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Tahm Kench Counter Stats

Tahm Kench Counters
Discover all champions who counter Tahm Kench. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Tahm Kench in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
903 Tips for countering Tahm Kench below

As a Support
48.9% Win Rate53% Pick Rate Tahm Kench As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Tahm Kench as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Neiri says “Hopefully he's autofilled. Don't let him get close to stack his passive.”
[14.24] 🎼 Sona Support by Neiri | Sona Player
FiletedMinion says “He likely is not support. So he will have levels on you if you are support or jungle and it will just be BAD.”
Mundo All Roles by FiletedMinion | Dr. Mundo Player
Zileanaire says “I wish the Kench would get back on the bench. He doesn't die, he does too much damage for a full tank. If you're quick you can stun him before he can W in/out. Not unwinnable, but very annoying at every stage of the game. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
Weyko says “I always ban him, for my sake, my adc's sake and my top laner's , way too tanky, too much damage, its really a disgusting champ imo”
mUI0g says “His Q range is relatively long - which can catch you off-guard with the slow followed by knockup combo.”
[2024 S3] Xerath Support Guide by mUI0g | Xerath Player
Aerenax says “Tahm Kench is a difficult matchup because he get close to you to stack his passive. Furthermore his built in safety from level 6 for his carry in annoying.”
Randomless says “He is a cheese champion and arguably has the strongest laning in the whole entire game. Killing him is incredibly hard, even if you ignore him and attack his ADC he can still kill both you and your ADC by himself no problem.”
Arctic Arrow says “Tahm Kench is an extreme threat and is considered one of the most broken champions in the game. His ability to devour champions with his W (Devour) can completely nullify your engages or save his ADC from danger. His thick health pool and powerful crowd control with his Q (Tongue Lash) and R (Tempered Fate) make him very difficult to deal with. Focus on avoiding his Q and try to engage when his Devour is on cooldown, though this can be challenging. Building anti-heal is essential to mitigate his sustain. Overall, managing Tahm Kench requires precise timing and coordination with your team to overcome his disruptive capabilities.”
Best Briar Support Guide u will find by Arctic Arrow | Briar Player
BigodeOfLegends says “While he is durable, Tahm Kench has difficulty reaching Senna and neutralizing her poke. ”
[14.16] The true senna support guide by BigodeOfLegends | Senna Player
xpwnz1337 says “Unlucky stat check support. Alsitar's counter. Counterplay: Beware of his Q cheese. Look for mistakes as you can stop his escape. Peel your ADC with W. Antiheal.”
[All Matchups] Alistar guide 14.14 by xpwnz1337 | Alistar Player
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Top Lane
49.18% Win Rate42% Pick Rate Tahm Kench Top Lane Counters: 35 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Tahm Kench in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

LORD AND MASTER OF ALL EVIL VLADIMIR by FromKarlinc | Vladimir Player
a_k_z7 says “tahm has a lot of damage and sustain in his kit best thing you can do is get 1 kill early and go even after that STAY IN YOUR WAVE tahm can run you down if you are outside your wave poke with q and passive when he goes for a farm sidestepping his q will deny him so much damage dont try to trade with him near his tower since of he eats you and throws you under his tower you either flash or e the wave if it is near since his q also slows you downs shich means you will take more tower shots you can cancle his e with your so you can kill him in team fights or deny him from getting into your back line”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, Tahm has insanely high base armor and will go for armor, you have to dodge his Q and opt for DPS, your E cancels his W channel but if you get caught then E out immidiately, he will buy heartsteel and just run at you, play around your minions.”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
Houcs says “Pay attention that he heals alot with his Q. Dragging him to the tower will cause 2 tower shot and then he will use his W to get out. Careful getting near his tower because he cant eat you and drag you to his tower and CC you. ”
parker3n9 says “This is a super free lane for Swain. You can harass Tahm Kench non-stop, and if he tries to jump in, you either use E to stop him or pop your ultimate to turn the fight. However, be cautious at Level 3, as he can cheese you—if you get hit by his knock-up at this stage, you’ll get run down and lose sums at the least. At Level 6, he has some kill threat if you’re pushed up and he uses R to throw you under his tower, so watch your positioning. From Level 6 onward, as long as you avoid getting thrown under turret, you’ll win trades and fights easily. Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Stanrad Setup vs Tanks: Dring, TP, Conq/LT, Presence of Mind Scaling HP + Second Wind + Overgrowth Early Executioners SunderedSky Rush or Maw if vs AP jngl aswell, Bork second if vs lots HP Early levels you wanna let him push trimming the wave so you can force hold the freeze in front of your turret. You will heal about 1-2k with your passive completely outsustaining him, often leads to kill. After 6 he suddenly becomes SUPER strong!! be careful here respect him until you have more items where you just outheal him in the extended 1v1”
Secretly OP XinZhao Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Xin Zhao Player
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Blade. Do your best to avoid his Q. Abuse short trades and only commit to all-win if you're 100% sure you can kill him and not close to his tower.”
Fighter Ambessa Top Guide by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
Fenharion says “So far I don't feel like Tahm posesses a threat in laning phase,I just take conqueror and rush bork as he usually goes for hp items first.”
Renekton Guide That I'll Update Over Time by Fenharion | Renekton Player
Spartaniko says “Stay behind your minions to avoid his Q, W him to stop his blink and just poke him to death. He has to hit you multiple times to ult you but be aware of that if you are close to his turret.”
Fenharion says “Boring lane,take Liandry's to melt him down but since he can have a big ass shield it's really hard to match him in lane.”
Season 14 "In-Depth" Mordekaiser Advice by Fenharion | Mordekaiser Player
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