Bottom Lane 48.71% Win Rate95% Pick RateKalista Bottom Lane Counters: 21 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kalista in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “You out damage her early and she can't chase you with passive leaps because of your slow. Just win early and snowball because depending on her support she will just scale and eventually take over the game.”
BigBallsLarry says “another very aggressive early ADC that also scales well(however you HEAVILY outscale), she's very tough to play against, limited by players not knowing how to play her to the full potential. Always be aware of her stacks on you to not get instant bursted, don't get hit by her Q as it deals a large portion of damage. She's usually paired with a strong engage support, so take your time and play patiently, don't overstep and don't get dove (no bard support kappa) ”
BrunkageManden says “Worst matchup for Yasuo.
She will just jump around the wind wall.
She can still jump even thought the spear goes through the wall.
Wall does not effect her E.
Her ulty can canel yours.
Potential dodge unless the support works wonders.”
Major Alexander says “Kalista always beats you in a 1v1 early so you have to be cautious of your moves. DO NOT let her stack lethal tempo cause you are done. Same goes for pta. Poke with q until you do 1 good all in”
Avarosa says “quem matar a outra primeiro dita a lane, se voce morrer fique longe e não troque sem seu jungle a menos que acerte a ult de uma distancia consideravel”
Dr Yoshili says “Despite being one of the best ADC early, she is a pretty good matchup, you outrange her, your Zap is really annoying to her, while also being outscaled super hard
don't duel her, and don't try to fight her early.
You can take exhaust to annoy her even more”
gaarrett says “Kalista's pickrate is almost as low as Nilah's. W when she's trying to stack spears on you for a really damaging Rend and you should be fine. ”
EdenHoangKim says “Kalista is one of the strongest early champion. You can block some of her attack but her damage output early is still too high. Try to play safe early and wait for gank. Nilah can't outdamage her early.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGHTS - Extreme mobility / High burst and damage in early / Win most trades / Great vision / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to slow / Hard to comeback when behind / Support dependant / Short range / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Kalista isn't so hard to play against as Smolder. You just have to stay behind your minions, avoid being caught and you're fine. If she tries to rush you, just W her to slow her down and then trade her a bit while the slow is on and then back off. Mid/late game is the same process to be honest, just don't get caught by anything.”
Avxm says “Kalista is a skill matchup, if you go even you generally outscale her but winning early can be tricky. Try to play safer in this lane and only play agressive if she makes mistakes”
Kociokwik says “You outrange her but If kalista is good she will dodge your q, however she is not in the best shape rn so farm to lost chapter + fated ashes and you should win with e only. You outscale her. Her jump speed scales with her ms so your w is important don't waste it.”
Latte9969 says “Kalista's constant state of mobility make it very hard to hit her with your skillshots, try to watch how she's jumping and predict where she'll jump to and Q predicatively as opposed to reactively. Kalista is usually played with engage so space very far away to avoid the Kalista ult + engage support combo. Sadly, this is a matchup you have to heavily rely on your support and one that takes a lot of practice.”
Foxirion says “Kalista's kiting ability and rend damage can be a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her mobility and ability to stack spears on targets quickly can make it challenging for Kog'Maw to trade effectively.”
afr0rk says “Tough matchup. She has the tools to juke all your skillshots, catch-up to you and also deal more damage than you in lane. Play it slow, and play to scale. Exhaust helps a LOT because of how movement speed interacts with Kalista.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “She has good burst and damage, but holy fuck your W is like the biggest "nah" zone there is for her in bot. Try not to get engaged on in a bad spot.”
Antiwis says “same kind of draven but less played and less strong, remember that if at 15min you are both 0/0/0 you won.
Just chill on farm its good to play under turret”
Bobalegre says “She can dodge your skill shots pretty easily and she is faster than you with her dashes, her ultimate can really change the fight with throwing a tank towards you or saving a enchanter you engaged on. Try to trade with her because its quite hard to poke her down”
TTV BLINKFIORA says “champs broken poke but definitely outplayable if cc'ed down or when all in with burst damage (if enemy has renata kalista just dodge)”
Vapora Dark says “Kalista has a very strong early-game, but you're the only ADC in the game with reliable lockdown for her in the form of Gravitum. This can be used to prevent her dodging skillshots from your support, or the slow can reduce her DPS while dashing on every attack as it'll reduce the frequency of the dashes.
She also operates in quite short range making her easy to trade with as Aphelios. One very important thing is to not take extended trades however, as she definitely out-DPSes you as she gets more spears in you. You can also bump the difficulty of this matchup up a notch if she's running Hail of Blades over Lethal Tempo, as it'll increase the power of her short trading. Her extended trading can also be problematic to avoid given how easily she can stick onto you.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “You're going to need to be very mindful about this champion's laning and who the support matchup is. This champion's damage output with HoB can make her a serious problem to lane against but she'll fall off crazy towards the later half of the game. Sit back and relax if you're unconfident in your ability to win early.”
Devilbuny says “Drugi mój ulubiony adc. We wczesnym etapie gry masz nad nią przewagę i teoretycznie wygrywasz. Ona nie ma do ciebie dystansu i musi zaczynać walkę. Bij ją zawsze jak się zbliży i usuwaj z linii. Buduje się ją na ekstremalne walrtości speed attacku a jej pasywka pozwala jej skrócić dystans bardzo szybko. Kiedy tylko złapie na ciebie agro, łap dystans używając E. Doświadczona Kalista wygra z tobą late game”
NegativePhoenix says “Surprisingly, I've faced a couple Kalistas and it's went the same:
Smolder can easily keep out of her range thanks to his E and slow her with his W. As long as you don't just sit there face tanking her spears, she can't get fed, which means she can't do anything”
Leaf no Kitsune says “hard early game. let her push and pray that enemy jgl doesn't tower dive you or the game is over. if you can survive early game you will outscale her and can destroy her. bork is the key for a good all in timing.”
Lewozu says “Dodge her Q's.
If you see her damaging a minnion and saving its last hp that means she will walk up to you and try to get an auto off, this way she procs her E without losing Cooldown or alot of mana. ”
iiExploit says “Nobody plays this champ and only 70% of the time will the player actually know how to pilot this champ, but this champion is like going against Draven but except he can fly. Do not underestimate this champion. She will kill you early. You will super outscale and out range her late.”
mydesires says “You lose her in early game. Avoid fighting her in lv 1. Your kit is better in late game. You can slow her or CC her by using Gravitum (Purple) and she can't do anything to you. // TH : สกิลเราดีกว่า เราแค่แพ้นางตอนต้นเกม พยายามอย่าโดนนางสวบตอนเวลแรก ๆ พอท้ายเกมเราก็จะจับนางไหวแล้วเพราะนางแพ้สโลว์กับ CC”
apaahlo says “nobody plays her, and in theory she would be very good, but shes in a bad place right now, and also she has low range so you usually can land a q on her and all in her.”
LustAndSpite says “I can't say anything about this, I've never played against a Kalista before. But I imagine if she ults you can get your ult off on her support for free.”
the hood says “Keep in mind 1 AA of Kalista is lot less dmg than 1 AA of Draven - so you can look for short trades and eventually all-in BUT: Kalista can win long all in fights since she will be stacking her spears and her E will deal a lot of dmg. Dont get poked by her Q in lane. Kalista Draven is a Skill Matchup which can snowball really badly in both directions.”
support_diff says “Kalista is one of the hardest adc's to play in the whole game which makes this matchup very elo dependant. In low elo Kalista players don't really know how to play the champion but in high elo the players can use the mechanics of the champion a lot better which makes this a harder matchup. Overall Kalista can't do too much to you if she doesn't get close to you as she can't get stacks to her passive. She can dash on every auto attack so if she gets close to you it is really hard to get rid of her. Additionally a good Kalista player can dodge your abilities with her dashes which lowers your damage input a lot. I don't really recommend you to go to a close range fight with her as it won't end up well. Only take fights if you have a really good fight setup from your jungler/support. Farm and poke her with your Q”
DreamOfValhalla says “Even matchup since she is stronbger in prolonged fights in early game so you need to be careful when you all in her. Also be aware of her Q, it deals a lot of damage in early game”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Kalista is a very strategic and interesting laning phase, if you have enough reflex you can punish Kalista using her E Skill to counter when she goes to pull the spears. Always be careful as Kalista is always accompanied with boot supports.”
Reptile9LoL says “Kalista is a lanebully but has the same range as Vayne so playing for push is the wincon again here as Kalista will have a hard time all-inning without hitting Q's, you can also abuse Q'ing forward whenever she goes for a lasthit because she will be locked in jump animation”
sejson1810 says “Can be extremely hard to catch, i recommend asking the supoort to take an CC heavy support, if possible, you can also take exhaust, to make it a bit easier”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGHTS - Extreme mobility / High burst and damage in early / Win most trades / Great vision / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to slow / Hard to comeback when behind / Support dependant / Short range / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Do not get close to her. If she starts autoing you, throw your E at her, wich will slow her down a lot. Lategame is in Varus favor since you have the range but be carefull about the engage !”
Hidden Ghoster says “Similar matchup as Kai'sa. Use Sniper to trade and poke. Avoid taking bad fights, she WILL punish you. Also keep in mind that if even you're winning the lane, the lane is still even. Once you get Grav, the lane should be better for you as slows are somewhat of a counter to Kalista.”
LoLEnryu says “Barrier + Last Stand is good take, if your support pick is gapped (ex. enemy has Kalista Naut and you have a teletubby Milio) then you can take Teleport and just farm every wave get 10cs per min and scale.
This is probably the one champion you want to consistently E + Q together when going in, otherwise it's very easy for her to dodge your Q and you will just have no dmg for 4 seconds which is lethal during an all-in fight. E + Q will substantially lower the chances of you missing your Q when she jumps during autos.
Kalista cannot buy galeforce, she will not take ghost, so generally speaking you can kill her every time her flash is down, and if her flash is up you can just burn it with ultimate.
Nilah hard outscales Kalista”
Jhin and Tonic says “Easy match up but if she gets ahead she can really destroy you. Because her attack speed is bount to her movement speed, as long as she attacks while hopping, you can take Exhaust to slow her.”
Haytham says “Kalista can dodge the feathers zone while hit and runs because of the attack speed more than you in late game. Try to keep her at bay before engaging her”
VrNtv says “Don't fight her early, she is strongest early adc in game. You outscale her and as long as you dont get hit by CC from support she can't really run you down as long as you have wave near you. I will put her as Major since she can be oppressive, but if you have good wave management there is no way she will ever kill you.
VrNtv says “I only put Kalista here because 90% of the time she's picked, its with a hard engage support. Combine that with great all in potential, especially at 6, it can make it a tough lane for Kai'sa.”
NickLeVlach says “Kalista has quite alot of kill potential on you due to her constant ability to dodge your q's while also granting her more movment than most adc. This means she can get ontop of you even if you E.”
RandomNPC777 says “Kalista has a shockingly potent early game, especially when paired with an engage support like nautilus. You outscale her hard, so survive that laning phase and go ham on her lategame. She's very weak into any support that can stop her early.”
wungus says “Kalista is a similar lane to Draven; misstep and you will die very quickly. Fortunately, you can deal with Kalista with an engage support and by playing to hit level 3 first. Locking her down and killing her should be no problem at that point.”
whitemindlight says “Short trades with her to make her low, so that she can't All-in anymore. Just try to not drag out the fights in lane too long so she can't stack her spears”
SheriffADC says “She is the strongest earlygame ADC in the game and Samira is one of the worst. Avoid risky fights early and pray for your jungler to camp your lane. If you don't get any help from your team she will have 15+ kills. If you avoid fighting you easily outscale her though.”
livia999 says “I only put Kalista here because 90% of the time she's picked, its with a hard engage support. Combine that with great all in potential, especially at 6, it can make it a tough lane for our Aphelios”
Lachoni1 says “You turbo out scale Kalista. If you don't die in the first 15 min of the game you win. Take exhaust and if she isn't insane at the champ you will probably be able to beat her.”
ChadKarthus says “Unplayable Matchup, you cant hit a single Q on her because of her hops, cant max E against her either, they take cleanse to counter your exhaust, not worth banning either because of low play rate, I usually just dodge or play if i have a support that counters her hard”
moso says “Your slow adds value to teamfights as Kalista's damage is directly tied to her movement speed. However, you cannot fight in laning phase as you just cannot match the damage in any capacity.”
slendoooo says “
The only ADC that can outtrade and out damage Draven in the early game. Luckily for you, Draven outscales her hard.
If you still want to get ahead early, look for engages when her Q is down and never try to fight her LVL 1.
Other opportunity to engage on her is when her E is down. You can notice this, when she didn't get any mana refunded after she used it on a minion, this is one of the moments when you can fully all in her, and be sure you can kill her.
A video example of Kalista-Draven
(To be made)”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Santoryo says “Kalista is very strong paired with heavy CC engage support like Leona or Nautilius and she can easily kill you while paired with her Ultimate throwing her support on you and locking you out.”
xJappa says “Kalista is extremely hard to hit in lane with your Q's since she's able to hop around like bunny. This matchup is still very winnable, you outscale Kalista and with a good CC support you'll be able to lock her down. ”
Valhalla Coach says “Her early game is VERY oppressive, the higher her rank the harder the matchup. She will try to abuse you early, keep her at a distance with W and never walk past your casters unless you have some sort of advantage. Keep track of her Flash and Cleanse CD!! Very important!
After 6 watch out for her ulting her support into you from fog of war”
Amberdragon says “Kalista is fine as long as you respect her stronger early game. You might be able to burst her if your support can CC her and you can hit W+isolated Q, but otherwise she is most likely to win early trades. Later on you destroy her. Don't let her stack spears on you and hit Q. Be very watchful of her support.”
Tolis slayer says “even tho she isnt very common in low elo kalista is a big threat to jhin.She has a strong laning phase and can all in you and she is really mobile making it easy to kite and really hard to hit your w/ult with her dashing around. Make small trades with her instead of going all in so is unable to stack her e on you”
Pengwan says “Kalista has quite alot of kill potential on you due to her constant ability to dodge your q's while also granting her more movment than most adc. This means she can get ontop of you even if you E.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Who even plays this????
- Aphelios OTP
Having fought her a limited amount of times I can say that early she will almost always burst you. So avoid fights against her especially when she is ahead. However, if you are ahead even slightly you have a good fighting chance provided you use good weapon combos. (red+white)”
KnobHobbler says “A massive pain to deal with.
She latches onto you and you die.
Play under tower and farm with Q.
You lose 1v1's all stages of the game.
Take exhaust.”
franksterzz says “Early game monster. Hard to hit with Calibrum Q and she does more damage than any ADC early on. That being said, she doesn't scale very well and you do outrange her in auto attacks, so weave in an auto if you can to try and poke her out of lane. Don't let her get on top of you because you won't escape due to her mobility.”
NotAragami says “If you are horrible at predicting movement, you will not hit Kalista. If she gets a few kills you will have no chance against her as her mobility in early game is much better than yours. Keep in mind that her DPS appears not to be so high, she's stacking a bazillion of spears on you before you even notice.
I see people picking Kalista top lane recently. What is wrong with this season?”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Scaling] Kalista is at her best early. You outscale her hard if she doesn't get any kills, so just make sure not to feed her and farm safely.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
Amberdragon says “A lot of kiting and she likes engage supports. If your support can keep her locked down or protect you for long enough, you get on top of her and it will be fine -- kill her before she stacks a hundred spears on you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
Devour333 says “You can burst her down with HoB but be careful of a full all in as she can kill you with the stacked spears. Go for 1 shorter trade then look for an all in. If she is with renata..... dodge.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Extended trades work in the Kalista’s favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her Rend(E). Kalista is a very strong early game champion. Try to harass and poke her down so she is unable to play aggressive and snowball. Post level 6, be careful about focusing the enemy Support in a trade as Kalista can save them with her Ultimate Fate's Call(R). Keep this in mind and try to focus the Kalista instead.”
Pacu says “Whenever she would try to fight, E her, and you'll reduce her damage output. Don't get hit by Q's and especially don't get hit by Q's that could transfer her spears, and you'll be fine.”
Grondvreter says “Not tested yet but she is a devastating lane bully that should kill you in every fight before u get 2 or 3 items. DO NOT FEED HER, RATHER LOSE XP AND MINIONS.”
Kalista dash is about the same CD as your Q which means she can dodge every damage you deal except for the little zaps.”
m1NEEX says “Don't fight her early, she is strongest early adc in game. You outscale her and as long as you dont get hit by CC from support she can't really run you down as long as you have wave near you. I will put her as Major since she can be oppressive, but if you have good wave management there is no way she will ever kill you.”
DreiViertelTakt says “She isn't worth a ban at the moment, since she is barely not played, but in most matchups you can't win any fights against her. Stay very defensive and play for scaling. If she gets ahead, you are doomed. If you get any Squishy Support with no escape, dodge at this point.”
Kamicali says “The severity of this lane mostly depends on her support and her ult. Is she going to though a Karma on top of you? Or is she going to through a Nautilus on top of you? If you can break line of sight from Kalista, including through brush, her basic attacks will miss you, falling harmlessly to the ground. Kalista cannot cancel her basic attack wind up. While she is very mobile, this offers a window to land spells on her if you anticipate when she will begin attacking. Kalista's mobility is dependent upon attacking. This means it is low when she is outside of her attack range and that Attack Speed slows reduce the amount of distance she can cover in an engagement. Consinder buying Frozen Heart, or getting your support to buy it for you.”
ARCTIC33 says “She will try to apply pressure to you and get early kills try to poke her and dont let her all in she will always win in all ins unless you are fed.”
2saif4u says “Try not to get hit by her Q in lane and try not to perform extended trades against her as she excels in this so play smart when engaging in on her.”
Xedavion says “Be careful of her mobility and attack speed,Varus can't deal with her kit because he struggles against champions with high mobility and kiting.Try to get some assistance from your jungler and shut her down.”
Amberdragon says “Kalista is a lane bully, she moves all the time and makes it almost impossible for you to hit your Q. You get out-trades, and level 6 she will send her support flying your way to CC you forever.”
Kitqsune says “I can't accurately state the threat of Kalista because I rarely see her but it's somewhat major. If they have a tank support like Nautilus/Leona that can easily be thrown in and cc chain you, you need to go cleanse. Her early game can melt you so be careful! ”
LewisTheRat says “Kalista is mainly dangerous depending on her support, she can throw him to you. She works in a way similar to you, she'll try to stack her passive by aa'ing then E'ing you. Pay care if she has a strong support. I rate her as even depending on her team / support comp.”
quinn adc says “This matchup sucks.
Level 1 try to get prio, but be careful because Kalita wins level 1.
You literally can only take trades against her if you land Q.
Take long ranged Qs so if you miss, Kalista can't punish you after.
If you Land Q, you can E her before Q expires to slow her to prevent retaliation.
Be careful standing behind low health minions because Kalista will throw Q to kill it, and if it hits you, the rend stacks transfer.
Post 6 she gets free ganks for her jungler to dive, so be very careful.
However, just know that you hard win 1-2 items in the 1v1.
Going even in this lane is a HUGE win for you.
Do short trades with Q blind, and this is your main form of fighting her in lane.
You win at 2 items becasue you have enough damage to kill her when she is blinded.”
Alvatorz says “It's Kalista. Support dependant. If she has a Nautilus you're dead but if you have like a Soraka or Janna it's free. Not a big treat actually.”
2saif4u says “Try not to get hit by her Q in lane and try not to perform extended trades against her as she excels in this so play smart when engaging in on her. break her legs with e slows her. hob trade and walk away .”
FiddlesticksChan says “DO NOT fight her early, she will kite out your Q and E and 1 shot you with rend. Use PokeQ for the slow as her jump distance is based on move speed.”
Demonsedge90 says “This matchup is skill-reliant because of the mobility in her passive. The abilities you need to focus on are her rend & ultimate, making this matchup harder during extended fights. Watch your health bar around Kalista and coordinate with your team to take her down.”
wardinbush says “Pretty rare matchup for Draven, she works similar to Draven with her movement so as long as you can predict her movement and dodge her q skillshots it should be easy to win.”
Krilep says “This match up has changed a lot in the new season because of hail of blades and conqueror on her. Laning against her is fairly the same, if she has a rend stack on you try to back away from minions so she doesn't get a reset. If Kalista is able to get ahead of you in lane consider building ninja tabis.”
Alvatorz says “I don't even know if this champion is still played. Anyway it's a hard matchup for Samira cause if she has an aggro support she can put so many spears that you will die instantly from an E.”
Sellsword says “Kalista is a lane bully with a lot of mobility. She can easily dodge your Q while jumping towards you, and the bad part is that you also can't predict where she will jump. Therefore this is a quite support reliant lane and you should just farm it out because Kalista has a very weak late game due to her auto attack drawbacks. Also, if you can get any support that slows her, the lane automatically becomes much easier.”
PancakeKittiwake says “Don’t let her get too close to you and just farm souls if she gets within your range, you’ll probably get some w opportunities so go for them if you can.”
Nom212 says “Kalista is difficult for two reasons. One, her passive grants her a dash after every AA making it difficult to land any kind of skill shot onto her. Two, her main source of damage is her E Rend which has no projectile and hits you instantly with no major casting animation to react to. This ability will always hit you unless you get lucky with your Spell Shield timing. It's a pure guessing game with her that you will lose in most cases.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Kalista is an early-mid game power spiking ADC that emphasizes on snowballing in lane and bullying her opponent.
◉ She’s short ranged at 525, but makes up for this with her passive [[Martial Poise]] which allows her to do short dashes after each auto-attack allowing her to stay on top of her target at all times or be able to kite away from her target at all times. This passive heavily depends on having attack speed so the more she has the better.
◉ Her damage comes from her [[Rend]] stacks and she applies one stack per auto attack so be careful with taking extended trades or all-in fights against her because of she builds it up you’re as good as dead!
◉ You’re going to want to play around your long range rockets with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] and use that as the primary way of poking at a distance. Also, if you use [[Zap!]] it will slow her down and make her passive slower as well allowing you to have a better chance at engaging and locking her down with [[Flame Chompers!]]. If Kalista cannot move then it’s really hard for her to use her passive [[Martial Poise]] and kite to do damage so locking her down is key.
◉ Kalista’s level 6 is very scary due to [[Fate’s Call]] which allows her to essentially dump her support right on top of you. Keep in mind if the support can be dumped though because if it’s a [[Janna]] it is extremely unlikely she will ever use her ultimate to engage while if she has a [[Leona]] it is almost guaranteed that she will use her ultimate to engage onto you.
◉ Win Condition: Avoid extended trades and all-ing Kalista due to the nature of her Kit. Abuse the range you have on her, but generally focus on farming safely because if she doesn’t snowball she tends to be extremely useless mid-late game. You outscale her hard.
Vixylafoen says “With a strong and tanky engage Support, she can destroy teamfights once she hits level 6. You can blow her up easily before that though and dominate the game easily.”
LegendaryOstrich says “This match up has changed a lot in the new season because of hail of blades and conqueror on her. Laning against her is fairly the same, if she has a rend stack on you try to back away from minions so she doesn't get a reset. If Kalista is able to get ahead of you in lane consider building ninja tabis.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another very easy lane. Her jumps are telegraphed, and your E can slow her in her tracks. You deal much more damage in short bursts as well, which makes laning phase simple. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “When paired with a hook support like Thresh Kalista can run at you and her passive lets her dodge most abilities from you. Watch out for her early game damage.”
ELOSANTA says “Lucian dominates Kalista in lane and is a very easy match up. Don't be afraid to dash into her with your E in the laning phase since your damage output is much higher than Kalista's in the early to mid game.”
Coldsong says “Kalista mostly depends on the elo which is why I put her as an even matchup for Samira. If she is played in low elo she is super easy since most low elo Kalista players are really bad and uncoordinated with their supports. However, high elo Kalista players are much better since she is super dependent on communication. Overall I would say just play safe early since similar to Lucian she falls off SUPER hard.”
Doody_tco says “Although it is said that Miss Fortune counters Kalista, Kalista can evade and poke Miss Fortune and kill her easily. Miss Fortune's support can rarely do something about Kalista”
Vapora Dark says “I personally hate Kalista, too much free mobility and insane damage with her W passive. When she autos you make sure to stay away from her and her lane partner, she excels in extended trades and out maneuvering you. Trade with your 4th shot ready and bounch your grenade to her because she needs to be in auto range to do most of her damage, at level 6 she can all in easily by throwing her support at you so be ready for that with some traps. Outscale and outrange her, by mid-late game you should be able to kill her in a bullet or 2, so long as you properly prepare your E and ult.”
Amberdragon says “Always annoying regardless of her strength in the meta. But only in the hands of good players.
Kalista can dodge your feathers all day and she has far more attack speed than you. Play safe in the early game and forget trying to root her on your own. A good Kalista will make your laning phase a living hell. A bad one will be easier to handle.”
Simon Uchinora says “Kalista is another easy one, but if you do the wrong this against her she can turn the lane againt you easily, on the that is worth to quot, is the spears by the passive of the E, this will do alot of damage, and her ultimate can fuck you up so advance be carefully, you can put her under the tower easily, this will bake her lose CS's, but be sure to act carefully after her level 6, becasue the gap of killing is huge. ”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Try to avoid letting her stack spears on you and wait for her to be immobilised to followup with W. Impossible to hit a skilled Kalista without some form of CC already applied. Consider taking Plated Steelcaps.”
Melyn says “Max Q and learn her movement patterns to more easily land your root. Do not burst the support when Kalista is level 6 as she can save them with her ultimate. If Kalista gets behind, she can't do anything. If she gets ahead, you can't.”
Chaeha says “Kalista is another very volatile champion because she's typically paired with engage supports. Her ultimate also provides insane utility allowing her to easily dive you at level 6. ”
Penguto says “Kalista can counter you hard, but it all depends on her support. If she has a tanky support you are a goner, cause she will just throw him on you and also dodge your R by saving her support. Aim for her and out life steal her.”
Swearing Roomba says “She out trades you in laning phase, and at 6 is a big threat with her Ultimate. Make her push the wave towards you and try to freeze it. You want to avoid Kalista until you get your Infinity Edge.”
R3Veal says “Her ultimate is useless without her support. Don't try to 1vs1 her as she can dodge your W in the fight easily with her passive. Also watch the spears which she sticked into you.”
yers says “Not oftenly played, but a good kalista can easily wreak havoc. Misuse of your W on her and she will still dance around until she explodes you. She won't have an ult if her support is not around.”
King Turtle says “She has some good early synergies that can make it hard to trade early, so just farm up and eventually you'll outscale her into mid game and be able to wreck her with Kraken Slayer.”
SopTop says “If I'm bein completely honest here, Kalista is nothing to worry about in the slightest. She is clunky with low damage early, and... decent damage lategame? I don't know, but if you see her, don't be afraid.”
yers says “Highly mobile due to her passive, she can easily dodge your attacks as long as she Q's or has something to AA. Try looking for long range poke combos and make sure she's out of range to AA something such as a minion or support before doing so.”
Inoriboob says “Kalista is very offmeta and not many can play her well, only way to counter is to pressure her and use e as a advantage to slow her passive.
HyroPyro says “Kalista is usually paired with an engage support due to her Sentinel (W) and Fate's Call (R). She has effective trading potential with Rend (E) and Hail of Blades and dive potential with Fate's Call (R). ”
im_zeno says “Her early game damage with hob (Hail of Blades) and E is pretty strong, so respect it. She can be annoying to deal with due to her Q mobility, so ALWAYS fight her with a minion wave or with a melee support. Post lvl 6 no matter what just aim for her since her ult can take away her support and make him/her untargetable. ALWAYS wind wall her autos as much as possible while trading to decrease her E damage.”
IHaveNoName says “In early game she's fearsome, her Spears won't let you go unless you kill her fast enough. She gets less threatening in late endgame, as you outscale her easily.”
snowcard says “I'm putting this in Even rather than Major because most Kalistas don't know what they're doing. Pray she's bad and Q her to death, as Kalista is pretty squishy. You can also try to predict her rend, but it's hard.
What you can block: Q, E, R knock up. ”
Lucifer6 says “You dont face many kalistas but the ones i have faced have been quite easy to play around and they shouldnt be a problem, when they are a good Kalista player it becomes quite even.”
Trieuloo says “One of the easiest veigar matchups if you hold your spells correctly. Do not get into auto range of kalista early and she is useless into your kit.”
Bungo_T_Baggins says “While she is stronger than you lvl 1 and 2, you have some nice counters to her mobility with your Gravitum AA slows and Q root as well as your Cresendum towers creating a bit of zone control.”
Harambe Homie says “Kalista is a drain tank that excels in extended fights, while MF is the opposite in laning phase. In the current meta if you are facing against a strong Kalista player this lane can be really bad. So try your best to not take extended trades with her for she will chase you down and rend you easily.”
MiningRicK says “So on one hand you see Kalista very rarely and when you see her the most players are probably not that good. When you have a good Kalista in the enemy team she can be a problem. ”
Sett Abuser says “You can hardly trade with Kalista. She can jump every time she uses an auto attack and Yuumi seems to be unfit to keep up with that movement and actually able to take her down in a 1v1 early game until mid game.”
FunkyBeagle says “I only put Kalista here because 90% of the time she's picked, its with a hard engage support. Combine that with great all in potential, especially at 6, it can make it a tough lane for Kai'sa.”
DoublefeedOP says “Kalista isn't much of a threat because you could just Arcane Shift away if anything. Just don't use your Arcane shift to poke unless you already have Kalista poked down because she could easily all-in you if you do waste the ability.”
DoublefeedOP says “Kalista is in a pretty bad spot but even then you can't deny her early game cheese. Be sure that you can either confidently land your W on her or that you can just CC chain her to death. She's going to win extended trades against you so just make sure whenever you fight her to make them short bursts.”
DoublefeedOP says “This is a threat to Samira because she can stack her rend through your W so if you can't secure a kill quickly you'll die just as fast and her R makes it so that you can't do much when you use your R.”
KoZee says “Kalista isn't in a great spot right now, and while she can be really annoying to catch with abilities, she also gets bursted super hard. Additionally, your E will hinder her auto attack jump and the path she can take, and you can use this to make your ultimate easier to hit, which is basically a death sentence to her.”
Jurassiq says “Kinda like Lucian she has the tools to manuever and out trade/all in Ezreal with her passive. She can also shove him in easily with his Rend”
Delta eGirl says “Kalista is very scary early game. Never get into a 1v1 with her. You scale much harder into the mid and late game, so play for that.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Hard lane only fight if u catch her. She wins short trades and all ins. Try to lock her down and wait for ganks or any advantage. If ur even u can most likely 1v1 her easily.”
Xayaphelia says “Apparently Xayah is good into Kalista but I lose into it nearly every time I see it. Could be a skill matchup but her dashes make me think its a supp gap matchup. If you can lock her down you do more damage but if you can't she can dodge most of it.”
Raizins says “Don't get Baited by Kalista R.
Don't get Baited by Kalista R.
Don't get Baited by Kalista R.
Don't get Baited by Kalista R.
Don't get Baited by Kalista R.”
ooftheiii says “Exhaust and other abilities like exhaust (Lee Sin Cripple (E) are really helpful tool against kalista because it will reduce her kiting potential by decreasing her movement speed and attack speed. With less attack speed she can't use a lot of her passive. Try to focus her Soul-bound and keep it on low HP to minimize usage of her ultimate Fate's CallAlthough Kalista can kite, she is VERY squishy, and if caught by an assassin will die in just a few hits. Hit her with cc. She is pretty much done for if she get slowed or rooted.”
kingamazin says “Despite Kalista having a lower auto range than jinx using rockets, she can easily close the range on you by using her passive to hop in range. Kalista paired with a hard cc support is extremely deadly for jinx, and you probably will have to play extremely passive and wait to outscale her in teamfights. Once Kalista hits level 6, never walk up to auto her as she can easily ult her support on top of you and cc you to death. If you can manage to hit your w on Kalista, you can severely low her attack speed as any slows Kalista receives will also lower her jump speed. Once you reach level 9 you'll have so much more range that the matchup might become more playable at that point, but your main goal should be to stay even in cs and outscale her in teamfights.”
Bluestrat says “Kalista, similar to Draven, has a very strong short trade.
Her weakness is CC - so if we have a CC Supporter, we can fight Kalista in combination with our Ultimate. Before that, however, it's hard to counter her.
Even if you have our Q-Evolve, it's not easy to fight Kalista, as she is very mobile, a good 1v1 champ and builds a strong item with Shieldbow. ”
CantParry says “You out-scale her hard. Catch her out early once and you out-trade her for the rest of the game. Be careful of her ult if she has an engage support.”
Bluestrat says “Kalista hat ähnlich wie Draven einen sehr starken kurzen Trade.
Ihre Schwäche ist CC - haben wir also einen CC-Supporter, können wir in Kombination mit unserer Ultimate Kalista bekämpfen. Davor ist es jedoch schwer, gegen sie anzukommen.
Auch wenn ihr unseren Q-Evolve haben, ist es nicht leicht, Kalista zu bekämpfen, da sie sehr beweglich ist, ein guter 1v1 Champ ist und mit Shieldbow ein starkes Item baut. ”
ctm20141 says “This matchup is a piece of cake if the player can't pilot Kalista well (this happens most of the times :D). I put this matchup this high on the list because I assume that she duos with her support and the player knows how to play Kalista.
DO NOT ALL IN HER PRE LV 6, THIS CAN COST YOU THE ENTIRE LANING PHASE! Try to punish her when she goes for cs. You shoudn't be able to have the push advantage if she is even remotely good, so respect her lv 2 and lv 3 all ins! Once she has lv 6 she is pretty scary, because her ult is not very dodgeable... if you manage somehow to dodge it either by Qing or Flashing you will win the fight! Engage her IMMEDIATELY when she is alone, she loses half of her kit without her support!
You outscale her HARD in1v1s AND in teamfight. In late game you should insta win vs her.”
Remmacs1 says “You need to be extremely careful about your positioning against Kalista. If Kalista is able to get the first move on Aphelios she will always win the fight. Look to out poke her during lane with your range advantage.”
McNugglz says “Not the best ATM. She will look to do shorter trades to wither you down and then stack a bunch of spears on you to execute with E. Take exhaust if you want to be a cuck lord.”
Kasdor says “In early game she's fearsome, her Spears won't let you go unless you kill her fast enough. She gets less threatening in late endgame, as you outscale her easily.”
Dank672 says “Weak early, and your trap slows reduce her attack speed if she tries to use her passive, rooting her also leaves her completely open to you and your support. However a good kalista can snowball any lead they get so its vital you don't give her one.”
Compliant says “Kalista is one of the strongest counters to Jinx in botlane due to her high damage with rend as well as her mobility. Good Kalista players will be able to weave around ZAP! as well as Chompers to ensure pressure in the laning phase.”
Profesor APH. says “Shes strong and she is one of the best counter of aphelios she can throw her support close to you (if this is thresh he can grab you) she can save his support from ur ult her dash is not problem you can life still your self but her ultimate doing all work”
EvoNinja7 says “She can kite, but that's it. She doesn't have too much poke, and even then it's a skill shot which you can easily dodge. She can be easily harassed and poked out if her team aren't exactly helping her. People don't really understand that Kalista needs help to get to her late-game power spike. ”
CastratedSeal says “Kalista is almost exclusively played with duo queues, and most of the time you'll be up against Kalista/Thresh or Kalista/Taric. Kalista can dodge your bubbles incredibly easily, and her strong early makes it dangerous if you to try to harass her or her support. Post-6 she has a lot of pick potential. Start Relic Shield.”
SkittleBtw says “I'll put even, never had this match up that I can remember of, I feel like this match up shouldn't be too hard, but paired with the right support, might be a real big ass problem for you. ”
jhoijhoi says “Like Twitch, Kalista can apply stacking damage if you let her get close. Should she land Pierce on you or many auto-attacks, be wary of Rend which is a powerful slow and nuke. If you are within range of Kalista it is difficult to escape thanks to her passive [[Martial Poise]], which lets her ignore your slow from [[Frost Shot]]. She relies on being with her Oathsworn partner to use her ultimate, making her formidable when they are together, but vulnerable when she is alone.”
GodMulti says “Kalista is a skill matchup. Be carefull when you go for a trade, you win short trades but she wins long trades.
Keep in Mind that she can save her Supp out of your Ult or that she can Interrupt your Ult with her own, by throwing her Supp into you.”
SINKEMALL says “Generally skill matchup, just respect her early level pressure and the amount of rend stacks she has on you. You outscale her late game. I highly recommend building Iceborn into her because slows are the absolute bane of her existence.”
Ultrama says “Watch out for this girl, she don't look as dangerous as she is. Don't do long trades, she will destroy you. Don't try to chease her, she will kite you to death.”
Msloikturbo says “Rare sight, yet when met will try to evicirate you guts. She excels at early duels, and will rip you to shreds if you make one misstep. If you survive early/midgame, you're good.”
SweatMeALake says “Right now Kalista's only chance in beating you is if she can stack on you, which is a hard job against you since you outrange her. Keep your distance and poke her. Kalista here is rather squishy and is really support reliant to get damage onto you. You need to be able to dish out damage and be safe at the same time, and punish her when she is out of position with your ultimate. ”
Spection says “ RARE. An easy lane. She can sort of kite you with her weird passive, but it doesn't work too well when she's stunned. She lacks any other method to escape you. Kalista is unbelievably squishy, but you better be careful of those little spears stacking up. They go through your passive! Don't focus her support because she can instasave them with her ultimate. Thresh and Kalista make a scary combo who can easily save one another if one gets focused.”
ShroudedBRH says “Her early game and poke deals more damage and is cheaper then yours despite her range disadvantage, you'll scale better later into the game. Taking exhaust here lowers her threat level significantly as it will limit her damage output significantly due to her jump mechanic scaling off attack speed”
Camelorry says “Kalista is a lane bully, this lane will be decided by which adc gets caught by the enemy. If she gets ahead play for late game, you outscale her. Consider taking exhaust.”
StriveHD79 says “Another strong all in champion, has the ability to hop around for everytime she autoattacks that will help her gap close very easily onto you and kill you. Look for short trades, do not do any extended trades or you risk dying to her. Very easily outscaled, so farm safe and do not die.”
StriveHD79 says “Another strong all in matchup, avoid long trades, go for short trades with your W + Auto attack when possible then walk back. She can hop around to close the distance by auto attacking.”
StriveHD79 says “Kalista is very strong early, even with your range advantage. She can very easily dash with autoattacks to gap close onto you. I would avoid fighting or trading with Kalista early on, you will outscale her massively, try to build stormrazor as 1st or 2nd item, the passive slow does very well against her.”
StriveHD79 says “Another strong all in champion, has the ability to hop around for everytime she autoattacks that will help her gap close very easily onto you and kill you. Look for short trades, do not do any extended trades or you risk dying to her. Very easily outscaled, so farm safe and do not die.”
StriveHD79 says “High kill pressure. Kalista is very strong early, so avoid trading/all-ining against her. She can stack tons of spears onto a minion and use her Q to transfer the spear stacks onto you and with rend it will do massive damage, so keep that in mind. You heavily outscale Kalista so play safe in lane and you will be okay.”
KXNGLXXVII says “i wouldnt recommend you take extended trades with kalista because if you fail to kill her shes gonna rip all of the spears out. your movement speed should help you keep up with her but your best option is to block the Q and take really short obnoxious trades like aa>Q>aa or just poke with your Q from max range. ”
Spider Shaped says “Держитесь подальше от Калисты. Её e просто может уничтожить вас. Калиста сама по себе может убивать многих дальников и ближников 1 на 1,и Эзреаль входит в то же число.”
StriveHD79 says “Another strong all in champion, has the ability to hop around for everytime she autoattacks that will help her gap close very easily onto you and kill you. Look for short trades, do not do any extended trades or you risk dying to her. Very easily outscaled, so farm safe and do not die.”
snukumz says “It's super hard to land your skillshots on her due to her ridiculous mobility.
Her ult is scary too because it puts their support right on top of you.
She is super squishy though, and luckily you'll still have plants to do some damage even if you initial skill shots miss. ”
Alonixlol says “A Challenger level Kalista wins almost all lanes, but the average Kalistas you'll encounter in your games won't be quite so impressive, generally winning against low threat ADCs, going even against medium threat ADCs and losing to high threat ADCs.
She's a lane bully that can pressure opponents quite well with her high mobility, low CD trading and strong poke to develop healthy CS leads, but she lacks upfront damage in fights, loses DPS when slowed and is generally quite easy to kill once locked down. However, when in a winning matchup she can be very oppressive due to her high mobility and ability to help her support engage.”
Terrific says “I honestly have no problem against this because your early game is way stronger and her late game isnt that very good. You'll just win in every stage of the game if you do not fall behind.”
Twiggymocha says “You will probably be able to 1v1 her in late and early even, just do not take too much free harass or get a lead, otherwise she snowballs out of control.”
TotallyEclipse says “Wtf this is meta now? Her autos will keep her naturally kiting away making it impossible to stick onto her. She does insane damage and by the time you jump on her you're half hp. Dodge this one”
SuPIeX says “Kalista benefits from longer trades, and you can play around this easily. Keep your trades short and she has no way to match your damage.”
Zoodyacc says “If you manage to hit the Condem [E] you'll most likely win the matchup, Kalista struggles a lot against any CC's, but so do you. You might not be able to trade against her early, due to her huge damage there, however she'll disappear in a blink of the eye during late game.”
TwentyOneShadows says “The lane will be even, she won't let you to be close enough to poke her, simply if she knows what she's doing you won't get any kills on her, unless lategame where she becomes weaker and weaker, that's when you have a chance to shine.”
atonementblade says “Pretty weak damage but can easily kite you with her passive. Shove the wave under tower and poke her with your Q when you can. Don't stand behind a low health minion who has a bunch of spears in it, or she will Q it and transfer the spears to you.”
atonementblade says “When properly commanded, this champion is pretty hard to pin down. Of course, you have no skillshots, so her dashing won't cause you any problems there, but she hop away from walls so you can't as easily land stuns.”
ItsPaulygon says “Kalista is a bit tricky, but the trick is to not just get a lot of rend stacks, you can burst her down so if you have a good engage support, you win this match up easily.”
LupinTheCat says “Try to predict where she is going to land, that is all
Seriously why did riot buff her for once and then nerf her right away? for once she got love ”
Bebras19 says “In early game she's fearsome, her Spears won't let you go unless you kill her fast enough. She gets less threatening in late endgame, as you outscale her easily.”
MayeLeven says “Below level 6, try to avoid trading with her, becouse with her E, she can easily kill you. After level 6 you can kill her with your R. Your only chance to kill her, if you attack her first.”
Midorima says “If a Kalista is good, like, really fucking good. You stand no chance until cutlass.
To win this match up: You must have cutlass to stop the amount of jumps she can get off and avoid all trades. All-inning her if your only hope if she's good.”
ZERO Destructo says “Kalista is a true nightmare. With her passive she can avoid bot your W and E. Poke her with 4th shot and dancing grenade, and when she starts attacking you pull out of her E's range. A support with massive CC is her ruin tho.”
ReallyBoring says “Don't underestimate her, the best play is to wait for a hook or ganks. This champion is made for the early game but very useless late. When you see her use rend(e) and it does'nt execute the minion try to take as many trades as you can while its down. Luckily this match up is extremely rare as she is a low priority pick. ”
Eccentricks says “I have legit never fought one of these outside of a singular Draft match. So, your guess is as good as mine. Only info you need is she wont appear a lot.”
Deathfeather says “She gets mad at the support then literally throws them at you, so idk man. She does lots of damage but is also really weak so you should just win unless shes a god and you suck.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Avoid letting her get spears onto you, as the damage from her E can be crazy. Poke her when you can and abuse her pre-level 6. Be aware of where she sends her Sentinels, and play safe.”
Laverenz says “Kalista is a quite weak ADC right now, as she just can't keep up with the burst in this game. Laning against her i fairly easy, as you can just punish her if she attacks you. Stay behind minions and farm up to level 6, where you then can fight her if you dodge her ult. ”
philsopaoto says “Kalista, while currently being a low tier ADC, is able to out-maneuver Xayah's feather easily with her jumps. But Kalista is still quite underpowered in her current state, thus it should be a relatively easy lane to win.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Kalista is very weak atm so you should easily kill her early, but its said that she will make a big comeback in season 10 so watch out for that. ”
Eucalyptus says “Hard to come by this match-up but Graves can out kite her by slowing her (Stormrazor plus Fleet) and abusing his Nearsight to cancel out her mobility. Need more experience to properly judge, easy in theory mostly and the champ is just straight dogshit in solo queue.”
Fruxo says “Careful to her lvl 6 on lane. Dodges your W easily with her auto attack quick jump, try to catch her out and follow her positioning. She becomes a really deadly force in the late game though once she gets a few items.”
MrDecoy says “don't opt in for long trades with her as you will get chunked on the way out by her e, shorts trades when your w is up is the best way to win lane, after lane she isnt a threat to you”
dravenfizz says “I honestly haven't played this matchup that much, kalista pokes you with her rend as she gets a reset if it kills a target, her all in can be very scary too so pay attention to their support and yours in this matchup. ”
Fruxo says “Careful to her lvl 6 on lane. Dodges your root easily with her auto attack quick jump, try to catch her out and follow her positioning. She becomes a really deadly force in the late game though once she gets a few items.”
IPodPulse says “Barely a champ at the moment. She suffers too many problems and is weak against every champ. Try not to let her get too many spears in you and stay away from low health minions with a lot of spears in them, a well timed Q will transfer the spears to you and can deal a good amount of damage.
Her hopping speed is really slow in the early game, try to use skill shots on her when she doesn't have the chance to hop.”
Righteous Maniac says “Troll pick atm, might update if she becomes meta later. But just poke the shit out of her and all in when you can, you just should dominate her.”
Exs Xena says “The entire thing Kali is based around is her "hopping and jumping", counterplay this with Volley and she won't be able to pressure you in lane. ”
Potato95x says “Her AA and Q will let her dash (passive). Don't trade too long and don't try to chase her, she'll just kite you to death. Play very passively and ask for ganks whenever possible.”
SimbaADC says “Kalista has been a very weak soloQ pick for a while now. Abuse her low range and worse wave clear to get poke and tower plates. Respect the strength of her level 2/3/6 all in with supports like Thresh, Rakan or Alistar.”
FrankynFood says “I have underestimated her so many times early game. Try not to 1v1 her, because she will just stack her spears and obliterate you. Wait will you have 2 items then start shredding her. ”
SlashLion says “Her ult is useless without her support. Try not to 1v1 as she can dodge your W with her passive and long engagements with Kalista can result in a lot of damage when you least expect it. Aside from that she is an easy matchup.”
MallisTheGreat says “If you don't poke her before she engages you, you are most definitely dead. So get her low to discourage her and then engage her instead.”
MallisTheGreat says “If you manage to poke her before engaging, she can be taken down pretty quickly. Even if you don't try to predict her pounces, only a sideways pounce will dodge your W spell, so you don't need to worry.”
Vortiris says “She can dodge your feathers, but it's going to be hard for her to with only Martial Poise. Just like you, she has amazing burst, but close to no CC without her partner. If you can predict when she's going to use Rend, counter it with your Featherstorm.”
KawaiiNeko says “Avoid any fight with [[Kalista]] in the early game unless your jungler is ganking your lane, because she can kill you easily with her rend since you are really squishy.”
Levi Senpai says “Shes strong but you rarely seem to find people who can player her , her range tho isnt that good + she can kill you as long as she stacks her E on you , which is something she wont have time to do since you can kill her in 3 autos with critical build ”
Fruxo says “Careful to her lvl 6 on lane. Dodges your W easily with her auto attack quick jump, try to catch her out and follow her positioning. She becomes a really deadly force in the late game though once she gets a few items.”
jster131 says “Absolute dogshit champ unless you have RNG Uzi playing her. Her early game is terrible,and he rate game is only god if she is ahead and if she has a strong engage support such as alistar, or thresh. Just poke the fuck outta her and farm up those kills in the botlane.”
TruMediaMix1 says “You can greatly limit Kalista's mobility thanks to your passive. She cannot counter your Enchanted Crystal Arrow unless she uses a Flash or jumps to the side with her passive.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “she's scary, beware she will dodge ur cc once she gets enough attack speed and movement speed. play with ur support and cc kalista. dont 1v2.”
xTheUnlimited says “I think she is considered as a pretty easy matchup. You got a way bigger range than her so if you dont lose the lane really hard, she won't be a threat. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Has a strong laning phase and even poke damage through her E. You should get an aggressive support against her tho to all in her and dont let her get fed. ”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Kalista is a pain due to all the extra damage from her Rend. Her range is the same as yours, however, she stomps nearly every single lane in the laning phase. Avoid trading in lane. Play around your stealth in the mid game to fight her. ”
qasddsa says “Average ADC right now, since the marksmen changes didn't affect her too much. She has a weak early game and a much smaller range than you, so you need to abuse that as much as possible. In fights, you cannot let her stack Rend spears freely on you; dodge her Q spear so she cannot get a free stack. You easily outdamage her mid-late game.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, i mean you can say that her jumps give her more mobility than ur passive and her e is impossible to predict with spell shield and her ult works really well against you if you ult to escape. but you're completely totally and utterly wrong, kalista never wins.”
satancurls says “Kalista tem um grande potencial dependendo do seu suporte, então é algo mais situacional. De qualquer forma não é tão difícil jogar contra, tenha paciência e tente conseguir alguma vantagem sobre ela.”
Seigemaster035 says “You shit on her late, early shes pretty strong though, so make sure you take trades where she doesn't get too many passive stacks in you to rend.”
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