As a Support 50.01% Win Rate99% Pick RateRell As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rell as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
TEMMA says “Jogar no Max range do Q da Sona
Faça boa utilização da passiva da Passiva roxa (SLOW)
EVITE MORRER EARLY GAME , você escala mais”
Zileanaire says “Rell is not a nice lady, and a good one will make your life very hard in lane because she wants to play aggressively from the moment she see's you. Don't make eye contact and hope she goes away. Plot twist, she wont. ”
Aerenax says “Rell is a champion that can make you stop moving. Her W is a slow animation which you can cancel by using your Q. If she misses her W you should try to punish that very heavily. Doing this successfully will win you the matchup.”
zSharpFire says “Is this even a champ? Her having 0 damage gives you a ton of kill pressure on her ADC as you have really big damage. Poke her out and BE AWARE of the positioning. It's an easy lane but it can become a coinflip if your position is wrong.”
Randomless says “She can flash engage and kill you at level 2 once maybe, but that is all she can do. After you get 20> stacks your range is higher than her entire flash combo so it's impossible to get caught unless your positioning is really really bad.”
Arctic Arrow says “Rell's primary strength is her ability to engage with her W (Attract and Repel) and disrupt fights with her crowd control. Let her initiate, and then use your E (Crimson Curse) to turn the fight in your favor. If you have an aggressive bot lane, you can engage Rell’s ADC and use your E to absorb damage and crowd control. Avoid fighting Rell without your E active, as it’s crucial for both mitigating her crowd control and ensuring you can effectively contribute to the fight. With proper timing and positioning, you can handle this matchup effectively.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Cringe overbuffed champion.
Counterplay: Peel. Mercury's Treads rush. You can W her W. You can Q her W (hard). After 6 beware of her W+R cancel your W.”
LA COLORADA says “allegedly the matchup's harder than it actually is. you don't hard win against her in lane, but you do win. she'll arrive faster and do better than you at skirmishes, so be smart.”
Abarame says “Q Rell's E and W abilities. She doesn't pose much threat to you in lane. However, unlike other engage champions, she can CC an entire team with her ultimate and then use Q to keep them in place. Cleanse her ultimate immediately and back off. A skilled Rell will likely focus your ADC, so consider baiting her into CCing you instead by walking forward.”
TnDD says “Bard, Rell'i kolay bir şekilde yense de şampiyon metada çok güçlü. Bu yüzden sana sorun çıkartabiliyor. Ultiyle attığı engagelerden portal ile kolayca kaçabilirsin”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Let her engage then turn the fight around with a good E, not much else can be said about the matchup, if you have agressive botlane you can also just engage their adc and tank the damage and cc with your E( dont try to fight her without E though).”
Foxirion says “Rell's crowd control and engage potential make her a major threat to Rakan, as she can easily lock down Rakan and disrupt his engages with her powerful CC abilities.”
1yanou says “Pretty easy matchup because you can cancel her with your Q. If you fail your Q it's a disaster though which is why I put her as a minor threat. ”
Cyndakyu says “morgana is good into rell like other engage champions, but rell is slightly trickier since she has aoe and blackshield is only one person. This makes locket and redemption very good into her, since if she gets a big engage you can hit everyone + you can probably get a free ult and kill her pretty quickly if your team focus her”
Velkyann says “Rell is one of the strongest engage supports against Kayle but she can only get you flashing or if you make a mistake. Keep a safe distance from her and if she uses W to get to you use your W to run, you can poke her just be sure you are not im her Q range.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Her engage can hurt but she can't run anywhere.
Lissandra can abuse her to no end. Can go either way but a bit favoured towards Liss imo”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Very telegraphed engage which you can completely block, but her shield-shattering Q can hurt a lot of your sustain in the laning.
Keep her off your ADC and she won't be able to do much.”
sillycatslover says “Rell is very clunky and slow so its easy for you to poke her out of the lane, just dont let yourself get caught by flash W+Q combo and you are good to go.”
FunnyBunnyH says “The matchup isn't bad for Maokai, but she does have a stronger early game IMO both in lane, and with roams/early skirmishes. You outscale her though, and have superior objective control as well in the later stages of the game.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Oh hell no. Tank, cc, shield breaker, gap closer. Luckily she's not played a lot, but if you see Rell don't bother playing Yuumi. A good Rell will make you useless.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Not the most popular support but the literal bane of Sett's existence. Play another champ, or if you're stuck with her, beg jg until he comes to gank you.”
MusicJG says “She has no damage on you, but clears a bit faster.
She won't look to contest you 1v1 but will rather go for skirmishes/teamfights.
She can lock you down pretty hard so be careful to not stand with your carries to not get oneshot by enemy team.”
quecck says “Not the most popular support but the literal bane of Sett's existence.
Play another champ, or if you're stuck with her, beg jg until he comes to gank you.”
Aerenax says “ Rell has a very simple engage in the form of her W, which you can easily if she misses as she loses some movement speed and is easy to catch out. Makes this an easy lane to play.”
Ryecheria says “Look to poke if you can, but prioritize not dying and staying out of lethal range and ranges for critical abilities. If you can cheese them and poke them so that they are unable to engage then the match up is playable.
Has 3 tools to get on you (walk and Q, W in both forms).
All in the ADC when Rell engages as Karma has more base damage early.
Play around Rell Q and W cooldowns. Rell will look to Q into W. ”
HumbleMundo says “Since Rell likes to usually go glacial shes a real annoyance with here engage due to it being a knock up, destroying your passive, she then can just Q you stunning you and destroying armor ”
Shadowcrushers says “
Rell can be considered a strong counter against Soraka for several reasons. Rell's kit and playstyle offer a range of tools that can effectively disrupt Soraka's healing capabilities, limit her ability to sustain her allies, and provide opportunities for engages and picks. Here's a detailed breakdown of why Rell is a strong counter to Soraka:
Engage and Crowd Control: Rell excels at engaging and locking down enemy champions with her crowd control abilities. Her Q ability, Shattering Strike, allows her to stun a target, setting up opportunities for follow-up damage. Additionally, her E ability, Attract and Repel, enables her to engage from a distance and pull herself towards an enemy champion, potentially catching Soraka off guard and preventing her from healing or escaping.
Anti-Healing: One of Soraka's primary strengths is her ability to heal her allies, providing substantial sustain during fights. However, Rell's Q ability, Ferromancy (Crash Down), inflicts Grievous Wounds on the enemy hit, reducing healing effects by 40%. This can significantly diminish Soraka's healing output, making it harder for her to keep her teammates alive during engagements.
Disruption and Isolation: Rell's ultimate ability, Magnetic Storm, creates an area of effect that pulls nearby enemies towards her. This can be devastating for Soraka, as it disrupts her positioning and can isolate her from her teammates. By separating Soraka from her allies, Rell can effectively neutralize her healing potential, making it easier to focus her down and eliminate her from the fight.
Tankiness and Durability: Rell is a naturally tanky champion, possessing high base stats and a shield provided by her W ability, Ferromancy (Mount Up). This innate tankiness allows her to sustain through Soraka's poke damage and survive longer during trades and all-ins. With proper itemization and coordination with her ADC, Rell can become an intimidating frontline presence, making it challenging for Soraka to find safe positions to heal from.
Roaming and Map Pressure: Rell has excellent roaming potential due to her ability to move quickly around the map with her passive ability, Break the Mold. This allows her to influence other lanes and assist her teammates in ganking or securing objectives. By applying pressure across the map, Rell can limit Soraka's impact by disrupting her ability to heal and support her allies effectively.
Overall, Rell's combination of engage, crowd control, anti-healing, disruption, and tankiness makes her a formidable counter against Soraka. By capitalizing on her strengths and exploiting Soraka's vulnerabilities, Rell can shut down Soraka's healing capabilities and provide her team with a significant advantage in team fights and skirmishes.”
Fear The Jester says “So annoying to deal with, her jump grants her a shield and displaces her from the fear if she goes over a box, making your box near pointless, hard to stop her engages, try bait her to engage on you since you can escape it, your adc cant. ”
itstsuk3 says “Take Glacial. If you dodge her W its over for her, if the Enemy ADC tries to engage Root them and if they dont Root her since shes to slow to dodge anything.”
Apos says “Lane favors Rell so you have to play to Sion's strength which is roaming and setting up fast plays. If she starts to follow you, respect her engage. You can always time your Q to cancel her remount dash-in thing.”
support_diff says “Rell is a very good support with great cc and tankiness. It's really hard to counter Rell with Teemo as her kit isn't based on auto attacks at all.”
jmp_01_ says “Never really saw Rell this season to be honest. But I can say that she isn't that much of a threat in lane as long as you don't get CC-locked. If she uses her combo you can go all-in. Take Aftershock.”
Lunar Empress says “Ever since her rework, you can't just expect a free lane bot anymore. Her E now gives her a burst of movement that can catch you off-guard. When she uses that in tandem with her stun, you can potentially get yourself killed. Still highly in your favor, but you have to play back a little more and be more careful. Poke when necessary and use your tornado as she sets up her E into W/Q so Glacial can counter.”
mazewalk says “Mikael's Blessing is useless against her W and R, play around her cds and try to bait her W, but be careful, since while getting her horse back she's really fast.”
JWhizz says “Yuumi can struggle into hard engage supports, it can be hard to poke them out and your ADC may get pressured off CS. As her Qs do less damage to targets that are closer it can be hard to contest early levels.”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Hardly played, but still dangerous. Watch out for her W engage, and her E recast. Do not approach her when she has ult up.”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Hardly played, but still dangerous. Watch out for her W engage, and her E recast. Do not approach her when she has ult up.”
Lurs says “Whoever goes in first loses. It's like this for most engage supports. If you dash in first they will cancel your knock up. If they dash in first your peeling can counter them really well.”
Aerenax says “Rell has a very simple engage in the form of her W, which you can interupt by timing either your Q or W correctly. Makes this an easy lane to play.”
Cyclic says “Moderately difficult matchup that can be bumped up to insanely difficult if paired with certain ADCS. Samira, Tristana, or Nilah with rell can jump in and insta CC you, killing you very quickly with high mobility and low reaction time. Poke with Q auto and get out so you aren't caught with a dismount and generally speaking you should be able to get out of lane in an okay spot”
xayahh says “surprisingly, i don't see a lot of people mention rell. rell really sucks. her engage is detrimental - she plays in bushes, so be sure to ward them frequently. you outrange her, so poke hard and make sure she doesn't punish you & your adc for farming.”
RileyTheDnDKid says “If the enemy support picks Rell, just play someone else. If there was a threat level 6, it would go to Rell. She completely destroys you (Approx. 35% Winrate Vs. Rell as Sett Supp)”
Toches says “some people say rell beats taric up because she breaks his shields and steals his armor, but it's another cookie cutter melee matchup, you clown on her post lvl 4”
Sorakas says “Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Be extremely careful in this lane! Rell’s strong engage and all-in potential mean that if both you and your ADC get caught, it could easily lead to a double kill. Rell has excellent setup for ganks, and as the game progresses, her burst can outpace Soraka’s healing. Purify isn’t helpful here.
When Rell jumps in, don’t waste your E on her immediately, as she’ll likely reach your ADC regardless. Instead, use it on the enemy ADC to hinder their follow-up. Be sure to keep a safe distance from her ultimate to avoid being caught in its crowd control.”
Yoshiking123 says “In a vacuum you just straight up lose. Her all-in speed, amount of CC, ability to break your shields, and tankiness make her a hard match-up. However, during the laning phase; you just need to Flash her W/engage when she goes in AND make sure that you Flash Stun into the enemy ADC.
Mid-Late game you have to read her engages ahead of time/secure vision because your ultimate will be too slow if you use it immediately when she engages rather than right before she engages. Otherwise, you have to start fights first which is a lot harder for Taric than Rell.”
WhiteLotus says “Most of the Time if I play aginst her she will sit with dismounted W in a bush, be rly carefull bc this can force you to flash at lvl 1 if she reactivates it and charges at you. If she goes for her engage and your lvl 3, E the person she goes on so you/your ADC can dodge it then W Rell and most of the time its a free Kill. ”
T1vladimir says “Rell is very tanky but very immobile, try to outrange her to keep a safe distance since she always goes all-in. Keep an eye on the connection with her ally because it will stun if you're between it. Rell provides a lot of peeling and armor for her ADC, try to move her away from him to be easy to lock him down. She can break armor but doesn't do much damage, you can face her if she already spent her combo.”
veeixin says “I have not versed a Rell in an actual game, but I main her alongside Taliyah, so I have an understanding of this extremely rare matchup.
Her W can trigger Taliyah's E, so counter her engage with a quick E and pull her in (or out depending on ADC).”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “In fact, She is one of the best CC supports if she can be used effectively. However, I have my doubts that she will be able to react to our speed and hit-and-run tactics as she slows down quite a bit when she uses her abilities effectively.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| So in theory Rell is absolutely terrifying, but in practice she has to put 10x more effort into her gameplay to deal with a Janna. Her mounted W is cancellable in every conceivable way and most ADC's can dodge it reliably anyway. Most Rell's therefore result to using their dismounted W to flip people in conjunction with Flash or Hexflash. She will need to charge Hexflash from a bush, which is very easy for Janna to cancel and due to Rell's lack of movement speed you can often even get a semi-charged Q if you already have the bush warded. Generally try to control the bushes and if you're unsuccesful just don't stand near them. You outscale her as her teamfighting requires insanely good coordination with the champion she puts her E on, and that rarely happens in Solo Q.”
zotet says “Rell is a pretty good tank-support and has a pretty high damage output. Stay aware if she is mounted or not and don't push when she is. She can create space for her team with her W and is very annoying if you get rooted with her E. Make sure to play from afar as she cannot get value from her ult this way.”
huirats says “Rell is only a valid pick against Leona, she is slow, and most people can't play her. I wouldn't even be worried if I was against one. You can easily run her down.”
PykEugeo says “Much like leona, after her combo, if she gets off her horse, she will have almost 0 mobility, try to dodge everything and surprise her with an aggressive counter to punish her.
Later Patch she is broken now against pyke -.-”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try your hardest to bully Rell down whenever she walks forward. If you can keep her low, she will be unable to engage or play aggressively. Whenever she is dismounted, you should look to play aggressive and poke her down. She is very vulnerable and has nothing to stop you from doing it. Once Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate is a very versatile tool that can allow her to turn around exchanges. Under no circumstances should you try to dive her post 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try your hardest to bully Rell down whenever she walks forward. If you can keep her low, she will be unable to engage or play aggressively. Whenever she is dismounted, you should look to play aggressive and poke her down. She is very vulnerable and has nothing to stop you from doing it. Once Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate is a very versatile tool that can allow her to turn around exchanges. Under no circumstances should you try to dive her post 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try your hardest to bully Rell down whenever she walks forward. If you can keep her low, she will be unable to engage or play aggressively. Whenever she is dismounted, you should look to play aggressive and poke her down. She is very vulnerable and has nothing to stop you from doing it. Once Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate is a very versatile tool that can allow her to turn around exchanges. Under no circumstances should you try to dive her post 6.”
aRhesty says “Rell is extremely vulnerable to being tossed out of relevance in a fight with your E. It might as well kill her with how useful she'll be in walking form if you E her out.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try your hardest to bully Rell down whenever she walks forward. If you can keep her low, she will be unable to engage or play aggressively. Whenever she is dismounted, you should look to play aggressive and poke her down. She is very vulnerable and has nothing to stop you from doing it. Once Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate is a very versatile tool that can allow her to turn around exchanges. Under no circumstances should you try to dive her post 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try your hardest to bully Rell down whenever she walks forward. If you can keep her low, she will be unable to engage or play aggressively. Whenever she is dismounted, you should look to play aggressive and poke her down. She is very vulnerable and has nothing to stop you from doing it. Once Rell hits level 6, her Ultimate is a very versatile tool that can allow her to turn around exchanges. Under no circumstances should you try to dive her post 6.”
M4DN355 says “Another one of Pyke's bigger counters, Rell is able to stop his engage and completely turn fights around in the press of a button. Due to her high health and armor (if she builds it), Pyke is also unable to do much damage to her on his own. The only thing that Pyke can do is bait out her W and let his team do all the damage as she tries to waddle away.”
Navn says “Hard to deal with in lane. Aim for her lane partner, but even then, that sets up her E pretty nicely since you'll be on top of either of them. Look for team fights.”
Jageiko says “Rell has been underrated a lot, and it seems her days have finally arrived. That said, her dash is still easy to block. She will CC a lot, but she doesnt really deal damages and cant cancel your E. If you manage to stun her ADC, its probably a double kill.”
Mystral says “It's easy to poke her but she could turn and engage on you, if you manage to avoid her W, use W on yourself and run away. If she engages on your ADC, shield your ADC and polymorph theirs.”
Navn says “She's pretty short ranged, so shouldn't be too hard to deal with her. Her unmounted W form is harder to deal with, since it will give her a lot of movement speed and it's her next auto-attack that flips you over. If she's mounted, much less of a threat.”
Navn says “If you can survive her initial All-In, with Unflinching and Bone Plating, you should be able to turn it around with R-W. Her Q does break shields as well, so just keep it in mind.”
spirit legacy says “Her all in is very hard. She's very slow and try not to walk up too far. Otherwise she's very easy to deal with. Rush Rylas and try to avoid standing together. You can easily counter her engage by not standing near your Team and when she flash engages onto your Team try to hard engage on the enemy team when they try to follow her engage.”
Challenger Project says “Rell specializes in counter engaging and is a direct counter to Nautilus. However she is super rare and hard to properly pull off. Try to hook her lvl 1 and chuck her HP down with your ADC. Level 2 onwards be careful as her engage can’t be blocked by minions. Best time to go in is when her Aftershock is down.”
Rissen says “Try to respect her, because she can all in you and your AD and can get away with it. Try to lock her down in a smart position during teamfights to avoid her getting a massive engage on your team.”
Demonsedge90 says “When facing Rell, it's essential to know that she can quickly stop your attacks with her abilities. Her W can knock you up, while her Q can stun you. To avoid getting stuck in a fight with her, ensure your positioning is good and use crowd control wisely. Otherwise, you could find yourself unable to escape her grasp.”
Kluckadell says “Really hard match up but you can almost everytime bait her jump with going out and jumping into the adc again. Survive laning phase and just outscale him”
Cordiall says “Rell is another tank support that wants to engage against you, which Braum normally does really well against. However, Rell can shred your resistances. So be careful in extended fights with her. As long as you only take short trades to wear her down, you should be able to all-in and kill her without too much trouble.”
Nozul says “Fique recuado, se você tomar o W dela, você automaticamente vai tomar também todo o combo dela e não vai conseguir sair vivo. Fique recuado. Ela é parecida com o Rakan: se der engage errado, você consegue punir silenciando-a. Quando ela está desmontada, abuse um pouco usando o teu Q para dar poke nela, mas cuidado (quando o W2 dela voltar, ela ganha velocidade de movimento em direção a inimigos).”
beefyylol says “You can bully Rell extremely hard in lane. Once she uses her W to go in she is pretty much a sitting duck for you and your ADC to free hit. Remember to not clump with your teammates so you can avoid giving her a free engage. ”
OTP Toxin says “You can dodge her all in, but if she lands her ult on you, will be something really stressful haha just drop some mushrooms on her feet when you get ulted, will help a lot.”
KalelPeique says “Não tem muito oque fazer, se poder banir, faça esse favor para você mesmo, Rell tem um kit muito forte e é um champ igual a Leona evite ficar perto dela, foque o ADC
There's not much you can do, if you can ban, do this favor for yourself, Rell has a very strong kit and is a champ just like Leona, avoid getting close to her, focus on the ADC”
pastelzia says “Rell is an engage tank support with a lot of crowd control, making her Yuumi's biggest counter.
Rell's Shattering Strike allows Rell to thrust her lance in the target direction, completely destroying damage-mitigating shields of enemies hit before dealing them magic damage, destroying Bop 'n' Block, and Summon Aery's shields. Damage is reduced to 50% against enemies beyond the first.
Ferromancy: Crash Down is the first part of Ferromancy, one of Rell's abilities. This ability allows Rell to leap to the target location over the cast time, transforming her mount into durable armor and upon landing dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and knocking them up for 1 second. Rell keeps sliding forward another 300 units over 0.5 seconds, though not through terrain, affecting further enemies along her path. This ability cancel's You and Me!, refreshing it's cooldown.
Ferromancy: Mount Up is the second part of Ferromancy, one of Rell's abilities. This ability makes it so that while rell is dismounted, and has not used this ability's active, Rell's base movement speed is slowed to 250, but she gains bonus armor and magic resist. Upon activating this ability, Rell transforms her armor into a mount, gaining 15% bonus movement speed for 3.5 seconds, increased to an amount when moving towards enemy champions. Rell's next basic attack during this time gains 100 bonus attack range and consumes the bonus movement speed to have a 0.2-second cast time during which she charges at the target's location. At the end of the dash or upon premature collision, she deals them bonus magic damage, stuns them for 1 second, and flings them 150 units over herself. All of which canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Rell's ability, Attract and Repel, allows Rell to magnetically bind herself and the allied champion nearest to the cursor with Attract and Repel. Rell then can recast Attract and Repel while the tether persists, erupting the tether, dealing magic damage to and stunning all enemies between and around her and the bound ally for 0.5 seconds, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Rell's ultimate, Magnet Storm, allows rell to pull all nearby enemies towards her for the next 2 seconds in an area around her, and every 0.25 seconds, it refreshes this pull. All of which canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Rell is Yuumi's biggest counter.”
itsElJefe says “A good Rell player can give you a hard time in the lane. She has a lot of armor, a knock-up, and a stun. Don't be too aggressive and NEVER stand in between her and her ADC when she is linked to them. If she breaks the link with you in between, it stuns. She can flip a losing battle pretty fast with a large AOE knock-up followed by a stun. She can dive tower fairly easily, so walk far away and press B when you get low. Just don't over-commit and play for poke.”
Discord231 says “Esta tipa es indestructible, concéntrate en el adc enemigo, si tu adc es de early, pueden ganar la linea, si no, juega defensivo. Escoge el ítem inicial en base a tu adc. ”
Luminescape says “She is all cc no damage, and breaks your arey shields. Play safe, go relic if youre not confident and build miks to counter her cc. Tier 2 boots rush are a good idea”
GuanaTv says “Rell tem um kit muito simples, porém muito efetivo!
Ela tanca mais, inicia melhor e protege bem!
Complicado jogar contra!
(Rell has a very simple but very effective kit!
It tanks more, starts better and protects well!
Complicated to play against!)”
beeinthefranxx says “literally so easy to play against as any support. It is so sad to see how rell has fallen from grace but its wtv. literally just dodge her w and blow her up.”
Gobomo says “Attack her whenever she tries to W you, as it's got a pretty long animation and she's very very vulnerable for four or five seconds after using it. Even though she gets a shield off of it, you can still poke her pretty effectively by taking advantage of her lack of range. Just be wary of her W recast, which will give her a predator-like effect for a few seconds as well as a displacement on her next auto. ”
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).”
yaemitskiuwu says “Major for Rell because of the impact she has on teamfights. You can polymorph her engage in laning and that's the only bright side to this match up.”
eiensiei says “You can interrupt her W with your Q, so don't waste it in lane for poke, as she will use that opportunity to go in. Alternatively, if your jungler is trying to gank you, bait her to jump on you by wasting your Q. ”
Dotje says “You allow your teammates to kite better, and she's a fairly easy target for your bubble once she jumps in. Be careful of your positioning, stay far back so you are able to help your teammates if they get caught. Even though in lane you could have a fair shot, later in the game her CC is just as powerful as yours.”
Aerenax says “Rell is a champion that can make you stop moving. Play around her W and try to punish her if possible, but she will have the better time during laning phase. Her ult is also annoying if you try to engage.”
eiensiei says “Just stand back, if she engages on you you're probably dead. If she engages on your ADC, E+Guardian + polymorph on the enemy ADC are usually enough to save the situation.”
LimTheDestructor says “Your pre-6 is stronger, just don't get out of mana and abuse your early strength. Use positioning to defend your adc from potential Rell engage - in both lane and lategame. Engage 2v2 when enemies make a big positioning mistake and are unable to disengage effectively. Snowball the game safely.”
warmfishu says “All of her abilities except Shattering Strike (Q) have CC that will reset W. Be careful proccing your passive with a Rell nearby. She also has very high base damage that can burst you down quickly alone, not to mention if her ADC also focuses you.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Mounted: She will look to jump on you and your partner so she can combo her CC. Save your W to knock her away and she will be out of options.
Dismounted: She's a free poke target as she's really slow. You have about 10 seconds to do what you need to do before she gets back on that horse.”
lin00 says “Rell is a similar to Leona, her Ferromancy can be cancelled by Flay and easy counter attack after she unmounts. Her CC makes engage onto her dangerous.”
Hceercs says “Don't underestimate her, but you can flay her jump which makes Rell look very stupid hehe. But level 6 be very careful since her ult should win all-ins for her.”
Korippo says “She is mostly a pick against tanks as she steals defenses from those she attacks, but against Yuumi she's very troublesome. Both parts of her W have CC and you need to be VERY cautious of positioning--putting yourself in between her and her ADC is not a good idea because if she casts E again, anyone inside of that will be stunned. Her R is also a stun that keeps enemies in her vicinity, so you need to try and ult before she does essentially. Despite this, she does suffer from being poked out of lane easily early game and she has no real form of range, so as long as you stay out her face there is a bit of an advantage to be had.”
Flackojodye says “Rell is useless, not because her engage is weak, but because immediately after dismounting, she is the weakest champion in the game. Save your E to hit important threats but she can't dodge it when she is dismounted.”
Distinger says “Iron lady goes yee-fucking-haw.
Funny perma stun champion, can cancel your Q and E with any ability except her Q.
Oh and she can also cancel your R if she hits a Q while she is linked with E to your target, and also reduces your resistances. Then she will jump on you and you will die.
No matter if you go Aftershock or HoB, she will reduce all your resistances.”
Arcurath says “If she has an agro adc it can be tough if she lands the W E combo. You can try bait the W and run away with E speed then turn around and combo her.
After 6 you hard win as long as you dont let Rell get a full W R E combo on both you and adc.”
0Banda says “ Rell is a really hard matchup because one ability of her Q which counters all your shields, incluiding your Passive and E shields Against this champion you should roam a lot, and when engaging, you should focus the enemy ADC as Rell is very tanky, try getting out of her Q range
Against Rell you will build full Tank (check the build section upwards)
and in rune section go Overgrowth, more than that, just roam a lot”
lenithebot says “You can cancel her W with your pulverize which can leave her very vulnerable after you cancel her W she is now in a very bad spot since she has the slow.”
Cimcia484 says “Champions like Rell or Leona, who need to engage on top of you rather than pull you to themselfs are much easier for Soraka to deal with. Take your E at level 2 to negate any potential engages and harass them with Qs.”
Jowoey says “Janna's best matchup pretty much. You can disrupt her engage with your Q or your R so don't waste your tornado. You can poke her when she's off her horse but be careful for her remounting. Once you play this matchup you'll get a feel for how Janna can almost always win it.”
Biotic says “Rell is rather dependant on the ADC matchup. If she is paired with a strong adc you will have a very hard time surviving her W engage. Try to bait it sometimes run out of it with E and doublebomb her. That way you get a heavily winning trade. After 6 make sure to not stick to your adc. IF rell cant W R both of you you should win all 2v2s.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “easy to poke out with your q. she relies on being able to engage and stun you, stay parallel to your adc and avoid that stun. she struggles to exit fights to try to bait her w and you can usually kill her.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Similar to Leona, but more slightly more manageable. As long as she doesn't hit her full combo on both you and your ADC, you should be able to win every fight post 6”
lenithebot says “Rell is a hard matchup. You cant win all-ins due to her insane amount of tackiness and cc so don't even bother. Instead play with your jungler to try and get your jungler ahead or roam to get your other lanes ahead.”
Doody_tco says “Avoiding Rell abilities should not be a problem to Yuumi's carry, and if she manages to catch Yuumi's carry with her ultimate, healing and stunning Rell and her carry will do the rescuing job”
Billehz says “You can interrupt her jump with charm if you time it right, rendering her pretty useless for a few seconds and allowing you and your adc to get some good trades off on her, but if she lands her W and has her full combo up there isn't much you can do until she ults, to which you can just ult out of it.”
Jaori says “Play with your eyes around your head. Your E can cancel her only engage ability which is W. Just use it during her jump animation. If you won't manage to do it, you are going to lose the fight.”
Go Getter says “Really tough to lane against, tanky as hell early game and beats you at everything.
Just try to survive until level 6 and you can manage her a little better.”
SupportTooEz says “Don't detach during her R, and your R can kinda cancel out her engage. If you can R while she is trying to engage then you can kite her out with adc.”
Snoozy says “This should be easy match-up. When she goes in shield you or your teammate and destroy her. When she is on foot it's easier to hit her with your Q.”
terrybogar1 says “Rell is a skill matchup. She has a lot of CC, try to W her knockup. After that it comes down to skill and coordination to take her down.
DamselOfDistress says “Rell has a scary all in, but in lane she shouldn´t give you any trouble. She needs to get very close to do anything and you can punish that with fear.”
Dotje says “After she jumps in you can slow her down with your Q and use W to prevent her from using her stun. And you can shield your ally too! But her cc is still tough to deal with, so consider taking Mikaels blessing. Mikaels blessing will also help your ally to run out of her range. ”
Sinci says “Rell is just an annoying champion to play against since her all in opportunity with cc is massive and you do not have any abilities to stop that from happening which is dangerous.”
KeleiX13 says “In melee form, Rell is pretty slow and you should always go aggressive then since she doesn't have much. When she is mounted, however, be careful and space well so that she can't W you as easily. Poking her reduces the bonus movement speed that she gains from being mounted. Play carefully in lane as if she can't get any leads or falls behind in lane, it's hard for her to get ahead for the rest of the game unless someone on your team runs it down.”
Sinci says “Rell is just an annoying champion to play against since her all in opportunity with cc is massive and you do not have any abilities to stop that from happening apart from your ultimate which requires you to be close to her which can get really dangerous.”
Discord231 says “Esta tipa es indestructible, concéntrate en en el adc enemigo, si tu adc es de early, pueden ganar la linea, si no, juega defensivo. Escoge el item inicial en base a tu adc.”
Sinci says “Rell is just an annoying champion to play against since her all in opportunity with cc is massive and you do not have any abilities to stop that from happening which can get really dangerous.”
GamingFrog says “You can completely shut down her engage and turn it against her. Flay her when she's in the middle of her (W) and cancel it. After doing this she will be very slow and easy to kill with your ADC.”
The Last Rakan says “Sim, você countera ela, aproveite que o kit dela dá slow nela mesma e vá direto em seu aliado, ela não consegue te acompanhar, mesmo com seu stum.”
Starchase says “Try to poke her as much as you can lvl 1, even if she stuns you she can't do anything.
Lvl 2 don't detach from your ADC, she can cancel the animation of her W jump with her E, instantly stunning mid air.
Care of her lvl 6 all in, it doesn't seem to be that menacing but it's actually really dangerous.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale her hard though”
Takitsu says “Play for Flay. When Rell is mounted on her horse, be ready to flay her jumping at you or your carry. If Rell is dismounted from her horse, her flash engage is unavoidable for you or your carry. Respect the flash.”
unhben says “Horse jump! Horse stun! Horse pull you in! Thats it youre dead, just dodge this matchup if you can. Traps dont deter her from lunging at you for a hard engage. ”
losolkos says “i dont play much agains rell but try too dodge her W and you will be good then you can atack adc she is slow so she will be have a big problem to proteck her adc until she will have W again.
Discord231 says “Esta tipa es indestructible, concéntrate en en el adc enemigo, si tu adc es de early, pueden ganar la linea, si no, juega defensivo. Escoge el item inicial en base a tu adc. ”
unhben says “Hard to get onto or away from if she dives into your team or is peeling her team harder. A QSS might be necessary to let you get back to shielding everyone. ”
unhben says “Rell is literally the worst of both worlds combining Nautilus and Leona. Again, just play at the max range of your W and pray to god she doesnt try and dive onto you level 2.”
Coo1breeze says “If they picked Rell, then that means they are testing Rell in ranked and you just got a free lane. If you want to report, go ahead, she just cost her team bot lane.”
Bear Gummies says “Rell gets countered pretty hard by Janna. If she goes in, Janna can interrupt her dash with her Q, and if Rell ults Janna can also ult her away. I would suggest running comet to really punish her engage; since she is slow when dismounted, you and your adc can run her down and deal massive amounts of damage.”
Raizins says “Rell is basically a giant walking screw you button to your W + Q combo. She can interrupt it in mutiple ways, with her E stun, with her W2 mount attack, and her ulti. This is a matchup that only gets harder the better the Rell player is so I would play very carefully in lane and make sure not to use your combos for no reason.
On top of that she has a disgusting amount of CC so even if you combo her adc she will chain CC you till you die. ”
Jannito02 says “Rell will be one of your permabans when playing Yuumi. She has a good iniciation if she uses her W while mounted, using her R while dashing and also having her E. After a few seconds of her not being mounted, avoid getting out of your teammate, she can mount again with her W, winning movement speed and having a stun in her next basic attack. She can be super hard to beat in early game.”
EionThePepega says “Rell itself isnt normally the problem. Oh am I kidding, having three abilities that do AoE CC and a Q that destroys shield (cause that was needed for her kit) sounds like an extreme counter to your black shield. But fear not, for you don't need to engage, as long as you have wave control it'll be fine, but that will need the help of your Bot Laner.”
Magdaleno9 says “Very good rell players with an agressive ADC can be very dangerous. Take guardian and poke safely. Take tear if needed so you can heal more.”
The Lotus Queen says “Rell's chain CC is highly deadly and getting caught by her will almost always result in your death. Stay out of her range and rush boots to dodge/escape her W.”
vnillz says “I just hate Rell in general when I am playing Nami, her cc is outright annoying. Though, you can easily outpoke her. Especially if she jumps in for an engage, you can aqua prison her then AA. Also, do not be scared to AA Rell at times either, but do your best to play back vs her and pick safe engages.”
Jexeff says “One of the easiest matchups for Thresh. Similar to Leona, as long as you can flay her initial engage of Ferromancy: Crash Down, she becomes a sitting duck. The only thing you have to watch out for is if she chooses to engage with flash. With her most recent nerfs, you will have nothing to worry about.”
razzyhealer says “Hard-engage champion with heavy CC. Try to poke her with Q and avoid proccing Bop n' Block if possible. If Rell predicts your Bop n' Block passive, she can use an AoE CC to put your W on cooldown. Rell players are rare, but a huge threat.”
fishbully says “Rell is a strong support, however Janna will out-range and out-damage Rell because of a movement speed difference. Careful of Rell ult.”
itizhelia says “
Rell has an ability in her kit to make you fully useless for seconds if she manages to catch you. You have to AVOID THAT at all costs!
Whenever Rell engages on your ADC you should automatically dash in to peel your ADC off the enemy ADC. If you try to jump in for a quick peel (Like you would do vs Leona) Rell will usually use her linkability to do a stun on you and cancel your mid dash and then just throw her focus on you + enemy ADC will focus you. IN that case, just play around with your W as the only engage tool and E as a disengage tool. Usually, you win this lane by punishing Rell for missing her engage attempt.
CanadaJay says “So damn tanky. She's not very tanky early and is vulnerable against poke but once she gets her mythic good luck trying to kill her. Amazing engage level 3 and has so much CC. Ganks are very much needed.”
jessuva says “Rell so far has made my Soraka experience very annoying. She's super tanky, and she goes in on you and you can't do much to get out of it. Your silence is very helpful, and I find Rells getting rooted by Soraka fairly often, but if she goes in on you and she has a good enough ADC, you might be done for. ”
Titans Revenge says “Rell is still new to the game so her matchup will change. For now she is a very tanky support with a lot of CC similar to Leona. She doesn't do as much damage, but she does have an armor breaking ability that will allow her to engage, cc, and let her teammates do some heavy damage.”
RedNBlue says “You can just root her and watch her cry in her life support machine as she sits there trying to stun you and airborne you and she will not have too much fun. OBVIOusly don't get stunned or airborned by her as that would flop this to a haha jokes on you situation. you dying in the end.”
ANC Bence says “Same as Alistar, Rell relies heavily on his W which is a jump with some practice you can cancel all her engages with ease. But in late game team fights she will outclass you.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom. Haven't played against her yet so I'm not quite certain, but I'm fairly certain if you can survive until 6 and you R during her W you can win all ins.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Rell's biggest threat is her ability to steal resistances and break shields. Since Thresh gains resistances from souls and has infinite scaling, Rell can constantly be taking those stats as well.
Despite those abilities, Thresh can easily counter Rell's engage by Flaying her jump. After that, Rell loses all mobility and becomes an easy target.”
EmpressBee says “Rell is very susceptible to being poked with W/E/autos. However, she does not need to land her human form W. Therefore, Nami must be aware of flash W or hexflash W. ”
NEED WATER says “Rell will show you what a real tank looks like if you're not careful. Her insane scaling and all-in potential puts her at the bottom of the list for people you want to jump on. ”
kimjisoo8 says “Dodge her Q, sidestep her W and if she has E up never go between her and her ADC. You most definitely want to flash out of her ultimate.”
just_juniper says “I was honestly excited for Rell, her design looked amazing and her theme is just badass. But as I saw her crab-walk away after yet another failed W, my interest faded away. It's a free matchup for the time being, Rell desperately needs some attention. ”
0mori says “I haven't played against her enough, but I believe that she will be a real big problem once when people start to master her. I believe her Q disables all shields too and her R is pretty annoying. She also knocks up with that horse thing which can get pretty annoying. ”
HotSunGG says “i would say if u bait her up early lvls lvl 1 - 2 - 3 u will end up winning the 2vs2 if u play it right she becomes so slow when out of horse play around that and punish her harder either getting kill on her or winning big trades like that in lane other that if u played it perfectly and didnt missplay she wont be able to do anything in her lane”
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