As a Support 48.9% Win Rate53% Pick RateTahm Kench As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Tahm Kench as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Neiri says “Hopefully he's autofilled. Don't let him get close to stack his passive.”
Zileanaire says “I wish the Kench would get back on the bench. He doesn't die, he does too much damage for a full tank. If you're quick you can stun him before he can W in/out. Not unwinnable, but very annoying at every stage of the game. ”
Aerenax says “Tahm Kench is a difficult matchup because he get close to you to stack his passive. Furthermore his built in safety from level 6 for his carry in annoying.”
Randomless says “He is a cheese champion and arguably has the strongest laning in the whole entire game. Killing him is incredibly hard, even if you ignore him and attack his ADC he can still kill both you and your ADC by himself no problem.”
Arctic Arrow says “Tahm Kench is an extreme threat and is considered one of the most broken champions in the game. His ability to devour champions with his W (Devour) can completely nullify your engages or save his ADC from danger. His thick health pool and powerful crowd control with his Q (Tongue Lash) and R (Tempered Fate) make him very difficult to deal with. Focus on avoiding his Q and try to engage when his Devour is on cooldown, though this can be challenging. Building anti-heal is essential to mitigate his sustain. Overall, managing Tahm Kench requires precise timing and coordination with your team to overcome his disruptive capabilities.”
xpwnz1337 says “Unlucky stat check support.
Alsitar's counter.
Counterplay: Beware of his Q cheese. Look for mistakes as you can stop his escape. Peel your ADC with W. Antiheal.”
LA COLORADA says “beautiful champion, but leona is just straight up better. stun him whenever he Ws. if you dodge his Qs he can't do shit, but he'll outduel you eventually.”
FiletedMinion says “Even with Tankshred, all the AP damage he does can just out last your build unless you were able to build MR by the time you face him. Really though, just face tank him while your ADC does damage. PEEL PEEL PEEL or you will just lose to him in the long run.”
Abarame says “He can kill you after level 3, especially from level 6 onward, regardless of his role. If Tahm Kench is farming bot lane, be cautious and focus on harassing the support instead.”
Foxirion says “Tahm Kench’s tankiness and ability to devour allies can be challenging for Nautilus, but Nautilus’ own crowd control can effectively lock him down.”
Foxirion says “Tahm Kench's tankiness and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him disrupt Tahm Kench effectively in fights.”
Yoshiking123 says “You win laning phase but most of the times they're picking Tahm because they want to protect a late-game hyper carry. The problem is later you can't reliably go for the enemy carries because Tahm can just R to eat them. ”
Velkyann says “Tahm Kench is just an annoying lane until level 6, you cant get very close to the minions because of his W, i would recommend rushing Boots to try and dodge his W, also be carefull of his Q poke and stacks of passive.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “He has a long range for a tank and if he licks you he will just kill you so be careful. He can also dive and pop up under your tower, so be careful.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
Nazebroq says “In itself TK is not a threat BUT its passive is faster to apply. Besides he can eat you and take you under his tower, or eat his ally before you apply your passive. ”
Shacarlos says “Campeão nojento. Minha dica pra jogar contra é, não farme, não dê kills, não tente matar, ele vai ficar forte, pelo menos não vai ter kill.”
Razing42 says “Not often played in the support role anymore, but do not underestimate him when he is unbenched. Try to control the bushes so you can see if he tries to catch you with his W.”
Aerenax says “Tahm Kench is a tanky opponent which you can beat in lane. He will play fairly agressive, so keep in mind to peel for your adc. You both like to auto attack to stack your passives so it can be an explosive matchup. ”
Lunar Empress says “I hate going against Tahm. He has a major slow, airborne, and is extremely tanky. However, you could try peeling for your team with ult and tornado. Glacial or Aery works here.”
Dotje says “I don’t see this guy very often. He can run you down if you’re left alone with him. Just keep your distance from him and abuse his low range.”
Aerenax says “Tahm Kench is a tanky opponent which you can beat in lane. He will play fairly agressive, so keep in mind to peel for your adc. Don't knock him away if he just ate your adc!”
ZharMeny says “Second worst pick into Rell, you can Q his E, you can cancel his W with your E, if he engages you can just disengage or re-engage. Recommended Stance: Either”
iveye says “Tahm really shows the same threat as a Braum. Riot doesn't know what to do with the champion, if it should be engage or peel with his R. In that case master at nothing and decent few tricks. you can stomp him pre level 6 and Q his shield.”
WhiteLotus says “Don't get hitted by his Q or he can land a free W on you, if u have no E. Poking can take long, bc of his E-Passive. Try to Roam a lot and get Kills around the Map. Make sure your ADC wont get dived at lvl 6.”
T1vladimir says “You can put a minion between you and Tahm Kench in order to dodge his QTips. As soon as he uses his ETips, disengage and wait for his shield to fade. After his shield is gone, you can engage him back, he will be vulnerable. If you manage to dodge his WTips, you can kite him. Do not try head to head fight with him, he is better at long trades so keep your trades very short or just push your lane and try to win the minion war.”
gizemdeniz says “Other than his Dive ability, he has no other equipment to challenge us. We can easily evade his slow passive in the bot lane. Poking from afar without getting too close would be the best strategy for Ahri.”
Fenreee says “|||TOP||| Tahm Kench is fairly annoying but Janna benefits from sustained fights aswell as playing around champions that typically play well into tanks so he's not a huge issue. You can cancel his W by using Q or R. Swifties are nice as they prevent him from catching you. Make sure not to waste your W as the movementspeed is very valuable against him.”
Roltu says “Tahm kench puede ser un problema con thresh en fase de late debido a su R que tiene un enfriamiento muy bajo, dejando eso de lado, es un matchup bastante fácil a inicios de partida.
Prioriza corta curaciones ya que se cura con la Q y siempre te intentara golpear con ella”
zotet says “His W ability can be very annoying and will make you have to move around a lot. He can also close distance with this ability but he can still be outranged, play from afar to be most effective against Tahm Kench.”
NotAragami says “Not a lot of people plays Tahm Kench these days as he's remodeled from a troll pick to... something. He has really good engaging tools and soaks up extreme amount of damage, most people don't really use his new W due to how slow it is. Mind his Q though as it chunks you a lot of HP in early game. ”
OakuMarai says “Very strong engage and annoying poke for tank standards. Otherwise not much of a problem. Guardian with celerity. If you see him using W try to evade. If he does engage, CC his adc.”
Lugos says “He is one tank who can teleport in your face, stun and eat you to spit into the enemy. Try to predict this and place your silence where he will appear and kite him with Q.”
Jageiko says “Tham is too slow to annoy you that much. Unless he goes for your carry, dont mind him. You can cancel his W channeling with your E or your R. If he is paired with a Senna in botlane, play safe and roam when you can : nothing will happen anyway.”
PrismaticShield says “Tahm is also a champ that you can encounter Top or Bot side. He can get behind you very easily, deals way more damage than you early game and is defnitely way tankier than you.”
AscorbicAcids says “(ADC Kench+Senna) If you have an APC you can stomp this lane. Play behind your wave just like top lane and q him through your wave.”
Demonsedge90 says “Tahm Kench can prove challenging, as he can knock you up mid-dash (during zenith blade) if timed precisely. His high durability and percent health damage from devour make him a dangerous foe if caught out, which can make it difficult to fight him. However, you can stop his abyssal dive with any of your crowd control effects, preventing his escape. Be mindful of when abyssal dive is cast before engaging for best results.”
Bella Starlily says “Tahm isn't bad to lane against, stand behind minions so he can't hit you with Qs and watch out for when he jumps so he doesn't catch you off guard.”
Cordiall says “Another lane that just goes boringly even. There isn't much you two can do against each other. Just try not to stand there and let him get 3 stacks on you and you should be okay. He wins most extended fights, so just take short trades and go for an all-in to punish bad positioning, rather than forcing a fight.”
DtNikk says “Avoid getting hit by Tahm's Q. Whenever Tahm uses his W you can either:
1. Put your E on top of Tahm to stop it
2. Put your E on his destination to Silence and Root him.
Either suport item is a good choice. ”
Saethwyr says “While Taric does excell against melee champions who want to stay in, the main issue with tahm is tahm also does damage early too somehow. Don't try to overextend fights and keep an eye on your own mana because the second you're out you hard lose any fight against him.”
Nozul says “Apenas não tome o W dele e você vai se sair bem e não se exponha na lane. Se você tomar o Q dele, vai levar muito slow, além do dano alto da skill. Fazer um corta-cura também é bom por conta do E dele.”
TheBlueImperial says “Since his rework he can't really do much against you, he can't eat his allies until level 6 and his W takes way too long to go off to counter your W. Freely engage onto him or his carry pre-6 and save your Q to pop his shield.”
Winter Nicole says “Tahm Kench: He can be so annoying because he's a tank supp and all you can do is stun them so try healing your teammate a lot and be careful with his ult. (Recommend playing it safe but also try to get some stuns in so your adc can do damage on them)”
GuanaTv says “Após a mudança do Tahm Kench, pouco se utiliza ele como suporte. Mas como ele está ainda mais tanque que antes e com mais controle de grupo é necessario cuidado ao jogar contra ele.
Ele pode sozinho eliminar seu carregador.
(After the change of Tahm Kench, little is used as support. But as he is even more tank than before and with more group control, care must be taken when playing against him.
It can single-handedly eliminate your carry.)”
eiensiei says “Treat both him and his ally as the personal punching bags that they are, as there is literally nothing he can do to stop you as long as you stand behind minions to avoid his Q.”
Terroronyou says “Just care for his 3x Debuff and being consumed. Kite and poke. Later in laning phase care for possible Ult with Jungler behind lane.”
Doglightning says “take barrier/ignite. Honestly the lane isn't that bad but I put him as extreme because he will deny you kills all game. His ability to eat allies you sleep is definitely a hard coutner to your playstyle.”
Aerenax says “Tahm Kench is an easy lane if he can’t get near you to stack his passive. Stay at a good distance of the from so he can’t unbench himself in lane.”
LimTheDestructor says “Play the game slowly, you outscale unfed Tahm and he's pretty useless in lane unless you heavily underestimate his engage potential. Whenever he starts a fight, stop Tahm's engage on your adc or engage his adc to force him to defend. In longer fights, wait with using Q when Tahm has low hp. Use it right before he will use Grey health to disable this ability and kill him in stun.”
warmfishu says “He can teleport with Abyssal Dive (W), which will knock up any enemies underneath him. Watch out for if he dives, especially from out of vision. Must have quick reaction time once you see the teleport marker. He may also carry other enemy teammates when he dives. Tongue Lash (Q) by itself will not reset Yuumi's W, but, with 3 stacks, Tahm Kench can eat you (R), which does reset W, and potentially spit you out into dangerous positions. Poke down with Q and make sure not to go off alone.”
iKonek says “Tahm Kench is a relatively hard person to lane against in the sense that he can deny you kills by eating his teammate and bringing them to safety. I would put him higher, but he has two problems when facing Thresh. The first being he can't ult away as you can hook him to disrupt the channel. Secondly, if he tries to save his carry, you can hook him in, thus hooking him and his carry within him to you. This can turn a normal kill into a double kill for you if played correctly.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Things to watch out for are his Q slow & his R CC. His resiliency to poke works for you since you can just get paid by hitting him. And if he uses W to run away/engage, knock him towards/away from you.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Like..just dodge if you go against him LOL!
If you land a hook on anyone other than him he will eat them and save them. You CAN go in on the hook if you want to follow but usually not smart. This is an easy lane if you guys are focusing Tahm in small trades but not if you try to burst him first.”
Korippo says “Really out of meta right now, especially after his rework. His teleport that knocks up is rather short range and it is predictable due to you being able to see exactly where he comes up. If you're with a dash/blink champ such as Vayne/Ezreal, he will pretty much be useless except for saving his ADC, but otherwise getting his poke off is almost impossible. You can bully him pretty hard but being a tank he's not really the priority; his job is pretty much to take all of the poke and use his shields and devour to keep his ADC from dying. His slow can be quite obnoxious at times but that's about it, overall not a very scary thing to be going against right now.”
Arcurath says “Pretty much a free lane, he cant get anywhere near you to try eat you.
Dont waste combo on adc just slow and double bomb him and its usually free kills he cant do anything about it.”
0Banda says “On a normal meta Tahm Kench should be a difficult matchup, bet he's winrate is so low actually that he won't cause you much problems, roam as much as possible before level 6, because once on level 6 he gets he's R which counter-roams you a lot, even though, this ability has 140 seconds of cooldown so you can make use of this.
Against Tahm Kench you should build as usual, and in the rune section you could take Unflinching if the enemy team has even more CC than this gentleman frog”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Tahm Kench causes massive threat to the team, with his large amount of health and damage he can virtually ignore you, you could buy Sorcerer's shoes or a Void Staff to prevent him ignoring you, but also need to be aware that a Tahm Kench could easily turn around and kill you if you do not have enough Tankiness.”
Biotic says “Together with Braum very insane matchups. You can abuse him and immobalize him so his W isuseless. Be carefull if he gets meele and builds up stacks. Just cc him and go on distance again. You can roam in lane, he cant really punish your adc. If you gank make sure to focus Tahm.”
Guoblide says “Tahm Kench is a fairly easy matchup for Braum mainly due to Tahm Kench just not being a very good champion at the moment. Braum is mainly just a better Warden support with better stats and a better kit. Tahm Kench is a tanky Warden support who is used as a [targeted [Zhonya's Hourglass]] dispenser due to his Devour providing amazing peel for his carries. Tahm Kench spikes at Level 2 where he gains access to Devour which is his main peeling tool, Level 3 where Thick Skin (For a thick boy :D) makes him significantly harder to kill, and Level 6 where he gains access to his long range reposition tool Abyssal Voyage. Tahm Kench also spikes at Level 9 where he maxes out Tongue Lash which changes the slow from 30% to an amazing 70%, Level 11 where Abyssal Voyage's range becomes way larger, and finally at Level 16 where Abyssal Voyage's range increases so much it basically becomes a global ult. In lane Braum should focus on poking the enemy ADC and pressuring them off of the wave with Winter's Bite. He can also poke Tahm Kench if the opportunity provides itself. Winter's Bite deals more damage than Tongue Lash so taking a 1 for 1 trade is usually beneficial for Braum. At Level 2 Braum gains Unbreakable which can block Tongue Lash. This makes trading significantly easier and allows Braum to exert even more pressure on the enemy laners. Tahm Kench is a defensive champion and does get out-scaled so engaging on him isn't necessary but is good if the opportunity provides itself. Be aware that Tahm Kench can Devour his ADC and spit them to safety if Braum lands a Concussive Blows stun so some trades may seem better than they appear. Tahm Kench can use the same Devour tactic against Glacial Fissure post Level 6 so Braum should only really look for picks when Devour is on cooldown. Keep in mind that Devour has a flat 20 second cooldown so it is fairly easy to track (Can be changed by Ability Haste though).”
Spection says “Watch for his Q. If he walks up on you and is able to devour you, the chances are quite good you'll die. His threat is very low and he is quite tanky, meaning it is easy to run away from him so long as you can dodge the incoming q's. Spam your Q against him, has zero mobility. You can interrupt his ultimate as well. ”
Billehz says “He can be quite annoying, especially after they did the slight rework to him, but he is an easy Charm target and you can easily charm him when he teleports if you are near where he is going”
Go Getter says “It's a staring contest but he beats you with his Q, since it does a ton of damage. His W is also not anywhere near as good as your engage so you can counter it without breaking a sweat.
Watch out for his ult though”
knif says “Try to abuse your range, keep your distance, and poke Kench down when you lane against him. If not attended to accordingly, he gets an opportunity to run you down. Play safe and show him who the apex fish is!”
SupportTooEz says “Try and block his q for your adc by detaching and tanking it, proc your passive, then w back. Don't get hit by his knock up, and just playing around healing your adc.”
Dotje says “Tahm Kench can run you down, you can slow him with your Q can get some poke down. But make sure he doesn't get too close because he will keep you busy, stay close to your ad.”
KeleiX13 says “Tahm Kench can't do anything to you in lane unless you for some reason walk into melee range and let him stack his passive on you and eat you which should never happen unless you get CC'd, so just go as aggressive as can. Unless you're confident you can burst his ADC down quickly, ult Tahm instead since Tahm can just eat his ADC if you tried to kill them and didn't burst them down quick enough.”
LilRidge says “When facing a Tahm Kench you have to engage on him first as if you engage on his ADC he can just (W) Devour them and spew them away.
Engage on him whenever you can as he is very weak in the early game and is very susceptible to CC.
Save your (Q) Shattering Strike when you do engage on him as his Thick Skin shield is huge and lasts a while so you would want to break it to finish him.”
Rainuu says “Tahm Kench is a hard counter to Lillia as he can physically make it impossible to oneshot people with his nom nom. His sustain nullifies your poke and slow can become a problem as well. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “If he decides to save somebody by eating them just fling HIM back into the fight. You just gotten 2 kills instead of 1. His slow is a skillshot so you should be able to dodge it. Focus his ADC rather than him.”
Kefochka says “Таам Кенч после ряда патчей стал слабее в роли поддержки. Он почти ничем не сможет защитить своего адк, а в ходе размена может и сам умереть.”
Starchase says “Probably the easiest matchup for Yuumi.
Poke him all you want, he can't do anything about it.
Lvl 6 he doesn't have an ultimate, her R at rank 1 is REALLY short distance, abuse that to do an all in lvl 6.
If he eats you or your ADC then he doesn't have it for his ADC, and when your ADC is inside Tahm Kench and you're attach to him, you can heal him in order to save him.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale him since lvl 1, it's a free matchup.”
Takitsu says “Play towards your tower. Tahm kench has a lot more health and shielding than Thresh. Save your flay for chain cc with your hook. If you Flay Tahm Kench, he can W onto you for free. Flay should only be used with hook on him.”
unhben says “He wont do much. Just dont get too close and save wards is he tries to eat you. Play heavy for vision after he gets 6 assuming he took his ult, its short but can impact a lot if he's smart. ”
unhben says “He shouldnt ever be able to catch you. The most he can do it stop an arrow on a carry or tank it but if you can keep him down early in lane he wont ever be a problem. ”
EionThePepega says “Tahm can't really do much. His shield doesn't count as health so your W will still do amazing damage and you can root him if he over extends for a little lick. The only problem his is ability to move around with R along with his ADC (or another enemy).”
xDopii says “Very tanky and can eat his teammate out of your engages. Avoid standing close to him if he has Hail of Blades or is in range of his Tongue Lash. Do not underestimate this matchup, as he has very high CC and burst damage. His shield will also deny your own burst.”
vnillz says “Just like Maokai, I do not see the catfish often in the support role anymore. Just try to stay back from him, and harass him since you have a far more better range advantage.”
Jexeff says “Tahm Kench is one of the best champions to deal with Thresh's hook. He can simply eat his ally out of your CC and walk away with them as if nothing had ever happened. In addition getting close can put you in a bad spot since he might be able to eat you up if you arent careful. Look to hook him from long ranges and let you ADC poke him down while he is CC'd. Only take the hook if you feel that you will be able to kill him. Be careful though he is quite tanky and relatively hard to dive due to his ability giving him grey health to survive.”
itizhelia says “You can't kill him if he knows what he's doing and he can also eat his ally in order to say no to your knock-up or charm. But try to see his reaction by doing a fast W engage in the lane phase. If he fails to react often then his ADC is really vulnerable to your all-ins however if he's a good Tahm Kench then you pretty much have to play for the mid-late game phase and do nothing in the laning phase.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Tahm Kench is really no fun to lane against as Nautilus. If you engage on him you won't get much out of hit due to his tankiness. If you engage on his ADC, he'll devour her and it's over. Advise: make plays elsewhere, but be aware that Tahm Kench can match your roams with his ult.”
Xeptron says “UNBENCH THE KENCH! Tahm is a tanky, melee support that protects his AD with his THICK skin. Despite being annoying swallower, he has very hard time to play against poke champions. As Thresh, you don't poke as much but with extra help you can kill Tahm. Later into the laning phase, he can become so tanky to the point where he isn't affraid to anymore. Early game is where Tahm is the weakest. If you can get early advantage of him, lane goes into your favour.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Tahm isn't in the greatest spot, but the chances of you fighting a Tahm and them being a decent support are low. But if you do end up fighting one, try to poke him out as much as you can like other tanks so they don't have the HP to sustain a fight long enough for their ADC to do something, unless the ADC is already fed. If that's the case don't take fights.”
CaptianMike says “Tahm is an immobile melee champ that lacks engage. This is one of the easiest lanes you will ever get. Poke him hard, and it's easy because his character model is so big. Take SCORCH so damage on the enemy ADC sticks.”
nZk01 says “(Situational - HoB/Spellbook/Comet) Tahm is quite the bad champ he has pretty much 0 kill pressure and its easy to make him useless with just boxing behind him when he eats his ADC and hes quite immobile, if he doesnt have guardian just poke him down and kill him, otherwise focus on the ADC or roaming.”
Hceercs says “Really similar to Braum Matchup, except his lvl 6 is much weaker but you have to either play around his W cooldown or get him low enough to kill him first. ”
GMGZ2 says “I say that Shaco has the advantage over Tahm Kench. Just avoid getting hit by his abilities, if you can get eaten, Q away. Watch for his R that can surprise you. Other than that, this lane should be alright for you.”
RASKODILA123 says “Annoying frog that can save his ADC from your stuns but cant really get your adc because you can stun him but if he wants to eat you, you cant do much go back or jump on his ADC.”
Guoblide says “Tahm Kench can be a hard matchup for Sett sometimes due to his great peel but Sett can easily just out-duel him and make better plays throughout all stages of the game. Levels 1 and 2 are favored for Tahm Kench but after that short period of time Sett can easily roll over him for the rest of the laning phase. At levels 1 and 2 Sett should try to stick with his ADC and farm up behind the minion wave in order to avoid poke from Tongue Lash. Once Sett hits level 3 look to make a play with Knuckle Down or Flash. Try to save Facebreaker and bait Tahm Kench into using Devour. If Tahm Kench does Devour his ADC then he is massively slowed which make cutting him off from his tower very easy. Once Tahm Kench spits his ADC back out land an easy Facebreaker onto both of them and hopefully get a kill. Hitting Tahm Kench with the center of your Haymaker can deal massive damage due to the True Damage going through his Stone Skin and tanky stats. At level 6 Tahm Kench gets access to Abyssal Voyage which can make roaming to mid lane and objetives a little bit easier. Note that the range on level 1 Abyssal Voyage isn't very far so the ability doesn't really become scary until Tahm Kench hits level 11. During teamfights Tahm Kench is a great target for Show Stopper due to him being hard to kill and extremely tanky. The Show Stoppering him into his backline can create massive AOE damage and set up for an easy Facebreaker. If Tahm Kench opts to sit next to his ADC in order to peel for them then try and The Show Stopper the Tahm Kench and then run back to duel his ADC.”
RadioDisney says “Its the Kench, do not fight him unless you dodge his tongue. Also, if you can tell when he's about to tongue you while laning, W away if you're near tower.”
jackdw31 says “He can save his ally from your ult, and can be very annoying with the shield. Other than this, you are generally going to win fights if you focus their lane partner.”
orogenz says “ E has a high mana cost. Don't use it right after landing Q if he is next to his ADC so he can't devour them out of the dmg. A delayed E allows you to reengage. Play it slow and kite kite kite. He falls off”
katt5 says “Sort of similar to Braum, if he hits you with his slow its bad news for you, but Tahm does a suprising amount of damage on top of that. He also eats his ADC out of danger, which is annoying. ”
Jovy says “Tahm himself is somewhat weak against you. You can burst him down before he gets a chance to activate his shield. However, he can save his ally from your ult, potentially, so careful with that!”
Kilo Khaos says “Tahm Kench is a relatively hard person to lane against in the sense that he can deny you kills by eating his teammate and bringing them to safety. I would put him higher, but he has two problems when facing Thresh. The first being he can't ult away as you can hook him to disrupt the channel. Secondly, if he tries to save his carry, you can hook him in, thus hooking him and his carry within him to you. This can turn a normal kill into a double kill for you if played correctly.”
moon827 says “Tahm kench is your run of the mill tank support, with a kind of unique kit. He has cc, which almost every tank support has, but his passive is what makes him unique, allowing for him to apply an increasing slow, per each stack, which sona will struggle to deal with, but if you can avoid the tongue lash, you should be fine ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “While Tahm Kench doesn't offer much in the form of damage during the laning phase he is still one of the most annoying champions to play against.
This is due to the fact that Tahm Kench offers so much safety in lane. If you land a hook on his AD carry, he will just devour them and walk away, denying almost every form of engage.”
Taric Support says “Fairly easy lane without big threats to look out for. Taric has a lot of damage in early skirmishes but so does Tahm kench, so be careful when engaging, but don't hesitate to stun him either. Keep him away from your adc at all cost. ”
Vahlok says “I hate playing against this champ. He tanks x4 than you, he can heal himself, and if you get to hook towards his adc, say goodbye to your Cruel Warden eternals. Just try to E his adc and wait for him to spit the adc, so you can hook.”
KeleiX13 says “Sidestep his poke and basic attack him whenever you can. He doesn't have much mobility and is melee so use this to play aggressively against him.”
Wicked Cherry says “Not very hard. Make sure you won't get hit by him 3 times because of his passive. But you can harass him a lot. Use deep wards for his ult!”
Wicked Cherry says “He's the type who will have you for breakfast, then spit you out to have you for lunch again.
Your pokes are somewhat useless so use vision and try to evade him. If possible poke the enemy ADC but don't risk cashing in his stacks in return. Your Silence and positioning your strongest weapons in this matchup.”
TheMistCollector says “[NOT ENOUGH DATA] you can farm mists on him pretty easy. If he lands a Q to engage, Use your E to make his slow useless for a couple of seconds. After that he wants to AA you, so landing your W will be almost guaranteed.”
PROBUILDMOBAFIRE says “peut potentiellement sauver notre compo notre but étant de feed de manière légère afin que nos allies prennes des interruptions”
ShanksMeister says “Really bad. If you don't get hit by his tongue then you will have no problem. Play on minions so he can't tongue you and harass the fuck out of him. You win all stages of the game and your 6 is also so much better,”
snukumz says “Not much he can do to you, try to farm up stacks if he keeps getting close.
He is very very tanking though so killing him will be hard. ”
thesophieset says “Same as for Braum. Once he gets his Q onto you, you're in trouble. If you get out of his range or manage to avoid getting licked altogether, you outpoke him. Poke him down together with your ADC, ideally to the point where he has to activate his grey health shield. Keep track of where and when he ults.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Probably the weakest melee support into Yuumi - the once mighty river demon has grown weak. Very abusable and very unthreatening.
Watch for him ulting his jungler in post level 6, beyond that he's basically just a glorified Cleanse for his ADC.”
tinietinytechz says “Just Avoid his Q's, He doesn't really do much other then save his adc from your ulti. You really shouldn't be dying in the 2v2 lane and you'll be able to proc spellthiefs easily when he walks up for targons.”
PayyBack says “NEVER focus Tahm with damage, ONLY cc(W) him as much as is necessary. Poke the carry with Q, not Tahm, whenever possible.DON’T walk into Tahms all in threat range.”
DarkGabumon says “He isn't as bad other tank engage supports, but he is annoying as he will just run you down and eat his ADC when he is about to get all in.”
SuperTezcat1 says “Be careful with tahm he have a slow,stun and he tanks.
Try to disengage him with your q or even with your ultimate if it´s neccesary”
JLAD2701 says “Very tanky and can slow and stun along with the ability to put you in his mouth taking you out of a fight for a tiny bit and can also use it to save his team from your ult”
ningen ouroboros says “Tahm kench can eat the person you are bursting. That means you might have to burst tahm kench instead, which is hard. If you manage to pull it off, you win the fight. Dodge his q as it may stun.”
Beeee says “Tahm isn't going to be much of a problem if you're able to avoid being eaten. If your adc gets eaten, try to root him and allow your adc to escape if possible.”
Ghionova says “When hes behind, the game is yours. You can dash out of him when he spits you out. Never use your E when hes close to you, otherwise he will devour you while you use E. Shield is no problem but his tongue is because of the slow and cooldown. If he uses ult and youre near by, its perfect to hook one of them out after they arrived.”
NirvanaBunny says “This fish-thing is weak against you. You should burst him down before he has a chance to activate his shield. Also, keep in mind he can save his ally from your ultimate.”
aimez says “Tahm kench is your run of the mill tank support, with a kind of unique kit. He has cc, which almost every tank support has, but his passive is what makes him unique, allowing for him to apply an increasing slow, per each stack, which sona will struggle to deal with, but if you can avoid the tongue lash, you should be fine!”
Ahpulzz says “His Q hits pretty hard and isn't easy to dodge, and any poke he takes gets mitigated by his grey health. You can't approach him or you'll get swallowed and probably die, and even if you hook his carry, he'll just swallow them and waddle away laughing.
However, he's easy to CC given his size, so keeping him in place for ganks or during a teamfight won't be too hard.”
flagnut says “Mr. Kench is a rough customer, his ult allows him to sneak past turret town and he has basically 2 health bars you have to chew through. Play it safe and put your defenses in the rear.”
Ahpulzz says “This matchup is fairly strange as you both are heavy melee supports who excel in extended trades. You can't really engage on him otherwise you'll be eaten, but on the same note, there's not too much he can do to you as long as you keep your distance. His Q and W poke is alright but costs too much mana for him to keep up. All in all, this would be farm lane if the match-up itself was dependent on you two alone. Just remember to keep him away from your ADC and to keep some distance from him yourself so you don't end up in his belly.”
Axeloy says “Especially in his current state, Tahm Kench is a breeze for Nami to deal with. To even attempt anything, he needs to use Flash. You easily harass him, bubble him, and make his existence irrelevant.”
Haezard01 says “With a nerfed kit and a no kill lane pressure, his playstyle for solo queue is not viable, and his win codition, macro play with the ADC, can barely be pulled off by pro-players. Burst him early and outscale him on late.”
SetsumiV1 says “Mainly a meat shield, but if he catches you or your adc out of position, its almost a guarranteed kill, play really far from him and auto attack for spellthief”
NirvanaBunny says “Try to stay out of his poke range, if he devours you and spits you back toward his ADC you could be in for a bad time. He also has low mobility so it shouldn't be hard to run away from him.”
RainbowNova says “Tahm Kench is tanky and has gray health, which means he can get it back by simple pressing E. He also can W an ally or enemy, not allowing them to move for a certain period of time, and can get them killed if played smart. His ultimate is a big roam and/or escape. He is annoying, but he's not hard to lane against.”
SawyerNelson says “Tahm one of the easiest lane. The only way you lose this lane is if you tank 6 of his Q's or being to far forward and getting eating.”
Hanjaro says “Don't duel the Kench, you will not win. Kench should be running Glacial Augment against you and if you ever engage using your E near him he will slow you and chase you til you die. Engage his carry whenever you can, his W(Devour) is a very long cooldown if he spits a minion at you its 50% cd but if he eats an ally its full cooldown duration(28 seconds rank 1 W). Abuse this ridiculous cooldown duration whenever possible.”
Kian987 says “The only problem in facing him is that he can save his ADC many times so even if you dominate laning phase you won't get so many kills to snowball your ADC.”
NirvanaBunny says “Try to stay out of his poke range, if he devours you and spits you back toward his ADC you could be in for a bad time. He also has low mobility so it shouldn't be hard to run away from him.”
Ooze OG says “Not much to say about this guy. He will save his carry from your all in, and will win out on you in long fights. If possible, knock him away when you peel. If you headbutt his ADC away, he will build his passive stacks on you after and potentially eat you.”
semisomniac says “Free lane. Just watch the tongue lash poke, but otherwise you can bully this lane to your heart's content. Keep an eye out for his ult too!”
Yukkine says “They gutted this poor frogman, like in one of those science labs... I haven't seen him even once in ranked so far. So here's a counter just for that. Times seen in ranked queue: 0”
TheComicalBiker says “Tahm Kench has the ability to save his carry by eating them and gaining a boost of speed (W). But this can also be to your advantage as Thresh if you hook (Q) him while the enemy carry is inside him. This brings them both closer to you and an easy opportunity for a double kill. Also as Thresh you can use CC to stop Tahm Kench's ultimate if he decides to try to escape with it.”
MilkyCereal73 says “He can devour whoever you engage on which is annoying. Try to Zenith Blade to Tahm and then decide if you want to focus him or the adc.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Things to watch out for are his Q slow & his R roams. His resiliency to poke works for you since you can just get paid by hitting him. And if he uses W to run away, knock him towards you with his buddy.”
Jeroen R8 says “Thresh vs Tahm Kench is a very hard matchup. Tahm can deny you kills by eating his ADC. However this can work against him. By hooking Tahm whilst he has eaten his ADC you can hook them both in. Tahm can turn the fight hower due to being extremely tanky. So always focus the enemy ADC.”
ff20orfeeding says “Tahm has the ability to make life sour for many a bot lane. However, he is melee and as we know range and poke is fairly effective against that. ”
OSG ZeroParadox says “Tahm is kinda okay against you since he can eat his adc when you are about to do your combo try to bait him to use his w (since it has a big cooldown) first and do your combo after that ”
KidoTakayoshi says “It's a very safe champion, deals too much damage in the early game and tank too much damage, stay safe and don't spend all of your resources on him.”
I love Lun Lun says “Tahm Kench is slow and a troll pick usually,he is not weak but he is very bad that' sfor least against Soraka,the fact that he is slow our Q allows us to root him easily with the Q-E combo.Our Equinox is a very strong spell that can terminate his hopes on saving that little Tristana waiting to be eaten by him.Nothing really that he can do,ward bushes Q him AA him...he is not very good at being a support anymore.”
Zefirez says “Normally little is as scary for engage tank then seeing Tahm in his lane. He will stack his passive on you or adc and then start doing brutal damage and eat or stun you. But much like with Braum, you have ways to make his life miserable too.
Tahm is all about his devour. Playing around it can net you some nice results.
He ate his ally? No better time to go for a flip, pulling both of them away from safety!
He is chasing you or your adc? Roar at him making the chase unbearable under your slow (he can slow harder then you, but he has no speed ups like you!)
If Tahm goes for slowing power first (Tongue lash) his devour will have insane long cooldown - after he uses it you got a big fat window to engage on adc!
Ps. His ult channel can be interrupted with damage!
Qwerty19 says “Wait for jg to come in and burst him down. Try to cc him right before he uses his shield. During your q pull he can't bubble up so your carries can finish him off. Can jump on his adc if his w is down.”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan beat's tahm's Q poke in lane with his own Q poke + heal.
It's also very easy to focus Tahm with Rakan ULT + W giving him little time to shield himself with E before dying.”
revelador says “una total molestia en línea porque evita que reciba daño comiendos a su compañero espera a que lo escupa y hazle todo el daño posible, si se esta acerca la pasiva+e lo detendrá siempre manten distancia de el”
FunnyBunnyH says “Currently the champion is quite broken (disgusting base dmg, and strong tank itemisation), but in general he isn't that useful vs Maokai. Keeping him in "Even" tier until nerfs to him/his items.”
Top Lane 49.18% Win Rate42% Pick RateTahm Kench Top Lane Counters: 35 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Tahm Kench in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
a_k_z7 says “tahm has a lot of damage and sustain in his kit
best thing you can do is get 1 kill early and go even after that
tahm can run you down if you are outside your wave
poke with q and passive when he goes for a farm
sidestepping his q will deny him so much damage
dont try to trade with him near his tower since of he eats you and throws you under his tower you either flash or e the wave if it is near since his q also slows you downs shich means you will take more tower shots
you can cancle his e with your so you can kill him in team fights or deny him from getting into your back line”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, Tahm has insanely high base armor and will go for armor, you have to dodge his Q and opt for DPS, your E cancels his W channel but if you get caught then E out immidiately, he will buy heartsteel and just run at you, play around your minions.”
Houcs says “Pay attention that he heals alot with his Q.
Dragging him to the tower will cause 2 tower shot and then he will use his W to get out.
Careful getting near his tower because he cant eat you and drag you to his tower and CC you.
parker3n9 says “This is a super free lane for Swain. You can harass Tahm Kench non-stop, and if he tries to jump in, you either use E to stop him or pop your ultimate to turn the fight. However, be cautious at Level 3, as he can cheese you—if you get hit by his knock-up at this stage, you’ll get run down and lose sums at the least. At Level 6, he has some kill threat if you’re pushed up and he uses R to throw you under his tower, so watch your positioning. From Level 6 onward, as long as you avoid getting thrown under turret, you’ll win trades and fights easily.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Stanrad Setup vs Tanks:
Dring, TP, Conq/LT, Presence of Mind Scaling HP + Second Wind + Overgrowth
Early Executioners
SunderedSky Rush or Maw if vs AP jngl aswell, Bork second if vs lots HP
Early levels you wanna let him push trimming the wave so you can force hold the freeze in front of your turret. You will heal about 1-2k with your passive completely outsustaining him, often leads to kill.
After 6 he suddenly becomes SUPER strong!! be careful here respect him until you have more items where you just outheal him in the extended 1v1”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to avoid his Q. Abuse short trades and only commit to all-win if you're 100% sure you can kill him and not close to his tower.”
Fenharion says “So far I don't feel like Tahm posesses a threat in laning phase,I just take conqueror and rush bork as he usually goes for hp items first.”
Spartaniko says “Stay behind your minions to avoid his Q, W him to stop his blink and just poke him to death. He has to hit you multiple times to ult you but be aware of that if you are close to his turret.”
Fanatical Goose says “Mainly a matchup where nothing happens due to his CC before your 6 and escape potential. You will get lane priority so watch out for ganks. At level 1 you can wait for him to use his Q on a minion then go for a trade before you get stunned. Watch out for his R under his turret. ”
SemenDrinker says “shield 2nd wind
Tahm is actually a pretty scary tank. His auto attacks deal magic damage and his tongue hits you for a ton healing him. But he is in the end a tank that will constantly eat your q's. You can cancel his dive with your q but kenches will usually wait for your q to go on cd to engage. Like skarner dont be in position where he can ult you and spit you under his own tower.”
Frankoloko says “DO NOT FIGHT HIM BEFORE GETTING LIANDRIES! For some stupid reason he wins every fight. Once you get Liandries you win a 100-0 if he didn't get fed. His wave clear is horrible so going for a push strat vs him is amazing. Don't fight near his tower, rather let the wave push into you. His treat comes in walking you down the lane with permanent slows and killing you that way. Also if you are near his tower he can gulp you and throw you under his tower so don't go anywhere past the last bush.”
IvanBeifong says “Tank matchup, usually go conq, he's in this threat level because his ult has insanely low cooldown, one of the lowest i've seen, every time you have ult up again, you'll be able to steal it.”
Zagreus16 says “all what hes gonna do is out sustain you by hitting his Q lick on you constantly. If you can avoid that then you pretty much win the fight. if he goes heartsteel then make sure you ult him into his own team for big dmg”
step1v9 says “The only reason this champion isn't in extreme is because he is just so useless out of laning phase in MOST comps. Do your best to mitigate giving him an advantage through laning phase. Stand behind your minions to dodge his Q. He will only use W two ways: 1) after he Q slow you to kill in all-in 2) to disengage. Just keep autoing when he procs E for the most part. His R does damage once he spits you out, so try to hold your R for as long as possible while inside him. Remember he can reactivate it early.”
Raideru says “You win lvl 1, punish him with an extended trade if he doesn't respect you, through the lane your goal is to just do short trades that eventually lead into an all in, remember to keep your e for his teleport so you can cancel it”
Haxorr says “Tahm Kench is a really easy matchup and is almost never played. Just take Grasp + DShield and rush Trinity. Obviously be careful about him eating and spitting you into tower, but other than that you should be all set.”
DuckQc says “Annoying shit He can kill you pre-6 with cc and a big wave. Post-6 he can escape your r with w. When he uses w or when he is pushed up, all in him.”
TeiWasTaken says “This frog has decent pre 6 damage for a tank, so do not do stupid stuff. Dodge his W with your E or dismounted Q and you will be fine. Also, take Flash so you can escape if he eats you and spits you under his tower.”
The Cats Meow says “Too tanky, deals way more damage than you, has better stats than you, and just destroys you once he gets an epic item. I recommend play passively and wait for jungler's help. ”
Ulsur says “Tahm Kench can be easy, but if he's playing with his team he'll be pretty strong, try to dodge his :P, as he has pretty high early/mid game damage as a tank, if he ever walks up to your Q range instantly punish, as he has no escape from your W and you can interrupt his W with your own Qs, he's really good in teamfights though so watch out.”
Hotch says “His early damage is pretty strong. You will definitely need 3-4 ghouls to fight him. Look to punish with W if he uses W or if you're really quick you might be able cancel his W with yours and trap him. You outscale him.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “stand behind wave from his tongue ability you need to know wave management its possible if he hits you with 3 attacks he will eat you into tower. just cs better play around levels and learn wave management.”
forlid says “Tahm Kench is a dueling based tank who has a lot of shields and sustain in his kit. You want to prevent him from freely getting his passive stacks on you, so try to play behind minions. After level 6 he gains a lot of kill pressure and insec potential with his R, but he can only use it on you if he has three stacks of his passive, which he procs by auto attacking and using Q. Early boots help with dodging his abilities.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take tp and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Hard matchup*
You have 2 ways:
1.Don't fight, focusing on farm, roam to kill and help your team.
2.First back u have to buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING and quicksilver so he won't be able to heal a lot and ult u.
Stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by his tongue lash(Q).
Go skills leveling page NO.2 and first item BotRK.
If he try to run away with his W,
Shield Vault(W) him to cancel it.”
YuletideGlory says “The guy can easily retreat, easily engage, and poke you to death from a safe distance. He will absolutely try to pick a fight with you level 1. His ult also can render your ult useless as he carries you around. Despite dishing out great damage, Tahm is also very tanky, his stats simply beat your stats. You can avoid his Q by hiding behind minions or being light on your feet, but don't try to fight him without the jungler's help, just farm what you can.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
His q poke is annoying and you need to watch out for him eating you and throwing you under tower. You can cancel his r with yours if you time it perfectly. Save e for his e.
Liandries rush and its free”
MaesePerez says “Do not fight him early. If you go even in lane you outscale, but he will always be a pain in both sidelane and 1v1. Early on his q healing and on hit damage will make him win both long and short trades, and once he gets his ult he will try to spit you into his tower. Remember to silence him before going for an ult because of his e shield. ”
forlid says “Tahm Kench relies heavily on getting his Q off, so standing behind minions hinders his CC output by a lot. He also lacks mobility, and you can cancel his W with CC. Once he buys Thornmail, he gets much stronger, and you will probably never kill him in late game, so focus on killing his team.”
SpoonSlayer says “Stand behind minions for his Q. When you're pushing the wave be careful as he might ult you and spit you in his tower. Clear the waves asap and wait for your wave to get into his tower before getting near it.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
stand behind minion wave to deny his q's. Stay away from his half of the lane from 6-10. At 11 you can honestly tank 2-3 turret shots and not die from his ult kidnap thing, but with rank 1 r its impossible and you will die. You hard outscale.”
Bard_Enjoyer says “He does have 2 stuns and can tank your dmg, but if you have an aggressive jg then it shouldn't be a problem (if jg even ganks you, lul)”
Angryappleseed says “No winning vs this guy 1v1. Conq Scorch build with BORK Cleaver rush is best chance. Maybe get a serpent's fang late game (if you survive that long)”
Artszy says “Muito forte no 1v1. o dano do Q com a passiva da muito dano e o escudo dele salva muito ele. evita tentar ir para cima quando a wave ta perto da torre dele, ele vai para cima para te ultar de baixo da torre e te stunar la. Espera gank enquanto farma e se ele tentar fugir com W, use o E para cancelar.”
Belle19 says “if you are careless and are anywhere close to his tower he will ult you and your bleed stacks make you auto aggro the turret. Dodge his q's. Beyond that you win pretty hard”
zwartebliksem says “Don't get hit by his Q, Tahm Kench can stick on you really easily, but you out trade him as long as you dodge his Q. Tahm Kench wins longer trades, due to his sustain.
Your only tool to stop his E is with your Q and R once you hit level 6. If you used both, predict where he is going to jump. Tahm Kench's E animation takes long enough for you to walk over.”
Haearnbleidd says “Annoying shit
He can kill you pre-6 with cc and a big wave. Post-6 he can escape your r with w. When he uses w or when he is pushed up, all in him.
Build: Rav/Shojin/Hexplate > Bc”
TheOriginalTwoSides says “The matchup is simple if you just stand in your minions to negate Tahms Q healing. Don't try to tower dive him though as his E and Q make him hard to kill under turret.”
PPlongcook says “Dodge worthy. Fuck this 200 years bullshit, he will outdamage you the entire game while being unkillable. Don't even try and trade with him. Rush Bami's Cinder and play under turret. It's winnable if your team carries you because he's not as useful outside of lane if no other lanes are winning.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conq / grasp
Take short trades until his stacks on you fall off, then commit.
Save your WW for his Q stun if he does stack.
You can WW his Ult, it's a win condition. ”
hoflol says “Low mobility tank but has very annoying slow on Q. Lane can be difficult, but you will be much more useful in team fights.
Rush swiftness boots and Demonic Embrace to have kill pressure.”
GheeseEmpty says “Not a very pressing threat, and easily outscaled. Try not to trade him hard near his tower at level 6, as he will simply eat you and try to spit you out beneath the turret. When trading him, attempt to force out his E to prevent him from healing it back. Abyssal Mask and Liandry's Torment make good first items into Tahm Kench, but you should also consider buying Grievous Wounds as well.”
xXazzer says “The only thing he can do is after 6 eat you and throw you in tower. Other than that just go ham on him. Deny him his heals with his tongue too. You can predict when he's going for it.”
NegativePhoenix says “His Q and Ult are the only real annoying parts of the game seeing as how he heals off his Q and his ult can save allies or completely knock you out of a fight.
You can get bramble if you want to make his healing less effective but remember his Q is AP and his autos are max health magic damage so MR is somewhat a safer bet.
3 of your abilities can stop his W, and your Q can remove his E shield if he uses it
Once it gets to the late game you definitely do better as a tank but he will still outdamage you ”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) Kinda hard matchup. Utilize your early lvls because you will get outscaled and If he Ults you under his tower use your Ult to get out. His Q's are almost impossible to dodge but you can play around your minion wave, which is his main counter, although he can contest you in the wave and out dps you with his AAs. Your E and Ult can grab him out of his W. He can be a pain because he controls the lane but early you can get prio at least. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Do I have to say anything?
Stay behind minions less you have 4 passive stacks.
You can rush Demonic for an even easier match-up.
Reap your free lane by not being hit.”
LegacyOneTap says “A dangerous fish. lt dblade, flash ghost, stay behind minions to dodge his licks, fight within minions so he doesn't get heals. when he is about to dive and run start up e and automatically stun him. care for his shield, try not to get eaten near his tower you just die at that point. sunderer bork.”
Denied20 says “This guy does not have a defined identity and keeps escalating in strenth or dipping down in relevancy. Sometimes high damage, high formidable tank and sometimes just like the rest. When he is most formidable, laning against him becomes tragic. His sustain (Q and Gray Health) makes trades ineffective. On first back he will also be highly dangerous, so no plan is sound. In metas he is weaker, he is a simple tank with telegraphed abilities and is so easily punishable.”
JPGamer10BR says “Ódio, apenas ódio, é o que eu sinto por esse Bagre imundo, tanka pra caramba ganha um shield imenso e te da dano pra caramba, não tome o Q dele, pois te dará muito dano e recupera a vida dele, não tome o mergulho dele, te levantará para cima e você perderá a troca.
Pode pegar PTA, F.F ou P.R (eu recomendo P.R)”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he walks up for minions but do not take extended trades. Avoid his W. If he is trying to use his W to escape, interupt it with your E.”
BurritoTopKing says “After buffs he can be a bit more dangerous, careful.
Don't get poked by his Q, try to save your E for his W, also try not to trade too close to his tower after 6 as he can ult you into tower and your bleed will make you catch tower aggro.”
WarwicksSimp says “From what I remember when this pick was popular in top lane you could just go grasp with second wind dshield or corrupting pot and go even the whole lane so you can focus on wave management and cs. He doesn't do anything to you and you can stack grasp freely off of each other. But you can kill if hes low, just save your r for when he tries to escape, timing your E to when he might try to escape with his teleport is good too but harder to do. DO NOT BE PUSHED INTO HIS TOWER AND CSING, HE WILL R YOU AND KILL YOU UNDER TOWER.”
Chaddouk says “Trynd can beat Tahm Kench on long trades early levels since new lethal tempo came out, BUT it will depend on trynd dodging at least one Q from Tahm. Basically laning phase is all about this, either dodge it with good movements or by positioning yourself behind minions. Be careful after 6 your ult duration is 5 sec and Tahm can eat you for 3 sec, so he can tempo it very easily and then spit you lick you and here's your ult gone. Can play safe pretty easily if you want to scale up, later with kraken you have an other opportunity at killing him but if he goes full armor it's doomed just bring him side and rotate,”
daitolol says “- Mostly an afk lane, go only for short trades stand only behind minions
- His ultimate does a lot of dmg and can be chained into q but can only be used when he has full stacks of passives try your best to evade it by staying in shroud and waiting it out
-HIs w is really easy to dodge as you can use your e and get a free hit
CyncWolf says “Bad macthup, try to cheese early and snowball. If he rushes steelcaps it's hard to 1v1 him. Rush Hydra and perma push to roam jungle/mid.”
DebRiX9 says “He will be annoying, a lot of heal regen on his side. Rusy Rylai anyway, then depends on team comp for Mythic. Use your E if he dives. Ult him carefully because he can completely cancel with his. ”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
Play to proc grasp, be sure to dodge his Q since it procs grasp and heals him by default. when he has R don't let him stack on you when he's near to tower or has ghost. If your jungler is ganking wait with fourt stack for him to W and cancel it with E2.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
BezMemow says “The only thing to be careful of is his ult to put you under his tower, Liandry's is really good against him but if your team needs a frontline going tank is okay.
Start D Ring”
Antecc says “Dodge his Q
Don't perform any trades if he has Q up.
If you dodge his Q, short trades are possible, but it's much better to focus solely on farm as he heals damage back up with Doran's Shield, E Passive and resolve. Easier matchup after Divine + Black Cleaver.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont let him hit Q and stack his passive and you gucci. You can W his ult and its huge. His damage and tankiness is still pretty decent early on but with proper spacing it shouldnt be a problem. Melt him with passives.”
ABL Pantheon says “Rough matchup but not impossible. Dodge his Q and W everytime. Stay behind minions to avoid his Q. Poke him with Q and engage with your W only when he is low, most of the times the extended trades are in his favor unless you can outplay him or bait an early E.”
lordimboutabust says “Even though his top got gutted he is still a threat in lane. You can beat him in the early levels if you dont get hit by his Q and at 6 you win even if you get eaten if you don't get stunned. If he does hit his Q tho he can still kill you so be careful of that and stand behind minions in lane. If he misses Q or uses it on the wave you can use that as a trade opportunity | Second wind | Dshield - (executioners if you need it, if you didn't fall behind you can usually do ok without it) - divine”
Bernardian says “One of Darius's worst matchup now turned easy. Tahm used to be cancer because he had free sustain with his shield and tons of damage but now that he doesn't have those things post rework kench is a easy matchup for Darius. Divine isnt a must but it is really good against him, auto w trade is crucial and SAVE SAVE SAVE YOUR E for when he W's as if you do its literally a free kill. Dont let him stack his passive on you because he can now Q+R you and if hes under his tower it pulls you.”
FaNTOP says “Уклоняйтесь от его Q, внутри миньонов, не позволяйте ему нанести вам урон своей Q, и используйте W против его контроля. Постарайтесь выжить на линии.”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp with dshield. start e and play with your minions so he can't Q you. You outscale him hard. If he wastes Q then you can jump on him and trade.”
Twogrand says “This is easier since the shield nerfs he got. auto him to death early game and put pressure on him use the creep wave to not get hit by his tounge(Q) and just if he tries to E away knock him back and cancel it. Conq tp, eclipse ”
BLANKYYYYYYYYY says “TANK. Stay in minions, so he cant Q-stun u. Dont let him get 3 stacks near his tower, he will eat u under tower. Watch out for bamis burn.”
Althalosofsirun says “build bork and divine if he has one or two more tanks along side him if not rush bork and build either goredrinker or heartsteel ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Tahm Kench is one of the only champions with a suppression ability. His ult is a deadly combination of damage and impaired movement that stuffs you into his jaws, whilst slowing him down. You gotta have 3 passive marks on you though. So try to avoid close quarters combat when behind when he reaches lvl 6”
sinatra1633 says “His sustain is insane and you let him Q you constantly you are gonna lose.
Always stand behind minions while fighting him to not get hit by Q and you should not lose any fights unless you dive under turret.”
HSY12 says “When he starts stacking resistances, you won't be able to duel him.
While in the early laning phase, you can fight him, make sure to dodge his Q, or at least W to negate the damage.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Second Wind OR Sorcery. Save E so he cant just Randomly W away in a fight. Be mindful he can eat ( R ) you into his tower. His R duration + Q stun in total is 4.5 sec, darius passive stacks last for 5 seconds. ”
SesaPrime says “ Talm Kench used to be a nuisance for carries trying to scale & become a champion. He exploits your early game flaws & tries to force fights on you aren't prepared for. He's too tanky to fight in the early levels & only gets progressively tanky to soak up more damage. But that is all he can do.
He needs a team to back him up & for him to save. He's not even close to matching a prime Camille. ”
stefanko says “Play with the wave so he can't hit his q, if Tahm doesn't hit q he can't win trades. Q on him only if he wastes his q, otherwise play to outscale. (grasp or conqueror, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Always dodge his Q's, you can parry his W and his Passive-Q or Passive-R.
Just farm it out and punish him if he misplays.
he cannot kill you aslong as you stay behind minions so he can't hit Q's and also take good Grasp Q trades with him.
Make use of your Second Wind + D Shield every time you take dmg.”
xShortBreadx says “Tahm Kench is definelty stronger pre-6 but outplayeable. Standing behind minions to block his Q is very important as it both his main source of damage and healing otherwise just sit back and scale with your passive. If you see him going into bush or out of vision, he is likely going to W on top of you so either check with W or stay back a bit. Even when you have ult, its important to stand behind minions as it makes it incredibly unplayable for tahm. ”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:Caddle fish,not a frog,Kled beats every tank easy 'cuz he is strong in early when tanks need to scale first(Ok this one is really hard so dodge his Q everytime and dont let him stack passive on you if he close to his tower)”
PraefectusMace says “Another one of those who classify as 'too tanky'. Not only he can soak up hits, but has the whole gray hp thing to help him to survive. Not only that, his poke has a decent recent to bother you, and if he gets 3 stacks you spend a long ass time stuck in a CC and throw into whatever direction he is pointing at. So might be best to land Qs when you can and play safe until you are sure you can go all in. ”
lorensj81 says “This lane depends heavily on his runes, I have played vs Lethal tempo and that will just kill you early, a very cheesy setup.
But normally you can fight him alot as long as you aren't close to his tower. He can just eat you if you are on his side in lane and spit you out under his tower.
Do not use R when he has alot of grey health unless you can Q silence him first, because he will just press E and get a huge shield.”
Pep_Shin says “Respect him before 6, his CCs and minion wave can fuck you up.
Once 6 run him down. You should be able to catch up his W.
If you can't, it means he maxed it out and shouldn't do damage.”
Irelius says “Если вы доджите пару его куханов и попадаете своими кнопками, это победа. Не трейдимся под его таверкой, только, после лвл 6. По понятным причинам. Вы не хотите оказаться сначала в желудке жабы, а потом под его таврой. ”
Puyi says “Q is harder to dodge with your E than you'd think, but not extremely difficult. Don't get near his tower if you don't have W up. Play around your cooldowns; it's hard to kill him but not impossible. He can't do much against you if you play correctly, but he can easily punish your mistakes.”
Irelius says “If you dodge his Qs a couple of times and hit all your speels, you'll be fine. Dont take trades under his tower after 6 tho. You dont want to get devoured and then found yourself under enemy tower. ”
ananesever69 says “Only real scary thing about him is his Q poke but it's easy to avoid if you're behind minions. His W and yours have around the same CDs but his is super easy to predict where he's coming up so you can W him the second he comes out. You should win most fights if he doesn't have help truthfully with your max health passive and Q3.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Tank with huge survivability and a lot of DMG. Don't fight him before level 6 or when you're alone. It's best to wait for the jungler and try to kill him together, alone your chances are not too high. If Tahm is very fed, you can go BOTRK, which will definitely increase your chances against the catfish.”
Night Guy says “The lane is even both of you are tanks both of you can out trade the other it all comes down to who pokes the other the most so try not to lose the trades.”
BackTooBasics says “He's pretty troll, but ya have to be super careful when ya near his tower, his eat lasts enough for him to bring ya from middle of lane to his turret.”
SrMolinv says “Its a hard lane becouse of the base damage + how tanky he becomes. Dodging Q is essential for winning this lane, if he lands Q he heals and it hurts.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Your kit counters him, the problem is that his numbers are sick and you have no way of killing him early. Play safe, dont get licked or knocked up and you should be fine, if he uses the "jump from the floor" ability place barrel on the place where he will jump out. You can kill him past lv7 if you play smart and after dominics and lv13 he is just free kill if not turbo fed. The key to dueling him is reseting your passive as the true damage hurts him a lot, the fact that you can W out of his ult is also very helpful but you will still take some damage and he will displace you.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Free lane]
[Constantly poke him with your Q]
[Avoid his poke from his Q]
[Be careful about his R as he can devour you and spit near his tower]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Tahm Kench top isnt really picked anymore, but its an Old School counterpick. Spam Auto > E out trade pattern as much as you can, and try to win in CS.”
RandumPersin says “Very even matchup - take conqueror, ghost, and rush BotRK. Tahm Kench is a bit of a cheese pick as a toplaner these days, but he is still a powerful duelist. Respect the bonus damage his passive gives him on autos in the early levels and you should be fine. Use empowered W to break his Thick Skin shield and you should win every fight. Ghost is crucial in this matchup since Kench's ultimate has the capability to completely ruin our positioning to a point where even flash can't help us enough to recover. Unlike most champions where empowered W only really shines in laning phase, breaking his E shield remains our single most important counterplay tool to Kench throughout the entire game. He becomes pretty unfightable past 2 items, so make sure to push your advantage while you can. Don't ever dash in on this guy unless you are prepared to all-in since his Q slow is ridiculous and it stuns for an ungodly amount of time if he hits you a couple times beforehand. Don't disrespect his level 1 damage as well as the possibility for his ultimate to completely ruin our day and you should be fine.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Our Q hurts him. You can E him out of his Dive, or R him. Dodge his tongue like how you would dodge Illaoi E, or dodge the game.”
Smudey says “Try to block his Qs by standing behind minions. You can win short trades with you empowered Qs, but you lose long trades due to his stacks and his massive E shield. Only taunt into him if you have a level lead or he is very low.”
Fizzy says “Avoid fights near his tower, that's the biggest advice I can give you, he'll just throw you into it and it'll be a big problem. His Q is a bit of a problem because of his slowness, so if it's all three passive stacks, use W to parry his Q causing a stun and a possible win.”
hamgi says “tahm is a lot like ornn in the sense that they're super tanky but do a lot of damage, but tahm is a little harder for yone than ornn bc he's more mobile. he has great gank set-up, so him using his w to engage (when ur not super low) is a tell-tale sign that ur being ganked. his q does not go thru minions, so u always want to hide behind them. each lick slows u and after 4 licks, he can stun u, so keep that in mind for when u do fight him. it is a skillshot, tho, so try ur best to dodge as u fight. after only 3 licks, tho, he can eat u, so be prepared to be spat out under a tower. tahms have good discipline to not eat u in spirit form, but in the off-chance the tahm does, like sett, if u recast at the exact moment he casts, u wont be ulted (unlike sett tho idk if his ult goes on cd). otherwise, once u get spat out, e duration will be over or u can just quickly recast it and get back to safety. try to always engage with e post-6 as this will err tahms from wanting to eat u. altho be careful as if he gets 3+ stacks on u and ur body is not in a safe place, he will either w onto it to eat/stun u or simply walk past u and camp it”
Justkb says “Play passively early and don't shove the lane as he will look to eat you and throw you under tower. You hard win post laning phase as you can use him as a stacking tool in team fights. Having a decent wave position all laning phase is very important in this matchup! ”
StingingChicken says “Stay in your wave where you can land your Q and he can't land his, be careful of being spit under tower after 6. Poke him down with Q's and all in once he's low, you can cancel his W with yours as well. Unlike other tanks, he actually has some power in an all in. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Major since his early and 6 is rly good u can not walk up if ur wave crashes, save ur E for his W so u can cancel it and yeah watch out if he is playing ignite, he has a lot of dmg even tho it doesnt look like it since he is in the tank category”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
BreadyToCrumble says “A very, very cringe matchup. You can never kill him until late with a few items, and he can easily get onto you with his W. I would say to stay under tower during lane and try not to fight him as he'll generally always win until lategame.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stay behind minions so he would not be able to lick you by his Q. The same reason it’s better to fight him inside of minion waves.”
SrMolinv says “Batalla dificil, o te mata en el juego o te mata de aburrimiento. Es un campeon que se vuelve inmortal muy rapido. Si consigues esquivar los lenguetazos(Q) se vuelve mucho mas facil.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Nessa lane você precisa jogar no poke e atrás dos minions, sempre que o TK chegar melee use o impeto e sair do seu alcance, farme o máximo que conseguir e jogue com seu time, sozinho você terá dificuldades de sola-lo.”
Duwiiton says “Dodge his dives and try not to let him get maximum stacks on you. You should be able to kill him if he keeps diving behind you but failing to hit you, and you'll get a lot of damage off of that.”
CupcakeDinosaur says “Tahm Kench is capable of dealing high damage and lots of cc as well as being tanky, so save your enpowered W for his R and do short trades ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Tongue Lash(Q). If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Q. If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
Elresser says “A skill matchup. Trade with W while standing in your wave to block his Q, and you can go with your own Q if you have 2 E stacks on him. Don't get baited for him to ult you into his tower.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Q. If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health Thick Skin(E), disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
Thrandor says “Usually tanks are easy for Warwick. This one has just too much base damage- once he has bramble you are going to have a bad time. When you recieve a gank don't forget that you can follow his swim-move-thingy by holding down Q onto him. This will NOT result in a knockup. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Q. If he is able to land his Q, he may look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his E, disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health. Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.”
Polkadog says “Thanks to his latest W change, he's a bit rarer on toplane, but if he comes against you, prepare to be out sustained and out-damaged and CC'd by him. If he dives, W away and Q where he jumps from.”
LasseDK3894 says “If you fight in his minion wave you will die even if you have 100% fury, he is strong through the whole game, and his ult counters your hard.”
tacowo_ says “Tahm Kench is kinda OP, but also is just generally a good tank. I actually prefer running full tank against Tahm. Even though he stacks Health quite a bit, Sunderer doesn't do that much to him for whatever reason. Very big scary tank later.”
AbyssaLegend says “Tahm Kench is another annoying toplaner in general (as Ornn) because of his high shields or high Heals thanks to his E passive. But if in a fight you are winning remember that Rell can break every shield of every amount with just one Q. ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Раньше думал, что этот матч-ап будет сложным, но буквально просто доберитесь до 3-го уровня и юзайте E. Хватка с W реально гнобит его. Если сожрет вас и кинет под вышку, вы труп, можете доджить его ульт своим, если хватит пинга.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап (в пользу врага). Ничего необычного ,просто еще один герой с додж-ор-дай способностями .
-По тебе попали Q? Смерть
-По тебе попали W? Смерть
-На тебя прожали R когда у тебя половина ХП? Смерть.
Желатьно перед игрой взять сферу уничтожения ,руны для кайтинга (флит футворк/фейз раш) и поставить икону перед моником ,потому что будет жарко.
ShadowStealer94 says “Impossible to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
NegativePhoenix says “12.11 sees an increase to his passive damage, and gives him more sustain thanks to his Q giving more healing power if landing on you. If you can out poke him in lane phase you can normally win. Just be careful not to start a full fight with him as he has more overall damage in the early game so without a gank, he will beat you. If he's about to run while low, silence him or knock him up with Q to stop it. You have a good kit to stop his escapes and engages.”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield and go for Merc Treads. You need armor pen to kill him lategame. Get Divine Sunderer. He's actually faster than you so if he W's, Q + W away from him. Hide from his Q behind your minions. Fortunately he doesn't have good waveclear. He can swallow you in your ult. Try to freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
gekigami says “Evite seu ''Q'' pois ele proca efeito de contato e como normalmente eles jogam de grasp. vai dar um dano considerável, fique atento com o 'W', pois normalmente ele vai usar isso quando for receber gank, se você tomar isso tem altas chances de você morrer ou perder muita vida.”
7EyesNoSkills says “If you are a Kalista expert you can easily dodge his Q and W, so he wont be a problem for you. If you are not, play behind minions and don't get poked with his Q, poke him with AA. Don't get too close because he can stack his passive and ult you.”
Groovywelsh says “He tanks a lot so you never can kill him but he also does a lot of damage so if you go in on him he one shot's you. And then you have to R then he uses R on you and tahm kench R last 2.5 seconds almost 3, so you lose a lot of time on your r and. Also if he does not want to fight you you can't kill him becuse he just uses w and gets away, you can't stop him becuse tryndamere does not have stuns to cancel the w”
HelloStranger says “GRASP | Flash + Ignite
Shit matchup. You will have a super unfun laning phase but once you get Black Cleaver + Stride you beat him 90% of the time. He falls off super hard late, especially in team fights while you flourish. It's just the game of mentality.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
He's a lot weaker toplane after the nerfs a couple patches ago, so he's not the unkillable monster he was.
Dont underestimate his short trades if he goes hail of blades, you beat him in extended trades.
Look to dodge his Q because it heals him quite a lot,
His W gives him a lot of sustain, go grvious wounds if there is othere healing on the enemy team.”
VituVonDoom says “I'm still not over how OP this guy was , but now that he is toned down, TK is much more managable. Stay behind minions so he can't poke with Q, use your Cannon E to run away from his W if needed, and avoid getting stacked by his passive at all times. Go Conq or FS, and antiheal is advised against him”
KrazyKid1024 says “He just tongue fucks you literally and keeps doing it the whole game. Too tanky to kill, gets a second health bar and he can peel for his team. My worst nightmare. I would just dodge”
Aberrant Demon says “Stay behind your minions and farm up. You shouldn't get a kill opportunity for a while but he also has a hard time sticking to you, because you can cleanse his Q slow and/or W his passive stun. Scale up and you'll be more useful by default. The only way you can solo kill him realistically is if you bait out his W and then all-in once his shield runs out.”
AbyssaLegend says “Tahm Kench has a really good sustain and he can stun you or "eat" you. But he's also slow with his movement, even the dive (W) is slow and can be countered with a grab or a stun.”
NegativePhoenix says “Tahm is still a tank, an annoying one at times honestly. He's only even because his tank power is backed up by insane damage all game if you aren't careful. With 12.11, his passive damage increased with an ult shield increase and a Q healing buff, making him have more lane sustain if he lands hits on you. Just be cautious, avoid his Qs and remember if he feels he will lose a fight he will W away and since you have no stuns, you cant stop it. Be heavily careful of his Q and W as now it stacks off AP pretty heavily. As weird as it is to say, AP Tahm might start to return as a pick.”
ZephyrSnow says “A good Tahm Kench will counter Gwen really hard, but it's do-able. Landing center Q for true damage will be a life saver against his shield”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Deny him as much resources as possible, as he is really hard to kill.
Wave 1-4:
Try to get prio and get a cheater recall off, but it can be tough as tahm kench isn't weak in the early levels, if not wait for level 3 and trade him, stop trading when parry is on cd.
You want to poke him out don't look to go for all ins in the early levels as he is very strong, try to poke him down while trading in minions to not get hit by Q, you completely outrange and have way more mobility than he does.
There are a ton of spells you can parry from his kit, his Q if he has 3 stacks, his devour if you can predict, and the easiest well, his old ultimate that is now his W so the abyssal dive, upon reappearing he knocks up everyone, so you get a free stun if he uses it on you.
LegitLechner says “Used to think this matchup was hard but literally just get to lvl 3 and play around e's. Grasp w's Really add up into his healthbar and normally can get an early kill or get prio in lane. Do not get eaten by tahm ult under his tower without flash and its almost always a gg.”
Scallywag says “Tank with a lot of damage.
You can zone him with barrels, but if you get caught by his w he can chunk you or even kill you.
Kite him in 1v1s and dodge his q's.
You can w his ult to get out of him earlier, but you still get damaged by his ult if you do it.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Tahm Kench is yet another tank hellbent on weathering any storm. The River King is brutal to anyone he gets a good taste of, especially when he eats you and bullies you after he spits you out. You want that maiden up and walkers summoned not to mentioned having him marked because if memory serves correctly, he can't attack when eating enemy champs. He can also stun, knock up and tank just about anything so try not to fight this guy early”
ShacoMagicTrick says “Technically he is just a braindead all inner but due to his tankiness he's still a threat you cannot underestimate. Pick an anti-tank build and bait him into boxes while spamming him with your E to death.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Look to play a bit safe early because his grasp procs and Q hurt. You can skip boots and go straight for Riftmaker. You can look to perma shove the wave under his turret and outscale him. Your passive still deals damage to him if he ults you.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: If you don't manage to kill him early then you never will. Just permanently Q him and try to land Es on him, there really isn't much about this matchup that requires skill other than you being relentless in using your lane prio.”
powerfullgeo says “So a shield every 2 seconds, a stun and he can also eat you for big damage? Yeah that will be fun. Try to dodge his Q and not to be too far behind”
BiriRamen says “this champion doesn't really make sense to me, I've only won lane a few times against him, and it's just really hard regardless cause if you jump on him, he has a free chance to q and auto you. Cleanse his R with your empowered W, and hope you're just better than him.
I go FLEET for this matchup”
Alan234 says “Go Fleet footwork with cut down and unflinching. Take boots + refillable pot and buy swiftness boots asap, then transition into the standard PTA build (liandry and demonic are valid alternatives).
Use your huge movement speed advantage and small hitbox to prevent tahm to q you. You can hear his w so be prepared to dodge it (its always dodgeable no matter what angle). Don't harass him too much under tower as his ult is a death sentence. Don't underestimate tahm kench at low hp as his q heals him a lot and his shield is decent as well at lower hp values. If you constantly push tahm kench in he will have trouble csing and his w engage will never work due to your swiftness boots+unflinching running away.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Used to be extreme buy since his E change he dropped down to a Low major/High even as he can still lane bully you just not as much, as level 6 all ins are very different when he only has a 15% shield rather than 55%. He can peel for his and can escape easily if he isn't far behind but stunning and W'ing away. Avoid his Q poke by staying behind minions in lane and go Q max try to outscale as soon as possible without dying give up as much cs as you need to until jg can help or you outscale either works.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Look to play a bit safe early because his grasp procs and Q hurt. You can skip boots and go straight for Riftmaker. You can look to perma shove the wave under his turret and outscale him. Your passive still deals damage to him if he ults you.”
Federals1 says “This matchup is very tough for Volibear, though not impossible. If he rushes Anathema's Chains he is unkillable. The only way you will kill him is if you have Black Cleaver+Divine Sunderer. His early to mid game damage is also very high without him needing to build damage. If he does also build damage it's even more threatening. Divine Sunderer is a must if you want to 1v1 him late game. Dodging his q is the most important part of the lane so if you max q and can wiggle around him properly you can get some decent trades in. Maxing w also works but it doesn't give enough value, as it doesn't change your upfront 1v1 pottential against him. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. You can build either speed like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots, or you can try to rush Divine Sunderer. First rune page should be used. Q max is needed.”
PandoraPanda14 says “DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIS DMG. U can punish him for farming but dont give him free grasp stacks. He can eat u when u q and stun lock u for ganks. His e can completely negate ur ult dmg but if he misses a Q u can all in him early with ghost. Save E if he tries to W away.”
Bigfella0117 says “he's a big threat early, but once you get Bami's it's almost impossible to die to him if you play right. you outheal his damage and he doesn't outheal yours”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You shouldn't face a lot since he got a rework for support role, but he is still pretty strong in top lane, You can parry his 3 marks Q, his devour or his W to stun him, try to poke inbetween minions so you don't get poked by his Q. Don't fight him early lvls since you still outscale him.”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash + TP]
Start W.
Really annoying lane but I haven't played vs him after his top lane viability got nerfed in patch 12.2. Just don't fight him ever. He's too tanky and does way too much damage for how tanky he is. He can also freeze like 3 minion waves without losing that much hp wich is overpowered like c'mon Riot. Just try to survive and be more useful than him outside of laning phase. He's becomes a walking brick once he leaves laning phase.”
MHLoppy says “Because of his W (Devour) and E (shield pop), he can actually be quite a formidable champion to 1v1 pre-6. You should be much stronger at level 1, somewhat stronger at level 2, then plausibly even or weaker during 3-5. At 6 you can dumpster him if you start the fight healthy, so just respect that time period when you're not as strong.”
Cryniu says “Trata de evitar o amortiguar el daño de su Q.
Intercambios cortos, prioriza atravesarlo con la Q porque él acumula mucha vida.
Te sugiero la tenacidad en las botas de mercurio.
Es complicado matarlo, pero en los primeros niveles sueles hacer más daño.”
Biotic says “Together with Braum very insane matchups. You can abuse him and immobalize him so his W isuseless. Be carefull if he gets meele and builds up stacks. Just cc him and go on distance again. You can roam in lane, he cant really punish your adc. If you gank make sure to focus Tahm.”
Kocykek says “Tahm Kench is a walking immortal champion. Early on you can't fight him, he kills you. After you'll poke him a lot he can still kill you on low hp. You have to get Divine first so try to survive to this point.”
Helzky says “Tahm is an even matchup. You're able to cage his W, you have % max health damage on your Maiden, and you have ghouls to protect you from Q.”
Lunar THICClipse says “Cant fight him untill you get atleast sunderer, If you somehow manage to dodge his Qs and w early game you can win against him with lethal tempo”
havy says “nerfed but still annoying, stay behind minions so you don't get his Q slow, E away from his abyssal dive if needed, he can ult you under his tower if you're too careless, so be careful”
GG Cannon says “Your spiderlings can constantly block his Q and escaping his knock up in spider form isn't too awfully hard. The annoying part is his barrier and health regen, making him very hard to actually kill.”
magician4444 says “Stand behind minions. Don't eat free Q's. Try your best to juke his Q's when you're out in the open. He can easily get onto you with his W. Kiting him and dodging most of his Q's will result in an easy matchup but he still has the potential to mess you up if you're not careful. ”
CFCryo says “Very fat, thick, and hard to deal with. You can stop his engage with CC of your own, but getting in close with Tahm spells disaster a lot of the time. He can be weak to ganks, though.”
ChowJunior says “He's so damn strong in extended fights. Be careful with this one because you can get steamrolled. Dodging his Q's is vital and failing to will result in a lost lane. ”
aurus666lol says “Very strong enemy! You need Kraken, LDR and anti-healing. Do not get hitted by his Q! I usually play safe pre-6, after that I just roam to snowball from other lanes.”
Rodos says “Tahm is an other Even enemy in your lane. As i said to the 2 other champions above its how will you both of you play in the game. I will give you a personal eample of mine to declare you what i mean. In these 4,5 years i main illaoi i have played with lots of tahm mains. From some of them i have lost like i was playing the game for the 1st time and i have beat others with 10 kill diff. But still tahm is an annoying enemy to play against. ”
Your Desired Username says “Very similar to Mundo, just chill behind minions and there isn't really much he can do. Rush liandry's and watch his health be shred. If he farms in melee range spam poke him with q and e as he simply cannot retaliate. The only point in the game where you actually have to be careful is when it's early into the game and the wave is on his side. One single misstep can mean certain death here so watch out and make sure you're capable of fighting him when you're this far extended, otherwise he can simply perma slow you and kill you. Post-6 just avoid taking quick trades and always extend into an all-in. You beat him if you don't miss too many Q's with ult. You outscale him super hard but only ult this guy if there's no better option in teamfights as he's just way too hard to kill within 7 seconds.”
boboderaffe says “Stay out of his way during laning phase. If he dives interrupt it with your E.
He can either eat you OR one of his teammates during a teamfight. If he chooses to eat you during your ult, you will lose a lot of damage. If he eats one of his allies, wait for him to cast his dive and interrupt it with your E.
You can also cast your W in the direction he is probably going to spit out his teammate or cast it on where he comes up again, should he have the chance to dive away.
Don’t get eaten. ”
DNK Stuntman says “The play depends, he can cancel your Q with W but you can cancel his W with your Q too. Excluding that, his stacks-Q combo with rarely cancel your Q.”
AlexFL7000 says “Tahm Kench's rework has made him extremely strong in top-lane. He is always extremely tanky, and will cc you until you die. Try to play safe against him, you can maybe kill him level 3 when you have your W due to your extra move speed, but you would need to dodge his Q's and his W's very well. Recommended Items: Shadowflame, Void Staff
Princeps says “This matchup is literally impossible. Only way you can win is if you solo kill him level 1-3. Once he gets his bramble or 2 Ruby crystal it's unwinnable. Ask your jungle to gank early since Tahm is easily gankable. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Kench Bench is an annoying tank to deal with. High sustain with his black health and deals high damage with R and Q. Stuns like you too. Take Grasp or Lethal Tempo. Block his Q with your E, as you can't block anything else really. Go Divine or BoRK.”
LunaticDancer says “Almost Tiny, he's seriously weak, which is great. Gambler viable, D Shield. He's only dangerous if you're left with him alone, with no minions to shield you from him, so avoid that at all cost. He's a tank and you melt tanks. You can interrupt his W teleportation with your wall by bumping him mid-cast with the collision. If he's caught by you, he's gonna take a massive hit.”
COJA says “Difficult to kill, but think of it in a good way. As long as you are constantly hitting him, he will heal you. His waveclear is bad so you can freeze on him and force him to walk up. Do not engage in an autoattack contest with him. You will lose. His shield can also block your Q damage very easily, so be careful while all-inning him.”
Razorwir3 says “since preseason got a little harder but shouldnt be the biggest problem just keep in mind that he does quite a bit more damage with frostfire gauntlet now”
Galactities says “Really rough if you can't dodge Q's. If you dodge his Q's fights become in your favour. You can W his dive ability, if you find his shielding to be too much serpents is never a bad idea, if he rushes armor take rush Black Cleaver if he rushes health rush BORK. Merc treads and Conqueror are the best here, dodge his dive ability and his Q's and you should win. His extended trades and early game are very good and are not a force to be messed with.”
WestRover says “he will mess your day up, try your best to dodge his q and w and wait out the storm till lane phase is over, after the most recent rework making him more of a support this does make the match up easier however he is still a bitch to fight ”
Turkthunder says “Tahm Kench as he is towards other champions is simply difficult to deal with especially in high ELO but I believe if you know how to properly avoid his semi OP abilities you will be fine or at least I believe so.”
Adventfaith says “In lane, this is a wet noodle fight. You guys won't be able to kill each other. Late game depends on the impact you provide to your team. Avoid taking his Q's if possible and walk towards him when he dives to dodge.”
Eduardocwalle says “Lane phase bully, builds full tank and shreds ur HP bar, good job Rito, good job. Later u will outscale him but the healing and shields are still there, Just be carefull and try to survive lane, play with the wave so he can´t poke u for free with his Q.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “He is broken at the moment. Not much you can do against that fat monster. Pray to your jungler for an early gank. Don't ever fight him.”
MCSwavest says “This stupid elo boosting piece of shit champion will be near impossible to kill even before he's backed. You aren't building kraken so good luck doing damage. Your best bet here is to outsustain him and run as soon as you smell danger. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “The River King is rude as ever with the seemingly endless CC he has. Avoid him as much as possible and try to predict where his nasty, froggy, tongue will lash out before you get hit by it”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Pretty tanky from that thickerino thingy,although you flat out win in every scenario vs him in the early levels provided you dont he spat out in the tower range.
Dshield or Dblade.”
StreamSn1per101 says “this guy is just annoying, he will tank your full combo even with the new build and proceed to one shot you as a hypertank, if you have to go agsint this guy use the grasp build and play safe and wait for ganks”
MrZoltannn says “Tahm Kench is an easy matchup, as mini gnar you can easly dodge his Q and prow W on him, if he wants to go all-in at lvl 3 you can easly turn the battle, you just need to dodge his W knockup. lvl 6 all in is risky.”
xPetu says “Tips: He's very strong in extended 1v1s. You can prevent his Passive stacks by blocking AAs with W. Work on dodging his Qs and/or passive shield them.”
Stinkee says “Tahm has been a threat in the top lane a few times but currently he is not great and easy to deal with. He is extremely susceptible to ganks. Freeze under your tower, let him push up and ask for a gank. He will be very easy to kill with your jungler. He does mostly magic damage so you can consider buying Mercury Treads and other magic resist items.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Finally the Kench has been Benched slightly making him more of a support champion again more than a dominating Top laner. He can still easily run you down or surprise you with his (W) from bushes or while you're near his tower to get behind you and potentially knock you up. Once you get slowed by Tahm there really isn't any escape especially later on when he has acquired Frostfire Gauntlet. He should be easier to deal with, but still it would serve you well to play a more mobile approach with a max E and W, and purchasing Swifties to avoid being run down. He is tanky, has a massive shield and slows / sustain. ”
Anoying bro5 says “Don't fight him early game. This is not an enjoyable lane. Dodge his Q. Look to parry the final passive Q or W that he uses. This can be tricky but its the only real use of you parry in this lane. You win once you hit 6 and have tiamat. DO NOT DIE PRE 6. ”
BoilTheOil says “Go Grasp of the undying. You can kind of fight him levels 1-3, but other than that you never want to even try to fight him. Try to scale for teamfights.”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(R) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q). (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Tahm Kench) (Mega Adhesive prevents and stops from Abyssal Dive(W) being cast) (Auto attack stops Abyssal Voyage before casting animation)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Complete hell to lane against after lvl 2-3. His W completely mitigates Thresh range advantage by allowing him to jump on you at any time and force a bad trade. Does good magic damage making the soul scaling useless. In lane you will be forced to sit under tower and wait for jungler to try and kill the frog. The upsides are that he does not push very well and can be locked down in teamfights. Q and E will both cancel his W. He falls off very hard.”
quinn adc says “Literally all you need to know is that if Tahm Q slows you, AA-E-AA to proc phase rush. This means he cant walk up to hit you with W, ever.
Stand behind minions, and if he Q slows you, use phase rush to escape. He relies on this slow to use W on you, which is all of his damage.
If you go even in this lane then it is a win for you becasue Tahm relies on getting ahead to do anything in this matchup.”
Amphawn says “Make sure not to get poked down by his Q, and don't get hit by his W. Fairly easy lane although he will probably win an early all in. He has a stupid amount of tankiness, so just try to poke him out of lane once you hit 6. May want to build GW.”
At_Tar_Ras says “dodge lol. disgusting pick. i haven't played enough to truly tell you what to do in this guide except to dodge so i'm sorry abt that. rule #1 against these cheese picks is to never die to them, no matter what. tahm isn't as impactful as you outside of lane as you can blitz to his squishies whilst he just gets popped by anyone in your team that has an LDR at hand. *reminder: tell your moron ADC to build LDR if there's a tahm.”
SunFalk says “He has a slow. He can eat you. He his tanky. He goes fast. - Play in your minion wave for him to be unable to hit is slow, poke him when he tries to CS without leaving your wave.”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(R) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q). (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Tahm Kench) ”
slogdog says “Tahm Kench has mobility with W now, able to jump out of your cage. He's also incredibly tanky and does a lot of damage. His combo of Q and W is also undodgable, so try to dodge as many Q's as possible. Thankfully, Yorick can W him while his channeling W, so try to that as much as possible, although it is hard as you can't see him when he jumps into the ground, and Yorick has insane tank-killing.”
Raen says “Tough opponent, he will outdamage you at early. After 2/3 items you should win skirmishes. You can stop his W channeling with ur E. Fight with him inside ur minions to not let him Q you. Try to avoid fighting when he got 2 stacks on you cuz Devour deals huge dmg.”
Xerath gaming says “You should be able to win every long trade if he doesnt hit his Q, he's extremely tanky and will be able to beat you in your own ult if you're not ahead. ”
SaltCat says “I rarely see that frog anymore, but when i do i am not happy, level 1 play passive, level 2 also , level 3 with stacked passive you can kill him, just be carefull of his stacks, you can just go for a trade and when he is close to full stacks just Q away”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(R) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q).(Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Tahm Kench) ”
LoLReal says “Fairly easy tank match up. This champ is strongish now and he's seeing a lot more play, but Darius is a solid counter to him.
Stand in minions to avoid his Q and out trade him. He will have a lot of difficulty getting his 3 stack stun off in his favor because we will just 5 stack passive him and kill him.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Pretty much a wet noodle lane. Tahm won't die, you won't die. Dog and frog hanging out on a log. Just stack up. And get executioners early, to lower his healing off consuming his shield. Beware 2v1 jungler ganks since Tahm's teleport ult is now one of his basic abilities”
qveenevelynn says “With the rework ,all the nerfs, and by starting with dark seal and stuff, he isnt your biggest counter anymore and you can outplay him !!”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(R) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q).(Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask, Glacial Shroud) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(W) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q). (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Primal Howl and Infinite Duress prevents and stops from Abyssal Dive(W) being cast) (Auto attack stops Abyssal Voyage before casting animation)”
PanthrickTV says “One of the real counters to you!
You can't trade with Tahm Kench.
Stay behind the minions!
Don't fight with him!
Try to roam and help ur teammates!”
Kacto15 says “No lo dejes que llegue a las 3 cargas de la pasiva, o te hará mucho daño, hacer trades cortos con el, disengage antes de sus 3 cargas, powerfarmear y ofrecer mas rendimiento en teamfights, ese campeón solo sirve en la fase de líneas, puedes ir sion LETALIDAD O TANQUE”
Jewceratops says “The goal should not be to kill him, since he is a weak champ out of lane. Don't dive him or fight close to his tower and he can't play the lane.”
Phrxshn says “Prevent yourself from getting 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste or his Tongue Lash(Q) and Devour(R) will gain enhanced effects. Avoid making long trades with Tahm Kench. Stop trading with Tahm Kench if he activates Thick Skin(E). Dodge his Tongue Lash (Q).(Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Tahm Kench) ”
montybucket says “After his rework, tahm kench has become yet another problem to deal with. This is a skill based match up. I'd suggest legend; tenacity along with merc treads. He has a lot of CC and a surprising amount of damage for a tank, but he can't deal with your own healing and ultimate, make sure his ult is down before you use yours. The best way to win lane is to try and get 6 first then all in. NEVER TOWERDIVE A TAHM KENCH. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “Los cambios en Tahm lo han convertido en un campeón relativamente molesto con el que lidiar en el carril superior. Él puede fácilmente atropellarlo o sorprenderlo con su (W) de los arbustos o mientras está cerca de su torre para ponerse detrás de usted y potencialmente golpearlo. Una vez que Tahm te frena, realmente no hay escapatoria, especialmente más adelante cuando haya adquirido Frostfire Gauntlet. Te será de gran utilidad jugar con un enfoque más móvil con un máximo de E y W, y comprar Swifties para evitar que te agoten. Es tanque, tiene un escudo masivo y ralentiza / sostiene. Hasta que sea nerfeado, sería prudente bloquearlo como objetivo. No hay mucho que puedas hacer más allá del nivel 6 solo con él.
Et Lutum says “He is not that much of a threat. You can probably kill him at level 3. His w is pretty useless againt you cause you can q at him or away depending on the situation. He dies to any ganks if you have a melee jungler.”
mec908 says “----ESPAÑOL----
Esta roto el champ, y aporta demasiado para su equipo
The champ is broken, and he contributes too much for his team”
SilverAvalanche says “He is a tank but with very high kill pressure, especially post 6, so try and show waves in and roam before that. then you can freeze and farm up. Try and short trade with him and dodge his Q, you can also Q from behind your minions and hit him when he goes to CS, like Mundo.
Just be really careful of his W, so instead of running towards your tower, you should run down through river, so unless their jungler was pathing up to you then you should be good but to be honest I would run towards any champ that is not TK.”
lucaazo says “He can jump whenever he wants and he can do a lot of cc, get a shield and do some dmg for longer fights. He can escape fights also so the best thing to do is to play safe. Roam other lanes. He wont do so much dmg to towers so you can roam and help your team.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Tahm is a tank with huge damage output and CC potential, so it's best not to fight him. It's crucial to dodge his W so he doesn't get the mana and CD refund on it. Play safe, don't let him get close to you”
Drake6401 says “His rework has made him much harder to deal with because he now has mobility that was previously the only way Renekton could outperform him. You have a shot very early on, but if he stacks armor your full combo will do so little damage that he will passively heal it off in no time while one auto-attack will match your damage. Jungle help will be required if your opponent has any common sense. You can fight him again at 2 to 3 items in, but you needs BoRK and Black Cleaver to get through his defenses. Once he has a Bramble Vest, you pretty much lose until then.”
Tahm Kench top is a rare pick nowadays but when he was meta, he used to be a crazy strong pick. He is annoying because you have to destroy his health bar twice. But on the bright side, if he loses lane to you you can just dumpster him over and over again. The trick is to be careful when he just walks at you. Don’t get his by his Tongue, as the slow can sometimes be a death sentence. Poke him down with your Q as much as possible while staying behind minions so he can’t retaliate. Don’t sit next to him and get into an AA match with him as he WILL win. If he gets too tanky to kill, Cleaver will be a good buy into him, ESPECIALLY with the removed true damage of Conqueror. On the bright side though, the Conqueror healing allows you to stay in fight longer vs him…until he buys Bramble Vest. You beat him Level 6 with your ultimate if you dodge his abilities. AND he is bad vs ganks.
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - This lane is impossible to win and you can't win any trades
- Just farm as much as you can, and if he comes to trade, just phase rush away
- You can go greedy and take cd runes, conditioning / overgrowth for max value
- Roam a lot, look for ganks, you need to our KP him!"”
maxlid3 says “Usually an easy lane. He can't really do much if he can't get close to you. Try to poke him as much as possible and stay behind minons. If he hit's you with his Q try to W him.”
YasTilt says “His Passive is really annoying, You can try to take QSS against him. his Wave Clear is not the best and you can block his Q with your W. You can buy The Collector if you want to shred his Armor. He devours champions with R instead of W, after the rework. Try to dodge his W, because he can now airborne. He's a little bit weaker but still annoying so he keeps his place in Major Threats.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Magic Resist+DBlade) Tahm Kench can be beaten lvl 1-2, if you kite him, dodge Q's and land E. Get Executioner's. Stand behind minions, to avoid getting hit by Qs. Don't fight him at all solo before second item. If you get junglers help, save E to stop his W. If he W's into you - run, you can't beat him even in your minion wave. After you get Black Cleaver - he is a free kill.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. This champion is overtuned at the moment. You can ban him if you feel like it. But after he buys Bramble Vest and Bami's you just lose every trade, it doesn't matter what you do.”
SqualoBaffo says “against Tahm Kench it is really difficult, a lot of sustain, and he can easily apply 3 stacks to us and then ult, almost unkillable.
I recommend banning it!
contro Tahm Kench è veramente difficile, tantissimo sustain, e ci puo' facilmente applicare 3 stack per poi ultarci, quasi inammazzabile.
consiglio di bannarlo!”
Melyn says “Poke him out and make sure he never gets in range to eat you (which leads to your death). The most important thing here is not blowing your whole combo on the enemy ADC when his devour is up.
Additionally, respect the level 6 gank assist that he brings with his ult. ”
Hecki says “The current Toplane Tahm Kench got his sustain with E butchered to the point where you can actually win all-ins in the early game. Keep in mind though that the only thing they nerfed was his E so don't get cocky and dodge his Q's and go for trades that are in your favor.”
IvernLover74856 says “Been seing this a lot recently since his rework. Sadge.
Your E+Ignite doesn't kill lvl1. You need at least 2 full E procs.
He will stack armour. Go DShield since he also does fat tongue damage.
When he walks in to lick you early, dodge it and punish him by full-proccing E.
In mid-late game, you will NEED armour pen to kill him.
Go Sunderer -> cleaver -> bork
He can eat you in your ult so you don't get the healing.
Prioritise stacks over CS - roam for far stacks. He'll let you do it. Similar to Galio.”
ArshieMeBob says “You can't win if he rushes Steelcaps. Just try to poke him safely, but I would recommend taking Cull early so you can farm and hopefully outscale him. ”
PeachyBreezy says “There is almost no outplay against this fat bastard. Best thing to do is play for lvl 2 before him and abuse lvl diffs. Lvl 1 all ins are difficult due to his passive.”
DemonicTrail says “Not a fun lane, but winnable, try not to get hit by his Q to stop him from healing, and stay away from his tower on reaching lvl 6, or he will just run you down, ult you and throw you under tower”
KoKoNwoo says “AVOID TONGUE DANGER DANGER DANGER. Can save e for when he tries to hope out with his w if you are getting a gank. 1v1s against this monster are very difficult to win. As long as you dodge most of his Qs through laning phase you should be able to survive. Look to take other fights against the enemy jungler or carries. ”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dodge?] Kayle cannot do much against Tahm. He can kill you every time his dash is up, and his slow makes it impossible to run away from him once he hits you. He can just walk at you and zone you from exp range and you cannot do anything about that because he takes no damage from you.”
IAmStryker says “Starting items:
-Dorans Shield
He will try to bush cheese you by going into a bush and then channeling his W to knock you up and out trait you. Try to dodge his Q as good as you can because it heals him.
You will need 2+ Items to ever fight a TK in the wild or he will just win lane.
Tank Shredder build will be very efficient against him if you didnt lose lane with in the first 3 minutes of the game.”
SunOak says “Play slow early and all in him as fast as he steps up when you have 4 ghouls he will usually use his new W to escape your W. Start cpot or dshield.”
pumparumm says “Tahm Kench is extremely dangerous against wukong. His chain cc and massive shield is horrible to fight against. Try to let him push and wait for a gank if possible.”
Nepy says “Vai de Conquistador. Você pode lutar contra ele nos níveis 1-3, mas fora isso, você nunca vai querer lutar com ele. Tente escalar para lutar em equipe.”
JaxIsAHobo says “With the recent changes to the frog, he's become an extremely obnoxious laner. You have to play practically perfectly into tahm, and avoid his tongue strikes. This is easily done by simply sitting in the middle of your own minions, or by side stepping his Q entirely if you feel comfortable with it. Just dodge the matchup entirely if possible.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP A RISQUE. NE PRENEZ PAS DE RISQUE INUTILE. ÉVITEZ SON Q. POKEZ-LE AVEC VOS Q DERRIÈRE VOS MINIONS POUR QU'IL NE PUISSE PAS RÉPONDRE. CONQUEROR EST TRÈS BON CONTRE LUI. NE LUI FAITE JAMAIS FACE IL VA FALLOI LE KITE ET JOUER AVEC LUI ET ESQUIVEZ SES Q. LES BOTTES DE MERCURES FONCTIONNE BIEN CONTRE LUI. Tahm kench top est rare de nos jours, mais quand il était méta, il était broken. Il est chiant car il possède un shield représentant ses pv il peut vous maintenir a son corp a corp et il fait des dégâts en pv max il vous détruit au corp a corp il va donc falloir jouer avec le conqueror et vos stacks. Mais le bon côté, s'il perd la lane vous pouvez simplement le chain kill encore et encore. Ne prenez pas le coup de langue, car le slow peut parfois amener votre mort. Touchez un maximum de Q derrière vos sbires pour qu'il ne puisse pas riposter. S'il devient trop tanky pour tuer, couperet noir sera un bon achat contre lui. Vous le battez au niveau 6 avec votre ultime si vous esquivez ses capacités. Tahm kench a également une mobilité inexistante en faisant de la viande de qualité pour votre jungle si il passe dans le coin car il n'aura aucun moyen de s'enfuir.”
SemPelo says “At least right now most champions cant quite fight tahm kench if he has a bit of bonus health from items,one of them is Pantheon.
He can destroy you if you get too close of his turret,he can slow you with his Q and ult you under tower.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier/ignite. Honestly the lane isn't that bad but I put him as extreme because he will deny you kills all game. His ability to eat allies you sleep is definitely a hard coutner to your playstyle.
KillMeKillMe says “He's just as tanky as you, if not more so. he can deal good damage, he has shielding and sustain to deal with poke. He can use his ult to spit you into his turret and it deals percent health damage.
His Q slows you and heals him for percent missing health.
His W let's him dive to a location, avoid this. It's knock up, stun, deal damage, and refund some of his mana if it hits. He can't do anything for 0.65 seconds after diving though, so you have some time to get away or attack if you dodge it.
His E lets him get a huge shield or, if he hasn't taken damage for 4 seconds, possibly heal up to full. Keep hitting him when he's low.
He can also swallow an ally and give them a shield, but generally people use it on enemies.
I'm explaining the abilities because they're all very good and understanding how they work is very important against a good tahm kench.”
Vandenelis says “he is a bit stronger than you in the early game, so you should just try to survive the lane, since it's almost impossible to kill him. mid/late game you have similar amounts of inpact a game. Basically a skill matchup”
Bombabo says “Although he lost his devour on W, his knockup is very easy to hit on Urgot, and his Q healing makes him a tough guy to take down. Play very safe early game, even if it means giving up some farm. He will likely be VERY aggressive, because he can afford it”
XtheZ115 says “Ah, my other main. Kench is one tough customer, but his weakness is Singed's main strength- being kited. However, if he does make you actually fight him-
When he eats you, your Q still deals damage while you are inside him. So long as he doesn't spit you out under his tower, you will be fine laning against him. Note that his sustain will make for an uneventful top lane if you lane against him, provided he tries to build against you. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “After his rework, he is really powerfull and his passive isnt red anymore when its on 3 stacks. This makes it harder to see. His W knock-ups when u are in the circle, which makes it a good parry, but it can be a hard parry. Its a hard matchup and his ult (eating you) is VERY STRONG. disengage if you have maxed stacks of his passive on you.”
SettVEVO says “Be wary of his early levels as he does unexpected damage. He is a laning phase champion which means he is really good at laning, but falls off on teamfights, that is unless you feed him then he will be a terror for your teammates as well. I advise to play safe if you aren't confident against him. If he is low and hasn't popped his shield you can actually E stun into W to kill him before he can pop it, you can also ult right after W if he still survived it. Be mindful of his W it takes a long cast and is predictable, you can also cancel it with E and R if he is using it to run away. Always E stun before W so he doesn't shield your W damage. A good ult target as he will have health in his items.”
Death Lyons says “hard champ to play against. stand behind minions to not get hit by his q. Beat him early. try to proc pta, then once you do, gtfo. go ignite”
Byku2506 says “It can be easy if you will dodge all his ranged attacks, and start fight with your Q, cause in the end of fight you can use 2nd time Q after few second. Slow push him and always try to catch him after if you only make 1st kill.”
eramsorgr says “Tahm Kench is annoying bench. He has a per damage shield which is annoying for us and also has his devour which can get you in sticky situations.”
Fryx says “Hard to beat but you outscale.
Pick Comet in this Matchup and take a lof of care of his W. He may go into bushes to jump on you and lick you.
You outscale him just relax.”
RTO says “Tahm is very strong at the moment, he outtrades you at level one, zones you, kills you. Generally can't kill you post level 6. Slow him so he can't eat you.”
qosmox says “Look to short trade often with either a couple of emp. Q's or just a single grasp auto. Try to do this while standing behind one of your minions to deny him from Q'ing you. If it ever seems like you will get 3 stacks onto you, taunt away before it happens. Only use your taunt aggressively if you have a big HP lead already and know he cant turn on you and kill you with 1 combo.”
jussup says “You can't beat him till lvl 9, when you get maxed W you can walk around your minions and he wouldn't be able to hit you with his Q. In this matchup you really need a jungler.”
CucumberSandwich says “The reworked fat frog stomps Amumu. He out damages you with his autos and Q, when you try to fight him. His new ult means your burst damage all but disappears. Just try to not fight him, and you will be far more useful than him in the late game and teamfights.”
Drygur says “Start a Doran's Shield, be careful with Tahm, go for short trades.
When he gets his stacks of Acquired Taste (P) built up he will more than likely win the the trade. Focus on farming and scaling into the mid to late game.”
calbino says “As a tank, Tahm Kench's dueling potential is wild. Of course, his teamfight isn't very good. That being said, don't underestimate him. His passive combined with grasp easily out trades your damage early, and he'll stack armor.”
RareParrot says “1 tongue and he slaps your ass with almost no potential to fight back if you dont want to die, now has a gap closer which doubles as a knock up just try to survive the lane and build boots.”
ForgottenProject says “48 Armor at Lv1? Q-Spam that has a weirdly large hitbox? Takes no Damage because Conqueror is Nerfed as hell? I wonder what the Problem is.
[1]Don't bother fighting him early you will not win. Only Q-Poke Front Vitals.
[2]He has a Supporting Ultimate so you start beating him once you Hit Level 6.
[3]Parry the Q that will stun you when you're at full stack of his Passive OR his Devour.”
dissociate says “Thomas Kench is scary, and if you start to fall behind, you will forever lose.
I'd go the Sunderer Build against him for an even chance to handle him in both mid and late game.”
Marwaii says “Avoid his Q and kite him. You outscale him really hard and can kill him in mega Gnar. Don't go for extended trades and push him under turret. You win at mythic.
Take Divine + Swiftness.”
MachDawn says “He is very obnoxious. He goes full tank and can easily counter you. However if you dont feed him and even take a kill off him you can easily be the one they say top gap about.”
SethPRG says “A bit stronger than previous Season because of buffed tank items, so it's very hard to win a 1v1 if he has hail of blades or ignite, just don't take any dumb early trades with him in lane and you'll be fine. Let him shove in on your tower, just make sure you can CS under your tower and dodge his Q poke or you won't have a good time. Goredrinker is your best mythic for this matchup as you'll want to use your ult to set up good engages. Divine Sunderer could be your alternative Mythic Item if he is armor stacking and the enemy team comp can easily dodge your ult engage. Past level 6 you should be able to fight him and win so long as you're not behind, just try to E cancel one of his AA to delay him voring you for as long as possible. If you let him shove then eat you, you can use your ult to throw him into your tower, but good players aren't stupid enough to do that, so it's best to save your R to dodge Tahm's Q stun. Just be careful of his roaming potential from his ult, and don't push too far in lane or when splitting with him absent or he might bring a friend to say hi to you. His utility in team fights is pretty terrible other than being able to become a meat shield and saving someone in his belly for a few seconds. He can also be used as a nuke for the enemy backline. He really doesn't have utility unless he gets three stacks from his passive, so if you engage on his team he has to respond and by then it will probably already be too late, your team will have secured the fight. Take Mercury Treads and eventually go Abyssal Mask.”
El Leon Gnar says “Tahm is very strong as a solo laner right now, but he's not especially scary v.s. Gnar. Dodge his stuns and trade with W procs and you should be fine.”
Xarmat says “His slow is quite heavy against you. Keep your distance and care for his dive ability. Buy Kraken and Kings into Rapitfire. He will win your all ins. || Abyssal Dive (W) CD: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17”
DaSticks says “Quite a strong toplaner. Aslong as you stay behind minions and don't get hit with his Q you should be fine. He has a very powerful all in so don't let him get to you!”
Kaizin says “I haven't had a lot of experience with this matchup, but I'd suggest building health as his Q base damage is very high, 280 at max points. Try to position behind your minions that way he can't hit you with his Q. You can short trade with Tahm Kench once you're level 3 but only short trade when you have your E up. Otherwise he'll definitely win the trade.”
shadowbloodedge says “It's Tahm Kench. His health gives him power, his CC is more ridiculous than yours, he can teleport people in and out of fights, and his shield is alot stronger than yours. Hes a menace to deal with especially since he scales health alot faster than you can.”
ApollonATH says “He can kill you level 1 2 3 4 5 if you dont have ignite. Just farm and play safe until you get ult. Then by dodging his Q and landing your E you can beat him. You outscale”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
He falls off later in the game but do not underestimate his damage. Try to poke at him and not let him get his passive stacks up otherwise it will turn a fight easily. ”
deathwalker7119 says “Don't even try to fight level 1, you will just lose (guaranteed). You need to parry his eat while dodging his lick so he can't stun you. Predict that once you hit 3 stacks, he will automatically try and eat you or stun you, just parry right when you hit 3 stacks. You need to take front facing vitals then run back into your wave so he cant poke you. Watch out for the big ass shield.”
Humitaxx says “Tahm Kench is one of those Tanky champions you cannot out tank, so going with the Tank build will not win you lane, since your true damage will not outdamage his hp, go with a regular build for longer, more damaging fights in your favor, if you do go tank, just wait for ganks, since he will always outtrade you with all of his slows and also by eating you, if he gets ahead, don't leave your tower unless you get a gank”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, ignite and doran's sheild, oh well! He was a juggernut and a states ball before they decided to kill his ass, used to be a nightmare matchup, but now its just cool and you scales way harder than him, just take harash trades with him level 1 and 2 before he gets his E "grey health" so you can set him up for a hard laning phase, just dont let him AA you 3 times cause it could go pretty bad if he do so, if you feel you cant kill him just scale and kill him later, he is not a big threat, just a cheese match up, or troll honestly.”
tibs2 says “Play safe early. You will not kill this champion 1v1 ever so just do not try. Bright side is that this champion is not useful mid-late game and you will be 100x more useful. Do not play into his only win con and die to him early. ”
Ratakor says “he has a lot of damage + he devours you if he applies 3 stacks of his passive, his gray health can give him a shield but can also regen him if he does not activate his skill”
dusaanv2 says “Tahm Kench is not that hard. But he is hard only because of his tankiness. And easy counter for him is to not fight if he have full stacked passive on you.”
AmericanNut says “He is tanky, and has a VERY strong early game, maybe even better than Pantheon's, if he's at the top lane with grasp of undying and domination runes, then get anti-heal and mercury treads.”
Noodles912 says “Annoying lane. Tham is still OP IMO. No one will kill each other in this lane. Tham will be a tank and look to soak damage in teamfights. You want to look to one shot back line. Farm naturally, and outscale him. Don't let him proc grasp.”
Cayteer says “Try to dodge his Q , otherwise you lose the trades always. You can pull combo him but his E makes him impossible to kill so , call your jungler to get a pick.”
PiscesPomf says “EVEN LANE
It's very hard early, he destroys you. Don't die before6, just wait and stay safe, then you can try to trade. You have to dodge his Q”
Kokob5 says “A cheese pick for sure but one Mordekaiser wins against so long as you don't eat poke early and when all in's happen you get your passive off before being eaten.”
negoZoma69 says “Should be free lane when playing support, but if you're top then you have to be a bit more careful, because if he repeatedly lands his Q on you(which has a large hitbox) he can kill you. So stay inside minion wave and put pressure on him, don't let him walk up in range to Q you. You outscale him.”
Zaloufi says “This champ counter every toplaner in early game, even Darius can't trade him without a skill gap. You really need to dodge his Q because of the slow (or even the stun) to win the trade in early game. His E has low cooldown so he can clutch even at lvl 6 with your ult. Once you manage to survive the laning phase, Tahm Kench is much less powerful in late game so it's not really a big deal.”
Hesychia says “Eh... Not Gonna Say Much. He has a freaking slow which stays for millions of years, he has a freaking movement speed which stays for millions of years, he is so tanky that you can't even damage him. He uses his shield to absorb your ult damage, He is just too annoying, he makes 3 stacks and he eats you. then deals huge damage. Stay under tower and beg your jungler to gank you as much as he can...”
raede says “Tahm isn't too bad but just don't fight him early. Please. He's a monster level 1-3. You can trade but if he starts auto attacking and lands his Q you need to be in Fight or Flight.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “lf he's a good TK player, you better understand how TK kit works, or just play trully agressive until level 3, and if you don't get the FB, wait your jungler and the perma W, when you reach lvl 09.
Sometimes i build Sepent's Fang in this match.”
LunaticDancer says “A rare, dangerous pick. A good Tahm can stunlock you while dealing massive damage. Too bad you can crowd gank him with your bois, which easily outdamages him. Something to be wary of is that he can use his W on your Maiden and throw her under the tower for an easy kill. Generally be careful to not enable him to combo you, either have your full squad out or be near the turret, or he will run you over with his lick combos.”
Ravenborne says “Very rare matchup nowadays. Just do not get stunlocked and go BC into this matchup. He will try to hug you so just E to get some distance for your Q or just run away. Also stand behind minions so he can not land his Q on you”
BigManYam says “Tahm Kench will harass you early game around level 2 due to the fact that you're very vulnerable early game making you a very easy target for first blood due to the fact he can all in very early due to his passive. ”
DoubleQ says “This fatass is a pain in the ass to play against. His kiting is painful and he's extremely tanky. Build MR and he should be less of a threat.”
J0hnny Joestar says “His shield Let's him duel with you well. Quick trades are what you want to go for. He's vulnarable to a gank but he might try to escape with his R so watch out for that. ”
ModelitoTime says “The most annoying matchup in my opinion. Hail of Blades Tahm Kench running full tank is so annoying for me, just try to poke him and dodge his tongue, it slows you alot and he can proc his passive easily with his Hail of Blades then swallow you. You outscale alot but the entirety of the lane phase is just so annoying. ”
ChevalierArlo says “É bem raro ver esse cara no top. Caso apareça, fica a seu critério sua build. Evite trocas longas no início e... Proteja sua donzela. Já vi alguns com um suposto fetiche em casadas.”
Dannala says “Rare to see top these days but will appear occasionally. Very tanky but easy to harass and bully out early on so he fall behind. He's mostly a stalling wall and if he goes in he most likely has a jungler ready to assist him when he has to activate his shield and turn on you, don't fall for the bait but do punish him if you know his jungler isn't nearby. If you can't make sure he will activate his shield trading is pointless as he will heal up a large portion of it.”
CastratedSeal says “Assuming this isn't a Kench/Senna lane, Tahm really doesn't have a lane phase at all. You can poke him out and he can't do anything about it. This matchup is one of the easiest.”
hahadead7777 says “Tahm is easy to underestimate. You will have to balance poking with kiting but if you lose early you cannot engage him alone. Stay behind minions when possible to avoid his Q”
AWierdShoe says “Look to short trade often with either a couple of empowered Q's or just a single grasp auto. Try to do this while standing behind one of your minions to deny him from using his Q you. If it ever seems like you will get 3 stacks onto you, taunt away before it happens. Only use your taunt aggressively if you have a big HP lead already and know he cant turn on you and kill you with one combo.
Saarlichenbog says “This is a slightly Kalista favoured matchup. The two main things that could turn this matchup in Tahm's favour is knowing that he can compete with Kalista's level 1-3 powerspike and his E thickskin which can soak up an unexpected amount of damage. Otherwise, by simply being able to dodge his Q skillshot, Tahm doesn't really have any other tool to get on top of you and coupled with his bad scaling allows you to win this matchup.”
Captain Dantems says “Só farma e não deixa ele ficar forte, pois se isso acontecer gg ff aos 15. Tanka muito e dá muito dano. Grasp com inspiração ou com conqueror. Se quiser pode até pegar poção corrupta.”
Bradybattlemask says “Can eat Maiden and spit her out under his tower, which messes with her AI and 50/50 chance she sits under tower and dies. Kench is a lane bully that you just need to kite and farm agaisnt.”
ItsPaulygon says “This might be tricky for you especially if the Tahm is good. Once he gets tanky, you will have a hard time. Try to avoid fighting as he has his grey health stuff. Just take as much cs as you can since you can't really kill Tahm easily.”
GLP1 says “Kled is very good against tanks for his high damage and because he will always have the free passive because they can't kill him without the mount.
this is an extension in tanks always tries to be careful because this one if it has much more damage.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Keep your minions between you and Tahm, don't chase him into his turret, Tahm Kench can't do anything to you. Just imagine he's Illaoi, but with more sustain. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Early can be really hard because you cant trade back. But at 9 you will be able to Damage him and your Ult ignores his Shield you need to olay around it. ”
Swaim says “he can eat his adc and make you not land your e so its a bit of a hard matchup but if you manage to stop him from stunning or eating you can ez win this matchup”
Delvoid says “Honestly this champ is horrible to play vs top. He can just run at you and stop your comobo + cc you. Play safe farm and outscale in team fights”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Tahm kench is moderately annoying with his Q stun and W eat, but if you don't let him stack his passive, you easily out damage him, and his ultimate gives him no extra kill potential, so your level six is a huge powerspike compared to his. ”
NirvanaBunny says “Try to stay out of his poke range, if he devours you and spits you back toward his ADC you could be in for a bad time. He also has low mobility so it shouldn't be hard to run away from him. You are also able to interrupt his ultimate!”
Penguinoverlord1 says “He can kill you very quickly early game and get out of control if you don't respect his level 1-3 potential. Just try to stay out of his range early game and don't over commit on any trades as he favors extended trades. You probably won't be able to kill Kench in lane without your jungler so just try to poke him off with your grunts and your E in order to cs.”
qasddsa says “Get an early Blade of the Ruined King, dodge his tongue, and stay out of melee range. Don't get greedy if you start to get low since he can easily turn on you with gray health. In lane, harass him as much as you can without being attacked or tongued.”
Tahm Kench top used to be a thing if I'm not wrong last season, where he can obliterate all other toplaners and there was close to no counter play to him (I remember perma banning him), but he got severly nerfed and he's not really played toplane anymore except of some One Tricks or Auto Filled Supports. As for laning Phase just make sure yo farm behind minons to dodge his Q poke and try to not get him to Devour you since he will just Regurgitate you away from your tower and stack his Passive on you, Respect his damage since its a lot for being able to play as a Top and Sup. Similar to Pantheon or Rengar, once they will hit 6 and you played passive all lane they will look to Roam so make sure you have vision on River and ping a lot to your team whenever he's not in lane. Once you get lvl 6 and Sheen spike you can look to do trades against him, usually short ones never work since he has his E but the way to beat it is to do consistant short trades, usually look to alternate between a normal autoattack, Q and E to prevent him of healing himself to the point he is low enough Nasus can Flash + Q kill him or he has to back off, just be careful if you try to do this really hard while close to his torret, he can Devour and Regurgitate into his tower but usually Nasus wins the All Ins. Later on to the game his teamfight isn't the best but he does have really good peeling for his ADC or Backline so keep that in mind, Splitting against him is the key, since he doesn't have enough damage to take Nasus down and even if he pokes you to chunk you to half HP, just Lifesteal with Legend Bloodline + Nasus Passive back to full and you should be fine, you outscale him quite hard.”
Bouhhsolene says “Tahm Kench is annoying, with his Q and his tankiness, he will go frontline and tank for his teammates. If you kill him it's free dps for you. Don't stay alone in lane and just wait till teamfight.”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Do not look for fights or trades with tahm kench. Make sure that when he applies a stack on you that you let it fall off before walking in his range again. The only trade you should take with tahm kench is an auto attack + spin out when you are going for a minion to farm. Try to let tahm kench push you in always, if the wave is starting to push towards him that is bad. He can all in you very well and he wins short trades and extended trades. Only chance you have of beating him is with jungle ganks or if he runs out of mana. If you can, swap with your mid laner (if your mid laner can handle tahm kench) as you will most likely have an easier time against any other opponent than tahm kench. You do not outscale tahm kench in the 1v1, but you do outscale him in team fights. Tahm kench does not have good scaling in a fight where you can destroy squishies. When splitting go opposite side of the map where tahm kench is and use your mobility to outrotate him as much as possible. UPDATE FOR 9.14, Tahm kench got SIGNIFICANT nerfs and is no longer a hard matchup, but still can be annoying to deal with.”
Rakuretto says “Tahm Kench can be your biggest nightmare, even more if he is running Hail of Blades. Luckily the champ is not very popular lately, so you're not gonna face him that often. If so, then you're screwed.”
Nabura says “Not really a popular top laner anymore but when he used to be played this matchup was quite cancer. Not really sure what to say but this matchup is not that common so you shouldn't have to worry about him.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Do not look for fights or trades with tahm kench. Make sure that when he applies a stack on you that you let it fall off before walking in his range again. The only trade you should take with tahm kench is an auto attack + spin out when you are going for a minion to farm. Try to let tahm kench push you in always, if the wave is starting to push towards him that is bad. He can all in you very well and he wins short trades and extended trades. Only chance you have of beating him is with jungle ganks or if he runs out of mana. If you can, swap with your mid laner (if your mid laner can handle tahm kench) as you will most likely have an easier time against any other opponent than tahm kench. You do not outscale tahm kench in the 1v1, but you do outscale him in team fights. Tahm kench does not have good scaling in a fight where you can destroy squishies. When splitting go opposite side of the map where tahm kench is and use your mobility to outrotate him as much as possible. UPDATE FOR 9.14, Tahm kench got SIGNIFICANT nerfs and is no longer a hard matchup, but still can be annoying to deal with.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Grasp, Shield, Second Wind, Unflinching + Tenacity, Last Stand or Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Bone Plating, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: Teleport
Tahm Kench...the attack speed building tank. This is a very rough lane for Riven. Especially if he manages to eat you. Stay behind minions and freeze wave under tower. Nothing much you can do without jungler help. ”
Swaim says “Tahm's laning phase is insane. You should be able to win pre 6 but after that the entire lane is a nightmare for an Aatrox player. He has good sustain, he's really tanky and his damage is crazy. For teamfighting however, Tahm is pretty much useless compared to Aatrox. Try to farm up and play to outscale him. Mid to late game he shouldn’t be much trouble to fight.”
qazx1427 says “Off-meta is off-meta for a reason. Tahm Kench can, and will, 100-0 you if he gets in range, but he can't. He lands a Q on you, he's going to run forward since that's his only engage, so you can just W him and remove his health bar. Your ult does max health damage, and he can't stack his passive on it, so your L6 just destroys him. To make things even better, he's a HP stacker, so you can just buy Liandry's to watch him die even quicker. Much like Darius, this is a very, very satisfying lane.”
Rastub P says “He is the most annoying to fight against her u got to play safe at early game if the player is good playing has her or at least can play the champ u have to stay under turret or u get DEATH. ”
Ayanleh says “Morde is actually one of the few champions that can beat tahm kench in a 1v1. Early game sucks, but try to play safe in laning phase and scale up.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Pretty easy, champ's a bit broken before lvl 6 but he gets so outscaled its hilarious and he also doesnt even win early.
Take MR.”
ShroudedBRH says “Tahm mainly acts as a frontline/ disengage. It takes a while to whittle him if your lane opponent is weak you can take trades from within your own creep wave to avoid the majority of Tahms damage”
Fiora Pogjet says “Just a busted champion. Much armor and a Q spam in the earlygame. You won't win trade just go for front vitles. You can try to prarry his 3rd passive hit with q or if he tries to eat you. Lvl 6 u will beat him cause your ult does more.”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Do not look for fights or trades with tahm kench. Make sure that when he applies a stack on you that you let it fall off before walking in his range again. The only trade you should take with tahm kench is an auto attack + spin out when you are going for a minion to farm. Try to let tahm kench push you in always, if the wave is starting to push towards him that is bad. He can all in you very well and he wins short trades and extended trades. Only chance you have of beating him is with jungle ganks or if he runs out of mana. If you can, swap with your mid laner (if your mid laner can handle tahm kench) as you will most likely have an easier time against any other opponent than tahm kench. You do not outscale tahm kench in the 1v1, but you do outscale him in team fights. Tahm kench does not have good scaling in a fight where you can destroy squishies. When splitting go opposite side of the map where tahm kench is and use your mobility to outrotate him as much as possible. UPDATE FOR 9.14, Tahm kench got SIGNIFICANT nerfs and is no longer a hard matchup, but still can be annoying to deal with.”
Dantheman81 says “This matchup is not very hard as much as it is frustrating. A good Tahm Kench is nearly unkillable and his tankiness only grows as the game progresses. This will be a split pushing game for you so I recommend you take that route and keep his supporting abilities and escape away from teamfights by forcing him to come to you.”
Angela du Seithr says “Tahm Kench est un bully contre les duellistes et les gros corps à corps, vous n'avez pas ce soucis contre lui. Mais évitez de le sous-estimer, gardez une distance de respect afin d'éviter de vous prendre un trade complet. Visez à le forcer à utiliser son bouclier plutôt que de le laisser régénérer si possible.”
Sq_09 says “If he Ws you, you're dead. Try keeping him away from you at all costs and just run if he hits a Q. Take care of flank-Rs and keep in mind, that you can trade your R for his W if really needed. You can't really kill him tho and poking does few aside from stacking your grasp. ”
TentiTiger11 says “Same thing as ornn. Very tanky and has poke. Maybe take corrupting if you are afraid of getting too much poke damage, but passive and doran's has sustain for you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Since he has a lot of cc in his kit with the Grey hp it can be hard to predict what moves to use on him to get proper damage. Fight him early and roam once your six.”
Itreallyhim says “You win trades, You can ult his ult if you have the opportunity, Also you can Ult his W. If you Ult just before he eats you you will take no damage and put his W on cooldown.”
ShinyEmo says “Actually can 1v1 and kill you. His W is a huge threat. Try to dodge his Q's with your Q. You will need sustain. Go for the on-hit build. Keep in mind that his E will give a huge shield to him and consider twice before fighting him. ”
Loki029 says “Just poke him while farm, be Aware of his 3 stacks, (Hint: use silence to avoid his Grey shield to Pop up and nullifying your ult, use e and w before he gets you in to still deal damage, build hybrit, all in at lvl 6 to win”
hephephepeEPEPE says “You cant ever beat him in 1v1 so just try to proxy as much as possibile without giving him a lead make sure to roam midlane to incrase you chances of winning
ForgottenProject says “This cool Champ means anti-fun early game
His Q is his main damage and it’s a skillshot, so try to dodge it
You can parry his W and stun him (but higher elo players won’t let you do this)
Parrying his Q will stun him if you have 3 stacks
You win after level 6 because your R is a lot better than his in fights”
Pedrokis says “Você bate bastante nele, mas ainda assim é bem chato por causa da passiva. / Se ele tiver ignite (raro pra kct), evita de trocar nos primeiros níveis. / Se ele tiver quase te stackando com a passiva (ficando quase vermelho), já joga o W nele: ele vai ficar MUITO lento, fazendo com que seu W seja praticamente garantido de puxar e que você não fique muito mal posicionado.”
Daedralus says “Although this guy can pack quite a punch, he is not very fast at it especially early on with high cool-downs and no real attack speed. You want to shut this guy down tho or he can be a problem with his tanky nature. Save your E damage reduction for when he gets 3 stacks so you aren't damaged as much from his lick + swallow. Go for early harassment and dodge his lick as much as possible to force him out of lane. Your Q is your friend here for healing and you might want to get W second for attack speed and passive regeneration. Your attack speed and his overall low base MS will be what brings him down. ”
ExfIamed says “Now if for some reason someone left the door open for the special needs kid with half his brain missing and he gets on a computer you're gonna come across this big guy, you CANNOT beat him no matter what, ask for jungle assistance or just dodge cause he outscales you as well.”
Loevely says “Statball. He has super high stats that Rengar cant really deal with. Go Grasp and dorans shield and only fight him when you're at either near max ferocity or at max. W max is recommend but not a necessity. ”
hundov2 says “You have to only short trade and even when he has 200 health he can still be a threat. With his e giving him absurd health values, this champ is a horrendous matchup”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull about trading with tahm kench before level 6, however once you turn level 6 feel free to cage him up with w and get yourselve a free kill with the maiden.”
Quezel says “This is very rare to see now ever since kench has been nerfed but the matchup is quite easy if you do encounter it. Kench is difficult to poke out due to his grey health but you win all in quite hard until he stacks MR just constantly fight him after level 4 and rush liandries.”
mightydylan101 says “Kench is sometimes played top but you can easily win this matchup if you punish him early. Be sure not to walk up far as his slow from his lick is annoying. You win trades early but he gets way too tanky in the later game and also starts to do more damage as he scales AD off of his max health.”
Kalrex says “Can be pretty annoying to fight early due to his cc and how tanky he is. Focus on farming and ask for a gank or two after level 6. You should snowball and make him redundant after that.”
TryndamereBawt says “He beats you everywhere just farm in lane and try and split make sure to stay a distance from him he will eat you and destroy you ”
Hamstertamer says “Borderline unplayable early game. TK makes melees cry, outtrades them, zones them, and eats them. But then, they just picked TK toplane, so it's kind of a "win lane lose game" pick. Tough it up, only thing he can do is be annoying, he can't kill you unless you mess up hard. Short trades are good so take them, just walk away immediately and disengage with W if needed so he'll never stack his passive. An early MR item is a must.”
Hugys says “Tahm can be quite the problem to deal with due to his passive. "An Acquired Taste" which after hitting a target and stacking up to 3 times, will allow him to swallow you. You have to understand that he can also gain additional effects from these 3 stacks with his other abilities. Allowing him to stun and kite you down with very little effort. I personally recommend building PTA allowing you to deal with his tank side and also the ability to out kite him with ghost. He becomes a real threat late in the game due to his tank-on-hit nature with wit's end. Remember he is full AP do not build armor against him, that would be a mistake, since all of his abilities deal %health as AP. You can take other runes, but you really should take it into consideration of whether you want to shut him out of the early and mid game, or deal with him never an hope your team can take him out. Use minions to block his tongue lash, never stay near him when he paths towards you, back off because he will win these trades if you let him touch you.”
Poppu says “Tahm is a good tank but usually tends to build HP items. If you build Merc Treads and Sunfire, you can sustain a bit more if you're not hit with his abilities. Good suggestion is to try to out trade him with procs of Grasp and Q, E him whenever you get the chance to pin him, and save W to retreat.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Incredibly broken, don't try to fight him without ALL you abilties, his shield is very powerful and blocks alot of your 5 stack/bleed. Try to engage once you've poked him for a bit.”
Petethebossch says “Never fight him. He can 100-0 you if you are not ready with his w. Get help from the jungle to make him useless. Once he can't 1v1 you he is just a a support. Wait until triforce if you don't get jungle help. Don't go for cs he is near unless under tower. Watch his shield as well.”
Magrin Goixtoso says “Essa mechup é muito favoravel ao Renekton, pois, ele tomou um buff de quebrar escudos com o W então Tahm não terá sua segunda vida.”
homxr says “This champ is rarely taken top, but when he is, is one of the most oppressive and annoying champions. His slows and stun make him very sticky. Be very careful. Trade when you can hide behind minions. Rush Black Cleaver.”
EvilOranges says “HELP...
D-Shield. Currently is broken, does a surprising amount of damage. Respect him, keep your distance, and don't let him proc his passive. Sets up ganks really easily. If you are confident take Conqueror, if not Summon Aery or possibly Klepto to keep up with him late game.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Tahm Kench has a lot of damage. Stay behind minions or dodge to avoid his Q, and try to time your parry against his stuns. Make sure to call out his R.”
Devitt45 says “Try to farm until you get Black Cleaver, and try to dodge his Q ( the one where he sends his tongue out far) and W as you get hit a third time so you take less damage from his eat and/or stunned from his Q.”
Solink says “Juggernaut which can't really be taken down. You can't really kill him but he can. Try not to get eaten or hit by the third auto. Just farm and wait until splitpush and teamfights.”
0mega best says “Your worst counter. He outanks you and does more poke damage which slows you, making you do nothing to him. He blocks your R with is shield and can eat you and bring you under tower, if against him, farm and call for ganks, or simply swap with midlane if possible, he is just too strong.”
BrvndonLmao says “I believe Tahm Kench to be a bit of a problem for Riven, basically you have to go for very small trades and play lane passive, you wont really win all in's that often, ask for jungle help in lane. He's a very big threat due to his shield and sustain in fighting and in lane.”
LighterDay says “Tahm thrives a lot in solo fights. His abilities can keep Mordekaiser at bay since they have some form of CC to them. Tahm's tankiness also makes it impossible even do damage since his shield scales with any champion damage he takes, so soloing him will only make his shield grow.”
ImpossibleLogic says “I don't understand how this thing works. Tahm has a global ultimate so he can easily appear behind. While slow, he easily does the same to you and has greater poking range. He is pretty much unstoppable as he can slow, stunt, and pull you away from turret or from your kit.”
Brentard says “You'll have to fight this guy in 2 stages; 1 to get his health low, then again to actually kill him due to his shielding mechanic. try not to go toe to toe his autos do more damage, and then its difficult to run away. Q his Q and W when he is going to eat you/stun. ”
DrMoneybags says “Kench is a lot like Darius, he will always win extended trades. Just take short trades and prevent him from getting his stacks onto you. He has a lot of %HP damage, which easily counters kled's passive. Taking conqueror in this matchup will help against his tankiness and in extended trades. Bait out his W shield before using most of your damage. Walk around your minions to avoid his Q. Ping MIAs to keep him from roaming, and ask for jungler help early on.”
Arcthunder says “Kench is very dangerous if you don't tread carefully. Two-Coats will look for a Devour on you if he lands his Q, and his long trades are unrivaled. Whittle him down instead until you can all in.”
Qubert64 says “Don't fight him head on. Poke him down repeatedly and stay behind minions. Use your q's increased auto range. Might want klepto if you are confident you wont slip up. DO NOT TRADE LEVEL 1. HE WILL KILL YOU.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't kill him in most cases, but as long as you can farm, you will be fine. You outscale him. Ask for ganks if you want to kill him.”
Fruxo says “Don't take long trades as Tahm usually wins those very often. He can swallow you in order to position you incorrectly for both ganks and to setup kills, and so being near him is not a wise choice, instead poke him down from far away. His Shield can also be pretty annoying but if you play it right it shouldn't be much of a problem.”
NirvanaBunny says “Try to stay out of his poke range, if he devours you and spits you back toward his ADC you could be in for a bad time. He also has low mobility so it shouldn't be hard to run away from him.”
The Lost Drawing says “Casi dándole a Darius.
No se ve mucho, parece 'troll' pero no lo es.
>>>Su 'early game' es muy fuerte mas a nivel 3 ya que se cura de los 'trades' y te mete un 'stun', un 'slow' y te traga con lo cuan tiene tiempo para evitar daño y recuperar enfriamiento
>>> Todo el daño es AP tanto en runas ('Aliento del Agónico') como habilidades
>>> Tanquea mucho en TF por su escudo que se pone, tiene 'peel' y hace buenas cazadas con su 'R', pero no tiene movilidad y si lo encuntran mal posicionado se muere (pero muy lento xD)
>>> Cuando se coma a alguno de sus aliados en TF tirale tu 'R' (o trata) es 2 * 1”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go for Conqueror. Believe it or not but this fat catfish counters you. Generally you won't lane against him but if you do keep in mind that Top Kench has one of the strongest laning Phases out of all champions. His post level 3 all-in is more powerful than yours so respect it. At 6 it isn't won either since he effectively has 2 health bars and Darius hates a lot of health. If he snowballs on you you're gonna get destroyed in lane. In this lane you either just accept the fact that you can't fight him early and farm until you have your core or you dodge his Q's by side-stepping them or fighting in your minion wave. Tahm might be a beast in lane but he scales like garbage and he has no real waveclear. He can also save teammates from your R if he is quick enough. This is one of the very few matchups where I would think about building BORK at some point. Luckily for you almost nobody plays Tahm Top because, aside from a few very good matchups for him, it's troll.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High base damage early, Great Sustain. Inherently tanky. Instant CC on devour, Grey Health + Shield. Weaknesses: Out-scaled, Utility ultimate, Low mobility. He is a matchup that is designed to beat you in lane. You will have a very difficult time winning any extended trades against him early because of his passive and grey health. You do not want to be in a position where he can get multiple passive stacks on you. Never let him get you to 3 passive stacks unless you are committed to an All-in. There is no point in trying to riposte his Devour once you are at full passive stacks because it is extremely difficult to do so. It would be more beneficial to Riposte one of his auto attacks when you are at 1 or 0 stacks so that the attack speed slow makes it that much more difficult for him to stack his passive in the first place. Primarily Q poke for vitals and focus on farming early so once you hit your one to two item power-spike you can split-push against him easily.”
Zachlikespizza says “You can continue to kite him and will almost never need to get up in his face. Keep kiting, avoid early cheese, and the lane should be yours.”
Mouadyam says “surprisingly annoying matchup, especially early on, avoid him until you have your R and, for the love of god, dont ult him while he has his shield on (did it too many times). careful when he has full stacks on you as his W base damage is fairly high.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “As a Tahm Kench main, I know this guy very well... You can Windwall his Q, and though it has a very low CD, It's best to do so once he gets 3 stacks, since you'll block a stun... He will probably eat you after that too. You'd better not trade against him until mid-game. Best chance is to rush BORK, Merc Treads and start Doran's Blade. ”
Ashnard says “Tahm Kench isn't played top very often, but is actually a pretty hard matchup for aatrox due to his very high base armor (47 at level 1) and durability from e. ”
TrashIreliaxd says “Unsually, yes. Tahm is a very hard matchup and i recommend farming a lot. Don't use level 1 Cheese cause it will backfire and Teleport is better in this matchup.”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 7.8/10
➡️Very similar to K'sante, I personally struggle A LOT with this matchup, Tahm Kench deals way too much damage and has higher range and takes too little. However, this lane is extremely playable and you win if you can maintain an item advantage. I would still label Tahm Kench as a counter-matchup but don't be scared it's easier than others.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Tahm vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Tahm vs Average Trundle ➡️65/35 Trundle/Tahm
Good Tahm vs Good Trundle ➡️ Tahm beats Trundle”
Haxorr says “Kench has surprisingly high damage so it can be hard early game, but if you have good movement and can parry some of his qs pre-6 you should be chillin in this matchup. Take conq or grasp and beat tf outta him, the only thing to watch out for is him eating you near his tower. Even if you parry an auto of his, it still applies a stack so you have to be wary of that. Overall, pretty free lane, you should be ight. Doran's blade start good”
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