Morgana. He is ranged and better at everything than Nautilus. Play it smart against him. Try to get him down in the early game since he has high cooldowns.
Here you can take either Aftershock or Glacial Augment - it's up to you.”
mazewalk says “Thresh has lots of functions outside his hook: he can disengage your W, but it requiers mind games and predicting your engage. You can put a Pink Ward on top of his lattern, so enemies will hit it instead of lattern. Don't get hit by his wall while you're ulting, cuz it slows you by 99% (!). When you get to lane, check his passives: E gives him passive autoattack damage. If he has this passive, then you're safe from his hooks till lvl 2.
Q (hook) cd = 19/16.5/14/11.5/9
W (lattern) cd = 21/20/19/18/17
E (flay) cd = 11/10.5/10/9.5/9”
JWhizz says “Yuumi can struggle into hard engage supports, it can be hard to poke them out and your ADC may get pressured off CS. As her Qs do less damage to targets that are closer it can be hard to contest early levels.”
Afnyc says “Play guardian page. The biggest threat is hook into high damage adc or turret. Glasc outpokes him and can get him or the adc low before he can engage, making counterengaging safer.”
Thorge says “Thresh tem escudo e te empurra, porem, se você desviar do Q dele, pode ir pra cima do ADC e se mantenha afastado dele para não tomar o E e perder range.”
support_diff says “Thresh has a great engage and disengage and can save his adc from most situations. He is also tanky, especially if he takes aftershock”
RobinValentine1 says “You have no way to prevent anything he wants to do to you or your carry. Pick another champ. Otherwise get guardian max e to minimize lane losses.
Due to range there's no windows to punish him. Either dodge queue or cower until team fight.”
KoSa201344 says “try hard poke him but dont force it bcs u can die easly like other hooks stay behind your carry and focus on heal up and give your adc w to poke and win trades”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Very hard matchup. Get hit by his hook, and you are going to have a rough time. Never underestimate his lantern, either.”
Inswaine says “Care for the level 2 rush it will catch you off guard.
play behind minion wave
remember sometimes the best dodge is to run in a straight line”
support_diff says “A good Thresh can engage you even if you think you are safe, definitely stay behind minions and poke him with auto attacks and W. Take hail of blades.”
itstsuk3 says “AD and AP - Use your Boxes everytime he Hooks, you can use them to Block, you can use them to force the Enemy ADC to not engage and you can also Block with Clone if you have it. Overall just try to make Thresh useless.”
itstsuk3 says “Depending on the Enemy ADC getting hooked is a death sentence, try Peeling for your ADC the best you can but if they cant Dodge then its over.”
Aydov says “Just run electrocute rune page. With a good positioning you should most probably win the laning. Don't try to save your flash if you sure his Q is coming onto you. In case you get hooked use all your abilities on adc and ignite, this way you may still survive and even get a kill or two”
Aerenax says “Thresh is a skill matchup, considering he needs to time his E right to interrupt your engage. Play around his Q and E cooldown to punish him and find kills. Try to interrupt his adc taking lantern with a perfect timing.”
Wounds2 says “Your W stops enemies from taking lantern. The rest of Thresh's abilities are good at stopping you from running at his teammates. He also outranges you in lane and can bully you. If you fling him and his cooldowns are up, he could lantern his teammates to him and they can just nuke your adc.”
Cyclic says “This matchup mostly depends on how good the thresh is. If he is really good at reading movement and hitting good hooks this matchup could be bumped up to major threat but if you play around minions and poke properly level 1 and 2 you should be pretty even in this matchup. It is more dependent on player skill then the actual matchup here”
ZharMeny says “Unless Thresh is gonna land almost every his hook you will pretty much always win this match up, although after latest "adjustments" to his Q at 3-4 items he will be able to cast it almost non-stop which makes him rather nasty. Also he is probably the most useless Support late-game, even his Q and "Infinite Scaling" passive won't change that. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Toches says “Not too bad, but versatile enough that if he has a lane bully adc he'll make your life hell, without one he's not much of a threat, but don't expect multiple kills, he has good disengage.
set up objectives early, and he'll have to give them for free.”
iveye says “Hook champ same as the others, form that barrier between your carry and him. He can cancel your W with his flay or use his lantern to help his teammate you engage on to escape.”
DynHoyw says “Similar to Blitzcrank, Thresh will look for pull windows. He can E you towards him and R, but it's possible to counter such play by double bombing the nearest damage-dealer and running away with E (and with Ghost if necessary.)”
GG Cannon says “A good Thresh can make your life a living hell. Not only will he deny you from killing his allies, his Q and E can severely mess up your rhythm and one root on a bad spot can result in death very easily.”
WhiteLotus says “If he uses his Q and misses, its your time to shine and to trade. Most of the time if he got Ignite up, you will die if he hits you with his Q. Lane is winnable if u get pressure and trade with them for free under Tower. Look what he skilled at lvl 1 and play aggresiv if he took the hook (Q), bc if you dodge it u can free trade against him. Avoid his E range if he took it lvl 1.”
T1vladimir says “Stand behind minions to avoid QTips. Blocking WTips or standing on his lantern will deny him pulling her allies away. If you see him throw WTips backwards, he’s probably going to pull his jungler in. QTips has a long CD; trade with him when it’s down. Call SS immediately whenever he’s mia since he tends to assist with ganks.”
veeixin says “Chances are, he's more scared of your damage than anything.
Not only does he have to dash if he wants to make good off his hook, he's low in damage and easy to poke out of lane.
Do not be scared of him, he hits like a puppy.”
DARKSTARR says “He's able to use his hook to put your W on cooldown for 5 seconds, leaving you very vulnerable. His other abilities are very threatening to Yuumi as well.”
gizemdeniz says “Thresh is a highly preferred tank character with good CC potential. Do not fear him, We can melt it by poking it with our true damage potential. If we don't get badly caught in his hook, we can deal great damage with charm and good combo impairment. It is essential that your ADc is reasonable and compatible with you.”
mazewalk says “His Flay allows him to easily cancel your E during or before your flight if he's expirienced enough. Try abusing vision or baiting it, don't make long flights because he might react.”
Igirl45 says “Thresh can hook you but you can usually e away, back to your adc. Dodging his hook is easy if you have your adc near you. His flay can mess up your engage but overall he isnt a hard matchup as long as you dodge the hook. ”
hwipham says “All hookers shares the love-hate relationship with Rakan. Either they hook you after you're stationary landed your W, or you easily W or E out of their hook. The one engages first loses.”
aRhesty says “A good thresh can get any mage support killed. You build a lot of move speed later so he reduces in threat as the game goes on, thresh is this threat level to any mage supp.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Thresh is one of the only engagers that are legitimately scary for Janna, as he has ranged autos and his E is instant if used backwards, pretty much guaranteeing him a hook with Glacial slow. For this reason Swifties and holding your W can be very important. Heal/Exhaust with Cosmic are very strong here as preventing his all in from becoming a oneshot, will pretty much extend the fight and let you completely ruin his life. Also if you have mobies in lane you can use the obnoxious speed to bait hooks from bad/greedy Thresh players. Like with any engager you outscale him quite massively as his only lategame is getting picks from people autopiloting. Read Blitzcrank entry for general guide against hook champs.”
PypoulaPyp says “He grabs you, you're dead if his adc follows with the lantern. He's less scarier compared to Zac because if he can't grab you, he's useless in lane. Btw you can't escape his grab like Blitzcrank, sadge. Just poke like always, if you think he'll grab you, go E in the minions, with a little bit of chance, his grab will go in the minions.”
thunderthighs says “Play inside minion waves, and control bushes with E. If Thresh uses Flay to knock you close to their ADC, don't panic and go 2v1 onto their ADC and burst them.”
zotet says “Thresh has the ability to close the gap and move the enemy ADC's position very quickly with his W, this is a very powerful ability and is often overlooked. His Q is one of the most annoying moves in the game to be caught in and can easily kill you. He is quite versatile making him unpredictable but if he misses his Q he has no way of closing the gap, play to your range and follow your ADC.”
Uzonna says “I'm using Thresh, but this goes for almost every hook support.
Don't get hooked and punish when they miss. I know that's kinda obvious, but Zilean has a really easy time perma CCing enemies in his range, so don't let them miss for free. ”
AASDHFV says “Your goal is to poke Thresh when he goes to get his souls. Use your "e" to dodge his hook but be careful as you're immobile when you cast your "q".”
NotAragami says “Good Thresh players are extremely dangerous as they can hit Q at just about anyone, you aren't an exception. It's mostly a mind game when it comes to how to play against Thresh, there aren't much advices to give aside get behind your minions and watch where his lantern is. ”
OakuMarai says “Very skill based. Guardian with celerity. Left click him level 1 to check if he levelled Q or E. If he levelled Q then poke him from behind your minions. If he levelled E poke him using the lane brush and be wary of him possibly flashing to E you towards him. Don't facecheck things and be careful if you see him seemingly randomly throw his lantern into fog of war, might be calling his jungler.”
huirats says “Any hook champions suck to play into, but it might be manageable as long as you're careful. Engage supports typically ban Morgana, and I tend to pick Annie when the enemy bans Morgana since they're kinda similar. If he misses his hook, he's useless until it's back up. Don't get too close or he can E you, and then Ult and you'll be screwed.”
OakuMarai says “if the thresh is tresh no worries.
if he's good you won't be winning lane tohugh, he'lll flay you away every time you try to engage.
try to flank onto his ADC using (hex)flash”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his Flay(E) on you. Getting too close to him will make it difficult for you to dodge and escape his Death Sentence(Q). Stand behind minions at all times so it is impossible for him to land his Q. Avoid walking outside of the minion wave or in the open as much as possible. Beware of Thresh’s gank setup as he can easily set up ganks with his Dark Passage(W). If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could be approaching and waiting for the Lantern(W) before moving in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his Flay(E) on you. Getting too close to him will make it difficult for you to dodge and escape his Death Sentence(Q). Stand behind minions at all times so it is impossible for him to land his Q. Avoid walking outside of the minion wave or in the open as much as possible. Beware of Thresh’s gank setup as he can easily set up ganks with his Dark Passage(W). If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could be approaching and waiting for the Lantern(W) before moving in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his Flay(E) on you. Getting too close to him will make it difficult for you to dodge and escape his Death Sentence(Q). Stand behind minions at all times so it is impossible for him to land his Q. Avoid walking outside of the minion wave or in the open as much as possible. Beware of Thresh’s gank setup as he can easily set up ganks with his Dark Passage(W). If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could be approaching and waiting for the Lantern(W) before moving in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his Flay(E) on you. Getting too close to him will make it difficult for you to dodge and escape his Death Sentence(Q). Stand behind minions at all times so it is impossible for him to land his Q. Avoid walking outside of the minion wave or in the open as much as possible. Beware of Thresh’s gank setup as he can easily set up ganks with his Dark Passage(W). If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could be approaching and waiting for the Lantern(W) before moving in.”
DamselOfDistress says “If a hook support lands their CC, you die. If they miss their CC, they are useless. Abuse this by playing around minions and baiting out their CDs.”
Navn says “Try to have 2 charges of Q before going in. If you have 1, you'll have much less sticking power. Shouldn't be too much trouble. Try to be the one that starts the fight. If he starts it on his own terms, you can be in trouble.”
Jageiko says “Thresh is a skill matchup, slightly favored for him. His E and Q cancel yours, your W cancels his lantern.
Bait his Q or E lvl 1 and you can get a fast kill. Most of the time it goes like: Dodge Q, Bait E, stun his ADC, ignite, cancel the lantern.
Very good lane to practice Poppy. Have fun!”
ADDikt8 says “Hard engage champs are difficult for Nami since she is generally quite squishy. If you or your ADC do get engaged on, try your best to land your bubble on the enemy ADC to prevent further lane loss.”
babyyspace says “Thresh is a threat due to his hook and slow. Always wait for them to use there hook before attempting to procc shield. Take E first against any champ with a hook they most often than not will get your ADC low before lvl 2, this gives you the sustain needed. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Thresh's E and Q both make it impossible to engage against, and his W also helps his allies survive your engages. Typically against Thresh you're going to have to play to peel, and even in that case Thresh is often more useful.”
MorBidMike says “his flay is tough to play against and his Q is potent. other than that its fine so play dismounted and keep your carry out of his clutches. your late game is better so as long as you don't chain int, you will be fine.”
CALSHARKY says “Just watch out for his flash- flay- hook and you'll be fine. He will try to walk up and flay before hooking if he is any good but hooks are very easy to predict.”
Navn says “Can be really oppressive, your only move is to put a silence under him when he goes for a hook, so that even if he lands, he can't jump on you or follow-up with E. And if he misses, then you can just punish him.”
Navn says “Skill match-up. If you walk into his E range, you're likely in trouble. While trying to W him, just be careful not to get too close to get E-ed by him.”
Godlike Rell says “It may look the same with the blitzcrank matchup but this is not the case. His Q is too slow and dodgeable easily. His E counters your W just poke him with your Q and try to make him use his E.”
spirit legacy says “In most cases, Brand vs Thresh is fairly enjoyable. However ALWAYS avoid getting hooked, Brand does counter thresh but if you get hooked you'll die in 99% of the cases. Try to wait with your R and when you see the enemy clicking the lantern R immediately. That way you'll get a double passive proc most of the time. ”
Challenger Project says “Hook him when he is out of position (every time when he tries to hook your or your ADC). He is super easy to kill, especially when his Aftershock is down.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “If you play correctly you can make thresh much less useful.
This is because you can block his hook with your box to save yourself or a teammate.
Thresh is easy to trap since he is immobile but he can save allies with his lantern.”
Renascor says “Thresh flay counters our Q and E, and he can quickly become tanky. His R + ignite combo can almost kill us on its own. However look to punish his weak early levels.”
Tsuki GD says “He do be pretty annoying on Laning Phase, ward bushes and play safe around your ADC. You want to safe your doubled E or W once he hooked or engaged you or your ADC.”
Rissen says “Thresh is Rakan's most common and hardest matchups. Usually, Thresh would engage when you have used your spells. Try to respond with trades when his [Q-W-E] setup is down in lane, and try to place vision where you'd think the enemy Thresh would be.”
Demonsedge90 says “Thresh is anti-Leona when you try to engage him with e since he can push you away. So it's to deal with him when that skill is on cooldown. Ensure you encounter him when he doesn't have aftershock at the ready and he doesn't have a way to stop you from diving him.”
Gui_soshaco.jpeg says “He can deny your engage with his E if you're too predictible. Same as Blitz, but squishier early game. You can block his hook and lantern with your box.”
Cordiall says “Thresh isn't tanky enough and doesn't do enough damage to really be a problem against Braum. If he hooks you and dashes onto you, you can throw up your E and his ADC behind him can't do much. Just make sure you auto him ASAP when he gets onto you and you should be fine.”
hampenguin says “Thresh has ways of stopping your engages, so play this slowly and wait for any opportunities. I like bush-prowling with sweeper to get unexpected engages.”
SunnySneezer says “As long as its you and not your ADC that gets hooked you can negate most of his damage with your W and focus his carry while you are being targeted. Exhaust his carry and flash out of vision towards your ADC to facilitate a potential double kill if they chase.”
Kat_Alien says “Another pulling bad boy. When you get hooked its over. Stay behind your minions and poke enemy ADC to make the opportunity to win the fight not even looking at thresh. REMMEBER TO STAY BEHIND YOUR MINIONS!”
Kat_Alien says “This dude if hooks you there will be a big problem to escape because he also has his annoying (E) that even with your shield and movement speed won't let you escape. This is a 50/50 matchup. If he won't hook you then we have the opportunity to out poke him and his ADC. If you get caught we lost xd.”
DtNikk says “Thresh is kinda like blitzcrank but His hook can be avoided with more ease, as it is telegraphed. Aery is also good, but Guardian works too. E lv2 reccomended to stop Q>E combo. ”
TheFoolhardy says “He outranges you, and has a lot of CC, his hook is better than yours too.
This is a very skill dependent match-up, if he's good play a bit safer, if he's bad you can still aggro him.”
TheBlueImperial says “Thresh is another hook champ, if you stand between you and your carry there is little he can do. Engaging on his carry is risky because he can just W them out, so try to prioritise punishing him when he wastes his E since it's the only real way he can cancel your W.”
PumpkinMatters says “Thresh precisa ser respeitado em todas as fases do game. O Q dele é um inferno e o seu E simplesmente cancela nosso W. Não é impossível ganhar essa rota, mas você vai precisar ter menos agressividade e abusar da botlane inimiga quando ele estiver em cooldown”
PumpkinMatters says “Thresh needs to be respected in every moment of the match. His Q is a living hell, and his E simply cancels our W. It's not impossible to win this lane, but you'll need to be less aggressive and to punish his ADC whenever he misses something”
bive says “stay full hp, start engage on thresh with q flash, avoid his cc, wait for his Flay to be down since his e and q can cancel ur w, flash his hook when ult is down, if thresh standin behind carry who has flash then cant q flash adc”
OTP Toxin says “Keep moving and you will be able to dodge his Qs and even his Es! His passive stacks armor, so you will be hitting him hard enough. :D ”
bive says “He is high skill cap. Use minion wave to avoid hook. Back up with W when he tries to flay you. Punish for missed skill shots. Avoid him when his cd are up. His 1st ult cd is 2 min 20s.”
The Wands says “Because of its power to repel engage, Thresh is dangerous against Leona, avoid going to the adcarry or even him if you realize he is a good player and has the E available.”
Lee McGee says “Get your dancing shoes on because you gotta side step this shit. This one isn't as bad because he doesn't hook you from your T2 to their Nexus but still be careful.”
pastelzia says “Thresh is a pretty hard counter for Yuumi in lane because of his hook ability, Death Sentence. This ability can catch Yuumi during You and Me! also refreshing the cooldown.
Thresh's Flay allows him to knock back enemies in a target area 200 units towards the area thresh was facing during the ability cast, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Thresh's ultimate, The Box, also puts a box around Thresh that slows enemies inside it, making it hard for Yuumi to get to safety. Overall, thresh counters Yuumi's You and Me! with 2 abilities, making him a pretty hard counter, and allows him to make it very hard for Yuumi to escape with his ultimate, The Box.”
SirCaptFair says “if he all in's lv 2. Don't be afraid to tank the q and all in the enemy ADC. if you hit your abilities. he's not op if the q lands on a target the ADC is not focusing.”
Discord231 says “A pesar de que Thresh suele estar en la tier S de soportes, y Rakan en la B, este ultimo tiene cierta ventaja si juegas con cabeza, solo recuerda que su E te cancela la W. El ítem inicial escógelo en base a que adc tenga mas ventaja en early.”
itsElJefe says “Thresh only made the cut because a good Thresh is a scary Thresh. Lucky for you, if you are reading this guide I doubt you are playing against a high-rank Thresh. He has a hook to pull you and can throw his lantern to allow for his ADC to escape or engage. Don't over-commit, or he may punish you. Just poke from afar and you will be fine.”
gadegrade says “Qualquer campeão de grab pode te ownar caso você não saiba jogar contra, principalmente no early game quando você não tem resistência alguma. Não deixe eles snowballarem.”
Gobomo says “Thresh is annoying, but he's the least annoying of the hook champions. Dodge his Q by staying behind minions or juking it (it has a pretty long windup), and don't go too far in so that he can't punish you with E + Ult. His W is annoying because it makes it harder to catch his ADC out, but it's not an unwinnable matchup. Just poke him out and try to win through your better manapool with your chimes.”
Petra Venj says “Poke the fuck out of him if at level 1 you see his Flay glow, that means he went E first. hit the Q's. Ward bushes for him and his cheeky hook.”
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).
Whenever Thresh's Hook is on cooldown (~15s cooldown). Go in and harass as much as you can!”
yaemitskiuwu says “Even. Unless you can't dodge at all. If they hard engage you. Try to outsmart them. Lulu is a counter engage champion so you just waste their summs and go in after. Smart Thresh players ban Morgana. Smarter Thresh players ban Lulu. ”
gweh says “Pretty manageable but you cant really win lane against him if he has braincells due to flay. Try catching him off guard with W+E if you can from bushes/hexflash/flash”
eiensiei says “Most Thresh players start E level 1, but you can check that by clicking him and searching for the AA magic damage. Always be aware of the spacing between you two to avoid his Flash-E. As long as you're behind minions, he can't hook you, but he might hook a minion and use it as a way to get close to you and flay you back.”
Dotje says “Thresh is similar to Pyke and Blitz and I cannot say this often enough: Dodge his hook! Thresh has an extra threat in his flay. Tip: vs engage champions it's often good to get early boots.”
Doglightning says “stay behind minions so you dont get hooked and look for 1 shots on adc. he can lanturn adc out but I think of all the tanks this is most playable one so I put in major”
Doglightning says “run ele or guardian. He has extreme kill pressure lvl 1 and 2. If you can survive to 3 its okay but he can always lantern gank or save his adc with a lantern. After lane his ult makes it hard for you to get into the fight and his hooks have way more pick potential then you. I usually ban him tbh”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Dodge his hook and hope your ADC doesn't get caught out, try to poke down Thresh early so that when you focus the ADC, Thresh is unable to effectively peel.”
Doglightning says “barrier/cleanse. If you get hooked you will die. be extremely careful and stay behind the minion wave. Look for poke when you can and try to hit 6. Nothing much more to say about this other then play safe.”
Aerenax says “Thresh is another hook champ which makes this matchup look easy. However, you have to be careful of his E that can cancel your W and makes you vulnerable for his hook.”
eiensiei says “Most Thresh players start E level 1, but you can check that by clicking him and searching for the AA magic damage. Always be aware of the spacing between you two to avoid his Flash-E. As long as you're behind minions, he can't hook you, but he might hook a minion and use it as a way to get close to you and flay you back.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't let Thresh hook your adc. If you see Thresh going in to use E (flay) your adc, stop him with your Q. Respect Thresh's disengage potential. You can kill his adc only if you get to that adc and either fullcombo him, or Thresh is not in safe position (so he can't lantern adc to safe position). Remember that you can't kill Thresh when his Aftershock is ready.”
freddy66623 says “Be careful around this skeletal man, his pull will ruin your day.
No really, get good at dodging skillshots with your W. It will tilt the enemy team unbelievably hard. ”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup can be very hard since a great Thresh will make plays happen when you least expect it. Also, pushing him under tower to prevent his roaming can be difficult since he can pull his jungler in to gank. Sieging against him is hard too. Only look to punish him if you know he doesn't have Q.”
SAGA MODE says “Playing against Thresh is hard, if you get hooked you will die unless u have flash up. Pyke and Thresh are the biggest counters of Bard but you can out roam Thresh.”
Korippo says “Hook supports are a nightmare and Thresh is no exception. A good Thresh will be a huge pain to deal with, both for his tankiness and the decently low CD on his hook (even early game; it's lower than Blitzcrank's for perspective). However, it is noticeable when he's going to throw his hook at the very least, so it is wise to try and bait it out from him--but BE CAREFUL. If you get hooked, he will 100% follow up and likely combo you with his ADC + Ignite and you'll be locked out of attaching, which is pretty much a guaranteed death.”
iKonek says “This is more a skill match up who ever starts the fight has the higher chance to lose the fight but gage their play style you can still win this easily if you play it right.”
CorgiBorgi says “E his hook but be careful he can still engage on you. Put an extra point in Q and root anything and everything in that lane. You outscale yay :D”
Flackojodye says “USE YOUR PLANTS TO BLOCK HIS HOOK, but not reactively, since it will be too late to block it, and you'll probably miss the ability for nothing.”
Distinger says “Same as Rakan, he can either deny your entire existence or do nothing at all.
Your only option for winning against a Thresh as Pyke is to either play safe and peel your ADC when he engages, or bait out his runes and abilities and go full monkey on him in the early game.”
ThisGuyPaco says “Pyke, Blitzcrank and Thresh can be scary if they focus you. If they hook your ADC you can use your full combo on them and mostly win the fight, if they hook you and burst you a fight mostly is lost if your adc plays it bad”
Arcurath says “If he hooks you pre 6 you are usually dead, flay slow also makes hard to try run away with E speed after.
Lantern can save enemies from double bomb, also bring enemy jungler right in your face for ganks.
Has very insane roams and 2v2 power early game.”
Hanjaro says “Much like most enchanters, Janna is squishy, so an all-in hook lane can be scary. Fortunately they rely on hitting their hooks, and they're always melee! Watch your positioning, one misstep can certainly end up in death.”
0Banda says “ Thresh is useless against you, he won't hit any Q since all the dashes you have, the same rule applies with he's R. A tip against Thresh is placing a Stealth Ward or Control Ward in the center of he's W making it completely useless. When engaging, you should ignore him completely, focus your enemy ADC and as he will be knocked up by your W he won't be able to pick up he's W
Against Thresh build as usual, and if there are more champions with CC in the enemy team you can pick Unflinching”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Xerath is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Thresh still has flay when his hook is on CD, stay at range and beware of flash all in.”
Luiscencias says “Thresh is probably the only engage support I am not super afraid of. The windup time on his pull makes it really easy for me to dodge it, and if he can't hit that on me he never feels like a threat. Like any pull champion though, don't you forget it only takes one well-timed hook to throw the game so be careful.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are deadly for Lux, even through the use of aftershock, if she misses a binding, or they're already in melee range of her and manage to get their cc off, she can be bursted down easily.
Never let Thresh near you, even if his death sentence is on cooldown, he has still has flay.
Abuse their hook CDs, and their melee range, stay behind minions, and be inconsistent with your movement!”
Idleangelo says “try to bait out his E by pretending to walk up (while still in the minion wave) and dancing around his E range. Punish him after he misses it.”
Hanjaro says “Yuumi is extremely weak when it comes to all-in engage, she hasn't got much peel and if she detaches, she will be bursted down - it's very hard for her to keep her ADC alive when she gets engaged on.
Flay and Death Sentence can pull her out mid dash, incurring a cooldown on her W and resulting in her death.”
lenithebot says “Thresh's E can cancel your engage so be careful about that. His Latern is also a huge safety net since you usually cant kill someone early game with just w q he can throw a lantern and then that person is safe. Although you can place a ward on the lantern to try and not let the caught enemy click it. Also if he lands a hook it can lead to a kill for him. ”
SorakaMainsDiscord says “There's a way to gain an upper hand early on. Soraka level 1 does alot of damage compared to thresh who can barely do any CC early on. You can technically abuse Thresh with Q level 1 early on. But the moment it hits level 2 you have to start respecting thresh's 2nd skill unlock and stay back. And if you think that you're going to get hooked. Place Equinox on yourself, this will at least give you some breathing time before you get flayed by thresh.”
Jowoey says “Once you play against Thresh enough you'll learn what he does and what your limits are against him and it'll make lane phase a little easier. His lantern is very annoying but Janna can disrupt enemies by using Q or R on them as they take the lantern. Try not to die in lane phase.”
Thats Piccioni says “Thresh's hook is a bit more easy to see than Blitz and Pyke.
(Hooks are your worst nightmare because you will be squishier & slower than a marshmallow during laning phase.)”
Nino_euw says “Skill based match-up, one of the worst. Most match up are playable as Zilean, this is purely depending on how you position and how effectively you can use your E.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “Thresh also forces us to be careful not to get picked during a teamfight or rotation.
También nos fuerza a jugar con cuidado en la línea y al momento de rotar.”
Melyn says “Good matchup on paper but it only takes one hook. 2 or 3 points in Q can be helpful unless you feel confident about hitting his ADC. Be careful about his early flay damage, stand behind minions, and EW to block his hook. His R does a lot of damage too so don't walk through that. Don't commit too hard on his ADC when he is standing far back as he can lantern them to safety.”
Hanjaro says “He's got a strong auto attack, and a lot of CC, along with a great disengage on his ult, or keeping you locked down. He is squishy, so you can lock him down after he's used all his tools.”
Hanjaro says “You can poke him down easily, but he has a very scary all-in. Avoid his hooks, and don't get close to his flay, be aware of a flash engage.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Velkoz is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Thresh is very scary due to his flay, don't go into melee range, and watch out for flash engages.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy enchanters, hook champions are very scary. You have a good disengage with your silence and slow, but you're still very susceptible to burst. Dodge their hooks, poke when on CD! Thresh can still be dangerous with Flay, don't go to close.”
Biotic says “Not easy to play you are pretty much dead Pre level 6 if he hits a hook on you or your adc. Play around the wave, let them push. Also very scare are his ganks with lantern and flash. AS soon as you have 6 you should win 2v2. The Champion also outroams you at all stages of the game. Its my personal ban in high MMR, but the matchup is fairly playable below Master.”
Hanjaro says “As per usual, squishy enchanters vs hook champions is just a scary lane match to be in. Poke when their hook is on CD, be careful of a flash engage, don't get too close. Thresh is scary even with his hook on CD due to his flay. ”
KillMeKillMe says “Basically the same as blitzcrank but on a smaller scale. The pull isn't as insane, but it's still a problem. And he killed that dude's wife, that's pretty messed up, she did get better though, so I guess it's not a big deal.”
Lugos says “Real good Thresh players will give you a hard time with the variety of plays they can pull but ordinarily he is less of a threat than Blitz. Avoid his Q, be aware of lantern pulls and poke him outta lane.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “he has an overloaded, his hook hurts, his flay disengages and his ultimate traps you. lane phase is hard with this guy but if you get through without dying much then you do provide more for your team ”
Guoblide says “ Thresh is an easy matchup for Braum due to his all-in and catch potential being countered by your peel and your superior scaling into the mid and late game. Thresh is the epitome of a jack of all trades support (Sorry Bard). He can engage, catch, peel, poke (Kinda), siege, deal damage, and be like a mini Enchanter with his Dark Passage shield. He is decent at every type of support but isn't especially strong at one. He spikes hard at Level 2 with Death Sentence being a death sentence to anyone it catches, Level 3 where Dark Passage can set up plays or shield for his team, and Level 6 where The Box can trap enemies and zone for a short duration. At Level 1 Braum should hard push the lane with his ADC to deny Thresh from reaching Level 2 first. Be wary of Flay though as it has a suprisingly long range and can knock Braum or your ADC into the enemy minion wave to set up a bit of poke. Once Level 2 hits Braum and his ADC should position so that the minion wave is between Thresh and themselves. This is so that the only way Thresh can land a Death Sentence is by either Flashing into you or by walking around the wave. Braum himself should stand in between his ADC and Thresh so that he can tank Death Sentence if Thresh somehow manages to land one. If Braum is hooked then Unbreakable to block all of the incoming damage and then Stand Behind Me to safety. If your ADC somehow does get caught out and hooked by Death Sentence then Stand Behind Me to them and Unbreakable to tank for them. Once Braum hits Level 6 he can use Glacial Fissure to peel for his ADC when engaged on or to catch out the enemy ADC if they overextend. Only use Glacial Fissure to engage when Dark Passage is on cooldown as Thresh can easily get them to safety with it. Unless you are in low elo. Right clicking the lantern is to mechanically difficult for players in low elo.”
Spection says “I despise this champion with a passion. His threat is extremely high and he has three different ways to lock you down for his carry to murder. Watch level 1 for his flash E combo, take silence level 3 to prevent him from using E R right after he jumps to you. Play far back, do not poke unless his Q is down.”
IbnBattuta says “His E stop you mid-air if well-timed and his Q also do the same thing which make him a scary foe if the player who is using him know how to play him well.”
SigtheOutcast says “Like leona, but harder to use. Still a problem, though, because his flay is exactly within your auto-attack range. Best bet is to bait it out and try to surprise him with a quick, bursty trade.”
DanNS12 says “You can harass Thresh lvl 1 but make sure you don't get too close or he will flay you. You can also place a control ward where his lantern is or bubble where it's placed to deny the ADC from taking the lantern.”
heartgoldd says “Ban this champ since a good thresh + enemy jungler has 0 counter play. High pick rate and multiple high elo OTP's who if you ban Thresh proceed to int on some other engage support.”
LilPaniniUwU says “barrier/cleanse. If you get hooked you will die. be extremely careful and stay behind the minion wave. Look for poke when you can and try to hit 6. Nothing much more to say about this other then play safe.
RayTeamStrategy says “He's a little bit slow, but his lack of armor in the early game isn't very well taken advantage of by Soraka herself. His ability to setup a burst kill is unrivaled, and anyone that can pull you in is generally just as good as him at taking you out of the picture and he remains a threat even in late game, especially if he wins the lane because he will be more problematic for your allies.”
very hot says “Thresh is a big problem because his flay nullifies your W if he times it correctly, leaving you slowed and without any engage.
Furthermore, if he hooks you, you're basically forced to engage otherwise you'll take a lot of damage on the way out.
Finally, he has incredible peel with his lantern, so make sure to keep control wards handy to deny the lantern. Oh, and he's ranged by the way.”
Billehz says “You can dodge his hook pretty easily with W, and his lack of mobility early means you can hit easy charms on him when his hook is down. You can pretty easily get out of his ult too with your ult and flash if needed.”
Jaori says “A good Thresh is a menace to all the support players. His E can stop your dash if timed properly. Just chill, and if he goes in, wait until he uses all of his abilities so you can destroy the adc.”
knif says “Thresh is similar to Blitz in that you need to watch out for his hooks, play safe, and capitalize on his misses. Also consider looking out for Flay, as it could push you into a compromising position in lane.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy, immobile mages, hook champions are your worst nightmare. Try to dodge their abilities and poke when they're on cooldown.
Thresh is still scary due to flay, stay out of melee range and be aware of flash all ins.”
ControllWard says “PERMABAN OR DODGE.
La mayor complicación de este matchup es que anula por completo el playstyle de Trundle, sobre todo en la fase de líneas. Si decides hacer engage con el pilar, el tirará una linterna y salvará a su ADC. Además tiene buen disengage con la E si tratas de acercarte a su ADC.”
vrsds1 says “His Q is a hook so if he catches you you are screwed. With his W after he had hit you with his Q he can also bring one of his allies to the party :(.”
SupportTooEz says “Really skill dependent on the Thresh's side. By that I mean if he knows how to match up goes he should roam, unless you play so bad he shouldn't. Don't detach immediately, after he lands his q, wait for his e, then detach to get passive. Overall tho you should win the match up.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Attack when his/her/its/whatever q is on a cooldown. Take spellthiefs and upgrade toxic shot first. Make sure that your adc is ready to fight.”
Alenich says “Реально хороший треш может вас унизить. Будьте острожней. На линии он легко инициирует по вам и не дает своему адк умереть от вас за счет W- фонаря.Также он хорошо дизэнгейжит ваши дайвы за счет своего хука и Е умения.”
Xennia says “As an squishy champ, any champion with a hook can be problematic.
Obvious advice is to dodge the hooks and try to use E as smartly as you can...”
DasNerdwork says “You can go tanky against his box, try to get hooked instead of your ADC with protecting him with battle dance and stand on the lantern or knock him up to prevent enemies from using it.”
terrybogar1 says “W his hooks, and nothing happens lol. W on cooldown? thats where it gets tricky. He can keep you off his adc pretty good so just try to use your W wisely and be the better tank sup”
duusuhh says “Got ego checked too many times to keep his counter low. Just one hook is usually enough to force a flash or bad death. If you get hooked and he ignores you, try and put DPS on enemy AD to hopefully force a trade. ”
Esoterica says “Thresh has very little opportunity to stop you if you engage on his ADC. His hook is the slowest out of all the catch supports and can easily be baited, and his flay does little if you are only using W to get into range. The Box is far better at preventing escape attempts and you have everything you need to get out.
If you are hooked, DO NOT W AWAY IMMEDIATELY as his flay will interrupt you. Be patient and trust you have the HP to survive the bit of damage from his ADC.
If your ADC is hooked, focus the enemy ADC or Thresh if he's the only one in range. Your burst damage has the potential to turn the trade.”
A good Thresh will makes your life scarier than ever: he will just walk towards you, Flash + E and then grabbing you at the end when you're already behind him. Bad Thresh players will just try Flash + Q, which you can dodge at long range or simply Cleanse away (if u do that while he's recasting Q, try to run ASAP under tower, he'll probably die).
Despite that, Thresh has a very strong engage similar to Leona, and makes ganks easier for his jungler. I'm not putting him on maximum threat because it's an insanely hard champion to master and his Flay and Lantern techniques are something hard to see well executed in Silver.
Still, pay respect, use your range and look at his lantern movement that may reveal and engage.”
Tockimo says “Thresh's disengage Potential is immense. Not only will you die if you engage before 6, you will also have a hard time finding an engage against lantern E and Box”
Dotje says “If thresh get's to hook someone I suggest using your polymorhp(W) on the enemy to prevent damage output. Don't get too close to thresh or he could possible flay you in for an easy hook. It's better to defend your adc than to defend yourself. Guardian makes you survive, but aery could be nice if you know how to trade.”
Pyroxes says “As a squishy, hook champions will most likely aim at you. As with all hook champions, only poke if their hook is down or behind your minions.”
KeleiX13 says “How this matchup goes depends mostly on how good the Thresh is since he is a pretty high skill ceiling champ. Go aggressive level 1 since he doesn't really have a good ability to take like most other tank supports and don't stack close to your ADC in lane since he can flash flay you both. Beware of his ability to set up surprise ganks with his lantern even if you have river warded so try and ward deeper for his jungler if you can and don't go too aggressive if you don't see his jungler on the map.”
Sinci says “Thresh is just also really dangerous around his hook and his flay, he has such good pick potential that if you get picked he usually can quite easily get you to use summoner to escape or even die to him.”
anionPositivo says “Igual o Pyke e o Blitz, só entra na frente do hook dele e ele não consegue fazer mais nada. O que complica um pouco é a quantidade de stun e slow que ele tem, além de uma ferramenta de escape muito fácil pro adc inimigo.”
hexcat says “Playmaking supports are dangerous if you get hit by their abilites, if you can survive their abilites, you easily poke them out and force them to take very bad trades.”
Discord231 says “A pesar de que Thresh suele estar en la tier S de soportes, y Rakan en la B, este ultimo tiene cierta ventaja si juegas con cabeza, solo recuerda que su E te cancela la W. El ítem inicial escógelo en base a que adc tenga mas ventaja en early.”
Levkar says “Not a fun lane. Even if you stay out of his hook and flail ranges, he will spam autos. This matchup is easier if you know the range of his spells well.”
LilRidge says “Thresh's (Q) Death Sentence is going to be a significant threat in this lane. You may need to block his hooks for your ADC.
Remember that Thresh has no form of escape on his own as he can't (W) Dark Passage himself out of a fight. He is quite squishy early on, so you may want to all-in him frequently.
Thresh's (E) Flay can disrupt your engage, so look to all in him when it is down.”
GamingFrog says “You are a really good counter into Thresh. If your ADC gets hooked, jump to them and put your shield up. This will deny the enemy ADC from hitting your ADC, basically stopping Thresh's strong engage. Care for his flay though, as he could flay you mid jump.”
The Last Rakan says “Tome cuidado, as pessoas são fissuradas em "fazer play" com esse campeão, aproveite que ele não tem mobilidade e assim que ele errar o "Q" engaje em seu aliado, botas anti-slow são recomendadas.”
Floohfy says “Thresh's hook is easy to dodge and other than that there's not really anything stopping Brand. If Thresh ults you, you can use your ridiculous W range and your Q to stun him.”
Tauricus2017 says “Very frequent matchup and also pretty dangerous one. His Death Sentence (Q) is incredibly powerful ability that most of the times decides about everyting. Usually - Thresh hits you with Q > You flash > You lose some HP due to his ADC's follow up > You survive //// Thresh hits you with Q > You don't have flash > You die. So overall play passively. Hide behind minions, Stay alerted about the river bush so Thresh won't by all of sudden bring his Jungler into the fight using his Lantern and you are not prepared for it and also do not get very near him even when there are minions blocking the path between you two since his E and R can lock you in place even in this situation.”
SpartanDumpster says “The most threatening thing about him is his hook, because then him and his adc can unload on you. If you can keep avoiding his hook, and/or keep a wave of minions between you and him. His hook has a bit of a wind up so keep an eye out for when he telegraphs it.
Luckily, unlike most other champs with a pull, his barely moves you towards him and instead will pull him to you.”
Rainuu says “Thresh is a pretty good matchup for Lillia as all his CC can be avoided quite easily. He isn't quite tanky enough to survive your burst as well making it an okay lane. Stay on the lookout of his box though, the slow can become a problem.”
Kefochka says “В разменах и дуэлях Трешу плохо играть с Тариком, так как он наносит намного меньше урона. Его ульт не такой эффективный, как ульт Тарика, и к тому же от его хука можно легко увернуться или подловить его на притяжении союзного крипа.”
Fear the box says “Thresh isn't a big deal, if your ADC is consistently getting hooked run into him on purpose to make him hook you, since you can escape so easily with Q.”
Starchase says “Try to poke him as much as you can lvl 1, but be careful of his hook, it has a long cast animation though so you can dodge it with your W.
Lvl 2 don't detach from your ADC, he will insta E you and cc you to death.
Ping your teammates whenever he's missing on the lane, he has great tools to roam.
Care about his lantern, he could get his jungler in front of you with 1 ability.
You outscale him.”
Midas_Wail says “Hook champs are also pretty tough because landing a hook is basically insta kill for them, meaning there is not a lot you can do against a good Thresh or Blitz without getting yourself killed in the process. I would take the opposite approach that I would for Lux and roam more often so that you can get advantages elsewhere. Having a independant ADC in these matchups is super good like with most roaming supports.”
AvengingAvacyn says “If you can avoid Thresh's hook and his ultimate cage, he's not too hard to handle. Since you can attack through minions but his hook is blocked by minions, you can counter him from a distance behind minion waves.”
Xeptron says “Thresh is the natural counter to Leona. With his E ability (flay) it's easy to stop Leona's Zenith Blade (E ability) and initiate a counter engage. The only safe way to kill Thresh is to wait till level 6 and stunlock him. By using your ulitmate and Q stun, Thresh is stunlocked for 2.5 seconds which is good enough of time to burst him down. Remember - you cannot kill Thresh when his aftershock is up, keep eyes on that!”
losolkos says “Simple dodge his Q and when he use try to atack be careful on his ult and e this can stop you atack and let them run or make them atack you try to not let use enemy adc his lamps when he try too run. If he hit adc with q you can save him but if he hits you you have BIG problem if its after 6lv try to use ult and run but if its beafore lv6 try use w and E also use passive w on adc to make him deal less dmg.”
Discord231 says “A pesar de que Thresh suele estar en la tier S de soportes, y Rakan en la B, este ultimo tiene cierta ventaja si juegas con cabeza, solo recuerda que su E te cancela la W. El ítem inicial escógelo en base a que adc tenga mas ventaja en early. ”
unhben says “Same boat as leona, he just has way more pressure pre-6. Play for vision and ganks, but be careful of kicking too close or you will get flayed and will have to walk through his box to get out.”
unhben says “Your poke should sort of deter him from walking up and trying to throw hooks. Just make sure to stay moving and wary of him lanterning in a jungler while your shoving them in.”
Coo1breeze says “You pull him, and you probably just killed you're ADC or yourself unless they were low. You might be able to melt HP bars, but he has more CC. Don't get flanked.”
Bear Gummies says “You will need to keep an eye on Thresh. A good hook can lead to you burning flash or straight up dying, and his lantern can turn fights from a 2v2 to a 2v3. Consider bringing relic shield so that you can have some income while not being forced to poke. I would suggest either going arcane comet to whittle Thresh down or guardian so that you might be able to win the trade/get a kill on their ADC.”
NewTeff says “thresh has a lot in his kit thats just straight up annoying, a lot of cc, slows, a shield, be mindful where he is on the map, try to roam carefully”
PalestinianLuck says “Skill based match up.
If he catches you with his Hook
try to wait him using his E too since it can cancel your dash (E) if you try to gain distance ”
billyw493 says “Thresh is thresh, he has a massive about of peel, engage, and lockdown. Most of the time if you get hooked by thresh, you are either going to die, your allies will jump in and try to save you, or you will barely escape with your life. Use Blitzcrank tactics for him”
Jannito02 says “Being an ex OTP Thresh, I personally can tell you that a good Thresh can make you a really hard laning phase. Yuumi's basic attacks (even with passive, that gives you a bit more range), can get Thresh closer to you, he can use his E to get you even closer, plus giving you W cooldown, and use his Q to easily kill you. If he hooks your ADC it's also a problem, as you can't really do anything unless he uses his hook and his knockup.”
MagicPOwDer says “Thresh is the bread and butter of the support group. Even if your ADC gets hooked, your stun will reach him before he can even do anything. if he jumps to you or your adc, just place a point blank wall in his face, Q, E and fly away.”
BlobtheFlopfish says “This is more of a hook champs in general thing. None of them are a particularly big threat to you (you're a large target though lol), but they're are annoying because Tahm keeps his ADC safe by staying close to eat them if necessary, and if Blitzkrank for example hooks your ADC a mile away from you that throws a wrench in your plans.”
mscocca says “Getting hooked by his Q will probably result in your death if your reflexes ain't quick enough to escape with R (Human) W (Cougar) or Flash.”
xDopii says “Even if they hook you, you can just dash back to your ally. You can also easily engage if they move up to hook.
Care for his E as it can cancel your W, use it sideways or wait for him to use it so you don't get CCed out of it.”
xDopii says “If you get caught you can easily get out most of the times unless the enemy ADC has a lot of CC/Burst.
Avoid using your hook too close to him as he can E you to cancel it and follow up with his own hook.”
Magdaleno9 says “Tbh, i find this matchup really easy just dodge his hook and you will win i promise. Use standard runes, you don't need guardian if you know how to dodge. His a roamer so when he have mobility runes, PING THAT and tell your teammates to play safely.”
The Lotus Queen says “Thresh' combo will most of the time result in your death, especially if the enemy adc has CC as well. Stay behind minions and rush boots to dodge hook.”
Yago77 says “He is like blitz but not good as him is the job, he can help more his carrys but Sona care less about that, just focus in your own carry and in dont get caught and you can win”
vnillz says “Thresh isn't as bad as extreme threats could go, though he is still a major counter to Nami in my opinion. You have probably read this already, but dodge the hook! Stay out of the range of his death sentence and flay; considering his flay just adds an extra threat to the lane. ”
Mugnas says “Also a hook champion, and one of the strongest level 1 of all supports. He can (literally) chain cc you and his [[flay]] can guarentee a hook on you or your adc.”
Wounds2 says “Thresh is very difficult for Rakan to deal with in lane. If your ADC gets hooked, there is not much you can do protect them early on. Rakan also needs to respect Thresh's hooking himself because Thresh can delay his escape with his E (flay). Thresh's ult is a huge barrier for Rakan to get through in order to engage. There is still a lot of room for Rakan to outplay Thresh, but it is very tough.”
itizhelia says “Skill-based match-up. A good Thresh will always know how to zone you out and cancel your engages.
But at the same time, Rakan can put extra pressure on Thresh by baiting out his flay.
One Tip, if post 6 Thresh hooks in then that's a free all-in for you into his ADC or Thresh. They won't expect that!”
Find0 says “The thresh matchup is a skill matchup and really fun to play. you will come across this matchup a lot and your priority should be baiting his hook / flay before you go in, as well as holding your Q for when he throws the lanturn as you can interrupt the lanturn midair. he can cancel your combo very easily so winable from either side
Zulp says “Helps his allies get away with lanterns, hooks you and allies into flays making it very hard to get away. There's a reason his hook is called Death Sentence. ”
Dotje says “If he successfully lands his hook on someone you are able to cancel his dash with your tornado. Try to stay out of his flay range when poking, but be careful, he can have a strong poke too!”
Navn says “You have to be very careful not to overstep into his Flay range. If you're fast enough, you can auto attack him once, and back away immediately, and he shouldn't be able to reach you. But your next threat is he may walk forward and try to Q first. If you get hit by either ability, be ready to W his lane partner.”
CanadaJay says “Horrible matchup. He can miss all his hooks and still be able to carry his ADC. His passive armour is a pain in the ass and makes it hard to kill him.”
Frank6264 says “Otro enfrentamiento que puede ser muy bueno o malo dependiendo del ADC enemigo. En este caso, traten de poner súbditos de por medio entre ustedes y thresh para evitar ser atrapados por su gancho (Q). Si el ADC enemigo puede meter muchísimo daño en línea como tristana por ejemplo, guarden mucha distancia para evitar su iniciación con Flash + E. Fuera de eso, pueden hostigarlo para sacarlo de línea y hacer que decaiga mucho más rápido en juego tardío. ”
Sunedayz says “Save your Q for when he thinks your going to W. He'll miss his flay and take your poke. Manage the minion wave well to avoid hooks. Keep in mind his lanturn can pull in an enemy.”
McZeddy says “Bard's auto attack range is within Thresh's Flay range, if you don't poke extremely carefully, you will die.
I usually perma ban this guy in my games.”
Pixel Pocket says “Like most hard engages, he suffers into your spell shield. Especially considering he does a lot of AD damage and can't smash through your shield as easily as a full AP support”
CaptianMike says “This lane is similar to blitz in that if you dodge his hooks, this will be another easy lane. Be very mindful of his flay, because if he flay's you, it will be very difficult to dodge his hook. Use your flash preemptively if you have to. You outscale him so long as you don't get caught out. It is better for your adc to get hooked, because you have many tools to help yourself and your adc escape. Take SCORCH”
nZk01 says “(AD/AP) can block hook with Boxes so early game should be very easy, he lacks damage aswell and hes squishier than usual hook supports so you can do w.e you want.”
Nightshade1925 says “It's annoying if he hit his hook but if you stay under the tower, you can outplay him with your q. If you can dodge his hook, you can poke him really hard”
Lykzar says “Another matchup I would consider taking Guardian. Respect his hooks in lane and try to scale up. He can also place a lantern to have someone get out of your ult zone.”
ZacAttack313 says “When up against Thresh, it's easy to feel as if your agency has been stripped away. He can flail your jump, hook your ADC, lamp his ADC away. The only reason Vayne is higher priority ban is becasue of her scaling.”
LTD MAMON says “same as blitz but more annoying and good thresh will outplay you. However, you can place a box on top of the lantern so the enemy can't pick it up”
RedNBlue says “You can get wraith stalkers pretty easily off of him just make sure you don't get hooked and stunned as his q e combo will decimate you.”
ANC Bence says “If your adc slow pushes you can harass from the safety of your minions. Otherwise just roam it is impossible to poke him out and one wrong move will grant the enemy adc a kill.”
CastratedSeal says “One of the hardest matchups. Take Guardian and start Relic Shield. Take Exhaust. Stay out of range of Death Sentence and Flay and play passively in lane. Consider getting a Crucible.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom and Electro+Precision. Hook is easy to dodge, play in your minion wave if possible. You can hard trade on him or his ADC. If he throws lantern to low HP ADC make sure to W him for a free kill.”
Borusky says “Funciona do mesmo jeito contra Nautilus, a diferença é que caso você vá reto no adc, ele pode jogar uma simples lanterna e acabar seu sonho.”
EmpressBee says “Because Nami is so squishy she is in danger if she is CC'd. Nami is able to poke Thresh but if she oversteps her boundaries she is easily able to be flayed.”
fm Mac says “You can play out of your adc a decent amount as long as you space away from his e and get on when he goes in q animation. If he hooks your adc it's pretty doomed but you can normally e from speed and if your adc is good he won't get hit. Watch out for flashes tho.”
just_juniper says “You can hide behind plants to dodge his hook, but Thresh can always dash to the hooked plant and E. Poke whenever safe, be careful of lantern ganks and things will go smoothly. Again, ping his roams!”
Wike says “Thresh is not as hard to deal with but is still a hook champion.. Similar to Blitzcrank you want to understand ranges and position accordingly. Standing behind creeps is smart. Thresh's goal is to flay and then land a hook to engage. Also keep in mind his cooldowns and punish after he fails.”
Guoblide says “Thresh is a pretty easy matchup for Sett due to Thresh specializing in engaging with Death Sentence which is usually what the Sett player wants. This matchup can be tough sometimes due to Thresh having good peel for his team with Dark Passage and Flay. During the laning phase try to beat Thresh to level 2. If you win the race then immediately walk foward with your ADC and either Flash/Knuckle Down engage onto Thresh's ADC or threaten them away from the wave. If Thresh beats you to level 2 then back off and farm up to level 2 yourself. Once Sett hits level 3 he can usually win all 2v2 fights unless his ADC is someone like Kog'Maw or Senna who has a weak early game. Try to position yourself in front of your ADC to deny the Thresh from landing a Death Sentence onto them. Try to control the lane bushes and look to put pressure on the enemy laners. Engaging onto Thresh can be tough though because a well timed Death Sentence or Flay can crowd control you long enough for the enemy ADC to get away.”
InsaneWind says “This is more a skill match up who ever starts the fight has the higher chance to lose the fight but gage their play style you can still win this easily if you play it right.”
engo44 says “Champions with hooks/engages are a pure nightmare for Soraka and her Allies. Try to stay behind minions and keep the distance ,when his hook is up.”
bandeide10 says “Com sua velocidade de movimento elevada você consegue desviar facilmente do hook e abusar do seu poke porém tome cuidado para não levar o esfolar e em consequência seu all in.”
Dingye888 says “has high damage aas can kill adc early games. watch out for his e while trading. should have vantage for a little bit but u fall behind until level 6.”
FDiBA says “Thresh is basically just a harder Blitzcrank. As long as you don't go into his E range it should be pretty easy to dodge his Hook. Having runes like unflinching make Thresh a lot easier to deal with.
Just don't forget Thresh's W lantern Ability. He can help the enemy jungler gank you very easily by just throwing his lantern to their jungler. Buying Mikaels can also be very useful against Thresh, you can use it on your teammate who got hooked to remove the hook, or use it on somebody who got slowed by Thresh (Including yourself). ”
orogenz says “Beware his flay if you try to auto attack. If he can lanterns out his ADC Q him. Taking W second is nice but you can go Q if you get the early lvl 2.”
DatKawaiiBunny says “Thresh is similar to Leona with the amount of crowd control he has. His hook is the main issue.
❥ Bait out his hook and dodge it, if possible.”
katt5 says “Another hook champion. His abilities are a bit easier to react to and he is harder to play, but he can also pull a few tricks with his lantern - if he casts that and hooks you, his jungler might just be sliding in with him. ”
Jovy says “This match-up can go either way but Thresh probably has the upper-hand because he's ranged and you're melee. If he focuses on poke (maxes E and has AD in runes) you'll be in trouble but most Thresh players don't do that anymore so you won't usually have to worry about poke. His weakness is that he's quite squishy before he gets some items, and you can punish him in early levels because of it.”
Tauricus2017 says “Safeguard his hooks and place control wards on his lantern so the ADC has got a chance to attack the ward intead of catching the lamp.”
Todderina says “Definitely a hard lane, if you can dodge his q's and your adc can also dodge his q's you should be fine, just keep poking and healing your adc. Buy Imperial Mandate if you really need it.”
Thunder1224 says “You can counter with Guardian. Not as a big threat because his q distance, if he grabs you is not as far because he also gets close to you so you don't went deep in enemy, Ult and then you can run away”
aliteralpieceofwood says “While his kit can be strong, its only as good as the player using it. If you're not careful and you get hooked, then he could kill you relatively quickly especially when he reaches level 6. Just watch out for his hooks (Q) and you should be okay against him. ”
Jovy says “Thresh is similar to Blitz, but a little stronger. If you intercept his Q, he still has other things to offer. He's also ranged and his AAs can be painful, so look out for that. His ultimate is a great disengage tool and he can be hard to pin down, luckily he's not very tanky and if you do pin him down, he'll go down.”
Jovy says “Janna can win lane against Thresh but it can go either way. His poke is strong and his engage is stronger. Although you can disengage fights, he has more than one way to engage. If you stop his Q, he can still flay you. Try not to get into his range and pay close attention to him so as not to get hooked unexepectedly.”
moon827 says “As long as you can dodge thresh's hook, you should be fine, but if he lands the hook, and he has a burst adc to follow up, you might have trouble playing against him. ”
Bouhhsolene says “A bit like Pyke. Just try to poke down and dodge his Q. The only problem is he has 2 cc, and you're very vulnerable to CC. As he's tanky with aftershock, don't try to trade in lane.”
Tauricus2017 says “Bait his hook and engage right after he uses one - don't waste your spells on him since he is very tanky - but his ADC looks tasty.... >:)”
SolarSupport says “Deals decent damage and can make it hard for you and your ADC to move around, but has mediocre disengage and is bad in extended fights.”
sashadidntwalk says “Nasty boy, dodge his Q's and make sure he doesn't save his ADC. Usually when I fight against him it all depends of how good the player is but I put him in Major because you can't really do that much against him in the beginning of the game, play safe, poke him out and use your W for the same reason as with Pyke.”
Taric Support says “When playing against Thresh there is not much you can do. Play defensive and be ready to act fast if your ADC gets caught by a hook. You should be able to get fairly good trades in skirmishes. Respect the hook and play very defensive until lvl. 6.”
donpepe2 says “Thresh is like blitz, Danger level is 4 from 5,but its harder in late then blitz,because thresh passive is collecting souls ( armor for thresh).”
KeleiX13 says “Always ward the center bush and keep track of where he is. Stay behind your minion wave and poke him when his hook is down or when the wave is blocking his hook. Be careful of his flay when you step up to poke.”
Daarkie says “Ban him. That bad. Never pick Yuumi against Thresh, because thresh can pick you up from flight to your carry, and his ultimate... Well, good luck, I warned you”
Spection says “EXTREMELY COMMON. He's pretty rough for you to deal with because he can save his ADC if you jump them. His grab isn't a clean one that brings you right to him, it jerks you three times which is not optimal. Try to focus him if he's aggressive but if you can lock down his ADC hard enough they shouldn't have time to use his lantern!
NERF THIS MAN says “Skill matchup. He works very similar to nautilus, but is slightly more capable of defensive measures. You will outdamage him, but he can disengage after you Q with his flay.”
ShroudedBRH says “Thresh has alot of utility in his kit that can make him troublesome to deal with. Above all else though avoid his hook. If he walks up to flay you back off and poke to punish”
NixLychee says “This is a skill-based matchup, because his engage is better, and he's tankier, but your engage is safer and up more often, as well as you doing more damage.”
Wicked Cherry says “Same as Blitz & Nauti.
Don't get caught by his Q. Stay behind the minions and use deep wards so you'll know if he's pretending to use his lantern for ganks or if their jungler is actually around.”
Wicked Cherry says “Same as Blitz & Naut.
Stay behind the minions and use deep wards so you'll know if he's pretending to use his lantern for ganks or if their jungler is actually around.”
Wicked Cherry says “He's after your soul and not in the good way.
Dodge his hooks and silence him (or better his ADC) if he catches your ally.
If you manage to position well, grab those mobility boots and try to bait out his hooks.
However keep in mind his lantern which can easily pull in his ally to have them face check you.
Mobility and vision matters.”
QueerJunk says “Not as bad as blitzcrank, but will still destroy you if he lands his hooks! Threshs in general tend to be more skilled then blitz players, Respect good Thresh players!”
TheMistCollector says “Thresh's hook is slow ,but unpredictable. Stay away from his E range, dodge his Q's and you'll be fine. If you are a good Senna, and player overall, i recomend always going for the grasp build against Thresh, because if you win the special event, thresh's souls will be better.”
TheSpecialist says “Much like Swain, Thresh's effectiveness comes from his hook, but as it's slower than Swain's a simple use of a high-moving W or E can do the trick”
ShanksMeister says “Honestly he's just a great champion with a good kit and high skill ceiling. He can flash+flay you so be careful of that. You beat him at all stages as long as you don't get hooked or flayed. A good Thresh such as Horsecock or MadLife will beat you everytime.”
LegendLuklus says “Stay behind your minion wave and if he hooks you or your ADC, use your E to engage/disengage. You can steal his ult to win 2v2s and prevent him from escaping.”
GiAEcchI says “Aggressive laner, wait for his hook before engaging in laning phase or team fights, if he doesn't use hook at all then play like a normal adc.”
Mczrks says “Thresh is pretty easy for pyke, but because of flay (e ability) of his can stop you from dashing making your dash super short he can make your play way worse than could've been.”
Stiwy says “I don't know if someone still plays AD Tresh top, but if he does just bully him and make him remember who he really is and wich lane he belongs to.”
Krynomi says “Althought his hook can be relatively easy to avoid, the fact that he has 2 abilities that put you and me on cooldown makes this a difficult matchup.”
Gmxgreen says “If you grab his carry, be sure to put a ward/pink on his lantern.
Be careful when grabbing him because he can cc you a lot and get his carry a kill.”
Lesbiannie says “Keep at a distance so Thresh can't flay you (to slow) and then have a higher chance of hooking you, stay far back as possible but behind minions and near ADC.”
Alu Banidosu says “Due to Thresh's high amounts of Crowd Control in the form of a hook, knock up, and 99% slow for an ult, this champion can easily outpace Bard. The danger that Thresh presents also denies Bard the chance to roam, preventing scaling off of Chimes. Thresh's ability to save his own ADC from bad positioning also adds to the difficulty of the laning phase. ”
TailsGothicAngel says “No one likes being hooked and boxed in but once he misses his hook poke him down. Make sure your minions are between you and him. Make sure his flay is not in range and stay out of his hook range. Once he misses one hook you can punish him for it via chunking down his health bar.”
Joseseyboy says “Is tresh, a hook is all he needs. Keep your distance and your minions close to dodge his Q. Don't bother speeding up the allies affected by his ultimate, save it after using Cronoshift so they can make a speedy escape or a fast counterattack.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Early sweeper is a must if you plan to sit in bot side bushes, Thresh is very weak to brands combo and his lantern is free R proc's for you. ”
SkeleMan says “Thresh is the anti-naut. He can flay you away, he can hook you himself, he can lantern anyone on his team way away from you, and he has a big box of slow, plus he's also tanky. He's very annoying and you basically gotta hook his adc and don't get hooked yourself.”
Hoshikoo746 says “I don't want to face that !!!
Tresh has better pick up than you, his ult can stop you (if you want to all in).
He can get gank easily, a lantern and bim, 3 ennemies instead of 2.”
snukumz says “As long as you avoid his hook there's not much he can do.
You can trap him with your stun when he gets close and drop damage on him.
If he does try to make a play you can drop your stun on him, or his ADC and walk away.”
Dreadscythe95 says “A good thresh is always scary. The problem is that Swain is at his weakest early, where he hasn't build life and armor yet while Thresh does an absurd amount of dmg early game. So if you do one misstep while poking, he will hook you, pull the adc with lantern and ingite you and you can't even flash away. if your adc tries to help, he dies as well since thresh will be in between you and your adc and he is more tanky than you. ”
snukumz says “You're likly burning flash or dying if you get hooked so be very careful when playing against Thresh.
He's not as fast as Blitz or Pyke so he's easier to run away from.
Try to poke him down as he's not tanky early, and abuse him with your range advantage. ”
Dreadscythe95 says “His early game pressure is massive becuase one hook you can't cleanse and you are done, especially if he has ignite. After Lvl 6 and your furst core you start becoming a real threat.”
thesophieset says “You have the tools to win this lane. Use your Q MS to dodge his hook, be cautious not to step into his E range and don't underestimate his Flay autoattack. Good Threshs can be very dangerous, but this is by no means a lost lane. Once his hook is out, you can play a bit more aggressively, but do keep in mind he gets a small refund on his Q cooldown if he hits it. Respect him and his engage, keep an eye on where his lantern goes, and you're good to go.”
Guffel says “If he lands good hooks in can be a pain in the a** because he doesn't pull you directly to him so his Adc can poke you down and you have no chance to engage on him. In the early he is quite squishy so if you engage on him there is a good chance he will die. Overall a skill matchup.”
Maxwhale Plays says “Thresh will flay you when you W and hook you when you try to run away, his box slows a lot and he can burst you early game with flay passive, he can also save your adc from your ult if he is backed up enough ”
snukumz says “As long as you don't get hooked then you are fine, and Thresh will be your bitch.
Use your plants to avoid his hooks if you need to.
If you land a snare onto him you and your ADC can do a ton of damage to him. ”
Karashimi says “Another Hook champ isnt a good match for sona although his hook is slower and also provides a slight delay its still a threat!! DONT forget all hook champs isnt the best against you so DONT get hit for poke just stand out of his Q range and just Q back off ”
Haouchar says “as you're jumping through targets he can either q you (rarely) or e wish will automatically put your w on cd and make you an easy target. MAKE SURE TO BANN EVERY GAME!”
Randomless says “I play this champion a lot, he used to be my main go-to before Senna so i know literally everything about him. As Senna you outrange him very early, his Q is incredibly easy to dodge when you're that far away. He only becomes a threat after he finishes his Mobility Boots but you also have your E which allows you to run away.”
SynLynx says “Like most Tanky engage supports, this is not a good matchup. Again, punish missed hooks, but don't go too close as good Threshes can also use their e to engage. Care for the possibility of a flash-e combo. One thing you can do in extended fights is use your w on the lantern when you see his teammate is going to use it.”
Amityoce says “Dodge hook Throw Q's Stand behind minions and poke the enemy adc down if he hooks hold your silence to silence him. or just silence the enemy adc so he cant commit to engaging onto your ally.”
Amityoce says “Dodge hook and this matchup is super free. stand behind minions E yourself if he trys to auto you and just poke the enemy adc down with your adc. Save your W to either engage chase enemy adc, or counter fight with polymorphing enemy adc. You will outscale HIM HARD!”
rquoe says “Ironically one of your nemesis. Stand behind minions to avoid getting hooked, and try to get ganked once he and his ADC manage to push the wave.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Como Janna y Lulu, depende de la skill del jugador. Si es bueno, te puede cortar tanto la W como la E con su E y su gancho. Puede salvar a sus aliados cuando se desposicionen con la linterna”
Akja says “He doesn't have that much kill pressure on you (Unlike Blitz or Nauti) since his hooks are quite easy to dodge and it doesn't fully pull you towards him.”
ThePandaEvan says “Thresh has Blitzcrank's hook in a way but has more options. He can walk up, flay you, and that gives Thresh a good chance of a free hook. That should only happen though if your overextended. If your adc gets hooked, shield the adc ASAP. Try to use Q and W ASAP also so you can give your adc time to escape. If you have ult, that also works. Be careful with being too aggressive and then getting hooked.”
Gordove says “Ser castigado cedo na lane pode definir o rumo de toda a fase de rotas. Cuidado com habilidades que prendam ou puxe enquanto Braum não está disposto a levar porrada.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Scary hook champion. His E is incredibly close to your passive range if not the same or bigger - if you're trying to auto him, expect to get your W cooldown triggered.
If you get hooked, you die.
Better to just sit on your ADC and hope they don't get hooked.”
TheGreatHazam says “Thresh Is considered Major though I would put him in Extreme. Thresh is one of the few champs that can completely shut down my whole mobility if he hooks me out of W and then E's me away from my shield.If you get interruped before you reach your target then it goes on cooldown making you absolutely useless until you get your cooldowns back.So the resolution is just hold your abilities and make sure you dodge thresh Q with either Rakan W or E which is easier in that instance.”
netherlessss says “Thresh is easily to poke as long as you play behind minions. If you get Flayed or Hooked then you're most likely dead unless you have flash or R. ”
Dougaroo says “Thresh's hook followed by a whip can put you in a bad spot sometimes. Often you will just take some damage and be off scott free as the enemy adc wont want to all in with such little stuns and if your adc is present. If you are alone in lane then just play it safe and try to keep minions between you and thresh.”
JenaColada says “If the Thresh player is skilled you'll have a rough laning phase. You'll be zoned often by him. Use your minions as meat shields for his Q, but don't stay near them. He can drag himself to them and E you too.”
JustSlayter says “Good engage, and the ability to bring a nearby enemy into the fight is a threat. Plus side is like blitz and nautilus his hook is fairly easy to avoid.”
Rurikato says “Thresh's Death Sentence (Q) is the most threat for this champion because he can sweep you away towards to his ADC when he hooked you and use his Flay (E), and he can poke you with his normal attacks with the help of Flay (E) passive effect.”
TheBeardedPickle says “Thresh is a matchup you should look to avoid. Simply due to the fact that your Polymorph is a shorter range than his hook, so by the time you are in-range to Polymorph he may catch you with a hook/flay. If you get stuck in this match-up try to bait his hook, and poke him when you know his hook is on cooldown.”
tinietinytechz says “Same notes as Blitz. Avoid his hook and try get outside of lane without dying. You can poke him and enemy ADC if he misses his hook which has a long cooldown early game.”
XJay11X says “Make sure to keep track of him while he is in bushes. You would not like to be trying to aim a q and get hooked out of nowhere do you? If you can see thresh trying to hook you or your teammate, try to be fast with your Shield, it counters his hook. If you are lucky enough, you can save your team make from a rude tug.”
PayyBack says “This is a skill-based matchup.
If he fails to cancel your W with his E, then it's a free lane for you, abuse Thresh or his ADC whenever he overextends for a hook.”
StormAegis says “Teemo is pretty much dead if hooked or stunned for a good amount of time, so be careful with any matchup of this kind. If you get blocked don't panick, and if you know you'll be dead, try to deal the most damage you can to the weakest enemy around. Sometimes you can secure some kills even when in a death situation like this. If your opponent is alone and not fed, try to avoid him in the early game, but you should be able to 1v1 him with Q and AA and usually win. If you are in danger just Q him, avoid any hooks/stuns and run away with your W. You can use your R behind or ahead to slow the enemies chasing you.”
SaltyM0NSTER says “Morgana VS Thresh is generally a skill competition. Black Shield can prevent you from being hooked, As long as you keep your distance and land Dark Binding, Thresh won't be much of an issue.”
Napiste says “Extremely high CC champ. Thresh hook is a very strong CC ability and thresh E(flay) is directly Cc that will interrupt. Be careful using your E while near him and his is available to use. Thresh lantern is a big safety for his carry as well. Try to abuse his carry if his lantern is on cooldown.”
Loafus Creamwell says “Tresh is as good prepared to kill the enemy adc as you are, get him out of the game before attacking, or you gonna wish you had put that phase rush.”
STEBMENOW says “Better CC than Mundo, tankier also ONLY if Thresh takes aftershock. Makes his ADC very mobile and can deal surprising amounts of burst easily. Very dangerous at 2 with his E and Q available.”
Tult says “ Blitz and Thresh do essentially the same thing, neither of them really can get a better lead. It all comes down to who is the better player”
wesley.heer says “Zilean is in lane really useless against thresh. He is so fast, his hooks are something you need to be afraid of, and his lantern will save his adc. Take guardian against him.”
SorakaBestWaifu says “The famous icon of the support role for his high risk high reward playstyle.
A good Thresh can ruin your day like no tomorrow so be careful. Of course make sure to stand your ground and not let him bully you 24/7.”
SuperTezcat1 says “Any hook support that grabs you will be a problem.
Just be careful and dodge the hooks.
Anyways you can counter thresh a bit by using a Q at your position.”
Jointed says “This man can give you bad days. Respect the hook. Don't let him walk up to you, DISENGAGE. If he opens up with flay, you're probably dead bro. Poke him and his lane partner to get some early cash.”
Nicl1242 says “Thresh's hooks are devestating since a hook can mean a kill a lot of the time, and since Bard leaves for chimes, Thresh can be very aggressive to get the adc.”
Chroma Fennec says “As the name implies, his Q is a death sentence and during laning you are not tanky enough to survive their enemy ADC getting free hits on you for so long.”
Pognog says “This matchup will likely come down to the skill of both players. His hook is a lot easier to avoid than others but his lockdown can be deadly if used at the right time. ”
Larmack says “Very dangerous matchup. His flash + flay is deadly. Getting your passive in this lane is really hard, and most of the time you'll just want to sit on your adc unless his flash is down or his adc isn't in a position to follow up on a flash flay.”
LFS_aXent says “Thresh is your easiest matchup. Easily avoidable hooks, flay is easy to escape, and he's caught for a bad time if you land a charm on him. They love to hug walls out of vision, so just keep it warded right outside of your jungle and give him a taste of his own medicine with your charm.”
sweetnothin1 says “Thresh can not push faster than kog maw on lv1.Get lv2 and QE THRESH .Be careful of Thresh W call jungle.Kog maw's passive dont need afraid of thresh.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are very scary for squishy enchanters, dodge their hooks and poke them while they're on cooldown. Don't get too close as Flay is just as scary. Wait for a gank, play passive.”
Hanjaro says “Like most immobile, squishy enchanters, hook champions are their worst nightmare. If you dodge his Q, you can take advantage of poking him down in that window, but be aware of his Flay.”
Hanjaro says “Like most squishy mages, Zyra is no exception to the danger of hook champions. Try to dodge his abilities and poke him down when they're on cooldown - Thresh is still scary due to his Flay, avoid melee range, and be wary of his flash all in.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are scary when you're squishy. Avoid their hooks and poke when they're on CD. Beware of flash all-ins. Thresh can engage with flay, don't go into his range.”
Hanjaro says “Any hook champions are your biggest threat, just like any other squishy mage or enchanter. Dodge their hooks, poke when on cooldown. Thresh is dangerous with his Flay, don't get too close. You can harass them easier with a long range dark wind, but you can push the wave into a dangerous spot!”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy mages, hook champions are scary. Dodge their hooks and poke while they're on CD, just be careful of flash engages. Thresh still has Flay while his hook is on CD, so try avoid walking into his range.”
ningen ouroboros says “He can flay you away while you w, and has good auto damage, but luckily, can be one-shotted as his defensive stats are closer to a mage support than a tank. He is also lacking in teamfights as well.”
GoBucket says “Thresh's utility always makes him a threat. His flay can help prevent your engage with E and his lantern can either be a saving grace, or help his roamers gank you. However, he is squishier than you think early, and guess what, you are very strong early. Block hooks for your ADC and play around his flays. Feel free to engage onto him before he gets tanky.”
Hanjaro says “He has great peel, a shield and a disengage with his lantern. His hook is dangerous as it can set up a CC chain, pull you into his tower or an enemy gank. Dodge his abilities and only engage when they're on cooldown.”
M1sh0 says “Hooks and Raka don't mix. If you get hooked you will 80% of the time have to flash away after you get pulled. If not you usually just die from bursting.”
Beeee says “He has a ton of cc, and great engage potential. Thresh is also very tanky, although his passive doesn't give him mr with stacks so you should be able to do a decent amount of damage to him. Just avoid his q!”
marisbroodti says “Thresh is a very even champion to lane against, will Flay your Es and lantern their jungler from behind the turret into sudden ganks.
This is a skill match up, where both you and your ADC have to be on the same page to get ahead and win lane. I'd say this is the most "even" lane.”
Ghionova says “The slows, hooks and slides can be very stressful. Really strong against your kit. Never engage when his Q is ready and youre detected, otherwise he has more posibilities in the fight.”
Zer0XM says “if he hooks you then...FREE DIVE YAYY!... buuut if he hooks you correctly then its pretty bad, however its rare that a thresh can do too much to you, just play it normal against him.”
MeatFeast says “Another skill matchup, in this one I think Thresh has the edge early game, but Leona definitely wins as the game gets past 30 minutes. Your aim is to get out of lane in tact where Thresh is at his most dangerous. A good Thresh will flay you our of your E leaving you in serious trouble. Even with a good engage, he can save the ADC with his lantern which can be extremely frustrating. Thresh is surprisingly squish during the early phase so don't be scared to all in on him if he is below 50% health. With ignite it's fairly easy to secure the kill before turning on the ADC. Also remember Thresh is ranged so he can poke you if you have poor positioning. Finally if he moves towards starts to move towards Tri-brush, anticipate that he is going to lantern in his jungler. Try to position yourself in front of the ADC in this case so you can both escape safely.”
Zefirez says “Recommended build: Phase Rush.
Good Thresh is always a menace. That being said, Pantheon isn't as helpless as it would seem.
Key to success is playing reactively. It'll be impossible to engage if he's good (flays you off, unless you get Edge of Night's spellshield).
But if he goes in for engage himself, or messes up the hook, that's when you can mess him up.
Assuming he landed a hook, he's got only two things left, and both of them you can counter - flay and ult. If he fleys you - empowered w engage on his adc or himself if nothing else is in range. One auto, or ability and phase rush is up. He can't peel you off unless he uses ult or exhaust - both will fail in front of of your phase rush + E charge. Then you can introduce your target to concept of running like hell, only to eat a spear :3
If he misses a hook, you can try to engage, if he flays you off before you get Phase Rush - too bad. If not - chase & kill!
ONICH4N says “Skill matchup that favors thresh. His poke is higher, more engage tools. You can stop his hooks but he can still flay you, find opportunities to poke behind minions and avoid unexpected hooks. ”
Leaguecitizen says “A very good Thresh can make this an even matchup, but most Threshs aren't that good.
He can flay you out of your W, but it requires great timing on his part.
If you get a gank and Flash W-Q on him, it's almost guaranteed he won't be good enough or able to react in time.”
Huzarensalade says “His hooking ability is one hell for you, since he can pull you under turret or in battle, and you'll realise how undefensed you actually are. ”
Leaguecitizen says “A good Thresh is definitely a problem, but I seldom see good Threshs at any ELO to be honest.
He can flay you out of your E, but it requires very good timing on his part.
With the threat of your ult, you're the one who dictates the pace of this lane.”
Leaguecitizen says “A good Thresh is definitely a problem, but I seldom see good Threshs at any ELO to be honest.
He can flay you out of your Q, but it requires very good timing on his part.
With the threat of your ult, you're the one who dictates the pace of this lane.”
suppdiff says “This is an even lane, but most thresh mains are extremely bad. Just play with your wave, abuse his low range, and all in him when his aftershock is down. Also, be sure to Q or R AFTER he uses his spells. You won't be able to stun him if he CC's you.”
unhben says “Champions such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Pyke are all very dangerous to Bard once they have access to all their engage tools at level 2 or 3”
Urf Kench says “Thresh shouldn't be a big threat. You can deny his hook pretty easily. If he hooks you and go all in, do the same. You should get the double kill. Be careful to lantern gank.”
Zefirez says “Good Thresh is always a menace and especially for Malph, who does not have hard cc of his own till lvl 6. Early game treat yourself as a 2nd adc - where hook = death.
That being said, Thresh has one horrible weakness - himself. His waveclear is crap, he doesn't build short it's pretty clear what you must do - ult bomb the adc along with yours and once that's done, lane is yours.
Just remember that Thresh is all about using allies (towers included) to kill you. No allies and no stupid plays around his tower = he's screwed.”
supersuavebro says “Watch them hooks, he can look to grab you and make your life hell as well as your adcs, but if you can keep poking at his adc he wont have any reason to all in you. Just make sure to keep moving and watch for those hooks”
DaSticks says “Thresh shouldn't be too hard just don't let him hook your adc.
Thresh can't move while throwing his hook so you can easily hook him.
If you hook his adc thresh can lantern them to safety so either block the lantern with wards/yourself or just focus thresh.”
NirvanaBunny says “This can go either way--it all depends on skill. While Thresh has an advantage, being ranged, but he's quite squishy before he gets items. This means you can punish him early levels.”
aimez says “As long as you can dodge thresh's hook, you should be fine, but if he lands the hook, and he has a burst adc to follow up, you might have trouble playing against him.”
Kernelly says “If you'll ever see a Thresh called ClickThyLantern, prepare to be overwhelmed with his might and be annihilated, because he's the only threat that can stop your wombo combo.”
flagnut says “Thresh is the toughest of the "hook" champions, because he can ride it "all in" even if he hooks a turret. Just play a bit safe and it should be fine.”
RagingJug says “See a pattern with Senna's threats?
Senna does poorly against tanks with hooks as her only real escape is flash.
Though you should be good as long as you poke while avoiding hooks.
Senna currently has about a 46.33% win rate into Thresh.”
SilentTitan says “Ban this champion. Thresh is the epitome of a hard counter to Rakan. While it is possible to outplay him by dodging hooks and flays, you are effectively forced to play passive the entire laning phase due to Thresh's insane presence. Not to mention, flay can interrupt your w.”
Mantra Decorum says “Thresh makes you fight more than you want, he will force you to play aggressively. Try to poke him hard, and use your Mantras with caution. Occasionally Thresh will roam to mid, be aware of that.”
Ahpulzz says “His ranged attacks give him a harassment edge over you, and engaging on him runs the risk of getting CC'd for a while thanks to his hook and flay. If he hooks your ADC, there's not much you can do about it except maybe pillar away the other carry to try and stave off follow up damage. Another big factor is Dark Passage, which essentially renders pillar useless in many cases. However, he has very little ways to escape himself, so if you can catch him out alone, he will most likely die without flash available. Additionally, Thresh does surprisingly poorly during extended trades; if he misses his hook on your ADC, you can easily come out on top in most 2v2 scenarios.”
Joelbe says “refer to blitzcrank notes
Thresh can hook you and then stun with the drag so try to stun him before he stuns u and make sure to have a teammate around to help ”
Aethlo says “Hook is annoying but not as bad as Blitzcrank. It's hard to escape post 6 due to his slow on his ultimate and his flay, but usually your all ins should be fine as long as you and your adc target their adc.”
Chromuro says “He's one of the most strong and safe supports existing. A reliable engage, a realible tool for his ADC to engage with and a lock with his ult.
Stay behind your minions and don't do anything risky, it could be your last mistake.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Thresh has the lantern to keep his fellow laner alive, and the hooks and box-slow as mega-engage CC. Tread with care when you're facing him - and always watch what spells he expends in every trade-off.”
Vermeio says “Poppy is a more counter-offensive than him. A well timed W on his chain dash, can turn the tables of the engage. Armor up if he got ahead. ”
Appler says “This one is also tricky but dont let him hook you throught the whole game and you are fine. It gets complicated when he hooks your ADC. You will have to ult him most of the times so he doesnt get popped :(”
Axeloy says “Thresh has lots more tools to fight back a Nami compared to Blitzcrank or Nautilus, and can exchange auto-attacks with her, but it is ultimately an even match-up that comes down to skill to determine who wins.”
mbo575 says “Just like Blitzcrank but with a lantern and E to interrupt your abilities. His R is hard to escape from, you will be slowed even if you E away. He has no protection from your R execute, but can help allies retreat easily with his lantern.”
Sona Aria says “Thresh is one of Sona's worst matchups. He has high base damage early with his e passive on hit, and has multiple forms of cc that can be chained together easily. Once caught, something will soon be taken, whether it be summoner spells or life. Play outside his flay range, back off if he walks forward aggressively, abuse your max range Q's, and use minions to avoid his hook.”
Haezard01 says “You have good trade against him, but don't sleep on thresh ability to make plays, burst the ADC and the thresh will become useless in lane.”
Slick_top says “The CC, On thresh is very strong currently and you maybe able to dash away, but if he is level 6, he will be very hard to engage on. Try focusing on anyone else but him.”
Zona de sona says “Lo mismo de con blitz te recomiendo quedarte atras de los súbditos si es thresh gasta 1 Q es buen momento para pokear y conseguir aun que sea un poco de oro”
Saethwyr says “Thresh is a classic better support wins matchup. Death sentence will normally put thresh Directly onto your model, though aiming in the same direction as the hook will often let you land a stun on him.”
z4ki says “Same as Blitz but when Thresh land his hook, they take some time for landing his hook on early game. Manage it for saving your ADC/yourself if Thresh miss hook”
FRIZFOREVER says “good thresh with good adc = R.I.P this lane. no matter which adc u have.
btw good thresh player is rarity. jsut respect his E cuz it can break ur W during cast and u will die ~80% times”
Ainlean says “Your whole engage can be completely stopped if he flays you as you come in for the E wall stun, try to bait out the flay and then go in before he has time to stop you with his hook
(Did you know poppy's W stops people from being pulled to thresh when they use his lantern?)”
DBtheKnight says “As with all supports who have a hook. He grabs your ADC, you E to your ADC W to theirs, hit Q on their ADC and E back to your ADC to give them a heal and another shield. ”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh can beat Lux levels 1-2 , so long that you avoid a level 2 power spike you will win. Push the wave level 1 or start in lane to put the game in your favor. If you catch out Thresh without him being able to proc aftershock it's easy to take him out.”
Exs Xena says “Thresh should go quite even in lane against Braum. Braum, because of his tankiness, can afford himself to get hooked, absorb all of the abilities and let his adc do the work while he can cc the enemies with his [[Concussive Blows]]. ”
sutrauboju says “Same as Nautilus, although not as tanky, but allows for additional mobility for his ADC and has a slow in his Ult. Focus on avoiding the hook.”
DrunkenWolf says “Just don't let yourself being hooked in a bad place and you will be fine, if he tries to engage on you, you will outdamage him easily.”
Hanjaro says “Extremely high CC champ. Thresh hook is a very strong CC ability and thresh E(flay) is directly Cc that will interrupt. Be careful using your E while near him and his is available to use. Thresh lantern is a big safety for his carry as well. Try to abuse his carry if his lantern is on cooldown.”
Dayum Draven says “Thresh is just a monster. If he hooks you, you're probably going to lose your Axes and be right in the midde of their team. Stay away”
BurstTheBots says “All you have to do is dodge hooks and shield your ADC if they get hooked in by him and snare him but be warned he may be able to hook you even if snared I don't know this for sure though.”
unownreality says “His autos will do just as much damage as yours, and you both have the same aa range. Avoid trades if possible, and stay out of flay range. ”
Bellbellum says “With the hook and flail, Thresh makes for a dangerous combo. Beware of the flail backwards which can stop your attachment back to your carry, leaving you a dead cat in the enemy carry's scope!”
Silver_Skulls says “Thresh has a better hook than you because he doesn't have to wait to cast his hook like you do meaning that you and your ADC don't have time to flee. On top of that he also can cancel your hook cast with his Q and E.”
Drlazerbeam says “Similar to Blitz, but less volatile. Nami should be fine and have a slight advantage over Thresh during lane phase. A missed bubble or a solid hook by thresh can turn the tides in Thresh's favor fast however.”
Fruxo says “Don't get grabbed by his Q and try to stop the adc from being able to use Thresh's lantern. One good tip for being able to stop his lantern is if you put a ward on top of it, that way you won't be able to click it, therefore you might be able to get a kill while doing so.”
NirvanaBunny says “His poke is strong and his engage is stronger. Although you can disengage fights, he has more than one way to engage with his flay. Try not to get hooked or else you're gonna have a bad time.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh can Flay Leona's E negating catch. So immediate engage on Q + ULT + E is best if you actually want to kill Thresh. Thresh offers a challenging dynamic since he's ranged he can have a lot of control over leona but it takes a good player to actually pull everything off which you likely won't run into in solo queue.”
N0ZOMI says “If you get to play vs really good Thresh who know how to counter Nami in lane, you'll have hard time with him. If he commit too much you can punish him and grab kill. But if he hook you then you are in trouble. Don't get hooked and you can win lane.”
Meresjev says “Just toss your shield as you see the hook approaching. No stuns, but Thresh can still leap as long as the hook remains. However he can't Flay if the shield is up. Stunning Thresh with your Q as Morgana when he hooks you prevent him from comming on you.”
N0OCH says “Thresh provides a lot of defense for his adc, as well as providing a lot of kill potential with his hook into flay. It is advisable to play safe into this matchup.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Swallow your carry to deny hooks and etc. When he recasts his q, take that as an opportunity to surprise the enemy team by swallowing thresh quickly so that you can focus the enemy adc, or swallow your adc.”
Tgrs says “Pretty hard matchupp but if you can dodge Q's then he will not be a very big problem. Also when he uses his lantern , you can easly stun him and his ally with your Q.”
Ooze OG says “The only time you have to be careful is if this lane hits their level 2 power spike first. If he Q's to you, save your combo to knock him up, and push him back with W deeper into your minions or tower. If he hooks your carry, focus theirs.”
semisomniac says “Oh man, you're in for a rough time unless you're a juke god. Channel your inner Jensen! Dodge those skillshots! Even then, if the Thresh is good, the outplay potential of that champ is simply crazy.”
ZedsArcade says “Problem with Thresh is that its a popular champion and due to the tanky build commonly taken with him it does cause problems since during your Hook he can hook you in also.”
Yukkine says “Hit or miss, I guess they never ever should hit you with a stun. Be especially careful when engaging, out of all the hookers, ghostly wife stealing boi here is the most threatening.”
TheLuluMain says “Same as blitzcrank, however in this lane you have more chance of survival. If he lands q then polymorph his adc and either run away or if you have the advantage try to turn on them.”
TeleportingWolf says “A less annoying Blitzcrank. Thresh has a slow hook and is easier to fight against, and if he grabs you, you probably won't die. Poke him when you can and don't let him hook you, it's easier to dodge than Blitzcrank's or Leona's.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup can be very hard since a great Thresh will make plays happen when you least expect it. Also, pushing him under tower to prevent his roaming can be difficult since he can pull his jungler in to gank. Sieging against him is hard too. Only look to punish him if you know he doesn't have Q.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Morgana is pretty much a hard counter against Thresh. Black Shield allows you to move freely, even if Thresh lands a hook on you or cages you with his ultimate ability. The same can be said for your allies since it can be cast on them, too. You can also punish him for diving into the action by using Soul Shackles if he gets too close.”
Ijzumy says “Have a good position so you can live, advoid his pulling skill is the best way to win, if you being cautght, use your E so you can escape his W and R.”
Kyeee says “Thresh has the ability to pull you into the enemy and due to him having a decent amount of damage he can be a big thresh to squishy little Nami!”
Silver_Skulls says “Outclasses Pyke because of the hook where he can pull you or your ADC into a tower or worse the enemy ADC and his hook is more effective also he grants a shield to his ADC”
discoheat says “You can out trade him with your W. If he does hook your ADC, there is not much you can do. Just keep a good distance. Keep spammin him.”
unhben says “Easy to poke out. Use minions as cover and dont push out too much. Also keep lots of vision up the river so he can't safely lantern his jungler to lane.”
I love Lun Lun says “Thresh is a great support that can mostly win any lane.However I have lost only seldom times from a Thresh.Our E can terminate his plans and if he doesn't catch us with his Q there's not much he can do.Vision is the key against him,he is an all in champion so that much can prevent it.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, haha, sorry i had to get it out some more. i mean hes even easier to spell shield than blitz and even his ult can be spell shielded by u. which is supposed to be like "the inescapable ult of awesomeness" so whatever. u can stomp lane if they have this useless support (in terms of going against sivir)”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh Vs Pyke is completly even. Pyke can win by pulling thresh when thresh is to far forward, or punishing him when Thresh misses abilities. ”
devanj4 says “Bard has a big hitbox and doesn't do well when displaced, if you don't get hooked and aim some good cosmic binding's you can save your adc but it isn't easy.”
Wasbeer says “Thresh can kill you early game VERY easy, Play with CAUSION! and try to keep you'r ADC healty and focus the enemy ADC when a hook hits. Past lvl 6 Thresh is allot less of a threat.”
PlanyX says “If thresh manages to land his hook then it's almost 100% guaranteed that his team will win the trade, and since Braum is really big and slow, along with the fact that he doesn't have a "normal peel" that can be casted from a distance make it a really hard matchup.”
heyitsRainex says “Careful not to get hit by his Q and E.
His E makes his autos strong.
He's squishy early game though. Wear him down if his ADC can't follow up.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh has lots of opportunities to CC Bard any time you move up for damage, wait out his CC and punish his mistakes rather than over reaching during the laning phase. Don't blow damage on his Aftershock.”
Synk1904 says “Almost the same as Blitzcrank, but if you get caught by a good Thresh it may be even worse. Stay behind minions at ALL time. He isn't as fast as blitzcrank so he will not hide often in bushes to grab you.”
Zefirez says “Your bane. Excellent at peeling, can lantern his adc, hook you into their tower or away from yours. Every anti-cc in the book is welcomed and getting massive movement speed will help dodge hooks. But generally if you see enemy thresh before you pick, pick something else.”
Qwerty19 says “I ban thresh almost always because he can do everything we do and it becomes a skill matchup, don't want to risk my adc getting caught by his hooks.”
SpicySkelleton says “Any good thresh can make laning against him a nightmare, his hook isn't as good as your Grab but if his adc coordinates well while yours doesn't is can get your lane behind one kill already and you having to play it more safe. He wont be entirely interested in hooking you unless in early game and your passive is on cooldown. his e can give that much space to discourage you and your adc of giving chase if you get a grab in, and if he combos well while his jungler comes in for a "nice" visit, that can mean the possiblity of you and your adc getting stomped easily. Not to mention he can save his adc by throwing his lantern (unless his adc doesn't know how to properly right click.)
Like my advice with brand try to grab him first and move on to the adc the more often hes dead the more useless he becomes, though he'll be behind his minions and you will probably be keep to yours, by then its only a battle of which adc can wave clear the fastest.”
whybother34 says “Thresh is always a threat when you play support. His range makes him annoying but you can take his tank stats. If you're really good(not me) you can interupt thresh dashes to his hooked targets with your E. Good luck”
Lonxu says “He is super popular and somehow people pick him vs Zyra.
But I think Zyra is actually a Thresh counter. At least I seem to have like 80-90% Win rate vs him.
Just like with Blitzcrank, you need to stay behind minons, take brush control(vision at least)) and then poke the crap out of him.
If he lands the hook, just hope you had full hp then kill the ADC as he follows up.
I have 0 issues on this match-up. Even if I somehow lost the lane I feel like I can do a lot more in 5v5 than Thresh unless he is seriously good at vision control and getting picks for his team.
SawyerNelson says “Thresh has a very good matchup into Rakan in lane. Always offering threat of CC onto Rakan.
Rakan has advantage of immediate engage onto thresh with ULT + W.
But thresh has great tools to protect him, his allies, and turn on Rakan.”
revelador says “aunque tiene una muy buena forma de hacer plays, solo debes concentrarte en molestar al compañero y listo su linterna no bloquea el daño de tu q ni tu basico”
SawyerNelson says “Zyra is a legacy counter to thresh. Summon a plant to block his hook when he approaches. Every time he approaches you can damage him Thresh is very vunurable to early magic damage. Later in the game not much changes, so long that he doesn't flash on top of you and flay hook before you have the reaction time to simply flash away then turn on him.”
Saeh says “Thresh is very scary since he has 3 ways of catching and holding you down in range of his adc. You have to dodge his hook. At level 9 his Q will be on a 18 second cooldown.”
BreathlesSx says “An average Thresh player shouldn't be a problem, however a skilled one will make you cry. Stay behind minions and punish him for missing hooks.”
nicko9090 says “This is a skillmatchup. If Thresh know what he is doing, you are going to have a bad time engaging as he can flay you out of your Zenith Blade and make it impossible to disengage with his ultimate. However if he can't time his flay correctly, it's basically free to engage on him or his carry as he is fairly squishy early game. Abuse of it to get lane dominance.”
FunnyBunnyH says “In lane it depends on the ADC picks how problematic he can be (the more early game focused their ADC is, the bigger danger it is to get hooked). Regardless, his peel can be pretty annoying if the player is competent.”
HotSunGG says “not a big deal of hes good he will time his E with ur E engage if not he will miss timed leading to u winning that 2vs2 but just bait his E and remember his E has more cooldown than ur E so play is bait his and re engage when you have ur E up again”
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