Bottom Lane 48.48% Win Rate89% Pick RateVarus Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Varus in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Ranged poke similar to your w damage but it can go through minions. Good luck and hope you dodge like faker. You have the range advantage on ult at least. ”
FroszTyzada says “Um dos campeões mais completos da bot lane, diversibilidade de build, poke, range, tente desviar de suas skills e principalmente sua ult.”
BrunkageManden says “Fear the range of the arrow. He is another scaling adc. But you do block everything with W-wall. Can be skill dependent if he runs with another poking/mage adc.
Don't be too affraid to use your W here or put an extra point into it pre 6.”
Umatcha says “Si Varus va letalidad con cometa, entonces es gg porque te outrangea con sus habilidades, además de que a partir de lvl 6 es amenaza constante por su R. Tener un support de engage o con gancho puede llegar a alivianar la línea.
Si Varus va onhit con lethal tempo, es más facil de lidiar en linea porque no es tan fuerte su dps y lo puedes burstear con las armas correctas.
Avarosa says “você não ganha o X1 contra ele, nem o 2x2 nem o 3x3 na maioria das vezes, ele tem uma ult similar a sua entao pegue purificar e tente ficar de boa, se ele errar a flecha voce ganha”
Dr Yoshili says “Well, his poke is annoying, his CC ult is annoying, his burst is annoying, he will outdmg you in duel, and poke you hard, take cleanse for his ult, and don't fight him in lane if he do no mistake, you will outscale him, but that's all”
gaarrett says “Dodge his Q and E away from his ult. Varus is a little weak right now so this lane isn't too tough. The only thing he has over Nilah is his utility, which you can counter with your insane scaling. ”
Devilbuny says “Tu mogą być kłopoty. Varus może cię ładnie kitować, spowolnić z E i złapać w R a potem dostajesz bombe. Jeśli wiesz co robisz i dobrze korzystasz z pasywki, nie masz co się bać zbytnio. Bardziej tu decyduje support”
EdenHoangKim says “Lethality Varus is a little bit annoying. Try to all-in with him, don't let him poke you.
On-hit and AP varus is not too much a threat, but make sure to take cleanse or you're gonna be struggle with him.”
Avxm says “Lethality varus heavily counters kogmaw, and you should treat that matchup like the ezreal matchup so refer to that. Onhit varus however is a skill matchup, you should win 100%hp all ins however below this hp threshhold is less ideal. Not much to say about this matchup other then only take good trades and dont get poked out too easily, and if he has an engage sup do not get engaged on as varus even onhit varus is a strong earlygame bully however its not as bad as like a kalista/draven early all in so just play smart.”
Latte9969 says “Varus has a low auto attack range but his Q range is very high, when you see him charging it try to move a lot to make it harder for him to hit and then abuse his range disadvantage when it's on cooldown. Take cleanse for his ult and instantly cleanse + E when it hits so he can't burst you down. If you don't have cleanse up, it can be extremely hard to react to his ult with E so it's best to stay out of it's range.”
Foxirion says “Varus's poke and chain of corruption can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His ability to snipe targets with Piercing Arrow, apply blight stacks, and root multiple enemies with Chain of Corruption can pressure Kog'Maw in team fights.”
afr0rk says “Pretty Even matchup. If he's building lethality, jump on him if he misses a spell, he is extremely spell reliant. If he's going on hit, play it slow and poke him from range. If he's going AP, it's similar to lethality. Consider buying early boots if he's building lethality, as his raw spells hurt a lot even without blight applied.”
loaderdragon15 says “Varus can match Ezreal's poke with his own long-range abilities and has the ability to lock him down with his ultimate, Chain of Corruption, making it easier for his team to follow up and secure a kill.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “With some supports it can get REALLY fucking problematic but it's still doable. Cleanse can be taken here.
Threats n' Tips: Dodge Q and R if possible. If he has no E and R he's practically a sitting duck.”
Bobalegre says “He has long cooldowns early, try to dodge his poke and stay out of his AA range. Be careful with his ultimate, if you do not guarantee being able to dodge it I recommend taking cleanse. Poke him down and try to trade without letting he proc his W passive.”
Vapora Dark says “Comet/Lethality Varus: 80% of his damage will come from spamming his abilities way outside of your range, leaving you no room for retaliation. Can be manageable if you have a hook support, otherwise he'll be impossible to ignore but impossible to address.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Varus is going to be 1 of your hardest ADC matchups. It requires you to play completely differently to even match him, combined with the fact a good majority of the support matchups paired with him makes this matchup extremely sharp. He'll usually start E level 1, careful taking unnecessary damage from this, Don't stand in the wave so you don't get minion blocked, have him pick either to push the wave or to poke you, no need to give him both. Survive laning until you've managed to get an item or 2 and you have a decent amount of passive stacks under your belt. Look for an engage by having cleanse and or flash up. If he R's and still has flash, cleanse and force his flash. If he R's and doesn't have flash if you're feeling lucky you can flash over it. After you do this it's pretty much a free kill if support doesn't interfere.”
Devilbuny says “Varus nie jest dla Caitlyn dużym problemem. Chyba że ma dobrego supporta i umie grać. Jeśli jest na podobnym poziomie lub zaczyna dopiero, nie jest problemem”
Dove666 says “"Varus is an incredibly underrated champion. To be honest, when played well, he doesn't have losing matchups. He can even outdamage Draven. The main advice would be to avoid his Q and focus on taking as many minions as possible. It all depends on the skill level of the Varus player; an inexperienced player can be easily dominated in lane through effective wave management, or just better trades.”
NegativePhoenix says “Varus has become a problem this season. Though not the most powerful, he can one shot with basically any build he decides so there's no real way to get around him.
Take cleanse and hope he doesn't get snowballed to hell or he can just one shot anyone on your team no matter how tanky they are”
Lewozu says “Not that hard to be honest.
You want cleanse vs Varus 80% of the time.
Dont forget to use your E 2-3 seconds in to the fight as he will most likely try to Charge a Q.”
iiExploit says “Now if I had a dollar for every time I said I won lane versus a varus I would have like 10 dollars but considering how many games I've played that's not many. You're honestly hoping to go even with him which you can do by just farming it out and dodging his skills. If you have an engage support that can get on him, he's very easy to kill but if he spaces well and hits his skillshots, he is very oppressive. Especially when paired with a poke support.”
mydesires says “Dodging is the key to win since all of his skills are projectile. Make sure you take Cleanse spell with you or let your support build Mikael's Blessing to cleanse his ult. // TH : หลบเท่านั้นที่ครองโลก เอาสเปล Cleanse ไปหรือให้ซัพพอร์ตออกของลบดีบัฟให้จะได้ไม่โดนอัลติวารัสจับ”
Paramo_ says “Even if you dodge all his W passive stacks, his arrow still have a high damage. Go cleanse + Ghost to cleanse his ultimate and chase him. Don't trade early and wait till your ultimate ”
Puppitteer says “Actually a lot more annoying than youd expect, he's flexible, has 3 builds so runes are difficult, but just take fleet and hope to catch him off guard with a wall E”
LustAndSpite says “Varus is a strong auto attacker no matter what he builds and he has no built-in cleanses, so he's technically not a big threat.
However, he has good poke and his ult is deadly. Pure Skill Matchup.”
the hood says “A good Varus will cause u troubles. You have to respect his range and not let him push you in. Avoid getting poked and look for All ins. This matchup gets harder or easier depending on the support matchup.”
support_diff says “Don't get me wrong, Varus is a great adc but he just can't do much against you as you have your E. With it you can dodge his ult very easily. You also outfarm him early. Wait for your chance and when that chance comes, do a fast trade for a safe win and control over lane”
DreamOfValhalla says “You must take Cleanse against him, since if you get hit by his R you are done. Varus can see where your axes are dropping so he will spam his abilities on those marks. You can all in him when he has abilkities like R or Q on CD
DreamOfValhalla says “He has more range than you and deal a lot of damage in early game. If you have an enchanter support that can block his damage you are good. Also try to poke with your green in early stages of game when abilities are on CD”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Playing against Varus requires attention only at his level 6, but you can safely counter this with his E skill, avoid taking his arrows as you have a safe laning phase.”
Reptile9LoL says “Varus matchup isnt easy, but you can avoid all of his spells with your Q.
If Varus oversteps once while having Cd on Q E or R you're winning the all-in. Try and bait out his spells, if he misses/has no blight stacks theyre very high cooldown and you have good trade/kill windows after.”
LOVEE says “Another difficult champion to face against since your goal of this build is to all in often with E or package. However, varus does a great deal in preventing all in using his R. If he builds ap even a lot scarier. I would recommend taking cleanse in this champion otherwise be careful. Besides that, usually the lane should go well.”
LuvEmoGirls says “Varus is really annoying, has a lot of range and can oneshot if he goes lethality or ap build, but you win early so punish his early game.”
Hidden Ghoster says “Avoid Poke Damage at all costs. Long Sword start is situational here, depending on support matchup. Varus will start E level 1 every single game, don't underistimate it's range. Level(s) 2-3, assume he's going to use his range, be prepared for him to use his ult once he's 6 as he will look for an all in. ”
LoLEnryu says “Poke Varus is 50-50 matchup
On-hit Varus is 80-20 matchup favored for Nilah
If Varus is going poke, he can just stand back and Q until you cannot walk up to farm minions and have to play for EXP. Depending on the support matchup, the laning phase can be very rough. Take resolve secondary + Doran's shield and just try to survive lane.
If varus is going on-hit, the matchup is very simple, he won't be able to poke you out and you can always fight him / short trade by going in for poke then using W + E to get out of his auto range. Always try to play with support to burn his flash before using ultimate.
Doesn't matter which type of Varus it is, always take cleanse + flash.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Against AP varus you will need to dodge his q at all costs if he's put 3 stacks on you. AD varus is pretty weak right now so you should probably be fine against him.”
VrNtv says “Varus isn't too bad as long as you watch for his poke with Piercing Arrow. He'll try to throw down his E on top of you when you walk up for CS, so just be weary here and try not to take too much damage.”
NickLeVlach says “Varus isn't strong against Ezreal if he doesn't get you, with his R, or hits you 3 times to activate his passive. Also, be careful Varus E, which makes antiheal and slow.”
SheriffADC says “It's a bit like Jhin, he has better laning tools and longer range so the earlygame can be hard, lacks mobility so all-ins are easy, block his ult if you can.”
Elmendin says “Varus is annoying because his range and you need to run cleanse into him. He is pretty immobile so you can all in him when hes out of position.”
ChadKarthus says “Comet Poke Varus is very annoying to play against, however you can definitely kill him in lane, if you are good you can bait out his ult too
If he goes AP you are hardcountered”
moso says “You just cannot match his DPS and superior poke with his E. You pretty much don't want to be forced to fight him head on, but the lane is not unplayable.”
slendoooo says “Varus wins long trades, and can follow up with 1 of his abilities after short trades, always look to dodge his Q or E after you trade 1-2 autos with him.
The real problem with Varus is after he is level 6, his ultimate is not a stun, it's a root, so you will be able to auto attack him and use abilities, the problem is that Draven has 550 range and varus 575, so even if you try to auto him once he will ult you, you will never be able to because of the range.
After 6 look for fake engages so he waste his R ability and repeat doing short trades till he's dead.
A video example of Varus-Draven
Matchup: (To be made)”
Corpselover says “You can block his Q, E, and R. You can kill him at level 2 or 3, if he ults you then block his Q and if you see his ult coming just block that.”
Banana Pirate says “Not hard at all. Super squishy. Rush him with your sup and you should almost win every time (the only time you lose against this champ is when you have a horrible sup and he has an good sup). Definitely buy Galeforce. ”
LionelOCE says “Varus can be frustrating post 6 because he has a lot of kill threat with his ult. However, you do outrange him (600 to 575 not including lethal tempo) and can run him down in the long lane.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “He got so strong recently it's unreal. His attack speed is something else so when it comes to fighting him your best best is red+white.”
KnobHobbler says “Like you but more pokey.
Dodge Q and you will be fine.
Dodge R or you're dead.
Keep wave pushed.
You should win 1v1 if he misses R.
If you cant dodge Q, take sustain runes.”
franksterzz says “Varus isn't even a champion at the moment. That being said, he can poke you out so try to dodge his Qs as much as possible. Take extra care when he's 6 because his ult is a crazy gank setup and can lead to some insane damage if he plays around his W passive properly.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] You need to avoid his (Q), especially if he has stacks on you. You can trade with him if he's stunned so he won't be able to fight back. Call your jungler.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
Kronaa says “It's the same concept as Xayah, main damage is coming from his Q, and you can't block that with W, his R is a horse tranq and you will sit there like a fish about to be flushed down the toilet as he stacks his W through your W, then Q your asshole open, also e antihealing and slow sucks”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate Chain of Corruption(R) can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate is up. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Piercing Arrow(Q). Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible.”
Kamicali says “If you are affected by Blight, Varus' abilities will deal extra damage to you. When he gets a kill or assist, Varus temporarily gains Attack Speed and is much more dangerous. You'll get bound in place if a tendril from Varus' ultimate, Chain of Corruption, reaches you. You can cause the tendril to die by running far enough away from it. He's less of a problem in relation to bigger threats like twitch and caitlyn.”
ARCTIC33 says “He is lane bully if you can dodge his abilites you will win the lane with not many effort you will outrange him if he goes for E on you use W and kite away.”
2saif4u says “Cleanse is a must must must against Varus, especially when coupled with a CC support like Thresh. Try find openings to all-in (play around cooldowns) as that is your strength and his weakness.”
HowDoYouKite says “Varus is a poke heavy laner that is easily exploitable due to his lengthy Q CD (16s) and his dependence on ramping up [Lethal Tempo]”
Amberdragon says “Varus has a lot of burst and he can bully you pretty hard. You are very squishy. Ideally you want a support who can peel for you in order to go against him. Use your E to dode his R!”
2saif4u says “Cleanse is a must must must against Varus, especially when coupled with a CC support like Thresh. Try find openings to all-in (play around cooldowns) as that is your strength and his weakness. I hope they nerf him soon most disgusting champ I see and can play ultimate bravery on him.”
Demonsedge90 says “He outranges you massively in the lane and has a larger poke radius with his q, e and r. Due to this range difference you could get poked out and set behind.”
Krilep says “You win until Varus gets rageblade. With quick reaction speed you can dash or flash out of the way when Varus is channeling his ult. If you are ahead consider buying a QSS to counter the ultimate in case you get hit.”
Light Within says “Varus outranges Aphelios, so you have to try to all-in him. Try to avoid his Qs, and trade him with sniper marks, it's very essential to always take cleanse versus him as he will try to deny you any time u try to go in for a trade post level 6”
Alvatorz says “Boring with the lethality build cause of the poke but if you manage to block his R or charged Q, you're super fine. His E is also annoying for you because of the slow and the anti healing. It's the hidden Samira counter.”
Valhalla Coach says “Run Cleanse in this matchup and he has no kill threat, you scale much better if he goes lethality. if he goes on-hit you have more utility and range while he has more DPS. Mostly skill matchup, support dependent”
Dazlirn says “Varus can either be a very hard match up or just overall difficult match up for Draven.
You definitely would want to take Cleanse as his ult is not the easiest to dodge and could hit you from your support too.
If the Varus is really good at landing his Qs, depending on the supports it could be hard to lane against him.”
koggywoggy says “Stupid champ that is only considered weak due to player skill. You can't ever kill him, don't even try. You're much more useful in a teamfight. Cleanse is highly recommended for his ult.”
PancakeKittiwake says “He’s probably never going to be in your range so just dodge his q and w him if he’s ever vulnerable. Hope you get a support that can engage on him.”
Nom212 says “He can poke you with both his Q Piercing Arrow and E Hail of Arrows, but you can poke him back and call it even. Past level 6 you should be looking out for his R Chain of Corruption since it is easily blocked by your Spell Shield.”
Amberdragon says “Varus is an issue if he can bully you in lane, if he can't and you can get on top of him, while dodging his R, it should be easy to kill him”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Varus is rarely seen currently, but when he is seen he is usually going some type of lethality build so they tend to play for early-mid game. He’s a poke and utility ADC atm.
◉ Varus is actually very simple to understand in lane because he’ll mostly just be trying to poke you with his [[Piercing Arrow]]s and occasionally using [[Hail of Arrows]] to set up his Q to land better onto you.
◉ His Q [[Piercing Arrow]] has an interaction with the active of his W [[Blighted Quiver]] which means Q [[Piercing Arrow]] will do more damage based on your missing health. So, if you get low expect it to one shot you so watch out and don't underestimate the damage!
◉ Do your best to dodge his abilities and stay healthy. Focus on farming and keeping your HP up!
◉ Take [[Cleanse]] as it’s the ultimate counter to his ultimate [[Chain of Corruption]] which is an engage tool that he will use on you alot starting from the laning phase till the end of the game. If you take [[Cleanse]] then you can remove it instantly and continue about your day and perhaps even kill him after!
◉ Win Condition: Stay healthy in lane and focus on scaling. Take [[Cleanse]] to counter his ultimate for the rest of the game. Don’t give him early leads and he will become useless.
Breathly says “If its lethality Varus the lane will be slightly favored to him, but again not to hard to deal with. Will really only be a threat if attack speed varus gets viable again, here he is dangerous since he can outrange you with everything he has.”
LegendaryOstrich says “You win until Varus gets rageblade. With quick reaction speed you can dash or flash out of the way when Varus is channeling his ult. If you are ahead consider buying a QSS to counter the ultimate in case you get hit.”
koog says “Cleanse is good here. Try to dodge his Qs and cleanse his ults. He is basically a sitting duck for gravitum or crescendum if you can get on him with galeforce. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “His Q is fairly telegraphed, but it does outrange you. Aside from that the lane is pretty easy. He's immobile, and you hurt way more. ”
Dealersz says “You need to run cleanse vs Varus most of the time. Try to find openings where you can all in, that is your strength as Draven and Varus weakness”
Urason says “Varus is annoying to deal with but if you can survive his harass, he's extremely vulnerable to you. That being said, the issue with this match up is that YOU as the Samira need to try extra hard to win it (block his ult, trade well, dodge harass). ”
LostFishEU says “Why I put Varus as a major is simply the ultimate. His ultimate makes it really easy for his support to follow up with a bind / root / hook. Varus ultimate also roots you as Vayne from using tumble and using you ultimate invisibility, which makes it that you will lose out on a lot of damage. Pre-Level 6 Varus doesn't have too much. Varus has his Q and E that could chunk you low but you also have your tumble to dodge them.”
tokyodamonsta says “Ezreal is one of the ADC's that does not struggle vs poke varus as you can poke back just as good! You can also dodge his ult very easily!”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another poke champ, but you're just better tbh. His Q is very telegraphed, and unless you're in point blank range you should be able to Arcane Shift out of his ult. ”
ELOSANTA says “A good Lucian player shouldn't lose this match. All of Varus's abilities can be dodged using Lucian's dash. If the Lucian player is experienced he should win, now this match is not impossible for Varus to win the matchup because he could time his skills after Lucian uses his E so as Lucian you have to know when to use your E. Lucian's E is 18 second cool down at level 1 and Varus' arrow is 16 seconds so if you use it to dodge something be aware that his arrow comes off cool down first. Varus' E is also another thing Lucian can outplay with his E, at level 1 Varus' E is a 18 second cool down which is equal to Lucian's dash. Unless Varus is engaging pre level 6 if he is just using it to poke it's not worth a dash because Varus can follow with a Q while you're running away. After Varus has level 6 save your dash for his R. Read his body language since it is a short range if we walks up be ready to dash away.”
Coldsong says “Varus is easy but very annoying to deal with for Samira. Make sure to save your W for his ult when it is up, and try to dodge his Q instead as if he lands his root, you are most likely dead. However, if you can dodge Varus' Q and W his ult the matchup is not that bad and you can still easily win.”
Vapora Dark says “Varus is a problem for Jhin, the range on his autos makes him a pain to out trade pre 6 and post 6 he can hardcore CC you, and with a lack of mobility its hard to dodge, causing you to be unable to attack back because of his auto range and lose the fight thanks to his Q/W burst. Focus on farming early and let your support/jungle create the pick, which thankfully is pretty easy to do due to his lack of any form of mobility. Not even a movement speed steroid.”
Amberdragon says “Threat level depends on how he is doing in the meta.
He works similarly to Caitlyn, but not as bad just because Varus is worse and less popular. Expect to get poked hard. Don't stay in lane with low health or he will snipe you. Use your ultimate to dodge his and all in him before he bursts you. Consider taking Cleanse especially if his team has more cc, his ultimate has a much lower cooldown than yours so you will not always be able to dodge it without summoner spells or Galeforce.”
Simon Uchinora says “Varus is like an Ezreal, has alot os range is hes abilities, but differently to Ezreal, he has no escape, just try not get hit by his Q's, because will hurt a little and try to avoid or waste his ultimate.”
Odysseus The Warmaster says “If this guy hits you with his ult he can auto you from outside your own attack range and his poke hurts, but if you dodge it you can get your shots in. ”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Be very aware of his ult and potential flash plays as if you are hit by it you will likely be one shot. Consider taking Cleanse.”
Chaeha says “Varus game plan is to look for constant poke with his piercing arrow and hail of arrows. In the lane state, as long as Kai'Sa dodges Varus poke and respects varus Chain of corruption, it should be an even matchup.”
MouayadD says “(lethality) get in his face to be able to trade against him instead of receiving infinite poke
(ability power) avoid extended trades, only poke from far away and watch out from his ult range”
Nixxen47 says “Varus is strong but support picks is what decides this matchup. You outscale him, watch out for his mid/lategame Qs as they do almost your entire HP bar.”
yers says “Look forward to killing him pre6 so that he doesn't be as problematic, because his Q poke + lethality (if he still builds it) will really hurt if he keeps landing them.”
VeronyV says “You can block most of his abilities, like his R, E, and his Q. His autos empower his Q on targets it hits so put priority on blocking his Q, it has a huge hitbox”
HyroPyro says “The Varus lane focuses on poking you down with Piercing Arrow (Q) and Hail of Arrows (E) . This means that his all in's are not as strong. Make sure you try and dodge the abilities to maintain high health. At level 6, respect the Chain of Corruption (R) as it is a fast and difficult to dodge projectile.”
im_zeno says “Can start wind wall to deny his cs if you want to be a dickhead, it's best not to do it though since you're gonna struggle csing under tower. He’s another non-mobility adc so getting in range with him shouldn’t be hard, play safe till lvl 2-3 depending on your support. You can wind wall his entire kit, post lvl 6 save your wind wall for his ult since it’s the only cc that he has.”
IHaveNoName says “After avoiding his ult, he is good for your payout. But beware, strong poke. Extreme threat if ult is present. Build Scimitar in moments of doubt.”
Pengwan says “Not really someone to worry to much about, has a strong q but it has long cooldown early and if missed he loses alot of damage. Just make sure to dodge his ult in late and stay out of basic attack range. Has alot of build varierty, onhit being better at dps and lethality being good at poke. ”
m0rfeazz says “Well he is a lane bully but so and you.You are stronger than varus.The only problem comes at level 6 if he stuns you,probably you will die,avoid his ult my any means”
N00bzEcKo says “He's threat because of his Q and R because his Q has bigger range than your Q, and if he misses his Q he will flash + R you and you can't escape from that fight without dying :)
So I recomend Banning him!”
Trieuloo says “Varus with his long range poke is hard to deal with when you can not reach him with cage. Hard to kill in lane in combination that he always has kill pressure on you. You need to play as safe as possible unless he plays poorly.”
Alvatorz says “! TAKE CLEANSE !
Letal Varus is a big threat for Aphelios, this guy can 100-0 you in a second with a simple combo, and poke again and again without losing any lane preasure. Be ready to suffer and to dance salsa over his arrow. If he has a Xerath or a Nami, dodge.”
Ekezun says “Focus Varus in lane and in teamfights, try to stay a little bit further away from your teammates so you dont get secondary ulted, always dodge his Q”
IM NOT TOXIC says “Not very good this season, but will do killer damage via poke. If you have an engage support, you should be able to shut him down. ”
FunkyBeagle says “Varus isn't too bad as long as you watch for his poke with Piercing Arrow. He'll try to throw down his E on top of you when you walk up for CS, so just be weary here and try not to take too much damage.”
lenithebot says “Play aggressive in this lane but not insanely aggressive to where you are out of position. If he lands his R you are most likely dead but if you can dodge it and survive you will eventually out-scale him.”
Jurassiq says “Varus shoves you in and is considered one of Ezreal's biggest counters. If you don't take Cleanse he can easily set up a kill on you at 6”
Moodkaps says “This Champion is annoying use Arcane Shift to punish him if he makes a bad play. Varus is going to be weak early game to if you get him to recall then its a easy lane.”
Xayaphelia says “Varus can be killed in lane with the help of your support but he will just out-damage you on all of his builds later on. I don't like this matchup but it's not unplayable compared to the other threat level 5 champions.”
ooftheiii says “Keep in mind he needs to charge his ability. Punish him if he is a bad position. Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Q. Picking off Varus before a team fight is highly effective. Bursting him is one of the best ways to do so as he is rather squishy and immobile due to the lack of a dash or escape ability.”
kingamazin says “Varus is extremely dangerous when he goes lethality since his poke will be difficult to dodge with no mobility. Consider taking cleanse to cleanse his r and pick up an early refillable potion to stay in lane longer. Buy berserker greaves to have a better chance at dodging his poke.”
Bluestrat says “Varus is slowly trying to get an advantage with his high range abilities.
However, if we have the opportunity to enter a 1v1 fight with our Ulti + Q-EVOLVE, we can defeat Varus quite easily. ”
Trampedach says “He has better trading than you and slightly outranges you. If you go after auto Q you will get punished and he will run you down. He has good setup and good poke. The only advantage you have is isolated fights and all in. ”
Bluestrat says “Varus versucht uns mit seinen Fähigkeiten langsam einen Vorteil zu erzielen.
Haben wir aber die Möglichkeit, mit unserer Ulti + Q-EVOLVE in einen 1v1 Kampf zu gehen, können wir Varus jedoch recht einfach besiegen. ”
Atrickster says “can be scary dont give him a lead or he will 1 shot you over and over his ult has rlly short cooldown so allways expect or after lvl 6 its honestly so hard to live aigenst him and he out range you all game with his Q ”
ctm20141 says “His lv 1 is pretty strong; he has good auto range, good all in potential with Lethal Tempo and good poke with his Q.
His lv 2 is deadly if he can AA-AA-AA-EMPOWERED Q.
His lv 3 is almost equally deadly, but it's bit weaker than his lv 2 power spike.
He can follow up his support DISGUSTINGLY WELL once he hits lv 6: if you get hit by any CC he will follow up with his ult and it's pretty much uncounterable. Oh, and if you get hit by his ult you are 100% dead :D.
Once you get Quicksilver Sash you outcale him in 1v1s.
On hit/crit varus is pretty strong in late game teamfights once he gets his reset, but you outscale him regardless :D.”
Remmacs1 says “Aphelios and Varus have pretty similar levels of damage output in the early-mid game. Varus wins if he's able to hit Aphelios with his ultimate. Aphelios wins if he is able to land a combo on Varus.”
McNugglz says “He can poke you out of lane with his Q. You can go Cull or Dorans Blade. Look to engage when he has used E because it inflicts grievous and can really make your Severum look like a water pistol. ”
Kasdor says “After avoiding his ult, he is good for your payout. But beware, strong poke. Extreme threat if ult is present. Build Scimitar in moments of doubt.”
Dank672 says “Most people just run poke on varus, which is great for you cuz u can just put pressure on him with ur supp, be careful of hook supps tho as the combine dmg from the 2 can burst u so hard u can't turn on varus. Also watch out for his ult, mercurial is usually a good 4th item vs him, even just buying the qss mid game is fine if hes fed.”
Ineffabilem says “He deals huge amounts of damage with his Q so if dodging becomes a problem, Edge of Night would probably be ideal. Tanky or heavy damage support would work best, such as Nautilus or Lux.”
Dannala says “Top/Mid: Squish and weak early, if you got electrocute you can easily snowball on his mistakes. Be vary of his ult and long range Qs, both fairly easy to Rappel if you are paying attention.
Bot: If he uses his Q or E to farm/poke he won't have much dmg to retaliate if you do a combo on him even if you don't Rappel away. Just watch out for his support.”
Profesor APH. says “have cc on r hard to dodge he is poker but you are aphelios you like to playing vs poke adc he dont have any dash pretty easy matchup”
EvoNinja7 says “Varus isn't that scary, he's really weak and his only main damage source is his fully charged Q, which is easy to dodge. Take Cleanse to get out of his ultimate root. Poke him early and you can easily burst him down.”
CastratedSeal says “Varus's poke is mostly counterbalanced by your poke and sustain from W. After level 6, he can set up ganks and 2v2 kills extremely easily. Consider getting a Crucible after your Athene's.”
Scrimm says “Onhit Varus is not a problem, as you will simply outdamage him. Poke Varus may be a problem, since he can completely outrange you with his Q, so pay attention to what keystone he takes so you know what his play style is going to be. If he uses an important cooldown such as his R or E, you can easily kill him just by using your E towards him.”
SkittleBtw says “Early game he isn't much of a threat, you can dodge his poke and he uses a decent amount of mana trying to poke. If you have a CC support, you can kill him pre 6 pretty easily, once he hits 6, it can be hard to dodge his ult, predict flash it and run him down. If he has a team playing around him, it can be pretty bad.”
jhoijhoi says “ Varus' ultimate, Chain of Corruption is a fantastic initiation, similar to Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow. If you or your ally is hit by it, ensure you don't stick together, move in separate directions. Hail of Arrows is similar to Kog's slime trail, or MF's round of bullets - they're more often used for utility, as in slowing an enemy champion from fleeing or chasing, rather than for damage. Watch out for Piercing Arrow, like Cait's Piltover Peacemaker, you have fair warning when Varus will attempt to snipe you with this, as he will often try to increase its range and damage by drawing it out.”
Archibold2 says “With the new changes to Varus' kit, he's become more dominant to poke from a difference and build lethality. In the case of fighting a Varus you will need to fight him between the level 3-6 phase in order to take advantage of his lack of mobility afterwards it will become a lot harder to take a winning fight with him.”
DddyAwsmSauce says “He has lots of pokes but they're all dodge-able; try your best to dodge them. You'll take more damage the more stacks of Blighted Quiver you take. Try to go in and out when engaging with Varus; you don't wanna drag the fight long. His ult can't interrupt yours, so it should be an easy match up.”
Manzey says “Varus can poke you down heavily, but won't be able to trade with you face to face, so won't be an issue, just make sure to go for gold card trades as often as possible. (When he is low on minions)”
Bouhhsolene says “His R is quite annoying but overall you outrange him and outdamages him late. Just don't go in his R and you win.
Take trades in lane if you hit W.”
Cam1304 says “Varus will try to poke you out with his Q so make sure to save your Q for when he starts to charge it up. Once he hits 6 if you dodge his R should be a free win.”
SweatMeALake says “Similar to you, Varus has high range, and a CC ultimate. He has a higher damage output than you. Only trade if you have stacks on Q, and watch out for his blight stacks and Q combo. He has high burst, and is often a better engage and damage option. ”
SweatMeALake says “Varus vs Xayah is about skill. If you have the reaction time to dodge his ultimate you win almost all times. If he lands it on you, you may be in trouble, so keep this in mind at all times. ”
Spection says “RARE. A pretty powerful pick against Pantheon. Various has no escape but very powerful poke and CC, making him incredibly hard to deal with if he gets a combo in on you. He isn't very squishy either, but if you avoid his Q you should be okay.”
ShroudedBRH says “Varus is similar to Ashe except he has more poke and wave clear. You can trade with him after dodging his Q as its on a fairly long cool down when missed just be careful not to be caught by his ult as he gets 3 stacks of blight to proc instantly”
Camelorry says “You can block all of his damage input but if he's smart you will only get to block one og his abbilities, chose wisely, he has a lot of burst in his q, grievous wounds in his e which counter your healing and cc in his r. Aside from that he has no escape so should be pretty easy to kill. ”
StriveHD79 says “Right now just a weaker version of Ashe. Take cleanse if enemy support has heavy CC as well, you will need it for Varus R. Try to stay away from minion wave when he tries to charge up his Q to poke you.”
StriveHD79 says “Right now just a weaker version of you. Take cleanse if enemy support has heavy CC as well, you will need it for Varus R. Try to stay away from minion wave when he tries to charge up his Q to poke you.”
StriveHD79 says “Varus is similar to Ashe, depending on how much CC enemy support have you might want to take cleanse in this matchup. His R is a immediately snare that you should try to avoid. His trading pattern are usually with his Q charging up. E to slow you down to add in an extra auto attack. Keep your distance, harass and poke when you can, do not overly force anything.”
StriveHD79 says “Right now just a weaker version of Ashe. Take cleanse if enemy support has heavy CC as well, you will need it for Varus R. Try to stay away from minion wave when he tries to charge up his Q to poke you. Farm safely with Q.”
StriveHD79 says “Right now just a weaker version of Ashe. Take cleanse if enemy support has heavy CC as well, you will need it for Varus R. Try to stay away from minion wave when he tries to charge up his Q to poke you.”
Bwura says “His w q combo hits you really bad. If u can dodge you can get him very easily try to have a aggressive support to have because he has no mobility.”
StriveHD79 says “Similar to Ashe except Varus has muc higher burst potential and less sustain DPS. Avoid trading with him and his Q poke, use your E if you need to. Post level 6, save your spellshield (E) for his Ultimate at all times.”
Spider Shaped says “Всё зависит в кого идёт вдруг,в апреле или в ад. Если в ап,то вы можете убить его уклонившись от в способностей,если в ад,то шансы на его стороне”
HankScorpioblaze says “Varus wont be to much to deal with just try to avoid his big arrow ability that goes all minions and through you as it can deal quite alot of damage”
StriveHD79 says “Right now just a weaker version of Ashe. Take cleanse if enemy support has heavy CC as well, you will need it for Varus R. Try to stay away from minion wave when he tries to charge up his Q to poke you.”
snukumz says “His poke hurts, but otherwise he is just another low mobility squish champ for you to use and abuse in bot lane at your leisure.
If he ult snares you, just snare and combo him right back.”
Terrific says “Either they play him on hit or they play him pokey lethality. You will win against him if he plays on hit if he plays pussy ezreal playstyle with lethality you will only get annoyed and it will be a mental battle for you. Just get ur Vamp and be sure to stay healthy. If he is on hit tho don't underestimate his late game and care for his ult. Also becareful for his late game if he's lethality it hurts like a fucker since you are so squishy.”
SapphireLoL says “His damage mostly relies on his Q with his W So if you dash away from that you can get an advantage. You can equally slow him with your E and he can his. His R is his only other escape option.”
Twiggymocha says “Besides his q harass, varus does not have much going for him, he goes the same build as you with worse 1v1'ing potential, just dodge q's and you will be fine.”
CALSHARKY says “Killable but annoying it entirely depends on what he builds and the support. If it's DH poke Varus then prepare yourself for pure aids if you have idiot support.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “This is arguably the most skill-based match up out there. If you can effectively predict when Varus is going to release his Q and hop accordingly, you can avoid most of his damage. However, if he lands this, it's absolutely massive chunk damage that is nearly impossible to come back from. Buy a Doran's Shield every time and play very safe to avoid his insane poke. Before he hits level 6, you have to hope that your support can get on top of him, as his low mobility can let you stick onto him until he dies or Flashes. Unfortunately, after level 6, if he lands his ult you are dead. Always play behind your support, as even being behind you minion wave isn't enough to block his tendrils of death. If he's going Lethality, then just remember that you out scale him and pretty much punt on dreams of first blood or general laning success.”
Zoodyacc says “Beware of Varus R, after you get hit by that you most likely will be dead, however if you manage to avoid it, you can go all in on him. He has powerful W+Q that he can catch you up and deal enormous damage with, although there's a catch since you can dodge it with your Tumble [Q].”
atonementblade says “If he's building lethality, a lot of damage can be avoided by dodging his Q with yours. He has little mobility, so dodging his ult with your tumble can easily lead to an all-in.”
JccmSaysNom says “Same as Ezreal, Better poke and is able to play defensively because of his long range, Varus doesn't have an escape spell so coordinate with the jungler for a free kill.”
Bebras19 says “After avoiding his ult, he is good for your passive. But beware, strong poke. Extreme threat if ult is present. Build Scimitar in moments of doubt.”
MayeLeven says “He can poke you with his Q, especially when he pressed his W or with his E. You can trade him easily, but then you must dodge his Q. After level 6, he can root you with his R, but if you dodge it, he will be an easy target to kill.”
Midorima says “Varus is a lane bully that can consistently poke out Vayne.
To win this match up: You have to wait out his Q and dodge his ulti at 6 or else he will just win through his poke. ”
RoadDGM says “Havent done the matchup but i feel like it will be more of a support diff matchup just try to dodge his q's and keep a safe range early for an all in at level 6.”
Szauronmester says “You can outrade him with aa+Q, if he fires back an E you can go in cuz it has a 20sec cd early on. You can dodge his Q ez-pz with your speedboost.”
Ichaid says “Varus won't be hard as a matchup in laning phase but it will be hard, Try to dodge his Q with your Tumble. The range on his Q is the only tool he has to poke you from afar. Be careful, as a good Varus will try to ult you right after you Tumble. Buy QSS after BOTRK so you don't get stuck in his ult”
ZERO Destructo says “Avoid his Q at all cost. I recommend you to just farm on lane without much of a trade. If he lands his ult on you you're toasted, since it lasts so long. Also, be careful in fights and stay behind, and run even if he ults someone else since his ult can pass onto you if you're in range.”
Nik7857 says “Longer range then you. A slow. Poke. and giant CC ult. Better team fighting then you. He will probably play far back in lane and just poke you down. He is very easy to gank and he will guarantee flash if you engage on him. Win the lane and win the game ASAP. Buy qss after bork.”
Eccentricks says “All I can say, is watch for the E and Ult. I haven't fought many Varus players, so, play it safe is my best guess, because that is what you should do in most matchups at early game.”
spark2 says “Varus has a butt ton of poke but zero mobility. Go aggressive on him and dodge his Q's, but try not to push too hard. He's incredibly vulnerable to ganks, so try to leave some room for your jungler in the lane.”
Laverenz says “See if you can kill him a time or two before he hits level 6. He's not really a big threat for Vayne before level 6 basic of his poor damage output, and skillshot-reliant poke. After level 6 you're done. If he hits you with Ult there's not much you can do against it. He will probably kill you after level 6. Try to dodge his Ult, because it denies your ability to Tumble, which is bad, because Varus' range is 575 and Vayne only has 550.”
philsopaoto says “Varus should be an easy lane if you're good at dodging his Q and ult, and Xayah's root is great against Varus who lacks mobility outside of summs”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Damage windows is the name of the game. Play passive till he uses a spell on your support or misses one before attempting to trade back into him. If you're uncomfortable with Kalista just play around your first back of berserker greaves before telling your support to look for opportunities to engage. Just be cautious of his E when using heal as the greavious wounds can easily lead towards a good fight going south. ”
minepro221 says “He wins extened trades, while you win if you proc your passive and back off. in laneing phase, go for auto q trade on every minion. if he auto e to trade back, play aggressive, as his e is on a 20 second cooldown early. Late game, wait out her root, and you are good to go.”
Eucalyptus says “He can just build Muramana and Lethality and kill you with his fucking rail-gun from the comfort of his pentakill-house suite while you act as the Hotel's bellhop on the ground floor.”
Fruxo says “Try to avoid his Q's to your best ability. Same goes for his R, try to avoid it. A Varus without his ult (R) is very vulnerable, Take advantage of that.”
The Jhin Cena says “Varus' Q can be a bit annoying since he can constantly chop your health down with it. The best course of action is to just try your best to dodge it while also poking him with your passive. This is so if one of you engage, you will both have similar health rather than you being at 20% and him at 80.”
Hardstuck Sona says “Varus and Twisted Fate are similar in the sense that their early games are garbage, but Twisted Fate's is slightly better. Use that to your advantage.”
dravenfizz says “fairly easy matchup save your E to dash his abilities or more preferably sidestep his Q and dash his ult, again this is another champ that ruins your life in the later stages of the game.”
Fruxo says “Try to avoid his Q's to your best ability. Same goes for his R, try to avoid it. A Varus without his ult (R) is very vulnerable, Take advantage of that.”
SimbaADC says “Varus can be a rough lane for Cait as he has decent range combined with strong abilities for trading and all in. Do not engage in long trades with him, the only trades you can win are when you can land an E-Q-Auto on him. Respect his level 6 all in ability, and remember that when you reach your 3 item spike your siege and poke potential is far greater than his. Consider a QSS after your IE/ 2 item spike.”
SlashLion says “Varus is poke heavy and will constantly try to hit you with his Q, which can do a lot of unexpected damage and allows him to safely pick kills under tower if you are low. Not the worst matchup in the world but not the greatest either.”
InfernalFox says “He can be quite the bother. He can poke as much as you. Also you have no way of dodging his R. If you get hit by it you are screwed, its really hard to escape even after the ult ends.”
TotalWarKS says “He has a stronger early than you and will out DPS you on all stages of the game unless behind, but you will have a longer range later on.”
MallisTheGreat says “He can poke, but you can poke back. He can't really escape you whenever you engage, except for his ultimate being up, so care and abuse his cooldowns as much as you can.”
Vortiris says “He is somewhat squishy. You can outscale him easily, just don't mess up. Watch out when he tries to snipe you with Piercing Arrow. Do not get caught by his Chain Of Corruption and you can kill him.”
Numresunw says “Has a lot of range like to poke you down to death and his ult makes you unable to escape even if you go invisible while it is active, farm as long as possible and go for an early quiksilver slash.”
IamVictorious says “Dodge His Qs early game and you can destroy him late, just try to dodge his utli too otherwise he can become pretty tough to battle against”
Dayum Draven says “Varus can easily poke you, so it's a problem. Try to poke back as much as possible. Don't stand in his E , it'll reduce your lifesteal”
Shacolada says “Varus has no escape abilities so focusing him in team fights tends to be easy. Dodge his Piercing Arrow at any cost when he has stacked 3 blight on you, as it will do an incredibly high damage. If he has dark harvest, play extra safe at low health. Stay clear of Varus's ultimate because it can spread.”
Gun God Mike says “A lane with varus seems easy but it become dangerous when he reaches 6 and hard counters you with r,your goal is take advantage in early to delete the threat.”
Levi Senpai says “Not that strong , usually gonna go for blade - > rageblade build which cant kill you instantly so its easy for you to kill him especially with crit build”
Shderen says “If you can SOMEHOW get in his range, early on, you can trade well with him. If either of those criteria aren't met, he usually pokes your ass or just outright auto-attacks you into oblivion. Pray your team isn't braindead and knows how to deal with his ult when it hits one of them - even consider cleanse as a summoner spell. Avoid his E while you're regenerating from Q, as it inflicts Grievous Wounds.”
Niculae01 says “This matchup depends on your ability to dodge a spell. You dodge his Q, you win. You don't, you will have a really bad time down there.”
Fruxo says “Try to avoid his Q's to your best ability. Same goes for his R, try to avoid it. A Varus without his ult (R) is very vulnerable, Take advantage of that.”
NeinMeansNo says “Varus's Q+E can chunk Twitch's health especially when Twitch has three stacks of blight . Although Varus can be easily executed if Twitch's support has hard cc.”
Krazioz says “This is the same as with Jinx, except that Varus has less range, even though that he can poke you down with his q. Varus relies heavily on his abilities so try to bait them out and then engage on him. Varus is biggest threat when combined with support like Lulu or Soraka. ”
jster131 says “Pretty even matchup early game, but if he gets ahead, your late game becomes a nightmare. Make sure not to make any mistakes or feed the varus because his late game power is no joke.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “keep your distance, move side to side dont run straight at him as he can show his abilities easier at you. becareful of his poke damage.”
xTheUnlimited says “Really solid lane. Ahead in range and in early damage. Your only hope is to get an aggressive support and over-aggress him. Depends on the supporters. He has range advantage and will push you in at early Levels. You scale better into late game tho. ”
Vayne To Dia ez pez says “Some people say that Varus is a counter. The only thing that makes him hard to play against it his GW on E. Other than that I do not see anything hard about facing him.”
SpicyAdCurry says “Varus is one of the Best ADC'S to counter Caitlyn in late game he simply Stack his Passive and Q late game and in early She loses trade with Varus cause of his Passive ”
qasddsa says “Dodge his Q and poke him down with your Q. He has a weak early game but is strong mid-late game, especially in teamfights with his ultimate. You do not want to get caught by his ultimate, as that will put full stacks of his passive on you, letting him quickly burst you down. With a little bit of kiting to dodge his abilities, he can be easily killed.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, his range is monstrous but he is homosexual so hes probably going to lose concentration looking at ur ginormous weiner. also, everything he has is spell shieldable. spell shield anything he drops directly on u. it's always feelsgood time in the house when u spell shield a max range q when u have 3 spooky varus stacks on u and then u laugh maniacally and take a sip of your evil tea ahhaahhahahahhahahahahhahah. also late game when varus is by himself trying to be big weiner because he thinks he can because of his small weiner ult u can run at him first and pop ur spell shield, either he wastes ult and dies, or dies. :)))”
DFireFox says “You go even with him throughout early to mid, but you out scale him hard, watch out for his ulti and poke when you can and you should be fine.”
Savagerayne says “This is even during lane as long as you do not get hit too much with his poke.
Late game avoid his ult and try to remove him from the fights by being smart with yours.”
Seigemaster035 says “You win this fairly soundly, early is hard because of his poke but again, you out scale. Make sure to avoid getting stacked and avoid his ult.”
Robin Banks says “Immobile Adc with range advantage. However its very easy to proc your W+E. I'd say you win pre 6 as long as he isn't able to detonate any blight stacks. Haven't seen too many varus's nowadays so I'm a bit rusty on the knowledge of this matchup. ”
Nittwerp says “Varus isn't that difficult to deal with, dodge his Q in laning fase and if you don't get snared by his ult you can easily win against him. ”
koyomilikesbloods says “His r is strong but it doesn't stun. Really it's his passive you want to watch out for. His slow is stronger than yours at early levels so just be careful. You can poke him easily because of where he stands in lane.”
iOwnPT says “Now this isnt 100% right, you all know it depends on the player but if the enemy Varus is good, he will give you a hard time poking with his E/Q where your axes will drop.
Also, in level6+ if he gets you on his ult, you wont be able to catch your axe which makes you lose alot of damage.”
TianDaMan says “Look to harrass when his Q and E are on cooldown. He will look to trade 3 autos on you to stack blight, then hit you with an ability for maximum damage. Cleanse may be necessary for this lane due to his ultimate.”
Major Alexander says “Varus can be quite annoying to deal in the lane due to his high poke potential.Try to save hp in the early lvls and to look for an all in lvl 3.Varus has big health for an adc so consider poking before going all in on him.I also suggest that you w his q or e to save hp IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT in the next 30 sec.Best ability to block with your w is his ult all of the time ”
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