As a Support 49.8% Win Rate99% Pick RateLeona As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Leona as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Neiri says “Spacing wins games. Use your E's bonus movement speed that lasts for 7 seconds to your advantage.”
Zileanaire says “CC = death. Look up CC in the dictionary and you will see a picture of Leona. If she hits your ADC you have a chance to counter cc the enemy ADC. If she hits you, hopefully you get 0.02 of a second spare to ult yourself. Try to position yourself so she can't freely engage. ”
EchoesFromDADeep says “Leona is very hard to play against. Her E will position her behind you which makes it impossible to use your Q to escape. The only option is to re-engage when possible but that is also very hard. Make sure you initiate in this lane.”
JVS8 says “Against Leona, it's a skill matchup, but you have several ways to counter her. Make sure to take Guardian and Unflinching for added protection. Leona's E always makes her land or appear behind her target, so use this to your advantage. Stand close to a wall and use your Q backwards into the wall when she uses her E on you. This will guarantee a stun before she can use her Q, putting her in a bad position and giving you the upper hand in the trade.
Kalakaua says “Leona matchup actually depends on your ally marksman, if you have someone who can follow the fight then Leona going in on you is a good thing. You want it to happen pretty much.
But if you have someone weak early then probably not a good time.”
mUI0g says “Her engage is extremely strong. If she catches you with EQ combo - just try to all-in and die and hope that your ADC trades a kill.
Her ult is also a long range engage tool that is strong against low mobility champions like Xerath.”
Smaugyon says “respect her laning power she does a lot of damage but if she misses her engage she cant touch you. In mid/late game you play at the max of her range anyway so she wont be able to engage with her dash”
Aerenax says “Leona is very hard to play against. Her E will position her behind you which makes it impossible to use your Q to escape. The only option is to re-engage when possible but that is also very hard. Make sure you initiate in this lane.”
zSharpFire says “This is a skill matchup that tends to Leona. Spacing is everything against her: you should try to be near enough to damage her and far enough to not get CC'd into oblivion. The only big problem is her E as it's a really easy to use gap closer. If you bully her out early you should be able to always keep her out of the game.”
Arctic Arrow says “Her primary goal will be to all-in your ADC, but with your crowd control and positioning, you can mitigate her impact. Use your E to either stun her or displace her, disrupting her attempts to engage. Focus on protecting your ADC and ensuring Leona's engages are ineffective.
As long as you maintain good positioning and use your crowd control effectively, Leona’s impact in lane can be minimized.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Leona can quickly close in on Senna, and with her crowd control chains, can neutralize Senna's ability to fight from a distance.”
The Stabbio says “She's pretty tough to be around. In lane, just poke with Q->Q->E then leave with W. Also, you can play with Q->Q and right as you go into them, W to another thing or champion ideally. That makes them waste a spell and you can engage.”
SighKek says “When enemy team pushes close to your tower, try to get Leona to E you. Once the E animation hits you, you can cast your E to dash towards your tower and Leona will follow you under it.
It's pretty hillarious and mid/low elo Leona's wont be expecting the outplay. ”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Its fine dying in lane this matchup.
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. Only issue about Leona is that you lose every all in lvls1,2,3,6 as she has Alistar ultimate on 10 seconds CD W skill.
Zone her. Peel. Dont fight as she will win most of all ins. Care of her 2 seconds Q stun and passive damage early. Can W her under tower but she probably will live because of Alistar ult on W.”
TLK__________ says “if she hits u maybe u die, but if u are faster with EQ u can survive, but listen care with his R, always take a finger in the flash vs she.”
Abarame says “Q her E and Ult her Ult. Its rly that simple. You do have to flash if shes focusing you instead of ur adc but peeling her off urs is really easy once u get the hang of her animations.”
TnDD says “Duvara yaslan. Sana E ile atladığında arkana Q at. Böylece kendisi Q atamadan stun yer ve kaçabilirsin.
ayrıca maokai'ye karşı oynarken yapacağın şeyleri leona'ya da yapabilirsin. Meta sebebiyle güçlü bir şampiyon yoksa zorluk olarak 1'e koyardım.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “She will always try to all in your adc(or you although it will be weird) so if you just play for peel she wont be doing much since your E can either stun them or just send them flying away and she cant do much about it. Just play for peel and this matchup wont be really a problem”
Foxirion says “Leona’s high crowd control and tankiness can be challenging for Nautilus, but Nautilus’ own crowd control can effectively lock her down.”
Foxirion says “Leona's crowd control and engage potential can make it challenging for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and disengage tools can help him navigate Leona's engages and disrupt her in fights.”
The Stabbio says “Very tough matchup. I found that you can use E-Q when she tries to E, so learn her patterns and try to predict the speed of the E. Another thing you can do is E-W on your teammate if he gets E'd by Leona.”
glimppi says “Leona is very tanky against your boxes with her shield. She might be hard to kill, but she can't really engage if you set defensive boxes. Poke the enemy ADC.”
Cyndakyu says “morgana is best against single target hookers, its free as long as you save your black shield for their hook and shield the right person - they only win if they outroam you, so be aware of the map and ping your laners!”
schizoslvt says “My favorite matchup.
You can either try to bait her into your e meaning when she casts e the moment she hits it you have a small window to cast your e and make her travel the map from nexus to nexus leading into a kill or a heavy trade for her.if she ults your adc cast q and wait till she E's it so you can hook her away from your adc”
Velkyann says “Extremely strong engage support with a very long stun-lock. Be careful of her E and early game. You can't fight Leona before level 6 because if you get close, she can stun you unless she has already used her abilities. Beware that her Q has a very low cooldown.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Takes the need to engage from you, but still has a lot of lockdown. Pre 6 is quite punishable, post 6 take care as she can engage from a half a screen away. She can dish out a lot of damage due to her passive, so don't go too ham”
Sinyora says “Leona doesn't have enough magic damage to break our E) Black Shield therefore making her entire kit useless. Then you can just bind her!”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Leona's W has a delay before it deals damage, so once she activates use your W or E to avoid its damage.
When she uses her R, get out of the center of the circle and you will only be slowed instead of stunned.”
Nekuteru says “Tanks are big no no for laning phase against you, you want squishy enemies that you can evaporate with 3 keys. ( Also if you get hooked, you're basically ADC level tank )”
Cyndakyu says “hold your tornado for leona's e
as soon as you see her throw it out you can double tap q to stop her dash
be careful if she has flash (AND HEXFLASH), esp after level 6, since this means she can just flash q auto r”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “She can jump on you and stun you. She's tanky. We hate her, and be careful of hopping off.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Whoever said Leona was an easy matchup is a liar (unless you know how to deal with her then please tell me). She has a ton of CC from level 1 and is super tanky in regards to her armor and MR. Try to take Leona's CC for your ADC, and focus killing enemy ADC. Ganks are much appreciated, but for the most part play it safe.
Nazebroq says “If she focuses you --> you'll win. If she focuses your adc peel him, disengage, in the long run you will win the trade. You have to focus the adc enemy not her. ”
quecck says “Whoever said Leona was an easy matchup is a liar (unless you know how to deal with her then please tell me).
She has a ton of cc from level 1 and is super tanky in regards to her armor and mr. You should probably take evenshroud here. Try to take Leona's CC for your ADC, and focus killing enemy ADC. Ganks are much appreciated, but for the most part play it safe.”
TheSkyLrd says “She can be very strong if she only focuses on you, but if she doesn't or if you have good positioning, she will lose lane easily 8/10 times.”
Razing42 says “Really strong engage support, you can deny her engage by flaying her away when she casts E.
You should always take E level 1 against her so you're safe in case she gets the level two powerspike first.”
Aerenax says “Leona is another melee matchup that is super winnable. When she engage on you with her E, keep in mind she lands behind you. Start auto attacking her to start proccing your passive or turn onto her adc and proc your passive on him. When she engages on your adc, start peeling your adc by using your E and standing in between your adc and her adc. ”
KaiNRJ says “Early game ok, but lots of annoying cc. Just poke and pressure early. When she has lots of cdr her Q becomes your living hell. Stay away from her in fights.”
Ryecheria says “Poke out Leona early so she can't engage. When she goes in, look to root her or root enemy carry if they are too close. You could look to Renewal to heal and not get one shot. Utilize your shields for your team to dodge her abilities and cc her when she goes in.
Similar to Pyke.
Rush Mikaels”
Fenreee says “Leona players aren't very smart and will most likely target you. If you get hit by her impale, just E her and time it so your E connects with her the moment her character starts dashing towards you. The impale itself is only a root so you can E while she is dashing. Do this correctly and you avoid her stun while she will be miles away from you. If she is dumb enough to ult you, just dodge with Q and then E her the same way.”
mazewalk says “Thats a classic one. You can deny her E animation with your flay and she can deny your engage with Q. During teamfights she will try to stick to your carry so deny her such opportunity by flaying her away or throwing lantern if she engages with ult.”
TheBougis says “Leona can be very strong even in a 1v2 if she has good augments.
She may lack damage as she is a tank but she has incredible cc chains.
Leona takes plants very fast so try to deny them from her.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Leona, the Radiant Dawn, is indeed a major match against Soraka, the Starchild. There are several reasons why Leona has a significant advantage in this matchup, both in terms of laning phase and team fights. Let's delve into the details:
Crowd Control (CC): Leona is known for her extensive crowd control abilities. She possesses multiple forms of hard crowd control, including her passive, Sunlight, and her three basic abilities: Shield of Daybreak (Q), Eclipse (W), and Zenith Blade (E). This abundance of crowd control can easily lock down Soraka, preventing her from healing or using her abilities effectively.
Engage Potential: Leona's engage potential is unmatched, especially when compared to Soraka's lack of mobility or hard engage tools. Leona's Zenith Blade allows her to dash to an enemy champion, stunning them with her Q (Shield of Daybreak), and following up with additional damage. This combination of mobility and crowd control can catch Soraka off guard, making it difficult for her to escape or respond effectively.
Burst Damage: Leona's burst damage potential is significant, especially during the early and mid-game stages. When Leona lands her full combo, including her passive-enhanced auto-attacks, Shield of Daybreak, and Eclipse, it can quickly burst down Soraka's relatively squishy health pool. This burst damage can catch Soraka players off guard, forcing them to play defensively or risk being eliminated.
Disruption and Zone Control: Leona's presence in team fights can be disruptive to Soraka's healing and positioning. Her ultimate ability, Solar Flare (R), is a massive AoE crowd control ability that can stun multiple enemies, including Soraka, and significantly disrupt the enemy team's coordination. Additionally, Leona's presence in fights creates a zone of threat, forcing Soraka to position more defensively and limiting her ability to freely move around and heal her allies.
Itemization and Counterplay: Leona's itemization options can further solidify her advantage against Soraka. She can opt for items like Knight's Vow or Thornmail, which not only provide additional durability but also offer grievous wounds, reducing Soraka's healing effectiveness. This itemization choice can significantly limit Soraka's impact in team fights and make it harder for her to sustain her allies.
Lane Pressure: Leona exerts immense lane pressure due to her tankiness and crowd control. Soraka, on the other hand, relies on her sustain and healing abilities to keep her lane partner healthy. However, Leona's all-in potential and ability to lock down targets make it challenging for Soraka to heal efficiently and trade effectively. Leona can exploit this weakness by engaging on Soraka or her ADC, potentially securing kills or forcing them out of lane.
In conclusion, Leona's combination of crowd control, engage potential, burst damage, disruption, and itemization options make her a major threat to Soraka in both laning phase and team fights. She can effectively shut down Soraka's healing and control the pace of the game, making her an excellent counterpick against the Starchild.”
ohsuko says “Leona WILL punish you for even breathing. She has insane CC. Her hook locks you in place, she can follow up with her Q. Also she can also use R to block your mobility. ”
Rebaulten says “This can be super difficult if leona is very good. Look to outspace and dodge abilities with fox fire and chip away health. Charm target should always be ADC as she engages.”
jmp_01_ says “Very tanky champion with high base stats. Just like with other tank supports, you need to be careful which trades you wanna take. She has more damage and tankiness. Rather than engaging, you should try to keep her away from your ADC since she can literally CC-lock him till he's dead. Take Aftershock.”
Chekk says “Try to poke her as much as possible so she doesn't go in with her E but stay close to your own minions, don't go too far out your own lane. If she goes in with E try to Q her adc and use your E on yourself, as your adc probably escapes or is stunned, to deal damage to either break off the engage or get the adc low on health or killed. After Leonas combo she can't do much and she is very team dependent. Try Electrocute against Leona and play aggressively but beware of her level 2 E+Q rush.”
Lunar Empress says “Even when she engages you can just Howling Gale her all-in and she won't stun the enemy. Just make sure to do it while the animation is happening where she is pulling herself either towards you or a teammate. You can poke her all day. Really easy to lane against. Go Glacial here.”
mazewalk says “Basic Engager/Engager matchup, play around cds and wait for an opening or a gank. Try baiting her E, by standing on the edge of its range.
Q cd is always 5.
E cd = 12/10.5/9/7.5/6.”
JWhizz says “Yuumi can struggle into hard engage supports, it can be hard to poke them out and your ADC may get pressured off CS. As her Qs do less damage to targets that are closer it can be hard to contest early levels.”
RobinValentine1 says “You have no way to prevent anything he wants to do to you or your carry. Pick another champ. Otherwise get guardian max e to minimize lane losses.
You hard win level one. Don't let her near minions, press for level 2 advantage and bully her out before she can get level 2 and dominate lane. If she whiff's E at level 2, you still have a chance to push her out of lane. If you haven't done so by level 3 refer to Pyke, Amumu, or Naut.”
Lurs says “Whoever goes in first loses. It's like this for most engage supports. If you dash in first they will cancel your knock up. If they dash in first your peeling can counter them really well.”
itstsuk3 says “Take Glacial. Skill Match up to be honest. Use W before she Qs you to Tank some damage. Punish her when the Stun is over. If you keep winning trades you win lane.”
Aerenax says “Leona is another melee matchup that is super winnable. When she engage on you with her E, keep in mind she lands behinid you. When near your tower you can do some fun things with that. When she engages on your adc, start peeling your adc by using your combo. ”
Wounds2 says “Leona can't E if you W her. If her team has enough damage, you could get one shot if she chain cc's you. Also, she is one of the few melee supports that you can't buffer your fling on. You can't really fling her into your adc for a trade, since she is tankier than you and her Q cooldown is very short.
In extended teamfights, you are more useful than she is.”
Cyclic says “Not quite as bad as the other hook champs since she goes into you but she still has long-range pick potential with her ult. A lot of senna players tend to have difficulty with this matchup so I highly recommend taking cleanse as your secondary summoner spell to counter her ult engage post 6. Make sure to punish her and her ADC off the wave as much as possible level 1 before she gets her Q and E to use”
ZharMeny says “She has better early and generally wins laning phase against you, hes Q has very low cooldown even early. As the game goes on you will outscale her, play safe early and try getting level 6 faster and going for an All-In. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
xayahh says “let me make this clear - any of the champs with a grab are gonna be a stick up your ass. not fun. you outrange leona, so poke as much as you can, don't stop moving, be careful with ult. not as bad as the other grab champs because you outrange her and can play around her.”
Miraihi says “Leona and most of other engage supports are a bit too hard to poke out of the lane. But, I guess, she the worst one due to her ult and the fact that her E ignores the minions.”
Toches says “good early game damage
but you just stomp her the second lvl 3 happens
be prepared for her to start roaming once you get lvl 4, as she has no real hope of winning without ganks anymore.”
iveye says “Leona is a strong engage support that can often bully early but if you time your E with hers it could be similar to canceling Alistar's combo. Even with a good roam timer or opportunity for a roam, leaving your carry in a 1v2 with Leona could make him lose all priority in lane and likely dived upon.”
mellorwastaken says “Right now shes not really good, you just need to not egage first and bait her E out, like amumu, you can bring her into your tower with your E. Ofc this matchup depends on adcs a lot, but if its even matchup, you have slight advantage in lane. Always go unflinching.”
WhiteLotus says “She can all in you lvl 1 if you run straight into her face. So poke her and try to make a distance to her or make her go in while her ADC is far away from her at lvl 1. Respect her Tankiness at lvl 3 with her W. At all, stay out of her E range or Bait it out, so she is uselees for the next seconds.”
T1vladimir says “Stay out of the fight if you’re marked by her abilities. Engage her when WTips is down. Try to get to Lvl.2 before she does. Keep your distance after Lvl.2 since she can all-in with ETips + QTips. Vulnerable upon using ETips without her teammates. Poke her after she uses ETips. Keep the wave on your side since she has no other means of escape other than ETips if she turret-dives with it. She has good roam potential so make sure inform your team if she is missing on the map.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “She has a lot of CC. Cooldown times are also quite short. If your ADc partner is not well, will be caught and die constantly. The only thing Ahri can do in this scenario is to constantly dismantle her with Charm without getting much CC.”
Sorakas says “Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Take advantage of Soraka's strong level 1 by starting with Q for effective poke. After level 1, Leona can be very dangerous, especially when paired with ADCs like Draven, Lucian, or Tristana, who can easily follow up on her engage. In these cases, suggest that your ADC takes Cleanse while you take Exhaust; this reduces the impact of Leona’s engage and lessens the burst damage from aggressive ADCs.
If your ADC has Cleanse, play safely and poke only if Leona misses her E. However, if they don’t have Cleanse, rush Mikael’s Blessing to cleanse Leona's crowd control, and keep yourself well-positioned to support your ADC without overextending.”
SighKek says “When Leona targets you with her E, you can use your E and it will drag her to wherever you end up.
Try to bait her to use E on you when you're close to your tower and you'll pull her into it. Keep moving towards the tower as sometimes you'll get your stun off, and try to make sure your Q isnt on cooldown when you do this move so that it's up to pull her back into tower when she tries to get away. ”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Winnable pre-6 but lose all your agency whenever she has ultimate up. Janna wins engagers because she's too fast to get hit by hooks and she cancels almost every dash engage. But when it comes to Leona there's just nothing you can do except rush Mikael's, play Glacial and hope she's bad. With that said, you have an obnoxious amount of pressure into Leona pre-6, and with Glacial being pretty decent in lane, you can very often make her go just behind enough to not realise how big of a threat she can pose. You can block her E with your Q as its a cancellable dash, however it places her behind you which means if you do it too slowly she may be in range to stun you after your knockup. Getting the timing right and cancelling it in time is key and buying boots early is also strong.”
Roltu says “Quizas tu peor encounter como personaje engage ya que tiene mejor iniciación y tiene 3 stuns que pueden dejar a tu adc como papa molida, busca el momento perfecto para cancelar su E con la tuya y haz que tu adc se retire del duelo”
zotet says “Leona is a mediocre opponent against Senna due to her close ranged kit, her E's ability to get on you is very annoying but has medium range. Play ranged when she is present as her CC's are very strong.”
AASDHFV says “Leona is very powerful against Zilean because you can't stop her in her combo. If you or your ADC get stunned, your goal is to double bomb the enemy adc.”
Ablano says “with this champ you can not really hide behind minions as she ignores them, really be careful when she is lvl 6 as she can ult you from afar and them combo you with her q and e ”
OakuMarai says “One of the closest things Nami has to a counter. Take Guardian. If she's going to hit level 2 before you, back off and ping ADC to do the same. She can't do much to you if you're under your turret. Always respect her engage power and try to stun her ADC if she goes for you or yours.”
huirats says “Engage supports typically ban Morgana, and I tend to pick Annie when the enemy bans Morgana since they're kinda similar. Leona is especially annoying because of her combo, if she lands a stun on you, you're dead.”
PykEugeo says “Leona is among the tanks with the most cc, at the first levels it's easy to get the better of her. After level 5-6, she will take advantage of you, so make sure you already have 4-5-6 kills in lane before level 6, otherwise in mid / late game u will lose.
If you can't do something in lane, Let's roam in mid
Shouryuu Reppa says “Kabadtrip 'tong letse na 'to kapag nahuli ka ng first skill nya, yung tipong wala ka na magawa maliban na lang kung naka-cleanse ka, yun pwede pang makawala ka sa kanya sa iba pang bubugbog sa'yo pero good luck na lang kung ilang hp pa matitira sa'yo, buti kung magaling support mo, eh pa'no kung pulpol”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Leona as her level 2 all-in is very strong. In the bottom lane, this is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona’s roaming potential is much stronger than most Supports. If she is unable to kill the enemy in lane, she will look to roam. As soon as she leaves lane, make sure you ping your team and communicate that she is missing. With good wave management, you can make it very hard for Leona to engage. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you will make it impossible for her to engage with her Zenith Blade(E) without diving your Turret.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Leona as her level 2 all-in is very strong. In the bottom lane, this is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona’s roaming potential is much stronger than most Supports. If she is unable to kill the enemy in lane, she will look to roam. As soon as she leaves lane, make sure you ping your team and communicate that she is missing. With good wave management, you can make it very hard for Leona to engage. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you will make it impossible for her to engage with her Zenith Blade(E) without diving your Turret.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Leona as her level 2 all-in is very strong. In the bottom lane, this is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona’s roaming potential is much stronger than most Supports. If she is unable to kill the enemy in lane, she will look to roam. As soon as she leaves lane, make sure you ping your team and communicate that she is missing. With good wave management, you can make it very hard for Leona to engage. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you will make it impossible for her to engage with her Zenith Blade(E) without diving your Turret.”
aRhesty says “You can E her E. Impossible for her to engage on you or your ADC without ult, take cleanse if you're worried about her and another hard CC and she's legitimately useless into you. You will get 4 honors after game depending on how well you can destroy her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Leona as her level 2 all-in is very strong. In the bottom lane, this is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona’s roaming potential is much stronger than most Supports. If she is unable to kill the enemy in lane, she will look to roam. As soon as she leaves lane, make sure you ping your team and communicate that she is missing. With good wave management, you can make it very hard for Leona to engage. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you will make it impossible for her to engage with her Zenith Blade(E) without diving your Turret.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Leona as her level 2 all-in is very strong. In the bottom lane, this is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona’s roaming potential is much stronger than most Supports. If she is unable to kill the enemy in lane, she will look to roam. As soon as she leaves lane, make sure you ping your team and communicate that she is missing. With good wave management, you can make it very hard for Leona to engage. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you will make it impossible for her to engage with her Zenith Blade(E) without diving your Turret.”
M4DN355 says “Leona is extremely tanky, even early game, and has a TON of CC, denying Pyke of any attempts to engage. Even if she doesn't target Pyke, it's still very difficult to kill her with her W and tanky items, making her a big threat both early and late game.”
DamselOfDistress says “Be careful of her E and R!! Once a leona gets on top of you, it´s near impossible to stop her stun combo. Play safe and further back.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: Armor; Hard-Engage Champions are Taric's wet dream. If you're good at landing Stuns, she will never be able to successfully pull off a combo without losing at least 80 more HP than you or your ADC did. She does have Resistances upon engage in her W, so try not to trade too hard, as it does more damage than you'd think. Lategame you outscale her so long as you don't let her hit you with R.”
Coach Sollaw says “She can cancel your bump / tank your engage but she can't peel her AD. But if you go for her AD she can go on your's and turn the fight”
ShoDesu says “You hard win in this match up super hard pre 6. If you Q Leona's E, she can never engage on you. Match up gets a little hard post 6, as she can kill you with R. ”
Jageiko says “Leona is trickier than it seems. Her dash is the third most predictible in the game (Zac and Vi) but her E cd is slightly shorter than your W cd. In other words, if she spams E and hit it twice, she will stun. Go on her carry to avoid that and remain the one in control. W when she R you, it will cancel the dash even while you are stunned.”
ADDikt8 says “Hard engage champs are difficult for Nami since she is generally quite squishy. If you or your ADC do get engaged on, try your best to land your bubble on the enemy ADC to prevent further lane loss.”
Yoshiking123 says “Just run Guardian and you'll out-trade her if she decides to engage. Level 6 onwards though she can just roam around for picks with her ultimate. If she's paired with an aggressive ADC like Lucian/Draven it becomes more even though.”
GoldenCat says “:yuumiStinky: Leona can engage you through the wave, so try to bait out her Zenith Blade and then poke her out of lane with its long laning phase cooldown.”
babyyspace says “Any champ with a hook is a massive threat to Yuumi as it makes proccing your P and also escape very hard. Leona is able to hook you through minions unlike champions like thresh, Pyke etc. Always wait for them to use there hook before attempting to procc shield. Take E first against any champ with a hook they most often than not will get your ADC low before lvl 2, this gives you the sustain needed. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Typically if you engage vs Leona in lane, she will counter engage onto your ADC, and you usually lose that 2v2. However, you can play to peel against her, and in that way you can win.”
nanuj says “Nasty to play against, just try to sneak the ads when she doesn't pay attention. When she can engage directly to ur add then u lose the fight.”
MorBidMike says “not an issue. you have better sustain and equal ingage. she can pick better however if you are attentive, she does alright but not crazy.”
Touka1 says “Aslong your ADC has cleanse, Leona is not very useful champs and also you can rush Mikael after Moonstone to make her even more useless...!”
PrismaticShield says “The stun queen is very hard to deal with when she gets up close and personal. Her ability to never let you run away cant be dealt with with an exhaust, you simply have to focus the adc when you play her, and dodge her hook (and stun)”
FrostedSpark says “Dashing is her LVL 2 game as well as engage. Have your E ready and she's pretty useless. Only putting the dash champs in tiny to show how they've went from counter picks to no threat at all.”
crystalizinq says “Difficult to lock down but not impossible; position very safely and don't give her any easy ways in. Poking from a distance should be pretty easy. If you go even in lane you should be able to out scale.”
GrumpyKyuu says “Syndra will have a really hard time in lane against Leona. She has a huge amount of CC and can easily shut you down once she uses her E on you. I make sure to ban her most of the time.”
TurtleEpic says “Can flay her e engage but try not to walk up too far to get hit by her ult or q in melee range unless you are going to go for a good trade.”
spirit legacy says “Her early is pretty bad vs Brand. Its almost the same as Alistar. Try to buffer your E and stand in front of your adc when you're grouped. That way she'll E your adc and you can just throw your Q behind your adc to cc her. However in certain high burst matchups try to avoid her E in any case. Zhonya + Rylas is heavily adviced to rush here. ”
Challenger Project says “Pre 6 we should win every time we go into her ADC IF WE ARE the one who starts the fight. However after 6 flow of the lane changes as her Ult has way more range then we do. As her late game is superior to ours we should focus on helping other lanes a lot. ”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Leona is very easy to lane against if your ADC plays around your boxes correctly.
When Leona engages she is placed directly on the position of that target. This means you can stand on your own boxes which will fear her if she engages, letting you get out of melee range to avoid her stun.”
Sellorio says “You need to go in to poke but if you do she can grab you and hold you down while your face gets melted. A good leona means you either get destroyed or you have to play very defensively and you lose out on a lot of souls.”
LordZaneLP says “Take Glacial and try to stun her, maybe wait her combo and then stun her adc or her ,whatever you can safely hit. After lvl 4 you should win this matchup, but this depends on the adc matchup as well.”
Rissen says “Leona can counter with her gap closer and chain stun. [E-Q-R].
Try to burst her down when she has no [W] and try to create a window of engage when she already used her skills.”
Cordiall says “Leona isn't necessarily a threat to Braum, though she is a threat to his ADC. Leona's powerful enough to fight most early-game ADC's 1v1, so if you ignore her and try to let your ADC just fight her, they'll probably lose. And while you can block her E with yours, she'll just fly to you and walk past you. Your best bet in most fights against Leona is to throw a Q BEHIND you to try to tag Leo with it after she engages on you, then stand between your ADC and theirs with your E up so that you can both beat up Leona until you can disengage.”
nedxo says “if you cannot dodge or bait her E, you are probably already dead
Otherwise you can abuse her from afar and win bot easily,
be cautious once she has her R
!be ready to flash!”
Bella Starlily says “Leona is scary with her infinite cc. Consider Shurelyas and Mikaels against her and trade with her carefully, if she hits you with E you're most likely dead.”
hampenguin says “Both supps will fuck over the other ADC, but Leona has more CC so your ADC will probably die sooner, but when they don't die you are WAY stronger.”
Eu como Miilena says “Tome cuidado com a ult e o E dela. Nos level 1 voce tem total vantagem sobre ela voce pode até pokear ela com seu auto ataque, se ela acertar você com o E use R+Q e seu W nela e tente se distancia dela com seu E ela é obrigada a recuar se não é estunada. o alcance dela é pequeno então pokear ela é algo muito fácil. ela tem grande quantidade de resistência então não foque ela, foque sempre o adc.”
PrismaticShield says “The cancer of bot lane is a hard matchup for pyke. You CAN escape her stuns but that means you have to keep everything to get out and you therefore cant really engage with a clear mind. Avoid her at all cost (BAN!)”
SunnySneezer says “You can poke her in early and stack your support item but the ADC's will decide the kill pressure you have in bot also the longer the game goes she gets tankier then with her ult you just can't approach her.”
Ionia King says “The only way leona will win against you in lane is if she focuses you and your adc can't win against the enemy adc. If she jumps on your adc you can cc her adc and leap back to your adc to give him a shield and help kill her.”
DtNikk says “Leona can be dangerous. Whenever she engages silence her and move away. Shurelyas and Locked are good in this matchup, for the MS and Shield respectively. Both support items are good on this matchup.”
ColJaraka says “Leona is another tank with cc, but she has lots of tools in her kit which she can use to get her teammates to safety or start an engage. Banning her would be a good option.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Leona is very similar to Rell and is very tanky. She can do what you do, but in different ways. She can be trouble to deal with because she has a lot of crowd control and if you get crowd controlled at the wrong time, you are a sitting tanky duck who can't help your teammates.”
TheFoolhardy says “Better player wins. She does basically everything you do but her E goes through minions, her W makes her take way less damage and her Q stuns you. A rather difficult but fun match-up!”
Nozul says “Mesma situação dos que estão nesse nível: alto engage, 3 skills que dão controle de grupo, alta resistência. Se você se posicionar mal, você morre no combo que ela pode dar. Jogue recuado. É interessante você comprar Mikael para aliviar um pouco o jogo do teu time.”
TheBlueImperial says “Leona is a very strong engage support but Rell can very easily shut down her E, you can make your carry almost untouchable to her even if she lands her R on them. Do not roam against her though, leaving your carry is a very bad idea against her.”
HypoTheAced says “Simply put once Leona gets on you and her ADC is not completly uncapable of following up, you are done for. Especially after she gets level 6.”
beefyylol says “Even with Unflinching, you are still very vulnerable to dying early to Leona. But, once you escape laning phase, she becomes extremely useless compared to you.”
PumpkinMatters says “Quem iniciar primeiro, morre. É basicamente isso a briga Leona e Rell. Quando a iniciação começa, normalmente a vantagem é nossa, mas se você não respeitar o monstro que Leona é, o jogo acaba ”
18thcaliber says “Leona's cc makes her almost unpunishable in lane. Try to roam for kills and pray your adc doesn't fall victim to her whilst you're gone.”
pHreekaz says “You shouldn't have too much trouble with her. Keep you distance and focus the ADC. if she engages try to use your E or go all-in into the ADC.”
chiri51 says “She's basically you but with a stronger level 2, you should watch out for that. Besides that most of the laning phase is keeping her off your adc or engaging on hers. ”
PumpkinMatters says “Who engages first, dies. That's basically it the matchup Leona x Rell. When the engage starts, normally we have the advantage, but if you don't respect the monster Leona is, the game is over”
bive says “Punish lvl 1. Harass with level advantage. Avoid when even lvl or lvl 6 onwards. If leona dashes in often you can call jungler to gank. Pull the minion wave near your tower so leona can't engage. Her ult cd is 1 min 30s.”
Thomback says “Leona is a nightmare to play against. You are not able to poke her or her adc without taking deadly risks. When she uses her E, you can't use yours to escape or engage, you're stuck.”
a8qoyrl says “She'll likely be like you, taking Glacial augment. Be weary of that, since what you do to the enemy carry, she can do to yours! This boils down to a skill matchup.”
KalelPeique says “Cuidado Leona é um suporte muito forte no early game, jogar contra ela é realmente muito complicado, tenta focar o adc na maioria das vezes, tirando o adc da luta, é so matar ela.
Beware Leona is a very strong supporter in the early game, playing against her is really very complicated, tries to focus the adc most of the time, taking the adc out of the fight is easier, so when only her is left, KILL”
SirCaptFair says “Just poke with q early to prevent her from engaging on your ads. and if she e's on your adc just w the opponent ADC and e back. As soon as you get mercs she not a threat. ”
Discord231 says “A Leona no la considero un gran peligro pues, en las team fights le ganas, el problemas es que en early, sobre todo antes de tu nivel 6, no puedes ganarle un tradeo largo, y si tu adc se emociona es kill enemiga segura. Juega a respuesta, si tu inicias, ella fácilmente se tirara a tu adc, pero si ella inicia, tu puedes mitigar daño a tu adc, y llegar al de ella. ”
revu says “[ENGAGE]
It depends on how good Leona is playing. If she allows you to chunk her down to half-hp lvl1 you are good. Otherwise, respect her lvl2 spike and the fact that she can engage on you through minion wave. Generally if you are playing against tank/engage supports you want to help your adc gain a push priority by constantly attacking the wave or enemy laners, use created space to establish deep vision against enemy jungler and back off whenever needed.”
Ms_Clair says “Leona is countered by janna. A good janna is able to use q to cancel the distance gained from leona's E ability, negating her engage. Leona can only pose a threat at level 6 where she's able to cc from afar OR if she flashing on top of you. ”
GuanaTv says “Contra Leona, Thresh consegue impedi-la de iniciar em seu carregador, protegendo-o e re-iniciando a luta contra o time inimigo.
(Against Leona, Thresh manages to stop her from starting on your carry, protecting it and restarting the fight against the enemy team.)”
beeinthefranxx says “Dodge those q's MAWMA. Make sure youre safe when her q is up and when you know her ult is up level six. Poking Leona is fun, but getting cc;s for the durration of an Ashe arrow isnt. Playable matchup if you can get her ability timings good and dodge well.”
Gobomo says “Fuck Leona. Take advantage of her lack of engage Level 1, and try to zone her off from minions without letting her auto you to stun you. Ideally, your ADC can hit level 2 first, and you can get an early kill or at the very least poke her out enough to not want to engage. ”
Cr1ms0n136 says “Her engage is strong but its avoidable if you e yourself or your adc before her e hits. Stand back in lane and dont unnecessarily step up.”
neuroplasticity says “Tough matchup, Guardian is your best bet.
You want to play as aggressive as possible lvl 1 to generate a health advantage. From lvl 2 onwards you have to respect her engage with Zenith Blade (875 range).
You can win all in's if you managed to Pole the enemy ADC significantly early on but should look to freeze the wave just outside tower range early on since it leaves Leona with no angle to engage.
Look to bubble the ADC if she initiates onto yours.
Shurelya's, Redemption and Mikael's Blessing can all be reasonable items to counteract Leona's lockdown combo depending on teamcomp.
Flash her ult if necessary. As long as you don't get hit yourself you can disengage with your own ult.
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).”
Mooncurve says “flay her E if she hits it ( mechanics lel ), keep her away from your adc and you will probably win the skirmish ( unless their adc is more fed / has more dps than yours, retreat if it is ). Care her 6 powerspike as well, your ad might need to bring Cleanse if necessary”
yaemitskiuwu says “Leona is a better engage support than Thresh but Leona can't play passively. Always be mindful of Leona's skill cooldown and do not give her space. Her CC is insane and you don't wanna get hit by any of those or else you'll die asap. ”
gweh says “You win this matchup, you stealing armor is nice, Autoing her with her W active and aftershock up is nice. Like usual engage support matchups whoever goes in first tends to lose but you can win more often in this one than with alistar ”
Mr buckets says “Make sure to go Guardian and unflinching vs Leona, it's a skill matchup but you have many ways to counter her, her E will always make her land/appear behind her target, you can use this info to your advantage, stand close to a wall and use your q backwards into the wall when she uses her E on you, this will guarantee a stun before she can use her Q on you, now she is in a bad position and you should win the trade.”
eiensiei says “Poke her as much as you can early on. Save your Q and use it when she tries to E (her E passes through minions) you or your bot laner. You'll die if you get hit by her R, so expect it and dodge it at all costs.”
Dotje says “Try to hit level 2 before she does, or keep your distance. Don’t hesitate to AA her if she’s going for relic shield stacks and when her E is on cooldown. If her adc is not in range to follow up on her engage make sure to punish her and maybe even kill her. If her adc is in range, try and cc the adc so he can’t follow up. Her ultimate cooldown is only 90 sec level 1, be careful of her kill pressure.”
Doglightning says “the trick is timing W. as shes going in with E stealth at last second as shes about to auto stun you and walk back and root. Also if you are minion she cannot E you”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Try not to roam when Leona has her ult, she is very good at turret-diving and can easily tank 3-4 tower shots, you can kill her by using Gold card if she dives while you're around though. She's my go-to ban.”
Terroronyou says “Before she hits 6, you need to have 'won' the lane (should be easily possible). When she hits 6 and lands a full combo on you, pray your ad is good or have flash!”
PicklePantsLOL says “Don’t push the wave during the early game unless you’re about to crash it and recall. This will prevent Leona from all-in’ing you easily and will force her to take at least a few tower shots if she does go for an all-in.
If you have any form of mobility spell in your kit, make it a point to buffer it if you know that Leona’s E is about to hit you. Use the spell to move under your tower if possible as this will bring Leona under the tower and make her take turret aggro as well.
Once she gets her level six, she can tower dive quite easily with her Jungler and her ADC. Try not to stay around with extremely low HP as you will most probably get killed this way.
During team fights, Leona will try to CC the highest priority target with her Ultimate R. She may use her E on your frontline so that she gets in range of your backline so make sure to space away from her and not get hit by the center of her Ultimate. She will also rely on picks with her team so try to stick with your team as much as you can.”
Doglightning says “Barrier/cleanse. You literally cannot do anything. Before 6 if you get hit by e you will die. after 6 leona can ult where you ulted from making using zoe ult an instant death. Wouldn't choose zoe into this matchup”
Aerenax says “Leona is one of those hard engage supports that create some difficulties in laning phase. Play around her E and R and be very patient in lane, because you will outshine her in teamfights if you play it correctly.”
eiensiei says “Poke her as much as you can early on. After level 2, bait her E before going to poke. You'll die if you get hit by her R, so expect it and dodge it at all costs. Relic match-up. ”
warmfishu says “Wait until she has used her Zenith Blade (E) and is out of melee range as she can stunlock you and reset W multiple times. Watch out for her Solar Flare (R) also.”
iKonek says “Flay her mid-air when she uses her Zenith Blade (E). If she can't get close to stun you, she's useless. If you're too low to risk an engage, always be ready to peel from her stun.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Surprise! This matchup is fairly simple! If you can time her E dash, interrupting it with your satchel can deny most of her engage. As long as you don't get stunned by her R, you can prevent any aggression she may attempt.
Get to lane first and get level 2 before she does. Don't fight an even 2v2 without poking her before she engages.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Level one and two, hog one side of the wall and stay near that side. If she engages, activate your plants to trade back with her. Play safe when your Flash is down. ”
LegendaryOstrich says “You can flay Leona's E so you can stand on your ADC in case she ever tries to go in always be prepared to flay. Lantern your ADC to safety if she tries to use her ult. Try to get poke down on her as much as possible since you are slightly ranged you can auto her.”
Korippo says “Leona has CC on nearly every single ability and her hook goes through minions, leaving there to be no real counterplay as Yuumi unless you play far back and/or extremely smart. I really hate dealing with her and I haven't found an ideal way to go against her yet. Her roaming around the map will also be really annoying, especially if she runs Mobility Boots to get around for objectives as well.”
Flackojodye says “Unlike most hook champions, leona can engage you through minions and plants, with her E and R. be careful and respect her, also ping your mid and jungle when she backs and or roams.”
Distinger says “This matchup is personal preference. If you know how to play it out this can even be a level 1 difficulty.
All Leona players go berserk once they reach level 2, so you can start E level 1 to guarantee you have it if you don't get level 2 first.
Everytime she E's on you, just E backwards and she'll come with you and also be stunned, then just Q her into tower and she'll be dead.
You can take Aftershock if you have problems with her.”
Arcurath says “The amount of cc she has is insane. Play safe until level 6 or you die if she hits an E.
You outscale very hard speeding allies to juke her E or R later so she cant engage.
Her roams are decent tho.”
0Banda says “ Leona is kinda useless against you, you can easily dodge her E with your W, or E if your ADC is close enough to you, same with her R, so be careful in wasting your cooldowns , and play safe if you are waiting for cooldowns
Against Leona go your normal build, and take Unflinching in your runes, just in case, but if you like going Revitalize then there is no problem”
SlippStream says “Similarly to hook champions, Leona is scary because she can close gaps very quickly. Play behind your ADC to make her take dangerous Q's.”
Hanjaro says “Her all in damage is scary, and she is unexpectedly tanky, even at level 1. Avoid her engages, and poke her down as much as you can. Keeping her low is the most important thing you need to do.”
Xexzuz says “Leona is probably the only CC support champ I hate playing against as morgana, she has many forms of CC so your Black Shield really wont save you often times. But if you can punish her early on for being so arggo then she will become irrelevant quickly.”
Luiscencias says “Bully the everloving crap out of this champion at level 1. Come to lane with your gloves on and then take them right off as soon as she hits level 2. Then you have to RESPECT her all-in and look for any safe opportunities to poke. Focus her ADC down at level 6, but don't let her run all over yours. ”
Hanjaro says “Leona has good range on her engage, coupled with a root, and a stun, along with good damage at low levels, and enough tankiness on her W to survive through your burst.
Stay at max range, peel your ADC!”
Hanjaro says “Yuumi is extremely weak when it comes to all-in engage, she hasn't got much peel and if she detaches, she will be bursted down - it's very hard for her to keep her ADC alive when she gets engaged on.”
lenithebot says “If Leona engages you can q then w her back away from her ADC or w her away from you and your adc. At level 6 you have a cleanse so it will be even easier to deal with her then. Since it is engage vs engage whoever engages first loses so try and look for roams. If you cant roam ask for a gank.”
AlysseaFaceUp says “She's a lot of engage, and his W gives her a lot of Magic Resist, so if she engages you, you'll deal her no damage.
You'll have to Max your W for Damaging her on time and try to bait her E.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Against Leona you want to use your Ultimate defensively, Instead of using W to tank damage from an engaging Leona, you use it to avoid Leona's engage. Poking Leona when possible to avoid her engaging is also suggested.”
Deathbat1 says “Despite being a take she is very out of meta right now so with your black shield you can stop a lot of her cc. Also liandry's will help you burn through her HP bar.”
Jowoey says “Pay attention to the 2v2. If she has a Samira (or any aggressive ADC) for example it's almost never worth overextending trades because of how low her cooldowns are. You can kind of interrupt her E with your tornado but once she's level 6 it's tricky to play against Leona. Focus on trying to outroam her and surviving lane phase.”
Melyn says “Try to poke her from behind a big minion wave levels 1-2. Once she's level 3 (and especially 6), you can die very easily. Unless she's very low, try to turn on the enemy ADC if she engages on yours. Resolve secondary (see rune discussion) can help (and I run this).
Additionally, be aware of her in the mid/late game as she can pick you off very easily. Focus on counter engage instead of killing her, unless she is VERY low.”
Hanjaro says “She's tanky and has high damage, but she can't do much to you unless she has backup, intercept her dash/root and then counter her with your stun.”
Hanjaro says “Her all in damage is scary, and she is unexpectedly tanky, even at level 1. Avoid her engages, and poke her down as much as you can. Keeping her low is the most important thing you need to do. ”
Hanjaro says “Leona is pretty scary if she gets a combo off, she has a lot of CC and a lot of damage. Try to dodge her abilities, and do your best to peel your ADC if she manages an all-in.”
Biotic says “You have to always respect her E range. Her amount of CC is brutal. She is a very scary Opponent paired up with a agressive Adc because every Leona E is a kill. After 6 you should win 2v2s. You outscale her hard.”
Hanjaro says “Leona has high damage, high base stats, and what feels like infinite CC. Don't get close to her when her engage tools are up, be careful of a flash all-in, poke her down when it's safe. One combo and you're dead!”
Lugos says “He gonna jump on you and cc lock you. Put your E under yourself when he engages so he cant use more skills on you. If he starts with R and then Q, and you couldnt dodge these skills you are most likely dead so always know where he is and position yourself safe.”
cozymoonzz says “take guardian and relic shield, also try to get lvl 2 prio so you dont die lvl 2. also save your E for when she gets on top of you or your adc, dont waste it to poke. ”
Biaze says “Her engage early game can get completely shut down by using Black shield (E), but later on she gets harder to deal with due to her defenses and chain cc capability ”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Extremely dangerous to play vs in lane, if she ever hits an E on you or your ADC prepare for the all in. I go with guardian and unflinching her engage is a little weaker and you may be able to turn on the enemy adc”
Skyzinho1775 says “I dont know why, people keep thinking Leona is hard to play against as Rakan. im going to give u a very cool trick, when leona engages on ur adc , u W to the enemy ADC sooooooo both u and leona cc'ed the ADC it means ur ADC dont do dmg to the other and same thing for her's.”
Guoblide says “Leona is a pretty easy matchup for Braum due to him being able to provide a lot of shielding and peel for his ADC when engaged on. Leona is a tanky Vanguard support who can play as an engage tank or as a peeler for her ADC. She spikes hard at Level 2 with access to her Zenith Blade engage, Level 3 where her Eclipse makes her insanely tanky, and Level 6 where her Solar Flare gives her engage and catch potential. In lane Braum should try and abuse his range advantage at Level 1 by poking Leona and her ADC with Winter's Bite. Since Leona has no mobility at Level 1 getting her and her ADC low and zoning them off of the minion wave should be easy. Try to get to Level 2 first and look for an engage option. Once Leona hits Level 2 her all-in potential becomes very scary. Try to play safe and stand near your ADC to defend them if Leona engages onto you with Zenith Blade. Unbreakable has a unique interaction with Zenith Blade. Since Zenith Blade counts as a projectile it will make Leona dash to Braum even if it hits another champion last due to Unbreakable redirecting projectiles. Leona is fairly easy to deal with if you make it so that Zenith Blade always dashes her to you because Leona has no other mobility tools making your ADC untouchable in lane. Leona continues to be force Braum to play defensive though up until Level 6 where Braum is able to peel and get picks easier with Glacial Fissure.”
Spection says “Very scary if she isn't properly respected. her CC potential is incredibly high and she can keep you locked out of the game for three seconds. Do not try to poke her and dodge her W. Taking E level 3 is pointless, as she will use all of her spells before engaging. ”
Granya says “You can't do much against her, since you don't have much movement speed, you can't even dodge her E. She can always flash Q/E/R you when you're out.”
SigtheOutcast says “hate her with a burning passion. Is an engage support that doesn't care about your entire wave of minions, your damage, or your turret because riot gave her 5 hand jobs, a million dollars, and an all-expense paid trip to freelo-land.”
DanNS12 says “Watch out for her Q + flash combo and R level 6 and zone/harass her level 1. Don't face-check bushes against Leona unless you have a death wish.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Barrier/cleanse. You literally cannot do anything. Before 6 if you get hit by e you will die. after 6 leona can ult where you ulted from making using zoe ult an instant death. Wouldn't choose zoe into this matchup
GregStein says “It should be your easiest matchup if you focus all your abilities and summoners on the adc not leona. You'll be fine as long as you land your Q aftershock will give you all the resistances you need in addition to tenacity runes.”
very hot says “Try to stay close in turret range because if Leona ever tries to engage, W her into your turret for free gold. Be warned though – Leona can be surprisingly tanky with Aftershock + her W. ”
Billehz says “You can counter her engage with your charm, letting you sometimes turn around the engage and get some free kills or sums out of it, but if she goes in when your charm is down you cannot really do much about her”
Jaori says “She is way too tanky to be prioritised. Whenever she goes in, do the same and go for the adc. Your damage is higher and you will do the same thing better, while keeping the enemy carry stunned. In 2v2s on bot lane, throw her out with explosive cask, or throw the enemy adc in.”
Nanelol says “Always have your Tornado (Q) ready when she has her E up, and keep in mind that she can ult you and follow that up with her E, dodge her Ultimate at all cost.”
Go Getter says “Leona is crazy strong and can stop your engages pretty whole heartedly and without much threat to herself. It's gonna be a dangerous staring contest with Leona.
Just focus more on peeling than engaging when she's around until you and your ADC get stronger.”
Xarmat says “Try to use your W to create a 2 vs 1 situation against Leona by zoning the enemy ADC. Don't forget to attack the same target as your ADC, don't split your damage on separate targets.”
knif says “Leona's an engage support, which is scary to a small, squishy little fish, but I find her somewhat easier to deal with than the other engage supports as she's somewhat less threatening if you take her ADC out of the picture. Don't be afraid to poke early and be somewhat aggressive, as having Leona or her laner chunked before a fight makes trades a lot easier.”
dragonmasterc says “Leona is a lot more outplayable given the simple reason that you can use Mikael's to cleanse her ultimate for any of your teammates. It's not as useful against her other CC because of their short cooldowns, but she is less scary in general.”
Hanjaro says “She's highly tanky, with a huge burst damage lockdown combo. Dodge her abilities, and poke her down enough so she cannot engage without the threat of being turned on. Watch out for her post 6 as her ult has a long range, and one combo can spell your death.”
Bardificer says “You have good peel, and her engage is telegraphed. Set your W on your carry, then use Q to slow her down. If you're 6, just ult your adc and W them out. Your engage can catch her by surprise so don't be afraid to go in on her.”
4090409 says “PERMABAN at least after Trist gets nerfed or something happens to stop being such a common pick.
Leona completely counters anything you'd like to do in lane, and after level 6 unless you find a way to hack the game for your flash to have less cooldown than her ult, you will NOT be able to play the game vs a competent Leona.”
SupportTooEz says “This is my perma ban. If you detach from your adc to get passive proc, leona can stun you if she is good. This match up really depends on how good your adc knows to not get engaged on, max q second and just try and poke down the enemy adc.”
TKSedex says “Muito cc, preste atenção contra uma leona boa. lembre-se que você pode dar disengage levando ela pra uma box, se você vir que foi acertado pela lâmina zênite, de o seu Q pra uma box, assim ela vai te seguir.”
HerYandere says “Pure skill match up. Whoever engages the ADC first pretty much just wins. If you get ahead, you're fine for the rest of the game. Though if they do...don't die and roam as much as possible. Do not fight with her there unless you have numbers.”
Fornicate says “Don't focus Leona unless the enemy ADC is far enough away to miss at least a couple of autos while you take her down. She's so darned tanky.”
Xennia says “As an squishy champ, any champion with a hook can be problematic.
Obvious advice is to dodge the hooks and try to use E as smartly as you can...”
ayoshe says “Leona is somewhat annoying to deal with, as she is a tanky, aggressive champion with a gap closer/lockdown and loads of CC. When she latches onto you with her E, try to root their ADC and kill them instead. Trading is almost impossible because your auto-attack range narrowly beats her E range. Poke safely with a few auto-attacks and Qs. After 6, her ultimate becomes dangerous and winning 2v2 will be difficult. Team-fighting should come across as decent otherwise, so look out towards late game.”
DasNerdwork says “If she activates her Eclipse, it means she's about to engage. Easy dodgeable catch and ultimate, but very annoying abilities countering your mobility.”
duusuhh says “Yeah you can harass her pre-6 all you want but once she has the power of the sun to fuck you its just kind of pointless. You can make sure its harder for her to leave after her all in but if she has full tenacity it doesn't really matter. ”
Esoterica says “Leona is more of a threat to your ADC than she is to you. Her weakness is a very inflexible engage, meaning if you kite her or avoid Zenith Blade (E) she cannot retaliate.
Keep trades as short as possible with WQE instead of waiting for chain to snare, as she can jump on you easily and take off half your health with her passive.”
Leona is one of the strongest supports in the game. Her playstile is pretty linear, but I find her always a problem, more of a personal one. She's basically unkillable and can all in you or your adc since level 2. Playing behind minions is not always the solution and after 6 you have to be very quick with the Cleanse button. Take E as second and still try to play around your range, but don't be greedy and don't overextend trades. She has also roaming potential, but since we are in Silver she'll probably stay always in lane during laning phase.”
Daraysen says “Leona is dangerous, as soon as you could poke her, she is also able to jump on you, it comes down to the position and skill of everyone on the lane.”
Tockimo says “Leona shuts down alot of laningphases of Kennen because you won't get out of a trade easily.
You can't peel your adc from her engages as well as other supports can. Try to oneshot the enemy adc when he tries to follow up.”
Dotje says “Leona can be tough to deal with, she is able to get a lot of damage out due to her passive. What I suggest is trying not to get caught by her. Let your adc get caught instead, and if that happens polymorhp(W) the enemy adc to reduce their damage output. I also usually rush mikaels into this matchup because it makes and outplay possible. Unless you're dealing with lower rankings I take the guardians rune into this matchup, with aery you are able to poke a Leona down low enough to make her weak enough.”
Pyroxes says “She's extremely dangerous since she can get you killed if she catches you with an E. Try to safely poke her so she has to think twice before going in. Consider going Cleanse if she's paired with a Tristana/Kai'Sa.”
KeleiX13 says “Go VERY aggressive level 1 because she can't do anything about it unless you walk into melee range of her. Level 2, if you didn't poke her down enough, respect her and only auto her when she misses her E. Your Q outranges her E so you are able to poke her at max Q range but don't greed for more than that. If she goes in on you with high health, you're most likely dead or have to burn summs. Don't stack too close to your ADC, she can apply her passive onto both of you with a single E. Be wary of her relatively low CD ult. try to dodge the center and while you probably won't react fast enough to not be hit by the slow, E yourself/whoever else is slowed to negate most of the slow. Don't save your flash against Leona. A used flash isn't technically worth anything but 300 gold to the enemy ADC is.”
Hive Mind says “depends on the enemy adc, normally the leona itself is not a problem because exhaust and a simple combo can render the adc unusable, then just eat her ass”
anionPositivo says “Jogar contra Leona pode ser bem chato, ela vai ficar cancelando seus engages se você for primeiro, seja esperto e espera ela usar os stuns pra você ir no adc deles B)”
milast says “She locks you down for so much , that you die if she catches you , so try to put boxes in your bushes and your wave so if she catches you she gets feared.”
hexcat says “Playmaking supports are dangerous if you get hit by their abilites, if you can survive their abilites, you easily poke them out and force them to take very bad trades.”
Adam bot says “A Leona should never touch you, unless she flash Q's you and stun-locks. Her only good trait is her lockdown abilities. Otherwise you're stronger.”
Discord231 says “A leona no la considero counter, pues en las team fights le ganas, el problemas es que en eraly, sobre todo antes de tu nivel 6, no puedes ganarle un tradeo largo, y si tu adc se emociona es kill enemiga segura. Juega a respuesta, si tu inicias, ella fácilmente se tirara a tu adc, pero si ella inicia, tu puedes mitigar daño a tu adc, y llegar al de ella.”
LilRidge says “Try to interrupt her (E) Zenith Blade with your your (E) Attract and Repel. This is very hard to pull off and will take some practice, but it will make sure your ADC survives and makes her all-in useless. Staying near your ADC should be priority as it will deter Leona from ever engaging. Don't ever leave your ADC alone while Leona is in the lane, especially if your ADC is short-ranged.”
step sis help says “buy shoulders patrons and build tank-AP, she will tower dive you lvl 2 so make sure you get lvl 2 first, after that she is a easy pick.”
GamingFrog says “Leona is a easy match up for Thresh. You can flay her away if she latches onto you or your ADC with her (E) ability. Also your lantern will come in handy a lot against her.”
The Last Rakan says “Ao contrário do que todo mundo pensa é o rakan que cauntera a Leona, o kit dela é agressivo, mas ela gastará em apenas uma pessoa e você é mais versátil que ela, caso ela venha em seus aliados, vá nos dela e deixe ela sem acompanhamento, caso ela vá em você e gaste tudo, você ainda estará na vantagem, só o Rakan para brilhar mais que o sol.”
Tauricus2017 says “Leona is a powerful CC based engage support that can lock down her enemies with ease. Her Zenith Blade (E) range is very low and so by keeping your distance you can survive easily. Her R is a bit tricky to dodge but by at least getting out of the centre should sometimes be enough. Play safe, poke when her E is on cooldown and be ready to dodge her R When you fear it might be coming.”
SpartanDumpster says “While Leona has a stun ability, which can be bad for Zilean, she lacks range. She'll likely try to E>Q you to stun you, so keeping your distance and avoiding her E is the key. As long as you can do this, she shouldn't be much of a threat. Make sure you're not in the center of her Ult, you can use your E to negate the slow at least somewhat, but you don't want to be stunned.”
Sakaita says “Degusting her e range is close enough to your auto range so try to do all the aggressive poking at level one to establish your dominance. after level 2 play more laid back and only poke when her e is off cooldown, you can try to bait it and then punish her for it.”
Kefochka says “Несмотря на весь контроль Леоны, который воплощается в сильное комбо, она ничем не сможет помочь своему адк. Тарик может внести больше урона за короткое время, а в размене убить адк Леоны и спокойно отойти назад.”
Katsdid2wU says “leona gets on top of you and just CCS you to death. Since you have one of the lowest base hp scaling in the game, you have to play safe into this champ. If she locks onto you and there adc follows up, your dead. ”
Starchase says “Try to poke her as much as you can lvl 1, even if she has an aggresive ADC she will not do that much.
Lvl 2 and on never detach from your ADC, she will combo you and insta kill you.
Care about her all in at lvl 6, it catches people off guard and it's pretty deadly if she hits someone with her R.
Tell your ADC to take cleanse to survive his lvl 6 all in and rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale her.”
iiKami says “I usually struggle, mostly because of the massive CC from her. 2 stuns and a root. This chubby space boi can't live up to that. So yea, annoying champ to play against.”
mellorpyke says “Never use E aggressively, look to bait out her E, if her E follows your E its even better, so you can time it to make her follow you under turret. If she engages on your adc, counterengage on the enemy carry, you should be able to win the 2v2 like that because you do more damage. If Leona has jungle pressure, this matchup becomes a nightmare, especially post 6 so make sure to place some vision!”
Midas_Wail says “These champs like Leona, Alistar and Malphite are dependant on your ADC, they have engage, but not like a hook, a good ADC normally isn't as scared by this when they are playing safe.”
Meewah says “Leona is a good threat against Thresh due to the fact she can stop thresh from roaming entirely, and also can 1v1 Thresh's adc in the early game, stopping him from doing an All-in on the enemy ADC”
Takitsu says “Somewhat similar matchup to Alistar. Are you able to flay her E? Good makes this matchup a lot easier. You basically never want to kill leona. Even before she gets her W this champ is tanky beyond belief. Just go for their carry or try poking her for 10 damage. Post-6 Avoid clumping with a carry or get smited by the sun.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Your long-range strikes can keep her far away. If she manages to latch onto you, your W can shield/heal you and give you movement speed to get away, if you can survive the stun. When you're with your ADC, it's not a bad threat because your ADC can bombard her while she's trying to kill you. She usually doesn't expect your massive Q damage from a Support.”
unhben says “Same note as alistar, just hope that she hits a trap somewhere in lane or in a bush before she can hop onto you. This note doesnt apply as much though past level 6 in lane because she will just ult you and leap.”
Discord231 says “A leona no la considero counter, pues en las team fights le ganas, el problemas es que en eraly, sobre todo antes de tu nivel 6, no puedes ganarle un tradeo largo, y si tu adc se emociona es kill enemiga segura. Juega a respuesta, si tu inicias, ella fácilmente se tirara a tu adc, pero si ella inicia, tu puedes mitigar daño a tu adc, y llegar al de ella. ”
losolkos says “You need to doge her abilites or she will stun you also you dont have much hp so if she will you on you E+Q you are in trobule but afer 6 you are just dead all you can do is use W and E to try to run.”
unhben says “Unplayable lane, take guardian and wait for level 6 while trying to control river/bush vision. Kick her back if she gets too close before she uses anything if possible.”
Kadiyarch says “Leona is annoying because she can jump on you, and with an ADC like Tristana you will be dead instantly.
You have to maintain the enemy adc bellow 65% health so that if Leona go in, you can focus the enemy adc and kill him easily with your combo.”
unhben says “She doesnt care about your poke once she hits level 3. Make sure you always know where she is in lane or she will jump you and kick your ass. ”
Coo1breeze says “Like Galio, she can tank decent damage and lock down your ADC. Hooking her is an idiotic idea unless she is low on HP or you are ahead. Try to take it easy early game unless you have an opportunity to kill ADC quickly.”
NewTeff says “extremely tanky CC war machine, if she hits you with her E you can just go ahead and make yourself a coffee or tea and when you come back you're gonna be either dead or still stunned. ”
Bear Gummies says “A good Janna player is one of the biggest Leona counters. I would overtly recommend comet over guardian so that you can poke her over and over again, so that she is too low to engage. The point of this is to blow her flash- there is absolutely nothing she can do to you without her flash.”
Jannito02 says “Leona, along Nautilus, will be one of your favorite bans when you want to use Yuumi. She can engage even if you're behind your minions with her E, and has a lot of CC. The best way to play against Leona is poking the enemy ADC, and if she engages your ADC, heal him and use your Q to damage the enemy ADC, get out of your carry and start hitting the enemy one, trying to ignore Leona and killing the enemy carry.”
EionThePepega says “An engage champion, my favorite. Go Resolve Rune Set and Relic Shield, while trying to use black shield after she uses E and root her cuz she's a free root if you get the shield before her Q.”
her cc is insane. is an excellent peel for her adc. when against her, do not get grabbed and do lots of damage. ”
Gryndall says “This is like nautilus but she can hook you through platns. However it not does her worse enemy for us. Just Rise ur E plant near you. She won't be able to contunue follow us. + with Relais its rly good "grounding"”
xDopii says “This matchup depends on the player. If you are good enough to Flay her engage, she is pretty much useless. Leona is very strong right now, so always care for her engages and wait for her Aftershock to run out before counter-attacking.”
xDopii says “This matchup can go both sides. You don't really want her near your ADC but well timed hooks can often result in a kill because she has no mobility.”
xDopii says “You don't really want to hook her into your team because it will allow her to easily land some CC onto them and she is also tanky so she won't die easily.
Try to bait her by walking up a little when being pushed into tower or near teammates. When she uses E, dash away so she follows you.”
xDopii says “If you aren't in her E Range she can't really do anything to you till lvl 6. If you live her engage you can easily heal up again or win so watch out if you're low HP or out of position.”
Magdaleno9 says “GUARDIAN and you will feel so much better. If she catches you, with guardian you won't die, but if you think you can dodge her, take standard runes and punish her everyime she steps closer.”
EionThePepega says “Non Hook Engage Champ. Bully and Control her back to tower at level 1 to make her level 2 as late as possible, then after level 2 just Respect her existence until you have your own CC.”
The Lotus Queen says “Leona can engage though minions, and her chain CC will almost always result in your death as you have no tools to escape. Make sure to stay out of her range at all times.”
Zulp says “I find she gets banned often and for me, it's more of a skill match-up because if she goes in then she can't really get out well. If she goes in then bubble their ADC.”
vnillz says “Leona is just annoying, especially vs Nami. Once she hits level 6, it will be quite hard vs Leona. Though you can easily out trade Leona in early game (again, before 6). If she tries to engage, go for aqua prison on the adc - if you cannot get the adc, use your q immediately on Leona. This may be able to guarantee a kill on Leona, and if not; she will most likely be backing out with low health. You can also be able to AA Leona a lot easier since you have that range advantage!!”
Meepy says “Respect her level 2 and Level 6 and you should be fine. Leona snowballs very hard. If you fall behind in the early its probably GG. Try to harass her while she is Level 1. If you go even in Lane, or even get ahead there is no way Leona wins. You straight up outscale her”
Guilherme Brochier says “A senna contra leona é um pouco fraca dependendo do ADC que está contigo na lane. Ela tem muito CC e com adc agressivos, ela te da um pau.”
Tradicale says “Leona is problematic for two key reasons: She can CC lock you before you get the chance to proc your Aftershock; and if you go onto the enemy AD she will 1v1 your ADC. Your best options against her are to roam more effectively, and to save your CC to peel your ADC after she looks for an engage.”
Jexeff says “A matchup that Thresh directly counters if played correctly. Thresh’s flay can be used negate Leona’s zenith blade entirely which is an essential large part of her kit. Remember to stay in range of your ADC to use your flay to prevent the engagement. It takes some practice, but something that can be learned very easily. Other than that, make sure to abuse her level 1. Since you are a ranged champion, you should be able to use your passive along with flay to get a large amount of damage on her before she hits level 2. ”
Nethelin says “Cant get stunned. Watch out for lvl 2. Even if you avoid stun, she is so tanky and can peel so well, it's tough to kill the ADC and almost impossible to kill her.”
Wounds2 says “Leona has so much CC and damage that if you get hit by her stuns, you have a slim chance of living. Be careful around her and use your mobility to dodge her CC. It is unlikely that you win trades against her in lane too, so do everything you can to avoid fights while harassing with Q.”
icebombhunter says “Skill matchup. Bait her e and wait for her stun, then grab her, e her and go away because you will be really low, your adc will end the job or you will gain a flash, ignite her if you are confident. After 6 save e for dodging her ult and attack her and her adc. If she misses her e, e towards her adc and flash. Remember that if you die but kill her or her adc with your ultimate you gain 3 times the gold, so always worth even if your adc dies too.”
DavideLl98 says “If you're Leona's target, you're screwed. Maybe it's selfish, but you'll get more done by staying back than by protecting your ADC in a way that puts you on the front line. If Leona attacks your ADC, use everything you can to help him, use Q to stun your opponent, activate a portal, or use R.”
fishbully says “Leona is like Braum, however focus more on positioning as if Leona lands a E or an ult Janna will most likely end up dead. Avoid chain CC with Q. Don't hog flash if caught out.”
itizhelia says “She's really strong and you got to respect her all in capability since the overall stun chain she can provide to her team is insane while the damage output is still there and not only that but also her ability to be really tanky and take no damage while doing that.
Simply put it, respect her all in power and play as a peeler by W enemy adc whenever Leona catches your ADC off guard.”
Find0 says “This matchup is one of my favourite to play as ali. you just have to be smart with your cooldowns and peel your carry. if leona goes on your adc on your half of the lane you can easily knock her into tower. Be careful in this matchup as you are squishy - try to focus on interrupting her dash with your q
Dotje says “Poke her as much as you can in the early game. Try to save your Q for when she wants to go in so you can cancel her dash. If your lane is going well you can try to kill her when her W is down. At level 6 you have to be very careful of her ultimate, but you should be fast enough not to get hit.”
Navn says “Get ready to W the enemy bot laner. If you don't, this lane is terrifying especially after she gets ult. Try to get as much damage in as you can at level 1. Otherwise, she has kill pressure at all times.”
Xeptron says “Leona isn't very big of a threat early game until level 6. Her Zenith Blade (E ability) is very easy to counter as Thresh by using flay. Whenever Leona decides to engage, flay her away to keep you and your AD safe. Keep in mind, if you ever use your flay in lane, leona will see it as a ''GO'' signal for her to engage since your flay is on cooldown. Don't let it happen.
After level 6, the game turns into a skill matchup. If Leona manages to hit her ultimate and stun you or any of your teammates, there is no way you can flay that. That's a free engage and a free stun - all Leona wants to do. Sometimes even hitting a slow can work for leona, so, be very CAUTIOUS!”
Frank6264 says “En línea Leona puede ser un enfrentamiento muy desfavorable especialmente si aprovecha cualquier oportunidad que pueda para lanzarse por ustedes o su ADC ya que permite que el ADC enemigo les baje mucha vida y eventualmente matarlos. Como con cualquier matchup contra cuerpo a cuerpo, traten de pokearla para que no pueda iniciarles y guarden distancias. Eviten pre nivel 6 ser alcanzados por la E de Leona porque puede ejecutar su combo y no será sencillo darse la vuelta a matarla. Recomiendo runas defensivas para este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “A lot of players struggle on this matchup. It's very volatile if she gets a lead on you. Poke as hard as you can level 1, and 2. She will not be tanky until level 3. Try baiting out her E, by walking forward looking for your W. Once you see she misses, or if the enemy ADC mispositions then you can poke. At 6, be aware of her trying to stun you with your ult. You can always peel your ADC at 6, but not yourself if your stunned.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Leona is a high threat level because she can lock down your ADC Easily and does not allow your ADC to react easily to engages by her.”
Tuiika says “Leona tiene la habilidad de frenar cualquier tipo de iniciación por parte de Thresh. Hay que llevar un buen timing de su CD para poder hacer frente a este campeín.”
McZeddy says “You can poke really hard level 1, you can insta-die level 2 to almost any ADC paired with Leona, she does too much damage and her lock-in is too strong.”
Pixel Pocket says “Most engages lose against Sett, Leona is no exception. If she engages on you, you will probably win the trade and have ample ability to push her out of position with your Ult.”
CaptianMike says “If you get rooted by her E, ult yourself instantly. It's hard to survive her combo if you get caught. DO NOT get engaged on. Respect her engage range. Take SCORCH”
nZk01 says “(AP) can counter her pretty easily with boxes, if you play AD just kill adc and ignore her is possible, just put boxes on adc let him bait her and kill the ADC urself”
sssky says “Can kill you in an all-in with a competent ADC. CC is Support Kindred's biggest weakness.
Not as oppressive as Pantheon, but still strong in All-Ins”
jessuva says “I do NOT like laning against Leona, but as long as you dodge her hook, or silence her when she hooks herself to you, it can be okay. But she has a TON of CC. ”
Quadliss says “She is tanky but it's a melee champ, you just poke him with you're box and dodge the grab. Becarefull she has a good CC. You can't really kill her before you have the liandry but if she make a mistake punish her because she has no escape. ”
Mhixy says “She can lock you down quite easily although you can usually just keep her from making that be worth it if you stay along-side your turret in lane phase and punish it pretty easily. But if you lose that lane and the carry becomes strong then your game is pretty much doomed.”
G3TR3KTB01 says “CC's Queen. She's tankier than u and has more cc than u but u have something that she doesn't have....BEAUTY ;). JK, u heal and shield u and ur ally”
Pixel Pocket says “BULLY ZONE! Most melee champs are very easy to deal with, just poke the heck out of them and don't get caught. You scale much better and you have great self sustain too!”
Hceercs says “You can flay her out of her E and poke her out. However, Leona is still the stronger all-in champion if you can't stop her E, as she basically has 2 stuns and 2 Aftershocks.”
RedNBlue says “WATCH OUT!!!!!!! Leona will jump on you and stun you root you and do a ton of damage with her shield and everything combo and then her adc will blast you like you were a little strawberry cupcake with no wrapper in the middle of a concrete runway that is on top of a bamboo pipe. ”
ANC Bence says “One wrong step and you are dead, be careful not to walk into her E range. Her engage is almost impossible to cancel with your Q. You can win lane by hovering just out of her E range baiting the spell and while it is on cool down you can poke.”
Prof Harambe says “Engages onto you then dies immediately. Since she is immobile, you can box her escape. If she hits your ADC, peel with a box or setup boxes your ADC can stand on. Like Rakan, will get bored and will just hurr durr into a bush and get herself killed. Usually really stupid players that walk into boxes all the time and usually rely on the champion's strength rather than their own gamesense or mechanics. Either way, you are a hard counter.”
CastratedSeal says “One of the hardest matchups. Take Guardian and start Relic Shield. Take Exhaust. Stay out of Zenith Blade's range and play passively in lane. Consider getting a Crucible after your Athene's.”
AceEpsilon says “After level 6 you win against Leona because if she hits you with her E you R immediately and she cant do anything and you go on the enemy ADC and shield your ADC and you should win.”
Borusky says “Cara, se a pessoa pegou Leona contra você, faça-a se arrepender. Nesse estilo de jogo aí, você bate tanto nela que ela pode até kitar do jogo. Vale lembrar, Leona controla o sol, e você é um cara que gosta de água, e água apaga o sol. ”
ParadoxRoli says “Shouldn't hook her, after her first back. She has too much armor for your ADC to kill here fast. But you can outplay her near your tower. If enemy pushed in your side of the lane and you stand in tower range and your Q reaches your adc, then let leona jump on your adc, then pull her to your tower.”
PoseidonTroyano says “When you CC someone it's funny, but when another person does it to you it doesen't. She has a small advantage with her E, being able to reach you ingnoring both her and your team's minions, and after that she can use her Q. But if you know how to play against her, the match will go on your favour.”
RedNBlue says “Leona can Engage well and tank right through you and your adcs damage as the Leona's adc will just blast you from the back line and if you try to go after her adc, she will stun you.”
DaejiBulgogi says “A matchup against Leona is not the end of the world. Although she has a great amount of CC with short cooldowns, you are able to Flay her Zenith Blade (E).
Laning against a Leona is similar to going against an Alistar. You will mostly be looking for the enemy to engage first then peel back and re-engage.”
EmpressBee says “Pre-6 this match up is skill dependent but slightly favors Leona. Nami should hold her Q until after Leona misses Zenith Blade unless it is a guaranteed kill. Post-6 this matchup favors Leona due to her extreme burst damage, tankiness, and engage.”
GamingTy12 says “if you get hit by her R at all you just die but early into the Lane its not too bad since you can cancel her engage onto your ADC or yourself with Q. ”
RondourDevil says “You get shut down in lane, so do not play. If you happen to blind pick into leona, freeze under tower and roam. If you engage onto leona, she will q you before the w knock-up occurs, and you will die. ”
fm Mac says “I permaban this champ, so does fence, it beats most adcs Yuumi is good with and there's not much you can do if your adc gets locked down by cc which Leona does really well.”
just_juniper says “Leona is Zyra's hardest matchup. Poking her is never safe, she outroams Zyra. Either ban, dodge or pray that an ally can carry. You can't hide from her behind minions. You can't hide under tower. I'm even doubting if spawn provides safety against her. I'd rate her higher if I could.”
Wike says “Leona EQ combo is deadly but is very telegraphed.. As long as you stay out of range he won't be able to touch you. Just focus on ADC during laning phase.”
Guoblide says “Leona is a tanky engage champions and, lucky for us, Sett hard counters every tanky engage champion in the game. The only thing scary about Leona is her level 1 all in due to Sett having a relatively weak level 1. Her Shield of Daybreak is a 1 second stun on a 5 second cooldown so she can use this to all in with her ADC and force a Flash out of you or your ADC. Once you hit level two the lane becomes way easier for Sett. Look to focus on landing Facebreaker on the enemy ADC and going all-in on them. Leona can either focus on CCing you and letting your ADC deal damage or CCing your ADC and letting you 1v1 the enemy ADC. Try to aim the middle part of Haymaker at Leona when fighting her because the true damage can shred through her tanky base stats, item stats, and Aftershock stats. Position yourself next to your ADC in lane so if the Leona Zenith Blades onto your ADC then you can pull her out of the animation with Facebreaker. Leona doesn't have any bush checking abilities so Oracle Lensing or Control Warding the lane bushes and hiding in them can pressure a Flash engage and deny CS from the enemy ADC. Leona will most likely be the frontline for the enemy during teamfights so look to The Show Stopper her into her backline for massive AOE damage. If you have a good frontline then stick next to your ADC or carry and peel for them with Facebreaker and The Show Stopper when Leona and her team engages into you. Keep in mind that Leona can destroy Warding Totems without an Oracle Lens or Control Ward by auto attacking + Q animation canceling + auto attacking it.”
Veropena says “Skill matchup, where Thresh has an advantage IMO. It's quite simple, You dont want to start fights against her,or if you do, save your E to cancel her E. Try take quick trades when shes going for minions.”
colonelcobb says “she can ignore you and dash out of your ult. Her cc is stronger than yours and your poke can be negated later. Poke early and avoid level 2 fight.”
Dingye888 says “pressure and stay strong early. poke alot and punish her for missed e. if she gets very tanky fast (with weak adc) u should not trade often cus she will full ingage and win.”
FDiBA says “Leona is just a downright easy to play hard Crowd Control Champion. You have to respect Leona, she can just run at you without thinking. As long as you dodge her E you will be fine. Whenever she tries to run at you make sure you echo W or have your Echo ready. If she has Mobility Boots try hitting her with an abilitiy to deactivate her out of combat movement speed, otherwise she can get really close and can easily hit her abilities.”
Jum3h says “When Leona hits level 6 you can have quite the problem.
Before level 6 you can often save your adc and easily out trade Leona. If her adc is not in range to help, go for the kill on Leona.
It's often good to get early boots.”
DatKawaiiBunny says “Leona is so good this season. Her crowd control and extreme tankiness make going up against her a struggle.
❥ Play passive, and take Relic Shield. Also wait for her to make mistakes. ”
Somoko says “Champions who close the gap between you and them like Leona, Alistar, Nautilus, etc. are going to be your bane- ESPECIALLY if they are tanky.”
ReignMargulan says “Yeah good luck. shes tanky and has a hook that passes through minions. so your only real chance in this matchup is to catch her lacking early”
katt5 says “Poke her out as much as possible, but be careful once she reaches level 3. She has a ton of CC and a lot of damage early game. At that point, if she's high enough health to go in, its better to play defensively and stay ready to peel her off. ”
Tauricus2017 says “Safeguard her Zenith Blade and engage right after. Or you can let her Zenith Blade you and cast your ultimate right after - and because her Zenith Blade ports her behind you - you can throw her under turret or into your team..”
jabana1290 says “Not as hard to play against as Blitz and Naut. If you can avoid her Q she mostly won't be able to CC you as much. While her skills are on cd stun and kill her ADC. After that, she is an extremely easy target.”
Adrichuwu says “She's just gonna lock on to you, without giving you any chance to react.
Keep in mind that you can outsmart her and disengage, but you have your ult once every 150-120 secs. she has her engage every 6 secs.”
Skyzinho1775 says “After level 6 you win against Leona because if she hits you with her E you R immediately and she cant do anything and you go on the enemy ADC and shield your ADC and you should win.”
NirvanaBunny says “Early game Leona isn't much of a threat to you. It's the late-game Leona that you should be scared of. Her combos are to be respected!”
TVHZB says “This chick can use her abilities through minions which are your only safeguard against skillshots.... This makes it hard to even poke without being jumped.”
Lulu Main says “Your minions don't block Leona's E, and you always have to be in her range when you want to poke.
If she is too aggressive, try to dodge her E and poke down, because this way she wont able to do her job: She will too low.
If she is playing pretty good, your task is to protect your adc and really important to FOCUS THE ENEMY ADC.”
IndioXama says “Talvez uma das matchups mais difíceis. Se você for pego pela Lâmina Zênite dela, é Game Over. Ainda mais com atiradores ou caçadores que possuam Controle de Grupo (Jhin, Ashe, Xayah, Ivern, Evelynn, etc.). Tenha atenção ao usar Entrada Triunfal contra uma Leona, tenha certeza de que ela já gastou, pelo menos, o seu E.”
Jovy says “You can and should always intercept her E, and then she's very easy to deal with. She's tanky, but she's melee and can't harm you unless she's with her jungler, and she can't use her burst when you have your E up.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Leona is a great engaging champion, but she is very easy to poke.
If she goes on your AD carry, just fear her AD carry so he can't do damage and you should be fine.
If she engages on you, hope for the best and safe your cc for her AD carry, don't blow it on her.”
Jovy says “Leona isn't difficult to deal with because of how good Janna is at disengaging. Leona doesn't handle poke well and because she's melee, she may not be able to protect herself from poke. So long as she's low, she can't afford to go in and if she manages to go in, your kit counters her and you should be okay. Remember to interrupt her E.”
Kilo Khaos says “Flay her mid-air when she uses her Zenith Blade (E). If she can't get close to stun you, she's useless. If you're too low to risk an engage, always be ready to peel from her stun.”
moon827 says “Leona has so much cc to the point where its almost infinite, or to the point when the adc can kill you. Sona's e kind of helps, but only later on when you have 2-3 points in it.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Leona isn't the hardest match-up for Thresh because you can easily stop her from going all-in on you or your AD carry.
When she uses her zenith blade on you, just use flay to get her out of range to stun you.
If she uses zenith blade towards your AD carry, just throw your lantern to him and then engage on her AD carry, giving you the advantage in the fight.”
Bouhhsolene says “As Senna is very vulnerable to CC, she's very vulnerable to Leona, your AA range is the range for her to all in you. I recommend banning either Leona or Nautilus.”
Tauricus2017 says “Poke her when she comes for CS. Try to avoid getting hit by Zenith Blade to stay alive. Attack when It is on CD and pay attention to her ultimate - Shuriken fliping it does the trick.”
Zerz says “Not as big of a threat as Blitzcrank since you can disturb her engage with your E and R. Make sure to target the enemy ADC with R and buy mikeals. ”
Zulp says “Tied with Pyke for our biggest threat because she's all about hard CC, so when she goes in on your ADC she's already in melee range to do her thing. All you can do is try and peel. Remember to position well.”
Taric Support says “When she engages you can stun her ADC and you have wayyyyy more damage than she has in the early game, so that makes her engages very weak, as her ADC is taking a lot of damage. You will probably be able to stun her a lot of times when she looks for an engage, but you are both very tanky so it takes some times for both sides to kill eachother. ”
sashadidntwalk says “A lot of CC that is hard to counter, focus on dodging her E's and not getting too close to her, try to act smart and fast when she drops her ult, try and save people with your W if she is not targeting you.”
Vahlok says “Before lvl 6 you rekt her. After lvl 6 she rekts you. Why? You can stop her jump with your E, just use it right when she uses it. When you do it a couple of times, she will ult first and then use her E, making you useless. Probably a 50% matchup, so play it cleverly. She can also walk between you and her ally to tankyour hook.”
poopman42 says “you counter her hook incredibly, when she hooks onto you, E back to your turret or adc, she will follow you the whole way and is stunned after, from there just hook away from your adc and hopefully get her into ult range.”
gungallo says “Leona has 3 hard CCs and a damage reduction. Her E will root you, preventing you from W'ing to safety, and her Q and R are heavy stuns which can make or break a fight. In the rare event of a team filled with hard CC like Leona's, take Cleanse.”
Spection says “COMMON. A CC powerhouse that is pretty hard to kill as well, Leeona is not someone you want to deal with after the very early game. Apply serious pressure at your level 3 powerspike and try to pressure her and you might score a kill, setting her far enough behind to win you lane.”
ShroudedBRH says “She is disgusting to deal with due to being able to close the gap with zenith blade and lock you down. Respect her all in when she walks up and try to safely poke her down to deter. Avoid her zenith blade whenever possible.”
Mickeystick says “So the problem with Leona is that the matchup is based on what carry you are duo with in the bot lane. Squishy carries make this an insanely hard matchup since Leona gets to solo them 100 to 0, but tanky carries make this an insanely easy free win. In lanes where you have a squishy carry, try to save your hook to peel for your carry.”
Wicked Cherry says “Leona will be definitely one of your biggest problems. Her root with E double stun (Q+R) will be your death sentence - or your ADC's. Be passive, wait for her E and try to dodge it by anticipating when she'd be using it. Try not to stick too close to your ADC, this way she cannot stun both of you. Then try to use your W onto the enemy ADC to prevent damage.”
Wicked Cherry says “Don't get caught by her and try to rush movement speed. If you can dodge her root (E) you'll have pretty much countered her combo. But watch out, she could still walk up to you and stun you if you're too close.”
Wicked Cherry says “Well, what can I saw? Don't get too much into her range when her E is up which is like every 5 seconds if I'm not wrong. She's hard to play against because of her massive stun potential. Even if she all ins on your ADC, it's hard to keep alive. However, if your reflexes are quick you might be able to E Silence her so she can only root you or your ADC but can't stun. At 6+ she's your worst nightmare. Just always stay as far as possible but try to have as many wards out as possible.”
orbiterpluto says “One of your worst matchups. I would build tanky in attempt to compete with her. Your Q has greater range then her E. Bait out her engage. But if you engage first he gets an easy root and stun. Aim for the ADC in this case unless she is really in your face. This should probably be your ban but if you do play against her keep your distance and bait her engage. Then all in them. Preferably, you have a jungle or mid gank.”
QueerJunk says “You can stop her E with your ult, and bubble if you're lucky! You outscale her in lategame teamfights so long as you aren't getting one shot! Nami wins 52% of the time, Don't be scared! You got this!”
squidylich says “Yalls know how leona works. She's just very strong. this is a stand in for any champ with some sort of hook or similar ability. The matchup is very hard to learn, but if you can preliminarily switch to hammer form and e her away before she chain cc's you, you can win by sheer poke force”
TheMistCollector says “she is an early game all-in champion. She can land her E while you are stuck in your AA animation while getting a mist. Just permaban her and you'll be fine. ”
TheSpecialist says “Leona's damage doesn't make her an extreme threat, however her Root, & 2 Stuns are more than capable to kill Pyke while Leona has another ally nearby”
SkellyBirb says “Once she hits level 6 or if you step to close, you will be crowd controlled and will likely die. She can be very punishing if you are even slightly mispositioned. ”
ShanksMeister says “She can use her E through minions. If you get rooted then she'll all-in you and you're dead, even if you use your flash. Only poke her so you can proc your Manaflow and sit back and play to scale.”
Guffel says “Leona provides more damage with her passiv and more combat stats with her w than Alistar. She also usually has Aftershock which also gives her the upper hand in a 2v2. The key is to play passiv against her and use your W to disengage when she E's your ad or you. Try to roam when she isn`t in lane and make use of your phase rush. ”
LegendLuklus says “If she stuns you, you can use your mobility to escape, and besides, her engage is easy to dodge. You can also steal her ult to help turn the tide of 2v2s. ”
Spider Shaped says “Очень неприятный саппорт. Много брони и контроля простт не даст убежать от неё спокойно. Скорее всего,если она не одна,вы умрете попадя под контроль”
Vexno says “Leona has high damage, high base stats and sometimes it can feel like that she has endless CC. Sona's E helps but it needs 2-3 points to be effective.”
Krynomi says “Her engage will not be fun to play around. Her Q+R will but you and me on cooldown and her gap closer (E) may equal death if you aren't careful”
Lesbiannie says “Stupid support to vs Ashe because you'll just get stun locked forever and be feeding on repeat, don't try to pick Ashe into Leona ever.
(But not alot of people play her anymore)”
Axkuru says “Shes super strong in the early game.
Play safe till 6, land your Q and if shes dead one time in laning phase she will be no problem anymore for you.”
Scy2orluv says “Only thing you can do against her is poke her down on the first level, so that she is too afraid of going in, on level 2 you will have to play very safe.”
Illumination says “Like Nautilus, Leona can technically CC you through the wave, but unlike Nautilus, her engage is dependent upon her ability to hit you with skillshots. Bully her Lv. 1 and between her cooldowns, but respect her Lv. 2 & Lv. 6 Power spikes. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Leona is an all in champion, she will catch you out and stun you, Target her adc and hope to god she doesn't kill you before you kill her adc. Aery is a viable keystone into leona as she has no way of escaping.”
SkeleMan says “Fairly even with Nautilus but still annoying because of the sheer amount of cc and tankiness she has. She's basically Naut, but with more CC and less mobility.”
chadboy48 says “Like Thresh , you need to be aware of her range , and respect her .
If she goes on your adc and you are damage , try to cc and focus the enemy adc as you will probably be able to turn it . If you are tanky , try to cc the enemy adc and get Leona off of your adc. ”
snukumz says “If she engages onto you she and her ADC can wreck you.
If you can avoid her engage then you can poke her into oblivion.
Punish her hard with your Q and auto attacks at level 1 since theres nothing she can do to stop you. Keeping her low on HP is important as she will be less likely to try to engage onto you.
At level 6 she becomes incredibly scary because you can just drop her ult on you and get a guaranteed engage and probably kill onto you. Keep as far away from her as you can once she gets level 6.”
snukumz says “Punish her at level 1, but after that you have to be very careful when playing against her, as her all-in, plus their ADC, will devastate you.
Once she hits level 6 she's even worse to play against than Nautalis, be very careful at level 6 and beyond.
The upside is that you can keep doing damage after she wrecks you haha.”
snukumz says “Punish her as much as possible at level 1 with your Q and auto attacks.
At level 2 and beyond be very careful.
If she does engage use your stun to zone off the enemy ADC so that you and your ADC can punish her for engaging. (this works best before she gets 6 and has no items)
Once she's get level 6 she's very scary so stay very far back. If you she her ults about to hit you you can quickly use your stun to zone off their ADC. ”
Dreadscythe95 says “She is very dangerous because her early game is deadly with massive CC and all-in potential. The problem here is that Swain doesn't have a very reliable disengage tool pre-lvl 6 becase his E stuns the enemy while it returns, which takes a lot of time considering that leonna jumps in your face and also there is a big possibility that your E will fail because in lane there are a lot of minions in front of you all the time. In late game, if you don't feed, you become a more reliable asset because of the dmg you put on the table combined with CC and area of effect dmg.”
snukumz says “She can CC lock you and kill you.
She's very very scary once she get's to level 6.
Be very careful when playing against her.
She's very beefy and difficult for Nami to poke down/kill.”
thesophieset says “Leona is always dangerous, but you have a range advantage. Poke her down in lane with Q, don't let her get onto you and keep in mind that her E pulls her to the LAST target she hits – if she Es your ADC and you stand right behind him, she will pull herself to YOU.
Silence her if she engages onto her ADC, don't use your E to poke in lane because she can punish that very easily. Mikael's first is a must, try to sidestep or flash her ult if you must and wait for jungle help.”
Guffel says “Not too big of a threat unless she can oneshot your Adc with 6 (With her Adc). Go aggressiv before her 6 to get a lead so she doesn't dare to engage.”
asclpiuso says “sure level 1 you can maybe get away with poking her with Q's but keep in mind her E range is slightly longer than your Q poke range , making you very much dead if she manages to land her CC and the enemy adc actually follows up on it ( tldr: pray for tunnel vision on enemy adc's if she hits her CC or you are going to be spending a lot of time in the grey screen zone)”
Karashimi says “Leona has a lot of cc which can be hard to fight against but do the same and just q back off if you cant get your passive off in poke keep it dont try to always hit your passive make sure to E if she tries to engage E your adc away since it provides the movement speed you might be able to keep your adc away from getting cc'ed ”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “Don't let her reach your ADC, but if that happens keep spamming all your skills to make him come out alive, waiting for your ADC to kill the enemy is worthless if he is dead”
Akja says “You have to play smart against a Leona, be careful not to get stunned while poking her as much as you can. If you can do this, you'll destroy her since she's very slow and has no movement abilities”
byakuganthresh says “It is really easy to play against Leona if you know what you are doing. Try to position yourself between your ADC and Leona. You can easily cancel her E with your Flay. She can never engage you if you play it right”
Metalbashev says “Tanky and hard to kill. Skill matchup. You can dodge her skillshots with your W if enemies or minions are around. Even if she stuns you after you engage, your movement speed will either be too much for her to do anything or will force her to root you or even ult you, wasting it on you and not ur team!”
Poro_King says “her early game and level 2 engage can be very dangerous, yuumi has a hard time against heavy cc and hard engage. Your adc should pick something mobile like lucian or something that counters the cc like sivir. Otherwise play deff, poke with q, farm under turrent and wait for the mid/late game”
Sq_09 says “The insane engage as well as the unbelieveable sustain she offers is a big oof for you. You can however peel for a stunned ally very well but there's almost no chance in really killing her. ”
Randomless says “I have never lost against a Leona as Senna. She's actually one of the best matchups for dark harvest senna because it's simply impossible for Leona to catch a skilled Senna player due to the absurd range difference.
Basically free stacks for both your passive and dark harvest.”
SynLynx says “A horrible matchup, never take Taliyah into Leona. Leona is in a very good spot meta wise right now, and her matchup against Taliyah is no different. She can negate much of your damage with your w, can lock you down super easily with her CC chain, and it's a bad idea to pull her toward you when she walks up to use her support item. Avoid her e range in lane and farm till late, you outscale her.”
Amityoce says “Leona can level 2 all in you accompanied by an aggressive adc like tristana this lane can feel somewhat hard. make sure to keep your space between you and her and use your Q on every time she targons a creep or when the enemy adc auto's a creep. you can go W second instead of E if your adc has been poked out of lane early for lane sustain”
Amityoce says “She will try to one shot you, Try to poke her when her skills are off cooldown. be careful of flash engages. she win the all in if she gets on top of you. YOU OUTSCALE HER HARD”
rquoe says “If you allow her to catch you, you're pretty much dead. However, she's very susceptible to poke and can't engage safely if she's under half health, so try to slowly chip away her health from a distance to ensure your safety.”
Diogenes says “Leona is another champ what has a lot of CC which is deadly for you. Her only disadvantage in comparsion with you is her close rangeabilites, except her "Q" ofc. Try to avoid her "Q" and you´ll be fine most of the time. She is very annoying to deal with.”
Akja says “Similar to Nautilus, Leona gets really tanky after the first back and also has great power of initiation. However (Unlike Nautilus and Blitzcrank) her Lvl 1 is really weak, so you can try to let her as low as you can in Lvls 1 and 2 so she can't initiate.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Parecido a Nautilus, pero sin tanto daño, posible ganar si esquivas la R y la E con tus habilidades. Entrar siempre al otro adc, nunca a la Leona”
Keny McCormick says “Leona has lock down and engage that will really mess up your ADC. She isn't an extreme threat because it's easier to hit your W root on her and it's easy to poke her in lane. Her Ult has a much lower CD than you. If she engage on you, you might be toast. If she engages your ADC, look to kill the opponent ADC if you can't peel your ADC out of it.”
ThePandaEvan says “Leona has a lot of engage and CC, so you better save your Q and R for it. Engages can start as early as level 1. I suggest trying to ward the bot bushes when you can, (but still ward the other ones incase of ganks). Try to stay away from Leona and you can poke Leona's adc and her when your safe. For the most part, be defensive against this matchup.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Leona is undeniably busted at the moment and will likely stay one of Yuumi's biggest threats for a long time. If you're on her screen, you're too close.
Consider asking ADC to take Cleanse over Barrier.
Max E and hope your ADC doesn't walk into Zenith Blade. If they're good, you may need to build Mikaels second instead of third.”
Apho says “Similar to Alistar, stay away from her engages and you should be fine (e.g., E-Q or R). At level 6, she has the advantage when her ultimate is up.”
P1nkward says “Pretty hard to activate Bop 'n' Block, since she can engage on you at level 2 (if you're no quick enough to get back to your ADC) and get First Blood. Play safe, and try to freeze your wave closer to your turret.”
netherlessss says “Leona Pre 6 is very easily to deal with. take Q level 2 instead of E to counter her E and save it for when she tries to engage on you. Position yourself infront of allies so she's more likely to target you. Once she hits six play safely and try to poke with W until you can win a fight even if she engages on you with R.”
JenaColada says “All-in support that can stun you are a big threat, because they neutralize you, which means you can't sustain your ADC. If she decides to go in E on the ADC instead. She won't want to stay in the E and she will try to move away, effectively buying you time to deal with the Leona and for the stuns to expire.”
HoneyQT says “Leona is a monster early, especially post-6. She can lock down someone and ensure their death, usually you or your ADC. While she sucks to go against early, she falls off harder than you late, and if you play really safe early she can't ruin your day too much.”
Cat Elf says “BOTH of her abilities will put your W on cooldown. If she times it right, she can literally just ignore your ADC as soon as you go out to give your ADC a shield, and run you down. It's insane. Just stay in your ADC and run away. I recommend Crucible or Redemption here. You want to Redemption when she ults your adc. ”
Xeratherxes says “Sona jest papierkiem. Jeżeli Leona trafi cię z E Q i dodatkowo zacznie bić cię przeciwny adc to albo zostajesz z połową HP albo umierasz.”
Mr Bison says “No inicio do jogo, quando sua cura é mais fraca, Leona pode tirar vantagem disso devido ao seu controle de grupo absurdo, caso seu adc tome todo o combo dela, salva-lo será uma tarefa dificil.”
tinietinytechz says “Normally I ask that my ADC takes cleanse into a leona matchup as her all-in potential is insane. If your ADC does take cleanse you can take heal with offers you but also the ADC to scale and get out of lane phase.”
unrealPR0D16Y says “It's a Leona. If you don't already understand why she is an Extreme threat, look up some videos of Leona 1v5's, because it's a little spooky.
...just a little...”
DestroyerGaming says “Leona é um suporte chato de se jogar contra independente de quem você esteja, Então esteja atento a todo momento, quando ela utilizar o E, fique sempre na frente de seu adc para jogá-la para trás com o seu ESFOLAR(E) Para impedir de chegar no adc e stunar ele.”
Epic Striker says “Leona cant do much dps but she can tank just keep hitting her with your tongue which will slow her and she will not be able to do anything.”
PayyBack says “Don't blindly engage into Leona or her ADC, you'll end up losing whole trade and maybe even dying if you're not lucky.
IF you're going to W into her you'll regret it, trust me. She'll permanently stun you or will Q you just as you about to finish your knock up and if she succeeds, your W will be canceled and then you'll receive a follow-up stun from her.
Keep a safe distance and hold on to your E to dodge her abilities and W to peel off her ADC from your ADC if your carry gets caught.
Only engage when her abilities are on CD or when your jungler is ganking.
Flint124 says “She's also strong in the early game, but Spirit Fire counters Eclipse, and Wither will stop her from disengaging when the fight starts going south.”
Kireihana says “Trading with her all-in is hard, but not impossible. I tend to always win if my ADC is on the same page as me and strictly focuses the enemy ADC when Leona engages on us. If there's any level of miscommunication, you should unfortunately expect to die.”
STEBMENOW says “If she engages onto you AND she has aftershock, you'll lose every trade. If she engages onto your ADC, then either you or your ADC'll probably have to bust a summoner spell or two to not die.
Poke her at a distance when her W is not up to weaken her so that she does not feel confident enough to engage.”
DarkGabumon says “Like other tank supports she is incredibly hard to deal with. Be careful for early all ins during, as she can snowball incredibly hard. Take exhaust if your against her and take points into W early if she's good at going in at the right times. Honestly it's just better to ban her.”
Stee1Storm says “Leona is an easy match-up, you can cancel her E, just stay stuck with your ADC, and when she engage, just Flay out to cancel E, then try to engage.”
SorakaBestWaifu says “The CC Sun goddess that once she use her combo on you or ADC, you will never move again. Extremly annoying to fight against mostly due to that support tank meta.”
arbyun says “Just - annoying. She can even towerdive you and your ADC. The biggest problem against Leona is her ability to lock down your ADC, and chunk his life down due to her absurd damage for a tank. After your ADC, you just come next. Buy Mikael's, ask your ADC to take cleanse, make her overextend and ask for ganks from your jg, and overall just survive until mid. After that, you outscale her, and can answer her ult with your own in teamfights.”
Curmudgeon says “Leona has a lot of CC, yes, but she doens't have much else. She has to come to YOU in order to do anything, and you kind of want them to be in your face :) ”
kenshobu says “A piece(s) of armor with a woman attached to it for some reason, the armor will stun you for 5 seconds or so, annoying since cc destroys any champion...”
Kefochka says “Все попытки напасть на вас вы сможете блокировать и нанести в ответ много урона, но если она взяла вас или вашего адк в контроль, лучше сразу отступать к башне.”
Jointed says “Leona has a lot of great all-in potential and damage. With a little practice, Janna can break her combo with Howling Gale and disengage. This lane is pretty punishable when you get a feel for her cooldowns. Watch out post-6, her damage sky rockets and can be a real problem for your carry.”
iidibitizi says “leona is best counter for zilean, just fpcus zilean+++ be very agreesive. if u fail killing zil during laning, zil will outscale leona hard.”
Pognog says “Hard CC lockdown is very good against Zilean as he needs to be constantly casting spells and looking for opportunities to stun or use ultimate, and if you are focused down there is practically zero chance of survival. Best to keep at a distance and be ready to Flash if she tries to ult you.”
Larmack says “Scary because she can e you through the minions. If she misses her e, auto her to punish while it's down. You can try to bait out her e if she's pushed up too far and her adc can't follow up or if your wave is really big, but otherwise you'll mostly just be sitting on your adc.”
Stepoun James says “If you get hit with her Zenith Blade, you'll probably have a fraction of a second to ult yourself, if she misses it, you can easily turn on her since she doesn't have any mobility spells.”
TDKPBT says “She's very similar to malphite in that she's a tanky support that can lock people down. However, you can trade autos with her and come out on top. Plus, if she engages your carry, you can always engage hers, and you'll have a better damage.”
Tumbler_Sam says “DO NOT ENGAGE HER, she will stun you and she will, for a lack of a better term, destroy you, you cannot out damage her, and you cant break her MR.”
finalkiss says “Just keep the distance. She has no poke so you can do some decent bullying, and if she happens to get your ADC just E her to stop her from following with her R. ”
Hanjaro says “Like most squishy enchanters, Leona is a big threat as one combo generally sentences you to death. You can poke her down when her engage is on cooldown, but be careful of a flash all-in.”
Hanjaro says “Leona is scary due to her base tankiness and high damage combo, along with a lot of CC on short cooldowns. You can poke her down early, but be careful of her all-in level 2.”
Hanjaro says “Leona has very high base tankiness, along with high burst damage through her combo. Be careful and try to poke her down, dodge her abilities and if she engages, root her so you can escape.”
Hanjaro says “If Leona catches you, you're dead without chance of escaping with her immense amount of CC. She has high base tankiness, making it harder to wittle her down. Dodge her abilities, care post 6.”
Hanjaro says “Her all-in is very scary, and she is very tanky - but you have a good chance of poking her down and ruining her engage with your stun or stasis.”
Hanjaro says “Leona has high base damage, high base tankiness and her CC is unparalleled. One engage and your flash is blown, two and you're dead. Stay out of her range!”
GoBucket says “Walking CC. You both play very similar roles, but you outdamage her while she out CC you. Her lvl6 power spike is scary so be wary. It is a little risky engaging on her, BUT, you do have the advantage of disengaging with your E. So you CAN engage onto her, but she cannot engage onto you (unless she is inting). The lane is won by small margins, and will most likely depend on you managing to engage on to her ADC first and burst them down with your superior damage. If she goes onto your ADC, you can quickly E to safety and will win that trade because of her lack of damage and lack of escape. If she tries to go onto you to protect her ADC, then your ADC is clear to deal damage.”
Hanjaro says “She's tanky and has, what seems like, unlimited CC. You can interrupt her dash. Mostly going to be an even lane, but she has better tools than you for peeling, and high damage output. Take Mikael's.”
Ghionova says “She is an engager, forced to go aggressive. Cant be better. When you stay near by your turret and she pokes with E, use your E and hook her. Just act like you dont know whats gonna happen and she will E you. Many Leona players felt for that”
whybother34 says “Your e has an intresting effect with leona e. If you are using your e and leona e's you she will instantly dash too you. Use this to punish her diving a tank instead of the adc. She still dives hard so be sure to keep some distance at level 2. ”
Mystogan125 says “In lane, you can poke her or her adc with zephyr and punish her zenith blade with howling gale. You have to space well for this lane by not being in her e range.However, this push the lane and you are vulnerable to ganks. Furthermore, you can also become overaggressive where she can flash stun you and you are going to die. It's important to ping her roams as she can easily provide kills to enemies by stunlocking them”
Zefirez says “Recommended rune set: Conqueror.
Also be sure to buy Black Cleaver!
Nasty machup this one. She has extreme tankyness that scales hard into late game while you fall off over time.
They way i see it number one method is to engage her adc when she engages yours. She builds tank and more tank while you build damage and more damage.
This puts you in advantage - her potential to 1v1 kill your adc falls off, while yours to murder hers stays the same or even gets better if you don't feed.
You should go for enemy adc kill or driving them off with sliver of health, then help your adc with leo ensuring your adc get that kill - he needs the gold.
Later into game she'll be far more useful with her cc lockdown and tankyness unless you put her severly behind before that.
You may stay with your adc as stunbot peeler, or you may opt to splitpush - once again your damage is one thing she does not have and you gotta take advantage. ”
ONICH4N says “Janna is excellent as disengaging which is favorable vs leo. She also doesn't like poke much so if shes low she cant go in. You can disrupt her e with Q/R. Post 6 if you get caught with her R you will die tho.”
Vexno says “Leona has high damage, high base stats and sometimes it can feel like that she has endless CC. Sona's E helps but it needs 2-3 points to be effective.”
unhben says “Champions such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Pyke are all very dangerous to Bard once they have access to all their engage tools at level 2 or 3”
WhiteGoliath says “bro any champion with a dash you just need to E them, [[leona]] is an example, E her sword so she can't get the Q off. Get used to timing it cuz if it's too soon you'll get caught anyway. carefull with her ult!!”
Zefirez says “Nothing worse then a woman who can't keep her hands to herself.
Even a protective wall of minions won't stop her from jumping onto your adc and doing the dirty deed while you can't really peel her off until she's done.
That being said ap malph ain't no peaceful lamb himself and can just engage her adc. Also post 6 you hold the advantage - her ult has a big tell, yours is instant. You can literally ult outta her ult before it strikes right into the enemy adc!
Don't forget to watch your own ass pre 6. Unlike most supports, focusing malphite to delay his lvl 6 power spike and gain level advantage (less damage taken from his full combo) is a viable strategy and a reason for tanky leona to engage you instead of adc, as she can take the abuse from your lany buddy unless he's Draven or Lucian.”
Harly CZ says “Her high CC can ruin whole fight, because if Leona gets on your carry, she will stun it for a much longer time than you can stun enemy one, so for avoiding that, you can try co cancel her gap-closer E Zenith Blade with your E Flay.”
supersuavebro says “Shes super tanky and can hop onto you and easily win the trade. Stay out of her range and poke when you can, and all should be good”
Laverenz says “Leona has a lot of CC making it hard for you to survive an engage against you. If you can time your E with her E, you will deny a stun from her. However, her ult will still be able to catch you and your ADC easily, as it is a ranged stun, you can't dodge, unless your ADC has some kind of jump, leap or blink. ”
aimez says “Leona has so much cc to the point where its almost infinite, or to the point when the adc can kill you. Sona's e kind of helps, but only later on when you have 2-3 points in it.”
Dragfla says “Stun you dead.
She dashes you are dead.
She tanky you are dead.
Just try and poke away bot then poke her and get turret help other lanes.”
Z-IKE says “When throwing you E, as it is coming back to root Leona she can counter with her own E and get behind you while simultaneously stunning you and dodging you E. Leona is a lock down champion so BAN her. The second she has you locked down the enemy bot lane would have killed you.”
Ahpulzz says “This is a high-action lane with the potential to snowball eitherway. Leona has a very strong engage so be sure to keep distance between her and your carry. You can actually flay her out of Zenith Blade with the correct timing, and she's very punishable after she engages.”
Hanjaro says “If she lands her zenith blade on you while you're dashing, she'll come with you, and stun you, and kill you! She's super tanky, but just keep poking and poking.”
Simimenco says “Same as Blitz but you have a little more range so you can poke her without mayor risks yourself, but be carefull if she engages u dead”
RagingJug says “See a pattern with Senna's threats?
Senna does poorly against tanks with hooks as her only real escape is flash.
Though you should be good as long as you poke while avoiding hooks.
Senna currently has about a 44.26% win rate into Leona.”
Ahpulzz says “Leona isn't much of a threat to you in lane, but she does possess a lot of burst in her combos. You can easily pillar/out-trade Leona once she E's onto you, so put yourself in between her and your AD carry. If she manages to latch onto your carry, immediately pillar away the enemy ADC to prevent them from proc'ing her passive. Once you gain your ultimate wait till Leona uses Eclipse and then ult her - you'll get her bonus armor and mr and make yourself even tankier.”
Joelbe says “refer to blitzcrank notes
Leona's gap closer and stun basically renders you helpless so either clease and flash away or stay out of range. ”
Aethlo says “Leona's engage is a tough one. But her CC isnt enough due to your all in damage. But level 6 this changes and her cc instantly becomes enough. Bully as best you can pre 6 or it's doomed.”
Chromuro says “Tanky (tom)boi with pretty much only hard CCs. She has 3 stuns for goodness's sake. Her engage starts with E, avoid that and you're good. Maybe don't let her get close to you too. And preserve your flash after level 6 for her R.
...go mercury and mikael asap ffs”
Hunipop says “50/50 with Leona. As long as you time your Q's with her Q, you shouldn't die as much. She still is very dangerous in lane, since she can easily force a waste of a Q from you for her chance.”
Vermeio says “Leona got better offensive, defensive and even more reliable tools than you have, and still not op. A well time W on her E can turn the tables of an engage. Her ult is better though, forcing you to stay away from your adc. It´s easy to anticipate her E, so punish with cruelty.”
Appler says “Dont you dare to walk up to her.
She is practically nothing if you dont come up to her, if she does walk up to you just walk away and use your Q.
Poke her down and stay a little bit away of your adc so both of you wont get ulted. If she goes in your ADC use your W and shield your adc.”
kametriz says “Como a leona é um champ de all in ao puxa-la ela provavelmente irá virar todas as suas habilidades no seu adc. E, assim como o Pyke, puxar ela cria uma abertura para ela acertar seu adc. Numa tf puxa-la é perigoso também, devido ao seu stun. ”
Zelsius says “Quite easy as soon as she engages E her and her adc, you have an advantage since you can utilize your passive best in this situation if she keeps sticking to your ADC keep hitting her and heal your ADC that way.”
GlacialWarlock says “Oh my God, Leona is so damn annoying.
She's not got much range, but most good Leona players know how to get in close without getting hit themselves and that's when they do the real damage.
I'd personally play safe against her or ban her every game, like I do.”
Axeloy says “Similarly to Thresh's match-up, Leona vs. Nami is purely skill-based. Nami can certainly bully Leona in lane, but Leona can very easily time an E well and go all-in, which is what she's best at. Hit your bubbles to prevent this. Sliiightly skewed in Nami's favor, but not enough to make Leona a mere minor threat.”
Pepper Games says “Leona is Sona's traditional bane. Her E has a long range goes through minions, and then the followup root, stun, root, boink, crash, bang, boom... you are dead.”
Defensivity1 says “She can easily engage on to you every time you attempt to poke the enemy adc with your q or auto attacks to proc kleptomancy off of your q when engaged on by leona you will most likely die to the enemy adc before level 6”
Sona Aria says “Leona is dangerous, but like most melee engage matchups, she has an extremely vulnerable level one. Walk into lane with chord ready, and abuse her last hits for relic shield. Create health advantages and push to level 2 first. Be aware of how close she is to level 2, and back off accordingly. Play around her e range pre 6, and abuse your large q range. After 6, be sjre not to overextend, lr be ready to expend flash.”
Haezard01 says “A kill lane. Make sure you don't trade with her until she uses her E. Her W max will block out most of the burst damage you might try on her. Try to burst the ADC and wait for mid-late game in where you outscale her.”
ZAZO says “If the Leona is good she will tear the lane apart... Her CC and tankyness is way too powerful against both you and your ADC. Try killing the enemy ADC first and then eventually killing her.”
SetsumiV1 says “Really scary level 2, which is also when you get your own spike, just be careful for her dash and it shouldnt be much of an issue, play safe after level 6 or roam”
Saethwyr says “The Nice thing about melee engage supports is that while taric has an okay engage, he excels at counter-engaging into an all in, especially if they focus the carry over him. that being said, a smart leona will save ult to deal with you engaging on her carry, so keep an eye out.”
Better Call Phil says “Ouch. Hard engage is very good against Pyke and Leona has it all.
Play safe, get Relic Shield.
Dodge her gap closer. If she hits you, spam the fuck out of your E towards safety.”
z4ki says “Leona maybe the only one champion have infinity cc (she have stun, temporary armor, root, and her ult can stun/slowed). I suggest keep your distance with Leona because if she land her E, she can combo with Q and R and help her ADC kill both of you in laning phase”
NirvanaBunny says “Early game Leona isn't much of a threat to you. It's the late-game Leona that you should be scared of. Her combos are to be respected!”
SawyerNelson says “Don't be forward enough for Leona to flash onto you. Abuse her level 1, while also pushing the wave to negate her level 2 power spike ( which ends most games)”
DrunkenWolf says “Just make sure to stay close to your adc, if she tries to engage combo her adc and you will win 90% of the trades, take care about lvl 6 ult with ganks.”
Hanjaro says “Leona is a slightly easier matchup than Alistar. Leona has strong directional engage that is extremely difficult for Pyke to peel his carries. This matchup unlike Alistar you can position to the side away from your carry and look to follow up CC enemy carry if Leona decides to engage. Also note, you can trade on Leona just like Alistar as long as enemy carry is not in follow up range of your carry while pulling/stunning Leona. Pyke E counters Leona E if she uses her E to you, E backwards away from your carry to stun her, and if it is possible to deal more damage with getting return traded on pull her even further back with your Q for optimal trade.”
unownreality says “Sona fails to stop gap closing champions. Because Leona can lock her down, Sona will once again die to her squishiness when the ADC follows up. ”
Kian987 says “She's the easiest matchup you can have. Against her you have 2 engages. Your own E and her E. As soon as he uses E on you you can drag her right under your turret. When she realizes that you can abuse her E, she will be scared to use it. By picking Shen you're negating her E.”
Rozyrade says “As you can still try to w back in your adc after she e's you she's not an extreme threat, but she can still attack the adc which will probably not end well.”
Lightus1405 says “Stay away from her.
Only allow your ADC to be caught by her E and R.
In that case, Q and E on her ADC's path to prevent them from getting near the scene.”
Viraxceon says “With her Abilities, she can Stun your ADC and get closer to you. Your Q does not do damage well with nearby enemies and she can also become a tank if your not careful.”
Fruxo says “Stay away of her E range as if she catches you with her stun you are pretty much dead without your summoners and ult. She'll be looking for an all-in once she reaches level 6 so be careful of that.”
NirvanaBunny says “Leona isn't hard to deal with because of Janna's ability to disengage. Leona can't protect herself from poke because she's a melee support, and she's not super scary once her stun is down. Remember, if she is low she won't go all-in on you.”
N0ZOMI says “Leona like Alistar has great potential to engage and burst you down. Playing respectful is good way to approach the game. If she is out of position she can be killed without harder problems.”
Schuit says “This can be an annoying matchup depending on how well the leona plays. Yanking a leona allows her to get close enough to E your adc in most cases. and the enemies will mostly ignore you. While you may do insane burst damage at low levels, after using your abilities, you're mostly useless except through auto attacks/ignite. During this time, leona can keep your adc cc'd while their adc whittles them down.
After 6 however, you'll be able to make more of a difference, but there's still the problem of leona having even more cc after level 6. Add the usual ignite taken with leona to lower your healing, and this can easily turn against you.”
Meresjev says “Always keep an itch trigger finger with your Black Trigger to counter her Solar Flare. Stopping her from engaging with it on you or your AD will pretty much stop the engage entirely.”
N0OCH says “Probably the greatest support threat to Brad, she cant engage on you when you go in for poke, and you have very little defense for your adc if they get engaged on. ”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh has adavantage over a bad Leona, a good Leona has advantage over Thresh, her immediate flash stun is pretty unplayable. And you can't prod her like other supports wasting hook.”
Tgrs says “Very hard matchupp.She has so many deadly CC's. She can engage more often than you. If she counter picks you, play very defensive, ask jungler to help you.”
semisomniac says “Leona, like Alistar, tends not to have much early, so you can poke hard... but once she gets level 3 and has access to her full combo you have to respect her engage. Level 6 makes it even worse.”
ZedsArcade says “With Blitzcrank you basically do her work for free with the Hook and plus she could engage to your ADC after your hook which is very dangerous.”
MichelGamingMK says “While you can poke Leona from a good range, you should always be ready to dodge her (R) - E - Q engage. You are very squishy so you are very vulnerable to Leona's chain CC, which will often lead to the enemy ADC\team having enough time to kill you.”
TheComicalBiker says “Use Thresh's flay (E) to counter Leona's Zenith Blade (E) so she cannot get close to you or your carry. If she cannot get close to stun she cannot do much else.”
TeleportingWolf says “Kind of like a mild Blitzcrank. Her stun can be easy to dodge, but it's so short you sometimes don't even know it's coming. If she stuns you, it could be your demise. Try to get away if this happens, do not engage until it is safe.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Surprise! This matchup is fairly simple! If you can time her E dash, interrupting it with your satchel can deny most of her engage. As long as you don't get stunned by her R, you can prevent any aggression she may attempt.”
oneandonlyDK says “Try to poke the enemy when her E+Q is on CD. Mostly you should not try to fight when she is there. because she can ult you and then you're likely dead”
TenshiQwQ says “Really strong all in. Never waste your Q in this matchup, if it's on cooldown she got a free engage on you. Really high damage and CC heavy all in at level 6.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Your Black Shield is a hard counter to Leona. Once you get a chance to use it on whomever she's attacking, she pretty much can't touch them.”
Guychk says “She is a lot like alistar. She needs to land her E to root you. When she lands her E, immediately flay her, to cancel her root. You can do this for your ADC the same, if he is also caught by Leona's root too. ”
Ch33syB0y8 says “If Leona engages onto you then you will probably die if you don't flash. Your E can be used to counter her yet Leona can punish in the downtime of it”
ff20orfeeding says “Because of the long range initiate at 6 she is a massive threat, but rushing mikaels could be your saving grace. Before that poke, poke, poke.”
Mad Haddon says “Try to be really aggressive before level 2, if not, kite her, or have your adc bait her under tower and pull her under after she engages.”
Saecriru says “This match up is pretty easy to be honest, but can be hard at times depending on the enemy ADC. If your ahead in lane, just get Leona to go to you using her abilities, and just press R. The ADC would usually follow up when Leona stuns.”
DGNNYOmega says “Leona on her own likely can't kill you, but with an ADC by her side she is a nightmare. She will only take half of the damage you deal and proceed to crowd control the hecc out of you, making you an easy kill for her ADC.”
unhben says “Play safe and make sure you have E ready to escape at all times. If you're not near terrain for your portal, accept death or pray for your adc to help.”
I love Lun Lun says “Leona can't outmatch us our silence and our heals can beat her.She is a tank making her way easy for her to poke us down and kill us since she can focus us but vision and slows can prevent that.Her ult is not that strong and mostly since she fights from a close range she will dive for a kill at lvl 2,if we take silence for a second spell she is quite done for.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “The Leona hook poses a problem for you. You must be mindful to stay out of range of that, and doing that may cost you some pokes/gold. ”
cilium says “- Leona is probably your hardest match-up because she has way too much burst and lock down.
You want to poke as much as you can so she can't all in you.
In case she does, you want to Q the ADC and if not possible Q her.
Wait for her to use her CC and then start draining if you're not already dead.”
devanj4 says “If Leona hooks onto Bard you are most likely dead but if your adc is good you should be able to switch focus to them and get a fair trade with your burst.”
Synk1904 says “If you are low hp and she hooks into you, you're dead. Apart from that be careful with her basic attack if you are advanced in the lane, she will stun you, and you might be in danger. Be careful with her R , she may stun you and your adc and if she does, you might be dead. Try to get ahead before lv6 since she is melee.”
Zefirez says “Really annoying lane. You can peel her off just fine, major Kudos if with you do it with Majestic Roar stopping her mid dash.
Problem is she can just as easily peel you off, as you need to run up to her adc, which means nearly guaranteed q stun from her.
As for her ult consider building Mikael's Crucible to free your adc while keeping distance from it yourself. Domination rune Ingenious hunter highly recommended if you go that way.”
Qwerty19 says “The only champ comparable to our cc amount. Becomes somewhat of a skill matchup but as long as our adc isn't caught out we outdamage her and she doesn't have sustain unlike with our runes.”
Lonxu says “You need brush control and poke to destroy her.
Even then the all-ins from Leona are seriously deadly.
Can't really cast spells on her when she has the aftershock resists up. So gotta kill the carry instead.
But still. Poking Leona is pretty important so that she is forced to recall or at least can't get clean kills.”
Rapterminator says “Anyone with armor and magic resist will be a problem for you. Plus their CC will just annihilate you since you are not as tanky as normal with this build”
SawyerNelson says “Leona's CC is super lame for Rakan. Leona can spend it on Rakan at any time to quickly bust him. If she gets onto you be spamming flash away.”
revelador says “otro peligro, tienes que esquivar su iniciación a toda costa y si inicia tienes que hacerle el máximo daño a su cmpañero si lo asustas o matas lograste un buen enfrentamiento”
SawyerNelson says “Leona is pretty lame since she has such easy options of engage, if you play at max range you can constantly be baiting her towards you and quickly turn for some damage then run away. At almost all stages of the game if she lands and E or flash Q's you, you die. Try and dump all your abilities before going down at the very least. So long that you eat all her abilities if you get yours on the enemy ADC and your ADC is hitting them it can be a worth 1 for 1 trade.”
ChulohTV says “Leona is the Goddess of CC. The level of engage and lockdown she has on you is really dangerous. and just gets worse at level 6. Not recommended to go aggressive build unless you know for a fact you can outplay her and keep landing your Q so that she doesn't have enough HP to confidently engage your lane.”
Saeh says “Getting hit by leona's abilities will lock you out of the game for 1.5 seconds, or 3 if she ults you. Don't try to E her, instead E her adc and try to limit the amount of follow up they can do.”
blastingskull says “dodge her stuns and will be fine and if she stuns your adc w into her adc q her then ult back your adc you will gain the upperhand in this case(meaning just attack her adc)”
Great President says “Too tanky and CC.Dodge her skills or watch your death. Before 6, it will be easier to kill but after 6 you have to stay away from her.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Leona: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Her Engage: Leona has strong early-game engage with her [E] (Zenith Blade) and [Q] (Shield Bash). Stay behind minions and avoid her all-ins.
Roam: If Leona is focusing on other lanes, use your mobility to counter-gank or create pressure elsewhere.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Leona’s engage can’t save them from your execute.
Counter Ganks: Track Leona’s movements and set up counter ganks to punish her engages.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Leona’s engage can’t stop your burst if you catch her team off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Leona in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Leona’s [E] and [Q] are key to her engage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Leona’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Leona’s early engages, counter her ganks, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
mc.tungsten says “Go cleanse or you'll regret it. It's literally impossible to kill this character, i think i killed this character a total of 2 time or something (jk). They always play so cowardly too, somehow.”
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