Mid Lane 49.99% Win Rate67% Pick RateAurora Mid Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aurora in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
zzeuzin says “PERMABAN, you can only play against if she plays bad, just survive and help with ult, dont let she freezes the wave.”
cheerzinh says “A Aurora apesar parecer even a lane, a aurora tem mais pressão que a Neeko, além do push assim como o poke dela que é extremamente chato.”
Lunar1v9 says “I would say dodge this since if u make a single mistake in lane the lane is just over and it is not fun for u. After 11 you can beat but watch out for her high burst at level 6
zSmoke says “Playing against Aurora is being very patient and trading her when she doesn't have one of her first 3 abilities, it's easy to kill her especially when she doesn't have W try to kill her when she doesn't have it”
Zero macro says “Caitlyn Mid has a very easy time before Aurora reaches level 6, after this the matchup becomes pretty hard with Aurora R gap closer and cage. Caitlyn should be aware of Aurora's fast trade pattern with her Q(850 range) and E(800 range). Caitlyn's early shove and pressure under tower makes it very easy to get positive trades and deny Aurora’s combo with Caitlyn's E+Q/W.
v0ltage38 says “No idea. Aurora is usually played top so I haven't seen her once. They're reworking her in patch 14.23 so we'll see how that pans out.”
xumi_k says “I don't think she's much of a threat. She's quite mobile, so keep that in mind and land you E smartly. Need some more games vs her though.”
support_diff says “Aurora has a great poke so you should try to dodge it (it is hard tho). Her W is also annoying but has a long cooldown, so you can use your E in that time frame for a greater chance to hit her. You win Aurora in melee fights, but getting in close range with her can be problematic.”
Tamikaze says “Aurora is weak into Azir due to her short range and telepathed abilities. You should never let her get into range to free Q you without out trading her. Early game, her Q will proc electrocute for some hefty burst. If you manage to keep your distance and poke her down, she'll stand no chance into you. ”
Shaco Mid Lane says “The laning phase is rough, try to avoid her poke and farm safely. Once you have lost chapter, you can start poking her a bit. Good thing is you can escape her ultimate with both your Q and R. ”
j4ss says “Cringe champion, lots of damage with basically zero effort. Her cooldowns are shit, so start D Blade and rush your AD items to punish her interactions. post level 8/9 her cooldown will be lower so play wisely and go Shieldbow third or fourth,”
Coldsong says “Aurora is extremely slippery and does a lot of damage, but as long as you bait out her W, she is extremely easy to kill as she has no hard crowd control outside her ultimate. Avoid her Q and E poke in lane and make sure to care for her ultimate, as it can prevent you from using your E to escape.”
Hexeria says “[Only annoying in the early game, pre level 6] [Try to dodge her Q, Taunt her out of her W and hit her with an E, when she is going for her 3 passive proc] [A simple Hollow Radiance into Riftmaker should take care of her]”
GreenReapers says “All pages Viable. D-shield to keep up with her regen and poke. You can go for Long Sword if you pay extra attention to avoid her 3rd [Q] proc as often as possivle.
Very vulnerable to short trades.
You will mostly need to ult her ult, as it's high damage and area control. You can also use swaps to avoid her [R] slow. Her [W] dash into invis makes it hard to hit full combos, so avoid [Q] into [E] and mostly go for [E] into [Q] combos. Her [W] has a slightly longer cooldown than yours, so if you trade with your [W] as soon as it's up again you should be able to catch her easily.
A sweeper will help you if aurora moves too unpredictably during her Invis.”
SurferKiller says “Like Diana, she will hurt early game, but you win after Sheen and Lvl 6. Play around her W (Leap) if you can, and all in when she gets too close to you.”
Soft Headpats says “Her range is short aside from her E, allowing you to poke her if she oversteps. However, her waveclear is fast and safe, letting her neutralize the lane if she chooses to - especially if she's running Fleet. Once she hits 6, she becomes obnoxious to 1v1 so avoid doing so whenever possible. She can set up ganks for her jungler with her ult as well, so avoid wasting your E if you feel the enemy jungler is nearby.”
Demonsedge90 says “Fighting Aurora is more of a skill matchup. Poke her from a safe distance while making sure to avoid all her spells. Like Syndra she is also a scaling champion, with good mobility and sustain from spirit abjuration, along with invisiblity, making it hard to precisely land your ult or your skill shots. Tread lightly around her in lane and be mindful of her movements prior to unleashing your full combo.”
BrMario1011 says “outranges you ALOT, and she can dodge ur w if you dont hit her in the center, just annoying tbh lol, you dont die to her if you dont try to kill her, just try and be more usefull than her in roams and fights
go electrocute d shield teleport”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Blood eyeball.
She outranges you in short trades, and has a lot of mobility. Play back and hold your e for her w. Her R is a brutal catch tool, though you can flash it and maybe outrun it.”
Lusimus22 says “With the current patch (14.14) She outtrades your entire W AA AA Q E with 3 autoattacks, I recommend bannin if nothin better pops up.
But you scale and if you manage to prolong the game you can snap her like other squishies!”
lkycch says “Aurora's mobility is a real problem for Zilean, because landing 2 Q's is near impossible. Focus on farming safely and avoid her poke; once you have Lost Chapter, it's time to push wave and roam. In skirmishes, use E to slow her, so that you immediately force her hop; this will mean she has to use her ultimate to reposition, if she wants to deal damage to your carries. Treat Aurora like you would any Assassin: Chronoshift whoever she is trying to assassinate. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Top Lane 48.92% Win Rate29% Pick RateAurora Top Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aurora in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
a_k_z7 says “ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
sidestep her q
w her w
look to trade when she does not have abbiltes
a good e can remove a chunk of her hp since you can w her e which is her primry disengane tool
W4llaceK says “take shield or ring and ghost, if you're confident then trade heavy with her early so she cannot walk up to wave and then call JG for dive, otherwise farm safe and try to kill her with your stronger 6”
BigBallsLarry says “Very annoying matchup, but similar to teemo she can be ran down. Take PTA and Dshield and go for short trades, you can take ghost in this matchup to run her down, however flash might be preferred for some players. PARRY HER E! she will most likely try to Q>EQ to get elec proc and burst you, so if you try to parry her E, it gets rid of most of her damage and doesn't slow you. You can Q while she's invis to partially reveal her and still hit her/vitals. Depending on enemy teamcomp, Its also very viable to rush hexdrinker. Last Stand”
ThatGing3rNuts says “Pretty much as all ranged matchups go. Look to use W to block her 3rd passive auto and go either 3rd or 1st rune page depending on how confident you feel. 2nd ability path can be good here but it really depends on your team composition whether you have an engaging support/jgl or not to ult on for impact. Go for the anti ap build here but switch out doran's blade for shield. Look to ult in this matchup as her split pushing capability is quite bad especially if she has less than 3 grubs.”
Shark of Void says “She deals a lot of AP damage and can kite you easily. Wait for lvl 6 and one shot her, but you must interrupt her W with R or she'll just run away. Don't try to kill her without R.”
Lilac says “Aurora enjoys strong all-ins and chase, but at most stages of the game has lower damage. Your mobility is more than capable of keeping up with hers, and should she decide to ult you it will often lead to a "You're trapped in here with me" type of situation, where she limits her ability to run from you and you can comfortably win the fight.
Recommended: PTA. If her team is relatively squishy, you can opt for an early game burst build and attempt to shut her out of the one stage of the game where she has a decent amount of power. Alternatively, you can run the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core for better scaling, at the slight risk of losing to Aurora's early game damage.”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield. You can start to harass her after lvl 4 with your wave bounce. After 6, just R and destroy.”
Raideru says “This matchup u generally only trade with her after she misses her q otherwise if you jump on her you will lose the short trade cose when you walk away she can still keep hitting you. I generally advise PTA in this lane and depending on how good u think the aurora is I would either focus on rushing Trinity or going Tiamat to avoid flipping the lane completely and just roaming.”
MrBuis says “(D)(<5) Hold your Q and auto attack to heal back from her poke. Play with bushes. Your best chance to win in this matchup is lv 4-5 when you have 2-3 points in Q. Her passive deals more damage the more health you lose, so don't ignore her poke. Strikebreaker -> Maw -> Death dance -> Jak So, as she has Max's health damage. ”
Fenharion says “Aurora has decent poke against you,and her W makes her invisible for a moment,considering she goes for Liandry's it'll be hard if you can't manage to get close to her.”
Houcs says “Ban it, super annoying matchup. Otherwise try look for Flash E to your tower if you want to kill.
You can wait till lvl 6 and try land a R and drag to the tower.
Be very mindful that she is very deadly once she reach lvl 6 and can trap you.
Also this champ in teamfights is very annoying to. I would only try to hit your R on her if she is stunned. Otherwise look for someone else to use it on.”
Haxorr says “Take Doran's Shield and Fleet in this matchup with Second Wind, and try to survive the early laning phase. You can really easily bait a bad Aurora into using her abilities by faking going for a cs. Once they're down you can look for a trade with Fleet and then back out. Similar to other ranged matchups, just look to not get chunked on their first crash, and then you can trade on the bounce back into them. Rush Trinity.”
Anoying bro5 says “This match up is Fiora favored. Both champions scale into late game but Fiora should win lane phase as cooldowns/damage/mobility is higher. Try to avoid Aurora Q1 spell by walking but if you can not, then try to dodge while Qing to a vital. Once you close this gap immediately look to E slow. Once you close the gap predict Auora to E dash back, which you can aim to riposte to negate the slow, and potentially slow Aurora further.”
Skaarlschloch says “After nerfs Aurora is winning matchup for Xin again.
You go Full Aggro Ignite Dblade
E-Start and perma trade with her
Go Maw/Eclipse into high dmg build so you can always oneshot her”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about fighting her whenever she misses q, it's rly simple if u don't dodge the q u will lose the trade. I advise Conqueror + Dshield start into dmg components.”
zwartebliksem says “Kled is one of the few champions who can counter Aurora top, do to his ability to stick to her and reveal her while invisible. Aurora will attempt to poke you a lot pre 6, but her abilities are rather easy to sidestep. Buy boots early and look for a kill from level 3-5. Once she reaches level 6 the lane becomes much harder, because of her overflowing amount of escape tools. Try to keep you ult and use it when her ult ends.”
Skaarlschloch says “One of the better Ranged Champs into Sejuani. She has such insane early damage, that its hard to survive to 6 unpunished vs a good aurora player. Idk if Tank is good vs her further testing needed. If you survive fine till 6 you should be gucci”
Demonsedge90 says “Aurora can poke you down pretty quick due to her low cooldowns making it really hard to fight her. With her ability to hide in stealth, this potentially makes it difficult to land facebreaker. Patience goes along way in this matchup and having doran's shield to sustain will help soften the blows you incur. Just be mindful of her positioning and make sure to have haymaker or showstopper at the ready in case she decides to active between worlds (her ultimate) to trap you.”
ABL Pantheon says “Didn't play the matchup enough but, dodge her Q and the Q that returns. Engage with W only when her W is on cooldown. Side step her E and avoid leaving her Ultimate when she uses it.”
IvanBeifong says “Not a lot of experience in this matchup, but she doesn't deal a lot of damage, so you outheal her, because she's ranged, 3 points in Q works well too in here.
Her ult is really good.”
Belle19 says “(aurora top) another akshan type ranged top laner fleet sustain cancer poke ungankable perma under your tower champ. if she steps up once you have stride you can easily run her down though. Keep in mind she doesn't actually have any cc”
Smudey says “They pulled the typical Riot move of releasing a completely overloaded and overpowered champion. Probably has the strongest poking and is able to constantly hit you under and even behind your tower without drawing aggro for whatever reason, while also being super mobile and tanky with fleet footwork. My current go-to ban for Top and Mid lane until they nerf the hell out of her because this champion is NOT ok.”
Frankoloko says “Care for her poke. Never take a tower shot vs her because she can lock you down under the tower. As Morde your R is your only chance for a kill so play it well.”
AGGaming says “With a %max health ability, an unstoppable, and a plethora of dashes, she is an incredibly hard matchup that scales lategame. you're fucked.”
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