Discover all champions who counter Fiddlesticks. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Fiddlesticks in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
In the Jungle 52.03% Win Rate75% Pick RateFiddlesticks In the Jungle Counters: 32 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Fiddlesticks in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “You win against him. Try to cleanse his fear and care if his zhonyas is up or not. You can oneshot him in every stage of the game when he got no zhonyas.”
SelfLOL says “SHIT TON OF CC .Buy EON. Save Stacks for cleanse. Get vision. Care r over walls .Tracking is very important. Weak early .Can invade if good opportunity Scales extremely well get vision over walls and ask team for vision.Think if u were fiddle where would u r from in this fight. Great teamfight Strong with lead. MAW. Blue trinket.
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can almost match your farm and deal a huge amount of damage to you and your team. I would suggest invading him once you're level 6 and after you've spent your gold and contesting his farm.”
Jackiewawa says “Full clears but can be extremely deadly in fights with his ult if you don't get vision on him beforehand. Keep him outside of your W so he can't fear you with point and click Q fear and his E silence. Get wards over walls where he can ult for objectives. You can easily run him down after 1st item.”
ZedAway says “his only problem before level 6 is his fear, after level 6 ward all lane bushes and catch him trying to take them, or catch the adc isolated.”
DoxxTheLeague says “his r is just broken especially with malignence build mr get perma vision around every inch around every objective or you lose his r is a game changer just like yours but his is stronger must build mr item kaenic into force as last 2 items are extremely strong”
kimijebac123 says “hard/impossible matchup, he wins you early so u cant try to fight him, has higher dmg and makes this impossible to be usefull untill getting force of nature then this matchup drops to kinda even”
He's not inherently a strong champ. Burst him down fast so you don't have to deal with his healing (then take him for yourself and heal).”
orka4.sandraj says “Not mobile, can be easily hit by Q (he may build rocket belt), also his kit is based on silences and fears, which can all be reflected with your E.”
lurutin says “He has a good clear and ganks a lot but there is no strong point against you, just pay attention cause if he fears you with your ultimate active you will run a lot and maybe he can desengage using this or you will have to fight without ultimate.”
Yomu says “If you post up and catch him, it should be a 1 shot, he can’t run from you because your second W will catch up to him after he Q’s. Care for Fiddle ult because you will die.”
Maciejson says “You lose all fights against this champion, as his W will always win trades. Avoid fighting him. If Fiddlesticks uses his W and you ult inside it, the W damage will still execute if you’re low, so try to ult when he isn’t using W. As Rhaast, you can knock him up after his R since he can’t move, assuming you aren’t already dead. Rhaast's knockup cancels his W healing, which usually allows you to kill him if you are even in terms of gold. As Shadow Assassin (SA), you can one-shot him only if his abilities are on cooldown, so be cautious of his Zhonya's Hourglass.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Handshake full clears with fiddle and avoid his fears with your W and you’ll be fine. If you get feared lategame, you probably just lose the teamfight. Very important to get vision on him midgame/lategame. You can easily run him down after 1 item. Fiddle can easily land his W on you though, as it’s similar range to your W. Try to save your W for his Q.”
huncho1v9 says “- Fiddlesticks is very similar to Evelynn in terms of playstyle and champ identity. The matchup itself is easy and you won’t get invaded by Fiddle ever, but it’s hard to get ahead against him as his clear matches yours and he has lockdown cc lategame + Fiddle is always useful lategame no matter how behind. It’s important to get blue ward mid/lategame and make sure he can’t get any R angles for your team. Your job in this matchup is to make him as useless as possible, and if you get ahead you just run him down. Conqueror is usually best in this matchup (with tenacity rune, but it depends on enemy comp. ”
kcjackal__ says “swap to blue ward later when playing against fiddle. Can shotgun him with your w to cancel his heal. If you lose to fiddle it's support gap.”
lanefox says “Fiddle can ruin all of your engage. Keep an eye on him during fights and plan around his abilities.
Try to work on the outskirts of the fights until you know he can't cc you.”
Fyir says “He can invade your jungle and clear it quickly but he poses little threat to you without ult. He is a sitting duck once you slow him but don't sit in his drain ability unless you can kill him quickly. His ult changes teamfights but you can pull him away from your team with your ult or speed them up out of it with w.”
Mignognium says “Contre Viego il ne vaut rien. N'ayez pas peur de l'épouvantail de pacotille, temps qu'il n'est pas niveau 6 il ne fera rien, et puis il ne s'en prendra pas à vous car il sais qu'il est trop faible en 1v1. Garder un bon contrôle de la vision sur la carte pour protéger vos aliés de ces ganks dévastateurs. Mais sinon vous devriez tout faire mieux que lui. Juste attention a bien baliser derrière le pit quand vous faite un objectif majeur. Et n'oublier pas son Zoniah. Je vous conseil de ne pas utiliser directement son [Z][Moisson fructueuse], après avoir pris contrôle de son corps comme il est souvent tentant de le faire, mais plutôt d'utiliser judicieusement son combo ; [A/Q] > [E] pour fear / silence une cible faible que vous pourrez alors facilement éliminer pour récupérer un autre reset. ”
RickTheMage says “Annoying when invading, you have to wait to spend his fear in the fields to try to kill him, always putting the box on his foot after he uses the W. And pay a lot during fights, always look for him on the flanks so you have the chance to kill him or prevent him from doing anything in the fights.”
IvernGott says “Fiddlesticks is a good thread after lvl 6 making his ganks over wall unpredictable sometimes but with the right tracking and bluewards from ur teammates you can avoide that.
By tracking his pathing u can protect ur teammates early into the game from his ganks.”
Kittylxz says “Casi no sufre en la jungla así que invadirle es un tema de 50/50 porque tendrías que rezar a que no tenga sus enfriamientos listos, ya cuando el tiene ulti depende bastante de tu team si dejan que se vuelva una amenaza o no.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Really fast and healthy clear, on crab it probably should be 50/50. He won't all in you, and neither you can him. So just try to outsmite him.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Fiddlesticks' farm rate and unpredictable ultimates make him a formidable foe. Disrupting his positioning with Daisy and warding potential ult paths are key to managing this threat.”
X3mHills says “In this spooky-spooky matchup, you should buy Mercury's Treads for added magic resistance, and make sure to have plenty of wards for vision control. Remember to purchase control wards every time you back. To deal with his ultimate, try to avoid it by running away, and then retaliate with a kill. This matchup can be quite challenging.”
oneshotudyr says “If you run towards him with your E, he can fear you. If you waste your E too early, he heals back using his W. The idea is to wait for him to waste his CC, then waste his W, then stun him and Q2. His ultimate is great for teamfights and can make or break an objective, so be very careful around him and try to snipe him before objectives.”
YICARY says “enemy champs with undodgeable cc like fiddlesticks fear are the easiest way to stop a yi from killing ur team (besides bursting him). having a qss as yi or asking ur to support to build mikaels is a MUST in those games.”
YICARY says “fiddle symbolizes the huge thread of CC for you. if u first pick yi -> enemy team picks rakan, fiddle AND ur team has no engage/peel for you, you absolutely HAVE to dodge this game. ”
RuinedJG says “Fiddle clears healthy, and fast. Get merc treads, go Conqueror bruiser. I like buying an early hex drinker, and getting FON 4th/5th item.”
MhmYepSope says “Insane ganks so make sure to let your teammates know where he is at all times. His Ult can completely win a teamfight so be aware of Ult angles. His wards completely block your Ult Vision. ”
Ehrenemo says “I think you can only fight him when you have item advantage or got some stacks on Mejas but even than its very risky. Try to stun him while ultimate but becarefull daisy cant follow him and slow him because of his Q.”
jajkopajko says “You should win most fights if you keep him at distance, stun him when casting his ult, if he ults run. You should be able to outdamage him later on in the game.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Invade him early. When fighting, make him waste his W then you can go back in, So Q1 auto E auto and then he will Q Fear into W where you respond with your ward hop W out then Q back onto him once his W is wasted. Don't let him get into a good flank R angle on you or your team mid to late game by warding flank spots when its safe to do so.
veipz says “another autistic champion i hate it, take mercury boots against him if poss take tenacity second rune. u can cancel his w with ur e thats good. track him annoying champ u win late game and early game but sometimes his ganks makes him snowball. take blue trinket”
loganrichards says “If you catch him in jungle. W towards him and try to Q after he Q's you. It will not always break your frenzy. If he ever W's then you charge E. it should be a 1 shot, he can’t run from you because your second W will catch up to him after he Q’s. Care for Fiddle ult because you will die. ”
garbocan says “Massively outfarms Ivern while being extremely difficult to countergank or punish in any way. Fiddlesticks is also tough to deal with mid-late game due to his ult's unexpected nature. If you get caught in his fear, you won't be able to shield anyone until after it ends, which is enough time for Fiddle to have already won the teamfight.
During objective fights, Ivern can't effectively use bush walls, since Fiddle can just ult into them.
Your best chance vs Fiddle is to use W in places where he might be before a fight in hopes of spotting him.”
Valkidol says “10 years of cc and an ultimate to outscale you to the moon in the teamfight. Either you oneshot him before teamfights or you lose the game.”
Clasher2124 says “A good fiddlesticks is always more useful than you. You can easily die from his team if you get caught in his ultimate. He himself also has pretty good damage. Oh and force of nature has been nerfed to the ground.”
OakIgu says “Fiddlesticks is a meta omnipresent champion, he is very easy to invade but he is much better than Udyr in everything BUT 1v1s. To deal with Fiddlesticks you will need to rely on your macro skills, best way to punish him is stealing his camps when possible.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Fiddle: Its even vs you but people dont know how to play vs it so if they dont help you catching him etc. he gets ahead and in late his r is too powerfull unless your team knows how to predict him so its more like a major then even.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Ping everywhere you think he might be ulting from so your taam is aware of him and make loads of vision”
SYROBE says “Fiddle fear makes it hard to player Briar early. However once you get Briar Ultimate and land it on a fiddle sticks + a little magic resist like Wit's End- you will still chase him after you are doing being feared.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a decent time into Fiddlesticks, This matchup is based on Briar’s Tenacity + Early Statcheck and Fiddlesticks Teamfighting influence —> Briar W Berserking Movement Speed can be a negative gap closer due to fear.
Briar has a way stronger stat check than Fiddle, thereby Briar can control the map very well and look for easy invades.
Fiddlesticks W channel should be interrupted by Briar Q / E / R.
Fiddlesticks Trinket counts as an enemy champion for Briar Berserking!!!
Coccaa says “If he's fed you probably will not want to fight him as he can out-damage and out-sustain you. If you do end up fighting him just pillar his W it will cancel his W and put it on an extended cooldown and you can win.”
Zero macro says “Fiddlesticks and Ekko both have a slow phased early game, thereby Ekko becomes stronger in dueling, but weaker in teamfights. Tenacity rune or/and boots are recommended into Fiddlesticks. Ekko W zone is a strong tool as counter engage or Fiddlesticks W removal.”
TheBougis says “Fiddlesticks isn't very strong in Arena as its hard for him to surprise you, he has a bit of current health damage (on his Q) but not enough to kill you.”
EagleXs says “Fiddles fear counters your W, so you can mostly never W in. You have no way to stop his drain, and he will drain both you and your pack for lots of healing, which will undo the bleeding you may try to poke him with. Overall, avoid, go around, and try to kill everyone else first”
Turnupthetoaster says “He's one of the best teamfighting champs in the game, and his passive trinkets can effectly nerf your ultimate vision range while also causing you to mark his effigies instead of the champions on the enemy team. Not to mention he can be hard to invade since all he has to do is fear you and walk away. He also comes equipped with a silence, which can also be very obnoxious assuming you don't have 4 stacks of ferocity. Additionally, he does a lot of damage over time and can CC you, both of with make it hard to heal with W, and he farms faster than Rengar. For all of these reasons, he's easily one of Rengar's worst matchups.”
theloaf says “If you can find out where he's ulting, buffer your Q to hit his destination, then AA and R before he goes into his channel for a quick kill. ”
Zero macro says “Fiddlesticks has a weak early game that becomes stronger, especially when obtaining his R ---> at this point it will be important to track him down to prevent massacre from happening on ur team. Nidalee should take advantage of the early game in this matchup.”
Zero macro says “Fiddlesticks gains free early game into shen, because he can disengage from Shen easily. Thereby he becomes a stronger teamfight threat than Shen.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a stronger statcheck and jungle clear than early game fiddlesticks. Zed should try to gain a lead from this. Fiddlesticks becomes a manace due to his R in gank setup. Zed should try to prevent him from being capable so'''
Recommended to run Legend: Tenacity
metalhydra273 says “A sleeper strong champion that can disrupt your positioning with a devastating mix of cc and burst. If you do survive the engage or bait him out, run him down asap, as his defense against your cc is limited. Watch your positioning, and play smart macro. Autopiloting here will make you fodder.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Fiddlesticks é facilmente counterado, grande parte do seu kit gira em torno da sua ultimate através de áreas sem, visão aliada, controle bush e utilize o controle de grupo de Rell para cancelar sua Ulti e W.”
NegativePhoenix says “Literally everything you do interrupts his W, his main damage dealer. You'll have alot of Tenacity so his fears wont last long regardless if he lands them or not. If you get hit as full AP, it's bye for you, but as a Hybrid or Tank you have a better shot at sitting him down. Any type of CC interrupts his W meaning he has to Zhonyas, run away or hope his team will do the damage he now lacks without it”
MrFerrot says “He does a lot of damage, but he is slow and predictable. Also very squishy. Play to E him from range and ult. Then one-shot him and be happy.”
Ezikko says “Fiddle is very easy to deal with, just make sure you have vision on him, or that you cancel his ult and W with your Q3 or R, if he ults just try to autoattack him to heal yourself if running isnt an option.”
shacolovesyou says “ur nightmare, his early is weak but has insane clear and outscales u, duel with him only if u have ignite, keep in mind that ur box fear can stop his drain, sadly he can drains u even if u Q away, also ward possible spots of his R and keep in mind he can solo dragon in early”
Apari1010 says “This is a very tough matchup because as Rhaast you thrive in teamfights but if this scarecrow hits one button, the entire teamfight just gets thrown into chaos and you lose. Early on try to delay his level 6 powerspike by stealing from him and take as many early objectives as you can. Vision control is a must in this matchup otherwise teamfights are just unplayable.”
GiAEcchI says “Grevious Wound, Merc Tread or QSS, get some cdr item, use your E to scout around before and while in teamfight to get his location before his ult, lv3-4 you can't fight him, after getting some basic magic resist it's breathable. Don't go ham, try ambushing him in the jungle, hold your knockup for his W.”
BradJr says “Fiddlesticks' strength comes from his point and click fear to drive away targets. When you are in your E, try to burst him down as he is very squishy. (clone rating 2/10)”
FaeBytez says “Fiddlesticks lacks mobility and can be easily kited by Diana. However, Diana needs to be careful not to get caught by Fiddlestick's Crowstorm ultimate.”
ttvRegedice says “Similar to Karthus, Fiddlesticks is a ticking time bomb with his mid-late teamfight threat. Make sure to invade WITH team (he can drain tank you with his camps in 1v1, avoid solo-invading unless he's low by trying to clear camps after a fight or you're fed) or countergank him early to shut him down in order to "make his fuse longer" so to speak. What I mean by this, make it as painful as possible for him to become a threat as a champion. Crossmatch your CS to his to try and approximate when he'll hit 6 (you hit lvl6 by 44-48 cs depending on if you have bonus xp from kills and such) because the next time he goes MIA while lvl5 he'll be ulting your laners. He has lots of angles to work with so definitely keep that in mind when pinging safety for your team. The longer he goes MIA before he's used ult the more looming of a threat his R can be. The game is never over vs Fiddlesticks unless you guys win a 5v5, be very careful engaging too far into the team giving fiddle super free ult angles. Always keep what he's trying to do on the forefront of your mind. Lastly, avoid doing/finishing baron/dragon with no vision behind the walls. ”
Xr3ad says “Fiddlesticks is a really good matchup as it can either snowball in your favor or in his, try abusing his early downfall by invading when possible or just trying to interecept him in ganks as he doesn't do alot of damage early on.”
Virizion says “Same thing as Karthus. Invade early and punish him. Main difference is that after the early game Fiddle will be ganking often with his R and becomes a huge threat mid game in teamfights. Fight as least as possible in the jungle!”
Hazardist says “This will be a skill matchup where vision control and map awareness will define whether you win it or not. Use Q and W to check bushes you suspect he might be preparing an ambush from both to check and to clear any possible effigies, and look to invade him in the early game if your laners have prio.”
Intropingman says “Silence, fear etc. a lot of cc so he interrupt your Q + a lot of magic damage late game, the good thing is you can catch him with R. Vision is very important against him to see him so he doesn't appear with ultimate fearing and one shotting your whole team.”
1Strike says “Rough one not gonna lie but I don't think it's unwinnable. If he gets fed he does what ivern does to you. Nullifies you, the difference is he can also one shot you. He has insane teamfighting too and since you are not an early game champ you can't nullify his early game too well. The good thing is though, you can kill him, and he is also letting you scale so with some good decision making and mechanics you can outdamage and out utility him if he doesn't get free ults off.”
Narcissisticdude says “FiddleTricks is ban/dodge champion, he out-clears, out-duels, out-teamfights and out-scales you.
The best results I have had playing against this disgusting monstrosity were 3 camping and then invading him, and then re-invading every time you have ignite up.
Mechanical Tips:
1. Ignite early to reduce healing
2. At level 3 you can drop a w for the fear as he basically stands in place to drain your health, if he smites it run away if you still can.
3. Cringe point and click cc champion with 5k damage ult.
Non-Mechanical tips:
1. You HAVE to keep his vision down and yours up or you WILL get aced from him pressing the R button on his keyboard.
2. He can solo dragon really early on, if you think that's what he's doing use dragon on him for a 2v1
3. FF quickly if he snowballs.”
checca says “Zac is now favored against Fiddlesticks after the Season 12 durability update. He doesn't have enough CC burst damage to kill you at any point in the game. Now you can survive through his R and his Zhonya's and just cancel his drain. Always be aware of his Effigies and enemy vision since this is more crucial to win rather than mechanics on Zac. When fighting Fiddlesticks early, focus on having another creep near you where you can auto Q1 Q2 him to cancel his drain.”
lovicoaching says “This champ was broken for a long time, seems meh right now. Pretty bad matchup for you as he does same thing you do (scale to 6) but he gets passive wards which always show you while also forcing you into tenacity or banshee buy if you want to kill him. Getting mercs or tenacity runes makes him much much more killable though as a little tip. Can be worth it.
Put him behind early or stop his level 6 play and it's free usually.”
Davecraft16 says “Annoying champion to play against, I hate his fear. Just remember that pre 6 you are stronger, he should start blue, so try to do a a 3/4 camp clear. After that you should find him while he is taking his red, smite the red and try to kill him. ”
Kukiziuu_ says “Skill matchup, if you play rhaast your fine. If he uses his E instantly use ur W to knock him up, when he R's you, do your whole combo and then use R. Why? Because you will be probably at 2/4, 3/4 HP. But if you play assasin its easy to oneshot him, but if you get fear your basically dead.”
Bhyure33 says “Remember to pick tenacity in runes. Try to handle vision for your teammates, so it can't get free kills. You can usually beat it in 1v1s and remember to save W for its W.”
Merisoka says “Easy. Just don't get caught in his ultimate or fear. You can one-shot him and bully him in his jungle. Only reason why I don't put him in tiny threat tier is because your team can be a little stupid and ignore him completely, making him fed.”
Lasine says “Weird matchup fiddle favored. You cant invade him early, he clears better and he is more usefull than you. But if somehow u manage to get some kills he wont be able to play the game.
I always flip a level 3 gank vs fiddle or force a invade with mid if he has prio.
The main problem is that most fiddle players are otps, so they will make you have a bad time for sure.”
RedNBlue says “Fiddlesticks is a high 2, Fiddlesticks is tanky and does a medium amount of damage, kill him immediately when he uses R on you and your team, he is helping your healing by putting himself so close to you anyways. Steal his farm, take drakes as all he does is farm. If he ganks turn him into mince meat. ”
TheSoloNinja says “Fiddle W will reveal you and continues to cast if you are still in range when you Q. His W will also show when you are nearby. Try to cheese him by warding the enemy topside jg at the start of the game. Take red buff, krugs, and gromp then invade his red (if he started blue,) or take gromp, red buff, and krugs then invade his blue (if he started red.) This may allow you to cheese a kill on him and break his clearing pattern.”
RaidenKaos says “I personally find Fiddlesticks very easy to deal with myself. Take Conqueror, Ignite and Tenacity; you won't lose an open 1v1. I think it is quite easy to predict where Fiddlesticks is pathing and hiding post-6. Although it is playing with fire you can also try baiting his R, moving back just before. This becomes a lot easier with Ghostblade and preferably vision for the audio cue. Just don't do it close to your team.
The only problem with Fiddlesticks is he is a press R to win champ. If he doesn't use it on Talon, he can just use in on your team. Often you will find your team is not smart enough to not play into his R.”
Riccardo126 says “Clear his vision and have yours in the right spots, save your W to stop his R, use E to avoid his W heal and dmg.
His R is dangerous if he fears you, buy Hexdrinker and consider upgrading it early if he's ahead”
MythicalMinute says “This champ is not so bad tbh, his W can reveal you so be careful of that but most of the time you want to counter gank him, he has faster clear than you so you cant really play to scale as his team fighting is better also. If you notice the enemy laners hugging a wall when he's 6, rush there and be ready to engage after he does, you can clean him up easily.
AD (Mythic) because prowlers helps you stick to him.”
ItsSplash says “Fiddlesticks does what Evelynn does except he is even more vulnerable to invades. Evelynn however is not able to do early invades in large majority of her games. This allows both champions to farm freely. The problem is that Fiddle's insane CC through Q, E and R completely disables Evelynn. His trinkets (Effigies) are, unlike other trinkets, able to spot Evelynn giving his team a lot of midgame safety. All in all Fiddle is one of the harder matchups for Eve.
If there are multiple instant CC champions on the enemy team, I recommend getting Banshees Veil at some point throughout the match.”
spuki97 says “No worries about this matchup. Try to invade him as he usually likes doing 2 camps at once. After he hits level 6, make sure to spam ping your team his gank angles as he can easily win games with his ultimate. Also, his W can reveal your position. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “He's useless when he doesn't have R. You should keep Zhonya's to launch it when he uses R.
You have more constant damage and he has burst, so just try do tank his burst and it's a win.”
Kao_Oak says “Annoying champ to face, you need to destroy him in early game and build tenacity because his fear will make you fly away really far because of your R. Easy champ to 1v1 but he will ruin you and your mates in teamfight.”
RengarNBush says “Annoying but you beat him, he out farms you, try invading when possible, fight away from walls. He can rush zonyhas + don't underestimate his power with W, since you can't cancel it.”
Skysolitox says “The Only Thing you have to watch out for is where he is and where he could use his R, so be sure to have lots of wards around the Map. Besides that, you can Invade once you have your E, and deny him his farm.”
MaximusWillCarry says “You hard counter Fiddle because whenever he uses his W Drain if you CC him in that time it goes on a long cooldown (10 ish seconds) which he will be evaporated in team fights without his W. Watch out for Crow Storms and peel your backline from his Ult and its easy peasy.”
Yuki H. says “Fiddle does not really pose much of a threat by himself, but he packs plenty of cc and teamfighting ability.
Aim to jump on him after he uses his full rotation of abilities (i.e. countergank after he uses his abilities). If the laner he is ganking does not seem to be in lethal range, this counter can quickly turn the tables.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Invade Fiddle in the early game to deny him as much gold as you can. He is weak before level 6 but even weaker before level 3 so use that to your advantage. When Fiddlesticks reaches level 6 he will try to surprise gank you with his Crowstorm(R). Keep track of where Fiddlesticks is and inform your team, so they can get wards down and play safe when he is on their side of the map. Before engaging on to Fiddlesticks, ask yourself if this is the real one. Don’t waste everything on a fake scarecrow.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL.
The best thing he can do is ult through a wall.
PD: If you get tricked by his trinket you stopid. No really, shame on you if you waste summoner on the trinket.”
Hazardist says “He can easily shrug you away during E with his fear which makes engaging on him rather difficult, but if you can manage to stay on top of him you win any 1v1. Just make sure to save your E and ultimate for when he's channeling his W, because otherwise you won't have the hard CC required to cancel his main ability.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Invade Fiddle in the early game to deny him as much gold as you can. He is weak before level 6 but even weaker before level 3 so use that to your advantage. When Fiddlesticks reaches level 6 he will try to surprise gank you with his Crowstorm(R). Keep track of where Fiddlesticks is and inform your team, so they can get wards down and play safe when he is on their side of the map. Before engaging on to Fiddlesticks, ask yourself if this is the real one. Don’t waste everything on a fake scarecrow.”
OfficerVi says “Look to snowball the game early and make picks in mid/late. He has numerous ways to cancel your Q, is infinitely more useful in teamfights, and outsustains your damage. ”
lumihehe says “HEAVILY depends on your teams vision and map awareness. if you have great map control and vision, he's in the tiny catagory but if you let him farm, put 0 deep wards, and basically play hide and seek on the rift then he can be the most dangerous jungler in the entire game. it's up to you and how you and your team play to counter him.”
Salmon Kid says “This is also an easy match up for Lillia as fiddle really has nothing to offer in a prolonged fight verse her. However, he does have point and click hard cc and his ult that he can layer the cc with so just be careful while kiting him out.”
warmfishu says “Reap (E) will silence Yuumi. Terrify (Q) will cause champions to flee, and abilities he uses after sitting unseen in a bushes for a couple seconds also causes them to flee; this resets Yuumi's W.”
Lawiss1 says “Fiddle est vraiment nul comme champ, le match-up est vraiment pas très dur mais ses wards vous révèleront toujours et son fear est bien chiant”
Dad Prime says “You can easily 1v1 him as you can knock him up when he is sucking everything, but a good fiddle will avoid you all game and will easily disengage whenever possible.”
Dojyaan says “Will fuck you up with his w suck. He outfarms you and also is more scarier in teamfights. The most you could do for your team is kill the back line so fiddle gets no follow up and .... WARD WARD WARD.”
ItsAydam says “Hard to kill because of his fear and silence and slow. After 6 his impact on the game is much bigger than yours. His ult can also carry the game if he's good. Try to catch him off guard and ward his jungle. Fiddle players full clear into a gank so you can predict his clear. Also he does Gromp + Blue together / Red + Raptors which makes it easy for you to come and smite one of them.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Can out damage you by his W Ability (Bountiful Harvest) when being close at you + a camp or a Dragon. He'll literally deal no damage to you when you play Rhaast, where he drops down to Minor or even Tiny. In Shadow Assassin, you've to be fed if you want to make a Fiddler down to Minor or Tiny Threat.”
Fadeyboii says “His W reveals you, he has so much CC, you can't invade him cuz he outheals your damage with his W on camps, just be careful playing against him”
Shark of Void says “Take the cleanse. Skill match. The winner is the one who gets the advantage. 1v1 the main thing is to get Q out of his W, then you'll win him.”
Nightmare.dll says “His damage in late is too much to handle if he starts popping off. Try to kill him pre-6 and keep abusing him if he is behind by camping him in his jungle”
RelaxOrTax says “He clears very fast and is difficult to 1v1 if you don't have an hp advantage or conqueror. You should try and shut him down before he gets level 6 and reaches the late game since he will be better in teamfights.”
NegativePhoenix says “He can fear you but that's it. You can W him up to stop his W heal early and put it on full CD so he has to back up. If he ults in, keep your distance, he will try to CC you to full damage you and heal off you. Once his ult wears off and his fears down, he's an easy target. All stages of the game as long as he doesn't have help and you aren't already low you basically outheal him and beat him in every 1v1.”
Krast666 says “Fiddlesticks is horrible to fight against. He contests your late game, has better teamfighting potential and can 1-shot better than you. Your best bet is to kill him in the scuttle fight with your midlaner and get as many heralds as possible.”
SunLongGod says “you should your ult after Fiddle use his fear to avoid losing your ulti duration, his Q's passive can get you feared from all of his abilities. get Qss or Tenacity to win against him. ”
Sammystinky says “Fiddle is arguably your most similar champion. You both sit out of vision and try to jump people. If you jump him, you usually win. If he jumps you or your team, he usually wins. Be aware of him and don't let him get good ults. ”
duowithdeath says “Inferior Karthus in almost every way except his utility he brings to team fight, you out duel, out gank, out clear and can go perma invade.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Fiddlesticks is a champ that wants to farm to get strong, which is perfect for diana because diana is strong enough to invade him at any point. She also clears much faster so will be able to free farm all game”
Stolid says “If you dont kill him very early (lv 3) you can never kill him by your own again. When he is 6 he will outgank you anyways. Very hard to deal with unless you kill him in his own jungle every minute.”
IamFafa says “Make sure to ward against him because if he catches you in his R you're pretty much dead because of his insane damage. Ward prio to ganking because you dont want to be surprised by his R which can easily wipe out your team”
evil in says “Fiddlesticks is an easy matchup he is also a fullclear jungle but much worse than Evelynn just try be careful with his position and keep in mind he can always R from the bushes.”
Invisiclown says “You need to beat him early, you are no match for his cc and its hard to burst him, his 2nd skill will always reveal you while your invisible”
GrayJinxed says “Fiddle isn't that much of a threat aside from his point and click fear (E) followed by his Q (Fear) or any other source of Crowd Control.
Warding will significantly reduce Fiddlesticks impact of his ult (R) by reducing the Area of Effect Fear. ”
TimothyFly says “Can't really do much against him, his fear and silence are very annoying. Just try and contain him so he doesn't get ahead. Chain cc him with team and don't let him get ultimates on ur team.”
DarkMareOfficial says “This one is more of a tiny-minor because he is a bit annoying against any Wukong main. His fear and silence make him able to run away most times pretty well. But there is hope: if you engage on him with your Decoy (W) he will silence the clone and maybe even fear it if he is dumb enough => you got free hand to kill him.
Big advantage towards countering his ult with your invisibility engage into R his R.”
WONDR says “If you fight him in the jungle he has to run. If he jumps on you with R first you will still most likely kill him if theres a bush near by and hes not ahead.”
SeptikYT says “Not played much in my elo but he clears extremely fast, meaning he could pull ganks off faster, something you don't want him to get away with. If he builds Liandry's into Shadowflame, have fun, that is gonna hurt a lot.”
Madabc says “Very frustrating. Early Zhyonas rush abuser and fear is very annoying to vs. While you destroy him pre 6, post 6 is really when the matchup really hurts you. This is all dependent on how good the Fiddle is as well. ”
Biotic says “You will rarely face it, but Fiddle is one of THE Countermatchups for Zilean. His long Range Silence and CC chain will not allow you to ult. Try to roam and win your other lanes. Mobility boots first item and leave your adc feeding to it.”
Janooobi says “Always make sure you have a source of CC to use for when he is using his W, make sure when laning phase is done you keep track of him as much as possible and warn your teammates of sudden Rs he can pull off”
officialwiseguy says “Ones you are 6 don't Ult till he has used his fear otherwise you will run very far away and your Ult might run out. Ones you have Qss he is a Childsplay.
BreadedBreadCrum says “Similar to Amumu, Fiddlesticks can be a major threat in team fights. Fighting early and invading is a great way to disrupt his clear and early weakness. Make use of Daisy's ability to grant vision to break his fear passive. After 6, be careful to take tower dive situations or similar fights. Go Domination Aery. For AP, go CotSQ. Sup, go Shurelya's. Chemtech is good here.”
Consolo says “Was my previous permaban, but he scales inversely to your support's warding habits. Invade like he's Karthus, you can't kill him like Karthus but early you can force him off his camps and take them in front of him LMAO. Buy about a billion control wards and put them over walls near objectives. Learn where they like to ult from and ward there too. Do you have a support? Tell them to ward more. Don't have a support? FORCE them to ward more. ”
FacetLOL says “Really annoying matchup, you need to counterjungle/countergank him pre level 6, to stop him from snowballing, he can do drake before 1st back. So ward it.”
Scythe Prince says “to win this matchup :
try to counter jungle and take his camps as much as possible so you can have xp lead.
you can easy 1v1 him with edge of night and form.
Zehmox says “Ticking time bomb. you can really prevent him from ulting your teammates because he build Zhonyas and banshees (if good) but what you can do is snowball your way on lanes like i mentioned before WEAKER early game junglers = put them behind or create a big lead for yourself to overtake them”
blulemon says “He struggles against you early as you can cancel his healing. Late he might be a problem but make sure to keep vision for your team, especially in raptors pit.”
Christianxox1 says “His ult will make it hard to fight him try to fight him when his ult is in cool down. He has a faster clear then you and is hard too 1v1 early on.”
MrMeem45 says “He outscales you by far, but has real counterplay that you can abuse. For one, you decimate him at scuttle. He'll usually get low during his clear, so if you do your 5 camp (or a 3 camp if you're feeling risque) then pop down to his last camp and he's doing Gromp + Blue at the same time, just gang up on him and oneshot him, taking both his camps and making him want to uninstall.”
b0n0 says “Fiddle is kind of same thing as Eve. You just out perform him early and want to set a pace/invade+early gank. If you get ahead you win. Q his lifesteal and he is fucked. always take a duel if it's 1v1 and he is not giga fed. ”
Elekktro says “Fiddlesticks is one of the only non tank junglers that requires you to stack tenacity. I recommend going Wit's End + Merc Treads and the matchup gets way easier. Save your stun for when Fiddle starts sucking. Fiddle's recent buffs make him more of a threat especially in lower elos.”
J98TheGreat says “This is not going to be horrible, but you have to keep an eye on his ultimate. You cannot afford to avoid considering what it might do to a fight or it could turn in his favor.”
Ghionova says “He can see when youre around because his W shows up as ready if youre in range, even if he cant see you. He will probably have assistance from his laners. Ward his jungle to see his routes and warn your allies. ONLY start a fight when you know nobody else is around.”
NMFO says “The new first-strike fiddle is actually kinda nutso. Hopefully when they rework it fiddle will be less strong. Same problem with all AP jg, you don't reduce any of their damage like you do AD jg. Massive AOE ult and the cc is stupid long. Early on save your E so you can interrupt his W channel, it will put it on the full cooldown. You can also cancel his R with your E, but good fiddles will rarely let that happen. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “He can contest objectives better than you do. You need some vision before you can start a drake or a baron fight.
Cancel his Lifesteal with your E.”
Brosinex says “Puedes sacar su ult de o e su ult. Puede cultivar mucho más rápido que tú. Intenta conseguir anti-curación y en el nivel 6 puedes 1v1 con él. En las peleas en equipo va a ser una pesadilla, solo coloca protectores en los lugares desde los que crees que podría tener una habilidad definitiva para que tú y tu equipo no sean temidos durante 200 años y deberías estar bien para derribarlo tan pronto como termine su habilidad definitiva.”
Da Mastah says “Invade Invade Invade, take this poor scarecrow's lunch money and bully him out of the jungle at any opportunity you get. You beat him at all point in the game in a 1v1. Its even easier if you take ignite. He shouldn't make it to late game in one piece if you are jungle tracking him and invading.”
The Elysian1 says “Fiddle is kinda the same as Lee , he dominates in the early jungle , since he has faster clear speed and more efficiency in scuttler fights. His W deals you damage if you are in stealth , but that is obv when you are in his range. I suggest to scale in early and don't make fights with him , till you get eclipse. Eclipse will allow you to one shot him in a wall / river / bush with your R + Q + W +Q combo without him healing fast as F.
KafueLechwe says “Fiddlesticks is a super easy matchup for Sion, you beat him at all stages of the game, and can even invade him. In addition, your to tanky to be killed by his R.”
Zyvran says “He's like Evelynn, but not as bad. If you know where he is, he isn't a threat. You also beat him early, which isn't a common trait among champions.”
Citric says “Fiddlesticks farms really quickly but does not duel you well. Try to be mindful of where he can ultimate from out of vision. That is the only thing you need to worry about.”
Pusi Puu says “You win all ins every time and can just run him down in almost every stage of the game. Try to track his pathing with a raptor ward and invade him. Later on make sure to predict where he wants to ult and use your ult to scout him out. Run around with full ferocity to cancel his fear when he engages with ult onto you.”
Doubtfull says “Fiddle can lock you down with his kit and it is difficult to 1v1 him until you get your Ult, as you have no way to cancel his W. Use your speed to run outside of his drain range, and try to punish his relatively weak early game. Buy a blue orb so you can reveal him when you're forced to fight.”
LambWolf says “Fiddlesticks has a lot of cc. If you get feared by his ult, your propably dead. You should get qss to get rid of the fear so you can cast your ultimate”
KebabGames says “He clears very fast and is difficult to 1v1 if you don't have an hp advantage or conqueror. You should try and shut him down before he gets level 6 and reaches the late game since he will be better in teamfights.”
SnowballBarrage says “Fiddle effigies can cancel your snowball which ruins tempo especially early.
Also can Interrupt your R. Broken clear speed if they're good, but squishy.”
NixLychee says “He hard outscales you, so you should focus on 1v1 fights, although he can sustain through some of your damage, you should have the upper hand in skirmishes, and you will probably get more early objectives. Since lots of your wards are most useful for mobility, try to make sure your team knows to ward spots where he could potentially ult over. After his champion healing was buffed, he is more annoying to fight, but he still doesn't deal as much damage as you in the early game.”
KamiKZ says “Fiddle is very annoying he doesn´t get low on hp when clearing his jungle because of his w - healing and you are not able to kill him because of his q - fear, I recommend ignoring fiddle and focus on your laners instead unless fiddle uses Q on the jungle camps (I recommend evoling R in this match up)”
Polarshift says “Overtuned and annoying but not impossible to kill. He can't cast his targeted abilities when you throw your smokescreen on him so be patient with it and don't use it to engage. If you ever get caught in his ultimate while he has stopwatch you're most likely dead.”
Veralion says “The rework made Fiddle significantly weaker 1v1 before 6. He is probably the single weakest pre-6 duelist in the game. Even Shyvana can absolutely destroy him. Apply early pressure and don't be afraid to take camps away. If he tries to drain tank you like the good old days, just kill him. You substantially outdamage his heal so long as he isn't also eating a camp or a wave and you aren't already low on health (it does missing health damage now). Run Ignite for sure. Aside from that, his clear speed is pretty nuts, so make sure you don't fall behind in levels. While you have absolutely nothing to fear from him early and may play freely, once he hits 6 you will need to keep him in the back of your mind anytime you go for a play. Crowstorm makes Fiddle the strongest counterganking champion in the game, and overchasing a fleeing target or committing to a skirmish with incomplete vision control may get you and several teammates killed. Never towerdive unless you have the surrounding area lit up like Christmas and make sure your bot lane keeps their lane bushes warded in case he tries to set up a trap. After lanes end and big fights start happening, make damn sure you don't clump together and keep your flanks warded. Force plays while his ult is down, as it has a long cooldown and the game is 4v5 without it.
Ignite and Exhaust are both good here, one to fight him early and the other to shut down his teamfighting. Your call. ”
nZk01 says “you can dodge his Q with R (need to predict)
place box on him when he W's, you can preemptively prep boxes for his ult so when he goes over walls he cant just run down his targets.
you can also 1 shot him in his ult CAST!
overall impossible to kill most of the time and he will just hard outscale”
Kocykek says “Big damage output, especially on teamfights. Try to stop him channeling, throw him out or stun him after engage to don't let him do full damage combo.”
Arfreezy says “Last Updated: Patch 11.14
Jungler Type: Farming Jungler
Fiddle is a scaling/farming jungler similar to Karthus or Evelynn. The main thing that makes Fiddle a hard matchup is that he has a strong leashless jungle clear and an early game that isn't weak enough to offset his scaling. His current state is a bit overtuned which puts him at the top of the jungle tier list. This is ban worthy if there are a lot of fiddle's at your ELO.”
Tormentula says “Rappel doesn't cancel his W drain since its a tether, but cocoon does stop the channel, when he starts his W use cocoon to break free of it, denying him damage and healing. Pick up a Banshee's Veil so you aren't randomly feared by his ultimate from Fog of War. Its very important to play around vision and to ward over walls where Fiddlesticks can ult from such as around raptors when pushing up in mid lane. He can scale really hard and his ultimate is game winning at times so close out games fast while respecting walls he can ult over. I highly recommend taking Zombie Ward in this matchup as his effigies actually count and spawn Zombie Wards. They're 1 hit, visible, and he spawns them more than regular wards so its perfect for Zombie Ward to quickly stack. ”
Doubtfull says “VERY difficult match up. Fiddle can sustain your burst, and has many forms off CC to make it difficult to do much of anything before you die. His W drain also damages you even when ulting. Avoid this match up.”
IMissedMyQ says “You crush him. Just go into his jungle and spank him. Keep deep vision so that you can track and prevent his ults over walls and you can stomp fid with ease.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if you're against a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of AP or CC. Morellonomicon against his healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Fiddlesticks isn't the best jungler pre-6, so you can try to exploit some of his weaknesses early game by invading him and contesting Scuttle if you think it's a safe option. Respect his ultimate when he gets to level 6, place control wards in walls where he can blink from so that neither you or your team will fall for it. His point and click CC is a huge threat to you, get Mercury's Treads or keep your distance against him to not get hit by it.”
MiningRicK says “Fight him early, he can´t do so much. Try to come lvl 6 earlier ( I know not that easy) so you can stomp him more and more because when he is lvl 6 his ults are always good in teamfights.-”
Justkb says “Still not bad for Darius, make sure you don't underestimate his drain if you don't have your E up, and take early trades with him if you can. If you fall behind early executioners will help!”
carlru says “Take advantage of his early-game weakness and invade.
If you know which buff he started, you can invade the minor camps surrounding that buff after you finish scuttle, this will make him stumble.”
Insightful says “fiddlesticks has a good clear and very strong ganks and teamfighting around objectives, as a jungler he doesn't really represent a threat, but it's hard to win teamfights vs him ”
freddy66623 says “Fiddles wil win 1v1s throughout the entire game! BUT is countered by you taking his blue. Make sure to keep vision on him at all times.”
poopyOCE says “Pretty easy matchup. As a Fiddlesticks main, I hate going against aggressive Warwicks. Try to ward out common gank spots for your laners like chicken coup (near mid), V bend of blue, Bot river bust, etc. Bully him early game to throw off his start. His R is scarey as its pure damage output and tp is potent (that's y warding is important). You outduel him, you outheal his W, and you can use E recast to cancel his W. Be wary of his CC and silence. Otherwise, be a bully and countergank him as he has probably burned a lot of his stuff. He likes to start top at the beginning for a safe farm.”
[I am very serious when I'm putting Fiddlesticks into the "Tiny" threat, early he's useless, you're letting him scale but he's also letting you scale AND EVEN gank freely to set advantages in lane. When it comes into duel, I just recommend you not to use Q when approaching him, approach him then let him fear you, then Q to catch him/cancel her W (which is what he might've done), then just E+W to get damage onto him then he wants to W or even R you and at this point you may still AA him to keep your W on the most possible until you get your cooldowns back on, if you had Q possible before the cast ends (his W or his R), just Q onto him. The thing with Fiddlesticks is that either you take a big sh*t of damage by like unguarded R(and fear) + W combo, either you just cannot take damage because he cannot just cast abilities. Be only aware of his capability to end your backline in a teamfight if he manages to ult into them when they're stacked.]
SaltCat says “He wants to scale like you to level 6 so you get a free early game, you win 1v1 early game, later in the game HE is gonna be your focus, look for him in places that you think he would r in a teamfight and kill him before he does that”
sonminh says “Always go AP into Fiddlesticks. AD is almost impossible to kill him and his ult will almost always kill your clone. Probably good to go blue trinket into him to watch for his ults.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “A very hard scaler with point and click CC as well as a Silence. Try and get priority over objectives and take his team buffs away.”
amogus logus says “He is a big problem , because Trundle needs to be in melee range to deal damage at all times .
Trundle beats him in any 1 v1 situation though , he will be a threat in teamfights , when he pulls a suprise ult fear and zhonyas on top of it .”
Karasmai says “This champ falls under hard category because his OP early farming gives him a lead + his W sustain makes him impossible to solo without form. Once you get form he will always have A strong advantage in fights and without due to his ult. The way you play around this for Red is rush MR like most typical AP matchups and Blue you rush Edge of Night. The playstyle will rely on heavily warding + forcing when his ulti is down. Make sure you’re farming a lot because Fiddle will tend to farm a lot early and only look to fight mid-late so you can build a HUGE cs lead. Also he will tend to solo drakes you can give him the first 1 or 2 if his bot-mid have prio but if not you may contest.
MexBookMaster says “Feedle limpia muy rápido la jungla y tiene una R que destroza Teamfights. Recomiendo ir Shadow Assassin (Azul), buena visión y siempre saber si tiene Cronometro o Zhonyas debido a que esa es una de las cosas más molestosas de Feedle.”
ak521 says “You outclear him, but he (or it) outsustains you. Meaning he'll have some 70-90% HP at the end of his clear, you'll have some 30-40%. He's best in team fights, especially when he has a lead, as his ultimate is just terrifying. Keep vision up, and be EXTRA careful while doing drag or baron. Your Q interrupts his W so be sure to use that.”
Rhoku says “Fiddle isn't really too much of a threat himself. He is one of the few junglers who is just a free kill waiting to be collected upon invades. If you do catch him off guard hes as good as dead. But his ultimate makes him very tough to deal with in teamfights and ganks if he pulls if off properly. Not to mention how his no counterplay fear and silence make if difficult for you to operate.”
Kayncer says “Hard to fight whilst being behind, has a fast clear, good in teamfights, kill him pre 6 with conq as best!
Can completely counter Blue Kayn kit, Red is better against him.”
Insightful says “fiddlesticks works in the same way as amumu but his ganks are a lot stronger, his clear is faster, and he can have more impact than you in fights, the only thing going on for you here is that you can win 1v1 with enough items”
Dabgren says “Think this matchup is very annoying and somewhat unplayable in the early game, Fiddlesticks just drains all your burst back and easily kills you I feel.”
izzlelol says “You can ult out of or e his ult. He can farm way quicker than you. Try to get anti-heal and at level 6 you can 1v1 him. In teamfights its going to be a nightmare just put wards on places you think he might ult from so you and your team don't get feared for 200 years and you should be fine to burst him down as soon as his ult ends.”
Lambda Diana says “His ult is better then yours best thing you can do it keep him from hitting 6 for as long as you can and getting laners ahead pink wards are your friends he will ult out of vison and win fights if he is even or ahead try to end early with rifts before he out scales. ”
OsakaSatang says “Electro+sorcery
He is pretty squishy, so you can fight him early on. Becareful because his fear+succ can be pretty annoying. Just make sure you have vision of him or know where he is approx before ganking someone after he gets 6.”
ItsSkoob says “Fiddle scales really well but he relies on farming a lot and scaling. If you invade/cheese him and out-gank and pressure him then he should fall behind. Just play smart and dont group tightly once he has 6. He will just ult over wall fearing you all and zhonyas so you cant do anything while his team kills you.”
RedNBlue says “This is an absolute stupid champion in Trundles eyes, his cc is ridiculous and will just wreck you. You can't get close to him as you will be taking damage every time no matter what you try.”
SketchtheHunter says “A good Fiddlesticks truly is something to fear, but thankfully you can play around him pretty well. Save your E for when he tries to pop his W, as the pull will interrupt the channel. Definitely a matchup where good tracking and game knowledge can really make the difference.”
Suseri says “Ones you are 6 don't Ult till he has used his fear otherwise you will run very far away and your Ult might run out. Ones you have Qss he is a Childsplay.”
FrostForest says “He stands still to deal damage resulting in an easy combo.
Your ultimate locks him up and makes it easy for you to kill him
He farms very quick and is very annoying to deal with later in game, look to play a fast paced early game”
Irmike78 says “Can hard cc Gwen and silence her long enough for their team to kill her (Gwen cannot recast R when silenced). In a 1v1 scenario Gwen will win most matchups with W up. ”
manco1 says “Fiddlesticks is one of the lower tier junglers in general recently, you can easily burst him out at all times of the game. As long as you play around his ult, the win is yours!”
RichMrFork says “Don't underestimate Fiddlesticks's skirmishing early. His W healing and damage can surprise you. I would heavily recommend getting Mercury Treads against Fiddle especially if they have any other CC/AP threats on their team (Anivia,Leona,Annie). Be sure to lay as much vision down as possible to not get surprise ulted on in fights. The fear lasts long enough for you to get 1 shot by fiddle once he has items so you need to be aware of where he is. Fiddle hits an extremely strong powerspike at 6 and his ultimate has a relatively long cooldown without ultimate hunter stacks so look to punish him while its down.”
Kayn Mains says “You lose all fights from early to mid game. Fiddlesticks's Bountiful Harvest (W) will always win him trades. Avoid him at all costs unless you are ahead or have teammates by your side.
It is recommended to go Shadow Assassin into Fiddlesticks. Build Edge of Night once you reach the late game and catch him out in his jungle. Your spell shield should block his fear and a full combo is enough to kill him. You will be able to force out his Zhonya's Hourglass at the very least.”
LilPaniniUwU says “He hard outscales you, so you should focus on 1v1 fights, although he can sustain through some of your damage, you should have the upper hand in skirmishes, and you will probably get more early objectives. Don't let him fully channel his W on your, it's like half of his damage in 1v1s.
metalhydra273 says “Fiddle's rework has changed the tide of this matchup thanks to all of the additional cc which he can use to make you irrelevant in fights. Get around it though and he's a sitting duck. I recommend considering a qss to protect your team from his ults or punish him while he tries to get away with his fear. Make sure you know where he is if you plan to engage with your ult, since you're engage is very linear and he can easily bait and counter it.”
Spection says “Pretty annoying champion but not particularly dangerous in his own right. His power comes from teamfighting. In a duel with him, stay far away from Daisy because he can bounce his E off of her and you resulting in a lot of damage. Save your Q for his ultimate and don't get too close when he has W up. Invade his red, he will almost always start blue because Drain has such a high base cost.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You lose all fights from early to mid game. Fiddlesticks's Bountiful Harvest (W) will always win him trades. Avoid him at all costs unless you are ahead or have teammates by your side. It is recommended to go Shadow Assassin into Fiddlesticks. Build Edge of Night once you reach the late game and catch him out in his jungle. Your spell shield should block his fear and a full combo is enough to kill him. You will be able to force out his Zhonya's Hourglass at the very least.
Aqua Dragon says “Junglers who have to farm until 6 are easy opponents for Malzahar. They tend not to focus objectives at all, and provide Malzahar an easy time to stay even. Fiddlesticks in particular can have their entire ult cancelled by a single Call of the Void; ouch!”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] The first thing to take note of is that he can remove isolation with his trinket so don't get baited in without having that in mind. His clear speed is also something to watch out for so be sure to warn laners if he's able to arrive before you. His CC in the forms of a fear and silence shouldn't be underestimated especially with them maxing Q now.
There are opportunities where you'll have a level advantage on him but be unable to burst him in time due to his high armor per level and zhonyas itemization alongside his vast CC.
R evolve can help in this matchup to dodge his fear but your primary focus should be on picking him off before he gets to use his ult and not letting your team get snowballed in 5v5's from his ultimate. You can minimize this risk with proper warding and pings. ”
limeia says “Fiddle ne vous dérangera car c'est un jungler faible contre vous qui vous donnera le temps de chercher votre 6 facilement car il en a autant besoin que vous”
auileta says “Evelynn generally counters him, but he will have an early lead against you. He can be tanky too, but you should be fine as long as you stick to farming and ganking when you should. Otherwise, there is a skill matchup here.”
Nanelol says “He can't stand against you. If you ultimate him he will for sure be dead if he doesn't have flash up. The only scary thing vs. Fiddlesticks is that he has a surprise effect but with your ultimate that goes down aswell since he can't see where he has to ult and if he's in vision. ”
Gamyeon says “Mage junglers are completely destroyed by Kindred early, cheese invade level 3 on opposite buff and you'll do well. Flash to Kill. Mind that he can prolong the fight a lot and maybe give the enemy mid laner enough time to respond, be aware.”
Ejsner says “Similar to Karthus, Fiddlesticks poses a significant mid-late game teamfight threat. When invading, make sure to bring your team along (as he can sustain through 1v1s with his draining abilities). Avoid solo-invading unless he's low on health or after a skirmish. Counter ganking early can also help delay his power spike. Keep your CS comparable to his to estimate when he'll hit level 6 (typically around 44-48 CS). When he goes missing at level 5, anticipate his ultimate ganks on your laners. Fiddlesticks has many angles to approach from, so be vigilant in pinging safety for your team. The longer he's missing before using his ultimate, the more dangerous his presence becomes. Be cautious of engaging too deeply into the enemy team, as it can provide Fiddlesticks with ideal ult angles. Always be mindful of his intentions. Lastly, avoid attempting or completing Baron or Dragon without vision behind the walls.”
Nanelol says “This is easy match up for evelynn but you should be becareful nonetheless since he can still get you killed with his Ultimate that comes out of nowhere and fears you.”
Ejsner says “Electrocute suggested. Fears, forcing emp W from you, if you wait it out, he just sustains your damage with W. Silences your entire kit with E. ”
uSgSello says “Winning matchup.
Fiddlesticks will not try to counter jungle. His counter ganks are not very strong so you won't be in huge trouble if he is counterganking you.
You should try to kill him in the early game in his jungle because you can stop his drain with the cocoon and you can burst him fast.”
Smartest2 says “Fiddlesticks is a fairly easy matchup. He doesn't really counter-jungle much. You can even invade him at his red/blue if you're feeling confident. Just wait for him to use his w or e on a camp before engaging and try and use your q to disrupt his drain.”
Maverka88 says “This is easy match up for evelynn but care. Fiddlesticks is hard punisher and can beat you really hard if you get caught by his fear through passive.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “there is now way for you to get to him without losing half your heath before you get to him. After that he can just cc you and heal again.”
theceasrsalad says “pretty weak early but scales into a monster teamfighter, his w will heal him for absurd amounts so hold your w and use it on him when hes doing the sucky sucky, if his w is interupted it goes on a longer cooldown than if he finishes it, dont teamfight and buy a lot of control wards, vision control is key.”
Doubtfull says “Probably your worst match up. He has TONS of AoE damage making your single target shield much less valuable, and he can get on top of your fairly easy with his ult. Consider banning this.”
PK Noob says “He’s walking gold during early game in his jungle. Track him down, get a free kill, and snowball off of it. You should easily win the game if it doesn’t go for too long and if you don’t throw.”
Riyad101 says “He is not too hard to invade and is easy to kill early in the game but late game Fiddle's ult will change the team fight so make sure to know where he is and ward everywhere.”
EUWRATS says “Make sure to ward against him because if he catches you in his R you're pretty much dead because of his insane damage. Ward prio to ganking because you dont want to be surprised by his R which can easily wipe out your team”
nZk01 says “fiddle is just budget karthus tbh, but he can still win really hard in teamfights with 1 shots etc, try to invade him and just outfarm him”
SoSheolH says “Squishy, slow and his main damage comes from an ability you can easily interrupt. If he ults on your team you can E+W him while your teammates run.”
Kindredgarten says “Very easy to invades, you need to do that to abuse his weak early game. Be careful late game as his ult is very strong and has a fear, ult timing will be important for you. QSS recommended.”
Caled says “Fiddlesticks is another matchup that is very hard for Kayn. Avoid any fights early on and throughout the mid game as Fiddle will be able to out-sustain you. Only fight Fiddle early if you are ahead and if you have support from teammates. One of Kayn’s strongest traits is his ability to dismiss taking damage by using his R (Umbal Trespass). Fiddlesticks W (Drain Ability) will stay on Kayn if Fiddle starts it before Kayn uses R (Umbral Trespass) allowing him to heal and do damage off of you at ALL times. Typically, Blue Kayn is better into Fiddlesticks as you will be able to one-shot him later in the game or at worst force him into using Zhonya's Hourglass. A good item to buy into Fiddlesticks when playing Shadow Assassin is Edge of Night as it allows you to deny his CC and have a better chance of fighting him in a 1v1.”
Loul_60 says “Just please permaban this stupid f***in champ, painful to deal with early game as you have no hard CC to cancel his channels. His combo makes teamfighting very difficult for you (mainly as Shadow Assassin) and you must respect his potential throughout the entire game, and he will outscale you with half your items and has little to no counterplay without good coordination from your team.”
litecrunch says “Fiddlesticks basically wants to do the same things shyvana wants to do. He wants to focus on farming early and then ganking and carrying teamfights after lvl 6. Out of the two of you early on, you beat him in terms of strength and even in the late game. Watch out for his ultimate, always be cautious and ward the fog of war.”
liserith says “If you can see him, his main weapon (his ult) is pretty much useless. Burst him down, and he has difficulty doing anything back. Make sure to ward as much as possible, however, as his ganking can snowball his lanes very quickly. ”
Gumipapucs says “You can invade him and kill him early easily and deny him everything. Lategame he can CC you for 200 years and/or oneshot you so be careful.”
ShadowCross says “He's gonna outfarm you and your bushes help him will vision. But you can get better ganks off and your daisy cc can break his W and his R. ”
KeyTheMonolith says “FIddlseticks is a really annoying matchup as you need to go blue kayn to assassinate him yet if you go blue fiddle will one shot you with his amount of cc and burst damage.”
chevy the sloot says “This guy was pretty unbeatable last season but even with how strong he is season 11 match up seems now pretty easy. Take redsmite for his burst and sit on a oblivion orb early and you can easily burst him down. Full clear first clear since he will most likely do the same.”
Al Groz says “Scales better than you and can kill you both early and late. Stronger in team fights and has a much faster clear. You should play around your boxes or look for easy kills on river etc. Tough matchup.”
c0st0m says “Not much to be said he has a point and click fear + silence so your chances of kiting him are slim to none def need zhonyas/bansheesh against him”
Shroomen Rider says “Fiddlesticks can be a thorn in the side. Point and click fear is within your attack range. His ulty murders your team and your blind does nothing to stop it. ”
ShatteredMinds says “Because of Fiddlesticks main strength coming from his ultimate, killing him early is easy. Not only this, but due to him being extremely squishy, he is a good way to gain gold. Wait for him to use his W before stunning him, as he will regain his health if you let him.”
Tinjus says “He doesn't stand a chance unless he gets the jump on you with his ultimate. You might find that you won't be able to kill him when he has his Fear up.”
Udyr uber says “Após o rework ele se tornou um pouco mais problemático, Use o Stun quando ele tentar roubar sua vida e ai desce o tigre nele.
Tenha cuidado com o clear extremamente rápido dele, tente dar counter gank nele.
Guerreiro+Mercúrio+Elmo Adaptativo”
DarnuS says “You counter him very well. You can easily knock him up with your E and cancel his W. In teamfight's you can also cancel his R with your R. Even if he uses his ult you can ult him away from your teammates, and win the fight.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Fiddlesticks isn't one to be concerned about, solely because he is squishy and can be CC'd when he does his Ult which is his primary source of damage.”
AyeJa3 says “He is probably the single weakest pre-6 duelist in the game. Even Shyvana can absolutely destroy him. Apply early pressure and don't be afraid to take camps away.”
kyrdousek says “You can out pressure him in early reset cancel his w and ult and lock him in your ult but he has better dmg and better team fights its skill matchup”
Tylen says “His Q (Fear), his wards, and his E (Reap) can cancel your Powerball. Wait for him to waste his cooldowns then roll in. You can also invade him since his pre-level 6 sucks and your post-level 3 is good.
Absolute nightmare is facing against a good fiddle. Stack MR. ”
Piss_Gaming says “KILL HIM EARLY OR LOSE. However, a good Fiddlesticks will usually finish his full clear before you can do anything, and will be more healthy if/when you both meet, by doing two camps at once, with drain.
This drain also counters Shaco in revealing him in stealth for both him (being able to use the ability when Shaco is nearby) and his team (via the true sight granted while Drain is active), even if his camps are warded for you to Q in to find him in his own jungle.
So this champion is an extreme threat when you do come across one as he's allowed to survive easily, while your goal is to kill him. Your only saving grace for this matchup is that it does not occur often, as (at the time of writing this guide) his play rate is low. ”
PsiGuard says “You don't have a fast way to interrupt his channels which makes this matchup difficult. You can win if you get more picks than he can get engages with his R. You can 2v2 if you have an ally that can CC him.”
EversideHS says “His silence is a big problem for you, you have to dance in your W very well to fight him properly and the silence and fear can get you one shot.”
Bel37 says “Fiddle is your hardest counter. His kit his fear, silence, and high damage ult dominates your kit. He also scales extremely well. You really have to play around vision when vs fiddlesticks. ”
lolX9J says “Will know anytime who the real shaco is.
Your Q is practically useless in the 1v1 after first approach. His W reveals you and still does damage in invis
Shaco R wont break his W aswell.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Easy matchup once he burns his fear on you, when you land a Bandage Toss onto him he pretty much dies immediately with the rest of your combo.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Statistically speaking, Fiddlesticks is a tough matchup for Vi. She only has a 46% win rate versus him in Platinum+ games. He may force you to build Mercury Treads. He can also stop your Q animation and silence you which is a pain to deal with, however, he is very squishy and easy to kill especially when ahead. ”
waayWest says “You can easilly kill him if he throws away his attacks, his dps is really bad early, I try to invade his jg early for free kills most of the time.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early if possible.
Try ulting before team fights to spot him , so he can't ult without being seen.
Fiddle outfarms you so you need to gank more than him , hes really good into Rengar when ahead.
Get Ricked says “His fear makes it hard to jump on him. If he ults you out of nowhere he can kill you. Easily punishable when those abilities are down. ”
NathanPyke says “Fiddle support is okay but if he has a burst adc you're dead when he fears but if you have aftershock snowball lane instantly.
For jungle if you manage to get duskblade very early you can just perma counter jungle him till he has no late game.”
G Spot God says “Main thing is to keep your E until he starts sucking you off. If you do that then you should win this fairly easily. Get mercs for sure since his fear and silence last for eons.”
DarkAuraLOL says “If you invade him at the right time, where he is doing a double clear or so, he will be low on health, perhaps you can one shot him, sometimes you can make it to his blue early game where he does blue and gromp, take your raptors then invade his blue, he's free. he'll give you an early form, although he's gonna be annoying with his CC and zhonyas mid/late. He also scales and got a nice jungle clear.
EvoNinja7 says “Fiddlesticks is really weak in the early game, which can open up invades, but once he hits level 6 be slightly more cautious since he can do a lot of damage if you're in the general area.”
MetaSolaray says “If you can go Conqueror with Nimbus clock, his fear early game is so weak you can push through and your E cancels his W clean. As long as he doesn't ambush you, you win these trades with invades, counterganks, and pushing objectives early.”
DarkAuraLOL says “fiddlesticks, like evelynn is really weak in early 1v1's but hes a bit stronger for his sustain and cc, and he doesn't lose much health in jungle, but you can look for stealing his camps to hold him behind, fight him in jungle and either kill him or get many orbs for form, try to spot him on his blue at lvl 2-3 , he will try to do both gromp and blue, u can kill him there and steal both. don't let him free farm and scale, cause at 6 he's a braindead champion .”
RedNBlue says “He will cc you to heaven and he will just drain your little life from you and bash you like Evelynn except he will not do it as fast so take advatage of the time you have left in this world. Please...”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Only saying this is even because of the strong teamfight presence this guy brings. You can fight him pretty easily at most stages. You can essentially perma cancel his drain because he doesnt get the reduced cooldown from it and your stun CD is about the same as his heal. Just try to make sure he doesn't get a juicy ult and you should be fine. You can go any build vs him.”
RedNBlue says “Fiddlesticks is a cc engine and he is probably one of the worst champions to go against if not the worst as Lillia. he will just cc you and he can kite you just like you can kite him and this just isn't a matchup in your favor.”
FlamingZ says “Fiddle needs level 6 to pop off, so until then you have time to get off one or two ganks. After that, however, be careful that he doesn't try for a counter-gank.”
J03B0B says “His extremely fast clear allows him to pressure you and your lanes early. This along with his free vision makes it hard for you to impact the game pre 6.
Post 6 he can counter your engages by ulting your back line OR using his E silence to stop your engage.
Good vision and tracking his pathing is key to doing well in this match up but it's still very difficult.”
GabrielGames says “Early game he can easily escape from you. If you're able to combo him he should be dead - remember to stun him during his w tho. Late game he is a monster ”
TheMrDarkness says “take executioner's and go into his jungle. If You have healing reduction, he can't do anything and will cry for his teammates to help him”
Simon The Shaco Main says “You don't really win 1v1s with this guy, he can outheal your damage. He always knows if you're near because his W can be used only when there are enemies nearby (like Trynd slow). You can beat him by popping.”
Schadenfreude says “It all depends on if you can catch him. His fear is a hard disengage and will possibly outheal your damage if he builds right. Try to catch him off guard and try to put him behind as much as possible. ”
Aurelius2142 says “You beat him early, he beats you late - you're better 1v1, he's better in teamfights. You both win at your own specialties, so try to force it whenever possible.”
Karthus man says “Fiddle isn't a big threat because he is very squishy. The only thing you should be weary of is when he ults and when he fears you because he can do a lot of damage to you,”
Ivern OTP says “Fiddle's clear speed and counter gankability gives him and extra edge on Ivern. Fiddle is really strong in this patch with the new items and can really cause havoc for you and your team. ”
Maile says “Fiddlesticks also cannot threaten your early game. He's just really annoying to kill because of his fear so just invade him with a buddy and make him cry. ”
Connweasel says “This is a skill matchup, Fiddlesticks is looking to play in the fog of war, which is where you rule king. If you can spot fiddlesticks on the side before he ults, you can assassinate him with ease. However if he uses his R, watchout.”
FrankynFood says “Very annoying matchup because he can cancel your e or fear you away when you activate ult. Be sure to look for opportunities to counter-gank once he hits 6.”
CalicoCactus says “Skill matchup I like to think. Save both of your CC for when he tries to channel his drain and just keep autoing him down. Bramble is very good into him as well as 50% of his kit is just healing off people.”
Trexori says “Easiest matchup of your LIFE. He's just about as weak as you are early game, though I would still not risk it. You cancel his entire kit with yours.”
NightSoar says “His vast amounts of CC can hurt your combo and your health really badly. Just farm and Roam. Be careful if he goes MIA as he could be channelling his ult over a wall.”
Minase says “Absolutely gross matchup - he farms just as fast as you do and his wards give his team true-vision meaning they will act as pink wards. Look to charm him into a one-shot and not to pick fights with him until later on.”
Orfeass says “He isn't a threat, you both will just farm it up and you will be able to have more impact on the map and in teamfights you will just bring more to the table.”
BoyWonder00 says “He is hard to kill as Rhaast as he heals almost as much as you. As SA, he just fears you and walks away. Plus, he rushes hourglass, so he can be hard to kill.”
FalleN3 says “Fiddlesticks is not in a good place right now and he is not dreadfully hard to play against. Having said that you will have to be mindful of his Fear and Silence as they can make him quiet annoying to deal with. Be careful if you meet him near a jungle camp as his (E) Dark Wind could bounce off you several times.”
FalleN3 says “His fear can be quiet annoying. Try to break his drain if you can before 1v1 with him or else you will struggle to take health from him. Be careful if you meet him near a jungle camp as his (E) could bounce off you several times.”
PH45 says “Can be difficult to duel as you have nothing that can interrupt his drain. That being said after you get your Darkin form this matchup should become easier.”
Holessando says “This is a really annoying champion, and really strong late game champion.. his power is enourmous, he's the current meta, so strong, his fear, hp steal, it's just so op, really hard matchup, maybe dodge. He will probably be ahead when good, and you can't really contest him when ahead. You gotta kill him early, so you get ahead, if he's behind he can't do much without items and kills. ”
metalhydra273 says “Fiddlesticks is much more equipped to deal with you now thanks to the added fears he got. He is very hard to deal with now that he packs all the fears and a silence to boot. Getting in to deal with him can prove difficult if you're not ahead early. Look to spot out his ult before he gets the jump on you and try to track him down to deny ganks that can set him ahead. You can beat him 1v1 though, look to stun him while he's draining. I recommend building tanky in this matchup to survive his burst and punish him, such as an early adaptive helm.”
SHACO BOLADO says “você conssegue cancelar a chupada dele com sua box, e baitar ele com sua ult, dificilmente vc ganha um 1v1 contra ele , cuidado com spots de ult, e nunca se agrupe”
DemacianStandard says “Free invades without counterplay. Just use an Oracle Lens while doing so. Play around their early game and invade if they attempt a gank. ”
brSL7 says “Fiddle é de boa caso você esteja na frente dele.
Depois de fechar o Semblante Espiritual você pode dar muitos invades pois o fiddle ira morrer bem fácilmente.”
Xe0N says “He is a farming jungler(like you) and will most likely leave you unattended. You may need to couterjungle a few times if he plays aggressive.”
Reason97 says “I have yet to play against the reworked fiddlesticks midlane, so this threat level may need adjusted, but until such a time i get first hand experience i will be leaving him here. He's still largely based around his Ult, so in a straight lane matchup you (in theory) have the advantage, just be weary about getting jumped when you don't know where he is. his silence and his fear together make for an annoying time if you attempt to get him off of you, so just keep that in mind and give him a little space. ”
KaRMaX says “Fiddlestick depends a lot about his R which has a pretty long CD.
He can be annoying with his cc, so prepare yourself and choose tenacity in runes (Precision) and buy merc's.
With that he is no match for you”
ShroudedBRH says “His E is short cooldown and costs almost no mana and he can hit you with the backline creeps his Q allows him to deter any of your all in damage. Once he gets R avoid accepting teamfights and all ins without enough vision on flanking positions”
chasemyman1 says “Its tough to say as Fiddlesticks value comes in 3v3 or more fights with his Ultimate. You however destroy him early as your cocoon prevents his healing. Use your advantage early to snowball other lanes. He clears camps insanely quickly so its tough to counter jungle.”
Sandomar says “Fiddlesticks is scary if fed and at a distance. So don't feed him, steal his Blue Buff so he can't feed, and Bear-Stun to break his drain. You'll wipe him off the map in a few seconds.”
reganakers says “Fiddle without the cc = worthless. After 6 you can just run him down easily. He wants to clear his camps and is very weak early so go and make his life hard in his jungle, because if you can manage to isolate him its a free kill.”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
CinderTheSnake says “As long as you have the element of surprise on him this should be an easy matchup. the only thing that you should watch out for is his ult and his fear in teamfights. ”
PsiGuard says “Fiddle is a bit overtuned at the moment and his silence & fear can stop you from escaping sticky situations with R. If you fight him, you'll need to charm and burst him before he can use any abilities, otherwise he'll heal back some of his HP and CC you so long you won't be able to finish him. Keep your warding totem and help your team ward dangerous spots that he might ult from. You can also use Farsight wards to spot him if it's too dangerous to facecheck later in the game.”
classicnoob says “This new Fiddle is pretty strong,but you have the early lead on him,Watch out for his Ulti-Fear or Other Abilities.
I Don't tend to ban him much.”
ManiacChester says “He's ranged but he can't really can't do much to you. His reliance on W is way too much. Stay out of range. Level 6 and just poke and kill him. ”
FrickLillie says “If you fight fiddle in a 1v1 you will probably win but you have to be very careful and have a lot of vision because if his ult fears you then you will probably die.”
BrawlerDave says “Must be deep warded, and get executioner early (before sheen)
The ganking potenital of this champ is big, better to fight him off after you get your lvl 6, and wait for him to use W.”
Happty says “Kind of hard to kill, just make sure to avoid his R or Q, but if he gets you with his R, try to E away from him and hit him with W, after his R ends, try to kill him and pray that he doesn't have his Q, since it can turn the tables.”
KillyOne says “Reworked Fiddlesticks is no better than the old Fiddlesticks. For Warwick it isn't a real threat, but he does bring a lot of crowd control and surprise engages to the game. Be careful of his sneaky ultimates, which is what every Fiddlesticks is going to try to pull off when you least expect him. Keep warding flanks when taking objectives.”
League Of Cursed says “Who said Fiddlestick is weak, it is extremely strong from the beginning to the end of the game because of the ability to shock when so magic power and strong recovery from W should be resisted, but notice the puppets you will not know Where is the real thing
Dopamine_influx says “Fast clear if he's good, he can be lvl 4 on scuttle spawn. You win with triple Q though, but the fight will take a while so you need prio. He can't really kill you, but you usually don't kill him either, unless you catch him in his jungle pre zhonyas. You snowball hard though, so if you manage to kill early and double scuttle, you can easily invade and kill again. Post 6 his counterganks and ganks are insane, and hard to counter. He's annoying as hell in skirmishes and teamfights.”
Stiwy says “I have seen some fancy aftershock fiddkesticks top these days but keep in mind that your E can break his W channel.
Just don't trade too often because he can heal a lot.
Healing reduction is heavily suggested.
The 10.15 nerfs ended this guy's career in toplane and he is a very minor threat.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up.
Fiddlesticks will easily out farm you due to his innate ability to clear multiple camps at once. Use your ult late game to reveal his location and pick off the priority target.”
Jogress says “I have yet to see a good Fiddle on Lillia.
You have quite a good speed to break his drains in the midgame, also, this exact speed may make his ult useless. But "Fear is your enemy", so "Tenacity is your friend".
Also, you may consider Adaptive helmet, later on”
AWierdShoe says “He is a heavy CC champ like Zac but with less tankiness. You need to invade him early and try to shut him down so he doesn't scale. Just be aware of his CC as his Q and E allow him to disengage. I recommend rushing Executioner's Calling to mitigate his extreme healing with his W. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “ Fiddle is really weak to early invades, so make sure to take advantage of that. if he is fed he can one shot you if he gets off his original fear from stealth so make sure to play around Vision.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “You have no means to interrupt his drain resulting in him winning most duels between you. You can try to invade him early with red buff cheese but better to avoid a 1 on 1 fight with him later on. Save your teammates with your ult from his all-in and follow up on his ganks.”
TheRealAlpacaDG says “Fiddle isn't much of a problem for you with phase rush, you can simply run away. Look out for over the wall ults, other than that he should have little kill pressure, get your laners to come if he invades”
Omega Zero says “Fid alone? Fine, but annoying with his fear. Fid with team disrupting a gank? Be EXTREMELY cautious. Also he'll have Zhonya so have fun. Also him fearing you doesn't slow you so you'll be running 50 miles an hour AWAY from him.”
nextonetwo says “he has a lot of healing, but you have 2 hard cc spells, just wait for him to heal or just kill him, he's pretty squishy throughout the game.”
nextonetwo says “he has a lot of healing, but you have 2 hard cc spells, just wait for him to heal or just kill him, he's pretty squishy throughout the game.”
FreefallPH says “Fiddlesticks is also a weak jungler at early game. If you engage him just make sure that you only press q if he starting to drain your life.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Ohhh Fiddle, probably the harder match of the majors threats but u can beat him too, he's so squeeshy so you can oneshot him, but if he initiate on you, you're dead haha”
Kamisore says “Invade as much as possible, if he gets behind it's free game, you win early 1v1's as well, but if he gets to free farm late game he'll just press R and delete your entire team.”
Heihro EUNE says “Its just now reworked i dont played any game against him, you can 1v1 him but he can carries teamfights with his r so just careful with him!”
DarkPit59 says “Fiddlesticks dispose d'un silence, d'un fear et d'un ultime infligeant de très lourds dégâts de zone. Il ne perd que peu de PV dans la jungle et il est préférable de ne pas l'affronter seul.”
Al3ksP says “Fiddlesticks will get slaughtered if ults your close heäll get stunned and take alot of damage, try to q and hit him in the back and finish him of with your E ”
Flux31 says “Because of Fiddlesticks' secondary passive, he has a good kit to fight Warwick, but if executed correctly Fiddle can be even when in skirmishes”
Sorrowful Prince says “Don't ever teamfight if you don't see him. Always take Control Wards because vision is king. Don't bother invading him he will block you and wait for his laners. If you countergank him while his q is on cooldown he is doomed. If you manage to get ahead you can go qss after trinity and hunt him down.”
GinWinsky says “Can burst him at any point. Put a box between you and him so when he uses his W, he gets feared. After 6 and duskblade you can burst him even before he reacts with Q.”
Nico449c says “Let him use silence and q on you, then you use e and just burst him down he wont be able to do anything before lvl 6 even if he jumps on you lvl 6 your rappel can wait out hes ult and you should easy win the fights. He got bad ganks and low prio early games keep optimal vision around the map so he cant get any ganks off otherwise invade him and abuse him early.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Point and click fear and silence can leave you in a sour spot, he also carries quite some high damage, but he is only played as support anyway so it'll be just an annoying CC bot peeling for someone else.”
lheisse says “Fiddlesticks is immobile, making him a easy target, and you can usually block his fear. However, if he catches you off guard with a ult, he may be able to take you out”
Marcua says “Ohh, a big scary scarecrow! How cute! I love to play against Fiddlestick players. They are one of the most predictable jungle champions. They will often go for a wolf start, followed by a gromp + blue camp, where they will use their W to dmg both camps. They think they are super clever, but we know better! A well placed spear will completely destroy them, since they are already quite low from taking both camps at once.
Fiddlesticks is useless when behind, and if you get ahead on him, you will most likely stay ahead the whole game. ”
BlindKidNoThumbs says “Trash champ don't get chessed invade him and gank. Apply pressure before Fiddlesticks hits 6 and your fine.Matchup will change after rework.”
probr859 says “The fear applied by any champion works against your R, this takes you out of position and can ruin a gank opportunity.
O medo aplicado por qualquer campeão trabalha contra o seu R, isso o tira da posição e pode arruinar uma oportunidade de gank.”
ElBelmo says “Due to Fiddlesticks fear he can be a threat early , in Generall any Champ that can fear or make himself Invisible can be a Threath to Nunu. Fiddle is one of the Most Popular Counter Picks against Nunu...”
Mkcls says “He's useless. No joke. Don't get baited by his health steal, he might outheal your dmg. Kinda hard to chase, but weak to early cheese. Just ward bushes to dont get caught in during his ult.”
Simphoria says “I rarely see Fiddle but when I do its automatically a Merc Treads game. He can counter gank well but usually sticks to his own jungle. ”
Fyurex says “This guy doesn't get played. If you ever meet him don't ever be afraid of him. He is easy to kill and doesn't do much damage without his ult”
LFS_aXent says “Fiddle relies on silencing and fearing, but with your main damage being autos, if he lands silence, you can run around him. He won't have any follow up with how fast you actually are in this build.”
shaundasschaf says “Actually squishy and you can burst him down easily but his fear can make you run through the whole map. Don't wast your Ult on his Fear.”
spark2 says “You should be so lucky to go up against a Middlesticks. He literally stands still for most of his damage and sustain, so you can land W's all day and make his life hell. He's got a lot of CC, so early Merc Treads is a good idea to shut him down. Keep your bushes warded and this is a free lane.”
Laverenz says “Skarner has a lot of mobility and movement speed, which is good, but against Fiddlesticks can be bad for you. Because if he fears you, your own movement speed will be turned against yourself, because you will run away as fast as you run towards him.”
DefinitelyNotAhmed says “With the amount of cc Fiddlesticks has he can literally deny Amumu with his fear opening a gateway for the enemy team to wash off your team. ”
CryAwake says “Fiddlesticks is a very matchup wait for him to use his fear before using Heroic Charge make sure to use your Heroic Charge charge when Fiddlesticks either drains or uses his ultimate.”
Her0mars says “He can destroy you if you don't knock him up or kill him while he drains, some fiddlesticks make it near impossible to find them and stop their ult before a teamfight, really a skill matchup on their positioning. You won't see many fiddlesticks though.”
Yuki H. says “Fiddlestick's clear is very healthy, but is 1v1 potential isn't the highest. His fear will most likely deny any chances of a straight 1v1, so look to invade and wait for him to use his fear on the camp/go out of mana before engaging on. You are capable of one shotting him in the mid game with your core items.”
KhaZix Mains says “[3/10] Can nullify your impact with his point-and-click CC but once you get level 6 or an item lead you can burst him relatively easy. Be sure to keep in mind of his items to see when he gets hourglass as you can get baited into a fight or collapsed on if you try to pick him while he has his Hourglass active up. Try to have your team lock him down so you can burst him and keep in mind his cooldowns to know when to jump in during teamfights. Keep wards around flanks around mid/lategame to scout out his ultimate engages.”
Yzroma says “Tu ne peux pas 1v1 fiddle sans ton ultime. Essaye de le one shot avec un combo Q AA E AA R AA E il n'aura pas le temps de fear ou le fera pendant ton ultime.”
The Jhin Cena says “Late game, you can protect your team by CCing his ult and then popping Zhonya's. He's really squishy so if you catch him offguard you'll be able to win.”
Leapus says “You can first blood easily, but it can be really hard if he uses his R and you can't escape it. You can still oneshot him in most cases but don't forget he will get a Zhonya.”
Bombabo says “You can kill this man by looking at him. Be sure to charm him, since he can easily shut you down with his fear, so take him down quickly.”
Chosokabe says “His fear is the bane of your existence. If you ult and he hasn't used fear, you're pretty much out of the fight if he fears you. QSS will save you the hassle. ”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very passive jungler until level 6 that hits a powerspike afterwards, once he gets ulti he will search and target all lanes for potential kills that will allow him to snowball in midgame.”
LixoPanado says “Annoying at most, his fear, silence, they can all cancel your ulti. Luckily building a spirit visage will make it much easier on you, easy to counter jungle as well.”
lolWillieP says “Fear is his only escape. Invade this guy 24/7. Btw yur bear interupts his drain, so make sure to save the slap for when the drain starts”
Toad12138 says “You crush him like paper in the jungle, but he has his fear and silence which is annoying to deal with. Becareful of his ult in fights, get vision control so he cannot surprise ult you and your team.”
MasutaKokoBot says “An enemy fiddlesticks (support mostly) is pretty hard to lane against. His silence can prevent you from healing, and does a decent amount of damage. Try to watch for his ultimate too. Get the banshees veil to protect you. Tenacity works well against his Fear!”
noolan says “If the other team has a fiddle, you are so screwed. Two of his abilities cancel your ultimate. I have personal experience with this matchup, and believe me it is not going to be a fun game for you. This guy can and will make you completely useless for your team, no matter how fed you think you are.”
Fruxo says “He can silence you which will keep you from using ur abilities + he has his annoying fear which he uses in combination with his W, CC'ing him while he's draining is a great idea to remove and setup some returning damage, but be careful! His R becomes very deadly in combination with his ADC and can really do a lot of damage towards you.”
Twist21 says “You might underestimate this pick but his w is strong in early levels but if you build a bit of mr you should be able to beat him easily lvl6.”
EpicEvan921 says “He has a couple areas of concern. 1, His Q. A fear that can last longer than 2 seconds (when maxed out). Engage from behind him whenever possible. He can fear you into your own team, best case scenario. 2, His E. Make sure he has this down before you go in.”
BigBadVoodo says “Very easy to kill on the early level's. We cancel out his drain with our boxes and running ignite just ensures we get early kills on him.”
xTheUnlimited says “The main fact why you counter him is his W. He has to stand still to use it, but you can easily interrupt it. Also, against Fiddlesticks, I would go for an invade to bully him. You even outdamage him in early game with a red buff. ”
woofpack3 says “nobody should be playing fiddle jungle in 2019. if they picked it blind they're dumb and deserve to lose. if they counterpicked it than they read that you're morg jungle and can't stop their drain and have probably 3 times as many brain cells as albert einstein”
OmnimX says “His fear and silence impact your ability to get your charm off, but if you don't give him time to react, you should be alright. He also won't damage you all that much and is very vulnerable to you invading him.”
MintyMizu says “He can completely cuck you with his W (causes you to flee) which just stops you in your tracks for a good 100 years. When ganking a botlane with fiddlesticks support try to go for him if you think you can kill him or his adc.”
Violzandre says “Headache, his fear and his lifesteal are a little threat in early, but you can easily kill him in late.
Just be careful if he have zhonya and use her R, and be careful with... your team!! yes, if your team doesn't know how to ward and avoid his R, the fiddlestick will win a teamfight and.... you'll be 1 vs 5
I'll pray for you.”
Wulfery says “So, if you disrupt his life sucking, you still can get silenced, and then feared. His CC on fear is good enough to make him a threat. Tho', he has a nice ult you can easily use.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, his e can be annoying (for your support not you) so try moving to a point where you can spell shield the e without it bouncing to your support (it still bounces after getting spell shielded SO stupid). can't really engage on YOU so you get to pick your winning fights whether you like it or not.”
Loul_60 says “FIddlesticks isn't too bad of a matchup. He is also very weak currently in the jungle. He lacks much clear speed and gank potential, just try to avoid 1v1s with him early as his CC and range does pose a threat.”
TricolorStar says “Although Fiddlesticks has the element of surprise, you have the element of stealth. Take advantage of his extreme squishiness and burst him down when you see an opening.”
Ivker21 says “To avoid him in team fights always ward over a wall you think he'll come over. If he still gets in and Ults just Bandage Toss him or ult him to protect your team.
Outside of that, you win the 1v1. once he fears you just Q in later. He has no escape and you'll just out damage him.
He also clears slower than you, but he is healthy, so consider counter jungling him if his team can't help him and you have enough HP.”
CalebsLegacy says “As long as you get your combo off, he is easy to beat. I've seen some good fiddlesticks in the past so be careful. Early levels, a good fiddlesticks can win. ”
Castcade says “Fiddlesticks is no longer considered a jungler or maybe i don't know but he is pretty easy to fight just q away from his w then call wolf to get back into the fight I recommened playing VERY AGGRESSIVE and counter jungle as much as you can”
scriptying says “Run Cleanse against him if you struggle with the matchup. Not really a problem 1v1, but his fears, silence and ult render you useless in teamfights.”
MannerlessNG says “Non-Factor.
He's not a threat to you if you play right, but he is a threat to your team after level 6.
It is paramount that you and your team ward typical bushes and gaps that'd he'd use to jump over, and try not to start fights in a spot he'll pop into existance from.
He has nothing he can do to you, and if he ults and you see it early, shove him accross the road with your E and delete his team.
Also if you see a Fiddle randomly standing in a bush, it's a fake, don't ult it please.”
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