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Irelia Counter Stats

Irelia Counters
Discover all champions who counter Irelia. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Irelia in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
2,030 Tips for countering Irelia below

Top Lane
49.15% Win Rate51% Pick Rate Irelia Top Lane Counters: 32 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Irelia in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

UrPersonalGod says “My perma ban if I want to play Aatrox. The most annoying one of the high mobile fighters that run ignite. If you stay healthy and just farm near tower you can fighter around level 6 or 7 if you have trust in you mechanics. You can buffer your Q when she E´s you.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖                                                                                General:                                                                                COMING SOON ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖”
My Pantheon Climb | EUNE by SVKGuardian | Pantheon Player
wApMorty says “Tricky matchup : don't play with ghouls or use it to bait her. Fighting with Maiden, Ignite and Conqueror should win”
[WIP] In-Depth Yorick Guide by wApMorty | Yorick Player
ivanceta says “o boneco cautera o E, simplesmente irelia, outro boneco ajudado pela riot”
SemenDrinker says “Ban i cant give you advice because i never play against her. My only tip is that play super safe and carry ignite. Try to guess where she q's with your q. She will save her W for your q3. E away from her E stun and good luck., ”
Horrible Aatrox Main Gives You The Bare Minimum by SemenDrinker | Aatrox Player
Frankoloko says “Get anti heal (Ignite or Bramble) because healing is a big part of her success. Ult after her to remove all her things. You can also ult to remove her first E. When she loses her passive, don't allow her to walk up and get it on the minions again. She's weak without her passive. When you have 6 and she has 0 stacks, ult her because in the realm there are no minions for stacks. You easily win the fight if you do this.”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player
Banzi says “play behind ur wave and poke her down u can e her q get an early bramble west”
Engage + Value build - Tresh off-meta by Banzi | Thresh Player
IvanBeifong says “Irelia, major by itself, extreme once she gets botrk, doesn't have much damage and you can easily dodge her E with your own E, if you feel like you need it, go oblivion orb, you deal a lot of damage to her, just remember to dodge her E. Conq build works well. Good ult, deals decent damage and works well for chasing. ”
PetriciteLoL says “Need more testing against her as she's not that popular, although a good Irelia player will freeze the wave into being an unplayable lane, also BoRK is your #1 enemy if she gets it. Grasp or Conq is fine, I would either 3 Q into W or Full W max against her.”
Rank 1 Sylas NA's Guide on New Sylas by PetriciteLoL | Sylas Player
G2 Ryan says “Very difficult match-up, decent winrates against but they will always win lane if played properly.”
Off-Meta Aatrox by G2 Ryan | Aatrox Player
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Mid Lane
47.84% Win Rate48% Pick Rate Irelia Mid Lane Counters: 24 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Irelia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Tamikaze says “[Hourglass Second Item, highly recommended, Exhaust viable spell] Irelia can be a tricky matchup, solely for her early game and her ability to jump from one side of the lane to another. When playing against an Irelia, be very conscious of your minions and which one are low HP. Irelia players usually will prep caster minions as a way to dash onto you from far away. She will always win the fight if she has max passive up, and especially if she has Conqueror. She can only acquire max passive if she lands her E on you, or she receives from the minion wave. If she misses her E (early game), she cannot go in on you and win. Its good to know that her E is a 16 second CD level 1. If you can play around your tower and minimize the number of trades you take with her early, you will win lane. Notable tips: When she acquires BOTRK, she can one shot caster minions, be careful and be ready for this! If you find yourself in a duel, and she ults you she will immediately Q you or E you, be ready to either dash the E or dodge it. If/when you decide to ult her, she will Q you right after to jump the wall. To prevent this, you need to dash into her with your E. This is especially important if you are making a play under your tower. It prevents her from escaping the situation. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “BIENVENIDO AL INFIERNO. Este es por lejos el peor match up de Zilean. Tiene demasiada movilidad así que es imposible acertarle una Q. La relentización E no le afecta porque dashea a través de los minions. Puede divearte a nivel 3. Si lanzas tu bomba hacia el minion sobre el que ella saltará puedes asegurar un poco de poke. Juega lo más defensivo posible e intenta no feedear. ”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
j4ss says “Lots of sustain but braindead one-trick champion, go Fleet, Max Q, Plated Steelcaps with full crit. Essence Reaver - Berserker's - Mortal Reminder - Infinity Edge. Avoid her E stun with your E and crush her mid to late game with your damage. Remember, getting melee against a fed graves is a death sentence.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora is dreadful into fighters, being basically incapable of disengaging from them without using her ultimate, she cannot effectively duel them during lane phase or when sidelaning.”
A Rough Introduction To Aurora by Laimaudeja | Aurora Player
Tatsurion says “You know what this cunt can do. You know it isnt fair. You know its too much. And no, your range is NOT enough to keep you safe. Get antiheal. Get tabis. Pray.”
Yuhkis Ribs says “constantly poke her but don't commit to trades too much and beware when she is fully stacked”
Xc1Mare says “Ирелья неиграбельный матчап из-за её Q и W 1 - Q ОЧЕНЬ быстро пушить и не выпускать вас с линии ,не давая вам безопасно спушивать линию и роумить 2 - Q убивает ваших собак за одно попадание ,так как они считаются крипами (вы почти всегда носите в себе 4 стака для ирелии) => она очень легко вас убивает 3 - W имеет большое понижение входящего AD урона, что делает невозможным её убийство Любая драка к которой вы стянитесь может закончится тем что ирелия получит всю пассивку даже без крипов ,что грозит вам и вашей команде большими проблемами .Она не будет отставать от вас в запуше линии и всегда готова ответит на ваши действия по карте. Единственный здравый контрплей ,играть с лесником на ранних уровнях ,когда Ирелия запушивает пачку слишком глубоко”
Слабейший ассасин в игре by Xc1Mare | Naafiri Player
BrMario1011 says “try not to get run down tbh lmao, you can win this if u play well before she gets bork, people who play this champ are ussualy greedy pigs and they can bait them selves, make sure she has no where to dodge to if you w onto her and make sure you dodge her stun go dseal any runes teleport/ ingnite if confident”
Vladmidir says “Dodge her E or pool it and she has a hard time killing you. If she gets onto you save pool for ult or use it when low to mitigate the health cost. Be mindful of her stacks and try not to trade when ur minions get low. Once she gets bork you just have to R her off cooldown and make sure she cant all in you.”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Conquerer or First Strike w/ resolve if you struggle mandatory. I prefer First Strike w/ sorc or precision. In my experience, she just outheals and outdamages you, when you try to go for extended Conquerer trades. D-shield if you plan to play a bit more aggressively, otherwise longsword is fine. Play safe and dont let her all in you. Give up CS when you are not ready to escape when she can engage on you. Preferably trade with WEQ Behind, and try to place it so she can't hit your with her E. Same goes for all ins. Do not go for extended trades unless super fed or you can kill.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
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