Top Lane 48.68% Win Rate87% Pick RateJax Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Jax in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Maniaxx says “Jax’s E (Counter Strike) can dodge your abilities and deal significant damage in extended trades.
His R (Relentless Assault) allows him to scale into an incredibly strong duelist, especially after hitting level 6.
How to deal with him:
Avoid extended trades when he has his E up: Jax can dodge your Q and other abilities with Counter Strike. Wait for it to be used before engaging.
Build early armor: Jax deals a lot of physical damage, so items like Thornmail or Randuin’s Omen will help mitigate his damage.
Focus on scaling: Mundo outscales Jax in tankiness as the game progresses, so focus on surviving early and scaling into the mid/late game.”
a_k_z7 says “e the wave to get out of his e
w his q for and easy trade
if you cant escape his e q at the last moment so he takes both procs of your q
quenzo says “Is a annoying b*tch with his e + q Combo but just try to stay near your turret range and poke him with your e until your jungler comes.
Grasp or Conqueror both are solid, Flash and Teleport but ignite should be viable too”
Nithril says “Skill Matchup, your E cancels his Q, but his E blocks basically your entire damage, punish him when his E is down and play around cooldowns”
juangepeto says “Jax is a winnable lane if you play right, but if you play wrong, your game is over. Always place the barrels close to you and don't let him punish you too much with the attacking jump.”
parker3n9 says “The early game can be a bit rough against Jax, but once you hit Level 6, the matchup becomes more manageable. If Jax jumps in, immediately use your ultimate to turn the fight. The key is not to miss your E, as landing it ensures you can keep him locked down; missing it gives him an opportunity to escape and re-engage on his terms, which can result in an all-in and kill for him. Focus on poking him down with Q and Aery, and only all-in once he’s at around half health to maximize your kill potential. If you don't have ult, you have to care.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Jax can be a huge threat for inexperienced players. His ability to recast his E can lead to unexpected stuns, or he might hold it to make you mistime your parry, then just stat-check you. The key is learning from your mistakes. Every Jax player will try different tactics, and you need to identify their patterns over time. This is a skill matchup, but it's favored for Jax because one mistake can lead to your death. When he Q's onto you as an engage, he will usually auto-w to burst you, so you can parry this instead and save yourself the trouble of parrying his E(because you can just Q away from his E anyway, since he used his Q to engage). Take PTA if you’re confident, or Conqueror if you want to play it safe. The key is to play around his cooldowns. If you’re better than him, you’ll win the matchup. Coup De Grace”
sprdlol says “This match up is really fun to play. Take bone plating. Always have W up when he engages. Your W have same CD as his E so try to utilize this. He might out-scale you if he gets ahead.”
ExtoiK says “Its a skill matchup but i find it very easy to win against him even IF you get stuned by him most of the times if you are building bruiser and he isnt fed you can tank and out dmg him”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Get prio at levels 1-3 and avoid long trades. Avoid E with passive or use W if not possible. Disengage when he uses ultimate.”
Dragonyx says “He can both stun you and block your attacks. Watch out for his e. Make sure to not act carelessly as his late game scale outpaces ambessa's”
Raideru says “This matchup is generally very difficult for Camille especially if it's a good Jax, all u really do in this lane is try to bait his E lvl 1 cose whenever it's down you can actually interact with him in melees trades otherwise u only spam w but care after lvl 3+ if you use w on him he can jump on u and cast e and before u hookshot away he can recast it to cancel u so be sure to be close to walls or precast your e if u think he'll jump on your w. Lvl 6 + u never win all in unless you really outtrade him with big hp advantage. Remember to try ulting his e recast after lvl 6 cose that could make u win the all in. I advise Grasp with sheen rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Used to be easy before Riot reworked him and left him mega OP. Be careful of his Level 1 trade with E, if he tries it then Q him, walk out, then walk back in. If you space like this you'll win the trade
even level 1. Later on if he E's try and eat him since the time used is irrelevant if you can't auto him. Best bet to fight him is probably post 6. You wont be able to outfight him unless you go Riftmaker but can try and
negate him in teamfights." ”
Spartaniko says “Q poke him to death, if he jumps and E, W and get out of the stun, if he E and then jumps just E his stun. Don't AA after empowered W if he has E up, bait it first. He can't do much to survive your poke and your short trades are far better.”
MrBuis says “(A)(>25) In my opinion, the worst thing you can face as Olaf is not because the matchup is that hard, but he does everything better than you, from split push to all-in to team fight. This is the most popular Olaf counter, so if you want to main him, be prepared to fight this animal. The safest way to deal with him is to go two health shards -> Ammor Boost and max E. Try to freeze the wave and just annoy him. You win the all-in if he's trying to jump on you without a passive stack. Pop W early when trading, Ult, then save E to maintain your ult when he E. If both of you don't have ult, Flash out of his E then use Ghost to run him down. Without E, he's a sitting duck for you to kill. Go for a short trade and heal with your passive. This guy doesn't have waveclear -> healing to match your short trade, so chill out even if the trade seems lost. Max E or 3 Q -> E, go for two health shards -> Ammor Boost -> Hullbreaker -> Death Dance -> Maw -> Jak So because this guy deals mixed damage. ”
Houcs says “Very easy, if he is inside you and presses E you can quickly E him to wall and then walk out of his E.
But should overrall be very free to drag into tower.
Also keep in mind he probally will use his Q to escape if you manage to grab him to tower.”
Wafflerush says “Jax really isn't too bad. Take small trades with him but be cautious of his E. Hooking him while his E is active automatically gives him the win for the trade. Recommend getting Bramble Vest before completing Eclipse.”
Fenharion says “Jax isn't really a problem in laning phase against you since you're able to block his damage with your W,but after he takes a few items it'll be problematic for you,be careful in late game.”
KayleCarry says “HARD Matchup
He can just jump on your wave and kill you without taking damage with his E
I usually ban it cause he is most picked than Nasus”
UrPersonalGod says “Slightly in Aatrox favor.
Never go for a Q + E to poke because the moment you do so he will jump you and win the trade.
Just poke with Q and if he jumps on you E back and throw out a Q.
Trying to buffer Q3 when he recasts E can be good because he wont be able to stack passive and lethal tempo that way
Trading Flash early can be good if you let him push you in.”
Althalosofsirun says “You can kill him level 5 and 6 with ignite otherwise you need to go for the split push after a while your W will one shot him since his base hp scaling is low. unless he buys tank eventually you will 100-0 him with EWR combo. Survive”
AShovelMan says “Can also basically keep you away from wave states and crush you most angles, having that ward jump hop just makes it even harder to lock him down.”
SemenDrinker says “Pedo v Pedo (i take shield and bone plating)
You will q1 and hold your e until he jumps onto you. W and Q2 E backwards and then you can go for your Q3. Thats kinda how the entire lane will play out. If he gets 1 kill the lane is over for you and you'll never walk up again. He will either use his E when jumping at you or when he sees your passive AA so just keep that in mind. Post 6 the mu becomes alot harder since he gains more armor and that nullifies your healing a bit. All i can do is keep the wave under your tower as much as you can and never be overextended in lane against him because like Darius he runs you down and sticks on you hard. ”
IvanBeifong says “Not that hard of a matchup, calculate his cooldowns, dont waste E until he jumps at you with his E, when his E is about to go off, you throw E2 at him and drop your combo.
His ult is good damage, though it bugs your auto attacks.”
Sekirooo says “it's very hard to deal with jax since he is very tanky and if he use his E it's like gameover so best if you play smart and wait for his e to finish ”
y every name taken says “Most Jax's will wait the full two seconds to recast their E for the stun. Time your ult so that you can dodge the CC, even in melee range.”
Frankoloko says “I don't yet have a solution to this one. Hold your E for when he uses E. Don't fight him when his passive is fully stacked. Only ult after he ults. You win if you get a lead, so a jungle gank or two means a lot here. At lv6 with minimal items you have a good chance to win. Play good fundamentals here!”
LilPicky says “(Take 2nd rune page but instead of triumph take absorb life and take bone playing instead of second wind start shield) Unplayable matchup i guess, i recommend baning him. If you are playing vs him you should play around his Q cooldown and E cooldown. play near walls to E his E as fast as you can, bait his E so you can auto him and get passive”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Belle19 says “try to w his e stun. If he ults just phase rush away. If you want you can go conq but there's no reason to coinflip it since you outscale him fairly quickly (once you both have ult your ult is much better). if you run at him later on, don't actually auto with q just hold it since he will probably intuitively try to e it, just use q for ms and then activate e once ur near him”
Niemi says “Jax players are easy to manipulate. They want to get close and bonk you.
When he starts spinning his lamp, just E him away or Q him at the last second so he can't act on the stun”
Body Those Fools says “Similar to Fiora and Gwen, Jax could be in the brush closest to your tower and start E; he will all-in you level 1, stun you, or start Q and jump on you and try to make you miss the first few minions of XP/Gold. He can just perma jump on you, but if you use your range advantage wisely, you can just poke him down without worry. If he ever jumps on you after level 6, you can just Ult him away or towards your turret. Void Staff 2nd or 3rd is advisable versus Jax since his Ult gives him a lot of resistances. ”
CC IMMUNE says “Never ult unless he uses his Q first, because he can just ward hop out, or leap to a minion and expire your ult then kill you. Take Ghost Exhaust and max E.”
Godzilla010 says “Start E........Try to bait out his Counterstrike with a fake Q and then just spin on top of him, use W to block the Counterstrike, then use Q.......You can out-sustain in lane with passive, he needs potions.........Easier to kill after 6.”
smrgol says “Play with your range, don't underestimate his dive potential. Best way to not let him stick to you is to put a trap on the ground and stand near/ on it so you can root him as soon as he jumps on you, that way you have the same amount of CC and you can run back and punish him from a distance.”
Zagreus16 says “i really dont know why riot thought a pole dancer was PG friendly but here we are. maxing w in this fight is a must cause you will never really land ur q on this guy. take TP and play it safe, Stride helps a lot cause you can slow him as soon as he starts his E and run away. So then it will either force him to jump on you which will prevent him escaping you or he will have to back off. This guy you can perma ban but there is worse.”
CrimsonL7 says “HE DOES SO MUCH DAMAGE. but if you play around his E well you can win. Early game let him jump onto you and E you, and once the stun is over immediately W and Q onto him. If you dont want to fight just E him away. Once you both have R its really hard for you to win 1v1 and best you can do is take short trades and wait for ganks and or team fights. ”
step1v9 says “This matchup has become so unskilled auto-win for the jax player it's so boring. The best way to maximize winning is finding an all-in with ghost at level 1 then snowballing and praying they dont build frozen heart.”
Baby_Driver says “This whole matchup revolves around his E. Use your pull to kite it out.
Steelcaps are crucial.
It's okay to use your ult early, especially to keep your stacks up when he uses E.”
Raideru says “In early all you can do is poke with q and try to bait out his e with fake autoing, whenever he jumps on you just e him and walk away or q him if possible, you win all ins against him as long as he doesn't have a huge hp lead on you on the beginning of the trade, Try to keep lane frozen/close to your tower as much as possible and ask for ganks since Jax is very easy to abuse with Darius cause the only way he can trade with you is by jumping on you”
Azzin says “Your character is actually really good to counter jax's kit. You can W his stun, empowered E when he use E to tempo, run out when he ults. This just needs a bit of practice but this matchup is no big threat.”
DuckQc says “Try to bait his stun and hurt him with your q+e combo. When he goes for trade slow him and pop W or run away or if his E is turned on throw q+e and go pick up q cause ur basic attacks dont work just like vs teemo q so dont waste time, pick up q and either save ur ass or all in. Just poke him and u ll be fine”
Arthapsic says “If you leave him open start E level 1 and E out of his E and make him push the wave. If he ever jumps on you use Q then E out. If he wastes his E after 6 he is killable if you have higher hp than him. Try to poke him once or twice with Q then all in with R if his Q is down. You can use your R as a spacing tool ( if he is Qing onto you and then using E and your E is down you can use your R to slow him to get away from the stun and then proceeding to all in him if the situation is good ). You are both around even at 1 item. Anyone can win the 1v1 depending on his E after laning phase.”
Serrvant_of_Christ says “Can Start E and jump in with Q, if you see him use his E on the wave, if he jumps on you with Q dont be too scared, short trade with him, but do play safe until later.”
Beeware says “Keep your distance and E on top of yourself as soon as he uses E and starts spinning. Usually you can disengage, but he has a strong all in, so be careful.”
TeiWasTaken says “Another Kled hard counter. He will bait out your W and then use his E to block it, stunning you and dismounting you. He outscales you really hard and you cannot even fight him in lane, I recommend banning or dodging this champ.”
ArmedDad says “god forbid you left this unbanned if you want to play camille smh.
buttt, if you find yourself in this satanic matchup, know this.
1. his e just stops you. no auto, q1, or q2.
2. any extended trade he wins even if you dodge one e as he just shor cd w which BONKS
3. his q will always be up to dodge your w
4. when you have e to engage, he will always have e to cuck you <3
5. his ult makes all your damage outside q2 useless due to the fat armour and mr he gets. his auto attacks also get mega buffed bby doing the magic damage every other auto instead of third
7. he scales. --> you never really win side either. he can also build alot of health which means your 80% true damage output means jak shit <3.
8. He frontlines and assasinates. You cannot really frontline.
9. know this, if a jax loses to camille without your jungle and mid and support perma camping him, he should (no toxicity) leave league for a few days or maybe find another game to play.”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- Has strong lvl 1 with lethal tempo if you let him auto attack you for free, His Passive is nearly same as Lethal Tempo, although he can stack in on anything and doesn't get bonus range.
- Most often he starts with E, which block autoattacks and stuns at the end of duration, or when he cancels it early
- LVL 2 he usually lvls up Q, which lets him jump on target, so he is going to start his most common combo E+q to try and jump on you and stun you, while being safe from autoattacks
- His W is bonus damage on next AA and AA reset as well
- On level 6 he gets his ultimate, which gives him Passively: bonus on-hit Damage on third AA
- When activating ultimate, he deals bonus damage around and gets bonus resists based on enemy champion hit
- So, his gameplay doesn't change that much during the Game
- You have to be really careful, he can rush Sheen, to just short trade into you and then it is hard for you to react, while you cannot land AA during his E
eXC4l says “Perhaps your biggest enemy in top lane. Ban him on usual, if somehow matched up against; try to stay away from his Q range as much as possible.”
Skaarlschloch says “One of the easiest Matchups if played correctly.
Use Q to disengage/knock back Jax when he goes on you. Keep him out of your melee Range. Easy Solokills after you hit 6”
Ulsur says “Doran's Shield, probably the only matchup where it's better to start E to avoid his Counter Strike at level 1, after that you basically never E in, only throw basic Q1s and wait for him to jump on you, if he jumps you just W him, E back and hit your combo, avoid his E at all costs, after 6 you can space his ultimate but it's pretty hard, he wins extended fights so don't fight him in his ultimate, can be pretty annoying and scales pretty well, don't get baited into rushing Tabis as he has mixed damage, just chill and build boots according to the whole enemy team not just Jax. It's a skill matchup but it's Jax favored,.”
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , rush boots and then buy hp , max w and use your w before he launch his E stun ,after 6 dont try to force fights with him , first full item must be stridebreaker”
DDemonJesters says “Early game is not good with this champ. but i would not say it's impossible. just use E (charged) when he uses E to stun you. and you're good to trade the W+AA+Q+AA”
Shark of Void says “He can ignore your Q with E. He can zone you from farming with Q. Use W to evade his E. Stay in bush and get exp. You can all in him after lvl 6.”
Hotch says “My permaban. Miserable matchup. His E blocks all of your damage, he jumps your wall, he jumps away, he jumps you under your tower and you're dead.
Your only hope is to go for trades after he's used his E and Q. Otherwise, play passively and try to avoid him late game, he outscales you pretty hard.
Take flash and build bruiser.”
SVKGuardian says “If he is smart, be will build some burst vs you and is going to try and just always q+w on you for short trades. You can try to punish him by putting grenades underneath you and catching him when he jumpes on you to then chase after him and do as much damage as possible. Your W hurt him so much. You can try and predict his jump or react to it as its happening to W in his direction and then try to outrun his stun area.
If you are able to do that, than you can punish him big time.
Also careful, the higher level he is, the faster he has his Q back. He will be able to jump on you like every 5 seconds. Thats why it is so important to be able to react to his Qs with your W.”
forlid says “Jax is known as one of the best picks against one due to his E being very effective and because he just statchecks you. Your only plays here are to bait out his E and either use your own E to escape: this only works if your movement speed is about the same, or you can just Q3 out of it if you have it. Either way, Jax is definitely a strong ban, but I'd just learn to lane against him as effectively as possible. He isn't usually a strong pick in meta and there are far more annoying lanes.”
PinkBlood says “Skill lane but gangplank favour'd, just let him shove early and just farm until sheen. When his E is down you can run at him early levels and pressure him with your passive auto attack. You ideally want to orange the stun and apply passive auto after he runs at you with E. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.1,2 are good,take ignite and D blade. (look for one that fit your game-style)
*Favorable for pantheon*
You can make his life a hell by poking non-stop with your Q.
he can jump stun you so be ready with Aegis Assault(E) to block incoming DMG ”
KaliRF says “Easy if you know how to play against, use your E when he activate his E to fear him if he want to dash on you, care he outscale WW after the 2nd item, still possible to 1v1 him at the 3rd item if you are even.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp, spellbook. Tabis early. His only chance is to cheese you early with lethal but that got nerfed. After 6 you Beat him at any point in the game. R after his r for extra stats!”
conqiyana says “if you go into grass q or dodge every stun u win. if he hits you with 1 stun he will hard win the fight no matter how far ahead u are
SenSen_LoL says “This is a really hard matchup when you begin playing nidalee top.
The main problem with Jax is that he can jump on you (it has approximately the same cd as your jump) while being protected with his E and you cannot really trade back.
Similar to Fiora, you have to hold your cougar Q until the end of Jax's E. If you don't, he'll almost always out trade you.
You have better sustain, better range. Focus on dashing out when he jumps on you and punish him when his E is on cooldown. You win pre-6 pretty easily, but the matchup gets trickier once he gets ult as he can really annihilate you on an all in if you're not careful.
Also, DO NOT FALL BEHIND, as he will just rush through you if you do.”
mastershen says “Look for level 2 engage with ignite and take grasp in this matchup rush riftmaker for boot you can go steelcaps and use your E when he engage on you and Q after his E was down ult early”
Mikailx says “Tips: Runes, PTA with bone plating and unflinching and put a point in Tenacity and slow resist (10%)
Play around his E and look to punish him. Get Plated Steelcaps
also call your jungler to assist you.”
MaesePerez says “He beats you early, if you can q him when he jumps in you should be able to walk away from his e, and after that you win the trade. You outscale, just be mindful not to get cheesed early with an e flash.”
Guldkarameller says “Jax is a tricky one. You can definitely beat him. If he Q's in you can W right after and trap him. He can block ghoul dmg with E so try to wait it out or kite him as best you can. Time his cooldowns. ”
Sugenrift says “Jax (The Bluffer): Jax, with his ability to dodge attacks and stun, can outplay TF in close quarters. However, Twisted Fate can counter this by bluffing with his positioning and card selection, forcing Jax to commit Counter Strike early and then engaging. Much like the house calling a bluffer's bet, TF can turn the tables by playing unpredictably and seizing control of the lane dynamics.”
EvilRavioli says “A Jax favored skill match up, he outscales you but you can win early laning and stomp him after vamp scepter and with bork level 9 spike.”
hamgi says “short trades. do not go for extended trades as he will always win with passive, w and e. save e for when he jumps on u with q and e. only engage on him in ur e”
forlid says “Very skill based matchup. With proper spacing you should be able to punish him should he decide to engage on you. When comboing him you should keep note of his E as it reduces your Q damage. Learn to time your Q3 so that when he recasts E you damage him in return. He outscales Aatrox hard so avoid taking duels after he gains three items.”
PlayCabex says “He controls level 1 and might try to zone you out, but can’t kill you. After that, you control the lane since he can never engage onto you, it’s completely unplayable for him. Whenever he tries, fear him the moment he lands with his Q, walk away from his E range and E W to win the trade. After 6 you can kill him easily as long as he doesn’t cancel your R.
Runes: Aery”
GwenMain says “Jax is my permaban choice because you simply cannot win 1v1s, never, his E is too good against you and his scaling is pretty much equal to yours.”
Belle19 says “Its a really straight forward matchup, you lose level 1 but can win lvl 2 if you get your pull. The idea is he wins short trades and can disengage with e stun, but if you pull him while his e is going he bounces off you and you dont get stunned. If you juke his e and he doesnt have ignite you almost always win the fight. Whoever first bloods the other wins until late game. Late IMO you outscale him, you do more in teamfights but you lose the 1v1 unless you outplay him. If he's doing the grasp thing you are fucked, traditional lethal jax you usually beat”
zwartebliksem says “Horror matchup. His E cooldown early is quite long, but when it's up, you lose every trade. Let yourself get pushed in and ask your jungler for a gank. This will be, along with Fiora, your hardest matchup.”
AWierdShoe says “This lane can snowball both ways, however it can be difficult due to the nature of Jax's kit and how he can play around us in-lane. If they take Lethal Tempo, all-ins are riskier but more rewarding if we hit all of our skillshots. If they take Grasp, the lane should be much harder for us (assuming the enemy Jax knows how to play the lane). You can go for Q poke level 1, but don't go for an early passive auto until he uses his E. Contesting the wave is risky as once he gets level 2 he can just Q onto you and stun you, forcing you to take a lot of damage. Don't fight him when his passive is fully stacked as it gives him a ton of attack speed. If he initiates the trade and jumps onto you, feel free to kite him out and punish him. Even if you get hit by his E he will have nothing to dodge our abilities. Level 6 can be quite threatening as it gives him a ton of resistances and more magic damage on his autos. Winning this lane is very doable and not too difficult, but just keep in mind that Jax is a scaling powerhouse and will beat you in the sidelane at around 2 items if you're both even.”
Grimmloi says “Ultinizi açana kadar safe Ulti açıldıktan sonra rahat edersiniz özellikle ilk 3 leveli çok dikkatli oynamanız gerekiyor gerekirse Q yeteneği ile bile minyon almayın size atlayıp ilk levellerde çok rahat kesebilir”
VigsenGaming says “My go to ban. His E counters your W and has really good disengage and engage. And hes getting OMEGA buffed in 14.2 so just ban it man”
Haearnbleidd says “One of worst matchups but definitely playable. In low-elo you can straight up kill him, but in higher elo his play pattern will probably be to trade with and q out, and post-6 to kite your ult. The best thing you can do about it, is to max e first or put at least 3 points in e, so when he tries to trade with his e you can q and e him, and try to walk out of the radius or mitigate it with w. However even if you win lane, he will outscale you in 1v1 late-game, so try to play for your team.
I would recommend going hexplate > bc or shojin > hexplate/bc.
lbc1506 says “He has to Q-W-E in order to get damage to you. If you Q when he jumps on top of you it negates any damage and you walk away.
One of the easiest matchups for Anivia.”
Joy17 says “Jax pode ter uma combinação de dano e resistência, mas Warwick, com suas habilidades de cura e controle de grupo, pode lidar com Jax nas trocas, especialmente se souber administrar a troca de habilidades.”
deathbypotion says “He is very strong with new items and can seat on you hard or even poke his jumps. Don`t feed him early and he will not be a threat. You can flip him immediately after his Q. Your W stops him from Q-ing.”
Bronzesuo says “This guy is hell. You can't Run away, you can't fight. Use any build against him, if you can win against him every build should be playable. Try to farm as much as you can and don't get into fights with him, beacuse he is very strong in duels.”
Akuzai says “My personal permaban. You can't autoattack into him to reset e or stack q, he will jump on you and he can dive you. He also outscales if he builds well! Personally just ban this champ or call for jungle help and pray you can scale harder.”
PPlongcook says “You shit all over this guy early its not even funny. The problem is that if you ever leave him alone to farm a sidelane he will come out of nowhere with a billion damage and shit all over you. You will want to follow him around the map wherever he goes so he can't scale up. If you have 3/4 kills on him in lane, you can rush sunfire and keep all inning him and he won't be able to do shit. If you are only slightly ahead or even rush blade. The reason is that if you both get blade at the same time he is stronger until you get more items.
He always outscales at some point so try to win early.”
Classic Rengar match up, you win pre 3 itmes.
Easy trade patters, Have your root or Emp W ready. Jump in kite his stun, then root and trade.
If he hits the E he wins the trade, disengage when he ults.
You win lvl 1 if you avoid the stun! ”
Pusi Puu says “no counterplay lategame he just blocks all your dmg and runs you down. You win early game if you play properly and wait out his E. Counts for Jungle and Top. If you play vs a Jax jungle invade him as much as possible and dont let him breathe.”
hoflol says “Skill related matchup. Save your fling for after he jumps on you and he won't be able to retaliate much damage. Your W also stops him from jumping.
Once he gets Divine Sunderer, winning trades can be hard.”
GheeseEmpty says “Trades here are entirely dictated by Jax's Counterstrike cooldown. If you time your Ram Stance auto attacks well, you can actually buffer its animation through his stun, and stun him right as his Counterstike ends. Not a super difficult matchup, but he will outscale you for the most part.”
DemiLime says “Outscales you, blocks your autos, is just better. You can kill him if you save your w for after his counter strike AND dodge the stun and its pre6 you can kill him.”
xXazzer says “A good Jax can definitely beat you. But Jax has no real escape. If he goes in on you W him and force him to eat all your Q's. Since he will hug you make him eat Q3 and then E away to disengage. He will outscale you.”
trulyaito says “- Melee vs Melee so go Dblade
- The other hardest matchup for kled just as challenging as fiora.
- I recommend banning jax in lower elo since he is way easier to play and fiora takes at least some brain.
- Outscales you really hard, you can beat him early game.
- Hold a point in your W until his E is on cooldown, since he can just time his E with your first W auto.
- for runes take grasp, demolish, bone plating, and unflinching > overgrowth, legend alacrity and last stand.
- take flash exhaust or flash tp if you are scared. but be wary that even if you go even with jax, he still will outscale you.
- try to get a gank from jungle, exhaust helps.”
Flyrie says “Flash+TP+Doran Shield -
Max W -
Jogue no E+W contra o E dele -
Bota Tier 1 + Stun consegue te fazer sair da Range do E dele -
Plated caso esteja perdendo ou dano caso esteja na frente -
Se quiser trocar espere o Level 2~3 ou troque inteligente pois Lethal Tempo > Conqueror Lvl 1, coloque Ignite e Doran Blade -
Caso fique atrás ou depois da Sunderer, tudo fica muito difícil, por isso é interessante TP e pressionar o mapa ao invés de tentar solar ele por ego, deixe ele errar e aproveite.
NegativePhoenix says “Jax isn't a hard matchup even if he's good at the champion
Your Q can trade stuns with his E so try to save it for then or use your W to try and jump away from his E stun
Your W and his E have weird interactions since sometimes your W will still go through, and sometimes it will stop mid-air
Just don't take heavy prolonged trades and you'll be good”
ThelpixG says “One of those champions that have monstruous scaling but somehow get away with having a strong early game trading potential.
How to Beat?
- Very skill based matchup, his level 1 is strong because of his E. Try dodging it and abuse him while he has no E up;
- Take first strike because and abuse your passive for true damage;
- Conditioning is good against him because he deals hybrid damage;
- His level 6 is very strong and he has a good trading potential once he gets a couple points in W and sheen;
- He scales very well and has top tier split pushing so try to build a lead on top of him and deny his scaling a bit.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Not exactly a hard matchup but it's not favorable either. Level 1 you can win the trade by just kitting away from him when he tries to stun you and as soon as his E ends you start fighting back with your Q's keeping distance from him and occasionally auto attacking him.”
WhendZ says “Um bom jax vai fazer você ficar triste. mas é bem fácil ganhar se você usar usa laranja no stun dele e pokear sem parar, se ele tiver sem o E, vai pra cima, mas mantém um barril no seu pé caso dê merda.”
Yogolord says “just make sure you make correct trades and he DOES NOT HAVE FULL LEATHEL TEMPO you have enough kit to trade and disengage
the problem is that he scale pretty well but you can destroy him with enough patience”
Wizboy73 says “[conqueror] Even though this champ is retardedly strong rn, i dont really have problems with him myself. you can q spam his face, and if you get frozen heart and spirit visage 3th-4th he should never be able to beat you. just dont underestimate his dmg. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Lane difícil, sempre deixe um cogumelo em baixo de você, caso ele upe o Q lvl 1 ele pode pular em você e te bater com ritmo fatal, caso ele upe o E, tente dar o máx. de dano possível, tente dar o Q para evitar o W dele, ele pode usar 2 combos.
1º: E+Q+W
2º: Q+W+E
tente descobrir qual ele está usando e tente counterar o W dele.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he jumps on you. Trade with Q when he uses E. If he tries to jump on you, you can block with W. If you are low on hp, block his jump with W and run away. Similarly if he is onlow hp you can block his escape with W.”
Denied20 says “MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: SCARCE. One of very few non early game match ups, that can be difficult to duel right away. He can easily respond to Yasuo's regular trading pattern with a "counterstrike walk up". To prepare for this you can utilize minions to get distance away from the stun. Yasuo still win with counterstrike on cooldown.
It is CRUCIAL to keep a strong economy going, unless you can punish/kill Jax during his E down time at later stages, you will get rolled over. At a certain point once you feel he has gotten ahead, you need to play around the wave at all times. Having a wave allows you to prepare tornados which interrupts his leap or delayed counterstrike. It allows you to disengage or reengage as well. Sometimes the wave allows you to stall, and wait out his ultimate. Rush Stormrazor into Jax to space his counterstrike.”
zacklynier says “zıplamasını baitle, zıplarken w ya al uzaklaş e at, e si bitince oto q at ve çık . jax aşırı kısa ve uzun trade lerde seni ezip geçer, buzdoğan>karabalta build i yap”
Crossing Calvin says “Phase rush
This one is 50/50 but it's definitely jayce favored. It's really easy if he goes lethal tempo. You just knock him away if he jumps on you. If he goes grasp. He goes 3 point in Q's and tries to poke you out with Q W sheen. You need to be careful with your using your hammer E here. If the matchup goes even you win in teamfights but loses on side.”
BurritoTopKing says “Can be hard, try not to trade into his E, if he jumps into you try to E so he can't stun you, or buffer W through stun, spacing is important in this matchup and it can be very snowbally so try not to die, you can play for fights.”
LimesC3 says “You have no cc so you lose to cc.
Dude one stun and you lose every trade
To beat him
- Best to get boots early
- Space him out of his stun
- Bait his ult and run away (try not to ult)
- All in Jax after his stun or ultimate and you have your ultimate ”
SpookyKing says “Can't beat a good Jax. Counterstrike screws you too hard. Also hard out scales. Can't really build antiheal efficiently so that's chill.”
xskyswitch says “Go conqueror since you can't reliably get your 3 autos from W and PTA off. E his E when he jumps on you if you cannot avoid it. When your E is on cooldown play passive unless you are confident you can kill him in an all in without it. Late game he can outplay since he scales incredibly well.”
Brb3535 says “u win. but same as irelia. u ll need dmg not plated. and is a little clutchy i ll be honest. sometimes i win hard sometimes i lose against jax. is all about how confident he is. but in rest u should win. sometimes i don t understand how with only vampiric scepter they can have so much attack speed , compared to others. watch his burst on u. if he jumps on u and activates e , u e him as well when that is almost finished . but this only if u can kill him. if not poke after he jumps on u ( and if he doesn t use his e) . ”
Bonkyou says “Personal ban, Easy to execute champion that statchecks like a truck.
Do not feed and play around his e with your Q2 and E, don't get scared to trade back either or you lose if he gets multiple W bonks in”
RivenCarriedYou says “Start dorans shield, level one bait E while taking minions with Q1 and autos. knock up before it ends, making his e whiff, Make sure the lane is always on your side. if you accidentally shove a wave. if you take one trade or overstep you either lose a massive trade or get ran down and completely murdered. Riven can safe trade at level 3. Lead with Q, auto, W, auto and disengage. Jax will either take the trade or Q and E on you, which you can just E the damage away or look to all in. After his E is down, Jax loses really hard. Look to build advantages early, Jax wins hard with items.”
BaotoGame says “This is also a very difficult matchup for Yorick. He turns on E, killing all your ghouls and maiden.Q to escape your W. And you can't do anything when Jax turns on his E at all. When Jax has intends to jump in and stun you, you just need to press W to stop him and when his E end,you can trade with him”
Chaddouk says “Jax can be pretty scary since he absolutely outscales tryndamere (because of his E basically). Still during laning phase it's a skill matchup and trynd even has some sort of an advantage since it's easier for him to play the interactions. Things to keep in mind : whenever trynd is pushing, he has the advantage cuz he can stack fury and jax can not stack passive. Same the other way around when jax pushed he gets passive stacks and not trynd, so at the highest level of play it's just a "bouncing waves" match-up where every player should respect the other player push. Now how to abuse early as trynd : level just auto him until he presses E then you E out (longer tryn E range), then after lvl 2, never start a trade in melee because then he can just follow your E with his Q, force him to jump on you, then again hit autos until he presses E and E out instant so he doesn't have time to cast it again. You outsustain, so kind of like wukong matchup take short trades into an all-in, if he manages to get 2 E's during an all-in you will most likely lose it. Grasp build tho makes it very different and sort of easy. Just play the short trades and outsustain you win by default until 4 items.”
daitolol says “- Can go for level 1 trading but be wary of e try to bait it by going back and forth with passive up
- Go only for short trades early you can dodge his q+e combo using e and after that the trade is really free but something to keep in mind is that the q cd for him is very short so after you have used cds don't contest cs
-His new ult is aoe which makes it that it is dodgeable but also keep in mind he can burt you hard in shroud with e+r combo,
Black Demon Ezel says “Although able to block your passive enhanced auto, he cannot block your Q Sweet Spots. Use that to your advantage. He can't beat you if he can't block you.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “do not initiate trades with unburrow unless you are really close to turret, otherwise jax can just jump on you immediately and full combo you with stun before your burrow gets off cooldown. Play for really short trades or poke with empowered e until he burns e, then look to get a short trade while its on cooldown. If he's low, you can look to commit with a tunnel that you can buffer through his e to just burst him and finish him off with r, but otherwise never commit your tunnel offensively or your escape tool is completely gone.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) At lvl 1 use your E to stun him in the minion wave if he engages with his E. You need to play around your minion wave and predict his moves. He is useless without his E so bait it if you have Stridebreaker because you can walk around him if you activate it. He will outscale you eventually. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
At_Tar_Ras says “DO NOT W him until he uses his counter-strike. that's the EASIEST way to lose this matchup. Q abuse him in lane and when he counterstrikes, walk away or E away. E2 back to AA+W him and prob all-in, otherwise re-engage before his counter-strike comes back up. don't bother AA+Q'ing him cause he'll just E and then your Q will deal 25% less dmg. just Q range abuse him in lane. make sure to pop boneplating. bait out his E then re-engage with your combo. you do win this pretty well if you know what you're doing. ”
vexxed04 says “{Phase rush flash ghost} You'll need ghost to keep up with him when he jumps to minions and to outrun his E.
The key to the matchup is taking E first and playing to kill the first 3 minions then playing back while he eats the rest of his. He'll hit lvl 2 so care and don't take a fight we will have a kill window at lvl 6 just focus on the wave. Early game he just has too much damage. Get Hullbreaker to be unkillable if he's ahead grab black cleaver to counter his ult.”
Smudey says “[Starting Items: DRing/Cloth 4pot]
[Build: Fleet with boneplating/Aery if confident + Liandry's]
A bad Jax will use E before jumping on you so you can just Q him and run away and punish him afterwards. A good Jax will Q W you instantly and you won't be able to do much if you don't blind him before he jumps on you. Q max is advised in this matchup. You both scale well so depending on who gets ahead early, you can either poop on him or get pooped on.”
Pretzel Shiv says “From personal opinion you beat him, you can use e to jump out of his e, you poke him down, also edge of night is pretty nice in this matchup. ”
RipAMC says “This champ scales hard and becomes a beast in the late game. His dodge ability can block your attacks, and if he starts getting ahead, it's tough to stop him.”
PILLAR OF ICE says “You dont know if he has ignite before game starts so go flash exhaust to match the possible ignite and his e in all ins. You can poke him by sliding the chomp in instantly after lasthitting a minion. When he turns on the e just w and pillar if he jumps over it just all in after e. If he tries to kill you lvl1 stay put and auto to death (u win with exhaust anyway) ”
TheBougis says “Jax has very high consistant damage and is very hard to kite away because of his very low cooldown Q and E. This is where the W max can come in handy.”
Gobomo says “Jax is one of the biggest threats to you and to the comp because he isn't kiteable and he just ignores half of your team's damage. Singed needs to be able to peel Jax off of you, which can be incredibly difficult given that there's a whole other team member you need to worry about. Just focus on keeping your distance and not letting him leap on to you. If he chases Singed with his teammate, you've won, since you can just stick behind Singed and help him whittle the enemies down.”
ApeDied says “Can be dangerous if played well, try to safe your Q for when he jumps at you, but dont waste it while he uses his Counter-Strike ability.”
cillowlane says “he is surprisingly bursty. if he uses e and q's onto you you can fling him off. you can fling him and run after he e's to escape q distance. watchout for his e flash.”
DebRiX9 says “Jax is a braindead champ, but if you poke him hard you will win eventually. Don't let him take a kill or you'll have to play safe. If you have an advantage you will win out of raw Q damage. Rush CC boots and a lil bit of armor”
SVKGuardian says “You probably can't really trade with jax or jump into him. He also destroys the whole combo with one spell. The best is probably to play poke build here, even though Jax doesn't have that strong early (except lvl 1 lethal tempo all in)”
Codeeex says “This matchups looks easy for Darius, but in reality if the Jax is good you can't really do much against it. Try not to get cheesed by his Ignite&LethalTempo.”
Quinnculated says “Сбиваем ку в полете и не подставляемся под флеш+е(если флешается, то инста флешать от него). Держать в голове откаты ку и е при трейдах.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A pretty even matchup just don't Q when his E is up, instead use your E and Q to hit him with the full true damage from the center of W.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Wait until he engages and his E runs out (if he started the trade with E), then auto and Q away if he didn't start trade with Q, otherwise, auto, Q away and W when he jumps at you.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Jax is op right now but gp is one of the best counters. Sit on the barrel so if he Qs on you, you can just destroy it and run away from his E with bonus ms and slowing him down. Dont come close if he has stacks on his passive from minions. He is vulnerable without his E and it has pretty long cd early on.”
ABL Pantheon says “You can take Conqueror on him since you proc it even if Jax uses E. You win early and can poke with your Q. Don't W if he has E, he can cancel your Auto Attacks, other than that you win. Use W or E to block his E. Be careful after 6 for his ultimate.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> plated steelcaps -> CORE
easy lane before he gets bork , when he gets bork play safe and only look to kill with undertower combo
lordimboutabust says “Spam Q if he jumps on you with counterstrike or you can Q1 - E - W - Q2 to avoid the follow up dmg from his W and AAs. If he misses his stun you can try and return trade. Jax hard out scales you. He gets significant power spike at 6 and BORK so watch out for those. you can try poke but that puts you in jump range so sometimes its better to try and predict when he will go for a trade and counter it with the Q - E -W backwards | Bone plating | Dblade - Tank mythic”
Zombzn00b says “Divine and BORK are big powerspikes of his that both are dangerous for you. Try to W his E, and use your R when his E is on CD, because if he uses E while you are in all out you lose a ton of dmg due to being unable to proc passive on him”
Bernardian says “As we go down the list matchups get easier with mechanical prowess and the need for outplaying your opponent going down the more we go through these. My explanation for different matchups will go down as well untill we hit the easier matchups as i will show you how to snowball a lead and take control of the lane.
So Jax also used to be a ban for me for awhile post rework but a few good nerfs and hes now a hard matchup. He will shit on you lvl 1 with lethal ignite and his E no matter what DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM. after lvl 1 lane gets easier, try to hook him while hes in his counterstrike to cancel it out after that happens, you can either ghost for an all in or fuck off and go back to farming, remember your E CD is longer than his(24 seconds for Darius 14 for Jax) so keep that in mind when you trade with him. It is very crucial that you hit your Q as if you don't it is a auto lose trade. RUSHING TABIS IS A LITERAL MUST”
Waqql says “Jax is indeed not a problem for Gnar. Just keep in mind three things. First, avoid getting into melee range and stay within your autoattack range. Second, don't get stunned by him. If he jumps with his Leap Strike, immediately jump away. If he only jumps without stunning, wait for him to charge his stun and then jump away. And finally, don't let him kill you. If you notice that he deals more damage than expected, let him push the wave, poke him with your Q, and consider buying armor.”
FaNTOP says “Прижимайтесь к стенам, чтобы использовать E для подкидывния и делайте только короткие обмены, НЕ ОБМЕНИВАЙТЕСЬ АВТОАТАКАМИ. Используйте W, когда его оглушение заканчивается, и активно использовать все свои способности и убегайте. Всегда делайте короткие обмены у стен, и он никогда не победит.”
Delthion says “I personally ban Jax because I don't like facing him with any champion that I play. His Q and E makes him very unpleasant to play against. If you do face him, keep the wave on your side of river and DO NOT try to fight him on your own. A lot of times you don't have much of a choice on whether or not you fight him because he will jump on you. So either ban him or play under turret and you'll be fine.”
Lukajs says “Counterstrike (E) counters your autoattacks, and since you're an autoattack reliant champion, Jax is a good counter up until 6.
Play around his E being down.”
TheGBabaYaga says “The only thing that keeps jax alive is his E, if he cant stun you or block you basic damage spell you W you are good, and even if he starts scaling passive nad runes, you delay it with your E”
demirkaiser says “I hate him. Perma ban him. If you didn't and couldn't dodge the game. Pull him back with your E when he uses E. Play safe until 6. After 6, wait him to use his ult. Do not use ult if he didn't ult because you won't be able to steal his ult stats.”
TTVXiralid says “max Q as he has no sustain and poke him to near death before engaging. Make sure to silence him right after Q so he doesnt jump to a minion or ward if u wanna kill him.”
kayle1v9 says “ + resolve bone plating and unfliching. Perma spam Q, play Kayle like a poke mage. Really hard match up. You can also try Fleet.”
SirGRC says “As long as you Wither him before the stun he becomes a much easier lane. He can still do a lot of damage but his trades become much less scary if he does less damage during the stun.”
zhock2014 says “Jax is really scary for trundle because he can stun and he is one of the best 1v1 champions in the entire game and trundle is decent for 1v1 but still jax is just too tanky for trundle to be able to kill.”
Twogrand says “get to him level 1 if he starts E space well and just continue to poke him down any time he tries to jump onto you just spam your E (knock back) and then do trades with that on cooldown. phaserush tp, eclipse build path”
Blackpharmacy says “Get the Phase rush rune. Upgrade Q first. Kite him out. Pull the wave and freeze as much as possible. Don't try to fight during lv1 He will Q hop on to you and get u to low hp then tower dive lv 3 with enemy jg. place W when he leaps in. DONT FIGHT WHEN PHASE RUSH IS DOWN. Use R to trade if necessary”
Althalosofsirun says “Dont fall for his bullshit auto attacker or not dont buy plateds get goredrinker and fight him when you have W up stun him into W and you will win (you can buy boots later just dont rush them)”
KaiOverHere says “When you're trading versus him, auto -> e to start off. If he activates E, murder him. If he saves it for your q, whip and disengage with phase rush. You can get a huge lead early this way.
Only reason this matchup isin't in "Tiny" is because Jax is really overtuned right now.”
Nurakami says “Permaban for me you will most likely lose vs him after steelcaps.
Champion JACK.
One bad move and you are dead.
Bait his e with 3q or e and all in then never go in first he must go in first for you to win.
He can go tabi and Frozen Heart and completly cut your dmg while doing a lot by his own.
But he is not good engager as you and don't have a lot of mobility.
RykonZ says “Jax is a strong duelist with high damage output and mobility. He can dodge Mordekaiser's abilities with his Counter Strike and can quickly take Mordekaiser down if he gets close.”
Terror Rax says “He can delete most of your damage by blocking your W with his E, and can easily burst you if you're dismounted. His ult gives free stats, so avoid fighting him when he ults if you can.”
Herbietron says “Jax is the reason for me learning Rakan top. Every time he Es you can w and every time he jumps is a guaranteed Q which leads to an outtrade. Care for his short cooldowns and play for sustain and be more useful in team fights. His split late game is also a problem as you get outscaled. ”
KamiKZ says “It´s a fairly easy matchup if you are able to use Void Assault (your ulti) and Leap (your E) correctly to get out of the way of his stun. If you can do that, you´ll have no problem with him as long as you don´t face tank the guy and take all of his hits. With Titanic Hydra and Sterak´s Gage lategame he can be difficult to kill. It´s recommended to go Q evolve if you want to stand a chance in terms of 1v1ing him. Also, R evolve can provide a lot of dueling power as well. ”
BezMemow says “Pick Bone Plating against him. His weakness is the lack of sustain, so make sure to Q poke him. Respect his lvl 1 and lvl 2 transition. Respect him if you don't have your E since without your E you can't do anything or win any trades. Doran Ring start is important as poke is your only win condition. Lvl 6 if he doesn't have a lead it's winnable.
His Q puts him behind you kind of like Irelia Q so he can dodge one of your abilities that way, be mindful especially of your E in that scenario.”
LocaLAM says “Although Jax isn't hard, he's annoying to escape. He'll stick to you with his Q and get rid of your passive with E. He'll also become too tanky with his ult to all in. You can deal with him, sure, but it wouldn't be recommended.”
Smauggy says “he can gap close you, so make sure to be prepared to e on him when he stand at you side+ having some stacks, like that you just run away, if he start e from distance, just run away to not get directly stun”
Drigislav says “he's very good against Draven because his E blocks basic attacks but if he doesn't have cdr on his E then it's the best moment to turn it into him and his Q can be canceled with E at that moment he's completely defenseless”
Loweloexpert says “You win lvl3 but you have to play really safe lvl 1 and 2, if you take a bad trade lvl 1 or 2 you will loose hard the lvl3. Q him and auto one time, he will 100% E before you prox passive, after his E, E him behind you and proc passive, ignite and kill, use W at the very last time possibile and you cant loose. ”
EinfachPingu says “He blocks your main Damage Source in your W and kill you easly if you are Dismounted. Look for bad Ability use from him and puish on him.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Honestly, Jax dodges your empowered autos (E) but he can't block your Q when using his own E. That's your chance to escape his annoying amounts of range to prevent him from leap striking onto you and you will succeed”
sinatra1633 says “Even though he has his counterstrike, you can easily beat him while in dragon form.
Watch out for his lethal tempo and passive in early trades and try to always auto + Q him whenever he tries going for minions in the early game.”
Roothor says “When he uses his counterattack ability, attack the spirit to avoid his inmunity to autoattacks. E+R kills him, even if you might be close to death in the first encounters”
HSY12 says “You don't win unless you're a whole item ahead, and even then he can probably still kill you
Save your E to avoid his cc
Avoid Q3 onto him early because he will jump on you
Try to pull the wave and ask for your jungler
Don't duel him, and understand he always has strong kill potential especially when he hits 6
As always, respect his E. His W cooldown is decently long, so you can punish him while in spirit form when he wastes his E. ”
Nazcore says “Pretty much perma ban. Has incredible sticking power and auto dodge. If they can play their champ to the most minute degree, you lose. Go d-shield, second wind and pray.”
Deathbat1 says “Jax is a very shitty match-up for Sion, but not the worse. You have to win lane to beat Jax and not feed him. If you feed Jax he will outscale you and 1v5”
ARealFakeIdentity says “At least at the moment, Jax is incredible powerful, even if you cancel his W, his E damage is insanely high now and he can easily follow and beat you no matter how fast you are.”
Boptimus says “Jax never has a reliable way to get on to you unless you get in range of him to E and walk at you.
Level 2 Jax players get overly aggressive and just Spam Q-E. What you need to do is E every time he Q's on to you, and then WAIT for your E cooldown. Jax's Q has a short CD so he has small 3-4 second openings to jump on you after failing the first time.
Keep this in mind and this should be a neutral lane until you get Lost Chapter and can start poking with Q.”
Boptimus says “K'Sante has an easier time dealing with Jax than most Tanks, but it can still be difficult if not played properly.
If you take extended fights then Jax will win every time, so you need to take short trades.
If Jax is jumping on you with stun, you can look to avoid it by using your E on the minion wave or cancelling the stun with W.
Before you look for an all in with your R max sure Jax has already used his E.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Bone Plating. Contest Early Wave. Start Q. Tether his E level 1. Your E Is A Kiting Tool When Jax E. Beware of his passive and all ins that are absurd. Pedophile ”
SesaPrime says “Counterstrike is the only ability Jax has that makes him a true threat at all to Camille because if he is able to negate your Q damage, you lost that fight.
Standing next to walls at all times is the right strategy to follow so anytime he Leap strikes you have fast reaction to stun & push him away. Do not ever let him free walk up with his Counterstrike or you'll take free damage. ”
Open says “if the jax is your skill or better you auto lose the game
tips : E through him when he counter strikes for trades early game if hes bad you can get lane control and win.”
primate nefasto says “Imposible match up, and now is ever worst. There is no point of game you win 1 vs 1, and in late is even worst. he will dive you and destroy your ass”
Reines Kokosfett says “Level 1 you can ktie him with Q. If he uses E you can all in level 2, other wise just play safe and poke with Q. Always use your E to dodge his E. If you E through him you can get back onto him after his E with your E2. After level 6 you need a health or item advantage to win 1v1.”
DJCraz says “A 1v1 monster. This is a match up to max W in because your autos are not a threat to him. He can stay on top of you and shred so don't get caught out of position. Try to stun with e if you're gonna get stunned by him so you don't get obliterated. His teamfight isn't great so play for that.”
1Yamato1 says “NÃO TROQUE COM ELE LV 1, a partir do lv 2 você começa jogar dando Q nele, se você acerta o W no E dele a troca é sua, eu gosto de sempre tenta da o w no tempo final do E,”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade. OR
Grasp Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Both work.
Parry his E, but make sure he doesn't sidestep it.
There is actually just a 0.25 second window where he can land his E if you W correctly so it's very important to get a feeling for that.
Never let him Q+W poke you for free so always be ready to trade back OR get out of his Q range.”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:Wait he has a real weapon?dodge his E with your E and dont fight 'cuz he is just better in duels than you kill only with jungler”
Zeffie says “Another really tough lane, he can engage and disengage fairly well as well as stop you stacking E with autos and then turning a fight on you if he gets a stun off. His ult makes him Tankier and he can hurt a lot with BoRK or Sunderer”
Galactities says “When he Q + E's ontop of you W him and walk away from the stun, you dont even win all ins with him when he has 6 unless you're really ahead, When his E + Q are down you can trade with him fairly well.”
Goose727 says “A major threat, especially if they have the Angler Jax skin. When fighting Jax, you gotta be really careful, lest he steals your fish. Everytime Jax goes down river to fish, you lose a major profit. Make sure you don't let that happen.”
PraefectusMace says “Counter attack. You will have to play around his counter attack, basically. Save your Qs for when he is done before slapping him on the fast with it. Keep in mind your R also counts as auto attacks, so don't ult him when he is doing the speeeen.”
Yasuo Is Sexy says “Dude counters your entire kit with one ability. Its doable, but just so unbelievable hard against a good Jax player. You can stack your Q through his E, just so you know. I personally just ban him 'cause I don't want to deal with it.”
Tonho says “Ban/ Dodge Worthy
Deals both AP and AD damage, builds Sunderer, BORK, cancels your entire W damage with his E, gets more armor on R by building straight damage. Wins against you at any stage of the game. You can actually kill him before the first recall if he uses his E poorly and you can full combo him after that, which almost never happens. Besides that, you will have a hell of a time.
Smalmeck says “Not a good matchup for gwen very mobile, cc and more damage than gwen can heal. Rush steelcaps, bait his q and his e dash out of his e and keep trades short. This matchup is winnable but not very easy”
Nnorio says “Lvl 2 all in unless he wastes his e.
Always let him engage first pre 6.
Post 6 bait his R and walk away then the 1v1 is easy.
1v1 tips:
If he EQ's you, use ur E on him and walk away till his E dissipates, all in afterwards.
You can also just hold W when he all ins you.
Whoever snowballs first wins dont get cocky lvl 6 because his ult is broken in a 1v1.
Oikaton says “This matchup is easy if you just dont engage on jax, just wait till jax jumps on you and you can e towards his escape route and all in. You win if he uses e for nothing. Remember that jax outscales you.”
SunLongGod says “really hard matchup. Jax can cancel your W, or AA through you healing. You should take Graph, because none of your AA will work when he use E anyway. Yi's Q applies on hit effect like graph, use this chance to poke him with Q minions to reach him or Q him when E. DONOT attack him when he E, his E increase damage when you attack. 1 Trick I usually use when facing his E is turn my back pretend to Running then immediately Q him, this will mostly work 1-3 times. STAY SAFE and WAIT for gank”
Pep_Shin says “Really hard matchup.
If he goes Lethal tempo, you'll never be able to beat him in lane
If he goes conqueror or grasp :
Try to rush boots / earthbound axe, the bonus movespeed allows you to outrun his E if you slow him with Q.
Level 1 you can try to fight him and get a lead.
Once he hits lvl 2 it becomes hard to fight him.
Try to farm as much as possible so you can have enough stats to kill him once 6.
Use your W at 30%HP for the biggest shield, you're gonna need it.
Poke him as much as possible with E-Q combo as long as you're in your wave.
If he falls to midlife you can win an all in.
If he gets a lead you're fucked.
Just hope for your team to help.”
NegativePhoenix says “For an old champ, he still packs one hell of a punch. You can easily W his E so it's riskier to go in, but in terms of trades he should beat you the longer a trade goes on. Just W his stun if he goes in for it but don't over-extend the trade if you don't have to or he'll still get the most out of it. I'd heavily, HEAVILY wait to All-Out till his E is down otherwise you lose right away, and he packs one hell of a punch all around so this requires more of a skill test.”
Babuleh says “Старт доран блейд w e q макс q e w
Самонеры флеш тп/тп игнайь
Персонаж которого описывают 1 словом: додж. Матчап сложный, но не невозможный, просто стоит принять факт, что его ошибка стоит в разы меньше вашей. Вы сильнее первые 5 уровней за исключением первого, на котором джакс попробует отзонить вас ешкой. Как только у джакса заканчивается ешка, а у вас есть пассивка вы сильнее. Во время лейнфазы стоит держаться у стен, дабы сразу отталкивать джакса при влете своей ешкой(только если он использует свою при прыжке на вас). Ваша кушка не отменяется станами, из-за чего дав кушку под конец ешки джакса вы нанесете ему урон и получите щит. Ещё следует стараться доджить его стан ультой по получении 6го уровня, ведь обычно они отменяют ешку и сразу дают ульт, из-за чего вы доджите сразу 2 кнопки. Но стоит банить этот матчап. ”
GannicusTTV says “Jax is one of the most fun and easy match ups. At lvl 1 he can win with counterstrike and lethal tempo. Most good jax players will force a trade at lvl 1, in this case just walk away and avoid getting hit by the stun, if you can't help it, pull your sword to proc your passive and deny some damage. Poke him whenever you have grasp available, and if he walks up to you to stun you, walk to him and E out immediately, this way you can stun him while dashing away from his counterstrike AoE to avoid the stun.
Immediately turns and hit him, and you should win. Use your W to block his W after you start trading, and at lvl 6 you can preventively use W to block his Burst (W+Q+3rd Auto R passive). If he turns his ultimate just E out using the same strategy and wait for ultimate effect to go away.
He outscales you if he rushes bork or divine sundering, especially rushing heartsteel. once you get frozenheart and plated, he is not much of an issue as long as you didn't feed him or let him take free plates/cs. either ignite or tp works here”
lorensj81 says “13.1 patch >>> The NEW updated Jax might heavily change this lane, we will see how lane is after I have played it some more! >>>
This matchup starts as an easy lane, you start E and spin on him, he has no sustain, and when he is about to activate his counterstrike on you just press W to reduce damage and stun duration. Do NOT use Q into his counterstrike, save it for after he used it, can use it to try and dodge his E stun.
This will turn into a very hard 1v1 lategame, he will just outscale you. So make sure you win as hard as possible early so you can win game before he become the 1v9 machine.”
Irelius says “Не деремся на лвл 1. Жмем W на его E или уходим из неё кушкой. Не деремся, как у него настакана пассивка. Как и с Сеттом абузим его маленькую дальность атаки и наказываем за ластхиты, если он промазал ешкой. Емли вы сможете таким образом ухитриться дать две безответные автоатаки, вы выиграете. Костяная пластина мастхев. Мачап на 100% играбелен, но чем дальше по игре, тем сильнее Джакс райткликает. С лвл 3 до 11 мачап ровный. Позже — начинаются СУЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ проблемы. Он аутскейлит на сайдлинии, вы сильнее в тимфайтах”
Januar says “Can dash into you and gets less damage by spinning. Try to use your W and go back a little at the moment he jump to you, so you can crit your Qs.”
Puyi says “You can beat him in short trades early if you shield his W AA and W his counter strike. Can't duel him after 3 items, but you should be ahead by then. ”
Irelius says “Dont fight lvl 1. W his E or Q out of it. Dont fight when he has passive stacked up. Abuse his 125 attack range, kite that lampman. If you manage to sneak in a pair of AAs, you'll win. Bone plating is insane against him. Matchup is 100% winnable, but you really need to play out of your mind.
If you are not significantly ahead, he hard outscales you at sidelane. Look for teamfights.
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Contrary to popular belief again, Jax is a simple matchup for Gwen. Rush Tabi. On lane if he activates his E - you use yours and run away from him. Keep in mind that you won't do any good fighting Jax whose E is active, but also remember that his Counterstrike won't block damage from your Q. Smart.”
JustSad42 says “This matchup is unwinnable in a 1v1 if the Jax takes ignite and you don't have ignite unless he misplays extremely hard. You never want to Q into the Jax, you want to start with an auto attack into E. Once Jax casts his E, you Q away. If he Qs you, then you want to W him. The biggest way to consistently win this matchup is getting used to using parry on Jax when he jumps onto you with Q. It’s much more consistent to parry Jax during his jump rather than trying to predict when he’ll recast E to stun you. As long as you hit Jax with your W, you’ll be able to win the fight. A big thing to note is that after level 6, if you W-R Jax and he uses E, you can just walk out of his E range with your movement speed from your R passive. You don’t need to Q out of his E, letting you save your Q to run him down more easily.”
JustSad42 says “In my experience, the only trades you can win against Jax is when you're close to your turret and you use your longer AA range to hit him and auto space him.
The main thing is to look for free damage on him where he doesn't quite want to E to block it, or if he does, you can engage after his E is over and all-in to beat him. (Fights close to your turret only)
This is a bad matchup that requires you to be mechanically skilled or for Jax to be bad.”
dexcellent says “taunt from point blank, away from him when he spins his sh1t, or bait it out then all in. he outscales you lategame, but if you can outplay his stun like i mentioned, you beat him.”
SrMolinv says “Its placed at 3 but should be a 2. Jax is really easy for Riven. Riven wins until Jax has divine + Tabis. Respect his R as he becomes really tanky.
Best way to trade is walking up and doing Q W auto and back off. Poke him a lot until he cant lane. If you can keep the wave close to your tower he has a hard time.”
SuperPlaysHD says “Play around his E cooldown, you can also bait his E with your W and then go in. You cant do much in here I usually just take exhaust and wait for my jungler.”
Akalimetall says “Jax is, like Tryndamere, a splitpushing champion. In addition to that, he is able to kill you in laning phase if you don't pay attention whether he has is stun ready. You can still kill him though and if you end the game fast enough, your roaming impact will be bigger than his splitpushing impact.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't fight him when his E is up]
[Poke him with your Q]
[Pull him back with your E when he jumps on you]
[Use your R when he uses his R first]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Winnable earlygame. very difficult late.
In earlygame, trade by just walking up and autoattacking him until he uses E. When he does, just E out through him. If he wastes E, look for an aggressive all-in.
Play aggressively early since he outscales you hard.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Dont fight lvl 1, you can poke him with q as long as you dont get turned on by jacula and all inned.
Try to prevent his cheater.
Past lvl 1 and before 1st item you re much stronger, so abuse him.
Poke him with q as much as you can, keep e for his q e.
Get lead early and abuse him, or you cant sidelane past his 1 item.
With good timing you can w him in his e. Practice it before trying in games.
Rush tabi.”
RandumPersin says “Very rough matchup, take PTA and ask for jungle help ASAP. If you dump w into his counterstrike, it counts as 2 or 3 autos into his damage amp and you will 100% lose that trade + die in lane. A singular kill against you on this champ makes your game unplayable, rush steelcaps and use Q to harass. In lane, our W and E are ALWAYS up for us to use - if they aren't, Jax has a window to get a really juicy trade on us. Do not contest the wave at level 1, wait for 2 and then try to keep trades as short as possible going forwards. He hard outscales us and is a better duelist, so look to make an impact on the game through teamfighting and being a massive presence at objective fights”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp/Conqueror/Fleet
(find what's better for you into him, options are fleet/conqueror with Eclipse and Divine with Grasp or when behind)
You can W2 Jax E stun, but it would be better to E2 him and go to the bush safely. You beat him as long as you play for fast and short trade, space him out with his minions and lane should be good. After 6 you might get oneshotted by the 0 2 Jax, nothing special. You can win with not too much effort the matchup tho, you are better for roams, ganks, and can follow your team plays better.”
JT Andrew says “Jax Is Very Funny Match Up Because Jax's E can dodge your Auto's And Your W Can Dodge Every Auto's. so jax is permanently Ban. On may opinion ”
Smudey says “Very easy matchup since you are stronger than him early unless you throw the lead. Place your blade up and punish him for taking CS because you easily win short trades when Jax can't stack up his passive (and LT/Conq). Don't E into him, but use it against his E by standing inside him and taunting through him so he doesn't get to stun you. Repeat until you win lane. If you don't, he outscales you. Warden's Mail early can help.”
Fizzy says “An extremely aggressive lane for both, always be careful with yours And if he hits he can kill you easily, so always keep the parry for that. "Note when you click on jax you can see on the top side, the time left for his E to finish, when it's more or less halfway through it's time to use parry"”
Cheeseypops1 says “Other than fiora this is your worst match up by far, untill you get Riftmaker he beats you in short trades and all ins if you ever miss one Ability, Try to Q poke him level 1, level 2 dont go near him at all but at level 3 you can fight him if you have a full W shield But if he jumps onto you with his Counterstike up try to pull him behind you this will make him miss the stun and then if you have W you can usually just beat him in an all in, Good Jax's will dodge this though but it works in sub master almost everytime, Try to freeze on him it's the only postion in the lane where you have the advantage, But even though its very hard to get a lead if you do, match ups free and you can just poke him to oblivion and roll him, When you see jax just know you're in for a rough one. Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his E as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
bemix95 says “Take grasp runes. Never use E before his E. Go for 1 basic attack and then spin back. Against Jax its all about early game, if you win it you can stomp him hard. If you lose it will be really hard to fight him later.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You counter him, stand on your barrel and if he jumps on you with QE, just auto it and run away with ur bonus movement speed and him being slowed, then when his E ends turn back, auto passive him and you win every fight, try to not let him stack his passive on minions.”
hamgi says “his e dodges on-hit attacks (yone's q, w and aa) as well as stuns at the very end of it. it can be held or recasted early, so always keep ur distance. u can use q3/e, and if absolutely necessary, r/flash to get away before or after he q's onto u, if at all. as a mana champ, he can comfortably build frozen heart, and with the re-introduction of shojin, his cd's become incredibly short. he can q to an ally unit (including wards), which forces u to have the best positioning at all times, especially with ur e, as he can easily engage or disengage. his r gives him armor/mr and his passive gives him stacks for every aa, which can be empowered even further with w. jax is easy to poke but hard to fight as once he burns his e, u can land ur q/w/aa. he strikes back harder due to his passive, w, and r so short trades and landing ur q3 is essential. he typically starts with corrupting pots and rushes bork, so look to get an early executioner's (or even bramble), bring ignite, or match his 1v1 potential with bork first urself, or a combination of all. he is a mana champ, so use that to ur advantage and fight him when he's low on it. dont let him freeze against u and avoid letting him hit ur tower as his w resets on structures”
MrSIrPops says “You can kill him easily in the early game but in the mid - late game whatever you do he is probably going to run you down with his attack speed and Blade of the ruined King . Play aggresive in the early game but try to keep him away from your team when you are in teamfights.”
even while fed jax can still eat your ass while feeding his brains out, his dash and counter strike make it impossible to win he is just an unbeatable stat checker for kindred so i would just advise banning or dodging this one”
TRIAD3S says “A good Jax is a hard matchup. He is better early and most of the time he is better in late duels as well.
Buy heal reduction, max Q and after max W. Like Darius, wait for lvl 9 or 11.
In late game try to avoid him.”
StingingChicken says “Can't empowered w into him when he has E ready. Q spam the fuck out of him and if he E's you have 2 options: If you can turn and kill him, E the stun and then turn with W. If not, W him and walk out of the helicopter. Don't do this with 5 stacks though, you will stand inside the E and triple auto then get stunned. If he's low look for 4 stack W-Empowered Q-E to finish him so he cant block the empowered w. Need a lead but you should get one easily in this matchup.”
spaghalli says “Jax is also an oppressive counter for Kalista due to his E and gap-closing abilities. If you are placed in this matchup, play around his E (counter strike) and don't attack him when it's active because he will do bonus damage for each attack dodged. Stay out of range of his Q by using Martial Poise on minions to kite back.”
Crazy Billy Bob says “Jax is a natural counter to auto attack based champions, kled is one of them, if they know what they're doing they'll play like a teemo and save their E for your W, you can punish them if they use it recklessly”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Worthwhile ban, can be outplayed by starting W and W-ing his stun right before he uses it for a guaranteed true damage hit, but he outscales you after a few items. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “skillmatchup as well, u can get cheesed lvl 1/2/3 u always need to try to press E after he presses Q on u rly good here is if u step up to wave press W into Q (w cancel animation) he will most likely press E after the entire combo and u get a free trade + free E without using ur E”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
kajinator says “Conqueror and Flash + Ignite because you can semi-force good extended trades with Jax. Don't be afraid of his E just W it and when the stun expires hit him with Q + full E spin and watch his health bar disappear since he doesn't have any spells up except for his W which won't do him much good.”
BreadyToCrumble says “I personally don't have much trouble in the Jax matchup as others make it out to be, but it's still quite hard. I personally take Comet and Q max in this build and just poke him from a distance as much as I can in lane. Try to ult when he jumps onto you with counter strike and you'll block a lot of follow up damage while also guaranteeing the damage from your ultimate. ”
Evandabank says “Jax has the ability to block all of Kled's W Autos which is Kleds fastest and most reliable way of remounting. If Jax has his E available when you are dismounted, you cannot remount. This matchup becomes extremely favored for Jax after level 5 and even if you get a kill before then, he outscales you at his one item spike. Jax is the champion that I recommend you ban when you play Kled. It really isn't hard to play Jax into Kled and although Fiora is a harder lane... There are some terrible Fiora players.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
Riceyboll says “It's not too hard, yes he deals alot of damage, but you can interrup his jump with your E, so just push him away when he spins his pole”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - Essa lane pode ir de incendiar e TP, O estado de lane ideal contra Jax é ter a onda de minions perto de sua torre, desta forma você pode dar Q nele livremente e ele não pode te dar dano a longo prazo porque você pode simplesmente voltar sob sua torre - Se ele pular em você, apenas dê um Q nele e fuja. Você deve ser capaz de fugir antes que o atordoamento dele seja ativado - Pegue as botas 2 mais cedo, essa partida é ótima se você tiver muita velocidade de movimento. - Se você pode conseguir até mesmo uma morte nele, o melhor momento para usar seu E é um milésimo antes dele te stunar. Faça trocas apenas com sua Passiva Ativada e Sempre use seu Q com o fluxo de mana ativo "”
Oogaboogaga says “Level 1 you can E his counter strike and if he oversteps, kill him with ignite. With the new lethal tempo i think this is no longer optimal. Play safe. Be wary of his 6 + 3rd hits”
KaiOverHere says “(Updated 8/4, wanted to see what would happen if I went against a Jax player who can reaction Q) (PR, Flash + IGN)
Jax can React to your Q with his E, kind of like Fiora. However, if he prefires his E you can E during it, W when he stuns you and get a Q in after. It kind of just depends on how smart the Jax is, but optimally this matchup is hard. If you can manage to get a lead in the first 5 levels that's really good, as that's his weakest point. However, most Jax players understand that pre-6, Garen's kill pressure is low, and they'll take C-pots and brute force wave control. Not too much you can do about it.
Honestly however I wouldn't take my word on this matchup. I'm honestly really confused as to why this matchup seems so much harder recently, and most Garen mains seem to think this matchup is piss easy.
Duwiiton says “Deals far too much damage and can leave short-trades at any time. Nautilus is best when short-trading, but Jax controls the trades in this matchup.”
kam1k says “1. After lvl 3 Just W to Jax on maximum range and kite back 2. Farm with AA's only. 3. Dont try Q if he has Q. 4. If he E = press E+kite back+Q Jax always stronger with his passive+lethal tempo stacks(60%attack speed on lvl1). 1) You cant start Q because he will evade it with Q+W on you and beat you in your minions with counter-strike. 2)Jax E cd 14s-8s; Darius E 24s-14s cd. You cant also start trade with e-w-q like vs Garen because he will jump on you after and gg. You cant to start with autoattacks, he will make more damage with more attacks+w. Right way to beat Jax after 3 lvl is start with W on him (not autoattack+W) Just W to Jax on maximum range and kite back. Jax W < Darius W+ 1stack passive. When you passive stack is gone your W ready again. Its ok to lose some minions and taking agro. Try to farm with only Auto's. Then everything is simple. If he wants to continue he will jump on you, do AA+E+Q+Ghost. If Jax continue the fight with his minions with max attackspeed then press W, kite him behind, lose minions agro and go back with q, dont lose your pasive stacks. You can ban him on high elo”
Kandrashun says “Hard champ to fight as his stun lasts forever, and he will kill you during that time before you can ult, if he is ahead. Worth giving a bann.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his Counter Strike(E) as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him, especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his E as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
Elresser says “As I played this matchup more and more I found it to be quite easy. First of all, get plated steelcaps. And you never engage with Q. You save Q for when he uses his E to push his away around 1.5 seconds after he starts it.”
Larkana_ says “ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second.
At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his E as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - O estado de lane ideal contra Jax é ter a onda de minions perto de sua torre, desta forma você pode dar Q nele livremente e ele não pode te dar dano a longo prazo porque você pode simplesmente voltar sob sua torre - Se ele pular em você, apenas dê um Q nele e fuja. Você deve ser capaz de fugir antes que o atordoamento dele seja ativado - Pegue as botas 2 mais cedo, essa partida é ótima se você tiver muita velocidade de movimento. - Se você pode conseguir até mesmo uma morte nele, o melhor momento para usar seu E é um milésimo antes dele te stunar. Faça trocas apenas com sua Passiva Ativada e Sempre use seu Q com o fluxo de mana ativo "”
BLYX says “Jax is hard to play against. Save your E for when he jumps on you with his Q, and stall time until his E is on cooldown. Only take short trades with him, or else you'll lose every fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his E as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Aim to trade when Jax has used his E as it will block basic attacks. It has a long cooldown, so make sure you exploit his weakness. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. Try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with him- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Extremely easy unless Jax is REALLY good. Be careful of his Level 1 trade with E, if he tries it then Q him, walk out, then walk back in. If you space like this you'll win the trade
even level 1. Later on if he E's try and eat him since the time used is irrelevant if you can't auto him. Rush bramble and take ignite if you want to make this even easier. ”
UlisesFRN says “Jax outscales you pretty hard, also snowballs like crazy, and can win you fairly easy in lane. Asking for ganks is the name of the game. You can take ignite or exhaust”
MTSungur says “even if he relies on his e and uses it carelessly he always has the chance to beat you. play with your jungler. if he makes a mistake punish it or ban him.”
Farmer Cleetus says “I outfight him no matter what. Just make sure you dodge his E and then you can instantly go all-in against him, as he cannot counter your Auto Attacks and your Q (Empowered Auto Attack) anymore. Make sure to CC him before you use your W as he can jump out without any problem with his Q from your True Damage or use your ultimate then E in order to press W for dealing more damage. He's always a minor threat to me personally as he cannot outfight a Sett in the early and even in mid-late phase. Recommended use is Lethal Tempo Sett as you outfight him completely by it. Believe me, going normal build with lethal tempo is also very strong on sett.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “В ранней игре Джакс может сделать выгодный трейд и вы вероятно уже не камбекните, но в случае если вы обыграли его, до лейта вы здесь босс.
Легкий матчап, не деритесь когда джакс стоит в своих крипах, тогда вы не сможете вовремя использовать E.
W на E Джакса, атака не нанесет урон, щупальца не нападут. Дайвите его, не давая ему фармить, душите ешкой, если джакс смог застанить вас, а вы не успели дать ешку, ИЛИ ПРОМАХНУЛИСЬ, то вы наверное уже умерли.”
Maxpiku says “Бедняжка. Не-о-чем. Контрим весь его скилсет, блочим W + выходим из E = 300 голды. После 6ого может и танкануть, но всеравно он не о чем. Но желательно таби все же собрать.”
fodlybod says “Worst matchup for Volibear. Get lane prio, do not engage on him. Try to bait his E with your Q as his E stun will reset your Q. A Jax without E is a all in moment. Build Anathema's into Rift maker into Frozen Heart to make him no longer a threat.”
Taiquyorah says “Bien que Jax outscale GP, il reste un peu intimidant si vous n'arrivez pas pas exploser un baril lorsqu'il vous dash dessus.
Si vous arrivez à l'exploser, alors jax ne peut pas faire grand chose.
Toujours avoir un barils proche de soi et prêt à exploser, sinon jax gagne tout les jours !
MU légèrement à l'avantage de GP”
NegativePhoenix says “Heavily good mobility to choose fights as he pleases and easily able to counter your abilities at most game stages. His Q makes yours way harder to land on him since he can jump to minions, wards and champions with it. His E also makes yours useless and stuns you, so there's no point in attacking him if he has it up and he gains magic damage and resistance with his ult. Your Ult doesn't lose any power against his ult when he has it active however, and you can always silence him if need be. Do not engage him without help as he will beat you in almost every fight at nearly every stage. He won't make himself easy to kill or to hit.”
Yiphen says “If his E is down, go in and skirmish. He can be kited. If it's up, try to bait out his E + Q combo by AAing him whenever he hits a minion. If he gets baited, wait for him to Q and then Q away. Freeze wave in front of tower. Dance.”
Groovywelsh says “Try to kill jax when his E is down jax's E has 14seconds of cd at lvl1 tryndamere has 12 on his e and you can also reset tryndamere's E with crits.If jax E+Q's you just E back and try to get crits on minions so you can jump on him because if jax does not have e he will not win against you. Try to bait his E for example auto him and then cancel the auto attack sometimes when they see that they will E”
WildSamu says “DBlade+Red Pot.
I hate this matchup, so my opinion might be a bit biased.
His E is an abomination. He is meant to be a scaling champ but he just beats you at every stage of the game.
The only advice I can give you, is to try and kite his E with your E and go for short trades.
You really want to space well so that he can't jump on you whenever he wants.
If he is good he will keep his E and you can never engage on him.
If you see him R just disengage if you can, as he gets a lot of free stats.
He outscales you and will 1tap you lategame.
meduselolol says “i hate this matchup it's my ban. You can win this matchup by w the e then turning with q with autos. People say to ult the e. This is wrong if you do that you just get run down with his ult.”
Zorroh says “Jax can be a tough matchup because he is able to close the gap easily with his point and click dash on Q. Try not to auto him during counterstrike because it increases in damage the more autos he reflects. Focus heavily on taking short trades. Whenever Jax Q's forward try to E away and space him. Keep in mind his Q is a really short cooldown so after he Q's forward try not to tunnel after him for too long before he is able to go back in. Even in Mega you want to still take short trades against Jax. Fleet is the best rune for this matchup IMO since it helps space him easier but grasp and conqueror are also acceptable. ”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “If he's a little fed, you can't do nothing in 1vs1, even if you dodge his stun and don't miss any of your R. You don't really outscale him so be careful.”
FARMANDO TORRES says “Now, this is just pure pain as i hate this matchup so much.
Basically Jax makes you useless when he presses E as it cancels your minions, your Q and anything that tries to attack him in that time AND after that immunity is done he stuns you and while you are stunned he can just massacre you or run away from you pressing Q at a ward or minion.
Really not fun to play against as Yorick or any AD AA champion based.”
dostss says “This matchup you dodge before the game happens.
If you forgot, try poking with q and e out the lack of vision won't let him jump on you, and after the E is down all in him.”
Rinkashime says “When he presses E (Counterstrike) activate your E followed by your W to reduce the stun. Your ultimate will finish him off through his ultimate since resistances don't stop true damage. Try baiting his E before pressing Q.”
VituVonDoom says “Use your hammer E to knock him back whenever he E's to try and stun you. Do no panick if he jumps on you with no counter-strike on sight, hammer combo him and kite back to safety while he takes his entire health in a single deal. Run the Conq page, you can stack it faster than he can satck LT, and kill him faster as a result.”
SilviuGarg13 says “His E is your biggest enemy, if you can't get those AA while your Q and W is down, you can't really do much to him, that's just common sense”
HalexUwU says “He runs you down, stuns you, and there's not a lot you can do about it. I'd consider perma banning him, but it's really up to you... hard matchup, nearly unwinnable without jungle. ”
Michcio says “Pretty easy lane if u use your barrels correctly. W his stun, place barrel underneath you if its possible for him to Q and it should be easy lane. If u fail tho he can snowball hard so focus”
xSamuraii says “Literally one of the easiest matchups for Rammus. Take corrupted potion. Play safe until level 3, after that it's free lane assuming he doesn't kill you. W+E his engage and he'll lose more life than you without you even needing to hit him. He outscales you but if you play correctly, the game will be over before he reaches level 11.”
Baby Sona says “Once Jax hits level 6 his potential comes in handy and he starts and will outscale you. He will beat and bully you during laning phase and he can kill you in your Ultimate if he builds the right items.”
Aberrant Demon says “Your E range is 25 higher than Jax's E range but that doesn't really matter because Jax can just take Corrupting Potion and Time Warp Tonic. Do NOT ego Q into him while his E is not on cooldown. It's not a "mind game", you just are being lazy. Any competent Jax will respond with E as soon as they see you start the leap. Avoid trades early, especially if he has more than 2 stacks on his passive. An easy way to avoid dealing with his passive is to look to fight him when you are slow pushing the wave and avoid trading when he is pushing into you. Use your E when he starts his E and block the stun with your W. He has 1 second to use his stun and your W tenacity lasts .75 seconds. Wait just a tiny bit after he can recast with E and then use your W. If you use it too early and he holds the recast, you lose the trade hard. Once you are both level 6, you win trades as long as he doesn't have his passive stacked. If you wait for him to waste his Ult passive, it's even more favorable for you. Your Ult goes through his Ult resistances so it's pretty straight forward. Once you have Stridebreaker, you can start trades with Q because it still counts towards Phase Rush. You just Q, E, Stridebreaker and run away before he can do anything to you.”
Galactities says “I hate this lane so much. Jax is just so boring and annoying to deal with. His 6 power spike + bork just deletes your health bar. The best you can do is wait for him to jump on you and you E while he has his E on you and when he runs Q after him and trade back. His lethal tempo makes all in's really bad.”
Galactities says “I find that if the Jax can pop E, Q onto you and you just cant fight him, your autos get canelled, your W gets cancelled and he can just hit a super quick trade and leave. Plus his Armor ult. You literally have zero counter play just hope that he doesnt have a brain and you should be good”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 stay in your max Q range so he will not be able to get on top of you with his E-> Level 2 do not walk up. Let the wave push to you -> Once the wave comes close to your tower you can look for some small trades -> Using E+Q3+W for quick trades -> Early he is kinda weak when his abilities are on CD especially his E -> Freeze waves -> Poke/Punish when he walks up for cs when ever it is safe to do so -> When the wave is pushing to you DO NOT GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO GET ON YOU -> Level 6 with his R he gets surprisingly tanky so do not get fooled that you can kill him when he looks somewhat killable -> If he jumps on you with Q you can E away to dodge his E stun and go back for a clean/quick trade using W to absord some damage etc -> Kite him when he is chasing you and can not get on top of you while you poke with Qs”
NegativePhoenix says “Jax is a menace to unaware players. He always levels E first unless he's a menace to himself, so use your E to walk away from his. He wont land it unless he's right on top of you, or flashes [which would be dumb]. When his E is down is a good chance to land Q pokes to avoid buffing his E stun damage. For the most part that's his main threat. If you can land some good Qs early he has to be more cautious about engaging you. You can try to W to avoid his E if you're quick enough so he can't Q on you unless inside the mist. Just avoid fighting him when his passive is stacked or the fight will go more in his favor”
RanDomGuY060 says “Very hard match up, open up W first just in case and Max W. Press W when he stuns you with E or , when he's E is open press E to stun him back and go for a trade. R when he is going to stun you. DONT go with him to trade before 6. ”
MeechyDarko says “Try to gain a lead on him pre 6, when you are stronger and able to whittle him down with W. Post-6, don't try to solo kill him. Keep him from taking your towers and try to gain a lead through objectives and teamfights, where Camille has the advantage. If you absolutely have to fight him 1v1, dodging his stun with R is a must. ”
IcunoX says “This is just such an easy lane, make sure you don't E before he Q's a lot of the time untill you are confident in your strength. Everytime he jumps on you, you can interrupt the damage and hit him with a combo, then running away with phase rush, its just really simple.”
The Kled Mob says “Don't get hit by his E and take extended trades, He can Q into your Q so make sure you E-Q him to confirm outer Q hit. Take plated if losing.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
To beat him in fights, get a freeze and deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke down with Q in front vitals, try to bait his E before Q'ing in, or do Q's that aren't reactable, he will most likely get prio, so win on level 3 and onwards.
In the early laning with front vitals you can look to do short Q's, he cannot react to them and similarly to the riven matchup they might use E too early and whiff it without you needing to do anything, you just need to bluff the Q.
Before level 6 you can look to parry his E if he always does it in the same way, although parrying his jump or W is really fine, often times holding parry for after his E is a really good tactic as well!
Kite and poke him down if possible, then look to all in.
When he is level 6 you can look to parry his jump for the as slow and bait his E to then you can respond by using Q out.
Note that you can use tiamat to proc vitals despite his E, use this for movespeed and ultimate procs.
If he gets early armor boots, play sort of passive until you get Hydra, you'll beat him then.”
LegitLechner says “Illaoi wins 1v1's if you dont fight with his passive stacked. If youre gonna get stunned by his counterstrike- use the time to throw an e. make up for the lost animation time. Play safe pre 3/6 ”
BiriRamen says “Jax can whoop your ass if you don't rush some armor. Hope you kill him early, so you can power spike with a wardens or something, become unkillable before he kills you is how I go about this matchup”
verikukko says “The hardest counter pick for Volibear, Jax's E just absolutely destroys Volibear cause it completely blocks our Q and W. Against Jax, I recommend building VERY tanky, cause our best chance of winning fights is to not take too much free damage during his E.
Consider banning Jax or dodging this matchup.”
Scallywag says “Very easy matchup.
Always have a barrel on top of you.
If he jumps on you just pop the barrel and run away.
He shouldn't be able to kill you, unless you are too far away from your turret and he has some items.”
Saint_gustaf says “Top
jax is one of if not the biggets counter to Kayle. His jump stund will get u killd very fast and u will need to get 6 or 11 to have a chanse to fight him. ”
Atmoist says “Pretty fair matchup, he can stop you Q'ing him so if you're going for an all in hold ur q and try get ahead of whatever direction he is heading so you can just bonk him after he stuns you.”
Captain__Archie says “The only way to beat Jax 1v1 is to dodge his E stun with your Q. To do so, Q onto minions since your untargetability lasts longer when you Q a minion wave.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You just Q poke him and if he jumps on you then you just E him and he can't do anything, it becomes even harder for him when you hit level 6, you just poke him until he is low and then all in him. Jax has to go AP to have a useful ult against you, but if he goes AP then he is grieving.”
FlayMan says “Jax just simply cant do anything to you, his e is HARD countered by your w, and after it is gone you can just trade back on him. Eventually you will have poked him to the point that you can just all in him.”
Trundledaddy says “I have mental block in this lane cause of counter strike, if you don't get stunned by his e, you can win, ult his ult, use W to kite around to dodge his stun, pillar after his Q, he does scale really well so be careful.”
LoucasTitan says “Jax is one of the biggest counters to Yorick because Jax can block ghoul damage and Jax has r and w, in which if you are not careful enough you will really lose your lane. There is a counter to Jax, and it is the Grudge. The catch is that Jax will shine in the mid-game, so be cautious and try to let him push the wave and farm safely until you get the grudge.It is a boring lane. At the same time, it is a nightmare. Some jax players will q on to you mindlessly, so try to w yourself so you can kite jax. It will give you a disadvantage in the fight. Conqueror is my recommended rune in this situation because you can't trade with him early game due to Jax's w, so Conqueror will shine in the fight.
powerfullgeo says “If his E is down he's dead. If he tries to engage with Q E on you, E away. Simple lane of short trades and dodging his stun. Go get your free win”
Kurose0027 says “Skill matchup, generally you want to parry when he jumps onto you with Q early game, and then trade or else q away when he presses counter strike. Can save parry for his E, need to be aware that you should not walk up to him without Q being up. Very snowball one sided matchup when one person gets ahead of the other in this matchup.”
davidbiton1 says “jax is annoying early game but in mid game he becomes a beast, but if you push the game towards the late game he will be not that good. i recommend the tank build against him.”
TSmash says “Use your E while his E is active, in the timing it will explodes, run while his ult is active, return after it ends and leave him if he uses Q”
gytross says “Your life steal let's you win if he decides to all in. Your R has HUGE potential in close fights since you can get about 1/4 of your full hp with one Q and if you hit Q3 you'll deal huge damage and heal. If you can proc passive after you win EASILY unless behind. ”
KyleTheConqueror says “Easy. Just wait out his stun. You win. you'll outscale him for most of the game. If you reach the late game, you might need more help than you wanted.
Kat_Alien says “This champion don't care about your attacks when he just presses his helicopter ability (E). You can't win a fight against him 1 vs 1. Wait even in Teamfight when he wastes this ability to go in if you have to focus him.”
Hawkkiller105 says “He's not a hard match up nor an easy one but you'll just need to play safe and try to keep him from getting kills, assists, or even cs. Try to always find a way to abuse the mistakes that he will make ”
Federals1 says “Jax is an incredibly difficult matchup for Volibear. He can dodge both Volibear q and w. His ultimate giving him mixed resistances is also very bad, as he can tank your magic damage e a lot better than other champions, not to mention the 25% damage reduction to aoe spells on his e. Should be a permanent ban as it is probably Volibear's worst matchup in the entire game. However if he is open:
Doran's ring works best into him. Second rune page should be used. Anathema's Chain rush can work, and then a bramble vest. Ghost+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Q max is needed.”
PandoraPanda14 says “With bork he does crazy dmg but you can punish him early. If he tries to e stun you, you can pull him so you are both stun locked in a way. Care for his leap into ur q. Lvl 6 dont underestimate his dmg.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
There are 2 types of Jax players, the bad ones who will engage you without passive and will wait for their E to reactivate automaticly, so you can easily parry him, and the good jax players. To beat a good Jax player you need to buy boots early, so you can kite his E, try to poke him with your Q in early and if he jumps on you don't panic. Good Jax players will change the time where they recast their E so you can't predict his E stun, so the best way to fight him, is by waiting about 2 seconds of his E and then parry, this won't always work, but there's 2 options: 1- you parry the stun and demolish him 2- you don't parry the stun but he doesn't dmg you a lot since you slowed his Atk speed. Have care when he has his passive since it really makes a difference. Tabis help a lot in this matchup and if they have a good amount of ADs with a lot of atk speed you can buy Frozen heart.”
gazibulle says “The hardest Camille matchup, should be a permaban every single game if you plan on playing Camille. He wins early game, he wins mid game and he wins late game. The only hope you have before he becomes a huge stat stick champion is early game if he doesn't play very well. Level 1 you start W as you can't autoattack him (lol). Level 2 you take E since he will take his Q, and you must stick to a wall everytime and continue spamming your W on him; he will Q then E into you and then you can do a quick E to stun him and get out. An other option you have is standing in the middle of the lane, and sometimes bad Jacques will Q-E into you, if that's the case just tank his damage then buffer you E onto a wall, you will get stunned but you have enough time to E onto him again, if you hit him and you have your shield you can take the trade, but don't overextend if he's like mid HP or more. You are basically an insect in this matchup, with Jax nibbling you to death. Once he is 6 with above 70 IQ, you will never win until the defeat screen, he will just E your Q2 and stat check you every single time. If you are even, you have a small chance killing him at lvl 6 if you have the level prior. you can instantly E onto him, he will E so you kite it out, but if he's dumb he will go onto you. Which is a very bad choice, as you can ult his E and he will be defenseless.”
Xpoxy says “You have to play around his E, you won't be able to proc W easily. Prepare for his godly late-game.
Take: Grasp
Build: Divine Sunderer/Goredrinker (laneing)”
Anothaoneforym6 says “E rush is probably what I'd go in this matchup. Respect his all in potential and keep distance. Although he scales realllly well, you can easily W him and avoid any stuns and beat him 1 v 1. Team fight wise he'll be really annoying as if he prios you he can shred you.”
alexionut05 says “It is almost impossible to lose this matchup. By W-ing his leap, you already counter most of his utility. If he tries to stun you, simply Q and W away, so he is both slowed and cannot leap. Trade blows with him as much as you want, he shouldn't ever be able to defeat you. Just beware if he is running Lethal Tempo, he might kill you very early into the game.”
MHLoppy says “Due to his reliance on stacks, his sustained damage is a little low whenever he hasn't already been hitting something for a while first. If he Q+E's onto you without stacks and you're healthy, you can absolutely chunk him by walking backwards until the E expires (or he pops it), then just blowing everything on him afterwards. Although you have advantage early, Jax does usually out-scale you, so you should keep pressing an early lead.”
Scarhawk says “Pre-6 - Tahm beats Jax.
Post-6 - Jax beats Tahm.
Lethal Tempo change made it so that champions that Tahm could beat easily reversed.
Don't let him stack his Lethal Tempo on you and watch out for his Q 3rd Auto Ult Passive + W.”
Aphelios4ever says “This is a tough one. He can jump on you and just press E. You can`t damage him because he dodges the auto attacks while he spins. And after he finished spinnig you are getting stunned and beaten up badly. So how can we beat this guy? First you wait until you have white gun you have to be perma cautios with your spacing. If he does get to you which will happen sooner or later kite back and damage him after he did his combo on you to return some damage. when you have your white gun try to bait out his E and kite back with your red gun Q. In this case you can now beat him bacause he does not has his E to dodge our combo. Switch to white gun use r +q and dps him in meely range. Dont forget to use your barrier. It´s difficult but not impossible. I´m sure with some practice you can do it.”
RayTeamStrategy says “His evasion can get him stunning harder. His ultimate can make him a real threat against you if he decides to buy AP, but usually Jax will just go AD and shouldn't be a problem. Keep your eye out for off meta shenanigans.”
Agatrium says “If you can build a lead in this lane, it'll be game over for Jax, unless you drag the game out until he's full build, then he'll never be able to catch up and you can kill at almost any point. Some Jax's will be aggressive and look to jump on you with E. If they do this, start spinning, W the stun, and run him down. Once his E is down he stands no chance against you. ”
LimitlessHavoc says “You hard win level 1-6. Level 1 he will start E and try and fight you, you can trade with him however you need to save 1-2 Qs to immediately disengage when he uses his E.
When Jax's E is on cooldown he is very vulnerable, it has a long CD early.
Jax's E makes him immune to autos however not your abilities so you can still kill him through his E if he is low enough however note that he takes reduced damage as well.
Post 6, short trade him continuously and all in him when he's low enough. Always make sure you have at least E or Q off cooldown at all times so that you can kite him.
You can E-W instantly when he jumps on you so that he can't follow up, you can also use 3rd Q as he's jumping on you to create distance and disengage.
His ultimate makes him deceptively tanky, if don't believe you can kill him through it, you can also disengage and all in when its off cooldown however if you've been short trading him continuously prior to this then it should not be an issue.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero con mucho cuidado cuando gane algunos niveles.
Respeta cuando él tenga disponible su E y trata de mantenerte alejado.
Atácalo de preferencia cuando no tenga su E.
Tu combo de Q+W es muy clave cuando salta Jax a atacarte, ya que anulas el daño mejorado de su W (y es muy fuerte).
Considera usar resistencias híbridas en tus fragmentos de runa, jax hace bastante daño mágico.
Te sugiero tenacidad en runas y comprar botas de armadura.
Compra vesta espinosa cuando él compre curación.
El combo E+Destello rápido ayuda mucho a sorprenderlo.”
Kocykek says “Same as Irelia. Early on he can cheese you, be careful. Get Bramble Vest, go for short trades. Get Sheen and poke her. After Divine you win.”
Helzky says “Jax is a skill matchup. Level 2 if he all in's you, just E him and you win if you have ghouls. I would take ignite here but it's preference when it comes to this matchup. Level 6 and onwards, make sure you have executioners with Maiden and you win.”
ZomB2446 says “He have a short cd leap, a shorter cd sheen proc and a panic button that block your entire kits while dishing his own. He just happened to have 2 tool against you while he himself is a better Divine Sunder user and a Lethal tempo user, Eclipse build is better, since if you didn't win the race against a horse, then try flying”
Lazarus Sleigh says “Same as Tryndamere , Avoid Drawn out Bait out his Counter Strike and use Full Combo after its done. If you Know you will be hit by counter Strike, Preemptively use E and walk into AOE. The Lightning Will hit Even if he used Counter Strike and it will shield you. if he uses ULT back off and wait till its over.”
OliveeGarden says “Take Shield bash. Jax is a good ban, he has become harder again with LT back. always try to use E + W to counter his E, and never fight or all in when he has or uses R unless you can burst him. respect him like you respect a darius.”
Ujiyo says “You get out scaled and out powered in every part of the game. Consider dodging or banning.
If you are FORCED into playing this matchup, make sure you prep some minions or have R or Blade of The Ruined King to Q dash out of his E range just before he stuns you so he doesn't just Q you when you run. If you can't Q away, W his E.”
GG Cannon says “Jax immunity to basic attacks during his E makes him a huge threat since your Q will not damage him until it ends.
It forces you to wait him to use his E, and use your rappel to escape it and jump him as soon as his E ends.
Without his E, you can out-trade him since you can Cocoon him in human form and heal in spider form besides having better poke.”
Ghidorah says “Another really hard matchup. Jax's E, Counter Strike, blocks all of your W auto-attacks and denies 50% of your damage. However, there is a plan! Press Q at him everytime it is availabe, immediatly rush Plated Steelcaps and ability haste, you have to poke him throughout the laning phase to lower his health, lowering his capability of diving you freely. Late game you can't do much, group with your team and ult any free targets you can see, before he takes over.”
magician4444 says “Skill match up, favoring Jax if hes good enough. If you know you're not escaping his E range, W on the ground just before you get stunned to buffer W and you can return some damage back. He can jump onto you which is super annoying. It's difficult but if you play it well you can beat him.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Has high damage, annoying E. Play against his cooldowns. His main strentgh is his stun - E. If he doesn't have it - you can trade with him.”
Mushroomuwu says “He beats you level 1 unless you have minions set up for passive, but usually its better to start with e. Don’t be afraid to auto him because if he presses e then you can just simply stun him and run away. This will screw up the wave and it will push to you and you can keep going for sneaky autos because your auto range is a lot longer but if you just go for farm its also fine. You can use this to get level advantages which are pretty big early on. Try to keep your passive at 5 stacks and auto attacking him whenever he is in range, if he is close enough you go for an e and if you land your e don’t be afraid to q on him and auto. After lvl 6 It gets easier but it also gets very punishing if you make any mistakes after this point. At level 6 jax gets a lot of extra damage from his R passive every third auto and is really tanky with his ult. You have to start with a full passive in every fight and you also have to make sure that his passive is not stacked, if it is his full passive is stronger than yours. This is generally how the lane plays out until level 11. If you have not gotten ahead of him after lvl 11 do not try to 1v1 him unless you have help on the way. His ult passive does too much damage and his E cooldown will be very short but if you are ahead the same concept from above applies.”
boboderaffe says “The good thing is: he stacks HP and You are not an auto-attack based champion. The bad thing: He also excels in 1v1s and builds Divine Sunderer - and YOU Stack Health as well.
This one is a little more chill than Gwen IMO. Sure, he can jump out of your ult but he also can’t really do anything against your poke once you got Liandry’s. The key is to stay far enough away and keep him low enough so he can’t all in you. Even if he does: as long as you got your ult you will survive. But you will not survive another all in after that. You have to play this one smart. ”
Your Desired Username says “Generally pretty hard match-up. Ignite can make this lane alot more playable. Rushing tabis might be tempting but keep in mind his fairly big portion of magic damage. If the jax knows what he's doing it will be a difficult game for you. Respect his early game, you do not want take a bad trade and be zoned out of cs range. Poke with q, if he jumps onto you and e's, pull him away from you with e. Pre-6, unless he fucks up or you're super confident OR you've poked him down a lot, just farm and play passively and wait for 6, you beat him in Brazil, especially with ignite. When he uses E, pull him away from you with your E. If you don't have e just q him and walk away from him until his e is over. Jax is known to be a duelist champion, so ulting him in late game team fights is a rather poor choice, as it can go two ways: Either he will e you, then jump over a wall or just away from you, allowing him to just wait for Brazil to run out and walk away OR he will actually beat you in Brazil, as, at this point, he will probably have items like bork, wit's end and sundered sky, which make him an insanely powerful duelist. As long as you ult someone else, though, you should be fine and outperform him in teamfights. If he decides to afk-splitpush you can match him easily, he won't be able to dive you and you can clear the waves quite easily.”
Hoosteen says “a lot of people think that jax is this super huge threat to pantheon but if you play against him the same way you play against a fiora it becomes much easier. just poke him down with empowered qs and force him to take bad fights.”
Rayli36 says “Start with e and try to time your W right with his E-Stun and after that you can silence him and it should be free when he'll make mistakes
Black Demon Ezel says “Don't use your auto much less your empowered auto against his counter strike. Do use your E though because that won't get blocked. Though I'm not sure if his E blocks your walkers, it should not deal enough damage to you on the strike portion of the spell”
StormPhoenix3 says “Jax can block attacks and is usually a good threat against Voli, but after the block wears off Jax is not as much of a threat. Patience against Jax is key alongside Voli's E”
Atomragnar says “Dodge his E with your E. If he jumps on you with Q and E, use your E to pull him to you and then run away from his E. The way your E works is that if you pull an enemy towards you it will hit Darius's body and bounce back a little bit. During this animation the enemy can't move. This mechanic buys you time to dodge his E.
If you dodge E and manage to poke him with Q you will win all ins.
Steelcaps are great. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Jax can be quite bad if he is good. If he stuffs up by jumping and then getting his stun ready, use your E to kite out of the circle. His damage is easily blocked by your E. His ward hopping can be annoying, but your Q helps with closing the gap. Go Lethal or Grasp. Stridebreaker.”
LunaticDancer says “Skill match up, but Jax favored. Take Bullied and D Shield. Avoid getting stunned by his umbrella, don't attack him while he has it active. His E also blocks your ghouls, so be patient with throwing them at him. If he burns his jump to get to you, cage him and retaliate. Punish him when his E is down. It's a really honest skill fight, good luck.”
COJA says “A number of things in Jax's kit counter you. He has a jump directly onto you, good short and long trades, a dodge to ignore your passive auto, and armor to reduce your healing and negate your burst. Once you hit lvl 3 you can start playing aggressive and punish him when he jumps onto you. You must be careful with your E usage, be prepared to have him jump on you whenever you E forwards.”
N0kk__ says “Another tough matchup. Early game avoid him at all cost. He will stun you and beat the dogs out of you with his lamp. Look for fights with him after getting boots and sheen. Always watch for his counterstrike. ”
yally says “nessa matchup vc fica esperto quando ele pular vem vc q ele da stun e cancela seus aa, é uma lane bem dificil pois ele tanka mt e da mt dano”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Jax isn't too bad of a matchup, but his E can stop you from proving your passive for a good chunk of time, as well as reducing your Q and E damage since they are are and he's E reduces aoe by 25%, both of which make him a threat. Rush any of Tabis, Seekers, or Bramble depending on what you want to build.”
Eduardocwalle says “Okay, pre level 6 u can kill him, care for his E but u can dodge it with ur E and engage him once his counterstrike ends. BUT, if u dont kill him or stomp the lane u have a problem, cause he will outscale you in longtrades and can block ur nuclear bomb with a simple E. And if he wins lane just ff15 cause u will suffer agony the hole game like the jewish during the WW2”
Night Guy says “Jax can easily jump to you so your E gets cancelled because you hit a terrain or champion so you're stuck with him autoing you to death plus he can stun you so you can't really do much to him. After 6 you can't really do anything to him because of his ulti plus his basics hurt even more so try to avoid him or wait him to jump on you and then use E to escape his grasp and punish him for being so confident that early.
Polartech says “Jax is the stupidest and Hardest Match-Up for Kayle. You can really do nothing in Early Game, and even the Mid and the Late Game are super difficoult for Kayle!!! I surely suggest to switch lane if you can, or play safer as possible, stay away from his Jump Range (Q), and counterattack only if he waste his Dodge (E). Jax can easily kill Kayle running really 0 risks simply pushing (Q) and (E) if you are too close. Play under Tower and don't Push for any Reason!!!”
NAGlTO says “"Oh but wait! Why is Teemo extreme, but not Jax?"
Bait Jax's E with a Q, make him waste it or cancel early, then go back and finish the job. Tedious, but it can work.”
King Turtle says “His E is a built in counter, as he can take an E, wait for you to walk up to proc it, and then press his E and turn on you. He also scales better and level 6 unless you can get him on a dive he's probably going to beat you in most trades.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Trading can go easily in his favor if he cheeses you with his E, steelcaps rush is a must I'd say.Be sure to try juking his stun out either by fake-walking in then out or use your apprehend as he starts to cast and just walk away,as apprehend denies using any ability while the enemy is in the pull animation,so that's nice for us.All in's pre and post 6 are in your favor.Kill is always secured for as long as you use the apprehend tactic vs his e in every all in.Be sure to shut him down early,even with a jungler if you really need one because his scaling is pretty big later.
Dshield or Dblade”
metalhydra273 says “Jax is pretty hard to fight thanks to his e. You kinda just end up waiting around for it to end in hopes of stunnng him. Jax does best in the 1v1, deny him that and you can get him killed pretty easily. Just play around his e and watch out for his stun engage.”
5Head Builds says “His counter strike is horrible and he can get on top of you. I would ban him or dodge because he wins in all facets of the game.
There is, however, the slight possibility that if you wait out his w you can win. But baiting that is risky and hard, but good players won't miss his w.”
StreamSn1per101 says “this guy has his e which blocks autos, meaning for the new build you can do anything against him, with the old build you cant stack grasp but its better because the old build is more ability based, however i recommend just permabanning if you are new to teemo”
Killit says “I Permaban jax.. you cant really do anything about him if the player which is playing him is decent.. his E is just pain for a warwick player.”
MrZoltannn says “You really need to play well to survive him in early, mid and lategame as well. Try to jump away just before he would stun you. poke him with Q, and look out for his Q+E combo, lvl 6 is a get out of jail card. Start with dorans shield and fleet footwork then buy stridebreaker into deathdance.”
ToothlessKnight says “This is the worst possible matchup for Urgot. I ban Darius because he's more common but Jax is Urgot's truest counter due to his counter-strike negating all your damage from W. Max Q in this matchup and gain lane priority. He has no sustain outside of potions so this is your only chance to beat him in lane. Call your jungler for help if you fall behind. He can solo end the game in the sidelane if he gets a lead.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “You should win lane, jax outscales. However, one mistake and jax will run away with a lead. If he gets ahead, play safe, pray for ganks. Bait out his e and fight whenever it's down. You can look to bait it using root, leaping to nearby minions, etc. and kite him out when he uses it.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W blocks his W and Passive R. Fight him with Q and when he E's, wait 0.75 sec and then E backwards through him to prevent stun completely. Repeat this and win the lane.”
Anoying bro5 says “If he takes E lvl1 dont fight him and possibly even Q out of the range if necessary. His counterstrike can be triggered early and there is about a .75 sec window of failure. I usually count 1 sec in my head and then parry, but it depends on the player. You have to get used to their style as this is a skill match up. lvl 3 and on, look to riposte as soon as he Q dashes onto you. You will negate all the high dmg, and when he Es after, Q out of the way or walk (since he should be slowed by riposte) and then rengage on him and you win.”
Stinkee says “Jax is not a problem in laning phase. You can cancel his dash with your Q stun. You can win most short trades but he will look to all-in you. He will win any all-in 1v1. He is going to be a threat late game if gets fed in lane. Do whatever you can to stop or avoid his snowball. He will shred you later on and near oneshot your ADCs. If he does get fed, look for when he tries to jump on your ADC and peel for him.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Just like fighting Jax in the laning phase, Jax has a relatively weak early game in the jungle, getting stronger and stronger and harder to deal with as the game progresses to late. Do your best to be aggressive in the early stages.”
PH45 says “You can outsustain him but if he gets a chance to all in you and you miss your Q you are forced to burn Flash to get away during early game. Get Steelcaps and potentially a bramble vest and he is much less threatening. He is quite squishy so he can actually die quite easily if his E is down.”
lol Wero says “Only annoying threat about this match up is his E (Dodging the auto attacks). Not to big but easy to deal with in lane if you can keep your distance when he tries to jump on you.”
BoilTheOil says “Max W in this lane and build early HP items against him. Don't fight him if his passive is fully stacked. Every time he tries to fight you just wait for his E to almost be over and then pull him and W him. Once he gets Divine Sunderer it becomes super hard to fight him unless ahead.”
Veng Shotz says “Same reasons for urgot/kled/voli,
Jax can all in spam you and theres nothing you can do about it. The only way to truly beat a jax is to either go IGN (true damage dot when he ults) or beat him before his first/second back.
Once he completes sheen you'll be q+auto+w'd for 1/3 of your health and you cant retaliate at all as all he will have to do is press e and then dps you even more while youre stunned.
you need to q1, hold e, and when he jumps on you w q2 e backwards, and q3 +passive when he gets reeled in, just be aware when you land q3 to not auto him with passive if he's smashing his e as he'll block your auto after the cc wears off.
post 6 theres generally no real way to win the 1v1 unless he misplays or you outplay. (even with ign) since aatrox heals off damage dealt, even with the AD % increase during ult, his ult nullifies it with his increase in armor.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Jax is not particularly easy. Your Q can stack a nado through his counter-strike *hashinshin intensifies* but it doesnt deal damage and you can still lose the trade if he times it correctly and stuns you before it actually procs. Play this lane really careful or you risk getting destroyed throught the entire game.
If you see him buy sheen as a first item, just wait for the minions to come under the tower , farm and wait for him to do a mistake. Shieldbow rush is probably the best choice here.”
Feedaboi says “Can block your autos with his e "counterstike" which negaties your main source of dmg coming from kled's W "violent tendancies". He has good lane pressure and scales insanely well. Look to freeze the wave near your turret and setup for ganks for your jgler otherwise he will run you down with his leap and dps you with ease.”
King Turtle says “Jax is a champion that has a built in counter for gwen with his E and is one of a few champions with enough scaling power to match or beat her through mid game and up to late game. He's my perma ban at the moment mostly because he's impossible to win lane against, and difficult to outscale plus Akshan Top is such a rare pick that you're better off just banning Jax.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Jax is very hard to solo lane against if he's good. Thanks to recent buffs lowering his counterstrike and leap cooldowns he'll jump on you constantly and force unfavorable trades. Poke him when he's weakest, lvl 1-3, and play very carefully afterwards. Stay out of his melee range at all costs which you can do with flay.
Anathemas and frozen heart are extremely strong vs this champion.”
quinn adc says “Jax is an incredibly easy matchup.
The main point to note is that Quinn's E can cancel Jax's Q damage and it will interrupt his Leap from his Q.
To play this matchup, save your vault in lane only to counter Jax's engage.
Typically, Jax will active his E, Counter Strike momentarily before he will engage with his Q.
The timing is important, but essentially just be ready to vault Jax when he is in mid air.
By doing this, you should leap out before he could get his stun off, and if you can avoid being stunned by his counter strike, then the matchup is quite easy.
Keep in mind that Jax's Q is now on an incredibly low cooldown, so he can leap onto you before your vault will come back up.
If you use your vault at all against Jax, be mindful of your positioning and do not walk in leap range of jax if your vault is down.
If you are able to successfully dodge Jax's E stun, then you should aggressively auto attack him quite a bit because he will have no way to trade with you cancel his leap/counter strike.
Important interaction is that Jax CANNOT use his Q to hop onto wards OR enemy champions, including you, if he is blinded.
If Jax activates counter strike and you blind him, he is unable to leap onto you so long as you stay out of his vision range, so you can screw jax over super hard if you're able to do this :) If you have the opportunity to trade flash for flash with jax, do it becasue his only counterplay is E-Flashing you.
If he doesnt have flash, you can E his Q jump, and then run him down after because he has no way to ever land his E stun on you without flash.”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Minor" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Rylai's to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize DPS item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Jax) (Fling overrides his Leap Strike) (Mega Adhesive stops his Leap Strike) ”
Amphawn says “This is my go to ban as of now. He destroys you early game, and really hard after 6 too. Ask your jungler for some help. You will probably never win an all in against him in lane. He can jump on you or a nearby minion and just parry all of your auto poke, make sure not to attack him when he is parrying, as it increases the damage of the stun. If you get stunned, you're going to lose the trade hard. This is a matchup that you have to play next to tower. He's just a pain to lane against. Worth switching lanes if you can. Level 1 however, he starts with his stun, so you can bait him into using it and pushing into your wave and possibly pick up kill. Make sure not to hit him while he is using it though, as he can get up to double the damage.”
iZeal says “Be careful of his Level 2 rush. If you get behind Jax, you will suffer the entire rest of the game. If you get ahead, you can make him pay for every CS he wants to take. Take Bone Plating and play around it to endure early all ins as Jax players tend to all in you on sight so poking them down becomes difficult.
Your W cooldown is gigantic compared to his E (14) and Q (8) and even if you hit it he might be able to disengage from it with Time Warp Tonic's movement speed buff. Either push him under tower and harass him while he tries to lasthit or freeze the wave in front of your tower to eliminate his ability to run you down.
In teamfights aim to peel him from your carries as he can't itemize against knockups and every interrupt significantly reduces his damage and leaves your carries opportunities to kite him.
Grasp possible.”
PH45 says “Make sure to not use your W when he uses his E since it block your knockback autoattack. Can also jump away from you so can be tricky to kill. With junglers help and your lockdown you should be able to kill him unless his ahead a lot or you don't make unnecessary mistakes.”
SunFalk says “He has a dodge ability. He has a jump. He has an auto attack enhance. - Play it early, poke early and CS early before he will outscale you in mid to late game.”
At_Tar_Ras says “jax is arguably the worst champ irelia can go against as a whole. the only way you beat him is if jax is stupid and i mean it. walk AWAY and kite jax's counterstrike if he uses it. Q minions if you have to. if you can't (or can't risk having Q on cooldown) that's okay -> USE W and hold it while he's auto'ing you so he does less DMG. hopefully you can use that W to hit him AND some minions, stack up your stacks and start trading/all-inning depending on how both your HPs look. if you play around minions and hit your stun, you can beat him. obviously if jax uses E and it's on CD you should look for trades/all-ins. the only reason why i say it's irelia's "worst matchup as a whole" is because he outscales THE SHIT out of you in the sidelanes. i'd venture to even say post-divine/trinity/bork, jax will start schooling you in 1v1s and that's even if you're ahead at all because if both players make no mistakes, jax will always win it the champ is just a better duelist. it's one of those shove-and-roams and kill their squishies type of game here. ask about the matchup if you want! ”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Minor" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Deadman's Plate to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize core item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
slogdog says “Pain. It's pain everywhere. He Q's you then E's and kills your maiden. Then your ghouls. It's a massacre. There's nothing you can do about it. Jax enters a defensive stance for 4 secon-
Press W on him when he jumps you, as he has no mobility for a while after that.”
SaltCat says “So you would have realise irelia loses to broken champs ;D, jax wins level 1 if he started e , you beat him if waste his e, if not then you lose, try to use your q on minions to dodge his e ”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Even" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Deadman's Plate to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize core item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “My 2nd least favorite matchup after Irelia. Luckily he has fallen out of favor. A halfway competent Jax will simply save his Q for when you put your W wall down then counterstrike and stun you for absurd damage. He simply outscales you late as well, making split pushing nearly impossible. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If he doesn't start E or wastes it you can level 1 all in him. If you don't have confidence in this match up then just freeze the wave. If you are then just short trade him during a slow push. Step out of his E and you win the trade. If he tries to hop away do E > W > aa for a short trade. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Grasp
A lot of Jax players want to fight lvl1 but Fiora wins it. Fiora hard wins lane even if it's a skill matchup vs good jax players you might struggle. You don't need to parry his stun if you can't the autoattack slow of parry will win it for you. As soon as he gets Shojin this matchup is one of the hardest if you aren't very far ahead don't fight him as soon as you see he bought it.”
LoLReal says “Punish him hard early and mid game before we get outscaled in the side lane. Jax has no real response to our trade pattern.
Be careful over commiting level 1, Jax E is deceptively strong. After that we can take almost all trades and punish him hard.”
Justkb says “This lane depends on how well, Jax does in the early trading! If you can land 2 clean Q's without getting hit by his E at level 1 you can snowball the lane very hard! Make sure you take your E level 2 to disengage if he tries to leap on you! rush Sheen and try to get Trinity quickly to push your lead. Once he gets BORK the lane becomes difficult, you will need to purchase bramble and start to wait on Deaths Dance. Try to pressure him with the jungler and make sure he doesn't just get to free farm. ”
P1Legend says “Jax is not a big deal, early game you win, and you just keep taking small trades while escaping with empowered W until he is low enough to kill. Again, he likes sustained fights, so if you deny him that, he will struggle to fight you”
MythicMike says “Jax is a champion that is going to outscale you no matter what, but even though he scales, that doesn't mean his early game is bad. He has a playstyle that Aatrox doesn't really like, where he jumps on top of you making it hard to land your Q's. As long as you get off your combo and manage to back off, you should take him down bit by bit until you can fully all in. ”
lol Wero says “this can go either your way or his way. if he tries to walk up for a minion, facebreaker and haymaker then walk away for a good trade. ”
Xerath gaming says “yet another skill matchup, press E behind you when he presses Q to send him away or if u know you can kill him or he jumps next to your turret with no minions, press E to pull him in turret for free damage. He can beat you in your own R”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Jax isn't the terror of past seasons(due to trinity being garbage compared to Sunderer and other mythic items), but this champ is still a pain to play against. Don't even try to approach him early. He'll just counterstrike and stun you, and beat you up with a lamp pole.
Try to stop your lane from crashing at tower, but stay out of his Q jump range from lvl 1-3 as well. You'll be able to duel him after Sheen and boots, and look for opportunities to sneak in Q bonks. Be very aware of when his counterstrike is up or not.”
qveenevelynn says “Put your charm while he is charging his stun near you, you will get stunned if you're not faster than him, and spam E to proc the charm after your stun (E animation is faster than Q so you will proc it instantly) and the run away or fight depending on the situation. Be aware that he can perma jump on you at some point, so you can't escape him”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Minor" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Deadman's Plate to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize DPS item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: NInja's Tabis or Sorcerer's Shoes ,Deadman's Plate, Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Fan22 says “I think Jax it's a skill matchup generally, altough he slaps you in the early game.
Remember to disengage with Q when Jax jumps on to yolu with Q, you can also dodge his E if you time your W right.
Early on play passive and use your passive to out sustain his Corrupting potion.
Since Jax tends to spams his abiltiies, concretely his W, he actually helps you to get your passive cooldown down by a lot.
Getting plated steelcaps denies a lot of hims AA's damage.
Other items like thornmail, frozen heart, or randuins omen help to reduce by a significant amount his overall damage.
In the late game Jax its a monster, so always make sure to close the game as soon as possible, however if the game lenght extendeds i recommended playing for your team and getting Jax off from them, since Jax tends to always dive the enemy Backline, so peel it's crucial.”
Autolykus says “Max W and go conqueror. Grasp is good to if you wish to survive lane. You have to buffer your W when he is about to stun you and its a guaranteed true damage hit. He is a triple S tier champ.”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Minor" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Deadman's Plate to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize DPS item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: Blade of The Ruined King ,Deadman's Plate, Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Jaws of the Beast follows his Leap Strike) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Let him jump on you with the stun press your E and go for the all in if he is low, if not just make a good trade.”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING and DANGEROUS!--- Jax can be a very rough matchup if not played properly and is one of the few champions that can beat you at levels 1-3. If you let him get a kill on you or get too far behind it's over and you won't be able to 1v1 him or even trade against him period.--- Many Jax will want to rush BotRK and is heavily auto-attack based so you always want to get Steelcaps and Armor, usually a bramblevest to negate some of his damage and healing.--- What you want to do is contest the first wave but be careful. If he reaches 2 before you he can jump on you and stun you and win the trade and all-in.--- KITE HIM!!! Kiting him and utitlizing your range against him is the best way to play around Jax and to beat him.--- Whenever you Q many will jump onto you or away to avoid the outer edge of your Q so be mindful.--- You can win against him at 6 but do not fight or all in him if you are low hp as he will more than likely kill you before you can reach 5 stacks and ult him.--- Also whenever he looks to Counterstrike into you, you can Apprehend (E) him to displace him briefly and slowing him allowing you to walk out of his range to stun you but look to do this only after he has used his jump or right at the end of his counterstrike otherwise you will have wasted your Apprehend (E) and he jumps right to you anyway---If you do get stunned immediately W and Q him as you walk out to trade back damage and heal.”
Fan22 says “Jax not onyl has good mobility, but also has a lot of ways to counter you.
First, his Q jump makes landing Q impossible, second his E not only stuns you, but also makes your E Useless. and his R makes him deal magic damage and get resistance.
However you can still use your W and his R extra resistances dont help him to reduce Your R damage.
Against jax i reccomend maxing W and spamming it when he gets close, and poking him if you can or have mana, but dont spam Q and just farm.
Dont fight him unless you have a teamamte o help you or you have 1 or 2 items a he is Not feed.”
Kacto15 says “Buildearse Tabis de Ninja puede ser muy útil, si salta hacia a ti y usa su E, kitéalo, después lo ralentizas con tu E y le cargas la Q, buildearse armadura es muy útil, ofrece mas utilidad en teamfights, puedes ir sion LETALIDAD O TANQUE”
MythicMike says “He outscales you, but still has a good early game because of his E that can parry your W. If he wastes his E you can trade, but otherwise he will just jump and kill you.”
WildeBob says “Really tough matchup. You cant really ever 1v1 him and you are outscaled. If you want to win this, you need to get ahead early by taking conq runes + ignite teleport. However this is risky and it might be better to just play it safe and farm.”
Phrxshn says “I would say it would be a "Even" match-up if Jax doesn't build Blade of the Ruined King. For Jax you will have to constantly kite him on a constant basis. Consider building Deadman's Plate to help out with the kiting. Avoid his Counter-Strike(E) and you should be able to trade easily. Avoid doing sustained trade against Jax especially if he has Grandmaster's Might(R). Priortize core item against Jax and build tank items afterward. (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jax if he has Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Jax) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
montybucket says “Jax's level 1-3 is a lot stronger than yours. Bait his E, early it's cooldown is quite long, but as an ability it nullifies your auto attacks which are essential for procing your passive and are also a major chunk of your damage. You go even Mid game so try to get 6 first, then all in. his levels 4 and 5 are worse than yours if you bait out his E correctly. Late game never 1v1 him in a side lane, he will only side lane so try and build a lead so you can take match him in a side lane without forcing a fight. If he gets a lead he will snowball and win the game, even if its just a small one. ”
TroviStyle says “THIS IS A WARNING! I BAN JAX IN 100% OF MY FIORA GAMES!!! YOU WILL NOT HAVE FUN IN THIS MATCHUP 90% OF THE TIME BAN HIM FOR YOUR OWN SAKE! anyways... in case you forgot to ban him or a teammate hovered Jax but you guys got reverse sweeped by the enemys first pick... here you go with the best I can provide considering this matchup: [Conqueror] You can call Jax Riven with a Twist. You dont know when he will recast his E so you can play mindgames with him as you can with Riven. HOWEVER: even if u stun him, you arent guaranteed to win the trade, because of his ridiculous dmg and sustain. Try to play it safe and run for your life if u need. If he jumps on you you can W emidiatly to hit the slow and run away, possibly stun him if he had his E active before jumping on you.”
mec908 says “El truco para que la linea contra jax sea fácil es iniciar con la E al lvl 1, en el momento que el tire su E nosotros activamos la nuestra, al lvl 2 nos ponemos la W y siempre procuremos usar nuestra W antes de que vuelva activar su E, nunca inicies con la Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “He will beat you level 6 and onwards, much like the Nasus incident. try and roam as much as possible pre 6 and then set up a freeze.
You are roughly equal in team fights midgame, but as soon as he hits 3-4 items, you can not compete anymore, he simply does too much damage and has too much amor. Luckily this is what an ADC is for, so try and peel them as hard as possible and pray.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him before level 6.
Go for short trades.
late flash his e when dismounted (thats usually how you can kill a "good" jax.)
You are weaker lvl 1 be ready to start pushing the wave before them.”
Koboldjaeger says “The worst Matchup for Camille . Take Ignite Tp and get your Jungle to camp you . You can win early game with ignite but after 1 or 2 Items Jax can run you down . If he uses his e , use your own and stun him , then you can dodge it .
Build Divine Sunderer”
MCSwavest says “Jax seems scary in concept with his E, but in reality there's little he can do unless he gets going. The playstyle of this build is to pressure early and bully hard, so with Jax's early CD's being a year long, you'll be able to pressure him well. Back off if he R's, and wait until he burns Q to try and E away.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Jax is pretty tough because of his evasion ability and his burst with his Q and E. The R's passive doesn't help either, and it's a pain fighting him once he's got the ult up. Try to drag him under tower if he jumps on you, but beware that he can dodge the stun lock under tower”
Drake6401 says “Mostly skill matchup. It's a fight of "I dare you". You always want to work around Jax's E. If he fails to block your stun, you win. If you try to stun his dodge mode, you lose.
You want trades to be short and he likes them long. His Q makes this tricky. To counter this, I suggest not using E as your engage. You both have no ranged poke so he can't kite you. Try to outsmart his stun and hit yours. At the point use your dashes to either chase him for double dash to a safe distance for round 2.”
Rhoku says “TL;DR - SKILL MATCHUP. KEEP AN EYE ON HIS PASSIVE STACKS. HE CAN DODGE YOUR Q EASILY WITH HIS Q. IF HE JUMPS IN AND USES COUNTER STRIKE, USE E AND THEN Q WHILE WALKING AWAY. DON’T TAKE TOO MANY BAD TRADES. FREEZE WAVE INTO HIM. HE SUCKS VS FREEZES. CONQUEROR IS GOOD. Jax is a very strong champion and can be tricky to beat for a newer Dariuses. You really do not want to die to Jax in this lane. If he gets fed he will be too strong to match on a splitpush and will easily be able to 1v2. The removal of Spear was nice as you can actually play around his E now as opposed to him permeanently having it up before. But a Bork rush also makes Jax INSANELY hard to 1v1. This is why a Bramble + Steelcap rush is very effective against him. But if he goes for Triforce/Sunderer, just go for Steelcaps. If he takes E level 1 which is what most Jaxes take, try to land as many Qs onto him as possible. You want him to use up his corrupt pot stacks as much as possible as him surviving your bleed stacks thanks to it is the most tilting thing on the planet. A good Jax will most likely jump into you with Q if you try to Q him so try to be wary of that. If he jumps onto you with his counter strike up, you want to pull him in and then Q him as you walk out. This will give you both free damage and stop him from properly utilising his stun. You want to keep an eye out on his passive, as if he attacks you with it stacked up, he will beat you down very quickly. You treat Jax like you would most other DPS heavy toplaners. By kiting him. Having a higher AA range along with ghost and your W slow makes this very doable. Try not to use your W when he uses counter strike. There is a trick you can pull off where you activate your W and then hit him with it JUST as the stun goes off. This way, even if you are stunned, the animation for the W will continue playing and it will actually hit him. But doing this requires you to have knowledge of how long Jax’ counter strike is. He is VERY easy to kill if you have the wave pushed into your side of the lane and you spike harder than him at level 6 (provided you are both at high hp). Steelcaps + Bramble is a good combo vs him. If he goes ignite, DO NOT FORCE ALL INS WHEN YOU ARE LOW HP. HE WILL BEAT YOU. If you are a higher elo player and have better wave control, try your hardest to thin the wave before it hits your turret. Your goal is to make sure that the wave gets stuck juuust outside your turret. This is the prime all in distance, because at this point, Jax cannot Q into your Q because he will take turret shots. This is the point where you want to sneak in a few stacks on to him here and there while he is trying to shove the lane and then try to all in him with Ghost. But for this to be even possible, you HAVE to thin the wave a bit.”
RivalOCE says “Riven can safe trade at level 3. Lead with Q, auto, W, auto and disengage. Jax will either take the trade or Q and E on you, which you can just E the damage away or look to all in. After his E is down, Jax loses really hard.
Look to build advantages early, Jax wins hard with items.”
Chease says “He outscales you after 2/3 items but you should win lane, try to cc him in the end of his E duration and instad W to deal guaranteed W damage, keep in mind that he can also dodge your W with his Q.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > E] - The ideal lane state against Jax is have the minion wave near your turret, this way you can freely Q him and he can't trade long term with you cause you can just go back under your turret
- If he jumps you, just Q him and run away. You should be able to run away before his stun activates
- Get boots 2 early, this match up is great if you have a lot of Movement speed.
- If you can get even one kill on him, you can try to snowball your lead.
- Best time to E him is some time before he stuns you if he can get it off on you"”
Quinncidence says “Jax wins if his stun is up if (14-8 sec cd if no cdr).
If you can bait it, then you have a small window to trade before it comes up again.”
Wawza says “First levels should be fairly straighforward, poke, poke, all in. He becomes a problem later on in the game when he finishes his Core items, but with the removal of Spear of Shojin he isnt the threat he once was to Aatrox”
The Real Fake says “You should beat him early until he gets two of his completed/core items. He scales much better than you but you beat him hard early. You have more sustain than him in lane, can push harder, roam better, and have better skirmishing potential early to mid game. All his trades either utilize his Q or autos which draw minion aggro, you can just Q him to trade back without drawing minion aggro. The damage he takes, he often cannot heal back while you can. Never engage with your E because his counter strike blocks it, you often want to let him make the first move or just make Q + auto trades. If he leaps onto you with Q + E, remember not to auto him as his E absorbs autos to increase its damage, you can use this time to ramp up Q and turn on him once his E runs out. You should always be able to beat him early if you draw out his E.”
Jungl says “Must keep distance from jax. He can block your full stun combo with his e making you a very good target unless you get your passive w off before he using counter-strike.”
Kampsycho says “Dodges all our DMG but our E.
Dashes over wall, Out duels etc.
Just bait his jump, wall him then trade, then back off, repeat till he dies.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. He has a pretty easy engage and can just jump onto you. If you see him activate his E just run so he can't jump onto you. You can punish him after he uses his E and really poke him to death.”
Rhoku says “Jax is a somewhat annoying matchup for you. His counter strike stops you from proccing your passive. He isn't too nimble so he cannot dodge your Q very well. Overall, he is free food IF you manage to activate your passive early on into the fight. The longer it goes without your passive, the more likely it is he is going to beat your face in. And he snowballs SUPER hard so try not to die to him. Land your Qs and get Ninja Tabis ASAP. One more thing, don't fight him when he has his passive stacked up. Wayy to much DPS. The good thing about this matchup is that you can basically poke him down with Q and disengage with E if he jumps on to you. This will give you free damage and if you E properly, he won't even get his stun off. A few of these will put him in a bad position where he can't really win. If all else fails, your Ultimate should give you enough strength to just brute force him and beat him down. If it can be helped, keep your ultimate for when he activates his ultimate so that you steal his bonus resistances too. But they are often negligible so ult when you NEED to.”
YasTilt says “Play safe against him, wait for his E to be on cooldown before fighting him. You can try to take exhaust so you reduce his Passive's Attack Speed. Take anti Heal and be careful.”
Heansuh says “I hate Jax the most when I play Ornn because he can block your Brittle-AA combo. He splits better and wins you even when he's behind. It's kinda pointless for your jungler to gank, so if he does, then give kills to jungler, not yourself. Personally, I still take Grasp of the Undying, so that I can sustain in lane and be more threatening than taking Unsealed Spellbook. I'm also researching on Aery/Comet against Jax.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Don't waste your W when it's not infinite yet into his counterstrike. Don't Q his E. Get steelcaps. You win after lvl 9. E him after he enters evasion.”
PK Noob says “Your E does a lot of DPS and for Jax to be able to negate all of it is threatening to you. Play patiently and let him engage with his Q and E so that you can E out of his stun. From there, you can all-in him. Make sure he doesn't just walk up and E or he will follow you with his Q when you try to dash away.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Don't fight him level 1. His E counters you completely. Max W - Haymaker in this match-up. If he is about to stun you with his E - Counter Strike, press E then W. You'll win the trade(s). After 2 items he has outscaled you so don't even try fighting him. Try to ult him away from your carries since he is able to oneshot them with 2 auto attacks.”
Avelon6698 says “Most people seem to have an easy time with jax but I find skilled jax players to be hard to lane against. His early is crap but still stay cautious of his stunning spin”
Black Demon Ezel says “Jax is Jax and Jax is evil. How many times can I say Jax in one sentence? Anyway, if he tries to E you, wait till he leaps onto you then activate your E which he can't block and it will completely miss”
LippyDarren says “A good Jax player (not TF Blade) will use his counterstrike just when you wanna stun him with your W or empowered W. This will be a huge waste of your fury since he takes no damage, and his E stun will stun you for more damage and he will just auto you to death. You have to make sure you play around his E well. Don't get jebaited by his counterstrike. You can beat him early if you play properly, but once mid to late game approaches where Jax gets 2 or 3 items, you need one more team mate to help you take down Jax.”
Razorwir3 says “you can either W into his E to try and hit your sweet spot while your stunned or W away from his E to get the little extra distance to escape the stun”
Psychopathic Top says “Season 11 Jax was a lot weaker compared to season 9/10 (imo). This used to be an unlaneable matchup. Now there are ways to deal with him. Level 1, walk up and allow him to E you and the wave. Boneplating should block some damage so it doesn't hurt too much. This allows him to push into you faster. Try to stand in the pocket in front of your turret, so he cannot full shove the wave into you. Sit there and afk farm. First back bramble kindlegem. This should completely stonewall jax from killing you. Upon 2nd back (sheen), look for all ins. Ping mia if Jax is off the map, he can easily get random kills which is probably the most annoying part. Mid- Late Nasus hard out teamfights Jax. Force fights at objectives to prevent Jax from splitting all game.”
Olaugh says “Try to bait his stun and hurt him with your q+e combo. When he goes for trade slow him and pop W or run away or if his E is turned on throw q+e and go pick up q cause ur basic attacks dont work just like vs teemo q so dont waste time, pick up q and either save ur ass or all in. Just poke him and u ll be fine”
DippyDan says “Very hard skill matchup. Jax wins level 1 with his E and wins late game. Possible to kill, but an experienced Jax will not get stunned by parry. TIPS: [1] Bait his E and All-in trade. [2] Parry right when he leaps onto you so it guarantees to land.”
Hecki says “Jax can be hard at times. He was a candidate for [EVEN]-Tier but the problem is he will outscale you. If you fall behind in the early game you should rush Plated Steelcaps and stay out of his Q range since he will abuse the fact he can just run you down with Blade of the Ruined King. Look for trades if he misses his E stun after jumping on you.”
IvernLover74856 says “If you press E while he has counter strike up, he can hold it and prevent you proccing E, then jump on you and stun you when you have no damage. You win the trade if he wastes counter-strike, but if he waits for you to E there's no way you win an all-in.
Looking at the descriptions for your E and his (you have 4 seconds to refresh the duration on an E mark), you'd think you'd be able to keep your e through Jax dodge and stun (2s dodge+1s stun). You can't, even if you buy dagger. ”
ArshieMeBob says “Kind of an unwinnable matchup. He will jump on you and beat you up if you try to auto him, and it doesn't help that he can JAQUES: EVASION: COUNTER STRIKE. DODGE ALL INCOMING BASIC ATTACKS”
Rocking Masterock says “Auto attack only champion and vulnerable to poke.
I want to be honest, you can go by preference about maxing Q or E first, just make sure to not fight inside his E and wait for ganks. ”
Yumi Project says “WATCH OUT! A good Jax always hit his stun! When he engage you with his E>Q>W combo immediately retreat with your E>W. If Somehow achieve his wicked plan, your on disadvantage.”
KoKoNwoo says “When he uses counterstrike (his e) can do one of two things. 1. W instantly to reduce damage. 2. q to minions far away so he can't stun you. Your passive outvalues his by a huge margin so when you get max stacks you win as long as you avoid counterstrike.”
bobokoks says “This matchup can be pretty tricky. Try to use your W when he's just about to stun you. You can E him out of his Q if you're good enough. The problem is that his evasion stance takes out your main damage source (autoattacks). But if you use your W smart and build steelcaps then you shouldn't be so far behind.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard, bone plating] Jax is not a hard matchup, but it requires knowledge and it is very unforgiving if you ever fall behind. Walk out of his E stun if possible. Always kite with Q and immediately retreat when he jumps in. Try to bait his R cooldown and then win with yours. He is one of the very few champions that scale as hard as you. Late you cant win sidelane vs him.”
IAmStryker says “Starting itmes:
-cloth armor + 4 pots
You will out scale him at some point, but the laning phase is hell. Go W second to be able to dodge his W stun.
Going the Anti-Burst build is an option, unless you win lane somehow.”
Val3n says “I mean, he is Jax. Your ult will do nothing to him, since his E will reduce the AoE damage AND will stun you. He can get to you and also escape very easily. ”
NeroZYN says “Jax is a tricky one, due to his ability to all in with his Q to bait out your E, and repeat the process. The trick here is to poke heavily with your auto attacks, and if he proceeds to try and Q on to you, then use your Q against the wall to do more damage and E away from his stun. Try and stay close to him so that if he misses the stun you are in auto attack range to deal more dmg. Also, DONT underestimate his damage”
CFCryo says “Despite the dodge of his E, he's not particularly threatening. Watch out for him holding onto his third autoattack (post level 6), as he can do significant burst to outtrade you with careful management of his abilities.
The main reason he's so easy is because he only has one gap closer and no movement speed. Flaying the jump will keep him off you, though he may still be able to land the stun. If he does prematurely E as he leaps, use your Q instead for the same reasons as the Fiora matchup, the stun will NOT interrupt your Q animation, so you'll minimise his advantage. From there you can hit him back before flaying him away for distance, and kite to outtrade.
When his Q is on cooldown, he is extremely vulnerable to poke and bullying. You'll be more worried about pushing too far and getting ganked, so don't let your guard down.”
Alan234 says “Go aery if youre confident or fleet footwork if youre not to kite him. Optionally you can start with cloth armor and 4 pots to get through laning phase. The more agressive the jax plays, the harder the lane is, so cloth 4 can save you from those struggles.
I recommend getting 3 points into q
Jax can sort of just Q E on you and you cant do that much besides Q him back and then poke him out. Poking is difficult due to corrupted potion and tp. If he q's onto you try to throw a shroom on the wave, after he lost his burst there is a 5 second window where you can usually punish before he can jump on you again. If you get a jgl gank you can snowball the lane. If you fall behind youre doomed (stat check)”
TXK_ says “You can win early duels if played correctly however Jax will outscale and 1v1 you post lvl 6. If Jax builds BORK, avoid trades to the best of your ability. As of 10.16, be wary that his E cooldown is shorter than it was before. Avoid increasing it's damage by not autoing during it's duration and only using spells.”
Mr. Popper says “Jax can be very difficult. that being said his early game is weaker then it was last season. taking grasp or fleet has proven very powerful into him with either a hard kit build with stridebreaker or going for a bruiser build with goredrinker.”
Kartagoo says “So Jax is really weird cuz early you can either just shrug his E stun off or just kite it with Q but when he gets 6 his burst actually gets really high and his bonus armor and magic resist makes him really tanky. I had success with ghost ignite lane to snowball the lane to get fast my steel caps and Sunfire item so he cant rly fight me anymore”
aurus666lol says “You can escape from his E+Q by your E. When he hit lvl 6, try to not make long fights versus him. ATM some Jaxs are building , so be smart and wait for his E, not PC + E.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You can't really win vs him, you'll get outfarmed, and he will stun you if you get too close. He is one of your main counters. Another personal favorite ban.
WillowSprout says “He'll be annoying AF if he knows how to perfectly time his Pounce and Stun onto you even if you cast your W-E Combo when he pounces you. make sure to buy Rylai's and Zhon against this fucking bitch.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED FAITE ATTENTION AU STACKS DE SON PASSIF IL PEUT FACILEMENT ESQUIVER VOTRE Q AVEC LE SIEN, SI IL VOUS SAUTE DESSSUS ET E TOUT DE SUITE, UTILISEZ VOTRE E ET RECULER POUR METTRE UN Q (RAPPELONS QUE SI VOUS FAITE E+Q ASSEZ RAPIDEMENT L'ENNEMIS EST TOUJOURS CC AU MOMENT OU LE Q LE HIT) NE PRENEZ PAS DE MAUVAIS TRADES N'HESITER PAS A LE FREEZE CONQUEROR EST BIEN JAX EST TRES VULNERABLE AU POKE TANT QU'iL NA PAS LA BOTRK ESSAYER D'ABUSER DE CELA. Jax est un tres bon champion en lane et il peut etre assez difficile de le battre pour un nouveau joueur de Darius vous ne voulez vraiment pas mourrir contre jax en lane si il se feed il sera trop dur a tenir en splitpush + le rush de botrk le rend tres dur a 1v1 c'est pourquoi tabis et armure ronciere sont tres efficaces contre lui mais si il rush trinité ou poufendeur divin rusher juste les tabis si il go E level 1 ce que font la plupart des jax essayer de lui lancer le plus de Q possible pour le descendre en pv car il n'a vraiment aucun moyen de sustain avant la botrk lorsqu'il vous all in ce qu'il fera quand vous lancerez un q essayer de le kite ou de E+Q mais sinon kiter le et a la fin de son E exploser le ne lancer pas votre W pendant son E vous possedez un meilleur ultimate que le sien pour les early fight ne forcez pas de fight quand vous etes low hp il vous battra a plus haut elo essayer de positioner la wave sous votre tour comme cela si vous essayer de le q il ne pourra pas vous q sou peine de prendre un tower shot et un potentiel E suite a cela .”
Iczere says “Can block your Q with his E, can close the gap between you and him, not that great of a matchup. try to get him to waste his E, then try to do as much damage as possible to him before his E comes back. Make sure to blind when he attacks.”
SemPelo says “You can easily block his combo with your E if you have more or less the same movement speed.
Armor boots are a great choice against him.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “His 3rd abillity is no fun for an Aatrox player. Try dodging his stun (E) and then try on taking him. I suggest you to buy Thornmail.
"A worthy vessel! Come, Jax!"”
Prezibogen says “It is a skill matchup.
Be aware of his Level 2 Jump.
Rush Steelcaps because most of his damage comes from Auto-Attacks.
Use E when he is about to Stun you with his E to push him away.
If possible use R after he Ults to get his bonus Resistances (but don't wait too long).”
KillMeKillMe says “Don't go in on him when he's doing his spinning counter thing and try to poke him down. Other than that it's a pretty normal matchup.”
GlaDyOfficial says “You cant stun him, you cant escape him you cant really ult him.
Personally a really hard Match-up, ban him if you are not confident in your Skarner skills.”
Bombabo says “Jax and Urgot both have the tools to beat the other, so it entirely depends on how the matchup is played. A smart Jax will force quick trades with a Q/W, saving his E for when you activate purge. If jax does use his E early, you can use your own E to negate it and likely win the trade”
Vandenelis says “generally stronger than you in the early game. when you get q he shouldnt be able to use his stun on you, because if you q under yourself he will either get knocked up, and you can run out of his e range, or he will have to dodge your q, letting you run away from him before he can recast the spell. His trades are stronger than yours in the early levels, but you are stronger than him when you get level 6, but he hasn't goten divine sunderer yet. After he gets the item you are weaker than him, unless you are ahead.”
DarkyTheReal says “It's playable if you freeze under your tower because you can poke through his E. But you get outscaled late game. Go corruption (If their jglr is ap otherwise go cloth armor)”
XtheZ115 says “All Jax really has against you is his stun, but oh what a disadvantage it gives you. If you can tilt him into chasing, congrats, but don't expect to win lane by fighting him. Proxy and you should be fine. ”
apkibum says “vs Jax is a true display of which one of you guys are higher skill. A good jax can tear you apart, but a bad jax is passive and easy to kill. He doesn't have much range and will jump ontop of you. as long as you are ahead you can win this matchup pretty easy as long as the enemy is not jacked. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Same as always, only easy because low elo. parry his e and you can kill him. Dont towerdive if his e is up, you will most likely die. Play safe.”
SettVEVO says “Some people might think Jax counters Sett and it might be true if the Jax is a god, but this matchup is pretty easy if you know the enemy well enough.
Jax will want to E your Q so don't Q reset or start trades with it. He will take one of two trades, a short one where he Qs on top of you with E and runs as soon as he stuns you, the way you counter this is by E stunning into W before his counterstrike stun goes through. He will take a long trade if you're low or he has ult. DO NOT FIGHT HIM DURING HIS ULT. Unless he is low enough to get killed by your W he has insane resistances during it. Just walk away when he uses it, he can't stick to you if he used his Q and E to engage. You can also ult when his E stun is about to land to deny it. You can win level 1 if he starts E by leveling up W as soon as you see him use it and using W before he stuns you. With Jax it's all about being smarter then him. He has his tools you have yours. Mid to Late game you won't win against him cause he was literally designed to be the best 1v1 champion ever. You are better at teamfights so he will probably splitpush, apply the same trading tips against him in his splitpush. Black Cleaver is good
in mid game against him.”
Engel8844 says “If u dont have flash and miss to cancel his Q with E ur probably dead. His E denies so much of ur damage. If u dont feel like it, dont fight him. Poke, Farm, Scale.”
Byku2506 says “Slow push him and dont get poke too much from aa W. Always when he is jumping or active E use E then immidietly Q for 1st stack. After mini rework Jax is really good vs Darius.”
Fryx says “A good Jax can make your early game hard and if he gets Blade of the ruined king or Divine sunderer he will do real damage so keep that in mind. He can't do much against you if you use your q and run away to get your passive back. And your e is very effective on him. Take care of his all ins, his e will block your w and this can hurt a lot. Put him down early and keep your foot on the gas, ignore botlane.”
LoLReal says “Jax has a lot of trouble against Mordekaiser. He can't block any of our damage and we steal his ult stats in our ult. We out trade him at all points except level 1 with counterstrike. Don't overcommit level 1 and this lane is a breeze.”
qosmox says “You need to punish Jax super hard early on to keep him from scaling. Similarly to the irelia.matchup a a key thing is to force trades before he’s fully stacked up his passive. Just drag the Q through him and start going at him, and the moment he presses E you want to stand inside him and taunt backwards so he doesn’t get the stun off on you. That way he gets 0 value out of his E and you can just keep trading. And without his E jax is basically useless early on which is why this is such a free matchup.”
SanLourdes says “Jax isn't too much of a threat during the laning phase since he has to walk up to you to do damage. Your Q can stop his and stun him. The only ability you have to worry about is his E. Do not let him use it when you are charging your Q. Do not feed him as he scales extremely fast. Once you build armor he should be much less of a threat. Frozen Heart is a good idea in this matchup.”
CucumberSandwich says “Skill matchup that usually is decided in the early game. You can still damage him with your W and E when he is using his E. This means you can engage with Q > E > W, he will use his E. Then stay in his E for a bit so he thinks you will tank the stun, and try to walk out at the last second. This will guarantee a good trade.”
JustForVix says “I only mention Jax as he is my perma ban, but literally every champ that can easily jump on you and has some hard CC (Ex. Renekton, Camille) is an hard counter. So I recommend to use this pick as a counter pick and not a first pick.”
Viego99 says “hard match up you need to kite him yournge is 225 jax have 125 .you need dodge e to win duel in early game .after 6 or late game you never win 1v1 because e have low cooldown.but yourteamfight is better.”
Lost Chapter says “I honestly just.... I don't know what to tell you with this champion. Spam ping your jungler so he comes when he is pushed in. Try to farm and when he jumps in use your Q + E behind so you get out of his stun or any other damage incoming. At lvl 6 you lose because of his ult. It's definitely stronger than yours in this build.”
calbino says “Jax is pretty annoying. He either rushes Bork or Sunderer, and still has innate tankiness due to his R, and he takes a % less damage from your Qs in his E. He'll constantly try to initate on you with Q or poke you with W. Fight him when those are down.”
Jaori says “The only way Jax can beat Trundle is by standing under his tower for the first 15 minutes of the game. I'm not joking. If enemy Jax knows how to play and hugs his turret, try to freeze the wave. He will be forced to fight and eventually get killed.”
RareParrot says “he outtrades with just Q+E because you cant auto him you dont win most scenarios unless jax misplays, build tabi and play extremely safe”
PlasmaFox1 says “Jax has counterstrike which can block your autos. He is also very strong at 1v1 and late game. If he buys armor, you might have a hard time beating him. You should bait out his leap/counterstrike to then run him down with ghost.”
ForgottenProject says “Skill matchup.
[1]you can fight him level 6 but I like to bait out his Ult so I dont have to damage through the insane amount of armor he gets from it.
[2]Play around your Conqueror.
[3]Try to parry his Counterstrike, if you're able to do it you will win the trade. *Some Jax will vary the timing at which they stun you so you're gonna have to learn to predict that*”
ForgottenProject says “Scary matchup if vs a decent Jax.
E away from him when he Q jumps on you. You will NOT escape his Counterstrike Stun range BUT you can get away from him while Counterstrike is active so he wont auto you for free!
YOUR W Armor/Magic Resist buff is VERY strong vs him due to Jax being Mixed Damage!”
epic blitz top says “ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second.
At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.
Minimum Physical Damage: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 50% bonus AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 100% bonus AD)
To win this matchup, Steelcaps early, look for short trades where you E avoiding his E. If you land a hook where his helicopter is off, he is still able to block your E UNLESS you W before.”
dissociate says “Pretty annoying to fight, as he can easily bait you into bad engages by just using his E at the best timing. I'd recommend using the poke build if you want to have a good landing phase, but it's still possible to survive with the regular build as long as you don't fork over early kills.
I would ban Jax though.”
turtlehamstercroc says “Don't waste your e when he is using his own e, just wait for it to end, with conqueror, last stand, w attack speed steroid, ult and passive shield you win more prolonged trades early on, after he gets some items you will start losing hard, so after lasing phase is over group up with your team to get picks with q instead of trying to duel him”
SavagePridestalker says “Jax on lane is very easy to beat, especially with Grasp and W max. You shouldn't have a problem with him until he gets 2-3 items and level 11, but most Rengar builds lose to a level 11 Jax.”
a1a7s45 says “You have the advantage early game but late game, Jax becomes a split pushing monster. Try to match his split pushing by going Tri Force. Jax has an easily dodgable stun. Also punish him for jumping on you if he ever does it with a fuck ton of damage because he used his escape to engage you. Yeah.”
oogoogerson says “Before level 6 he is pretty bad against you. Try and get in a kill or two before he gets his R. Once he hits level 6 you should not try and engage yourself, wait for him to engage and then try and avoid his E and his R passive. Take Ignite to farm early kills or take Teleport just to be safe.”
Safolet says “I really like fighting Jax being Gnar, because you can stop the stun of his E just by jumping, and if for some reason you are close before and Jax has not spent his Q to get close to you, try to find some way to jump double or a wall to escape and then continue to make farming difficult with Q and basic attacks. In case you are in MegaGnar, you will have everything to just throw your two stuns with him with the combo and then go out with the E.”
RedNBlue says “Jax can't really duel you to level 3 but once he is level 3 and has his E counter strike he can turn the tides on you early and get some gold off of you.”
AlanVenator says “His E can deny the whole damage from your W. Late game he can get pretty scary. You should abuse him early, try to outplay his counterstrike. (Fling him when his counterstrike is about to stun you)”
Breadcrumbs says “Jax outscales you fairly quickly and can block all your autos (which in turn makes him deal more damage) - start E to play it safe early and avoid his stun, and then try to poke him down before all inning him.”
SethPRG says “With his recent AD buffs fighting Jax has become a lot harder. To have any chance of victory in this matchup, you'll want to start with W, as he will most likely learn Counterstrike first. You can bully him a little bit in the early levels by E stunning him into Q AA AA before he can counterstrike. If he still uses it and tries to hit you, you still have your W to hit him with so long as he can’t get away with his Q. Past level 6 you will want to use the full 2 seconds of being unstoppable from your ult for when you think his E stun will proc, this only works though if it reaches its max cooldown, as he can’t cast the stun early during your ult. As such you are at a disadvantage, but if you can do it you’ll have more than enough damage to kill him. Later in the game though, it’s best for you to stop his Q hop with your ult to catch him out. If you want to fight him 1v1 late game, Trinity Force is best here because of his insane scaling, and so long as you can get some Q AA and a good W in, you can win, this is because most of his core old items are nerfed (Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End, etc). If you want to play for your team fight and catching him out, go Stridebreaker. He will most likely try to dive your backline and stun them, so slowing him and peeling him away from your team would ensure their survival. Start Doran’s Shield, take Bramble early, and get Plated Steelcaps after. Go Resolve Secondary, and take Bone Plating.”
El Leon Gnar says “Jax is only a major threat because of his ability to snowball. Save E for when he jumps onto you, when he puts up his parry hit him with a Q and try to trade back when he runs back to the wave. Try not to fight too much until mid-game.”
doozy99 says “Bad match up if Jax knows what he's doing. His E blocks your basic attacks and Q. When he's trying to jump on you with his E wait for it to be over, try to time your E right before his E goes off. Usual rune page, take Shield Bash and Unflinching secondary. He scales way better than you do, so you have no chance of winning against him if you're even at any point of the game.”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup but slightly jax favored.
Dshield start with sorc tree.
Tabi rush.
Jax is excellent at all stages of the game and therefore it's no surprise that he can easy win the game if he gets a lead so like just like in irelia lane, mistakes are not allowed. Look to fight jax only during the time his q is on cd.if he greeds to E you by over extending walk behind him, wait the stun out, pop ghost and run him down. Dont cast Q if you know he has Q up because that way he can easily outtrade you.he spikes really hard at 6 so if lane goes even for that long it might become really hard for you. Look to set up a freeze during early levels so you can build a steady advantage over jax.also do not look to fight him while he has passive stacks up because it can make a huge difference in I said earlier, be super careful and no room for mistakes.”
Xarmat says “When his damage output is high, he can hit you down. Use Traps where you are standing and poke him down. Only use E when he activate his Stun, his cooldown is higher then yours, he will try to bait it out from you.”
Kindredgarten says “He can just jump on you and right click you to death. Very hard to duel even if kiting because of his jump but it can maybe be winnable early if you snowball. Scales as much or more than you. Luckily, Jax jungle is not that common.”
Kaizin says “I'd suggest starting E into jax that way when he starts spinning you can place E on top of yourself. It's either going to mitigate damage and damage jax, or you're going to take some damage and jax will too. Your W doesn't go through his spin at all, so don't waste the cooldown, same as your Q. You can take short trades against Jax but but even at least 6 he wins a straight 1v1 if played correctly. Try to take short trades early and get jungle assistance. Otherwise try to farm and use your power in teamfights, late game he'll be stronger than you so avoid the 1v1. ”
I am so chill says “this guy is insane against you his lvl1 is even with urs but dont try to cheese him at bush keep poking him if he jumps on you use ur e to fall back and w q him he is stronger than you after midgame and you must respect his burst damage.”
AlexFL7000 says “If he's smart, he will play on top of you and dodge your W very easily. He will use his counter-strike to block your autos, try not to auto-attack his counter-strike. He outscales you after getting a couple of items. Very good ban!”
UlisesFRN says “Dont Q into his E. Try to block his W basic with your own W and you are good. You should win all 1v1 until he gets Trinity/Botrk. Even then,if played well, you should be able to deal with him. He is far stronger than you past 30 minutes”
CaptianMike says “Jax isn't that much of a problem. Fight him when his counter strike is down and hit your skill shots. His ult does nothing against your ult because your damage is TRUE”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Yes
His E is better than your E. Jax does not need very much to snowball and get a lead. His stun is annoying but not unbearable. The real trouble comes in once he gets his ultimate. Another problem with Jax is that even if you do well against him, he is just going to spend all game split-pushing. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
ApollonATH says “Jax counters your kit . His E doesnt let you Q or W him so you cant out sustain him in fights. Fight ONLY when he has no E and you must do anything you can to land your E R . If the jax is bad enough you can predict his E and one shot him with Nashort tooth pouwer spike ”
deathwalker7119 says “Probably one of the most balanced matchups in the game, but late game jax can shit on you if you dont parry his E and if he has heal cut. You need to be trying to parry E at all stages of the game, this is what makes the matchup simply so hard, he has the advantage there because he can hold it for a very long time to try and bait parry. You have to study how the Jax player uses his E, whether or not he pops it instantly or if he likes to hold onto it for a while. You CAN Q vitals during E, just not auto. Look to ult him right when you stun him with parry on his own E.”
Humitaxx says “The only thing you need to be careful of against Jax, is to not get stunned by his counterattack, he can stack tons of damage and attack speed if the fight gets prolonged, so try and abuse him as much as you can so he can't get that much ahead of you, try and trade with him but as soon as he is doing his counterattack, stun him with your E and walk away, then trade again.”
top is high impact XD says “if the jax is a one trick you'll have a hard time try to bait him into missing his stun if you can do that you should be fine, start w and freeze the wave if you can, pushing into jax gets you nothing”
JeanMichelBambi says “Jax's clear isn't that great in the jungle but he can beat you in a duel at all stages of the game, he is to be avoided but can be dealt with if your teammates are sentient”
UlisesFRN says “You can destroy him for the first 25 minutes of the game. Just dont mess it up, you have pick advantage here but if you make mistakes he will punish you hard. Dont W into his E, thats the key of the matchup. Jax is squishy early game so you should poke him down with Q as much as you can. Dodging his E with your E is not worth it since your cooldown is higher, instead try to bait it out and walk away. if he jumps on you, you can turn around and kill him. Your sustain is great, he has mana issues early on so you can force him out of lane.”
Snow Day Zoe says “Hard matchup if the jax is good.
He can block your autos and stun to insta pop you before the W happens.
Play safe and play undertower, wait for ganks.”
Nekosett says “Most bruiser top laners are even with sett but jax outduels you late and is really annoying after 6 buy plated and also play for the team you will outclass him as in teamfights if hes not fed you will be more effective play around his e in lane and abuse his early levels bait his r and look to set him behind ”
Excuruseh says “Aside from his E, you can easily kill a Jax if he Leap Strikes to the wrong person. If he burns his E on your clone or uses it on wave, all in him.”
Excuruseh says “Jax has an ability that blocks auto attacks, and with your Q and W being auto attacks, this can be a problematic matchup. If he wastes his E, punish it.”
TwoKingzz says “He is a very strong champion if you give him kills. Otherwise get a sunfire and Max E and get ionian boots. Baiting Jax into ganks is extremely easy since he must hard commit. Pretty easy overall.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “He beats you level 1 unless you have minions set up for passive, but usually its better to start with e. Don’t be afraid to auto him because if he presses e then you can just simply stun him and run away. This will screw up the wave and it will push to you and you can keep going for sneaky autos because your auto range is a lot longer but if you just go for farm its also fine. You can use this to get level advantages which are pretty big early on. Try to keep your passive at 5 stacks and auto attacking him whenever he is in range, if he is close enough you go for an e and if you land your e don’t be afraid to q on him and auto. After lvl 6 It gets easier but it also gets very punishing if you make any mistakes after this point. At level 6 jax gets a lot of extra damage from his R passive every third auto and is really tanky with his ult. You have to start with a full passive in every fight and you also have to make sure that his passive is not stacked, if it is his full passive is stronger than yours. This is generally how the lane plays out until level 11. If you have not gotten ahead of him after lvl 11 do not try to 1v1 him unless you have help on the way. His ult passive does too much damage and his E cooldown will be very short but if you are ahead the same concept from above applies.
Womsky says “Conqueror/grasp set up, long sword/doran's blade start, jax match up can be played in different ways, there is the grasp build, which relays on abusing grasp early and getting as much of a lead as possible early by trading with him in using ur grasp to win trades, this kind of set up starts doran's blade into a tiamat but there is a problem, grasp falls off big time and doesn't scale, you play to win lane only, and get as much of a lead as possible cause of jax E, he will out scale you anyways if the game goes long enough, and there is the conqueror build with ravenous hydra rush, l really feel much more comfortable while playing it, let me tell you why, l'm not forced to do pull out plays on jax early/kills or get giant leads, l can also take nimbus for extra over all speed in 1v1 or teamfights, and l have conqueror which scales heavily better than grasp, extra damages and all, but there is some downsides for sure which is:
This lane is EXTREMELY sensetive early, you do not want to take ANY bad trades into jax, he will chug on his posions and get back full hp and pressure you and make you loss farm, so be very careful early and dont force trades, full focus on farm and getting your tiamat as quickly as possible, once you get tiamat you will be in amazing position to start hurting the jax, take trades carefully and don't walk next to him without fury to AA trade if he has E up or he has an item/lvl/hp lead, he will win, just get agro when you hit tiamat spike and try to get a kill, a very good jax will go very even with you in lane if you don't play it perfectly, care for level 2 rush and counter strike leap combo on you, it can doom your lane in two minutes in the game, if you reach the hydra point while having a kill and cs lead, if the jax doesn't have tabies, he is doomed, you can do AA tiamat spin away twice into a dive if he gets around 40% hp, if you get a huge lead on jax or take herald, DO NOT take his turret down earlier than 13+ minutes, keep him under pressure, keep him away from farming, kill him and repeat killing him, don't let him free farm cause he will outscale, so try to set him behind as much as possible so he can't come back...
If the jax gets a lead/kills on you, try to farm as safely as possible, and relay on your team to carry, if your team is lossing then just Alt + F4, ignite is highly recommanded, second option is teleport.”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush. Kite with your q and w his q. Unlosable if you can react to his q but even if you don't and you have bramble ur chillin tbh.”
shinsuky says “You can easily beating him, but warning to the stun and his dmg in late game. If you are in difficulties, just try to freeze lane against him and wait his engage for punishing him. But if you are beating him, just roll him in his own cinder.”
SadmanV3 says “Similiar to Fiora, Jax has the potential to heavily harass you in lane, with his jump, stun and block.
*Tips for laning Jax
1. Good wave management
2. knock off his shield with a basic attack before hitting with Q
3. withering when he jumps in.”
Warwick do Brasilzaun says “Ele com sua Habilidade E, consegue desviar seus Auto Ataques e suas habilidades Q e R. Você pode ganhar dele facilmente no Early Game, pois a Habilidade E dele tem o Tempo de Recarga maior, e ele fica mais vuneravel.”
Ponkstronk says “Max W. You have to punish him early. He will outscale you at 2 items. His helicopter counters you hard. Try to stun him before he stuns you.”
DeleDulux says “the best he can do is doing Q and E so after that he can only do AA
fight him 1 vs 1 at level 3 when he's at level 6 can kill you so if u fed is easy if he's with 1 item more than you try not fight him”
CertifiedTrundle says “Op laner even in early game
His e stuns u and he can q away
Try to bait his e and/or his q
He's a easy to kill Easy to get killed hero”
god of bronx says “1-doran
2-w a la e
3-q pa fuera cuando inicia
4-que se te tire , no te tires pa salvo que lo verges
5-early y mid tuyos , late peleao”
Noodles912 says “Just afk farm. You and jax scale evenly, but you do more damage in late game team fights. If he does a Q+E or E+Q engage, wait till 2 seconds after his E, then use W. This is because Jax cannot recast E for 2 seconds after the 1st cast. Late game, blow his team up so no one can help him.”
For some Fiora players, Jax is a hard match-up, and for others it's an easy match-up. The fact is that it depends of the Jax player. His E can be activated when he want so try to adapt to his style : some Jax players wait until the end so they will make you use your parry before their E, some other players will try to E before you parry, and some others, the most annoying, are doing both.
Try to analyse how he launches E and then counter him. If you parry him you win the trade, if not you loose it. Good luck !”
Raizins says “Jax is quite straightforward to deal with by knocking him away with W. But it's important to note that his E dodge prevents you from stunning him with Alistar E.”
teemodumbstupid says “Early game he will perma jump on you, so try to stay out of range. He blocks your Q damage with his E, so I max E instead of Q and go Phase Rush. You can poke him to a point where he can't jump on you without dying.”
Urgodzilla says “His E counters your W, which is your main ability, try to use your E to cancel his stun. This matchup has become even harder since BoTRK was buffed for melees. Ban him or Fiora.”
Oskarl3 says “in laning phase he isn't much of a problem, you can cancel his leap strike with your q and slow him so he cant ever all in you, but he will outscale you and shred you and your carries late game.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Justo antes de que te stunee, lanza tu q, así lo alcanzaras aunque el lance q para escapar, en este match gana el que haga mejores trades.”
jmp_01_ says “Strong and well-scaling champion. He can press E - Counter Strike and dodge all your auto-attacks (including Q - Knuckle Down. He can also dodge your W - Haymaker with his Q - Leap Strike. His Level 6 is strong with its passive that deals extra magic damage on every 3rd auto-attack. Try your best to not let him scale.”
negoZoma69 says “Very skill dependent, you'll need to be able to W just before he stuns you so you can negate his dmg and retaliate after. Becomes difficult as game passes so you may need to build everfrost and peel for your team.”
Draconic56 says “Try not to get stunned by his E because he will damage you and Q out try to E him back when he tries to stun you. If he jumps on you, you will win longer trades. When you get your ult you can destroy him in the death realm try to save your E for when he tries to Q away. He will outscale you HARD. If he gets 2 items and is the same level as you he will be able to kill you. But you are more helpful in team fights. Just try to get ahead of him and he is free food for you.”
SanLourdes says “You counter Jax really well. The only thing to keep in mind is to not let him stack his passive before you go all in. Your ult steals the some of the stats he gains from his ult, so you don't have to worry about that either. Since he has to stay close to you to deal damage, your passive will completely melt him. Your E allows you to disengage from his Q or engage if you need to. Try not to let him land his E, as it will slow your passive activation. The only other thing to note is that he is also a hyper-scaling champion. If you die to him a few times you will more often than not find the lane unwinnable. Build your regular items.”
Kokob5 says “Will depend on how good the Jax is, if he's good he'll poke you with Q and W and then activate E while walking away until you're low enough for him to all in. It's best to wait his E out and then E him back in and trade that way or try to combo him to proc passive before he can activate his E. If he rushes bork you need to respect when he gets it even if you're ahead.”
SeptikYT says “You cannot really 1v1 Jax as he gets E first, meaning that he can just proc it so that you cannot trade with him well as your passive gives you 2 auto attacks, but his E dodges it, thus your level 1 trades are worsened, and don't forget, he outscales you hard and his Q jump range is longer than your W range. Best you ban him.”
Zaloufi says “Jax is a very strong champion and can be tricky to beat for a newer Darius. You really do not want to die to Jax in this lane. If he gets fed he will be too strong to match on a splitpush and will easily be able to 1v2. Bork rush also makes Jax insanely hard to 1v1 that's why bramble / steelcap rush is very good against him. When your both level 1, start with your Q beause he'll probably takes his E. A good Jax will most likely jump into you with Q if you try to Q him so try to bait his Q or wait for an opportunity. If he jumps with his E, you have to grab him and then Q him, you'll win the trade by healing and doing some free damage. You can't beat him if his passive is stacked up, you have to think about him like a DPS toplaner. When his E is up, don't use your W instantly, hit him with it just as the stun goes off because even if you are stunned, the animation for the W will continue playing and it will actually hit him. Remember that you have a better power spike at lvl 6 than him.”
KingFershid says “Meh I don't know how to feel about this matchup, it can go either way: you outlane Jax or Jax outlanes you. So try to play safe and engage him only if he doesn't have E.”
Docoda says “A well timed W and movement negates his attempts to stun you, but one mistake could get you killed. Your goal is to poke him down in the first few levels and keep him from getting farm.”
Dorom says “Early game you win hard, but once he gets BotRK... you can just ff. Since he has a free dash + stun it means you basically cannot trade him once he gets an item.”
kduudsz says “Jax é um matchup muito facil por ela ter o dash que da a possibilidade dela sair do e dele, eu joguei apenas uma vez contra e n tive nenhum dificuldade. Usei pezinho mas sinto que não é necessario, Conqueror é a melhor opção.”
SpartanDumpster says “Incredibly strong trades, has to be in your W range to stun you, and he can just Q to a minion or a ward he places near you instead of onto you directly.”
TwistedDemon says “Play properly early game - pay attention to his stun's range and how many stacks he has on the passive. Jax has very long cooldowns, you can abuse him very well early game. Don't expect to keep winning once this guy has Botrk or Trinity, or any completed item, really - if you didn't get any advantage and just farmed equally. Your exhaust helps a lot with his engages and you can bait him with it.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Safe your E against Jax! Go for some poke when he is trying to cs. If he jumpes on you, try to E away. You should be fine once his E is down.”
raede says “Jax can be a strong champion if fed but against Volibear if you play well around his E the lane can easily be you killing him 5 times. The best move really is just to bait him to Q in and use his E. You just place your E and after he combos you what is he going to do? In this case try to W twice and disengage as he gets his abilities back. If he goes in AGAIN ult during his E as it will deal damage and stop you from being CCed, after just W again and he should be dead especially if you have bramble vest Jax cannot compete with the healing and tankiness.”
jpaul2077 says “Early levels you should have no problems dueling Jax. He can't block your Q with his counter-strike and Jax has a very weak laning phase as well. However, Jax outscales Hecarim very hard. After trinity force and Shojin its near impossible to kill him 1v1. Look to group with your team and force objectives/roam constantly to punish Jax's early game.”
Nerux113 says “Insuportável se o cara jogar bem não tem oque fazer você e totalmente cancelado eu aconselho banir ele sempre ou caso você não queira a sua única opção e esperar o E dele acabar pra tentar bater nele.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Jax is another skill matchup because of his E. If you can dodge or null his E (with your E + Q), you can make this happen... if the trades are favoring him, just rush gauntlet and wait for your junglers gank - don't forget to juke him - and perma W - at lvl 9 -. Be carefull when you're ahead, don't let he farm alone... Jax is a champion that can outscale you... he just need time and farm.”
Rime101 says “Max Q.
Use your E the second he jumps on you
Combo for instastun is Q> W> E. use this to stun and run/ reposition
Make sure he’s 40% HP before you all in.
Don’t underestimate his E reducing all your aoe damage by 25% + the resists he gets from his ult”
Alekra says “Not very scary although i do not know the matchup with the new items. Take E lvl 1 to counter a possible lv 1 engage with his E. You win if you are able to play around his E with your Q.”
Erenando says “He will be annoying in the early game since he blocks all your Q's with his E, but if you manage to play save like in most of your matchups he'll be a free kill in mid - lategame”
lulw says “Who wants a piece of the champ? Well, sett does. Sett vs jax pretty even matchup. If he e's onto you, try to stun him, and pull him in so you can chase him with Q afterwards. Hes pretty strong. At 6 try to ult through his E so you cancel his E. First back plated steelcaps. Jax is a pretty strong duelist so don't under estimate him. Abuse your early game power to get a lead on him. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Jax will try to activate his Q to dodge the blade of your Q and his E to dodge your W and all incoming AA. You need to bait his Q before you use yours. If he decides to Q on to you, you just have to E, ghost away to dodge his stun and run straight at him and you win 100%. If you get a 1-2 kill lead the lane is over.”
SeptikYT says “His E dodges your Q, meaning that you cannot really damage him when he procs E, just get away whenever he presses it, then do your combo.”
Olaf Only says “Don't fight him if he has his passive stacked up.
Don't Auto attack through his E as you will take more damage.
All fights will be close, so you have to try and poke him down before you all-in.
Olaf is better in teamfights but Jax outscales HARD.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Start W.]
level 1, try to bait out his E by walking up to him and pretending to auto him. Hopefully you didn't walk into him too much and idealy you just get hit by his E and maybe just 1 auto attack. Auto him back if he's in range after his stun goes off but usually they just walk away. W him to get your health back and auto him with a grasp proc + shield bash. Try to rush level 2. If he's good he'll try to rush level 2 as well. If he gets level 2 first you just have to back off and wait for the wave to come in. Never hookshot onto him if your HP bars are even. He has Lethal Tempo. You want to look for short trades with your Q + grasp procs. If you stand close to walls while his E is in the air you can stun him and walk away from his stun. Look to short trade while his E is on CD. In an all in, try to dodge his E stun with your R (you have to predict it, but usually they will try to extend their E for as long as they can). TBH you could just ban Jax if you're set on picking Camille. He beats Camille throughout all stages of the game, unlike some of her other counter picks which she can outscale and split push against. Camille can't split push vs Jax and can lose lane.”
DarkAuraLOL says “jax defenitely be annoying sometimes, but you can always outclear him by two levels, as usual invade him , try cheese on raptors into red, dont fight him on same health and lvls, get advantage, more items, then u can fight him, also after blue form you can one shot him and ult him on his e, easy matchup overall”
SpyDaFX says “Skill matchup. if you wait until his helicopter is down (E) you can W him, if you don't wait and u use ur W when he has helicopter up, you're probably dead, you can bait it out when E'ing in, waiting a little bit, then E'ing out. he might Q you when you E out so be ready. go go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Start Lane with Q and heal up when he E's. Get E level 2 and when he Q E's onto you cancel the stun with your E and get some free Damage in. You will be stronger than him until he is Full Items Late Game.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Possibly Nasuss 2nd most lethal counter. He can leap on you, stun you and hit you with his W and keeps hitting you until you back off. If you try to ult and end his life. He will also ult and negate half of your Q damage. By the time his ult is over you will be dead or backed off the fight”
Kil4fun says “I would put this guy in extreme but depends on how he is built. If he rushes a heartbound axe, stay away from him at all costs. If he gets an auto off he will run you down with his E and timewarp tonic. Seriously bad news.
If he goes for BoRK first you can compete with him but he's still a huge pain.”
BigManYam says “Jax will harass you early from level 1 with his E to make your empowered Q worthless to trade against him. Just wait till mid game and you'll win with trades, but a good Jax will know not to fight you so don't bother chasing him and just be careful of ganks. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Whenever Jax says "Imagine if I had a real weapon" I think "Imagine if I played a real champion" because Jax slaps fast and hard. Bramble is good here, your W cancels his Q and in most cases your passive lets you outrun the range of his E, especially if you run at him, get the move speed, fling him and walk out.”
Whobick says “Jax is decent pre 6, and then easy 6-12, and then GG 12-18. A good Jax will farm up and get items early so he can get fed, or wait until late game. Your ult wrecks his stun so there goes most of his time for damage output. Just play safe and do not feed him!!!”
kingchas2 says “Skill matchup. Once he uses his Q on to you, try and Q him in mid-air. If you do this properly you can W and dodge his stun. If this situation happens you can then start beating on him with autos. Watch out for his passive early. The attack speed steroid for him makes him much stronger. ”
ModelitoTime says “Jax is not really difficult for Urgot at all, just poke him down and if he activates his counterstrike just wait around 1 second or a little less then E him, as a result of both of you being stunned. After that you have an extreme advantage over him because your ult is more effective than his so let him have it”
ChevalierArlo says “No low elo é raro achar um Jax bom, mas isso não significa que um mais ou menos deixa de ser perigoso. Faça poucas trocas, lance ghouls e tente fazer ele usar o atordoamento pra dar seu dano em seguida. Build 2 pra ele.”
xxskipskipxx says “Start with E and use it whenever Jax walks up to you with his E activated !!!
take W 2nd and deny his E Q engage with your EW!
You see him using E and walking to you and using Q right before he lands press EW instantly this will stun him and get you out of his E range and also deny his QW dmg !
Go for Short trades !! Q AA W Q E !”
Vielia says “When he E+Q you W to the closest way to get of his E range this will get you out of it, then fight him, things gets worse when he reaches late, you cant kill him”
SQU1DW4RD2 says “Easily outplayable, wait for his leap strike (Q) to go on cooldown and immediately start trading so he isnt able to use his gap closer after you fling (E) him away when he uses counter strike (E).”
Dannala says “Top: Early on you can easily out sustain and poke him down. It's easy to disengage from his all ins with HE and SE and avoid his only form of AoE until he builds hydra which makes it easy to snowball if he makes mistakes.
Late: Late game, however, he becomes a menace, can out split you, AoE your spiderlings with Hydra, stay on you with low cooldown gap closers and wins any 1v1.”
ineptpineapple says “This is a pretty even match up, if the jax is good he can mess you up pretty bad if not you can destroy him. Generally you beat him but 1 slip up or if you root him too late you will get wrecked.”
Heckin says “Eh, just play the game pasively until lvl 3, don't push your wave cuz he can all in you, so try to stay uner turret, but he is VERY easy to poke, don't let him E to you or else all your trades will go to a waste.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “É skill match up mas é mais fácil pó jax te ganhar do que tu adivinhares quando ele vai parar o E e lhe dares stun por isso tenta jogar com a team e não deixar ele crescer em cima de ti”
Defensivity1 says “Outscales you hard but you can trade against him pre 6 by W-ing him when he counter-strikes then wait for the counter strike to run out and all in him if you have 4 ghouls/graves.”
Hyzerik says “Don't find in his bubble, either wait it out or run away. Once it is down its go time to do damage. You can waste your entire combo in his bubble and then you are useless so watch out.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Extremely abusable in lane. Try to win early and deny him his item spikes. Try to stack passive and eat or stun him when he uses E to not lose trades due to being stunned. Rush bramble and steel plate boots.”
TioKirb says “Really easy matchup, if you can be faster than him, his E will be useless and you will be able to punish him hard for getting out of his tower. In late game, it becomes hard to kill him, but you can circumvent this by poking him with your E until you're comfortable with going all-in.”
LeSocair says “Very easy. Kegs are REALLY strong against Jax. He will be very reliant on his jungle to win against you.
Don't be too precocious with your W, he can activate his E whenever he wants, wait until he does, otherwise it's a big F up.
His W does crazy damage, take care.
After his 6 he will be pretty strong, avoid fighting him to death if you didn't poke him down before.”
sauronkaiser says “One of the biggest yorick counters.
pray for him to not get picked.
His E counters your autos, your Q and all your pets autos, he doesnt care about your wall thanks to his Q. My recomendation is to get garsp and q him all the time; when he wastes his E, raise ghouls and E him, and dont use wall until he wastes his jump. In late game you are fucked, anyway.”
FoxyGrill says “He is literaly better version of you, he is a lane bully but he outscales you as well, I recommend dodging the game or ask jungler for help.”
AmericanNut says “He can block your attacks, this will disable your ability to proc your passive, in the meantime, you can escape its stun range with Tongue Lash, then when his E is over, lick him up and down into fountain.”
Ramixx says “Rammus can beat jax pre6 but once jax gets his ultimate its mostly jax sided. If you managed to get some kills then its over for jax unless hes done the same. Make sure you play around his E early game or he can snowball. Cause jax can beat rammus early also if played correctly.”
bocchicken says “Poke with Q, save your E to escape, and your W to dodge his stun and you should be fine. Similar to fiora in that Jax wants to scale and sit in a sidelane. So play for objectives and teamfights.”
EU_Toxicity says “Start Q level 1 because his E will dodge your W. When trading, wait for him to use E and jump then pull him and walk back a little to dodge the stun, since he can't reactivate his E during your pull. Get ninja tabis into black cleaver and you should be stronger mid game. Keep in mind that he will outscale you if the game goes late enough.”
doorknobber69 says “Really annoying match up, you basically gotta bait out his E or if it gets bad just double w out. He wins extended trades and if he brings ignite this match up is really hard. ”
Lectiica says “Jax is a huge threat to you in the beginning stages, because of his ability to ignore auto attacks. Since our Trundle is built around healing through his auto attacks, the main focus to counter Jax is to avoid him when you're alone, and if you are 2v1ing him, to make sure you have other means of healing. Countering Jax relies heavily on Chomp, and the Heal summoner spell.”
lordoftheyuumitopmidadc says “even with a good knowing of this champ he is still a major threat because if you are hit from his stun he always wins the trade and his Q can let him jump onto you for combo's and you cant do much about it when fighting this match up you will need boots if you dont have boot you will mostly lose this match up unless they are very bad at jax”
iZeal says “Get the lane on your side just in front of your tower and you can start chunking Jax with Q and he won't be able to jump at you without risking towershots. Playing around his E is mandatory as it denies you bleedstacks from your auto attacks and your E is the only way to disengage from it while having a longer cooldown than Jax' counterstrike. Try to abuse your 175 auto attack range to force his Q, if needed use E for Q setup.
Blade of the Ruined King makes him squishy, but it's also impossible for you to escape from him since he can steal your movement speed.
DBlade, Ninja Tabis!, Phage”
bocchicken says “You bully him early. you can Q him mid jump to interrupt it, or look to W to him when he is charging his counter-strike to dodge the stun. he will shred you late game.”
DarkNavarre says “See Irelia and Gnar. He's a bit more potent that the two of them with the reliability of his stun, but the general method of handling him is the same. Don't try to win the lane. Instead, allow him to lose the lane.”
bocchicken says “if he jumps on you, you win the trade. Poke him out with Q, and use your E when his stun is about to go off to negate most of it's duration. he will destroy you early. Consider Thornmail/Frozen heart.”
Timesoul977 says “I usually win against Jax. Jaxes E gets countered by Pantheons E and the rest of Pantheons set. Pantheon Relies on Ability damage which is bad to Jax. he is a good ganker so be careful when hes jungler.”
hahadead7777 says “Jax is a common counter for AD champs. Your E will be essential for preventing his stun which is when he gets a lot of free dmg off”
UnMaskedDeity says “Jax is always a scary character to go against but you just need to remember your strengths and weaknesses. If you go in to fight him make sure you can either get the kill or have a guaranteed escape. Play smart.”
byThiagus says “Segunda pagina de runas fantasmal y espada de doran. Skil match. Si darius pega q en early gana sino se puede complicar. Extende la pelea siempre. Si el jax usa e q en vos podes usar tu e cuando se acaba su e y popeas fantasmal y lo matas. El jax te puede ganar early Si te dejas hacer trades cortos y no le pegas las q, este champ outscala a todo el juego NO LO FEDEES PORFAVOR QUE ES UNA MAQUINA ESTE PJ”
Stijnzxz says “Jax is fucking useless early game so take advantage of it :) but if u fuck up ur ruining the game.. be aware of hes cd and counterstrike cuz thats hes whole kit actually.”
TheSIanko says “It depends on how good is jax player. This matchup is really annoying for you, becouse he can dash to you easily and make a tons of damage.”
AWierdShoe says “You need to punish him super hard early on to keep him from scaling. Similarly to the Irelia match-up a key thing is to force trades before he’s fully stacked up his passive. Just drag the Q through him and start going at him, and the moment he presses E you want to stand inside him and taunt backwards so he doesn’t get the stun off on you. That way he gets 0 value out of his E and you can just keep trading. And without his E, Jax is basically useless early on which is why this is such a free match-up.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let the wave push to you -> Freeze 2nd/3rd wave. Thin out the 2nd wave if possible. Look for poke Q's level 1 when he goes up for cs. You need to space PROPERLY so you will not get hit by his stun. Level 2 play it safe. Level 3 still play it safe. You can not be walking up at all that is why we need to get freezes most of the lane so we get the poke with Q's and small trades. Eventually he gets low enough and you can all-in him. If you are confident enough you can fight him in the waves so once he casts his Q on you, you immediately dash and wait out his E, kite and go to fight him. His R makes him VERY tanky so do not get fooled when he is low but you are low as well and you try to go for the kill.”
viktoreeu says “Ban the fucker
He is not hard to beat in the early game, but his counterstrike ability will negate your existence mid-late game.
You should win the early game AA+E early trades, your E is on a shorter cooldown than his E, you simply win early fights if you don't grief too hard.
Try to not let him get ahead by getting free kills. Run down his team with your lead
Unskilled champion. Wait what?
tempo ignite”
NickCola Tesla says “This matchup is more annoying than the actual difficulty, but it's still a skill matchup in your favor early.
Jax becomes a lategame monster when he purchases Blade of the Ruined King and other tank shredding items, but until then, you can give him a rough time in lane. Keep an eye on his passive stacks, as if it's up, he can take a very favorable trade without you being able to match his damage!
Keep in mind that if he hops on you, he essentially has to go all-in, as he has no real means of escape. This means that Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest are amazing purchases into him!
Be weary if the game goes on for an extended period of time. While you are still useful late game, you will be unable to match Jax's split push.”
StrikeX114 says “Jax's greatest threat to you is Counter-Strike (E), as it blocks both basic attacks and provides a stun. Heal just before he can stun you, and kite away from him if possible, as successful stuns almost guarantee gank setups.”
Saarlichenbog says “Jax almost always outscales you post level-6 no matter how the lane played out. His E allows him to stall out until this point and has a great in-built gap closer with his Q later into the game making it extremely hard to get him off you. This matchup is definitely a tightrope.”
Chessylex says “You can't duel him until Level 11 surprisingly. If you manage to somehow dodge his E and he wastes his Q engaging on you, you can turn it around as he has no mobility or CC. Just keep his cooldowns in mind and don't underestimate his Q range. ”
TheMightyNinja says “Do not trade from level 1 as will usually be your Q against his E ( wich denies auto attacks and stuns you after a short time ) and passive wich makes him attack faster over time.
Starting from level 2 take short trades, try to bully him when he gets close to farm. There are 2 ways to counter his E. You can stand very close to him when he casts his E and taunt away through him, this way he can't follow up with his Q and will miss his stun, you can also follow that play with q+empowered attack. The other way would be to stay near your blade and press your W just before he stuns you resulting in him getting no value out of his stun. Remember, always try to proc grasp on him and retreat, he wins long trades, specially after level 6.”
Klappy says “- Ganas a lvl 1 si gasta su E (Camina cerca de el luego de usar tu Q para baitear su E)
- Siempre guarda tu E para su E+Q combo
- Respeta su ulti, ya que lo transforma en un tanque
gamjatangisgood says “You can use a 60 BPM Metronome to help parry his counterstrike. You will feel like a monk as you perfectly time his short window of 1 - 1.25 seconds.”
open_48 says “
a good jax can dodge your Q with his Q, dodge your W with his E. Try to abuse him at the start where he's much weaker than you. rush ninja tabi”
llametekudasai says “no cambia la manera de jugar contra el, asegúrate de esquivar su e, con tu propia e, y deberías ganarle la linea fácilmente, en el caso que te mueras contra el lvl 1 puedes volver a intentarlo al lvl 6, no dan sus cds como para matarte en el 1vs 1, aunque esto es para ser mas seguros, puedes intentar matarlo antes si ves la oportunidad ”
aiSky says “His E counters Kled a lot, being hard to hit your W. Some times you can outplay him, but to get a lead its better to roam to other lanes with your ulti.”
Whackguy says “Winning against Jax ultimately comes down to mechanic confidence. Engage when Jax's E is on cooldown. It is perfectly ok to E away from his Q-E combo. ”
GLP1 says “Kled can be considered a counter for Jax to some extent but you have to keep in mind that when he overscalees you won't have any chance against him, try looking for guides on youtube how to beat Jax with Kled”
MrGasYourGirl says “Below Gold one of the easiest match ups. Anything higher and he diddles you hard and beats you down till you call him daddy via lamppost technique. But easy to beat by just throwing W while he spins- according to Ignite Garen toplane...
wolfclaw3812 says “Save your Q for when Jax activates E. Jax's E cooldown is much longer than your Q's, so you should always have it for when he jumps on you. AP. On-hit and tank will not save you. ”