Mid Lane 49.84% Win Rate97% Pick RateOrianna Mid Lane Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Orianna in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Badplank says “A major annoyance, has a shield like you and she can spam her ball, not to mention her R is perfect prep for a jungle gank. Suggest buying defensive items”
cheerzinh says “A orianna apesar de ser um mago de utility igual a Neeko, tem bem mais range que ela e consegue colocar pressão na neeko fora do range das skills dela.”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. She outranges, out trades, and has lower cooldowns than you. Play safe and you'll outscale. Boots first back is amazing. Aim for T2 AFTER Catalyst buy. Swifties preferred but Merc's are good if the situation fits. In teamfights, keep an eye on her ball as that determines everything. Same with Diana or Neeko, keep a nice distance from your team and use them as bait for Orianna ult.”
trueargyriac says “Orianna has a higher range than you, can trade onto you early better with her shield, has lower cooldowns than you - she will bully you in lane. You will have to accept this, sit back and farm. You will win later.”
Cepatrol says “Almost unplayable laning phase without help. She pokes you more than you can heal. Try rush boots and run away from the ball. If she throws it down run to the other side of the lane, try bait her abilities out, NEED secondwind and doran's ring or unplayable, Can go aery and fist her but i pref scalign phaserush cause if she's good its impossible”
xumi_k says “Theoretically it’s easy, practically not really. She’s great at poking, so be careful of her ball. You kill her easily if she won’t poke you down sooner. Overall an easy matchup once you get used to it.
Tamikaze says “Orianna is a skill matchup. If the Orianna player is good, they will deny you greatly early game since you cannot match her damage or her poke. However, if that doesn't happen, you win the lane. The later the lane goes on the easier it gets. Your damage will eventually be much stronger than hers. Just respect the ball and play around your ultimate. ”
MattStyle says “Aunque no lo creas es un match up bastante difícil porque va a presionarte durante toda la fase de líneas bajo tu torre y tu JG nunca vendrá a castigarla. No es broma, me ha pasado más de una vez.
Aún así, no debería ser capaz de matarte pero no te confíes y juega con cuidado. ”
j4ss says “Zero interaction scaling mages with zero sustain are Graves breakfast. Go standard poke graves with standard build. if she scales and get strong, maw of malmortius will do the job, with you get melee and hit some crits she's dead.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora struggles heavily into various burst mages, as they outrange her during the lane phase and can bully her relentlessly with their similarly powerful burst damage.”
Tatsurion says “Same as hwei, this is about as even of a matchup as it will get for you, both of you are the same character basically, both of you have similar threat levels and ranges, her early game is stronger though. Late game is yours, but an orianna player should ALWAYS be respected.
Take burst if the situation allows”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering Storm/Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
*you can contest early if your jungler is invader, you can go [Scorch]*”
GreenReapers says “Electrocute or Conqueror with resolve secondary. First strike only if you are able to proc it reliantly.
D-Shield start.
Very strong early due to her Passive, increasing her Auto attack damage. Stay safe and poke. Her E gives her a shield, as well as resistances, while her W gives her a shield, making her harder to kill. Luckily, she's rather immobile, so you can focus your shadows on dodging and placing them in her escape route. Dodging her R is instrumental, as getting hit by it, will lead to you getting killed in the later stages of the game. Edge of night does a good job of protecting you from this, but if you learn the range of her R you can place your W outside of the range and swap to it, or dodge it with your own. ”
BrMario1011 says “nothing much to say lol, she just cancer outranges you, team fights very well and you pretty much can never reach her even to q her ig, only if she gets greedy, you can gank her easily tho with flash w
go dorans shield, second wind, electrocute and teleport”
Viktorias Secret says “Annoying match up. Very similar to Syndra.
A bit better range with way better early and she won't let you approach her with her W slow or R (E for Syndra).
If you manage to reach her though, she is done.”
MetalK1d says “Orianna is very annoying champion because she has strong poke and can cancel your combo with her R. The way to kill her is to poke her when she wasted her abilities and after you can all in.”
EVEKING says “Has alot of poke, but you will outscale her and outdamage, all you need to do is not let her steal kills and get fed and you won the game.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet / PTA] Very opressive matchup if you dont get your jgl / supp to help you. You can play either PTA or fleet. If you choose PTA try to trade her early before her first base, afterwards laning vs her becomes impossible and you should look to just farm and go for plays with your teammates.”
sick204 says “Respect Orianna's zone control and poke potential with her abilities, especially her Q and W. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Orianna's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Orianna's ball placement and potential shockwave (R), which can set up kills or turn fights around. Utilize Wind Wall to block Orianna's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output and utility. Engage on Orianna when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on mana, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Orianna's crowd control and magic damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “My worst nightmare, she outroams you, outranges you (HER BALL ARGHHHH) she can just dance away from your abilities with her unbelievable MS, she can help her teammates better than you. I don't like this matchup and I don't know what to say besides to dodge. If shes bad at orianna good for you, but A GOOD ORIANNA is impossible to beat. I don't ban orianna though, because noone plays her lol”
SkandalloTV says “Focus on farming well and you'll be able to win 1v1s against her. If she knows what she's doing, she can bully you from far away early.”
otaliz says “She has a good wave clear and can poke you very easily. The best way to play against her is to not face her, poke her with Q and W in the laning phase when you can, and look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards. Avoid teamfights in tight spaces because of her ultimate. Shurelya's build could be a good option, because of the extra movement speed to dodge her abilities.”
Foxirion says “Orianna’s crowd control and area of effect damage can be a threat to Swain, as she can disrupt his positioning and quickly deal high damage.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet / PTA] Very opressive matchup if you dont get your jgl / supp to help you. You can play either PTA or fleet. If you choose PTA try to trade her early before her first base, afterwards laning vs her becomes impossible and you should look to just farm and go for plays with your teammates.”
michaliis says “GO DORANS SHIELD!!! Orianna sided Match up. Really Annoying. Insane range but really squishy. Try to get to her with Q3 and combo her.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
You should be able to bully Orianna with empowered basic attacks and abilities quite effectively during the early game. Avoid taking extended trades as Orianna's own passive gets stronger the more she attacks and position yourself on the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is placed, so that it's easier to react to if she's trying to play aggressively.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
A good Orianna is hard to beat because even though you have a slight range advantage, you can almost never go for passive procs in lanes due to her passive. She is more useful than you for her team with her shield, speedboost and airborn AoE cc. She can be hard to kill if she builds archangels, so don't try to trade too much and only go for Qs for afar to win your trades.”
awawa says “Can't do much against you, unless you decide to tank her burst. Can become a problem in teamfights with her ult, but in all other cases you destroy her. ”
ShokLoL says “The Orianna matchup can depend a lot on what keystone she takes. If she takes comet she will put 3 points in W and be extremely strong in lane. Your goal against comet Orianna is just to do your best to stay even and look to beat her in teamfights or the sidelane. If you’re playing against phase rush Orianna, she will scale a lot better but you will have more windows to do stuff in lane. Orianna's biggest weaknesses are she doesn't have a way to stop you from melee Qing onto her or a creep next to her, and she's also very gankable so try keep the wave in a gankable position.”
ShokLoL says “The Orianna matchup can depend a lot on what keystone she takes. If she takes comet she will put 3 points in W and be extremely strong in lane. Your goal against comet Orianna is just to do your best to stay even and look to beat her in teamfights or the sidelane. If you’re playing against phase rush Orianna, she will scale a lot better but you should win out in the lane phase with your WQ auto fleet trades. Dodge as many skillshots as you can and look to outperform her in teamfights.”
Soft Headpats says “This matchup can be tough early on thanks to her consistent poke and area denial with her ball - especially if she runs Aery or Comet. Once your waveclear is consistent enough, you can neutralize this lane, but until then, focus on getting control of the wave so that she can't spend as much time harassing you.
Be careful fishing for E spells onto her since she moves quickly with her W. She also gives resistances to whoever has her ball - including herself - so take that into account if you think she's in kill range. Avoid grouping up during teamfights, especially if you don't have vision of her. If your team is grouping up for whatever reason, try to use WQ to help them dodge her ult if it comes or WW to absorb some of the damage. Orianna can ult-flash while the ball is attached to herself to catch people off-guard, so be mindful of that option. ”
ShokLoL says “The Orianna matchup can depend a lot on what keystone she takes. If she takes comet she will put 3 points in W and be extremely strong in lane. Your goal against comet Orianna is just to do your best to stay even and look to outperform her in teamfights. If you’re playing against phase rush Orianna, she will scale a lot better but the lane will be a lot more playable. She is immobile so hopefully you can look to gank her with your jungle or support.”
ShokLoL says “Orianna is a very difficult lane and you will need help from your support and jungle in order to win. Focus on getting control of the wave with your autos so that she doesn't have time to harass you. Eventually you will have enough waveclear that you can neutralize the matchup.”
Deceiver_euw says “Try to not lose push into this matchup (unless you and your jungler want to gank her lvl2/3). If you lose push into ori lvl1 she will poke you with QW as you go for CS and it will hurt badly. You will always win short trades into her but extending them vs orianna is a bad idea since her spells will come back up faster and she has really deadly autoattacks. When you are on cooldown you have to space away from her Q until spells are back up.”
ShokLoL says “If Orianna runs comet she can be very difficult to lane against, if she takes phase rush though you should be able to bully her. Focus on getting control of the wave with your autos so that she doesn't have time to harass you. Eventually you will have enough waveclear that you can neutralize the matchup.”
vSomnia says “If she used Q for cs or missed it, go take a trade and run. She deals a lot of damage with basic attacks in extended fights and has lower cooldowns. Again don't be afraid to trade and don't get harassed.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Skillmatchup, win who play better. Bait her Q and stay away from her.
Banshee if u have dificulties.
Runes: Aery + inspiration / First Strike + Gathering Storm.
Spells: TP.
ESP: Skillmatchup, gana el que juega mejor. Tratá de baitear su Q y mantenete alejado de esta misma así no puede ultearte.
Runas: Aery + inspiración / First Strike + Tormenta creciente.
Spells: TP.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Orianna watch out for her poke, but in the most of the cases you can go straight into her casue she have only E to spare some of your dmg, she have high dmg output and low cd so play around her W cd to get less dmg”
Kikife says “Orianna mid is a pick you don't see that much right now. If you do come across it, then you must take care as she will typically just poke you down with her Q, moving her ball around whilst auto attacking minions exclusively. Try to poke by positioning your W so that it doesn't hit minions and use that into an E Q combo to out trade her on lane.
If the wave pushes into her turret she will more than likely wait for a gank and just ult then slow you so that you die quickly. If you're at her tower and know which side the gank is coming from, E into the opposite jungle and escape back to tower.
Make sure that you outrade her Q poke with your own Q poke.”
vreiki says “Ela é mais rápida, tem cooldowns mais curtos, tem cooldown defensivo, e com os novos itens, bursta muito. É uma potencia em teamfights que se opõe à Lissandra.”
gaarrett says “Orianna is somewhat of a lane bully. Winning this lane hinges on you hitting tough E2s, as she will shield and amp her movespeed to avoid you. Don't take too much poke and you should be fine with a Doran's Ring. [4/5] ultimate, Sylas doesn't have the ball so the shockwave casts around you. Good for chasing or diving. ”
MukiiBaa says “Big range, hard poke.
Cant punish her easy unless she is bad and can be hit with every E and she outscales and deal insane dmg in teamfight”
149Gray says “Farm, give up cs if you have to, you can rush cdr boots early, don't let her auto-attack you, if you don't have tp, you won't get any perfect recall windows unless your jg/supp helps you, so recall with her on a neutral wave and ghost to lane if it's a cannon wave.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Constant poke, try to hit your "E" if you don't there is nothing to do, she will punish you by poking you down, step behind the minions so her "Q" will deal less dmg, if she max out "W" then you will need to trade back, and look for all-ins whatever she will do that, if you keep faling your "E" then just farm, cause' she will kill you.
pokeo constante, intenta acertar tu "E" si no lo haces, no hay nada que hacer, ella te castigará pokeandote, parate detrás de los minions para que su "Q" cause menos daño, si maximiza "W". Entonces tendrás que devolver el dmg y buscar all-ins, sea lo que sea que ella haga, si sigues fallando tu "E", entonces simplemente farmea, porque ella te matará de lo contrario. ”
wundrew says “Jump on top of her right after she throws her Q because she gets bonus resistances when the ball is on top of her. Doran shield to farm early, all in with nashors.”
SurferKiller says “Play safe until 6. Pay attention to her ball positioning. If she has phase rush, wait until she has used it next to your tower, then all in.”
FrostbiteMW says “Very annoying lane. Just play passive and dodge her balls. She is squishy so try to wait for mid game when your team is starting to group. Try to burst her down since she has no HP.”
FrostbiteMW says “She might be a bit annoying in early levels, but after your first back you should be strong enough to just perma poke her. You outrange her and shouldnt get hit.”
FrostbiteMW says “She might be a bit annoying in early levels, but after your first back you should be strong enough to just perma poke her. You outrange her and shouldnt get hit.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. She wants to be aggresive early and poke you, so stay a bit back. If you survive the early levels you can outpoke and range her.”
OwnerofHappiness says “She is going to bully and poke - but she is much more gankable. Do your best to farm without getting poked too much, ult her under tower. Get boots to dodge her Qs easier”
Wizboy73 says “The skill matchup, however ori is a bit stronger currently. Take default/snowball/experimental runes. You win levels 1-4 she wins 5-10 because of her higher dmg at that point. But you do win later in teamfights, unless ori hits a good shockwave.”
Shinbae says “Не могу много сказать за неё, просто держите дистанцию и старайтесь уворачиваться от её шара, после её 6го обходите её за километр, однако это только на руку Зои, что даёт ей возможность атаковать с дистанции и, при возможности, ваншотать”
Hexeria says “[Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q] [Yea she will just constantly poke you and deny your farm.] [Go Dorans shield + Second wind, consider going tank, and catch her together with your jungle.] [ Keep an eye on her ball to dodge her W and Ult.]”
Vlasuo says “EXTRA: You can windwall her Q (the ball will stop right at the edge of the wall) and her E (the ball will teleport to her regardless, but she won't benefit from the shield)”
Herr Von Martinus says “Overall annoying with poke as she outranges Azir's W, two ways of out damaging her:
1. In early game try to get a lead by equipping Hail of Blades runes
2. Ask help from jungler so that You'd be ahead and would be able to cheese poke her until You can all -in her from up-close as then Azir will out damage Orianna. Try to flash her R when You all-in her, out of panic she'll most likely try to R You when You stand right next to her
If none of the above options are chosen, most likely You'll be out damaged, out-poked and behind severely”
Halkem says “Hard to get prio on her, because she has too many clear wave spells, but you're really good at keeping her in lane. You can bait her Qs with good movement. Care about her gank setup.”
Iceyou says “Ok we ve established a pattern . Extremely long range casters that can poke you even if you hide behind cs are a problem . Ori is not an exception . Gank vulnerable give her the push stay healthy call for ganks . You cant die 1v1 . Respect her she is worst matchup possible after cassio . ”
The Milelator says “Orianna is on patch 13.21 one of the best midlaners. No terrible match ups. If she has phase rush, winning trades will be really hard. Use your better push abilties to get prio and win with your team on other lanes.”
Hikkinnado says “Immobile, but scales better then you till 13 lvl, also her poke with new meta on her is huuge( 500 dmg on 5 lvl from 1 spell) , you resists rly help you in sustaining ”
WarwicksSimp says “Dodge or ban.
THis champion is only countered by artillery mages, its impossible to play vs this champion as a melee kiteable bruiser.”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a really hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Midgame you can just outpush her and roam.”
Dustyacer says “Actually an easy mu in lower elos imo. The strength of orianna is the high range + not needing to stop to cast her abilities, thus making it easy to zone us. However, she has no cc until 6, and even then its hard to peel/cancel our W with it. If you walk close they will back up, but if u walk back inviting the ori to chase but then u turn around to get into W range for a trade. This actually works quite well into orianna at lower elos. Other than that, note her ball location, the atk will come from its location rather than from orianna unlike most other champs. Best way to dodge her Q is probably walking perpendicular to it. Try to put a bit of distance away from it.”
FrostbiteMW says “Shes a hard lane bully, being able to perma harrass you. Just try to play safe early and farm up, afterwards you can always go for poke with your R - Q. But if you get too close youre basically dead.”
Tokiyami says “Poke heavy champ just be respectful of her early game poke, can usually run her down at lvl 6 if you dodge her ulti, can use your E or ulti or you can just flash it. But just survive lane until you can run her down.”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna doesn't have mana issues like Sona does. Sona needs to manage her mana carefully, as spamming her abilities can lead to her running out of resources quickly, while Orianna can maintain her aggression more consistently, But we know that sona can deal big damage on early, so sona can poke her”
stormraided says “Depends on if the Orianna is good, if she missed all her abilities you win, if she creates space and use that to zone you. When you engage make sure her abilites are on cooldown, if not you can get turned with her ultimate. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Orianna will make sure to keep you from farming. Go in after she uses her shield and you are most likely to win the trade. The most difficult part is avoiding her ult.”
Wraithlander says “Heavy poke lane. Try and avoid her q best you can but inevitably she will poke you out of lane if you fail to bait and dodge the damage. You can look to all in if she mispositions especially if she doesn't have phase rush.”
sullyyylol says “Orianna isn't too bad. Her early poke is the only advantage she gets in lane and can be very annoying but she can't stop you once you get going.”
tangerrine says “I think this match-up can be very hard, as long as the Orianna can actually play her. She outranges you super hard and can outpoke you really hard. PLEASE run verdant barrier ASAP. The only hope you have is to bully her early, when you have more base damage. If she doesn't have barrier, PLEASE abuse it and be super aggressive. Late game, she scales mega hard so make sure youre safer around her.”
TheBougis says “Orianna can be very annoying with her slows and her ult, but as long as you hit her with a Q every now and then, she can't do much and as fast as she may be she will eventually die.”
Zero macro says “Orianna outranges Caitlyn her autohits and most of her spells easily, thereby laning phase will be hard. Caitlyn should try to dodge most of the Orianna ball combos and thereby poke Orianna with sneaky headshots and Caitlyn Q's.”
Zero macro says “Orianna is a control mage with a lot of range on Q/W. Thereby it becomes impossible for Kog'Maw to keep prio. Later on Kog'Maw has an easy time keeping up with Orianna.”
serrafim says “Orianna isn't too good this season, but a good orianna can be annoying. Play away from her ball so she cant W (Vibrating Ball) you, and don't all in her if she has her E (Ball Shield) on hold. Just shove and roam and she will have less imapact then you. ”
whaz says “personally i've never met any ori players as zoe but as an ori main myself, dodge her ball everytime and after 6, avoid standing near her ball so she cant pull you in!”
DepresedEef224 says “She will poke very hard, but take poke runes, play slow. If you land stun and get to actually fight her instead of her running, you win.”
Yurox says “Poke you to death so quite annoying.
Can use teleport.
You can try to use R when she R interaction to stun her.
She is way more sensitive to all in if she don't have phase rush.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Go comet and do aggresive tradign you should win this. Its annoying but just make sure you trade with your cds and dont walk up without them”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Unsealed Speelbook]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't let her outrange you with her ball]
[Pay attention on her ball as she can deal damage to you with her Q movement]”
freuio123 says “Ich find Orianna unangenehm. Ihr early burst Trades halten mit dir mit, ihr push ebenfalls. Wie bei allen anderen immobilen Champions: Kommt Jungler hast du free kills, aber das 1v1 ist schwer.
Würde empfehlen einfach cdr scaling utility zu gehen und in teamfights zu outvaluen bzw. durch catches.”
NickLeVlach says “No one doesn't know how to play Orianna. Everyone plays Yasuo. XD. Tricky match if you find an Orianna main since she has long range and a shield to protect her from your burst. Ask for help and god luck.”
Zeusman00 says “Extremely hard matchup to play, I generally like to try and push the wave and roam. Very hard to touch this champ as she has exceptional range with her Q and the slow on her W allows her to get away from lots of sticky 1v1 situations.”
uwuimsocute says “Same as Lux, she does not have that crazy waveclear but it is impossible to trade with her because of your limited range.
Just farm and ignore her, if you are uncomfortable with this matchup consider going long sword and 3 potions.”
qkthr1 says “annoying ass poke. shes weak mid and late game compared to you so in team fights you diff her. laning is just hard and very annoying. look to get ahead by getting roaming kills and coord with jg to take her down early. W will only save you a little so be prepared to take dmg, and mitigate this later on by buying healing potions and such”
Anguish333 says “- Really hard matchup
- I'd advice you playing Fleet+Second Wind+D Shield vs her, can be Electrocute if 3+ Squishys in game
- If she uses her Q right after using E you have brief moment that u can all-in her
- If she has her ball on her she gets bonus MR and Armor
- If possible try saving E for her Ult to dodge it
- She hard outscales so you can try sacking some waves to roam on sides (DNO ABOUT THIS ONE AFTER MINION CHANGES THAT ARE APPARENTLY ON PBE)”
Cryniu says “Be careful, her damage could be surprising. Keep your distance using your E. Poke her when she tries to attack you. Mercury's don't work here.”
TB Azir says “Range olarak Azir'le yarışabilecek şampiyonlardan biri olsa da nihayetinde klasik control mage eşleşmesi: TP al, farmla, arada ufak ufak dürt, tempon varsa da roam'a çık. Bunlar dışında karşısında oynarken 1 levelda takas kesinlikle atılmaması gerekiyor çünkü Orianna'nın Q hasarı, pasifinden gelen ilave auto attack hasarıyla birleştiği zaman Azir'in 1 levelda bu takası kazanma ihtimali kalmıyor.
Rün: Fleet, Aery”
darkezmond says “It is difficult to trade with her because of the large damage and movement of her ball, avoid long trades and poke Q at a long distance”
ardizzle says “Doran's Shield and Second Wind will keep you alive in the early levels. You will have a slight early wave advantage on her unless she uses her mana to clear the wave. If she does, she will run out pretty quickly. Focus on dodging and keeping minion control early and you will not fall behind her. ”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Rush boots. (Cheater recall)
It's a dodgeball-game. Bait her q to make plays.
Back if low enough / flashless that her clicking r dooms you.
Can R out of her ult.”
Deru says “Annoying early poke but if she doesn't run phase rush you can catch her with jungler's help. Shove and roam in this matchup, conq is useless here.”
Deru says “Annoying early poke but if she doesn't run phase rush you can catch her with jungler's help. Shove and roam in this matchup, conq is useless here.”
MiniLuxi1 says “I see her more, no matter how formidable an opponent, but a matchup skill, she can pass you on. because the CD of her abilities is less, yours and more dps, and it's better to keep a distance and farm calmly. and wait for the opportunity to strike when she throws the ball, and a "field" appears under it, you can try to attack, but she also has. the shield. R- pulls to the center of the ball.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “She doesn't have too much power early and is mana hungry. W movespeed to avoid harass and to get angles to trade. lvl 6 be aware of the ball and try to R away if she looks interested in using it”
Samikin says “Major-Threat.
Thank god Orianna isn't more popular or powerful right now. Orianna is a really hard matchup for Zoe. She has much more range than Zoe and can zone wherever Zoe wants to go to throw Q's. Without any cast times on her basic abilities, Orianna can focus on dodging spells while also throwing them out. Also, she can Q + W Zoe while Zoe is in her R.
For this matchup, do not R into Orianna's face unless she doesn't have spells. Try to play on the opposite side of her ball, or at least as far away from it as possible. The more range between you and the ball, the more time you have to react.
Electrocute (+ Inspiration: Biscuits / Cosmic Insight)
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build.”
TheAfricanDream says “The same advice that applies to Syndra, applies to Orianna as well. Orianna has very strong basic attacks so do not exchange basic attacks with Ori as she will always come out on top. Take ghost in this lane as Ori will most likely take phase rush so you will need to keep up with her.”
Cjtheawesome says “Somewhat of a harder lane compared to our mid laners. She can zone you with her Q, but try to get as much CS with your own Q as possible. Don't let her chunk you down for free trade when she has no abilities up.”
Demonsedge90 says “It is possible to be behind in this matchup if you underestimate Orianna. She does have some deceptive abilities to watch out for, though you have enough range to where you should be able to kite everything she throws at you. The only thing to be concerned about when fighting her is when her jungle assists her in taking you down.”
Atemporal says “Tenha cuidado com seu Q e auto poke nível 1. Deixe-a empurrá-lo. É possível negociar com ela no início do jogo, você tem que procurar algumas aberturas. Quando você está no nível 2, você pode negociar com ela se ela desperdiça seu Q. Sem seu Q, seu W é
inútil, e você vai superá-la duramente. No entanto, não vá para negociações se a onda for muito grande, porque o dano dos lacaios pode fazer você perder a negociação. Mais tarde na pista você ainda pode pular nela se ela errar o Q, mas ela pode se proteger então
W para fugir e depois persegui-lo com Phase Rush. O momento ideal para negociar é quando seu E está baixo, e ainda melhor se seu E está baixo e ela usa Q. No entanto, bons jogadores Ori não lhe darão muitas aberturas no início. Jogar para fazenda,
empurre se possível e procure por roams. Se o Ori estiver jogando pelo seguro, não tenha medo de chamar seu jungler para mergulhar nele. O empurrão de Ekko é melhor e mais seguro do que o empurrão de Ori após o nível 4, e após o nível 7 você a empurra com força. Não tenha medo de dar um puxão
dano para obter empurrão. Ori tem uma fase de rotas forte e, com a construção Tear, ela também será forte no meio e no final do jogo. Ori é uma lutadora de equipe forte, mas ela vai lutar para igualar você na pista lateral 1v1. Empurre ondas e olhe para pular nela
da Névoa da Guerra. No entanto, não é impossível lutar em equipe contra Ori. Seu R cc não dura muito tempo, então teamfighting contra ela não é tão arriscado quanto teamfighting contra campeões como Malzahar, Galio, Lissandra.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Barrier/Heal/TP
Oft wird gesagt dass Ori ne gute Antwort auf Viktor ist aber das ist schon länger nicht mehr so weil Ori inzwischen in nem sehr weaken State ist. Sie ist stärker pre6 aber du wirst danach immer mehr Damage haben. Spiel mit long Range E Poke damit sie nicht in Range für Q kommt.”
IamBishop says “Little less annoying than azir because her mobility is much more limited. Her ball gives resistances on whoever its on. Level 1-2. If you go q and e in whatever order if she ever q-ws you or you know her e is down, fleet auto a minion and q towards her and attempt to stun and auto her to punish. Watch out for being ganked at 6. ”
Balinthun873 says “Her Shield can soke up lot of damage. A good Orianna will push the lane in and poke you under tower. try to stay far away and farm with q.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You will propably get fucked early, she can poke you easily and shield your poke. Avoid getting oneshotted with her ult lv6. You stomp her after some time, not much to say there.”
sapphire__lol says “If orianna is really good it can get rough from time to time but generally she is very killable and struggles with disengage. Engage her as soon as she uses w so she doesnt have movementspeed for disengage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
Adamonias says “Even lane early, Xerath favoured mid game. Start W this lane. You hard outscale her, just care that liky syndra she can use her abilities while moving. Never get into auto trades bc her passive means she will allways win those. stand a distance so you can see the ball move with her Q, you're kinda on the back foot here till about lvl 9/lost chapter then you hard win.
You outdamage her at all points of the game, her only saving grace is her ULT in teamfights. other than that bully her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her ball is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
SkyBanana says “Your sister of the same catergory: Orianna is a team fighting utility mage with a huge AoE ult and lots of CC and team utility as well via W movespeed and slow and E shield spam on different targets. Her early laning phase acts just like you so it is weak but gets very strong and oppressive as the game goes on. Orianna has a lot of zoning in the form of her Q where she can deny space, but that is her weakness as well as she can ONLY affect that area. You can toss skillshots anywhere and is not as position dependent unless you count for your R. This is a dead even match up but it depends on how your team plays.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball Command: Protect(E) throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her E is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her Command: Attack(Q) and Command: Dissonance(W) and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.”
NegativePhoenix says “You're both meant to poke each other, but yours should be slightly better if you're careful. Once she hits 6 just be careful cause her ult can easily screw you over in a bad spot. Overall though this shouldn't be too hard till later in the game.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Orianna is a support type of champ, She isn't hard to really kill and the only way she can escape you if your on her is for her to R or Flash away.
Overall easy match up just try and stay away from her ball.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is pretty much free. Her early game is insanely weak so you can just abuse her for free. You slightly outrange her, so just poke her with Q+AA. At level 6, just avoid her ball so she can't Ult you. Poke her down and just kill her. You can stand on her ball, and if you're quick enough you can actually just drift out of the Ult or Flash out of it.”
loldoppio says “Wait for her to move her ball then go in. You can windwall the ball coming back to her to stop her from getting a shield. Rinse and repeat.”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear-Futures Market-Cosmic Insight- Second Wind- Overgrwoth
Sapphire Crystal refillable
Q max->W->E
poke with Q
Early Hard poker (her autos stack dmg)
Lvl 3 you win trades dont get chunked early
Ability CDs Q(6) W(7) E(9)
Engage if she uses 2 CDs
R 5/10 Good for all inning her
She outscales but you are much stronger early/mid game”
HikariWoosh says “Ori can completly space you out with her Q-W, and can safely out trade you without doing much. Post 6 try stay healthy and just push and roam, you won't achieve much just power farming with Ori.”
KayyeN says “Her massive range usually allow her to stay close to her turret, so even if you get close to her, she will likely not die so easily. Don't let her basic attack you early on, those hurt a lot. Try answering her Q-W by jumping on her, effectively ignoring her massive slow. A massive plus is that you can always dodge her R by jumping away.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Ori's trades are as terrible to deal with as Akshan, but she lacks the map pressure you do so try to capitalize that.
Late game she becomes difficult to deal with, but generally not a problem as long as you learn to blow her up with combos.”
jesterjedi93 says “Orianna deals a suprisingly high amount of damage early from which most comes from her autos. In order to win trades, you always have to keep an eye on her ball positioning and play around your windwall when you engage her.”
DabiDabi says “She has a longer range than you. She does quite a bit of damage and getting close to her will be hard. Just focus on farming, and roam at level 6.”
ze kraken says “Same as Lux, not an issue. Dodge her skillshots and outpoke her. Even if you get caught you ult yourself back to life and head back. =)”
Super08131208 says “Orianna is pretty annoying. She will try to poke you out. Don't get poked out too hard. You won't really be able to do anything until level 6 unless she lets you hit her with your E which is unlikely. At level 6, Ori is an immobile champion so as long as you are on top of her, she cannot do anything.
Zoose says “Early game it will be a poke battle. You both have great waveclear, however, you excel at roams and are a bigger threat in skirmishes. At lv 6, she's a bigger threat so best to push waves and roam.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Very hard to kill, she will zone you from CS. Maybe go TP. If you go ignite, you have a killwindow after her shield is gone. Orange for sustain.”
basrty1p says “Farm and kite her before level 6
Watch out her ball, she may use her R into you anytime with unexpectedly.
If you team can kill her first, their team will lost team utility so much in teamfights.”
DabiDabi says “Orianna is pretty annoying. She will try to poke you out. Try your best to dodge her Q's. You won't really be able to do anything until level 6 unless you are able to hit your E. At level 6, Ori is an immobile champion so as long as you are on top of her, she cannot do anything.”
Esrucnl says “Bit annoying early game especially pre 6, since she can poke you all the time. Make sure you stay healthy it's okay to give a few cs.
After level 6 it should be pretty easy to kill her when you hit your R. Make sure you don't use E till you 100% know you can kill her or use it to dodge her ultimate.”
Azurio says “Skill matchup. Dodge her Q W combo and farm as much as possible, she is vulnerable pre 6 with serrated dirk and ignite, a good Orianna will space you well tho, try to burst her or else she will poke you to death with aery or phase rush.”
beansoce says “If she's a good player she'll abuse you with her long range, Try to get her oom early game and abuse her. Learn to last hit and use q on her only, you can pre much only kill her with rocketbelt unless she's bad. Only trade with empowered q becuase her shield is very strong. ”
Bunny Kata says “She is not really mobile, try to abuse that. She has a decent early game, and once you will teamfight, she'll probably carry more than you. I would try to kill her in lane, but split my way to win in this matchup.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.”
moso says “• Orianna is one of the exceptions to Ivern beating mages.
• Her range, shield, movement speed, and slow make it nearly impossible to reach her as Ivern.
• Ivern can possibly be problematic for her in teamfights with Daisy but Orianna can easily slow Daisy and make her useless.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Watch out of her ball]
[Post 6 be careful of her burst]”
donidaking says “This one i think is more about who has more experience on their champion.
If she s good it s hard or EXTREMELEY HARD but if she s bad it s freelo.
She is pretty squishy so if you chunk her you can kill her , the problem is hard constant poke dont allow her to poke you 2 hard if she has ignite, if she doesnt trade her as you outsustain her and force her tp.
TheKingUltra says “Her autos will make you fall in despair in the early, but after that, she has poor mobility and has to dodge your e, before getting send back to base. Pressure her in the late so she solo ults you, because she can also carry team fights with her ult.”
Autolykus says “She is an extremely safe champ. She has multiple abilities that prevent you from pushing with voidlings. Wait for a jungle gank with your ult.”
Ahri Simplord says “She can be quite annoying with her ball placements but she's really squishy and immobile if she doesn't have her ball on her, if she uses her Q you're safe to all in her away from her ball since she'll need her Q cooldown to come back to place her Q on you,pretty low range.”
Dj Memelord says “Outranges you during laning phase. A good orianna will never let you touch her while she pokes you down. Atleast you scale better than her.”
Bundif says “Orianna is a notoriously hard pick for Zed mains all over the world. She's a solid champ. Actually a lot of respect for people that know how to pilot her properly because she's a rough one.
The same rules apply with this one though as with all control/long range mages: Stay as healthy as possible pre-lvl 3 and all in the moment you hit 3 as close as your turret as possible. If done right, you should be able to sneak in an auto or two before she barriers and kills you. :)
⭐Zhonya's feelsbadman”
officialwiseguy says “She can actually do a lot of damage early game with auto/q harass, you'll actually be on the back foot until about level 7. Try not to stand near the ball.”
DaffeLaffe says “Oriana has no escape so once you land your q you can usually win the 1v1 with ease. beware of taking too much poke she will capitalize off it and punish. also, make sure to not let her flash your ult, phase rush makes her fast so you have to make sure to follow her flash with your e. So if you are going for an all in you need to have hit a q first.”
FyreRode says “Super strong poke with Q W, and since she slows you she can walk onto you and auto you for lots of dmg. Her ultimate is also really good gank setup and since it moves and slows you it makes you running away with R really difficult. ”
Juon says “Although orianna has high poke potential most orianna players tend to forget their positioning. When she looks to combo she is very open to a counter combo. Try to look for an opening when she wastes spells. Run comet and max W second.”
DabiDabi says “Ori's poke is no joke. Try your best to not get over-poked. You'll find an opening where her E is down and you can jump in and combo her. Worst case scenario is if she ults you and runs away with E (so dont let her land a good ult on you lol)”
OTP Toxin says “She is really annoying and can kill you with easy, unless you are fed, you will have to dodge her skills and ask for help do kill her. If you have flash up, you can solo her with focus. :)”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Pay attention of her ball]
[Farm until you get few items]
[Be careful at her burst at lvl 6]”
Fake Supp says “she will out farm u but if u dont get poked hard you can easily all in her cause she dont have escape but be aware she can out dmg u in some point so dont get baited ”
ThePieBeam says “This champ is really annoying. Just enough range to out-range you, and just enough mobility to prevent her from getting hit by Q easily. You are basically forced to play slow pre-6 and post-6 you're forced to play slow because she can ult you. If you have your ult up and get hit by hers, you're just dead. One of the only examples in the game I can think of where your ult cooldown is just too long lol. If you can instantly cast Q and R then *maybe* you'll be able to escape, assuming she doesn't have any folloup from her team.”
Eriosunx says “Well.. Just run her down :)
Orianna's Kit is completely immobile.
Beside bonus movement speed / phase-rush she is basically a free kill every time she walks in lane for Irelia before level 6.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Orianna can tether Akshan quite well and can cause a threat if not acted upon. Force Orianna to throw out her ball by faking going for cs. Do this by walking toward a minion once its low and then move backward. Once she throws out her Q go in on her and take micro trades like this. You can still last hit the minions if you time the fake well enough.”
lonestar1870 says “You win the lane, have more kill threat on her, and are generally better in river skirmishes, but she will outscale you by lategame. If you choose to play the laning phase for scale, you must try to impact the map before the midgame.
Still a bit of a skill matchup since she can be hard to kill if she is good.
You should be able to get prio when needed and are better in the early mid/jungle 2v2 as long as your jungler isn't hard countered.
I would recommend a rune page with c-pot/TWT since you want to match Orianna's, but you can go Electrocute too.
Teleport is really strong and I recommend it over ignite since Ori has good waveclear & can be hard to solokill.”
Desperate Nasus says “After recent buffs Oriana matchup is way harder. Thats why Oriana can use Phase rush and become really annoying. On early levels try to survive her poke using Fleet and Second wind. On your first recall grab Sheen and try to stall the laning phase as much as you can. After you have sheen and boots of lucidity, let her use her Phase rush and then all in her. She cant out run you without her Phase rush. Lane can be harder if she goes Boots of Swiftness + Her W and E movement speed aswell as her pull back from R.”
CashLOL says “A relatively easy matchup. Your abilities are similar in range. If you manage your wave properly and she steps up you can easily W her into you for an easy jungle gank. Very immobile.”
livikattt says “Orianna outranges you with her Q, and can shield herself from your damage. Her ultimate can be devastating in teamfights, so be mindful of it when you're starting one. ”
Julia Escobar Gomes Silva says “Don't even try to play anymore, it's very difficult to turn lane against Orianna even with her Stun and Slownd it's impossible”
Miscake says “Outrage e waveclear superior ao seu, sem contar que a sua poça é inútil na laning phase porque ela vai tirar seu HP aos poucos com trocas de auto attack e rotações curtas. Se ela vier de Phase Rush é impossível interagir com ela na lane então só resta jogar ao redor de scaling porque sua relevância nas teamfights é maior. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Probably one of the most even matchups Yasuo has. Let the wave push to you early and don't let her poke you down since her Q autos hurt a lot for a mage. Go on her when she uses her Q on the wave bc it has a decent cd early on. Use windwall in between her and where her ball is so you can block her E and deny her the shield and you should always win the trade. Dodging her ulti is pretty easy as long as you don't stand in the same spot and keep dashing around or dash into her when the ball is on her.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Probably the most even matchup for Yone. Her poke is very annoying early, but she's very immobile.
Don't let her auto or poke you for free and this lane is a lot easier for you. She's decently tanky because
of her E passive when her ball is on her. Look for a trade or an all-in when her ball is not on her or when
she uses Q and/or W. You start winning at zerks and vamp scepter.”
Katawina52 says “Almost impossible to kill her if she's good. You will just get hard poked early and she will have perma prio while you cant go for the cs, especially if she has barrier/exhaust too its hard to all in her. Ori's biggest weakest is probably ganks and if your jungler can force a 2v2 or gank mid and you can grab kills and snowball hard. If you get a lead she will be useless and can be oneshot for the rest of the game. Never go for an extended trade with an Orianna! Go in and out because of her passive aa's so keep it short always in lane or just dont go for trades at all which is the more safe option. ”
PlayCabex says “You can kill her easily , she can poke you but that doesn't do anything against you , you just heal everything back from her or raptors, if you can you can kill her early if she lets you to poke her, also try to dodge her ball”
eiensiei says “At level 1 I'll E-AA. After that, my Q-AA-E-AA-E/Q-E-AA-E-AA deals more damage than her Q-W-AA-AA and my shield is stronger, but it's harder for Lux to hit a Q than it is for Orianna - if I miss it, she'll zone me further away from the minions. She'll most likely keep her ball up in the lane to zone and this opens her up for E poke since she can't shield herself immediately. Later on she has enough damage and cooldowns to kill Lux and Lux can't kill her, so staying out of her Q range is the way to go. Also it's very important to ALWAYS keep track of her ball during teamfights.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
Can be a difficult matchup if the Orianna is really good. Look where the ball is and how long it takes for the ball to reach you and play accordingly. A good Orianna will play probably super aggressive while a not so good one will play passively and just farm up. Careful for her ult/flash ult as that can setup real easy ganks for their jungler. Careful on Q/E/W because her W movement speed can help her escape/dodge. Don't get poked down by autos and do smart trade proccing your rune as often as you can. Play with Ignite if you want to try to go for the kill or Heal if you feel you are going to get a bit overwhelmed. Heal also helps with ult-dodging because it gives you the movement speed that is necessary to get out of it (if you are quick enough).
As always: Roam!
In teamfights if you engage first and jump on top of her she will have a hard time adjusting her ult to hit 3-4 team members (which she WILL want every teamfight) -- Don't forget Zhonya's for these kind of engages!
Biscuits might also be useful.”
Yeager says “Fleet foot + resolve + doran's shield start should be enough to let you survive the early stages against her aggressive laning phase.
Her Q deals less damage when passing through targets so stay behind minions when trading. You can start trading back once you have level 3 but until that play it as passive as possible and make sure you don't get poked too much.
xblademojo says “Good Orianna, conneceted with wave mangement isn't a easy matchup. She can outtrade you well and setup better recalls than you. Here it all depends how good of a player is she. Still I would consider going full ap to a big threat. Doran Shield Start.”
Polarshift says “She will poke you a lot since you are a short ranged champion and she has a lot of range. Her damage is also insane after Lost Chapter and she scales quite well. You can't ever get close to her if she plays properly so just try to farm and outroam her after level 6, since your waveclear is slightly better than hers. Careful when grouping later, don't get caught by a good ultimate out of vision. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “A good Ori can be annoying but even then the most they can do is poke if you position right. If you land a good W she is forced to take the damage and will often have trouble trading back. you have to be aggressive in this lane.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Orianna can be really painful to deal with expecially in early. Check out her summoners and if she has ignite, be cautious. You need to expect that she will most likely outharass you early on, but you should always return a favor at least a bit. Try to call for jungle gank, because most of Oriannas don't really look around them while playing aggressive. If you can't get any, just don't get killed pre-6, because after that, you can just waveclear with your E, R combo. Later on it's mostly about not getting caught in her ult, because again, she is not that strong if you take her down from the distance.”
crabbix says “She can actually do a lot of damage early game with auto/q harass, you'll actually be on the back foot until about level 7. Try not to stand near the ball.”
Avucado says “Look at how they play lvl 1 and try to go for an E but don't start with it immediately, if they don't walk up at all just go Q and look for a hook into HoB. Consistently look for hooks and e's if you can without taking too much poke damage. Ping for jungler because you can hook them into a kill easily. Later on she does tons of damage with her qs and will be able to kill you at about half health with her R. Roaming will be limited because she can easily shove you in.”
Callmebee says “Her ball is angry and while I appreciate the sentiment, Orianna is not that much of a threat. Same as Lux, she excels in teamfights, however I feel like you can out-damage her. She is pretty squishy as well so try to poke her early. Do not however engage in AA vs AA fights, she wins those. Take Barrier.”
LunarVortex says “Usually she's very hard for similar reasons as Viktor or Cassio, but luckily she's so bad in the current meta that it's not as bad right now.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Try and avoid using your burst combo's on her whilst she has her E up, as she will then be able to Q.W and constantly beat you down with auto's. When you each hit level 6, try to force her to use her ultimate whilst you have W'ed in to her, this means you can instantly W back out when she uses it meaning an easy kill for you. Hitting your chains is pretty crucial at this point too, just to make sure you get some damage off onto her whilst trying to bait her ult.”
Urpog says “Midlane: She's one of your best counters purely due to the fact you're low range and slow, Orianna is a phaserush user which is just the icing on the cake, she'll dance around you with nothing you can do about it, in the early stages of the game the damage is bearable and not too bad but as she gets items she'll start building you into kill ranges, do the 3 wave hard-shove into cull strategy and survive, usually I dodge against Orianna but it really depends on the player; bad Oriannas are easy, good orianna's are unbearable.”
Dj Memelord says “Very abusive in lane but falls of once you get to stack ur mr/armor with W. Once u get lvl 6 u can just run at her. Relentless and ravenous both works here. Dorans shield and second wind is advised but not always needed.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Tricky match up since she has long range and a shield to protect her from your burst. I'd recommend asking for ganks with this match up.”
XayLies says “Dodge-able abilities. Make sure to look for her ball position and you can destroy her. If you struggle, don't be afraid to get some Magic Resist. her damage is high.”
iZianni says “You're slightly outranged by Orianna making lane phase difficult, but it's an even match up since it goes both ways. If you're comfortable with max range comboing, you'll win this match up usually. Team fights are the real issue since she's rewarded with scaling by going Seraphs.
Look to force all in situations by taking short trades into max range Q/Es.
Merc treads screw us over in this match up, if she goes sorcs we will always 100-0 her.”
Rermo99 says “Whenever she throws her ball at you, just use Q toward her. She won't be able to attack you after this. Still, her ult can get you out of yours. Be patient and you'll get the kill.”
wDesired says “She is annoying cause of her constant poking in lane and her late game AOE ulti ; the only things you can do is Q to poke her and wait for ganks.”
MikeVix says “Early you lose but when u get 6 try to bait out the sphere and if she misses u go all in. Try to roam and when u are in lane take trades with WEQ.”
ShokLoL says “Against comet Orianna this is a very difficult matchup. You can sometimes with in early levels but the longer the lane goes on the more difficult it becomes. You can look to either cheese a kill in the early game with electrocute ignite, or take spellbook TP and try farm it out from your tower.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Second Wind and unflinching.
bait orianna's Q and trade with her.
you level up E as your first ability to have a good trade against her. you can all-in orianna lvl 2.
Wait till she uses his Q and try to have a medium trade with her within 5 seconds
you can block orianna's q ”
Kords says “Orianna is a really obnoxious champion, as she has waveclear, damage and good roam potential with ghost. The first 13 minutes or so are completely in your favour, giving you every chance to roam. Eventually when she finishes Ludens or whatever they build now she will look to outrade you, however you too long ranged for her even with her ball, throw a Q and you’ll force her to walk away. WATCH HER BALL AT ALL TIMES OF THE GAME. It's KEY to know when she has pressed Q or not so you can go in for a trade or not. One of the easiest ways as Orianna is to R flash Sol, but she can't do this if you flash aswell. Orianna has REALLY strong teamfight presence with her R, try not to get caught by it and you will win the teamfight if she misses this. A good Orianna can make your life hell, a bad one you just win. Almost too easy to outplay if you pay attention to where her ball is. Her waveclear is not good early on.”
SaltCat says “Play passive to level 3, when she uses her q on you jump on her she has nothing, if her ball is on the right side of the lane for example go to the left side, so the ball has to travel a bigger distance”
ShokLoL says “This used to be a skill matchup that was slightly favored to you, but if Orianna takes comet and puts 3 points W it will be slightly favored to her. Do your best to dodge as many skillshots as possible and make sure you rush tier 2 boots. Orianna is very gankable so try setup the lane for your jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Orianna is very strong in lane but is extremely vulnerable to ganks. In the 1v1 you mainly just need to dodge the ball as much as possible and look for short WQE or QW trades. Normally your goal against Orianna will just be to stay as even as you can in the 1v1 and wait for jungle help or to be more impactful in midgame/skirmishes.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Uma boa Orianna pokeará sempre com Q e puxará muito a lane para que ela não dê roaming. O combo ideal é sempre EW+AA+QE após ela gastar o Q ou QW caso ela tenha pensado que te acertou. Não tenha pressa em gastar sua ultimate, mas não demore muito para usar, visto que as habilidades da Orianna voltam mais rápido que da Katarina, quanto menos tempo de reação você der para ela, mais efetivo serão seus combos e mais dano você causará. Abuse dos AA visto que a defesa da Orianna é muito baixa. Se você não conseguir matar ela no 1x1, farme o quanto puder e ganke, mesmo que ela continue na lane, ainda assim é possível vencer a rota ao retornar, mas só se você conseguir kills. Cuidado com o Flash Ult da Orianna pois sempre é uma surpresa. Em teamfights esteja ciente de que ela vai tentar te parar com a ultimate para que você não seja efetivo e não consiga resets, portanto, acompanhe a posição da bola, pois caso ela tenha gastado o Q, ficará mais difícil posicionar a ultimate dela contra Katarina. Katarina tem potencial de comeback, caso seja solado ou gankado muitas vezes, fique farmando e dando roaming que você volta no jogo mesmo assim. O potencial de perigo de Orianna é de igual para igual visto que a Orianna consegue matar a Katarina e negar seu dano, e nas lutas em equipe Orianna poderá combar a Katarina à distância, e ou se bem posicionada, poderá interromper seus combos e te matar.”
Elite500 says “All depends how good orianna is, if she's chall 1k lp, there is literally no counterplay, if she's bronze she won't abuse your low range, try to get her mana low early game, midgame no counterplay whatsoever force recall at 900g so she cant buy lost chapter first back, go tp if you suck”
Dr Eggmund says “Can spell real trouble with you if you aren't careful enough. Orianna has ridiculous poke early game and she out ranges you too by far. farm play passive and all in her like most at 6 if you can and are confident.”
Ambitieux says “In my opinion the Orianna lane is less favored for you. She out ranges you pre 6 and can easily poke you out of lane if she has a good lock on your movement. Try to mix up a lot of your movement options and throw q's in when possible. Try not to get pushed under tower because that's when she is most effective against you. Look for kills after 6 were you can answer back with your own mobility. ”
iZianni says “Orianna is one of the hardest scaling champions in the game with great utility and early game.
You will outrange her early due to E range, but ultimately you are reliant on front to back as you will never ever 1v1 this champion without landing your full combo.
Play this as a scaling match up, take advantage of your early game priority to create a kill window on her or resolve yourself to max range casting from the mid game onwards for picks.
kindo says “Farm lane, you out-sustain any damage she deals before your first recall - past first recall you can bait her phase rush and all in her when it's down. If she chooses to sit back and farm, you get prio all lane to rotate and do whatever. Position on the lane opposite the side of her ball, when she goes to put her ball on you - Q towards to fight or backwards to leave. If fighting, if you dodge the Q then she cannot proc phase rush instantly. She'll have to waste her W, and get 2 autos to proc phase. If she doesn't take phase rush, just run her down at almost any point in the lane. Overall, the lane is never bad - at the worst it becomes a farm lane where you can keep prio.”
Coldsong says “Orianna has some of the strongest poke in the game. Make sure to always know where her ball is to prevent her from landing a good ult and go in when her E is on CD. Also, make sure to stand away from the minion wave so she cannot poke you and farm for free.”
resetwice says “He can farm safe and poke you a lot! Also, can tank your damage with her shield. If you struggle on this matchup try doran's shield. You can jump a wall if you're low HP because if the ball is next to you she will problably R! BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE/PHASE RUSH”
Kessi says “Orianna is only even because she is in general a safe and easy laner so a lot of the pressure you have in lane is negated because of that, can shove and roam easy. Although good Oriannas might be more of a pain. ”
King Turtle says “Orianna is a strange matchup because she has iffy mana costs and no mobility to dodge abilities aside from W, but a good Orianna can abuse the Q range and angles to hit you from otherwise impossible distances, similar to Vel koz Q. Once she gets mythic she can try to poke you more so it's important to land abilities. If you can force her to back off trades you can pretty much win lane.”
Avyxia says “Orianna favoured but more even than major. More range play on the opposite side of the ball if possible. If she builds mercs we will start to really struggle.”
Impossible2Gank says “As long as you keep in mind where her ball is at any given time you should be able to handle the lane pretty well. Magic resist is recommended early.”
VyoS says “You got a better burst, all in her.
When she Q's you, you can Ult her, her Ball needs time to get back to her, try to abuse it and dodge her ultimate with your W or your Ultimate”
richardlized says “A very hard matchup in higher elos, because if the ridiculous amount of pressure she can place on you every level before level 6. Her zoning is insane if performed correctly, meaning you might have major problems getting minions in the early game. The way you win this matchup is by ulting only after she used her shield, and also doing a RWR to dodge her ultimate.
Thresh Mid says “Orianna is much like Zoe, she outranges you heavily and can shield herself. Along with Annie is immobile and can be won with jungle intervention. ”
xMetix says “She's a very strong control mage, the lane comes down to movement/wave control. Very vulnerable to ganks so make sure to let your jungler know that you can set up with root.”
Nanelol says “Oriana is annoying and dangerous before you get level 6. You need to survive and play carefully just like always. :) Make sure to always have your jungle area warded (wraiths) so you cannot get dove.
nZk01 says “(Mid) very annoying and hard matchup, you dont have a lot of kill pressure if he positions right and her zoning potential is just massive while being able to trade with you because of her Passive, would recommend Ignite/Barrier.”
Nanelol says “Orianna is a pretty easy laner to go against as Ryze. She'll do a lot of damage when she has a wave in front of her. If you push her under turret she'll miss a lot of farm. It's preferable that if you're going to trade with her, you wait until she moves her ball with Q. She'll shield herself but she can't put it back down after that for quite a while.
TheSecretsWithin says “Orianna can take control of the wave rather effortlessly, so try not to fight it and just farm up. Her Q W will zone you really hard, so just time your Q to soak up as much of her poke as possible. Keep an eye out for her ball to prevent any free poke. When level 6, be patient and wait for her to waste her abilities, try to engage when she doesn't have her ball on her person, as it provides her resistances when it is on her. If possible, try to ambush Orianna, as in lane, she might be able to fight back with her passive AA stacked up. ”
TheEnglishman says “control mage skill matchup,how you play depends heavily on the ori game plan so be on your toes.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush.
She outranges you and will zone you so aim to just last hit and keep spamming q for sustain. You can't really kill her early game unless she misplays so aim to just farm up and outscale her. ”
Johan Paracelso says “This one... She can chunk you down even harder because of her passive using only Auto Attacks, and by the way her Q works, she can farm the wave and attack you at the same time easily, you must make her choice, by walking away of the wave to hit you or the minions. If you make her waste her mana, you got her. Also, try to shove the wave everytime you can. There's no way you can beat Orianna, so I recomend you to roam to get stronger than her”
Nanelol says “Keep your eyes on the ball, she relies on people not paying attention to it to deal damage way more than you think. While still dangerous in the late-game, she's generally not nearly as powerful without her ulti, so try to make your move if she misses it or wastes it.”
archelauslol says “Orianna iyi bir oyuncuysa size koridorda adım attırtmaz, eğer kötüyse manasını harcatmaya çalışın, q nuzu her geldiğinde atın ki canınız çok düşük gezmeyin. Hextech roketkemer ile birlikte kafasına combo atarsanız, ve ultisine w atarsanız muhtemelen adamı öldürürsünüz. Sabırlı olun.”
Sanctuar says “Orianna's kit makes her a very safe laner with the ability to zone her opponent efficiently. Most Orianna players take Barrier as well to make it even harder to kill her. Make sure you harass her once she used her Q-W combo.”
fanchessfan says “You win out in basically all extended trades. Always trade back when the Oriana uses her q on you and don't be scared of her poke. Take cleanse or barrier for her ultimate. Remember to take double MR runes.”
Vispectra says “Her kit is a pain in the ass. A shield to block damage , movement speed , CC , Poke. She's rewarded for auto-attacking you due to her passive which means a lot of that , horrid , unbearable , clicking noise. I despise it. While you can kill her , I'd advise playing safe till 11 where you can easily dodge her R.”
StarTundra says “Orianna outranges you and can take trades without coming in range of your Q. Tethering orianna is a necessity and obtaining lane prio is near impossible without help from your jungler.”
cookanarities says “Farm lane, you out-sustain any damage she deals before your first recall - past first recall you can bait her phase rush and all in her when it's down. If she chooses to sit back and farm, you get prio all lane to rotate and do whatever. Position on the lane opposite the side of her ball, when she goes to put her ball on you - Q towards to fight or backwards to leave. If fighting, if you dodge the Q then she cannot proc phase rush instantly. She'll have to waste her W, and get 2 autos to proc phase. If she doesn't take phase rush, just run her down at almost any point in the lane. Overall, the lane is never bad - at the worst it becomes a farm lane where you can keep prio.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Orianna has good poke, range, and self-peel. She can burst you hard if she can land her combo after 6. Be careful and feel free to roam. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “En un inicio ella puede ganarte fácilmente si no la respetas, espera para pockearla mientras farmea, o intenta darle con tu E para tener la oportunidad de bajarle bastante su vida.”
Oxydation says “You cant kill a good Orianna in Lane. Dont stay in your wave, so she can push and poke at the same time. Ask for Jungle help, if she push you in.”
SpartanDumpster says “So far in Season 11, Oriana feels like one of Yone's hardest match ups. She can zone Yone out of CS fairly easily, especially during the early game, when her auto attacks also seem to deal a decent amount of damage. Her Q is pretty easy for her to hit and hard for you to kite, then her W deals additional damage while also slowing you, making you an even easier target. Any Oriana who knows what she's doing can really bully you in lane.”
Little Planet says “This matchup lives and dies by wave management, if you can keep the wave in the middle or towards your tower you steamroll her and take over the game.
If she manages to keep it by ehr tower you'll get outscaled and be rendered impactless.
Manipulate the wave or push and roam, whatever floats your boat.”
Farg says “Anti-Farger. Her spammable shields and long range poke makes it very difficult to outrade. There is a chance you will be able to all in but that is prior on how the laning phase went and if you aren't behind in gold/cs pre level 6. If she goes seekers/tabis rush likely won't be able to do anything to her.”
Joseph Evanss says “She can poke you out but you can also 1 shot her very easily, after Beserkers + Zeal she dies instantly to you so try and sustain with D Shield and Second Wind until you get those 2 items. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “try to dodge her q, and waste her mana until you can try to go for an extended trade or a quick trade with elect. but keep in mind that her passive allows her to do more damage to the same target over and over again, so don't be in a too extended trade. her biggest weakness is her vulnerability to ganks, so ask jungler to gank if she perma pushes.”
zeldimi says “If the orianna is good, pray. If she has barrier, altf4. Otherwise, you win. She can abuse you're low range without you being able to do anything. This is a reasonable matchup to take insecure runes and the forbidden dshield.”
7daysko says “Keep your eyes on the ball, she relies on people not paying attention to it to deal damage way more than you think. While still dangerous in the late-game, she's generally not nearly as powerful without her ulti, so try to make your move if she misses it or wastes it.”
ChimpNA says “Her spammable shields and long range poke makes it very difficult to outrade. There is a chance you will be able to all in but that is prior on how the laning phase went and if you aren't behind in gold/cs pre level 6. If she goes seekers/tabis rush likely won't be able to do anything to her.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. You can survive her poke really easily with fleet and her shield can't do justice for her compared to yours when you all in. Use your E to trade with Q3 if she misses her Q. She is immobile and ult her if her flash is down.”
1 Am Zed says “If the orianna player is good, you wont be able to play the lane, she outranges you by a mile, would consider buying doran shield in that matchup.”
Mpegial says “Orianna is REALLY hard to fight, her auto attacks do a lot of damage, and her abilities can poke you very easily, killing her is possible but honestly I'd rather go munch on some ADC's rather than this crap.”
xoonaka says “Annoying poke but before 6 she is very Killable, After 6 she has CC that can help her escape you. Take advantage of her pre-6 by constantly looking to engage.”
mihaila says “She will poke u constantly so just make sure that u are not in her range. Great ult to steal. Jungle based matchup, she can be killed with her own ult only after 6. pre 6 u can kill her she use E for CS.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Su movilidad le da mucha ventaja contra nuestro engage, pero si le damos todo lo más posible es que la matemos o como mínimo le quememos todos los summoners.”
Sojurini says “try to poke her with your E ++ AA at lvl 1 play safe at lvl 2 and just keep poke her with E and farm as you can you can deal with her if you catcher with your Q at lvl 3 ”
XD001 says “Play around her long early E and W CD's. If she procs phase rush through poke, wait for her to W and then go in on her. She will have no speed boost because both W and phase rush are on CD. Proc electrocute and passive and run. Try to this as much as possible. Otherwise, farm up.
Look for flanks and don't group in a pile on your team. Try to 1 shot her as she is a monster late game if not taken care of.
Orianna outscales Ekko.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “Fairly easy matchup for talon. Ori has no peel besides phase rush. TRy to avoid her Q poke at level one, then all in at level 2. Her ult will hurt, so if you aren't ahead already then you'll have to flash to make a play. Roaming is advised if the Ori player plays safe.”
mc_jojo3 says “She's going to keep her distance from you the entire laning phase so make sure to check for missteps/missplays and avoid her Q (ball) and you'll be fine!”
Noodles912 says “She probably has the strogest poke among all mages in the game. She has a ton of cc as well. Roaming is your only advantage against her. Look to burst if you can. Mercs if you are struggling.”
elnino9 says “Lane tends to be difficult vs a good orianna with barrier/exhaust, farm it out. Take advantage of her CDS because that's when she is vulnerable. Safely setup Q dagger, E > W then shunpo out back to your minions. This way you won't get out-traded. Don't go for extended trades, quick in/out. It can also bait her ultimate if she's a bad player. Don't force plays unless you are confident that you can kill her. You can outplay by going in on her after she uses Q on the wave but be ready to take a lot in return if you fail the trade.”
Wunsch3957 says “Start E if she starts Q to play aggressive from level 1 and trade. Get her to use E before fighting and she's very squishy. Fleet+Domination ”
Lot of Wind here says “She can trade you early game because of her autos. You can't block the ball ; instead it gets stopped at the beggining of it, so she can shockwave you without a problem.”
Wunsch3957 says “Another very poke heavy skill matchup. Start dorans shield and just sit back and farm, punish her for misusing E. After level 6 roam. Fleet/resolve with second wind. Flash/ignite with galeforce as mythic.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “A weaker version of Synda, rush boots fast to dodge her Q (6s-3s) CD.
You outrange her slightly and have much better gank setup. just...Watch the ball at all times.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Impossible matchup, bullies you with her buffed autoattacks, outranges you with Q/W combo, your job is to sustain as much as possible, ask your jungle for early game attention, orianna is easy to deal with in this matchup if you have jungle attention, your champion has good gank setup with W.”
GeDBo says “Both Orianna and Azir strongly depend on their Ability's positioning, so trust me... this is a really fun match-up. Both of you lack damage in the laning phase. Both of your kits are extremely useful is team fights. Orianna depends on her burst. If she doesn't burst you she is screwed since she lacks mobility. Both of you will be desperate to poke each other. IMO it is easier for Azir to poke for 2 reasons: 1) Azir's spell cast is faster than Ori's 2) Azir's Q has bigger range than Ori's. Speaking of poking you can either go Arcane Comet or Electrocute in this match up. I personally prefer Arcane Comet but it's up to you really. Try to out farm her and always shove the minion waves under her tower, but be aware of her jungler doing so. Ward ward ward! Vision is key to success in League. One last thing - during team fights pay attention to where her ball is. If it's on an engaging ally like Malphite for example, be ready to use flash to avoid certain death. ”
Edg3Lord says “Can poke you extremely hard, and the single solution is to try to go aggressive and burn through her mana/spells since she can't defend herself that well. However be wary of her damage output.”
Coldsong says “Orianna is very dependent on poking you out of lane with her incredible range. Dodge her Q and do not get to close to it when she has R up.”
JEAFlashSword says “You can windwall her Q when you all in her and her ball is behind you you can windwall behind to stop the ball to come at her when she (E) this way she won't be able to ult”
BigBushMan says “Pretty even if the Orianna understands her champion, she will look to constantly harrass you when you go to CS. Fleet Footwork is not a bad idea here to sustain against the poke. Other than that, you can all-in her quite well but do be weary of her R and extended trades pre-3 as her passive makes her autos do ALOT of damage early when stacked up.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very annoying and hard matchup, you dont have a lot of kill pressure if he positions right and her zoning potential is just massive while being able to trade with you because of her Passive, would recommend Ignite/Barrier.”
sidromest says “Bring Phase rush and buy Doran's Ring. She is easily ganked so freeze the wave on your turret. Only all in if you have flash, and she doesn't + her phase rush is on cooldown OR when she has no ult and no flash advantage.”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot harder than some might think, try to avoid ulting her without Pre W'ing as she may just instantly click r and combo you. Just accept that you're going to be harassed in the early and stack up on pots. Maybe get a Mercury Treads if needed but you should never need a Hexdrinker.”
Hiimkata says “Almost impossible to kill her if she's good. You will just get hard poked early and she will have perma prio while you cant go for the cs, especially if she has barrier/exhaust too its hard to all in her. Ori's biggest weakest is probably ganks and if your jungler can force a 2v2 or gank mid and you can grab kills and snowball hard. If you get a lead she will be useless and can be oneshot for the rest of the game. Never go for an extended trade with an Orianna! Go in and out because of her passive aa's so keep it short always in lane or just dont go for trades at all which is the more safe option.”
CaptianMike says “She stays at a range and so do you. It's an easy lane, but when you ult her, keep in mind her small shield from her ball. She has decent team fight presence but yours is just better! ”
Poppi Sama says “Immobile yet poke reliant, Orianna will look to poke you down every opportunity she gets when you try to CS. Use the aide of your jungler to control lane pressure.”
Justin58111 says “She can always poke you with her ball and hide behind minions. You can try to poke her or do some dmg. with a W + E combo. Try to play save and poke her. ”
Yeetmeister57 says “A good Orianna can stay out of range for most of the matchup. Your best option is to play safe and either wait for ganks or go for an all in at level 6. ”
ParkChnm says “You have to push faster than her in this matchup. If you get stuck under tower, she will bully you. If this happens, you'll have to get jungle help. She outranges you, but after 6 you have a higher chance of killing her since her mobility hardly exists outside of W movement speed. She may run cleanse so pay attention.”
Yamikaze says “You want to wait choosing your first ability until you know what she started. If she started her shield, you want to start Q and shove her in. If she started Q and plays agressive, you can start E and go for early trades. This is a skill matchup that favors Orianna in the early laning phase. ”
1Recycle Bin1 says “when faced by an ori you gotta play safely early levels(its ok to miss some cs) ask for a gank or go for really short trades the moment she uses her Q”
wildersovereign says “She can be annoying early due to her passive-enhanced auto attacks, but overall she doesn't pose much of a threat to you. Your passive should sustain you through this lane well enough. She is also very vulnerable to ganks due to her immobility, so take advantage of this and don't hard shove the wave when your jungler is nearby. However, she poses an extreme threat in teamfights due to her ultimate, so keep track of where she's positioned and try to prevent your team from facechecking her ball when she has R up. Your Black Shield can only protect one person, so keep this in mind.”
SkyBanana says “Sera and Orianna are both team fighting mages. This one is based on the skill of the champions being used by the player, however, don't forget that Orianna can end up killing you in lane since she has that threat.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Skill matchup. Its all about positioning on lane and trading. Position badly and youll have a really bad time. I recommend predator here”
rajsovsky says “Annoying. High pressure. Try to farm and ask for wraiths. You can't kill her. She can kill you. Fucked champ. All you need to have to play orianna is down”
invalidd says “Sometimes considered hard and sometimes considered easy, I find good oriannas hard to beat because of phase rush having way too good of a
synergy with the ms she gets from her shield which can make hooks and stuns hard to land, she can also run you over if you mess up your E with her
enhanced autoattacks from her passive and short Q cooldown, her ultimate cancels your E if you try to dash away from it so just try your best to stay
away from the ball in fights. Easy to setup ganks on.”
Aikairi says “Super hard to fight against a good Ori since she can just poke you and once you engage on her, she can just proc Phase Rush. She is also super safe with her ulti, movement speed from her W as well as barrier from her E and her summs. Just play safe in this one and get some MR if possible.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs orianna: Match complicado pero facil luego de tu lvl 6. Evita ser pockeado constantemente para tener un buen desempeño a lvl 6 con tu electrocutar, y recuerda ver siempre donde crees que va a posicionar su pelota .(compra hielo eterno o eco polluden)”
PrimeRex226 says “INSANE POKE, Honestly she legit pokes you then runs away so fast its so annoying. Play really safe and use q to farm. If she goes phase rush its gonna be hell early but later in the game you oneshot her so dont worry too much.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Very annoying poke matchup with wavelcear
- Try to match her waveclear with yours
- Position to the opposite side of her ball
- Use your W shield efficiently to soak up as much of her mana as possible
- Be careful if she has electrocute/ignite
- If she has phase rush it's very hard to kill her.
- Play around jungle
- Level 6 look for roams botlane”
Big Shawn says “Orianna's poke will be definitely annoying. But with the right outplay and predictions, she will be erased in no time. But she will be a threat when the opposing jungler is intending to gank you.”
BCota says “Annoying and doesnt let you farm at all but if you bait her Q just run up to her and do as much damage as possible but dont all in. When shes low enough just one shot her. A good ori can make your lane hell”
Chili Dog says “All depends how good orianna is, if she's challenger 1k lp, there is literally no counterplay, if she's bronze she won't abuse your low range, try to get her mana low early game, midgame no counterplay whatsoever force recall at 900g so she cant buy lost chapter first back, go tp if you suck. Both runes are viable.”
FalleN3 says “Orianna will zone you a lot by using her ball, this will make it difficult for you to farm and very difficult for you to harass her.
Her (E) will absorb a lot of your damage in the early game laning phase. Be mindful of Orianna's AA as they can really hurt!”
Last Roar says “Skill based match up. Her main flaw is shes immobile. You can outroam her easily. You can beat her with all ins up to lvl 6. After 6 you can still kill her well if you respect her ult. But she's good for teamfights, where she'll probably rack up her kills.
Obj: Beat her early and outroam her.”
PROJECT BZ says “Orianna is made to bully the early levels of laning phase but as Zed will sit back and just q for cs, shes pretty much no threat to zed. Zed can ult her ult and gapclose easily which makes this lane very nice for zed if you can play it patiently.”
vCraze says “Orianna can punish you early so make sure that you're not taking free harass, if she is moving towards you back off as she can do a lot of damage with Q-W-AA especially if she has phase rush or electrocute. Once you get Ludens she should not be able to touch you. She is a good champion to poke out before team fights as she can have a very large impact so keep this in mind.”
Sadkid says “A good Ori will poke you out early with her low mana costs. Play towards early skirmishes in the jungle and range advantage and you should be fine. Also remeber you if you time your ulti right you can dodge her ulti. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Orianna is like you. Whoevers jg is better wins, you both have good gank setup and followup and both have massive aoe damage on the opposing team. You should win as long as you hit your spells early on.”
S4V4 says “Her poke early game is really high, but you can deny that with either Fleet Footwork or Doran's Shield, totally up to you. Try to stay back until you get level 5-6.”
WolfRider01 says “A good yasuo can stomp Ori extremely easily. If you're not familiar with the matchup, take fleet. She will poke you out of lane. Just try to outlast her poke until she has no mana, and you can engage. Her lvl 6 is pretty strong, especially when combined with a gank from enemy jungle.”
Hqzz says “Orianna has great range to stop anyone from farming and zone them out. She isn't that deadly until level 6, but neither are you. Engage when she uses W and hold dash for her ultimate.”
MINISE says “Dodge Q to W combo of hers so that you can bait and effectively poke her out, back out of the sphere then E burst. You would get ahead in level 5 onwards.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro or spellbook with ignite or teleport. Skill Matchup. If the Ori player is good this is going to be a hard lane. She has really good poke early on. You can run her down if she wastes her q w with ignite. Get sorrcs on ur first back. I haven't played this matchup often as I pick Qiyana into her that's all I know”
Akali go skrrrt says “Just like with most ranged match up you cant really do much pre lvl 3/6. Dont get harassed to much for a few minions. After lvl 6 you can all in her, be carefull about her R when diving.”
Bobbab says “A good orianna is a problem. Her auto poke hurts like a truck and with phase rush she is hard to catch out. You can dodge her ult with your e if you are fast enough, but her low cooldowns and range makes her hard to kill. Try to fight when her e (shield is down) or her ball is in a bad position. If she ever gives you the chance to kill her, she can't fight back.”
sweodigaming says “Very annoying lane. Just play passive and dodge her balls. She is squishy so try to wait for mid game when your team is starting to group. Try to burst her down since she has no HP.”
MetaKnight13373 says “If you are struggling against Oriana I would recommend you try her, it gives you a much better understanding of her range and weaknesses.
Otherwise try to bait out her Q before going for a trade. You should avoid trading with Orianna before you have your lost chapter. ”
Manzey says “Higher damage than you in trades, easy protection with E, hard to trade with, can shove easily and can easily 100-0 you if you make the slightest mistake.”
Magical Rock says “Orianna is a hard champion to go against because she can proc electrocute easily if she takes it. Play defensive with her though and you should be fine. Also, when you hit 6 poke her a lot that way she cannot get close to you. Counter with a combo when she uses hers.”
neverwanted2be says “Somitimes painful sometimes not.
FF+Domination+Doran's Shiled is my favorite choice vs Orianna. Always be in movemnet and be ready for short trades "E+QQ+W".”
aL3x888 says “This matchup is interesting, It's hard to farm, so be patient and farm what you can, the key moment when you can all in is when Ori uses Q E for her and Q again, she no longer has the ball around so she's vulnerable.”
Johan Paracelso says “Orianna can beat Yone easily, her Auto attacks have extra damage because of her passive, so she will chunk you down more than any other mage. And her Q management can destroy your wave, and you with it”
ZeMoller says “Avoid taking too much damage after she has chapter and lvl 6, either sit back and farm and wait till sidelane, or try to freeze infront of your tower and setup ganks, by calling your jungler.”
SkellyBirb says “Orianna has a lot of poke that you can heal past, but you may struggle to kill her. Try to get ganks or gain your advantage from roaming. Take advantage of her mistakes.”
Frixen says “Push her in, attack her mana pool, and get out of the lane to make plays. You can't really kill her due to her safety, but neither can she kill you.”
FalleN3 says “Orianna will try to zone and bully you off your farm with her ball. She can be annoying because they usually take barrier and this combined with her (E) can be enough to stop you from 100-0 her during a trade. It's also easy for her to ulti you if she simply puts the ball on herself and ults. Farm and try to exploit and mistakes she makes. Don't forget to roam and look for picks elsewhere. Call for jungler help to secure a kill on her.”
Bouhhsolene says “I played the matchup quite a lot, and it's actually easier than it might seems. You have more damage in early, so you can take trades, and you don't have to play poke, as you have around the same range. You can easily punish her early if she doesn't have barrier.
She scales better tho, so try to end early.”
FalleN3 says “Orianna will zone and bully you off your farm all lane long with her ball. Her shield makes her surprisingly tanky and couple this with the fact that most of them take barrier means your in for a difficult time when you try to burst her down. This is a dificult lane in the sense that it's hard for you to farm safely and even after level 6 you will likely find it difficult to 100-0 her. You can try to bait out her ulti by using (Q)+(W) and then using (E) to leap back to safety if she ulti's herself. She has no real escape so call for jungler help and don't forget to roam for kills whenever possible and look for picks on the map.”
Reason97 says “Another tricky one, Orianna can poke you down pretty reliably, and it can be tricky to keep track of her ball on top of her, minions, and everything else. Recommend playing it mostly safe, it can be hard to poke her when her ball can be so quick and easy to use against you. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. You want to wait choosing your first ability until you know what she started. If she started her shield, you want to start Q and shove her in to deny her CS. If she started Q and plays aggressive, you can start E and go for early trades. You can ruin any poke she has with your windwall. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
I count to seven says “She's got good lane control and will zone you to don't let you farm. It's a lil hard to play against her, but both Syndra and Orianna are good at poking enemy.”
sashadidntwalk says “Fleet foot + resolve + doran's shield start. Her Q deals less damage when passing through targets so stay behind minions when trading. You can start trading back once you have level 3. Your laning phase is worse than hers.”
Fadedreformed says “if an orianna is good she won't let you play the game take anything you want to outsustain her, if she is bad must be a free lane for you. After she get's ludens care she can one shot you ”
DaggerTV_ says “Oriana will try to poke you at all times, and especilaly after her 40% cdr is complete, enage her after she q w onto you, and she will e and ult on her.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Orianna has strong zone control, along with being able to poke and all in if she wants post 6. Early boots can help you to avoid a lot of her damage, and open up the possibility of killing her. Has no real way to follow your roams, but can be the deciding factor with a well placed ultimate later in the game.”
ShockMaster says “Not a bad counterplay,but be carefull with her ball (That s what she said :3 ) Same as lux,if she already used her q and w on minion go all in”
Yuki H. says “As with any ranged champion, Orianna is quite difficult to deal with. She wins any extended trades, so try to poke without being poked too much yourself. An all in will most likely kill her if she is below half health (if you don't miss everything). Remember to stay in creep waves so when she uses her abilities she shoves the wave in as well.”
fwii says “Start Corrupting Potion to sustain her poke. Avoid her Q and E poke along with her Auto Attacks. Just use W to poke and farm against her. Look for trades if she steps up too farm; otherwise, just farm until level 6. ”
Tocsam Vladimir says “For me ori is just a weaker cassiopeia, almost the same matchup style, you need to keep this in mind, ori is a lot stronger than you in trades because she can poke you while you can't, she has better range, she has an slow, a shield and her aa's deal more dmg than yours, you can't win any trade if bot are equal. So, what you can do? stay moving always, don't let ori poke you so easy, take atention on where to try to poke her, when she wastes her Q on minions, when you dodge her Q or when you can use your empowered Q, if you just can't beat her, then theres an easy way, just rush protobelt the fast you can and then you can beat her, because her counter to vlad comes from the facility to punish you while you can't right? so, if you can get her with protobelt and stick to her, shes's done, and you can also pool her R, so whos getting countered now?
this match, like cassiopeia is just a mental match, you need to stay calm and focused on dodging shit and finding your doors to poke and try to win, if you can't just use the easy way getting your proto.”
Veralion says “Thankfully, I don't remember the last time I saw an Ori with ignite. Defensive setup Ori can be sustained through with a little respect. Avoid the ball and don't let her stack her passive and you'll be good. Her buffed slow on top of shockwave makes her very hard to solo kill, so farm, wait for ganks, roam as usual. ”
GaySett says “She is a very safe pick against Sett. Too much poke, slows, shields. Is also very good lategame with her team. Wit's end and mercury treads / swifties recommended.”
vuty2002 says “She can poke you with her Q, however, when she uses it, dash toward her right away and make sure to leave a Wind Wall behind so she can't use her E.
If you land your skills just right, she pretty much lose about 50% HP”
SnakeOnRiver says “Almost unplayable against. She can free poke you and then just R you. Try to keep as much distance as you can, ask jungler for help. Pick phase.”
LinCass says “Learning how to space/tether around her q range is going to be vital in how you do in this matchup, its orianna favored but can be even if played to a very high level by the cassiopeia, recommend taking tp or heal.”
Nooldles says “She can poke you from level 1 and is extremely hard to lane against if she is good. Also doesn't help that her Ultimate isn't very good to take as you cant place the ball as Sylas. From my experience if both laners are evenly matched or if the Ori player is better, she will win. However if you are better than the Ori player and she doesn't know how to tether properly, you have a lot of kill threat on her as Ori is immobile. When fed as Sylas against her, she can't play then game (like most matchups when fed as Sylas). So this matchup is quite feast or famine but most of the time famine. The only reason she isn't, a 5 is that it is actually very hard to play for her if you have a high threat jungler like Zac.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Skill Matchup
If she throws her ball at you, Immediately go for a trade because her defensive stats are down due to the ball being off her and keep in mind to be careful if you can't retaliate because she outranges you”
ThatOneKatMain says “Hard kat counter she will bully you in lane all day long and you can't burst her down due to her e and her r cancels yours. Not much you can do look for roams and try to bring value through teamfights.”
snukumz says “You're both safe wave pushers with high damage and good in teamfights.
Play safe and farm.
Her ult will cancel your ult so be careful of that.
Her shielding can make her hard to poke down and to kill with your combo.”
1256 says “the better orianna is the worse the matchup gets, you outscale her after 11 but her autos are super annoying as well as the q range, play it careful dont allin and consider maxing q for lasthit/poke”
LightningTemplar says “Don't play overaggresive early on, focus on getting as much cs as possible and wait for lvl 4. Later on she'll be more difficult to kill as she has Barrier, good scaling shield on E and most likely Zhonyas. ”
KitsyMamori says “Be careful when her ult is up, but other than that she's pretty easy to fight against. You can out range her by a lot so use that to your advantage.”
only yasuo play says “Don't take too much damage from her poke especially early on. Try to freeze under your tower and take an all in when she is overextended.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Orianna will try to zone and bully you off your farm with her ball. She can be annoying because they usually take barrier and this combined with her (E) can be enough to stop you from 100-0 her during a trade. It's also easy for her to ulti you if she simply puts the ball on herself and ults. Farm and try to exploit and mistakes she makes. Don't forget to roam and look for picks elsewhere. Call for jungler help to secure a kill on her.
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Orianna is a very skilled match-up.
She's got everything you have, a shield, crowd-control, burst and even empowered auto attacks. BUT what she does not have is mobility. Slow her with your Q and you nearly have a guaranteed stun. Additionally, if you have good reactions you can negate her ult with either dashing or ulting.”
panger 174 says “te va a cagar a palos, te va a pokear si es buena pero si no la vas a hacer mierda. estate atento a donde esta la pelota y si dodgeas su r no tiene daño
elec dh”
Debonair Karma says “Orianna's early dmg is pretty crappy but if you let her continuously poke you the damage will accumulate. Take corrupting pot just in case and look to bait her shield and then trade her. Take teleport/barrier”
Gageowago says “Your poke range is nearly even but she can poke slightly farther, more safely, and more often. You absolutely win trades if you get charm off but you cannot all in her level 6 if she is also 6. Keep bushes warded because she has great gank setup potential. Keep in mind that her ult has a slight windup and you can flash out if you are fast enough.”
topal says “her poke is really strong and if she potisions well it's hard for you to reach her.Try your best to shove her under tower and roam or ask for a gank.”
KitsyMamori says “This will be extremely hard, so be really careful about your positioning. Don't stand near her ball and try to poke her with your Q. ”
Lil Tidepod says “Orianna is a pretty easy laner to go against as Ryze. She'll do a lot of damage when she has a wave in front of her. If you push her under turret she'll miss a lot of farm. It's preferable that if you're going to trade with her, you wait until she moves her ball with Q. She'll shield herself but she can't put it back down after that for quite a while. ”
Capparelli says “Immobile and has only a tiny shield, an assassins wet dream, her slow is a lot so be careful of that but just look to engage and trade positive you should come out on top and then you can kill her around level 5”
BigBushMan says “Pretty even lane for Xerath, you both have pretty good wave clear and poke, with Xerath having a slight range advantage. Abuse your range advantage and look to outscale Orianna.
serruh says “outranges you, outpokes you early and scales very hard as well. this is just a hard lane to play, it's not impossible by any means, since you can still setup ganks and do well into her later on, just a pain to play out early.”
Miandros says “Orianna's strength vs Fizz comes pre-6. Once Fizz gets ult she has to play very carefully. Play passive until lvl 6 then take control of the lane.”
Malmortious says “Deny her pressure as much as possible and try to get kills on her, if you can't do that alone get your jungler. You might have a hard time on this lane due to how safe and reliable she is.”
Prenora says “a very similar play style to nami but with a slightly more reliable source of damage, build a little defence and just out trade her with raw damage”
Kami_EU says “Skill matchup, you can W to keep her from gaining control of her ball.
Don't trade unless her abilities are on cooldown and you are confident you will win the trade.”
kujosrevenge says “Similar to Syndra. She has a lot of poke and a big slow, but you should still be able to kill her very easily early game and out-sustain her poking to survive in lane. I would recommend buying boots of swiftness & banshee's veil midgame vs. Orianna, especially if she is one of the more carries on the enemy team later in the game.”
itsmeSteve says “Orianna could be hard to play against because of her insanely poke. Adding to that, Anivia feels not comfortable playing against poke champions.”
The Venerable Racoon says “Her ball does a ton of dmg, bait it and then poke when its on cd. It is 2 abilities so banshees will only reduce the dmg, not stop the all in”
t3rminated says “Orianna is a pretty easy lane. You outpoke/outrange her to abuse this to constantly bully her. Get early prio and try to help jungler contest scuttle or objectives. Make sure when you try to combo them they have already moved her orb so they cannot ult you out of your ult. You should hard stomp this lane. ”
spoilwrc says “After D3/2 people start palying with cleanse orianna and that might be a bit of a problem. I usualy go glacial just so i have to force that cleanse early. ”
ur_mom_gay says “Rough matchup before you hit level 4. Her autos do a lot of damage, and she her poke with QW can chunk you. Level 6 if she E's herself and Q's right after look for an all in, since she can't reattach her ball to herself. Check if they're running exhaust because a failed kill near her tower can often mean you die.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in. Her early damage is insane, so you'll have to dodge all her QW combos.”
ekkologix says “dodge her poke , she'll be hard to kill as she usually picks barrier and uses her E in our Trades. but is not a problem at all, push and roam.”
8wolf says “medium range with great waveclear. This is gonna be a poke-lane. Post 6 keep your dash for her ult. She doesn't have any form of hard cc besides her ult and is immobile, so a good Shurima Shuffle when your jg comes to gank will guarantee a kill or a flash.”
Daedralus says “Personally, I hate this champion the most no matter who I play. She will be able to freely harass you with her annoying ball and auto attacks. However, timing is your advantage here. You can use Q latches to go behind minions to dodge any ability she throws at you even though it is difficult. Use E as soon as you see a ball approach you and this will decrease her combo damage significantly. If you latch Q while she uses R, you will be damaged, but you won't be pulled to the center. You can also ult away from her R if done in time. Be careful as a badly timed R from you can be cancelled by her R, while a well timed one will be unaffected. ”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Doran's 2/pots
I played vs her once, Never wanna do it again.. But that player was good.
Normally youd poke her out of the lane and harass her ass off.”
NebuIa says “Her poke hurts a lot early. Be careful. Watch for overextending with R, because she gets easy shockwaves. She will never take ignite so heal helps a lot, maybe phase rush, and corrupting pot helps too. She just bullies you in lane.”
TheBlueImperial says “She's a lane bully with great wave manipulation, so what do you do? Shove her in, she can't stop your hard shoves early because of her cooldowns and mana issues.”
Je Suis Azir says “She is not going to be able to fuck you up if you are aware of her ball. As long as you know where it is, and what she could do with it, and don't let yourself be in danger, she is NO threat to you. Don't let the ball too close to you, and watch out for her movement, it could show her intentions.”
KitsyMamori says “She is a pain in the ass if she knows what she is doing. Avoid her ball and when she throws it at you, jump on her with your combo so she has a 1/3 sec cooldown on her Q while you fight. ”
Aizenvolt says “Watch out for her ball and try to avoid getting hit by it. When she has her shield on dont use your abilities because you will just waste mana. After 6 you will be able to kill her.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite matchup.
Literally so useless. Walk to her minions, place soldiers so she can't even try to AA your minions level 1. Her Q for one AA always worth. Play AGRO. Don't let this dumb chick farm, ever. W Q AA spam her to the dirt. Free ganks free kills past 6, shuffle into your jungler. Only thing to watch out for her is her balls. Don't greed platings past 6, if she ults you while you're under tower, you're probably dead. Otherwise, you also outshove her if you can't kill her, so this is one of Azirs easiest matchups.”
Mid Win Repeat says “I hate this girl. Her shield allows her to win trades with you and she can harass from her own minion wave. Shes definitely one of the trickier champions to trade with but as long as you land your W (I'll keep repeating this :D) you should be fine. Ask your jungler for a gank on this one.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “this matchup is about windwalling her shield while going all in and dodging her ultimate, usually her ball will be behind you when you go all in, so throw your w behind you so her ball gets blocked and she doesnt get the shield”
Xelaadryth says “Energy ball helps you dodge her own ball, but she outpushes you very hard. It's also hard to get in range since she has such strong zone control. Try to land Qs on her while focusing on csing.”
HeisendongNA says “She has strong AA trades at early lvls especially at lvl 1 if she took her E (shield), but she can't clear your turrets without spending lots of mana so you can use until she gets a mana item. It gets much harder after she builds a few items (around 2nd item), that's when Orianna becomes a real threat as her damage becomes much more noticeable. For this match-up you take barrier/heal/TP as more safe option. If you're behind, grab a Banshee's Veil or Zhonya's Hourglass depending on the rest of her team.”
spark2 says “A good Orianna can be rough. She's got very low cooldowns and can harass you constantly. You need to keep track of where her ball is at all times, which on top of all the other stuff you need to keep track of with Ekko (W, R clone) can be a lot. The matchup is definitely winnable, but it requires very careful positioning.”
Cloud375 says “Her ball can be really annoying and force you away from your minions as well as her. She also has strong bursting power so it's pretty hard to win this unless the enemy Orianna is really bad.”
IceBite says “Stron champ atm. Has good poke and a strong R vs you . Try to roam or kill her with your jungler. she will push the wave if she is q,w you”
Garybaldo says “You're immobile, she excels at countering immobile champions, she doesn't have a crazy amount of damage but she'll poke you out of lane, try to freeze and ask for ganks, you both scale well so it's OK to go even”
SirZeros says “Try to avoid her ball. The strong part about Orianna is that she can position herself how she pleases it, so if she doesn't stand away from her minions, it's her fault she's feeding, not yours ;)
Keep in mind that her damage output can be really high if she's good and she hasn't high cooldowns on her spells.
Don't hesitate to flash out of her ult if possible, since that could be your death sentence.”
MironW says “There aren't many problems facing Ori, your Q outranges her and she can't do anything to stop you from attacking, trade as much as possible.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Very annoying matchup. She can kill your turrets pretty easily from a distance and poke you consistently from far away. She also has a shield/speed boost and an AoE Ult that can be easily combo-ed with diving junglers. Not THAT hard of a lane, just feels pretty bad to play against a lot of the time. Thankfully, shes rarely played anymore”
J Husky says “Orianna is a bit hard because she has a lot of range and you will be in trouble to get close to her. Also she has a lot of damage and short cooldown in late, if she buys Morello it will be even harder. You can try to trade her but be careful, your W sometimes will not be useful to scape because she can have her Q-Ulti ready.”
Fox1ne says “Skill match up,i would mostly say try to re-rotate yourself after her q, Shes losing her resistances and that is what it makes her weaker against you.”
ZenonZeni says “Ori is weak, punish her at level 2 and after level 6 try to draw out her ult and dive tower if possible. But I recommend crushing her at low levels. You have better poke then her. ”
I Do Not Flame says “She harras you to much with the spam of abiities and AA, doran shield is a good start, but once you got one kill, you can easy win Oriana.”
ShadowFox101 says “Orianna wants to bully you out of lane, but you can bully her back. Don't overstay in lane, and don't underestimate her damage. Be extra sure that you can burst her down since she has a shield.”
Michelaengelo says “Ori's strongsuit is her ability to zone people off cs early on but this doesn't apply to you because you have long range. Watch out for ganks because Ori is good at setting them up. ”
Xavier Senori says “Orianna can be a pain in the butt. Her shield makes it hard for your DPS to stick to her. On top of that, her slow makes it hard to engage on to her after landing a Q. Finally, her teamfight potential is generally better than yours late game due simply to her utility. That being said, you should be able to out DPS her during most stages of the game unless you fall behind. During the laning phase, you will want to harass her whenever possible, but don't all in her if her Q+W combo is up. The good news is that her ult is easily flashable, making it possible to easily outplay her during post-6 allins.”
Pumparum says “Orianna has the ability to do a lot of damage with sheer auto attacks. Watch for enemy ganks since you will be pushed up quite often. Early gameplay will decide this matchup.”
Zeprius says “Only way for you to lose this matchup if the opponent is Diamond or Higher otherwise no one knows how to play orianna... shes the Queen of Solo Q and she hard counters you”
kilgta says “she pokes you a lot but so do you. she is very useful in teamfights. she is a decent opponent so try to beat her in lane. You should shove faster than she does. She will outshove you level 1 to 3 and will try to deny your from even getting close to CS. Just wait it up and outshove smartly at level 4+. start corrupt.”
unownreality says “Orianna can out trade you, and if she takes shield lv 1, can negate almost all of your damage and illumination damage. Try not to trade until you have an item advantage. She can negate a decent portion of your damage with command: protect. ”
MechaaZero says “I don't like this lane because of her spam. It's a lot fast of an output than yours, BUT if you set up your entire combo, it hurts a lot more than hers will. Be careful.”
CC Diana says “Orianna is a lane bully like Lux. You'll likely have to concede CS in order to stay alive, but the match up becomes significantly easier once you hit 6. Orianna must get within 825 units to hit her Q which puts her within range of your own Q, giving you an easy follow up combo.”
maplecat21 says “If she chooses to pressure you, it can be a rough lane. Otherwise, just dodge the ball and her ult and you can all in her super easily post-6. If your jungler ganks, she dies.”
Boy0Champ says “You want to wait choosing your first ability until you know what she started. If she started her shield, you want to start Q and shove her in. If she started Q and plays agressive, you can start E and go for early trades. This is a skill matchup that favors Orianna in the early laning phase.”
RagexAddict says “This matchup is mostly even but can tip in your favor or hers easily. Try to avoid her early poke with her Q and W and auto attacks. Try to keep track of her uses of her E ability. When either her Q and W or her E are down, use that as your opportunity to go in on her.”
poolooto says “Skill matchup. Dodge as many abilities as you can. It is an easy matchup if you do not give her a lead. If you think she is about to ult, use your R to dodge it immediately.”
The Jhin Cena says “Orianna can be surprisingly tanky with her shield, to the point where your entire combo can't kill her. Early game she can poke a lot so try and farm passively. Mid-Late game you can try and kill her with your combo however she'll likely live through it, meaning you'll have to chase her a bit longer to kill her. Just make sure that before you engage with her, she has no teammates nearby. Ideally, bait her shield and then use your combo on her so she can't live through it.”
LyndonK9 says “The most important thing to know of this match up is your Q has more range than her Q. So whenever she Qs you Q her back and try to dodge. If the ball is in the minion wave it makes it harder to dodge and Q back so stay away from her ball. When she ults be quick to ult and dodge it.
hipstersora says “Skill matchup. She has decent waveclear, and her damage is really good. She is squishy enough to burst, but she can burst you before you can say Arcane Shift. ”
Nightshade17 says “This is one of Vladimirs hardest match ups IF the Oriana is good, she will not let you touch the wave while not giving you any chances to damage her. Start with Dorans shield as you will be punished in this match up. Easiest part of this match up is early levels where you can out sustain her mana pool (i generally try to keep orianna from backing as long as possible) but be very careful once she gets lost chapter.”
Yenwai says “her poke in lane can kill you if you stay to long and her ability to assist her team later gives her the ability to force you out and roam, but you can clear the wave no problem if you dodge her attack order.”
YourBestSenpai says “Might be hard, but not too hard, there are worse matchups, her movement speed bonus from w can be annoying as it is easier for her to dodge your skills.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Hard lane early, easy late. Give up farm so you dont get poked. At 6 you R forward and Q E. If she shields back off. After her shield expires, R forward again and all in her. ”
AgreeableOtter says “Pain in the ass pre 3
Make sure you get Lv 4 with an equal amount of pots as she has, you win lane from that pretty hard.
Quick tip: If she uses E then Q's again, she can't control the ball for ~5 Seconds, use that to all in her.
HerrSolahri says “Don't underestimate her Poke Early. Her Q has a 3 Seconds CD in early. Play around that. After 6 always use double W so you can easy dodge her Abilities.”
SmokeyEggs says “A good Orianna knows to keep the ball to herself when an Ekko is gonna engage to get the W movement speed buff along with the Tanky stats, fight her when her W is off cooldown and you should win. You push harder as well”
BicBee says “All about how well you dodge Ori's ball. She has around 5s CD on her Q so look to harass her after she moves her ball. She will usually walk forward when she wants to Q you unless you're too close. Look to engage with ult when she has sent her ball out. ”
vukashin.xyz says “Respect her Q>W poke
Go for your combo when you can
You can dodge her R with your R or W
Respect her autos since they deal a lot of damage”
AzureArmatt says “Oriana was one of Ahri's counter picks but today we can deal with her in lane because many items and changes favors us more then her. She's control mage that uses her ball to cast abilities and shield her allies. if you don't get lost with tracking her "tool" then it's great success. if you want to kill her you have to be ready for her shielding herself from damage so try baiting shield before going all in. Poking is recommended and never trade basic attacks with her because her passive will make her deal more damage to you. After lvl 6 every time ball flies towards you be ready to avoid her ultimate (her biggest ability and great team fight tool) that has really big AoE + all of her abilities has pretty nice scaling so expect her to hurt you quite hard later in the game. Buy zhonya this game to avoid her stun with it's active and her combo and you will be good to go”
Bestlover says “She is great in lane control.
A good Orianna wont let you farm and will constantly poke you until you need to b.
So make sure you take tp against this match up and try to fight her when she tries to poke you, use your E to doge her ball and then go into her.”
Shaawn says “You want to wait choosing your first ability until you know what she started. If she started her shield, you want to start Q and shove her in. If she started Q and plays agressive, you can start E and go for early trades. This is a skill matchup that favors Orianna in the early laning phase.”
Enfurnal says “All of the champions in the third green bar are immobile Very immobile, abilities are easily dodgeable. If you see her out of position simply E W Q and BOOM she becomes BETA AF. Her R is also easily dodgeable due to the FACT that Ahri is ALPHA and VERY mobile.”
NocUout says “Very annoying poke with her Q, and if you don't play it safe she can chunk you throughout laning phase. Try not to all in unless you know you can guarantee the kill even if she shields. You will have to give up some CS early in order to not get poked out of lane completely. ”
Dudstrol says “Simplesmente evita trocas. Orianna consegue bater muito fácil e você nem vai devolver o dano nela. Peça por ganks para poder ganhar a rota”
Jazzmonkey says “Trade her once with level 1 you will outtrade her. But then wait till level 4 for the next trade just farm and then kill her with level 6”
overweight_zoe says “Shoving match up, but good Ori's can make you eat some hard harass in the early levels when you walk up to q. Becomes a much easier match up later when you outrange her with ult.”
Jammy158 says “Tough because her QW poke is annoying. Her E also makes it hard to trade very long. Bait out her CD and all-in. At 6 do respect her Ult. Ori players like to save it for after you Ult, so dash out to avoid it if need be.”
Eli The Bat says “She has a lot of harass, so she makes it difficult for you to even farm....
Best thing you can do is farm with your q, wait for your jungler to put some preassure on her, or roam....”
Tipurrs says “This will be a farming lane. She will zone you for days with her ball but she's too squishy. Don't under estimate her AAs, they hit pretty hard. Burst her down first in team fights, her ult is a huge advantage on their team.”
Finish Flash says “You want to be more careful in this type of lane, avoiding large amounts of harrass when necessary and timing your all-ins well when she extends her ball out with her Q. Once you get your ultimate, it should be very easy to all-in her. After casting your ultimate initially, you should follow up with Q first and save your E to dodge her ultimate.”
LionLifeSteal says “Her ball doesn't disappear when windwalled, it is only stopped where it hits the wall. You can push the lane quicker than her but you may get ganked if you stay too far up.”
moutenn says “Fun matchup unless she builds full armor. Not that she can kill you, but she will be hard to kill as well. Just stick on her and R when she R's.
TIP: when she sends out her Q ult her. You should be able to reactivate it before she can return her ball, and use R. Then W back into her and kill her.”
qasddsa says “Her Q movement is really telegraphed and can be dodged easily. Run Fleet, max Q, and you'll have no issues in this lane. After level 6, it can get a little bit harder to kill her, but still possible since her ultimate won't deal that much damage yet.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Orianna is a classic Syndra counter. Her wave clear matches and often out matches yours, her damage is comparable (mid-late game), her crowd control is comparable, & her shield mitigates your burst. With a Syndra - Orianna match up, you'll want to play nice and easy farming pre 6, farm with Q-W, because Ori is gonna poke you with her big ole ball, and rely on your scaling. ”
Draczor says “This matchup is quite more difficult. She can kill you, but you can too. Try to stay out of her Q range and poke her with your laser since it's hard to win trades against her. Once you turn level 6 you can all in on her if she is deep enough in lane and if you have enough mana for it. She will most likely burn her flash or die if she doesn't have flash up. Your damage combined with ult is enough to kill her if she doesn't try to flash away. Only do so if you aren't low on health already or if you know she won't be able to do enough dmg to kill you before you kill her.”
Exiled Heretic says “Oriana has no escape so once you land your q you can usually win the 1v1 with ease. beware taking too much poke she will capitalize off it and punish. also make sure to not let her flash your ult, phase rush makes her fast so you have to make sure to follow her flash.”
rimzaki says “She can endure ur trade with her E save ur sanguine for her ultimate use ur sustain advange if she has low healt and she used her e ability do ur ultimate power”
Sozzoh says “You can easily outpoke Orianna, but if she's ahead, then she's unstoppable. A fed Orianna is hell for Azir, since a Q-W-R is all of your health. If you can get a lead over Orianna, you've pretty much won lane. I would suggest getting Banshee's if she's fed.”
Superior current says “Due to her shield you probably won't be able to kill her alone in the early game. But once you get some items you'll outdamage her.”
Autoswitched says “similar to lux except she has a strong team fight, and she can simply stay safe until you get ganked. Just farm, unless she plays aggressive.”
Katapullt says “She can zone you very good. Try to avoid useless AA's. Start With Doran's Shield and be carefull of her Ult. Dont risk too much a good Orianna is always able to beat you in a 1vs1. So waiting for your jungler might be the best option. Dont get pushed to hard and place W when her minions come close to your tower then Q and Pick up both Daggers at the same time.”
Prenora says “Orianna's pretty telegraphed but she's a lot like you playing the zoning game, if you can get close to her go for it, you win the trades, but dont let her poke you down, keep the lane centered and dodge her abilities best you can. match her CS, after 6 you can start winning trades with your ult and mobility”
Witwickies says “You want to dodge her ball, she wants to dodge your plants. Even though your all-in and poke are easier to perform, she has some utility with E and speed-up from W. Also, she can tear plants easier than other champions.”
undeadsoldiers says “Orianna will constantly try to poke you with her Q. Note that her Q moves quickly when she first places it on the ground but is slower when moving between points on the ground.
If she takes Q level 1 it's safe to trade with her. If she takes E, it's not safe.
She'll push you and be annoying, but if you manage to put her to sleep there isn't much she can do. Her E is pretty weak early so doesn't really need to be baited.
You can dodge Shockwave, and thus her full combo since she will often R-W, with your R.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Early laning will be frustrating as she will manipulate her Q to poke you as much as possible. Do you best to farm with Q/W and avoid all-in's until you hit 6. If you are even in lane (or ahead) you can engage on her. KEEP IN MIND, if Orianna built a Ludens Echo/Damage AP item, she will do surprising amounts of damage for an AP Control Mage. Be aware.”
PilkkuOffical says “She has long range poke, a shield and good waveclear to match yours. She is hard to kill and when she is 6 she can kill you every single time with her jungler.”
AQRC Turtle says “Her auto attacks do extra damage so you have to stay far enough for her not to AA doran's shield might be a good starting item. Remember that she has a shield and CC when you all in so play accordingly.”
Smol Jelly says “Oriana's got good wave clear and strong poke. This is a skill match-up. Keep an eye on the ball. If you're watching the ball closely, you can avoid her skills pretty well. It'll take a moment for her to call the ball back for a shield, so take advantage of this.”
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